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There is an immense amount of opportunity to be unlocked in your business by data. Everywhere we turn, new tools and innovations are hitting the market promising deeper insights, faster processes and smarter decision-making. We also have more data to work with than ever before.
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What We're Reading
The Innovation Commitment
�Simply put, the ability to develop, deliver, and scale new products, services, processes, and business models rapidly is a muscle that virtually every organization needs to strengthen.�
Read the Story at McKinsey
Putting People First: Successful Digital Transformation
�By meeting people�s unmet needs, you can truly innovate and introduce new offerings to the market. It�s a path that circles around the customer, by first connecting to key moments in people�s lives, and then shaping experiences and the business around them.� � Andy Main, Deloitte Digital
Read the Story at Wired
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How to Preserve Design Thinking Best Practices In a Remote Work World
In-person meetings are usually central to the design thinking process. But few people are doing anything in person these days. So what exactly does that mean for teams that rely on the vigorous exchange of ideas and contributions from others if we''re working separately from home?
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Maximize Incident Response Effectiveness: Data Analytics
Read some thoughts we shared with our friends at Elliot Davis on how to tailor your data analytics strategy in changing times.
Read at Elliot Davis
The Key to Building a Successful Remote Organization? Data.
"You don't need everyone to be an expert, but the real benefit starts to happen when every team has a data power user in it."
Read at Harvard Business Review
Interview with Always Day One author Alex Kantrowitz
Kantrowitz shares the ethos of continuous innovation that gives big tech its edge, and how their principles can be instructive for all businesses.
Listen at the Techmeme Ride Home
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Get Better Results with a Clearer Software Development Life Cycle
In 2017, 49% of IT projects were late, and 43% went over budget. That leaves companies footing the bill for costs they weren't expecting, and it introduces risk by creating greater urgency and pressure. Bringing those numbers down requires a tightly structured software development life cycle (SDLC) that provides consistency, creates clarity, and delivers faster results. So what does this look like in practice?
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2020 CX Report
Designer and technologist John Maeda presents his yearly look at customer experience as the intersection of data, ethics, business trends, design, and innovation.
Read at CX.Report
Why Data Analytics Initiatives Still Fail
A look at how to balance data quality, initiative planning, and company culture to ensure successful data analytics outcomes.
Read at CIO
How Humble Leadership Really Works
Dan Cable shares thoughts on how to empower your team and provide positive reinforcement to foster a healthier workplace and innovative thinking.
Read at Harvard Business Review
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8 Must-Have Roles For Innovative Software Product Teams
Modern software development thrives on collaboration and innovation. But those things don't happen in a vacuum. It takes intentional design and structure to create an environment where teams can innovate quickly, share ideas, and solve problems. Within that structure, you also need protocols for standard technical concerns to make sure all contingencies are covered in every project and you aren't creating technical debt. Do you have these eight core roles covered for your software efforts?
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4 Lessons Learned From Cloud Infrastructure Adopters
Meghan Rimol addresses how to structure cloud decisions in your organization in ways that minimize risk and waste.
Read at Gartner
Capacity Capture
A look how how to utilize and optimize the untapped value in your company, from your people to your physical and digital assets.
Read at SAP Insights
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Choosing the Right Software Solution: Build vs. Buy
If you're ready to upgrade your enterprise software or applications, one of the first questions on your list probably sounds something like this: "should we build the software or buy it from a vendor?" But that's really not the right question to ask these days. See what you should be asking to make the right decision.
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Why Its Important to Upskill and Reskill Your Workforce
Continual innovation and improvement requires a team that is always growing. SAP provides guidelines for helping employees face the future.
Read at SAP Insights
8 Tips for Avoiding IT Staff Burnout
With the challenges of circumstances around Covid 19 and new work-from-home rhythms, CIO offers some recommendations for healthy work-life balance.
Read at CIO
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