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What will the future look like? Women Political Leaders is launching a new special series: Live with Leaders: Challenging convention through conversation. The series will be broadcast live on WPL's Instagram channel (@wpleadersorg) and will be moderated by Helen Clark, Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999 - 2008), Patron, Chair of WPL Board, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (2009- 2017).
Amidst a global crisis, the esteemed conversationalists will inspire hope for a better tomorrow and will offer concrete examples of how to build power for a future for equal opportunities for future generations.
Next Monday join the first of this series of conversations with Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta (2014-2019), Member of WPL Board.
IG LIVE @wpleadersorg
Children's rights are human rights - safeguarding the dreams and future of our youth
The need for the elimination of child violence and the enhancement of children's rights, living quality, and participation are more crucial than ever. Children and youth need to be empowered and given a say in all decisions affecting them at home, school, or in the community.
Tune in to follow the conversation! The format of this event will provide a unique opportunity for you to directly engage with the speakers on live chat.
Women Political Leaders - Sundaborg 5 - 104 Reykjav?k - Iceland
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December 2020 ![]()
FOREWORD Conversations on a global scale to build back better ![]() On November 9-11, nearly 900 leaders from 123 countries joined the Reykjav?k Global Forum - Women Leaders 2020, making this year's conference a landmark of inclusivity.
Co-hosted by Women Political Leaders and the Government and Parliament of Iceland, and comprising a wide range of programmed sessions, as well as local 'Reykjav?k Satellite' events via Icelandic Embassies and Consulates, the Forum 2020 demonstrated how, even when apart, we can continue to Power, Together and build the collective force required to drive both today's responses and tomorrow's recovery.
The message resonated loud and clear: Forum conversations streamed on CBSN drew over eight times the audience registered by that outlet in 2019, and this was complemented by views on YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Outcomes from the Forum included discussions of the latest findings of the Reykjav?k Index for Leadership 2020-2021. This insightful index measures the progress (or regress) in perceptions of women in leadership, across sectors and countries. For the third year, Kantar and WPL researched the attitudes of societies around equality in leadership. Additionally, Forum conversations have encouraged personal and organisational commitments from a worldwide community of leaders - these Reykjav?k Pledges state the aim to undertake concrete, measurable actions toward a future society more amenable to diverse leadership.
The Reykjav?k Satellites and Action Stages, designed to support and enhance this year's digital Forum, and to help in elaboration of the Reykjav?k Manual, have provided ongoing opportunities for exchanging responses to our current and future challenges. These will continue to take place through December, and additional dates will be announced for 2021.
The Reykjav?k Manual will be presented in the week of the 26th of January at Davos. This new, practical guide draws together the insights, best practices, and solutions offered by women leaders worldwide. You are cordially invited to seize this opportunity to join the conversation.
Once again, we want to express our gratitude for all your contributions to the Forum, which could not have been possible without the unconditional support of the WPL partners. Our deepest gratitude goes to all of them and their dedicated personnel for making this Forum a success. The conversations started in Iceland and shared around the world must and will continue, until the day when effective leadership is no longer defined according to gender or any other arbitrary aspect. As we enter the final month of this very challenging year, I invite us all to reflect on the rich knowledge and fresh inspiration exchanged at the Reykjav?k Global Forum, moving us to 'build back better' in 2021 and rise to a new normal where women in leadership is no longer the exception.
IN THIS ISSUE WPL Trailblazer Awards 2020: looking down at the glass ceiling There remains a severe shortfall of women at the pinnacles of political power. The WPL Trailblazer Awards recognises women Presidents and Prime Ministers - those who break through the glass ceiling. Read more... ![]()
A rather sad world record The family picture of G20 leaders has been recently circulated worldwide. One must look very closely to find the women in this group. The Reykjav?k Global Forum 2020 achieved a world record with 27 women Heads of State or Government joining. But this is a rather sad record. How is it possible that almost 50% of all living women Presidents and Prime Ministers can be gathered at a single conference. Read more... ![]() ![]()
Making full use of the lens of multilateralism In 1986, US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev met in Reykjav?k, Iceland, at the emblematic H?f?i House, and progress achieved at that summit led to the end of the Cold War. Women, however, were conspicuously absent from that gathering. This year, during the Reykjav?k Global Forum 2020, women Presidents, Prime Ministers, and special guests gathered together digitally for the third annual Power, Together Reykjav?k Summit, where multilateralism was determined to be key to advancing the Women, Peace and Security agenda. This Summit was co-hosted by Georgetown University Institute for Women, Peace & Security. Read more... ![]()
Welcome to WPL Country Ambassadors ![]() Shinkai Karokhail is a Member of the Parliament of Afghanistan, and of the Afghan Women's Network, as well as a founding member of the Women's Parliamentary Caucus and former Director of the Afghan Women's Educational Centre (2000-2005). After defeating breast cancer in 2014, Ms Karokhail initiated an awareness nation-wide campaign, resulting in the establishment of Afghanistan''s first Cancer Foundation and a new Oncology Ward at Jamhooriat Public Hospital in Kabul in 2016. ![]() Marilou McPhedran is a human rights lawyer, professor, and activist appointed to the office of Independent Senator in the Parliament of Canada in 2016 by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Ms McPhedran was among the most influential leaders at the 1981 Ad Hoc Committee of Canadian Women on the Constitution Conference. She has co-founded several internationally recognized non-profit organizations that focus on women's rights, including the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, Women's Legal Education, the Action Fund (LEAF). ![]() Keren Barak is a member of the Knesset, the unicameral national legislature of Israel. In response to Ms Barak''s action, the Education Minister ended the requirement that girls wear longer pants than boys in schools (derived from a clause in the Director General''s Circular), thereby resulting in discontinuation of so-called ''modesty reviews''. Ms. Barak has also fought for free dental care for children, nursing reform for the elderly, and assistance to children with cancer and their families, and she increased Treasury assistance for needy families to receive food baskets.
IN THIS ISSUE Trustworthy prospects for Artificial Intelligence How to ensure that Artificial Intelligence (AI) remains both innovative and trustworthy, respectful of human rights and democratic values? WPL partnered with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to look at this serious topic during a virtual meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Group on AI. Read more... ![]()
Replay the Reykjav?k Global Forum on any device Listen to the many Conversationists who made this year's Forum especially successful. Day 1 - 9 November 2020 ![]() Day 2 - 10 November 2020 ![]() Day 3 - 11 November 2020 ![]()
SAVE THE DATE 10 December 2020 International Day of Human Rights 12 December 2020 International Universal Health Coverage Day 18 December 2020 International Migrants Day January 2021 WPL & Kantar - "Act on the evidence" by the Reykjav?k Index for Leadership 26-29 January 2021 WPL at Davos week - Virtual For more information regarding our events please contact:
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If you no longer want to receive our invitations, newsletters and updates, click here to unsubscribe from our mailing list. Women Political Leaders (WPL) | Sundaborg 5 | 104 Reykjav?k | Iceland Brussels office: Boulevard Charlemagne 96 | 1000 Brussels | Belgium |
WPL Newsletter June 2020 ![]()
FOREWORD Making 2020 a defining year for the advancement of equality ![]() At the beginning of the year, I shared with you an inspiring quote from Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to the United States Congress in 1968: "If they don't give you a seat at the table bring a folding chair," a reminder to all women politicians to claim their seat at decision-making tables. The same inspiring Representative Chisholm also founded the Congressional Black Caucus to represent the political interests of all black Americans and invited its members to be "unbought and unbossed". The past month - with a world still shaken by the pandemic - we have witnessed a sharp spike in concern about systemic racism, all around the globe. Racism is unacceptable, and it dangerously perpetuates inequality. "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.", reads Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To dismantle systemic prejudices of all sorts, to ensure the rights of each single human being are respected, women political leaders need to claim the seats at the tables to change legislations which tolerates, sometimes even fuel biases and inequalities. To make 2020 a defining year for the advancement of equality and democracy.
FEATURED A survivor-centric response is the answer Dr. Denis Mukwege engaged with WPL to explain his holistic approach to addressing conflict-related sexual violence. Weaponised to destroy the dignity and future prospects of communities and individuals, a different approach is needed to help survivors recover in all aspects of their lives.
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IN THIS ISSUE Women Parliamentarians safeguarding democracy WPL, the World Bank Group and its Parliamentary Network amplify the voices of Women Parliamentarians from across the globe combating Covid-19 and safeguarding democracy. ![]()
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How women leaders are shaping the world of the future The WPL Global Webinar, thanks to the participation of astounding women political leaders on the WPL Board, helped establish a strong foundation as we work towards equality for women and men in a post-COVID-19 society. ![]()
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A plan to exit COVID-19 Women Political Leaders (WPL), the G20 Health and Development Partnership, and FIND, convenor of the global testing community, gather with an international community of women leaders in healthcare and politics to suggest how to exit the COVID-19 pandemic through the use of testing. ![]()
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Women, peace and security Twenty years have passed since the United Nations Security Council adopted its landmark resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, and women want to know: where are we now? Read the H?f?i House Report 2019 to know more. ![]()
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WPL Country Ambassadors WPL Ambassadors have joined the private Facebook Community Group to share ideas, updates and build lasting connections because communication and a constant exchange of ideas are critical to address global challenges. ![]() New WPL Country Ambassador WPL is pleased to welcome its newest Country Ambassador Ms. Eeva Kalli, Member of Parliament, Finland, and the first vice-chair of the Centre Parliamentary Group. ![]() In addition to her work as an MP, Ms. Kalli is also the head of the Network of Finnish Women Members of Parliament. Elected to Parliament in 2019, prior to her first term she worked as a CEO at a consultancy firm. She has held multiple advisory positions in politics, including special advisor to several ministers.
In her role as a WPL Country Ambassador for Finland Ms. Kalli pledges to : "Pave way for future generations of women political leaders so that even more women can take office and participate in all areas of politics, including the fields that have traditionally been dominated by men. Furthermore, I wish to engage and network with other Women Political Leaders to share best practices and support our global community of women in political leadership positions."
SAVE THE DATE July 30 November 9-11 - Reykjavik, Iceland World Day against Trafficking in Persons Reykjav?k Global Forum - Women Leaders For more information regarding our events please contact:
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If you no longer want to receive our invitations, newsletters and updates, click here to unsubscribe from our mailing list. Women Political Leaders (WPL) | Sundaborg 5 | 104 Reykjav?k | Iceland Brussels office: Boulevard Charlemagne 96 | 1000 Brussels | Belgium |
WPL Newsletter May 2020 ![]()
FOREWORD A new normal ![]() As countries begin to experiment with the complex nuisances of deconfinement, a question should linger in the minds of leaders, and citizens: what will be the new normal?
However, still today, 93% of Presidents and Prime Ministers are male. I invite you to take a minute and imagine: what would the world look like with 93% of Presidents and Prime Ministers being women? Or what world would we live in if we had parity in leadership?
IN THIS ISSUE Women's participation should not be anemic in peacekeeping One of the hugest problems we've got to overcome are the mindsets, norms, deeply entrenched cultural practices (and) biases, conscious or unconscious, says Ambassador Melanne Verveer in her conversation with WPL on the International Day of UN Peacekeepers.
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In sight, in mind: making women's leadership in healthcare visible Read the insights of women political leaders in the area of health, from all continents, and their COVID-19 responses. Women are the majority of the healthcare workforce, Yet again, they are still missing in decision-making. The pandemic offers the opportunity to change this imbalance. ![]()
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WPL Country Ambassadors advancing society globally Ensuring effective communication between community members is crucial. Even more so if that community are the WPL Country Ambassadors, who are a cornerstone of WPL's network of women political leaders that stretches across the globe. ![]()
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Cultural diversity: engaging with culture in times of crisis What is the role of culture in times of crisis? Shall not everything be put aside and only focus on public health? With the onslaught of COVID-19 and confinement, the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 2020 offers an occasion to reflect on the challenges Ministers around the world have in preserving and nurturing cultural diversity. ![]()
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It's all a question of style, and it's time for a different one! As books are written about the great pandemic, I think that women leaders will come of this very much on the right side of history for doing their best to focus on human security, health and well-being, says Ms. Helen Clark in conversation with WPL. Listen to the podcast of the interview! ![]()
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SAVE THE DATE Week of 8th June (tbc) "Test to Exit" - Women Political Leaders Come Together From Around the World as Champions for Testing to Beat COVID-19 June - 11, 12 WPL Digital Summit June - 19 International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict June - 26 International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking June - 30 International Day of Parliamentarism November 9-11 - Reykjavik, Iceland Reykjav?k Global Forum - Women Leaders For more information regarding our events please contact:
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If you no longer want to receive our invitations, newsletters and updates, click here to unsubscribe from our mailing list. Women Political Leaders (WPL) | Sundaborg 5 | 104 Reykjav?k | Iceland Brussels office: Boulevard Charlemagne 96 | 1000 Brussels | Belgium |
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