This site did not show evidence of storing passwords in plaintext.
This site does allow secured connections (https)
This site did show a clear way to unsubscribe from their emails
This site does verify your email address.
Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Useyourlocal.
Welcome to Useyourlocal! You’re almost done, we just need you to confirm your email address using the link below and you’ll be good to go.
Confirm my email
If the link is not working, you can copy and paste the following into the address bar of your web browser:
Please be aware this link will expire after 7 days, so best to crack on now while you’re here.
Cheers, Team
Pub news, offers & events
Dear Jon
This is a quick reminder to activate your account.
To complete your registration please click here
If the above link is not working please copy and paste the following into the address bar of your web browser