The University of Georgia Press announces Georgia Open Stacks, an online open library of UGA Press books commonly used in college and university courses. Like instructors, students, and citizens everywhere, the UGA Press has moved to teleworking in the interest of public health. The content in Georgia Open Stacks supports online teaching and learning for those with limited access to classrooms, offices, libraries, and other resources.
Georgia Open Stacks is hosted by Manifold, a collaborative, accessible digital platform that opens publications to communities of readers, instructors, and authors in new ways of online interaction. Manifold allows instructors and students to annotate, engage, and explore texts together and authors to share additional materials and connect with readers within the platform and through social media.
The titles in Georgia Open Stacks range across disciplines, from history and literary studies to geography, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Press authors including Ali Chetwynd, Thomas Foster, Leslie M. Harris, Jericho Parms, and Joshua Rothman are available to engage with instructors and students using their books in courses.
"When we realized that classes were moving online owing to the current public health crisis, the UGA Press staff immediately came together around how we might help instructors and students. The result of mission-driven teamwork, Georgia Open Stacks represents our ongoing commitment to contributing works of scholarly, intellectual, and creative merit, published to the highest standards and hosted in accessible, innovative platforms, to the global knowledge community," says Lisa Bayer, director of UGA Press.