Thank you for creating an account with tweetwallpro.com. You are now ready to explore the wonderful possibilities of TweetWall Pro.
Here's some tips to help you with your Social Wall:
1. Choose the perfect animation or customization

Use one of our templates, design your own or work with our design team to create a unique Social Wall to meet your individual needs and brand vision!
Single or multiple Tweet/message displays are available to best fit your audience and screen size.
Login and have a play with our demo Social Walls or read about our Standard Social Walls.
2. Use Announcements, Highlights and Advertisements

Use these standard features to help you communicate messages to your audience, draw attention to key messages, and incorporate sponsors and brand messages to maximize the impact of your Social Wall.
Find out how you could also generate revenue with our Custom Highlights.
3. Social Wall Content
Afraid of what might appear on your Social Wall? Don't be.
With various moderation options we place you firmly in control of all messages displayed.
Use automatic filters to ban specific vocabulary, users and ReTweets and use manual moderation in our Live Center to curate, filter and tag content for complete control.
4. Make Your Social Wall even more fun with Gamification

Use Battles to spark competition, run a contest, hold a vote or poll your audience and display Leaderboards to maximize engagement and social reach.
We have a range of Gamification options to suit your event.
5. Maximize Your Post Event Reports

Immediately following your event, use our reports to review, follow up on messages or users, increase your Followers, collate shared pictures and analyse the results.
Take a look at a sample report or get some more ideas with our blog Leverage Social Media Post Event.
Have fun with your Social Wall - let us know if we can help in any way.
The TweetWall Pro team