Greetings TPRC family,
I hope that this email finds you in a place of safety as we continue the global fight against COVID-19. TPRC has the health and wellness of our community from speakers to funders as top priorities at this time. As the coronavirus is still aggressively spreading across the world, we will continue to monitor and adhere to the guidelines of local and national health authorities, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. We are particularly mindful of their recommendations, and in some cases, mandates over gatherings of large groups of people.
As these guidelines continue to be updated, it''s too early to cancel or postpone TPRC48. As of today, the annual conference scheduled for September 25-26, 2020 will proceed as planned in Washington, D.C. We will continue to monitor global events and take the lead from American University Washington College of Law, whose venue is the location of the conference. We will update the community via our social media platforms and website with any new updates or changes to the conference date or format.
Given this decision, I want to remind you that the deadline for the Call for Papers is Tuesday, March 31, 2020. We encourage you to submit your paper, panel and poster ideas. Your intellectual inquiries and ideas are welcomed and clearly needed as technology has become central to the solutions addressing this pandemic. This communication serves as a friendly reminder about next week''s deadline.
On another note, we are very excited to be partnering with American University on a new pre-conference that will take place on September 25, 2020 for university students and TPRC researchers. You will receive more information in the coming weeks on this new engagement and hope that you will find time to attend.
In these difficult times, I extend tremendous gratitude to the TPRC community for your ongoing support of this organization, your needed thought-leadership in research and policy communities, and your tireless efforts to maintain continuity at home and work. Let us all be mindful of the roles that we individually play in the containment of COVID-19 both in the U.S. and abroad and look to the leaders from government and the scientific communities to get beyond this. For members and donors of TPRC who are personally impacted, we are here for you and offer words of encouragement during your recovery.
My best to everyone. We hope to see you in September.
Nicol Turner-Lee
TPRC Chair
TPRC48: The Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy is seeking proposals for the TPRC48 program. Proposals will be accepted February 15 - March 31. Abstracts for papers and posters as well as panel proposals are being accepted. The Program Committee will review these blind submissions. Panel suggestions will also be reviewed.

Also included in the CFP is information concerning applications for the Student Paper Contest and the Benton Early Career Scholar Award.
Student Paper Contest deadline is April 30, 2020.
Charles Benton Early Career Scholar Award deadline is May 29, 2020.
A pdf of the full CFP is available on our web site, for additional information.
TPRC48 Graduate Research Symposium Pre-Conference
TPRC and The Internet Governance Lab at American University present the 2020 TPRC Graduate Research Symposium Pre-Conference on September 24, 2020 at American University's School of Communication in Washington, DC. The full-day symposium will include sessions featuring research from graduate and undergraduate seniors as well as TPRC scholars. Other topics will include research methodologies, mentorship, and an orientation to TPRC.
Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020
Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location: American University School of Communication - Media Innovation Lab.
Refreshments will be provided .