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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Thor Projects.

Content Explosion: Implementing Information Management & SharePoint Shepherd!

It�s been�an absolutely crazy�busy time.�We released updates for The SharePoint Shepherd�s Guide: Ultimate Edition,�which publishes the content as modern pages.�This is a major update for us,�giving clients the flexibility to decide whether they want the Shepherd�s Guide to appear as classic or modern pages.�Check below for more information on this update � and�mention that you�re a newsletter subscriber to get 10% off a new license.�(We�ll even let you share this discount.�Just forward this message to your friends who need to help their users use SharePoint more efficiently.)�
Get the SharePoint Shepherd's Ultimate Guide
The other major announcement is that our Implementing Information Management on SharePoint and Office 365 course for AIIM got a major update as well.�With 70% more student handbook and 30% more video, the course is the most comprehensive place to learn how to use SharePoint and Office 365 for managing information.�And use the code�IIM100�when you order the course to save an additional $100 off the course registration price.�
Get the Implementing Information Management Course
As soon as you get your hands on the new content from both the guide and the course, let us know how you like it.�We�re excited to hear your feedback.�

Blog Blatherings

Implementing Information Management on SharePoint and Office 365 Updates, 70% More, 30% More

It's been a lot of work, but it's now our pleasure to announce that last week we released comprehensive updates to our Implementing Information Management on SharePoint and Office 365 course. Two years since the original release, we're rolled out updates, and they're massive.

Book Review-Nurse Burnout: Overcoming Stress in Nursing

It�s easy to get distracted and miss the key point. It�s harder to look through noisy data and imperfect experience to see the hidden signal behind the noise. When you look at stress, it seems like it�s the cause of burnout. It�s an easy target. After all, most people experience stress in conjunction with burnout. However, the question always is which came first � and why should someone focus on one versus the other.�Nurse Burnout: Overcoming Stress in Nursing�follows a line of thinking that stress is causal to nurse burnout, but we don�t think that�s the case. Let me explain why.

Conflict: Ownership in Communication

If you say something that makes someone else angry, are you responsible? That�s the question at the heart of taking ownership for your communication. At some level, you�re only responsible for your words and actions and the other person is responsible for their responses. On the other hand, there are things someone can say to intentionally provoke someone else. So how do you accept responsibility for your part in communications problems without becoming enmeshed in the other person�s responses?

The SharePoint Shepherd�s Ultimate Guide Updates Available � Now With Modern Pages

We�re pleased to announce that we�ve released the newest build of The SharePoint Shepherd�s Guide for End Users: Ultimate Edition with the ability to deploy the guide as modern pages.

Book Review-Ignite: Beat Burnout and Rekindle your Inner Fire

Imagine, for the moment, that you felt like India was the edge of the world. You had fought your way to what you felt like was the edge of civilization over eight grueling years � only to see more land before you than you could see the end of. Your expectations of going home and seeing your family again are dashed in a moment, and you confront the reality that you don�t know when your quest will end. This is one of the stories from�Ignite: Beat Burnout and Rekindle your Inner Fire. It�s the story of Alexander the Great and his devoted army losing their hope and ultimately facing burnout at what was supposed to be the end of the world.

Data Driven Apps � Flattening the Object with PowerApps, Flow, and SharePoint

The scenario we started to explore in�Data Driven Apps � Early and Late Binding with PowerApps, Flow, and SharePoint�was one of a test engine: we had tests in which we didn�t want to have to code every question as its own form � or even two different tests with two different applications. We left the problem with a set of rows in the table that each represented a separate answer to a question.

Book Review-Breaking Out of Burnout: Overcoming Mid-Career Burnout and Coming Back Stronger

Sometimes you climb a mountain, and you realize it was the wrong mountain. That�s the sentiment you get when you�ve spoken to people who have reached the pinnacle of a career and then realized it wasn�t the career they wanted. It wasn�t right for them. It didn�t fit. Rex Baker is a former journalist who now runs a mission, and in�Breaking Out of Burnout: Overcoming Mid-Career Burnout and Coming Back Stronger, he shares some of his experience and a lot of his perspective on burnout and how to break free.

Data-Driven Apps � Early and Late Binding with PowerApps, Flow and SharePoint

Most of the time, if I say, �early and late binding,� the response I get is �huh?� It doesn�t matter whether I�m talking to users, developers, or even architects. It has a design impact, but we usually don�t see that it�s happening any more than a fish knows it�s in water. In this post, I�m going to lay out what early and late binding is, and I�m going to explain a problem with designing data-driven apps with PowerApps, Flow, and SharePoint. In another post, I�ll lay out the solution.

Book Review-Seeing Systems: Unlocking the Mysteries of Organizational Life

Sometimes the people I speak with look at me funny. They tilt their head just a bit and wonder how I�m looking at problems. I know that I see things differently, but it�s normal to me.�Seeing Systems: Unlocking the Mysteries of Organizational Life�seeks to help everyone see things a bit differently. Instead of blaming people for the problems we encounter, the goal is to expose that many of the problems we see are natural outcomes of the systems we create.

Book Review-The Joy of Burnout: How the End of the World Can Be a New Beginning

I�ve heard burnout called a lot of things. Never once have I heard someone say that it was a joyful experience. However, Dina Glouberman�s book,�The Joy of Burnout: How the End of the World Can Be a New Beginning, seeks to turn the thinking about burnout around and make it a gift instead of a burden.

Upcoming Conferences and Presentations

Indy SHRM Meeting
Plainfield, IN
November 26, 2019
Session: Burnout: Prevention and Recovery
Register Today!
SPTechCon San Francisco 2020
San Francisco, CA
February 19-21, 2020
Session 1: Enterprise Content Management on Office 365
Session 2: Designing Departmental Sites
Session 3: Simplifying SharePoint Security
Session 4: Doing Digital Transformation: Enabling Employees
Session 5: Organized Chaos: Governing in a World of Proliferating Files
Register today with code RobertB20 to save $200!
NACNS 2020
Indianapolis, IN
March 10-13, 2020
Session 1: Conflict De-escalation and Resolution
Session 2: Extinguish Burnout: Practical Guidance for Prevention and Recovery
Session 3: Don't Get Sucked In: Maintaining Healthy Professional Boundaries
Registration coming soon!
Indiana EAPA Meeting
Indianapolis, IN
April 16, 2020
Session: Burnout: Prevention and Recovery
Join Rob & Terri at Fairbanks Hospital!
MER Conference 2020
Chicago, IL
May 6, 2020
Session: Conflict De-escalation and Resolution
Register Today!
ATD ICE 2020
Denver, CO
May 17-20, 2020
Session: Conflict De-escalation and Resolution
Register Today!

Special Offer

We've discounted our Implementing Information Management on SharePoint and Office 365 online course with AIIM. You can get�$100�off the cost of the course right now! Register for the course�today at��and use code�IIM100�to get your discount!
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