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How did build a $30M partner channel in 3 years?

Ask Asaf Fradkin, Thursday, October 22, 10am PT

Our SaaS Connect speaker series is back in action in our new weekly video format!

Asaf Fradkin made magic happen at He grew a partner channel from 0 to $30M in only 3 years, a revenue figure that by itself would make many startups ecstatic.

Not only did he identify and grow the partners, he also built a world-class partnership team.

Register to ask him anything next Thursday

Drinks with SaaS partnership leaders

SaaS Connect virtual cocktails Tuesday, Oct 27

Why let the world get us down? As partnership leaders, now more than ever we need to stay connected, stay human.

That's why we're hosting our first quarterly virtual cocktail party on Tuesday October 27. I'll ship you a bottle!

Now more than ever, it’s important to stay connected and learn from others. Registered guests have already suggested “table topics” like:

  • Integrating Partnerships into the other areas of the business such as Customer Success, Product Development, Sales and Marketing
  • Finding mission-aligned partners who are focused on the same customer segments as we are.
  • Internal growth / next career steps

Come to SaaS Connect cocktails and get a full membership to the Cloud Software Association.

Register for SaaS Connect cocktails

First drink orders ship TODAY!

The dream: a game-changing partner that sells for you

Live Q&A. THIS THURSDAY, October 15, 10am PT

Oh, that dream partner! The one that changes your business forever by bringing you to market at a game-changing scale.

But how is it done? What's the secret?

That's why I've invited two of the best partnership executives to explain what it takes.

  • Bill Wade, has built into a massive distribution platform reselling SaaS to over 100,000 SMBs.
  • Drew Quinlan, VP Strategic Alliances, RingCentral works both sides, selling RingCentral through distribution partners and turning RingCentral into a distribution channel for its integrated partners.

You'll never get another chance to ask such experienced experts how exactly did they negotiate, package up, and execute distribution deals at this level.

Register to ask them questions, live

THIS Thursday, October 15 10am PT

Crossbeam is now FREE!

Account map with over 1,300 companies

Crossbeam has a made a big change! You can now get instant account mapping in Crossbeam for 100% free.

Crossbeam is popular tool used by over 1,300 partner teams. In fact, in our recent : RingCentral SaaS Connect 1:1, Drew Quinlan mentioned how RingCentral relies on Crossbeam for account mapping!

Why account map? FreshWorks : SignEasy SaaS Connect 1:1 had an extensive conversation about how they have dramatically changed the revenue opportunity from technical partnerships thanks to account mapping.

Join Crossbeam's network of 1,300 partner teams

SaaS Connect 1:1s coming up...

Top partnership professionals tell their stories

We're moving our SaaS Connect line up to a weekly Q&A.

Our new format ensures you can sitll learn from the most experienced people in our industry, ask questions, and for paid members, privately connect and network directly with the speakers.

  • October 22, 2020 (10am PT). How to build $30M partners channel in 3 years with bold decisions with Asaf Fradkin,
  • October 27, 2020 (3pm PT). SaaS Connect virtual cocktails!
  • October 29, 2020 (10am PT). Taking Aircall from 10 to 60+ integration partners in a year with Raphael Assaraf, Aircall
  • November 5, 2020 (10am PT). How to have agencies drive 40%+ of your global revenue with Henry Prevette, Impact

Get your paid membership to the Cloud Software Association for full access, plus introductions between members, roundtables for career development, and an invitation to our quarterly SaaS Connect cocktail party.

Add events to calendar

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What's your biggest challenge as a partnership leader?

Organizing roundtables and mentors for SaaS Connect

I'm organizing our very, very popular roundtables and mentor programs once again. These roundtables connect you with other partnership professionals facing the same challenges, so you can ask and learn from others experiences.

I just need one thing from you to get you sorted. Can you tell me what are the biggest challenges you face as a partnership leader?

Answer this 1 question survey

#jobs Job board

  • Developer Relations Advocate
    LeagueApps, New York NY
  • Channel/Partner Manager
    Blended Perspectives, Anywhere
  • Sr. Director, Internal Consulting, Business Transformation and Automation
    VMware, Opportunity for working remotely
  • Partnership Development Manager (Salesforce Ecosystem)
    Blackthorn, Dallas, TX
  • Partner Manager
    Trustpilot, New York,NY

Recruiting partnership professionals? Post a job

Sunir Shah
President, Cloud Software Association and CEO, AppBind

This is the member announcement list for the Cloud Software Association, the SaaS partnership network. If don't want to stay inside the SaaS partnership network, unsubscribe. :(

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Comment on: 01/09/2020