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WE: How men and women succeed together by Rania H Anderson

I was concerned that there was a disproportionate focus/buzz around male allies and not enough about women who are mentors and allies to men. So I wrote an article about it on the Harvard Business Review: Challenging Our Gendered Idea of Mentorship (Jan. 6).

I was gratified to see the conversation that's unfolded over the past few weeks.

Here are just a few of the responses:

From LinkedIn Managing News Editor, Caroline Fairchild:

Hundreds of men took to LinkedIn and Twitter to exalt women who mentored them. LinkedIn Managing News Editor, Caroline Fairchild did a shout out to men to share stories of the women who mentored them and wrote a column sharing a few examples: Why Men Need Female Mentors.

In one of Fortune's newsletters:

From former Chairman & CEO of PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi:

(Still curious? See more of the conversation on Twitter.)

A few people responded to the article with the wrong impression. The purpose of my article was not to make the case for women mentors or sponsors, but rather to make VISIBLE the fact that they already exist. Check out my LinkedIn response where I expand on this.

My objective is to disrupt paradigms about the competencies and roles of women leaders, and to help all of us build high-performing teams and organizations, and benefit from #genderparity.

What about you? Do you have a story or reaction to share? Hit reply!

Challenging our Gendered Idea of Mentorship

Here's to new conversations in a new year,


Buy WE: Men, Women and the Decisive Formula for Winning at Work on Amazon for 35% off or get 30% off discount at Wiley Publishing with the promo code WMWD9.
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Comment on: 01/09/2020