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Membership Emails
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Kickstarter Link
Here come the Stretch Goals
?15,000 UNLOCKED - Close Captions / Subtitles
We are adding close caption/subtitles in English, Spanish, Italian, French, Polish, Greek and German.
?18,000 - AMIGA 2020 Sticker
Self print downloads version will be sent to all download only backers
?19,000 - Upgrade to 4K download for documentaries and features
We are planning a number of special features and extras that will be included on the Amiga 2020 and the Commodore 2020 Blu-ray together with downloads for download only backers.
?20,000 Behind The Scenes with the Vampire Apollo Team
?21,000 Behind the Scenes with A-EON - Next Generation Devel
?22,000 Over 30minutes of EXTRAS including interviews with Amiga hardware / software developers
?23,000 Special Feature Amiga Evolution - A Brief History
?24,000 Special Feature Commodore Evolution - A Brief History
Here is a chance to grab some back catalogue items for a whopping 60% discount.
?25,000 60% Discount on The Commodore Story Blu-ray Double Disc (?10)(?4 Download Only)
The Commodore Story documentary PLUS extra disc The Chiptune Story.
?26,000 60% Discount on The Commodore Interviews Double Disc (?10)(?4 Download Only)
Blu-ray D
OUBLE DISC including over 16 hours of unseen footage with interviews from RJ Mical, Dave Haynie, Leonard Tramiel, Bill Herd, Jeff Porter, Michael Tomczyk, David John Pleasance, Andy Finkel, Randell Jesup, Hedley Davis, Ronald Nicholson and Gail Wellington plus bonus EXTRAS including interviews with Rob Hubbard, Chris Huelsbeck, Ben Daglish and Jim Sachs.
?27,000 60% Discount on The Commodore Story Hardback Book (?10 + ?2 p&p)(?4 EBook Download Only)
?28,000 60% Discount on The Commodore Story Top Trump Cards (?6)(?4 Download Only)
Top Trump Retro Cards as featured in The Commodore Story documentary.
Includes Case
?30,000 EXTRA Blu-ray Disc RETRO REVIVAL
Blu-Ray and Download
Filmed over the last 3 years at various events and museums around the world RETRO REVIVAL brings more retro-tastic computers and devices from our past.
Note:Download version will be sent to all download only backers
Keep safe and keep the retro dream alive
Steve and the WavemStudios team
In this update we UNLOCK theRetro Revivalgoal, welcomeAmiga Billonboard and give special thanks toThe Retro Hour.
AMIGA 2020 and Commodore 2020 Blu-rays
AMIGA 2020 Kickstarter Link -
UNLOCKED EXTRA Blu-ray Disc RETRO REVIVAL Blu-Ray and Download
Really exited to announce RETRO REVIVAL is UNLOCKED. With footage filmed over the last 3-4 years at various events and museums around the world RETRO REVIVAL will bring you more retro-tastic interviews, computers, arcade/pinball machines and devices from your past.
Note:< span="" class="bold" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit; font-weight: 700; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; box-sizing: inherit;">Download version will be sent to all download only backers
Pre-Edit Screen Shots
Here are some screen shots of the footage and interviews we have compiled together over the last 3-4 years.
Jim Bagley
Arcade Machine Revival
Jason Bradbury
The Oliver Twins
Pinball Wizards!!!
Amiga Bill is onboard
AmigaBill Winters will be our resident AMIGA GAME GURU and will be bringing reviews and demos of the latest Amiga Games for AMIGA 2020.
Amiga Bill
AmigaBill Winters has been active in the Amiga scene since 1987 when he got his first Amiga. In 1988 he founded The Westchester Amiga User Group. WAUG still meets to this day and is the longest continually running Amiga user group. Bill has an active Amiga YouTube channel called The Guru Meditation that he co-hosts with his old buddy Anthony from WAUG. Bill and Anthony have created videos about a wide variety of topics as well as interviewing legends in the Amiga community including former Commodore engineers Dave Haynie, Bil Herd, Greg Berlin, Glenn Keller, Joe
Decuir, and more. Bill has a weekly Amiga live stream on Twitch that brings together the Amiga community while he discusses current Amiga news topics, plays new Amiga games and interviews the creators, as well as doing creative streams with programs such as DPaint, ADPro, and the Video Toaster. Bill also has an Amiga exhibit each year at the Vintage Computer Festival East in Wall Township, NJ.
Director of Photography Bill
On the professional side, Bill is an Emmy Award winning director of photography with over 20 years experience in the film and television business. He is known for creating the look of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee for Jerry Seinfeld, frequent collaborations with Oscar nominated director Joe Berlinger, Oprah Winfrey?
?s Oscar Special, several Netflix documentaries including the upcoming Jeffrey Epstein film "Filth Rich" by author James Patterson, and multitude of projects for clients such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, Samsung, Vanity Fair, Twitter, IBM, National Geographic, Discovery, and many more. Bill credits the Amiga for being his gateway into the film business and also worked on the documentary Viva Amiga with Zach Weddington and is currently shooting a documentary TV series about the history of arcades called Arcadia.
Special thanks to The Retro Hour for mentioning AMIGA 2020 in a recent Podcast.
We always love to work with The Retro Hour and we are very exited also to have Ravi Abbott onboard to provide on location interviews / reviews and documentary voice over.
The Retro Hour
The Retro Hour Podcast your weekly look at the world of retro gaming and vintage technology. Each episode takes the you
behind the scenes of the biggest video games and companies of all time. By talking to the people involved in their creation, we reveal the true story of the rise of an industry that today is worth more than $100 billion globally.
Hosts Dan Wood, Ravi Abbott and Joe Fox are life-long fans of video games, and update you on the latest happenings in the world of retro games and systems, and they are joined by an industy veteran on each episode.
At the time of writing we are very close toUNLOCKING 30 minutes of EXTRASand to help make things more interesting during the lockdown we have reduced and combined some of the stretch goals to get themSMASHEDquicker so we can give all backers more. Also we have a competition to win aCheckmate A1500 Plus Amiga Cases for A500, A1200 and A600 with Keyboard Case.
More competitions and exiting collaborations will be announced later...
?15,000 UNLOCKED - Close Captions / Subtitles
?18,000 UNLOCKED - AMIGA 2020 Sticker
?19,000 UNLOCKED- Upgrade to 4K download for documentaries and features
?20,000 UNLOCKED-Behind The Scenes with the Vampire Apollo Team
?21,000 UNLOCKED-Behind the Scenes with A-EON - Next Generation Developments
?22,000 Over 30minutes of EXTRAS including interviews with Amiga hardware / software developers
?22,500 Special Feature Amiga Evolution - A Brief History PLUS Special Feature Commodore Evolution - A Brief History
ALLBACKERS WILL BE PUT INTO A DRAW TO WIN A Checkmate A1500 Plus and keyboard case
Our thanks to Steve Jones for offering this great prize.
The new case is designed as an homage to the beauty and power of the Amiga 3000 and has the optional keyboard garage like the original Amiga 1000. The modular design is capable of building a highly powerful, True Amiga, based on the A500, A600 and A1200 motherboards with all of the extras that are available for these amazing computer motherboards like the Vampire accelerator/24bit graphics upgrade.
More info -https://www.checkmate1500plus.com
Winner will be drawn at random and
announced after the campaign has finished, delivery time to be arranged.
Steve and the WavemStudios team
Welcome to AMIGA 2020 Kickstarter Campaign
After the release of The Commodore Story documentary back at the beginning of 2018 we have been very active attending many Commodore and Amiga events across Europe and have seen a big growth in development for new Amiga kit.
Director - Steven Fletcher
This year 2020 is also a special year for Amiga celebrating it''s 35th birthday. To help celebrate this together with special Amiga 35 events planned around the world we want to document this magical moment in time with Amiga 2020.
We will be creating a BONUS Blu-ray disc Commodore 2020 including interviews with new hardware and accessories developers including The C64 and Mini plus special behind the scenes interviews with the MEGA65 creators of the planned new C65 plus much more to come.
Amiga 2020 with BONUS disc Commodore 2020
Amiga 2020 Retro Top Trump Cards
We are creating a new pack of Amiga 2020 Top Trump Cards with all l
egacy Amigas plus new and next generation systems.
Amiga 2020 Top Trump Cards
Amiga 2
020 Baseball Cap
This time we decided to make Amiga 2020 Baseball Caps (Black), last time was T-Shirts.
a 2020 Baseball Caps
SPECIAL NOTE: We will make every attempt to attend as many events as we can with the current climate and will reschedule with any cancelled or postponed events.
After doing some pre-filming at Amiga 34 in Germany as you can see in the Kickstarter video we have hit the ground running in 2020 attended and filming at Amiga Ireland and South West Amiga Group (SWAG) events.
We will be investigating the longevity of existing Amiga systems looking at the many enhancements and add-ons now available to maximise the life and power of you favourite machine.
Attending events we will interview
the Amigan tribe across the globe filming the passion for Amiga and finding out what Amiga means to people in 2020.
We will be investigating the development of the various Amiga Operating Systems and looking where and how they are being adopted and implemented within new and legacy hardware and systems.
Interviews with new Amiga games and software developers
Behind the scene interviews will be done with new and next generation hardware developers like A-EON and the Apollo (Vampire) Team with other developers adding to the list as we move forward.
Special interviews with many accessory developers including IMica Ltd the creators of the Checkmate 1500 Plus. More developers to be added to the list.
We will be following Retro Games ltd creators of The C64 Mini to find out and film behind the scenes any development of an Amiga Mini.