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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to The Bearded Bastard.
Our annual Ho, Ho, Ho! Beard Balm has landed down the chimney!
Ho, Ho, Ho!, our first limited edition�seasonal scent, IS BACK! Ho, Ho, Ho! is the perfect beard balm to go with your ugly Christmas sweater this holiday season. When it's gone, it's gone until next holiday season.�
For a short time you can treat yourself to a�holiday�gift of Douglas Fir and cinnamon. Ho, Ho, Ho! is the perfect beard oil to accompany you to an ugly sweater party or Aunt Virgina's eggnog shindig; we can't be held liable�for�any lingering hugs�or increased jolliness.�
Ho, Ho, Ho! brings to mind cinnamon, spiced mulled wine, a giant Douglas Fir decorated with lights, Christmas carols, a roaring fire, and fine cognac shared with friends and family. You won't want to go a day without it this holiday season!
A new National Champion is crowned!
Congratulations to Mr. John DeSmet!
We had a blast up in Chicago for the 2019 National Beard and Moustache Championships. It was great meeting with everyone who could come (especially awesome to meet the lucky folks who were able to find us for TBB gifts!).
Above: John won 1st place in the over 24" full beard natural category and then went on to win the Overall Best in Show National Champion title! He will hold this title until the 2020 National Championships (location to be announced soon).
TBB's Beard Essentials Blog delivers all the hits.
Two new ones coming in hot.�
What do you think here? Are beard the equivalent of the male "push up bra"? Agree? Disagree?
Thanksgiving is JUST around the corner... we took a look at what bearded men are most thankful for this time of year.
Our massive GIVEAWAY is LIVE!
But only for a few more days... Have you entered yet?�
We've teamed up with and gathered products from;�Bexar Goods, Metal Comb Works, Spinnaker Watches, Harp Leather, Hanks Kerchiefs, Foursevens / Prometheus�Lights, Grifter, Tactile Turn, Big Red Beard Combs, Boker, Field Notes, and Outdoor Element�to bring you this epic giveaway.
You can enter to win via the link/button below!
One last cheerful reminder!
A great stocking stuffer gift for someone special...�
Even if that special someone is yourself!
#StayBearded #StayBastard
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The Bearded Bastard 209 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite #104 Austin, TX 78704
We hope you bastards are ready for Black Friday. We have a few surprises for you... one that you may have missed out on last time. Want to know more? All will be revealed on Friday morning's newsletter.
Since you're signed up already, you can expect an email at the same exact time you received�this email.
#StayBearded #StayBastard
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The Bearded Bastard 209 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite #104 Austin, TX 78704
1. RUM RUNNER XXXX BEARD OIL HAS RETURNED for a limited edition run. These sold out in lightning record-setting time last release, so act super quickly on these!
2. The FIRST 100 ORDERS over $10 ship with a....FREE TBB Shop Rag (red/orange, our choice) and a FREE TBB Travel Brush!
3. There's also one more thing...
And one more surprise...
Remember those beautiful wooden crates (handmade by Lune and Lens)?
THE FIRST 5 ORDERS OF RUM RUNNER XXXX BEARD OIL�will have their bottle shipped in one of these limited edition crates!
#StayBearded #StayBastard
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The Bearded Bastard 209 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite #104 Austin, TX 78704
CYBER MONDAY: Surprise drop of Rum Runner XXXX Beard Balm!
Y'all have been asking!
And we're here to deliver...
Rum Runner XXXX Beard Balm is back, just in time for Cyber Monday!
Stock up on this limited edition release, as it could be quite a long time until you see this intoxicating balm released again.
BASTARDMAS is just around the corner!
THE 12 DAYS OF BASTARDMAS officially starts December 12th! This is our annual THANK YOU for all you wonderful bastards that have supported us this year and all the years prior. You can expect some incredible giveaways this year, the best year yet in our opinion!
The best way to enter; follow our Instagram below!
#StayBearded #StayBastard
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The Bearded Bastard 209 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite #104 Austin, TX 78704
A gentle reminder for all you beautiful bastards out there who are placing orders for friends, family members, loved ones, and even yourselves... if you want your package on time, please see the handy USPS map above and click the official USPS link below for even more details on dates.
We want all of you to be able to make sure these gifts get to where they're going on time!
Happy holidays y'all!
BASTARDMAS is just around the corner!
THE 12 DAYS OF BASTARDMAS officially starts December 12th! This is our annual THANK YOU for all you wonderful bastards that have supported us this year and all the years prior. You can expect some incredible giveaways this year, the best year yet in our opinion!
The best way to enter; follow our Instagram AND Facebook below!
#StayBearded #StayBastard
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The Bearded Bastard 209 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite #104 Austin, TX 78704
Indeed, yet another surprise for you bastards. Just before we kick off The 12 Days Of Bastardmas... Fire Beard Oil returns from the ashes one last time this year, in a very limited edition small batch.
Let Fire illuminate your path and warm you through Winter's frozen chill. Get your bottle now, before the flames flicker away into the darkness.
BASTARDMAS is just around the corner!
THE 12 DAYS OF BASTARDMAS officially starts December 12th! This is our annual THANK YOU for all you wonderful bastards that have supported us this year and all the years prior. You can expect some incredible giveaways this year, the best year yet in our opinion!
The best way to enter; follow our Instagram AND Facebook below!
#StayBearded #StayBastard
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The Bearded Bastard 209 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite #104 Austin, TX 78704
This one is super personal to me, I created this scent a very long time ago drunk to impress a girl as you do, and haven�t been able to fully recreate that drunken goodness, well today I can say I succeeded in recreating the feel of the old Tabac with a little bit of added goodness, I hope you enjoy Tabac Black as much as I enjoyed finally recreating that magic, and I hope it impresses your lover as much as it ended up impressing the girl I drunkenly made it for!
PS. Man of the Woods Beard Balm is back in stock for a limited time.�
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The Bearded Bastard 209 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite #104 Austin, TX 78704
Enjoy this cocktail of Haitian vetiver, Bulgarian select tobacco and the heavenly smoky cade that gives it's signature night out in the woods campfire blazing with your boys. Highlighted by notes of Texas cedar and sandalwood so you can add some fire to your routine. Allow this smoky scent to�envelop your follicle fortress and blast out into the new seasons glory. The Fall Fuego. Heat. Passion. Beard.
Fire Beard�Balm is wrapped in a real Teak wood label with custom sugar skull artwork by the Bastard's very own Victor Garcia.
#2: TABAC BLACK Beard Balm
Tabac Black is a warm embrace from your favorite grandpa, bathing you in nostalgia, of cigars smoked, of adventures had, and of the bonds you have built with your own 2 hands. Tabac Black is for the man who can say no to destiny and make his own. It has notes of cigars, honey'ed whiskey, old french/english colognes, and your favorite chesterfield leather sofa.
Valentine's Day is coming up...
What do you think we could be working on? Any guesses?
Hint; you're in for a surprise.
Follow us via social media, where we'll be lifting the veil on a little project we've been working on with a few of our friends...
Now get out there. Far out there.
#StayBearded #StayBastard
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The Bearded Bastard 209 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite #104 Austin, TX 78704
Fire Beard Oil & Tabac Black Beard Oil are BACK (for a limited time only)
You asked.
We listened.
Now they're BOTH back for a limited time.
We have been toiling away to bring these two customer favorites back for all you bastards.�
Fire Beard Oil, As we fall into the depths of October let this smoldering scent of a sun warrior encompass your beard with the fire of a thousand suns and the rage of a million yeti's stares.�Enjoy this cocktail of Haitian vetiver, Bulgarian select tobacco and the heavenly smoky cade that gives it's signature night out in the woods campfire blazing with your boys. Highlighted by notes of Texas cedar and sandalwood so you can add some fire to your routine. Allow this SMOKEY scent to�envelop your follicle fortress and blast out into the new seasons glory. The Fall Fuego. Heat. Passion. Beard.
Tabac Black is a warm embrace from your favorite grandpa, bathing you in nostalgia, of cigars smoked, of adventures had, and of the bonds you have built with your own 2 hands. Tabac Black is for the man who can say no to destiny and make his own. It has notes of cigars, honey'ed whiskey, old french/english colognes, and your favorite chesterfield leather sofa.
And what's that just around the corner?
We couldn't leave you hanging...
We'll be dropping both matching Beard Balms to compliment the Tabac Black Beard Oil and Fire Beard Oil.
When are they dropping?
Friday January 31st.�
Speaking of of Black...
We've always felt like the black sheep.
Black + wool = the perfect travel companion.
For you adventurist bastards, you likely already know how amazing merino wool is. Fast drying, both warm and cool, odor free, and luxurious feel. Well, our friends over at Unbound Merino are putting together something for us in the next coming week or so.
Stay tuned on our social media account for the announcement for this giveaway. It's going to be epic. Black on black on black.
#StayBearded #StayBastard
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The Bearded Bastard 209 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite #104 Austin, TX 78704
This year''s bottle has a brand new limited edition label, but the same smokey and?smoldering you love. Get yours now, while supplies last!
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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The shop is back live - it felt good to take a breather and clean up some?behind the scenes systems. We''ll be open all weekend and into next week, if it seems like there are more issues happening we may close up again for a short time to fix them.
Be aware that international orders seem to be taking an extra long time during the pandemic, USPS shipping has the best price - but not the best tracking. Upgrade?shipping if you''re an impatient bastard like myself.?
Stay Bearded. Stay Bastard. Stay Safe.
Be the bastard you want to see in the world,
Vetiver Black (aka The Man in Black)?is?like the magic night your Pops met your Mother, or the smell of his favorite leather jacket after driving down Route 66 all day with his sweetheart sitting shotgun.? Vetiver Black has hints of french neroli, English Colognes, leather and the smell of good earth. All the things that make you want to inherit that leather jacket steeped in history & romance, bottled up for you to have now.
A lot can be said about the original Woodsman and how it changed the beard oil game nine years ago.? Since then every company has a attempted a clone, so we decided it was time for a Black edition.? We''ve finally created a limited?edition scent that can stand proud next to the original - and boy oh boy is it amazing! Three words: dark, woody, velvet. You can smell the homage to our original Woodsman, but with a dark & smokey layer to it. The scent makes me feel like I''m wearing a coat of velvet smoke in a fancy humidor up in the mountains near Santa Fe - it is just that magical. I chose black bottles and a rough hewn lumber label for the Woodsman Black in all of us!
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
We''ve got plenty to be thankful?for this year?and this wild?Bastard Fam certainly tops the?list!? We have a cornucopia?of your favorite scents in the shop RIGHT NOW, all?based on your requests! In no particular?order, drum roll please.....?
Old Fashioned
Ho, Ho, Ho
Rum Runner
Man Of The Woods
Good & True
The Man in Black
Unscented (classic blend)
Beard Balm lover? WE GOT YOU!?
On Small Business Saturday (11/28, bright & early at 7am) we will be releasing a big ol'' batch of balms, one might call it a...? ?
??Balm Bomb??
Aegean Sea
Old Fashioned
Rum Runner
Good & True
Man Of The Woods
Ho, Ho, Ho
Set your alarms or keep an eye out for another reminder email Saturday morning!
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Vetiver Black is Back
Vetiver Black, AKA The Man In Black, is now in beard balm form.? The Head Bastard is proud to be donating 25% of the sales of this balm made today & through the weekend to Austin Justice Coalition.?
There''s a few Vetiver Black hand sanitizers available as well to keep you bastards safe and smelling good throughout the day.? As the world starts to open up again, get one to keep in your car for a spritz after you run those errands.?
Father''s day is coming up soon, we''re releasing an extra special surprise the Friday before Pop''s special day. It won''t ship in time to give to Dad that Sunday - but we promise it will be worth the wait. Put it on your calendar for June 19th.?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Summertime is Rum Runner Time!
We''ve got Rum Runner: Pirate Edition coming at you on JULY 2nd.?Mark your calendars, its a limited?release and the first 5 orders will get an EXTRA special surprise! Stay tuned for more details.
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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The Shield - a new beard product from the Head Bastard
We bring you The Shield, the perfect trifecta?of?hold, conditioning, and protection; inspired from our childhood love of the?shield of?Zelda always saving our ass in a pinch. The Shield is something unlike you''ve ever seen before, it''s a unique formulation that gives a lightweight but durable hold, heavily conditions, and clarifies. We really went all out on this one with ingredients like?Capuaca Butter,?Mowrah Butter and Jojoba oil (and the list just keeps going... we really wanted to give you something like you''ve never seen before).??WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO, YOU GOTTA PULL THE SHIELD.
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
Set your alarms for 7am on 10/1, because you could be the lucky recipient of a vintage cigar box, TBB travel brush, shop rag & mask. First 10 US?orders placed will get the goods???
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
The same scent that lights your Fire every Fall, in a NEW limited edition bottle. Set your alarms for 7am Friday to get your hands on this hot commodity that features Haitian vetiver, Bulgarian select tobacco, and smokey cade with a touch of Texas Cedar & Sandalwood.?
Gather around the proverbial campfire (instagram) on Wednesday on IG we will have a *flash giveaway*. Getcher best ghost stories ready y''all!? AND you still have time to enter the big giveaway we''re hosting with our buddy Taylan Honeycutt of @honeycutt.outdoors, see below for more details.??
FIRE beard oil will release October 30th, just in time for the blue moon of Halloween!
You will have the chance to WIN a beard oil, plus an amazing prize pack from woodsman Taylan of?@honeycutt.outdoors.?
To enter, follow both?@honeycutt.outdoors?and @thebeardedbastard?and subscribe to the TBB newsletter;?sign up for the giveaway through the link below. One winner will receive:
the limited edition Fire Beard Oil?
flint striker with bow drill divot, 2 packs of instafire, fatwood sticks, charcloth, flint rock, metal tin for storage and a bearing
Good luck y''all! (sorry to say, US winners only!)
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Me & the crew have an exciting October planned for you;?a twist on a classic, a brand new boozy scent, as well as an annual favorite coming back. I''m also cooking up some exciting treats for the holiday season, but be warned,?it''s best to get your orders in ASAP for the holiday season. If you''ve placed an order with any small business recently, you''ve probably noticed that USPS is slow?and will just get slower with mail-in ballots and increased holiday demand. We will plan our holiday season drops accordingly, but if you want to ensure your stocking is full with your favorite TBB products, place those orders as early as you can. As the?holiday offering is firmed up we''ll be sure to share what I know with you so you bastards can plan accordingly.
Be the bastard you want to see in the world,
October Offerings
October 1st - an offering of Vetiver & Thorns on the Blood Moon, THE FIRST 10 ORDERS WILL RECEIVE A VINTAGE CIGAR BOX.
Vetiver & Thorns is the scent of your Pops leather jacket and the roses he gave your Momma on the day you were born. They were stored away into a box as life got busy with a rambunctious little bastard running around. As a grown up, you've unearthed the box and the rich scent of Vetiver, hearty scent of Rosewood and just a touch of the delicate Rose scent rises as you open a box full of memories.??
You know the drill - we''ll send out a newsletter that morning letting you know when it''s on site. As always, we give our newsletter subscribers a heads up *first*.?
Coming October 16th
October 31st, Halloween, Sahamin, All Hallows Eve, whatever you want to call it, we want to celebrate?it. We will do a special Saturday 10/31 release of FIRE, the scent you love with a new limited label.?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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The Green Fairy
The Green Fairy has landed in the shop and is ready for you to inhale her?herbaceous, earthy, spice and open your mind???
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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We''re still laying low here in Austin, sheltering in place and washing our hands regularly - I hope you are too.? I''ve been checking in with all my business homies,?supporting each other and trying to spread the love with regular contests & giveaways so keep your eyes on The Bearded Bastard''s?Insta. Click here for our current contest with Mack Provisions, it ends Sunday and I''ll announce a winner on Monday.
Thanks for all the love on our new Thieves Beard Oil,?the message was clear that you love the story & the scent so we whipped it up in the finest damn beard balm on the market. For now, we are still shipping on Friday''s, so any orders placed before 2p CST will go out this week.?
Be the bastard you want to see in the world,
A few more??Thieves Beard Oils have been made available as well if you want to double down on this timely scent.
Don''t forget - automatic free shipping on all US orders over $25 plus use discount code CleanBeard for 25% off the beard wash with any purchase over $20.?
Good Bets from The Bastard
You know we Bastards love culture and fine art, take a trip around the world by virtually?visiting a dozen top museums.
World famous Austin City Limits saturday night show has been made available to stream for free, thanks PBS!
If you''re a part of a cool project that you want to share with other bastards, email us.?
Copyright ? 2019 The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
Vetiver & Thorns is the scent of your Pops leather jacket and the roses he gave your Momma on the day you were born. They were stored away into a box as life got busy with a rambunctious little bastard running around. As a grown up, you've unearthed the box and the rich scent of Vetiver, hearty scent of Rosewood and just a touch of the delicate Rose scent rises as you open a box full of memories.?
REMEMBER: 1st? USA 10 orders will receive a vintage cigar box, travel brush, shop rag & mask
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Hand Sanitizer Update!
What an overwhelming response on our hand sanitizers?thank you! We''re cranking them out as fast as possible and have ordered more supplies to keep production up. We JUST DROPPED a small batch and will drop another batch small batch will drop on Tuesday at 1pm CST with?more later in the week once the supplies come.?
IMPORTANT DETAILS: Due to the overwhelming response, there are limits to 1 per scent. You can purchase one of each scent per cart. Free shipping on all US orders over $50
Copyright ? 2019 The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
In defiance of The Black Death...
So, what is this "THIEVES" we speak of?
We''re glad you asked...
A brief history lesson about the infamous Bubonic Plague?(AKA The Black Death) that?devastated a large portion of France in 1413 AD. ?The?Black Death spread like wildfire amongst citizens and doctors alike. ?It seemed impossible to be in the vicinity without contracting it, and at the time, falling ill?did mean you were likely to meet your ultimate demise.
According to lore, four thieves were caught and charged with stealing from the sick and dying.?The judge was so intrigued by how these men had stayed immune to this terrible disease, that he told them if they shared their secret he would spare them of the intended punishment of being burned alive.
The four thieves told the judge their secret; they were perfume & spice merchants?and had prepared an essential oil recipe that had kept them safe. The concoction was?applied to their bodies and the thieves stuffed a beak shaped mask with cloths doused in the oils.? The judge stayed true to his word?and the men were not burned alive, but instead they were hanged for their crimes.
We make no claims this will keep you safe in any way, shape, or form - we just love the story and holy hell does it smell good! So let''s party like it''s 1431 and we are all in crazy bird masks with all the other quacks whiffing our custom Thieves blend. It''s definitely not any crazier than what is going on in the world now, and we might as well laugh while we get through it!?
Well, folks... we know times are tough right now with all this madness in the world. So we wanted to thank you wonderful customers and TBB family, via a little extra love.
1. We''re offering FREE SHIPPING in the USA for orders over $50!
2. We''re giving 25% OFF the next TWO WEEKENDS for orders over $50!
Weekend 1 (3/20-3/22) use code:?STIRCRAZY
Weekend 2 (3/26-3/29) use code: STILLSTIRCRAZY
The FREE SHIPPING does not even require a code. And yes, you can use the code for 25% AND get FREE SHIPPING.
We love all you bastards.
Thank you for being a part of the TBB family.
A little sneak peek of new products...
THREE, count em...?three brand new products are coming next week!
We''re super excited to offer up three brand new products for you bastards next week and we just couldn''t contain ourselves... so we wanted to drop a little teaser here for you. We blocked out the labels with those pesky little green boxes, but there are still some hints in there for you eagle-eyed folks.
Any guesses?
Stay tuned right here in our newsletter and on our socials to be the very first to learn about these next week!
TBB''s Charitable Bastard Initiative?
This one is near and dear to our hearts...
TBB''s Charitable Bastard Initiative?officially starts?this month. We''ve donated?$500?The Art of Autism, as it is an important cause to Jeremiah, our founder and head bastard.?We will continue to give $500 a month, focusing now on organizations that are helping those in need in the wake of the sweeping changes our country/the world is going through. If any you beautiful bastards?have organizations?you''d like to alert us to, you can email Stephanie?with "The Charitable Bastard" in the subject line.?
We look forward to hearing your suggestions!
Be good to each other y''all.
#StayBearded #StayBastard
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The Bearded Bastard 209 E. Ben White Blvd. Suite #104 Austin, TX 78704
Woodsman Black Beard Balm - BOOM
The Woodsman Black beard oil was so well received we had to get a balm out into the world for you Bastards. It is a limited release that we won''t be restocking anytime soon,?get it while you can!?
and here''s a little teaser for next weeks drop:?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Rum Runner: Pirate Edition is coming out Thursday?July 2nd at 7am CST - big news, its only $20 this year! BIGGER NEWS - the first 5 US orders for Rum Runner will get this fully functional locking treasure chest from our buddy Bill at Lune & Lens, for FREE!
Set your alarm, this beard oil always blows out fast and you''ll have to be a quick draw to be one of the first 5 that gets this rad stash chest.
For you Bastard?balm lovers, we gotcha covered in Pirate Edition - keep your eyes peeled next week!
Stay Safe, Stay Bearded. Stay our brand new TBB masks. These aren''t medical grade PPE, so we cannot guarantee safety, we can say these are really comfortable! We''ve been wearing them in office and each of us?have found them to be breathable and comfortable. Cornonavirus isn''t going anywhere for a while, and NEITHER ARE WE???.?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Fire Beard Oil drops Oct 30th, but read on to win before you can buy it
FIRE beard oil will release October 30th, just in time for the blue moon of Halloween!
You will have the chance to WIN a beard oil, plus an amazing prize pack from woodsman Taylan of?@honeycutt.outdoors.?
To enter, follow both?@honeycutt.outdoors?and @thebeardedbastard?and subscribe to the TBB newsletter;?sign up for the giveaway through the link below. One winner will receive:
the limited edition Fire Beard Oil?
flint striker with bow drill divot, 2 packs of instafire, fatwood sticks, charcloth, flint rock, metal tin for storage and a bearing
Good luck y''all! (sorry to say, US winners only!)
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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I know we''ve sent out a few?emails this week - I thought it was important to let you know about the shop update separate?from any product releases. What shop update you ask? Click here for the full update.?
The shop will be closed at midnight on Sunday April 19th, orders can be placed up till then and we will ship out orders by the 21st.?The shop will reopen in 2 weeks with hot-n-fresh products, but in the meantime stay in touch on IG and keep your eyes?peeled for new giveaways.
Be the bastard you want to see in the world,
It is time for an Old Fashioned, clink clink!
Old Fashioned comes from the late 1800''s, it literally meant ''to do it the old way'' and boy oh boy do we do it the old craftsman way here at The Bearded Bastard. To be honest, rye Old Fashioned is the Bastards favorite drink, there is something sublime about the beautiful simplicity of good whiskey and?quality?ingredients.? The?Head?Bastard loves a high quality Old Fashioned at night to help ride out what the world''s thrown at him and has captured the?sublime simplicity and relaxing feeling of a strong drink, in a mighty fine beard oil that is safe for daytime use.?
Hand Sanitizers dropping daily through the weekend (times listed are all CST):?
Thursday 7am - Palo Santo & Thieves
Friday 8am - Palo Santo & Thieves
Saturday 9am - only Thieves
Sunday 11am -?only Thieves
You can now order 2 per scent.
Contests & Giveaways
Current Contest: Hop on over to Monday''s IG post?for a good old fashioned tag your friends giveaway, enter as many times as you want, be sure you''re following us to be eligible to win. We will pick a winner on Monday 4/19. The prize for this one is a $50?Texas Holster Solutions?gift card, a Pelican Vault case, and 1 of every?Thieves?product!
Coming Next: The next contest has a HUGE prize, $250 gift card from Manready Mercantile?and a matching $250 prize from TBB, we will officially open the contest on Monday.
Ongoing Giveaway:?We need fresh IG content and we need your help! To enter take a photo featuring your favorite TBB product and share it in your IG feed, tagged with #TBBgrooming & @thebeardedbastard. You can enter as many photos as you wish and for each photo we use on our IG grid we will send you a $25 store credit. This will be an ongoing project during the quarantine. HINT: the better your photo matches The Bearded Bastards aesthetic, the better chance you have at getting some free product.
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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A limited G&T scent, a SALE, and a giveaway, WUT WUT!
The limited release is OUT NOW
This scent is based off a classic cocktail, the Gin & Tonic and we raise our glasses to all the Good & True bosses out there doing the good work.? We bring you this woody, crisp, forest like scent that reminds you of a walk in a winter forest, snow crunching beneath your feet and sticking in your beard - get home quick as the sun sets early and the moon is dark, it is time to pour a G&T.
We''re testing this scent and can''t wait to hear what y''all have to say about it, as mention ed above, this will be a limited run of about 30 oils. If ya love it, we will bring it back!
TODAY?ONLY - stock up on Early Riser because when we sell out, its gone for good! (forever-ever)
Early Riser Beard oil?will be $20, the balm will also be $20, and our serious hold mustache wax will drop to $10, today?only!?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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If you''ve been following along on my Instagram Stories you know that I''ve been thinking of closing down shop?for a BRIEF period of time. Running a small business means being creative, being scrappy, reacting fast and worrying about the rest later. The world at large is on pause right now, offering us at The Bearded Bastard the chance to finally worry about the rest.?
What does this mean exactly? The shop will be closed at midnight on Sunday April 19th, orders can be placed up till then and we will ship out orders by the 21st.?You''ll still see me on Instagram dropping lots of contests (more details below on those contests) but I''ll be less available as I focus on my health & business. We will open back up on May 1st with some very special releases plus loads?of hand sanitizer, and will probably close again for two more weeks, before reopening for good. But details will be firmed up and shred with you all as we know more.
Thank you for your continued support, life wouldn''t be as sweet without all you bastards.
Be the bastard you want to see in the world,
What an overwhelming response on our hand sanitizers last week, thank you! We''re cranking them out as fast as possible and have ordered more supplies to keep production up. Another small batch will drop on Tuesday at 1pm CST and more later in the week once the supplies come.
Contests & Giveaways
The Bearded Bastard has been purchasing gift cards to support our homies that carry our products and giving them away to the Bastard community! Congrats to Matt Brashares (aka No BS Beard Reviews) , who won a $100 Gift Card?to?James Dant?and The Bearded Bastard.
We have two new contests/giveaways?happening now:
Hop on over to Instagram?for a good old fashioned tag your friends giveaway, enter as many times as you want. We will pick a winner on Monday 4/19. The prize for this one is a $50 Texas Holster Solutions gift card, a Pelican Vault case, and 1 of every Thieves product!
We need fresh IG content and we need your help! To enter take a photo featuring your favorite TBB product and share it in your IG feed, tagged with #TBBgrooming & @thebeardedbastard. You can enter as many photos as you wish and for each photo we use on our IG grid we will send you a $25 store credit. This will be an ongoing project during the quarantine. HINT: the better your photo matches The Bearded Bastards aesthetic, the better chance you have at getting some free product.
Copyright ? 2019 The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
Sometimes you just can''t plan for the creation of a scent and this one came bursting forth like Athena from Zeus'' forehead.?
Aegean Sea beard oil evokes the feeling of a sailor sinking his toes into the bright light sand one last time before embarking on a journey in the Aegean sea. The dark ocean is lapping at the sailors feet and he knows that he will lose sight of the warm sand, but it is always there at the bottom of the ocean and at the end of his journey he will feel the warm sand again. A breeze tickles the sailors nose with the scent of rosemary and clary sage that grows along the rocky coast of the Aegean Sea - the woody, evergreen and herbaceous scents bring clarity and grounding to the sailors mind that is tumultuous like Poseidon''s dark sea. Rosemarinus means "dew of the sea" and Clary Sage is known for bringing clarity to a busy mind.?
The first orders of?Aegean Sea will get a sage smudge stick as a gift with purchase, while supplies last.
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Ho, Ho, Ho! Beard Balm is releasing Friday at 7am! That''s it, plain and simple newsletter??\_(?)_/?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Rum Runner: Pirate Edition Beard Balm
The treasure chest has opened and Rum Runner: Pirates Edition Beard Balm is what is inside.? We know times are uncertain and your support has been unwavering, to show our appreciation?we''re pricing this at a very special $20.?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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The software is glitching - this email contains a new link that should work. Another reason why we are shuttering for a few weeks to sort all this out!
Be the bastard you want to see in the world,
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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A limited G&T scent, a SALE, and a giveaway, WUT WUT!
Coming at you - October 16th 7am
It''s national Bosses day in the US so for all you bosses out there we have a *small batch scent*. A Real Boss is one who bucks the rules in order to do good for all, someone who is Good & True to themselves, their loved ones AND strangers. This scent is based off a classic cocktail, the Gin & Tonic, so we raise our glasses to all the Good & True bosses out there doing the good work.? We bring you this woody, crisp, forest like scent that reminds you of a walk in a winter forest, snow crunching beneath your feet and sticking in your beard - get home quick as the sun sets early and the moon is dark, its time to pour a G&T.
We''re testing this scent and can''t wait to hear what y''all have to say about it, as mention ed above, this will be a limited run of about 30 oils. If ya love it, we will bring it back!
Another special for bosses day! Start your day off RIGHT with our popular Early Riser scent. We''re dropping prices on all 3 formulations FRIDAY only! You read that right, a RARE SALE!
Early Riser Beard oil?will be $20, the balm will also be $20, and our serious hold mustache wax will drop to $10, Friday only!?
FIRE beard oil will release October 30th, just in time for the blue moon of Halloween!
You will have the chance to WIN a beard oil, plus an amazing prize pack from @honeycutt.outdoors. The contest opens on the 19th, we will shoot ya an email with the instructions for entry or keep an eye out on our IG.
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Woodsman Black Beard Balm - BOOM
The Woodsman Black beard oil was so well received we had to get a balm out into the world for you Bastards. It is a limited release that we won''t be restocking anytime soon,?get it while you can!?
and here''s a little teaser for next weeks drop:?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Christmas in July continues into August?
Ho, Ho, Ho! brings to mind cinnamon, spiced mulled wine, a giant Douglas Fir decorated with lights, Christmas carols, a roaring fire, and?spiced mulled vino?shared with friends and family. Perfect for a weekend afternoon in your blow up pool!?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
Bastardmas is our annual THANK YOU to all you wonderful bastards in the world! We are extra appreciative this year and we''re starting a few days early with 15 DAYS OF BASTARDMAS.?
DAY 1 is tomorrow 12/9, but click through below to enter early and enter again tomorrow on IG.?
We''re starting Bastardmas with the scent that started it all (Woodsman) and its rugged yet refined brother (The Man Of The Woods)! Spend some idle time over the holidays learning the early American art from of Skrimshaw with a kit from Molly Jogger and round out your outdoors kit with something fresh from REI.?So many plans were dashed this year but?keep your woodsman spirit alive with this prize pack valued at $600+:
3 Woodsman Beard Oils
3 Man Of The Woods Beard Oils
PLUS a rugged, all-natural oil display
3 Woodsman Beard Balms
3 Woodsman Mustache Waxes?
3 Man Of The Woods Beard Balms
1 Man Of The Woods Cologne
1 Woodsman Cologne
Molly Jogger Skrimshaw Knife Kit
$75 REI Giftcard
1 of all our TBB apparel?
PLUS, THE HATCHET from the Head Bastards personal collection?of cool shit (priceless ??)?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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We''re cranking these bad boys out as fast as we can and we have a few more to release today!? If you miss out today, don''t fret, stay tuned to IG and these emails for our next drop.
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
Congrats to the winner of our giveaway - Chris Davies - this email does not apply to you :)?
For those that didn''t win, its your chance to get Ho, Ho, Ho beard oil now! The Head Bastard is offering this up?at a very special price of $20 as his Christmas in July gift to all you bastards.? Stay tuned to our newsletter and Instagram?for future giveaways.?
For all you Beard Balm lovers: We will release Ho, Ho, Ho! Beard Balm on August 14th, mark your calendars!?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Hello from this wild new world?we live in, I hope all you bastards are staying safe out there and doing your part to flatten the curve. My hometown, Austin, has announced a shelter-in-place order so things will change around here. As the bastard staff is dispersed, social media will slow down, shipping will happen once a week on Friday, and I plan to use this time to go back to the basics. The Bearded Bastard started with a beard oil I made for myself and a few friends, and then a few more friends, and then this community of good ''ol bastards was built. Just know, things?will continue to change, but?we are gonna keep creating you Bastards amazing products?because we all need a little bastard in our lives!
Be the bastard you want to see in the world,
Today we have two new releases in the Palo Santo family, our classic beard oil and everyone''s favorite beard balm. Read more about the history and ritual behind the Palo Santo scent over at the blog.
For those that prefer a bolder scent?and need to have your hair *just right* for the apocalypse, Vetiver Hair Clay is dropping today.
(Speaking of the apocalypse, there are a handful more of the Thieves blend beard oil available)
Don''t forget - Automatic Free Shipping on all US orders over $25 through the end of March PLUS save 25% off orders over $50 today through?Sunday with code STILLSTIRCRAZY.
Good Bets from The Bastard
Naw man, we''re not advocating for gambling, life''s enough?of a gamble! This is where we share some rad stuff from around the web?to help stave off your lockdown boredom. ?Maybe it''s a favorite new show to binge, a dope project, or a dream car we are lusting after. It will evolve with every newsletter, so be sure to scroll all the way down. If you''re a part of a cool project that you want to share with other bastards, email us.?
Wanna play around on some classic synths, click here for some free synth apps.
Local heroes created Austin Takeout Tracker to?promote the local food businesses still at it during CV-19.?If you''re not in Austin but have those code skills get at them and they''ll share their knowledge to help you build one for your fair city.
Anarchy! Socialism! Communism! Get a free?education on alternative social/political systems with these free books from Haymarket Books.
Copyright ? 2019 The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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WTF is an Air Puncher?
Air Puncher is a room spray,?ala Bearded Bastard. Grab?yours now and get your space smelling like grave robbers from 1431 AD, but in a good way.
The Opium Den?scent instantly transports you?to a spice market - what better scent for a hand sanitizer in these times where travel is limited?
We''re making Thieves Hand Sanitizers as fast as we can and we have a new batch for you Bastards this morning.
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Hand Sanitizers
This week we''re dropping some hand sanitizers that GET IT DONE. None of that hippie dippie all natural shit, this is the good germ killing 73% isopropyl alcohol. But of course, it''s a TBB product so you know we''re gonna delight you with some wonderful scents AND include some secret ingredients to keep your hands soft & smooth.?
The Palo Santo family has a new addition with the hand sanitizer. This is a 4oz bottle.?Read more about the history and ritual behind the Palo Santo scent over at the blog.
We''re still partying like its 1413 AD up in here. Thieves, now in a 2 oz hand sanitizer.
We can''t control much in this world, but we can control our mustaches. The best mustache wax out there, now in Thieves scent.
Don''t forget - automatic free shipping on all US orders over $25.
Good Bets from The Bastard
If you''re a part of a cool project that you want to share with other bastards, email us.? is where you can find The Internet Library, some of our favorites are:
Peruse some campy horror cult-films
Travel through space
or do a DEEP dive through hip-hop mixtapes from the 70''s onward.
There is so much more to find in this archive, start here and find your own something exciting.
Copyright ? 2020 The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704
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Hello to all you Bastards from sunny LA! If you keep up with my antics on Instagram you know that I''m taking a sabbatical for my wellness. The Bastard business has been built by me and a few other trusty people along the way - it''s in safe hands with my Pops and the small team back in the office. You''ll be hearing less from me on Insta and more from Stephanie, a dear friend and the current badass in charge. And of course, I''m not gonna leave you Bastards without some goodies; before I departed, I left some recipes for development that will be released soon. As always: Stay Bastard, Stay Bearded & Stay Safe.
Be the bastard you want to see in the world,
Summer has arrived in Austin & the south - an ideal time to add a cologne to your grooming game. Keep one in your car or man bag for a refreshing mid- day spritz and always smell like a fresh mofo.?
May 29th &?June 5th - we''re brewing up some beard balms in some of your favorite new scents
June 19th - an extra special drop we''ve got planned for you. It won''t arrive in time for Father''s Day (6/21), but I think you''ll definitely?want to drop hints to your loved ones that this drop is what you want for Father''s Day.?
Copyright ? 2020?The Bearded Bastard, LLC, All rights reserved.
209 East Ben White Blvd.
Suite 104
Austin, Texas 78704