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For a limited time: Up to 66% off our
most popular drug testing products!
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10123 Carroll Canyon Road, San Diego
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Biggest restock to clearance all year! Including
T-Cup, Saliva Drug Tests, DrugConfirm Advanced and MORE!
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Get great savings for drug tests you are planning on using in the next year. Biggest clearance selection this year, including top brands and regularly used panel configurations. Order while supplies last!
13 Panel T-Cup
Great Value for an Integrated Cup
CLIA-Waived, FDA Approved, and CE Marked
Temperature Strip for Specimen Validity
5 Panel iCup
Flat Panel for Easily Photocopied Results
FDA 510(k) Cleared
Includes Temperature Strip for Specimen Validity
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10123 Carroll Canyon Road, San Diego
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Save 15% off our most popular products,
Sale ends Friday 10/23
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If you missed Prime Day the first time around, here''s another chance:
Hurry! Sale ends Friday 10/23!
Save 15% off your order of DrugConfirm 5 Panel Drug Test Cups, SalivaConfirm 6 Panel Saliva Drug Tests or any clearance product while supplies last!
Use Code: FORME15
DrugConfirmT 5 Panel Drug Test Cups
Exclusive Temperature Strip on the Cup for Specimen Validity
Easy-To-Use Cup with up to 99% Accurate Results in Minutes
CLIA Waived, FDA 510(k) Approved, and CE Marked
SalivaConfirmT 6 Panel Saliva Drug Tests
Exclusive Built in Color Collection Indicator
Exceptionally Hygienic Test that Eliminates Private Collection
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Top brands including T-Cup, SalivaConfirm,
DrugConfirm Advanced and MORE!
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Get great savings for drug tests you are planning on using in the next year. Biggest sale of the year including top brands and regularly used panel configurations. Order while supplies last!
13 Panel T-Cup
Great Value for an Integrated Cup
CLIA-Waived, FDA Approved, and CE Marked
Temperature Strip for Specimen Validity
5 Panel iCup
Flat Panel for Easily Photocopied Results
FDA 510(k) Cleared
Includes Temperature Strip for Specimen Validity
This email was sent to @ by TestCountry
10123 Carroll Canyon Road, San Diego
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