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Tahbilk Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Tahbilk.

  Hello Lucas

Welcome to the Tahbilk Wine Club family, your Membership has been successfully created with the username @

Regarded as one of the visionaries of the Australian wine industry, Great Grandpa Eric Purbrick sent out his first Newsletter in 1971. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that simple act would morph into the Wine Club and grow into the 21st century, and yet here we are!

We love our Wine Club Members and as part of the family now you should know the following:

We owe you!

As our way of saying �It�s a pleasure to have you join us�, we owe you a $25 Wine Credit that you can take off your next purchase. We will advise the details in your �Welcome to the Wine Club� letter that will be posted shortly, so it is important that you have entered a mailing address.
Click HERE if you have not done so.

Your Wine Club Ambassadors.

Should there be a time when a friendly, knowledgeable voice is required your Wine Club Ambassadors are there to assist.

Call Toll Free 1300 TAHBILK (1300 824 245), Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

When will you be hearing from us again?

Every two months you will be sent a copy of the Tahbilk Wine Club Newsletter to keep you up to date with new releases and news from the Winery along with a range of exclusive Wine Club offers.

Every month or so we send our Wine Club Members an email eFlash detailing limited offer extra value specials and information updates.

During the course of the year, you may receive a phone call from us should there be particular offers that we believe would be of interest to you.

You can of course request not to be emailed or called by advising your Wine Club Ambassadors or respond back with that preference at the time of being contacted.

Come & visit!

We don�t want to just love you from afar so it would be wonderful to see you at the Winery some time. As highly regarded wine writer and critic James Halliday said "Tahbilk should be visited at least once by every wine-conscious Australian."

From exploring the Estate�s historical buildings and grounds, to Cellar Door tastings, a stroll along the pathways and boardwalks of our dedicated Wetland�s eco trails, to lunch in the contemporary surrounds of the Tahbilk Cafe � your time at Tahbilk will be easily filled!

  Cellar Door Cafe Eco Trails
Weekdays 9am - 5pm 10am - 4pm 9am - 5pm
Weekends &
Public Holidays
10am - 5pm 10am - 4pm 10am - 5pm

So, welcome again to our Wine Club family and I look forward to you enjoying your time with us and the odd glass or two of our finest along the way as well.

Cheers, Hayley Purbrick Fifth Generation

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  checklist Please confirm your Password Please re-enter your password and confirming password I am over 18 years of age *

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020