This site did not show evidence of storing passwords in plaintext.
This site does allow secured connections (https)
This site did show a clear way to unsubscribe from their emails
This site does verify your email address.
Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to SRNT.
1. Thank you for providing the following details for registration with
Username: Password: $tStuA7977k5! E-mail: @
2. Your registration will be completed by clicking on the following link: Confirm Your Registration Now.
In case you do not see a clickable link or clicking on the link leads you to a blank screen, it might be due to your mail-client settings which receives only plain-text mails or breaks the link into two lines. In such cases, you are requested to copy and paste the full link, starting from http to confirm
in the address field of your web-browser and press Go.
3. The above would complete your registration. But you need to log-in to be able to access the areas reserved for registered users. You can do it directly by taking your mouse over Resources and clicking on Log-in, or simply using the following URL:
You could keep the checkbox for:
Remember my User Name and password on this computer
ticked which would ensure that you do not need to log-in each time you access the website. Of course, your computer should have
cookies enabled
4. IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you remember your log-in name and birthday in case you ever forget your password. We have designed our security system on the assumption that genuine users would not forget these two, and if you provide these two details, your password can be mailed to the address provided.
5. Your password can be changed using the link for Change Password under Resources on the top-bar of the website:
6. We regret that the same e-mail address can not be used for more than one registration. We take these precautions to prevent spamming and misuse and hope you would bear with us.In case of any problems, please send mail to
with regards,
Just in case you did not fill in the registration form and have received this mail in error, please ignore it and no further action is required. If you have received such a mail more than once in error, please let us know so that we can take suitable action against the offenders.