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1/6/2020 9
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business development and strategy for boutique fitness studios
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It's ok if you didn't set your goals for 2020 yet Jon

You're not alone and the world won't end if you don't get to it... I promise ????

... but I want to give you this opportunity to imagine what might happen for you if you did manage to find a couple of hours to work on how you want 2020 to look for you and your business...

Will you:

?? Raise your rates?
?? Work with amazing loyal clients?
?? Hire another teacher?
?? Create a sales process that is seamless?
?? Finally get on top of your marketing so those few open spaces on your schedule can be filled?

...mapping out how and when these things will happen will ensure they actually do (and don't end up at the bottom of the to-do list!)

I put together the Planning Masterclass to help you figure out how you can reach the goals you set for your business.

And, goals don't happen in a vacuum. ????

You have to be strategic about how you go about reaching them because *things* will absolutely get in the way. 

My friend, this is your LAST CHANCE to book a planning masterclass. ????

I won't be offering it again until December 2020.

So, if you're ready to set your intention for this year and make it A.Mazing (like I know it can be) book your session now!

Book your Planning Masterclass HERE

Speak soon!

P.S. What do you WANT from your business in 2020? Let's book a Planning Masterclass and make that your reality! 

Hi there! I'm SERAN GLANFIELD, chief business strategist at Spring Three. I've been helping boutique fitness studio owners and instructors grow successful businesses since 2012. 

Are you looking to get more out of your studio business? More profit and less stress? Then schedule a FREE 30min Intro Call  today and find out how I can help you build the business you want.
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Comment on: 01/09/2020