Dear James Green,
Thank you for creating a Society of Minimally Invasive Spine
Surgery (SMISS) online CME account.
Remember your username and password as they are required to access
your account and to view the course materials and claim your CME
Your SMISS Online SMISS Account will allow you
- Complete Online CME Activities
- Claim CME Credit
- Print CME Certificates
- Update Your Profile As Needed
If you are not a member of SMISS but would like to join and receive
complimentary access to all our online CME activities, click here.
Thank you and welcome!
Nancy Henkel, CMP
Executive Director
Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
301 County Farm Road, Suite L
Wheaton, IL 60187
Ph: 331-218-0780
Fax: 630-682-5811