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Hello , Did you know that fraud cost the UK almost ?190 billion in 2019, with losses increasing by 57% in the past decade? ![]() With recent research revealing that one in five adults under the age of 35 have committed at least one form of fraud, we reveal five ways people could be committing fraud without even knowing it and what businesses can do to keep themselves protected against this illegal activity.
Deshopping Research has shown that one in every 20 adults in the UK has engaged in deshopping. This activity is where buyers purchase items of clothing with the intention of wearing the products before returning them for a full refund.
Money Muling Some see being a money mule as a stress-free, get rich quick scheme. However, the consequences can be devastating. The act of money muling is where a bank account holder allows criminals to use their bank account, in order to make the funds more difficult to trace, in exchange for a share of the money.
Friendly Fraud Friendly fraud, also known as chargeback fraud, happens when consumers make an online purchase and then call their card issuer to request a refund, citing fraud as the reason. The credit card provider refunds the money and the consumer gets to keep the goods, leaving the seller out of pocket.
Opportunistic Fraud Opportunistic fraud is a type of insurance fraud. However, unlike 'crash for cash' or 'ghost broking' schemes, opportunistic fraud isn't premeditated and doesn't involve a huge amount of planning.
To find out more about some of the biggest fraud and money laundering cases in recent times, please visit our blog post below.
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