This site did not show evidence of storing passwords in plaintext.
This site does allow secured connections (https)
This site did show a clear way to unsubscribe from their emails
This site does verify your email address.
Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Shabbat San Diego.
You have successfully registered for Shabbat San Diego.
Please note that this is a general registration and does NOT
include registration for specific events, such as the Challah Baking or Havdalah.
Online registration forms for those events will be sent out separately.
Please remember your email address to access
the site at any time in the future and modify your registration details.
Your registration Information:
Name :
Benjamin Baker
Email :
Phone :
Zip :
You must verify your registration before using the site PLEASE CLICK HERE TO VERIFY YOUR REGISTRATION
or you may paste the URL bellow into your browser: