Hi Levi?
Thank you for
your interest in studying with Southern Cross University.
Use this link
to take you through to the Course Search, from here you''ll be able to refine your search to display courses according to the study area/s you''ve listed. Each course has a comprehensive overview of the program, including information about:
- the course content, availability and location
- course structure
and progression
- major areas of study, subject information
and teaching methods
- professional recognition
- learning support
and resources, and more
Southern Cross
University has a teaching calendar of three equal sessions: Session 1 (commences March), Session 2 (commences July), and Session 3 (commences November). For more information see our
key dates/teaching calendar.
In response to
the spread of COVID-19, Southern Cross University has successfully transitioned all teaching online for Session 1 and will continue to do so for Session 2. At Southern Cross we are here to support you every step of the way, for your wellbeing and academically,
with extra study support, counselling, access and inclusion support or chaplaincy. Workshops, counselling, access and inclusion are all available as online services during this period. Learn more about the
services for students here.
You can apply to study with us via our online application service. Use the button below to apply now.

To find out what
it''s like to study with Southern Cross, take a virtual tour or join us at one of our upcoming
online information sessions.
We also offer
excellent academic student support in-person and online. Click here to read about our self-help study resources,
student appointments, workshops, peer support, study Buddi system, how-to videos, Library tool box, and free premium access to Grammarly. We also offer a student mentoring service called
UniMentor. We understand university is a big commitment that can be challenging and we are here to help you
get through your studies and excel!
Levi, please get
in touch if you have any further questions about studying at Southern Cross. Call us on
1800 626 481 or reply to this email.
Kind regards,
Future Students Team
information provided in this email should be used as a guide only. University courses and fees may be subject to change by the University. This does not constitute an offer. Prospective students must apply and be assessed by the University.
1800 626 481 I W: scu.edu.au I CRICOS Provider: 01241G I Legals
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