Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to re v.
© 222 Kearny St, 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94108 |
November 2019 A Lot to Be Thankful For Real-Time Transcription AND a New Online Voice Recorder Tool?! (the best-in-class speech-to-text speech engine) (which we don't say lightly with its lowest Word Error Rate of ALL of our competition) (including the "Goliaths") (by which we erm... lovingly mean Google, Amazon & Microsoft) has dropped a bomb: Real-Time Transcription and Captioning!
Our Online Voice Recorder No plug-ins. No flash.
Just a browser is all you need to handle yo' business.
App Gets #1 Rank for Small Biz The Rev Call Recorder (iOS only) is slowly becoming the popular kid in the cafeteria (don't worry, though, we won't forget you).
5 Habits of Expert Closed Captioners Step #1: Know your editing formats like the back of your hand.
How to Work in Avid Media Composer So true story: Avid isn't easy. But we've broken down the step-by-step to help you all out!
The tREVia Question Last month's question: How long is the *longest* transcription we’ve ever made?
The answer: 11.23 hours!
The winner: @BrendanRyder with a guess of 10.5 hours. (Seriously everybody, way to go on the guesses!)
This month's question: How many active freelancers does Rev have working with us right now? (Hint: It's a lot) Meet a Revver I once took a Rush project and shortly thereafter, there was an emergency alarm in my building telling us to evacuate because of a gas leak. I quickly grabbed some belongings, including my laptop and rushed out, already trying to think of a way to find an Internet connection so I could finish the project before the fast-approaching deadline. I realized in my haste to leave, I forgot my headphones, so I had to stop at a store to get a new pair, and then I headed over to my son's apartment, where I was able to get Internet and resume working on the project. After "nicely" asking my soon-to-be daughter-in-law to please turn down the volume on the TV, stop the laundry machine noise, and try to make the dog stop barking, I managed to finish the project with very little time to spare. As fate would have it, the job was graded and I received a 5/5. All's well that ends well! — Bari Z.
SERVICES Transcription Captions Subtitles Translation THE APPS Voice Recorder Call Recorder BUSINESS API Enterprise ABOUT Press Careers Blog Contact Email Us: or Call Us: 888-369-0701 222 Kearny St. Suite 800, San Francisco, CA 94108 Wanna go? Break our heart & unsubscribe here. |
November 2019 A Lot to Be Thankful For Real-Time Transcription AND a New Online Voice Recorder Tool?! (the best-in-class speech-to-text speech engine) (which we don't say lightly with its lowest Word Error Rate of ALL of our competition) (including the "Goliaths") (by which we erm... lovingly mean Google, Amazon & Microsoft) has dropped a bomb: Real-Time Transcription and Captioning!
Our Online Voice Recorder No plug-ins. No flash.
Just a browser is all you need to handle yo' business.
App Gets #1 Rank for Small Biz The Rev Call Recorder (iOS only) is slowly becoming the popular kid in the cafeteria (don't worry, though, we won't forget you).
5 Habits of Expert Closed Captioners Step #1: Know your editing formats like the back of your hand.
How to Work in Avid Media Composer So true story: Avid isn't easy. But we've broken down the step-by-step to help you all out!
The tREVia Question Last month's question: How long is the *longest* transcription we’ve ever made?
The answer: 11.23 hours!
The winner: @BrendanRyder with a guess of 10.5 hours. (Seriously everybody, way to go on the guesses!)
This month's question: How many active freelancers does Rev have working with us right now? (Hint: It's a lot) Meet a Revver I once took a Rush project and shortly thereafter, there was an emergency alarm in my building telling us to evacuate because of a gas leak. I quickly grabbed some belongings, including my laptop and rushed out, already trying to think of a way to find an Internet connection so I could finish the project before the fast-approaching deadline. I realized in my haste to leave, I forgot my headphones, so I had to stop at a store to get a new pair, and then I headed over to my son's apartment, where I was able to get Internet and resume working on the project. After "nicely" asking my soon-to-be daughter-in-law to please turn down the volume on the TV, stop the laundry machine noise, and try to make the dog stop barking, I managed to finish the project with very little time to spare. As fate would have it, the job was graded and I received a 5/5. All's well that ends well! — Bari Z.
SERVICES Transcription Captions Subtitles Translation THE APPS Voice Recorder Call Recorder BUSINESS API Enterprise ABOUT Press Careers Blog Contact Email Us: or Call Us: 888-369-0701 222 Kearny St. Suite 800, San Francisco, CA 94108 Wanna go? Break our heart & unsubscribe here. |
Exclusive Webinar Invite: Saving days with effective transcription, a webinar w/ Rev and Sage Intaact
How to drastically recuce your transcription times.
Bust a (Bulk) Move Thanks to YOU ALL, Folders Are Now 5x Better Since unveiling Folders last month (to overwhelming acclaim), we've got a ton of feedback from dedicated Rev customers just like you about what would make the (already-neat) ability to sort and store files even better. Now the next big question...
We want to hear from you! Just reply to this email and we'll add your thoughts! Clearly, we take them very seriously. Stay tuned for more updates next month!
SERVICES Transcription Captions Subtitles Translation THE APPS Voice Recorder Call Recorder BUSINESS API Enterprise ABOUT Press Careers Blog Contact Call Us: 888-369-0701 Email Us: Send Us Pizza: 1717 W. 6th St. Suite 310, Austin, TX 78703 Wanna go? Break our heart & unsubscribe here. |
Good morning, and happy Friday! I noticed that you weren't able to attend our live event on Wednesday, How Sage Intacct Saves 5+ Days Per Quarter with Rev Transcription. But don't fret, you can access the recording here.
I've also included some other resource that you may find valuable below:
Please, Get Them Anything But Us We appreciate the love, but Rev isn't for everybody... This holiday season, there are going to be a lot of companies emailing you to try to sell you on the idea that their product makes for an ideal gift. Just today, a "cure for baldness" (that we refuse to name) cold-emailed us with the subject line "We Wish You a Hairy Christmas."
As for you? Well, of course we got you a few little somethings. SERVICES Transcription Captions Subtitles Translation THE APPS Voice Recorder Call Recorder ABOUT Press Careers Blog Contact Enterprise Call Us: 888-369-0701 Email Us: Send Us Pizza: 1717 W. 6th St. Suite 310, Austin, TX 78703 Wanna go? Break our heart & unsubscribe here. |
April 2020 We Were Out! So yeah, what''s up? Anything important happen while we were gone? You may have noticed we''ve been remarkably silent here in the Rev Email Dept. Well, as it turns out, we had a little Email-let! She joined the Marketing Department a touch early at 6 pounds, 13 ounces. She''s healthy and happy. We''re staying inside. It''s been pretty amazing. And terrifying. But mostly amazing.
For one, we''ve been diverting resources to transcribing coronavirus-related news conferences and more. We have an ever-growing database, totally free right HERE. (Surprising aside: this has been used by nearly every major news outlet on the planet now, like this WaPo reporter, just to show you how helpful transcripts can be). No more paywalls for important info!
We''ll do our best to help, in every way we can. FRIENDLY REMINDER Transcripts Do Real Work Content is having a renaissance. Publishers can''t crank out blogs fast enough. The landscape has changed. Not forever, but for at least the near-future. Right now, readers are consuming written content at never-before-seen levels. Why? Because - like you - they''re home. Perhaps they''re at home - say, holding a sweet baby who wakes up when you play videos at even the lightest volume. Just spitballing here.
Of course, you want to know how to stay relevant in the midst of all this. Our recommendation? Put your video and audio content into written word from.
On the Blog
Zoom Closed Captioning: How to Caption & Subtitle Zoom Meetings and Recordings The popularity of remote meetings, webinars, and video conferencing has led to an incredible rise in popularity of Zoom Video Communications.
How to Add Captions & Subtitles to Panopto Online Course Videos Businesses use Panopto for team meetings, employee training, and corporate communications.
* How to Add Captions and Subtitles to Kaltura Online Course Videos Kaltura is a Saas-based open-source video platform that's useful in creating videos for educational or business purposes.
Tips for Webinars, Virtual Meetings & Video Conferencing During the Pandemic Working from home was always considered a luxury and even a core recruiting benefit for large companies. Now remote work is a near necessity...
* SERVICES Transcription Captions Subtitles Translation THE APPS Voice Recorder Call Recorder ABOUT Press Blog Enterprise Contact Email Us: Call Us: 888-369-0701 Send Us Pizza: 1717 W. 6th St. #310, Austin, TX 78703 Wanna go? Break our heart & unsubscribe here. |
You don't always have time to get to a desktop, download files, upload them, and then send them to us. Who *really* has that kind of time?
Get the Rev App (for Free) Record & Share Unlimited Audio (And It''s Free) You''re busy, right? You don't always have time to get to a desktop, download audio files, upload them, and then send them to us. Come to think of it, who really has that kind of time?
We're exhausted just having written that.
So, we made the Rev Voice Recorder, which allows both iPhone and Android users to record audio with the touch of a button. Then, if you want, you can send your file to us to have it transcribed.
Oh and did we mention it''s free? GET YOURS NOW
April 2020 We Were Out! So yeah, what''s up? Anything important happen while we were gone? You may have noticed we''ve been remarkably silent here in the Rev Email Dept. Well, as it turns out, we had a little Email-let! She joined the Marketing Department a touch early at 6 pounds, 13 ounces. She''s healthy and happy. We''re staying inside. It''s been pretty amazing. And terrifying. But mostly amazing.
For one, we''ve been diverting resources to transcribing coronavirus-related news conferences and more. We have an ever-growing database, totally free right HERE. (Surprising aside: this has been used by nearly every major news outlet on the planet now, like this WaPo reporter, just to show you how helpful transcripts can be). No more paywalls for important info!
We''ll do our best to help, in every way we can. FRIENDLY REMINDER Transcripts Do Real Work Content is having a renaissance. Publishers can''t crank out blogs fast enough. The landscape has changed. Not forever, but for at least the near-future. Right now, readers are consuming written content at never-before-seen levels. Why? Because - like you - they''re home. Perhaps they''re at home - say, holding a sweet baby who wakes up when you play videos at even the lightest volume. Just spitballing here.
Of course, you want to know how to stay relevant in the midst of all this. Our recommendation? Put your video and audio content into written word from.
On the Blog
Zoom Closed Captioning: How to Caption & Subtitle Zoom Meetings and Recordings The popularity of remote meetings, webinars, and video conferencing has led to an incredible rise in popularity of Zoom Video Communications.
How to Add Captions & Subtitles to Panopto Online Course Videos Businesses use Panopto for team meetings, employee training, and corporate communications.
* How to Add Captions and Subtitles to Kaltura Online Course Videos Kaltura is a Saas-based open-source video platform that's useful in creating videos for educational or business purposes.
Tips for Webinars, Virtual Meetings & Video Conferencing During the Pandemic Working from home was always considered a luxury and even a core recruiting benefit for large companies. Now remote work is a near necessity...
* SERVICES Transcription Captions Subtitles Translation THE APPS Voice Recorder Call Recorder ABOUT Press Blog Enterprise Contact Email Us: Call Us: 888-369-0701 Send Us Pizza: 1717 W. 6th St. #310, Austin, TX 78703 Wanna go? Break our heart & unsubscribe here. |
We''ll catch you up on all the amazing stuff we''ve been working on.
Let us show you We''ll catch you up on all the amazing stuff Hello valued Rev customer! SAVE YOUR SPOT
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Rev Believes #BlackLivesMatter As today is Juneteenth, Rev feels like it''s a fitting day to take a moment to address our beliefs in light of the Black Lives Matter movement. You can read our public statement below. READ IT HERE
Call Us: 888-369-0701 Email Us: 1717 W. 6th St. #310, Austin, TX 78703 Wanna go? Hey, totally cool! Unsubscribe by clicking here. |
We''d like to take a moment to address our beliefs as a company.
We''ve made editing your transcription, changing words, and adding notes a breeze.
Get to Know Your Editor For Us, It''s All About The Bells & Whistles We''re not just about making the entire transcript order process seamless, we''re also 100% dedicated to making your post-order life as easy as possible, too! Check out these high-power (highly requested) features that we've built into our transcript editor. We''re sure you''ll find them useful! Sync ?? Our embedded media player times the corresponding video or audio up with your transcript, making it easy to see everything in one place. Not gonna brag, but it''s basically the perfect way to keep a transcript in sync when extracting valuable parts from the text.
Highlight & Strikethrough ?? These two features make it possible to select (or banish) important (or unimportant) details from a transcript with the following simple actions:
Change Speaker Names ?? Did Nate in Finance suddenly prefer to be called Nathaniel? Is it Ricki with an i, and not Ricky? Simply hover over the speaker''s name and click on the edit icon. You can make either changes to a specific name or apply the changes to all the names in the entire transcript. You''re welcome, Nate.
Find & Replace ?? Rev makes it easy to find words in your transcript and then replace them individually or all at once.
Take Notes ?? At some point, you''ll probably want to make notes about your transcript without making any edits to the actual text. To make this easier, we've added a notes box at the right side of every transcript where you (or your team) can do such a thing. Many customers use the notes feature to:
July 2020 You''ve heard of Rev the Movie... But have you heard of Rev the Band?!!! Last month, we had some fun at the expense of "The Canadian Fast & Furious" - AKA the movie with the luck of being named Rev (here''s the email for those who missed it). What we thought was good-natured ribbing from the plucky speech-to-text company you''ve come to know and love... read as PICKING ON to some of you readers.
In fact, one reader went so far as to say: "Do you think you''re punching up, Rev? It''s not a fair fight."
Okay, so, maybe we blindsided the other Rev. T-boned them, as it were. Maybe that wasn''t fair.
Just do it.
Say nothing about us, Speech-to-Text Rev.
As of this moment, Rev (The Irish Band) has 190 followers. We''d like to just give them as much goodwill as possible. Because honestly, they might be the next Cranberries or U2 or B*witched, and we''ll ride that wave all the way to being the second-most-popular Rev on the planet. MAKE ''EM BIGGER THAN
REV THINKS BIG Bias, A.I., and Our First-Ever Go At We''re lucky to have Miguel and Dan at Rev. They''re a pair of genius, foremost speech recognition experts. So, recently, we had them write about one of their passions - bias in speech-to-text A.I. - and it really turned out super-well.
Because we just used this email to promote a trio of Irish girls singing yacht rock, we had to call an audible and published Miguel and Dan''s thoughts on Medium, a website that''s dedicated to thought-provoking stuff just like this.
You can read Miguel and Dan''s "A.I.''s Word of Honor" (a 3-minute read) below. READ MORE HERE
On the Blog
8 Celebrities You Didn't Know Were Deaf or Hard of Hearing Yep, even the one-and-only Stephen Colbert! LIST HERE
Can Closed Captions Actually Improve Literacy? Look! You''re reading right now! Feels good, doesn''t it? STORY HERE
* Check Out Our Amazing Transcript Library We add the most pressing, most important speeches of the day every day to our ever-growing library. CHECK IT OUT HERE
Don''t Forget About Our Resource Hub! We cover just about every question you''d ever have regarding speech-to-text, captions, and more! READ MORE HERE
* Call Us: 888-369-0701 Email Us: Send Us Pizza: 1717 W. 6th St. #310, Austin, TX 78703 Wanna go? Hey, totally cool! Unsubscribe by clicking here. |
Your favorite speech-to-text company is back for it''s one-of-a-kind-in-more-ways-than-one July Newsletter.
ANNOUNCEMENT! Boom! We Just Improved Zoom Introducing Rev Live Captions! To Zoom It May Concern:
Yeah, well, they just got better.
Way better.
So if you''re looking for less moments of "huh?" (and, subsequently, more moments of "huh!"), you''re going to love Rev Live Captions for your meetings, lectures, readings, and however else you use Zoom. It''s amazing stuff! Check it out with your own 7-day free trial now! TRY FOR FREE
SERVICES Transcription Captions Subtitles Rough Draft THE APPS Voice Recorder Call Recorder Online Recorder Zoom Live Captions ABOUT Blog Contact Enterprise Help Center Call Us: 888-369-0701 Email Us: Send Us Pizza: 1717 W. 6th St. #310, Austin, TX 78703 Wanna go? Hey, totally cool! Unsubscribe by clicking here. |
Say hello to the world''s first (and best) live captions for inside the Zoom app!
. Introducing... CONTENT QUEST 2020!
A Choose Your Own Rev-enture! Think you can survive the workday as a journalist, video editor, distribution manager, or podcaster... All while meeting your deadlines, avoiding baddies, and maybe eating a delicious snack or two? We'd love to see you try!
100 - $10 Amazon gift cards 30 - $50 Amazon gift cards 1 - $500 Amazon gift card
Oh and good luck. PLAY NOW
Contest terms and conditions available here. Have fun! Call Us: 888-369-0701
To ensure delivery to your inbox, add to your address book.
There could be an Amazon gift card in it for you.
Squeeze more value from your brilliant audio and video content starting... NOW!
It's Time to Level Up Getting the Most From Your Content Starts Now We transcribe, caption, and even subtitle - all with the goal of making brilliant content just like yours more accessible, more searchable, and ultimately more valuable. PLACE YOUR FIRST ORDER
You're Good at Content - We're Good at This REACH You''ll have more people finding (and enjoying) your stuff. DELIGHT When you meet your customers where they''re at, they tend to appreciate you that much more. MOOLAH Happier customers mean more sweet, sweet cash in your pocket. PLACE YOUR FIRST ORDER
We Follow The Laws of Leveling Up These ancient rules, passed down from generation after generation of Revvers before us, are considered sacred in our culture. BE FAST We have lightning-quick turnarounds. BE ACCURATE We''ll get you exactly where you need to be. BE FAIR Did we mention we''re super-duper affordable? Curious how Rev works? Wondering just how fast, accurate, and affordable we really are? Think we might be a little too confident, a little too sure of ourselves? We welcome your suspicions and look forward to impressing you beyond your wildest dreams. PLACE YOUR FIRST ORDER
Looking for Freelance Work? Well then you''ve accidentally signed up for a customer account! If that''s the case, you''re going to want to click here! We''ll take you off this email list automatically. (It''s for customers so you''ll probably get bored pretty fast).
September 2020 Hold Your Applause!
Yes, We''re Amazing, But So Is Our Company! Here at the Rev Email Department, we've been getting a lot of . let's just say. positive feedback, lately.
This onslaught of goodness has ironically become something of a threat to our job security...
Take what our boss just said to us, for instance: "Our emails are so good, people are going to think we're just this fantastically amazing email company!" Ok so she didn't tell us this. She''s actually kinda cool. (Don''t tell her we said that). But we're paranoid types. We can totally imagine her saying that. In some, like, nightmare scenario.
Ya see, Rev''s a whole thing. And it deserves to be front-and-center.
We''ve Got Tons Upon Tons Of New Stuff!
We also got scrappy in the time of Covid. The email team wrote a Rev commercial, which is acted out and directed by one of Rev's own marketing team (who won''t be with us long, as he is clearly headed to Hollywood!).
So that's it for now! We hope to see you next month, provided we didn't get fired for being too good at our jobs. Oh, and we love you too. ??
Call Us: 888-369-0701
To ensure delivery to your inbox, add to your address book.
We're actually great at speech-to-text, too.
If you''re on the fence about whether or not to use Rev: We''ve got 10 reasons why you should give us a try. (Hint: They''re 10 dollars)
Double or Nothin'' Here''s a $10 Coupon Toward Any Rev Service We usually offer $5 for folks to try us (you may have seen that offer a couple of days ago). The feedback? "Most of our files over over 5 minutes. Can we have just a little more.? So, we''re upping that Lincoln to a Hamilton.
Here''s $10 free for any Rev service.
To claim yours, simply click below (or above), then upload your file as you would normally (or even provide us a link to the appropriate content). Your $10 will come off at checkout. CLAIM YOUR COUPON
June 2020 So yeah... but Rev is our thing... A Modest Proposal To the Folks Who Made the New ''Rev'' Movie So last month was a HUGEEEE one for us here. Among all the other great news, as it turns out, a new major motion picture was released, called Rev.
And it was 100% about us! Or so we thought.
As it turns out, Rev (staring Francesco Filice, opposite Hannah Gordon) is not about speech-to-text. Not at all. Rather disappointingly, it''s about cars. And VROOM. And HEY MY CAR IS FASTER THAN YOURS. and NUH-UH! IT IS NOT! And so forth.
So here''s what we''re offering.
Because we can''t decide between the guy who plays Superman or the guy who plays Thor better encapsulates all that we are.
We''ll pick our favorite answer and send you the above Rev movie DVD box as your trophy.
ANOTHER TEST, ANOTHER VICTORY We Mentioned It Above, But We Still the Best From time to time, we invite prospective customers to put us to a test. The metric we all use is WER or "Word Error Rate." This essentially shows how often the A.I. gets speech wrong in its pursuit of text. The lower the number, the better.
As you can see... in two of three tests, we narrowly beat Google. In another we absolutely smoked ''em all. WORD NERDS
On the Blog
How to Add Captions & Subtitles to the Moodle app Moodle of the most robust e-learning systems in the world. If that''s your industry, we assure you that it''s good to know how to use it for captions! MMM... MOODLE
Grab Your Popcorn, It''s The Rev-commendation Awards for 2020! As you might be able to tell, we''re BIG movie buffs around here. We asked the staff to tell us what movie they really enjoyed, thanks to the inclusion of subtitles. MMM... POPCORN
* Check Out Our Amazing Transcript Library We add the most pressing, most important speeches of the day every day to our ever-growing library. CHECK IT OUT
Don''t Forget About Our Resource Hub! We cover just about every question you''d ever have regarding speech-to-text, captions, and more! READ MORE HERE
* SERVICES Transcription Captions Subtitles Rough Draft THE APPS Voice Recorder Call Recorder Online Recorder ABOUT Blog Contact Enterprise Help Center Call Us: 888-369-0701 Email Us: Send Us Pizza: 1717 W. 6th St. #310, Austin, TX 78703 Wanna go? Hey, totally cool! Unsubscribe by clicking here. |
This Rev June, we''ve got a weird newsletter for you (which we hope you''ve come to expect)
Rough Draft vs. Human Transcription: Which one is best for what you need?
Battle: Humans vs. Robots How Polished Transcripts & Rough Drafts Work In the blue corner, weighing in at roughly 180 pounds... the typist with the nicest... HUMAN TRANSCRIPTION! And in the silver corner, weighing in at 87,000 pounds... lines of code that can''t be slowed, our challenger... ROBOTIC AUTO-TRANSCRIPTION! WHO'S GOT THE EDGE? SPEED Need a Total Knockout Punch in the first round? Well then there''s no contest! Go with our Auto-Transcription, which can return your transcripts, no matter the size, in a matter of mere minutes. ACCURACY While our android hits the mark 80 to 90 percent of the time, if you''re looking to land some seriously accurate blows to your transcript, you''re going to want the human on your side. He''s 99.9% accurate. COST Staying on top with the champ will cost you $1 per recorded minute (hardly Vegas rates). But if you''re looking for a scrappy young upstart who''ll cost you less, Auto-Transcription is only 25 cents per minute. COMPLEXITY Robots are great at doing what they do. But when there''s variance (like many speakers, heavy accents, or sound quality issues), you''re going to want somebody light on their toes: A real human expert. * In the end, this boxing match always comes down to a judge''s decision. And that judge is YOU. What kind of heavyweight you need? When do you need it? If you wanna know more about how to make your final decision, here''s a little bit more info. Or, try it out for yourself by clicking the button below. TRY OUT ROUGH DRAFT
We can get your transcript to you up to 10x quicker...
Built for Speed When You Need It Faster Than Fast Faster, I say! Faster! Need your transcript fast?
Need your transcript ASAP?
Okay. First: deep breathing. Have yourself a nice cup of tea - uncaffeinated, probably- and remember, we''re here for you!
If there ever comes a time you need a transcript quicker than rocket-powered greased lightning, just select Rush during your order and we'll get it to you up to 10x faster. You'll pay a little more, but sacrifice nothing in terms of quality.
How does it work? We''re so glad you asked!
Wanna give Rev''s amazing services the ol'' college try? Here''s a fiver to do just that. Any service of your choosing.
Here's $5 In Credit (Good For Any of Our Services) We''re really confident that if you try us, you''ll love us.
After all, most do.
So, the only thing now is to give you a $5 coupon that applies to any of our services. It''s how we put our theory to the test. Simply click below, then upload your audio or video file as you would normally, and your $5 will come off at checkout.
Give it a try and be pleasantly surprised!
We dig your style Account Created Here's the info we have Name Grayson Allen Log-In @ Account No. 508395948 Something not look right? Click here to change it, boss.
Already forgot your password? Hey, it happens to the best of us. You can reset it to this email by starting here. Email us at Phone us at 888-369-0701 (9 AM to 9 PM EST)
SERVICES Transcription Captions Subtitles Translation THE APPS Voice Recorder Call Recorder BUSINESS API Enterprise ABOUT Press Careers Blog
Call: 888-369-0701 Email: 222 Kearny St, 8th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94108 ?, 2020 |
August 2020 Today, Rev Turns 10! It''s no 1996, but we''ll take it Not to date ourselves (but to... uh... totally date ourselves to those of you who are good at math), 1996 was the year some of us here at Rev turned 10. And it was the best year of our lives. We started 5th grade. Nintendo''s N64 came out. I mean, it was a strong showing. Even if you weren''t into Mario Kart. But c''mon.
The Rev Lipreading Challenge! Is he saying?:
B) "This is when I run the mile without a truly fast captain."
Just kidding! None of those are right. Clearly you have no idea what Danny from our marketing team is saying! Why? Because if you''re like the overwhelming preponderance of people: You''re terrible at lipreading. And virtual meetings. But mostly lipreading.
Update from our newsletter last month: Hall and Oates - yes, THE Hall and Oates - actually reached out to Rev the band and shared the cover of their song. Sorry if you''re out of the loop on this one! On the blog Let''s Fight Zoom Fatigue Together! We''re all there. But there''s a better way to stay engaged.
Making the Most of Kids'' Screentime It''s a sneaky way to get kids to read. And we''re all about sneaky ways to inspire reading.
Meet a Revver, Now in Video She''s a fantastic person - and a Revver, too. Coincidence? We think not! MEET KATHLEEN
The Top eLearning Trends of 2020 There''s been a lot of change, as you might imagine.
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Wish us a happy birthday on Twitter, why don''t ya?
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