Yesterday you requested your discount code and as our gift we also provided you a link to download our latest version of our Radar Detector Buyers Guide.
In our 78-page guide I go into great detail on how to select the best radar detector and/or laser jammer that is just right for you based upon your driving habits and your budget.
We realize that going through such an in-depth guide can be time consuming so because of this we wanted to give you a recap what is important when selecting your detector and/or laser jammer.
Performance & Filtering
The two most important features you should consider when selecting your radar detector are performance and filtering.
Today many police agencies are trading in their old radar guns for new battery operated digital radar guns.
These new digital guns transmit a lot less power and calculate your speed using a 12-inch travel distance rather then a 10 or 15 car length distance used by the older guns.
Because of this, most of the radar detectors that are being sold today will not alert to these new guns until you�re within target range of the officer.
Another important factor you should consider is the filtering abilities of your detector.
Many new cars that are being sold today come equipped with adaptive cruise control sensors, which transmits in the same K-band radar segment that police use.
Because of this many detectors are rendered useless because of their inability to filter these false alerts out.
Digital Signal Processing to the Rescue!
Because of this all the major radar detector manufactures began integrating a new technology called digital signal processing (DSP) into their detectors a number of years ago,
Basically this digital technology looks for the DNA signature of a real police radar gun, while filtering out most of the back ground noise.
The result is a detector that can detect these new battery operated digital radar guns at a greater distance, while also filtering out most of those pesky false alerts.
We believe the best detectors incorporate GPS capabilities in their designs and so we prioritize our rankings accordingly.
RadarBusters' Current Top Radar Detector Picks.
#1 ��Escort Max 360c�is Escort's top-of-the-line radar detector featuring dual antennas, directional arrows, its own internal GPS Defender database and bluetooth for pairing to Escort Live!, WIFI connectivity for in-vehicle hot spots, and quick release magnetic mounting bracket.
#2 ��Cobra DualPro 360�is a high-end fully digital radar detector featuring dual antennas, directional arrows, its own internal GPS database, exceptional sensitivity and nearly all of the same bells and whistles of the Escort Max 360c, but for $200 less!� It's by far the best value in high-end radar detectors.
#3 ���Uniden R7�is Uniden's top-of-the-line radar detector featuring dual antennas, directional arrows, its own internal GPS database, exceptional sensitivity, multaradar detection, great filtering, with the largest display screen of any radar detector.
#4 ��Uniden R3�offers extreme performance, advanced filtering, integration of Uniden's new DSP technology along it�s own internal GPS photo-enforcement database, at an good price print.
#5 ��Radenso XP�is a GPS enabled detector and rated for both a city and highway detector as it has over 8 times the capture distance of a police radar gun. �It offers some of the very best filtering of K-band collision avoidance systems, can be Ka-band segmented for maximum performance, has some advanced filtering options, and is priced extremely well.
#6 ��Escort Redline EX�is Escort's top-of-the-line�undetectable�radar detector featuring dual front facing, antennas, extreme performance, its own internal GPS Defender database and bluetooth for pairing to Escort Live!�
#7 � Escort iXc�is Escort's high performance�GPS enabled detector and rated both a city and highway detector as it has approximately 8 times the capture distance of a police radar gun. The Escort iXc improves on the original iX in almost every way, including increased sensitivity.
#8 ��Radenso SP�is rated for both a city and highway detector as it has over 8 times the capture distance of a police radar gun. �It offers some of the very best filtering of K-band collision avoidance systems, can be Ka-band segmented for maximum performance, and like the XP has advanced filtering configuration, and is priced especially well for those not requiring GPS functions.� At $199, it's one of the best values out there.
#9 ��Radenso Pro M�is the smallest extreme performance radar detector available with GPS and is rated for both a city and highway detector as it has over 8 times the capture distance of a police radar gun. It has very good filtering of K-band collision avoidance systems and a host of other configuration options to tailor this detector to your liking.� The Pro M now features special circuitry to detect international radar including MRCD/MRCT/Gatso making the Pro M especially suited for Canada and Europe as well as the U.S.
#10 ��Whistler CR97�is Whistler's highest performing GPS radar detector to date,� It features noticeable increases in sensitivity over the previous CR95 model.� It's currently the least expensive GPS radar detector out there.
#11 - Adaptiv TPX Pro�- is a radar detector designed especially for riders of motorcycles.� It has large backlit buttons that allow for easy use even when wearing gloves.� It is also weather proof and can be easily mounted to your bike.
Save up to 10% NOW
You can save up to 10% on most of the radar detectors listed in our list now by adding the detector to your shopping cart and entering the following discount code (note: codes do not apply to items already on sale):�
����������������������������� ��������������������������� radarroy-vip �
(*Discounts do not apply to detectors which are already on sale or are discounted)
Price Match Guarantee
Also remember, If you find any authorized dealer selling any of the products we have listed on Radarbusters selling at a lower price send us their link or call us and if we can, we'll match it and in some cases even beat it!
Industry Leading Technical Support
Have questions about a new purchase or need help with an existing one? �We are here to provide expert assistance that is second to none.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Also if you aren�t 100% satisfied, and we mean even 1% unhappy, We want you to immediately return it. We mean it; we don�t want your money. we value our relationship and our reputation more than a few hundred bucks. So please, try the product for 30 days (even though you will get everything in 5 days, We are giving you 25 more days to be completely sure and be utterly satisfied) we won�t settle for anything less!
If you have any comments and/or questions you�re welcome to contact us direct, 24/7 by using our email address of or call us during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm MST.