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Plus, teacher gifts, school accountability and more...
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Parent eBulletin
Hi Jayden,
As the countdown to the holidays begins, we hear a lot of discussion about teacher gifts - what's appropriate, appreciated or expected. If you're unsure what to give, take a look at our 'teacher approved' ideas for showing your appreciation.
Also in this issue: the 'rocket man' who's hobby is helping to bring a school community together; our friends at charity Maths on Toast share ideas for creating a positive family attitude towards maths; ahead of the general election next week, we take a look at what the main political parties are saying about education and more...
Happy reading!
The Parentkind team
Gifts that bring joy
If you'd like to say 'thank you' to a teacher at the end of term, but you're not sure what's the done thing, rest assured there's no need for a grand gesture. Here's our guide to gifts that make teachers feel special.
Gift guide
Learn through play
As the end of term draws near, we can all start to feel a bit jaded. So why not add a bit of seasonal sparkle to your child's learning with fun family games that encourage development through play.
Read blog
Seasonal stories
Finding time to keep up regular reading habits with your children during the school holidays can be tricky. We've picked six Christmas-themed stories, big on festive cheer for the whole family to enjoy.
Book list
What are the three main parties saying about education?
With the general election less than a week away, the manifestos are out � but what are the main political parties pledging on education? We've put together the highlights from each of the main political parties� promises on schools and education, as well as other issues affecting parents.
Read article
RSE in Wales: we've shared your views
Thank you to all the parents in Wales who shared their views on changes to Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and Relationship Education (RE). Here's a summary of what you told us. Your views helped us respond as an organisation to add parent voice to the debate.
Survey results
Dad's hobby is a big hit at school
When 'rocket man' Richard's son started primary school, little did he know that his love of engineering would help to inspire so many school children!
Top tips
Creating a positive attitude to maths
Family maths charity Maths on Toast tell us why doing maths activities together is the basis of creating a positive, can-do and resilient attitude to maths.
Read blog
What influences parenting styles?
Our friends at My Name Tags asked parents across Europe about their parenting styles. Their blog reveals some of the influences, similarities and differences.
Find out more
Annual Parent Survey -
school accountability
Our latest research shows that despite three quarters (76%) of parents wanting to have a say on a range of issues at school level, only a fifth (18%) of parents of children in local authority maintained schools strongly agree that their school listens to them. In standalone academy schools this drops to less than one in ten (8%)
Read report
Parentkind 39 Shipbourne Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 3DS T: 0300 123 54 60 Charity registration number 1072833
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DfE update, period poverty, Number Day and more.
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Parent eBulletin
Hi Jayden,
We hope your kids settled quickly back into the school routine this year - if your New Year's resolution to be more organised is beginning to feel like a distant memory, our private parent blog may ring a few bells!
Also in this update:
Apprenticeship guidance, top tips for being a tech savvy parent, games that support maths, the Department for Education's new funding allocation tool, revised curriculum for Wales guidance, our Northern Ireland Relationships and Sexuality Education update event and more...
Happy reading!
The Parentkind team
Being prepared
Lofty ambitions have a habit of crumbling against the reality of the morning alarm clock. No matter how long you've had good intentions for being better-prepared, there's never enough time to get ahead when you're a parent.
Read blog
It's national apprenticeship week! If your teen is thinking about applying for an apprenticeship, take a look at the parent pack from Amazing Apprenticeships,
and our apprenticeship options guidance.
DfE funding tool
The Department for Education is making it easier for parents and teachers to see how much additional funding their local school has been allocated next year through the schools National Funding Formula.
Find school
Relationships & Sexuality Education update event in NI
Last month we organised a briefing by CCEA (Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment) on Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) for the All Party Working Group � Parental Participation in Education.
Full update
Revised Curriculum for Wales published
Wales Education Minister Kirsty Williams has announced the publication of the revised Curriculum for Wales guidance.
The Minister said �I would like to thank practitioners for their commitment over the last three years in drafting this guidance."
Read more
NSPCC Number Day 2020
Since it launched 20 years ago, over 3,500 schools have got involved with Number Day. Whatever your child's school is doing, why not carry on the fun with a games night?
Maths games
Tackling period poverty at school
Friends of Regent House School (FORH) in Northern Ireland explain how they have successfully addressed period poverty in their school over the last school year.
Read blog
Are you a tech savvy parent?
It's safer internet day on 11th Feb and once again orgainsations will join forces to work "Together for a better internet". Read our tips for keeping your kids safe online.
Top tips
Huge rise in number of school based counsellors
The National Association of Head Teachers' (NAHT) new survey with children's mental health charity Place2Be shows a huge rise in the number of school-based counsellors, as schools try to make up for the lack of children�s mental health care.
Read report
Parentkind 39 Shipbourne Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 3DS T: 0300 123 54 60 Charity registration number 1072833
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FREE webinar with The Reading Agency, Be School Ready...
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Parent eBulletin
Hello Jayden
Are you looking forward to a bit of normality during the holidays and a break from the pandemic home learning routine? We''ve got some ideas to help you weave a bit of learning into your holiday activities, and we''ll be hosting a free webinar with The Reading Agency next week, where you can pick up expert tips for reading together as a family.
Also in this issue: last chance to take our survey on schools opening, sun safety, relationships education, Be School Ready, and more...
Have a lovely weekend!
The Parentkind Team
2020 Summer Reading Challenge
Join the Silly Squad for this year''s Summer Reading Challenge - it''s a great way to share and talk about books as a family and celebrate your child's reading achievements.
Join the fun
Inspire your kids to read for pleasure
Join us for a free webinar with The Reading Agency. Hear from an expert panel why reading for pleasure matters, and learn fun ways to get your kids reading this summer.
Register now
Slip, slop, splat, slide, shade!
With the weather hotting up again, Christina Driver, ambassador for national skin cancer charity, Skcin shares some handy tips on how to keep your family safe in the sun.
Read blog
Should there be social distancing in schools?
Last call to take our survey. We''d like to know how you''ve been getting on with supporting your child''s learning at home, and how you feel about the guidance for schools reopening, whether your children are already back or are due to return at the start of the next school year.
Have your say!
Get ready for primary school
If you or someone you know has a child starting primary school in September, take a look at the Be School Ready pages on our website, packed with information, tips and resources to help you get off to a successful start. And in our new blog, self-confessed worrier, Mike, tells us how he''s feeling about his daughter starting school.
Be School Ready
Prepare for secondary school
Saying goodbye to primary school is an emotional time for children and parents too. It''s the end of an era. Our Be School Ready pages have lots of tips and ideas for positive beginnings. Secondary school head of year Lauren shares her advice for helping your child prepare for successful start, and mum Sarah talks about moving on.
Tips and ideas
Fitness and fun for rural community
Florencecourt Primary School serves a rural community of farming families. Teacher and mum Tara, tells us how parents are making time time for fitness and fun.
Read blog
Relationships education focus
A new study shows more than four in five parents would back a new ''post-pandemic'' focus on relationships education when children return to school.
Read more
Government supports helpline
Great news for parents in Wales - the Welsh government has announced funding to support Family Lives to provide Welsh language helpline advice.
Visit website
Thank you teachers!
The last few terms have been challenging for children, parents and teachers alike, so as this final term draws to an end, we have a few suggestions for end-of-term gift ideas.
Gift ideas
Summer holiday activities
If a staycation is on the cards for your family this summer, check out our parents'' hub and blog for activities and ideas that will keep young brains busy until September!
Boredom busters
Parentkind 39 Shipbourne Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 3DS T: 0300 123 54 60 Charity registration number 1072833
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Plus ideas for days in, parent concerns revealed and more
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Parent eBulletin
Dear Jayden,
At this difficult time, taking care of family is the most important thing for us all, so it's wonderful to see so many communities also coming together to support each other.
Since the start of this crisis, we have been in regular contact with the Government and policy makers about the concerns parents have raised with us over school closures and the impact on exams. You'll find regular updates posted to our Facebook page and on Twitter @Parentkind.
Like many of you, our team are now working from home and finding their feet with their children's home learning. Over the coming weeks and months we'll continue to bring you resources, tips and helpful information to help make supporting your children a little easier.
You'll also have the opportunity to take part in our short surveys, telling us about your concerns so we can continue to amplify parent voice in the media and to Government.
On behalf of everyone at Parentkind, I wish you all well.
John Jolly
Chief Executive
Parents worry about the impact of coronavirus
Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey asking what impact the coronavirus pandemic is having on families with school age children. This uniquely worrying time has raised many challenges for parents. Take a look at the findings of our survey.
Survey findings
Latest Government guidance
Bookmark our news pages to stay updated with the latest education related coronavirus guidance coming from Government officials in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Teacher tips for juggling priorities
Chris, a primary school teacher from Cambridge - who is also working from home with his wife and 2 young children - shares his tips for juggling priorities and finding some balance.
Read blog
''How to'' videos from NI teachers
As many parents ask ''how do we replace teaching in the classroom?'' Some schools and teachers in NI have created bitesize videos to help parents support learning at home.
Watch now
Free online learning resources
There are lots of fantastic learning resources available online that can help you support your children with their continued learning (including some that are normally paid for). We''ve pulled them together for you and sorted by learning stage/subject, and we''re updating the list regularly.
Free resources
National Literacy Trust reading tips
Fiona Evans from the National Literacy Trust explores some of the ways families can support their child's reading at home, as the charity launches its brand new Family Zone.
Read blog
25 fun days in for the Easter holidays
During the Easter break, children will of course be disappointed that days out and holidays are on hold, so we''ve put together some ideas for days in you can all look forward to.
Read blog
YoungMinds support and advice
YoungMinds have lots of information for young people and tips that you can go through with your child if they're finding things difficult at the moment.
Top tips
Oftsted consultation response
Thank you to the parents who took part in our survey on changes to Ofsted''s complaints handling process. We hope that Ofsted takes on board the feedback from parents and makes changes accordingly.
Read response
Help build our community
If you''ve found this eBulletin helpful, please forward it to your friends, they can sign up here. And for the latest news articles, blogs and resources join our Facebook community - like us
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Parentkind 39 Shipbourne Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 3DS T: 0300 123 54 60 Charity registration number 1072833
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Half-term activities plus support and advice from parents, teachers and other experts.
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Parent eBulletin
Dear Jayden,
We hope you''re keeping well and managing to juggle all the many jobs and responsibilities that come with being parent: home learning monitor, emotional support, fitness coach, personal chef, the list goes on...
In this eBulletin you''ll find the results of our second survey on the impact of school closures on parents with school age children, sources of support for parents, ideas for letting loose over half-term, blogs from parents and teachers, expert advice for parents working in frontline jobs and much more.
Stay safe!
The Parentkind Team
1/4 of a million parents have their say on school''s reopening
A staggering 257,392 parents responded to our survey on the impact of school closures on families - thank you if you were one of them. We have provided feedback to UK governments that many parents may not yet feel it''s safe for their children to return to the classroom. Read the results of our survey and our feedback to government.
Find out more
Adoption UK calls for emotional and learning support
We''re supporting Adoption UK''s petition calling for the UK governments in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to provide extra funding and resources to help schools support those children who will struggle the most when they re-open, and put mental health and wellbeing at the forefront of transition planning.
Read petition
Play and have fun this half term
If it''s half term for your kids next week, take a look at our ideas for days in and days out. We hope they''ll give you that holiday feeling while you''re staying at home or staying alert / social distancing!
Read blog
Home learning: we''re in it together
As schools and families come together to support children''s learning; a P7 teacher, pupil and parent from Our Lady's Primary School in Belfast share how they've been making it work.
Read blog
Free resources, support and advice
There''s lots of new and useful information available to help parents manage family and work life and support learning at home. We''ve put together a list of websites we think are worth checking out.
Take a look
Be School Ready is back!
Supporting parents with children starting primary and secondary school is more important than ever this year and Be School Ready is here to help! You''ll find lots of tips, ideas and resources and we''ll be adding more blogs from teachers, parents and other experts over the coming months.
Find out more
The month our world changed
Ellie from Child Poverty Action Group, talks about the challenges of self-isolation, school closures and working from home - "we've focused on having fun where we can."
Read blog
Ask the experts: parents'' wellbeing
Professor Ch?rie Amour shares her expert guidance for parents working in frontline jobs. Listen to her advice on how you can support your psychological wellbeing.
Watch video
We''ve got the power in us!
Teachers and families at Towcester Primary have been keeping each other's spirits up by creating music videos and sharing them among the school community.
Success story
Wales: Education Minister''s ''thoughts'' on return to school
The Welsh Government has published a document setting out how it''s considering the next phase for schools in response to Covid-19. Kirsty Williams, has described the working document as "setting out our current thinking".
Read more
Northern Ireland: Peter Weir talks about the transfer test
In our recent survey, 10.5% of parents in NI were concerned about the transfer test, so we asked the Education Minister could he give the parents any update and also what advice would he give parents supporting learning from home. Find out what he said.
Watch video
Parentkind 39 Shipbourne Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 3DS T: 0300 123 54 60 Charity registration number 1072833
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Have your say in our new parents'' survey!
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Membership no:
Parent voice
Dear Jayden,
Following announcements last month on the reopening of schools in Wales and Northern Ireland, Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, has today set out government plans on how schools in England will open for all children in September.
If you want parent voice to be part of the national conversation on education; to make sure you are heard; and to raise your concerns, please complete our new survey. We''d like you to tell us about your experiences of supporting your child''s schooling over the last few months and your views on the plans for schools fully reopening, including:
what your recent experience of supporting your child's home-learning has been like
how you feel your government has handled the crisis
what concerns remain as your child's school prepares to welcome back more pupils.
Take the survey now
Because the experiences of school closures for parents of children with SEN/SEND may be different to those of other parents, we''re running a separate SEN/SEND survey alongside our main survey. You can answer one or both surveys, for one or more children.
Take the SEN/SEND survey
Parent voice needs to be heard on this important matter, so please share our survey with your family and friends. Back in May, an incredible 257,000+ parents responded to our survey on the impact of coronavirus on education, enabling us to push your opinions to the top of the national news agenda (you may have seen it reported on BBC news). With your help we can do it again!
Thank you for your support,
John Jolly
CEO - Parentkind
Parentkind 39 Shipbourne Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 3DS T: 0300 123 54 60 Charity registration number 1072833
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