Hi Joseph,
It has been a busy few weeks for us at Prismic. Busy enough that we thought that it was worth making sure that you knew about it.
Over the last few weeks we have launched a new project and launched a new feature, so this newsletter is packed with information that we don't think that you should miss.
So let's get started.
You probably haven't missed it, but we launched a new last month that we are really excited about.
If you pay any attention to the emails that I send you or to our social media then you won't have missed it, but just in case you have, here's a quick overview.
At Prismic, we've long been big believers in the idea that website building is easier and faster if you approach your website as individual sections. That's a big part of the reason why we developed the Slices feature and this project is our way of taking Slices to the next level.
With Slice Machine, you will get a tool that helps you to improve your component workflow and management and access to open-source component libraries that you can use as a resource or as inspiration.
I won't get into all of the finer details, but it is worth reading Hugo's article and paying a visit to the Slice Machine website.
For developers and designers this is the first step towards building a tool that will significantly improve how you build websites using a component-based approach.
For content creators, marketers, or just about anyone less technical that is involved in website content and page creation it will increase the power and versatility of our Slices feature and make it even easier to quickly create unique pages and content.
The project was developed with help from Nuxt and Netlify, but we are already working on supporting other frameworks and technologies. We are currently focusing on Next and Gatsby, although this is an open-source project and we are hoping that the community will become heavily involved in the future of the project.
If you would like to contribute to this project then the best place to start is by going to our forum. That's where we want the community to discuss and engage with each other and that's the first place where we will be sharing all of our latest updates.
You could even start by reading our latest updates on our progress for Next.js support and an update on what we will be working on over the next couple of weeks.
OK. I'm pretty sure that I've removed all of my notes and reminders, so I'm safe to move on to the next topic.
Speaking of safely pushing something live, our new development environments feature will create a clone of your production environment so that you can safely test out new features, updates, and changes to your website without putting your live content at risk.
Once the feature is activated on your repo, you will be able to make as many clones of your existing repo as you want to (well, depending on your plan) and make any changes that you want in a separate environment in which you know there won't be any unexpected consequences.
But we haven't created this feature just so that you can play around with different versions of your website. We've also made it so that you can easily replace your production environment with the new version once you are happy with the updates in the new environment.
As a CMS, we know that one of the biggest ways that we can help you is by removing any stress or risk from your content management. Development environments are another step towards easing many of these concerns and this feature compliments what we already offer with Slices and Releases.
Releases will still be your most useful feature for content updates, even mass content updates, but environments will significantly improve your experience when you are making large design changes to your website.
You can read more about this feature in our latest announcement, but it is worth keeping in mind that this feature is only available to users on Platinum Plans.
Having just mentioned pricing, now seems like a good opportunity to send another reminder about the fact that we are about to begin enforcing our CDN limits.
For the longest time, we tried to avoid billing any of our users for CDN consumption and had a fair-use policy that we thought would be sufficient for almost any use case.
It turns out that we were wrong.
Most of you stay well within these limits and this limit is unlikely to affect you, but there are a few of you out there who have been consuming bandwidth like it was an unlimited resource.
I guess this update means that it sort of is?
Anyway, our CDN soft limits remain the following:
- All developer plans have a usage limit of 100GB
- Medium plans have a 500GB limit
- Platinum plans have a 1TB limit
- Enterprise pans have a 3TB limit
This is a soft limit. That means that you will not have your website shut down if you become really popular all of a sudden.
Maybe you start a marble racing league and you just put yourself on one of our developer plans to get your website up and running.
Maybe the idea really takes off and you suddenly have millions of visitors on a daily basis desperate for the latest races and results.
We won't shut your website down. We will send you a warning when you are at 80% of your consumption limit, another warning when you are at 100% of your consumption limit, and then we will start billing you based on every GB that you go over your limit.
The overage usage charge is $100 per TB, but we will bill you on a GB basis and you can, of course, upgrade your plan so that you increase your limit.
Our prices remain very fair and competitive even in instances where these limits are enforced.
So, don't worry, we won't be shutting your marble racing league down, but we will be asking for a bit more money and, maybe, some tips on who you think will win the next few races.
And that brings me on to my final topic.
Many of you will no doubt remember the marble races that I have just alluded to and that I mentioned in our last newsletter.
The idea was a hit. The feedback that I got was incredible. I really began to believe that I was onto the next big thing.
I emptied my savings account and bought of all the equipment I needed to run the best marble racing league that the internet had ever seen.
And then John Oliver came around and crushed my dreams.
Shortly after my last newsletter, he decided to plug a rival league in his show. Many might argue that this was a pure coincidence, but I can't believe.
Hanlon''s razor tells you to never attribute malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
The only logical conclusion is that John Oliver is reading this newsletter and using me as an uncredited source of content show.
So, John, I'm coming for you. I've sifted through the addresses on this mailing list and I have yet to find john.oliver@hbo.com. I can only assume that you are wise enough to sign up under an alias, but I will find you.
So, to most of you, I hope that you have enjoyed these updates and that you test Slice Machine and our new features.
To John Oliver.I'll be watching.
Have a nice weekend,