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Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to preserveproducts.

You''re still on the move - whether that's at school, on a hike or at the office. The difference is that now, more than ever, you're bringing your own food. 

Preserve is here to help you build your to-go collection so that you have what you need - for entire meals or a for quick snack to stash in your bag.
Take 40% off Preserve food storage, now through September 7th.
Use code TOGO40 at check out.
While single use may often be necessary during these times, we are glad to report that reuse is also alive and well. UPSTREAM, a non-profit dedicated to promoting reuse systems has published a guide on the safety of reuse during COVID-19 and Greenpeace has promoted a statement backed by experts in the fields of medicine and public health (among others), concluding that when managed well, reuse systems are a safe alternative during the pandemic.  

Eric, Preserve CEO, recently joined a panel hosted by Fill It Forward. With others in industry and an epidemiologist, the webinar panel talked about the future of reusables (hint. it looks good!) We are hopeful that as the word gets out, decisions can be made to create new reuse programs with well-planned processes and systems, that we can all feel good about.
What do you do when there's no more cafeteria? Enter. Preserve2Go
As schools grapple with how to provide lunches for students amid social distancing and small cohorts, how do you feed kids when it has to be at their desks? While many schools in Massachusetts (where Preserve is based) are still finalizing their plans for school reopening, the Preserve2Go has presented a solution for in-classroom dining, as it allows meals to be delivered in a contained, and sanitary way, directly to desks.

Preserve2Go is also showing promise as a great solution for companies, in which corporate cafeterias are serving food in the new Grab & Go format. Want to learn more about how Preserve2Go could serve your school or workplace?
PURCHASE FOR SCHOOL OR WORK (one case or more)
Deal with Donation
For this month's deal with donation, we are supporting Daily Table, a Boston-based nonprofit grocery store that helps communities make great food choices by offering healthy food that is convenient and affordable. Daily Table was already doing unprecedent things before the COVID-19 pandemic. And since March, they've increased the wages of their staff, most of whom come from the communities they serve, increased their cleaning protocols, and are about to offer smart phone apps for online ordering and free local delivery. 15% of proceeds from this sale will go to support Daily Table. 
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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020