Hello Daniel,
I am writing to you in response to your
PMA membership inquiry on our PMA website.
I have attached above and linked below just a few of the many benefits and valuable content that PMA has to offer our Floral Members.
- 2020
Produce and Floral Environmental Scan Report
- Floral
Pantone Webinar
- Fresh Connections Miami
Fresh Connections Miami will be held on May 20 and 21st ,2020
in Miami. This year we are hosting the first ever Floral breeders showcase, where breeders and growers can have intimate and
insightful conversations with retail floral buyers. Truly an event that will change mass market floral industry conversations forever. Again, we will host the popular Floral Buyers Round Tables (“Speed Dating” for Floral grower buyer introductions”)
Registration for both these events will take place after the 1st of the year.
- Fresh Connections Floral Anaheim:
Will be held on June 4, 2020 in Anaheim, CA. This is will be one day of floral educational with plenty of networking time also held in conjunction with our Floral Buyers Roundtable event-
(“Speed Dating” for Floral grower buyer introductions”)
- Fresh Summit in Anaheim, CA:
As you know was held Thursday, October 17-Saturday, October 19, 2019: Our
floral marketplace
on the show floor had over 140 floral exhibitors over 400 floral buyers from more that 68 supermarket chains and e-commerce retail floral companies.
- This is a conference with 1 day of education including well-known inspiring speakers and 2 days for the exposition. This year’s
speakers include Cathy Burns, PMA’s CEO on the State of the Industry, Robert Herjavec, ABC’s Shark Tank and Queen Latifah, Actress and Entrepreneur. Check out the
list of buyers that typically
attended Fresh Summit. Fresh Summit show floor plan
(Floral Marketplace is on the left side of show floor shaded in green) This years Floral Marketplace was Sold Out and had a waiting list in 2019. We will begin registration for Dallas 2020 on November 19th.
- Membership Directory: as a member of PMA, your
Jetty Flowers Team would have access to the membership directory as well as our Member Concierge Jill LeBrasseur who would be able to help to connect you with other members and benefits that will help you and Jetty Flowers grow.
I will be happy to set up a call to discuss.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or feedback about PMA Floral Membership.
My Best,
From: Sara B. Diaz <sbdiaz@costafarms.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 11:47 AM
To: Laura D. Rivell <LRivell@pma.com>; Juan Villegas <juvillegas@costafarms.com>
Cc: Becky Roberts <BRoberts@pma.com>
Subject: RE: Costa Farms and PMA Floral Membership Renewal-
Hi Laura,
Thank you for following up. I would like to learn more about this membership renewal and what does it include?
Can you send me more information or can we schedule a call?
Sara Barreiro Diaz
Senior Manager, Creative & Innovation

O: 305-247-5135 C: 305-321-1852
21800 SW 162nd Avenue | Miami, FL 33170

From: Laura D. Rivell <LRivell@pma.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 11:37 AM
To: Damarys Mora <dmora@costafarms.com>; Juan Villegas
<juvillegas@costafarms.com>; Sara B. Diaz <sbdiaz@costafarms.com>
Cc: Becky Roberts <BRoberts@pma.com>; Jennifer Campa
Subject: Costa Farms and PMA Floral Membership Renewal-
Hello Damarys, Juan and Sara,
We have been trying to contact you to let you know that your PMA Floral membership expired on October 1st. We don’t want to loose Costa Farms or
have you miss out on all of the PMA value and benefit listed in the email below.
Additionally, we would love to have a Costa Farms representative back on the PMA Floral Council!
Being on the floral council offers many benefits one of which is the opportunity to network with industry peers and retailers.
The list below represents the retailers that currently sit on the Floral Council.
Big Y Foods
Food Lion
Giant Martins- Ahold USA
Jewel Osco
Longo Brothers
Stop and Shop- Ahold USA
Topco Associates LLC
Save Mart
Whole Foods
Please let us know if you wish to continue your PMA Floral Membership and maintain your Floral Council Seat.
My Regards,
From: Laura D. Rivell
Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 3:38 PM
To: jcampa@costafarms.com
Cc: Becky Roberts <BRoberts@pma.com>
Subject: PMA Floral Membership Renewal- Costa Farms
Hello Jennifer,
We know that there have been some changes at Costa Farms over the last few months and you have changed roles. Is
there someone who has taken your role as key contact for PMA? We understand that there are things that can get overlooked at busy times.
We are writing
let you know that your PMA floral membership expired on
October 1, 2019. We hope that Costa Farms
will continue on as a PMA Floral Member and Champion for the Industry. You will find a copy of your membership invoice attached for your convenience.
We don’t
want Costa Farms to miss out
on the valuable benefits that your PMA floral membership
provides. PMA is all about providing you and your company with connections
to the global floral
supply chain
Don’t miss out on the
floral specific information on our website
and data needed to grow your business.
PMA also provides holiday specific performance information, Only available to our members.
Valentine Day Survey,
Easter Survey
and Mother’s Day Survey
- Over 30 supermarket floral buyers responded to our survey representing over 20,000 supermarkets. Overall, it was great news for most supermarkets for the three holidays this year. Majority of supermarkets saw increases in floral sales. The executive summary
and full detail results from the surveys are now available to help identify opportunities and start to address any challenges as you begin planning for the holidays in 2020.
Just a few more examples of your PMA Floral Membership Value:
- Fresh Connections Miami
Fresh Connections Miami will be held on May 20 and 21st 2020 in Miami. This year we are hosting the first ever breeders showcase where breeders and grower can have intimate
and insightful conversations with retail floral buyers.
- Fresh Connections Floral Anaheim:
Will be held on June 11, 2020 in Anaheim, CA.
- Fresh Summit in Anaheim, CA:
Thursday, October 17-Saturday, October 19, 2019: Even bigger
floral marketplace
on the show floor with over 140 floral exhibitors over 110 floral buyers from more that 55 supermarket chains and e-commerce retail floral companies.
- This is a conference with 1 day of education including well-known inspiring speakers and 2 days for the exposition. This year’s
speakers include Cathy Burns, PMA’s CEO on the State of the Industry, Robert Herjavec, ABC’s Shark Tank and Queen Latifah, Actress and Entrepreneur. Check out the
list of buyers that typically
attends Fresh Summit. From the live Fresh Summit show floor plan
(Floral Marketplace is on the left side of show floor shaded in green) you can see the Floral Marketplace is currently SOLD OUT.
- Membership Directory: as a member of PMA, your
company would have access to the membership directory as well as our Member Concierge Jill LeBrasseur who would be able to help to connect you with other members and benefits that will help you and your company grow.
Let me know if I can help with your Floral membership renewal.
Best Regards,

Laura D. Rivell
Global Membership Manager-Floral
Produce Marketing Association
PO Box 6036, Newark, DE 19714
direct: +1 (302) 607-2161 | fax: +1 (302) 731-2409 |
pma.com |
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