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? Working/Studying Remotely? Boost Your Results with Plunkett Research Online Working from home can be a fun change, a distraction, or both. But your new relaxed dress code doesn't make finding relevant information any easier. Plunkett Research has got you covered! The Plunkett Research Online user interface makes it simple, fast and easy to find the accurate, up-to-the-minute industry and business data you need, whether you're working on an investment plan, a case study, a marketing plan or a class assignment. If you're a business owner or a job seeker, you'll also find our data to be perfect for remote use! Our market research, analytics and benchmarks in databases, industry almanacs or special reports will make sure you get the most out of working from home. We have a superb proprietary knowledge set and significant industry expertise for you to benefit from. With access to Plunkett Research, your work from home is greatly enabled. And, our Plunkett Research Online system is perfectly designed to make you efficient and effective when working from home. Students: Our market research, industry analytics and statistics are available online and are way more stimulating than your Zoom lecture. Our databases, industry almanacs and special reports will make sure that you achieve everything you want out of your semester. Analysts, Executives, Business Owners: Just log into Plunkett Research Online through your physical or electronic library. You'll have the latest in market research, industry analytics and statistics to keep you ahead of the competition. Job Seekers, Local Government Officials: Log into Plunkett Research Online through the electronic databases section at your public library or state library. Plunkett includes comprehensive tools for job seekers on all levels. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. |
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? Environmentalists Campaign for a Greener Chemical Industry Concern for the environment is nothing new, yet decisions affecting the chemical sector are making headlines. Microsoft curtailed its use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), also known as vinyl, for computer packaging products. Other companies cutting their use of PVC include Wal-Mart Stores and Kaiser Permanente. Another potentially harmful chemical is bisphenol-a, or BPA. Some animal studies have linked BPA to hormonal changes. The Canadian government was the first to declare it toxic, resulting in a number of Canada's retailers, including Wal-Mart Canada, banning food-related containers such as baby bottles, sipping cups and other plastic holders made with BPA. Concerns are also increasing about plastic waste in such products as bottled water. In response, bottlers such as PepsiCo are using less plastic in their packaging. PepsiCo's Aquafina brand is being sold in bottles that are about 20% less in weight. The U.S. division of Nestl? SA first lightened its plastic bottles as early as 2007, while Coca-Cola continues to produce lighter and lighter bottles for its Dasani brand. Coca-Cola also increased its distribution of several soft drink brands in eight-ounce glass bottles in response to concerns about toxins in plastic bottles. While environmentalists are seeing positive results from years of hard work, the chemical industry is feeling the repercussions. The scientific findings that indicate PVC has dangerous chemicals within it threatens a $55 billion industry. Efforts within the EU to increase product testing to curb the production and importation of hazardous chemicals has countries outside of the block concerned such requirements place a heavy burden on non-EU businesses. For everything you need to know about the global Green Technology sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Global Demand for Plastics Will Soar Over the Long Term Full coverage of the Chemicals Industry: Just published-our 2021 edition. Order now! While the Coronavirus lessened demand for many types of industrial products, global activity in the energy efficiency, construction, automotive, health care and housing markets will give a boost to the plastics segment over the very long term. Global plastics production topped 468 million tons per year in 2019, according to Plunkett Research estimates. While currently slow economies in much of the world will dampen demand for plastics, the long-term outlook for this market is very positive. Packaging remains the largest use for plastics by far, closely followed by building materials/products and automotive. The regions with the largest plastics production include China, the EU and North America. Within the EU, approximately 1.5 million people work in the plastics industry. The biggest boon to the plastics market is the booming production from shale oil discoveries along the Gulf Coast in the U.S. For everything you need to know about the global Chemicals, Coatings & Plastics Industry sector, see: ??Order the Chemicals, Coatings & Plastics Industry Almanac 2021 here ?? Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Virtual Worlds Provide Revenue for Games Publishers Gaming has created entirely new ways of making money. Multi-player games (known as massively multiplayer online role-playing games or MMORPGs) have sparked a market in which players buy and sell in-game currency, character boosting online items and even online personas known as avatars. Gamers looking to cash in are finding ways to buy and sell virtual assets for real currency. It is not uncommon for an avid game player to spend $200 or $300 monthly on game avatars and accessories. SwapMob, a social trading network for free games based in Michigan, offers an item-trading platform that crosses a wide variety of different games. Users can sell an item to another user in one game and have the proceeds sent to the seller in a different game, automatically converted into the correct game currency. The practice of virtual world commerce raises some sticky questions, however, about the true ownership of cyber-assets. Some game companies maintain that all currency, points, avatars and other assets are their property and not that of its players. Others disagree. As greater and greater sums are being made from virtual asset brokerage, the question becomes more important. Is a game company liable to its players for their cyber-assets, should it discontinue the game or alter its rules? For everything you need to know about the global Games, Apps & Social Media Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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All You Need to Know About Covid's Impact on the Outsourcing & Offshoring Industry Plunkett Research now provides complete coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries, via both our industry almanacs and our Plunkett Research Online system. Due to the Coronavirus, disruption occurred in many of the world's major supply chains, from automotive components to building supplies to medical supplies. Additionally, the apparel industry has been one of the hardest hit of all industries, and apparel firms ranging from apparel manufacturing through distribution and retailing were deeply effected. Overall, Coronavirus has resulted in a reduction in international trade and exports, with a related reduction in outsourced and offshored manufacturing. One way companies have tried to mitigate this problem is through reshoring. Many firms developed an increased interest in manufacturing domestically, or at least closer to home. For example, some American firms developed a new interest in moving at least some manufacturing back to the U.S. or to nearby Mexico. This reshoring effect will be particularly strong in goods and technologies that are considered to be critical in nature, ranging from items that are vital to providing health care during future pandemics (such as masks and other protective gear), to chemicals vital to the pharmaceuticals industry, to highly specialized electronics and components, to goods that are critical to national defense. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Both our Plunkett Research Online and our 2021 Industry Almanacs feature coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries. Our research reports and online subscription service are used by the world''s top corporations, consultants, universities, libraries and government agencies. For everything you need to know about the global Outsourcing & Offshoring sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Supercomputing Hits 148.6 Petaflops/IBM's Watson Expands Commercial Applications for Big Data The quest for the world's fastest, most powerful supercomputer has become a new frontier for computer engineering, computer science and national rivalry. By late 2019, China was estimated to have 227 such machines, compared to just 118 in the United States. What the US lacks in numbers, it makes up for in speed with three of the five fastest supercomputers on Earth. Sitting at the top is the Summit at the DOE/SC/Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the U.S. reaching 148.6 petaflops. While it is easy to dismiss such computing quests as vanity projects, hi-level IT teams understand the need to work on new, advanced systems in order to avoid falling behind in areas where strong computing matters most, such as simulating complex systems like weather, and biotechnology projects like protein folding. Simulation capability is vital for national security (for example, where simulations take the place of underground testing for weapons of mass destruction) and the advancement of basic science. IBM, which developed a computer called "Watson" that achieved fame when it beat all human contestants on the Jeopardy! television game show, is also working to make complex computing services easily available. Watson quickly evolved to the point that it offers cloud-based computational services, such as image recognition, and text-to-speech generation, delivered over the internet. IBM is supporting several advanced, Watson-based services available via its Watson business unit. These are essentially artificial intelligence (AI) software services that can be of vital assistance in projects involving big data/data mining, speech recognition, pattern recognition and "reasoning" in a vaguely human-like manner. The firm states that thousands of software developers worldwide are taking advantage of Watson's capabilities. Some efforts are as simple as e-commerce firms attempting to boost their sales. More advanced applications include medical research at MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Mayo Clinic, as well as investment and banking tools. Government and corporate customers alike will benefit from this race. While aerospace and biotech firms want supercomputing power for breakthrough research, government agencies benefit from supercomputers for a wide variety of needs. Additionally, major manufacturers in such areas as automobiles and health imaging equipment see supercomputers as a tool for improved product engineering and faster time-to-market. For everything you need to know about the global Engineering & Research Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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The Future: Pervasive Computing and Complete Mobility Will Be Standard The continued enhancement of smartphones has ushered in a decline in the need for the desktop PC, while the reasonably portable laptop PC has likewise been diminished in importance. In fact, smartphones with larger screens are taking over more and more of the functions and tasks previously assigned to laptops. Mobility, miniaturization, fast wireless connections, easy access to data, software-as-a-service, and entertainment via apps and the cloud, as well as long-lasting batteries, reign supreme in this trend. This relentless drive toward miniaturization will have a profound effect on the way we interact with computing devices over the long-term. Rooms and automobiles that react to a person when he or she enters the car, home or office will become standard. Cars that use Bluetooth to connect automatically to a driver''s smartphone are an important start in that direction. Wearable, personal sensors are quickly growing in sophistication. The so-called smart watch is evolving to the point that it is a convenient alternative to looking at a smartphone's screen for many uses. Devices featuring augmented reality and virtual reality will become standard in training and education for very detailed tasks (such as hospital operating room procedures), as well as for gaming and entertainment. This is another outcome of highly-miniaturized, highly-advanced wearable devices. The technology age of the near future may be referred to as the "Connected Devices Age" or perhaps the "Pervasive Computing Age," as the Internet of Things comes into being. That is, computing devices will surround us at all times in all places, largely interconnected and communicating with both the user and the environment around the user. For everything you need to know about the global Internet of Things (IoT) & Data Analytics sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Everyone in business has heard the old adage, better, faster, cheaper. But how are you actually going to get that idea from words to actions? With Plunkett Research, you have access to the best industry reference data and analytics at the best subscription prices available anywhere! The bottom line: you'll get the data you need and save a considerable amount on your yearly budget. A 1-year subscription to Plunkett Research gives you access to over 100,000 industry statistics, 500 industries analyzed for market size, profits and forecasts, 25,000 companies profiled, ranked and analyzed and 1,000 vital trends analyzed. But wait, there's more! Depending on your subscription level, you'll also have access to our incredible Build-a-Report tool and exclusive downloadable content. In addition to our online subscriptions to Plunkett's industry data, we offer printed and ebook editions of industry-specific almanacs, updated each year. The almanacs typically run 400 to 700 pages each, depending on the industry. These are excellent industry reference tools that summarize the vast amount of industry-specific data that is found in our online service. Online or in your hands, Plunkett Research is the tool you need! Our analysis can lead you to discover ways to differentiate from your competition. You already knew you need it better, faster, cheaper, now you know you need Plunkett Research to make it happen. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, artificial intelligence, retailing, entertainment, energy, sharing economy and information technology. Only Plunkett Research Online takes you directly to industry-specific research portals for the most important business sectors, from aerospace to e-commerce to biotech to sports. Plunkett Research Online is your source for market research, industry analysis and company profiles 24/7 via the internet. Now, more than ever before, our user tools and innovative data make Plunkett Research your go-to place for industry analysis, business trends and statistics. |
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Technology and the Internet Enable Virtual Schools, Ranging from Virtual Public Charter Schools to Online Universities The use of online classes has accelerated dramatically during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Schools and institutions that had online programs already up and running were far ahead of the game, managing to continue classes on a remote basis. Here is a look at some of the programs that were ahead of the game. Virtual Charter and K-12 Schools: Distance learning was not limited to college-level classes before the pandemic. A small number of charters schools were entirely virtual, with students learning online, typically from home. One of the most significant aspects of such schools is that students typically learned in a self-paced manner. Unfortunately, an intense 2015 study of 166 virtual, online-only charters published by CREDO, the Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford University, found that students attending these schools had, on average, slightly lower academic growth in reading and in math than traditional school students. Alternative Universities: The Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute is part of an attempt to build a non-traditional university with Ivy League standards. Minerva's hope is to build valuable relationships and a true community among students by eventually building dorms in major cities around the world. Elsewhere, The University of the People is a tuition-free, four-year university that operates as a nonprofit. By early 2019, the program had achieved accreditation by the Distance Education and Training Council. Students pay a small application fee, but the fee may be waived for students with low incomes. For everything you need to know about the global Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Restaurants with No Seats The preponderance of restaurant meal delivery apps and services are fueling a new concept in restaurants: those with no seats for customers. In fact, customers aren't allowed in. These kitchen-only establishments do not have the overhead that comes with seating areas, waitstaff, signage, high-traffic real estate and related costs. Their locations may be virtually unknown to consumers, relying on out-of-the-way, low-cost buildings. Instead, the kitchen cooks orders taken by app and needs only a central pickup counter or window where interactions with delivery runners take place. Delivery service Grubhub invested $1 million in Green Summit Group, a startup in Chicago, Illinois, to build a central kitchen which produces dishes for nine different "virtual restaurants." Each appears as a separate establishment with unique menus, but is prepared in the same kitchen by the same staff. Cloud Kitchens ( is a provider of shared kitchen spaces to support delivery-only restaurants. It is backed by Travis Kalanick, founder of Uber Technologies, Inc. Kitchen United ( offers a similar service, with kitchens in Chicago, Illinois; Pasadena, California; and Scottdale, Arizona as of early 2020, with plans to expand in Austin, Texas. In the U.K. and the EU, food delivery firm Deliveroo had 30 shared kitchens in several countries as of mid-2019. For everything you need to know about the global Restaurant, Hotel & Hospitality sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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? Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Is Replacing Human Workers Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a category of software that operates in a "robotic" manner to repeatedly complete basic tasks that might otherwise have been done by human workers. Examples include editing electronic files or forms and checking them for completeness or accuracy. This technology is being widely applied to back-office tasks in such departments as human resources, insurance claims and expense reimbursement. RPA has very broad implications for many types of office work. IPSoft, Inc., an automation software company, developed a white-collar robot named Amelia that is used for help desk, customer service and a variety of other call-desk operations. The unit speaks 20 languages and has the appearance of a young, blonde blue-eyed woman. Allstate Insurance Co. uses Amelia to handle 82% of its in-house IT service desk requests. The company's 350 call-center employees use it to help them solve customer inquiries faster and more efficiently. Amelia averages more than 250,000 customer calls per month. The net result of the growing use of RPA will be a significant reduction of human employees. This will be particularly true in call centers and other BPO (business process outsourcing) centers. For everything you need to know about the global Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Consulting to Governments/U.S. Federal and State Consulting Contracts Historically, U.S. governments at local, state and federal levels have provided lucrative major consulting contracts. Government at all levels has large needs for consulting in IT, security, human resources and other areas. In 2019, Leidos, Inc. ranked first in government consulting contracts granted. In fact, all four top spots went to companies traditionally in the aerospace and defense sector that have now expanded into government consulting. While the scope of consulting opportunities with the federal government is obviously immense, budget constraints can clearly reduce the size of consulting funds available from time to time. Such contracts are generally for consulting and services in information technology (including cybersecurity), defense (including anti-terrorism), telecommunications, professional services and engineering. Note that the largest awards each year go to firms that are predominantly defense or aerospace contractors. The Trump administration has increased military spending overall, which has created growth in related consulting projects. In any event, future U.S. government and military budgets will be subject to extreme debate and negotiation in Congress. The Coronavirus pandemic had the result of lowering tax revenues for state and local governments, reducing the amount of money available for consulting projects For everything you need to know about the global Consulting Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Private Label Brands Grow in Share of Total Store Sales Discount stores and a number of other retailers are offering more and more products that are private label. Instead of being limited to selling branded products from major manufacturers like Procter & Gamble, growing numbers of stores are contracting for the manufacture of store-branded merchandise. Such is the case with Wal-Mart and its Ol' Roy dog food or the Sam's Choice products found in its Sam's Club stores. One-half of the goods sold at Target and Kroger stores are now privately branded, and Costco's Kirkland Signature brand is on everything from cookware to paper goods to food items. Sales of private-label items are generally growing at a faster rate than those of name brands. Overall, private-label sales in the U.S. (in supermarkets, drug stores, mass-market merchandisers and club and dollar stores) reached $129 billion in 2018, up 4.4% from 2017. In supermarkets during 2018, store brand sales rose 0.5% to $59.8 billion over 2017. Even is getting into private labels. Amazon launched a line of house brand items called Amazon Elements. Initial products included diapers and baby wipes. Diapers have long been a very high-volume item for Amazon. The Elements line is designed to appeal to eco-conscious and quality-conscious consumers. The firm provides very deep product origin information, such as where and when each item was made and the sources of ingredients. Amazon has also developed a line of electronic accessories called AmazonBasics, which includes chargers. For everything you need to know about the global Advertising & Branding sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Plunkett's Build-a-Report tool (included with all Plunkett Research Online subscriptions), just a few clicks of the mouse are all you need to create a custom Industry Guide in PDF format. You can then use your Industry Guide in meetings, presentations and classrooms. Professors can share them via Blackboard. In addition, they are perfect for building your knowledge prior to an interview or sales meeting. As part of the Plunkett Research Online system, our unique Build-A-Report feature can include your choice of industry trends, industry statistics, profiles of top companies and industry glossaries. And since it's part of Plunkett Research Online, you have access to industry analysis and market research for all vital industry sectors, ranging from biotech to sports to retail, health care, infotech and aerospace. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, artificial intelligence, retailing, entertainment, energy, sharing economy and information technology. Only Plunkett Research Online takes you directly to industry-specific research portals for the most important business sectors, from aerospace to e-commerce to biotech to sports. Plunkett Research Online is your source for market research, industry analysis and company profiles 24/7 via the internet. Now, more than ever before, our user tools and innovative data make Plunkett Research your go-to place for industry analysis, business trends and statistics. Librarians, if you need a Plunkett Research Online free trial, please email: ? |
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Remodeling Market Is Strong Many homeowners are remodeling in order to increase energy efficiency, while others capitalized on tax credits for new appliances and other energy saving improvements. Yet another reason Americans are remodeling is to add space for live-in relatives such as grown children or aging parents. The strong market for both new construction and remodeling of existing homes can be clearly seen in the financial results of home improvement chains Home Depot and Lowe's. Remodeling skyrocketed during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020, as some people following stay-at-home orders caught up on long-desired projects and others added dedicated work-at-home space. Many cost-conscious consumers are in do-it-yourself (DIY) mode. In particular, younger homeowners are keen on DIY. One interesting result is that the short-term rental of construction tools and equipment has grown. As America's Baby Boomers age, investments in remodeling for easier access for seniors will boom. Features such as wider doors for wheelchair access, firm handholds in bathrooms and better kitchen accessibility will be a focus. "Universal Design," a concept that focuses on ease of use by residents of limited physical ability, will grow. For everything you need to know about the global Real Estate & Construction Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Need Market Research? 10 Reasons why you should turn to Plunkett Research, Ltd: For custom research projects, please email with a brief description of your needs, 1. Think of us as your market research partner-we will design and execute your custom For complete information on our Industry Almanacs, see: |
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FedEx, UPS & DHL Compete in Global Shipping and Logistics/ Begins to Fulfill its Own Shipping Needs The parcel delivery business is one of the most competitive in the world, with a small handful of companies battling for market share. Within the U.S., FedEx's and UPS's dominance has been facing growing competition from regional carriers. Regional services can often ship packages faster than FedEx or UPS within their territory, with prices sometimes lower by 20% or more. Small ground carriers such as Eastern Connection Operating, Inc., LaserShip, Inc. and OnTrac are undercutting prices and offering a viable alternative for some instances of express delivery. In the international market, competition among package delivery providers is even more fierce. Outside domestic borders, UPS and FedEx are confronted with a number of leading foreign companies, first and foremost being DHL Worldwide Express, which is owned by German company Deutsche Post AG. Amongst this ongoing fray for shipping dominance, Amazon has entered the ring. Amazon is developing its own network to provide significant logistics services and perhaps handle more of its long-distance shipping in Amazon-owned or Amazon-leased equipment. The company already offers services called "Fulfillment by Amazon" that provides services such as warehousing, packing and shipment forwarding for merchants that sell products on the Amazon e-commerce platform. A related service called Dragon Boat expanded into a global delivery network to handle the supply chain of goods from Indian and Chinese factories through Amazon facilities to end-customers. In 2018, the company launched its Amazon Shipping service. Initially, Amazon Shipping is serving third-party merchants that sell their wares through Amazon websites. By early 2019, Amazon Shipping service had expanded beyond its test markets in London and Los Angeles. Eventually, Amazon Shipping may be offered to a wide variety of shippers, such as merchants that participate in the Amazon Marketplace. If so, this ecommerce giant faces stiff competition from FedEx and UPS, which daily deliver 15 million and 21 million packages respectively. Amazon's ability to innovate and its willingness to make bold investments in the past make its entry into the parcel delivery business a development worth watching. For everything you need to know about the global Transportation, Supply Chain & Logistics sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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? Millions Working as Temps or in "Gig" or Sharing Economy Careers Many major firms, both large and small, are using temporary workers to fill short-term needs, thereby cutting overall employment costs, since temps usually do not receive extensive benefits, bonuses or training. In addition to employees who are placed in temporary jobs by agencies, there are millions of people employed as "independent contractors" and "contract workers." A major development boosting this trend is the "gig economy" or "sharing economy," including companies like the ride service Uber. It now has hundreds of thousands of contract workers. The largest temporary help agencies tend to have vast global operations. Adecco is a Swiss staffing firm with extensive operations in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere, employing hundreds of thousands of people. Manpower, based in the U.S., does a major part of its business in dozens of nations worldwide. Kelly Services places massive numbers of people in jobs each year on a worldwide basis. Demand for temporary workers slows dramatically during economic downturns. The use of temps enables employers to increase the workforce quickly when orders from customers increase, and reduce the workforce rapidly when sales decrease. Temporary workers are also an extremely efficient way to meet needs for one-time projects, fill the slots of permanent employees who are on leave and screen potential candidates for full-time positions by first hiring them on a temporary basis. Some Americans prefer to work as temporary employees, feeling that this gives them more flexibility in their working lives. Unfortunately, however, many people who end up working in temporary positions would greatly prefer to be employed full-time. Many of these workers have significant experience as well as college degrees. A large percentage of temps work in professional specialties, such as law, finance, engineering or accounting. Also, the number of information technology temps has increased dramatically in the past several years. For everything you need to know about Mid-Size American Employers from Plunkett Research, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Global Demand for Plastics Will Soar Over the Long Term Full coverage of the Chemicals Industry: Just published-our 2021 edition. Order now! While the Coronavirus lessened demand for many types of industrial products, global activity in the energy efficiency, construction, automotive, health care and housing markets will give a boost to the plastics segment over the very long term. Global plastics production topped 468 million tons per year in 2019, according to Plunkett Research estimates. While currently slow economies in much of the world will dampen demand for plastics, the long-term outlook for this market is very positive. Packaging remains the largest use for plastics by far, closely followed by building materials/products and automotive. The regions with the largest plastics production include China, the EU and North America. Within the EU, approximately 1.5 million people work in the plastics industry. The biggest boon to the plastics market is the booming production from shale oil discoveries along the Gulf Coast in the U.S. For everything you need to know about the global Chemicals, Coatings & Plastics Industry sector, see: ??Order the Chemicals, Coatings & Plastics Industry Almanac 2021 here ?? Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Technology and the Internet Enable Virtual Schools, Ranging from Virtual Public Charter Schools to Online Universities The use of online classes has accelerated dramatically during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Schools and institutions that had online programs already up and running were far ahead of the game, managing to continue classes on a remote basis. Here is a look at some of the programs that were ahead of the game. Virtual Charter and K-12 Schools: Distance learning was not limited to college-level classes before the pandemic. A small number of charters schools were entirely virtual, with students learning online, typically from home. One of the most significant aspects of such schools is that students typically learned in a self-paced manner. Unfortunately, an intense 2015 study of 166 virtual, online-only charters published by CREDO, the Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford University, found that students attending these schools had, on average, slightly lower academic growth in reading and in math than traditional school students. Alternative Universities: The Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute is part of an attempt to build a non-traditional university with Ivy League standards. Minerva's hope is to build valuable relationships and a true community among students by eventually building dorms in major cities around the world. Elsewhere, The University of the People is a tuition-free, four-year university that operates as a nonprofit. By early 2019, the program had achieved accreditation by the Distance Education and Training Council. Students pay a small application fee, but the fee may be waived for students with low incomes. For everything you need to know about the global Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Smartphones and Financial Technology (FinTech) Enable New Mobile Payment Methods A wide variety of services, technologies and strategies are now competing with conventional cash and credit cards for consumers' payment needs. Payment via smartphone is fostered by the fact a vast number of consumers are already managing their banking and investment accounts on their phones, keeping tabs on account balances and making transfers as needed. Smartphones are being used by merchants and service companies as credit card readers, thanks to technology from companies like Square. The technology is a boon for small businesses that previously worked only on a cash or check basis. Digital wallets are apps that enable smartphones to be used to pay for goods and services by waving the phones across readers at checkout counters. Users link a bank account or bank card to their digital wallet and funds are removed from the linked account. Google, Apple, and Samsung make some of the most widely used digital wallets, but numerous mid-sized to smaller providers operate around the globe. While Americans were slow to adopt mobile payment technology, in China the potential of the mobile payment market is staggering. Social media giant Alibaba's Alipay mobile payment system holds a major share of the Chinese market. A number of other contenders are attempting to challenge Alipay's hold, notably major gaming and social media firm Tencent's Tenpay. WeChat, a multi-service platform in China that has more than 1 billion users, offers a number of simple payment apps accepted by individuals and businesses throughout the country. For everything you need to know about the global Wireless, Wi-Fi, RFID & Cellular Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Plunkett's Build-a-Report tool (included with all Plunkett Research Online subscriptions), just a few clicks of the mouse are all you need to create a custom Industry Guide in PDF format. You can then use your Industry Guide in meetings, presentations and classrooms. Professors can share them via Blackboard. In addition, they are perfect for building your knowledge prior to an interview or sales meeting. As part of the Plunkett Research Online system, our unique Build-A-Report feature can include your choice of industry trends, industry statistics, profiles of top companies and industry glossaries. And since it's part of Plunkett Research Online, you have access to industry analysis and market research for all vital industry sectors, ranging from biotech to sports to retail, health care, infotech and aerospace. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, artificial intelligence, retailing, entertainment, energy, sharing economy and information technology. Only Plunkett Research Online takes you directly to industry-specific research portals for the most important business sectors, from aerospace to e-commerce to biotech to sports. Plunkett Research Online is your source for market research, industry analysis and company profiles 24/7 via the internet. Now, more than ever before, our user tools and innovative data make Plunkett Research your go-to place for industry analysis, business trends and statistics. Librarians, if you need a Plunkett Research Online free trial, please email: ? |
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All You Need to Know About Covid's Impact on the Travel Industry Full coverage of the Travel Industry: Just published-our 2021 edition. Order now! Plunkett Research now provides complete coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries, via both our industry almanacs and our Plunkett Research Online system. The Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has decimated the airline, hotel and travel industry, including all of the many sectors that serve it, such as online booking sites, caterers and convention centers. The United Nations World Tourism Office (UNWTO) estimated that the travel industry incurred revenue shortfalls of $320 billion during the first five months of 2020, and that the shortfall could increase to a total in the range of $910 billion to $1.2 trillion for the entire year. This put more than 120 million jobs at risk. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), global airlines are expected to lose a collective $84 billion in 2020. Airline passenger volumes dropped 95% in April 2020. Airline companies are drastically reducing total numbers of flights and retiring older aircraft and A number of airlines declared bankruptcy in the early months of 2020. Companies are curtailing business travel almost completely, as significant numbers of employees are working from home and meetings are happening virtually. This lack of business travel has a painful effect on related sectors, such as meeting planners, convention centers, restaurants, airport operators and car rental firms. The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) reported short falls in the U.S. of more than $46 billion in room revenue during the first five months of the pandemic. This does not take into account lost revenue from banquets, weddings, trade shows and similar services. The pandemic also caused a near-total shutdown of the global cruise industry. Virtually every cruise ship in the world was sitting at anchor, empty of passengers as of Spring 2020. On the plus side, road trips became a focus for many vacationers. Many people now prefer driving their own vehicles to a nearby beach or mountain destination. Likewise, many people in the United States took to camping for self-contained vacationing in the great outdoors. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Both our Plunkett Research Online and our 2021 Industry Almanacs feature coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries. Our research reports and online subscription service are used by the world''s top corporations, consultants, universities, libraries and government agencies. For everything you need to know about the global Airline, Hotel & Travel sector, see: ??Order the Airline, Hotel & Travel Industry Almanac 2021 here ?? Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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? Market for CBD Is on the Rise CBD oil products are taking off in the US at an impressive pace and gaining a lot of attention. Even with their popularity some confusion does exist as to what exactly CBD oil is. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of more than a hundred phytocannabinoids naturally occurring in the resinous flower of cannabis. CBD does not have the same psychoactivity as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD extracted from marijuana remains a Schedule I Controlled Substance, and is not approved as a prescription drug, dietary supplement or allowed for interstate commerce in the U.S. CBD derived from hemp (with 0.3% THC or lower) was delisted as a federally schedule substance by the 2018 Farm Bill. CBD cab be supplied for consumption in various forms: CBD Oil containing only CBD as the active ingredient (with no THC), a full-plant hemp extract oil, capsules, dried cannabis or as a prescription liquid. Clinical research on CBD has included preliminary studies of anxiety, cognition, movement disorders and pain, as well as for epilepsy. The 2018 delisting of cannabidiol (CBD) as a controlled substance by the U.S. government has helped to create potential for a growing market for a number of CBD products. Similar delistings or legalization of CBD and marijuana in the past few years in Canada and in other European countries has created a situation with great potential for the production and distribution of CBD oil and other CBD products internationally. CBD does not have the psychoactive effects of marijuana, as it contains only trace amounts of THC, which is a powerful agent found in large quantities in marijuana. CBD is thought by some people to have anti-inflammatory and calming effects, on both people and pets. While the CBD market in the U.S. looks set to continue to rise, some caution should be taken when evaluating the potential: many of the purported health benefits of CBD oil are not clinically proven, and the FDA is likely to order some firms to cease making unproven health claims. As of 2019, the FDA had approved an anti-seizure drug called Epidolex, which contains CBD. Formal clinical trials are underway studying the potential effectiveness of CBD for a wide variety of conditions, with a particular focus on epilepsy. The completion of such trials and formal FDA approval of related drugs typically requires several years. In the U.S., market estimates on CBD oil products vary. For 2017, when CBD oil was only available in states that had legalized marijuana, Hemp Business Journal estimated the size of the market in America at $190 million, with the potential to rise to $646 million by 2022. Analysts at BDS Analytics estimate the American CBD market will hit $20 billion by 2024. The 2018 delisting of CBD from the controlled substances list not only opens the door to CBD products but also provides participants in this industry to legitimate access to banking, social media and traditional advertising, as well as partnerships with larger organizations. Rapid growth in CBD products may extend into a number of industries. For everything you need to know about the global Consumer Products, Cosmetics, Hair & Personal Care Services sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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All You Need to Know About Covid's Impact on the Sports & Recreation Industry Plunkett Research now provides complete coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries, via both our industry almanacs and our Plunkett Research Online system. The eight-week lockdown of public spaces with gatherings of 50 or more people during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 crippled sports teams around the world. In the U.S., Forbes magazine estimated the professional sports leagues lost a collective $5 billion in lost ticket sales, concessions, sponsorships and TV rights fees. Individually, Major League Baseball (MLB) lost an estimated $2 billion, the National Basketball Association (NBA) $1.2 billion, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) $1 billion with the cancellation of the March Madness basketball tournament. NASCAR, the National Hockey League (NHL) and Major League Soccer (MLS) lost a combined $900 million. On a broader scale, virus effects include:
Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Both our Plunkett Research Online and our 2021 Industry Almanacs feature coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries. Our research reports and online subscription service are used by the world''s top corporations, consultants, universities, libraries and government agencies. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data, or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, retailing, entertainment, energy and information technology. For everything you need to know about the global Sports & Recreation sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Restaurants with No Seats The preponderance of restaurant meal delivery apps and services are fueling a new concept in restaurants: those with no seats for customers. In fact, customers aren't allowed in. These kitchen-only establishments do not have the overhead that comes with seating areas, waitstaff, signage, high-traffic real estate and related costs. Their locations may be virtually unknown to consumers, relying on out-of-the-way, low-cost buildings. Instead, the kitchen cooks orders taken by app and needs only a central pickup counter or window where interactions with delivery runners take place. Delivery service Grubhub invested $1 million in Green Summit Group, a startup in Chicago, Illinois, to build a central kitchen which produces dishes for nine different "virtual restaurants." Each appears as a separate establishment with unique menus, but is prepared in the same kitchen by the same staff. Cloud Kitchens ( is a provider of shared kitchen spaces to support delivery-only restaurants. It is backed by Travis Kalanick, founder of Uber Technologies, Inc. Kitchen United ( offers a similar service, with kitchens in Chicago, Illinois; Pasadena, California; and Scottdale, Arizona as of early 2020, with plans to expand in Austin, Texas. In the U.K. and the EU, food delivery firm Deliveroo had 30 shared kitchens in several countries as of mid-2019. For everything you need to know about the global Restaurant, Hotel & Hospitality sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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As the Coronavirus impacts markets across the globe, reliable information is making all the difference in understanding and preparing for the economic realities of 2020. Lucky for you Plunkett Research is in your corner. With Plunkett Research Online, you have access to industry analysis and market research for all vital industry sectors, ranging from biotech to sports and retail. For each sector, the database provides market research and trend analysis, statistics, profiles of leading companies, association and organizations lists, and a glossary of industry-specific terms. Our Plunkett Analytics Reports represent a significant breakthrough for clients needing to analyze, benchmark and forecast industry-specific, deep financial metrics, operating ratios and line-by-line financial results for sectors and companies. These reports are available for 500 NAIC industry codes and are regularly updated. Our Plunkett's Industry Almanacs provide outstanding overviews, statistics and analysis of 40 broad industry sectors, updated yearly. No matter what tomorrow brings, Plunkett Research Online will help you see it through, at home and on your phone. We cover thousands of U.S. and international firms from the well-known to the up and coming. With Plunkett Research Online, get the deep industry data, market size and forecasts that you need. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, artificial intelligence, retailing, entertainment, energy, sharing economy and information technology. Only Plunkett Research Online takes you directly to industry-specific research portals for the most important business sectors, from aerospace to e-commerce to biotech to sports. Plunkett Research Online is your source for market research, industry analysis and company profiles 24/7 via the internet. Now, more than ever before, our user tools and innovative data make Plunkett Research your go-to place for industry analysis, business trends and statistics. |
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? We know that your particular industry data and research needs are unique. Off-the-shelf reports aren''t always the right answer. That''s why we conduct Custom Research Projects for a select group of clients each year. We would be happy to look at your particular needs for business intelligence, for any markets worldwide, B2B or B2C, including:
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All You Need to Know About Covid's Impact on the Telecommunications Industry Plunkett Research now provides complete coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries, via both our industry almanacs and our Plunkett Research Online system. The outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 was a boon to the entire telecommunications industry. Hundreds of millions of workers around the world began working at home, along with students of all ages studying at home, all of whom rely on telecom to communicate with clients, coworkers and teachers more than ever before. The telepresence app Zoom especially benefitted, reporting about 265,400 customers that employ more than 10 workers in the February through April 2020 quarter, up 354% over the previous quarter. The firm's phenomenal success has been shared to a lesser extent by competitors. There are some negative effects on the industry as well. Mobile phones and internet access are among the last expenses that consumers cut during economic downturns. Nonetheless, there are millions of consumers in less-developed nations who have seen dramatic drops in income due to the virus. Likewise, large numbers of businesses, particularly small businesses, have been forced to close as a result of the virus-related economic downturn, which means that millions of business telecommunications accounts have been closed worldwide. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Both our Plunkett Research Online and our 2021 Industry Almanacs feature coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries. Our research reports and online subscription service are used by the world''s top corporations, consultants, universities, libraries and government agencies. For everything you need to know about the global Telecommunications sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Plunkett's Build-a-Report tool (included with all Plunkett Research Online subscriptions), just a few clicks of the mouse are all you need to create a custom Industry Guide in PDF format. You can then use your Industry Guide in meetings, presentations and classrooms. Professors can share them via Blackboard. In addition, they are perfect for building your knowledge prior to an interview or sales meeting. As part of the Plunkett Research Online system, our unique Build-A-Report feature can include your choice of industry trends, industry statistics, profiles of top companies and industry glossaries. And since it's part of Plunkett Research Online, you have access to industry analysis and market research for all vital industry sectors, ranging from biotech to sports to retail, health care, infotech and aerospace. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, artificial intelligence, retailing, entertainment, energy, sharing economy and information technology. Only Plunkett Research Online takes you directly to industry-specific research portals for the most important business sectors, from aerospace to e-commerce to biotech to sports. Plunkett Research Online is your source for market research, industry analysis and company profiles 24/7 via the internet. Now, more than ever before, our user tools and innovative data make Plunkett Research your go-to place for industry analysis, business trends and statistics. Librarians, if you need a Plunkett Research Online free trial, please email: ? |
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Everyone in business has heard the old adage, better, faster, cheaper. But how are you actually going to get that idea from words to actions? With Plunkett Research, you have access to the best industry reference data and analytics at the best subscription prices available anywhere! The bottom line: you'll get the data you need and save a considerable amount on your yearly budget. A 1-year subscription to Plunkett Research gives you access to over 100,000 industry statistics, 500 industries analyzed for market size, profits and forecasts, 25,000 companies profiled, ranked and analyzed and 1,000 vital trends analyzed. But wait, there's more! Depending on your subscription level, you'll also have access to our incredible Build-a-Report tool and exclusive downloadable content. In addition to our online subscriptions to Plunkett's industry data, we offer printed and ebook editions of industry-specific almanacs, updated each year. The almanacs typically run 400 to 700 pages each, depending on the industry. These are excellent industry reference tools that summarize the vast amount of industry-specific data that is found in our online service. Online or in your hands, Plunkett Research is the tool you need! Our analysis can lead you to discover ways to differentiate from your competition. You already knew you need it better, faster, cheaper, now you know you need Plunkett Research to make it happen. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, artificial intelligence, retailing, entertainment, energy, sharing economy and information technology. Only Plunkett Research Online takes you directly to industry-specific research portals for the most important business sectors, from aerospace to e-commerce to biotech to sports. Plunkett Research Online is your source for market research, industry analysis and company profiles 24/7 via the internet. Now, more than ever before, our user tools and innovative data make Plunkett Research your go-to place for industry analysis, business trends and statistics. |
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? Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Is Replacing Human Workers Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a category of software that operates in a "robotic" manner to repeatedly complete basic tasks that might otherwise have been done by human workers. Examples include editing electronic files or forms and checking them for completeness or accuracy. This technology is being widely applied to back-office tasks in such departments as human resources, insurance claims and expense reimbursement. RPA has very broad implications for many types of office work. IPSoft, Inc., an automation software company, developed a white-collar robot named Amelia that is used for help desk, customer service and a variety of other call-desk operations. The unit speaks 20 languages and has the appearance of a young, blonde blue-eyed woman. Allstate Insurance Co. uses Amelia to handle 82% of its in-house IT service desk requests. The company's 350 call-center employees use it to help them solve customer inquiries faster and more efficiently. Amelia averages more than 250,000 customer calls per month. The net result of the growing use of RPA will be a significant reduction of human employees. This will be particularly true in call centers and other BPO (business process outsourcing) centers. For everything you need to know about the global Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Sports Equipment and Social Media Converge As people spend more and more time on social media sites and apps, it is not surprising that they would interact with friends and others while exercising or playing team sports. Equipment makers have an excellent opportunity to build hardware and software into their products in a way that will enable users to connect with others. An excellent example is Peloton Interactive, Inc., which is a stationary bike designer and producer of live-streaming, instructional indoor cycling classes. While the firm sells its highly popular, proprietary bikes, its real business model is based around subscription fees paid by users of those bikes. Other exercise/social media combinations include the Fitbit community and Nike+. These communities unite people, who use wearable sensors to track their activities, with apps and web sites where they can compare distances and intensities, share nutrition and diet information and cheer each other on. Watch for other equipment makers to invest heavily in technology in order to incorporate compelling social media in their products. For everything you need to know about the global Sports & Recreation Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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The Future: Pervasive Computing and Complete Mobility Will Be Standard The continued enhancement of smartphones has ushered in a decline in the need for the desktop PC, while the reasonably portable laptop PC has likewise been diminished in importance. In fact, smartphones with larger screens are taking over more and more of the functions and tasks previously assigned to laptops. Mobility, miniaturization, fast wireless connections, easy access to data, software-as-a-service, and entertainment via apps and the cloud, as well as long-lasting batteries, reign supreme in this trend. This relentless drive toward miniaturization will have a profound effect on the way we interact with computing devices over the long-term. Rooms and automobiles that react to a person when he or she enters the car, home or office will become standard. Cars that use Bluetooth to connect automatically to a driver''s smartphone are an important start in that direction. Wearable, personal sensors are quickly growing in sophistication. The so-called smart watch is evolving to the point that it is a convenient alternative to looking at a smartphone's screen for many uses. Devices featuring augmented reality and virtual reality will become standard in training and education for very detailed tasks (such as hospital operating room procedures), as well as for gaming and entertainment. This is another outcome of highly-miniaturized, highly-advanced wearable devices. The technology age of the near future may be referred to as the "Connected Devices Age" or perhaps the "Pervasive Computing Age," as the Internet of Things comes into being. That is, computing devices will surround us at all times in all places, largely interconnected and communicating with both the user and the environment around the user. For everything you need to know about the global Internet of Things (IoT) & Data Analytics sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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As the Coronavirus impacts markets across the globe, reliable information is making all the difference in understanding and preparing for the economic realities of 2020. Lucky for you Plunkett Research is in your corner. With Plunkett Research Online, you have access to industry analysis and market research for all vital industry sectors, ranging from biotech to sports and retail. For each sector, the database provides market research and trend analysis, statistics, profiles of leading companies, association and organizations lists, and a glossary of industry-specific terms. Our Plunkett Analytics Reports represent a significant breakthrough for clients needing to analyze, benchmark and forecast industry-specific, deep financial metrics, operating ratios and line-by-line financial results for sectors and companies. These reports are available for 500 NAIC industry codes and are regularly updated. Our Plunkett's Industry Almanacs provide outstanding overviews, statistics and analysis of 40 broad industry sectors, updated yearly. No matter what tomorrow brings, Plunkett Research Online will help you see it through, at home and on your phone. We cover thousands of U.S. and international firms from the well-known to the up and coming. With Plunkett Research Online, get the deep industry data, market size and forecasts that you need. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, artificial intelligence, retailing, entertainment, energy, sharing economy and information technology. Only Plunkett Research Online takes you directly to industry-specific research portals for the most important business sectors, from aerospace to e-commerce to biotech to sports. Plunkett Research Online is your source for market research, industry analysis and company profiles 24/7 via the internet. Now, more than ever before, our user tools and innovative data make Plunkett Research your go-to place for industry analysis, business trends and statistics. |
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Just out: The new 2021 Plunkett Research catalog, listing our terrific, completely updated industry almanacs. Each Plunkett Almanac covers a specific industry, from Artificial Intelligence to E-commerce to Health Care and Automobiles. You'll find the ready-reference coverage you need for the industries of most interest to you. Click to download the 2021 Plunkett Catalog in PDF format! Great news! For 2021, each Industry Almanac includes in-depth coverage of How The Industry is Effected by the Coronavirus Pandemic. One of the biggest trends about any industry is how it's being forced to evolve and adapt due to COVID-our Almanacs have the answers! Each almanac gives you up-to-date market research, trends analysis and new technologies for each industry sector, PLUS industry statistics, profiles of hundreds of leading companies, executive contacts and much more! In the latest catalog, you'll find descriptions of:
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Supercomputing Hits 148.6 Petaflops/IBM's Watson Expands Commercial Applications for Big Data The quest for the world's fastest, most powerful supercomputer has become a new frontier for computer engineering, computer science and national rivalry. By late 2019, China was estimated to have 227 such machines, compared to just 118 in the United States. What the US lacks in numbers, it makes up for in speed with three of the five fastest supercomputers on Earth. Sitting at the top is the Summit at the DOE/SC/Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the U.S. reaching 148.6 petaflops. While it is easy to dismiss such computing quests as vanity projects, hi-level IT teams understand the need to work on new, advanced systems in order to avoid falling behind in areas where strong computing matters most, such as simulating complex systems like weather, and biotechnology projects like protein folding. Simulation capability is vital for national security (for example, where simulations take the place of underground testing for weapons of mass destruction) and the advancement of basic science. IBM, which developed a computer called "Watson" that achieved fame when it beat all human contestants on the Jeopardy! television game show, is also working to make complex computing services easily available. Watson quickly evolved to the point that it offers cloud-based computational services, such as image recognition, and text-to-speech generation, delivered over the internet. IBM is supporting several advanced, Watson-based services available via its Watson business unit. These are essentially artificial intelligence (AI) software services that can be of vital assistance in projects involving big data/data mining, speech recognition, pattern recognition and "reasoning" in a vaguely human-like manner. The firm states that thousands of software developers worldwide are taking advantage of Watson's capabilities. Some efforts are as simple as e-commerce firms attempting to boost their sales. More advanced applications include medical research at MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Mayo Clinic, as well as investment and banking tools. Government and corporate customers alike will benefit from this race. While aerospace and biotech firms want supercomputing power for breakthrough research, government agencies benefit from supercomputers for a wide variety of needs. Additionally, major manufacturers in such areas as automobiles and health imaging equipment see supercomputers as a tool for improved product engineering and faster time-to-market. For everything you need to know about the global Engineering & Research Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Smartphones and Financial Technology (FinTech) Enable New Mobile Payment Methods A wide variety of services, technologies and strategies are now competing with conventional cash and credit cards for consumers' payment needs. Payment via smartphone is fostered by the fact a vast number of consumers are already managing their banking and investment accounts on their phones, keeping tabs on account balances and making transfers as needed. Smartphones are being used by merchants and service companies as credit card readers, thanks to technology from companies like Square. The technology is a boon for small businesses that previously worked only on a cash or check basis. Digital wallets are apps that enable smartphones to be used to pay for goods and services by waving the phones across readers at checkout counters. Users link a bank account or bank card to their digital wallet and funds are removed from the linked account. Google, Apple, and Samsung make some of the most widely used digital wallets, but numerous mid-sized to smaller providers operate around the globe. While Americans were slow to adopt mobile payment technology, in China the potential of the mobile payment market is staggering. Social media giant Alibaba's Alipay mobile payment system holds a major share of the Chinese market. A number of other contenders are attempting to challenge Alipay's hold, notably major gaming and social media firm Tencent's Tenpay. WeChat, a multi-service platform in China that has more than 1 billion users, offers a number of simple payment apps accepted by individuals and businesses throughout the country. For everything you need to know about the global Wireless, Wi-Fi, RFID & Cellular Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Consulting to Governments/U.S. Federal and State Consulting Contracts Historically, U.S. governments at local, state and federal levels have provided lucrative major consulting contracts. Government at all levels has large needs for consulting in IT, security, human resources and other areas. In 2019, Leidos, Inc. ranked first in government consulting contracts granted. In fact, all four top spots went to companies traditionally in the aerospace and defense sector that have now expanded into government consulting. While the scope of consulting opportunities with the federal government is obviously immense, budget constraints can clearly reduce the size of consulting funds available from time to time. Such contracts are generally for consulting and services in information technology (including cybersecurity), defense (including anti-terrorism), telecommunications, professional services and engineering. Note that the largest awards each year go to firms that are predominantly defense or aerospace contractors. The Trump administration has increased military spending overall, which has created growth in related consulting projects. In any event, future U.S. government and military budgets will be subject to extreme debate and negotiation in Congress. The Coronavirus pandemic had the result of lowering tax revenues for state and local governments, reducing the amount of money available for consulting projects For everything you need to know about the global Consulting Industry sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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? Voice and Face Recognition Changes the Wireless World, Enhanced Through Artificial Intelligence (AI) With the advent of voice recognition via Siri, Apple's virtual personal assistant launched with the iPhone 4S in 2011, the wireless market changed irrevocably. Siri not only translates spoken words into text in the form of e-mails, text messages and reminders, it responds to voice commands for such tasks as making phone calls, and it searches the internet for answers to spoken questions. Siri created a major boost to both business and consumer interest in voice recognition. Significant advancements in voice recognition on the latest smartphone software from Microsoft, Apple and other leading firms continue to be introduced. Using technology originally developed by Nuance Communications as an app, Siri and similar technologies turn voice recognition capability into a mobile everyday tool. It understands natural language including colloquialisms and some nuances of context. For example, ask Siri "Will the weather be nice?" and the response might be "No, probably not so nice today through this Wednesday," along with the display of the local weather forecast for the next six days. Ask it to find the calorie count in a Big Mac and Siri searches online for nutritional information from McDonald's and displays it. Siri continues to evolve with subsequent updates to Apple's mobile operating system. Siri's voice can now be either male or female, there are new animations and the system has faster response times. In addition, Siri checks more sources for answers to queries, and performs more tasks such as returning calls, voicemail playback and controlling iTunes Radio. This technology has been incorporated in Apple's HomePod digital assistant, intended to compete with similar products pioneered by Google and Amazon. Most importantly, these technologies rely on artificial intelligence and machine learning in order to continuously improve accuracy and capabilities. Smartphones are only the beginning of the voice recognition revolution. This capability is rapidly being added to all types of electronics, appliances and much more. Voice recognition is already available in advanced entertainment systems in many automobiles. The fuel for this trend will be state-of-the-art technologies that are available to third-party developers, including Microsoft's Cortana, Google's Home and Amazon's Lex (Alexa, which powers the extremely popular Amazon Echo digital assistant device.) Smartphones are only the beginning of the voice recognition revolution. This capability is rapidly being added to all types of electronics, appliances and much more. Voice recognition is already available in advanced entertainment systems in many automobiles. The fuel for this trend will be state-of-the-art technologies that are available to third-party developers, including Microsoft's Cortana, Google's Home and Amazon's Lex (Alexa, which powers the extremely popular Amazon Echo digital assistant device.) For everything you need to know about the global Computers, Hardware & Software sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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All You Need to Know About Covid's Impact on the Telecommunications Industry Plunkett Research now provides complete coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries, via both our industry almanacs and our Plunkett Research Online system. The outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 was a boon to the entire telecommunications industry. Hundreds of millions of workers around the world began working at home, along with students of all ages studying at home, all of whom rely on telecom to communicate with clients, coworkers and teachers more than ever before. The telepresence app Zoom especially benefitted, reporting about 265,400 customers that employ more than 10 workers in the February through April 2020 quarter, up 354% over the previous quarter. The firm's phenomenal success has been shared to a lesser extent by competitors. There are some negative effects on the industry as well. Mobile phones and internet access are among the last expenses that consumers cut during economic downturns. Nonetheless, there are millions of consumers in less-developed nations who have seen dramatic drops in income due to the virus. Likewise, large numbers of businesses, particularly small businesses, have been forced to close as a result of the virus-related economic downturn, which means that millions of business telecommunications accounts have been closed worldwide. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Both our Plunkett Research Online and our 2021 Industry Almanacs feature coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries. Our research reports and online subscription service are used by the world''s top corporations, consultants, universities, libraries and government agencies. For everything you need to know about the global Telecommunications sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Private Label Brands Grow in Share of Total Store Sales Discount stores and a number of other retailers are offering more and more products that are private label. Instead of being limited to selling branded products from major manufacturers like Procter & Gamble, growing numbers of stores are contracting for the manufacture of store-branded merchandise. Such is the case with Wal-Mart and its Ol' Roy dog food or the Sam's Choice products found in its Sam's Club stores. One-half of the goods sold at Target and Kroger stores are now privately branded, and Costco's Kirkland Signature brand is on everything from cookware to paper goods to food items. Sales of private-label items are generally growing at a faster rate than those of name brands. Overall, private-label sales in the U.S. (in supermarkets, drug stores, mass-market merchandisers and club and dollar stores) reached $129 billion in 2018, up 4.4% from 2017. In supermarkets during 2018, store brand sales rose 0.5% to $59.8 billion over 2017. Even is getting into private labels. Amazon launched a line of house brand items called Amazon Elements. Initial products included diapers and baby wipes. Diapers have long been a very high-volume item for Amazon. The Elements line is designed to appeal to eco-conscious and quality-conscious consumers. The firm provides very deep product origin information, such as where and when each item was made and the sources of ingredients. Amazon has also developed a line of electronic accessories called AmazonBasics, which includes chargers. For everything you need to know about the global Advertising & Branding sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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All You Need to Know About Covid's Impact on the Sports & Recreation Industry Plunkett Research now provides complete coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries, via both our industry almanacs and our Plunkett Research Online system. The eight-week lockdown of public spaces with gatherings of 50 or more people during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 crippled sports teams around the world. In the U.S., Forbes magazine estimated the professional sports leagues lost a collective $5 billion in lost ticket sales, concessions, sponsorships and TV rights fees. Individually, Major League Baseball (MLB) lost an estimated $2 billion, the National Basketball Association (NBA) $1.2 billion, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) $1 billion with the cancellation of the March Madness basketball tournament. NASCAR, the National Hockey League (NHL) and Major League Soccer (MLS) lost a combined $900 million. On a broader scale, virus effects include:
Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Both our Plunkett Research Online and our 2021 Industry Almanacs feature coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries. Our research reports and online subscription service are used by the world''s top corporations, consultants, universities, libraries and government agencies. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data, or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, retailing, entertainment, energy and information technology. For everything you need to know about the global Sports & Recreation sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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FedEx, UPS & DHL Compete in Global Shipping and Logistics/ Begins to Fulfill its Own Shipping Needs The parcel delivery business is one of the most competitive in the world, with a small handful of companies battling for market share. Within the U.S., FedEx's and UPS's dominance has been facing growing competition from regional carriers. Regional services can often ship packages faster than FedEx or UPS within their territory, with prices sometimes lower by 20% or more. Small ground carriers such as Eastern Connection Operating, Inc., LaserShip, Inc. and OnTrac are undercutting prices and offering a viable alternative for some instances of express delivery. In the international market, competition among package delivery providers is even more fierce. Outside domestic borders, UPS and FedEx are confronted with a number of leading foreign companies, first and foremost being DHL Worldwide Express, which is owned by German company Deutsche Post AG. Amongst this ongoing fray for shipping dominance, Amazon has entered the ring. Amazon is developing its own network to provide significant logistics services and perhaps handle more of its long-distance shipping in Amazon-owned or Amazon-leased equipment. The company already offers services called "Fulfillment by Amazon" that provides services such as warehousing, packing and shipment forwarding for merchants that sell products on the Amazon e-commerce platform. A related service called Dragon Boat expanded into a global delivery network to handle the supply chain of goods from Indian and Chinese factories through Amazon facilities to end-customers. In 2018, the company launched its Amazon Shipping service. Initially, Amazon Shipping is serving third-party merchants that sell their wares through Amazon websites. By early 2019, Amazon Shipping service had expanded beyond its test markets in London and Los Angeles. Eventually, Amazon Shipping may be offered to a wide variety of shippers, such as merchants that participate in the Amazon Marketplace. If so, this ecommerce giant faces stiff competition from FedEx and UPS, which daily deliver 15 million and 21 million packages respectively. Amazon's ability to innovate and its willingness to make bold investments in the past make its entry into the parcel delivery business a development worth watching. For everything you need to know about the global Transportation, Supply Chain & Logistics sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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As the Coronavirus impacts markets across the globe, reliable information is making all the difference in understanding and preparing for the economic realities of 2020. Lucky for you Plunkett Research is in your corner. With Plunkett Research Online, you have access to industry analysis and market research for all vital industry sectors, ranging from biotech to sports and retail. For each sector, the database provides market research and trend analysis, statistics, profiles of leading companies, association and organizations lists, and a glossary of industry-specific terms. Our Plunkett Analytics Reports represent a significant breakthrough for clients needing to analyze, benchmark and forecast industry-specific, deep financial metrics, operating ratios and line-by-line financial results for sectors and companies. These reports are available for more than 400 NAIC industry codes and are regularly updated. Our Plunkett's Industry Almanacs provide outstanding overviews, statistics and analysis of 30 broad industry sectors, updated yearly. No matter what tomorrow brings, Plunkett Research Online will help you see it through, at home and on your phone. We cover thousands of U.S. and international firms from the well-known to the up and coming. With Plunkett Research Online, get the deep industry data, market size and forecasts that you need. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, artificial intelligence, retailing, entertainment, energy, sharing economy and information technology. Only Plunkett Research Online takes you directly to industry-specific research portals for the most important business sectors, from aerospace to e-commerce to biotech to sports. Plunkett Research Online is your source for market research, industry analysis and company profiles 24/7 via the internet. Now, more than ever before, our user tools and innovative data make Plunkett Research your go-to place for industry analysis, business trends and statistics. Librarians, if you need a Plunkett Research Online free trial, please email: |
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? Everything will Change: Covid-19's Key Effects on Lifestyles, Consumers and Business for the Future The Coronavirus pandemic is dominating headlines every day, but beyond the big stories, changes are taking place that will endure for the long-term. To learn about the new norm for Covid-19, please join Jack Plunkett, CEO of Plunkett Research, Ltd., for an informal and no-holds-barred discussion of technologies, households, consumers, and business sectors. Don't miss this opportunity to hear Plunkett speak about: Join Jack Plunkett Tuesday, May 26 from 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET. Click to Register and Join |
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? Bicycle Sharing Grows in Major Cities, But Finances Are Challenging Cycling, both as a means of recreation and as a means of transportation, has grown dramatically. Cyclists who pedal to work are also proliferating. Bicycle sharing systems are responsible for part of this growth, both in the U.S. and in other parts of the world, but many of these new services are off to a shaky start financially. In some cases, operating costs have been higher than expected, in others equipment losses have been high or ridership has been low. Nonetheless, local governments are generally very supportive of encouraging this emissions-free, exercise-inducing form of transportation. Bike sharing has spread to cities including London, San Francisco and Singapore. Mexico City has a bike rental service called Ecobici with hundreds of pickup stations. The City of New York launched its own bike share program in 2013, with sturdy bikes maintained by Alta Bicycle Share of Portland, Oregon. The program includes thousands of bikes and over 500 docking stations. Called Citibike, it is sponsored by banking giant Citigroup. More than 1 million miles were traveled on its bikes in the first month of operation. The history of the most popular bike sharing system is complicated. Bixi, a Canadian firm that designed and manufactured both bicycles and related technology for bike sharing systems, was originally formed by the City of Montreal, and later spun-off as a free-standing company, eventually supported through a large loan from the city. Bixi's technology is highly advanced, utilizing solar power for the pickup stations (called "docking stations"), as well as wireless communication networks for management. These features make it possible to install a new docking station virtually anywhere, without wiring or power. In addition to developing the technology and bikes, Bixi operated the sharing systems in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. The company eventually sold the international rights to its system to a third party, PBSC Urban Solutions, which is headquartered in Quebec, Canada. PBSC systems are in operation in such American cities as Washington, D.C., Chicago, Boston, and San Francisco. However, while PBSC sells the equipment, the systems themselves are typically operated by yet another firm, Alta Bicycle Share. Alta took over operation of the Toronto, Canada system in mid-2015, and expanded further into Melbourne, Australia. PBSC also sells equipment to companies other than Alta. One of the largest bike systems in the world is the 84,000-bike program in Hangzhou, China. Competition among bike sharing firms is fierce in Beijing where two startups, Beijing Bikelock Technology Co. (known as Ofo Bicycle) and Beijing Mobike Technology Co. (Mobike), are raising capital and working to attract riders. Ofo focuses on students, charging very low rates. Mobike offers more affluent riders a GPS system via a smartphone app that locates, books and unlocks nearby bikes. A recent twist on bike sharing is the "dockless" station. Ofo and Beijing Mobike Technology are pioneers in this technology. Bikes are activated by smartphones, eliminating the need to build central parking and pickup stations. Consequently, the bikes can be dropped off anywhere, at the convenience of the rider, and then picked up by the next user. A U.S. leader in this field is TimeBike. Bicycle safety will be a growing issue as more cyclists take to the roads. In the U.S., approximately 800 deaths and more than 500,000 emergency room trips related to cycling happen each year. Head injuries typically account for two-thirds of hospitalizations, according to the University of Wisconsin. However, accidents might lessen as drivers become more aware of cyclists. For example, in the Netherlands, where cycling has long been a part of urban living, drivers are encouraged to open their car doors with their right hands, therefore forcing them to look back, over their left shoulders, for oncoming cyclists before opening doors. In Boston, stickers alerting taxi passengers and drivers to look before opening doors were installed in 2013, with similar stickers appearing in all cabs in Chicago. The National Association of City Transportation Officials created an urban bikeway design guide for implementing bike safety plans, including buffered bike lanes, intersection signals and more. For everything you need to know about the global Sharing & Gig Economy, Freelance Workers & On-Demand Delivery sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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All You Need to Know About Covid's Impact on the Wireless Industry Plunkett Research now provides complete coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries, via both our industry almanacs and our Plunkett Research Online system. In the wake of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, there has been a massive increase in mobile network traffic as consumers who are sheltering at home or working at home turn to mobile apps for news, social media, video conferencing, shopping, entertainment, education and work. Leading carriers such as Verizon extended the amount of data traffic available to subscribers at no additional monthly fee, in order to help consumers deal with the Coronavirus pandemic's multiple challenges. Video conferencing on mobile devices using apps like Zoom sees soaring usage. Other popular meeting apps such as Microsoft Teams and Google's Hangouts and Meet likewise get a major boost. Social media app use on smartphones also soars. Consumers turn to news apps in growing numbers, with mobile viewership growing at sites ranging from to and major newspaper sites. Ecommerce soars via mobile devices, as consumers turn away from physical stores and order online. Likewise, delivery-on-demand apps for shopping companies like Instacart and food delivery services like GrubHub soar. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Both our Plunkett Research Online and our 2021 Industry Almanacs feature coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries. Our research reports and online subscription service are used by the world''s top corporations, consultants, universities, libraries and government agencies. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data, or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, retailing, entertainment, energy and information technology. For everything you need to know about the global Wireless, Wi-Fi, RFID & Cellular sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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? Environmentalists Campaign for a Greener Chemical Industry Concern for the environment is nothing new, yet decisions affecting the chemical sector are making headlines. Microsoft curtailed its use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), also known as vinyl, for computer packaging products. Other companies cutting their use of PVC include Wal-Mart Stores and Kaiser Permanente. Another potentially harmful chemical is bisphenol-a, or BPA. Some animal studies have linked BPA to hormonal changes. The Canadian government was the first to declare it toxic, resulting in a number of Canada's retailers, including Wal-Mart Canada, banning food-related containers such as baby bottles, sipping cups and other plastic holders made with BPA. Concerns are also increasing about plastic waste in such products as bottled water. In response, bottlers such as PepsiCo are using less plastic in their packaging. PepsiCo's Aquafina brand is being sold in bottles that are about 20% less in weight. The U.S. division of Nestl? SA first lightened its plastic bottles as early as 2007, while Coca-Cola continues to produce lighter and lighter bottles for its Dasani brand. Coca-Cola also increased its distribution of several soft drink brands in eight-ounce glass bottles in response to concerns about toxins in plastic bottles. While environmentalists are seeing positive results from years of hard work, the chemical industry is feeling the repercussions. The scientific findings that indicate PVC has dangerous chemicals within it threatens a $55 billion industry. Efforts within the EU to increase product testing to curb the production and importation of hazardous chemicals has countries outside of the block concerned such requirements place a heavy burden on non-EU businesses. For everything you need to know about the global Green Technology sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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? Millions Working as Temps or in "Gig" or Sharing Economy Careers Many major firms, both large and small, are using temporary workers to fill short-term needs, thereby cutting overall employment costs, since temps usually do not receive extensive benefits, bonuses or training. In addition to employees who are placed in temporary jobs by agencies, there are millions of people employed as "independent contractors" and "contract workers." A major development boosting this trend is the "gig economy" or "sharing economy," including companies like the ride service Uber. It now has hundreds of thousands of contract workers. The largest temporary help agencies tend to have vast global operations. Adecco is a Swiss staffing firm with extensive operations in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere, employing hundreds of thousands of people. Manpower, based in the U.S., does a major part of its business in dozens of nations worldwide. Kelly Services places massive numbers of people in jobs each year on a worldwide basis. Demand for temporary workers slows dramatically during economic downturns. The use of temps enables employers to increase the workforce quickly when orders from customers increase, and reduce the workforce rapidly when sales decrease. Temporary workers are also an extremely efficient way to meet needs for one-time projects, fill the slots of permanent employees who are on leave and screen potential candidates for full-time positions by first hiring them on a temporary basis. Some Americans prefer to work as temporary employees, feeling that this gives them more flexibility in their working lives. Unfortunately, however, many people who end up working in temporary positions would greatly prefer to be employed full-time. Many of these workers have significant experience as well as college degrees. A large percentage of temps work in professional specialties, such as law, finance, engineering or accounting. Also, the number of information technology temps has increased dramatically in the past several years. For everything you need to know about Mid-Size American Employers from Plunkett Research, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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All You Need to Know About Covid's Impact on the Wireless Industry Plunkett Research now provides complete coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries, via both our industry almanacs and our Plunkett Research Online system. In the wake of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, there has been a massive increase in mobile network traffic as consumers who are sheltering at home or working at home turn to mobile apps for news, social media, video conferencing, shopping, entertainment, education and work. Leading carriers such as Verizon extended the amount of data traffic available to subscribers at no additional monthly fee, in order to help consumers deal with the Coronavirus pandemic's multiple challenges. Video conferencing on mobile devices using apps like Zoom sees soaring usage. Other popular meeting apps such as Microsoft Teams and Google's Hangouts and Meet likewise get a major boost. Social media app use on smartphones also soars. Consumers turn to news apps in growing numbers, with mobile viewership growing at sites ranging from to and major newspaper sites. Ecommerce soars via mobile devices, as consumers turn away from physical stores and order online. Likewise, delivery-on-demand apps for shopping companies like Instacart and food delivery services like GrubHub soar. Plunkett Research, Ltd. is the leading provider of industry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Both our Plunkett Research Online and our 2021 Industry Almanacs feature coverage of the Coronavirus's effects on specific industries. Our research reports and online subscription service are used by the world''s top corporations, consultants, universities, libraries and government agencies. Plunkett''s products save time and effort when you need competitive intelligence, market research, vertical industry marketing data, or industry trends analysis. We cover such vital industry sectors as health care, financial services, retailing, entertainment, energy and information technology. For everything you need to know about the global Wireless, Wi-Fi, RFID & Cellular sector, see: Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers Also available in Almanac Editions. |
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Ready for Year-End Delivery! Great news:? We've added in-depth coverage how the Coronavirus is effecting each industry-changes in operations, challenges, opportunities and employment. Each almanac gives you up-to-date market research, trends analysis and new technologies for each industry sector, PLUS industry statistics, profiles of hundreds of leading companies, executive contacts and much more! Order Online
And, subscribers to our terrific Plunkett Research Online system get all of our new data, plus constant updates to millions of business and industry data points. Best Regards, |
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Fast Track Drugs Come to Market in the U.S. with FDA Cooperation
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All You Need to Know About Covid's Impact on the Retail Industry
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Fast Track Drugs Come to Market in the U.S. with FDA Cooperation
Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers |
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New Aircraft Designs Offer Greater Passenger Comfort/More Efficient Engines
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