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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to ONE UP.
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OneUp: Invoicing Made Easy
Hi Harris,
Keeping track of who has paid - and who needs to be reminded - is a hassle you don�t have to deal with. The key to making things easier? OneUp. Let�s take a look at what it offers.
1. Beautiful, customizable invoices in a click
Select the sold products or services, customize your invoice and email it to your client directly from the app. Save yourself even more time by converting quotes into invoices.
2. Dashboards for easy tracking
The Sales Dashboard monitors your sales-related activity with clear visual graphs. See how much you�ve invoiced so far and how your products and services are doing. Color-coded calls to action keep your eye on the ball.
3. Seamless Integration
All OneUp features work smoothly together, eliminating the need for manual accounting entries or inventory updates and giving you all the more time to try out new ideas and develop your customer relationships.
Need a helping hand? Don�t hesitate to reach out to us at We look forward to helping you become a happier and more productive business owner!
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Connect Your Bank, Speed Up Your Accounting
Hi Harris,
Are you feeling bogged down by hundreds of repetitive bookkeeping tasks that just seem to eat into your day? Creating your OneUp account was definitely a step in the right direction. Let OneUp handle it all for you!
To get started, connect your OneUp account to your bank. Let�s walk you through it:
1. Choose your bank and enter your bank credentials
Add your bank, login through OneUp and run your first �sync� - i.e enable OneUp to retrieve banking suggestions such as withdrawals and deposits. OneUp uses encrypted technology, meaning your data is in good hands.
Most banks are supported around the world. If your bank is not supported, upload a statement!
2. Categorize your expenses and income
Once you�ve ran your first sync OneUp categorizes your transactions in mere seconds. No more staring at your online account and wondering what goes with what.
3. Validate suggested matches
The more you use OneUp, the better it gets at sorting out your data. Give OneUp a hand the first couple of times, then sit back and allow it to handle up to 95% of your accounting automatically.
Need a helping hand? Don�t hesitate to reach out to us at We look forward to helping you become a happier and more productive business owner!
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Your OneUp trial has ended
Dear Harris,
We hope you've enjoyed your 30 day trial of OneUp. For only $90 per month you can continue your experience with OneUp, including our amazing 1-on-1 support. What plan will you choose?
Pick your plan today and pick up where you left off with the most complete online app for small business.
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