Dear Jon,
#IF2020: Showcasing Innovation - your chance to shape the festival
Back to your agendas, #IF2020 will take place early September! The goal remains the same: bringing together 2,000 policymakers, academics, entrepreneurs and industry experts from across the globe to discuss a wide range of policy issues including the European Green Deal, the Economic Recovery, the Digital Revolution, the new Industrial Strategy, Global Trade, and more. Stay tuned for more information on the line-up, sessions and cultural features.
Book your spot here now to avoid missing out!
#IF2020 is not only about discussing global policy issues, we also want to look at real-world solutions. Hence, we aim to use this opportunity to showcase innovative projects and companies who participate in designing a brighter future for our societies. Our virtual booths will provide an opportunity for companies and organisations to showcase their ideas, projects and solutions free of charge!
We are particularly looking for interesting and informative videos to show our audience, but it will also be possible to provide a website link or to have a representative attend the event in-person to interact with the audience. Do you know of a project that deserves more attention? Is your company, client or cousin taking part in a revolutionary project?
Let us know by replying to this email!