The Rising Online Hate from COVID-19
Working together with the Council of Christians and Jews and La Trobe LawTech we ranan online event tackling hate resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our CEO, Dr Andre Oboler ran the session which was very well attended.
Open Letter to Facebook
Together with over 125 other organisations from around the world, we called on Facebook to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism. We are proud to have coordinated the Australian response.
Articles & Current Campaign
Campaign to Tackle Racism & Xenophobia
We have commenced our September campaign to tackle Racism & Xenophobia. Updated progress can be seen on our campaign page. We welcome donations through our fundraiser to increase the campaign and its effectiveness.
Australian Racism Targeting Black Lives Matter
In a recent briefing we examine a series of racist posts on Facebook by an Australian who has set out to attack Black Americans and the Black Lives Matter protests.
Xenophobia 2020: COVID-19 Anti-Asian Attitudes
OHPI looks at the rise of anti-Asian sentiments over the past 6 months following the emergence of COVID-19. Online in 2020, anti-Asia has become the new Xenophobia. Far more work needs to be done in this space right across society.
More Racist and Anti-Chinese Sentiments on Twitter During COVID-19
The surge of anti-Chinese sentiments & increased racism as a result of COVID-19 on Twitter is examined in a briefing. It draws on examples from the United States focusing on messages with racial slurs with hateful / threatening overtones.
Attacking Politicians and Antisemitism
An online report showed graffiti on the street in Donvale (Victoria) threatening an attack on Premier Daniel Andrews. The graffiti included symbols with antisemitic messaging. The rise in threats to politicians and the normalization of antisemitism need to be addressed.
"I''m not anti-Semitic, but.."
We examined a range of comments from people who regularly seek to disrupt our efforts in tackling Holocaust denial. While some of it has come from the political right, a lot of it has also come from the political left.
Why Facebook Needs to Adopt the IHRA Definition
An article by our CEO, Dr Andre Oboler, looks at why Facebook needs IHRA''s working definition of antisemitism if it is to close the gaps in its understanding of antisemitism and be more effective in moderating online content.
Our campaign to Counter Online Trolling has now come to a close. As part of this campaign we published a number of briefings and news items testifying to the disturbing effects of trolling and the need for action by social media platforms.
Our campaign page shows the full range of material we published as part of this campaign. Some new material since our last newsletter follows...
Political Trolling & Suicide Incitement on Twitter
This briefing shows the extreme level of online abuse used by trolls in their vicious pursuit to harm. It looks at misogynistic attacks on two public figures and messages aimed at inciting people to suicide.
Books That Inspire Us to Stand Against Online Misogyny
An article written by one of OHPI''s volunteers shares five books that tap into the strength and resilience of women who continue to make a stand against online misogyny.
Trolling: the Modern Day Coliseum
In this guest article PhD Candidate Delysha Pick discussed whether legislative action is needed to put a stop to vicious and frequent online trolling. She argues that messages from trolls cannot be dismissed as harmless banter or satire and emotional and psychological distress they cause needs better recognition.
Tip: Use the "Discuss" links to join our discussions on news about online hate and extremism at our Facebook page.
Media coverage related to OHPI:
- Peter Kohn, Push against antisemitism on Facebook, The Australian Jewish News, 13 August 2020
- Andre Oboler, Facebook needs the IHRA definition, The Australian Jewish News, 11 August 2020
- Tara Kavaler, 128 organizations call on Facebook to adopt anti-Semitism definition, The Media Line, 8 August 2020
Articles of interest related to online hate:
- BBC, Katy Perry and other celebs leave social media over hate speech, BBC, 16 September 2020 (Discuss)
- Reuters, TikTok to join EU code of conduct against hate speech, The Straits Times, 8 September 2020 (Discuss)
- David Gilbert, Facebook Refused to Take Down a Live-Streamed Suicide. Now It''s All Over TikTok, Vice, 8 September 2020 (Discuss)
- Matthew Doran, Federal Labor calls for Government to list right-wing extremists as terrorists, ABC News, 10 September 2020 (Discuss)
- Ernest Mabuza, Cyber analysts uncover campaign to push xenophobia agenda on Twitter, Times Live, 9 September 2020 (Discuss)
- Harry Brent, Miss Ireland reveals ''disgusting'' online abuse she received which left her ''frightened and paranoid'', The Irish Post, 7 September 2020 (Discuss)
- Associated Press, Online hate gets punished: White supremacist gets three years in jail for racist threats, The Asian Age, 7 September 2020 (Discuss)
- Mikele Syron, Open letter demands 'urgent, further action' to stop online racial attacks, NITV, 3 September 2020 (Discuss)
- Rita Jabri-Markwell, The online dehumanisation of Muslims made the Christchurch massacre possible, ABC Religion & Ethics, 31 August 2020 (Discuss)
- James Vincent, Reddit reports 18 percent reduction in hateful content after banning nearly 7,000 subreddits, The Verge, 20 August 2020 (Discuss)
- James Matthey, Anthony Seibold rumours: Erin Molan fires up at online trolls, News.com, 20 August 2020 (Discuss)
- Avi-Asher Schapiro & Ban Barkawi, 'I''ll kill you'': LGBT+ activists call on Facebook to move faster on Arabic hate speech, Reuters, 13 August 2020 (Discuss)
- Akanksha Rana, Twitter users can now control who replies to their tweet, Rueters, 12 August 2020 (Discuss)
- Chris De Silva, NRL to refer social media trolls directly to police as Ryan Papenhuyzen reveals death threats from fans, wwos nine, 10 August 2020 (Discuss)
- Becky Grey, Amy Lofthouse, Sonia Oxley and Anna Thompson, Social media trolling affects almost a third of elite British sportswomen, BBC Sport survey finds, BBC, 9 August 2020 (Discuss)
- Algemeiner, Facebook Urged to Adopt International Antisemitism Definition, Alegmeiner, 10 August 2020 (Discuss)
- Bhavishya Mittal, "Death Threats Are Indeed an Everyday Occurrence" - John Millman Voices Against Cyber-Bullying in Tennis, EssentiallySports, 9 August 2020 (Discuss)
- Rob Price, 20 state attorneys general are demanding that Facebook improve its policing of online hate speech and disinformation, Business Insider, 6 August 2020 (Discuss)
- Louise Richardson-Self, Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online. When are we going to stop tolerating misogyny?, The Conversation, 30 July 2020 (Discuss)
- Steven Musil, Twitter permanently bans white supremacist David Duke, C/NET, 30 July 2020 (Discuss)