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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Net Natives.
Oh hello, the latest National Clearing Survey is here
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Oh hello, the latest National Clearing Survey is here
Hey Grayson
Put down that coffee mug and pick up your reading specs because the National Clearing Survey is here.
Launched to better inform your plans for 2020 Clearing, as well as unveiling the strategic findings and detailed attributes, motivations and behaviours of the updated Clearing Applicant Audience segments. It's bigger, more representative and more insightful than ever before. And it can be all yours today.
Fancy a little sneak peek? Here's just three of the top findings (and oh, there's so much more):
A substantial number of students will completely change the subject area they were going to study.
For the first time, mobile has overtaken desktop as the primary device for research.
A third of students are choosing Clearing as their route of choice and applying directly to universities after they receive their A-Level results instead of going through the traditional UCAS application process.
What's not to be excited about... Download now.
And you have any questions about the report, or you'd like to speak to one of our experts ahead of Clearing 2020, don't hesitate to get in touch!
We're looking forward to welcoming you to this year's Think Student Live on Thursday 5 November 2020.
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The line up for the student marketers'' event of the year is here... you won''t want to miss this
Hey Grayson
Have you heard? We're bringing this year's Think Student Onlineto you on Thursday 5 November 2020.
We've got some amazing content lined up for you, and guess what? The line-up is finally here. We''ve checked it out and think you''re going to love it. Find out who will be joining us here.
There will be a whole lot of on-demand sessions and live Q&As with our marketing and advertising experts, including an advertising and content masterclass in TikTok, as well as talks from university brands such as the likes of St George's, University of London, and an interview with one of the countries top student influencer's, Ruby Granger. Plus a live student panel discussing all things from mental health and freshers, to branding and communication. It's going to be a jam-packed day, filled with insight and takeaways. And it's absolutely free for you and your team to attend.
Sign up, and don't forget to let us know which sessions you want to attend to put you right at the front of the queue on the day.
Let''s see who''s who
But it doesn't end there. Stay tuned to the end of the day, when we'll be announcing the Edurank Awards, recognising the most engaging and creative social media content to come out of the education industry this year. From sustainability to student wellbeing, find out who's been voted the best of the best by our student panel.
So, what are you waiting for? Save your seat today because this isn''t an event you''ll want to miss.
We look forward to seeing you next week!
The Think Student Live team
Save your (virtual) seat now
We can''t wait to see you there,
The Think Student Live team
The secret ingredient behind your next successful virtual open day...
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The secret ingredient behind your next successful virtual Open Day...
Hey Grayson
We all know that Open Days are a crucial step to enrolment in many prospective students'' journeys. But what happens when hosting a physical event is no longer all that easy? How do you attract students to your online event instead?
Here is your ultimate (free) guide on how to address and overcome the challenges and run a successful and memorable event in this new normal.
We've combined over 12 years of expertise and student knowledge, helping universities and colleges attract students to their physical and virtual events, and put together an experts'' guide on new developments and student insights, plus effective advertising tactics and practical takeaways. The recruitment cycle may look a little different this year, but the success of your Open Days doesn''t need to change. This guide has it all to help you get more students to sign-up to your virtual events.
I want a copy
94% of students say that Open Days are important factors when deciding which university to attend.
By downloading this guide, you will:
Get great ideas and strategies for getting more leads and prospective students to sign up to your next virtual event.
Understand how to embrace innovation and your own students, with new emerging platforms.
Gain an insight into the student mindset and what has changed digitally in the last year.
Develop a better understanding of how key touchpoints can impact propensity to convert and ultimately, enrol.
Understand how the right creative can help you stand out from the crowd and your competitors.
And while you''re at it, you''ll lift the lid on how we blend expertise with AI to guarantee you student advertising performance, giving you back more time to be creative, strategic and engage with your prospective students.
Get my free guide
How to get more student leads in a Post-Cookie World
Watch our exclusive online education audience and advertising masterclass on-demand
Hey there,
Want to know how to stand out, understand and attract students to your online education programme?
Of course you do; it''s the only way for any institution to succeed in this new climate.
So what are you waiting for? Watch our free masterclass and find out exactly how to do just that, in an event created specifically for strategic marketers at an online learning provider or an institution that traditionally delivers F2F learning. AKA, you.
We will be sharing insights and audience knowledge, as well as our top tips for creating engaging and compelling advertising campaigns so that you can maximise the students you are attracting and enrolling into your online provision.
Sound good? Then click the link below and sign up for your free access now.
Sign me up
What we covered:
Which markets and personas are most receptive to online learning.
How Covid-19 has changed their behaviours and how you can use these findings to be more strategic in your advertising.
Who the typical online learner is and how you can attract and engage them.
How to get the most value from your marketing budget and attribute true ROI to your campaigns.
Watch on-demand
In this week''s newsletter, we want to be 100% unequivocally clear on where we stand: Black lives matter.
Since 25 May, the world has been convulsed by protests over the death of George Floyd. Stomach-churning footage of the arrest showed an officer kneeling on his neck for eight minutes and forty-six seconds as he begged for life and cried out for his mother.
When it comes to societal ills, such as systemic racism and police brutality, we believe that staying silent on these issues is tantamount to complicity. That''s why, in this week''s newsletter, we want to be 100% unequivocally clear on where we stand:
Black lives matter.
Nobody is equal until everybody is treated with the same solidarity, decency and basic respect that we all command as human beings.
In this week''s newsletter, we will be sharing resources, content and charities that you can use to support your students and offer your support for the Black Lives Matter movement.
An open letter from our CEO
I hope I'm allowed to bastardise James Baldwin's famous quote to make my point; "I love my company and our clients more than any other company and clients in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticise them perpetually."
I, we haven't done enough.
As a business, we're going to take a more proactive approach to inclusivity and diversity.
Read the full letter
To support you and your students:
How to support the Black Lives Matter movement
Here are some resources, petitions to sign and places to donate, that you can share with your students and internal teams to help amplify and elevate the Black Lives Matter movement.
Find out more here
Places Black students can find support
And for those within your student body who have been deeply affected by and struggling with the current circumstances, here are some professional, specialist services to help them.
Supporting your Black students
"A post to social media doesn''t mean anything if this deep distress isn''t communicated, at all, to your students internally..."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
Where Are the Students We See?
In hope to challenge institutions and brands to use data-driven insights to change the way that students are seen in advertising, confront stereotypes and create positive, inclusive campaigns, Where Are The Students We See was created. Through self-funding our own research, we wanted to empirically demonstrate why diversity representation is so important. Now, more important than ever, here's why, with the full report below.
Read now
Listen to your students
With schools and universities turning to online teaching as a Covid-19 safe form of learning, it's important that disadvantaged students aren''t left behind. Students from low-income households are 1.6x more likely to rate their online learning provision as poor or very poor. Student Hut''s Opinion Panel gives students the chance to be heard, and here''s your opportunity to listen.
Are you listening?
"I don''t have the space to work as I have younger siblings in education and we don't have enough broadband. We have to share three laptops between six. Online learning is on at the same time for all of us."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
This won''t end with our open letter or this edition of our newsletter. We don''t have all the answers, and we need to be doing so much more. But we hope we can work together to help end racial biases and encourage and empower inclusivity together.
If we can help you, please reach out.
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Join us for an exclusive TikTok Content & Advertising Masterclass
Hey Grayson
If you're a marketing director considering TikTok in your advertising plans or a content creator wanting to know how to engage, then this event has been created for you.
TikTok is partnering with our advertising platform, Akero, to share our top tips for creating engaging content and compelling campaigns in an exclusive online event just for student marketers. Join us on Tuesday 26th May, 1:30pm BST.
Save your seat now
In a jam packed hour, we will:
Explain the phenomenon that is Tik Tok and why the student audience is so important.
Share top tips for content and what works best for brands.
Discuss the best-practice when creating an engaging content strategy.
Reveal what content is cutting through with our Study Tubers.
Showcase what good looks like on TikTok with case study examples from global institutions.
Plus a live Q & A with the experts.
Join us
Just because this year is drawing to an end, it doesn''t mean that we''re finished thinking student.
The 2020 finish line is in sight, but here are the insights and takeaways to keep you pushing on and making an impact
The days are shorter and the nights are longer, but just because this year is drawing to an end, it doesn''t mean that we''re finished thinking student.
This newsletter, we look to the lessons we''ve all learnt throughout this year and how we can take these forward to the year ahead. The terrain is tougher than it has ever been, but with these insights and expert advice, we grow and build to be even stronger and savvier in our student marketing and recruiting. From the death of the prospectus, to advertising imagery in today''s world, we''ve got some real food for thought for you.
The death of the prospectus: What you should do next
Many institutions are facing the demise of one of the most loved (and hated) traditional student marketing assets - the prospectus - as Covid-19 accelerates the digital-first approach.
But we say it's something to celebrate, not mourn, and we're going to show you why. It''s time to pivot to digital, reclaim that hefty print budget and invest it in something truly innovative and impactful, helping you to make those authentic, personalised, data-driven connections.
Look ahead
Are your adverts what students want to see?
How do your students respond to imagery of people wearing facemasks in university campaigns and open house events? We talked to our Student Hut Opinion Panel about what imagery works best with the student audience amid the pandemic.
See the results
How to manage mental health as a leader
Being a leader has its challenges, stresses and strains. Add the uncertainty of a pandemic, and mental health can take a toll.
"There comes a point when you feel loneliness, that you can't share as a leader... But communication is key" Sirin Myles, International Higher Education Specialist and Coach.
Supporting you and your team
What we learned at Think Student Online 2020
This year''s talks were powered by industry experts and the people that matter the most - the students. From digital-only clearing to ROI, creative strategy and student opinions, we covered a LOT of topics.
If you didn''t get the chance to check out all the content, then rest assured knowing we''ve got you covered with the top five takeaways from this year''s event.
Take it away
How to connect with your audience beyond Covid-19
To connect with your students, you need to get to know them. That''s why the Student Hut Tracker is the best tool for you to get to grips with how your students are feeling regularly.
We found that mental health, racism and climate change are all key concerns for current students. What can you do to connect with them and support their journey through higher education and beyond?
Empower your students
Are you A/B Testing?
A/B testing is all about optimising and continually growing with your audience. To create waves in the marketing world, you need to maximise engagement with your campaigns. How to do this? Always Be Testing. Using two variants of copy, colour, or image can help you delve deep into the consumer mind, and see what makes them click.
Delve right in
Students want to return to university, Student Hut Tracker finds
Students are struggling to study from home, and the majority are looking to return to university in January to enjoy the social aspects.
How can you change your messaging to align with your students, and empathise with the current challenges they face? From storytelling to guides, we''ve got the low-down on how you can hit it home with your students.
Get the guide
"I would definitely prefer to return to campus in January as it's a better environment to learn with access to the library and various other study areas. It's good for our mental health for students to be together, even if we are learning online."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
Lessons learned from the first digital-only Clearing
Clearing 2020 was a challenge, but St George''s, University of London, working with Akero, came up with a solution: digital-only. Learn more about their lessons learned and successes:
"This year has been challenging, and we've had to adapt to these situations. The dynamism and efficiency of Akero streamlined Clearing for us."
Your turn next?
How can UK universities capitalise on interest from China in 2021?
Despite propaganda around the Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions it has brought, students are still flocking to the UK to study, particularly from China. Tuition fees, duration of programmes and international work experience all play into students'' decisions on whether or not to study abroad.
Find out more
And before you go...
Get involved with one of the biggest, most representative, surveys of its kind
Are you ready to in-house your marketing? Take part in this exciting project and understand the approaches, skills, data and technologies that institutions use to in-house student marketing and the key performance metrics for success, helping you prepare and identify the resources you need to plan for 2021 and beyond.
Get involved
Show your support for diversity in your campaigns
We celebrated the campaigns that students voted the best at the Edurank Awards this year. If you want to know what makes a diversity campaign successful in your students'' eyes, you need to know how to authentically celebrate difference instead of just seeing it as a tick-box exercise.
Diversify my campaigns
If you want more information on any of our services, make sure to speak to our experts today.
Did you hear? The Annual National Clearing Survey webinar is next Thursday!
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You''re invited to our next webinar:
Marketing strategy in unprecedented times
Hey Grayson
The coronavirus outbreak is one of the greatest humanitarian challenges the world has faced and as you know, has already had a significant impact on the education system in the UK, US and around the world. But universities, and marketers, have the power to help students through this crisis.
Join us for our latest COVID-19 virtual fire-side meeting, supporting Heads and Directors of Marketing on Tuesday, 7 April 2020 at 2 pm.
Save my seat now
We''ll cover:
Where we are now, where we might be headed and the potential impact on the education sector
Immediate actions you should take
How COVID-19 is impacting students, and what they want from us to help
Creative and messaging strategy in a pandemic
Moving activity away from OOH and experiential, to digital promotion
The best way to nurture existing students and prospects
We know life is busy, especially right now, so if you're unable to make the live event, then don't worry, we'll be sending out the presentation to everyone who has signed up afterwards.
I''ll sign up
COVID-19; Communication is key and here''s the toolkit...
Communication and support is key and here''s the toolkit.
Students have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. With universities closing, exams being cancelled and students heading back home months earlier than expected, it's a lot to handle.?
So here''s what we''re doing to support you, students and the sector.
Supporting Students; coping through COVID-19
Through our partnership with the student mental well-being app, Fika, we've developed supportive articles and advice to help students build mental fitness and improve their emotional wellbeing.
Find out more
Free textbooks for 5,000 students
To help students carry on learning and accessible to all, Student Hut have partnered with Perlego, to open up their library of 300,000+ textbooks for free, for 5,000 students.
With libraries and campuses closed, students studying remotely can access the books they need to continue learning.
The library is ?this way
COVID-19 Insights
COVID-19 is creating unrelenting change for everyone. Each day brings new measures and impacts. In this unprecedented time, there is no data, but there can be insight. To be agile and understand how COVID-19 is impacting students'' views, actions, and mental health, we need to talk to them. And you need tangible insights to inform how to support and engage a student audience.
Sign up for weekly insights
Living through a pandemic
How do students feel about COVID-19? What are they worried about? Do they still plan on going on holiday this summer? How about university, is that still on the cards? Do they still even want to go to university? We surveyed our Student Hut Opinion Panel to find out what students are thinking and feeling.
Let''s find out
Game changer alert
Working remotely is the new normal, and ways of working are rapidly adapting. Communication and automation are essential in this new environment. Akero's Asset Management Platform brings in-house teams, agencies and media partnerships together to make advertising better and more transparent.
Tell me more
Successful communications
Our student-specialist experts at Akero and Natives joined forces for a webinar on how to successfully communicate with students during COVID-19. With a ton of strategic and tactical takeaways, this is one webinar-on-demand you don't want to miss.
Watch on-demand now
Messaging during a pandemic
Moments of uncertainty call for a clear, consistent message. For universities and colleges, being able to adapt your message with sensitivity and to add value is no mean feat, especially with the vast amount of information about the pandemic being circulated at breakneck speed. Here are some tips on how you can respond to the crisis.
Important lesson right here
"Being unable to have proper contact time will affect both social and educational aspects of life. In some cases missed information and conversation can even mean a lost future."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
We need to talk about Cookies
Data. One of our favourite things. We''re always talking about how you should be collecting and maximising your data to target, engage and convert students. But in recent years, there have been a series of seismic changes to how it can be handled and processed. And with more change afoot, it's time to get clued up.
Download the whitepaper
And before you go...
Some news that we''re so excited to share: Akero is a finalist for the Technical Innovation of the Year in The Drum''s prestigious Search Awards.
Celebrate the wins
Us Natives are nothing if not adaptable. If you're finding it hard to get used to the 'new normal', check out some of our tips for working from home and what''s keeping us sane.
More WFH, less WTF
And while you are here... Make sure you have caught up with our webinar from last week on how Akero can support you during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Catch me up
As many of you already know, our flagship event Think Student Live has been postponed until 5 November 2020 in light of the current situation. Please click here for more information and we''ll be back with further detail of the November event as soon as we can. Thank you for your understanding.
It''s time: THINK STUDENT LIVE 2020 tickets have landed...
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It''s time: THINK STUDENT LIVE 2020 tickets have landed...
Hey Grayson
It's that time again! Say hello to Think Student Live, the leading specialist student marketing event. We're back, and we're back stronger than ever.
A bit about Think Student? It''s a whole day event (9 - 5:30 TBC), and the line-up already includes some of the most inspirational speakers in marketing, including TikTok, Student Hut Opinion Panel, and Study Tuber Ruby Granger. We''ll sort the food, drink and the fantastic insights - all you need to do is get yourself to Kings Place, London on 4 June. Seems like a pretty sweet deal, right?! But there are only 50 available, before the price increases. So Think Fast (pun intended) - Our first tier sold out in record speed. Get your ticket today.
Fancy bringing your whole team? Say hello to our Team Ticket! Buy four tickets and get the bundle saving of 20% off your entire purchase. Why wouldn''t you?
Load up the minibus
So what can you expect from Think Student Live 2020? Think authenticity, think brand purpose, think standing up to stand out. Challenging, inspiring and informing decision-makers from both institutions and student-focused brands to connect with larger world conversations, and in turn, to truly connect with students.
"One of the best student marketing conferences I''ve been to in a long time. I''ve been working in the sector for a decade and to come away with so much inspiration, new knowledge and feeling excited for the work I do was just fantastic."
And not only is it the most insightful event for marketers, but with the infamous goody bag, award-winning lunch, and an after-party, it''s also the best value event as well. You''ll have a belter of a day, we promise.
Get ahead of the game and grab your tickets now. (But if you can''t for any reason, there''s another tier of tickets that will be landing very soon!) We look forward to saying hello to you all on 4 June.
Of course I''m coming
Want to boost your enrolments in 2021? Join us today at 3 pm...
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Want to boost your enrolments in 2021? Here''s your invite to find out how...
Hey Grayson,
Join us this afternoon for our latest webinar covering all things Open Days. In these unpredictable times, who would say no to gaining expert insight into boosting enrolments in 2021? We know, not you.
We''ll be taking you through how to create a captivating online open day journey, getting those prospective students from awareness stage all the way through to decision making.
You''ll also find out how to efficiently and effectively advertise your open day event to maximise engagement and ultimately, boost enrolments. As well as discovering the best practices for when it comes to pre-event and post-event comms.
It''s not one to miss, so save your seat and tune in at 3 pm today.
Saving my seat right now
If you can''t make it, sign up anyway, and we''ll send you the recording afterwards. Whatever you do, just don''t get left behind.
(Spoiler alert: there will also be some exclusive offers and discounts revealed during the webinar too, so be sure to get your name on that list.)
No missing out for me
React, rethink and readjust... 2020 is not the year to stand still
Rethink and readjust... 2020 is not the year to stand still
When navigating the digital landscape, it is tempting to keep doing what you''ve always done because it has worked. But being reactive to the current climate and the movements it presents is where the true connection with your student audience comes from. From transitioning your physical events to online activity, readjusting your Clearing strategy in the wake of a global pandemic, to addressing and standing tall for the movements you and your brand believe in.
Students respect authenticity, and brands standing for something beyond their bottom line, and Think Student includes the resources you'll need to think differently and try something creative, brave and new.
Whether you're actively thinking about joining the Facebook boycott or looking for other ways to take accountable action while achieving business goals, our Director of Advertising offers thoughts and guidance on #StopHateForProfit that everyone should consider.
Lead the way
Are you ready for the Covid Clearing?
We''ve found that 38% of students said that they are now thinking about applying via Clearing, nodding to a significant increase compared to the 12% of students who were placed via Clearing in 2019.
Clearing is a way for students to take control of a difficult and stressful situation. Turning it to their advantage by upgrading their chosen institution, swapping courses, or moving closer to home. Get the insight you need to be ready for the Covid Clearing, the most dynamic yet.
Data drives strategy
"I don't have enough space to work as I have younger siblings who are in education and we don't have enough broadband. We have to share three laptops between six. Online learning is on at the same time for all of us so it is a matter of who is missing out this time."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
The Virtual Open Day resource you should all be reading
We all know that Open Days are crucial in building an emotional connection between applicants, parents, lecturers and institutions. But what happens when a global crisis blows the scope for physical events out of the water? Download our whitepaper for the ultimate guide to advertising and how to keep building those connections even with a virtual event.
You can''t miss this
And talking of going online... You''re invited to our exclusive Online Education Audience and Advertising Masterclass
If you're a Marketing Director at an online learning provider or an institution that traditionally delivers F2F learning, then this online event has been created just for you. Hear from our experts talk through the trends that have truly transformed the education landscape, and save your seat today for our webinar next week.Join us on Tuesday 14 July, 2.30pm (BST).
Test, Learn... Action
Doing something different or new doesn''t always have to mean reinventing the wheel. To maximise advertising performance, we must know which parts of our strategies are working well, and which areas we need to perfect.
Meet the Test, Learn, Action model. Where you question the status quo - not assuming that because we've always done things a certain way, it must be the best way. Ready to learn?
Keep striving for more
Learn with the National Clearing Survey too
While 2020 has been anything but predictable, one thing that has remained the same this year is that the National Clearing Survey''s insights are going to be invaluable. And even more necessary this year, to understand the Clearing mindset with unparalleled insight.
It''s free to take part in, and will be an essential resource for your Clearing planning and strategy for years to come. Get the exclusive insight by letting us know you want to be involved today.
I''m in, so in
Inspo from one of Edurank''s top scoring universities
The world of social media is fast-paced and ever-evolving at the best of times, but Covid brings a whole other level of pressure, making your lives as social media team members even more challenging. We caught up with the University of Cambridge to see how their content and strategy has changed amidst this global crisis and what inspiration they can give to you when navigating through these crowded platforms.
Going for gold
In the true nature of thinking student, there''s still time to sign up to our Covid Tracker which tracks the thoughts and feelings of students in real time. All you have to do is fill in the form via this link and we''ll do the rest.
And if you have any questions, from business operations to how we can support you during the coronavirus crisis, pleaseget in touch.
Here are your Week Six Covid 19 weekly insights
9/10 students are not changing their September plans, but there's a catch...
Hey Grayson,
We're at the halfway point, six weeks. Six weeks of insight into student attitudes during the Covid 19 crisis from the Student Hut Weekly Covid Tracker.
Have students' plans changed? Are they still planning to go to university in September? Have they had a change of heart during lockdown and are now aiming to do an entirely different subject, or planning to go on a gap year?
Well maybe not, a whopping 93% of students won't be changing their plans to attend university this September. And what's more, this figure has remained relatively unchanged throughout the weeks of the Covid Tracker, so students are sticking to their plans.
And, despite uncertainty over start dates and teaching methods, only 1% of students said they were planning to change their university and only 3% said they were planning to change their course subject.
But there's a catch...
We also found that 53% of students would be not happy to start in September if it means learning will be delivered online only. So, if that's your back-up plan, it may be worth looking into other options, such delaying the start of term by one month, which 60% of students said they would be happy with.
Student Hut has been chosen for a long-term research partnership with the Office for Students to understand behaviours of students. As government policy continues to evolve, so do students' decisions around what they will study, where they will travel and what they will buy. We track these sentiments in real-time and release the findings every week, so that your marketing and business decisions can be based on real insights and data.
To get this sort of insight free in your inbox each week,sign up to our weekly newsletter.
Read the full story here
And the insight doesn''t stop there. You''re not going to want to miss what we uncovered around postgraduate study. Read the full story below.
The rise of PG study
And we''d love for you to download the key findings to share with your teams and on social here.
Week 6''s Key Findings here
But this is not all we''ve uncovered in week six of our Covid 19 Tracker. If you''d like to upgrade to our paid-for subscription tracker, which includes the full findings from the research and the opportunity to survey your own students so you can overlay your own data and benchmark it against the national findings. You can do today by upgrading here.
Before you go, some helpful resources for you and your students:
Learn anything with Perlego
To help students carry on learning and accessible to all, Student Hut have partnered with Perlego, to open up their library of 300,000+ textbooks for free, for 5,000 students.
Library this way
Put emotional wellbeing first here with Fika
Student Hut and FIKA have created a hub of well-being support articles, videos and digital tools. The content is free to access and can be shared with your students.
The Fika Hub
Level up today
And don''t forget, if you''d like to upgrade to our paid-for subscription tracker, including all the student insight, you can do today just by letting us know you''re in.
I''m so in
The secret ingredient behind your next successful virtual open day...
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The secret ingredient behind your next successful virtual open day...
Hey Grayson
We all know that Open Days are a crucial step to enrolment in many prospective students'' journeys. But what happens when a global crisis blows the scope for physical events out of the water? How do you attract students to your online event?
Here is your ultimate (free) guide on how to address and overcome the challenges and run a successful and memorable event in this new normal.
We've combined over 12 years of expertise and student knowledge, helping universities and colleges attract students to their physical and virtual events, and put together an experts guide in new developments and student insights, plus effective advertising tactics and practicable takeaways. This may be the toughest recruitment cycle yet, but the success of your open days shouldn''t have to suffer, and this guide has it all to help you get more students to sign-up to your open days...
I want a copy
94% of students say that Open Days are important factors when deciding which university to attend.
By downloading this guide, you will:
Get great ideas and strategies for getting more leads and prospective students to sign up to your next virtual event.
Understand how to embrace innovation and your own students, with new platforms such as TikTok.
Gain an insight into the student mindset and what has changed digitally in the last year.
Develop a better understanding of how key touchpoints can impact propensity to convert and ultimately, enrol.
Understand how the right creative can help you stand out from the crowd and your competitors.
And while you''re at it, you''ll lift the lid on how we blend expertise with AI to guarantee you student advertising performance, giving you back more time to be creative, strategic and engage with your prospective students.
Get my free guide
Finding the good and the guarantees...
Finding the good and the guarantees
It''s safe to say if any one of us hears (or writes) the word ''unprecedented'' again, we might go into meltdown ourselves. And between working from home, homeschooling, the what ifs and approaching life always two metres apart, it''s tough.
Which is why this time, Think Student is bringing to you some good news stories to make you feel proud of the sector, students and society. And also, where you might find some certainty in amongst all the uncertainty. So without further ado...
Let''s start with some insight
Students are no longer in classrooms during the conventional 9 to 5, they're at home, and so their online habits have changed.
Social media usage is through the roof as students seek to remain connected during the lockdown period. Our experts delved into how these changes are impacting advertising performance.
Everything you need to know
Finding certainty in uncertainty
Join us on Wednesday 13 May when we will share with you the latest insights from the Student Hut Opinion Panel and advertising trends, and then demonstrate how technology can help you achieve your goals in 2020. Helping you lock in those guarantees when not a lot else is certain.
Guarantees are possible
And talking of the Opinion Panel...
Here''s a closer look at what week four of the COVID tracker found whilst collecting its weekly insights. From worries around lockdown to concerns around how, when and if university exams will take place, there''s a lot to tackle. But the only way to find out what students really think during all this and what they need from you is to ask them. Here''s what we found.
Get the insider scoop
"I just feel like us students are off their radars. Infrequent communication, no guidance on how to revise, no exam timetables. We don''t know what to do."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
The power of an audience in lockdown
It''s important to always look for those silver linings. We found one in the power of a captive audience during quarantine, while running a campaign in India. It is crucial to remain sensitive and appropriate during these times, but here are a few lessons that can be learnt about exploring new markets and capturing the attention of a locked-in audience with these recent tactics.
What can we learn?
Insights, insights, insights
Here you''ll find some questions that every student-specialist marketer needs to be asking themselves. How are you communicating with your students, what language are you using, what are you sharing and discussing? Sorry for the pun, but you must #thinkstudent first. Here''s how insight and research can help you inform your strategy.
Understand your students
"It''s tough for sure. But this is bringing people together, slowing it all down and reminding us all that we''re all more similar than we are different."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
Seek out the good
And as we said at the beginning, we must seek out the good in these challenging times. It''s been amazing seeing what our friends in the sector have been getting up to these last few weeks to support their communities and the fight against COVID-19. From groundbreaking research to inspiring wellbeing resources. Take five and remember that there is a lot of good happening right now.
Lovely stuff this way
On that same note...
We took to Edurank to see how these good news stories were impacting the way students engaged with social media posts, too. Research has shown that mentions of ''good news'', ''kind gestures'' and ''hero'' have sharply increased by over 400%, and that trend can be seen with the top posts being engaged on Edurank. Students are clicking on optimistic stories right now, so let''s take a look at who delivered this month.
Who''s keeping students'' spirits high?
Oh hey, game changer alert
Check out how Akero''s Asset Management Platform can help bring teams and collaborative client, agency and media partnerships together, making advertising better and more transparent.
"It's a really quick and easy way to foresee what assets are needed and their deadlines." Hello single point sign off. Find out how it can work for you too.
You don''t want to skip this one
And here are some additional resources to support you too:
There''s still time to sign up to Akero''s next virtual fireside chat, this time looking at how to optimise your landing pages to get the most of every campaign.
See you on 5 May
Student Hut and FIKA have created a hub of well-being support articles, videos and digital tools. The content is free to access and can be shared with your students.
The FIKA Hub
Stay positive and stay safe. If you have any questions, from business operations to how we can support you during the coronavirus crisis, please get in touch.
You''re invited to the Strategic Brand Management for Education Masterclass
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You''re invited to the Strategic Brand Management for Education Masterclass
Hey Grayson
For any strategic marketer, managing a brand is a thrilling and fulfilling challenge. However, what impact can you truly have if you work at an institution that already has an established brand?
We get it, brand management within a university isn''t easy, but it''s not something you can ignore either. It has an impact on your recruitment, student perception, research funding and even your business relationships.
Which is why we''ve created this masterclass. For those (you), who want to truly understand how to effectively manage your brand, and where best you should invest. Because you can have an impact, you just need to know how.
If you're a Marketing Director or Brand Manager at a university, college or training institution then this live, fireside chat with the student and marketing experts is for you.
Sounds good?
Join us on Thursday, Oct 22, 2020, at 3 pm.
If you can''t make it, sign up anyway, and we''ll send you the recording afterwards. Whatever you do, just don''t get left behind.
Say no more - I''m in
You''ll be hearing from these experts:
In this exclusive webinar, we'll cover:
The big difference between university and consumer brands.
The role that brand equity has in students' decision-making.
How do rankings affect brand perceptions? And is this different in different markets?
Where you can invest, to make an impact.
So what are you waiting for?
Save me a seat
What impact is COVID-19 having on student choices? Let''s find out with the Student Hut COVID-19 tracker.
What impact is COVID-19 having on student choices? Let''s find out...
Like everyone, students have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Exams cancelled, institutions closing and isolating, students heading back home months earlier than expected, it's a lot for all of us to handle.
And this new normal is creating unrelenting change for everyone. Each day brings new measures and impacts. To be agile and understand how COVID-19 is impacting students'' views, actions, and mental health, we need to talk to them. And you need tangible insights to inform how to support and engage a student audience.
That''s why Student Hut has launched the COVID-19 Tracker.
Each week we will monitor changes in student attitudes over this period.
And you can have direct access to these sentiments by signing up to receive weekly reports.
Count me in
1 in 3 students would rather go to a university with more online or distant learning options in September 2020.
- Student Hut COVID-19 Tracker
Living through a pandemic whitepaper
And while you''re here, why not download our first COVID-19 whitepaper.
How do students feel about COVID-19? What are they worried about? How about university, is that still on the cards? Do they still even want to go to university? We surveyed over 500 students on our Student Hut Opinion Panel to find out exactly what students are thinking and feeling.
Get the full picture here
If you have any questions about the COVID-19 tracker, do get in touch. And if you would like to find out more about what we''re doing at Student Hut to support you and students, you can do so here.
Want to know how to stand out, understand and attract students to your online education programme? Of course you do...
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You''re invited to our exclusive webinar: Learn how to align your technology, attracting more students and nurturing them through to enrolment...
Hey Grayson,
In the current climate, capturing more leads is only half the battle. Nurturing them right through to enrolment is what will really make all the difference. To truly do that, you need to understand and align your technology, to ensure every step of a student''s journey is connected and optimised.
Which is why this event was created... Specifically for you. To answer all your questions, and show you the way with Akero. Increasing ROI and reducing cost per application.
With this insight, you can improve conversions; capturing more leads and nurturing them to enrollment.
Sound good?
Join us for Thursday, August 27th at 3pm BST/10am EST.
If you can''t make it, sign up anyway, and we''ll send you the recording afterward. Whatever you do, just don''t get left behind.
Say no more - I''m in
In this exclusive webinar, we'll cover questions such as:
What does aligning all your technology systems tell you about your student recruitment?
What are our funnel stages?
Where do we experience drop-off?
Where are our chokepoints?
Is there a high drop-off between our applications and enrollments?
So what are you waiting for?
Sign me up
Empower your students, push the boundaries and never stop learning...
Empower your students, push the boundaries and never stop learning...
Our commitment to the Black Lives Matter movement is something we are continually working on, and our latest piece of research gives the stage to Black students, reminding us that there''s always more we need to be doing. And the main thing we all need to do? Listen to students. Through the Student Hut Opinion Panel, we can better understand students' experiences, feelings and motivations, and gain an insight into what we can do to make a difference.
With A-level Results Day well and truly around the corner, we are here to give you everything you need to keep pushing forward.
Black Lives Matter
Rather than guessing how Black students are feeling during the latest charge in the Black Lives Matter movement, we asked them directly. What do they want to see from their institutions and the brands they admire and follow? What do they hope for the future, and what do they expect for the now?
From our latest research, we gain insight into the opinions towards performative activism, the term ''BAME'' and the difference between inclusion and diversity. It''s an important read.
Are the parents on your side?
Growing our unrivalled understanding of students has always been our passion, but to truly understand their motivations and barriers, you need to understand their influencers too. This week''s Tracker did just that, looking to the parents, and how their worries are making an impact on students' September plans. Almost two in five prospective students say that their parents have impacted their university choices, with half of those now applying for university closer to home.
Time to #ThinkParent?
"I was choosing between a uni 200 miles away and one just up the motorway. My parents made me realise, this year, it''s not even a question. What happens if there''s a second spike? I need to be close to home."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
Did you miss it?
In case you missed our latest masterclass, fear not, you haven''t lost your chance to catch up! Want to know how to stand out, understand and attract students to your online education programme?
Of course you do, it''s the only way for any institution to succeed in this new climate.
Get ready for exclusive student insight and practical advertising takeaways by watching the session on-demand now.
Fill up those online courses
Are you ready for Clearing? Five ways to still make an impact
We've been getting ready for Clearing 2020 since, well the last one, and we're now in the final stretch. We always say, 'plan early', and most of you will have your strategy in place, but this Clearing is like no other, and we've spotted some unmissable insights from our big data that you're going to want to know about now and take action.
Make an impact
Nurture and Conversion
In the lead up to Results Day, it's vital to not only think about your advertising but also what happens when your hard-won awareness translates into a form submission.
Here are some top tips from our experts that''ll help improve your nurture strategy and turbocharge conversions.
Nurture to convert
Snap your way to the student heart
You should always be on the lookout for new ways to grab students'' hard-to-come-by attention. Snapchat, the app that a huge 66% of students head to daily, has recently announced the global rollout of their advertising product, Dynamic Ads, allowing advertisers to better reach Snapchat's 229 million daily active users based on their interests. Long story short, this is definitely something to think about.
Snap to the future
Learn with the National Clearing Survey too
While 2020 has been anything but predictable, one thing that has remained the same this year is that the National Clearing Survey''s insights are going to be invaluable.
It''s free to take part in, and will be an essential resource for your Clearing planning and strategy for years to come. Get the exclusive insight by letting us know you want to be involved today.
I''m in, so in
And some good news...
Not one but two for the Heist Awards
We love to celebrate whenever we can, so we loved finding out that LSBU are nominated in not one, but two, categories at the HEIST Awards.
Great work this way
AI & Machine Learning Awards
Akero has been shortlisted for Most Innovative AI Solution in this year's Computing AI & Machine Learning Awards. Shortlisted for its ability to bring something genuinely new to its users.
Check it out
Backstage on an award-worthy PPC campaign
The University of Kent have been nominated for the Best PPC Campaign in the UK Agency Awards 2020. But what goes into an award-worthy PPC campaign?
Get the lowdown
In the true nature of #thinkstudent, there''s still time to sign up to our Covid Tracker which tracks the thoughts and feelings of students in real-time. All you have to do is fill in the form via this link and we''ll do the rest.
And in case you missed it, our most recent free whitepaper is out now: The Student Marketers'' Guide to Virtual Open Days. Make sure you give it a look; the competition is tough out there and this could be your secret ingredient.
As ever, if you have any questions, get in touch with our team today!
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Last chance to join for an exclusive TikTok Content & Advertising Masterclass
Hey Grayson
If you're a marketing director considering TikTok in your advertising plans or a content creator wanting to know how to engage, then this event has been created for you. And it''s today - the countdown is on.
TikTok is partnering with our advertising platform, Akero, to share our top tips for creating engaging content and compelling campaigns in an exclusive online event just for student marketers. Join us this afternoon at 1:30pm BST.
Save your seat now
In a jam packed hour, we will:
Explain the phenomenon that is Tik Tok and why the student audience is so important.
Share top tips for content and what works best for brands.
Discuss the best-practice when creating an engaging content strategy.
Reveal what content is cutting through with our Study Tubers.
Showcase what good looks like on TikTok with case study examples from global institutions.
Plus a live Q & A with the experts.
Join us
Understand your students'' stories, and then tell your own...
Understand your students'' stories, and then tell your own...
As student specialist marketers, there''s a huge amount to think about, we know. So in this Think Student, we''ve covered a lot. We''ve got research and insight because everything you do should always start with students; their thoughts, barriers, and motivators.
Then it''s time for the strategy. How you can nurture those students who are considering a deferral and turn them into a 2020 conversion. And then the importance (and power) of storytelling in your advertising. Why you need to tell your story, beyond the marketing spiel and CTAs, to connect with your students.
With prospective students twice as likely to consider a gap year and twice as likely to change course than before lockdown, and 1 in 5 undergrads considering deferring, it''s not an easy feat. But here are some resources to help you through.
Online course boom
1 in 4 students are now considering a specialist online institution, 40% of GenZ and 38% of Millennials say they are focusing on their personal development during lockdown, so now is the perfect time to promote your online courses. Here''s one institution who got it spot on and afforded themselves 82% lower CPA and turbocharged their enrolments.
Gold standard this way
Here''s the theory to put into practice - The Masterclass
So you know the potential and opportunity are there for your online courses, and you know you can''t get this wrong. It''s a huge challenge, but we''ve got you. With our latest fireside chat, 14 July at 2.30pm, our experts will combine their collective brainpower with billions of data points and insights to deliver an exclusive virtual event and an online education audience and advertising masterclass. So, we''ll see you there?
I''m there
What we''ve learned from 500,000+ UK student responses
12 weeks, 12 reports, over 50 key findings, and more than half a million data points later, here''s a round up of what we''ve learned in the last three months from listening to thousands of responses from students across the country. From gap years, mental health, deferring and government actions, we''ve covered it all. And if you have missed out on the first 12 weeks, don''t make the same mistake again, sign up here today.
Don''t miss a thing
"The emails have stopped. Even the lecturers have stopped turning up. It''s like my university has just got bored of this situation. But Covid is still affecting all of us students. I think they''ve forgotten about that, and us."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
Deferred to enrolled
And talking of getting things right, the sector is currently looking at mass deferrals for this coming academic year. But with the right nurture strategy, that doesn''t have to be the case for your institution. So how can you use our insights, your data and effective advertising to get those unsure students through the door? Well, you can stop looking for the answers, because they''re right here.
Teach me the ways
And if you want to hear even more from our Akero experts, then you''re in luck. Our team is going live today at 2 pm with the latest Akero webinar. Find out how to use omnichannel communications to effectively capture and nurture your leads through the decision making process, by saving your seat here. See you there!
Science of storytelling
In a noisy world full of messaging all looking pretty much the same, it''s tough to get heard. But one way to do it is by telling your own story. And you don''t need to take our word for it; we backed ourselves with neuromarketing studies that prove why storytelling advertising and narrative ads are so powerful. Find out more here, and make sure your adverts are engaging those neurological pathways.
Not just for bookworms
And before we go...
It''s that time again, National Clearing Survey
While 2020 has been anything but predictable, one thing that has remained the same this year is that it''s time for the National Clearing Survey again. Clearing is going to be different this year, which is all the more reason to get involved and receive unparalleled insight into this year''s Clearing students.
It''s free to take part, and will be an essential resource for your Clearing planning and strategy for years to come. Get the exclusive insight by letting us know you want to be involved today.
I''m in, so in
And here''s to our friends at Study in Sweden!
We're always here for the wins. And we're extremely pleased to announce that our client Study in Sweden has been shortlisted for not one, but two awards; the PIEoneer Awards and the Digital Excellence Awards. They both celebrate innovation and achievement across the whole of the international education industry, and we''re so excited to see the amazing team at Study in Sweden get the recognition they deserve. Watch this space.
Going for gold
To support you and your students:
How to support the Black Lives Matter movement
Here are some resources, petitions to sign and places to donate, that you can share with your students and internal teams to help amplify and elevate the Black Lives Matter movement.
Learn more
Places Black students can find support
And for those within your student body who have been deeply affected by and struggling with the current circumstances, here are some professional, specialist services to support them.
Help them find help
Stay positive and stay safe. If you have any questions, from business operations to how we can support you during the coronavirus crisis, pleaseget in touch.
Hurray! You have the next 24 hours to access all the exclusive talks and unmissable student insights from the event.
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Hurry! You've got 24 hours to catch up with Think Student Online...
Hey Grayson
Think Student Online went live last week and it was an event full of insightful, helpful and exclusive content and resources for student marketers, like yourself. We had live panels, sessions and webinars from industry experts, as well as on-demand sessions covering a whole range of topics. It was an insightful day, and we ended with a bang in the form of the Edurank Award ceremony.
We know that last Thursday 5 November was a crazy day (okay, this whole year has been a wild ride), but from the national lockdown to the US election and everything else in between, Thursday was especially crazy.
So, we understand if you didn't get a chance to check out Think Student Online, but we still don't want you to miss out. For the next 24 hours, we're opening up all the content for you so you can make the most of the industry specialists' expertise and insights to invigorate and strategise your marketing efforts.
To remind you, we invited special guests to give talks on mental health and how student influencers feel about universities' use of social media, how to get your university brand on TikTok, as well as live student opinion panels and sessions from institutions such as Middlesex University, Study in Sweden and St George's, University of London. So why not benefit from catching these informative and enlightening talks on-demand today.
Catch me up
To access the sessions, click the link below and enter the password: ThinkStudent
Watch it all on-demand now
Let's strategise student marketing together.
The Think Student Live team
Yesterday was a mixed bag of emotions. Here''s the story of Results Day 2020...
A marathon, not a sprint... The story of Results Day 2020
Yesterday was a mixed bag of emotions. Students in their ten of thousands, let down and disappointed.
Decisions made by the government have meant that nearly 40% of students have been downgraded, and so, large numbers are unhappy and looking at how they can appeal or sit their exams in Autumn. The early indications are that fewer students are willing to make their final decision so quickly, as they may have previously, and we are indeed going to see a longer tail recruitment period through August and into September.
But despite this, on the day here at Natives and those who were using Akero Advertising, we saw lots of fantastic advertising performance and more students connected to institutions. It''s fair to say though, that this year, it will be a marathon and not a sprint...
We''ve rounded up everything you''ll need to keep pushing on beyond Results Day and ensure no gas is being let off the pedal. We have insights from students, as well as the experts. Tangible takeaways and action points. And we''ve even got the first look at the Student Hut flash Results Day survey. Here is your Think Student, Clearing edition.
The story of Result''s Day 2020
The lead up has been littered with question marks, and what-ifs. But the day has come and gone, and we're here to round up what happened, the good, the bad, and well, the ugly reality of what a Covid-19 Results Day really looked like.
So buckle up, because (spoiler alert), it's not over yet.
The verdict
Just in from flash survey:
Students from ethnic minorities are far less happy with their results than their white peers. They are also far more likely to report that Covid-19 has impacted their grades negatively than white students.
Watch this space for when Student Hut reveals the full findings next week.
So you''ve heard, the show isn''t over
Results Day is not the be-all and end-all when it comes to students applying via Clearing. If you still have places left at your institution, then extending your campaign for the rest of the month and into September is a great way of generating additional applications at a much cheaper CPA. Many of your competitors will end their campaigns prematurely, leaving space for your brand to dominate the digital landscape. Here''s a few tactical wins you won''t want to miss.
Fill up those seats
What have students been saying?
On the note that there''s still work to be done, have you caught up with this week''s Covid Tracker that came out earlier this week?
Students have been trying to tell the world that it''s no longer a one-day event. A quarter of students say they will take a few days after receiving their results to decide on what university they apply to via Clearing.
Patience is a virtue
"The world turned upside down in March and it''s not easy anymore deiciding the next three years as soon as I get my results. I''ll make my decision in the next couple of weeks. I need to weigh up the different risks."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
Now it''s time to start gathering that data... with the NCS
While 2020 has been anything but predictable, one thing that has remained the same this year is that the National Clearing Survey''s insights are going to be invaluable. Especially after the curveballs of yesterday.
It''s free to take part in, and will be an essential resource for your Clearing planning and strategy for years to come. Get the exclusive insight by letting us know you want to be involved today.
Partner up
And before you go...
Join our upcoming Akero Webinar
Join us for how to align your technology to improve conversion through the funnel and reduce your cost per application. Save your seat now. Nurturing is going to be essential.
Expert advice this way
Have you read the Open Day Whitepaper?
The wheel never stops, we know. But as we edge closer to the new academic year, that also means it''s Open Day season again. And if yesterday is anything to go by, planning early is key.
A - Z Guide
Does AI have eyes?
And finally, innovation is what enables us to stand out as industry leaders within the education sphere. And get great results for you. And that's how our Think Innovation report was born. Here''s a teaser of what''s to come.
Outside the box
As ever, if you have any questions, get in touch with our team today!
Are you ready to in-house your student marketing in 2021?
Are you ready to in-house your student marketing in 2021?
Whether to in-house, outsource or adopt a collaboration model to improve student marketing performance is one of the most important decisions that marketers across the education sector will make in 2021 and beyond. But how can you know if this is the right approach for your institution, and are you ready?
We are inviting student marketing professionals who work at all global education institutions to take part in the 2021 Student Marketers Survey from THE, powered by Akero, in the first, most insightful and representative global survey of its kind.
By taking part, you will understand the approaches, skills, data and technologies that institutions use to in-house student marketing and the key performance metrics for success, helping you prepare and identify the resources you need to plan for 2021 and beyond.
I''m in
What are the benefits of taking part?
Guide your institution on the latest trends in-housing, outsourcing and co-sourcing
Understand what resources and skills are required for a successful inhouse strategy
Understand what tools, insights and resources agencies employ to drive performance, matched against your own capabilities
Help the global education sector better understand and assess student marketing models
Be invited to an exclusive virtual event for participants and partners and receive the headline strategic findings from the research authors and receive the report before everybody else
Get me involved
The survey will be open from Thursday 26 November and close at midnight on Friday 8 January 2021. All responses will be treated anonymously unless explicit consent is gained. Plus, each participant will be entered into a prize draw to win one of ten ?100 Amazon vouchers (terms and conditions apply).
Want to know how to stand out, understand and attract students to your online education programme? Of course you do...
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You''re invited to our exclusive online education audience and advertising masterclass
Hey there,
Want to know how to stand out, understand and attract students to your online education programme?
Of course you do, it''s the only way for any institution to succeed in the ''new normal''.
Which is why, if you're a Marketing Director at an online learning provider or an institution that traditionally delivers F2F learning, this online event has been made for you.
Join us for the exclusive masterclass where we will be sharing insights and audience knowledge, as well as our top tips for creating engaging and compelling campaigns, so that you can maximise the students you are attracting and enrolling into your online provision.
Sound good? Join us for our latest masterclass on Thursday 14th July, 2.30pm
Save your seat now
So what will the hour consist of?
Insights and research findings into what the student audience is thinking about online learning, how Covid-19 has changed their behaviours and how you can use these findings to be more strategic in your advertising.
An in-depth look at the evolving Online student persona.
Insight into the latest advertising innovations so you can create a compelling global campaign, powered by an AI that improves your advertising performance by 60%.
Conversion strategies that will ensure you maximise every opportunity to turn a prospective student into an enrolled student.
Plus, you can ask questions live to the experts.
Join us
How to get more student leads in a Post-Cookie World
How to get more student leads in a Post-Cookie World
Hey Grayson
Do you want to increase the performance of your advertising and get more students applying to your institution? No need to answer, of course, you do.
And with the reality of a post-cookie world slowly but surely creeping up on us, and the introduction of new legislation that has revolutionised how we, as marketers, can use data, it's time to get savvy.
With the new permission-led approach to data and the impending death of the Cookie in 2022, there will be significant challenges on the path ahead. It will force student marketers to rethink how you use consumer data in your advertising campaigns, ensuring that data is treated ethically, and you stay compliant.
But that doesn't mean the volume or quality of your leads has to die along with cookies...
Meet your new best friend
Here's where our latest whitepaper comes in. It will show you how to keep your lead volume high in a post-cookie world and develop a thorough understanding of the latest regulations and how to run effective student recruitment campaigns.
Because it's not all doom and gloom here, with change comes opportunity. And so we've put together this free guide to get you up to speed with the white space that the new regulation presents while remaining on the right side of the legislation.
It's a no brainer, right?
Hit the button below and give it read.
Yes please
Want to know how to stand out, understand and attract students to your online education programme? Of course you do...
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It''s your last chance to make an impact. It''s time to turbocharge your student marketing campaigns...
Hey there,
This summer, colleges and universities will be up against the most fierce competition ever seen. But the institutions who use the predictive power of an award-winning AI, blended with over 12 years of student specialist advertising expertise, will be the ones who get ahead.
Here's just one organisation, who has used Akero to turbocharge their advertising and fill their student recruitment funnel:
"Our ad campaign with you has been a lifesaver. As a smaller institution, made vulnerable by Covid-19, you made it possible for us to get our message to the student audience that needs to know we are here. We're set to get an ROI of 150% above what we asked for in the original brief, and I can't thank you enough."
Most Akero clients have already booked their 'last chance'' summer campaign... Don't be the one who is advertising too late to make an impact.
You''ve got me interested
With a click, you can:
Access billions of data points to forecast digital advertising outcomes.
Activate campaigns across all major search engines, social media sites and over 100,000 brand-safe specialist websites and apps.
Create campaigns that are personalised to each prospective student throughout their journey all the way into their enrolment and management in Akero or over 750 popular platforms including Salesforce and Hubspot.
Track which advert resulted in a confirmed student and optimise your campaigns and track ROI at every stage.
So what are you waiting for? Find out for yourself and speak to one of our student advertising specialists today. Flexible plans for every budget.
Book a demo now
The wait is over! The 2020 Eduwards winners have been announced...
Don't miss out...There''s still time to get your Edurank Award nomination in
Hi Grayson,
As you know, our Edurank Award winners will be considered, judged and given the seal of approval by 40,000 students: The ultimate kudos in the world of student social media. But if you want the chance to be on that podium... Well, you have to be in it, to win it. Don''t worry, there''s still time.
You have until 7September to get your entry in, just click here for more information on how to enter.
So why else should you enter the Edurank awards?
These awards are a fantastic opportunity to show off to senior management that your content is really cutting through and hitting the mark. We know it''s tireless work making sure your community is engaged and connected. But these awards show that the students really recognise and commend your work.
Who wouldn''t love that?
So get that recognition that you and your team deserve.
Enter now.
We can''t wait to read through your entries and announce the winners in November.
See you then!
The Edurank Awards and Think Student Live team
Just because this year is drawing to an end, it doesn''t mean that we''re finished thinking student.
Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the insights are still delightful...
This newsletter, we''re reflecting on the big takeaways of 2020, from students'' perspectives, to creative advertising strategies, lessons on data and mental health techniques.
It''s been one hectic year, but we haven''t stopped evolving. The Covid-19 pandemic has seen industries make the switch to digital sooner than expected and the education sector has seen major changes in learning styles, recruitment and the need for student support.
In the face of the pandemic, innovation and communication have been key. And we've got the inspiration you need to keep going into 2021.
But more than ever, now is the time to relax, recharge and reflect. It's been a heavy year for us all, so take time to switch off and regroup. And, with that being said, here is the last Think Student of 2020...
Creative''s best of 2020
The Creative team are showcasing their proudest campaigns of 2020. From large to small, at Net Natives all projects count, and the more creative, the better. Here are this year''s highlights.
Delve right in
Student Hut Tracker rewind
Throughout 2020, we've been tracking how students have been coping with the changes and upheaval every step of the way. Join us as we rewind and reflect on the key takeaways from the Student Hut tracker over the last 36 weeks.
Get the full scoop
"Covid-19 has made it harder for me to look to the future. I find myself being focused on getting through a day at a time instead of looking forward to things"
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
Our must-read Net Natives resources of 2020
We''ve gathered the insights on student opinion, advertising, advancements in student recruitment, digital strategies, mental health, movements and much more in 2020. Now we''re taking a look at the most insightful content that will turbocharge your marketing efforts in 2021. Out with the old, in with the insights.
Turn the page
What is Good: The Christmas Ad Round-up
Christmas is just around the corner and the ads are in full swing. At Net Natives, we love being inspired by other sectors, and these ads are the ones to learn from. Drive with emotion and end with connection with the right angle.
Inspiration this way
What does 2021 hold?
Zooming into 2021 on data-driven wheels
2020 has unfolded in unexpected ways. Our Akero expert Alex takes stock of innovations in the sector, and key takeaways from 2020 to look forward to 2021.
Powered by insight and data, get the latest advice on student recruitment and advertising campaigns next year.
Show me the crystal ball
Cautionary tales, consumption evolutions and the season of sharing
Our Head of Advertising Tom predicts the advertising landscape of 2021, where he talks cookies, trust and innovation. We need to be flexible in our approach, as 2020 showed us that anything is possible.
Delve right in
The EduRank Themes that cut through in 2020
Student voices, content on the move and mental health all won over the student crowd this year, making our Edurank winners some of the most successful HE campaigns of 2020.
What can we learn and how can we implement these ideas to engage our student audiences more, especially when students are tired of Covid-19?
Inspiration this way
How we are helping to support local families
2020 has been harder for some than others. This year, we've supported Marcus Rashford''s initiative to reduce poverty by donating to our local food bank. Kick-started by our Customer Success Executive, Jack, this is a cause all of us at Net Natives really got on board with.
Find out more
And before you go...
Lessons in launching a new online programme
Searches related to online learning saw a ten-fold increase during March and April 2020, and online-only students now make up around 15% (and growing) of all higher education enrolment, up from just 4% pre-Covid. But while the pandemic may have pressed the fast-forward button, online programmes need to be on your radar.
What you need to know
The ultimate guide to recruiting adult learners
As lockdown caused unemployment rates to skyrocket, adults across the UK are looking to re-train and update their skillset. Initiatives such as the Lifetime Skills Guarantee have made adults passionate about learning again, meaning there''s plenty of opportunity to recruit these learners in 2021.
Get recruiting
And that''s it for another year of Think Student newsletters. We hope you have a very merry Christmas and make sure to take time off to rest, relax and recharge to get ready for the new year in the world of student recruitment and marketing.
If you want more information on any of our services, make sure to speak to our experts today.
Did you hear? The Covid Tracker insights are award worthy... Have you got access to them yet?
Hey there,
Since March, our 40,000-strong student Opinion Panel has been giving us unmatched insight into their worlds, and in each instalment, we''ve been sharing it all with thousands of student marketers. Enabling them to build this insight into their strategy and plans, giving a clear picture of what students want and need from their institutions.
And now, with everything still so uncertain, we thought it would be the perfect time for you to get involved too.
To get the full scoop, just let us know and we''ll set you up, ready for the next instalment on Wednesday next week. Don''t be left in the dark.
Sign me up
If you upgrade today you can save up to 10% on your subscription too, just let us know before Friday at 4pm. There are only five spots left - so be quick.
What have I been missing?
"I''m confused now. I am not sure what to do because I just received an offer from my clearing choice and instead of being happy now I''m wondering what if?!"
- Quote from Student Hut Covid Tracker
Don''t spend any more time navigating this new normal, blind. Get direct insight from your students, themselves. Sign up for the tracker today and save 10% - don''t miss out.
Say goodbye to paperbacks, say hello to personalisation
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Say goodbye to paperbacks, say hello to personalisation
Hey Grayson
"We are not going to send out prospectuses this year because we can''t supply them to our schools, colleges and distribution spaces so we need to know what to do with our budget."
Sound familiar? Covid-19 has redefined what a digital-first approach means, to cut-through and engage with students in this new era, leading to the demise of one of the most loved (and hated) traditional marketing assets - the prospectus.
But it's something to celebrate, not mourn, and we're going to show you why: that budget (and time) you usually spend on production, print and distribution? Now's your chance to be creative and innovative, capture more data and supercharge your 2021 campaigns.
Out with the printed and in with the personal
What next?
If you're looking for a creative marketing strategy that will reinvigorate your 2021 student recruitment but don't know where to start, then read what our experts have to say about pivoting and reinvesting that budget to tactics that work for your institution.
Here''s the low down
The traditional prospectus may be on it's way out, but now is the time to invest in activity that truly works for your institution, helping you to make those authentic, personalised, data-driven connections.
f you would like to speak to our experts about your next steps, get in touch.
Are you ready to in-house your student marketing in 2021?
Are you ready to in-house your student marketing in 2021?
Whether to in-house, outsource or adopt a collaboration model to improve student marketing performance is one of the most important decisions that marketers across the education sector will make in 2021 and beyond. But how can you know if this is the right approach for your institution, and are you ready?
We are inviting student marketing professionals who work at all global education institutions to take part in the 2021 Student Marketers Survey from THE, powered by Akero, in the first, most insightful and representative global survey of its kind.
By taking part, you will understand the approaches, skills, data and technologies that institutions use to in-house student marketing and the key performance metrics for success, helping you prepare and identify the resources you need to plan for 2021 and beyond.
I''m in
What are the benefits of taking part?
Guide your institution on the latest trends in-housing, outsourcing and co-sourcing
Understand what resources and skills are required for a successful inhouse strategy
Understand what tools, insights and resources agencies employ to drive performance, matched against your own capabilities
Help the global education sector better understand and assess student marketing models
Be invited to an exclusive virtual event for participants and partners and receive the headline strategic findings from the research authors and receive the report before everybody else
Get me involved
The survey will be open from Thursday 26 November and close at midnight on Friday 8 January 2021. All responses will be treated anonymously unless explicit consent is gained. Plus, each participant will be entered into a prize draw to win one of ten ?100 Amazon vouchers (terms and conditions apply).
We're looking forward to welcoming you to this year's Think Student Live on Thursday 5 November 2020.
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Calling all student-marketers... This is the virtual event you can''t miss
Hey Grayson
Have you heard? We're bringing this year's Think Student Live online on Thursday 5 November 2020.
We've got some amazing content lined up for you, bringing you the very best of our research and insight over the past year, as well as inspirational talks from the likes of UniBuddy and JC Decaux, plus insights and live Q&As with our experts.
It''s been a tough year, but we''ll be bringing you stories of celebration and inspiration, ideas for where we go from here and motivation to continue looking forward.
We'll also have a live student panel discussing all things from mental health and freshers, to branding and communication. Plus, a Think Student Live exclusive; an interview with top student influencer Ruby Granger. With over half a million subscribers, we find out what the recipe is for successful engagement and how student influencers are the future of student marketing.
And talking of celebrations, we'll also be announcing the Edurank Awards, recognising the most engaging and creative social media content to come out of the education industry this year; from sustainability to student wellbeing, find out who's been voted the best of the best by our student panel.
It''s going to be a jam-packed day, but it is absolutely free for you and your team to attend, and you''ll have access to the resources and insight beyond 5 November. There''s no reason not to, really. Save your seat today.
Save your (virtual) seat now
We can''t wait to see you there,
The Think Student Live team
Wouldn't it be great to compare the data from your institution against other universities and colleges, to help you to identify your successes, and also, where there''s room for improvement?
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You''re invited to the Benchmarking: Going beyond industry standards with Akero webinar
Hey Grayson,
Wouldn't it be great to compare email, landing page and form data from your institution against other universities and colleges, to help you to identify your successes, and also, where there''s room for improvement? So that you know how to best build a plan of action moving forward and exceed all those industry standards...
Well, look no further. This webinar will cover our benchmarking report which analyses the performance of Akero's landing pages, forms, and emails against those in the FE & HE education sector.
Enabling you to truly understand how to measure progress, provide a target for actions, and allow your institution to maximise your marketing efforts. Sounds good, right? This live, fireside chat with the student and marketing experts has been made for you.
You''re in?
Join us on Wednesday, 28 October at 3pm GMT.
If you can''t make it, sign up anyway, and we''ll send you the recording afterwards. Whatever you do, just don''t get left behind.
Save me a seat
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Get involved with the 2020 National Clearing Survey
We've got a very special opportunity for HEI's in the UK to take part in the 2020 edition of the National Clearing Survey.
Now in its seventh year, this major research initiative will give you the data and insights to transform your future Clearing strategies. And the good news? You can get involved, for free, in this year''s National Clearing Survey too.
More than 50 institutions have already signed up and will be getting the strategic findings from the most dynamic and competitive Clearing ever in the UK's largest independent survey of Direct Applicants and Clearing students.
We don't want you to be the institution that misses out.
Sign me up
"For the past 5 years, the National Clearing Survey has been an essential part of my marketing and recruitment planning."
- Marketing Director, Russell Group University
What are the benefits or taking part?
. Your institutions own data which will allow you to benchmark the actions of your Clearing students with the national findings.
. You''ll receive a priority copy of the report before non-participant institutions.
. You'll be invited to an exclusive preview event where you'll hear the strategic insights from the report from its authors, where we will reveal the headline findings for the first time.
. You''ll make the lives of Clearing students easier.
. Your students who take part will automatically be entered into a draw to win five prizes that will help them in their studies.
. Best of all, it''s free to take part!
I''m in
What is the National Clearing Survey?
The National Clearing Survey was created to better understand the Clearing process from the point of view of the students. This survey is truly the most representative and comprehensive, independent report of its kind.
But 2020 isn''t any ordinary year, we all know this. This year will bring the most dynamic and competitive Clearing ever and insights will be more important than ever when planning long-term.
By understanding influencing factors, and the effects they have on students, institutions can optimise their strategies and future Clearing campaigns. Ensuring that you are targeting students on the right devices, at the right time and on the right platforms.
So what are you waiting for?
Take part today - you won''t regret it
Quick, you still need a Think Student Live ticket...
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Quick, you still need a Think Student Live ticket...
Tickets for Think Student Live 2020 were released less than a week ago, and they''ve already been flying off the shelves. Fear not, there''s still one left with your name on it, Grayson.
But it won''t be long till the second release of tickets, at a discounted price, are sold out (we''re talking a matter of days...), so think fast and buy your ticket today.
A bit about Think Student? It''s a whole day event (9 - 5:30 TBC), and the line-up already includes some of the most inspirational speakers in marketing, including TikTok, Student Hut Opinion Panel and Study Tuber Ruby Granger. We''ll sort the food, drink and the fantastic insights - all you need to do is get yourself to Kings Place, London on 4 June. Seems like a pretty sweet deal, right?!
And don''t forget, you can bring the whole squad by saying hello to our Team Ticket! Buy four tickets and get the bundle saving of 20% off your entire purchase. Why wouldn''t you?
Of course I want 20% off
"One of the best student marketing conferences I''ve been to in a long time. I''ve been working in the sector for a decade and to come away with so much inspiration, new knowledge and feeling excited for the work I do was just fantastic."
Get ahead of the game and grab your tickets now. We look forward to saying hello to you all on 4 June.
I''m in
Quick, you still need a Think Student Live ticket...
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Don''t forget your Think Student Live ticket...
Hey Grayson
The second-release tickets forThink Student Livewere released only two weeks ago and they''ve already sold out!
But just for you, our newsletter subscribers, we''ve frozen the price at 20% offfor another 24 hours.
So think fast andbuy your ticket today.
A bit about Think Student? It''s a whole day event (9-5:30 TBC); we''ll sort the food, drink and the amazing insights - all you need to do is get yourself to Kings Place, London on 4 June. Seems like a pretty sweet deal, right?!
Of course I want 20% off
"One of the best student marketing conferences I''ve been to in a long time. I''ve been working in the sector for a decade and to come away with so much inspiration, new knowledge and feeling excited for the work I do was just fantastic."
Get ahead of the game and grab your tickets now. We look forward to saying hello to you all on 4 June.
Get me in
COVID-19; what we are doing as a business to support you and our people.
COVID-19; what we are doing as a business to support you and our people
As we all know, the COVID-19 situation is changing daily, which means we must adapt.
As a business we have, and to keep you up to date with what we''re doing and also how we are helping through this unprecedented time, we''ve curated this Think Student to contain all the information that is important and useful to you.
Our Group, Akero, Natives and Student Hut, are already continuing to operate a remote business-as-usual service, offering the same excellent level of support and delivery as we always have.
Firstly; we all have a duty of care to our people and their loved ones'' well being; secondly, we must ensure our stakeholders continue to meet their objectives. Students still want to learn.
We will also provide certain resources to the sector to help and support. This dedicated newsletter contains the first of many support materials. More resources will be forthcoming in the coming weeks, so please feel free to contact me directly if you have any specific questions.
Stay calm and stay safe.
Steve Evans
How Akero can support you - for free
COVID-19 presents a challenge for all of us on an unprecedented level, that will mean we need to all pull together. Resources will be stretched, and we want to help.
Communication will be key, we are providing free emails and SMS to institutions to stay in touch at this critical time.
How we are supporting you
What are students saying about COVID-19?
While many questions are best left to the scientists and politicians, here at Student Hut we thought students were best equipped to answer how they''re really feeling. So that''s exactly what we did with a flash survey of our Opinion Panel.
Students are as equally concerned about how this hits their education prospects as their own welfare and 44% are now looking at online study providers... These answers will definitely give you a lot to think about.
Here''s what they''re thinking
"It would move things online, but I think it would be manageable. Health is more important ultimately."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
How to build a connection when open days are no longer an option
Open days are about building emotive connections and allowing your prospective students to fall in love with the on-campus vibe.
So what can you do when your event has been cancelled, or it is no longer possible for a physical open day? We caught up with our student specialist experts to get their ideas on how to bring life to virtual events.
Expert advice this way
Be bold, be online and promote through digital
Driven by the unique conditions and challenges that COVID-19 has created, the future might just have become the present. Online providers, or those institutions that can be agile enough to offer an online alternative, might be the ones who find themselves in the best position possible by the end of the 2020 recruitment cycle.
Here''s what you can do
Avoid a late scramble
COVID-19 has changed the game. Avoid an ill-prepared and late scramble for students by acting now. How can this be achieved? And what can be done when budgets are already stretched? Here's a Plan B so you're not left facing your own student recruitment crisis in 2020.
Some guidance this way
Before you go... Why notjoin ustomorrow (Wednesday 18 March) at 2 pm for a virtualfireside chat - including a Q and A - on the new developments that will impact the sector and how the Akero tech stack can support you during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Join our webinar here
And here are some additional sources to support you too:
THE have lifted their paywall on all COVID-19 content, creating a hub of articles and news.
Head to The PIE for updates on international news for news across the globe.
And WonkHE for updates and comment around COVID-19 as well as wider policy and sector news.
If you have any questions, from business operations to how we can support you during the coronavirus crisis, please get in touch.
Students look to universities fondly, even amidst all the chaos, so kudos to you all.
Now is the time to turn the focus to retention, here''s how...
The new academic year is just around the corner, and August has been no smooth ride. But students look to universities fondly, even amidst all the chaos, so kudos to you all. Despite the constant curveballs you''ve faced, the sector rallied around students and supported them in ways that made the difference. The challenge now, is to keep that confidence going, and making sure that you're supporting students in a way that keeps them enrolled at your institution. We're going to be turning the focus on reducing melt in the coming weeks and months.
Until then, use the insight from the Student Hut Tracker to understand students' fears and preempt their barriers. And use Natives' and Akero's expertiseand experience to work smarter, not harder. Whether that's through clever thinking to reach new audiences, or automating tiresome processes tofree up time to do more of the important stuff. Here's your Think Student:
Keep being those beacons of light
Our student panel reflected on the mess of Results Day but the thing that stood out for them? You. 70% of students rated their interactions with university staff in a positive light. Give yourselves a pat on the back. However, students are telling us they''re still worried, and needing support. Kick-start your 2020 retention efforts right here with insights.
Insight this way
Smart ways to reach your audiences
As emotions are running high, reaching out and engaging with the student audience at the moment is no easy feat. But, as the saying goes, work smarter, not harder. Cue ways to reach out to this overwhelmingly confused and distressed audience, smartly and efficiently, ahead of the new academic year.
We're here to help
Top tips for a final enrolment boost
As we said, it''s a challenge navigating through these strange times. But with Akero, you can use our experience and knowledge to help make life a little easier. Our methods and tactics are tried and tested and things you can adopt to work towards boosting your enrolment figures in the final few weeks before term starts.
Nurture... but be efficient
"Have staff be mindful of this situation and be more organised and prepared with things like appointment slots for students wanting to talk. I'm worried that we'll just be left to scramble."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
Improve conversion, reduce your cost-per-application
For those who haven't signed up already, our experts are hosting a webinar this afternoon that you can still save a seat for. Join us for how to align your technology to improve conversion through the funnel and reduce your cost per application. Go on, join us.
Save your seat here
Capture the attention of Chinese Gen Z
The UK student scene has been at the forefront for the last few weeks, but we can''t forget how important international students are.
So on that note, how can you reach Chinese students in their homeland when there''s the Chinese digital wall to face, you ask? Find out more about Bilibili, and the 50.8 million daily active users you could be missing out on.
Knowledge is power
Now it''s time to start gathering that data... with the NCS
While 2020 has been anything but predictable, one thing that has remained the same this year is that the National Clearing Survey''s insights are going to be invaluable. Especially after the curveballs.
It''s free to take part in, and will be an essential resource for your Clearing planning and strategy for years to come. Get the exclusive insight by letting us know you want to be involved today.
Partner up
Get that seal of approval from the students
As you know, our Edurank Award winners will be considered, judged and given the seal of approval by 40,000 students: The ultimate kudos in the world of student social media. But if you want the chance to be on that podium... Well, you have to be in it, to win it. Don''t worry, there''s still time.
You have until 7 September to get your entry in, just click here for more information on how to enter.
In it to win it
As ever, if you have any questions, get in touch with our team today.
It''s time to Think Student with the National Clearing Survey and the student marketing event of the year...
It''s been a big month... The National Clearing Survey landed, the UK left the EU party, Storm Ciara and Dennis have ruined garden sheds everywhere, and the Edurank winners have been announced. But perhaps the most important news this month is that the Think Student Live tickets have been released!
Read on to find out what you can look forward to at 2020''s Think Student Live, where to buy your tickets and a taster of all the brilliant insight you''ll see live in action on 4 June this year (plus put into practice even sooner).
So what can you do right now...
Truly understand the detailed attributes, motivations, and behaviours that make up the updated 2020 Clearing applicant audience segments, that''s what. And how can you do that? With the National Clearing Survey.
And if there''s just one thing you take away from the report (but definitely read the full thing) it needs to be the personas and how strategic marketers can use them as part of your integrated marketing plans to give you the edge in 2020.
Say hello to the personas
And on that note
Brace yourself for some exclusiveness. The fastest-growing app in the world, TikTok, will be gracing the Think Student Live stage.
Now with just a click of a button student marketers can reach an estimated 200 million daily users aged between 16 and 24. And you can get ahead of the game with our HE specialist marketing platform Akero, which now automatically includes TikTok inventory using its powerful AI.
Learn more
Next up, drum roll please...
The Eduwinners have been announced! 15 outstanding institutions have been commended for their social media activity and you can find the full list of winners here. One of those winners is De Montfort University (for the third year running!), so we caught up with their very own Paul Hindle. We chatted all things social media and what really cuts through. Get the exclusive, and discover the winning combo in the full interview.
Let''s talk podiums
"Our social media provides the reassurance that if people choose to join us at DMU they will be joining somewhere serious about making a difference on the issues that really matter in the world today."
- Paul Hindle, De Montfort University
But you haven''t missed out on all the fun, just yet. The nominations are open for the Think Student Awards and it time for you to shine. These awards are judged by the people who matter - 40,000 diverse and engaged students on the Student Hut Opinion Panel. And it''s free to enter, get nominating.
I''m going for gold
Here''s even more good stuff...
The impact of Coronavirus
As the outbreak continues to spread across the globe, recruitment funnels are experiencing huge disruption. What can you do to mitigate the impact this will have on your Chinese recruitment and your Clearing strategies before you''re facing your own 2020 enrolment crisis? Here''s the POA.
Are you prepared?
Personality Advertising
Check out how AI and the gold-standard of personality profiling can combine to inform targeting, platform selection and messaging to turbocharge your student advertising.
The future is this way
Our superstar: Kas Nicholls
Our Director of Research knocked it out of the park once again at the Mediatel Media Research Awards last week, winning Research Rising Star Award. Congrats Kas!
Find out more
And that''s it for February''s edition - Looking forward to seeing you all at Think Student Live in June, and as a thank you for subscribing to our newsletter, treat yourself to 10% off with the code THINK10.
The wait is over! The 2020 Eduwards winners have been announced...
Don''t forget, you can still enter the 2020 Think Student Awards, powered by Edurank...
The Eduwinners have been announced, the good news has been passed around and we''ve already had some fantastic Think Student award entries, but there''s still time to shine! Enter the Think Student awards, powered by Edurank, yourself today.
Why should you enter? Because they''re judged by the people who matter - the student audience. 40,000 of them on the Student Hut Opinion Panel. There are no other awards like them in the sector.
It''s free to enter. So what are you waiting for?
Do you think your institution has had some epic campaigns this year? Have you seen some awesome things on social media from your peers around topics of sustainability and diversity? Why not enter them too - we''re all friends here! Check out the categories and get nominating today.
Submissions close on 3 April and all you need to do is submit 250 words on why you (or a specific institution) should win.
Not only that! Any institution that makes the cut on a category shortlist will get a complimentary Think Student Live ticket to see the award announcements live in action on 4 June. You''ll hear from the likes of Tik Tok, the Student Hut Opinion Panel, and so much more. What have you got to lose?
We can''t wait to see your entries and congratulations again to all our winners!
The team at Edurank
Going for gold
And if that sparked some interest...
If one ticket just isn''t enough, or you can''t possibly wait to see if you''ve bagged yourself a free ticket, and you want to secure your place today (we don''t blame you!)... You can join us and our epic lineup on4 June at King''s Place, London by buying your tickets now.
Me, me, me
Click here to unsubscribe.
The wait is over! The 2020 Eduwards winners have been announced...
Don''t forget, you can still enter the 2020 Think Student Awards, powered by Edurank...
The Eduwinners have been announced and the good news has been passed around but there''s still an opportunity to shine! By entering the Think Student awards, powered by Edurank.
Why should you enter? Because they''re judged by the people who matter - the student audience. 40,000 of them on the Student Hut Opinion Panel. There are no other awards like them in the sector.
It''s free to enter. So what are you waiting for? Do you think your institution has had some epic campaigns this year? Or have you seen some awesome things on social media from your peers? Why not enter them too - we''re all friends here! Check out the categories and get nominating today. Submissions close on 3 April.
Not only that! Any institution that makes the cut on a category shortlist will get a complimentary Think Student Live ticket to see the award announcements live in action on 4 June. You''ll hear from the likes of Tik Tok, the Student Hut Opinion Panel, and so much more. What have you got to lose?
We can''t wait to see your entries and congratulations again to all our winners!
The team at Edurank
Going for gold
And if that sparked some interest...
If one ticket just isn''t enough, or you can''t possibly wait to see if you''ve bagged yourself a free ticket, and you want to secure your place today (we don''t blame you!)... You can join us and our epic lineup on4 June at King''s Place, London by buying your tickets now.
Me, me, me
Click here to unsubscribe.
No one has all the answers yet but you can get a head start with insight.
No one has all the answers yet but you can get a head start with insight.
While we may still be in unknown territory, saying the right things, at the right time, in the right place has always been important. You only have to flick back to Think Student pre-lockdown, to see we've always been saying just that. So our current approach isn't anything new, but it does warrant a whole lot of thought and consideration now that Covid-19 has knocked a few things off course. Online behaviour has changed, anxieties are heightened and student journeys to enrolment have never been so complicated.
Whether it''s by using Student Hut''s Covid-19 tracker to ensure you''re saying the right things or Akero''s exclusive masterclass with TikTok on how to create compelling campaigns and content, there''s something for everyone. No one has all the answers yet and that's okay, but in the meantime, you can get a head start with this Think Student.
Exclusive masterclass with TikTok for student marketers
If you're a Marketing Director considering TikTok in your advertising plans or a content creator wanting to know how to engage, then this event has been created for you.
TikTok is partnering with Akero, to share our top tips for creating engaging content and compelling campaigns in an exclusive online event just for student marketers. What are you waiting for?
Save your seat now
Students need more health support
First insight of the day: Nearly half of students don't know if they can access health services at universities and one in three don't know either way if they can get counselling or mental wellbeing support.
With 88% of students'' major concern during Covid-19 being their mental health, it''s time for universities to step up and showcase what support they can offer during this time of transition between lockdown and relaxed restrictions. Read the full story here and how health services may play a pivotal part in recruiting and retaining students in this new normal.
Here''s what you can do
Are students jumping in too soon?
Did you know that 30% of students say they have already signed accommodation contracts for 2020/21, with this rising to 55% of first-year students and 40% of second-year students? Despite many not knowing what September will actually look like yet, and even more who no longer have jobs to support themselves.
It''s more important than ever for accommodation providers and universities to be providing clear guidance on students' rights to help reassure students before making any big decisions.
Here''s how students are reacting
The resurgence of desktop browsing
And looking at online behaviour, if someone asked what 2020 would bring, we don''t think there would be many who''d guess the resurgence of desktop browsing...
On the day UK lockdown was announced, mobile and desktop impressions for Google Search hit their smallest point of divergence this year and desktop impressions increased by 34% in one day. Are you ready for the extra real estate?
So. much. space.
Landing page optimisation
And talking of making the most of your online activity... Did you know you can turbocharge your advertising performance by 300% when you capture audience data and segment it for targeted campaigns?
Here's a look at the quick wins we can all do to improve our landing page conversion rate and capture that all-important first-party data
What can we learn?
"Sometimes I feel like no one cares about our mental health. Do exercise, do zoom classes and don''t worry, is all the advice we really get."
- Student Hut Opinion Panel
Isolation Resources for you and your students
As it''s Mental Health Awareness Week next week, we thought it was important to take stock of how we are supporting each other and how we can share that with you. We've collated a few different resources during the team's (virtual) travels these last couple of months to help us all stay positive throughout these strange and mysterious times.
We know students are worried about their mental wellness too, so feel free to share these resources around.
Everything you need to know
The mental health heroes
And it''s not only us sharing content, over at Edurank we''ve noted a few of the institutions that have been doing amazing things on social media to ensure their students are supported throughout this time. That's why this month's roundup is dedicated to students' mental well-being and highlighting how their institutions are raising awareness and providing the help they need.
Good things this way
And here are some additional resources to support you too:
Certainties in uncertain times
Catch up with our latest webinar where we shared the latest student insights, advertising trends, and then demonstrate how technology can help you achieve your goals in 2020.
Got your popcorn?
What''s trending on Twitter?
The conversation on Twitter has been buzzing recently around who''s made it onto the student-voted top Student Union rank on Student Hut. Did you make the cut?
Are you on the list?
Supporting the students
Student Hut and FIKA have created a hub of well-being support articles, videos and digital tools. The content is free to access and can be shared with your students.
The FIKA Hub
Stay positive and stay safe. If you have any questions, from business operations to how we can support you during the coronavirus crisis, please get in touch.