Dear Jon
I just wanted to check regarding your below booking? Can you just confirm your correct name and address?
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Mark Clarke
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From: NATRE <>
Sent: 06 January 2020 13:59
To: Courses.Retoday <>
Subject: Thank you for your Strictly RE 2020 booking
Thank you for booking your place at Strictly RE 2020. Please find a summary of your booking below. Your booking has been delivered to our admin team.
If you have any queries, please contact or call the main office on 0121 458 3313.
Email address *
(bookings cannot be accepted without a valid email address)
NATRE membership number (if known)
Twitter handle (if known e.g. @NATREupdate)
Organisation/school name (if applicable)
Invoice the organisation/school at the address given above
PO number / Order reference
I wish to pay by card, please send a secure payment URL to my email address
Please select a 1st seminar choice for seminar A
Secondary: A5 Examining non religious worldviews: diversity myth and meaning
Please select a 2nd seminar choice for seminar A
Secondary: A5 Examining non religious worldviews: diversity myth and meaning
Please select a 1st seminar choice for seminar B
Secondary: B5 Smells like teen spirit! Creating spiritual moments in lessons
Please select a 2nd seminar choice for seminar B
Secondary: B5 Smells like teen spirit! Creating spiritual moments in lessons
Please select a 1st seminar choice for seminar C
Primary: C3 Implementing effective RE for 7-11s: knowledge encounter and creativity
Please select a 2nd seminar choice for seminar C
Primary: C3 Implementing effective RE for 7-11s: knowledge encounter and creativity
Please provide discount code (if applicable)
Where did you hear about Strictly RE 2020?