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Membership Emails
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Banks are profiting from mass incarceration and the criminalization of immigration.
Dear Friend,
Over the past few weeks and months, we�ve seen the heartbreaking photos of families being kept in inhumane conditions by the Trump Administration�s horrific policies. MomsRising members have swung into action -- holding protests in their communities, urging our legislators to take action, and also using our consumer voices to make sure our banks do not profit from the suffering of families.
And we are making a tremendous difference! Working with the powerful Families Belong Together coalition, we won the commitment of JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, SunTrust, BNP Paribas, Fifth Third Bancorp, Barclays, and PNC to end financing of private prisons, where the majority of people in immigration custody are detained. These eight bank commitments represent an estimated 87.4% of the credit and term loans available to private prison companies, CoreCivic and Geo Group! [1,2] This is huge!
Let�s keep up our MOMentum by getting more banks to stop financing private prisons!
*Sign now to say NO to Citizens Bank, Regions, First Tennessee Bank, Synovus Bank, Pinnacle Bank, and other banks, profiting from the suffering of families!
Why is this important?
Private for-profit prisons are a key component of President Trump�s plan to incarcerate immigrant families, and are also part of the system of mass incarceration that has particularly devastated communities of color. More than 70% of immigrants in immigration custody are in private prisons. [3]
Private prison companies, like CoreCivic and GEO Group, two of the largest for-profit prison and detention corporations, depend on financing from banks to conduct their day-to-day business operations, build new facilities and acquire smaller companies. [4]
Eight major banks have committed to stop financing the private prison industry. It�s time for Citizens Bank, Regions, First Tennessee Bank, Synovus Bank, Pinnacle Bank, and other banks to commit to ending financing of private prisons too. A 2019 analysis of GEO Group and CoreCivic�s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 2018 filings show that Citizens Bank, Regions, First Tennessee Bank, Synovus Bank, Pinnacle Bank, and other banks have had a role in financing one or more private prison companies. [5] In doing so, Citizens Bank, Regions, First Tennessee Bank, Synovus Bank, Pinnacle Bank, and other banks are profiting from mass incarceration and the criminalization of immigration. [6]
Tell Citizens Bank, Regions, First Tennessee Bank, Synovus Bank, Pinnacle Bank, and other banks, to stop financing private prisons!
Most parents would do anything to make sure their children have a safe, free, and healthy life, but across our country, parents have been cruelly separated from their children and held in private prisons where they are unable to care for, or often even see their children. Moreover, many private prisons have documented histories of inadequate medical care and human rights abuses and are part of the system of mass incarceration that has particularly devastated communities of color. [7]
Together we can stop this!
The consumer voices of moms are powerful! We have already made a big difference; because of your actions, bank after bank has committed to stop financing private prisons. But our work isn�t done.
There can be no business in incarcerating families! It�s time for Citizens Bank, Regions, First Tennessee Bank, Synovus Bank, Pinnacle Bank, and other banks to stop financing private prisons!
Join us in demanding that Citizens Bank, Regions, First Tennessee Bank, Synovus Bank, Pinnacle Bank, and other banks stop financing private prisons!
Together we can win the fight to end funding for private prisons and secure a brighter future for all children and families. Thank you for all you do!
- Nadia, Xochitl, Nina, Linda, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising / Mam�sconPoder team.
[1][2]Private Prisons Now Face 87.4% Financing Gap as Banks Continue to Flee Industry.� GEO Group Running Out of Banks as 100% of Known Banking Partners Say �No� to the Private Prison Sector. [3] For Private Prisons, Detaining Immigrants Is Big Business. [4] Who is Profiting from Incarcerating Immigrant Families? [5][6] The Wall Street Banks Still Financing Private Prisons. [7] Shutting down the profiteers: Why and how the Department of Homeland Security should stop using private prisons, Code Red The Fatal Consequences of Dangerously Substandard Medical Care in ImmigrationDetention.
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Dear Friend,
Know what's spookier than a bump in the night? Not speaking out about issues that matter to women and families! We're here to help, with this week's round-up of top actions. Please scroll down and make sure you've signed them all, then be sure to share with family and friends too. Because together: we are spooktacular! Thanks!�
1.�Tell Citizens Bank, Regions, First Tennessee Bank, Synovus Bank, Pinnacle Bank & other banks: Stop Financing Pain For Corporate Gain
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Over the past few weeks and months, we�ve seen the heartbreaking photos of families being kept in inhumane conditions by the Trump Administration�s horrific policies. MomsRising members have swung into action -- holding protests in their communities, urging our legislators to take action, and also using our consumer voices to make sure our banks do not profit from the suffering of families. And we are making a tremendous difference! Working with the powerful Families Belong Together coalition, we won the commitment of JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, SunTrust, BNP Paribas, Fifth Third Bancorp, Barclays, and PNC to end financing of private prisons, where the majority of people in immigration custody are detained. These eight bank commitments represent an estimated 87.4% of the credit and term loans available to private prison companies, CoreCivic and Geo Group! This is huge! Let�s keep up our MOMentum by getting more banks to stop financing private prisons! *Sign now to say NO to Citizens Bank, Regions, First Tennessee Bank, Synovus Bank, Pinnacle Bank, and other banks profiting from the suffering of families!
2. Urge Congress and State Governors to END Youth Incarceration NOW
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now BACKGROUND:�On any given day, the United States incarcerates nearly 60,000 youth under age 18 in jails and prisons, incarcerating more young people than any other country.��Prison is no place for a kid.� Children deserve a future free of criminalization, a future that supports their development and capacity to contribute meaningfully to society. Join us to tell Congress and our state Governors that we need them to END the practice of putting kids in prison�and invest in community based supports, services, and opportunities for youth.
3. Tell Congress: Advance Paid Sick Days with the Healthy Families Act�
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Every single year, the United States experiences seasonal flu epidemics. But before you start stocking up on tissues and reviewing proper hand washing techniques with your kids, take a quick second to ask your members of Congress to act quickly to pass the Healthy Families Act and do one of the best things possible to curb the spread of cold and flu bugs this season! The Healthy Families Act is historic legislation that would allow workers in businesses with 15 or more employees to earn up to seven job-protected paid sick days each year to be used to recover from their own illnesses, access preventive care, provide care to a sick family member, or attend school meetings related to a child�s health condition or disability. Workers in businesses with fewer than 15 employees would earn up to seven job-protected unpaid sick days each year to be used for the same reasons, unless their employers choose to offer paid sick days. There is huge momentum for the Healthy Families Act! The bill has more co-sponsors in Congress than ever before. Now is the time to turbo-boost this legislation with some serious MOMentum! Add your name now.
4. Demand a Thorough and Fair Impeachment Inquiry
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�America�s elections belong to America�s voters and no foreign government should play any role in determining the outcomes, let alone be coerced by the President to do so! We must hold the President, and all leaders, accountable to the people.�This is a historically important moment to stand up not just for us, not just for today, but because the patterns we are setting now build the country our children will live in for years to come--and we want our children to live in a fair democracy. Add your name now.�
5. Quick Action for�Reproductive Rights
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: For over four decades, anyone who relies on government health care has been unable to use their benefits to cover the cost of an abortion. The Hyde Amendment was enacted 43 years ago and restricts government funds from being used to cover abortion �except in extremely limited circumstances,� essentially ensuring that low-income women can�t access the same rights to safe, legal abortion as the rest of the population. Urge your member of Congress to co-sponsor the EACH Woman Act which would repeal the Hyde Amendment!
Have a great weekend! �
- Karen, Kristin, Nadia, Felicia, Anita, and the rest of the / Mam� Team
P.S. The full list of actions is on our blog. Please share with family and friends!�
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Contribute � get your �Mothers Raising Liberty & Justice� sticker today!
Dear Friend,
Changing the world doesn�t have to be scary ????. With MomsRising, standing up for moms and children can be inspiring and fun ????.
That�s why, by popular demand, we�re printing more of our �Mothers Raising Liberty & Justice� stickers that have energized MomsRising members around the nation, so you can show your support for women, moms, and families whenever and wherever you want.
Friend, contribute to MomsRising today to protect women and families � whatever you can afford � and we�ll send you this special �Mothers Raising Liberty & Justice� sticker.
Your donation today will strengthen our fight for policies that help children and families everyday, from standing together for refugee and immigrant moms and families, to protecting healthcare, to enacting gun control, to winning fair pay and paid family and medical leave laws. And so much more!
Chip in today to secure your �Mothers Raising Justice & Liberty� sticker.
Thanks for being a part of this wonderful community and powerful movement.
In solidarity,
P.S. Don�t want a sticker, but still want to donate? You can right here!
Thank you for your generosity for women and families.
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Dear Friend,
Halloween is especially scary this year. Not because of the neighbor�s zombie decorations � and certainly not because of all the (adorable) miniature vampires at your door for candy...
Nope. This year, Halloween is off-the-charts frightening because of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell�s LEGISLATIVE GRAVEYARD that is actively harming women, working families, the LGBTQ+ community, the immigrant community, and our democracy.
What�s this graveyard? Well, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed over 100 terrific bills this session, including critical legislation that would enhance election security, help close the gender wage gap, raise the minimum wage, and reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.
But instead of giving the U.S. Senate a chance to vote on these bills � many of them bipartisan � U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell chose to become the self-proclaimed �grim reaper� of the U.S. Senate by burying all promising legislation in his graveyard. [1]
>>> Have no fear � we won�t be spooked by the U.S. Senate�s �grim reaper�! Tell U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell to shut down his legislative graveyard and let the Senate do their job!
Here is a snapshot of some of the many important bills that currently sit in U.S. Senator McConnell�s legislative graveyard:
🎃 H.R. 1 - For the People Act would expand voting rights, limit partisan gerrymandering, strengthen ethics rules, and limit the influence of private donor money in politics.
👻 H.R. 5 - Equality Act would extend civil rights protections to LGBTQ+ people.
🔮 H.R. 6 - American Dream and Promise Act would provide Dreamers and immigrants eligible for Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure with a pathway to citizenship and permanent protections from deportation.
🧛🏻??? H.R. 7 - Paycheck Fairness Act would strengthen equal pay protections for women by expanding upon the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the Fair Labor Standards Act.
💀 H.R. 582, Raise the Wage Act would raise the federal minimum wage in six steps to $15 per hour by 2024.
🧙🏼??? H.R. 986, Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act would prohibit the Trump Administration from implementing guidance released in 2018 that weakens protections for pre-existing conditions.
🍁 H.R. 1585, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act would greatly improve our nation's response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
🧟??? H.R. 2722, Securing America�s Federal Elections Act would close dangerous gaps in our election systems and brings our election security into the 21st century.
Wow! Far from being spooked, the U.S. House of Representatives has been busy advancing legislation that would boost our nation in so many ways. On the other hand, U.S. Senator McConnell�s legislative graveyard doesn�t just represent his inaction � it represents real harm that he is causing women, working families, the LGBTQ+ community, the immigrant community, and our democracy.
>>> This Halloween, stand up to Senator Mitch McConnell and tell him to CLOSE the U.S. Senate�s legislative graveyard and let our Senators have a vote. Enough is enough!
It�s time for Senator Mitch �Grim Reaper� McConnell to do his job. We can�t and won�t wait any longer.
Together, we are a powerful force for women and families.
� Sara, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder team
[1] USA Today:�'Grim reaper' Mitch McConnell buries plans to protect America from election interference
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Dear Friend,
When I was 17, I was looking forward to escaping high school and going to college when I unintentionally got pregnant.
I had an abortion. [1]
Twenty years later, I became a mom. In that time, I didn�t just build a career and create a stable home�I found spiritual grounding as a Buddhist. I volunteered on municipal and nonprofit boards, and became an influential activist for a variety of causes. I made the world a better place and improved myself in the process. All of this allows me to be a better parent than I would have been when I was an unprepared teenager.
The more I talk about my abortion, the more I hear from others who had them, too. And, the more I realize that this experience I kept secret from even my closest friends at the time was actually incredibly common.
Over the last two years, with the new makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court, anti-abortion lawmakers have mounted a coordinated assault of unconstitutional bans in order to dismantle Roe v. Wade and attack people�s right to access safe, legal abortion. In fact, The U.S. Supreme Court will soon consider Louisiana�s June Medical Services, LLC v. Gee case. [2] If this clinic shut down law is successful, it would leave only one doctor to provide abortions for nearly one million women across the state, and would disproportionately harm low-income people and people of color. [3]
*We need everyone to speak out to protect our right to choose! Please take action:
Have you or someone you love needed abortion services? Tell us your story (you can do so anonymously, if you wish). I know how hard it is to share such a personal story, but you don't know who you could be helping.�
Write a letter to the editor to support the Women�s Health Protection Act that�s moving in Congress right now, which would stop dangerous state-level attacks on abortion.�
Urge your national lawmakers to co-sponsor the EACH (Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance) Woman Act to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which makes abortion out of reach for people who get their health care through government-funded insurance programs.�Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -->
Abortion care is health care.
Most people who have abortions already have children, and research shows they do so mainly due to concerns for their families. [4] Being able to safely and legally manage if, how many, and when we have children has been nothing short of revolutionary to move women toward economic, social and political equality .
To be clear: Banning abortion doesn�t end abortion�it just ends safe, legal abortion. While abortion care is still legal in our nation right now, [5] we recognize this as the direct attack on bodily autonomy, economic freedom, and sovereignty that it is, and we recognize that its harmful impacts are compounded for those in low-income communities and communities of color. [6]
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward this email to your friends and family and share our story collection link on social media:
In solidarity,
- Ruby and the whole MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder team
[1] MomsRising, A Mom�s Abortion Story [2] Center for Reproductive Rights,�June Medical Services, LLC v. Gee Backgrounder [3] Center for Reproductive Rights, Center for Reproductive Rights Back at U.S. Supreme Court; Identical Abortion Issue Decided in 2016� [4] Guttmacher Institute, Infographic: U.S. Abortion Patients [5] Vox, Abortion is still legal in America [6] Vox, Recent abortion bans will impact poor people and people of color most
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Dear Friend,
Today might be Halloween, but the only truly spooky thing I see is how unaffordable child care is in the United States.
You see, I was just catching up with my college BFF the other day about all the usual things. Work, the weather, and of course: our kids. We both have two kids 5 and under. She, however, lives in one of the most expensive counties in the COUNTRY to raise children, and she�s spending a whopping $3400 a month on child care for her two and four-year-old kiddos.�
Did you read that right? Three thousand. Four hundred. Dollars. EACH. MONTH. My jaw literally dropped. This is NOT okay. Let�s pick up our jaws from the floor and do something about it because our kids only deserve treats -- NOT tricks -- when it comes to their care.�
>>Add your name to tell Congress that we need to increase funding for affordable child care in our country!�
Luckily my friend has the resources to piece together care for her children, however, many other families don�t have this luxury. Not only do many families struggle to FIND child care, but as we know, affording it is quite another challenge. Infant childcare costs more than public college tuition in a majority of states, so it is no surprise that an astounding 83% of parents with children under the age of five struggle to afford care in our country. [1] Not to mention, a study recently released by the Center for American Progress (CAP) found that 77% of parents with children under the age of five report that lack of access to child care has negatively impacted their career advancement - meaning that this struggle is impacting future growth and economic security for millions of families. [2]��
This isn�t just a financial gut punch to families, but also to the workforce and our economy!�
Families deserve enriching child care options that won�t break the bank and will work for them, and childcare assistance is essential for helping families, especially low-income families, find and afford the high-quality care they need. SIGN NOW to urge Congress to increase funding for Head Start and the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) in the FY 2020 budget!�
High-quality early care and education (including programs like Head Start) are essential to meeting the needs of children and their families. It helps children get the solid start they need and their parents get and keep the jobs they need to support their families. This includes the workforce who are caring for our children while also trying to afford child care of their own -- early educators� are some of the lowest paid workers in our country with a median income of just over $10 per hour, and rarely receive job-based benefits that support their health and well-being. [3]�
So what gives? How can we help families find and afford the care they need?�
Congress is on it: We need a significant, meaningful increase in CCDBG and Head Start funding in FY 2020 to help thousands of families to access the care they deserve!
Funding childcare is truly a no brainer. When we make these investments in high-quality early learning programs, the economic returns are HUGE � for every $1 invested in high-quality early learning there is a 13% return! [4] In fact, economists suggest that a significant investment in child care would increase women's overall labor force participation enough to boost GDP by roughly $210 billion, or 1.2%. [5] Now that�s what I call I no brainer!�
So, when does this need to happen? Yesterday! Or more realistically, now.� Last year, Congress made a historic increase to the Child Care and Development Block Grant, which helps struggling families afford childcare. [6] This increase was a much-needed and long overdue investment, but it was just a first step. Similarly, the Head Start program is reaching just 31% of eligible kids - and if you look at Early Head Start, that number drops to a pitiful 8%.[7] Unacceptable! Across the country, we have too many kids on waitlists, too many parents making difficult decisions about where to send their children when they go to work on school, and too many early childhood educators struggling to make ends meet.� Prior to last year�s increase for CCDBG, the number of children receiving CCDBG-funded care had reached its lowest point in two decades. Even with the new funding, too many families still do not receive the help they need finding and affording high-quality child care � just 15 percent of children eligible under federal parameters receive child care assistance.�
This is why we�re calling on Congress to do BIG things for our littlest learners and make significant investments to CCDBG and Head Start in the FY 2020 budget-- add your name to tell them you agree!
Families, like my college BFF, should not have to spend $3400 a month on child care. Families who are eligible for subsidized care should have access to this life-changing benefit. No early educator should struggle to afford to put food on the table.�
As you hand out candy to trick-or-treaters tonight, remember that all kids deserve a strong start - and that YOU are a force for change for kids and families across the country.�
*And, after you take action be sure to forward this email, share the action links on Facebook and Twitter to help build a movement that lifts us all.� The more of us who take action, the faster we�ll get the solutions we need advanced through Congress.
Thank you for raising your voice, and have a safe and not-too-spooky Halloween!
- Donna HC, Nina, Elyssa and the whole� team
[1]"Affordable Child Care and Early Learning for All Families", Center for American Progress, 2018
[2] Ibid
[3] "From Unlivable Wages to Just Pay for Early Educators", Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, 2019
[4] "Invest in Early Childhood Development: Reduce Deficits, Strengthen the Economy", The Heckman Equation�
[5]�"Affordable Child Care and Early Learning for All Families", Center for American Progress, 2018
[6]"CCDBG: Helping Working Families Afford Child Care",�CLASP, 2019
[7] Access to Head Start in the United States, the National Head Start Association
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Dear Friend,
Happy Halloween Week! Know what's scarier than a bump in the night? Not speaking out about issues that matter to women and families! Please checkout our list of top 5 Actions from the past week below, which makes it easy to scroll and catch up. Please be sure to share this with family and friends too! Thank you. Here's the list =>�
1. Let's Increase Funding for Child Care and Head Start This Year!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The struggle is real when it comes to finding high-quality, affordable care for our children. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the major federal child care program, helps families with the cost of child care and supports states to improve the quality and supply of care. Families deserve enriching child care options that won�t break the bank and will work for them, and child care assistance is essential for helping families find and afford the high-quality care they need! SIGN NOW to urge� Congress to increase funding for Head Start and the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) in the FY 2020 budget!
2. Can You Drop Off a Letter to Your Local Regions or Citizens Bank Branch on November 14?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP�-> Sign Up BACKGROUND: Sign on and we�ll email you everything you need to do a drop-off. It only takes a few minutes, it will make a big impact, and is urgently needed. Whether for storing sticky snacks, toy race cars, or holding our leaders accountable, moms know the power of the purse. Now let�s also use the power of our consumer voices to end bank financing of private prisons! There can be no business in abuse. Join us in urging Regions and Citizens Bank to stop financing private prisons!
3. Tell Senator McConnell: SHUT DOWN the Legislative Graveyard!
Your Action Status: NOT YET TOLD MITCH -> Tell Mitch
BACKGROUND:�This year, Halloween is off-the-charts frightening because of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell�s LEGISLATIVE GRAVEYARD that is actively harming women, working families, the LGBTQ+ community, the immigrant community, and our democracy.�Tell Senator Mitch McConnell to SHUT DOWN his legislative graveyard!�Here is a snapshot of some of the many important bills that currently sit in U.S. Senator McConnell�s legislative graveyard:
H.R. 1 - For the People Act would expand voting rights, limit partisan gerrymandering, strengthen ethics rules, and limit the influence of private donor money in politics.
H.R. 5 - Equality Act would extend civil rights protections to LGBTQ+ people.
H.R. 6 - American Dream and Promise Act would provide Dreamers and immigrants eligible for Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure with a pathway to citizenship and permanent protections from deportation.
H.R. 7 - Paycheck Fairness Act would strengthen equal pay protections for women by expanding upon the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the Fair Labor Standards Act.
H.R. 582, Raise the Wage Act would raise the federal minimum wage in six steps to $15 per hour by 2024.
H.R. 986, Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act would prohibit the Trump Administration from implementing guidance released in 2018 that weakens protections for pre-existing conditions.
H.R. 1585, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act would greatly improve our nation's response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
H.R. 2722, Securing America�s Federal Elections Act would close dangerous gaps in our election systems and brings our election security into the 21st century.
4. Write a Letter to the Editor to Support the Women�s Health Protection Act
Your Action Status: NOT YET WRITTEN A LETTER�-> Write a Letter
BACKGROUND: Abortion care is health care, period. And most people who have abortions are already parents. Now more than ever�reproductive health care is under attack across the country. Send a Letter to the Editor to your local paper now and call on Congress to pass the Women�s Health Protection Act! We make it super easy with helpful tips and talking points.
5. Join Us! National Call-In Day to Support Working Family Tax Credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit!
Call your Senators today and again on Wednesday, November 6th using our hotline 1-888-678-9475
BACKGROUND:�Right now, Congress is looking to add bipartisan tax legislation to the end-of-year budget package. It is imperative that any tax legislation helping businesses and the rich also help low-wage workers through expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC).�The EITC and CTC help working families and individuals better provide for basic needs. These two tax credits together lifted 10.6 million people out of poverty in 2018, and helped millions more, demonstrating the power of federal programs to alleviate poverty and helping low-income families keep up with the increasing cost of living.�Our message is simple: �Any tax package that passes this year must include improvements to the low-income tax credits: the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit.� Remember to call your Senators on November 6th using 1-888-678-9475.***We also will be holding a Twitterstorm from 12pm-2pmET using #ExpandTaxCredits, so make sure to check us out on Twitter and help us spread the word!
Have a great weekend! �
- Karen, Kristin, Nina, Felicia, Elyssa, Anita, and the rest of the / Mam� Team
P.S. The full list of actions is on our blog. Please share with family and friends!
P.P.S. Did you get your sticker? By popular demand, we�re printing more of our �Mothers Raising Liberty & Justice� stickers that have energized MomsRising members around the nation. Contribute to MomsRising today to protect women and families � whatever you can afford � and we�ll send you this special �Mothers Raising Liberty & Justice� sticker.
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Dear Friend,
We�ve all been hearing about the depths of cruelty of the Trump Administration�s family separation policies for a while, but the extent of that cruelty is still being discovered.
Horrifyingly, just last week, the ACLU discovered 1,556 more immigrant families were separated than previously estimated. [1]
I read that and cried. Then I got pissed off. Now I�m taking action! Join me!
Leaders in the U.S. Congress MUST stop increasing funding to ICE and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) for Trump�s cruel immigration policies and also exert strict oversight over the future funding to these departments. Enough is enough!
***Sign our letter NOW calling on Congress to pass a budget that lifts up all families and cuts funding for Trump�s hateful anti-immigrant policies!
With the new separated families that the ACLU discovered, we now know at least 4,300 families were separated at the border prior to a judge ordering the Trump Administration to stop this horrific practice. The ACLU said 207 of the newly identified children who were separated from their parents are under 5 years old, including five infants under the age of 1. [2]
This callous and heartless treatment of children by ICE and CBP is shocking and these agencies must be held accountable!
It cannot be overstated how damaging family separation is to the social and emotional well-being of these children�as well as their parents and U.S. born siblings. According to Jack P. Shonkoff, a professor of child health and development at Harvard, �Abrupt separation from primary caregivers or parents is a major psychological emergency [for migrant children].� [3] In addition, placement, especially for long periods of time, of children in prison-like settings is incredibly damaging to their brain development and has long-term health (psychological and physical) affects. These children are not just missing the emotional support of having a caretaker nearby�touch, talk, having their basic needs met, etc.�there is also a negative neurological impact. Kids with chronic trauma, like those forced into cages and separated from their parents, have higher amounts of neurotoxins such as cortisol and are more likely to have stunted brain growth. [4]
Each of these thousands of children separated from their families are now at higher risk of mental illness, drug use, chronic illnesses, and dropping out of school later in life.
THIS is the legacy of President Trump and his inhumane immigration policies.
But Congress can stop this right now! It is not too late for Congress to re-assert its authority over the funding of the agencies that are carrying out the Trump administration�s cruel immigration policies!
The question of funding is an important one since Congress needs to decide on a budget by the end of this year. A budget says everything about our priorities as a nation and President Trump's priorities are clear: He wants to use our hard earned tax dollars to fund detention centers that jail children and separate them from their families rather than programs that we really need that provide emergency aid in times of disaster, supporting our troops and their families, nutrition assistance, healthcare, education funding, and money to fix our roads and infrastructure.
Congress must fight the atrocities President Trump is committing at the Southern border, and throughout this country, by holding ICE and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) accountable for human rights abuses like separating thousands of children and parents at the border without even bothering to document which children belong to which parents. [5]
At this time, significantly cutting funding for these agencies is the best route to holding the Trump Administration accountable for these human rights abuses and preventing further abuses.
***Sign our letter NOW calling on Congress to pass a budget that lifts up all families and cuts funding for Trump�s hateful anti-immigrant policies!
Children deserve to be with their families outside of cages and they must have their rights protected. Family separation and family incarceration compounds the existing trauma and stress that children and families have already experienced in their home country or on their journey to the U.S.
There are alternatives to family detention that are not only more compassionate for children and families, but also more fiscally responsible. For example, asylum seeking families may be released from detention through a family case management program, which has a nearly 100 percent success rate in ensuring the families attend their hearings. The family case management program costs only $36/day, while family detention costs on average $1,280/day for a family of four. [6]
It�s time for our federal budget to truly reflect our morals as a nation. Don�t forget to sign our letter to your members of Congress � and also to forward this email to friends, as well as post the action link on Facebook and Twitter. The more people who take action, the faster we�ll all be able to make change. And please don�t delay: We�ll be delivering your signatures to key Congressional leaders next week on Capitol Hill. Congress will be making major funding decisions over the next few weeks and we need to make it known that we won�t stand for our tax dollars being used to tear apart families and jail immigrant families any longer.
Thank you for continuing to speak out for all of our families!
- Elyssa, Xochitl, Linda, Donna, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising/Mam�s Con Poder team�
[1,2] Camilo Montoya-Galvez. �1,556 more migrant families were separated under Trump than previously known.� CBS News, October 25, 2019.
[3] Isaac Chotiner. �How the Stress of Separation and Detention Changes the Lives of Children.� The New Yorker, July 13, 2019.�
[4] Zak Ringstein. �Family Separation Means Lifelong Trauma.� Forbes, July 2, 2018.
[5] Jacob Soboroff. �Emails show Trump admin had �no way to link� separated migrant children to parents.� NBC News, May 1, 2019 �
[6] Women�s Refuge Commission. �Family Case Management Program.�
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Dear Friend,
Happy Friday! Did you vote this week?�When moms RISE, things happen. Big things. This year, to get out the vote for the Virginia elections, moms sent a massive number of GOTV texts & hand-written postcards to low frequency mom voters, made videos to inspire other moms to vote, shared stories, became Beacons of Hope in local communities, delivered so much strategic direct mail, reached out to infrequent mom voters with millions of impressions on social media, held more than 22 events at polling locations with games and fun for kids so moms could be voters & raise voters, met on the ground & so much, much more! Thank you for igniting democracy!�Check out photos below, alongside our top actions from the past week. Please scroll, sign and share. Then have a great weekend! Here's the list =>�
Your Action Status: NOT YET TOLD CONGRESS -> Tell Congress
BACKGROUND: Our nation�s budgets are supposed to reflect our values and priorities, and we don�t want another dime of our tax dollars going towards a detention center that jails immigrant children or the construction of a harmful wall! Horrifyingly, just last week, the ACLU discovered 1,556 more immigrant families were separated than previously estimated. The U.S. Congress must reign in ICE and Customs and Border Patrol and put an end to President Trump's hateful immigration policies now and they have the power of the purse to do so.�We will be on Capitol Hill next week delivering materials and talking to key Senate leaders in order to empower them to reclaim the power of the purse and stop the funding of Trump's atrocious immigration policies.�***MAKE SURE TO SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on the U.S. Congress to prioritize what our families really need�nutrition, healthcare, education, and disaster assistance programs�in budget negotiations and reject funding for family separation and Trump�s hateful immigration policies.
2. 100 Champions Wanted For Our Giving Tuesday Match!�
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED�-> Be a Champion
BACKGROUND:�Become a MomsRising Champion monthly donor in honor of Giving Tuesday and a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your generosity. Your steady, affordable, monthly contributions now have 2X the power to create a brighter future for women, moms and families!
? Your contributions matched for an entire year ? Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker ? Pledge $10/month to get a sticker + cool tote
Can�t chip in monthly? Make a one-time contribution instead � still matched $1-for-$1!
3. Can You Drop Off a Letter to Your Local Regions or Citizens Bank Branch on November 14?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP�-> Sign Up BACKGROUND: Sign on and we�ll email you everything you need to do a drop-off. It only takes a few minutes, it will make a big impact, and is urgently needed. Whether for storing sticky snacks, toy race cars, or holding our leaders accountable, moms know the power of the purse. Now let�s also use the power of our consumer voices to end bank financing of private prisons! There can be no business in abuse. Join us in urging Regions and Citizens Bank to stop financing private prisons!
4. Let's Increase Funding for Child Care and Head Start This Year!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The struggle is real when it comes to finding high-quality, affordable care for our children. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the major federal child care program, helps families with the cost of child care and supports states to improve the quality and supply of care. Families deserve enriching child care options that won�t break the bank and will work for them, and child care assistance is essential for helping families find and afford the high-quality care they need! SIGN NOW to urge� Congress to increase funding for Head Start and the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) in the FY 2020 budget!
5. Write a Letter to the Editor to Support the Women�s Health Protection Act
Your Action Status: NOT YET WRITTEN A LETTER�-> Write a Letter
BACKGROUND: Abortion care is health care, period. And most people who have abortions are already parents. Now more than ever�reproductive health care is under attack across the country. Send a Letter to the Editor to your local paper now and call on Congress to pass the Women�s Health Protection Act! We make it super easy with helpful tips and talking points.
� �
� �
Thanks for all you do, and have a great weekend! �
- Karen, Kristin, Nina, Felicia, Elyssa, Anita, and the rest of the / Mam� Team
P.S. The full list of actions is on our blog. Please share with family and friends!
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Rise. Match. Win. Your Giving Tuesday Match starts NOW!
Dear Friend,
When moms rise, BIG things happen. Like igniting democracy!
In fact, for the recent elections last week, MomsRising members like you generated a MASSIVE amount of get-out-the-vote energy � by sending thousands upon thousands of hand-written voter postcards to infrequent mom voters, by making personal videos to inspire other moms, by sharing info and encouragement via text message, by hosting parties at the voting polls, and so much, much more.
What made all this possible? Your enthusiastic support helped MomsRising create this massive wave of organizing by and for moms.
Keep Rising, Friend, for democracy, healthcare, gun safety, fair pay, reproductive rights � for a brighter future for women, moms, and families!
To keep up the MOMentum for democracy, we�ve opened the Giving Tuesday Match EARLY! Become a dedicated MomsRising Champion monthly donor and ignite democracy ALL OVER AMERICA, all year long!
? Your monthly contributions matched for an entire year
? Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker
? Pledge $10/month to get a sticker + cool tote
Can�t chip in monthly? Make a one-time contribution instead � still matched $1-for-$1!
Voter participation is vital to every issue we fight for each day. That�s why mobilizing mom voters for the 2020 election is one of our top priorities.
We know what works to energize moms. Now we need to scale it WAY, WAY up.
That�s where YOU come in.
We need 100 new monthly Champions to Keep Rising for women, moms and families. Friend, are you in?
Remember, a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your donation power for an entire year.
Thank you for your generosity for women and families! We appreciate you and all you�re doing to fuel this movement. Thank you.
-- Kristin and everyone at MomsRising
P.S. This is our BIGGEST matching gift offer of the year. Get in early and turbocharge your MOMentum in 2020. Sign up for monthly giving now � it�s easy, affordable and effective!
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Dear Friend,
The headlines this week have been hard. There�s so much need for our voices, and for your voice. So we want to start into the weekend by sharing our gratitude with you for all you�re doing to make our nation a better place for everyone. This week's like of top actions includes urgent calls around an impeachment inquiry, voting, immigration, child care, and more. Please take a moment to make sure you've checked them all off, and share with friends and family too. Thank you and here's the list =>
1. Demand a Thorough and Fair Impeachment Inquiry
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: America�s elections belong to America�s voters and no foreign government should play any role in determining the outcomes, let alone be coerced by the President to do so! We must hold the President, and all leaders, accountable to the people.This is a historically important moment to stand up not just for us, not just for today, but because the patterns we are setting now build the country our children will live in for years to come--and we want our children to live in a fair democracy. Add your name now.
2. Help Moms and Caregivers Vote in 2020!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP�-> Sign Up BACKGROUND:�Did you see the spectacular work MomsRising members did last week in Virginia on Voting Day? (Check out our photo album here.) Voter turnout across the state increased by more than 30% compared to 2015. [1] That's incredible for an off-year election, and our VA #MomsVote team can take credit for much of it! 🎉 🎉 🎉�Now we are looking ahead to 2020, and intend to repeat those spectacular results across the country.�Are you in?�Sign up to be on our list to host a 2020 #MomsVote Super Voter Treasure Box at a polling location near you!
3. Ignite Democracy. Every gift MATCHED!�
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED�-> Be a Champion
BACKGROUND:�When moms rise, BIG things happen. Like igniting democracy!�In fact, for the recent elections last week, MomsRising members like you generated a MASSIVE amount of get-out-the-vote energy � by sending thousands upon thousands of hand-written voter postcards to infrequent mom voters, by making personal videos to inspire other moms, by sharing info and encouragement via text message, by hosting parties at the voting polls, and so much, much more.�What made all this possible? Your enthusiastic support. To keep up the MOMentum for democracy, we�ve opened the Giving Tuesday Match EARLY! Become a dedicated MomsRising Champion monthly donor and ignite democracy ALL OVER AMERICA, all year long!
Your Action Status: NOT YET TOLD CONGRESS -> Tell Congress
BACKGROUND: Our nation�s budgets are supposed to reflect our values and priorities, and we don�t want another dime of our tax dollars going towards a detention center that jails immigrant children or the construction of a harmful wall! Horrifyingly, just last week, the ACLU discovered 1,556 more immigrant families were separated than previously estimated. The U.S. Congress must rein in ICE and Customs and Border Patrol and put an end to President Trump's hateful immigration policies now and they have the power of the purse to do so.�We will be on Capitol Hill next week delivering materials and talking to key Senate leaders in order to empower them to reclaim the power of the purse and stop the funding of Trump's atrocious immigration policies.�***MAKE SURE TO SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on the U.S. Congress to prioritize what our families really need�nutrition, healthcare, education, and disaster assistance programs�in budget negotiations and reject funding for family separation and Trump�s hateful immigration policies.
5. Let's Increase Funding for Child Care and Head Start This Year!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The struggle is real when it comes to finding high-quality, affordable care for our children. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the major federal child care program, helps families with the cost of child care and supports states to improve the quality and supply of care. Families deserve enriching child care options that won�t break the bank and will work for them, and child care assistance is essential for helping families find and afford the high-quality care they need! SIGN NOW to urge� Congress to increase funding for Head Start and the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) in the FY 2020 budget!
This week we were on the ground outside the Regions Bank headquarters in Birmingham, and a Citizens Bank in Rhode Island, demanding they stop financing private prisons! Our Pennsylvania team also hosted a compelling conversation about paid family and medical leave with community leaders in Harrisburg, PA.
Thanks for all you do, and have a great weekend! �
- Karen, Kristin, Gloria, Xochitl, Anita, Linda, Sue Anne, and the rest of the / Mam� Team
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Dear Friend,
Trump is ridiculously at it again.
It�s only been a few months since President Trump�s last attack on SNAP (or food stamps), but now he�s at it again with his cruel attempts to take food stamps away from struggling families in order to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations � even though studies show that food stamps boost both families and our economy.
This is the THIRD TIME he has undermined the wishes of Congress and tried to propose a rule that would limit the number of families that could receive SNAP and reduced the amount of benefits recipients could receive.
This hurts kids. This hurts our families. And this hurts our economy.
***We need you to speak out (again) and sign our letter telling the Trump Administration: #HandsOffSNAP!!
The USDA, which is directed by the Trump administration, just published yet another proposed rule that would cut SNAP benefits, this time a total of $4.5 billion over five years. [1]�The cut would result from changes in how states take households� utility costs into account in determining the amount of SNAP benefits for which they qualify. 29 states would be impacted and each see a major cut in benefits.
That might sound really wonky and complicated but the non-wonky result of this move if it were to go into effect is that 8,000 households would lose SNAP all together, and 1 in 5 struggling families on SNAP would see their benefits cut by $75�which is a whole lot of money when you are living paycheck-to-paycheck and the average SNAP recipient receives only about $127 a month or $1.40 a meal. [2,3] Out of those households impacted, 68% will be households with children and 29% contain a person with a disability. [4]
This rule is being proposed at the same time that Trump�s tax cuts are eliminating taxes for many big corporations.� This is not a small amount of cuts: For instance, the New York Times reported that after the Trump tax bill was passed, Fed Ex went from paying 1.5 billion dollars in taxes in 2017 to owing absolutely nothing in 2018. [5]�
Now President Trump is trying to pay for his tax cuts for the wealthy and mega-corporations by taking food out of the mouths of children and families.� This is not ok!��
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW telling the Trump Administration #HandsOffSNAP!
The fact is, struggling families don�t need yet another stumbling block in their way when they are just trying to take care of their kids and make ends meet. This move by President Trump and the USDA he directs exacerbates the struggles many low-income families already have affording food and utilities. It disproportionately impacts children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.�
And Trump�s SNAP rule would have a negative impact on the economy too: The cuts to SNAP benefits will reduce the economic simulative effect of SNAP, particularly during recessionary periods. According to recent studies, it is estimated that $1 of SNAP benefits leads to between $1.50 and $1.80 in total economic activity during a recession. USDA�s Economic Research Service has reported that new SNAP spending has relatively large effects on manufacturing and trade and transportation sectors. [6] This is all the more reason that we should be making sure more people are able to access SNAP, not less!
With all of the yuck happening due to the Trump Administration�s actions (or at times inactions), it can feel like things are out of our control and overwhelming. Yet, by signing our petition, you are creating real change. Comments help us slow down these terrible rules because the Administration and USDA have to respond to every single comment. Comments also help advocates build a court case against the rule. By using your voice today, you are able to put a wrench in the Administration's harmful actions and help the families that will be hurt by this rule change.
We need to deliver your signature before December 1st, so make sure to sign our letternow and then forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to sign as well. You can also post our action link to Facebook and Twitter to double down on your impact.
Thank you for continuing to speak out against these attacks on our families!
-Elyssa, Kristin, Donna, and the whole�sConPoder team
P.S. Your experiences with SNAP help educate our elected leaders (and other parents!) on why this program is so very important. Can you share with us how SNAP has impacted your life?
[1] Feeding America. �Feeding America Opposes Latest USDA Proposed SNAP Rule that Harms Hungry Americans.� October 3, 2019.
[2] Lola Fadula. �Trump Administration Unveils More Cuts to Food Stamp Program.� New York Times, October 4, 2019.
[3] Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. �Chart Book: SNAP Helps Struggling Families Put Food on the Table.� November 7, 2019.
[4] �The Proposed USDA Rule Field Call for Net Loss in Benefits States: Understanding the Rule and Taking Action.� October, 22, 2019.
[5] Jim Tankersley, Peter Eavis, and Ben Casselman. �How FedEx Cut Its Tax Bill to $0.� New York Times, November 17, 2019.
[6] USDA. �The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Economy: New Estimates of the SNAP Multiplier.� July 2019.
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Dear Friend,
Can you believe 2019 is almost over? Time flies when you�re busy resisting and persisting! But there�s one thing that truly hasn�t come soon enough � Latina Equal Pay Day. We �celebrated� Equal Pay Day on April 2nd, marking the fact that women of all races must work an average of more than 3 extra months just to earn what white men were paid in just 12 months in 2018. However, averages don�t tell the whole story.
Latinas have to wait until TODAY, November 20th � nearly the end of 2019 � to earn what white men made in just 12 months in 2018. Yes, that�s nearly 11 extra months of work and why we have the very last equal pay day of the year.
TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress: Close the wage gap for Latinas with a package of bills that would advance equal pay!
When it comes down to dollars and cents, Latinas are paid just 54 cents for every dollar paid to white men. [1] Latina moms, over 60% of whom are breadwinners for their families, make even less � just 46 cents for every dollar paid to white dads. [2, 3]
Hmm. According to our calculations, that�s just plain unfair. And we have to do something about it!
And we need it now! Here�s another jaw-dropping calculation for you: If the wage gap were eliminated, the typical Latina working in the United States would have enough money annually for 3 more years of childcare or 3 more years of tuition at a public university.
That�s a life-changing difference of $28,036 more per year � the difference between living in poverty or not. [4]
>>> Urge Congress to help us achieve #LatinaEqualPay and lift families out of poverty!
These are the bills that need to be co-sponsored and passed by your members of Congress in order to meaningfully help narrow the wage gap:
The Paycheck Fairness Act, which was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in March, would eliminate loopholes in the Equal Pay Act, helping to break harmful patterns of pay discrimination and strengthen workplace protections for women, including protecting against retaliation for discussing pay information with colleagues. This legislation would also prohibit employers from using wage history to determine a new hire�s salary, which would cut down on the perpetuation of unfair pay. [5]
The Raise the Wage Act, passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in July, would increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour by 2025 and index it to keep pace with overall wages. The bill would also raise the federal minimum wage for tipped workers (currently making just $2.13 per hour) over time to match the regular minimum wage. With Latinas overrepresented in low-wage work, this legislation would give 32% of working Latinas a significant raise! [6]
The FAMILY Act would create a national *paid* family and medical leave insurance program to help ensure that people who work can take the time they need to address serious health and caregiving needs, including parental leave and elder care. [7] Latinx workers have the least access to paid family leave at just 25% [8] and when women take one year of unpaid time off from work for things like medical or family leave, they see 39% less in later annual earnings than women who stay in the paid workforce. [9]
The Healthy Families Act would establish seven paid sick days for those who work at businesses with 15 or more employees. [10] Right now, over HALF of Latinas are unable to earn a single paid sick days through their jobs, which means that catching the flu, or a kiddo catching a cold, can mean days of lost income. [11] For the average worker without paid sick days, the cost of taking unpaid sick time is a serious matter. Just 3 days of missed work due to illness is equivalent to losing an entire month�s grocery budget. [12]
QUICK SIGNATURE HERE: Tell Congress to PASS the Paycheck Fairness Act, the Raise the Wage Act, the FAMILY Act, and the Healthy Families Act!
If we don�t act now to close the wage gap, Latinas stand to each lose over ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS over the course of their career. [13]
That�s unacceptable. Latinas need 100% of their paycheck, not just 54% of it.
Together, we are a powerful force for Latinx women and families!
� Xochitl, Sara, Linda, Ruth, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising/Mam�sConPoder team
P.S. � 🎬 Check out our short & powerful new video � Latina Equal Pay Day 101!
[1] National Women's Law Center, The Wage Gap: The Who, How, Why, and What To Do [2] Center for American Progress, Breadwinning Mothers Continue To Be the U.S. Norm [3] National Women's Law Center, Equal Pay for Mothers Is Critical for Families [4] National Partnership for Women & Families, Quantifying America's Gender Wage Gap by Race/Ethnicity [5] National Partnership for Women & Families, The Paycheck Fairness Act [6] National Women's Law Center, The Raise the Wage Act [7] National Partnership for Women & Families: The FAMILY Act [8] Salud America, Making the Case for Paid Family Leave [9] Institute for Women's Policy Research, Still a Man's Labor Market [10] National Partnership for Women & Families, The Healthy Families Act [11] National Partnership for Women & Families, Latinos and Their Families Need Paid Sick Days [12] Economic Policy Institute, Work sick or lose pay? [13] National Women's Law Center, Lifetime Wage Gap Losses for Latina Women
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Be a Champion for women, moms and families. Join now.
Dear Friend,
It�s just two weeks until Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3! This may sound like a gimmicky day, but celebrating our local sheroes and, importantly, contributing to lift up our democracy and our families isn�t a gimmick. It�s us together stepping forward to address a national emergency with hope, joy, and optimism for our futures. So to celebrate this beautiful day of generosity, we�re highlighting our committed, we-can�t-believe-how-lucky-we-are-to-have-them-on-our-team-with-us MomsRising Champions � like Rachael! In fact, you can scroll down to read a bit about Rachael, including why she decided to become a MomsRising Champion contributor. (MomsRising Champion contributors are loyal supporters who make small, steady monthly contributions to fuel bigtime MOMentum, hope, and change all year long.)
Friend, can you join us and Rachael in rising and help us turbocharge the moms movement in 2020?
Your dependable support will help every member of the MomsRising family � including you! � to Keep Rising, to keep speaking up, and to keep winning life-changing progress for women, moms and families.
Keep Rising: Become a Champion in honor of Giving Tuesday and a sister MomsRising donor will match your monthly contributions for an entire year.
Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker...and you can pledge $10/month to get a cool MomsRising tote as well!
Can�t commit to monthly giving?Make a one-time contribution instead � still matched $1-for-$1!
"MomsRising is a lively well organized group I am pleased and proud to support. When I think about good ways to spend my money, contributing to causes that reduce suffering and increase joy, I look to those that address a broad coalition of our society. Mothers (and fathers) are among the most broad and committed group I can think of. I am a mother of two, grandmother of six, and the owner and manager of a business employing fifty people, many of them mothers and fathers. The activities of MomsRising regularly remind me how we can find commonality in our efforts to invest in our children�s futures."
Friend, there are hundreds of people like Rachael who have made a monthly Champion�s commitment to create a brighter future for women, moms and families.
I hope YOU consider becoming our next Champion today too.
Your help is needed. We have bold plans to amplify our winning strategies in the coming months and years, including a massive effort to train volunteers and mobilize voters in under-represented communities.
If we recruit 100 new monthly Champions now, we�ll be able to start 2020 off strong, with the potential to scale up critical initiatives that the MomsRising movement needs to win.
Your support in this moment is so important.
Friend, are you in?
Remember, when you contribute, a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your donations for an entire year, giving you 2X the power to help women, moms and families rise.
Thank you for your continued compassion and generosity.
-- Kristin and everyone at MomsRising
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Dear Friend,
My family has a tradition to go around the table during Thanksgiving dinner to say what we are thankful for (as many families do). This year, I am feeling especially grateful for our Constitution that recognizes the need to have co-equal branches of government, and mechanisms of oversight and impeachment to protect our democracy.
What I�m not thankful for is the tension I�m anticipating at my family�s Thanksgiving table on the topic of the current impeachment process unfolding in Congress. That�s why I�m sharing this recipe with you for surviving until the pumpkin pie stage of dinner�or whenever you choose to engage in a conversation about this important issue. (No turkey necessary!)
Here are the ingredients:
First, share this powerful video to start your friends and family thinking about how protecting the U.S. Constitution is vital to our children�s future. Just click this link and share.
Start the conversation from a place of common values. It�s important to discuss what you are FOR (rather than against). For example: Liberty and justice for all are very important to me, and so is ensuring these values�and our democracy�are protected for future generations.
State the facts from your perspective plainly with as little bias as possible. For example:�The videos of the full witness testimony and other evidence shows that President Trump used United States military aid to pressure Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 elections.
Share how this abuse of power and the national discussion around impeachment has made you feel as a voter, as a resident of the United States, as a parent, etc. It�s ok to express your frustration and emotions, while respecting those who may feel differently.
Be sure to take deep breaths and also listen, too (and remember listening respectfully to an opposing opinion doesn�t mean that you�ve lost your own moral compass; it just means you�re giving space for an important conversation). You may find that your emotions are the same, even if your opinions are different!
Finally, share your desires for the future of our nation, and connect the deficiencies in what is happening now, to your shared feelings. For example: I want our children to grow up in a nation where our leaders are accountable to the people and abide by the Constitution. What I�ve learned about the actions of President Trump during the impeachment inquiry has made me feel afraid for the future of our democracy because my need for trust in our government and systems of accountability isn�t being met.
Though having tough conversations isn�t as easy as pumpkin pie, it�s important to come together, share how we feel, and to listen because we as a nation will need to come to a place of healing after what is likely to be a long and contentious impeachment process. As moms, dads, and advocates, we can help to guide the conversation and it�s really a conversation that starts around the dinner table.
It is our children�s future at stake, after all. It�s time to talk and listen because the facts are clear: We must impeach and remove this president - and we will come through this as a stronger nation as a result.
Our kitchen tables are the most powerful incubator for impacting change and creating the future we want for our children. Be sure to Tweet to us at @MomsRising to let us know how it goes and use #ThanksConstitution.
Don�t forget to get the conversation started now and share this video with family and friends.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward this message to your friends and family.
Together we are a powerful voice for our democracy.
- Felicia, Donna, Kristin and the whole MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder team
P.S. Find impeachment events happening across the country here: P.P.S. For more info about impeachment, here are two summaries from the New York Times and VOX.
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Dear Friend,
This Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year: Black Friday. Maybe you�ll witness an unfortunate stampede for that amazing deal on a big screen tv, or perhaps you�ll finally get that pressure cooker you�ve been seeing all over Facebook. For many families, though, the best deal they could possibly hope for is the ability to find - and afford - high quality care for their kids.�
>>Add your name to tell Congress that families need child care - not 50% off a vacuum cleaner - this Black Friday!�
Families like my college BFF.� The other day we were catching up about all the usual things. Work, the weather, and of course: our kids. We both have two kids aged 5 and under, and we were discussing what toys were on their lists this holiday season. My son is into LEGOs right now, which isn�t the cheapest hobby. She, however, mentioned that she�s spending a whopping $3,400 a month on child care for her two and four-year-old kiddos.�
My jaw literally dropped when she told me this. With nearly $4000/ month on child care, who can even consider Black Friday? While our country goes nuts for consumerism and sales this week, let�s put our priorities where they should be: strengthening the future for our kids and families.�
>>Add your name to tell Congress that we need to increase funding for affordable child care in our country!�
Luckily my friend has the resources to piece together care for their children right now, however, many other families don�t have this luxury. Not only do many families struggle to FIND childcare, but as we know, affording it is quite another challenge. Infant childcare costs more than public college tuition in a majority of states, so it is no surprise that an astounding 83% of parents with children under the age of five struggle to afford care in our country. [1] Not to mention, a study recently released by the Center for American Progress (CAP) found that 77% of parents with children under the age of five report that lack of access to child care has negatively impacted their career advancement - meaning that this struggle is impacting future growth and economic security for millions of families. [2]��
This isn�t just a financial gut punch to families, but also to the workforce and our economy!�
Families deserve enriching child care options that won�t break the bank and will work for them, and child care assistance is essential for helping families, especially low-income families, find and afford the high-quality care they need.�
SIGN NOW to urge� Congress to increase funding for Head Start and the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) in the FY 2020 budget!�
High-quality early care and education (including programs like Head Start) are essential to meeting the needs of children and their families. It helps children get the solid start they need and their parents get and keep the jobs they need to support their families. This includes the workforce who are caring for our children while also trying to afford child care of their own -- early educators� are some of the lowest paid workers in our country and have hourly wages that are 23 percent lower than similar workers in other occupations and rarely receive job-based benefits that support their health and well-being. [4]�
Last year, Americans spent a whopping $6.2 BILLION dollars on Black Friday. And yes, that was billion with a B. So, what would happen if Congress spent just HALF of that ensuring that kids and families had the foundation they need to thrive, strengthening families, communities, AND the economy?�
Good news:Congress is on it!� Add your name to support this significant, meaningful increase in CCDBG and Head Start funding in FY 2020 to help thousands of families to access the care they deserve!
Funding childcare is truly a no brainer. When we make these investments in high-quality early learning programs, the economic returns are HUGE � for every $1 invested in high-quality early learning there is a 13% return! [5] In fact, economists suggest that a significant investment in childcare would increase women's overall labor force participation enough to boost GDP by roughly $210 billion, or 1.2%. Now that�s what I call I no brainer!�
So, when does this need to happen? Yesterday! Or more realistically, now.� Last year, Congress made a historic increase to the Child Care and Development Block Grant, which helps struggling families afford childcare. [7] This increase was a much-needed and long overdue investment, but it was just a first step. Similarly, the Head Start program is reaching just 31% of eligible kids - and if you look at Early Head Start, that number drops to a pitiful 8%. Unacceptable! Across the country, we have too many kids on waitlists, too many parents making difficult decisions about where to send their children when they go to work on school, and too many early childhood educators struggling to make ends meet.� Prior to last year�s increase for CCDBG, the number of children receiving CCDBG-funded care had reached its lowest point in two decades. Even with the new funding, too many families still do not receive the help they need finding and affording high-quality child care � just 15 percent of children eligible under federal parameters receive child care assistance.�
This is why we�re calling on Congress to do BIG things for our littlest learners and make significant investments to CCDBG and Head Start in the FY 2020 budget-- add your name to tell them you agree!
Families, like my college BFF, should not have to spend $3400 a month on childcare. Families who are eligible for subsidized care should have access to this life-changing benefit. No early educator should struggle to afford to put food on the table.�
For millions across the country, child care eats up the bulk of their income, leaving little for frivolous purchases - like that discounted extra vacuum. As you think about the billions of dollars that will be spent this coming Friday, consider making a stand for something that really needs funding: giving kids access to early care and education that fits their needs!�
*And, after you take action be sure to forward this email, share the action links on Facebook and Twitter to help build a movement that lifts us all.� The more of us who take action, the faster we�ll get the solutions we need advanced through Congress.
Thank you for raising your voice, we are thankful for all that you do!
- Donna HC, Nina, Elyssa and the whole� team�
[1]"Affordable Child Care and Early Learning for All Families", Center for American Progress, 2018
[2] Ibid
[3] "From Unlivable Wages to Just Pay for Early Educators", Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, 2019
[4] "Invest in Early Childhood Development: Reduce Deficits, Strengthen the Economy", The Heckman Equation�
[5]�"Affordable Child Care and Early Learning for All Families", Center for American Progress, 2018
[6]"CCDBG: Helping Working Families Afford Child Care",�CLASP, 2019
[7] Access to Head Start in the United States, the National Head Start Association
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Thank You
Dear Friend,
The smell of sweet potatoes in the oven is making me smile as I write to you right now to share my enormous gratitude for all you do with MomsRising. But that�s not the only reason I�m smiling. You see, reflecting on how much of a positive force for justice we�ve been together so far in 2019 — and anticipating what we can accomplish together in 2020 — is making me smile so much broader than even my favorite sweet potato dish could inspire!
I want to take a moment to celebrate you. You are making a difference when you sign that petition, make that call, go to that meeting, share that video or action on social media, help get out that vote, or otherwise make your voice heard. And I can�t tell you how much the fact that you #KeepRising means to me, to this movement, and to the families who are lifted by your (and our) actions together.
Thank you again.
My hair sometimes feels like it�s going to light on fire when I watch the news these days. But then I take a deep breath. I remember YOU are out there. You #KeepRising, and inspire me to do the same. What I love about you — and about us together — is that we are turning our anger at the news headlines, and at the injustices we see, into action that helps bring forward solutions. The nearly-too-good-to-be true fact is that together this year we�ve helped advance fair pay policy, helped protect healthcare and food stamps, helped advance paid family/medical leave, stood strong against the cradle to prison pipeline, and we�ve banded together against the separation of children and families through Donald Trump�s incredibly harmful immigration policies. We�ve been making a difference at both the state and national levels. That�s power. That�s change. That�s hope sweeter than any sweet potato casserole.
Together, you are part of a group of people who are the leaders we�ve been waiting for in our communities and our nation. (Are you smiling now too? ???? )
Of course, our work is far from finished. We have a tremendous amount of work to do in the coming year, including making sure that everyone who wants to vote, can vote in 2020 — and showing again & again that we�re a Mom Force to be reckoned with as we help advance the policies that lift us all, hold corporations accountable, and change the national dialogue so it better reflects the contributions and needs of women, moms, and families. There is so much to do, yes — but we�re moms and we get it done. So on this Thanksgiving Eve let�s take a moment to celebrate that we ARE a force together.
Need the numbers to prove we�re a force? I have them for you right here: there are 74,975,542 mom voters in our nation. You are not alone. That�s me, that�s us, that�s you. And, that�s power. But not everyone who is a registered voter takes the time to vote; so if we each commit to remind our friends, family, and neighbors to vote in 2020, then that�s even more power for each of us to be thankful for this holiday season!
So as we give thanks for the wins of 2019, make plans to build our power in 2020, and dive into sweet potato casseroles, please know that you are seen, appreciated, and we are so grateful for you as you #KeepRising!
Thank you.
P.S. Today is a great day to contribute to our movement. Your gift has double the power today thanks to an anonymous donor who is offering a one-to-one match through Giving Tuesday! Show your thanks for the power of moms and help us grow stronger by donating today. Thank you.
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Power up! Become a TOTE-ALLY awesome Champion for Giving Tuesday.
Dear Friend,
Giving Tuesday is nearly here! I know you�re getting a lot of emails, but I hope you take a quick moment to scroll through this one because we�re celebrating this beautiful day of generosity by highlighting awesome MomsRising sheroes like Melissa. You can scroll down now to read about Melissa, including why she decided to become a MomsRising Champion contributor. (MomsRising Champion contributors are loyal supporters who make small, steady monthly contributions to fuel bigtime MOMentum, hope, and progress all year long.)
I hope YOU consider becoming our next Champion in honor of Giving Tuesday.
Your dependable support is needed to supercharge our winning strategies in the coming months and years, including a massive effort to train volunteers and mobilize voters in traditionally under-represented communities.
When you contribute in honor of Giving Tuesday, a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your donations for an entire year, giving you 2X the power to help women, moms and families rise. (Thank you in advance for considering this!)
Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker...and you can pledge $10/month to get a cool MomsRising tote as well!
Can�t commit to monthly giving?Make a one-time contribution instead � still matched $1-for-$1!
"I've been a supporter of MomsRising for over a decade. In 2016, after the presidential election, I became a monthly supporter. The work that MomsRising is doing to support mothers and families is crucial for giving moms the opportunity to lead fulfilled lives and raise their children in a supportive environment. I'm proud to continue to support their work toward a kinder and more supportive society."
Friend, there are hundreds of people like Melissa, who have made a monthly MomsRising Champion�s commitment to create a brighter future for women, moms and families.
Will you join us and Melissa and become our next Champion?
If we recruit 100 new monthly MomsRising Champions for Giving Tuesday, we�ll be able to start 2020 off strong!
Thank you for your continued compassion and generosity.
-- Kristin and everyone at MomsRising
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Have you signed all of these, Friend?
Dear Friend,
As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday next week, we are super grateful for all of our MomsRising members and all that you do. Please take a minute to check out our latest list of actions. We are fighting for Equal Pay, Protecting SNAP and reducing the amount of young people in prison. Here's the list =>
1. TAKE ACTION on Latina Equal Pay Day!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Latinas have to wait until November 20th � nearly the end of 2019 � to earn what white men made in just 12 months in 2018. Yes, that�s nearly 11 extra months of work. When it comes down to dollars and cents, Latinas are paid just 54 cents for every dollar paid to white men. Latina moms, over 60% of whom are breadwinners for their families, make even less � just 46 cents for every dollar paid to white dads. TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress: Close the wage gap for Latinas with a package of bills that would advance equal pay!.
2. Ignite Democracy. Every gift MATCHED!�
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED�-> Be a Champion
BACKGROUND:�When moms rise, BIG things happen. Like igniting democracy!�In fact, for the recent elections last week, MomsRising members like you generated a MASSIVE amount of get-out-the-vote energy � by sending thousands upon thousands of hand-written voter postcards to infrequent mom voters, by making personal videos to inspire other moms, by sharing info and encouragement via text message, by hosting parties at the voting polls, and so much, much more.�What made all this possible? Your enthusiastic support. To keep up the MOMentum for democracy, we�ve opened the Giving Tuesday Match EARLY! Become a dedicated MomsRising Champion monthly donor and ignite democracy ALL OVER AMERICA, all year long!
3. No New Youth Prisons in NJ!
Your Action Status: SIGN NOW -> Tell Governor Murphy
BACKGROUND: DYK, youth prisons and the practice of incarcerating youth are ineffective and continue to cost states exorbitant amounts of taxpayer dollars? Still, the US incarcerates more young people than any other country. Youth prisons do little to improve community safety as compared to community based efforts, that provide alternatives to incarceration that support young people and the services they need. Tell @GovMurphy: NO NEW YOUTH PRISONS in NJ!
4. SIGN NOW: Tell the Trump Administration #HandsOffSNAP....again!
Your Action Status: SIGN NOW -> Take Action
BACKGROUND: It�s only been a few months since President Trump�s last attack on SNAP (or food stamps), but now he�s at it again with his cruel attempts to take food stamps away from struggling families in order to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations � even though studies show that food stamps boost both families and our economy. This is the THIRD TIME he has undermined the wishes of Congress and tried to propose a rule that would limit the number of families that could receive SNAP and reduced the amount of benefits recipients could receive. This hurts kids. This hurts our families. And this hurts our economy.
***We need you to speak out (again) and sign our letter telling the Trump Administration: #HandsOffSNAP!!
5. Let's Increase Funding for Child Care and Head Start This Year!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The struggle is real when it comes to finding high-quality, affordable care for our children. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the major federal child care program, helps families with the cost of child care and supports states to improve the quality and supply of care. Families deserve enriching child care options that won�t break the bank and will work for them, and child care assistance is essential for helping families find and afford the high-quality care they need! SIGN NOW to urge� Congress to increase funding for Head Start and the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) in the FY 2020 budget!
Thanks for all you do, and have a great weekend! �
- Sue Anne, Karen, Kristin, Gloria, Xochitl, Anita, Linda and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
� � �� � �� � �� � �� � �
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Mom powers unite! Your Giving Tuesday gift MATCHED.
Become a Champion today
Monthly contributions matched for an entire year
Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker
Pledge $10/month and get sticker + cool tote
Make a one-time contribution instead.
Dear Friend,
We�re ready for a day of unity and kindness for women and families � it�s finally Giving Tuesday!
We�ve been waiting for this day.
And we�re celebrating this beautiful day of generosity the MomsRising way, with ACTION.
To create the brighter future for women, moms and families that we know is possible, we need to invest now. It�s less than one year before the 2020 elections, and we have set an urgent, ambitious goal of mobilizing 1 million moms before November 2020 to engage in our democracy and vote.
We need every MomsRising member to rise now, and contribute what she or he can, to make it happen.
Friend, in honor of Giving Tuesday, will you #KeepRising and become our next MomsRising Champion monthly donor, and ignite democracy all year long?
Your monthly contributions matched for an entire year
Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker
Pledge $10/month to get a sticker + cool tote
Can�t chip in monthly? Make a one-time contribution instead � still matched $1-for-$1!
There is no doubt that, with your support, we�ve pushed MOMentum further than we ever thought possible.
Dozens of municipalities have enacted paid leave and states are passing fair pay and child care expansion laws. Big banks are fleeing the abusive private prison industry that�s responsible for horrendous human rights violations against migrant families. More moms and women are in Congress than any time in history, fighting for policies that make America a more family friendly nation. We are changing our democracy for the better -- TOGETHER.
YOU made these wins possible. But we still have work to do. Friend, I�m asking you today to:
Keep Rising, until all families have affordable healthcare.
Keep Rising, until all children are protected by gun safety laws.
Keep Rising, until all women have full reproductive rights.
Keep Rising, until all women enjoy equal pay for equal work.
Friend, are you in?
When you rise, with us, all families win.
– Yes, I want to become a MomsRising Champion monthly donor. – I can�t give monthly now.
Remember, when you contribute, a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your donations for an entire year, giving you 2X the power to help women, moms and families rise.
Thank you for your continued compassion and generosity.
-- Kristin and everyone at MomsRising
P.S. Monthly giving is affordable, easy, and twice as powerful in 2020, thanks to the match. Can�t give monthly? One-time contributions are deeply appreciated, and also doubly powerful! Thank you!
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Mom powers unite! Your Giving Tuesday gift MATCHED.
It�s Anita.
Did you see Kristin�s note? I want to make sure you read it before Giving Tuesday closes.
Hundreds of moms, dads, grandmothers, uncles, caregivers and all-around awesome, caring people like you have made Giving Tuesday contributions to support the life-changing work of MomsRising.
Every gift has been matched � we�re ready to match yours, too!
Keep Rising, you�re making a difference!
---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Kristin, MomsRising
Date: Tues, Dec 3 2019, 11:27 a.m.
Subject: Keep Rising ???? Become a MomsRising Champion
To: Friend
Become a Champion today
Monthly contributions matched for an entire year
Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker
Pledge $10/month and get sticker + cool tote
Make a one-time contribution instead.
Dear Friend,
We�re ready for a day of unity and kindness for women and families � it�s finally Giving Tuesday!
We�ve been waiting for this day.
And we�re celebrating this beautiful day of generosity the MomsRising way, with ACTION.
To create the brighter future for women, moms and families that we know is possible, we need to invest now. It�s less than one year before the 2020 elections, and we have set an urgent, ambitious goal of mobilizing 1 million moms before November 2020 to engage in our democracy and vote.
We need every MomsRising member to rise now, and contribute what she or he can, to make it happen.
Friend, in honor of Giving Tuesday, will you #KeepRising and become our next MomsRising Champion monthly donor, and ignite democracy all year long?
Your monthly contributions matched for an entire year
Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker
Pledge $10/month to get a sticker + cool tote
Can�t chip in monthly? Make a one-time contribution instead � still matched $1-for-$1!
There is no doubt that, with your support, we�ve pushed MOMentum further than we ever thought possible.
Dozens of municipalities have enacted paid leave and states are passing fair pay and child care expansion laws. Big banks are fleeing the abusive private prison industry that�s responsible for horrendous human rights violations against migrant families. More moms and women are in Congress than any time in history, fighting for policies that make America a more family friendly nation. We are changing our democracy for the better -- TOGETHER.
YOU made these wins possible. But we still have work to do. Friend, I�m asking you today to:
Keep Rising, until all families have affordable healthcare.
Keep Rising, until all children are protected by gun safety laws.
Keep Rising, until all women have full reproductive rights.
Keep Rising, until all women enjoy equal pay for equal work.
Friend, are you in?
When you rise, with us, all families win.
– Yes, I want to become a MomsRising Champion monthly donor. – I can�t give monthly now.
Remember, when you contribute, a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your donations for an entire year, giving you 2X the power to help women, moms and families rise.
Thank you for your continued compassion and generosity.
-- Kristin and everyone at MomsRising
P.S. Monthly giving is affordable, easy, and twice as powerful in 2020, thanks to the match. Can�t give monthly? One-time contributions are deeply appreciated, and also doubly powerful! Thank you!
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A powerful way to speak out to lower drug prices now!
Dear Friend,
Prescription drug prices are continuing to rise and many families are struggling to afford life-saving medicines.
In a recent survey, by the Kaiser Family Foundation, about a quarter of Americans said they�ve had trouble paying for a prescription. [1] A QUARTER! It doesn�t have to be this way. There are solutions and our government can fix this. Thankfully, more and more people (across party lines) support government action to help cut the cost of medications�so now we have the momentum to make Congress take action!
**We can�t let up! Can you call your U.S. Representatives NOW to ask them to support H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act!
It�s a critical time to make our voices heard as Congress is currently considering legislation that would begin to lower prescription drug prices!
What�s the deal? Congress has created a flawed system that allows pharmaceutical companies to abuse patent monopolies and price gouge patients on life-saving medicines. In addition, unlike in most high-income countries, these monopolies are not counterbalanced by a strong coordinated purchasing strategy by the government to lower costs. [2] As a result, pharmaceutical companies have shifted their focus to increasing profits, as there is no real government effort to rein in prescription drug prices.
As recommended by the Coalition for Fair Drug Prices, a top priority for action must be to address outrageous list prices that manufacturers charge, which drive costs throughout the system. Additional policies to bring costs and prices under control should ultimately encompass the entire supply chain, including wholesale distributors, PBMs, insurers and other payers, and retail pharmacies. [5]
H.R. 3 would be a huge help to our nation in lowering costs for medications people need to stay healthy. Join me in calling Congress to support this important piece of legislation!
As drug prices have risen, insurers are shifting costs to consumers and families are being impacted most. Across the country, families are facing poor health outcomes due to drug prices preventing them from being able to access and afford the medication they need to maintain their health. [3] As of January of 2019, the prices on more than 250 prescription drugs increased by 6 percent or more. [4]
Kaiser Family Foundation found that 3 in 10 people across the country skip doses or refrain from filling prescriptions altogether due to high costs [6]. The repercussions are horrendous, leading to deteriorating conditions for family members as they try to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and other chronic conditions. Lives are at stake. Prescription drug prices are consistently higher in the United States, with Americans paying at least three times more for prescriptions. [7]
*Join me in calling Congress NOW. Tell your U.S. Representative to support H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act.
Everyone should be able to access and afford the medication they need in order to live a healthy, productive life. We cannot stand silent as this continues.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action link on social media:
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
- Felicia, Tasmiha, Donna and the whole MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder team
[1] NPR, Poll: Americans Support Government Action To Curb Prescription Drug Prices
[2] Community Catalyst, Addressing Out of Control Prescription Drug Prices - Federal and State Strategies
[3]: U.S. PIRG, The Real Price of Medications
[4]: Ibid
[5]: Families USA, Coalition for Fair Drug Prices: Statement of Principles
[6]: Kaiser Family Foundation, KFF Health Tracking Poll � February 2019: Prescription Drugs
[7] Community Catalyst, Addressing Out of Control Prescription Drug Prices - Federal and State Strategies
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Have you signed all of these, Friend?
Dear Friend,
It's the last month of the year, and of the decade. Wow. While time may go quickly, our movement to demand an economy that works for women and families will have lasting, enduring impact. And it's built by the individual actions of fired-up people like you. Please scroll down for our latest list of top actions, and be sure you've added your name to all. Once you do, share this list with family and friends. Thank you! =>
1. Call Your U.S. Representatives NOW To Tell Them: Support H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act!
Your Action Status: NOT YET CALLED -> Call Now
BACKGROUND: In a recent survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, about a quarter of Americans said they�ve had trouble paying for a prescription. A QUARTER! It doesn�t have to be this way. There are solutions and our government can fix this. Thankfully, more and more people (across party lines) support government action to help cut the cost of medications�so now we have the momentum to make Congress take action! It�s a critical time to make our voices heard as Congress is currently considering legislation that would begin to lower prescription drug prices! Call your U.S. Representatives NOW to ask them to support H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act!
2. SNAP Is Under Attack. Share why it matters to you and your�family�
Your Action Status: NOT YET SHARED -> Share Your Story
BACKGROUND: We will not stand by while President Trump attempts to take food stamps away from struggling families in order to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations. Personal stories are powerful and make a huge difference in helping members of Congress understand why nutrition programs are important to so many Americans. Please tell us how SNAP has helped you. After you share your story with us, we�ll share your thoughts and experiences with key decision-makers.
3. Latina Equal Pay Day was *NOVEMBER* 20. Shocked? Sign your name now.�
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Latinas have to wait until November 20th � nearly the end of 2019 � to earn what white men made in just 12 months in 2018. Yes, that�s nearly 11 extra months of work. Absolutely unacceptable. When it comes down to dollars and cents, Latinas are paid just 54 cents for every dollar paid to white men. Latina moms, over 60% of whom are breadwinners for their families, make even less � just 46 cents for every dollar paid to white dads. TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress: Close the wage gap for Latinas with a package of bills that would advance equal pay!.
4. KEEP RISING: It�s a Year End Match!
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED�-> Donate Now
BACKGROUND:�Make a contribution today that will mobilize moms to engage in our democracy and vote, stand strong against hate, and continue making the world a better, safer, more just place for ALL moms and families. Contribute BY DEC. 31 and a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your gift!
? Your contribution matched ? Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker ? Contribute $100+ to get a sticker + cool tote
5. Let's Increase Funding for Child Care and Head Start This Year!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The struggle is real when it comes to finding high-quality, affordable care for our children. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the major federal child care program, helps families with the cost of child care and supports states to improve the quality and supply of care. Families deserve enriching child care options that won�t break the bank and will work for them, and child care assistance is essential for helping families find and afford the high-quality care they need! SIGN NOW to urge Congress to increase funding for Head Start and the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) in the FY 2020 budget!
� Thanks for all you do, and have a great weekend! �
- Sue Anne, Karen, Donna, Anita and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
� � �� � �� � �� � �� � �
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Dear Friend,
After two years, the evidence is in. President Trump�s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (aka the Trump Tax Scam) has made things much worse by exacerbating income and wealth inequality with the vast majority of the tax cuts going to the richest 1% and big corporations.
***SIGN OUR LETTER calling on the U.S. Congress to repeal the Trump Tax Scam and instead pass tax policies that boost our families and our economy!
President Trump and his sub-group of cronies in Congress are balloning the national debt and using their $2 trillion in tax cuts as an excuse to try and make deep cuts to SNAP (food stamps), school lunches, Medicaid, Medicare, and education programs.
No matter where we come from or what our color, we work hard for our families. But today, certain politicians and their greedy lobbyists hurt everyone by handing kickbacks to the rich, de-funding our schools, taking food away from hungry children, and threatening our seniors with cuts to Medicare and Social Security. Then they turn around and unfairly, and unjustly, point their finger for our hard times at poor families, people of color, and new immigrants to try to divide us and also to distract us all from the injustice of their policies.But we won�t be distracted or divided.
Join together with people from all walks of life to fight for our future, just like we did when we won better wages, safer workplaces, and civil rights in our past. By joining together, we can create a tax system that is fair for all families, not just the wealthy few.
***Take a few seconds to sign our letter calling on the U.S. Congress to repeal the Trump Tax Scam and instead pass tax policies that boost our families and economy!
The claim was that giant, unpaid-for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations would increase jobs, pay for themselves, give every family a big raise and really hurt rich people like Donald Trump. The evidence says otherwise.
REALITY: The richest 1% are getting an average tax cut that�s 75 times more than the average tax cut of the bottom 80%?$50,000 vs. $645.
REALITY: Donald Trump and his family will benefit personally by millions of dollars from five features of the tax scam: lower top income tax rates; the deep corporate tax cuts; a weakened estate tax; a tax break mostly benefiting wealthy business owners like Trump; and real-estate loopholes the tax law opened.
REALITY: The total cost of the tax cuts is estimated at $1.9 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office, which will be added to the national debt and is being used by Trump and his friends in Congress to try and make deep cuts to SNAP, school lunches, Medicaid, Medicare, and more. [1]
We demand Congress listen to moms, dads, and concerned people and repeal the tax cuts for the rich and mega-corporations and pass tax policies that works for all of us. ADD YOUR NAME TO OUR LETTER!
What would a tax system look like that lifts up working families rather than wealthy corporations and the uber-rich? For starters, Congress can pass policies like the Working Families Tax Relief Act�a bill that makes major improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit and puts money back in the pockets of working families. [2] This bill alone would raise the incomes of 46 million households and would lift 11 million children out of poverty. [3] In addition, we need tax policies that make the wealthy and mega-corporations pay their fair share. This includes, raising taxes on the super-rich, both on high incomes and accumulated wealth; reforming taxation of investment income so that wealth is taxed more like work; reinvigorating the corporate tax code by raising rates, closing loopholes, and repealing incentives to offshore profits and outsource jobs; and ending tax breaks for wealthy businesses, such as a special real-estate provisions that have benefited the Trump family. [4]
These actions will create a fairer tax system that centers the work and well-being of working families rather than the mega-wealthy and corporations. Plus it will boost our economy!
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW speaking out against the #TrumpTaxScam and calling on Congress to pass working family tax credits, like the EITC and Child Tax Credit!
We will be sending your signatures to the full U.S. Congress next week on the anniversary that President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law. We want to make sure we have as many signatures as possible, so after you sign our letter, forward this email to your friends and family and post our action link to Facebook.
Thank you for speaking out against this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad tax law for the past two years. Together we can build a brighter future for our families!
-Elyssa, Donna, Kristin, and the entire and the entire�sConPoder team
P.S. Join us and our partners on Wednesday, December 11th at 2pmET for the #2YearsofTCJA Twitterstorm. You can find all the info at this digital toolkit our friends at Americans for Tax Fairness put together.
[1] Americans for Tax Fairness. �Chartbook: Trump-GOP Tax Cuts Failing Workers and the Economy.��
[2] �Senate Democrats Unveil Legislation to Cut Taxes for Workers and Families, Ahead of IRS Commisoner Testifies.� April 10, 2019�
[3] Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. �Working Families Tax Relief Act Would Raise Incomes of 46 Million Households, Reduce Child Poverty.�
[4] Americans for Tax Fairness. �Fair Taxes Now: Revenue Options for a Fair Tax System.�
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Dear Friend,
At any given time, there are about 443,000 children and youth in foster care in the United States. [1] When my wife and I are ready to start a family, we plan to become foster parents and eventually, adoptive parents, to provide a safe, loving home for children that need one either temporarily or permanently.
But the Trump Administration has other plans for us.
Among other unacceptable proposals, they want to make it legal for foster care and adoption agencies that receive federal Health and Human Services (HHS) grants to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people and refuse to place foster children with us. [2]
This is personal. The proposed rule would legalize discrimination against a broad swath of people and communities, including women, religious minorities, and nonreligious people, in addition to LGBTQ+ youth and families. This is just plain wrong.
Quick Signature! >>> Join me in opposing the Trump Administration�s proposed rule that would create a license to discriminate using taxpayer dollars!
It�s critical that we all take a minute to reject this proposed rule because it�s just that � a proposal � that we can defeat if we all urge HHS to renounce it.
Charity, a MomsRising member and adoptive parent in Illinois, shares exactly why we must speak out against this proposed rule:
�I am a mother, a daughter, and a fighter. I am also a lesbian. Every identity I have only makes me a better person and an even greater mother to my three adopted children. When I was 25, I adopted my first child. He has rocked and changed my world in unimaginable ways. He has become a giant and I can only look at him and see his ability to change this world. He has an amazing heart that understands the need to include, love and build all people. I am who I am because of every identity I carry and he has become who he is because of the love he�s been raised in.�
Under the Obama Administration, a strong non-discrimination rule for grantees of HHS was finalized. Now, the Trump Administration is attempting to undo that good rule and allow HHS programs and services to discriminate on the bases of religion, sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation. [3]
The proposed rule will affect nearly all HHS grants and contracts�worth over $500 billion�including foster care, Head Start, HIV prevention, community health care centers, energy assistance, and much more.
TAKE ACTION: Add your name to our letter instructing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to abandon this discriminatory proposed rule!
If we don�t act collectively to speak out against this shameful Trump Administration proposal, this is a snapshot of discrimination that could become legal:
People in need of medical care could be turned away from a federally funded community health center because they are LGBTQ+.
An agency providing foster care services could keep a child in a group home rather than place them with qualified Jewish, Muslim or LGBTQ foster parents.
Children of LGBTQ+ parents could be denied enrollment in Head Start.
Federally funded after-school programs could refuse to serve the children of single mothers or LGBTQ+ parents�and could also exclude transgender youth.
Children in foster care who are LGBTQ+ could be denied needed healthcare and support services when more than one in five foster youth identify as LGBTQ+ (over two times their representation in the general youth population). [4]
A senior services center could continue to receive government funding while ignoring the sexual harassment of women it serves.
Community meal programs designed to support older adults could refuse to deliver food to older people who are LGBTQ+.
*** TAKE A MINUTE to reject this unconscionable proposed rule that would use your taxpayer dollars to discriminate and hurt some of the most vulnerable among us.
Antonia, a MomsRising member and LGBTQ+ foster parent, shares the following:
�I have been involved in the foster care system as an advocate, social worker, and foster parent. We open our doors to children in need. I cannot understand why this proposed rule would seek to slam the door in the faces of children in need of loving homes like ours.�
Can you take a moment to back up Antonia now? Tell the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to abandon the Trump Administration�s proposed rule that would legalize discrimination and harm children in need!
Together, we�re a powerful force for women, children and families.
� Sara, Bea, Nina, Monifa, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder team
[1] Children's Rights: Foster Care [2] Department of Health and Human Services: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [3]�Adoption Groups Could Turn Away L.G.B.T. Families Under Proposed Rule, New York Times [4] LGBTQ Youth in Unstable Housing and Foster Care and�Out of the Shadows: Supporting LGBTQ youth in Child Welfare Through Cross-System Collaboration
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Keep rising, Friend. Your gift MATCHED!
Dear Friend,
I am Elena and I am a mom to two amazing kids who are the joy of my life.
My daughter, Xiomara, was born with chronic medical conditions that affect her lungs, heart and kidneys. Her name � Xiomara � means �ready for battle.� She was born a fighter and taught me how to fight.
Healthcare is the single most important issue to families like mine. I am terrified of what losing healthcare would mean to my daughter, and the millions of other children with complex medical needs.
I�m a proud member of MomsRising because together � you, me and moms and dads all over America � we�re fighting to keep the healthcare that protects the most vulnerable among us, including our children.
Friend, your gift today will help MomsRising be ready for battle for the issues that matter most to families � healthcare, gun safety, reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work, and so much more.
When you contribute, a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your donation, giving you 2X the power to help women, moms and families rise.
The first time I heard about MomsRising was a health care event in the summer of 2017 where kids were encouraged to wear superhero capes to Capitol Hill. I absolutely loved the visual of these amazing children taking over the government, a place where kids are rarely seen but where laws affecting their lives are made every single day.
I decided right then and there that I wanted to get involved with MomsRising.
I had just started my own organization at that time. Little Lobbyists is a family-led group advocating for kids with complex medical needs and disabilities, like Xiomara.
I believe in collaboration and partnership. As I was becoming a public advocate myself, I wanted to work with others who had been doing this work for some time. While I had much to contribute, I also had much to learn.
I found that in MomsRising. I really connected with the fact that we are moms (and dads) who just want a better world for our kids and are speaking up about it.
I hope you consider a contribution to this amazing organization today. I know your gift will make a difference.
Keep Rising, Friend, and fight like a mom.
Because when moms rise, BIG things happen.
With love,
Elena Hung
Mom of Xiomara
Co-founder and Executive Director, Little Lobbyists
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Dear Friend,
If any of our children behaved in the way that Donald Trump�s been behaving with his bullying use of Twitter (like his recent Tweet at 16-year-old Greta Thunberg), and, importantly, his proven abuse of power for his own personal gain; then they�d get a time out. Fortunately, there are laws in place to help check the misuse of power, and to give a President running amok a timeout too: The impeachment process�and many members of Congress are stepping up to protect our democracy using this process.
Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee did its duty by passing two articles of impeachment. We are appalled by President Trump�s abuse of power, the lies he and members of his administration told to cover it up, and the many ways he violated the law by obstructing the congressional investigation into these crimes.
President Trump used taxpayer money and the promise of a meeting to try to obtain dirt from a foreign nation on a Democratic challenger in the 2020 elections.
This is a dangerous and illegal abuse of power, but Congress will only act if millions of us demand it. Every Democratic and every Republican lawmaker should put country ahead of political party. Here are 5 things you can do�=>
1. Quick signature: Tell Congress to Impeach and Remove President Trump!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: America�s elections belong to America�s voters and no foreign government should play any role in determining the outcome�let alone be coerced by the President to do so! President Trump must be held accountable for the blatant and horrifying abuses of power which have come to light during the impeachment inquiry, as well as the obstruction of Congress� investigation into these abuses. Sign now! We must hold the President, and all leaders, accountable to the people.
2. Call your Representative and tell them to vote to impeach President Trump!�
Your Action Status: NOT YET CALLED -> Call Now
WHAT TO SAY? �I want our children to grow up in a nation where our leaders are accountable to the people and abide by the Constitution. What I�ve learned about the actions of President Trump during the impeachment inquiry has made me feel afraid for the future of our democracy. I am asking for my representative to uphold their oath and vote to impeach President Trump.� Call now!
3. Share this powerful video to demonstrate how protecting the U.S. Constitution is vital to our children�s future.
BACKGROUND: Our Constitution recognizes the need to have co-equal branches of government, and mechanisms of oversight and impeachment to protect our democracy. Our children�s future is at stake, after all. The facts are clear: We must impeach and remove this president - and we will come through this as a stronger nation as a result. Just click, watch, and share!
4. Find an impeachment event happening near you!
BACKGROUND:�On Tuesday, December 17th, we�re teaming up with a coalition of over 100 organizations, putting on 400+ events in all 50 states. We'll head to every congressional office and public square to urge our representatives to impeach President Trump. (There are already over 100,000 RSVPs - so this is a great opportunity to truly be part of a historic mobilization!) Find an event near you, RSVP, and then invite your friends, family, and neighbors.
5. Need talking points on impeachment for the holiday season?
BACKGROUND: With the holiday season upon us, many of us are anticipating tension at family gatherings with regard to impeachment.�Though having tough conversations isn�t as easy as pumpkin pie, it�s important to come together, share how we feel, and to listen because we as a nation we will need to come to a place of healing after what is likely to be a long and contentious impeachment process.�Read and share this blog to learn how to talk about impeachment with your friends and family.
Liberty and justice for ALL is in our pledge of allegiance for a reason�it is a promise that we make to each other and to our nation. Ensuring these values are upheld is crucial for protecting our democracy for future generations. In this critical moment, we need everyone to speak out.
Thanks for all you do. Together we can protect our democracy!
- Felicia, Donna, Kristin, Sue Anne, Karen and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
P.S. Make a contribution today that will mobilize moms to engage in our democracy and vote, stand strong against hate, and continue making the world a better, safer, more just place for ALL moms and families. Contribute BY DEC. 31 and a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your gift!
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Friend -
I wanted to make sure you saw the important email below with 5 actions you can take on impeachment this week.
We are watching history in the making, as the U.S. House of Representatives will vote this week on whether to impeach President Trump. (The fight will continue in the new year with the Senate trial to remove him!) The evidence is clear: President Trump used taxpayer money and the promise of a meeting to try to obtain dirt from a foreign nation on a Democratic challenger in the 2020 elections. After that, he obstructed Congress� investigation into this abuse of power.
We need absolutely EVERYONE to speak out in every way they can. Make sure you�ve signed our petition, called your Representative, and shared our video. Also, if you can make it�attend an impeachment event near you!
Thanks for speaking out to protect our democracy!
- Felicia
-------------- Forwarded message -------------
Dear Friend,
If any of our children behaved in the way that Donald Trump�s been behaving with his bullying use of Twitter (like his recent Tweet at 16-year-old Greta Thunberg), and, importantly, his proven abuse of power for his own personal gain; then they�d get a time out. Fortunately, there are laws in place to help check the misuse of power, and to give a President running amok a timeout too: The impeachment process�and many members of Congress are stepping up to protect our democracy using this process.
Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee did its duty by passing two articles of impeachment. We are appalled by President Trump�s abuse of power, the lies he and members of his administration told to cover it up, and the many ways he violated the law by obstructing the congressional investigation into these crimes.
President Trump used taxpayer money and the promise of a meeting to try to obtain dirt from a foreign nation on a Democratic challenger in the 2020 elections.
This is a dangerous and illegal abuse of power, but Congress will only act if millions of us demand it. Every Democratic and every Republican lawmaker should put country ahead of political party. Here are 5 things you can do�=>
1. Quick signature: Tell Congress to Impeach and Remove President Trump!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: America�s elections belong to America�s voters and no foreign government should play any role in determining the outcome�let alone be coerced by the President to do so! President Trump must be held accountable for the blatant and horrifying abuses of power which have come to light during the impeachment inquiry, as well as the obstruction of Congress� investigation into these abuses. Sign now! We must hold the President, and all leaders, accountable to the people.
2. Call your Representative and tell them to vote to impeach President Trump!�
Your Action Status: NOT YET CALLED -> Call Now
WHAT TO SAY? �I want our children to grow up in a nation where our leaders are accountable to the people and abide by the Constitution. What I�ve learned about the actions of President Trump during the impeachment inquiry has made me feel afraid for the future of our democracy. I am asking for my representative to uphold their oath and vote to impeach President Trump.� Call now!
3. Share this powerful video to demonstrate how protecting the U.S. Constitution is vital to our children�s future.
BACKGROUND: Our Constitution recognizes the need to have co-equal branches of government, and mechanisms of oversight and impeachment to protect our democracy. Our children�s future is at stake, after all. The facts are clear: We must impeach and remove this president - and we will come through this as a stronger nation as a result. Just click, watch, and share!
4. Find an impeachment event happening near you!
BACKGROUND:�On Tuesday, December 17th, we�re teaming up with a coalition of over 100 organizations, putting on 400+ events in all 50 states. We'll head to every congressional office and public square to urge our representatives to impeach President Trump. (There are already over 100,000 RSVPs - so this is a great opportunity to truly be part of a historic mobilization!) Find an event near you, RSVP, and then invite your friends, family, and neighbors.
5. Need talking points on impeachment for the holiday season?
BACKGROUND: With the holiday season upon us, many of us are anticipating tension at family gatherings with regard to impeachment.�Though having tough conversations isn�t as easy as pumpkin pie, it�s important to come together, share how we feel, and to listen because we as a nation we will need to come to a place of healing after what is likely to be a long and contentious impeachment process.�Read and share this blog to learn how to talk about impeachment with your friends and family.
Liberty and justice for ALL is in our pledge of allegiance for a reason�it is a promise that we make to each other and to our nation. Ensuring these values are upheld is crucial for protecting our democracy for future generations. In this critical moment, we need everyone to speak out.
Thanks for all you do. Together we can protect our democracy!
- Felicia, Donna, Kristin, Sue Anne, Karen and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
P.S. Make a contribution today that will mobilize moms to engage in our democracy and vote, stand strong against hate, and continue making the world a better, safer, more just place for ALL moms and families. Contribute BY DEC. 31 and a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your gift!
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You are the heart of our movement. See how!
Dear Friend,
Peanut butter and jelly. Bacon and eggs. Spaghetti and meatballs.
Some things are just better together. Like you and MomsRising. And you know what we cherish most about this perfect pairing?
All of the MEMBER LOVE you send our way - the heartfelt notes, tweets, comments and texts about what MomsRising means to you,
WINNING important victories for women, moms and families, together.
Member love and winning. Let�s see what those two wonderful things look like together.
Come see how members like you stepped into their power and changed the world for the better in 2019 - Read 2019 Year In Review: MOMentum Wins!
Your voice, your energy, your kindness, and your generosity matter a great deal to us, and to the women, moms and families who benefit from the MomsRising movement.
Keep Rising, Friend. You�re making a difference.
Thank you for being a part of the MomsRising family.
With love,
- Kristin, Anita, Nate and the whole MomsRising team
P.S. Would you consider making a year-end contribution to continue making the world a better, safer, more just place for ALL women, moms and families? A sister MomsRising donor has offered to match your December generosity $1-for-$1.
KEEP RISING: double the power of your contribution today.
Thank you!
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Hi Friend,
Temperatures are dropping and snow is starting to fall across parts of our country, signaling the start of winter and the holiday season. But one thing is clear as ice: We have a child care crisis, and it needs to be solved!�
So what do we need to do about it? Well, we need to turn up the volume as we tell Congress: STOP, collaborate, and listen! Child care access is frozen in the 1990s - but we have some *nice nice babies* who need care!�
Say whaaaat? Let�s back it up. Next year is the 30 year anniversary of Vanilla Ice�s epic smash hit, Ice, Ice Baby. 1990 was also the year that Congress approved the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), an instrumental piece of legislation that has since helped millions of families find and afford high quality care [1]. And while CCDBG is as magical as Frosty the Snowman�s hat, we hear daily that families are still struggling to find and afford care, 30 years later.� It�s past time to more fully address this crisis.
**Urge members of Congress to put an end to this chilly child care crisis by co-sponsoring the Child Care for Working Families Act! [2]
We hear the stories constantly: moms with no choice but to quit jobs they love because of the high cost of care. Waiting lists so long that families are depleting their life's savings to take unpaid time off work on the off chance a child care spot opens up. It�s never ending. One parent is even flying in different family members from across the country in shifts to piece together care. This is an unacceptable solution. Our current system isn�t working, and our families, quite literally, are getting iced out of work, school, and economic stability.�
Families are trying their best. They are being stretched thinner than ice and scraping together whatever they can to make it work. As a nation we can (and must) do better.�
**Tell Congress: Don�t ice out our families! Warm the hearts and minds of our littlest learners by co-sponsoring the Child Care for Working Families Act!�
The stories from families give me the chills, and not in a good way. It doesn't have to be this way. Congress has a big, warm-mug-of-hot-cocoa solution on the table: The Child Care for Working Families Act. This is a 1990-hairdo-sized comprehensive solution that would expand access to affordable, high-quality childcare and pre-K for families while improving compensation and training for the childcare workforce. If passed, it would:
Lower child care costs for low-income and middle-income families to no more than 7% of a family�s household income through a sliding scale, regardless of how many children they have.
Support universal access to high-quality preschool programs for all low- and middle-income 3 and 4 year-olds.
Significantly improve compensation and training for the childcare workforce (currently one of the lowest paid professions) to ensure that our nation�s teachers and caregivers have the support they need.
Assist parents in selecting the childcare provider of their choice�whether that be a center or family child care home, friend, relative or neighbor. In addition, improve care during non-traditional hours to help meet the needs of working families.
Support for more inclusive, high-quality childcare providers and centers for children with disabilities.
Help all Head Start programs meet new expanded duration requirements and provide full-day, full-year programming. [3]
The Child Care for Working Families Act comes with real solutions to a bone-shatteringly cold child care crisis and families like mine are here for it!�
Tell Congress to help break down the icy barriers to accessing affordable, high-quality child care by co-sponsoring the Child Care for Working Families Act!�
It�s more important than ever that we speak up. Too often, people think of childcare as a �personal issue� - as in our own problem to solve. But we know that when enough people are experiencing the same problem, it�s not an epidemic of personal failings, but a larger problem that needs larger solutions. Continued investments like these can improve the well-being of our children, our own peace of mind and productivity at work, the child care workforce, and our communities.�
In fact, increasing access to high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities (like child care)�particularly for vulnerable children�doesn�t just help families and workforce, it also helps our national economy.�
One report found that the economic impact of the child care crisis in our country is costing an astounding $57 billion a year. BILLIONS in losses each year?! Now that�s something we can ice out - not our families! [4]�
This is particularly staggering when considering that there is no better return on investment for taxpayers than investing in early education and care. According to one figure, for every $1 invested in early learning and childcare, taxpayers see a 13% return in investments due to fewer later grade repetitions, fewer later interactions with the criminal justice system, and more. [5] So instead of losing money, investments in early childhood are likely to lead to significant economic gains over time. Sounds like a great reason to tell our leaders in Washington, DC to stop, collaborate, and LISTEN to our stories, am I right?�
�Tis the season to invest in working families -- it�s truly the greatest gift we can give. Will you give the gift of your voice, and add your name to urge members of Congress to cosponsor the Child Care for Working Families Act?�
*The more of us who raise our voices on this issue, the more noise we�ll make and the more powerful we�ll be! After you take action, send this link to your friends and family so they can sign on too:�
Together, we are a powerful voice for families!�
Donna HC, Nina, and the entire MomsRising/Mam�sConPoder Team�
[1] History, Office of the Administration of Children & Families�
[2]"Child Care for Working Families Act.
[3] Andrea Gonzalez-Ramirez. "This New Bill Could Make Child Care More Affordable for Working Families." Refinery29, September, 14, 2017.
[4] �Want to Grow the Economy? Fix the Child Care Crisis.� ReadyNation, January 2019.��
[5]Garcia, Heckman, Leaf, and Prados: The Lifecycle Benefits of an Influential Early Childhood Program, 2016
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Dear Friend,
�I had to rely on Medicaid for myself and my then-toddler. It was a very difficult time for me. I was sick during the majority of my pregnancy, and without Medicaid and being able to pick the doctor of my choice, I am not sure I would have been able to maintain medical coverage and cost for my family.� -Jessica, Indianapolis, IN
�Receiving prenatal care through Medicaid was vital because of an Rh factor---otherwise I could have miscarried and never would have known why.� -Rachel, Minneapolis, MN
As millions around the nation gather together next week to celebrate the holiday season, too many families will be facing the holidays missing a loved one who lost their life due to our nation�s maternal health crisis. What�s the deal? Right now, the United States is the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world, [1] with major racial disparities where Black women die at 3 to 4 times the rate of white women due to maternity-related causes, independent of age, economic background, or education. [2]
But, it doesn�t have to be this way. It is estimated that 60% of maternal deaths could be prevented by improved access to health care. [3] With about half the births in the United States currently covered by Medicaid [4], expanding Medicaid to cover the critical postpartum period while recovering from pregnancy and childbirth is a key part of the solution to our nation�s maternal health crisis.
**Sign on now to tell your members of Congress to support the Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act of 2019 (H.R. 4996) aka the Helping MOMS Act!
What would the Helping MOMS Act do? This bill would incentivize states to extend Medicaid to cover the entire postpartum period and invest in maternal health. Currently, the majority of pregnancy-related deaths in America happen after the day of delivery, and nearly one-quarter of deaths happen more than six weeks postpartum. [5] Yet, despite the life-threatening risks that women face in the postpartum period, Medicaid currently only covers women for two months after the birth of their baby. [6] Extending Medicaid coverage would be a crucial lifeline and lifesaver for many birthing people and their babies. [7]
**Add your name to our open letter to Congress to urge them to stand up for the lives of parents and babies!
Research has shown that Medicaid expansion is associated with a reduction in maternal and infant mortality [8]. Further, states that expand Medicaid improve the health of women of childbearing age by increasing access to preventive care, reducing adverse health outcomes before, during and after pregnancies, and reducing maternal mortality rates. [9] In addition, better health for women of childbearing age also means better health for their infants. States that have expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act saw a 50 percent greater reduction in infant mortality than non-expansion states. [10]
**Sign our petition! Tell Congress to address our nation�s maternal health crisis by expanding Medicaid for pregnant and postpartum people through the Helping MOMS Act!
Raising your voice for this piece of legislation can make a critical difference when it comes to protecting the lives of pregnant and postpartum people. To move this bill into law before the holiday break, we urgently need YOUR help.
We hope you will join us to continue being a powerful, lifesaving voice for moms!
-Nadia, Monifa, Felicia, Tasmiha, Beatriz, Diarra and the whole MomsRising / MamasConPoder team
[1] NBC News. U.S. is the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world.
[2] US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. The Black�White Disparity in Pregnancy-Related Mortality From 5 Conditions: Differences in Prevalence and Case-Fatality Rates.
[3] Vital Signs: Pregnancy-Related Deaths, United States, 2011�2015, and Strategies for Prevention, 13 States, 2013�2017.
[4][7] Nearly Half Of U.S. Births Are Covered By Medicaid, Study Finds.
[5][6] Underwood�s Bipartisan Legislation to Address America�s Maternal Mortality Crisis Passes the Energy and Commerce Committee.
[8][9][10] Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families. Medicaid Expansion Fills Gaps in Maternal Health Coverage Leading to Healthier Mothers and Babies.
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Power up! Your gift matched!
KEEP RISING: Your Gift Matched
Contribute before Dec. 31 and DOUBLE your power to create a brighter future for women, moms and families.
Hey Friend,
This year we dealt a big blow to the private prison industry � and we couldn�t have done it without MomsRising members like you.
Working with the powerful Families Belong Together coalition, the MomsRising community won the commitment of Wells Fargo Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, SunTrust, U.S. Bank, BNP Paribas, Fifth Third Bank, Barclays, and PNC to end financing of private prisons and detention centers, which profit from the suffering of immigrant families and devastating practices of mass incarceration.
These nine bank commitments represent an approximate whopping 87% of the known credit and term loans available to the top private prison companies, CoreCivic and Geo Group!
This huge victory started with contributions from MomsRising members just like you.
In 2020, we�re going all in for justice, and for a brighter, safer, fairer future for EVERY woman, mom and family.
Will you consider joining the team of our amazing monthly Champion contributors to power up our immigration work and to fuel MOMentum all year long?
A sister donor will DOUBLE YOUR POWER and match your monthly donations for an entire year, but only if you give by Dec. 31!
Or, if you can�t go monthly yet, chip in once today, and your contribution will still be matched $1-for-$1.
Friend, with your help, our power is growing.
Together, we�re telling our stories. Flexing the power of our purses (and our banking) for good. Speaking out to our elected officials. Rising to protect the most vulnerable among us.
Side-by-side, we�re also winning critical legislative victories � from paid family/medical leave to fair pay to maternal justice � for women and children at all governmental levels.
We�re able to continuously fight for women, moms, and families across our nation because of our generous monthly contributors.
To make sure we can Keep Rising for EVERYONE , can you chip in a special monthly donation to keep our critical work going?
Or make a one-time gift instead.
Thanks for helping power our movement,
Donna, and the team at MomsRising Together
P.S. To help us start strong in the new year, we�ve set a goal of 100 new monthly Champion contributors by the end of the month. We�ve already gotten 61 so far. Can you be one of the 39 we more we need this month?
[1] GEO Group Running Out of Banks as 100% of Known Banking Partners Say �No� to the Private Prison Sector
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?????? MOMentum X2. Your gift matched!
Dear Friend,
Like a flame, passion needs fuel to keep burning.
At MomsRising, we are on ????FIRE????about opening avenues for women, moms, and families to rise! For over 10 years, we�ve been on the front lines making progress on the issues that matter most to America�s families � healthcare, gun safety, fair pay, affordable childcare, immigrant justice, ending maternal mortality, racial justice, paid family/medical leave, and so much more.
Your generosity fuels this passion, and has helped us push MOMentum further than we ever thought possible. We are changing our democracy for the better � TOGETHER!
But to Keep Rising in 2020, to mobilize more moms to vote, to stand strong against hate, and to fight for a brighter future for ALL families, we urgently need more fuel.
Friend, you are, and always will be, our superpower.
Will you fire up MOMentum for the new year with a contribution today � matched $1-for-$1 so you can make TWICE the impact?
On behalf of all of the women, moms and families who will benefit from your kindness and generosity, THANK YOU.
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Act fast => Match expires tomorrow!
Friend, you�ve got a lot of things on your plate. So I�ll be quick.
There is an overwhelming need in this country for the kindness, compassion, relentless optimism and fierce effectiveness of the MomsRising community � every single one of us. Over and over, we see that when moms rise, our nation WINS.
We don�t retreat. We don�t back down. We don�t give up.
We ???? Keep ???? Rising.
Together, we will Keep Rising, until all families have affordable healthcare. With love, we will Keep Rising, until all children are protected by common-sense gun safety laws.
Side-by-side, we will Keep Rising, until all women have full reproductive rights and access to affordable childcare and paid family/medical leave.
With your help, we will Keep Rising, until all women enjoy equal pay for equal work.
Friend, please Keep Rising with a year-end contribution to MomsRising.
Member Since
2019 Online Actions
2019 Donor Status
Ready for match
Thank you for your continued support and for your unwavering commitment to women and families.
With love,
Kristin and everyone at MomsRising
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Tomorrow is too late. Contribute by MIDNIGHT!
Hi Friend,
It�s almost time to ring in 2020. You�ve got places to be, so I�ll keep this short.
If you care deeply about improving the lives of women, moms and families in 2020, please make your contribution to MomsRising right now.
We�re SO close to reaching our $50,000 goal.
Chip in now, and every $1 you give becomes $2.
Keep Rising, Friend, and may you have a wonderful New Year.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kristin, MomsRising
Date: Thursday, Dec 31 2019 at 11:30 a.m.
Subject: 2X Impact: Final day
To: Friend
Thank you for opening this email, Friend.
It�s a big day here at MomsRising � it�s all hands on deck to ensure that we meet our $50,000 matching gift goal.
This is more than a number. It�s what the MomsRising community needs in 2020 to continue winning life-changing, lifesaving, groundbreaking victories for women, moms and families.
Your contributions fuel all of our groundbreaking work, from gun safety to immigration fairness to healthcare to maternal justice to paycheck fairness and more. Together, side-by-side with members like you across the nation, we make MOMentum and win on the issues that matter most to women, moms and families.
We�ve got $9,037 left to raise and less than 18 hours left to raise it. Please make a contribution that will be DOUBLED until midnight.
Tomorrow begins a new chapter for the MomsRising/Mam�sConPoder movement. When we turn the page on 2019, with your help we�ll see moms engaged in democracy, better access to healthcare and affordable childcare, immigrant and refugee families staying together, more paycheck fairness, our communities coming out to vote, and an empowered movement of caring people creating a brighter future for ALL of America�s families.
If you haven�t yet, please dig deep and make a generous contribution to MomsRising so we can make all this and more a reality in 2020. Until midnight, your gift will be matched, $1-for-$1.
Thank you for rising for women, moms and families as a member of the MomsRising community.
Have a peaceful and Happy New Year!
- Kristin and everyone at MomsRising
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Tomorrow is too late. Contribute by MIDNIGHT!
Thank you for opening this email, Friend.
It�s a big day here at MomsRising � it�s all hands on deck to ensure that we meet our $50,000 matching gift goal.
This is more than a number. It�s what the MomsRising community needs in 2020 to continue winning life-changing, lifesaving, groundbreaking victories for women, moms and families.
Your contributions fuel all of our groundbreaking work, from gun safety to immigration fairness to healthcare to maternal justice to paycheck fairness and more. Together, side-by-side with members like you across the nation, we make MOMentum and win on the issues that matter most to women, moms and families.
We�ve got $9,037 left to raise and less than 18 hours left to raise it. Please make a contribution that will be DOUBLED until midnight.
Tomorrow begins a new chapter for the MomsRising/Mam�sConPoder movement. When we turn the page on 2019, with your help we�ll see moms engaged in democracy, better access to healthcare and affordable childcare, immigrant and refugee families staying together, more paycheck fairness, our communities coming out to vote, and an empowered movement of caring people creating a brighter future for ALL of America�s families.
If you haven�t yet, please dig deep and make a generous contribution to MomsRising so we can make all this and more a reality in 2020. Until midnight, your gift will be matched, $1-for-$1.
Thank you for rising for women, moms and families as a member of the MomsRising community.
Have a peaceful and Happy New Year!
- Kristin and everyone at MomsRising
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HURRY! Match ends soon. Please contribute now.
Hey Friend,
I know you care about women, moms, children, and families � that�s why you�re here! And that�s why I�m reaching out again.
If you contribute right now, every single $1 you give will instantly turn into $2 to help us protect healthcare, fight for immigrant justice, mobilize moms to vote, and do everything in our power to help ALL women, moms and families rise.
Please, Keep Rising and chip in $3 or whatever you can today.
Thank you for your kind and generous support.
- Kristin
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Elena Hung for MomsRising
Date: Thursday, Dec 12 2019 at 8:43 p.m.
Subject: Fight like a mom
To: Friend
Dear Friend,
I am Elena and I am a mom to two amazing kids who are the joy of my life.
My daughter, Xiomara, was born with chronic medical conditions that affect her lungs, heart and kidneys. Her name � Xiomara � means �ready for battle.� She was born a fighter and taught me how to fight.
Healthcare is the single most important issue to families like mine. I am terrified of what losing healthcare would mean to my daughter, and the millions of other children with complex medical needs.
I�m a proud member of MomsRising because together � you, me and moms and dads all over America � we�re fighting to keep the healthcare that protects the most vulnerable among us, including our children.
Friend, your gift today will help MomsRising be ready for battle for the issues that matter most to families � healthcare, gun safety, reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work, and so much more.
When you contribute, a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your donation, giving you 2X the power to help women, moms and families rise.
The first time I heard about MomsRising was a health care event in the summer of 2017 where kids were encouraged to wear superhero capes to Capitol Hill. I absolutely loved the visual of these amazing children taking over the government, a place where kids are rarely seen but where laws affecting their lives are made every single day.
I decided right then and there that I wanted to get involved with MomsRising.
I had just started my own organization at that time. Little Lobbyists is a family-led group advocating for kids with complex medical needs and disabilities, like Xiomara.
I believe in collaboration and partnership. As I was becoming a public advocate myself, I wanted to work with others who had been doing this work for some time. While I had much to contribute, I also had much to learn.
I found that in MomsRising. I really connected with the fact that we are moms (and dads) who just want a better world for our kids and are speaking up about it.
I hope you consider a contribution to this amazing organization today. I know your gift will make a difference.
Keep Rising, Friend, and fight like a mom.
Because when moms rise, BIG things happen.
With love,
Elena Hung
Mom of Xiomara
Co-founder and Executive Director, Little Lobbyists
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Let us begin.
Happy New Year, Friend!
Thank you for being a part of this joyful, kind, winning, and powerful MomsRising movement.
As 2019 came to a close, hundreds and hundreds of donors from every corner of our nation stepped up with contributions, helping us raise many thousands of dollars to power up MOMentum in 2020. Thank you. We�re humbled to have your support and pledge to honor your generosity every single day by doing our very best to increase family economic security, decrease discrimination, and build a nation where everyone can thrive.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
We have a full plate ahead of us in 2020:
Together we will send over a million mom-to-mom reminders to vote in 2020, along with a full suite of voter engagement opportunities, through our highly effective Be A Voter, Raise A Voter programs;
We will also keep advancing positive, and much needed, policy change -- like advancing healthcare access, gun safety, paid family and medical leave, maternal justice, and affordable childcare -- through our ongoing, successful policy campaigns;
And we will continue our mom-consumer-power corporate practice change programs that were so successful in addressing the private prison and detention industry in 2019.
As we continue building on our victories of 2019, you will be at the heart of making change happen in 2020. Time and time again, you dig deep. You take action. You Keep Rising. And that gives us hope that we can build a brighter future for ALL women, moms and families.
Thank you.
Again, we want to express our sincere and heartfelt appreciation to you, and to all MomsRising Together supporters, for being there and taking action when the movement needs you most.
With gratitude from all of us at MomsRising,
Kristin and the MomsRising Team
P.S. If creatively mobilizing more women and moms to vote is on your New Year�s resolutions list, you�re in luck. Visit our MomsVote campaign to how you and MomsRising can ignite democracy!
P.P.S. Have two minutes for major inspiration? Start 2020 right with this quick video featuring MomsRising volunteers
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Dear Friend,
It has been an historic week. Thank you to all who joined our call demanding that the U.S. Congress protect our elections and our democracy by holding President Trump accountable for his�abuse of power and his undeniable obstruction of the congressional investigation. Read our press release on impeachment here.�
As the holiday season kicks into full gear we also want to take a moment to thank you for all you have done this year to speak out for parents, families, our democracy, and more. Moments like these are important ones to look back at all we've done, and hopefully rest and recharge a bit for the new year to come.�
We're sharing our final list of top actions for the year below. Please scroll down and be sure you've added your name to all. Once you do, share this list with family and friends. Thank you, happy holidays, happy new year, and we will see you in 2020! =>
1. Stop the Trump Administration from Legalizing Discrimination!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SHARED -> Share Your Story
BACKGROUND: The Trump Administration's Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) released a proposed rule that would make it legal for HHS-funded agencies and programs to discriminate against women, religious minorities, nonreligious people, and LGBTQ+ people. It�s critical that we all take a minute to reject this proposed rule because it�s just that � a proposal � that we can defeat if we all urge HHS to renounce it. ADD YOUR NAME >>> Oppose the proposed rule that would create a license to discriminate using taxpayer funds!
2. Demand�Expansion of Medicaid To Save Pregnant and Postpartum People!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�With about half the births in the United States currently covered by Medicaid, expanding Medicaid is a key part of the solution to our nation�s maternal health crisis.�The Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act of 2019 (H.R.4996), aka the Helping MOMS Act, would incentivize state-level Medicaid extension to the entire postpartum period and invest in maternal-specific public health. Currently, the majority of pregnancy-related deaths in America happen after the day of delivery, and nearly one-quarter of deaths happen more than six weeks postpartum.�Sign on now to tell your members of Congress to support the Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act of 2019 (H.R.4996)!
3. KEEP RISING: It�s a Year End Match!
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED�-> Donate Now
BACKGROUND:�Make a contribution today that will mobilize moms to engage in our democracy and vote, stand strong against hate, and continue making the world a better, safer, more just place for ALL moms and families. Contribute BY DEC. 31 and a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your gift!
? Your contribution matched ? Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker ? Contribute $100+ to get a sticker + cool tote
4. Tell Congress: Don't be frosty! Put an end to this chilling child care crisis!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�The struggle is real when it comes to finding high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for our little ones. Childcare and pre-K costs are sky high�in fact, in 30 states and the District of Columbia, infant care costs exceed the average cost of college tuition. Approximately half of American families live in a �childcare desert,� meaning they can�t access the quality childcare they need. And early learning providers, 94% of whom are women, are struggling significantly since childcare is one of the lowest paying industries in the United States.�We need real solutions to this national crisis, which is why I am asking you to co-sponsor and support the Child Care for Working Families Act introduced by Senator Patty Murray, Senator Bob Casey, and Representative Bobby Scott.�Stand up for our littlest learners, working families, child care providers, and our economy by supporting the Child Care for Working Families Act.
5. SNAP Is Under Attack. Share why it matters to you and your family
Your Action Status: NOT YET SHARED -> Share Your Story
BACKGROUND: We will not stand by while President Trump attempts to take food stamps away from struggling families in order to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations. Personal stories are powerful and make a huge difference in helping members of Congress understand why nutrition programs are important to so many Americans. Please tell us how SNAP has helped you. After you share your story with us, we�ll share your thoughts and experiences with key decision-makers.
Thanks for all you do, and our very best wishes to you this holiday season. We will see you in the new year! ��
- Sue Anne, Karen, Donna, Anita and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
� � �� � �� � �� � �� � �
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A sister donor will MATCH every dollar you give. Contribute now!
Hey Friend,
I�m Donna Hoffman Cullinan, California Early Learning Campaign Director.
I think you�ll agree that too many moms and families in California faced incredibly difficult challenges this year, from healthcare scares and struggles with access to care, to sky-high childcare bills, to terrifying threats of gun violence, to the absence of desperately needed paid family/medical leave in a critical time, to the negative impacts of racism and misogyny in our paychecks and in our lives.
But there is hope! Here in California, thousands of ordinary people like you and I united with humor, grace, persistence, and fierceness to meet these challenges. We picked up our phones, made our voices heard at meetings and rallies, wrote impassioned emails and letters and postcards urging action, and advocated for reforms that really help families.
We resisted and persisted. And together, we made unstoppable MOMentum.
Your generosity fuels all of the work we do in California and across our great nation. Today, I�m asking you to Keep Rising for the great people of California and beyond with a year-end contribution to MomsRising Together.
When you give, a sister MomsRising donor will MATCH your gift and DOUBLE your power!
Thanks to your activism and support, we made real progress for moms and families.
After years of focused advocacy that YOU boosted with your generosity, this year the California state legislature made nearly a billion dollars in investments to support babies and toddlers in the state budget, including increased reimbursement rates for infants and toddlers and expanding slots to over 13,000 children.
The MomsRising community also collaborated with First 5 California, First 5 Los Angeles, First 5 Sacramento, and the First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom for the inaugural D�a de los Ni�os celebration in Sacramento, which included a bilingual book reading by the first partner, a rally and press conference which officially designated the day as D�a de los Ni�os in California. We closed out the day with a #DiaTogether Twitterstorm, which reached 1,157,328 accounts for 16,203,563 potential readers.
It was wonderful to see the commitment of the new First Family of California to prioritize the importance of bilingualism and bilingual education.
With your support, we can continue to make real change like this for women, moms and families in this state and EVERY state � and keep building a democracy and an economy that works for all of us.
Please consider a generous contribution today knowing that your gift � of any amount � will instantly have TWICE the impact for moms and families right here in California, and throughout our beautiful country.
Thank you for being a part of this amazing MomsRising community. We�re so grateful for your generosity and support.
With love,
Donna, And the team at MomsRising Together
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Dear Friend,
What a week. One thing we know: Moms never give up, embrace relentless optimism, and know we can build a stronger future together. We also know, we are a powerful force together.�So THANK YOU for all you�re doing and for the fact that you keep marching with us to ensure our economy and our country work for all of us.
This week's list of top actions includes important items on youth incarceration, protections for pregnant workers, paid family leave, and more. Please be sure to scroll down and sign them all. �And thank you again for being the change in action that we all need right now!
Here's the list ->
1. Tell Congress: Support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�Despite the Pregnancy Discrimination Act's requirement that pregnant workers receive equal treatment, the fact is that some employers are still firing pregnant workers for requesting simple, medically-necessary accommodations, like avoiding heavy lifting or being able to take extra water breaks. Discrimination is the last thing you should have to worry about when you�re pregnant, but even in 2020 pregnant workers are still being denied reasonable, medically-necessary accommodations at work (like extra water breaks or being able to sit down) because of loopholes in the 35 year old Pregnancy Discrimination Act.�The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act would make it unmistakable: Employers must provide reasonable accommodations to pregnant workers who need them.�Tell your U.S. Representative to support the *BIPARTISAN* Pregnant Workers Fairness Act!
2. Have you, your family or loved ones been impacted by criminalization or�incarceration as a youth? Share Your Story.�
Your Action Status: NOT YET SHARED YOUR STORY -> Share Now
BACKGROUND: MomsRising is working to END youth incarceration by challenging the practices and policies that criminalize kids and push them into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Your stories can help create change that gives kids a chance! Tell us how you, your children and or family have been affected by youth incarceration, arrest, bail, probation, navigating the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems, and if you or your family has benefited from community based alternatives to incarceration. Share your thoughts and experiences with us and we�ll include it in materials we use to educate our nation and decision makers about youth incarceration and what parents, caregivers, and community members are doingto address this problem in our nation!�
3. Tell Congress: We need paid family leave for ALL working families!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: This week marked the 27th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which provides an opportunity to remind lawmakers and the public that now is the time for a national paid family and medical leave law � a policy that unites the vast majority of America�s voters and working people. Right now only 19% of workers--and only 5% of low-wage workers--have access to paid leave. Working families need a national paid family and medical leave policy that checks ALL the boxes: It needs to be ACCESSIBLE to all workers, offer a MEANINGFUL length of leave, be AFFORDABLE for workers, employers and the government, INCLUSIVE in defining family, and offer job PROTECTION. It is time to make paid leave a reality for everyone. Whether it�s to care for a newborn you swear already smiles, a mom who is ill, or a spouse battling cancer, being there for family is what matters. You shouldn't have to give up a paycheck to do it. Tell Congress that we want a comprehensive paid leave bill that benefits ALL workers!
4. Donate Today, Build Power for Tomorrow
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate Now
BACKGROUND:�The trial was a sham, but we will not stop fighting for our democracy! Please donate to MomsRising Together to build our power, get out the mom vote, and fight disinformation and voter suppression.�Your donation will be used immediately to organize, to unite our voices, build our influence on Congress and to make our resistance to the lies and corruption as strong as possible. Please support this critical work by pitching in now.�We need your help to add mom-magic to the 2020 elections. Together, we will:
Fight disinformation and voter suppression through rapid-response, fact sharing, and amplification of the TRUTH (it matters!).
Grow our movement and our power in key states to influence Congress to support mom priorities and values.
Make sure that all moms are registered and ready to vote in November.
Donate now to help MomsRising challenge the lies and protect our democracy!
5. SIGN OUR PETITION to protect people with disabilities!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�President Trump is proposing changes to disability insurance (SSDI and SSI) that would impact an estimated 2.6 million people with disabilities, many of whom are children!�Every child, no matter whether they have serious health conditions or disabilities, should be able to pursue their dreams. We'll be submitting our official comment on Trump's proposed federal rule change on disability insurance next week and we want to make sure your signature is included.�***SPEAK OUT NOW to protect our children by signing our letter saying �NO!� to Trump�s most recent attack on people with disabilities.
CHECK OUT: Notable Moments and Reads from the past week ���
Read MomsRising's statement on the sham acquittal of President Trump here.�
Check out MomsRising MomsForce Fellow Zandy Harlin's powerful op-ed on WA's new Paid Family and Medical Leave program in the South Seattle Emerald.
Check out our latest Maternal Justice Legislative & Policy Updates blog post, including highlights from the recent Maternal and Infant Health Subcommittee meeting.�
February 5th was Travyon Martin's birthday. He would have been 25 years old today. Happy Birthday Trayvon. This Black History Month and every month we honor and celebrate you. We #KeepMarching in your memory and so many others.
Thanks for all you do! ��
- Karen, Felicia, Kristin, Gloria, Nate, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
P.S. This list is�also on our blog here.�
� � �� � �� � �� � �� � �
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Dear Friend,
As moms, we know we must protect our democracy for our children�and for our nation.
By the end of this week, the U.S. Senate will face a crucial vote in the impeachment trial of President Trump. What�s at stake is whether witnesses and new documentary evidence can be presented BEFORE a vote to remove the President of the United States takes place.
It�s a no-brainer that the ingredients for a fair trial would include witnesses and documents!
Quick signature: Tell your U.S. Senators that the ingredients of a fair trial include 1) witness testimony and 2) documentary evidence!*When you click, you�ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
As Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said, �A trial with no evidence is not a trial at all; it's a cover-up.� [1] That's exactly what Mitch McConnell is doing right now. That�s why MomsRising is taking action NOW to say NO to a cover-up and demand that the U.S. Senate allow witness testimony and documentary evidence during the impeachment trial.
When you click the link below, you�ll automatically sign on to our petition which reads:
Dear U.S. Senators: The American people deserve for you to honor your oath to be impartial jurors and we demand a fair impeachment trial. The ingredients for a fair trial include: 1) witness testimony and 2) documentary evidence!
Please vote to hear from all relevant witnesses and for all relevant documents to be submitted to the U.S. Senate before you vote on the removal of President Trump.
Sign on now! Tell your U.S. Senators the American people deserve a fair impeachment trial!*When you click, you�ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
There has never been an impeachment trial without witnesses. [2] There is no sound reason not to permit new evidence. If Republicans choose to move ahead without witnesses or documents, then this trial is a complete sham.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action link on social media.
Together we are a powerful voice for our democracy. - Felicia, Kristin, Tasmiha and the whole MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder team
P.S. There are impeachment events happening all over the country! Find one near you.
P.P.S. Join our January 2020 #KeepMarching Virtual Meeting on Thursday, January 30, at 8PM ET/5PM PT. We�ll be talking about voter engagement, paid family leave, and white supremacists with guns. RSVP here:
[2] Politifact, Yes, every past impeachment trial included witnesses. Baldwin hits mark with Trump-related claim
� � �� � �� � �� � �� � �
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Dear Friend,
Happy New Year! We hope you had time to relax and recharge a bit this holiday season because 2020 is going to be a really big year. Thanks to all of you, we are a force that spoke out hundreds of thousands of times in 2019 to help win on issues affecting women and families. And we're fired up to do even more this new year! Check out our inspiring new video below, Why I Rise, to get those excited juices flowing. Here we come, 2020!
We're kicking things off with our first list of top 5 Actions of the new year, featuring important items around impeachment, gun safety, Medicaid, taxes, and more. Please scroll down, make sure you've signed them all, and share with family and friends. Thank you for all you do! Here's the list -->
1. #BusinessMustAct for Gun Safety
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�Americans are grappling with the consequences of gun violence every day, yet our government has failed to pass legislation to protect our loved ones and communities. It�s time to also look to large American employers to take responsibility for their workers, customers, and communities, and do everything they can to keep us safe from the estimated 393 million firearms in civilian hands. We are demanding that America�s businesses: 1) Prevent customers from bringing guns into their stores; 2) End political donations to lawmakers who stand in the way of gun reform; and 3) Invest in community-driven gun violence intervention programs. It�s time for large American employers to also take responsibility for the gun safety of their workers, customers, and communities, and do everything they can to keep us safe from the estimated 393 million firearms in civilian hands. Add your name now!�
2. Quick Signature: Tell your U.S. Senators to conduct a fair and complete impeachment trial!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We need to push the U.S. Senate to keep the impeachment process moving forward with a fair impeachment trial that includes witnesses and documents. America�s moms are counting on Senate leaders to protect our democracy by putting patriotism ahead of party. Add your name now!�
3. Demand�Expansion of Medicaid To Save Pregnant and Postpartum People!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�Maternal deaths and serious complications during pregnancy and childbirth have been rising in the United States � particularly for women of color and especially for Black women.�Expanding Medicaid can help address this crisis by playing a critical role in ensuring continuous health insurance coverage, which plays a vital role in keeping women healthy during and after pregnancy. Post delivery � the first 100 days after birth, often referred to as the fourth trimester � is an especially critical time for women to have access to health care because it is when most complications occur.�Unfortunately, many women lack consistent insurance coverage. Medicaid eligibility levels for pregnant women vary across states and coverage ends 60 days after birth, putting the lives and health of many new moms in jeopardy.�Sign on now to tell your members of Congress to support the Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act of 2019 (H.R.4996)!
4. MomsRising + 2020 Women's March on Washington!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
BACKGROUND:�MomsRising is a proud partner of the 2020 Women�s March on Washington, the first historic mobilization of the year. We are marching for the future we want to live in, one where freedom is for everyone, without exception. We are marching to show our determination, commitment, and collective strength... and for what we will achieve together. How about you?�If you are planning to � or want to � attend the national Women's March on Washington, a sister march in your area, or help out virtually, let us know (and we�ll email you logistics for the Women�s March in DC and around the country)!
5. Join Us for a #TaxChat Before the Democratic Debate Next Tuesday January 14th! �
BACKGROUND: Join @MomsRising in a pre-debate #TaxChat Tweetchat with guests @4TaxFairness, @NETWORKLobby, @TaxMarch, and @Amy_Matsui and @MBoteach from National Women�s Law Center on Tuesday, January 14th at 8pmET/5pmPT.�We�ll be discussing ways our communities are harmed by the current tax system, including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and ways we can fix our tax policies so they lift up women, communities of color, and working families rather than the 1% and Wall Street.�Join us in this important conversation about progressive tax policies. We will be using #TaxChat as our hashtag.
BONUS: Get Inspired for 2020! Video featuring MomsRising supporters
Click here to watch.�
BACKGROUND: At MomsRising, we are on FIRE about opening avenues for women, moms, and families to rise! For over 10 years, we�ve been on the front lines making progress on the issues that matter most to America�s families � healthcare, gun safety, fair pay, affordable childcare, immigrant justice, ending maternal mortality, racial justice, paid family/medical leave, and so much more.�Your generosity fuels this passion, and has helped us push MOMentum further than we ever thought possible. We are changing our democracy for the better � TOGETHER!�WATCH THE VIDEO: Why I Rise.
Thanks for all you do! ��
- Karen, Felicia, Elyssa, Anita, Kristin, Gloria, Nate, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
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Dear Friend,
Last week, the Trump administration expanded its discriminatory Muslim Ban to include: Sudan, Tanzania, Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, and Nigeria-- Africa�s largest economy, affecting nearly a quarter of people living on the continent. People like Miriam Nwegbe, a Nigerian woman who was planning to reunite with her husband living in Baltimore, are now in a state of shock and despair.[1] Too many families have been separated by the Trump administration�s horrific policies that have banned immigration from Muslim countries.[2] America is supposed to be a place that values freedom of religion, so let�s make it that way!��
Today, tell Congress to Repeal the Ban and pass the NO BAN Act!�
The �Muslim Ban� is not only separating families who are waiting to be reunited with loved ones, it is also keeping children and families from seeking asylum and refuge, and students from receiving and completing their education. The National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Non-immigrants Act, S.1123 / H.R.2214 (�NO BAN Act�) is an important civil rights bill that would end the Muslim Ban and amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion, ensuring that no president can ever again ban people from a certain religion or an entire community.�
No one should be turned away because of their religion or where they come from! Support your immigrant neighbors by signing our petition urging your members of Congress to sponsor and pass the NO BAN Act immediately.�
This ban is an attempt to illegally legislate discrimination and separate more families --not about safety. It�s premise is rooted in President Trump�s desire to exclude Black and brown immigrants, a trend we�ve seen throughout American history over and over again.[3]
We are saying, �NO MORE� and �No Muslim Ban Ever!��
This ban flies in the face of the American values we hold dear. It�s unlawful. It�s also hurting families, neighbors, and children; harming our economy, damaging our national security, and undermining the fundamental values of our nation. It needs to go!�
If we don�t stop the Trump administration now, they will continue to create immigration policies based on racial and religious discrimination. Instead, we need to join together with people across racial and religious differences to demand fair and safe immigration processes for all families, just like we won civil rights in the past. Sign our petition and urge Congress to pass the NO BAN Act today!�
We must do all we can to stop the Trump administration�s discriminatory practices against Muslim and immigrant people and we must act NOW.�
P.S. The Penn State Law Center for Immigrants� Rights Clinic (CIRC) has curated a document with resources and information on the travel/Muslim ban. Click here to check out the fact sheet![4]
Tasmiha, Nadia, Diarra, Monifa, Donna, Xochitl, Linda and the whole MomsRising/Mam� Team
[1] New U.S. Travel Shuts Door on African's Biggest Economy, Nigeria,
[2] Trump Administration Adds Six Countries to Travel Ban,�
[3] No Muslim Ban Ever,�
[4] The Trump Administration's New Expanded Travel Ban: What You Need to Know,�
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Dear Friend,
I�m always taken aback by the cruelty of President Trump�s proposals and this time is no different. He is proposing changes to disability insurance (SSDI and SSI) that would impact an estimated 2.6 million people with disabilities, many of whom are children! [1]
Families like Kara�s:
�My son is on the autism spectrum, he has other health issues that limit what he is able to eat, and he has horrible anxiety. He�s never been able to attend a regular school�we had to pull him out at the age of 7 because he would get so anxious and have hallucinations. On top of that, I have serious health issues. I have had 7 back surgeries and I�m on 19 different prescriptions. I�m a fall risk. I�m in bed a lot. I have blurry vision, narcolepsy and Behcet�s Disease (an autoimmune disease). I worked as a therapist but eventually had to close my practice. My husband works from home so he can take care of us but because of that he can�t advance in his career. I started applying for disability and was denied twice. Then I got a lawyer and it took forever for me to get a hearing and eventually get approved for disability insurance. SSDI got us to the point that we weren�t terrified all the time. We can breathe. If we lose it I don�t know what we will do. I�m terrified by President Trump�s proposal quite honestly.�-Kara from North Carolina
Every child, no matter whether they have serious health conditions or disabilities, should be able to pursue their dreams.
***SPEAK OUT NOW to protect our children by signing our letter saying �NO!� to Trump�s most recent attack on people with disabilities.
Here�s what�s going on: In November, the Trump Administration proposed a federal rule that would require millions of people with serious health conditions and disabilities, including parents and caretakers of children with disabilities, to undergo more frequent reviews (called continuing disability reviews or CDRs) of their medical conditions in order to receive their Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). [2] It is estimated that this change could impact 2.6 million people with disabilities. $2.6 billion over the next decade will be cut from the two core programs that comprise the disability safety net: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) leading to hundreds of thousands of people could lose their disability insurance. [3]
Applying for SSDI and SSI and going through the review process is already hard enough as it is. Only about four in ten applications are approved and it takes as long as two years, after multiple layers of appeals, to get approved for benefits. [4] Many people need to turn to expensive lawyers just to get the paperwork together and approved by the Social Security Administration. And a shocking 10,000 people die each year just waiting to get accepted into disability insurance. [5]
Sign our petition now! Say �No!� to the Trump administration�s changes to disability insurance.
Adding more frequent reviews won�t help people with disabilities, it won�t magically help them get or keep a job. And it certainly won�t help children dealing with illnesses and disabilities like Downs Syndrome, cancer, Cerebral palsy, bipolar disorder, autism, or Cystic Fibrosis be properly cared for by their parents if they are forced off of disability insurance and must search for work in an uncertain job market. The proposed changes will only create an increased administrative and financial burden on families who will need to collect more paperwork, attend more medical appointments in order to prove they qualify for disability insurance, and take on additional unforeseen additional costs. Low-income families will especially be harmed by these proposed changes. People should not lose their benefits�and therefore an important financial lifeline�because of bureaucracy!
Join us and speak up now for millions of people, including children, with disabilities!
***SIGN our letter saying �NO!� to the Trump Administration�s changes to disability insurance!
President Trump has used the federal rule process time and time again to cut programs that lift families in order to pay for tax breaks for billionaires and big corporations...all without the approval of the U.S. Congress. First he went after immigrant families, then food stamp recipients, and now the disability community.
We have until January 31st to collect as many signatures as possible to speak out against this immoral and cruel attempt to cut hundreds of thousands of people, including children, off of disability insurance. After you sign our letter, forward this email to your friends and family, post about this on Facebook �including in any parent Facebook groups you are in, and help us speak out! We�ll be delivering our letter to the Social Security Administration next week. We need as many signatures as possible speaking out against this awful rule!
When we have each others� backs�by ensuring that those of us who are struggling with health conditions and disabilities have the support we need�we make this a nation we�re proud to call home. Thank you for continuing to speak up for ALL of our families!
-Elyssa, Donna, Nate, Kristin, Felicia and the entire�sConPoder team
P.S. Thank you to Rebecca Cokley at CAP and our friends at Little Lobbyists (who connected us with Kara) for their guidance on this important issue.
P.P.S To learn more about this issue please check out this fact sheet.
[1] Jonathan M. Stein. �Another Disability Disaster in the Making.� New York Times, January 16, 2020.
[2] "Rules Regarding the Frequency and Notice of Continuing Disability Reviews; Extension of Comment Period."
[3] Matthew Cortland. �The Trump Administration Has a New Stealth Approach to Kicking People Off Disability.� Talk Poverty, December 19, 2019.
[4] Terrence McCoy. �Did you know in rural America, disability benefit rates are twice as high as in urban areas?� Washington Post, July 22, 2017.
[5] Mark Johnson. �Turned down for federal disability payments, thousands die waiting for appeals to be heard.� USA Today, December 27, 2018.
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Dear Friend,
I wanted to make sure you saw our action calling on Congress to address our nation�s maternal health crisis by expanding Medicaid for pregnant and postpartum people through the Helping MOMS Act!
Add your signature here!?�
Maternal deaths and serious complications during pregnancy and childbirth have been rising in the United States � particularly for women of color and especially for Black women.
Expanding Medicaid can help address this crisis by playing a critical role in ensuring continuous health insurance coverage, which plays a vital role in keeping women healthy during and after pregnancy. [1] Post delivery � the first 100 days after birth, often referred to as the fourth trimester � is an especially critical time for women to have access to health care because it is when most complications occur. [2]
Unfortunately, many women lack consistent insurance coverage. Medicaid eligibility levels for pregnant women vary across states and coverage ends 60 days after birth, putting the lives and health of many new moms in jeopardy. [3]
This is where YOU can make a difference! By adding your signature, you will be part of a movement urging your member of Congress to support Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act of 2019 (H.R. 4996) aka the Helping MOMS Act!
More details are below when you scroll down.
*Here�s where you can sign to take action!
-- Nadia
[1][2][3] The Commonwealth Fund. Increasing Postpartum Medicaid Coverage Could Reduce Maternal Deaths and Improve Outcomes.
------ Forwarded Message -----------
Dear Friend,
�I had to rely on Medicaid for myself and my then-toddler. It was a very difficult time for me. I was sick during the majority of my pregnancy, and without Medicaid and being able to pick the doctor of my choice, I am not sure I would have been able to maintain medical coverage and cost for my family.� -Jessica, Indianapolis, IN
�Receiving prenatal care through Medicaid was vital because of an Rh factor---otherwise I could have miscarried and never would have known why.� -Rachel, Minneapolis, MN
As millions around the nation gather together next week to celebrate the holiday season, too many families will be facing the holidays missing a loved one who lost their life due to our nation�s maternal health crisis. What�s the deal? Right now, the United States is the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world, [1] with major racial disparities where Black women die at 3 to 4 times the rate of white women due to maternity-related causes, independent of age, economic background, or education. [2]
But, it doesn�t have to be this way. It is estimated that 60% of maternal deaths could be prevented by improved access to health care. [3] With about half the births in the United States currently covered by Medicaid [4], expanding Medicaid to cover the critical postpartum period while recovering from pregnancy and childbirth is a key part of the solution to our nation�s maternal health crisis.
**Sign on now to tell your members of Congress to support the Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act of 2019 (H.R. 4996) aka the Helping MOMS Act!
What would the Helping MOMS Act do? This bill would incentivize states to extend Medicaid to cover the entire postpartum period and invest in maternal health. Currently, the majority of pregnancy-related deaths in America happen after the day of delivery, and nearly one-quarter of deaths happen more than six weeks postpartum. [5] Yet, despite the life-threatening risks that women face in the postpartum period, Medicaid currently only covers women for two months after the birth of their baby. [6] Extending Medicaid coverage would be a crucial lifeline and lifesaver for many birthing people and their babies. [7]
**Add your name to our open letter to Congress to urge them to stand up for the lives of parents and babies!
Research has shown that Medicaid expansion is associated with a reduction in maternal and infant mortality [8]. Further, states that expand Medicaid improve the health of women of childbearing age by increasing access to preventive care, reducing adverse health outcomes before, during and after pregnancies, and reducing maternal mortality rates. [9] In addition, better health for women of childbearing age also means better health for their infants. States that have expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act saw a 50 percent greater reduction in infant mortality than non-expansion states. [10]
**Sign our petition! Tell Congress to address our nation�s maternal health crisis by expanding Medicaid for pregnant and postpartum people through the Helping MOMS Act!
Raising your voice for this piece of legislation can make a critical difference when it comes to protecting the lives of pregnant and postpartum people. To move this bill into law before the holiday break, we urgently need YOUR help.
We hope you will join us to continue being a powerful, lifesaving voice for moms!
-Nadia, Monifa, Felicia, Tasmiha, Beatriz, Diarra and the whole MomsRising / MamasConPoder team
[1] NBC News. U.S. is the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world.
[2] US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. The Black�White Disparity in Pregnancy-Related Mortality From 5 Conditions: Differences in Prevalence and Case-Fatality Rates.
[3] Vital Signs: Pregnancy-Related Deaths, United States, 2011�2015, and Strategies for Prevention, 13 States, 2013�2017.
[4][7] Nearly Half Of U.S. Births Are Covered By Medicaid, Study Finds.
[5][6] Underwood�s Bipartisan Legislation to Address America�s Maternal Mortality Crisis Passes the Energy and Commerce Committee.
[8][9][10] Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families. Medicaid Expansion Fills Gaps in Maternal Health Coverage Leading to Healthier Mothers and Babies.
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Last week, MomsRising delivered impeachment cupcakes to U.S. Senate Republican offices with the message: �Don�t frost the American people. Bake in democracy now!�
And you know what? Even though they may not all have liked our message, every single GOP office we visited welcomed us and accepted our cupcakes, along with tens of thousands of petition signatures and messages from across the nation. In other words, they got our message loud and clear! This week, we are reinforcing the message with more cupcake and message deliveries to U.S. Senators� offices back in their home states.
Can you help us cover the costs of our impeachment cupcakes that show exactly what ingredients are needed for a fair trial -- and demonstrate our clear rejection of the GOP�s sham trial so far?
We have been watching the U.S. Senate impeachment hearings with increasing concern about the future of our democracy. The Republican majority under the leadership of Sen. Mitch McConnell refuses to call witnesses or allow documents, and has even been overtly conspiring [1] with the White House to get the process over with as soon as possible.
MomsRising is using our outdoor voices (and cupcake power) to let U.S. Senate leaders know that the sham trial is not okay. We are letting them know that moms and families understand that the ingredients of a fair trial include 1) witness testimony and 2) documentary evidence.
Moms have the creativity, will, and expertise to win this fight, but cupcakes require organizing and other resources that cost money, and so will the other powerful actions we have up our sleeve. Would you invest in mom-organizing to save our democracy?
Trump�s impeachment trial is not over. We will not let up in telling GOP senators that hiding evidence is unacceptable, and we will continue pressing our members of Congress to stand up against corruption and defend our democracy. No one fights harder than moms and our families, because we are doing it for the people, communities, and country we love.
But it�s going to take a sustained pressure campaign over the phones, in the press, and in our communities. MomsRising is in it for the long haul, but we need your support.
(We�ll also be delivering some �Thank you� cupcakes to the U.S. House impeachment managers for the great work they did laying out the case for impeachment in the U.S. Senate trial that say, �Protecting our democracy isn't just sweet�it's heroic!�)
Impeachment cupcakes cost money, and so do driving phone calls, working with the press, and organizing our grassroots power. Be a part of our fight and make a donation now. Every dollar helps!
Together, we are powerful, and we will never stop fighting for our families, communities, and our democracy.
In solidarity,
-- Felicia, Gloria, Tasmiha, Donna, Kristin, Sili, Amber, Anita, Nate, and the entire MomsRising/MamasconPoder team
[1] �McConnell, Coordinating With White House, Lays Plans for Impeachment Trial,� The New York Times, Dec. 13, 2019.
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Dear Friend,
What a week. Have you been glued to the impeachment trial? Historic. Also last week: the Women's March in DC, and at hundreds of locations around the country. Also historic. We are making history, friends. That's why every action you take is so critical. And sharing actions with family and friends multiplies your impact. If there were ever a time to speak up and stay loud this is IT!
Without further ado, here's the list of top actions from the past week. Be sure to scroll down for some exciting updates on our big impeachment cupcake delivery to Congress yesterday, too! -->
1. SIGN OUR PETITION to protect people with disabilities!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�President Trump is proposing changes to disability insurance (SSDI and SSI) that would impact an estimated 2.6 million people with disabilities, many of whom are children!�Every child, no matter whether they have serious health conditions or disabilities, should be able to pursue their dreams. We'll be submitting our official comment on Trump's proposed federal rule change on disability insurance next week and we want to make sure your signature is included.�***SPEAK OUT NOW to protect our children by signing our letter saying �NO!� to Trump�s most recent attack on people with disabilities.
2. Join our January 2020 #KeepMarching Virtual Meeting
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
BACKGROUND: 2020 is going to be huge. To help get everyone's heads in the right space for the work ahead, we've invited leaders on the front lines of fighting for change to share their expertise on voter engagement, workplace justice, and gun control. Find out how to win in the 2020 elections on voter engagement and turnout; how positive change is really truly happening on national paid family leave; and how Virginia become ground zero for gun extremists and white supremacists and what we can do about it. These KeepMarching meetings is where you get to learn, think, and get your questions answered by experts as you make your own plans to take action!
3. Tell Congress: The Child Care Crisis is Squeezing Families Too Tight!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: A study released by Freddie Mac just last month found that child care costs have grown by almost 50% in the last 25 years. Costs are equaling about half of the national medium mortgage payment (you read that right - MORTGAGE PAYMENTS!) and the study argues that for millennial families, it's a bigger barrier to buying a home than student loan debt! With news like this, it's no surprise that child care took center stage in the last presidential debate. But families need more than talk. We are experiencing a child care crisis and we need big solutions that work for kids, families, early childhood professionals, and our economy. Thankfully, that solution is already here. The Child Care for Working Families Act provides a comprehensive solution that would expand access to affordable, high-quality childcare and pre-K for families while improving compensation and training for the childcare workforce. Tell your members of Congress to stand up for working families and co-sponsor and support the Child Care for Working Families Act today!
4.�Seven Shot at McDonald's in Seattle, Washington: #BusinessMustAct for Gun Safety!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Tell large American companies that it's now time for them to take responsibility for the gun safety of their workers, customers, and communities, and do everything they can to keep us safe from the estimated 393 million firearms in civilian hands!�Add your name!�
5. Demand�Expansion of Medicaid To Save Pregnant and Postpartum People!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�Maternal deaths and serious complications during pregnancy and childbirth have been rising in the United States � particularly for women of color and especially for Black women.�Expanding Medicaid can help address this crisis by playing a critical role in ensuring continuous health insurance coverage, which plays a vital role in keeping women healthy during and after pregnancy. Post delivery � the first 100 days after birth, often referred to as the fourth trimester � is an especially critical time for women to have access to health care because it is when most complications occur.�Unfortunately, many women lack consistent insurance coverage. Medicaid eligibility levels for pregnant women vary across states and coverage ends 60 days after birth, putting the lives and health of many new moms in jeopardy.�Sign on now to tell your members of Congress to support the Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act of 2019 (H.R.4996)!
BONUS Inspiration: Delivering Impeachment Cupcakes and tens of thousands of your signatures to Capitol Hill on Thursday! ��
THANK YOU to all who added their name to our call for the Senate to support a full and fair impeachment trial. We made a big splash on the Hill yesterday delivering your message along with some clever sweet treats. Check out the photos ->
Thanks for all you do! ��
- Karen, Felicia, Kristin, Gloria, Nate, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
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Dear Friend,
I�ll admit� I angry-baked last night.
After watching a lie-filled State of the Union address Tuesday night, [1] and then witnessing a slim majority of Republican U.S. Senators voting for a sham acquittal of President Trump last night, [2] I had to channel my anger into action... somehow.
Despite my anger and frustration, I still believe that right and truth will win.
The trial was a sham, but we will not stop fighting for our democracy! Please donate to MomsRising Together to build our power, get out the mom vote, and fight disinformation and voter suppression.
Your donation will be used immediately to organize, to unite our voices, build our influence on Congress and to make our resistance to the lies and corruption as strong as possible. Please support this critical work by pitching in now.
We need your help to add mom-magic to the 2020 elections. Together, we will:
Fight disinformation and voter suppression through rapid-response, fact sharing, and amplification of the TRUTH (it matters!).
Grow our movement and our power in key states to influence Congress to support mom priorities and values.
Make sure that all moms are registered and ready to vote in November.
Donate now to help MomsRising challenge the lies and protect our democracy!
The stunning failure of a majority of our senators to protect our country and honor their oath by voting to remove a president for appalling crimes�for which he was deservedly impeached�will ensure that President Trump has no line he will not cross.
The U.S. Senate Republicans made a mockery of justice by refusing to hear from witnesses or consider evidence. Every Senator who refused to hold Trump accountable abdicated their duty, and became complicit in Trump�s shameful and deplorable behavior. This sham trial was an epic failure � a betrayal that will cause profound and lasting harm. Now we have to turn anger into action�Moms have the creativity, will, and expertise to protect our democracy!
Friend, your gift today will help MomsRising be ready for battle to protect our democracy, build our power, get out the mom vote, and fight disinformation and voter suppression.
We are incredibly grateful to the tens of thousands of MomsRising volunteers who wrote, called, and showed up at their members� of Congress� offices to speak out to impeach and remove President Trump�Thank you!
We also applaud the U.S. House impeachment managers, who did a masterful job of compiling and presenting overwhelming evidence of President Trump�s guilt; they and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deserve the thanks of a grateful nation for working so hard to defend our democracy.
However, the notion that President Trump has learned his lesson is absurd. We saw during his State-of-the-Union address, that he has been emboldened. For him now, no lie is too big, no insult too cruel, no hate-mongering too dangerous, no distortion too divisive. This sneak peek at the unchastened Trump was chilling.
We need everyone to turn anger into action, and you can start by donating to supercharge MomsRising Together. Let�s build our power, get out the mom vote, and fight disinformation and voter suppression together!
Together, we�ll never stop fighting to defend the truth and the American values of honesty and decency. We still believe that right and truth will win.
In solidarity,
- Felicia, Kristin, Gloria, Tasmiha and the whole MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder team
[1] MomsRising, 2020 State of the Union Was Massive Exercise in Gaslighting
[2] Roll Call, Out of the impeachment, into the fallout
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Dear Friend,
The evidence is clear: President Trump used taxpayer money and the promise of a meeting to try to obtain dirt from a foreign nation on a Democratic challenger in the 2020 elections for his own personal gain. After that, he obstructed Congress� investigation into this abuse of power, blocking witnesses from testifying and ignoring Congressional subpoenas for documents. [1]
Now, the Republican leaders of the U.S. Senate are up to no good�refusing to agree to consider witnesses and documents during the trial, [2] and some are even attempting to change the rules of the Senate in order to dismiss the articles of impeachment before receiving them from the House. [3]
? This must stop. Sign on now to urge the U.S. Senate to conduct a fair and complete impeachment trial with witnesses and documents!
How can this help? We need to push the U.S. Senate to keep the impeachment process moving forward with a fair impeachment trial that includes witnesses and documents. America�s moms are counting on Senate leaders to protect our democracy by putting patriotism ahead of party.
Our children�s future is at stake. We deserve a President who will fight foreign influence in our elections�not invite it�and who will put the country�s interests ahead of his or her own. Every U.S. Senator owes it to our children to hold the President accountable for abusing his power for personal gain.
? We must speak out to urge the U.S. Senate to conduct a fair and complete impeachment trial including witnesses and documents!
President Trump�s actions and subsequent cover-up threaten the integrity and security of our elections, our ability to have confidence in them, and the very foundation of our democracy. As moms, we know we must do better for our children�and for our nation.
Now, we need all U.S. Senators to put the country�s interests ahead of their own, to put patriotism over party, and to find the moral courage to stand against foreign influence in our elections and presidential corruption. That means honoring the oath they will take to be impartial jurors.
? Join us in taking action to urge the U.S. Senate to conduct a fair and complete impeachment trial with witnesses and documents!
***After you sign on, can you help us get more signatures ASAP? Every single voice is needed. The more of us who sign on right now, the bigger the impact we�ll have together. We�ll be delivering your signatures in the coming days to the U.S. Senate, so please sign on quickly. And please ALSO forward this email and post the action link on social media, like Facebook and Twitter, so more people can sign on and we can have the biggest impact possible:�
Thank you for helping to protect our democracy.
-- Felicia, Kristin, Tasmiha and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
[1] Vox, Read: The White House letter refusing to comply with Democrats� impeachment inquiry [2] Politico, McConnell ready to start impeachment trial with partisan power play� [3] The Hill, McConnell backs measure to change Senate rules, dismiss impeachment without articles
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Dear Friend,
Following the tragic hate-motivated mass shooting last August in El Paso, Texas, [1] moms and family members across the country cried out for Walmart to act � to exert its leadership for safer communities with fewer guns. Then a month later, Walmart announced that it would significantlyshrink its gun sales and begin lobbying Congress for gun reform. [2] This was huge!
Walmart�s example showed that when moms and families speak out, big culture change can happen! That�s why MomsRising has joined the Business Must Act coalition, [3] which is demanding that some of America�s largest businesses and favorite brands step up to improve gun safety for their customers and for the communities they serve.
Click here to take action. Demand that America�s businesses:
1) Prevent customers from bringing guns into their stores;�
2) End political donations to lawmakers who stand in the way of gun reform; and
3) Invest in community-driven gun violence intervention programs.��
Americans are grappling with the consequences of gun violence every day, yet our government has failed to pass legislation to protect our loved ones and communities. It�s time to also look to large American employers to take responsibility for their workers, customers, and communities, and do everything they can to keep us safe from the estimated 393 million firearms in civilian hands. [4]
The Business Must Act coalition has taken a look at where some of America�s largest businesses and favorite brands stand on gun safety, and released the first-ever Gun Safety Scorecard. [5] A research firm analyzed how the nation�s 29 largest retailers measure up in three specific categories and assigned them letter grades. Reviewing the scores, it�s easy to see that while some of these businesses are currently leading in this issue, others can do much much more.�
Take action now and help us demand that America�s businesses take responsibility for the gun safety of the communities they serve and the customers they profit from.
Out of the 29 retailers studied for the Business Must Act scorecard, 25 experienced an incident involved a firearm in their stores, [6] which just shows how the vast majority of businesses have grappled with the nation�s gun crisis first-hand. It�s time for them to stop sitting it out!
Sign our Business Must Act petition, and we will send your signature to some of the country�s largest companies and favorite brands to tell them it�s time for them to take action for gun safety.�
The more people who sign on, the louder the message that we expect the companies and brands we consume to take responsibility for the safety of the business environment we shop in and that they profit from. So please forward this email to your family members, friends, neighbors, and everyone you know who wants gun safety and ask them to sign too!
We will never stop fighting to protect our children and loved ones from violence.
In solidarity,
Gloria, Kristin, Donna, and the entire MomsRising Together team
[1] �Minutes Before El Paso Killing, Hate-Filled Manifesto Appears Online,� New York Times, Aug. 3, 2019.�
[2] �Did Walmart just change the gun debate?�, Sept. 4, 2019.�
[3]�Business Must Act
[4] "There are more guns than people in the United States, according to a new study of global firearm ownership," The Washington Post, June 19, 2018.
[5]�Business Must Act
[6] Ibid.
Paid for by MomsRising Together, not authorized by any candidate or candidate�s committee.
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Dear Friend,
Happy Valentine's Day!! Happy Galentine's Day (Feb 13)! And Happy Friday. There are so many reasons to celebrate those we love, cherish and respect ... like YOU! Thank you for all yo�u do today - and every day - to demand communities and an economy that work for us all.�
On that note, please scroll down for this week's list of top actions, including urgent campaigns around the Muslim Ban and the ERA. Then take a moment to share this list with those you love, too.
Without further ado, here's the list! ->
1. Tell Congress: Repeal the �Muslim Ban� and Co-Sponsor and Pass the NO BAN Act
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The Trump administration has expanded its travel restrictions to include: Sudan, Tanzania, Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, and Nigeria-- Africa�s largest economy, affecting nearly a quarter of people living on the continent.� The �Muslim Ban�� is not only separating families, it is keeping people from seeking asylum and refuge; students from receiving and completing their education; and families from celebrating. The National Origin-Based Anti discrimination for Non-immigrants Act (�NO BAN Act��)�will end the Muslim Ban and amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion, ensuring that no president can ever again ban an entire religion or community. If we don�t stop the Trump administration now, they will continue to add more countries to the travel restriction list. We must do all we can to stop the Trump administration�s discriminatory practices against Muslim and immigrant people and we must act NOW. Click here to add your name! �
2. Take Action on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)!
Text ERA to 747464 TODAY�
BACKGROUND:�Yesterday, in a historic vote the House of Representatives passed HJ Res. 79, which removes the (likely unconstitutional) time limits to the Equal Rights Amendment. WOOHOO! Thank you to the bipartisan group of women and men who stood up for women's equality today.
Now on to the Senate! We need them to pass their version of the bill Senate Resolution 6. Text ERA to 747464 TODAY to contact your Senator and urge them to vote YES to lift the time limits on the ERA!
3. Tell Congress: Support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�Despite the Pregnancy Discrimination Act's requirement that pregnant workers receive equal treatment, the fact is that some employers are still firing pregnant workers for requesting simple, medically-necessary accommodations, like avoiding heavy lifting or being able to take extra water breaks. Discrimination is the last thing you should have to worry about when you�re pregnant, but even in 2020 pregnant workers are still being denied reasonable, medically-necessary accommodations at work (like extra water breaks or being able to sit down) because of loopholes in the 35 year old Pregnancy Discrimination Act.�The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act would make it unmistakable: Employers must provide reasonable accommodations to pregnant workers who need them.�Tell your U.S. Representative to support the *BIPARTISAN* Pregnant Workers Fairness Act!
4. Have you, your family or loved ones been impacted by criminalization or�incarceration as a youth? Share Your Story.�
Your Action Status: NOT YET SHARED YOUR STORY -> Share Now
BACKGROUND: MomsRising is working to END youth incarceration by challenging the practices and policies that criminalize kids and push them into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Your stories can help create change that gives kids a chance! Tell us how you, your children and or family have been affected by youth incarceration, arrest, bail, probation, navigating the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems, and if you or your family has benefited from community based alternatives to incarceration. Share your thoughts and experiences with us and we�ll include them in materials we use to educate our nation and decision makers about youth incarceration and what parents, caregivers, and community members are doing to address this problem in our nation!�
5. Tell Congress: We need paid family leave for ALL working families!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Last week marked the 27th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which provides an opportunity to remind lawmakers and the public that now is the time for a national paid family and medical leave law � a policy that unites the vast majority of America�s voters and working people. Right now only 19% of workers--and only 5% of low-wage workers--have access to paid leave. Working families need a national paid family and medical leave policy that checks ALL the boxes: It needs to be ACCESSIBLE to all workers, offer a MEANINGFUL length of leave, be AFFORDABLE for workers, employers and the government, INCLUSIVE in defining family, and offer job PROTECTION. It is time to make paid leave a reality for everyone. Whether it�s to care for a newborn you swear already smiles, a mom who is ill, or a spouse battling cancer, being there for family is what matters. You shouldn't have to give up a paycheck to do it. Tell Congress that we want a comprehensive paid leave bill that benefits ALL workers!
Thanks for all you do! ��
- Karen, Beatriz, Sara, Kristin, Anita, Elyssa, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
P.S. This list is�also on our blog here.�
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Dear Friend,
It's a big week! The impeachment trial began in the U.S. Senate, and thousands of people are once again taking to the streets for the 2020 Women's March. We--the people--have fueled all of this. We are the engines of our democracy, and the force that continues to demand and win change at the local and national levels. Thank you for continuing to speak out about issues that matter to women and families. We are proud to keep marching with you.
Please scroll down for this week's list of top actions, featuring important items around impeachment, gun safety, Medicaid, and more. Please scroll down, make sure you've signed them all, and share with family and friends. Thank you for all you do! Here's the list -->
1. Quick Signature: Tell your U.S. Senators to conduct a fair and complete impeachment trial!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We need to push the U.S. Senate to keep the impeachment process moving forward with a fair impeachment trial that includes witnesses and documents. America�s moms are counting on Senate leaders to protect our democracy by putting patriotism ahead of party. Add your name now!�
2. MomsRising + 2020 Women's March on Washington!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
BACKGROUND:�MomsRising is a proud partner of the 2020 Women�s March on Washington, the first historic mobilization of the year. We are marching for the future we want to live in, one where freedom is for everyone, without exception. We are marching to show our determination, commitment, and collective strength... and for what we will achieve together. How about you?�If you are planning to � or want to � attend the national Women's March on Washington, a sister march in your area, or help out virtually, let us know (and we�ll email you logistics for the Women�s March in DC and around the country)!
3. Tell Congress: The Child Care Crisis is Squeezing Families Too Tight!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: A study released by Freddie Mac just last month found that child care costs have grown by almost 50% in the last 25 years. Costs are equaling about half of the national medium mortgage payment (you read that right - MORTGAGE PAYMENTS!) and the study argues that for millennial families, it's a bigger barrier to buying a home than student loan debt! With news like this, it's no surprise that child care took center stage in the last presidential debate. But families need more than talk. We are experiencing a child care crisis and we need big solutions that work for kids, families, early childhood professionals, and our economy. Thankfully, that solution is already here. The Child Care for Working Families Act provides a comprehensive solution that would expand access to affordable, high-quality childcare and pre-K for families while improving compensation and training for the childcare workforce. Tell your members of Congress to stand up for working families and co-sponsor and support the Child Care for Working Families Act today!
4. #BusinessMustAct for Gun Safety
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�Americans are grappling with the consequences of gun violence every day, yet our government has failed to pass legislation to protect our loved ones and communities. It�s time to also look to large American employers to take responsibility for their workers, customers, and communities, and do everything they can to keep us safe from the estimated 393 million firearms in civilian hands. We are demanding that America�s businesses: 1) Prevent customers from bringing guns into their stores; 2) End political donations to lawmakers who stand in the way of gun reform; and 3) Invest in community-driven gun violence intervention programs. It�s time for large American employers to also take responsibility for the gun safety of their workers, customers, and communities, and do everything they can to keep us safe from the estimated 393 million firearms in civilian hands. Add your name now!�
5. Demand�Expansion of Medicaid To Save Pregnant and Postpartum People!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�Maternal deaths and serious complications during pregnancy and childbirth have been rising in the United States � particularly for women of color and especially for Black women.�Expanding Medicaid can help address this crisis by playing a critical role in ensuring continuous health insurance coverage, which plays a vital role in keeping women healthy during and after pregnancy. Post delivery � the first 100 days after birth, often referred to as the fourth trimester � is an especially critical time for women to have access to health care because it is when most complications occur.�Unfortunately, many women lack consistent insurance coverage. Medicaid eligibility levels for pregnant women vary across states and coverage ends 60 days after birth, putting the lives and health of many new moms in jeopardy.�Sign on now to tell your members of Congress to support the Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act of 2019 (H.R.4996)!
Thanks for all you do! ��
- Karen, Felicia, Kristin, Gloria, Nate, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
� � �� � �� � �� � �� � �
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Your help needed for quick and easy #5Actions
Dear Friend,
Last week we asked supporters to contribute to help us�fight the lies, and we struck a chord. Our campaign triggered attacks:�We had to report a threatening phone call that targeted Gloria and Kristin. One thing is clear - moms and families are sick and tired of the lies and disinformation coming from a president who the Washington Post says has made 15,413 false or misleading statements over the last 1,055 days.1
Fighting for women, moms, and families is not easy work, and frankly, it's not always safe. Some people might attack us, but we'll never back down. This work is too important. We believe in the truth, and we teach our kids to value TRUTH. We must fight the lies -� for our kids, and all children yet to come.
Thank you for fighting for the truth with us. Please read on and join us in this week's actions ...
1. Help MomsRising Shine a Light on TRUTH!
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate
BACKGROUND: We�ve all heard the story about six-year-old George Washington chopping down his father�s cherry tree, and not being able to lie about it. And, of course, Abraham Lincoln was known as �Honest Abe.� We are furious that in 2020 we could not have a more different leader in the White House. Donald Trump has verifiably lied more than 15,000 times. He and his Administration regularly twist reality, sow confusion, and hide facts in an unending campaign to gaslight America � manipulating the truth and making people question what�s real � to serve Trump�s own ends. Support MomsRising�s work to challenge the Trump Administration�s lies. Donate now and get the �Don�t Gaslight Me� button and help us shine a light on truth. | No thanks on the button, but I�d still like to donate.
2. Tell Congress: Repeal the �Muslim Ban� and Co-Sponsor and Pass the NO BAN Act
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The Trump administration has expanded its travel restrictions to include: Sudan, Tanzania, Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, and Nigeria-- Africa�s largest economy, affecting nearly a quarter of people living on the continent. The �Muslim Ban�� is not only separating families, it is keeping people from seeking asylum and refuge; students from receiving and completing their education; and families from celebrating. The National Origin-Based Anti-discrimination for Non-immigrants Act (�NO BAN Act��)�will end the Muslim Ban and amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion, ensuring that no president can ever again ban an entire religion or community. If we don�t stop the Trump administration now, they will continue to add more countries to the travel restriction list. We must do all we can to stop the Trump administration�s discriminatory practices against Muslim and immigrant people and we must act NOW. Click here to add your name! �
3. Check out and follow MamasConPoder on Instagram!
BACKGROUND: During Black History Month, our Spanish-speaking community, @MamasConPoder, is highlighting the work of AfroLatinas who are speaking truth to power! Don�t miss their Instagram posts! Join the convo using hashtag #AfroLatinaPoderosa!
4. Take Action on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)!
Text ERA to 747464 TODAY
BACKGROUND: On February 13, in an historic vote, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HJ Res. 79, which removes the (likely unconstitutional) time limits to the Equal Rights Amendment. WOOHOO! Thank you to the bipartisan group of women and men who stood up for women's equality. Now on to the Senate! We need them to pass their version of the bill Senate Resolution 6. Text ERA to 747464 TODAY to contact your Senator and urge them to vote YES to lift the time limits on the ERA!
5. Tell Congress: Support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED�-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:�Despite the Pregnancy Discrimination Act's requirement that pregnant workers receive equal treatment, the fact is that some employers are still firing pregnant workers for requesting simple, medically-necessary accommodations, like avoiding heavy lifting or being able to take extra water breaks. Discrimination is the last thing you should have to worry about when you�re pregnant, but even in 2020 pregnant workers are still being denied reasonable, medically-necessary accommodations at work (like extra water breaks or being able to sit down) because of loopholes in the 35 year old Pregnancy Discrimination Act.�The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act would make it unmistakable: Employers must provide reasonable accommodations to pregnant workers who need them.�Tell your U.S. Representative to support the *BIPARTISAN* Pregnant Workers Fairness Act!
Thanks for all you do! ��
- Nate, Gloria, Kristin, Diarra, Elyssa, Linda, Nadia, Sara and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam�sConPoder Team
P.S. This list is�also on our blog here.�
[1] �President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims over 1,055 days,� The Washington Post, Dec. 16, 2019.
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We'll explain everything you want to know about the 2020 Election results!
Dear Friend,
We appreciate you so much! You volunteering by hand writing postcards, getting on phonebanks, doing text banking, Beacon of Hope Precinct Adopting, voter registration distribution, voting and getting friends and family to vote, social media sharing in English and Spanish, contributing, state-based local engagement organizing, story sharing and video creation to spread the word about voting, and so much more.. all came together to help fuel historic voter turnout.? THANK YOU!?
Now we wait.? We expected it would take longer than usual to count the votes from this election because, due to the pandemic, there were many more vote-by-mail ballots than normal in states where that type of voting is new. So the fact that we don't have full results yet is not a concern.? In fact, it's the opposite: It's great that so many people voted that it's taking extra time to count the ballots!!
It doesn't make it easier to wait though!? And we bet you have questions!
We have answers!
A lot is going on right now. We know you have lots of questions about what is happening with the election. Don't worry-we have you covered!?
***RSVP for our Post-Election Webinar tomorrow, Thursday, November 5th at 8:30pmET/5:30pmPT to hear from experts about what is going on, what the next steps are in making sure every vote is counted, and how you can take action!?
Waiting is hard, especially when you care so much about the outcome. But this election had record voter engagement resulting in record voter turnout and that's good for our democracy. We are proud that our high-impact Moms Voting programs reached more than 20,000,000 mom voters and helped turn out voters in record numbers this year- and especially proud of the many voters who persevered despite polling places that were shut down, ballot drop boxes that were taken away, long lines they had to wait in for hours with their children, and confusion caused by dishonest, deceptive calls and emails. We want every vote to be counted, a result that reflects the will of the people, and a peaceful transition if there is a transition.
So we're bringing the MomsRising community together to talk through what is going on, what the next steps may look like, and what YOU can do. We will be holding a Post-Election Webinar tomorrow, Thursday, November 5th at 8:30pmET/5:30pmPT. *RSVP HERE.
We will be joined by partners and experts who will provide up-to-date info on what is happening with the election results, what we can expect in the coming days, and how you can take action to protect our democracy and make sure every vote is counted. We also will answer some of your questions.?
***Make sure to RSVP to our Post- Election Webinar that's happening on Thursday, November 5th at 8:30pmET/5:30pmPT to get the most up-to-date information on what is going on with the 2020 election results.
We know you are probably not the only one in your friend group and family who is wondering "What the heck is going on!?" so after you RSVP, forward this email to anyone you think might want to join our webinar as well and post our RSVP link to your Facebook and Twitter page. If you are not able to join us tomorrow live, that's ok. We are going to record the webinar and post it on our blog, so you can watch it afterwards.?
We will get through this together and make sure that every vote is counted!? Thank you again for ALL you've done to lift democracy!??
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Top #5Actions of the Past Week Friday, October 2, 2020
What a week, friends. We hope you'll have some time to relax and recharge this weekend. We know this fall will continue to be a doozy, and it's always a good time for self-care.
We're going to kick off this list of top-priority actions by once again inviting you to slow down for just a moment, close your eyes, and take five slow breaths. With just five slow, calm breaths, you can make a big difference for your well-being.
And when you've done that, please see this week's list of high-priority, high-impact actions, below. These include lots of ways you can help grow the mom vote, demand justice for Breonna Taylor, and stand up for the integrity of the Supreme Court. Please scroll down, take action, and then take good care of yourself this weekend. Thank you!
-- Sue Anne, Elyssa, Kristin, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
1. SIGN OUR LETTER to the Senate saying "no!" to Trump's Supreme Court nominee!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
President Trump's nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, is an extremist pick. She is against the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), she doesn't believe in a woman's right to have an abortion under any circumstances, and she has taken anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-civil rights positions in the past. Yet. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to jam her confirmation through the U.S. Senate in the next few weeks, despite the fact that voting has already started in many states and a Supreme Court justice hasn't been confirmed this close to an election since 1864! The real emergency here is the fact that millions of people are still out of work because of COVID-19, frontline workers don't have the protection they need, and families are struggling financially while facing evictions, lack of childcare, and inability to pay their bills.
Sign our letter calling on the Senate to focus on what the American people really need right now: A robust COVID-relied package, not the confirmation of an extremist Supreme Court Justice!
2. 32 bullets. #BreonnaWasMurdered
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
32 bullets. 32 bullets were fired by police officers as they stormed through Breonna Taylor's house without even knocking first. 32 bullets were fired by police officers as she slept in her bed, murdering her. The 1 bullet that a police officer is being held responsible for? The one that hit the wall of the apartment. The wall. "Wanton engagement" was the charge for the bullet hitting the wall. In an egregious miscarriage of justice, showing the deadly effects of structural racism in our policing and criminal just systems, there were no charges related to the murder of Breonna Taylor. Let us repeat: None.
Sign Now: The fight for justice for Breonna Taylor and to fix our broken policing and criminal justice systems is not over.
3. We have to get moms to the polls. Can you help?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
MomsRising will be running phonebanks right up to the national election on November 3. We know it can sound scary if you've never done it before, but it's actually really fun, and our skilled team will walk you through the whole thing! We've been bowled over by the incredible enthusiasm of tens of thousands of MomsRising members who have already requested 10s, 100s, even thousands of our postcard reminders to turn out the #MomsVote. So we know that people like you are seriously motivated to turn out the vote in this election. That's why we're putting in place a brand new plan for phonebanking to turn out moms who don't always vote. They just need a little help to get to the polls, and YOU can give them that. A call from a voter like you to help make sure they're registered, and have a plan to vote, will help those moms cast their ballot on, or before, November 3. The research shows this works, and we know the enthusiasm of MomsRising members is boundless.
Click here to sign up to our phonebank notification list. You can phonebank from the comfort of your couch, and you'll be doing the most effective thing you can to help protect democracy!
4. What Are You Voting For?
The 2020 Election is going to be one of the most important in our lifetime and every vote matters. MomsRising is setting the pace and garnering enthusiasm to get out and vote. It is up to us to make sure our voices are being heard.
Add your photo and share what is bringing you to the polls in November.
5. Moms Vote face masks are here!! Support and Celebrate Moms Voting!
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate Now
Wearing a MomsRising's face mask will not only help you stay healthy, but also help inspire, celebrate, and turn out millions of moms to vote! You can get a face mask of your own when you make a donation to support MomsRising's massive mom voter engagement programs across the nation this year.
Moms are a powerful force for change! When you make a donation of $25 or more, we'll send you a limited-edition Moms Vote face mask as thanks! You can wear it to inspire, celebrate, and help turn out millions of moms to vote!
P.S.- This content is also on the MomsRising blog!
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Dear Friend,
It's outrageous.?
Taxpayers are funding 100% of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine project, but they recently announced to investors that the company will be setting the highest price yet for a COVID-19 vaccine. [1] That's right: they want us to pay an unfairly high price in order to buy back a vaccine developed with OUR tax dollars.
*Quick signature: Tell our lawmakers to stop pandemic profiteering by big pharma and make the COVID-19 vaccine affordable for all!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
What's the deal? The Trump Administration already holds the power to ensure prices are fair for prescription treatments for COVID-19 and a future vaccine. Through the Government Patent Use statute, the federal government has the ability to break pharmaceutical monopolies on patents, keeping drug companies from charging outrageous amounts for medicines. [2] But we've already seen price gouging happening for COVID-19 treatment. For example, Gilead, which makes remdesivir, the first medicine shown to have an impact on COVID-19, announce it will charge $2,340 - $3,120 for a five day course-an impossible cost for most every person who gets sick during this world-wide health crisis. [3]? This is not okay. If the Trump Administration and Congress continues to allow big pharma to charge whatever it wants for COVID-19 treatments and a future vaccine, the rest of the country will pay the consequences and more people will perish.?
The need for safe, effective, and affordable COVID-19 treatments and vaccines is critical. U.S. taxpayers are contributing billions of dollars to R&D efforts, but so far the Trump Administration has refused to guarantee affordability or disclose the terms of contracts it has entered into with prescription drug corporations. It is no wonder that a recent Gallup/West Health poll found that nearly 90% of Americans believe those corporations will take advantage of the pandemic to pad profits. [4]
Sign now! Tell Congress and the Trump administration: The health of America's families must take precedence over the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
What can be done? We are asking members of Congress to support legislation that will protect against pandemic profiteering and guarantee every person in the U.S. affordable access to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. No prescription drug corporation should be given monopoly control over prices-especially when they're using our tax dollars to develop the treatments and vaccines!?
In order to fight this pandemic, we need sufficient quantities and affordability to ensure universal access to safe treatments and vaccines. We deserve transparency, including how much taxpayers have contributed and corporations' costs of production. That is why we need the passage of the Make Medications Affordable by Preventing Pandemic Price Gouging (MMAPPP) Act and the Taxpayer Research and Coronavirus Knowledge (TRACK) Act to be included within COVID-19 legislation!?
Sign now to make sure that no one is priced out of life-saving COVID-19 treatments and vaccines!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
Sign our petition to President Trump, Secretary Azar of the Department of Health and Human Services, and Congress which reads:?
As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads, we need a strong response from the United States government in order to save lives and rein in the costs of medical treatment. We need protection against pandemic profiteering by big pharmaceutical corporations and a guarantee that every person will have access to affordable COVID-19 treatments and vaccines developed with taxpayer dollars.?
No prescription drug corporation should be given monopoly control over prices for life saving medications and a future vaccine! In order to fight this pandemic, we need sufficient quantities to ensure universal access to safe, affordable treatments and vaccines. We deserve transparency, including how much taxpayers have contributed and corporations' costs of production. That is why I am asking you to support the passage of the Make Medications Affordable by Preventing Pandemic Pricegouging (MMAPPP) Act and the Taxpayer Research and Coronavirus Knowledge (TRACK) Act.
When the world is increasingly at risk, treatments and vaccines must be developed quickly and made affordable and accessible to the public-especially when our tax dollars are being used to do so. The health of America's families must take precedence over the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.
Don't forget to sign now! Tell Congress and the Trump administration to prevent pandemic profiteering!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action link on social media:
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
--Tasmiha, Felicia, Donna and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] Axios, "Moderna skirts disclosures of coronavirus vaccine costs" [2] Cornell Law School, "Patent and copyright cases" [3] STAT News, "Gilead announces long-awaited price for Covid-19 drug remdesivir" [4] Gallup, "In U.S., Large Racial Divide in COVID-19 Cost Concerns"
? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?
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Dear Friend,
We're all feeling it - the weight of the COVID-19 pandemic and what it means for our loved ones and our collective future, and we cannot ignore the many ways in which the coronavirus crisis is a gendered one, especially today on Equal Pay Day - which marks how far into 2020 women must work to catch up to what men were paid last year.
The virus is already greatly impacting women and moms' financial security, and this is disproportionately the case for low-income women of color, who are overrepresented in many essential frontline jobs and industries experiencing massive layoffs.
>>> This Equal Pay Day, we must rally around the women and moms in our communities who are most impacted by the COVID-10 pandemic.
CLICK HERE to check out our Equal Pay Day blog post with options for you to quickly and easily raise awareness about how the coronavirus pandemic is most impacting women who are already facing pay inequity and poverty to help stop unfair pay.
Pay inequity and the thousands of dollars that women lose each year to the wage gap (an average of over $10,000 annually!) have left women, moms, and their families dangerously vulnerable to the economic shock of the coronavirus pandemic. [1]
It is no coincidence that the commonsense policies necessary for curbing COVID-19 outbreaks and keeping families financially secure right now - like paid sick days and paid family/medical leave - also help close the gender wage gap. [2]
Can you lend your voice to help amplify *Equal Pay Day 2020* online and raise awareness about what women and families need from lawmakers to weather the coronavirus storm and build long term economic security?
Together, we are a powerful force for women and families.
?- Sara, Ruth, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] America''s Women and the Wage Gap, National Partnership for Women & Families [2] Paid Leave Will Help Close the Gender Wage Gap, National Partnership for Women & Families
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Breaking news,?Friend, just yesterday, the U.S. House released a new phase of the COVID-19 relief package, the HEROES Act. Because of the efforts of fearless MomsRising members and action takers like you, many of your priorities and demands are included in the package including: a HEROES' fund of $200 billion for essential workers who are risking their lives in the midst of the pandemic; a stronger Payroll Protection Program (PPP) which will extend the urgently needed PPP loan program as well as help ensure communities of color receive the support they need and quickly; an increase in funding for testing and treatment of the virus; and, also importantly, an extension of Paid Family Leave and Unemployment benefits.[1]?
-> Tell your U.S. Senators: Pass the HEROES Act quickly! Right now is not the time for U.S. Senate to stall-- millions of Americans are faced with both financial and healthcare burdens and require immediate relief.?
The HEROES Act is just a start. Congress must also turn its attention to creating more pathways and funding to reduce incarceration, which is critical to public health; and to the emerging crisis in child care, which has become a national emergency with centers closing every day and many not expected to be able to reopen so that parents can go to work without substantial public investments.
MomsRising has joined forces with the National Women's Law Center, Black Women's Roundtable, Planned Parenthood, UltraViolet, NARAL, Women's March and 70 women's organizations from around the country to demand more -- much more -- for women and our list of demands remains the same:
Prioritize our health and safety ahead of corporations.
Get life-sustaining relief to us NOW.
Make state governments strong; they are our lifeline.
Stop the attacks on our reproductive care, including abortion access.
Protect our safety and our right to vote in 2020.
Now that the U.S. House has passed the HEROES Act, the U.S.Senate must do everything in their power to make sure this Act passes quickly too. Women, our sisters, our people cannot wait any longer for protection from the devastations of the COVID-19 crisis. We need relief, funding, and support NOW.?
By taking action with us, you are standing up for your family, friends, neighbors, immigrants, and essential workers. Help us all by continuing to keep the pressure on the U.S. Senate by signing on with us.
*After you sign on, please take a moment to share the action link on Facebook or Twitter -- or even to forward this email to friends.? The more of us who take action, the faster we'll make changes together.
Thank you,
Diarra, Elyssa, Ruth, Monifa, Kristin and the entire team?
P.S. Mark your calendar now to join us this Tuesday, May 19, for a national day of action. We will keep your U.S. Senators' phones ringing all day long, with demands to give women the COVID-19 relief they deserve.?
P.P.S. MomsRising and dozens of our We Demand More Coalition partners are working together to fight for women and families. Has your family and community been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Tell us your COVID-19 story.Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand why taking critical steps-like passing paid sick days and ensuring COVID-19 testing is widely available-are essential to the health and well-being of our communities.?
[1] The Heroes Act One Pager - House Appropriations
Should I pay for rent or food? If I had an unwanted pregnancy right now, what could I do? Can I afford to take a sick day from work? Should I risk getting sick to go out and vote?
This is where we're at in the COVID-19 crisis, Friend. The richest country on the planet is forcing its families to make impossible, even deadly, decisions. Women are shouldering the brunt of it-especially women of color. We're the majority of those working on the front lines to keep people alive and fed. We're caring for our kids. We're most likely to lose our jobs because of this crisis.
Sign on NOW to our list of demands for women.Congress has provided only a small fraction of the relief urgently needed for the courageous women workers and caretakers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. Shocking new data has emerged that show Black and Latinx people are dying at rates markedly higher than white Americans.[1]
Our elected leaders must develop and implement health equity interventions across all components of coronavirus response legislation, collect national health outcomes data by race, and ensure that all new policies urgently address these racial and ethnic disparities.?We need Congress to:
Prioritize our health and safety ahead of corporations.
Get life-sustaining relief to us NOW.
Make state governments strong; they are our lifeline.
Stop the attacks on our reproductive care, including abortion access.
Protect our safety and our right to vote in 2020.
Congress cannot continue to let women and families struggle while giving bailouts to corporations. They're letting anti-abortion politicians exploit this crisis to attack our rights. They're standing by as voters risk their lives to cast their ballots. The next COVID-19 relief package MUST right these wrongs.?
? This is a moment when we must be speaking in unison in our loudest voice - and we need you, your friends, and your family to join us. We won't stop fighting until our voices are heard.?
Make no mistake, it's women who bear the burden of this crisis. It's the bus driver working a 15-hour shift for the riders who rely on her; the young mother wondering how she'll feed her daughter after being laid off; the nurse who shows up every day to save lives while risking her own.?
While lawmakers are busy relieving corporations and big banks, who will take care of those that take care of us? We will.??
When more people like you take action, the louder our voices become.??
Thank you,
Diarra, Elyssa, Ruth, Monifa, Kristin and the entire team?
P.S. MomsRising and dozens of our We Demand More Coalition partners are working together to fight for women and families. Has your family and community been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Tell us your COVID-19 story.Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand why taking critical steps-like passing paid sick days and ensuring COVID-19 testing is widely available-are essential to the health and well-being of our communities.
P.P.S. Are you looking for more information on how to access the COVID-19 support programs Congress has already passed (like unemployment insurance, paid family leave and paid sick days, and nutrition assistance)? We've got you covered! Check out this video and resources from a webinar we held last week.
[1] 'A Terrible Price': The Deadly Racial Disparities of COVID 19 in America?
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Top #5Actions of the Past Week Sunday, December 13, 2020
As we move towards the end of 2020, we are still waiting on Congress to pass comprehensive COVID-19 legislation. If you haven't already signed the petition, please find the link below.
We also have four other ways for you to get involved with MomsRising.
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Elyssa, Nina, Anita, Nate, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
Power Up MomsRising: All Gifts Doubled!
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate Now
Democracy is more than a's something we do throughout the days and years. And THIS year, despite a global pandemic and juggling more than seems possible each day, you powered a more massive wave of mom voter engagement than we ever dreamed possible. You are a true superhero. Yes, you! Together, we keep marching, keep rising, keep sharing our power so that every mom, child and family can experience racial, economic and gender justice. We have real MOMentum with tens of thousands of volunteers who stepped up to get out the #MomsVote! We plan to keep it going into 2021-- to keep raising our voices and building collective power.
Please give today. *Your gift will be matched by an anonymous donor!
Unless Congress takes action within the next few weeks, 12 million people will be immediately kicked off of unemployment insurance and 19 million renters will lose their homes. This is all at the same time that 1 in 4 children are living in hunger because of the impacts of COVID and cases of the virus are soaring in every single state-and only expected to go up as we head into the holidays and colder months. This is a crisis on top of a crisis and we need leaders in the U.S. Congress to pass a robust, comprehensive COVID-relief package IMMEDIATELY!
SIGN OUR PETITION letting your members of Congress know that #ReliefCantWait for our families, hospitals, small businesses, and economy!
Just a few days left for Open Enrollment for health care in 2021!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage our communities, many people are losing their employer sponsored health care coverage just when they need it the most. It's time to use our outside voices for health care to spread the word about Open Enrollment at for 2021!
Sign up to help spread the word about Open Enrollment through - it ends December 15th!
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Stay up to date on our actions and for more inspiration on ways to get involved.
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Congress must #SaveChildcare
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
A record number of moms are being pushed out of the workforce and as COVID numbers rise and with CARES funding disappearing at the end of the year, childcare providers and families need help now to ensure they survive into the new year. At least $50 billion is necessary to stabilize the child care and $7 billion in funding through the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) sector and it is needed now. Recent analysis shows that at least $9.6 billion a month is needed to fully fund existing programs to pay all their staff, be prepared to reopen at the appropriate time and eliminate cost burdens for families whose providers are closed. It is essential that Congress prioritize supporting families' access to safe, high-quality, and affordable childcare.
SIGN NOW to urge members of Congress to prioritize childcare funding before the end of 2020!
P.S.- This content is also on the MomsRising blog!
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Dear Friend,
Across the nation, moms and family members are on fire to vote - and are already voting in huge numbers.
*Can you take a quick second in this busy moment for one click? Click a button below to answer the question: Have you voted yet?
Why click now? Research shows seeing that other people voted helps increase the number of voters! It turns out that voting is catching - in a good way!
After you click, we'll show you a fun real-time chart that shows how much of the MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder community has already voted. Your one click helps us plan our GOTV program and get moms and people who love them to the polls!!!
Plus, letting us know if you've already voted helps us shape our plans as we work to inspire other voters to vote too. (Thank you!)
Are you making history with us? Have you voted? Click a button! Help amp up the vote!
By voting, we can make the future OURS. Be a voter, raise a voter.
Together, let''s be voters and own our own future.
- Nate, Gloria, Kristin and the whole team
P.S. Are you unable to exercise your right to vote? Let us know that too.
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Help save our democracy! Sign up for the MomsRising Truth Squad to combat election misinformation and avoid four more years of Donald Trump!
I wanted to make sure that you saw our previous note about helping save our democracy by joining the 2020 Elections Truth Squad! Want in?
The countdown has begun to get Trump out of office and we want to make sure you have the most powerful and persuasive messages to mobilize your friends and families to vote at your fingertips.
? Click here to sign up to join the 2020 Elections Truth Squad. You'll receive weekly social media content options to get your friends and family out to vote.
People are logged in every day to social media and we want you to help share the most accurate information and combat all the misleading info out there.
We're not taking any chances and want to make sure you sign up to receive our weekly newsletter with great social media content options that you can share. We need your help to get Trump out of office and save our democracy by joining the 2020 Elections Truth Squad.
Sign up now for weekly social media content options that will help us get Trump out of office and save our democracy!
Together we are a powerful force for truth.
- Claudia
Paid for by MomsRising Together,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Dear Friend,?
I don't know about you, but I'm more than ready to end the nightmare of the Trump Presidency. But getting from here to celebrations on November 3rd is going to take everyone raising their voices as loud as possible to help get out the vote and fight disinformation. That's why we are asking you to join our MomsRising Truth Squad -- to fight back against disinformation about the elections and to help persuade our communities to vote Trump out of office.
Why you? Because more than anything else, people look to their friends and families for information and opinions. In fact, studies show that moms are among the most trusted and effective messengers of information these days.? So YOU are powerful in your circle and we are going to need YOUR voice this election season.
Sign up for our Truth Squad and we will equip you with options for compelling messages, videos, and ads you can share on social media to combat disinformation and help prepare your community to vote.?
? Want to get involved in the MomsRising Truth Squad? Sign up for our informative emails that give you options for resources you can share on social media and get ready for the upcoming presidential elections by clicking here. *When you click, you'll automatically sign up if we already have your information.
What's the deal? This November 3, voters across the country will have the power to elect our next president and many other candidates up and down the ballot. The decisions they will make are critical for the future we create together. We have the opportunity to elect candidates who will safely bring the country out of COVID-19, repair our economy and support working families, protect our health care and reproductive rights, work to achieve racial justice, enact climate change policies, treat immigrants with respect, and keep families together.?
With just six weeks left until the election we want to make sure that you have all the accurate information and most compelling messages to share.?
Join the MomsRising 2020 Elections Truth Squad today! Click here to sign up for our Truth Squad resources. *When you click, you'll automatically sign up if we already have your information.
We know you are busy! That's why we are searching for the best information and most compelling messages that you can share with your communities. We are here to assist you and are your back up team!
When you join the 2020 Elections Truth Squad you'll get timely, informative and persuasive resources made just for you to share on social media each week between now and the election. You can choose what resources you want to share or not from the list of options we email your way, of course!?No matter how much content you share, every bit has an impact because helping to spread trusted and accurate information is especially critical this year as voter disinformation is rampant right now.
Don't forget to sign up for the 2020 Election Truth Squad NOW! *When you click, you'll automatically sign up if we already have your information.
**Please also take a moment to forward this email to friends and family so they can join the Truth Squad, too! Post the action link on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word. The more of us who take action to spread the truth, the better chance we have at combating disinformation and avoiding four more years of Donald Trump!
Together we are a powerful force for truth.
- Claudia, Felicia, Donna, Kristin and the entire MomsRising and Mam?sConPoder team
Paid for by MomsRising Together,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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October 16, 2020
Dear Friend:
We reject the Trump administration's policies, plans and future that isn't inclusive of everyone, regardless of their race, backgrounds or zip codes.
Women have had enough.?
As women, we have suffered through this season of pandemics: a pandemic of public health, of white nationalism, of climate crisis, of family care. This has fallen on us, and drained us. We are rising up to shift our future, and we welcome all women who share that vision. We can birth a new world.?We are marching to ensure that women from all walks of life vote in record numbers, demand that every single vote is counted, and deliver our democracy. By uniting across our differences this election season, we will swear in a new government of, by, and for the people.?If you have wanted Trump out for four years, four months, four days, or four hours: it doesn't matter. What matters is you are here now, ready to come together, because the alternative is unthinkable.
MomsRising is officially partnering on the #CountOnUs National March tomorrow, October 17th. We're uniting with over 20 organizations including Women's March, SuperMajority, MoveOn, Planned Parenthood Votes and NARAL to send a clear message of resistance, and insistence on change with a celebration of voting -- and we invite you to join with us.
Find a march near you.?If there isn't any, organize one. Women's March will provide you with 1-on-1 support, a Slack channel of sister march hosts and a toolkit to get it done.
Over 100,000 people have pledged to march in over 295 marches across the country. Will you be one of them??The pandemic in our streets, our homes, our bodies and our government has disproportionately impacted women, low income people and people of color. We need relief, and we need it now. The only way for that to happen is for us to fight for ourselves and each other. When Trump failed to prevent and protect us from COVID-19, women pulled through by pulling together. We delivered meals, we delivered masks, and we protested to defend Black lives and demand liberty and justice for all. We count on us. By uniting across our differences this election season, we will ensure every vote is counted and swear in a new government elected by and for us. By joining together as voters in record numbers, we will deliver a democracy where everyone counts, no exceptions.
P.S.- MomsRising is an on-the-ground and online grassroots movement of more than a million people who are working to increase health and economic security, and to build a nation where businesses and families can thrive. You can learn more about us at
Paid for by MomsRising Together,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate''s committee.
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Health care revoked. Discrimination unchecked. Rights devalued. Reproductive freedom and justice denied. Checks and balances crushed. Promises discarded the moment they become inconvenient. The arc of the moral universe bending away from, instead of toward, justice. Democracy trampled.
We've got to stop this.
?? Tell your U.S. Senators: No hearings or votes on the U.S. Supreme Court before the inauguration! Click here to sign now.
This is a time-sensitive emergency.?President Trump is trying to ram through an extremist, Amy Coney Barrett, for a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is an attack on women's health and right to choose, and it's one more attempt to overturn the Affordable Care Act -- to kick millions of us off our health insurance and raise costs for millions more.? [1] And it's happening, in the middle of a pandemic. Unconscionable.?
Your voice is needed to help stop the Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate and Trump.?
?? Each and every U.S. Senator needs to hear from us ASAP: No hearings or votes on a U.S. Supreme Court nominee before the inauguration!
Taking away health care from those who need it most is just the start of the damage a confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett would cause. Trump's nominee would wreak havoc on our country: A woman's right to choose if, when, and how many children is on the line, as is decades of progress in rights for people of color and LGBTQ+ communities, as well as environmental protections.[2]?
It's not lost on us that more than two-thirds of people in our nation believe in a woman's right to choose how many children to have, when to have them, and how many; and support abortion remaining legal -- and yet Donald Trump is trying to trample those rights. [3]? We cannot allow Donald Trump, the Republican U.S. Senate leadership, and a small minority of people to decide such a crucial right and take away laws that we have counted on for decades.?
Trump's nominee is an extremist pick. In fact, the New York Times reported: "Mr. Trump could hardly have found a more polar opposite to Justice Ginsburg, a pioneering champion of women's rights and leader of the liberal wing of the court." [4]
? Tell your U.S. Senators: No hearings or votes on the U.S. Supreme Court before the inauguration! Click here to sign now.
More details are in the below email when you scroll down. Suffice to say that the U.S. Senate has the wrong priorities -- and we need to let them know!
Please also forward this email, post the action link on social media, and spread the word. The more of us who raise our voices now, the bigger the impact we'll have. And our impact is needed!
Thank you for all you do to help protect our democracy and country.?
[1] "What Amy Coney Barrett Has Said About ACA" [2] "Amy Coney Barrett Is an Extremist-Just Not the Kind You Think"? [3] "What we know about Amy Coney Barrett''s judicial abortion record" [4] "Trump Selects Amy Coney Barrett to Fill Ginsburg's Seat on the Supreme Court"
TO:?Friend FROM: Kristin, DATE: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 SUBJECT:?ACT NOW: No hearings or votes on the U.S. Supreme Court before the inauguration!
Dear Friend,
In her final days, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dictated a message to her granddaughter stating: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." [1]
We're standing up for you, RBG, like you did for us. And we're fighting hard to make your fervent wish a reality.?
? Tell your U.S. Senators: No hearings or votes on the U.S. Supreme Court before the inauguration! Click here to sign now.
This is a truly urgent moment. Having the vote before the election results, and while people are already voting early in many states, [2]? is a repudiation of the principles the Republicans set out during the Obama administration for Supreme Court nominations. Just a few years ago, even U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, demanded the U.S. Senate wait until after the election to consider then-President Obama''s nomination of Merrick Garland. In fact, Senator Graham said:?"I want you to use my words against me. If there''s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said: Let''s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination." [3]
Well, Senators, we plan to hold you to your words!?
Despite the rule they created and the precedent they vowed to set, within hours of the announcement that Justice Ginsburg had passed and before the nation could even mourn, U.S. Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) began disrespectfully talking about her replacement, breaking his own 2016 stance about how close to a presidential election a U.S. Supreme Court confirmation should happen. [4]? In fact, he was doing this even though voting for a new president has already started in four states!?
This is unprecedented and unacceptable. As CNN noted: "Only one Supreme Court vacancy has ever beenfilled this close to a presidential election -- and that was in 1864. This would also be the first Supreme Court appointment by a president after they had been impeached." [5]?
Her last wish should be the last word.
? Each and every U.S. Senator needs to hear from us ASAP: No hearings or votes on Trump's U.S. Supreme Court nominee before the inauguration!
The U.S. Senate Republican majority is callously and irresponsibly jumping on this Supreme Court opening, ignoring precedent and promises of the past, after ignoring the health and economic emergency caused by COVID-19 for months.?
This is not okay.?So much is on the line right now with Justice Ginsburg's replacement, access to affordable health care, voting rights, and more. *Please make sure your U.S. Senators hear from you today. Every Senator, whether Democratic or Republican, needs to hear from you -- we need to shore up our champions and sway those who aren't on our side yet.?
A win is possible. We need less than a handful of additional votes at current count, so please raise your voice now.We've won against all odds in the past, like protecting the Affordable Care Act, even when Republican leaders in Congress vowed for many years to repeal it. We won because people signed petitions, made calls, shared their stories and spoke out. And we can win this again if we all raise our voices now -- and vote.?
Let's make Justice Ginsburg's last fervent wish become a reality. She led the way in breaking through barriers and expanding rights for those whose rights were being trampled in our nation, now let's lead the way forward for her.?
May her memory be a blessing and a revolution. And to make that revolution happen please share this action link around via text, email, and even on Twitter, Facebook and more. Let's build an unstoppable wave of change.
P.S.- Election season has already begun, with some states already voting! So if you haven't already, then please make a plan to vote this year, whether in-person, by mail if your state allows, early voting, or dropbox. And after you make that plan, mark it in your calendar! This is a critically important year. Let''s give this election everything we have!
*Here's a resource to find out more about your state: ?
[1] "Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg''s ''fervent'' last wish was that she ''not be replaced until a new president is installed" [2] "Long lines and hand sanitizer on the first day of early voting for general election" [3] "Video of Lindsey Graham arguing against nominating a Supreme Court justice in an election year goes viral" [4] "For McConnell, Ginsburg's Death Prompts Stark Turnabout From 2016 Stance"? [5] "GOP push to fill RBG''s seat could backfire spectacularly"?
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Dear Friend,
We have an update for you on the note below. This week, President Trump once again ignored public health experts and offered empty promises about our public health-this time relating to a vaccine-in a blatant attempt to get more voters in Wisconsin. [1]
*The COVID-19 vaccine is too important to be used as a political football-or to be used for selfish profiteering. Join us in telling lawmakers exactly that!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
We all want a safe and effective vaccine developed as quickly as possible, but to hear a president connect his push for speed so directly to a blatant attempt to advance his electoral interests is very alarming. This is another reminder that the vaccine process needs to have more transparency so that medical experts can review the work, and so patients and families can trust that any vaccine approval will be based on science and data, not Trump's personal election interests. [2]
? We urgently need you! If you haven't signed on yet to prevent pandemic profiteering, please do so now here:*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
- Tasmiha
[1] Fox Business,?Trump delivers remarks on the US economy pre-coronavirus
[2] The New York Times,?Health Experts to F.D.A.: Make Your Vaccine Deliberations Public?
Dear Friend,
It's outrageous.?
Taxpayers are funding 100% of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine project, but they recently announced to investors that the company will be setting the highest price yet for a COVID-19 vaccine. [1] That's right: they want us to pay an unfairly high price in order to buy back a vaccine developed with OUR tax dollars.
*Quick signature: Tell our lawmakers to stop pandemic profiteering by big pharma and make the COVID-19 vaccine affordable for all!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
What's the deal? The Trump Administration already holds the power to ensure prices are fair for prescription treatments for COVID-19 and a future vaccine. Through the Government Patent Use statute, the federal government has the ability to break pharmaceutical monopolies on patents, keeping drug companies from charging outrageous amounts for medicines. [2] But we've already seen price gouging happening for COVID-19 treatment. For example, Gilead, which makes remdesivir, the first medicine shown to have an impact on COVID-19, announce it will charge $2,340 - $3,120 for a five day course-an impossible cost for most every person who gets sick during this world-wide health crisis. [3]? This is not okay. If the Trump Administration and Congress continues to allow big pharma to charge whatever it wants for COVID-19 treatments and a future vaccine, the rest of the country will pay the consequences and more people will perish.?
The need for safe, effective, and affordable COVID-19 treatments and vaccines is critical. U.S. taxpayers are contributing billions of dollars to R&D efforts, but so far the Trump Administration has refused to guarantee affordability or disclose the terms of contracts it has entered into with prescription drug corporations. It is no wonder that a recent Gallup/West Health poll found that nearly 90% of Americans believe those corporations will take advantage of the pandemic to pad profits. [4]
Sign now! Tell Congress and the Trump administration: The health of America's families must take precedence over the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
What can be done? We are asking members of Congress to support legislation that will protect against pandemic profiteering and guarantee every person in the U.S. affordable access to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. No prescription drug corporation should be given monopoly control over prices-especially when they're using our tax dollars to develop the treatments and vaccines!?
In order to fight this pandemic, we need sufficient quantities and affordability to ensure universal access to safe treatments and vaccines. We deserve transparency, including how much taxpayers have contributed and corporations' costs of production. That is why we need the passage of the Make Medications Affordable by Preventing Pandemic Price Gouging (MMAPPP) Act and the Taxpayer Research and Coronavirus Knowledge (TRACK) Act to be included within COVID-19 legislation!?
Sign now to make sure that no one is priced out of life-saving COVID-19 treatments and vaccines!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
Sign our petition to President Trump, Secretary Azar of the Department of Health and Human Services, and Congress which reads:?
As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads, we need a strong response from the United States government in order to save lives and rein in the costs of medical treatment. We need protection against pandemic profiteering by big pharmaceutical corporations and a guarantee that every person will have access to affordable COVID-19 treatments and vaccines developed with taxpayer dollars.?
No prescription drug corporation should be given monopoly control over prices for life saving medications and a future vaccine! In order to fight this pandemic, we need sufficient quantities to ensure universal access to safe, affordable treatments and vaccines. We deserve transparency, including how much taxpayers have contributed and corporations' costs of production. That is why I am asking you to support the passage of the Make Medications Affordable by Preventing Pandemic Pricegouging (MMAPPP) Act and the Taxpayer Research and Coronavirus Knowledge (TRACK) Act.
When the world is increasingly at risk, treatments and vaccines must be developed quickly and made affordable and accessible to the public-especially when our tax dollars are being used to do so. The health of America's families must take precedence over the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.
Don't forget to sign now! Tell Congress and the Trump administration to prevent pandemic profiteering!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action link on social media:
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
--Tasmiha, Felicia, Donna and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] Axios, "Moderna skirts disclosures of coronavirus vaccine costs" [2] Cornell Law School, "Patent and copyright cases" [3] STAT News, "Gilead announces long-awaited price for Covid-19 drug remdesivir" [4] Gallup, "In U.S., Large Racial Divide in COVID-19 Cost Concerns"
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Dear Friend,
With unemployment numbers reaching levels we haven't seen since the Great Depression and lines for food banks wrapping around the block, it doesn't seem like it's too much to ask that funding for COVID-19 relief be targeted at those most in need, not the super wealthy.
But the GOP always has a way to sneak in tax cuts for their super wealthy cronies and they did it again with the CARES Act! [1]
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on Congress to repeal the #MillionairesGiveaway and instead pass working family tax credits that boost struggling families!
Here's what's going on: Congress passed the CARES Act back in late-March. This $2 trillion COVID-19 aid package was meant to support struggling families and provide needed assistance to small businesses and cash-strapped states (and, for the most part, it did!). But somehow GOP leaders were able to sneak in an obscure provision allowing wealthy owners of certain businesses (like real estate firms and hedge funds) to receive huge tax savings and refunds, allowing rich business owners to exploit losses unrelated to the pandemic. The cost of this Millionaires Giveaway: $135 billion! [2]
To be clear, this Millionaires Giveaway has NOTHING to do with COVID-19 or helping our shattered economy recover from this pandemic and will continue long after COVID-19 ends. It comes with no strings attached. Business owners don't have to promise to keep on workers or pay the money back like airlines and other corporations getting bailouts. [3]
Despite millions of people out of work and our frontline workers still without the tests, vaccine, and protective gear they need to continue their heroic jobs, the Millionaires Giveaway benefits only 43,000 millionaires who on average will catch a $1.6 million windfall. Outrageous! What could we do with $135 billion instead? We could pay for N95 masks-one hundred each for every American!- plus 1 million hospital-grade ventilators. [4]
We need our elected leaders to support families living paycheck-to-paycheck, not give no-strings-attached windfalls to the already mega-rich!
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on Congress to repeal the #MillionairesGiveaway and instead pass working family tax credits that boost our families!
An effort is underway, led by U.S. Senator Whitehouse and U.S. Representative Doggett, to repeal the #MillionairesGiveaway. And we have good news! This important provision was included in the HEROES Act- just passed in the House the other day! Even better, the HEROES Act also includes a temporary increase for tax year 2020 (next year) in the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). This temporary expansion is well-timed since most economists are predicting unemployment will still be at double-digit levels next year. [5] We need more provisions like this and less like the #MillionairesGiveaway in order to get our families and economy through this pandemic and economic downturn.
***Tell the Senate: Pass the HEROES Act and boost working families, not wealthy millionaires!
The HEROES Act has a lot of COVID-19 relief provisions we think our families need-both on the tax front but also for nutrition, paid family leave and paid sick days, support for hospitals and states, hazard pay for frontline workers, and more direct payments for struggling families, including immigrant families. But negotiations in Congress are starting to get tough. Not everyone is on the same page about the need another COVID-19 relief package-Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and his allies have come straight out and said they don't think we need another coronavirus-related bill. [6] We need YOU to help change their minds and let them know this is crucial to our families. After you sign our letter, forward this email to your friends and family and post the action link to Facebook so others can take action as well.
There's a lot that needs to be done so our families and economy can recover from this pandemic, but I think we all can agree that giving millions of dollars away to the uber-wealthy is not one of the actions Congress should be taking! Thank you for all your support and continuing to speak out during this difficult time!
-Elyssa, Donna, Kristin and the entire MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Wondering how you can apply for SNAP (food stamps), as well as, other nutrition assistance programs, Unemployment Insurance, and if you qualify for the new paid sick days and paid family leave programs passed by Congress? We've got your covered! Check out the video of our webinar and resource page.
P.P.S. Want to know more about the #MillionairesGiveaway and help spread the word about the repeal? Check out this short video on Twitter by our partners at Americans for Tax Fairness.
[1, 2] "How the CARES Act Became A Tax-Break Bonanza for the Rich, Explained." NPR, April 30, 2020.
[3] "Rep. Rosa DeLauro: We must repeal Trump's $135 billion hidden tax giveaway for wealthy real state investors." Fortune, May 3, 2020.
[4]"The corrupt tax provision in the CARES Act: Rep. Doggett and Sen. Whitehouse." USA Today, April 23, 2020.
[5] "Greenstein: Pelosi Package Would Provide Essential Support for Economy, Relief to Households." CBPP, May 12,2020.
[6] "GOP Senators give Democrats' $3T HEROES Act coronavirus relief bill a cold shoulder." ABC 13 News, May 13, 2020.
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Friend -?14 days. We've come a long way together this year building momentum and getting out the vote! And now we need your help in these last couple weeks to help remind low frequency voters to VOTE by November 3rd.?So it's go time!!!
? Are you interested in texting out the vote with us?
Just click the button above and we'll add you to our list of people interested in texting out the vote -- and then we'll reach out to you when it's time to start!?
We need you. We're proven that together we are an unstoppable, powerful force. In fact, together we already have a strong list of accomplishments just from the past couple of weeks alone:
Over 3,496,144 texts sent so far to moms who are low frequency voters!
More than 4,458,028 postcards sent so far to moms, including millions that were hand-written!
54,708,533 reached about #MomsVote on social media in English and Spanish and rising!
272 state-based Beacons of Hope Precinct Captains have already made 318,000 contacts with low-frequency mom voters in their communities!
? But don't take your foot off the gas before November 3rd. We have limited time left to help remind low frequency voters that their votes are needed. Can we send you details on how you can text out the vote between now and November 3rd?
Please sign up to help text out the vote!??
We need you. We need your voice. We need your texting fingers. We really do. And we'll provide everything you need to make a big impact: A list of people to text who don't regularly vote, draft language to use, and an easy text platform to help you get it all done with speed. Plus, you can send your texts anytime that''s convenient from the comfort of your home or from whatever location works for you.
? Are you interested in sending texts to urge low-frequency moms to be voters?
We have just two weeks before Voting Day on November 3. Research shows that personalized messages delivered in a conversational manner are one of the most effective ways to mobilize voters - and that's exactly what this program does. Plus, we have A LOT of work to do: Only about 58% of eligible voters turned out to vote in the last presidential election, which leaves a lot of room for improvement! So our personal voices are (quite literally) needed to inspire others to vote.
Together we can make the future ours.
Kristin, Gloria, Sue Anne, Nate and Jordan
P.S. We also have a phone bank and need volunteers for calling low frequency voters to remind them to vote. *SIGN UP FOR THE PHONE BANK HERE:
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Top #5Actions of the Past Week Friday, October 2, 2020
What a week, friends. We hope you''ll have some time to relax and recharge this weekend. We know this fall will continue to be a doozy, and it''s always a good time for self-care.
We''re going to kick off this list of top-priority actions by once again inviting you to slow down for just a moment, close your eyes, and take five slow breaths. With just five slow, calm breaths, you can make a big difference for your well-being.
And when you've done that, please see this week''s list of high-priority, high-impact actions, below. These include lots of ways you can help grow the mom vote, demand justice for Breonna Taylor, and stand up for the integrity of the Supreme Court. Please scroll down, take action, and then take good care of yourself this weekend. Thank you!
-- Sue Anne, Elyssa, Kristin, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
1. SIGN OUR LETTER to the Senate saying "no!" to Trump's Supreme Court nominee!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
President Trump's nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, is an extremist pick. She is against the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), she doesn't believe in a woman's right to have an abortion under any circumstances, and she has taken anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-civil rights positions in the past. Yet. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to jam her confirmation through the U.S. Senate in the next few weeks, despite the fact that voting has already started in many states and a Supreme Court justice hasn't been confirmed this close to an election since 1864! The real emergency here is the fact that millions of people are still out of work because of COVID-19, frontline workers don't have the protection they need, and families are struggling financially while facing evictions, lack of childcare, and inability to pay their bills.
Sign our letter calling on the Senate to focus on what the American people really need right now: A robust COVID-relied package, not the confirmation of an extremist Supreme Court Justice!
2. 32 bullets. #BreonnaWasMurdered
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
32 bullets. 32 bullets were fired by police officers as they stormed through Breonna Taylor's house without even knocking first. 32 bullets were fired by police officers as she slept in her bed, murdering her. The 1 bullet that a police officer is being held responsible for? The one that hit the wall of the apartment. The wall. "Wanton engagement" was the charge for the bullet hitting the wall. In an egregious miscarriage of justice, showing the deadly effects of structural racism in our policing and criminal just systems, there were no charges related to the murder of Breonna Taylor. Let us repeat: None.
Sign Now: The fight for justice for Breonna Taylor and to fix our broken policing and criminal justice systems is not over.
3. We have to get moms to the polls. Can you help?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
MomsRising will be running phonebanks right up to the national election on November 3. We know it can sound scary if you've never done it before, but it's actually really fun, and our skilled team will walk you through the whole thing! We've been bowled over by the incredible enthusiasm of tens of thousands of MomsRising members who have already requested 10s, 100s, even thousands of our postcard reminders to turn out the #MomsVote. So we know that people like you are seriously motivated to turn out the vote in this election. That's why we're putting in place a brand new plan for phonebanking to turn out moms who don't always vote. They just need a little help to get to the polls, and YOU can give them that. A call from a voter like you to help make sure they're registered, and have a plan to vote, will help those moms cast their ballot on, or before, November 3. The research shows this works, and we know the enthusiasm of MomsRising members is boundless.
Click here to sign up to our phonebank notification list. You can phonebank from the comfort of your couch, and you'll be doing the most effective thing you can to help protect democracy!
4. What Are You Voting For?
The 2020 Election is going to be one of the most important in our lifetime and every vote matters. MomsRising is setting the pace and garnering enthusiasm to get out and vote. It is up to us to make sure our voices are being heard.
Add your photo and share what is bringing you to the polls in November.
5. Moms Vote face masks are here!! Support and Celebrate Moms Voting!
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate Now
Wearing a MomsRising's face mask will not only help you stay healthy, but also help inspire, celebrate, and turn out millions of moms to vote! You can get a face mask of your own when you make a donation to support MomsRising''s massive mom voter engagement programs across the nation this year.
Moms are a powerful force for change! When you make a donation of $25 or more, we''ll send you a limited-edition Moms Vote face mask as thanks! You can wear it to inspire, celebrate, and help turn out millions of moms to vote!
P.S.- This content is also on the MomsRising blog!
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Our top #5Actions
Dear Friend,
First: we are sending strength to you, your family, and your community. These are unprecedented times. But times like these also remind us why it''s so important to stand up and speak out for the issues we care about, both during times of crisis and in the long-term. Below please find our latest list of top actions, on health care, early learning, breastfeeding, decarceration, and more. Please be sure to scroll through and make sure you''ve signed them all. Then share them with friends and family too!
Together, we''re a powerful voice for parents and families. Thank you! ->?
1. Quick Signature: Tell lawmakers to enact urgent measures to protect our health!
Your Action Status: SIGN NOW?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?The COVID-19 crisis is shining a bright light on the many devastating shortcomings of our current health care system. In fact, tens of millions of people in America are without coverage during this crisis, and many more risk loss of coverage with the loss of their jobs. It's past time for President Trump, Congress, and state leaders to take immediate and urgent actions to improve access to health insurance and provide health care stability for America's families.?
2. Child care could be gone if Congress doesn''t #FundChildCare NOW!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?Families across the nation are at risk of permanently losing the child care that is critical to ensuring their youngest children have the enriching care they need to thrive while parents and caregivers work. As a nation, we are on the verge of losing more than half (yes you read that right - MORE THAN HALF) of our child care programs in the next week IF there isn't significant public investment and support.
>>>> As child care centers close to protect children and the communities they serve from further spread of the COVID-19 virus, urge Congress to pass child care relief funding to ensure the stability of our child care system so parents and caregivers have child care to return to when this crisis is over.
3. Tell Congress, we need the PAID Leave Act and we need it now!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We need Congress to close the large loopholes in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act by including the Providing Americans Insured Days of Leave (PAID Leave) Act in the next COVID-19 package.
We need paid sick days, and paid family and medical leave, for all of us to get through this crisis, and we need them for good. Both are essential during times of pandemics, but we also need these benefits permanently in place to support working families.
? Tell your members of Congress in the House and Senate to BOOST AND MAKE PERMANENT paid sick days and paid family and medical leave in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
4. Pregnant or Breastfeeding in the Midst of Coronavirus? Tell us!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SHARED -> Share Your Story
BACKGROUND: Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding? MomsRising wants to hear from YOU about your experience in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.?Share your story now! ?
5. Protect Incarcerated Loved Ones from COVID-19
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?One such crisis that's now at a breaking point with COVID-19 is our mass incarceration rate - the highest in the world -- and crowded detention facilities in which we have totally inadequate health protections. This puts moms, dads, families, children, communities, and workers at undue risk. Tell governors, the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, mayors, and sheriffs not to leave anyone behind and take immediate COVID-19 action at prisons, jails, and immigrant detention centers, including releasing everyone who isn't a risk to public safety, reducing admissions, and more.
Tell governors, the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, mayors, and sheriffs not to leave anyone behind and take immediate COVID-19 action at prisons, jails, and immigrant detention centers.
Thanks for all you do! ??
- Sue Anne, Nate, Gloria, Kristin, Diarra, Elyssa, Linda, Nadia, Sara and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Check out our great new explainer on the new federal paid leave laws and what they mean for you and your family!?
P.P.S.?Join MomsRising''s National Director on Budget and Taxes Elyssa Schmier, The Women''s Information Network (WIN) and a great panel of experts for a webinar on how tax policy is a women''s issue, and how policies disproportionately affect working women, women in poverty, and women of color in particular. Tuesday, April 14, 6:30PM-8PM EDT. Sign up here.
P.P.P.S. This list is?also on our blog here.
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Hi, Friend, this is Kristin (and the whole MomsRising team). It's Election Eve and the air -- and the news -- are crackling. It's time! Hold your hope tight, find a spark of everyday joy, and vote with it.
As voters, we build our future -- and Tuesday, November 3rd is a big day to do just that!
? Did you get a chance to vote and make your voice heard yet? If not, we have you covered! You can look up where to vote locally in-person, or where to return your ballot, here:
Our link lets you simply enter your street address (no e-mail required!) and then you'll get all the local information you need about where you can vote in-person, by dropbox, or other near you.
*Here's the link again to get your local voting options so you can get your vote in by close of day Tuesday, November 3rd (Please share this link far and wide!):
? Pass it along!? (You'll sleep better tonight!) Do you have friends and family that maybe haven't voted? Is there even a little chance they haven't voted or don't have all the info they need to vote? YES?
If so, here are some super easy ways to share that handy link with your friends and family on social media so they can find out where to vote in-person, by dropbox, or other near them:
Moms across this country are busy lifting democracy -- and the energy of MomsRising volunteers has been through the roof helping others to vote and building a movement, confirming what we''ve known all along, that moms reaching out to other moms is one of the most powerful forces in the world.
Together, we've already made a wave of difference no matter what happens in the coming weeks. Already we're on track to send 20,000,000 texts to low frequency mom voters getting people the information they need about where to vote; sent over 4,500,000 postcards, millions handwritten, to share voting info; reached out to people on social media in English and Spanish; had phone banks reaching tens of thousands of people to help get out the vote; run an incredible local Beacon of Hope Adopt-A-Precinct program; and so, so, SO much more. (We'll send updated stats and a wave of gratitude your way after the election because these programs are still ongoing).
We have one last ask for help from you: Please be sure YOU vote and that your friends and family vote too. Here's all the info you need to make that happen:
And, here are some super easy ways to share that handy link with your friends and family on social media so they can find out where to vote in-person, by dropbox, or other near them:
Thank you for being an incredible, nation-lifting force for democracy. We couldn't be more honored to be in this with you.
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Dear Friend,
So many things feel uncertain right now, but one thing that feels very certain is the urgent need for everyone to vote in 2020. You, me, and all of our neighbors, near and far.
Here's the great news: MomsRising has a super easy, high-impact, and FREE way for YOU to help get out the vote while social distancing!
>>> SIGN UP HERE to receive a FREE packet of 10 eye-catching voting reminder postcards to fill out!
Our goal is to reach 1 million moms who don't always vote and need some extra encouragement! Can you help us make it happen? Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls! [1]
Here's the nitty gritty ? We''ll send you a packet of 10 pre-addressed, pre-stamped postcards along with some quick instructions. All you''ll need to do is write a quick note of encouragement on each and send them back to us with the prepaid return envelope provided. We'll store the postcards until it''s time to drop them in the mail before the November 2020 election!
Don't wait! Sign up now to receive your FREE packet of 10 GOTV postcards to fill out!
*** If you'd like to power up and write 100 or more postcards for our Get-Out-The-Vote campaign, that's an option on the sign-up page!
Here's the thing: We're not just activating voters to vote - we're also activating votes for healthcare, equal pay, paid family leave, and all the other issues dear to our hearts.
Join us in turning out the vote for healthcare, equal pay, paid family leave, and paid sick days!
Together, we are a powerful force in driving women and moms to the polls in 2020!
- Sara, Kristin, Donna, Gloria, Nate, Sili, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. - The beautiful artwork on the postcard featured above is by Favianna Rodriquez! ?
[1]?ArsTechnica: "Boosting the vote may be as easy as saying you'll ask"
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#KeepMarching online Zoom meeting
Dear Friend,
COVID-19 has ushered in an unprecedented era of isolation and loneliness. Dr. Vivek Murthy, MomsRising's favorite U.S. Surgeon General, who served under President Obama, has just released his new book, Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in the Sometimes Lonely World.
We are honored and excited to tell you that Dr. Murthy has accepted our invitation to join our next #KeepMarching meeting on Tuesday, May 19, 8 pm ET/5 pm PT, to discuss Together.?
Will you join the meeting with former President Obama's U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Murthy, too, to talk about loneliness? Click here to RSVP.?
In Together, Dr. Murthy makes the case for loneliness as a public health concern. As social distancing and shelter-in-place orders deprive people of human connection just as they are beset with enormous worry and pressure, Dr. Murthy's expertise and wisdom could not come at a better time. His book includes inspiring stories and creative solutions for people to help themselves and those they love to build more connected lives, even in these times.
This is from the publisher's description of Together:
"The book we need NOW to avoid a social recession, Murthy's prescient message is about the importance of human connection, the hidden impact of loneliness on our health, and the social power of community.
"Humans are social creatures: In this simple and obvious fact lies both the problem and the solution to the current crisis of loneliness. In his groundbreaking book, the 19th surgeon general of the United States Dr. Vivek Murthy makes a case for loneliness as a public health concern: a root cause and contributor to many of the epidemics sweeping the world today from alcohol and drug addiction to violence to depression and anxiety. Loneliness, he argues, is affecting not only our health, but also how our children experience school, how we perform in the workplace, and the sense of division and polarization in our society."
RSVP now for this powerful online meeting with former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, on Tuesday, May 19th, at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT, to talk about his new book and the subject of loneliness.
#KeepMarching online meetings are designed to give you the inside scoop on what's happening on issues and politics, give you direct access to MomsRising staff and leading experts, and fill you in on MomsRising''s hot campaigns. We use Zoom online conference rooms, so you can participate via video conference or call in over the phone (though video is best so you don''t miss visuals and because we love seeing everyone's faces!).
Please help MomsRising keep up our team-building work in 2020 and join us for our May 19th KeepMarching Zoom meeting at 8pm ET/5pm PT! RSVP NOW ??
Looking forward to connecting with you over video or phone on Tuesday, May 19th!
Please forward this email to any friends and family you think would benefit from this conversation, so they can join, too.
Together, we''ll #KeepMarching and never stop fighting for the change our families and communities need. And we'll never stop supporting and being there for each other.
-- Gloria and Joy?
?P.S. Interested in gender justice and learning more about lasting relief for families? Register now for our zoom call with special guests Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Monifa Bandele of MomsRising, Shaunna Thomas of Ultraviolet and grassroots leaders from the We Demand More Coalition
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Dear Friend,
I'm writing to you right now while battling a headache from hazardous levels of smoke in the air in the Seattle-area of Washington state where it's hard to see more than a block down the road due to so much smoke. And I'm writing also as I stay glued to the news about the fires in Oregon, where my daughter is about a dozen miles from an evacuation area; and while texting with family, friends, and colleagues who are in California battling major fires and living with hazardous smoke too. The pictures we're texting each other from outside our own windows are unreal, filled with smoke and orange skies, and taken in the middle of the day.
The West Coast is on fire. [1]
The 2020 fires are bringing home just how urgently we need comprehensive #ClimateChange policy. To do that, we urgently need a new president.
*YOU can make that happen: Pledge now to vote for a new president in the 2020 General Election.
We need to get Trump out of office - and also to vote for candidates like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who will take immediate action to stop climate change, who listen to scientists and medical experts, who tell the truth about COVID-19, and who believe that Black Lives Matter, healthcare and childcare must be for all, paid leave and sick days should cover everyone, and fair pay must happen.
Signing this pledge can be the start of building a bigger wave of change. Can you also get 3 friends to pledge, too? We need to build a massive wave of change and MOMentum toward November 3rd. If we all pitch in by reaching out to three friends, we can make history together.
Why does clicking to sign this pledge help? Importantly, showing that there's a wave of people pledging to vote who are building toward November 3rd helps inspire other people to join that wave and vote too.?We need every voter possible to vote on or before November 3rd to help get us out of this crisis.?So you pledging to vote now helps turn out the vote later (THANK YOU!).?
*Click here to pledge to help get Trump out of office - and to vote instead for candidates like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who believe action to stop climate change is necessary, who listen to scientists and medical experts, who tell the truth about COVID-19, and who believe that Black Lives Matter, healthcare and childcare must be for all, paid leave and sick days should cover everyone, and fair pay must happen.
And, don't forget. After you click to pledge to vote, please share this link with at least 3 friends and also on social media - to get others to pledge to vote too.?
There have been rumors?circulating on social media that the fires out here aren't actually a big deal. Those rumors are wrong. Everyone living on the West Coast is a witness.?From California, through Oregon, and up to Washington state fires are destroying communities. It's unprecedented. It's climate change. And it's hurting people, the environment, and our communities. More than 500,000 people have had to evacuate in just the past couple of days in Oregon. [2]? The loss is staggering. And there aren't even enough firefighters to begin to fight all the blazes. [3]
Climate change is happening.?
There have also been several questions?circulating on social media about how climate change is a factor in the forest fires. Here's an excellent explanation from NASA scientists: "Hot and dry. These are the watchwords for large fires. While every fire needs a spark to ignite and fuel to burn, the hot and dry conditions in the atmosphere determine the likelihood of a fire starting, its intensity and the speed at which it spreads. Over the past several decades, as the world has increasingly warmed, so has its potential to burn." [4]? Essentially, there are hundreds of fires in Oregon, California, and Washington - all started in different ways: Many by lightning, some by cars inadvertently sending soot onto dry vegetation, some by power transmission lines (which is why many public utilities are now turning off the power out West), some by people, and many by accident. ---> In all of this, climate change is a major factor because normally downed power-lines, soot sparks from tires, or even arson, wouldn''t cause hundreds of thousands of acres to burn -- climate change set the conditions in which semi-normal sparks turned into massive wildfires.?
This is a big deal.
It's now up to us to vote for a President and candidates who will bring us climate change solutions, justice, healthcare, paid leave and sick days, and childcare..?
*Please join me in pledging to vote for a new president in the 2020 General Election by clicking here:?
Thank you,
- Kristin, Donna, and the entire MomsRising/MamasConPoder team
[1] "California, Oregon, and Washington live wildfire maps are tracking the devastation in real time," FastCompany [2] "Dozens missing as firefighters battle two large Oregon fires," AP News [3] "Holiday Farm fire ravages Oregon towns, premier outdoor playground near Eugene: 'Catastrophic damage'," Oregon Live [4] "Satellite Data Record Shows Climate Change''s Impact on Fires," NASA
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Dear Friend,
With unemployment numbers reaching levels we haven't seen since the Great Depression and lines for food banks wrapping around the block, it doesn't seem like it's too much to ask that funding for COVID-19 relief be targeted at those most in need, not the super wealthy.
But the GOP always has a way to sneak in tax cuts for their super wealthy cronies and they did it again with the CARES Act! [1]
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on Congress to repeal the #MillionairesGiveaway and instead pass working family tax credits that boost struggling families!
Here's what's going on: Congress passed the CARES Act back in late-March. This $2 trillion COVID-19 aid package was meant to support struggling families and provide needed assistance to small businesses and cash-strapped states (and, for the most part, it did!). But somehow GOP leaders were able to sneak in an obscure provision allowing wealthy owners of certain businesses (like real estate firms and hedge funds) to receive huge tax savings and refunds, allowing rich business owners to exploit losses unrelated to the pandemic. The cost of this Millionaires Giveaway: $135 billion! [2]
To be clear, this Millionaires Giveaway has NOTHING to do with COVID-19 or helping our shattered economy recover from this pandemic and will continue long after COVID-19 ends. It comes with no strings attached. Business owners don't have to promise to keep on workers or pay the money back like airlines and other corporations getting bailouts. [3]
Despite millions of people out of work and our frontline workers still without the tests, vaccine, and protective gear they need to continue their heroic jobs, the Millionaires Giveaway benefits only 43,000 millionaires who on average will catch a $1.6 million windfall. Outrageous! What could we do with $135 billion instead? We could pay for N95 masks-one hundred each for every American!- plus 1 million hospital-grade ventilators. [4]
We need our elected leaders to support families living paycheck-to-paycheck, not give no-strings-attached windfalls to the already mega-rich!
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on Congress to repeal the #MillionairesGiveaway and instead pass working family tax credits that boost our families!
An effort is underway, led by U.S. Senator Whitehouse and U.S. Representative Doggett, to repeal the #MillionairesGiveaway. And we have good news! This important provision was included in the HEROES Act- just passed in the House the other day! Even better, the HEROES Act also includes a temporary increase for tax year 2020 (next year) in the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). This temporary expansion is well-timed since most economists are predicting unemployment will still be at double-digit levels next year. [5] We need more provisions like this and less like the #MillionairesGiveaway in order to get our families and economy through this pandemic and economic downturn.
***Tell the Senate: Pass the HEROES Act and boost working families, not wealthy millionaires!
The HEROES Act has a lot of COVID-19 relief provisions we think our families need-both on the tax front but also for nutrition, paid family leave and paid sick days, support for hospitals and states, hazard pay for frontline workers, and more direct payments for struggling families, including immigrant families. But negotiations in Congress are starting to get tough. Not everyone is on the same page about the need another COVID-19 relief package-Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and his allies have come straight out and said they don't think we need another coronavirus-related bill. [6] We need YOU to help change their minds and let them know this is crucial to our families. After you sign our letter, forward this email to your friends and family and post the action link to Facebook so others can take action as well.
There's a lot that needs to be done so our families and economy can recover from this pandemic, but I think we all can agree that giving millions of dollars away to the uber-wealthy is not one of the actions Congress should be taking! Thank you for all your support and continuing to speak out during this difficult time!
-Elyssa, Donna, Kristin and the entire MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Wondering how you can apply for SNAP (food stamps), as well as, other nutrition assistance programs, Unemployment Insurance, and if you qualify for the new paid sick days and paid family leave programs passed by Congress? We've got your covered! Check out the video of our webinar and resource page.
P.P.S. Want to know more about the #MillionairesGiveaway and help spread the word about the repeal? Check out this short video on Twitter by our partners at Americans for Tax Fairness.
[1, 2] "How the CARES Act Became A Tax-Break Bonanza for the Rich, Explained." NPR, April 30, 2020.
[3] "Rep. Rosa DeLauro: We must repeal Trump's $135 billion hidden tax giveaway for wealthy real state investors." Fortune, May 3, 2020.
[4]"The corrupt tax provision in the CARES Act: Rep. Doggett and Sen. Whitehouse." USA Today, April 23, 2020.
[5] "Greenstein: Pelosi Package Would Provide Essential Support for Economy, Relief to Households." CBPP, May 12,2020.
[6] "GOP Senators give Democrats' $3T HEROES Act coronavirus relief bill a cold shoulder." ABC 13 News, May 13, 2020.
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Dear Friend,
When one's child joins the military, a parent may worry about their loved one risking their life in active combat situations as part of their service. What no parent should fear is that their child serving their country could be harassed and killed at the hands of a fellow soldier.
Sexual harassment in the US military must end!
Demand Justice for Vanessa Guillen NOW!
20-year-old Vanessa Guillen joined the US Army in 2018 to serve our country as a private first class in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment at Fort Hood in Texas. She was serving the country she loved and in return, she was sexually harassed and brutally killed. She was seen for the last time on April 22, at the parking lot of her barracks at Fort Hood, Texas.? Human remains found on Tuesday, June 30, near Fort Hood are believed to be hers. A suspect in the case died by suicide when approached by police on Wednesday, July 1st. [1]?
Several weeks before her disappearance, Vanessa told her mother that someone was sexually harassing her but she was afraid to report it because she feared retaliation. Vanessa's mother and family are demanding a congressional investigation into the U.S. Army's handling of Vanessa's disappearance and failing to protect her when she was being harassed. [2]
Take action and help Vanessa's mother and family demand investigations!
Sadly, Vanessa's experience is not an isolated incident. According to an anonymous survey of enlisted military service members, reports of military sexual assaults jumped by 13% last year. The survey found that young and junior enlisted women between the ages of 17 and 20 were most likely to experience sexual assault. In the vast majority of cases, the alleged perpetrator was a military man, often near the same rank as the victim and usually someone she knows. And troublingly, 21% of the women who said they reported a sexual assault believed that they suffered some type of retaliation aimed at stopping them from making a complaint. This was the exact fear Vanessa shared with her mom before she disappeared [3]
Take Action: Demand a Congressional and independent investigation!
No one should be afraid to report sexual harassment and no mother should be afraid that their children serving the country will be harassed and killed by another soldier in the U.S. Army.
We are joining The League Of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) to demand justice for Vanessa Guillen. We are urging our Members of Congress to take the following actions:
Call for an independent investigation of Guillen's murder by trained investigators and reporting and adjudicating cases out of the chain of command of the Guillen case.
Demanda a Congressional investigation to find out what the Army knew, when and how and what their response was.
Support the Military Justice Improvement Act (S. 1789) which:
Gives military prosecutors the authority to decide which sexual assault cases go to trial. This protects victims by allowing a trained, legal professional to properly evaluate their case.
Moves the authority to convene courts-martial (trials) for sexual assault cases outside the chain of command. Convening is the process of assembling and authorizing the court-martial, including jury selection. By removing such authority from the accused's commander, victims will be better protected.
Ensure that the Army conducts an independent investigation of Guillen's murder by trained investigators and reporting and adjudicating cases out of the chain of command of the Guillen case.
Ensure better treatment of women soldiers including basic respect, and compassionate treatment; and accountability for perpetrators.
URGE your member of Congress to take action and demand justice for Vanessa Guillen NOW!
Impunity and injustice in these situations are unacceptable. Sexual assault in the military is a systemic problem that we must address and stop, and a Congressional hearing, independent investigation, and legislative response are steps in the right direction. Vanessa's family deserves answers and justice, and we must stop sexual assault in the military so that no other family has to experience this tragic and senseless loss of life.
-Xochitl, Nadia, Linda, Donna, Gloria, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder team
P.S.- Find this action alert in SPANISH on our Mam?sConPoder page.
[1] "A Suspect Tied To The Disappearance Of Fort Hood Soldier Vanessa Guillen Died By Suicide, The Army Said," Tasneem Nashrulla, Buzzfeed News. [2] Ibid [3] "Reports of sexual assault in the military spike," Lolita C. Baldor, AP News.
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Dear Friend,
It's hard to believe it's already the end of July. While we are gearing up for the elections in less than 100 days, we have some critical actions for you to take this week -- primarily related to COVID-19 relief. We need your help to urge Congress to extend unemployment insurance, protect the CDC and make sure women and families are protected in any relief package.
Please scroll down to find urgent actions on all these issues below.
1. SIGN our letter rejecting Mitch McConnell''s weak COVID-relief plan! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The clock is ticking! We need Congress to pass a strong, bold, comprehensive COVID-relief package immediately so struggling families and our economy can begin to recover from this pandemic. Last week the federal eviction moratorium expired and today the $600/week boost in unemployment benefits expires. We need help and we need it now! But we don't need what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is offering up--a corporations-first, families last approach to COVID-relief!
**ACTION: SIGN OUR PETITION NOW telling Congress to reject Mitch McConnell's COVID-relief plan and replace it with a families-and workers-first comprehensive plan that benefits those in need and our economy, not already wealthy corporations!
2. Call your Senators to say #ExtendUI
BACKGROUND: The clock is ticking! If Congress doesn't take action in the coming days, millions of struggling families will lose their extended unemployment benefits that were passed in the CARES Act. That $600/week boost in benefits is crucial for unemployed workers making ends meet. We need you to call your Senators on Monday and tell them to extend unemployment insurance and protect the $600/week boost in benefits. Remember to make your call on Monday when your Senators are back in their office. In the meantime, you can also check out our #ExtendUI social media toolkit to post information on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (and don't forget to tag your Senators!).
**ACTION: Text "ExtendUI" to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your Senator's office.
3. Historic vote in the House on child care thanks to YOU!
BACKGROUND: Yesterday, in a historic vote, the House passed both the Child Care Is Essential Act and the Child Care for Economic Recovery Act would ensure a $50 billion stabilization fund for the child care sector at this time when programs around the country are closing and the lack of quality, affordable child care has become a national emergency. This win is thanks to all the parents and child care providers who have been speaking out for months on the need to save child care. Parents like Julie Groce and Diana Limongi, MomsRising members who recently spoke on their child care experiences at a congressional hearing on child care with Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen.
**ACTION: Watch them by clicking this link, and then text "SaveCC" to 747464 to urge the U.S. Senate to quickly pass these bills as well and #SaveChildCare.
4. Quick signature: Tell the Trump administration and Congress to protect the CDC and fund testing and contact tracing! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The Trump administration is trying to conceal its mismanaged response to the COVID-19 pandemic by blocking funding for testing and attacking the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at every turn! Moms know from years of playing peek-a-boo that just because you try to hide something doesn't mean it actually disappears. This underhanded attempt to control our public health data and cut funding for the CDC (and testing!) must be stopped!
**ACTION: Quick signature: Tell the Trump administration and Congress to fund the CDC, testing, and contact tracing to combat COVID-19!
5. Immigrants are putting their lives on the line to fight COVID-19! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Immigrant Americans make us healthy-healing our ailments-and bringing the fresh approaches, courage, and tenacity that help us be well. Immigrants make up 16% of health care workers, 26% of home health care workers for the elderly, and 20% of the workers in food and domestic household services in the U.S. They are putting their lives on the line to fight COVID-19.
**ACTION: Are you an immigrant who is on the frontlines of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic (health care, home health aids, sanitation, and other essential positions)? Tell us your story!
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Sue Anne, Elyssa, Nina, Felicia, Donna, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Take action and sign this letter to President Trump, Congress and ICE to make sure families are released together.
P.P.S. This list is also on the blog!
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Everything you need for voter registration!
Dear Friend,
It's 2020. Pretty much NOTHING is going as planned this year.?
But that doesn't mean we can't turn this trend around -- and make a plan toVOTE THE WAY YOU WANT TO THIS YEAR!??
Vote with popcorn on your kitchen table. Vote early if your state allows. Vote in a hammock by mail. Vote in-person on November 3rd with a facemask. And get the kids in your life involved! "Be a voter, raise a voter" is a motto so many of you have brought to life! Have kids join in as you do your civic duty no matter how you vote. They can read books or color these pages and do voting -friendly crafts. And generally have fun with you as you're voting!
? And after you make sure you're registered to vote & have your voting plan complete, you (YES, YOU!) can inspire other moms to vote -- and help increase voter turnout -- by using this frame on social media right now to celebrate National Voter Registration Day!:
2020. IS. A. YEAR. And fortunately, there are a lot of safe voting options this year.?To exercise any of these options, we each need to make a plan to vote NOW -- starting with double triple checking that you're registered to vote!
*Go here to double check that you're registered vote, get a vote-at-home ballot if that's an option in your state, or find out where to vote in-person near you, and get going on making your plan to vote:
Last thing to do? It's easy! Think of three friends or family members who could use this information and share this email with them! If everyone receiving this email does this, we can reach thousands of people who need that one last bit of encouragement to vote!?
THANK YOU. Together, we are strengthening our democracy for ourselves and future generations.?
- Sili, Anita, Kristin, and the whole Team
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Coronavirus is still spiking in the U.S., while other parts of the world are seeing dramatic decreases in infections.
Dear Friend,
Infuriating. Baffling. Outrageous.
I'm running out of words to describe the gross disregard the Trump administration has for human lives and the mind-boggling mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis.
Just in the past week alone, in the middle of a pandemic-when millions are losing their health insurance and hundreds of thousands are experiencing a terrible health care crisis-President Trump has: cut funding for COVID-19 testing [1]; refused to encourage people to wear masks to stop the spread of coronavirus, despite scientific research showing mask wearing is essential to slowing the pandemic [2]; and filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court to strip health care coverage away from tens of millions of Americans, which will make the pandemic far worse. [3] In addition, there is no caveat in his administration's filing for protecting coverage for the 131 million people with pre-existing conditions, including the new pre-existing condition of having had COVID-19. [4]
Click to sign: Tell President Trump and Vice President Pence to protect our health!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Why is taking this action urgently important? The data is in and the pandemic is having an outsized impact on women and moms, with women of color experiencing compounded harms due to structural racism. [5] The state of affairs for moms right now is grim; 86% of women in the U.S. become moms by the time they are 44 years old; [6] women held three in five of the jobs that have been lost due to the coronavirus pandemic; [7] and women make up 73% of health care workers infected by coronavirus. [8] We hold the majority of jobs deemed essential, including 77% of health care jobs, [9] as well as the majority of critical retail positions, including grocery store employees. Women of color are overrepresented in essential worker positions and also in fatalities from COVID-19, [10] which increases the harm caused by the pandemic in communities of color.
So we need solutions, and we need them fast.?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
And, there are solutions in Trump's reach that he's ignored so far: It's time to raise our voices loud and clear. Specifically, in order to combat this pandemic, we absolutely need widespread testing because COVID-19 is both highly contagious and has a mortality rate much higher than the regular flu-and, it can be spread by people who don't even know they're infected. So tests are critical in helping to track down who has it in order to stop it from spreading further. [11]
Additionally, we need the Trump administration to encourage people to follow the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) recommendation to wear face coverings in public settings. There is overwhelming evidence from multiple studies that show that wearing face coverings in all public settings (indoors and outdoors) is incredibly effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. [12, 13,14, 15] For this type of preventive measure to be successful, we need our elected leaders at all levels to encourage universal mask wearing (along with the recommended social distancing of at least 6 feet and handwashing)-starting at the top.
It's important to note that universal mask wearing is not only good for public and family health, a recent study also found that universal mask wearing would prevent a 5% GDP loss caused by additional lockdown measures. [16]
Finally, we need to protect access to health care coverage, not dismantle it as the Trump administration has been doing. Research shows that people who develop symptoms are more likely to seek testing and treatment for COVID-19 if they have health insurance-another critical step for tracking and stopping the spread. [17] There are already millions of uninsured people who face barriers to COVID-19 testing and treatment because they do not have a usual place to go to get medical care, nor can afford to seek treatment when they get sick. [18] If the Affordable Care Act is invalidated by the U.S. Supreme Court-which the Trump administration filed a brief in support of last week-it would rip health insurance away from tens of millions of people and strip protections for pre-existing conditions from all of us.
Given this colossal mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis by the Trump administration, it's no wonder that the disease is still spiking in the U.S., while the European Union has seen marked decreases in infection. We urgently need to get the Trump administration to do better.
Quick signature: Tell the Trump administration we need leadership that puts the health of our communities first!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Our petition reads:
Dear President Trump and Vice President Pence,
Our nation's health is in crisis. Millions have contracted COVID-19, over 125,000 people have died from the disease, and we are experiencing the biggest spike yet in the spread of this deadly virus. We need a powerful, well-coordinated response to save lives, protect our health, and support our economy.
We ask that you immediately EXPAND funding for federal testing sites so that we can track down cases and stop them before they spread. We also urge you to encourage people to follow the CDC guidelines to wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when around others-whether indoors or outdoors.
Finally, the fall-out of this virus will be substantial and this is NOT the time to be rolling back our health care coverage. We ask that you STOP your attacks on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and work to put the health of our communities first.
Don't forget to sign! We need a powerful, well-coordinated response to COVID-19 to save lives-sign now!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and to share the link on social media:?
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
- Felicia, Tasmiha, Donna, Kristin and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Has your or your families' health been impacted by COVID-19? Share your story with us here:
[1] CBS News, Trump administration to stop funding 13 COVID community test sites? [2] Washington Post, Trump's dumbfounding refusal to encourage wearing masks? [3] Washington Post, Trump administration asks Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare? [4] The Hill, Overturning the ACA will make COVID-19 much worse? [5] Center for American Progress, On the Frontlines at Work and at Home: The Disproportionate Economic Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Women of Color?? [6] Pew Research Center, They're Waiting Longer, but U.S. Women Today More Likely to Have Children Than a Decade Ago? [7] NPR, Women Are Losing More Jobs In Coronavirus Shutdowns? [8] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,?Characteristics of Health Care Personnel with COVID-19 - United States, February 12-April 9, 2020 [9] The New York Times, How Millions of Women Became the Most Essential Workers in America? [10] Center for Economic Policy and Research,?A Basic Demographic Profile of Workers in Frontline Industries? [11] VOX, The case for ending the Covid-19 pandemic with mass testing? [12] Centers for Disease Control, Considerations for Wearing Cloth Face Coverings? [13] Mayo Clinic, COVID-19: How much protection do face masks offer?? [14] Health Affairs, Community Use Of Face Masks And COVID-19: Evidence From A Natural Experiment Of State Mandates In The US? [15] UCSF, Still Confused About Masks? Here's the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus? [16] Forbes, A National Mask Mandate Could Save The U.S. Economy $1 Trillion, Goldman Sachs Says? [17] Kaiser Family Foundation,?Five Things to Know about the Cost of COVID-19 Testing and Treatment [18] Kaiser Family Foundation, What Issues Will Uninsured People Face with Testing and Treatment for COVID-19??
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On Monday, moms across America were appalled, disheartened, aghast, stunned, unnerved, outraged, dumbfounded.
Friend - The millions of marchers, demonstrators, protestors, and people out on the streets yesterday, today, and the last few weeks in big cities and small towns across our country show the very best of who we can be. People are rising up for long needed, urgent change to stop police brutality, end structural and all racism, and defund the police* in order to defend Black lives and build a nation that is better, safer, and healthier.
In this powerful and critical moment where people are coming together to demand racial justice under the leadership of organizations like the Movement for Black Lives, President Trump unlawfully ordered troops to use force to disperse protestors. He also threatened to unlawfully call in active duty troops to intimidate and attack protesters exercising our First Amendment rights under the constitution. [1]
TAKE ACTION: Tell President Trump to resign - and, importantly, also call on Congress to condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters.
MomsRising is joining the Movement for Black Lives, and dozens of other organizations, in telling President Trump to resign, so when you add your voice here, your action will help continue to create a tsunami of change.
Thank you for all you do!
* Want more info on what defunding the police means? Here's background on this policy from the Movement for Black Lives: "We call on localities and elected officials across the country to divest resources away from policing in local budgets and reallocate those resources to the healthcare, housing and education our people deserve. More officers, guns, jails and prisons are not a solution to longstanding problems of racial disparities, injustice and police violence."
? See below for the message you may have missed on Friday.
[1] Dempsey: Trump''s ''inflammatory'' threat to use active duty troops hurts US military
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Dear Friend,
On Monday, moms across America were appalled, disheartened, aghast, stunned, unnerved, outraged, dumbfounded. (all the words!!) when law enforcement officers were ordered to deploy tear gas and shoot rubber bullets on peaceful protestors who were standing against police brutality while assembling near the White House before a curfew for President Trump.[1] This is a violation of First Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution, and a breach of our democracy.[2] Then, President Trump doubled down, praising the attack on peaceful protestors, as he also went on to threaten to deploy the U.S. military to cities and states.[3]
TAKE ACTION: *Tell President Trump to resign -- and, importantly, also call on Congress to stand up and condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters.
MomsRising is joining the Movement for Black Lives, and dozens of other organizations, in telling President Trump to resign, so when you add your voice here, your action will help create a tsunami of change.
Why tell President Trump to resign? President Trump too must be held accountable for his part in encouraging police violence and for his threats to use military action against protesters. Not only has Trump initiated violent attacks on peaceful protesters, he has also long actively encouraged both police brutality -- such as telling police to "Please, don't be too nice," to the people they are arresting [4] -- as well as condoning white supremacist violence.[5]
It's beyond appalling. Trump has given a green light to police and militias to beat, maim and kill people with impunity. He has now illegally activated the military to maintain power and use force on civilians. The red line has been crossed too many times. He must resign. Lives and our democracy depend on it.
So we are joining the Movement for Black Lives, and dozens of other organizations, to hold President Trump accountable. President Trump lives in his own bubble and hears only what he wants to hear. But he must be held publicly accountable for his role in encouraging police to use violence both in the past and during the current protests.
The right to protest is one of the bedrock foundations of our democracy and has led to vitally important advances throughout our history. In the United States of America, we have the right to protest, to make our voices heard, and to speak truth to power. The brutal murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police deserves the sustained, furious national response it has generated, with people taking a stand against the horrific racism that has long pervaded our criminal justice system - and our society - and time and again takes innocent lives. This is our First Amendment right and our civic responsibility. That is why it is so alarming that President Trump brutally unleashed military and police force on people who were peacefully protesting in front of the White House and on independent media covering the demonstrations.
*Join us in telling President Trump to resign -- and, importantly, join us also in calling on Congress to stand up and condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters.
What happened in the District of Columbia earlier this week - when heavily militarized forces used tear gas, rubber bullets and then low-flying helicopters to move and then terrorize law-abiding, peaceful protesters - was an outrage. Trump's call for militarized armed violence against protesters was shocking in both its naked authoritarianism and its instigation of violence - and is not a direction the moms of America will allow our country to take in the future. The escalation President Trump seeks is especially dangerous in a country with more guns than people; and where gun policy, including the Second Amendment, which the President referenced earlier this week in a way that to many appeared to condone more violence, has been used as a force to advance white supremacist organizations.[6]
America's moms are horrified and repulsed by this President's words and actions. For the sake of the freedoms and ideals our country has always strived to embody, and for the safety of people struggling to be heard, we must take action now.
*Don't forget to tell President Trump to resign -- and also to tell Congress to stand up and condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters:
The more of us who take action, sign on, and spread the word; the faster we'll make change happen. So please forward this email to 3 friends, share this action link on Facebook and Twitter, and help spread the word.
Thank you for helping to build a nation where everyone can thrive!
-Kristin, Gloria, Donna, Jordan, Monifa, and the MomsRising Team
P.S.- We thank the Movement for Black Lives for leading on the Trump Must Resign effort. To find out more about The Movement for Black Lives, please go here:
[1] "Some clarity a day after reports of tear gas in Lafayette Square, but questions remain," Dan Friedell
[2] "Former Commanders Fault Trump's Use of Troops Against Protesters," Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Helene Cooper, Eric Schmitt and Jennifer Steinhauer
[3] "Tear Gas Clears Path for Trump to Visit Church", "Barr personally ordered removal of protesters near White House, leading to use of force against largely peaceful crowd," Carol D. Leonnig, Matt Zapotosky, Josh Dawsey and Rebecca Tan
[4] "Trump tells cops they should rough people up more during arrests," Kelly Swanson
[5] "Twitter Adds Warnings to Trump and White House Tweets, Fueling Tensions," Davey Alba, Kate Conger and Raymond Zhong
[6] "Trump mentioned the ''second amendment'' in his speech about the protests and people are terrified," Greg Evans
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Our postcard program is soaring! Your help is needed to keep up the MOMentum!
Dear Friend,
WOW! MomsRising supporters are stepping up to request postcards to help remind low frequency mom voters to vote this year in numbers exceeding anything we've ever seen before. We blew through our first (big!) goal of ONE MILLION postcards already!
And that means we're setting a new, bigger goal. We're ready to take our democracy to the next level and engage every possible voter! To reach the next million postcards, we need everyone to chip in what they can to support the work. (If you've already donated to the postcard campaign, THANK YOU! We are grateful. And if you can help us keep up the MOMentum for this next round of postcards, we need you now more than ever!)
Please chip in to support MomsRising's Mom-to-Mom Voter Postcards right now.
As you read this, our team is working diligently to search for and identify low-propensity mom voters-- moms who have voted at some point in their lives, but who will likely need some extra mom-to-mom encouragement now to get their ballots in for the upcoming November election. These are the exact moms who will receive handwritten postcards from MomsRising supporters. This is the work that's powered by your donations. This is the work we need your support for right now!
Please chip in whatever you can today to help get out the vote in November.
In this time of great change and upheaval in our nation, we have the opportunity to connect with each other, to encourage each other, and to make change. Let's do this!
Thanks for all you do,
- Anita, Kristin, Donna, Nate, Sara, Gloria, Sili, and the entire MomsRising team
P.S. Ready to write MORE postcards? We've got you covered! Sign up here to be part of the third wave of postcards coming in September that will be sent directly to voters:
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No matter where we come from, or what our color, all of us should be able to access health care when we get sick.
Dear Friend,
No matter where we come from, or what our color, all of us should be able to access health care when we get sick. Now more than ever, the COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our health depends on the person next to us, and the person next to them. Ensuring that we all can access health care is how we take care of ourselves.
That''s why it's unconscionable to think that at any time-but especially in the midst of a pandemic-the President of the United States would be supporting a lawsuit that will rip health care coverage away from at least 20 million people, but that is exactly what is happening. [1]
Quick signature: Tell President Trump and the Republican state attorneys general to drop their lawsuit to strike down the Affordable Care Act (ACA)!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
What's going on? Just last week, President Donald Trump told reporters that he wants to "terminate" the ACA-a law that has brought the uninsured rate to an historic low. [2, 3] He is currently supporting a coalition of 18 Republican state attorneys general arguing in court that the entirety of the law-including protections for 130 million people with pre-existing conditions-should be struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. Even Trump's own Attorney General and Health and Human Services Secretary have unsuccessfully urged him to modify the Administration's position that the entire law should be struck down. [4]
If Trump and the 18 Republican state attorneys general succeed, it would affect nearly every American in some way:
20 million more people would become uninsured.
130 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections.
Insurers could once again put annual and lifetime limits on coverage (including employer plans).
Young adults would no longer be able to stay on their parents' plan until age 26.
Cost-sharing for preventive services (like annual physicals and birth control) could return.
Essential coverages (like maternity, prescription, and mental health care) could be eliminated from some plans. [5]
As the COVID-19 crisis disrupts our daily lives, with so many losing their jobs, ability to pay for housing, food, and child care, we should be reinforcing and strengthening public investments that help people get health insurance like the ACA-not tearing them down. If Trump succeeds in having the ACA struck down while so many are suffering, it would cut taxes for those who are the most well-off. For example, households with incomes over $1 million would receive a tax cut of about $46,000 a piece. [6]
Sign on now! During this time of crisis, our health and insurance institutions should be reinforced and strengthened-not be thrown into chaos.*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Our petition reads:
Dear President Trump and Republican State Attorneys General,
Now more than ever, the COVID-19 crisis has shown us that we are dependent on each other. No matter where we come from, what we look like, or how much money we have, access to health care for everyone is critical for the overall health of our nation.
This is a time when we must come together and make sure everyone can see a health care provider when they get sick. This starts with the protections included in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), because we are all better off when we are all healthy-especially the most vulnerable among us.
This is why we ask that you drop the lawsuit asking the courts to strike down the entire ACA as unconstitutional. If you succeed in your lawsuit, at least 20 million people would become uninsured and millions more could be charged more or denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition. During a time when our nation is undergoing a health care crisis of historic proportion, our health and insurance institutions should be reinforced and strengthened-not be thrown into chaos.
Don't forget to sign on! Add your name.*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share it on social media:
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
- Felicia, Tasmiha, Donna and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. We want to hear your health care story! Whether it's COVID-19 or another health care struggle, your voice helps leaders understand how health care policy impacts families. Tell us about it:
[1] Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Suit Challenging ACA Legally Suspect But Threatens Loss of Coverage for Millions
[2] Vanity Fair, Trump Still Wants to Kill Obamacare, Pandemic Be Damned
[3] Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Chart Book: Accomplishments of Affordable Care Act
[4] CNN, Barr urges Trump administration to back off call to fully strike down Obamacare
[5] Kaiser Family Foundation, Potential Impact of Texas v. U.S. Decision on Key Provisions of the Affordable Care Act
[6] Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, ACA Lawsuit Would Cut Taxes for the Most Well-Off While Ending Health Coverage for Millions
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Don't miss these top actions
Dear Friend,
As we watch the news, coronavirus is showing up in more cities and states across the country. We have two actions related to coronavirus in this week''s 5Actions. We need to make sure that once a vaccine is available, it''s affordable for everyone. And, we also want to help make sure that those that are experiencing symptoms are able to take the time off they need and not risk income or losing their job.?
Thank you for taking action!?
1. Tell Congress: Pass Paid Sick Days for Coronavirus Prevention!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?Public health experts are urging workers to stay home if they''re sick in order to curb the spread of COVID-19, the coronavirus. But what about the 32 million people across the country that work but don't have any paid sick days?
It's this simple: paid sick days will help limit the spread of coronavirus outbreaks, but far too many people - many of them in the food service industry - don't have access to any and can''t afford to miss work!
>>> Tell your U.S. Members of Congress to pass a national standard for paid sick days to guarantee access to sick days for all workers to protect public health and family economic security - a boost for our economy.
2. Join MomsRising for a #KeepMarching online conversation with "Dying of Whiteness" bestselling author Dr. Jonathan Metzl
Your Action Status: NOT YET RSVPed -> RSVP
BACKGROUND: Why do so many people seem to take policy positions that only end up hurting themselves in the long-run? In his bestseller, Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America''s Heartland, Dr. Jonathan M. Metzl provides answers, looking at:
Why many white Missourians want looser gun laws; Why many white Tennesseans opposed expanding healthcare; and Why many white Kansans agreed to dismantle a public education system that ranked among the best in the nation.
RSVP now for this powerful and illuminating conversation with Dr. Jonathan Metzl, Tuesday, March 10, 8 pm ET/5 pm PT. ?
3. Quick signature: Big Pharma wants to profit off coronavirus.
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Public, taxpayer dollars have led the way in developing treatments and vaccines for the coronavirus, but President Trump and Health and Human Services Secretary Azar are considering giving pharmaceutical corporations monopolies to sell them at whatever price maximizes profits.
Research and investment in treatments and vaccines funded with public dollars should not be handed over to private corporations with no guardrails so they can price gouge patients and rake in profits.
Quick signature: No monopoly for a coronavirus vaccine! #COVID19vaccine #COVID19 #NoMonopoly ?
4. SIGN NOW: Speak out against making school meals less healthy!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?In late January, the Trump Administration announced their latest federal rule that will have a huge impact on the health and well-being of our children-30 million students in 99,000 schools around the country. This time they want to greatly weaken the nutrition standards of meals served in schools across the country. More french fries, less carrots is not the way to go!
We want the Trump Administration to help us raise healthy children, not chip away at the hard fought for nutrition standards for school meals that parents around the country appreciate!
***SIGN OUR LETTER calling on the Trump Administration to support nutrition standards in school meals, not weaken them.
5. Survey: We want to hear from you about water!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:? Do you have concerns about your child's access to clean and safe water in their schools? Would you prefer that water is served at school meals rather than other drinks (juice, milk, soda etc.)? We want to hear from you! Water is a big issue--both the availability and the safety of it.
Please share your thoughts and experiences with MomsRising!
***SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS or concerns about access to clean water at your child''s school
Thanks for all you do! ??
- Sue Anne, Nate, Gloria, Kristin, Diarra, Elyssa, Linda, Nadia, Sara and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. This list is?also on our blog here.?
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Sign our petition rejecting Mitch McConnell's weak COVID-relief plan
Dear Friend,
Once again Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is low-balling American families, failing to recognize the scope and impact of this pandemic, and not giving workers or our economy what we really need.
We need Congress to pass a strong, bold, comprehensive COVID-relief package immediately so struggling families and our economy can begin to recover from this pandemic.
We don't need what Mitch is offering up: more tax cuts for already wealthy corporations!
***SIGN OUR PETITION NOW telling Congress to reject Mitch McConnell's COVID-relief plan and replace it with a families and workers-first comprehensive plan that benefits those in need and our economy!
Here's what's going on: Senate Majority Leader McConnell and his cronies in the White House just released their plan for the next COVID-relief bill. [1] And no surprise here-it's a corporations first, families and our economy last approach to relief. With the clock ticking on key provisions of unemployment insurance benefits ending and the federal moratorium on evictions expiring at the end of the month, Congress is scrambling to pass their next (and likely last until December) COVID-relief package. [2,3]
And what is Mitch McConnell proposing? A whole bunch of things we don't need, while ignoring what we do need, which is extending unemployment benefits, healthcare access, paid leave and sick days, shoring up the childcare and K-12 systems, ensuring access to food and housing supports for families in need, and more, But instead, while people are struggling to put food on the table and get healthcare, McConnell is proposing things like these:
$10 billion to private schools with no strings attached, when his proposal for public K-12 schools is contingent on the schools physically reopening. The Republicans are extorting school districts before it is safe to reopen.
A major cut to unemployment benefits, including greatly reducing the $600/week boost in benefits that made most unemployed workers' paychecks whole.
Allowing business execs to write off 100% of their meals. Yes, you read that correctly. Instead of offering real aid to struggling restaurant workers and the mom and pop restaurants around the country, Mitch McConnell wants to make sure business execs can eat for free!
Shields businesses, non-profits, schools, medical providers, and the medical profession from accountability in the courts when they fail to take reasonable precautions related to the coronavirus that sickens workers, consumers, or patients, including if they die.
What do our families and economy really need?
At least $50 billion to save our child care infrastructure and at least $175 billion in federal aid to K-12 schools to stabilize education funding, help close the digital divide, and guarantee the safety of educators, support staff and students.
Permanent paid family and medical leave and earned sick days for all workers.
Extending unemployment insurance, including continuing the $600 boost past July 31st, and provide a second round of direct payments to families, including immigrant families.
A boost in SNAP (food stamps) benefits and strengthening other nutrition programs for struggling families.
Redirecting criminal justice and police force funding that is not specifically for COVID-19 health and safety precautions or supporting decarceration to other programs.
Decarcerate as many people as safely possible from jails, prisons, and detention centers, especially children, the elderly, pregnant people, and people with health vulnerabilities.
No-cost testing, treatment, and vaccinations for all, including immigrant communities and ensures that testing and treatment for COVID-19 is covered under emergency Medicaid.
Expands the EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) and the Child Tax Credit to support struggling families and repeals the appalling $135 billion Millionaires Tax Giveaway that the GOP snuck into the CARES Act.
$3.6 billion in election assistance funding for states to ensure that every state has the resources they need to expand vote-by-mail, early voting, and online voter registration, as well as ensure the safety of poll workers.
***We need YOU to take action NOW because the clock is ticking! Tell your members of Congress to reject Mitch McConnell's and the White House's weak COVID-relief plan and replace it with a package that our families and economy really need.
It's been over three months since Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act, which is a very good place for the U.S. Senate to start in their negotiations. The HEROES Act would be an excellent start in addressing the struggles and pains many families are facing during this pandemic-pains that must be addressed immediately to lift both families and our economy. It also would provide our states, localities, municipalities, and territories with much needed support as they begin to see massive budgetary restrictions caused by the pandemic and economic downturn, and our health care system with the funding and resources it needs more than five months into this crisis. Building upon the HEROES Act, we need the final package to go even further, including more robust funding for childcare, K-12 education, aid for incarcerated individuals, including immigrant families in ICE detention centers.
The only reason we have been able to get some many programs that help our families is because YOU keep speaking out and making your voice heard. Thank you! Now we need you to do it again. Sign our petition telling Congress to reject Mitch McConnell's weak plan and then forward this email to your friends and family and post our action link on Facebook so everyone you know can take action as well.
Thank you for ALL you do!
-Elyssa, Nina, Monifa, Felicia, Ruth, Hanna, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/MamasConPoder Team
P.S. The $600/week boost in unemployment benefits will officially expire this Friday leaving millions of unemployed workers with either significantly reduced benefits or no benefits at all. Please take a minute to call your Senators and demand that they expand the $600/week boost in unemployment benefits. Text "ExtendUI" to 747464 and we'll connect you directly with your Senator's office.
[1] "Senate GOP unveils coronavirus relief plan with 70% wage replacement in unemployment insurance." CNBC, July 27, 2020
[2] "Your Unemployment Benefits Will End Sooner Than Expected." Forbes, July 1, 2020.
[3] "It 'Looks Very Scary For Renters' As Federal Eviction Relief Expiration Nears." NPR, July 21, 2020.
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#FreeGrace #NoKidsinPrison #EndYouthIncarceration
Dear Friend,
During a court hearing on May 14, Judge Mary Ellen Brennan ordered that a 15-year-old high school student, Grace, be sent to Children''s Village youth prison in Oakland County, Michigan for not submitting schoolwork. [1]
Imagine being sent to jail, being separated from your family, for missing homework assignments during a pandemic?!
This is an awful situation that we cannot let stand. The start of Grace's probation coincided with the closing of schools through the remainder of the school year and the start of remote learning. Prior to the order for schools to close, Grace was doing well and had near perfect attendance. Grace shared with her caseworker that she felt unmotivated and overwhelmed when online learning began April 15, about a month after schools closed. Grace's mom was also concerned that her daughter would struggle without the in-person support from teachers outlined in her Individualized Education Plan. She was right in her concerns, and as remote learning began, Grace did not continue to receive those critical supports.[2]
Take Action! Tell Governor Whitmer to #FreeGrace.
The reality is schools across the country weren't prepared for abrupt closures and a pivot to remote learning. And across the country schools, teachers, parents and students have struggled to create continuous learning for students during this pandemic. Grace's school was no different.
Still Judge Mary Ellen Brennan found Grace "guilty of failure to submit to any schoolwork and getting up for school" and outrageously called Grace a "threat to (the) community" for not doing her homework.
"It just doesn't make any sense, how is this a better situation for her?" - Charisse, Grace's mother.
This didn''t have to happen. In fact, Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had issued an executive order in March that temporarily suspended the confinement of juveniles who violate probation unless directed by a court order and encouraged eliminating any form of detention or residential placement unless a young person posed a "substantial and immediate safety risk to others."
Grace is NOT a "substantial and immediate safety risk to others," and not doing your homework is NOT a crime. Judge Brennan's ruling to incarcerate a child, sending her away from her family during a pandemic is cruel, harsh, and highlights an alarming trend of Black girls being criminalized at alarming rates in comparison to their white peers.[3]
Take Action! Tell Governor Whitmer to #FreeGrace.
Join us in demanding that Governor Gretchen Whitmer:
Release "Grace" from Children's Village youth detention facility into her mother's custody;
Request the immediate resignation of of Judge Mary Ellen Brennan from the Oakland County Family Court;
Drop all charges against "Grace" immediately;
End the racialized practice of arresting and prosecuting children, and ensure Michigan kids get the support they need including alternatives to incarceration and detention and trauma informed support and services.
Prison is no place for a kid. The United States still incarcerates more young people than any other country. [4] Our kids deserve a future free of criminalization, a future that supports their development and capacity to contribute meaningfully to society. Putting kids in prisons does the opposite of this. In fact they do little to improve community safety when compared to community based efforts that provide alternatives to incarceration by supporting young people, providing the services they need, and providing access to opportunities to address harm in meaningful ways.
Together we can END this toxic culture of criminalizing children, and of putting kids in prison, and we can start with Grace. Sign on to demand Governor Gretchen Whitmer #FreeGrace NOW! Click the link below to sign now:
- Beatriz, Monifa, Diarra and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] Teen Who Was Incarcerated After Not Doing Schoolwork Won''t Be Released, Judge Says
[2] A Teenager Didn't Do Her Online Schoolwork. So a Judge Sent Her to Juvenile Detention.
[3] What can be done to stop the criminalization of black girls? Rebuild the system
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Details about this month's meeting
Hi, Friend!
How are you? I hope you and yours are doing well and staying healthy.?
In this time of social distancing, it's more important than ever to intentionally make human connections, whether over the phone or over the Internet (and maybe sometimes in person, at least 6 feet apart of course 😁?). That's why MomsRising is focusing on strengthening our connection with our community -- including you -- through more online events.?
So we hope you will join us next Tuesday night, April 7, 8 pm ET/ 5 pm PT, for our next online #KeepMarching meeting. Click here to RSVP and let us know you will!
The current health crisis is upending life as we know it, including how we work, spend money, maintain our relationships, think about the future, and so much more. At our next #KeepMarching meeting, we'll be considering just a few of these things: The implications of COVID-19 for taxes, the economy, and paid family leave.?
With April 15 just around the corner, we'll be talking taxes. Amy Matsui, Director of Income Security at the National Women's Law Center, will be leading this discussion, including showing us how patterns of discrimination are entrenched in our tax system. *Amy will also share tips on the new tax extensions available due to the COVID-19 crisis.?
How are shutdowns and slowdowns in the retail, entertainment, and other sectors affecting our economy? Indivar Dutta-Gupta Co-Executive Director of the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality will help us think about the pandemic's economic impacts and what types of actions our elected leaders will need to take over the coming year to protect our families, communities, and economy. *Indivar will also share tips on the new loans for small businesses due to the COVID-19 crisis.?
As of April 2nd, the United States finally has a limited national paid sick days and family leave policy, enacted through the coronavirus relief negotiations in Congress. Ruth Martin, who leads MomsRising's Workplace Justice team, will talk about who is covered, who is left out, and what you can do now -- and what we can do about expanding coverage together. *Ruth will also share tips on how to access new family/medical leave due to the COVID-19 crisis.?
I'm also very excited that Elyssa Schmier, MomsRising's budget guru, will be participating as well, bringing her expertise and helping to moderate.
Will you join our online meeting, too? RSVP now for what will definitely be a powerful and illuminating discussion, next Tuesday night, April 7, 8 pm ET/ 5 pm PT.?
#KeepMarching online meetings are designed to give you the inside scoop on what's happening on issues and politics, give you direct access to MomsRising staff and leading experts, and fill you in on MomsRising''s hot campaigns. We use Zoom online conference rooms, so you can participate via video conference or call in over the phone (though video is best so you can participate in the chat room, see visuals, and because we love seeing everyone's faces!).
Please help MomsRising keep up our team-building work in 2020 - join us for our April 7 KeepMarching Zoom meeting at 8PM ET/5PM PT.?
Looking forward to connecting with you over video or phone on Tuesday, April 7!
Together, we''ll #KeepMarching and never stop fighting for the change our families and communities need.
--Gloria and Joy
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Dear Friend,
Millions of us are rising -- many of us have taken to the streets and others of us are speaking out online -- following the lead of the Movement for Black Lives to demand justice, to advance defunding policing and investing in communities, and to dismantle the systemic racism which permeates our nation's criminal justice system and our country.
* Please take a moment to speak out, either online or in-person, through one or all of the actions below:
1.?This Juneteenth: Mobilize for Justice
In just the last few weeks, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks - and a list of others too long to fit on this page - were killed by law enforcement. They were fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, and had people who loved them. Police brutality is part of the deadly systemic racism that is woven throughout our entire criminal justice system, our healthcare system, our education system, our pay structures, and our nation's history as well as its present. This must end.
The Movement for Black Lives is calling for mobilization (including virtually!!) to demand justice this Juneteenth [1] weekend, Friday through Sunday, June 19 - 21.MomsRising is answering that call to mobilize, standing in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives, and inviting you to be a part of the Movement for Black Lives Juneteenth actions by participating digitally from your home or out in your community.
*Can you join in an action to mobilize on Friday and/or through this coming weekend? There are many ways for you to join in this mobilization: via Zoom, Facebook Live, on the ground, via text, phone bank and more!
? Click here to go to the Movement for Black Lives map to see the online and community options near you.
2. Demand Justice for Breonna Taylor
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?Breonna Taylor was a dreamer, a go-getter, she was an award-winning EMT, an essential worker at two hospitals during the pandemic and a model citizen. She was beloved by her friends and family.?On March 13th, the Louisville Police Department performed an illegal, unannounced drug raid on her home. Not a single officer announced themselves before ramming down her door and firing 22 shots, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her.?The officers were at the WRONG HOUSE, and the person they were looking for had already been arrested earlier that day.?Two months later and the officers responsible are still employed by the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) and no charges have been filed.? Instead the LMPD spent weeks treating Breonna like she was a criminal, calling her a "suspect" before admitting that she was an innocent and had committed no crime.?This miscarriage of justice has gone on too long. Breonna is dead, and the perpetrators are facing no charges. Add your name now to demand justice for Breonna Taylor.?
3. Donate to the Movement for Black Lives
Another important and powerful way to support the Movement for Black Lives and be part of the Juneteenth weekend actions is to donate. Every dollar has an impact.
Here's a secure link to donate directly to the Movement for Black Lives, founded in 2014, and includes over 100 Black-led organizations:
And here's a secure link to donate directly to Black Lives Matter DC, where one of the largest Juneteenth events is being planned:
4. "Defund the police" #KeepMarching meeting: Recording and other followup materials?
BACKGROUND: Did you miss this week''s powerful?#KeepMarching meeting, during which we dove deep into the history of police, the impact on our communities, and explored models and ideas for stronger communities and a defunded police. We learned, among other things, that divesting budget resources away from policing and reallocating those resources to areas like healthcare, housing, and education in order to increase community health, economic wellness, and safety is becoming increasingly urgent.?We are very grateful to Andrea J. Ritchie, Researcher in Residence on Race, Gender, Sexuality and Criminalization at Barnard College; Kim Ellison, Chairman of the Minneapolis Board of Education; and Phillip McHarris, Lead Research & Policy Associate at Community Resource Hub for Safety & Accountability, for bringing their expertise to the meeting. And thank you to MomsRising's own Monifa Bandele and Beatriz Beckford for leading the discussions.?In case you missed the meeting, or would like to review any part of the program, no problem, we recorded it! Click here to watch the recording. Password: 0P@+t==7
5. Trump Must Resign
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Moms across America were appalled, disheartened, aghast, stunned, unnerved, outraged, dumbfounded. (all the words!!) when law enforcement officers were ordered to deploy tear gas and shoot rubber bullets on peaceful protestors who were standing against police brutality while assembling near the White House before a curfew for President Trump. This is a violation of First Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution, and a breach of our democracy. Then, President Trump doubled down, praising the attack on peaceful protestors, as he also went on to threaten to deploy the U.S. military to cities and states. WHAT?! Not okay. MomsRising is joining the Movement for Black Lives, and dozens of other organizations, in telling President Trump to resign. When you add your voice here by signing on now, your action will help create a tsunami of change. #TrumpMustResign #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.?
--- Kristin, Monifa, Beatriz, Diarra, Gloria, Donna, Jordan, Karen, and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam? Team
[1] "So You Want to Learn About Juneteenth?" New York Times, June 16, 2020
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Top #5Actions of the Past Week Friday, November 20, 2020
With the election mostly behind us (except in Georgia, more on that in the coming weeks!!) and the holidays approaching, there's still a lot to be done. Our leading action this week is asking you to share your experience with us about how COVID-19 is impacting your life in order to help push through COVID-19 relief in Congress. We know it can be hard to share, but these stories help us when we talk to your elected officials about legislation and other efforts to help get us out of this pandemic crisis. We make sharing your experience as easy as possible with a simple form and you can see that action below.
We also have actions on the importance of investing in counselors in schools instead of police in schools, a state-based COVID-19 public safety campaign we hope you support, information about how to get on our rapid response text stream, and, last but not least, we share a brand-new webinar recorded this morning talking about children's health. Please watch, comment and share with your friends and families.
As always, we appreciate the work that you are doing every day in your homes, cities, states and country.
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Ruth, Beatriz, Felicia, Claudia, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
How has your family been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?
Your Action Status: NOT YET COMPLETED -> Add Yours
The pandemic is taking an extreme toll on mothers, many of whom are losing their jobs, or forced to reduce hours both because the jobs are disappearing AND because of the closures of schools and childcare centers. And just as the virus is surging again, closing more schools and businesses, the limited benefits Congress passed in the spring are set to expire at the end of December - in just a few weeks. We need to make sure our Congressional leaders understand the pain our families are experiencing right now.
Share how the pandemic is impacting your family and we'll share these stories with elected leaders, the media, and policy makers.
Take Action! 300,000 Kids under the age of 12 have been arrested!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
School counselors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists are trained to support children, and in schools where these professionals are able to provide services we see improved attendance rates, better academic achievement, and higher graduation rates. These same schools also see lower rates of suspension, expulsion, and other disciplinary incidents. The data on this is clear. The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn''t just improve outcomes for students, but also improves overall school safety.
The Counseling Not Criminalization Act is an important step in shifting resources away from practices that harm and push kids out of school into what helps students thrive, keeps schools safe, and ends the criminalization of kids in schools.
The time is NOW to stand for students and end the regular presence of law enforcement in schools. Sign on!
Quick signature to slow the spread of COVID-19!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
We are in crisis as more people than ever in the U.S. currently have the coronavirus (COVID-19), over 250,000 people have now lost their lives to the disease, and case numbers are rising in ALL 50 states.
When one city in any state sees a surge, that can quickly spread and endanger the entire state-and the states around them. Governors are on the frontlines of keeping our communities healthy and safe during this pandemic and can work together to help control hotspots in their states and regions.
Sign on to let every governor know the moms of America are behind them all the way to urgently follow the direction of medical experts to stem the spread of coronavirus!
Have you joined our mobile list?
Have you signed up for our mobile action list? We send messages 1-2 times per week to our mobile list with our latest, and most important, actions. These messages allow you to quickly contact your representatives via a simple phone call.
Text MOMS to 747464 to join.
How we can protect kids' health webinar [recording]
Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard yet another challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - and with it, a threat to the 10 million kids covered by the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Thankfully - there are steps that we can take *right now* to protect children's health. Today, we teamed up with First Focus Campaign for Children on a webinar about how we can protect kids' health.
Watch and share our webinar about the CHIP CARING for Kids Act!
P.S.- This content is also on the MomsRising blog!
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Dear Friend,
There is A LOT going on right now, to put it mildly.
We're all doing our best to comprehend our new COVID-19 reality: Trying to be prepared and stay calm - and many of us are finding inspiration and awe in all the heroes in our neighborhoods, from healthcare workers to educators all coming together in many different ways to keep serving and protecting our communities!
And in this time of everyone pulling together, there's more we need to do to ensure our elected officials are hearing from us and meeting our real life needs. We need to keep speaking out and using our "outside voices" (even if a lot of us have to stay inside) to make sure our elected leaders put what our? families, workers, healthcare providers, and economy really need at the front of their priorities list. (In other words, just giving away trillions of dollars to multi-million dollar corporations isn't going to cut it.) This is an important moment and we need you to continue to speak out and use your voice!
****SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on Congress to pass another coronavirus package that protects our families, communities, healthcare providers, small businesses, and our economy! (We'll be delivering your letter Monday! *When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.)
Here's what's going on: On Wednesday, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which provides over $100 billion to address important needs related to the coronavirus, including nutrition provisions to make sure struggling families (especially children missing free school lunches while out of school) have enough to eat, funding so everyone, even the uninsured, can get tested for the virus for free, taking the first step to update our Unemployment Insurance program, and paid sick days and paid leave for some employees. [1]
While this piece of legislation was a tremendous first step, there is still A LOT to be done. Congress has already started drafting "Phase III" legislation and we think they could vote on it as early as next week. [2]
We need YOU to speak out NOW to make sure that any Phase III coronavirus package includes provisions and funding for programs that lift up our families, healthcare workers, small businesses, and our economy-not just massive tax giveaways and bailouts to multi-million dollar industries with no strings attached.
***Take action now! Sign our letter to Congress calling on them to pass a Phase III coronavirus package that centers families in need, healthcare workers, small businesses, and our economy. (*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.)?
The needs our families and communities face in battling this virus are tremendous. If our federal government is going to make massive (we're talking trillions of dollars) investments we need to make sure they center the communities most in need. This includes low-wage workers, workers on the frontlines (including healthcare and childcare workers, first responders and more), people with disabilities, the elderly, small business owners, people with pre-existing conditions or chronic illnesses, people who are or have loved ones who are incarcerated, and mixed status families.
Our needs that still have to be addressed are plentiful but include:?
Ensuring that all workers receive paid sick days and paid leave. (The Families First Act expanded this coverage to 87 million workers, but we need to make sure everyone, regardless of the size of their employer, gets access to paid sick days and we need to make sure every working person gets access to paid medical leave too.);
Addressing the needs of both families that are in need of childcare and early childhood educators, like childcare providers;
Make sure our families, especially those living paycheck-to-paycheck, get immediate cash flow through direct payments;
Healthcare is provided to all those that need it, regardless of status or ability to pay-this includes testing, treatment, medical exams, vaccinations, and isolation/quarantine. We also need to ensure that our frontline healthcare providers have all the assistance and medical supplies they need, so they can continue showing up for us in a safe manner.
Reduce restrictions and increase benefits for programs like Unemployment Insurance and SNAP (food stamps), which will be front line defenses for struggling families.
Release people in jails, prisons, and detention centers who do not pose a public safety risk, such as families held by ICE, elderly people, those housed in pre-trial detention, or rehabilitated people.
In addition, any assistance provided to major corporations (including the airlines and hotel industry) must be worker-focused and have oversight and strings attached. This is not the time to give another trillion dollar tax cut to corporations while asking nothing from them in return. [3]
***Add your QUICK SIGNATURE to our letter to Congress calling on them to center our families and local communities when addressing the coronavirus. (*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information). The letter reads as follows:
"There is still much that needs to be done to respond to the ever-changing fall out of the COVID-19 pandemic. We need funding and programs to support workers, children, small businesses, and our economy.
We need Congress to take immediate action to protect our communities, especially those populations who are negatively and disproportionately impacted by this virus, including low-wage workers, workers on the front lines (including healthcare and childcare workers, first responders and more), children, people with disabilities, the elderly, small business owners, people with pre-existing conditions or chronic illnesses, people who are or have loved ones who are incarcerated, and mixed status families.
We need Congress to protect front line workers, while also guaranteeing that all those unable to work are provided with paid sick days, paid leave, and unemployment insurance. There are unmet needs regarding healthcare, nutrition, and childcare. Our families need immediate cash assistance, especially low and moderate-income families. In addition, any assistance provided to major corporations (including the airlines and hotel industry) must be worker-focused and have oversight and strings attached.
We are turning to our elected leaders to protect us and lift us up in our time of need. Please heed the call."
The Phase III package is moving quickly, so we plan on sending your letter to Capitol Hill on Monday. We need to make sure that our families are not left out of the mix and that instead trillions of dollars are given away to big business with no strings attached. That won't get us out of this crisis, it won't fight this virus, and it won't boost our economy. So after yousign our letter, please forward this email to five friends and post our action link on Facebook. We need to speak out in the loudest voice we have!
Please continue to stay home (if you are a non-essential worker), stay safe, wash your hands, and love your family! We appreciate all you are doing during this most difficult time.
-Elyssa, Ruth, Felicia, Nina, Bea, Xochitl, Sara, Sue Anne, Monifa, Donna, Kristin, Sili, the entire MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder
P.S. We want to hear about how you are weathering this complicated time. Can you share your thoughts and story with us?
[1] Buzzfeed. "Congress Passed a Major Coronavirus Aid Bill and Is Already Working on Another."
[2] CBS News. "Senate GOP 'phase 3' coronavirus bill includes checks up to $1,200 for most Americans." ?
[3] Dean Baker. "Any corporate bailouts should wipe out shareholders first." Marketplace.
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Dear Friend,
This was a tough Mother's Day. Not just because of the pandemic. We were also all thinking of Ahmaud Arbery's mother Wanda, who was grieving the loss of her son at the hands of two men who literally hunted down and killed him while he was jogging.
Just last week - ELEVEN WEEKS LATER - Gregory and Travis McMichael were arrested for the shooting. The prosecutors and police sworn to protect families and communities instead hid and covered up a horrific murder. ELEVEN WEEKS LATER. Ahmaud's mother and his friends and family have had to wait eleven weeks for any measure of justice. And their wait won't be over until full justice is served to Ahmaud's killers and those in the white supremacist system who failed him.
Join us to demand the removal of the district attorneys and the sheriff who failed in their duties to Ahmaud, his family, and the people of Georgia.
Here's what happened:
On February 23rd, while out for a jog through the Satilla Shores neighborhood a few miles from his home, 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery was followed and cornered by Gregory and Travis McMichael. A scuffle ensued as Arbery attempted to defend himself, and three shots were fired, killing Ahmaud. [1]?
The McMichaels' claims have varied between self-defense and attempting to issue a citizen's arrest (which they had no authority to do, having witnessed no crime), justified by their sense of while supremacist entitlement. They remained free until public pressure prompted their arrest on May 7th. [2]
And let's be clear: The video of the murder did not prompt their arrest. The public release of the video did.
Sign now to demand justice for Ahmaud.?
Instead of swiftly investigating the death of a man, Georgia officials dismissed their responsibility for over two months. The prosecutor originally assigned to the case, Brunswick DA Jackie Johnson, recused herself because the elder McMichael had worked as an investigator in her office. The case was then assigned to DA George Barnhill, who had the case for weeks and actually stated that "it appears [their] intent was to stop and hold this criminal suspect until law enforcement arrived. Under Georgia law, it is perfectly legal." He later recused himself for also having a conflict of interest. [3]
Instead of standing up for Ahmaud, his family, and their community, Johnson and Barnhill stalled, ignored, and even justified what happened.
Finally, just last week - after horrifying video of the murder was released online - a district attorney from another county - Tom Durden - filed charges against the McMichaels.
That is eleven weeks Ahmaud's mother Wanda has had to wait for an ounce of justice to be served. "He was out for his daily jog and he was hunted down like an animal and killed," Arbery's mother Wanda told CBS News. [4] No mother should have to endure this pain. Unacceptable.
Join us to demand justice for Ahmaud.
This week, Ahmaud and his mother should have been celebrating his birthday (May 8) and Mother's Day. Instead, his mother, friends, and family continue to grieve an unimaginable loss and witness a system that continues to fail too many.
While we demand justice for Ahmaud, and accountability for public officials who failed him and his family, let's remember this incident does not stand alone. Whether it's jogging, driving, walking, or playing - people of color continue to be targeted for just existing. And their attackers continue to walk free. Enough. We cannot let this stand.
"That these people have not been charged or held to account in any way speaks volumes about the level of respect that law enforcement in Glynn County have for Black lives," Southern Poverty Law Center President and Chief Executive Officer Margaret Huang has rightly stated. [5]
Join us to demand justice for Ahmaud, and for his mother. We call for the following:
DA George Barnhill must be removed from his position due to prosecutorial misconduct related to the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, and disbarred.
DA Jackie Johnson must be removed from her position due to prosecutorial misconduct related to the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, and disbarred.?
Glynn County Policy Chief John Powell, currently on administrative leave on charges of corruption, must be removed immediately from his position and barred from law enforcement in any capacity.
Together we can make a noise that cannot be ignored by Georgia Governor Kemp, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, and the State Bar of Georgia.
We should be horrified and angry. And we need to take action to not only hold those involved accountable for their crimes and failures, but also to call out and dismantle the white supremacist systems that enable and fuel these incidents of terrorism against individuals and communities of color every day.
Thank you for all you do,
- Karen, Kristin, Monifa, Gloria, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team?
[1] The Guardian
[2]?Vox and The New York Times
[3] NBC News
[4] CBS News
[5]?Southern Poverty Law Center
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Dear Friend,
I'm writing to you right now while battling a headache from hazardous levels of smoke in the air in the Seattle-area of Washington state where it's hard to see more than a block down the road due to so much smoke. And I'm writing also as I stay glued to the news about the fires in Oregon, where my daughter is about a dozen miles from an evacuation area; and while texting with family, friends, and colleagues who are in California battling major fires and living with hazardous smoke too. The pictures we're texting each other from outside our own windows are unreal, filled with smoke and orange skies, and taken in the middle of the day.
The West Coast is on fire. [1]
The 2020 fires are bringing home just how urgently we need comprehensive #ClimateChange policy. To do that, we urgently need a new president.
*YOU can make that happen: Pledge now to vote for a new president in the 2020 General Election.
We need to get Trump out of office - and also to vote for candidates like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who will take immediate action to stop climate change, who listen to scientists and medical experts, who tell the truth about COVID-19, and who believe that Black Lives Matter, healthcare and childcare must be for all, paid leave and sick days should cover everyone, and fair pay must happen.
Signing this pledge can be the start of building a bigger wave of change. Can you also get 3 friends to pledge, too? We need to build a massive wave of change and MOMentum toward November 3rd. If we all pitch in by reaching out to three friends, we can make history together.
Why does clicking to sign this pledge help? Importantly, showing that there's a wave of people pledging to vote who are building toward November 3rd helps inspire other people to join that wave and vote too.?We need every voter possible to vote on or before November 3rd to help get us out of this crisis.?So you pledging to vote now helps turn out the vote later (THANK YOU!).?
*Click here to pledge to help get Trump out of office - and to vote instead for candidates like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who believe action to stop climate change is necessary, who listen to scientists and medical experts, who tell the truth about COVID-19, and who believe that Black Lives Matter, healthcare and childcare must be for all, paid leave and sick days should cover everyone, and fair pay must happen.
And, don't forget. After you click to pledge to vote, please share this link with at least 3 friends and also on social media - to get others to pledge to vote too.?
There have been rumors?circulating on social media that the fires out here aren't actually a big deal. Those rumors are wrong. Everyone living on the West Coast is a witness.?From California, through Oregon, and up to Washington state fires are destroying communities. It's unprecedented. It's climate change. And it's hurting people, the environment, and our communities. More than 500,000 people have had to evacuate in just the past couple of days in Oregon. [2]? The loss is staggering. And there aren't even enough firefighters to begin to fight all the blazes. [3]
Climate change is happening.?
There have also been several questions?circulating on social media about how climate change is a factor in the forest fires. Here's an excellent explanation from NASA scientists: "Hot and dry. These are the watchwords for large fires. While every fire needs a spark to ignite and fuel to burn, the hot and dry conditions in the atmosphere determine the likelihood of a fire starting, its intensity and the speed at which it spreads. Over the past several decades, as the world has increasingly warmed, so has its potential to burn." [4]? Essentially, there are hundreds of fires in Oregon, California, and Washington - all started in different ways: Many by lightning, some by cars inadvertently sending soot onto dry vegetation, some by power transmission lines (which is why many public utilities are now turning off the power out West), some by people, and many by accident. ---> In all of this, climate change is a major factor because normally downed power-lines, soot sparks from tires, or even arson, wouldn''t cause hundreds of thousands of acres to burn -- climate change set the conditions in which semi-normal sparks turned into massive wildfires.?
This is a big deal.
It's now up to us to vote for a President and candidates who will bring us climate change solutions, justice, healthcare, paid leave and sick days, and childcare..?
*Please join me in pledging to vote for a new president in the 2020 General Election by clicking here:?
Thank you,
- Kristin, Donna, and the entire MomsRising/MamasConPoder team
[1] "California, Oregon, and Washington live wildfire maps are tracking the devastation in real time," FastCompany [2] "Dozens missing as firefighters battle two large Oregon fires," AP News [3] "Holiday Farm fire ravages Oregon towns, premier outdoor playground near Eugene: 'Catastrophic damage'," Oregon Live [4] "Satellite Data Record Shows Climate Change''s Impact on Fires," NASA
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Demand Justice.
Dear Friend,
We are grieving that George Floyd was killed by four police officers earlier this week.[1] A father and a son, George worked security at a restaurant, where fellow employees say he was loved by all. "Knowing my brother is to love my brother," George''s brother Philonise told CNN earlier this week.
George was murdered by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who knelt on George's neck for seven minutes until he died as he gasped the words we've tragically heard before, "I can't breath" and called for his mother. Three of Chauvin''s colleagues stood by and watched Chauvin end George''s life. [2]
We know this is incredibly hard to read, and to witness. In fact, we know many decided they wouldn''t watch this video, that it was one more police killing of a Black person too many. We also know it's magnitudes of times harder to have to live with structural racism than to read about it. And, we know we absolutely must demand change.?
No mother should have to worry about the loss of a loved one at the hands of those charged with protection. No one should lose their lives.
*Join us to demand that all four police officers who killed George Floyd are charged with murder and for the vicious and inflammatory attacks on protesters, including the inflammatory attacks by President Trump, to stop immediately.
We grieve, we're angry, and we cannot stop holding leaders accountable. This includes prosecutors, who hold more power in the criminal justice system than almost anyone else. It includes everyone from mayors and governors to the President of the United States. It includes the media and our own friends and family.
Sadly, it's not just George Floyd. It's Breonna Taylor. It's Ahmaud Arbery and Atatiana Jefferson. It's a list of names too long to fit on this page. Each of whom was a person, with loved ones, dreams, and lives to be lived.
It's a system that directly targets Black people and people of color through sanctioned acts of violence; and structurally targets people of color by intentionally cutting programs, diverting resources, and so much more.
It's a president who has encouraged police violence and is consistently and openly fueling white supremacy in our nation. [3] A president who just last night Tweeted an implication that protesters could be shot, implying that he'd order the military to act as judge, jury, and executioner; using wording that has historically stoked anti-Black racism.[4] A tweet so racist and incendiary that Twitter took the rare step of putting a warning label on it for "glorifying violence" and limited the public's interaction with it. [5] It's this same president who has also dog-whistled white supremacists, militias, and vigilantes time and time again. [6]
It's police brutality, it's an unjust criminial justice system, it's the wage gap that disproportionately harms moms of color the most, it's discrimination in the heatlhcare system that's leading to more people of color losing their lives to COVID-19 and to Black women dying three to four times as often as white women while giving birth.
It's white supremacist groups with guns marching on state capitols protesting public health measures that scientists have prescribed to stop the pandemic [7] -- and remaining unharmed and untouched by law enforcement; while protestors of color demanding an end to police brutality were met by tear gas and rubber bullets. [8]
It's Amy Cooper, a white woman who called the police saying, "I''m going to tell them there''s an African American man threatening my life," simply because a local bird watcher, Christian Cooper, asked her to put her dog back on a leash in a protected wildlife area where leashed dogs was the rule. [9] We all know that calling the police on a person of color can be a weaponized response. Amy knew.
It's too much. It must stop.
All of this is why we demand full accountability for what happened to George Floyd. And why we will never give up demanding a system and a country in which everyone can live and thrive.
*Please add your name now, and share the link with everyone you know.
Read these facts and hold them close.
Young Black men are, according to a ProPublica analysis, 21 times as likely to be shot and killed by police as young white men-- and this structural racism covers people of all genders. [10]?
There is rampant discrimination in our criminal justice system. [11]
Black women are eight times more likely than white women to be incarcerated, and Latina women are four times more likely to be incarcerated, according to Amnesty International.
Evidence of this structural racism spans across the criminal justice system. An analysis from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board that found Black Missourians were 66% more likely in 2013 to be stopped by police "even though the likelihood of finding contraband was higher among whites." [12]
Let's be clear. George's death was not a mistake. And the structural racism and police brutality it represents MUST STOP.?
We, on the other hand, will never stop. The path towards justice is long, it's very hard, and at times it feels very bleak. But we continue to fight for our children and our future. We won't give up because we know we can and must win.
Thank you.
Kristin, Monifa, dream, Karen, and the entire MomsRising Team
[1] The New York Times
[2] CNN
[3]?The Washington Post?
[4] The New York Times?
[5] CNN?
[6] The Washington Post?
[7] CDC.Gov
[9] CNN?
[10] ProPublica and CNN?
Image credit @arielsinnaha. Used with artist''s permission.
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Moms should go home and watch their children and families thrive.
Dear Friend,
Just last week the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Helping MOMS Act, an important piece of legislation that extends Medicaid to a full 12 months postpartum!
**Now that the Helping Moms Act is out of the U.S. House, we need your voice to encourage your U.S. Senators to support this bill as well as other important maternal health legislation. Sign now!
Especially during this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, we must continue to fight to save the lives of Black birthing moms. [1] Too many lives are being lost. Just this past April, 26-year-old Amber Isaac, was admitted to a hospital in the Bronx with a severely low platelet count. She tweeted on April 17th that she couldn't wait to share her experience "dealing with incompetent doctors." Amber never got to share her story, she died on April 21, just after giving birth to her son. [2] Amber isn't alone. Sha-Asia Washington died at Woodhull Hospital in Brooklyn, where she had been admitted for a routine stress test. Doctors were able to deliver her baby via c-section, but Washington was pronounced dead after 45 minutes of CPR. [3]
The deaths of these mothers are unacceptable. Their lives matter. Their stories matter. Moms should go home and watch their children and families thrive. If we're going to save our moms, we need everyone to be a part of the solution.
Bills like the Black Maternal Health Momnibus packet and the Helping Moms Act will help us to do this and set up the foundation we need to ensure we have healthy, thriving moms and families.
To recap, the Helping Moms Act would incentivize states to extend Medicaid to cover the entire postpartum period and also invest in maternal health. The majority of pregnancy-related deaths in America happen after the day of delivery, and nearly one-quarter of deaths happen more than six weeks postpartum. [4] Yet, despite the life-threatening risks that women face in the postpartum period, Medicaid currently only covers women for two months after the birth of their baby. [5] Extending Medicaid coverage would be a crucial lifeline and lifesaver for many birthing people and their babies. [6].
Currently, the United States is the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world, [7] with major racial disparities where Black women die at 3 to 4 times the rate of white women due to maternity-related causes, independent of age, economic background, or education. [8]
**Add your name to our open letter to the U.S. Senate to urge them to support critical legislation to address our nation's maternal health crisis
This bill, along with the Black Maternal Health Momnibus, are critical pieces of legislation that would address the racial disparity crisis in our nation's maternal health outcomes.
It is important to note that the Helping Moms Act is a first step in addressing our nation's maternal mortality crisis. [9] As outlined in a letter to Congress signed by leading groups in the maternal health space, Black Mamas Matter Alliance, Black Women's Health Imperative, Community Catalyst, Every Mother Counts, Families USA, March for Moms, National Birth Equity Collaborative, and the National Medical Association, the present iteration of the bill does not provide an increase in the federal matching rate, which would facilitate states' adoption of this coverage extension opportunity. [10] As Covid-19 ravages state budgets, this increase is vital to support the ability of statewide Medicaid plans to effectively provide this much-needed coverage option. [11]
We join these organizations to urge the passing of the Helping Moms Act, while also recognizing that this is the beginning of the work we must do to achieve maternal health equity.
**Sign our petition! Tell your U.S Senator to address our nation's maternal health crisis!
Thank you so much for being a powerful voice for the health of moms. We couldn''t have gotten this far without you.
-Nadia, Monifa, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising/MamasConPoder team
[1] Rolling Stone. Death of Sha-Asia Washington, Pregnant 26-Year-Old Black Woman, Highlights Devastating Trend.
[2] Vox. America is failing Black moms during the pandemic.
[3] Mural To Honor Pregnant Woman Who Died At Bed-Stuy Hospital?
[4][5] Underwood's Bipartisan Legislation to Address America's Maternal Mortality Crisis Passes the Energy and Commerce Committee.
[6] Nearly Half Of U.S. Births Are Covered By Medicaid, Study Finds.
[7] NBC News. U.S. is the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world.
[8] US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. The Black-White Disparity in Pregnancy-Related Mortality From 5 Conditions: Differences in Prevalence and Case-Fatality Rates.
[9][10][11]?The Helping Moms Act is a Good Start, But Not Enough.
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Dear Friend,
We''re excited for the weekend, but are also very, very concerned that the Republican-led U.S. Senate has so far failed to extend critically needed unemployment benefits, has let the eviction moratorium expire, and has not yet done enough to save childcare or advance paid leave and sick days.
Your voice is needed to get the U.S. Senate moving! So, please take a moment to reach out to Congress on these key issues through the actions below. The more of us who raise our voices, the faster change will happen. You can also sign up below for postcards that will be sent in September to help get out the vote.
Have a great weekend and as always thanks for all you do.
1. Support the Women's Health Protection Act Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: There are attacks on abortion happening in several states around the country -- and have been for decades: Roe v. Wade -- and the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA) is a federal bill that will protect abortion privileges for all people, nationwide, ensuring that people have attainable access to quality, affordable, and compassionate reproductive services and abortion in their state. We will continue to fight against laws that exploit people during the COVID-19 public health crisis and block access to health centers and clinics. Sign on with us!
**ACTION: Your voice matters. With your signature, we will tell lawmakers to support the Women's Health Protection Act NOW!
2. We can't reopen without saving childcare and paid leave Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We can't safely go back to school without all workers having access to pandemic paid sick days and paid leave. Pass it on.
**ACTION: Tell your U.S. Senators that they must act quickly to support child care and extend and expand access to pandemic paid leave before school starts. Otherwise, there is no way schools, or anything else, will be able to safely reopen.
3. Letters to the Editor needed to help struggling families! Your Action Status: NOT YET SUBMITTED -> Submit Now
BACKGROUND: Last week, we saw the deadline to extend key unemployment benefits expire and the week before that our families lost the protection of the federal eviction moratorium. Our families are hurting in this COVID economy, yet U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate offer weak legislation that benefits wealthy corporations over families and our economy. It's time to take a stand!
**ACTION: Your U.S. Senators are very important in this fight. One of the most high impact, powerful things you can do right now is send a letter to the editor to your local paper calling on your elected leaders to do the right thing. It''s very easy and we''ll walk you through all the steps below.
4. Last chance to sign up for GOTV postcards! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP FOR THIS ROUND -> Sign Up Now
BACKGROUND: MomsRising is making it super easy (and totally FREE) for you to participate in our powerful Get-Out-The-Vote effort for the 2020 election! Sign up now to write 10 or more postcards to registered voters who haven''t always voted on Election Day in the past. In September, we''ll send you a packet of pre-addressed, pre-stamped postcards along with some quick instructions. All you''ll need to do is write a short note of encouragement (we''ll provide sample messages) and send them directly to voters ahead of the November 3rd election!
**ACTION: Sign up now to get your voting reminder postcard packet in September!
5. Take action now! Tell Congress to include immigrants for COVID-19 relief! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Immigrants make up nearly 16% of healthcare workers in the U.S.[1] and are putting their lives on the line to fight COVID! Effective public health responses require attention to all community members, as a pandemic response that excludes any members of our communities will weaken its effectiveness. None of us can be healthy if any one of us is denied access to testing, care, and economic relief.
**ACTION: Tell Congress to include immigrants in the next COVID-19 relief legislation!
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Jordan, Diarra, Elyssa, Sara, Ruth, Claudia, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Are you an immigrant who is on the frontlines of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic (health care, home health aids, sanitation, child care, and other essential positions)? Tell us your story!
P.P.S. This list is also on the blog!
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George Floyd.
Dear Friend:
Your voice in #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd is needed now more than ever. Despite the demonstrations over the weekend, the call to arrest and indict all of the police officers involved in the killing of George Floyd remains unanswered.
We need your help. Please add your name to our urgent call demanding that:
All four police officers who killed George Floyd are charged with murder, and that?
The vicious and inflammatory attacks on protesters -- including the inflammatory attacks by President Trump -- stop immediately.
* Click here to take action now.?
Then share this action link with your friends and family too:
Over 27,000 of us have signed so far, and we''re delivering our signatures to Minnesota Attorney General Ellison, Minneapolis Mayor Frey, Minnesota Governor Walz, Minneapolis Police Chief Arradondo, and President Trump early this week. So please take a moment to sign and share now.
No mother should have to worry about the loss of a loved one at the hands of those charged with protection. No one should lose their lives.
*Scroll down for more details. And please also share this action link on social media and with friends:
Thank you.
Kristin, Monifa, dream, Karen, and the entire MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder?Team
== Begin forwarded message ==
Dear Friend,
We are grieving that George Floyd was killed by four police officers earlier this week.[1] A father and a son, George worked security at a restaurant, where fellow employees say he was loved by all. "Knowing my brother is to love my brother," George''s brother Philonise told CNN earlier this week.
George was murdered by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who knelt on George's neck for seven minutes until he died as he gasped the words we've tragically heard before, "I can't breath" and called for his mother. Three of Chauvin''s colleagues stood by and watched Chauvin end George''s life. [2]
We know this is incredibly hard to read, and to witness. In fact, we know many decided they wouldn''t watch this video, that it was one more police killing of a Black person too many. We also know it's magnitudes of times harder to have to live with structural racism than to read about it. And, we know we absolutely must demand change.?
No mother should have to worry about the loss of a loved one at the hands of those charged with protection. No one should lose their lives.
*Join us to demand that all four police officers who killed George Floyd are charged with murder and for the vicious and inflammatory attacks on protesters, including the inflammatory attacks by President Trump, to stop immediately.
We grieve, we're angry, and we cannot stop holding leaders accountable. This includes prosecutors, who hold more power in the criminal justice system than almost anyone else. It includes everyone from mayors and governors to the President of the United States. It includes the media and our own friends and family.
Sadly, it's not just George Floyd. It's Breonna Taylor. It's Ahmaud Arbery and Atatiana Jefferson. It's a list of names too long to fit on this page. Each of whom was a person, with loved ones, dreams, and lives to be lived.
It's a system that directly targets Black people and people of color through sanctioned acts of violence; and structurally targets people of color by intentionally cutting programs, diverting resources, and so much more.
It's a president who has encouraged police violence and is consistently and openly fueling white supremacy in our nation. [3] A president who just last night Tweeted an implication that protesters could be shot, implying that he'd order the military to act as judge, jury, and executioner; using wording that has historically stoked anti-Black racism.[4] A tweet so racist and incendiary that Twitter took the rare step of putting a warning label on it for "glorifying violence" and limited the public's interaction with it. [5] It's this same president who has also dog-whistled white supremacists, militias, and vigilantes time and time again. [6]
It's police brutality, it's an unjust criminial justice system, it's the wage gap that disproportionately harms moms of color the most, it's discrimination in the heatlhcare system that's leading to more people of color losing their lives to COVID-19 and to Black women dying three to four times as often as white women while giving birth.
It's white supremacist groups with guns marching on state capitols protesting public health measures that scientists have prescribed to stop the pandemic [7] -- and remaining unharmed and untouched by law enforcement; while protestors of color demanding an end to police brutality were met by tear gas and rubber bullets. [8]
It's Amy Cooper, a white woman who called the police saying, "I''m going to tell them there''s an African American man threatening my life," simply because a local bird watcher, Christian Cooper, asked her to put her dog back on a leash in a protected wildlife area where leashed dogs was the rule. [9] We all know that calling the police on a person of color can be a weaponized response. Amy knew.
It's too much. It must stop.
All of this is why we demand full accountability for what happened to George Floyd. And why we will never give up demanding a system and a country in which everyone can live and thrive.
*Please add your name now, and share the link with everyone you know.
Read these facts and hold them close.
Young Black men are, according to a ProPublica analysis, 21 times as likely to be shot and killed by police as young white men-- and this structural racism covers people of all genders. [10]?
There is rampant discrimination in our criminal justice system. [11]
Black women are eight times more likely than white women to be incarcerated, and Latina women are four times more likely to be incarcerated, according to Amnesty International.
Evidence of this structural racism spans across the criminal justice system. An analysis from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board that found Black Missourians were 66% more likely in 2013 to be stopped by police "even though the likelihood of finding contraband was higher among whites." [12]
Let's be clear. George's death was not a mistake. And the structural racism and police brutality it represents MUST STOP.?
We, on the other hand, will never stop. The path towards justice is long, it's very hard, and at times it feels very bleak. But we continue to fight for our children and our future. We won't give up because we know we can and must win.
Thank you.
Kristin, Monifa, dream, Karen, and the entire MomsRising Team
[1] The New York Times
[2] CNN
[3]?The Washington Post?
[4] The New York Times?
[5] CNN?
[6] The Washington Post?
[7] CDC.Gov
[9] CNN?
[10] ProPublica and CNN?
Image credit @arielsinnaha. Used with artist''s permission.
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Sign our petition rejecting Mitch McConnell's weak COVID-relief plan
Dear Friend,
Once again Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is low-balling American families, failing to recognize the scope and impact of this pandemic, and not giving workers or our economy what we really need.
We need Congress to pass a strong, bold, comprehensive COVID-relief package immediately so struggling families and our economy can begin to recover from this pandemic.
We don't need what Mitch is offering up: more tax cuts for already wealthy corporations!
***SIGN OUR PETITION NOW telling Congress to reject Mitch McConnell's COVID-relief plan and replace it with a families and workers-first comprehensive plan that benefits those in need and our economy!
Here's what's going on: Senate Majority Leader McConnell and his cronies in the White House just released their plan for the next COVID-relief bill. [1] And no surprise here-it's a corporations first, families and our economy last approach to relief. With the clock ticking on key provisions of unemployment insurance benefits ending and the federal moratorium on evictions expiring at the end of the month, Congress is scrambling to pass their next (and likely last until December) COVID-relief package. [2,3]
And what is Mitch McConnell proposing? A whole bunch of things we don't need, while ignoring what we do need, which is extending unemployment benefits, healthcare access, paid leave and sick days, shoring up the childcare and K-12 systems, ensuring access to food and housing supports for families in need, and more, But instead, while people are struggling to put food on the table and get healthcare, McConnell is proposing things like these:
$10 billion to private schools with no strings attached, when his proposal for public K-12 schools is contingent on the schools physically reopening. The Republicans are extorting school districts before it is safe to reopen.
A major cut to unemployment benefits, including greatly reducing the $600/week boost in benefits that made most unemployed workers' paychecks whole.
Allowing business execs to write off 100% of their meals. Yes, you read that correctly. Instead of offering real aid to struggling restaurant workers and the mom and pop restaurants around the country, Mitch McConnell wants to make sure business execs can eat for free!
Shields businesses, non-profits, schools, medical providers, and the medical profession from accountability in the courts when they fail to take reasonable precautions related to the coronavirus that sickens workers, consumers, or patients, including if they die.
What do our families and economy really need?
At least $50 billion to save our child care infrastructure and at least $175 billion in federal aid to K-12 schools to stabilize education funding, help close the digital divide, and guarantee the safety of educators, support staff and students.
Permanent paid family and medical leave and earned sick days for all workers.
Extending unemployment insurance, including continuing the $600 boost past July 31st, and provide a second round of direct payments to families, including immigrant families.
A boost in SNAP (food stamps) benefits and strengthening other nutrition programs for struggling families.
Redirecting criminal justice and police force funding that is not specifically for COVID-19 health and safety precautions or supporting decarceration to other programs.
Decarcerate as many people as safely possible from jails, prisons, and detention centers, especially children, the elderly, pregnant people, and people with health vulnerabilities.
No-cost testing, treatment, and vaccinations for all, including immigrant communities and ensures that testing and treatment for COVID-19 is covered under emergency Medicaid.
Expands the EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) and the Child Tax Credit to support struggling families and repeals the appalling $135 billion Millionaires Tax Giveaway that the GOP snuck into the CARES Act.
$3.6 billion in election assistance funding for states to ensure that every state has the resources they need to expand vote-by-mail, early voting, and online voter registration, as well as ensure the safety of poll workers.
***We need YOU to take action NOW because the clock is ticking! Tell your members of Congress to reject Mitch McConnell's and the White House's weak COVID-relief plan and replace it with a package that our families and economy really need.
It's been over three months since Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act, which is a very good place for the U.S. Senate to start in their negotiations. The HEROES Act would be an excellent start in addressing the struggles and pains many families are facing during this pandemic-pains that must be addressed immediately to lift both families and our economy. It also would provide our states, localities, municipalities, and territories with much needed support as they begin to see massive budgetary restrictions caused by the pandemic and economic downturn, and our health care system with the funding and resources it needs more than five months into this crisis. Building upon the HEROES Act, we need the final package to go even further, including more robust funding for childcare, K-12 education, aid for incarcerated individuals, including immigrant families in ICE detention centers.
The only reason we have been able to get some many programs that help our families is because YOU keep speaking out and making your voice heard. Thank you! Now we need you to do it again. Sign our petition telling Congress to reject Mitch McConnell's weak plan and then forward this email to your friends and family and post our action link on Facebook so everyone you know can take action as well.
Thank you for ALL you do!
-Elyssa, Nina, Monifa, Felicia, Ruth, Hanna, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/MamasConPoder Team
P.S. The $600/week boost in unemployment benefits will officially expire this Friday leaving millions of unemployed workers with either significantly reduced benefits or no benefits at all. Please take a minute to call your Senators and demand that they expand the $600/week boost in unemployment benefits. Text "ExtendUI" to 747464 and we'll connect you directly with your Senator's office.
[1] "Senate GOP unveils coronavirus relief plan with 70% wage replacement in unemployment insurance." CNBC, July 27, 2020
[2] "Your Unemployment Benefits Will End Sooner Than Expected." Forbes, July 1, 2020.
[3] "It 'Looks Very Scary For Renters' As Federal Eviction Relief Expiration Nears." NPR, July 21, 2020.
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Reimagine community safety with us. CoSponsor the BREATHE Act!
Content warning: We discuss the police violence against Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Tony McDade, Rayshard Brooks, Jacob Blake, Trayford Pellerin, Cornerlius Fredericks, Layleen Xtravaganza Polanco, Antonio Valenzuela, and Muhammad Muyamin below.
Dear Friend,
MomsRising stands with the Movement for Black Lives, a coalition of over 150 Black-led organizations that have come together today to launch the BREATHE Act. This visionary bill divests our taxpayer dollars from mass incarceration and discriminatory policing and invests in a new vision of public safety-a vision that answers the call to defund the police and allows all communities to finally BREATHE free.
Why BREATHE? Why now?!?
On March 13, 2020, 26-year-old Breonna Taylor was shot eight times in the comfort of her own bed by police officers who terrorized and raided her home with the now illegalized, "no-knock" warrant. [1]
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was arrested, pinned to the ground, and strangled to death by a police officer after being accused of using a counterfeit $20 bill. [2]?
Two days later, Tony McDade, a Black transman, was shot to death by Tallahassee police officers. [3]
Less than three weeks after the killings of George Floyd and Tony McDade, Rayshard Brooks was murdered on June 12, 2020 for sleeping in his own car at a Wendy's parking lot. [4]
On August 23, 2020, 29-year-old Jacob Blake was shot seven times in his back in front of his children, who were sitting in his car, after splitting up a fight in his own neighborhood. [5]
In that same weekend, Trayford Pellerin was shot eleven times and killed by Louisiana State Police. [6]
Cornelius Fredericks went into cardiac arrest and died while staff members laid across his torso in efforts to restrain him at a residential treatment facility for children ages 12-18 who have been placed in the foster care system in Michigan. He was 16-years-old. [7]
Layleen Polanco, a transgender woman of color, died from an epilectic seizure in Rikers after being wrongly placed and violently terrorized in solitary confinement. [8]
Antonio Valenzuela was choked to death by a New Mexico police officer who was caught saying he'll 'choke you out' on video. [9]
Muhammad Muhaymin, who struggled with mental illness and intermittent homelessness, was choked to death in the custody of Phoenix police for trying to use a public restroom accompanied by his service dog. The officers that killed him are still on the force. [10]
According to the Mapping Police Violence organization, there have only been 12 days in 2020 where police did not kill someone-TWELVE DAYS-and Black people make up 28% of those killed by police in 2020 despite being only 13% of the population. [11]
In recent years: Attiana Jefferson, Elijah McClain, Stephon Clark, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile... The list goes on.
Beaten. Shot. Tasered. Pepper sprayed. Choked and strangled. When will Black and Brown people have a chance to BREATHE?
IMAGINE: Schools free of police and full of trained counselors and restorative-justice programs, where all our children are kept safe and their needs are met.?
IMAGINE: Easy access to trained, trauma-informed interventionists who can be called on in domestic-violence situations and who are equipped to facilitate long-term safety, healing, and prevention.?
IMAGINE: 911 operators dispatching unarmed mental-health experts instead of police in situations involving behavioral health crises, and callers being allowed to request responders that connect to the gender identity of the person in crisis.
The BREATHE Act offers a radical reimagining of public safety, community care, and how we spend money as a society. We bring 4 simple ideas to the table:
Divest federal resources from incarceration and policing.
Invest in new, non-punitive, non-carceral approaches to community safety that lead states to shrink their criminal-legal systems and center the protection of Black lives-including Black mothers, Black trans people, and Black women.
Allocate new money to build healthy, sustainable, and equitable communities.
Hold political leaders to their promises and enhance the self-determination of all Black communities. [12]
COVID-19 exposed our infrastructures (or lack thereof) in the worst of ways. When our communities needed medical assistance, we were sent police officers. When we needed resources for food, we were sent police officers. When people could no longer afford to pay rent, they were policed instead. Our communities need easily accessible resources and services, not over-policing during a health pandemic. QUICK SIGNATURE -->?We need YOU to urge your member of Congress to pass the BREATHE Act right now. This isn't just for some of us, this is for all of us.
The BREATHE Act will ensure that our political leaders invests in our communities through education, housing, healthcare, mental health services, and address the needs of the people living in low-income communities including but not limited to: youth, elders, immigrants, healthcare workers and other essential workers, people living without shelter, public housing residents, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ and gender nonconforming people, women, informal economy workers (including street vendors, sex workers, canners and others), and the many Americans who have or may become newly unemployed or homeless as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic period. [13]
Placing police officers in public schools and our communities doesn't make them any safer. Oftentimes, as we've seen in the cases mentioned above and those not named who fell victim to state police department violent and terroristic practices, when police officers abuse their authority in our communities, we are left to feel vulnerable, unsafe, and/or deceased. Take action: Sign on and urge your member of Congress to pass the BREATHE Act!
[1] What We Know About Breonna Taylor's Case and Death
[2] How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody
[3] Black transgender man fatally shot by Florida police
[4] What We Know About the Death of Rayshard Brooks
[5] Kenosha officer claims he thought Jacob Blake was trying to abduct child
[6] Louisiana officials are investigating the police shooting of a 31-year-old Black man
[7] 3 staff members charged after teen''s restraint death in Michigan have been released on bond?
[8] Activists Demand Justice And Cash Bail Reform For Layleen Polanco A Year After Her Death In Solitary
[9] Officer on video saying he''ll ''choke you out'' before man dies is charged with manslaughter
[10] Bodycam footage from Phoenix arrest reveals new details about Black man''s death in custody
[11] Mapping People Violence?
[12] The Breathe Act
[13] The Path Forward: How to Defund the NYPD, Invest in Communities & Make New York Safer
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October 16, 2020
Dear Friend:
We reject the Trump administration's policies, plans and future that isn't inclusive of everyone, regardless of their race, backgrounds or zip codes.
Women have had enough.?
As women, we have suffered through this season of pandemics: a pandemic of public health, of white nationalism, of climate crisis, of family care. This has fallen on us, and drained us. We are rising up to shift our future, and we welcome all women who share that vision. We can birth a new world.?We are marching to ensure that women from all walks of life vote in record numbers, demand that every single vote is counted, and deliver our democracy. By uniting across our differences this election season, we will swear in a new government of, by, and for the people.?If you have wanted Trump out for four years, four months, four days, or four hours: it doesn't matter. What matters is you are here now, ready to come together, because the alternative is unthinkable.
MomsRising is officially partnering on the #CountOnUs National March tomorrow, October 17th. We're uniting with over 20 organizations including Women's March, SuperMajority, MoveOn, Planned Parenthood Votes and NARAL to send a clear message of resistance, and insistence on change with a celebration of voting -- and we invite you to join with us.
Find a march near you.?If there isn't any, organize one. Women's March will provide you with 1-on-1 support, a Slack channel of sister march hosts and a toolkit to get it done.
Over 100,000 people have pledged to march in over 295 marches across the country. Will you be one of them??The pandemic in our streets, our homes, our bodies and our government has disproportionately impacted women, low income people and people of color. We need relief, and we need it now. The only way for that to happen is for us to fight for ourselves and each other. When Trump failed to prevent and protect us from COVID-19, women pulled through by pulling together. We delivered meals, we delivered masks, and we protested to defend Black lives and demand liberty and justice for all. We count on us. By uniting across our differences this election season, we will ensure every vote is counted and swear in a new government elected by and for us. By joining together as voters in record numbers, we will deliver a democracy where everyone counts, no exceptions.
P.S.- MomsRising is an on-the-ground and online grassroots movement of more than a million people who are working to increase health and economic security, and to build a nation where businesses and families can thrive. You can learn more about us at
Paid for by MomsRising Together,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate''s committee.
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Immediate Action Needed to Protect Incarcerated Loved Ones; COVID-19
Hi Friend,
We are in a crisis on multiple fronts right now -- and we need you, and your voice, now more than ever.?One such crisis that's now at a breaking point with COVID-19 is our mass incarceration rate - the highest in the world -- and crowded detention facilities in which we have totally inadequate health protections.?This puts moms, dads, families, children, communities, and workers at undue risk.
There's no time to waste.? News reports are already showing this is an emergency. Tell governors, the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, mayors, and sheriffs not to leave anyone behind and take immediate COVID-19 action at prisons, jails, and immigrant detention centers.
This is no small crisis. Every year in America, millions of children experience the trauma of being separated from their parents due to mass incarceration, which has 2.3 million people behind bars. In fact, on any given day, 600,000 people are held pretrial in jails mostly because they don't have enough money to be home with their families.?[1,2] This criminalization of poverty further hurts families economically, emotionally, and physically. Moreover, 38,000 people are currently being held in ICE detention centers. [3]
The spread of COVID-19 is a national emergency that threatens potentially millions of lives. While everyone is at risk, we have a moral obligation to ensure that our most vulnerable-the elderly, the sick, those without medical care, and those unable to protect themselves from the virus-get the help that they need.?
The time to act is NOW! Tell governors, the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, mayors, and sheriffs not to leave anyone behind and take immediate COVID-19 action at prisons, jails, and immigrant detention centers.?
Correctional facilities, including jails, and immigrant detention centers, represent the perfect breeding ground for COVID-19.? Each day, people arebooked into and released fromjail facilities, while guards, vendors, and other jail staff cycle in and out. [4] This massive turnover?is exacerbated by the fact that more than half of jailed people?only remain incarcerated fora few days, resulting in a weekly turnover of 54%?of jail populations. [5,6] Worse, the enclosed nature of jails, prisons, and immigrant detention facilities, as well as the difficulties of maintaining proper hygiene inside facilities, mean that COVID-19 will likely spread likewildfireonce introduced. [7]
Many prisons and detention centers are overcrowded - some to the point of crisis. Access to clean water and showers is limited. Many people are forced to share a single bathroom. Hand sanitizer is often banned and, in many cases, handcuffs prevent people from covering their mouths when they cough. [8] Moreover, the prison population is more likely to have chronic health conditions that render them particularly vulnerable to both infection and serious medical complications. All of these conditions effectively create a virus tinderbox that threatens not only incarcerated individuals and correctional employees, but also their families and communities at large.?
Mass incarceration must end! Tell the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, governors, mayors, and sheriffs not to leave anyone behind and take immediate COVID-19 action at prisons, jails, and immigrant detention centers.?
Before an outbreak occurs, people who do not pose a risk to public safety should be released from prisons, jails, and detention centers. People who test positive for COVID-19 should be immediately released to a medical care facility, away from the rest of the incarcerated population-- not held within the prison, jail, or detention center. The people who remain confined need access to adequate medical care and prevention supplies free of charge, and to be able to contact their loved ones.
MomsRising is sending a letter to every governor, ICE, and DHS with the following recommendations:?
Using all available powers, including the powers of clemency, furlough, parole and compassionate release, dramatically reduce the prison and/or jail populations. Release everyone who isn't a risk to public safety.
Working with local officials, advocate the maximum reduction in jail admissions.
Working with local officials, advocate that local officials release the vast majority of individuals who are currently incarcerated in jails.
For those individuals who are released on probation and parole, modify supervision practices so as to support family bonds and health-related exigencies.
For those individuals who remain incarcerated, ensure proper hygiene and access to medical care.
For those individuals who remain incarcerated, facilitate communications home.
For everyone who has incurred debt and/or debt-related penalties, end the financial hardship associated with these debts and penalties.?
For immigrants in detention, we urge the Department of Homeland Security and ICE to take immediate action to suspend ALL immigration enforcement activities and operations --DHS must suspend deportations, immigration arrests, mass raids, detentions and enforcement in sensitive locations, provide Free COVID-19 testing, treatment, and services for ALL, regardless of immigration status, and guarantee safe conditions and provide healthcare, testing and support to protect those in detention and prisons.
Everyone is at risk, and we have a moral obligation to ensure that our most vulnerable--the elderly, the sick, those without medical care, and those unable to protect themselves from the virus--get the help that they need.??
?Join us in fighting for those whose voices we can't hear!?
~ Monifa, Xochitl, Linda, Donna, Kristin, Gloria, Anita and the entire MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team?
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We'll explain everything you want to know about the 2020 Election results!
Dear Friend,
We appreciate you so much! You volunteering by hand writing postcards, getting on phonebanks, doing text banking, Beacon of Hope Precinct Adopting, voter registration distribution, voting and getting friends and family to vote, social media sharing in English and Spanish, contributing, state-based local engagement organizing, story sharing and video creation to spread the word about voting, and so much more.. all came together to help fuel historic voter turnout.? THANK YOU!?
Now we wait.? We expected it would take longer than usual to count the votes from this election because, due to the pandemic, there were many more vote-by-mail ballots than normal in states where that type of voting is new. So the fact that we don't have full results yet is not a concern.? In fact, it's the opposite: It's great that so many people voted that it's taking extra time to count the ballots!!
It doesn't make it easier to wait though!? And we bet you have questions!
We have answers!
A lot is going on right now. We know you have lots of questions about what is happening with the election. Don't worry-we have you covered!?
***RSVP for our Post-Election Webinar tomorrow, Thursday, November 5th at 8:30pmET/5:30pmPT to hear from experts about what is going on, what the next steps are in making sure every vote is counted, and how you can take action!?
Waiting is hard, especially when you care so much about the outcome. But this election had record voter engagement resulting in record voter turnout and that's good for our democracy. We are proud that our high-impact Moms Voting programs reached more than 20,000,000 mom voters and helped turn out voters in record numbers this year- and especially proud of the many voters who persevered despite polling places that were shut down, ballot drop boxes that were taken away, long lines they had to wait in for hours with their children, and confusion caused by dishonest, deceptive calls and emails. We want every vote to be counted, a result that reflects the will of the people, and a peaceful transition if there is a transition.
So we're bringing the MomsRising community together to talk through what is going on, what the next steps may look like, and what YOU can do. We will be holding a Post-Election Webinar tomorrow, Thursday, November 5th at 8:30pmET/5:30pmPT. *RSVP HERE.
We will be joined by partners and experts who will provide up-to-date info on what is happening with the election results, what we can expect in the coming days, and how you can take action to protect our democracy and make sure every vote is counted. We also will answer some of your questions.?
***Make sure to RSVP to our Post- Election Webinar that's happening on Thursday, November 5th at 8:30pmET/5:30pmPT to get the most up-to-date information on what is going on with the 2020 election results.
We know you are probably not the only one in your friend group and family who is wondering "What the heck is going on!?" so after you RSVP, forward this email to anyone you think might want to join our webinar as well and post our RSVP link to your Facebook and Twitter page. If you are not able to join us tomorrow live, that's ok. We are going to record the webinar and post it on our blog, so you can watch it afterwards.?
We will get through this together and make sure that every vote is counted!? Thank you again for ALL you've done to lift democracy!??
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Don''t miss these top actions, Friend
Dear Friend,
Last week, the CARES Act was passed by Congress and signed into law. You can read our statement here. While there is still more work to be done, the CARES Act provides urgently-needed support to moms and working families, small businesses and the health care system.
This week''s actions are things you can do today to continue to help lift all moms and families.
Thank you for taking action!?
1. Tell Congress, we need the PAID Leave Act and we need it now!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We need Congress to close the large loopholes in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act by including the Providing Americans Insured Days of Leave (PAID Leave) Act in the next COVID-19 package.
We need paid sick days, and paid family and medical leave, for all of us to get through this crisis, and we need them for good. Both are essential during times of pandemics, but we also need these benefits permanently in place to support working families.
? Tell your members of Congress in the House and Senate to BOOST AND MAKE PERMANENT paid sick days and paid family and medical leave in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
2. Child care could be gone if Congress doesn''t #FundChildCare NOW!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?Families across the nation are at risk of permanently losing the child care that is critical to ensuring their youngest children have the enriching care they need to thrive while parents and caregivers work. As a nation, we are on the verge of losing more than half (yes you read that right - MORE THAN HALF) of our child care programs in the next week IF there isn't significant public investment and support.
>>>> As child care centers close to protect children and the communities they serve from further spread of the COVID-19 virus, urge Congress to pass child care relief funding to ensure the stability of our child care system so parents and caregivers have child care to return to when this crisis is over.
3. Pregnant or breastfeeding in the midst of coronavirus? Tell us!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SHARED -> Share Your Story
BACKGROUND: Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding? MomsRising wants to hear from YOU about your experience in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
Share your story now! ?
4. Protect Incarcerated Loved Ones from COVID-19
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?One such crisis that's now at a breaking point with COVID-19 is our mass incarceration rate - the highest in the world -- and crowded detention facilities in which we have totally inadequate health protections. This puts moms, dads, families, children, communities, and workers at undue risk. Tell governors, the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, mayors, and sheriffs not to leave anyone behind and take immediate COVID-19 action at prisons, jails, and immigrant detention centers, including releasing everyone who isn't a risk to public safety, reducing admissions, and more.
Tell governors, the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, mayors, and sheriffs not to leave anyone behind and take immediate COVID-19 action at prisons, jails, and immigrant detention centers.
5. Sign up for the next #KeepMarching online meeting, 4/7, 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT: COVID-19 + taxes, the economy, and paid family leave
Your Action Status: SIGN UP NOW?-> Sign Up Now
BACKGROUND:?The current health crisis is upending life as we know it, including how we work, spend money, maintain our relationships, think about the future, and so much more. During this online meeting, we'll be considering just a few of these things: the implications of COVID-19 for taxes, the economy, and paid family leave. Joining us will be experts from the National Women''s Law Center, the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality, and MomsRising.
You should join us, too! Sign up now.
Thanks for all you do! ??
- Sue Anne, Nate, Gloria, Kristin, Diarra, Elyssa, Linda, Nadia, Sara and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Congress passed, and the President has signed, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which is effective from April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Congress also passed and the President signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which is generally effective on March 27, 2020. The CARES Act amended FFCRA with respect to some sick time provisions and also provides expanded unemployment insurance benefits. Click the link for some answers to frequently asked questions about the new law.
P.P.S. This list is?also on our blog here.
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We need the U.S. Congress to pass a COVID package NOW!
Dear Friend,
We need your help! In just three weeks, unless the U.S. Congress acts, many of the pandemic relief policies that have been lifelines for our families and economy (like extended unemployment benefits, emergency paid family leave and earned sick days, and eviction protections) will all expire on December 31st. [1]?
We are facing a crisis on top of a crisis!
***SIGN OUR PETITION NOW! We'll be delivering your signatures on Monday telling the U.S. Congress #ReliefCantWait!
Congress has no time to waste. Our families, like Kimberly's, are hurting:?
"I'm a single parent with a school age child. Since the pandemic began, I lost my second job and all child care options. I'm fortunate enough to be able to work from home, but it's nearly impossible to work full time and supervise remote learning. My rent increased, grocery costs are soaring, and I learned this week that our company health plan costs are increasing significantly in January. Our budget is razor thin and shrinking. Seven members of my family have COVID-19 and we lost family earlier this year. Everyone I know is suffering from this pandemic."
These critical benefits that are about to expire? They've been helping so many of us. For examples, a recent study from researchers at Cornell University and the Swiss Economic Institute, states with new access to emergency paid leave during the pandemic have seen 400 fewer cases per day, further underscoring that paid leave is one of the best tools for slowing the spread of the virus and combating the pandemic. [2]
We can't let paid leave and other critical programs expire just as COVID-19 is surging.
Making your voice heard now is super important because negotiations have started on an end-of-the year COVID-relief package and we're hearing that a final package might be introduced in the coming days. [3] We need to make sure Congress takes action to extend critical COVID relief to families and that OUR priorities are in that package--not just protections and giveaways to big business and the very wealthy.
Our families have been waiting months for more funding for programs that will support our families, hospitals, and economy during this pandemic. Programs like expanded unemployment benefits, extensions on emergency paid leave and earned sick days, protections against evictions, funding for healthcare programs and childcare and K-12 education, and expansions of the EITC and Child Tax Credit and another round of stimulus checks are essential to provide much needed cash to struggling families and local businesses.
While we have needed this package for months, the crisis point we are facing right now is extreme. Unless the U.S. Congress takes action within the next few weeks, 12 million people will be immediately kicked off of unemployment insurance [4] and 19 million renters will lose their homes. [5] This is all at the same time that 1 in 4 children are living in hunger because of the impacts of COVID and cases of the virus are soaring in every single state-and only expected to go up as we head into the holidays and colder months. [6,7]
Inaction is not an option!Our families and economy are hurting and we need our leaders in the U.S. Congress to know that we expect them to take action NOW!
Even if you think your members of Congress already support COVID relief, we need all of Congress talking about how much they are hearing from their constituents about how urgent this is.?This is why earlier in the week we asked you to call your U.S. Senators and now we are asking that you sign our petition.
***PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION NOW and let your U.S. Senators and Representative know that we need an emergency COVID-relief package before the end of the year!
We plan on delivering this petition Monday? morning so after you sign our petition, please forward this email to your friends and family. You can also Retweet us on Twitter and repost us on Facebook. We need to continue to make our voices heard until the U.S. Congress passes emergency aid for COVID!
-Elyssa, Ruth, Felicia, Nina, Hanna, Donna, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team?
P.S. Are you one of the people that will lose emergency paid leave or unemployment benefits at the end of the year? Are you struggling with child care and/or virtual learning during the pandemic? MomsRising wants to hear from you about your COVID experience.
P.P.S. Monday morning can you call your U.S. Senators and let them know that #ReliefCantWait? Text RELIEFNOW to 747464 and when we connect you tell them, "Pass a COVID-relief package that protects all families and extends paid leave, unemployment benefits, eviction protections and funding for childcare and healthcare."
[1] "Here Are All The Coronavirus Relief Programs Expiring At the End of the Year." Forbes, November 17, 2020.
[2]"COVID-19 Emergency Sick Leave Has Helped Flatten the Curve in the United States." Health Affairs, October 15, 2020.?
[3] "Stimulus Package Status: Negotiations race with new hope toward Dec. 11 goalpost." CNET, December 3, 2020.
[4] "12 Million Workers Facing Jobless Benefit Cliff on December 26." The Century Foundation, November 18, 2020.
[5] "Nearly 19 million Americans could lose their homes when eviction limits expire Dec. 31." CBS News, November 27, 2020.
[6] "One in Six Americans Could Go Hungry In 2020 as pandemic persists." National Geographic, November 24, 2020. ?
[7] "U.S. reported more COVID-19 cases in November than most countries had all year." CBS News, November 30, 2020.
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Don''t miss these, Friend
Dear Friend,
Happy Friday. We hope you''ve had a good week, and are looking forward to some down time this weekend. We know how busy these times are, whether you''re able to stay at home, or are one of our brave workers on the front lines. Our weekly list of Top 5 Actions is a handy round-up of the biggest campaigns we have moving right now. Scroll down to review and sign each of our important calls-to-action. Now more than ever, we need to make sure our voices are heard around issues that matter to parents and families like us.?
Thank you for all you do and here''s the list =>
1.?Tell Congress to Act to Save Child Care?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: A new report released this week from the National Women''s Law Center and CLASP found that it will cost an estimated $9.6 billion each month to stabilize our child care system and provide emergency care to children of essential workers during the pandemic. Child care is essential to support families in getting back to work, but many providers are in danger of closing. The size and scope of the impact of this public health crisis on the child care sector is profound and growing. Urge Congress to provide at least $50 billion in child care funding to ensure the stability of our child care system so parents and caregivers have child care to return to when this crisis is over!?Child care could be gone if Congress doesn''t #FundChildCare NOW!
2. Demand an Essential Workers Bill of Rights
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The fabrics of our communities are being held together by the labor of essential workers. Health care workers, childcare workers, domestic workers, social workers, grocery workers, and farm workers are keeping us healthy, taking care of our families, and putting food on our tables. Yet, many workers aren''t being given protective equipment or supplies, can''t speak out about workplace safety without risking their jobs and healthcare, and are bringing home poverty-level wages.?Join us in demanding that Congress include an Essential Workers Bill of Rights in the next COVID-19 response package.
3.?RESOURCE: Know Your Rights to Pandemic Paid Sick Days and Paid Leave
Click Here to Get Your Questions Answered
BACKGROUND: Big News! For the first time ever, thanks to the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act, our nation will have a *limited*, nation-wide, paid sick days and paid family leave law in place during the COVID-19 crisis.?The new law is a huge deal and we all helped make it happen. Thank you!?But how will it work? Who''s covered? How do you access the benefit? Click here to find out and help spread the word!
4.?Join the Next #KeepMarching Zoom Meeting -> COVID-19: What''s happening in prisons, jails, ICE detention centers?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> RSVP
BACKGROUND: One COVID-19 crisis at a breaking point right now is our mass incarceration rate, combined with crowded detention facilities with totally inadequate health protections. There are 2.3 million people behind bars. On any given day, more than 400,000 people are held pretrial in jails mostly because they don't have enough money to be home with their families. Moreover, 38,000 people are currently being held in ICE detention centers. At this #KeepMarching online Zoom meeting, we''ll be looking at incarcerated communities, how our systems are broken, how so many people are detained unjustly, the impact of COVID-19 on these populations, and what should be done.
5. Sign NOW to Help Save the U.S. Postal Service and Our Democracy!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?Voters in Wisconsin had to risk their lives to go out to cast a ballot in-person, which was not okay! The COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 elections make it clear that now more than ever we need to be able to mail in our ballots. The U.S. Postal Service (USPS), also struggling to weather the impacts of the pandemic, is now in danger of going under right when we need it most. This would be a giant blow to our democracy, businesses, economy, and communities. There's no time to waste! Your voice, power, help, and hope is needed.?*Add your quick signature now!
Thanks for all you do! ??
- Karen, Kristin, Anita, Ruth, Maggie, Casey, Gloria, Nina, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. This list is?also on our blog here.
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In her final days, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dictated a message to her granddaughter stating: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed."
Dear Friend,
In her final days, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dictated a message to her granddaughter stating: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." [1]
We're standing up for you, RBG, like you did for us. And we're fighting hard to make your fervent wish a reality.?
? Tell your U.S. Senators: No hearings or votes on the U.S. Supreme Court before the inauguration! Click here to sign now.
This is a truly urgent moment. Having the vote before the election results, and while people are already voting early in many states, [2]? is a repudiation of the principles the Republicans set out during the Obama administration for Supreme Court nominations. Just a few years ago, even U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, demanded the U.S. Senate wait until after the election to consider then-President Obama''s nomination of Merrick Garland. In fact, Senator Graham said:?"I want you to use my words against me. If there''s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said: Let''s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination." [3]
Well, Senators, we plan to hold you to your words!?
Despite the rule they created and the precedent they vowed to set, within hours of the announcement that Justice Ginsburg had passed and before the nation could even mourn, U.S. Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) began disrespectfully talking about her replacement, breaking his own 2016 stance about how close to a presidential election a U.S. Supreme Court confirmation should happen. [4]? In fact, he was doing this even though voting for a new president has already started in four states!?
This is unprecedented and unacceptable. As CNN noted: "Only one Supreme Court vacancy has ever beenfilled this close to a presidential election -- and that was in 1864. This would also be the first Supreme Court appointment by a president after they had been impeached." [5]?
Her last wish should be the last word.
? Each and every U.S. Senator needs to hear from us ASAP: No hearings or votes on Trump's U.S. Supreme Court nominee before the inauguration!
The U.S. Senate Republican majority is callously and irresponsibly jumping on this Supreme Court opening, ignoring precedent and promises of the past, after ignoring the health and economic emergency caused by COVID-19 for months.?
This is not okay.?So much is on the line right now with Justice Ginsburg's replacement, access to affordable health care, voting rights, and more. *Please make sure your U.S. Senators hear from you today. Every Senator, whether Democratic or Republican, needs to hear from you -- we need to shore up our champions and sway those who aren't on our side yet.?
A win is possible. We need less than a handful of additional votes at current count, so please raise your voice now.We've won against all odds in the past, like protecting the Affordable Care Act, even when Republican leaders in Congress vowed for many years to repeal it. We won because people signed petitions, made calls, shared their stories and spoke out. And we can win this again if we all raise our voices now -- and vote.?
Let's make Justice Ginsburg's last fervent wish become a reality. She led the way in breaking through barriers and expanding rights for those whose rights were being trampled in our nation, now let's lead the way forward for her.?
May her memory be a blessing and a revolution. And to make that revolution happen please share this action link around via text, email, and even on Twitter, Facebook and more. Let's build an unstoppable wave of change.
P.S.- Election season has already begun, with some states already voting! So if you haven't already, then please make a plan to vote this year, whether in-person, by mail if your state allows, early voting, or dropbox. And after you make that plan, mark it in your calendar! This is a critically important year. Let''s give this election everything we have!
*Here's a resource to find out more about your state: ?
[1] "Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg''s ''fervent'' last wish was that she ''not be replaced until a new president is installed" [2] "Long lines and hand sanitizer on the first day of early voting for general election" [3] "Video of Lindsey Graham arguing against nominating a Supreme Court justice in an election year goes viral" [4] "For McConnell, Ginsburg's Death Prompts Stark Turnabout From 2016 Stance"? [5] "GOP push to fill RBG''s seat could backfire spectacularly"?
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Help save our democracy! Sign up for the MomsRising Truth Squad to combat election misinformation and avoid four more years of Donald Trump!
Dear Friend,?
I don't know about you, but I'm more than ready to end the nightmare of the Trump Presidency. But getting from here to celebrations on November 3rd is going to take everyone raising their voices as loud as possible to help get out the vote and fight disinformation. That's why we are asking you to join our MomsRising Truth Squad -- to fight back against disinformation about the elections and to help persuade our communities to vote Trump out of office.
Why you? Because more than anything else, people look to their friends and families for information and opinions. In fact, studies show that moms are among the most trusted and effective messengers of information these days.? So YOU are powerful in your circle and we are going to need YOUR voice this election season.
Sign up for our Truth Squad and we will equip you with options for compelling messages, videos, and ads you can share on social media to combat disinformation and help prepare your community to vote.?
? Want to get involved in the MomsRising Truth Squad? Sign up for our informative emails that give you options for resources you can share on social media and get ready for the upcoming presidential elections by clicking here. *When you click, you'll automatically sign up if we already have your information.
What's the deal? This November 3, voters across the country will have the power to elect our next president and many other candidates up and down the ballot. The decisions they will make are critical for the future we create together. We have the opportunity to elect candidates who will safely bring the country out of COVID-19, repair our economy and support working families, protect our health care and reproductive rights, work to achieve racial justice, enact climate change policies, treat immigrants with respect, and keep families together.?
With just six weeks left until the election we want to make sure that you have all the accurate information and most compelling messages to share.?
Join the MomsRising 2020 Elections Truth Squad today! Click here to sign up for our Truth Squad resources. *When you click, you'll automatically sign up if we already have your information.
We know you are busy! That's why we are searching for the best information and most compelling messages that you can share with your communities. We are here to assist you and are your back up team!
When you join the 2020 Elections Truth Squad you'll get timely, informative and persuasive resources made just for you to share on social media each week between now and the election. You can choose what resources you want to share or not from the list of options we email your way, of course!?No matter how much content you share, every bit has an impact because helping to spread trusted and accurate information is especially critical this year as voter disinformation is rampant right now.
Don't forget to sign up for the 2020 Election Truth Squad NOW! *When you click, you'll automatically sign up if we already have your information.
**Please also take a moment to forward this email to friends and family so they can join the Truth Squad, too! Post the action link on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word. The more of us who take action to spread the truth, the better chance we have at combating disinformation and avoiding four more years of Donald Trump!
Together we are a powerful force for truth.
- Claudia, Felicia, Donna, Kristin and the entire MomsRising and Mam?sConPoder team
Paid for by MomsRising Together,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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We will be sending all the signatures to the U.S. Senate first thing in the morning.
The House of Representatives has passed a comprehensive legislative response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, and now we need the Senate to pass it immediately so our families and communities can get the care they need.
SIGN OUR LETTER to your U.S. Senators urging them to follow the U.S. House and immediately pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act to protect our healthcare, nutrition, workforce, and economy as we deal with the coronavirus outbreak.
After you sign, please share with at least 5 of our friends.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Elyssa, <> Date: Mar 14, 2020, 3:56 p.m. Subject: QUICK ACTION to tell the Senate to pass COVID-19 package!
Dear Friend,
Listen, I'm going to get real with you. I know that you might be more than a little anxious right now and unsure of what is going on with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic spreading. I am too.
The good news is that late last night Speaker Nancy Pelsoi and leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives took decisive bipartisan action to help our families during this pandemic by passing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act that enables people to get free coronavirus testing and also has the ability to take paid leave to care for themselves and their family members- and now we need YOU to speak out and tell the U.S. Senate to do the same. ! [1] There's no time to waste.?
***SIGN OUR LETTER to your U.S. Senators urging them to follow the U.S. House and immediately pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act to protect our healthcare, nutrition, workforce, and economy as we deal with the coronavirus outbreak.?
The bipartisan Families First Coronavirus Response Act is an important bill because it does the following? [2]:
Free coronavirus testing for everyone who needs a test, including those without health coverage;
Paid emergency leave with both 14 days of immediately available paid sick days to use during public health emergencies and up to three months of paid family and medical leave;
Strong food security initiatives, making sure SNAP, WIC, student meals, meals in childcare settings, seniors' nutrition, meals for people with disabilities, and food banks are ready to help those who would otherwise go hungry;
Badly needed, increased federal funds for Medicaid;
Necessary funding for states to prepare for increased Unemployment Insurance caseloads.
The U.S. House has taken the lead to pass this important bipartisan legislation and we need to make sure our U.S. Senators do the same- a pandemic is not the time to play partisan politics! Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sent Senators home for a long weekend, further delaying action on this important action. [3]?
We need to let the U.S. Senate know NOW that we expect them to be in D.C., working on this legislation, and protecting our families.
***Add your signature to our letter urging your Senators in?California to pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act immediately!
This legislation, while an important step in the right direction, is just the beginning of what our families and country may need in the coming weeks and months.
We are also advocating for the support our families need to ensure those of us living paycheck-to-paycheck, those impacted by disability, those of us who have pre-existing conditions or chronic illnesses, who live in mixed status households, who are or have loved ones who are incarcerated, and who are struggling to balance work and childcare while our kids are home.
We are standing shoulder to shoulder with every single MomsRising member and we will have each other's back in these trying times because together we are a powerful force for women and families and we will make sure our voices are heard.
We will be sending your signatures up to members of Congress on the Hill very soon, so please make sure your friends and family quickly sign our letter as well-share this email with them and post our action link on Facebook.
Thank you for staying engaged and continuing to speak out for all of our families in this crisis.
-Elyssa, Ruth, Monifa, Nina, Sara, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder
P.S. Have a second to make a call as well? Text COVID19 to 747464 and we will connect you with your U.S. Senator's office, where you can tell them to pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act ASAP!
[1] NBC News. "House passes coronavirus aid package, sending to the Senate."
[2] "Families First Coronavirus Response Act"
[3] Talking Points Memo. "Senate Cancels Its Planned Recess Next Week As Coronavirus Outbreak Worsens."
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Dear Friend,
This was a tough Mother's Day. Not just because of the pandemic. We were also all thinking of Ahmaud Arbery's mother Wanda, who was grieving the loss of her son at the hands of two men who literally hunted down and killed him while he was jogging.
Just last week - ELEVEN WEEKS LATER - Gregory and Travis McMichael were arrested for the shooting. The prosecutors and police sworn to protect families and communities instead hid and covered up a horrific murder. ELEVEN WEEKS LATER. Ahmaud's mother and his friends and family have had to wait eleven weeks for any measure of justice. And their wait won't be over until full justice is served to Ahmaud's killers and those in the white supremacist system who failed him.
Join us to demand the removal of the district attorneys and the sheriff who failed in their duties to Ahmaud, his family, and the people of Georgia.
Here's what happened:
On February 23rd, while out for a jog through the Satilla Shores neighborhood a few miles from his home, 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery was followed and cornered by Gregory and Travis McMichael. A scuffle ensued as Arbery attempted to defend himself, and three shots were fired, killing Ahmaud. [1]?
The McMichaels' claims have varied between self-defense and attempting to issue a citizen's arrest (which they had no authority to do, having witnessed no crime), justified by their sense of while supremacist entitlement. They remained free until public pressure prompted their arrest on May 7th. [2]
And let's be clear: The video of the murder did not prompt their arrest. The public release of the video did.
Sign now to demand justice for Ahmaud.?
Instead of swiftly investigating the death of a man, Georgia officials dismissed their responsibility for over two months. The prosecutor originally assigned to the case, Brunswick DA Jackie Johnson, recused herself because the elder McMichael had worked as an investigator in her office. The case was then assigned to DA George Barnhill, who had the case for weeks and actually stated that "it appears [their] intent was to stop and hold this criminal suspect until law enforcement arrived. Under Georgia law, it is perfectly legal." He later recused himself for also having a conflict of interest. [3]
Instead of standing up for Ahmaud, his family, and their community, Johnson and Barnhill stalled, ignored, and even justified what happened.
Finally, just last week - after horrifying video of the murder was released online - a district attorney from another county - Tom Durden - filed charges against the McMichaels.
That is eleven weeks Ahmaud's mother Wanda has had to wait for an ounce of justice to be served. "He was out for his daily jog and he was hunted down like an animal and killed," Arbery's mother Wanda told CBS News. [4] No mother should have to endure this pain. Unacceptable.
Join us to demand justice for Ahmaud.
This week, Ahmaud and his mother should have been celebrating his birthday (May 8) and Mother's Day. Instead, his mother, friends, and family continue to grieve an unimaginable loss and witness a system that continues to fail too many.
While we demand justice for Ahmaud, and accountability for public officials who failed him and his family, let's remember this incident does not stand alone. Whether it's jogging, driving, walking, or playing - people of color continue to be targeted for just existing. And their attackers continue to walk free. Enough. We cannot let this stand.
"That these people have not been charged or held to account in any way speaks volumes about the level of respect that law enforcement in Glynn County have for Black lives," Southern Poverty Law Center President and Chief Executive Officer Margaret Huang has rightly stated. [5]
Join us to demand justice for Ahmaud, and for his mother. We call for the following:
DA George Barnhill must be removed from his position due to prosecutorial misconduct related to the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, and disbarred.
DA Jackie Johnson must be removed from her position due to prosecutorial misconduct related to the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, and disbarred.?
Glynn County Policy Chief John Powell, currently on administrative leave on charges of corruption, must be removed immediately from his position and barred from law enforcement in any capacity.
Together we can make a noise that cannot be ignored by Georgia Governor Kemp, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, and the State Bar of Georgia.
We should be horrified and angry. And we need to take action to not only hold those involved accountable for their crimes and failures, but also to call out and dismantle the white supremacist systems that enable and fuel these incidents of terrorism against individuals and communities of color every day.
Thank you for all you do,
- Karen, Kristin, Monifa, Gloria, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team?
[1] The Guardian
[2]?Vox and The New York Times
[3] NBC News
[4] CBS News
[5]?Southern Poverty Law Center
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Hi Friend,
Can you believe the November 2020 election is just 5 months away?! This is why we're powering up our mom voter turnout campaign right now - and we need your help!
>>> SIGN UP HERE to receive a FREE packet of 10 eye-catching voting reminder postcards to fill out (all postage included)!
MomsRising members have already signed up to fill out over 250,000 voting reminder postcards, so we're well on our way to meeting our goal of reaching 1 million moms who don't always vote and need some extra encouragement! Can you help us make it happen?
Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls - and this is something you can do while social distancing from your home! [1]
Together, let's get out the vote!
- Sara
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Dear Friend,
So many things feel uncertain right now, but one thing that feels very certain is the urgent need for everyone to vote in 2020. You, me, and all of our neighbors, near and far.
Here's the great news: MomsRising has a super easy, high-impact, and FREE way for YOU to help get out the vote while social distancing!
>>> SIGN UP HERE to receive a FREE packet of 10 eye-catching voting reminder postcards to fill out!
Our goal is to reach 1 million moms who don't always vote and need some extra encouragement! Can you help us make it happen? Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls! [1]
Here's the nitty gritty ? We''ll send you a packet of 10 pre-addressed, pre-stamped postcards along with some quick instructions. All you''ll need to do is write a quick note of encouragement on each and send them back to us with the prepaid return envelope provided. We'll store the postcards until it''s time to drop them in the mail before the November 2020 election!
Don't wait! Sign up now to receive your FREE packet of 10 GOTV postcards to fill out!
*** If you'd like to power up and write 100 or more postcards for our Get-Out-The-Vote campaign, that's an option on the sign-up page!
Here's the thing: We're not just activating voters to vote - we're also activating votes for healthcare, equal pay, paid family leave, and all the other issues dear to our hearts.
Join us in turning out the vote for healthcare, equal pay, paid family leave, and paid sick days!
Together, we are a powerful force in driving women and moms to the polls in 2020!
- Sara, Kristin, Donna, Gloria, Nate, Sili, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. - The beautiful artwork on the postcard featured above is by Favianna Rodriquez! ?
[1]?ArsTechnica: "Boosting the vote may be as easy as saying you'll ask"
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Dear Friend,
I'll get right to the point:
We have an emergency. The U.S. House and Senate will be voting soon, in a matter of hours, on the next COVID-19 package, and we need them to know we need *permanent* paid sick days and paid family and medical leave in the package.
? Tell your members of Congress in the House and Senate to BOOST AND MAKE PERMANENT paid sick days and paid family and medical leave in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
We need paid sick days, and paid family and medical leave, for all of us to get through this crisis, and we need them for good.?Both are essential during times of pandemics, but we also need these benefits permanently in place to support working families.
There's no time to waste! Families are already in crisis. Tell your members of Congress in the House and Senate to BOOST AND MAKE PERMANENT paid sick days and paid family and medical leave in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
??Add your name to our urgent letter to Congress! Now more than ever, we must remind elected officials that it is essential that everyone can care for themselves or a loved one during times of crisis. It''s non-negotiable, and it''s the right thing to do!
And when you do, please share a comment about why these measures mean so much to you. We know that stories have a profound impact on our legislators.?It doesn't have to be a long comment! Here's an example of a story from one MomsRising member:?"I am a dental hygienist. My colleagues and I are in a high risk profession. We are unable to work for at least 3 weeks. We are not sure how to navigate this. I can't afford to be without a source of income."
It''s go time, friends.
THANK YOU for all you''re doing. Please keep taking care of yourself and your loved ones. And remember we WILL get through this, together.
- Ruth, Karen, Kristin, and the rest of the MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder Team
[1] Politico: Senate closing in on deal for $1.6 trillion rescue package?
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Can you sign MomsRising's letter calling on the Senate to do more for the unemployed?
Dear Friend,
It would be great if President Trump could snap his figures and end the COVID-19 health and economic crisis on July 31st, but so far, his magical thinking doesn't seem to be doing the trick. Arbitrary dates are exactly that: arbitrary. And some of the improvements Congress passed to Unemployment Insurance arbitrarily will end on July 31st unless immediate action is taken. [1]
America's families need a real plan!
***SIGN OUR LETTER calling on Congress to take immediate action to ensure that our unemployment insurance system continues to support families until this economic and health crisis ends!
We're hearing from moms every single day who are struggling with unemployment and questioning how they are going to pay their bills and continue to put food on the table for their families. Within the past three months, the U.S. Congress has passed a massive overhaul of our broken unemployment insurance (UI) system-but a vital component of this overhaul arbitrarily ends at the end of July-only two months away! [2] The CARES Act provided an extra $600/week in federal unemployment benefits to make struggling workers whole during this pandemic. But that enhancement will arbitrarily end on July 31st. [3] And as great the improvements to the UI system have been, much more still needs to be done in order to support struggling families and a deeply damaged economy.
Women especially have been hit hard by the economic fallout of this pandemic, with women-dominated industries being the first to be shutdown like food service, retail, child care, hospitality, and education. In fact, women accounted for more than half of the jobs lost in March and it's estimated that between 7.8-8.4 million women filed for unemployment insurance in the last three weeks of April. [4]
We are hurting and we need our elected leaders to double down on the efforts they have already made to expand Unemployment Insurance to those normally left out of the program (women, gig workers, self-employed etc.). Much more needs to be done so our families can support themselves and our economy can start to recover.
We know that unemployment insurance works and is an important lifeline for millions of people. We just need to make sure it is there for all of us for as long as we need it!
***ADD YOUR NAME to our letter calling on Congress to strengthen and expand UI to help struggling workers during the COVID-19 pandemic!
Despite what economists from both sides of the aisle are predicting in terms of our floundering economy and record unemployment numbers, President Trump and his GOP allies are pumping the brakes on any further action to assist those out of work. President Trump is opposing an extension of the $600 boost in unemployment insurance past July 31st, when it is set to expire. [5] The $600 is critical to those out of work because it allows for full wage replacement versus the usual 30-50% wage replacement people would normally see with Unemployment Insurance. [6] The $600 is also critical to rebuilding our economy, which is based on consumer-spending. This is another case of our President being out of touch at best and cruel at most if he thinks the average American family can survive on half of their usual monthly paycheck!
And Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is no better. He doesn't even think we need additional COVID-19 relief legislation and is planning to block the House-passed HEROES Act, which among other things provides major improvements to unemployment insurance, paid family leave and paid sick days, nutrition assistance, and aid to struggling state and local governments-basically the type of things our families need right now to get through this pandemic. [7,8]
This is why we need YOU to join us in speaking out NOW! If we don't make a ton of noise and put pressure on the U.S. Senate to take action to help struggling families and our broken economy, things will only get worse!
**SIGN NOW to tell your U.S. Senators to take action immediately to boost and strengthen our unemployment insurance system!
We know you have so much on your plate, so we appreciate you continuing to speak out any way you can to help our families get the programs we need to survive this pandemic. After you sign our letter make sure to forward this email to your friends and family and post our action link to Facebook.
Thank you!
-Elyssa, Kristin, Donna and the entire MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Have you been able to access unemployment insurance? MomsRising would love to hear from you about how UI is helping your family during this pandemic! Share your story here!
P.P.S. Have questions about whether you are eligible for the new Unemployment Insurance programs passed by Congress since March? We've got you covered! Watch this video from a webinar we held with an expert from the National Employment Law Project (NELP) and check out additional resources that you might find helpful.
[1, 3] "Unemployment benefits will be reduced after July 31." CNBC, May 4, 2020.
[2] "Unemployment provisions in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act." NELP, March 27, 2020.
[4] "Women have been hit hard by the coronavirus labor market." EPI, April 15, 2020.
[5] "Trump reportedly opposes extending the $600 boost in weekly unemployment benefits as jobless levels reach record highs." Business Insider, May 20, 2020.
[6] "How does unemployment insurance work? And how is it changing during the coronavirus pandemic." Brookings, April 7, 2020.?
[7] "Republican Senators put brakes on additional coronavirus aid." Reuters, May 19, 2020.
[8] "HEROES Act Would Give America's Working Families the Paid Leave and Other Essential Supports We All Need In This Pandemic." MomsRising, May 13, 2020.
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Don''t miss these, Friend
Dear Friend,
Well, it''s the end of another busy week. How have you been? Please take a moment to catch up on our top actions below. This week we''re sharing a bonus sixth one too! Scroll down to speak out in defense of our democracy, gun safety, and paid leave. RSVP for our national webinar on COVID-19-related resources this coming Tuesday night. Get tips on making and sending butterflies in support of migrant children. And share your stories around paid leave and abortion.
Thank you for all you do and here''s the list =>
1. Sign NOW to Help Save the U.S. Postal Service and Our Democracy!
Your Action Status: SIGN NOW?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?Last week, voters in Wisconsin had to risk their lives to go out to cast a ballot in-person, which was not okay! The COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 elections make it clear that now more than ever we need to be able to mail in our ballots. The U.S. Postal Service (USPS), also struggling to weather the impacts of the pandemic, is now in danger of going under right when we need it most. This would be a giant blow to our democracy, businesses, economy, and communities. There's no time to waste! Your voice, power, help, and hope is needed.?*Add your quick signature now!
2. COVID-19 Support Programs Webinar: All You Need to Know and How to Apply!
Your Action Status: NOT YET RSVP''d -> Save Your Spot
BACKGROUND:?Tuesday, April 21 8 pm ET/5 pm PT.?Join MomsRising, along with experts from CLASP, National Employment Law Project (NELP), Food Research and Action Council (FRAC), and National Immigration Law Council, for an online webinar to learn the nuts and bolts about what you need to know to apply for assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
-> We will have live translation in Spanish language too! RSVP to save your spot.?Confirme su asistencia en la siguiente p?gina y le enviaremos las instrucciones de c?mo unirse al evento.
3. Quick Signature: Tell your governor to respond to panic gun buying!
Your Action Status: SIGN NOW?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?Being safe at home has never been more important. Unfortunately, fear?has motivated the panic buying of firearms, particularly by first-time gun owners. But research shows that bringing a gun into a home makes the home less safe,?and this is particularly true in the current moment when domestic violence is increasing.?Social distancing is intensifying feelings of isolation and patterns of abuse among people trapped in place.?Sharply rising call volumes to mental health and domestic violence hotlines indicate that we are poised for an outbreak of suicide and domestic violence injuries and deaths as a side-effect of the COVID-19 health emergency. There are clear steps that governors can take to reduce the risk of gun injury or death.?Urge your governor?to address panic gun buying and reduce the risk of gun violence as part of their efforts to secure the health and safety of everyone during the current COVID-19 health crisis.
4. Make a Butterfly to Free Migrant Children and Families in Detention
Click Here to Find Out How to Make and Send Your Butterfly!?
BACKGROUND: Help us send a strong message to urge the White House, ICE, and ORR to?immediately release children and their families from detention by creating?a butterfly and sending the image via tweets and Instagram to key decision?makers. It's an easy and powerful way for kids and adults to use their?voices and creativity to help others in this difficult time. Will you join?us?
5.?Have You Needed Paid Leave During COVID-19? Share with lawmakers now!?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SHARED -> Share Your Story
BACKGROUND:?Leaders need to hear how your experiences with paid leave during COVID-19.
Have you been able to access paid leave and/or paid sick days through the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act?
Are you one of the 96 million working Americans that have been left out of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act?
Are you a healthcare worker with concerns about the loophole in the law that allows employers to exempt healthcare providers and emergency responders from accessing paid leave?
**And check out?these helpful resources on the new paid leave policy, who''s covered, how it works, and more.?
6. Have You or Someone You Love Needed Abortion Services? Tell us your story.
Your Action Status: NOT YET SHARED?-> Share Now
BACKGROUND:?Abortion care is essential. Governors across the country are using the COVID-19 pandemic to issue executive orders to halt access to abortions, claiming them as non-essential.?We are relieved that states like Texas, Ohio, and Oklahoma have, for now, regained access to abortion care after facing legal battles. It is critical in this time to educate lawmakers, who are currently pushing back on reproductive healthcare, on why it''s important to STOP these plans to roll back our rights to reproductive health and freedom.
Thanks for all you do! ??
- Karen, Kristin, Gloria, Linda, Elyssa, Taylor, Diarra, Nadia, Sara and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Webinar:?Pregnancy & COVID-19: Know Your Rights in the Workplace!?Are you a pregnant worker? Are you working on the front lines, in health care or other essential services? Want to know more about your workplace rights? Join our friends at A Better Balance for this in-depth webinar (Wednesday, April 22, 12 - 1 PM Eastern Time) on the various federal, state, and local laws that may protect you as a pregnant worker, including paid and unpaid time off, reasonable accommodations, and the right to be free from discrimination in the workplace. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.
P.P.S. This list is?also on our blog here.
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Release detained families together now!
Dear Friend,
As the world responds to an unprecedented crisis unfolding from the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are staying home with their children, caring for them with the hopes that they will stay healthy and safe. Yet right now, the Trump administration is forcing immigrant families in detention centers to face the perils of both separation AND exposure to this deadly disease. [1]
All children need to be healthy and secure with the people who love them. Click here to tell President Trump, Congress and ICE to stop tearing children and families apart and release detained families together!
So what is going on?!
Last week U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee ruled that all children detained for more than 20 days at ICE Family Residential Centers (FRCs) must be released no later than July 17, 2020. This is in accordance with the Flores Settlement Agreement, which only covers children - not their parents or caregivers. The order to release the children by July 17 came after plaintiffs in a long-running case reported that some children in detention have tested positive for the virus. [2]
While we applaud Judge Gee's decision, we are very concerned ICE may use this court order to attempt to tear children away from their parents again. In fact, just this past May, ICE attempted to coerce detained families into a cruel choice: sign away their rights to their children so they could be let out of jail and be placed with a sponsor, or remain detained indefinitely in jail. [3]
No mother or father should ever be forced to make this choice!
Children and parents come to our country seeking safety from violence and persecution, instead, they are thrown behind bars often in crowded conditions with inadequate hygiene and negligent medical care in the face of COVID-19. More than 2,500 adult immigrants have tested positive for the coronavirus while in ICE custody, according to the agency''s latest tally. There is absolutely no reason for children and families to be facing this risk as relatives and community sponsors are ready to receive them.
Tell President Trump, ICE, and Congress: Free the families together! Click the link below to take action now:
Now more than ever, children should be safe and secure with the people who love them.
Let's ensure that every family is able to protect their children and keep them healthy. Join us in demanding all families be released together immediately, and that these family jails be permanently shut down. Free families now!
Thank you,
- Nadia, Donna, Xochitl, Linda, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1], [2] "U.S. Must Release Children From Family Detention Centers, Judge Rules," Miriam Jordan, New York Times, June 26, 2020.
[3] "Family separation is back for migrants at the U.S./Mexican border, say advocates," Julia Ainsley, NBC News, May 15, 2020.
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Friend -?7 days. It's time to double down.?We. Need. You.?Many low frequency mom voters don't have the info that they need to figure out where to vote yet -- and we need your help getting that critical information to them quickly.
?? Sign up now to spend 20 minutes (or more) texting out the vote:
Your help is needed ASAP, as well as through November 3rd because many busy moms don't have the information they need to find out where and how they can vote!? We have that info!? And we need your help texting it out to low frequency mom voters who need it in order to vote.??
? Can you help text out the vote?? Sign up here:?
Please also share this volunteer link with friends.? The more people who are texting out the vote, the bigger the voter turnout we'll have on November 3rd. We are working to reach 15 million low frequency mom voters to get them the information they need to vote, so every volunteer moment is a BIG help.
More details are below. Let's do this!? THANK YOU!!!!
- Kristin, Jordan, Sue Anne, Gloria and Nate
----- Forwarded Message ----- FROM:?"Kristin," <> TO:?Friend DATE:?October 20, 2020 at 6:03:02 PM PDT SUBJECT:?Text out the vote with us?
Friend -?14 days. We've come a long way together this year building momentum and getting out the vote! And now we need your help in these last couple weeks to help remind low frequency voters to VOTE by November 3rd.?So it's go time!!!
? Are you interested in texting out the vote with us?
Just click the button above and we'll add you to our list of people interested in texting out the vote -- and then we'll reach out to you when it's time to start!?
We need you. We're proven that together we are an unstoppable, powerful force. In fact, together we already have a strong list of accomplishments just from the past couple of weeks alone:
Over 3,496,144 texts sent so far to moms who are low frequency voters!
More than 4,458,028 postcards sent so far to moms, including millions that were hand-written!
54,708,533 reached about #MomsVote on social media in English and Spanish and rising!
272 state-based Beacons of Hope Precinct Captains have already made 318,000 contacts with low-frequency mom voters in their communities!
? But don't take your foot off the gas before November 3rd. We have limited time left to help remind low frequency voters that their votes are needed. Can we send you details on how you can text out the vote between now and November 3rd?
Please sign up to help text out the vote!??
We need you. We need your voice. We need your texting fingers. We really do. And we'll provide everything you need to make a big impact: A list of people to text who don't regularly vote, draft language to use, and an easy text platform to help you get it all done with speed. Plus, you can send your texts anytime that''s convenient from the comfort of your home or from whatever location works for you.
? Are you interested in sending texts to urge low-frequency moms to be voters?
We have just two weeks before Voting Day on November 3. Research shows that personalized messages delivered in a conversational manner are one of the most effective ways to mobilize voters - and that's exactly what this program does. Plus, we have A LOT of work to do: Only about 58% of eligible voters turned out to vote in the last presidential election, which leaves a lot of room for improvement! So our personal voices are (quite literally) needed to inspire others to vote.
Together we can make the future ours.
Kristin, Gloria, Sue Anne, Nate and Jordan
P.S. We also have a phone bank and need volunteers for calling low frequency voters to remind them to vote. *SIGN UP FOR THE PHONE BANK HERE:
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#KeepMarching online Zoom meeting
Hi, Friend!
How many weeks has it been now since we started social distancing? We can''t remember, but we hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and in good spirits.?
During this national health emergency, requiring the vast majority of us (thank you, essential workers!) to retreat into our homes, MomsRising is intentionally creating opportunities for human connection, including?more online events with members of the MomsRising community -- including you!?
So will you please join us next Tuesday night, April 28, 8 pm ET/ 5 pm PT, for our next online #KeepMarching online Zoom meeting? Click here to RSVP and say YES!
We are in a crisis on multiple fronts right now, and one such crisis at a breaking point with COVID-19 is our mass incarceration rate - the highest in the world - and crowded detention facilities in which we have totally inadequate health protections.[1] There are 2.3 million people behind bars.[2] On any given day, more than 400,000 people are held pretrial in jails mostly because they don't have enough money to be home with their families.[3] Moreover, 38,000 people are currently being held in ICE detention centers.[4]
At our #KeepMarching meeting next week, we''ll be looking at incarcerated communities,?how our systems are broken, how so many people are detained unjustly, the impact of COVID-19 on these populations, and what should be done. The following special guests will be joining us:
Andrea James, Executive Director of the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, will speak generally about coronavirus and mass incarceration.
Joshua Rovner, Senior Advocacy Associate at the Sentencing Project, will talk about the pandemic''s effect on incarcerated youth.
Paola Luisi, Co-Director of Families Belong Together, will address COVID-19''s impact on immigration and ICE detention centers.
Monifa Bandele, who leads MomsRising's criminal justice reform work, and Xochitl Oseguera, who leads?Mam?sConPoder?and who is a leader on MomsRising''s immigration campaign, will also be joining us to help guide this conversation.
Will you join our online meeting, too? RSVP now for what will definitely be a powerful and illuminating discussion, next Tuesday night, April 28, 8 pm ET/ 5 pm PT.?
#KeepMarching online meetings are designed to give you the inside scoop on what's happening on issues and politics, give you direct access to MomsRising staff and leading experts, and fill you in on MomsRising''s hot campaigns. We use Zoom online conference rooms, so you can participate via video conference or call in over the phone (though video is best so you can participate in the chat room, see visuals, and because we love seeing everyone's faces!).
Please help MomsRising keep up our team-building work in 2020 - join us for our April 28 KeepMarching Zoom meeting at 8PM ET/5PM PT.?
Please forward this invitation to family members, friends, and everyone, so they can take advantage of this special opportunity, too!
We are looking forward to connecting with you over video or phone on Tuesday, April 28.?Together, we''ll #KeepMarching and never stop fighting for the change our families and communities need.
--Gloria and Joy
[1] "Deliberate Indifference: Inadequate Health Care in U.S. Prisons," Annals of Internal Medicine, Apr. 16, 2019. [2] Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020. Prison Policy Initiative, Mar. 24, 2020. [3] Ibid. [4] "As Jails And Prisons Reduce Populations, Advocates Call On ICE To Do The Same,", Apr. 4, 2020.
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Dear Friend,
A normal end of August is often all about enjoying the waning days of summer vacation before the return to school, but this August is anything but normal. When my district announced its back-to-school plan, the house of cards that is my child care, my ability to work, and my overall sanity collapsed.
I know I am not alone.
We can't fix what we each face individually by piecing together ad hoc solutions. We need permanent solutions and we need them now. The U.S. House passed updated COVID-19 relief weeks ago. But Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is stalling. He needs to get moving.
*Urge the Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate to end their vacation and do their jobs: They must act NOW to pass immediate COVID-19 relief that will really make a difference for families and the economy.
Moms are spent -- at wit's end -- running on empty. We have used all the tools in our toolbox, we are depleted, and we have no more favors to call in. In this pandemic, when everything is harder, costs more, and takes more time, we can't be moms, childcare providers, teachers, breadwinners, nurses, and play a dozen other roles all at the same time.
If it wasn't clear before, it certainly is now! We need national workplace protections including affordable, accessible child care and health care, fair pay, paid family/medical leave and earned sick days, and emergency measures to improve access to food and housing. Without systemic change, we know no mom can juggle it all alone. We also know that together, we can make the changes we all need.
CLICK HERE to tell the U.S. Senate to do its job and behave like the leaders we deserve.
Moms have their priorities straight -- and time and time again we get our jobs done. Look at the facts. Nearly nine in ten women in our country become moms [1], and the vast majority of moms are in the paid labor force [2]. We're also providing unpaid caregiving labor that is irreplaceable and worth trillions of dollars per year [3]. Now, moms are being disproportionately forced out of the labor force in this she-cession [4]. That's devastating for families and our economy [5].
At my house, I am the organizer, I make sure everyone gets up on time and gets where they need to be, and I make sure that they have everything they need. But I can't keep doing it alone. I need a fair wage to support my family, earned sick time and paid leave to care for my family, and quality child care I can afford so that I can do my JOB! With school out I am a teacher's aide, the cafeteria worker, and at times the hallway monitor. I simply can't keep up.
Moms know what we need - true investment in the programs that matter for families and lift our economy. Fully funded schools so that they can have social workers, nurses and supports for students instead of police officers and armed guards. Unemployment insurance that will be there should we need it and cover our basic needs, health care to ensure we all survive this crisis, and a plan with adequate funds that gives us all the help we deserve. Child care infrastructure investments for infants and toddlers, and now thanks to the pandemic, additional child care for school aged children so we can go to work.
CLICK here to tell the U.S. Senate to get back to work. Families are working double time and our economy and country are relying on them! Tell Congress to do its job and support families.
*Please also forward this email and post the action link on your social media. The more of us who raise our voices, the faster we'll get the U.S. Senate back to work.
Thank you! - Christina, Kristin, and the MomsRising Team?
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We need a robust COVID-relief package, not the confirmation of an extremist Supreme Court Justice!
Dear Friend,
Unbelievably, in the middle of a pandemic, when coronavirus cases are rising, COVID-19 relief has been halted by the President and Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate. [1]
We cannot let this stand.
**We need real solutions. Sign on to tell the U.S. Senate and Trump administration to pass a robust COVID-relief package immediately.
Make no mistake: The families of the 210,000 people in the U.S. who have died of COVID-19 are devastated and afraid. The 12.6 million unemployed because of this pandemic are afraid. Those of us who have been waiting months for the Trump administration and Senate Republicans to take action on a COVID-relief plan are afraid.
And more than afraid, we are angry.
Congress needs to focus on COVID-19, NOT on rushing through the confirmation of Trump's extremist U.S. Supreme Court pick.
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on the U.S. Senate to focus on what the American people really need right now: A robust COVID-relief package, not the confirmation of an extremist Supreme Court Justice!
It's infuriating that the U.S. House of Representatives has now passed two comprehensive COVID-relief packages that address our health needs, aid to front line workers, an expansion of expired unemployment benefits, funding for childcare and K-12 schools, and expanded paid family and medical leave, yet those bills sit on Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's desk collecting dust while America's families and our economy suffer. [2]
What are U.S. Senate Republicans planning to do instead? Push through an extremist Supreme Court nominee at a time when voting for the 2020 election has already begun. President Trump's nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, is an extremist pick. She is against the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) [3], reports show she doesn't believe in a woman's right to have an abortion under any circumstances [4], and she has taken anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-civil rights positions in the past. [5]
Yet, Republican U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to ram her confirmation through the U.S. Senate in the next few weeks, despite the fact that voting has already started in many states and a Supreme Court justice hasn't been confirmed this close to an election since 1864! The real emergency here is the fact that millions of people are still out of work because of COVID-19, frontline workers don't have the protection they need, and families are struggling financially while facing evictions, lack of childcare, and inability to pay their bills.
***TAKE ACTION NOW! Sign MomsRising's letter to the U.S. Senate calling on them to? focus on the real national emergency: COVID-19!
The clock is ticking. The time for the U.S. Senate to take action is NOW! We are planning on delivering your signatures at the end of this week, so we need to make sure we have as many people speaking out as possible. After you sign our letter, please forward this email to your friends and family and post our action linkto Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Thank you so much for everything you are doing during such a chaotic and stressful time.
-Elyssa, Kristin, Monifa, Diarra, Donna, and the entire MomsRising/MamasConPoder Team
P.S. Quick question for you? How would President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, impact you and your family if she were seated on the court? We want to hear your stories, so we can share them with U.S. Senators ASAP to help protect the Supreme Court from an extremist nominee. (You can share your story anonymously too!).
[1] "Trump says he will not negotiate on COVID relief until after election." Axios, October 6, 2020.
[2] "House Democrats pass $2.2 trillion stimulus bill over GOP opposition; bipartisan talks continue." Washington Post, October 1, 2020.
[3]"Trump Court pick Amy Coney Barrett's past critiques on Obamacare face scrutiny." NBC News, September 23, 2020.
[4] "Amy Coney Barrett: Here's what you should know." NWLC, September 29, 2020.
[5] "Amy Coney Barrett is an absolute threat to LGBTQ Rights." HRC, September 22, 2020.
Paid for by MomsRising Together,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate''s committee.
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#SAYHERNAME Justice 4 Breonna Taylor
Dear Friend,
On March 13th, Breonna Taylor was in her home in Louisville, Kentucky, when officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) broke through her door without even knocking, fired off more than 20 bullets, and shot Breonna eight times, killing her in her bed. [1]
All three of the police officers involved, Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove, are still employed by the LMPD and no charges have been filed. Instead the police department spent a month painting Breonna Taylor as a criminal, a suspect, which they later had to walk back when they admitted that she was innocent and had committed no crime.??
Demand that Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer fire and that the officers responsible be charged for Breonna Taylor''s death!?
The police were looking for drugs they never found, reportedly trafficked by a person who did not live with Breonna or even in her complex. The actual address was for a location ten miles away and for someone they already had in custody. [2]?
As an essential worker, Breonna went to work every day standing on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic committed to helping people and being of service. The devastating irony of this is that Breonna survived the pandemic that disproportionately kills Black people, only to have her life stolen by police. [3]
"It''s hard to breathe without her." - Tamika Palmer, Breonna's mother.? #SayHerName and take action now.?
Breonna loved to help people. She worked tirelessly as an award-winning EMT and first responder in Louisville. Her mother Tamika Palmer said, "You don't like to call people perfect, but she really was perfect. She did everything right as far as trying to be a kid coming into an adult life. She loved to help people, she loved to be around family. She loved life and she was just figuring hers out. She was just getting started." [4]
Last Friday on what would have been her 27th birthday, Breonna's mother took the day off as she does every year, except this year, instead of celebrating, she was mourning the death of her daughter by the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD). [5]
Breonna should be alive. She should be here with us today, relishing in the celebration that was to be her 27th birthday. Instead, her life was tragically taken and her friends and family have yet to find justice.?
Breonna's family deserves answers. We must demand justice for Breonna Taylor.
"I want justice for her. I want them to say her name. There's no reason Breonna should be dead at all." - Tamika Palmer, Breonna's mother.?
The LMPD's has had issues before that continue now after Breonna's death. One law enforcement officer was caught on camera Friday night shooting rubber bullets at a reporter. On Saturday, police ransacked a "hazardous" supply of milk and water protesters had set aside. And Sunday, officers fired tear gas at peaceful protestors 40 minutes before the city's curfew went into effect. [6]
We cannot allow Mayor Fischer to be silent and inactive on this, and issues related to the LMPD.?We must demand that Mayor Fischer fire the officers involved in Breonna Taylor''s murder, and that they be charged with murder. The fact that these officers are still employed, and the family of Breonna Taylor has been given no answers, is immoral and an egregious miscarriage of justice.??
As long as officers who commit crimes are not held accountable, none of our communities are safe!?
Sign on to demand that Mayor Greg Fischer fire the officers who murdered Breonna Taylor and that they be charged with her murder!
Please forward this email to friends, family members, and everyone who is outraged by Breonna's murder and ask them to sign, too. We will deliver our demands supported by your signatures directly to Mayor Fischer and the Louisville Metropolitan Police Department.?
- Beatriz, Monifa, Gloria, Kristin and the rest of the MomsRising Team
[1] The No Knock Warrant For Breonna Taylor Was Illegal
[2] Here's What You Need to Know About Breonna Taylor's Death
[3] COVID-19 in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups
[4] Justice For Breonna
[5] 'It helps me know that I am not in it alone anymore': Breonna Taylor's mother on her daughter and protests
[6] Louisville Is Still Demanding Justice for Breonna Taylor
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Friend?-?This is it. Two. Days.?We have just two days left to get low frequency mom voters the information they need about where & how they can vote in-person.?Getting this information out is essential because there is intense, unprecedented voter suppression happening in our nation; and also voter confusion happening right now due to changing voting options with the pandemic.
?? Sign up now to spend 20 minutes (or more) texting out the vote:
Brush off your super powers, sign up to take 20 minutes to help text out the vote, and please pass on this volunteer opportunity to friends and family. (And also, importantly, please be sure that YOU have a voting plan so you get your own ballot in on time).
Things are tough right now. Really tough. So, in the spreading and lifting hope department, we want to share.? YOU ARE BUILDING A MASSIVE WAVE OF VOTING! Because of tens of thousands of MomsRising members like you, we've already directly reached over 14,000,000 low frequency mom voters via phone, text, social media, direct and hand-written mail, locally, and more -- and we're seeing a giant increase in early voting.
Now, with voter suppression, intentional voter confusion, and voter intimidation increasing in these final days before the election, WE NEED YOUR HELP MORE THAN EVER to get people who haven't already voted yet out to vote in-person on Voting Day, which is this coming Tuesday, November 3rd. And we really need your help to do that: It turns out that many low frequency last minute voters don't have the info they need to find their local voting locations -- and that's where you come in! We have that info for you to share and we're trying to reach as many moms as possible - especially the ones who are registered but don't always vote - they often just need a reminder, and a few details about where to go to vote.
WORRIED? Us too. Text out the vote with us? (Thank you in advance!)
?? Don't forget to sign up now to spend 20 minutes (or more) texting out the vote between now and the end of the day on Voting Day, this Tuesday, November 3rd:
We need you. Our nation needs you. Mom voters across the country need you so they have the information they need to go vote in-person.? And we so appreciate your help. Thank you.
----- Forwarded Message ----- FROM:?"Kristin," <> TO:?Friend DATE:?October 27, 2020 at 5:16:02 PM PDT SUBJECT: We need your help texting out the vote!
Friend -?7 days. It's time to double down.?We. Need. You.?Many low frequency mom voters don't have the info that they need to figure out where to vote yet -- and we need your help getting that critical information to them quickly.
?? Sign up now to spend 20 minutes (or more) texting out the vote:
Your help is needed ASAP, as well as through November 3rd because many busy moms don't have the information they need to find out where and how they can vote!? We have that info!? And we need your help texting it out to low frequency mom voters who need it in order to vote.??
? Can you help text out the vote?? Sign up here:?
Please also share this volunteer link with friends.? The more people who are texting out the vote, the bigger the voter turnout we'll have on November 3rd. We are working to reach 15 million low frequency mom voters to get them the information they need to vote, so every volunteer moment is a BIG help.
More details are below. Let's do this!? THANK YOU!!!!
- Kristin, Jordan, Sue Anne, Gloria and Nate
----- Forwarded Message ----- FROM:?"Kristin," <> TO:?Friend DATE:?October 20, 2020 at 6:03:02 PM PDT SUBJECT:?Text out the vote with us?
Friend -?14 days. We've come a long way together this year building momentum and getting out the vote! And now we need your help in these last couple weeks to help remind low frequency voters to VOTE by November 3rd.?So it's go time!!!
? Are you interested in texting out the vote with us?
Just click the button above and we'll add you to our list of people interested in texting out the vote -- and then we'll reach out to you when it's time to start!?
We need you. We're proven that together we are an unstoppable, powerful force. In fact, together we already have a strong list of accomplishments just from the past couple of weeks alone:
Over 3,496,144 texts sent so far to moms who are low frequency voters!
More than 4,458,028 postcards sent so far to moms, including millions that were hand-written!
54,708,533 reached about #MomsVote on social media in English and Spanish and rising!
272 state-based Beacons of Hope Precinct Captains have already made 318,000 contacts with low-frequency mom voters in their communities!
? But don't take your foot off the gas before November 3rd. We have limited time left to help remind low frequency voters that their votes are needed. Can we send you details on how you can text out the vote between now and November 3rd?
Please sign up to help text out the vote!??
We need you. We need your voice. We need your texting fingers. We really do. And we'll provide everything you need to make a big impact: A list of people to text who don't regularly vote, draft language to use, and an easy text platform to help you get it all done with speed. Plus, you can send your texts anytime that''s convenient from the comfort of your home or from whatever location works for you.
? Are you interested in sending texts to urge low-frequency moms to be voters?
We have just two weeks before Voting Day on November 3. Research shows that personalized messages delivered in a conversational manner are one of the most effective ways to mobilize voters - and that's exactly what this program does. Plus, we have A LOT of work to do: Only about 58% of eligible voters turned out to vote in the last presidential election, which leaves a lot of room for improvement! So our personal voices are (quite literally) needed to inspire others to vote.
Together we can make the future ours.
Kristin, Gloria, Sue Anne, Nate and Jordan
P.S. We also have a phone bank and need volunteers for calling low frequency voters to remind them to vote. *SIGN UP FOR THE PHONE BANK HERE:
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Hi Friend!
I wanted to make sure you saw the note I sent last week about MomsRising's super easy, high-impact, and FREE way for YOU to help get out the vote while social distancing!
>>> CAN WE SEND YOU a packet of 10 (or more) eye-catching voting reminder postcards to fill out with a short, encouraging note?
Let us know here! The postcards will be pre-addressed and pre-stamped.
Our goal is to reach 1 million moms who don't always vote and need a friendly nudge from other parents and voters! We're already over a third of the way there, but we really need your help to reach our goal. Can you help us make it happen?
CLICK HERE to place your order for FREE (and all postage covered) voting reminder postcards!
Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls. [1]
The future is what we do together. And together, we can help drive women and moms to the polls in November 2020!
- Sara and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
PS - If you already received postcards from us as part of the first wave of this campaign, you are more than welcome to volunteer again to fill out even more postcards from this second wave! We couldn't do this without you!
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Dear Friend,
The 2020 presidential election on Tuesday, November 3rd is just a few months away!
So many things feel uncertain and uneasy right now, but one thing that feels very certain is the urgent need for everyone to vote in 2020. You, me, and all of our neighbors, near and far.
*Here's the good news: MomsRising has a super easy, high-impact, and FREE way for YOU to help get out the vote while social distancing!
>>> SIGN UP HERE to receive a FREE packet of 10 (or more) eye-catching voting reminder postcards to fill out!
(If you already received postcards from us as part of the first wave of this campaign, you are more than welcome to volunteer to fill out more postcards from this second wave too! We couldn't do this without you!)
Our goal is to reach 1 million moms who don't always vote and need some extra encouragement! We're already about a third of the way there, but we need your help to reach our goal. Can you help us make it happen?
CLICK HERE to place your order for FREE (and all postage covered) voting reminder postcards!
Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls! [1]
Here's the nitty gritty ? We''ll send you a packet of 10 (or more) pre-addressed, pre-stamped postcards along with some quick instructions. All you''ll need to do is write a quick note of encouragement on each and send them back to us with the prepaid return envelope provided. We'll store the postcards until it''s time to drop them in the mail before the November 2020 election!
Don't wait! Sign up now to receive your FREE packet of 10 (or more) GOTV postcards to fill out!
We're not just activating voters to vote - we're also activating votes for healthcare, equal pay, paid family leave, and all the other issues dear to our hearts.
Join us in turning out the vote for healthcare, equal pay, paid family leave, and paid sick days!
Together, we are a powerful force in driving women and moms to the polls in 2020! THANK YOU!!!
- Sara, Kristin, Donna, Nate, Sili, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] ArsTechnica: "Boosting the vote may be as easy as saying you'll ask"
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Sign now to support the Black Maternal Health Momnibus
Dear Friend,
When a crisis like coronavirus (COVID-19) erupts, it puts a further strain on ongoing public health and social issues. As the Guttmacher Institute points out "the specific risk to pregnant women and their infants is not yet clear, but these groups are often particularly vulnerable to infectious disease threats. Therefore, many experts say an enhanced focus on primary prevention for pregnant women is warranted." [1]
Unfortunately, the current state of maternal health in our country already isn't so great, especially for Black women and Native families and communities. MomsRising member, Alia, who shares:
"That's the moment I thought I was going to die. I was too far gone to feel fear, but I did feel an overriding sense of regret. What a shame, I thought, that we'll never get to raise those beautiful children together. What a shame that my children, whom I already love so much, will never know their mother."
Like too many Black moms, Alia almost lost her life to childbirth. Alia survived, but too many moms in our nation do not. Every person giving birth deserves as safe and healthy of an experience as possible and should have the opportunity to watch their child grow up and thrive. Every child should have a chance to have their mother by their side.
**Sign NOW to tell your members of Congress to support The Black Maternal Health Momnibus!
Right now, the United States is the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world,[2] with major racial disparities where Black women lose their lives at 3 to 4 times more than the rate of white women due to maternity-related causes, independent of age, economic background, or education.[3] This is a fact that has done unchanged for several decades.[4]
Kira Dixon-Johnson, for example, was in excellent health with no pre-existing conditions when on April 12, 2016, she delivered a healthy baby boy. Within 24 hours, however, Kira would lose her life after bleeding internally for over ten hours due to a lacerated bladder.[5] For ten hours her pain and her voice were ignored. For ten hours her family begged for medical intervention to no avail. Kira's death was preventable and her story illustrates a tragic reality for too many Black moms in our country. Racial disparities in care are needlessly costing lives, and sending babies home without their moms.
This is why we need YOUR support to get the Black Maternal Health Momnibus passed by Congress. This packet of legislation takes urgent, serious action to end this crisis by building on existing legislation in Congress to comprehensively address every dimension of America's maternal health crisis.
**Tell Congress, support the most comprehensive legislative effort yet to address the Black maternal health crisis in America!
The Black Maternal Health Momnibus is composed of nine individual bills sponsored by members of the Black Maternal Health Caucus and Senator Kamala Harris. The legislation will:
Make critical investments in social determinants of health that influence maternal health outcomes, like housing, transportation, and nutrition;
Provide funding to community-based organizations that are working to improve maternal health outcomes, particularly for Black women;
Comprehensively study the unique maternal health risks facing women veterans and invest in VA maternity care coordination;
Grow and diversify the perinatal workforce to ensure that every mom in America receives maternity care and support from people she can trust;
Improve data collection processes and quality measures to better understand the causes of the maternal health crisis in the United States and inform solutions to address it;
Invest in maternal mental health care and substance use disorder treatments;
Improve maternal health care and support for incarcerated women;
Invest in digital tools like telehealth to improve maternal health outcomes in underserved areas;
Promote innovative payment models to incentivize high-quality maternity care and continuity of health insurance coverage from pregnancy through labor and delivery and up to 1 year postpartum.
**Add your name to our open letter to Congress to urge them to support this historic piece of legislation to save moms!?
Moms should go home and watch their children and families thrive. If we're going to save our moms, we need everyone to be a part of the solution.
And we know that right now, hospitals and healthcare systems are already overburdened and the Coronavirus outbreak may get worse before it gets better. During this time, it's important to take care of our most vulnerable populations, including pregnant and birthing patients. Bills like the Momnibus packet will help us to do this, and also set up the foundations we need to address future health crisis impacting our communities.
Together we are a powerful voice in the movement to save moms.
-Nadia, Monifa, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising/MamasConPoder team
[1] The COVID-19 Outbreak: Potential Fallout for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. The Guttmacher Institute.
[2] NBC News. U.S. is the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world.
[3][4]?US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. The Black-White Disparity in Pregnancy-Related Mortality From 5 Conditions: Differences in Prevalence and Case-Fatality Rates.
[5] The Washington Post. The crisis in America's maternity wards.?
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#KeepMarching online Zoom meeting
Dear Friend,
George Floyd, Breonna Taylor - and a list of others too long to fit on this page - were killed by law enforcement. They were fathers, daughters, sisters, and had people who loved them. No mother should have to fear the loss of a loved one at the hands of those charged to protect them. Now we have arrived at a much-needed national reckoning over the systemic racism and violence that has terrorized and oppressed Black families and communities throughout our history.?
In the clamor for change, a long called-for strategy of divesting budget resources away from policing - and reallocating those resources to areas like healthcare, housing and education in order to increase community health, economic wellness and safety - seems, to many, to have burst upon the public consciousness as something new and powerful. In fact, there's a long history behind this strategy, including generations of civil rights leaders. This #KeepMarching online meeting is focused on examining what defunding the police has meant and can mean.
? Please join MomsRising at our next #KeepMarching online meeting to learn more about what defunding the police can mean - and why this not-so-new strategy is now front and center.
RSVP now for this timely and powerful #KeepMarching online meeting to learn about what defunding the police can mean on Tuesday, June 16, at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT.?
Monifa Bandele, Senior Vice President of MomsRising, who also serves on the Leadership Table of the Movement for Black Lives, will host this conversation about defunding the police, challenging us to "dream big" about real solutions in this critical moment.?
We are excited to also be welcoming the following special guests:?
Andrea J. Ritchie, Researcher in Residence on Race, Gender, Sexuality and Criminalization at Barnard College. Andrea's projects include, "Interrupting Criminalization: Research in Action," and "Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color"
Kim Ellison, Chairman of the Minneapolis Board of Education, which was one of the first school systems in the nation to cut ties with the police department following George Floyd's death
Phillip McHarris, Lead Research & Policy Associate at Community Resource Hub for Safety & Accountability
#KeepMarching online meetings are designed to give you the inside scoop on what's happening on issues and politics, give you direct access to MomsRising staff and leading experts, and fill you in on MomsRising''s hot campaigns. We use Zoom online conference rooms, so you can participate via video conference or call in over the phone (though we strongly encourage joining by video so you can see visuals and participate in the concurrent chat room).?
Please help MomsRising keep up our team-building work in 2020 and join us for our June 16 KeepMarching Zoom meeting at 8pm ET/5pm PT! RSVP NOW ?
Please forward this email to any friends and family you think would benefit from this conversation, so they can join, too.
Together, we''ll #KeepMarching and never stop fighting for the change our families and communities need. And we'll never stop supporting and being there for each other.
-- Gloria and Joy
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Dear Friend,
It's a back to school season like none we have ever experienced before. Instead of reviewing school supply lists, we're dealing with a lot of uncertainty and scrambling to figure out what to do if (!?!?) or when (!?!?) our schools and child care centers reopen.
This year the supplies that we need the most are things like paid family/medical leave, paid sick days, and massive investments in child care - and they are in *very* short supply.
Congress has a role in fixing this problem and they need to ACT NOW.
? Tell your U.S. Senators that they must act quickly to support child care and also to extend and expand access to pandemic paid leave before school starts. Otherwise, there is no way schools, or anything else, will be able to safely reopen.
One thing is certain: We can't open school without paid leave for everyone. And we can't open child care without massive investments in our child care infrastructure, including ensuring all early educators have access to paid sick days when they need them. But the limited pandemic paid leave provisions Congress passed in the spring are set to expire at the end of December, and so far no relief package has had nearly enough support for child care! It's time to speak out!
This week the U.S. Senate will start working on what is likely to be the *last* COVID-19 relief legislation they will deal with for the rest of the year, and that package must include massive investments in child care, and expanded access to paid leave.
The need is frighteningly urgent. The limited paid leave program Congress passed in April leaves out over 106 million working people. Put another way: Right now approximately 83% of U.S. workers are left out of pandemic paid leave and if they don't close the loopholes, then these families will continue to be left out as COVID-19 spikes in new places across the country. [1] It's not sustainable for families, and it's not acceptable. We've got to expand these policies quickly.
Families like Te'Jal's, a MomsRising member, are suffering. Te'Jal's family was left out of the Families First emergency paid leave benefits because her employer has more than 500 employees. Her two-year-old son's child care center has closed due to the pandemic, and she is struggling to work full-time from home and care for him at the same time. She used her limited sick time when she and her son both had the flu earlier this year, so she worries how her family will manage if she or her son becomes seriously ill.
? Now is the time to really amp up the pressure on the U.S. Senate to act.
The plain truth is that without paid sick days and family and medical leave, we can't safely reopen -- especially as pandemic death rates continue to rise. [2] In fact, right now the majority of workers still don't have access to paid leave to stay home to protect themselves and others if they get sick. [3] And we KNOW that access to paid sick days and paid leave helps reduce the spread of viral infections. For example, states and cities that have passed paid sick time legislation have seen their flu rates decrease by up to 40%! [4]
We need to build in protections in the next coronavirus relief package! Unfortunately, the first paid leave law that Congress passed doesn't go nearly far enough -- leaving out over 100 million working people -- that's almost a third of the entire nation's population, including children. Even worse, these meager paid leave laws expire at the end of 2020, right when we may be facing a new spike in COVID-19. [5]
And no package passed by Congress yet has come close to providing the support we need for child care. The pandemic has made it harder than ever for families to access affordable, high-quality child care. While some child care providers remained open during the pandemic to care for the children of essential workers, many more have stayed closed and will likely close permanently. According to a study released just last week by the National Association of Young Children, two out of every five child care programs are expected to close their programs forever if elected leaders don't act now to stabilize the industry. [6] And for those child care providers who are currently open or are looking at re-opening amidst concerns about health and safety and lower enrollment, which will decrease revenue at the same time costs for cleaning and health and safety supplies are going up. [7]
Without child care or school, parents are struggling to work, attend college, participate in job training, and take care of other household responsibilities. This is getting worse as more workplaces reopen.
? Tell your U.S. Senators they must act quickly to extend and expand access to pandemic paid leave before school starts and they need to invest in child care. Otherwise, there is no way schools, or anything else, will be able to safely reopen.
Our senators have seen a lot of research, but your personal experiences are what stick in their minds the most when considering what to do. So taking just a few moments to add your name to our letter and add your own note sharing your experience goes a long way towards influencing lawmakers and pressuring them to do the right thing.
There's no time to waste. Massive investments in early learning and access to comprehensive and permanent paid sick days and paid family and medical leave will be crucial for reopening states safely: This virus hasn't gone away, and won't anytime soon, and people will need time to recover without worrying about losing their jobs.
Together we're a powerful force for women and families, in good times and in bad.
- Ruth, Nina, Christina, Tina, Kristin, and the rest of the MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Breonna Taylor was a dreamer, a go-getter, she was an award-winning EMT, an essential worker at two hospitals during the pandemic. She was beloved by her friends and family. On March 13th, she was killed in her home, in her bed. It''s been over 100 days and no charges have been filed against the officers responsible for her death. We are heartbroken, outraged and horrified. This miscarriage of justice has gone on too long. Breonna is dead, and the perpetrators are facing no charges. Take Action here!
P.P.S.Know Your Rights! Click here to find out if you are covered by the limited paid sick days and paid family leave.
P.P.P.S. MomsRising joined early learning experts in the field to develop a short book that centers the lives and challenges of working families and child care providers amidst today''s unprecedented public health and economic crisis. You can read here: Child Care In Crisis: Stories From the Field
[1] Center for American Progress: Coronavirus Paid Leave Exemptions exclude millions of workers [2] Washington Post: U.S. Sets another single-day total [3] KQED: Even With New Federal Coronavirus Bill, Most Workers Get No Additional Sick Leave [4] VOX CEPER: The pros and cons of sick days [5] Center for American Progress: Coronavirus Paid Leave Exemptions exclude millions of workers [6] National Association for the Education of Young Children: Holding on until help comes: A survey reveals child care's fight to survive [7] Zero to Three: How COVID-19 is impacting child care providers
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Please power up MomsRising's work for 2021 TODAY!
Dear Friend,
It's Kristin. I'm writing to you as the MomsRising team is fighting for COVID-19 relief legislation in Congress, including unemployment insurance, paid leave and sick days, childcare and healthcare -- and as we are backing up local organizations who are getting out the vote in Georgia.? You all, as a community, have come through again and again. Thank you.? For instance, when we asked for MomsRising volunteers to write postcards to help get out the vote in Georgia, this movement stepped up and in less than 24 hours, our postage-paid, pre-addressed postcards were claimed! And as we speak, the MomsRising team continues to organize our movement and support on the ground efforts to get out the vote in Georgia and also to move relief to families through Congress.?
So, let me get right to it: We need you now more than ever. It's because of supporters like you making donations right now that we're able to get those postcards to potential voters in Georgia and we're able to fight for families in Congress.?
And it's because of supporters like you that we can think even bigger for 2021! Together, we've accomplished so much in 2020, despite truly monumental challenges. That's why we know we can count on you, on us, together, to win even more for families in 2021. Can you chip in to support this work today? TODAY is a great day to donate because, thanks to another generous MomsRising donor, every dollar you give will be DOUBLED!
We have BIG plans to build on our forward progress in 2020 and to make even more gains for parents, families, children, and our economy in 2021. Check out our top 10 targets for 2021:
1- Advancing emergency COVID-19 relief; 2- Securing healthcare for everyone; 3- Lifting the economy, safety net, taxes, and jobs; 4- Pushing forward criminal justice and policing reform; 5- Strengthening workplace justice, including paid family and medical leave and sick days; 6- Passing affordable, accessible, quality childcare opportunities for all;? 7- Advancing maternal health and reproductive health;? 8- Moving forward fair treatment of all immigrant families;? 9- Strengthening gun safety;? 10- Expanding voting rights along with democracy protection.
Can you support this vitally important work with a donation today? ALL DONATIONS DOUBLED TODAY! Please let us know you're with us as we plan for 2021!?
Together we WILL continue to make progress. 2020 has shown us what we can do when we rise together.? Please chip in what you can today to help MomsRising make even bigger advances that life every family in 2021!?
Thank you for all you do,
P.S. There's one more easy thing you can do -- please forward this message now to friends and family so we can raise our voices even more powerfully in 2021! P.P.S. We made a minute-long KAPOW! YAY! BAM! WOW! video on the wins you powered in 2020!? *Check out the short KAPOW video here and please share!
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Celebrate and empower moms. Contribute today! All gifts matched!
Hello Friend!
What a week. What a year. What a moment in our nation's history. What a time for you and your family. This has been a hard year.
Thank you.
You are a true superhero. Yes, you.
You have done the impossible this year. Even though it's a pandemic and you're juggling more than seems possible each day, you just powered a more massive wave of mom voter engagement than we ever dreamed possible. (For instance, we had a goal of sending 3 million texts to low frequency voters to get them info on how to vote, and we together ended up sending over 23 MILLION). And over the past couple of months, you also just powered more powerful outreach to members of Congress on the urgent need for COVID-19 relief than we imagined could happen. (For instance, together we made over 765,000 contacts with members of Congress to help advance COVID-19 relief, including expanding unemployment insurance and direct payments, paid leave and sick days, healthcare and access to nutritious food, affordable childcare, and more.)
Thank you for all you're giving to your family and community, to protect your own health, and to lift democracy and open avenues for everyone to thrive. all during a historically devastating pandemic.
Now, it's Giving Tuesday and we hope you contribute to help us keep up the MOMentum because our work together is far from done.?* And today your gift will go twice as far-- an anonymous donor will MATCH your donation!?
There's so much to do, but one thing 2020 has taught us is that we are incredibly powerful and effective together. That's why for Giving Tuesday 2020 we're celebrating the joy and power of every single one of us in the MomsRising community together, including YOU, who moved mountains to get out the vote, to protect our families' and communities' health, and to stand up for women, moms, and families in this uniquely challenging year.
The numbers are HUGE -- the largest in MomsRising's history:
73,000 volunteers stepped forward to help get out the vote!
Completed over 23.4 million texts and phone calls to get voting information out!
Wrote over 2.1 million hand-written postcards -- and helped get out a total of 4.5 million postcards to low frequency voters with the information they needed to vote!
More than 88,244,357 reached social media in English and Spanish!??
Over 272 state-based local Beacons of Hope Precinct Captains made over 318,000 local contacts with low-frequency mom voters in their communities!
Those stats are just the tip of the iceberg of what we did together to get out the vote -- and is far more than we ever dreamed possible! (It's also way more than we originally planned to do!! Thank you for pushing through expectations to soar!). You helped break volunteer records and set historic voter turnout records across the nation. We're full of gratitude and awe for all that we've accomplished together so far.
Friend, thank you, thank you, thank you for all you have done to move this nation forward together with the joy and power of MomsRising. even as you've been juggling staying healthy in a pandemic!
And, as you know, there's so much more work (and so many more potential WINS for women and families!) just on the horizon! So in honor of Giving Tuesday today, we invite you to keep risingtomake racial justice, economic justice, and gender justice possible for every woman, mom, and family in America.
Please help keep the MOMentum going and growing with a Giving Tuesday contribution to MomsRising today. It will be MATCHED by an anonymous donor!
With your gift, you'll help prepare and power up the MomsRising movement for our 2021 plans and beyond! We're continuing to amplify our power and voices for:
Emergency COVID-19 relief
Healthcare as a right
Lifting our economy and workplace justice
Criminal and youth justice along with police reform
Childcare priorities
Maternal & reproductive health justice
Families and immigration
Gun safety
Voting rights and voter participation
And so much more
Friend, we have so much work yet to do. And we are so thankful to be doing this work with you.?
Help us honor moms and families today with continued action for change through a donation to help us all RISE together! Remember, your donation will be MATCHED by an anonymous donor!
Thank you for being a big, essential, powerful part of the MomsRising community and for your continued compassion, hard work, and generosity. Thank you for showing the nation the true meaning of superhero.
- Kristin and everyone at MomsRising
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Top #5Actions of the Past Week Friday, November 25, 2020
The holidays are upon us, and many of us are getting creative and practicing flexibility to connect from a distance with family in new ways because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the pandemic hasn't just challenged the way we celebrate; it's also turned up the pressure on families whose health and paychecks have been devastated by the pandemic and who need relief NOW. You can make a real difference with the actions below.
From sharing your own COVID-19 stories, to writing letters to the editor with our easy tool, to calling Congress, these actions now will immediately dial up the pressure on lawmakers to remind them the clock is ticking on passing urgently needed COVID-19 relief!
Keep scrolling down, because we've also got actions to protect kids from criminalization and to keep you in the loop with actions via our mobile list.
May your holidays be safe and healthy. Thank you for all you do.
-- Anita, Kristin, Sue Anne, Taylor, Elyssa, Beatriz, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
How has your family been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SUBMITTED -> Submit Now
The pandemic is hitting us all hard, especially women who are losing jobs at record numbers.
Many emergency benefits, like emergency paid leave, expanded unemployment benefits, and others expire on Dec. 31st of this year. Starting next week, Congress will begin negotiations again on a year-end COVID package. We want to increase pressure on our elected officials and policy makers to provide immediate relief to our families. Sharing your personal experiences can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand why taking critical steps-extending and expanding emergency benefits including paid leave, unemployment insurance, and supporting childcare-are essential to the health and well-being of our communities.
Share with us how COVID-19 is impacting your employment, childcare, health, and ability to care and provide for your family.
Send a Letter to the Editor saying #ReliefCantWait!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SENT -> Send Now
Our families are hurting in this COVID economy. People continue to be out of work, we are struggling with child care centers and schools being closed, eviction protections are going away, and the number of COVID cases is rising around the country. After delaying for far too long, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his Republican colleagues have one last chance this year to pass a vital COVID-relief package before key programs (unemployment benefits, emergency paid leave and sick days, eviction protections) expire at the end of the year.
We need YOU to speak out now!
Your U.S. Senators are very important in this fight. One of the most high impact, powerful things you can do right now is send a letter to the editor to your local paper calling on your elected leaders to do the right thing. It''s very easy and we''ll walk you through all the steps.
Save the Date: Join our #ReliefCantWait Call-In Day on December 2nd
The clock is ticking and if Congress doesn't take immediate action, 12 million people will face an unemployment benefits cliff by the end of the year and millions more will lose their emergency paid leave, sick days, and eviction protections. We need our elected leaders to pass a robust, comprehensive COVID-relief package NOW!
Next week, Congress will return to Capitol Hill and this is our opportunity to put much-needed pressure on them to get to work to protect our families, front line workers, and the economy.
Join our COVID National Call-In Day on December 2nd by texting RELIEFNOW to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your U.S. Senator's office. We'll also be lifting this message up on social media using #ReliefCantWait. Join us and spread the word!
Take Action! 300,000 Kids under the age of 12 have been arrested!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
School counselors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists are trained to support children, and in schools where these professionals are able to provide services we see improved attendance rates, better academic achievement, and higher graduation rates. These same schools also see lower rates of suspension, expulsion, and other disciplinary incidents. The data on this is clear. The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn''t just improve outcomes for students, but also improves overall school safety.
The Counseling Not Criminalization Act is an important step in shifting resources away from practices that harm and push kids out of school into what helps students thrive, keeps schools safe, and ends the criminalization of kids in schools.
The time is NOW to stand for students and end the regular presence of law enforcement in schools. Sign on!
Have you joined our mobile list?
Have you signed up for our mobile action list? We send messages 1-2 times per week to our mobile list with our latest, and most important, actions. These messages allow you to quickly contact your representatives via a simple phone call.
Text MOMS to 747464 to join.
P.S.- This content is also on the MomsRising blog!
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The U.S. Senate needs to return to Washington, DC, NOW to vote YES on $25 billion emergency funding for the USPS!
Dear Friend,
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is under attack-and with it, our democracy, access to prescription medicine, and other essential mail during a pandemic. In fact, the failure of U.S. Senate Republicans to fund the USPS is threatening vote-by-mail programs and also is threatening the delivery of life-saving drugs, supplies, packages, bills, and more.?
Rather than address this critical need, U.S. Senate Republicans remain on summer holiday.
TAKE ACTION: USPS needs at minimum $25 billion in emergency funding NOW in order to continue operations, and even more funding on top of that in order to handle the expected record surge of mail-in ballots this fall (so no one's mailed vote is uncounted due to delays). [1]
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, so far, has not only refused to call the Senate back from summer recess to vote to give USPS emergency funding, but reports are that U.S. Senate Republicans are prepared to give only half the minimal emergency relief it needs-$10 billion-as part of a "skinny COVID" bill. [2]? The USPS needs $25 billion, not $10 billion.
Tell your U.S. Senator: #DoYourJob! The U.S. Senate needs to return to Washington, DC, NOW to vote YES on $25 billion in funding for the USPS, and to pass a robust, comprehensive COVID- relief package!
The USPS is a unicorn, that rare public institution enjoying higher than 90% public approval. [3] That's because the USPS motto rings so true, that "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." [4] U.S. mail has been so reliable that veterans trust the postal service with 80% of their prescriptions, [5]? and seniors account for more than half of the 1.2 billion prescriptions a year that USPS delivers. [6]
Furthermore, in this time of social distancing, families across the country, especially in rural areas (which are often poorly serviced by private carriers), rely on the postal service to bring critical mail and items they need. [7]
Don't let Senate Republicans risk breaking a national treasure, our postal service, by denying it the emergency funding it needs right now in a pandemic.?
Tell the U.S. Senate to return to Washington, DC, NOW to vote YES on $25 billion in funding for the USPS and a robust, comprehensive COVID- relief package! #DoYourJob.
The postal service is on the verge of collapse due to antiquated and misguided policy: Its deficits are the result of the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, passed by Republicans, which not only cap annual increases in postage, but mandates that the USPS prepay its $72 billion retirement fund (enough for 75 years worth of benefits) - a burden that no other federal agency bears. [8]
Yes, this ridiculous 2006 Act must be repealed and replaced at some point, but in the current dumpster fire of events, immediate needs must come first: The USPS must be given emergency funding NOW in order to pay its bills and not have to suspend services. But that's not going to happen as long as U.S. Senators remain on their summer break.
Tell your U.S. Senator #DoYourJob-there's no time to lose! Tell them you want them to return to Washington, DC, NOW to vote YES on $25 billion in funding for the USPS and to pass a robust, comprehensive COVID-relief package.
Enough harm has been inflicted already by President Trump's hand-picked Postmaster General, Republican mega donor Louis DeJoy, [9] who instituted wide-scale disruptive changes that discernibly slowed down mail delivery and damaged trust in the postal system. Due to immense public pressure, those changes have been suspended for the moment, [10] but Congress must also take steps to repair that damage, including demanding a clear plan for how the USPS will replace discarded equipment, reverse the damage done, and restore the public's confidence.
Tell the U.S. Senate to return to Washington, D.C., and save the USPS now!
Please forward this alert to your family, friends, and everyone you know, and ask them to sign on to our message too! We will deliver our message and your signature to Congress in the next couple of days, ahead of the Congressional hearings on Friday and Monday. [11]
In solidarity,
- Gloria, Kristin, Donna, Elyssa, Anita, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder team
P.S.- JOIN the national day of action this Saturday, August 22, at post offices across the country to call on Congress to save the post office and call on Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to resign. Click here to find an action near you.
[1] "Why the U.S. Postal Service needs emergency funding to survive the COVID-19 pandemic," South Florida Sun Sentinel, May 5, 2020. [2] "Scaled-back GOP aid package would write off $10 billion postal loan," Roll Call, Aug. 18, 2020. [3] "U.S. Postal Service Tops List Again as Americans' Favorite Government Agency,", Apr. 15, 2020. [4] PDF: Postal Service Mission and "Motto" [5] "Trump's Sabotage of the U.S. Postal Service Threatens the Delivery of Medications for Seniors, Veterans and Rural Americans," Protect Our Care, Aug. 18, 2020. [6] "USPS Delays Are Causing People To Get Their Prescriptions Late," Buzzfeed News, Aug. 17, 2020. [7] Ibid., Buzzfeed News. [8] "Congress''s war on the post office,", Mar. 15, 2012. [9] "Who is Postmaster General Louis DeJoy?" The Baltimore Sun, Aug. 16, 2020. [10] "DeJoy suspends Postal Service changes amid election fears," Politico, Aug. 18, 2020. [11] "Postmaster general agrees to testify before Senate, House lawmakers amid mail-in voting firestorm," ABCNews, Aug. 20, 2020.
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Just four months away from the November election. JUST. FOUR. FAST. MONTHS.
Dear Friend,
July 4th weekend is here, the official start of a summer unlike any other for many, and just four months away from the November election. JUST. FOUR. FAST. MONTHS. The clock is ticking and your voice, your action, your attention is needed more than ever.
So for the #5Actions this week, we urge you to put your mark on a map to be a Beacon of Hope for others and show that you're planning to help get out the vote for the November elections (Don't worry! We'll share lots of ways you can help get out the vote in the coming weeks). We also have additional critically important actions this week for you to take, including: Demand Justice for Elijah McClain; Support Testing, Masks, and Health Care; and Moving Forward Unemployment Insurance. Lastly, what are your COVID-19 back-to-school concerns? We want to hear so we can help advocate for policy solutions!
Thank you for the tremendous work you're doing in this transformational moment in history!
1. Put Your Mark on the Map and Be a Beacon of Hope! Your Action Status: NOT ADDED YET -> Make Your Mark
The Election is just FOUR short months away!
**ACTION: Put your mark on the map to be a Beacon of Hope for others by showing that you're planning to help get out the vote for the November elections!
2. Sign Now: Testing, Masks, and Health Care! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: In the middle of a pandemic-when millions are losing their health insurance and hundreds of thousands are experiencing a terrible health care crisis-President Trump has: cut funding for COVID-19 testing; refused to encourage people to wear masks to stop the spread of coronavirus despite scientific research showing mask wearing is essential to slowing the pandemic; and filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court to strip health care coverage away from tens of millions of Americans, which will make the pandemic far worse.
**ACTION: Tell President Trump and Vice President Pence: This mismanagement of our COVID-19 crisis must stop. Take immediate action to protect our health!
3. SIGN NOW! The Senate needs to protect unemployed workers! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Unless the U.S. Senate takes action soon millions of unemployed workers will lose the $600 per week boost in unemployment insurance benefits on July 31st. With an unemployment rate still sitting at around 13.3% and 59% of CEOs saying they are implementing hiring freezes, now is NOT the time for Congress to short change struggling Americans and undercut our economy. < br/="">We need the U.S. Senate to follow the House's lead and take immediate action to extend unemployment insurance benefits for millions of workers!
**SIGN OUR LETTER NOW to your U.S. Senators urging them to extend the $600 per week for unemployed workers and stand up for our families and our economy!
4. Demand Justice for Elijah McClain Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Elijah McClain -- a young Black man who loved animals, a violinist, a highly regarded massage therapist, and a person beloved by his community -- was simply walking home from the store after buying iced tea when police officers in Aurora, Colorado detained and murdered him nearly a year ago. The officers who murdered Elijah have yet to be fired or charged. No mother should have to go through what Elijah's mom is going through. No one should lose their life to the police.
**ACTION: Demand that Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser hold the officers who murdered Elijah accountable, starting with their immediate arrest and criminal charges filed against them.
5. Tell us about your COVID-19 back-to-school concerns Your Action Status: NOT YET SUBMITTED -> Add Your Story
BACKGROUND: States around the country have started to roll out their plans for getting kids back to school and child care. These plans look different in every state and we know it has created some questions and anxiety for you. Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand what real families are going through during this pandemic. That is why we are hoping you can share your thoughts with us!
**ACTION: Tell us about your concerns and thoughts around COVID-19 back-to-school plans.
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Gloria, Felicia, Elyssa, Kristin, Jordan, Monifa, Nadia, Karen, Donna, and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam? Team
P.S. -?We cannot tear immigrant children from their families during COVID 19! #FreeTheFamilies: Take action and sign this letter to President Trump, Congress and ICE to make sure families are released together.
P.P.S. This list is also on the blog!
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Talk to MomsRising LA County staff one-on-one about your child care needs
Dear Friend,
As a mother of two and full-time educator working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I?- like many of you?- am trying to figure out how to juggle the pressure of being 100% present at work, while also having to meet the needs of my children. Sound familiar? Let's talk about it.?
Before switching to remote work prior to the pandemic, my partner and I relied heavily on the support of my mother and sister for child care. However, that came to a screeching halt once COVID-19 hit, and we were unable to receive that support from my family due to "safer at home" orders by our state.
Right now, 72% of moms with children under 18 are in the workforce. [1]? And with negotiations stalled and no federal relief in sight, our state could lose as much as 51% of our child care supply. [2]? In the absence of quality affordable child care many parents will leave the workforce out of necessity, sacrificing long-term earnings-this is particularly true for mothers. Something needs to be done.?
That's why we need to hear from you to ensure that parents don't get lost in the shuffle and so that solutions are built by families, for families.?
****RSVP**** to join our Family Friendly Virtual Listening Session where we will come together to talk about our child care struggles amid COVID-19 on Friday, September 25th from 4:00PM-5:15PM.
Now more than before, I'm grateful for the care my kids get while I work and I know access to affordable, quality child care is essential for our families to re-enter the workforce. It is something we need for working families across the state of California and across the country.
That's why it is more important than ever that we speak up.?
Too often, people think of childcare as a "personal issue," and as something that we should "figure out" on our own. However, we know that creating systemic change is the best way to support our California families during this unprecedented time. Because of this, I would like to invite you to join me and MomsRising for an opportunity to share our stories with one another in order to collectively amplify our voices to show elected leaders that child care is an essential need in our state and nation.
Interested in helping shape child care conversations in California? Sign up below for two opportunities to amplify your voice:
Share your story and speak to other members in the Los Angeles County area on Friday, September 25th from 4:00PM-5:15PM for our Virtual Listening Session: Sign Up HereNOTE: Kids and all family noises and needs are welcome!
Schedule a 1:1 phone chat to share how COVID-19 has impacted your home with regards to child care: Sign up for a time?here?
I hope that you consider joining me as we stand up for child care in California.?
Together we are a powerful voice for moms, children, and families!
- Marysol, Nina, Donna, and the entire MomsRising/MamasConPoder Team?
[1] EMPLOYMENT CHARACTERISTICS OF FAMILIES, Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 2020?
[2]?Coronavirus Pandemic Could Lead to Permanent Loss of Nearly 4.5 Million Child Care Slots, Center for American Progress, April 2020?
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Dear Friend,
On Monday, June 29, the Supreme Court struck down a law in the state of Louisiana that would put limits on admitting privileges; making it so that physicians would have to work within 30 miles of a clinic in order to provide abortion care to their patients. If this law passed, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), young people, LGBTQ+ people, people living with disabilities, immigrant, and/or low income communities would have been disproportionately affected, leaving these groups with little to no access to abortion and reproductive health services. Although we are relieved that the only three abortion clinics are protected in Louisiana, our fight remains.?
There are attacks on abortion happening in several states around the country-- and have been for decades:?Roe v. Wade--? and the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA) is an important step forward in ensuring that people have attainable access to quality, affordable, and compassionate reproductive services and abortion in their state. With your signature, we will tell lawmakers to support the Women's Health Protection Act NOW! When you click you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The Women's Health Protection Act is a federal bill that will protect abortion privileges for all people, nationwide, while making sure medical bans and harmful, unnecessary restrictions perpetuated by anti-abortion politicians never see the light of day. We will continue to fight against laws that exploit people during the COVID-19 public health crisis and block access to health centers and clinics. Abortion is essential, time-sensitive health care, and a crucial tool in the fight to advance race and gender equity. It deserves to be treated as such without financial burdens and social stigmas attached.
Your voice matters. Sign your name to our petition in support of the Women's Health Protection Act!
- Diarra, Monifa, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. We''re collecting stories about abortion experiences with the goal of liberation and freedom to choose. With our stories, we will demand freedom from state violence and to be treated with dignity and respect. Have you or someone you love needed abortion services? Share your story with us and watch our ad with UltraViolet: ?
Dear Friend,
Last Friday, Missouri came one step closer to becoming the first state in the nation without an abortion clinic when its health department rejected a license renewal for the St. Louis Planned Parenthood location. [1]
Across the country, women's reproductive rights are under attack - now more than ever. That's why we're asking members of Congress to STOP these plans to roll back our right to reproductive health and freedom once and for all by passing the Women's Health Protection Act (S.1645 / H.R. 2975). [2]
*Quick Signature: Tell lawmakers to support the Women's Health Protection Act NOW!When you click you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Most women who have abortions are already moms. [3] Being able to manage how many children we have and when we have them has been nothing short of revolutionary - not just for women and mothers, but for our country as a whole. It has helped to narrow the gender pay gap, improved the health of women and their families, and led women toward access to increased economic and political power.
Make no mistake, this war on mothers and women is not about reducing abortions. In fact, if the goal of those who are passing such severely restrictive laws was to avoid abortion, then they''d be passing access to free birth control, which is proven to lower abortion rates, [4] instead of setting lifetime imprisonment laws for doctors who help women in need. What''s really happening is a direct attack on women and moms having bodily autonomy, economic freedom, and sovereignty in our lives.
This situation is NOT okay. Twenty-five million women - that's one in three women of reproductive age - now live in states in which abortion under any circumstances could be outlawed if the Supreme Court were to overturn Roe v. Wade. [5] Make no mistake: this war on women, mothers, and our daughters particularly harms women in low-income families and communities of color, who face more barriers accessing reproductive health care. [6]
Sign now! Add your name to our petition in support of the Women's Health Protection Act!*When you click you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Our petition reads:
As one of over a million members of MomsRising, I am writing to ask that you support the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA)! Since 2011, hundreds of laws have been passed across the country to regulate and restrict abortion access.
This MUST stop.
Anyone who needs an abortion in the United States, deserves quality, affordable medical care, and a relationship with their health care provicer that is free from government intrusion. The WHPA protects these rights: Equal access to abortion, everywhere for everyone. Please support the WHPA!
Add your name! Sign on to support the Women's Health Protection Act! *When you click you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Lawmakers should not be attacking women, who are half their constituents. Instead, they should be supporting us by passing paid family/medical leave like every other industrialized nation has done, access to health care including birth control, affordable childcare, equal pay, fair treatment of immigrant families, and an end to the mass incarceration that tears too many families apart - and not a rollback of our rights.
Please forward this email and link to everyone you know who believes in a woman's equal right to freedom and her own autonomy, and ask them to sign too.?
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of women.
- Felicia, Monifa, Kristin and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Have you or someone you love needed abortion services? Tell us your story:
P.P.S. We want to be perfectly clear, abortion is still legal in every state in the United States, including in Alabama, Georgia, Missouri, and Louisiana as these laws have not taken effect yet. If you or someone you know needs an abortion, you are perfectly within your legal right to receive one. [7] If you need help accessing an abortion or paying for one, go to the National Network of Abortion Funds.
[1] "Missouri rules against the state''s last abortion clinic," CNN, June 21, 2019.? [2] "The Women's Health Protection Act," ACT for Women!? [3] "Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients in 2014 and Changes Since 2008," New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2016. [4] "Access to free birth control reduces abortion rates," Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Oct. 12, 2012.? [5] "NEW REPORT: Abortion at Risk for More than 25 Million Women in 20 States," Planned Parenthood, Oct. 3, 2018. [6] "Abortion Restrictions Hurt Women of Color," Nikita Mhatre, National Partnership for Women & Families, Apr 25, 2019. [7] "Abortion is still legal in America," Vox, May 16, 2019.
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Top #5Actions of the Past Week Sunday, September 13, 2020
Thank you again for reviewing the top actions for this week with us to amplify momentum toward change. We have 5 easy ways that you can power up, including: Helping to get out the vote in November, sharing why you're voting with your friends on social media, getting a Moms Vote face mask, and also asking for Congress to pass the Pregnant Worker Fairness Act!
We hope that you're having a great weekend and thanks for all you do.
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Gloria, Sili, Ruth, Nina, Jordan and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
Tell Congress to vote YES to pass Pregnant Worker Fairness Act!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act will require employers to make the same sort of accommodations for pregnant workers that are already made for employees with disabilities. These accommodations are simple things like being able to sit down or have a water bottle on shift. This proposed law is more than reasonable! And pregnancy discrimination must stop.Overrepresented in physically demanding jobs, women of color and immigrant women are especially impacted by employers refusing to accommodate pregnant workers with medical needs. Nobody should ever have to choose between their job and the health of their pregnancy, but too many workers still face this impossible choice today.
Urge your U.S. Representative to vote YES on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act when it comes to the House floor!
What's pushing you to the polls?
The 2020 election is going to be one of the most important in our lifetime and every vote matters. MomsRising is setting the pace and garnering enthusiasm to get out and vote. It is up to us to make sure our voices are being heard.
Add your photo to our wall and share what is bringing you to the polls in November.
Jacob Blake, the WNBA, CoSponsor the BREATHE ACT
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
Leaders across the country have tirelessly put themselves on the frontlines for the defunding of police, safer communities for Black and Brown people; fighting against racist policies aimed to harm our people. Over 200 organizations, including MomsRising, have come together to support the BREATHE Act. This act will ensure that our political leaders invest in our communities through education, housing, healthcare, mental health services, address the needs of the people living in low-income communities and divest from racialized, militarized policing and incarceration.
Become a community co-sponsor of this historic legislation and urge your member of Congress to do the same!
Moms Vote face masks are here!! Support and Celebrate Moms Voting!
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate Now
Wearing a MomsRising's face mask will not only help you stay healthy, but also help inspire, celebrate, and turn out millions of moms to vote! You can get a face mask of your own when you make a donation to support MomsRising''s massive mom voter engagement programs across the nation this year.
Moms are a powerful force for change! When you make a donation of $25 or more, we''ll send you a limited-edition Moms Vote face mask as thanks! You can wear it to inspire, celebrate, and help turn out millions of moms to vote!
Sign Up to Help Get Out the #MomsVote With Texts and/or Calls!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
We have just a few months before Voting Day on November 3. Research shows that personalized messages delivered in a conversational manner are one of the most effective ways to mobilize voters - and that's exactly what this program does. Plus, we have A LOT of work to do: Only about 58% of eligible voters turned out to vote in the last presidential election, which leaves a lot of room for improvement! So our personal voices are (quite literally) needed. Join us in making the call (literally, and text too!) to get out the vote!
2020 #MomsVote GOTV Power Surge: Sign up for just 20 Minutes of Texts and/or Calls!
P.S.- This content is also on the MomsRising blog!
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Dear Friend,
As the novel coronavirus changes our everyday lives in ways we could never have imagined, we are told over and over again how the virus does not discriminate. Day in and day out we are directed to take protective measures to ensure the safety of our loved ones and the safety of our fellow community members. In recent days, we have learned that while COVID-19 does not discriminate, deep seeded racial inequities that have historically burdened black and brown communities are ever present in the way the virus is disproportionately impacting black and brown people.?
Race shouldn''t determine whether you live or die from the COVID-19! The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) must collect and make public racial data on COVID-19, as well as develop guidance for health leaders and hospitals to close this disparity!
In Milwaukee Wisconsin, African Americans make up 26 percent of the total population and an unconscionable 70 percent of COVID-19 deaths. Seventy percent! Similar disparities have emerged in Louisiana, where 70 percent of the people who have died were black, despite African Americans making up only 32 percent of the state's total population. [1] In Michigan, African Americans comprise 14 percent of the population and are 33 percent of cases and approximately 40 percent of COVID-19 deaths with more than a quarter of those cases occurring in Detroit, where African Americans make up 79 percent of the total population. In Chicago black residents have died at a rate of SIX TIMES that of white residents and, of the 118 reported deaths in Chicago, close to 70 percent were black.[2]
In New York City, the epicenter for the COVID-19 pandemic, Latinx represent 34 percent of the people who have died of the coronavirus but make up 29 percent of the city's population. A study conducted by the New York City comptroller found that 75 percent of front-line workers in the city-grocery clerks, bus and train operators, janitors and child care staff-are minorities. More than 60 percent of people who work as cleaners are Latinx and more than 40 percent of transit employees are black. [3] This compounds existing racial and economic inequities in black and brown communities and puts these communities at an increased risk for contracting and dying from COVID-19 as the data is starting to show.[4]
We must protect ALL communities from COVID-19: Collecting racial data, making it public, and developing guidance for health leaders and hospitals? would help close disparities and do that!?
This shocking review of the limited data available shows that African Americans and Latinx are dying at rates markedly higher than white American and while at the highest levels these disproportionate deaths along racial lines are being noted, the CDC is currently failing to collect and publicly report on the racial and ethnic demographic information of patients tested for and affected by COVID-19.[5] The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on March 11th-a declaration that should ideally ramp up research and data collection on the virus with the hopes of stopping the spread. [6]?
Natural disasters and epidemics, and other public health crises aggravate existing burdens faced by communities of color. In places like Chicago prior to COVID-19, there were already broad reaching health inequities amounting to an alarming nine year gap in life expectancy between black and white communities. [7] We can and HAVE to do better.
According to Aletha Maybank, Chief Health Equity Officer for the American Medical Association, collecting demographic data is central to understanding injustice and ensuring the optimal health of people. She asserts that we must commit to finding ways to structure and standardize the collection of all types of demographic data, of information not only about race and ethnicity, but also gender identity, sexual orientation and preferred language, factors that have made people more vulnerable to the blows of public health emergencies.[8]
Currently less than a dozen states are collecting any data this includes data on who receives tests, who tests positive, who is hospitalized, and who dies. This has to change. We need the CDC to collect and share demographic data if we want to ease the burden of this global pandemic for all of us. In addition to demographic data, the CDC must require data collection for clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines, particularly because clinical trials have historically excluded black and brown communities. [9]
If demographic data is not collected, it will make it nearly impossible for researches and policy makers to identify and address disparities and health inequities that run the risk of accelerating the impact and spread of the coronavirus.?
We need the CDC to develop and implement health equity interventions across all efforts to address this global pandemic. This includes ensuring that various components of the stimulus require the collection of national health outcomes data by race, and ensure that all new policies urgently address these racial disparities.?
Together we can ensure that race is not the factor that determines whether you live or die from COVID-19. Sign on to demand the CDC to collect and make public racial data on COVID-19, as well as develop guidance for health leaders and hospitals to close this disparity!
Beatriz, Monifa, Felicia, Kristin and the rest of the MomsRising Team
[1[2]]The coronavirus is infecting and killing black Americans at an alarmingly high rate
[3] Virus Is Twice as Deadly for Black and Latino People Than Whites in N.Y.C.
[4] What the Racial Data Show
[5] Democratic lawmakers call for racial data in virus testing
[6] Coronavirus: COVID-19 Is Now Officially A Pandemic, WHO Says
[7][8] The Pandemic's Missing Data
[9] Clinical Trials Have Far Too Little Racial and Ethnic Diversity
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Dear Friend,
The news pouring in of deaths across the nation-across the world-from COVID-19 has been nothing short of heartbreaking.
The COVID-19 crisis is shining a bright light on the many devastating shortcomings of our current health care system. In fact, tens of millions of people in America are without coverage during this crisis, and many more risk loss of coverage with the loss of their jobs. What's especially cruel and irrational is President Trump's recent decision against opening a special health care enrollment period for people who are uninsured and his continued support for a lawsuit by Republican State Attorneys General to invalidate the Affordable Care Act. [1] This is costing lives. It's past time for President Trump, Congress, and state leaders to take immediate and urgent actions to improve access to health insurance and provide health care stability for America's families.
Quick signature: There's no time to waste! Tell the Trump administration, Congress, and Governors to expand health coverage and defend the Affordable Care Act (ACA) NOW!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
We have a health care emergency in America. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were nearly 28 million people across the U.S. who were uninsured for a variety of reasons-and all need to be able to enroll in coverage in light of the pandemic. These are people who won't qualify for health care enrollment due to a job loss (or "qualifying life event"), so a special enrollment period is necessary for them to enroll. [2] Additionally, a new study shows that tens of millions more will lose coverage due to the economic impact of this health crisis. [3] Further, there are still 14 states which have refused to expand Medicaid to low-income uninsured adults, and many other policies have been adopted to create barriers for people to access coverage. [4,5]
In addition, the Trump Administration and 18 Republican State Attorneys General are continuing their crusade to invalidate the Affordable Care Act through a lawsuit set to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court this Fall. If they are successful, it would rip health care coverage away from millions of families and throw our health care markets into chaos in a time when they are already overburdened with the pandemic response. [6,7]
This all adds up to be a full on health care emergency.
Sign on now! Tell our elected leaders that now is NOT the time to play politics with our health.
When you click, you'll automatically sign onto our letter that reads:
Dear President Trump, Congress, and Governors,
The COVID-19 pandemic shows how critical it is for everyone to have access to quality, affordable health coverage and care. Now is NOT the time to play politics with our health. This is why it is critical for you to defend the Affordable Care Act (ACA) against a lawsuit by Republican State Attorneys General to invalidate it, expand health coverage in every way possible NOW to ensure everyone can get care when they need it, and take the following measures to protect families:
Open a special enrollment period for and all state Marketplaces so that those who are uninsured can enroll in coverage immediately.
Defend the Affordable Care Act against the Texas v. U.S. lawsuit which would invalidate the Affordable Care Act and rip coverage away from millions just as they need it most.
Move forward legislation to provide health care for all.
Increase premium tax credits and promote marketplace enrollment to inform people about their health care coverage options.
Urge all states to expand Medicaid to low-income uninsured adults and enable Medicaid to cover costs of COVID-19 treatment for uninsured people.
Prohibit work requirements and cost-sharing for Medicaid eligibility.
Ban the practice of surprise medical bills to protect families from financial ruin.
Prohibit pandemic profiteering on treatments, medical supplies, and a future vaccine by implementing anti-price-gouging measures.
Ensure immigrants can access no-cost testing and treatment for COVID-19.
? Don't forget to sign! Add your name to our letter that highlights the urgent health care measures our elected leaders can take to protect our health, our families, and our economy. *When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Our health depends on the health of the person next to us, and the person next to them. Ensuring others can access care-regardless of where they are from or their ability to pay-is how we take care of ourselves. We will pull through this crisis by pulling together. Anyone who seeks to use this crisis to divide us, scapegoat Asian Americans, immigrants, or those struggling to make ends meet, endangers us all.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action link on social media:?
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
- Felicia, Tasmiha, Donna, Kristin and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] The Hill, Trump rejects opening ObamaCare special enrollment period amid coronavirus outbreak? [2] Kaiser Family Foundation, Key Facts about the Uninsured Population? [3] Health Management Associates, COVID-19 Impact on Medicaid, Marketplace, and the Uninsured, by State? [4] Kaiser Family Foundation, Status of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions: Interactive Map? [5] Georgetown Center for Children and Families, Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility, Enrollment, and Cost Sharing Policies as of January 2019: Findings from a 50-State Survey? [6] Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Suit Challenging ACA Legally Suspect But Threatens Loss of Coverage for Millions? [7] Kaiser Family Foundation, Explaining Texas v. U.S.: A Guide to the Case Challenging the ACA?
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Dear Friend,
We know it's been a busy week with many families balancing back to school -- in all of it's different variations -- with work and daily activities. Even though you're busy, we didn't want you to miss these actions, especially ways that you can help get out the vote over the next 70+ days.
Please take a look at the actions below, and, as always, thanks for all you do to protect our democracy every day.
1. Sign Up to Get Out the #MomsVote With Texts and/or Calls! Your Action Status: NOT YET CALLED -> Call Now
BACKGROUND: We have just a few months before Voting Day on November 3. Research shows that personalized messages delivered in a conversational manner are one of the most effective ways to mobilize voters - and that's exactly what this program does. Plus, we have A LOT of work to do: Only about 58% of eligible voters turned out to vote in the last presidential election, which leaves a lot of room for improvement! So our personal voices are (quite literally) neede. Join us in making the call (literally, and text too!) to get out the vote!
**ACTION: 2020 #MomsVote GOTV Power Surge: Sign up for just 20 Minutes of Texts and/or Calls!
2. Demand that Senate Republicans save the USPS! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The United States Postal Service (USPS) is under attack-and with it, our democracy and our access to prescription medicine and other essential mail during a pandemic no less. In fact, the failure of U.S. Senate Republicans to fund the USPS is threatening vote-by-mail programs and also is threatening the delivery of live-saving drugs, supplies, packages, bills, and more.
Furthermore, President Trump's hand-picked Postmaster General, Republican mega donor Louis DeJoy, has inflicted much harm on the USPS by instituting wide-scale disruptive changes that discernibly slowed down mail delivery and damaged trust in the postal system. Those changes have been suspended for the moment, but Congress must also take steps to repair that damage, including demanding a clear plan for how the USPS will replace discarded equipment, reverse the damage done, and restore the public's confidence.
**ACTION: Tell the U.S. Senate to return to Washington, D.C., NOW to vote YES on $25 billion emergency funding for the postal service, pass a robust, comprehensive COVID-relief package, and save the USPS.
3. Say NO to pandemic profiteering by big pharma! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We are asking members of Congress to support legislation that will protect against pandemic profiteering and guarantee every person in the U.S. affordable access to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. No prescription drug corporation should be given monopoly control over prices-especially when they're using our tax dollars to develop the treatments and vaccines!
In order to fight this pandemic, we need sufficient quantities and affordability to ensure universal access to safe treatments and vaccines. We deserve transparency, including how much taxpayers have contributed and corporations' costs of production.
**ACTION: Sign now: Stop big pharma from profiteering off of COVID-19 treatments and vaccine.
4. What Are You Voting For?
BACKGROUND: The 2020 Election is going to be one of the most important in our lifetime and every vote matters. MomsRising is setting the pace and garnering enthusiasm to get out and vote. It is up to us to make sure our voices are being heard.
**ACTION: Add your photo and share what is bringing you to the polls in November.
5. Support MomsRising's GOTV Work! Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate Now
BACKGROUND: WOW! MomsRising supporters have stepped up to write postcards to remind low frequency women and mom voters to vote this year in numbers exceeding anything we've ever seen before. We blew through our first (big!) goal of ONE MILLION postcards and we've reached our NEXT big goal-- which means TWO MILLION handwritten voting reminder postcards will be sent!
If you've already donated to support the postcard campaign, THANK YOU! We are grateful. And if you can help us keep up the MOMentum for this next round of postcards, we need you now more than ever!) If you haven't donated yet and you would like to support this groundbreaking work to reach women and mom voters, now is the time!
**ACTION: Please chip in to support MomsRising's Mom-to-Mom Voter Postcards.
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Gloria, Anita, Tasmiha, Sili, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
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#KeepMarching online Zoom meeting
Dear Friend,
George Floyd, Breonna Taylor - and a list of others too long to fit on this page - were killed by law enforcement. They were fathers, daughters, sisters, and had people who loved them. No mother should have to fear the loss of a loved one at the hands of those charged to protect them. Now we have arrived at a much-needed national reckoning over the systemic racism and violence that has terrorized and oppressed Black families and communities throughout our history.?
In the clamor for change, a long called-for strategy of divesting budget resources away from policing - and reallocating those resources to areas like healthcare, housing and education in order to increase community health, economic wellness and safety - seems, to many, to have burst upon the public consciousness as something new and powerful. In fact, there's a long history behind this strategy, including generations of civil rights leaders. This #KeepMarching online meeting is focused on examining what defunding the police has meant and can mean.
? Please join MomsRising at our next #KeepMarching online meeting to learn more about what defunding the police can mean - and why this not-so-new strategy is now front and center.
RSVP now for this timely and powerful #KeepMarching online meeting to learn about what defunding the police can mean on Tuesday, June 16, at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT.?
Monifa Bandele, Senior Vice President of MomsRising, who also serves on the Leadership Table of the Movement for Black Lives, will host this conversation about defunding the police, challenging us to "dream big" about real solutions in this critical moment.?
We are excited to also be welcoming the following special guests:?
Andrea J. Ritchie, Researcher in Residence on Race, Gender, Sexuality and Criminalization at Barnard College. Andrea's projects include, "Interrupting Criminalization: Research in Action," and "Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color"
Kim Ellison, Chairman of the Minneapolis Board of Education, which was one of the first school systems in the nation to cut ties with the police department following George Floyd's death
Phillip McHarris, Lead Research & Policy Associate at Community Resource Hub for Safety & Accountability
#KeepMarching online meetings are designed to give you the inside scoop on what's happening on issues and politics, give you direct access to MomsRising staff and leading experts, and fill you in on MomsRising''s hot campaigns. We use Zoom online conference rooms, so you can participate via video conference or call in over the phone (though we strongly encourage joining by video so you can see visuals and participate in the concurrent chat room).?
Please help MomsRising keep up our team-building work in 2020 and join us for our June 16 KeepMarching Zoom meeting at 8pm ET/5pm PT! RSVP NOW ?
Please forward this email to any friends and family you think would benefit from this conversation, so they can join, too.
Together, we''ll #KeepMarching and never stop fighting for the change our families and communities need. And we'll never stop supporting and being there for each other.
-- Gloria and Joy
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Fighting for mothers and families during this global health emergency
Dear Friend,
Moms' leadership and power has never been more critical, more needed, and more necessary as we enter another month of uncertainty as a nation. In fact, MomsRising has turned up the volume even more on the issues we fight for every day: paid family/medical leave, expanded unemployment insurance, food and nutrition support, paid sick days, healthcare reform, childcare support, criminal justice reform, and more.?
Together, our voices have ensured these issues are front and center in every legislative package before Congress-and we will keep fighting until our nation's policies reflect the contributions and needs of every family, in this moment and forever!
Today is #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving and unity in response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. Would you donate to MomsRising and support our work centering the needs of mothers and families during this critical time?
Working closely with our members, MomsRising's advocacy has been powerful and effective. Here are just a few examples of our impact:
WE WIN: What You Need to Know About the New Federal Emergency Paid Leave
Big News! Thanks to MomsRising's longtime, fierce advocacy, along with other organizations, Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. For the first time ever, our nation has a *limited*, nation-wide, paid sick days and paid family leave law in place during the COVID-19 crisis. ?
WE SUPPORT:?COVID-19 Support Programs Webinar
COVID-19 emergency support programs now exist, but they can be complicated and confusing, so MomsRising has been getting the word out about how to access them (you can learn more about the new supports via the link above). Thousands of people signed up for MomsRising's webinar about how to access the programs, and the above link has the resources shared during the webinar, the webinar itself, as well as a Q&A section responding to questions submitted by participants. This valuable resource provides clear guidance on the nuts and bolts of applying for assistance and on the state of play on paid sick days/paid family leave, unemployment insurance, nutrition assistance, and the impacts of these programs on immigrant families. ??
WE EMPOWER AND CELEBRATE MOTHERS:Dedicate Your Mother's Day Donation
Mother's Day is just a few days away, prompting the MomsRising team to do a virtual big group hug.?
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the fact that, though we are all in the same storm, some of us are safer than others, and it's time to circle around our most vulnerable. Because we are MomsRising, we''re in this together with you and with all mothers and families, and we stand up for ourselves and for each other.?
As Mother''s Day approaches, your donation would not only support our work but also help us celebrate our community. You can honor or memorialize a mom you love with your gift by using this special, dedicated link, and if you like, we'll send an e-card of your choice announcing your gift. 💞
Thank you for being part of the MomsRising movement and being "in this together."
With much appreciation for you!???????
- Kristin, Anita, Gloria, dream, Nate, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder?team?
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Dear Friend,
I'm on day... well who even knows anymore of working from home with my toddler and, like so many of you, my partner and I are wondering when juggling our child care and work will come to an end. But one thing is for sure, we want it to happen safely.?
We sat watching the news yesterday in horror as states are reopening even as numbers of those infected are rising, and even though there's insufficient testing in most of our nation to ensure we don't see further spread. As a mother, daughter, and someone who loves my community, this is SCARY. And there is one piece that really baffles me in these openings... how are parents supposed to get back to work if they are called in while a huge percentage of child care centers are still closed???
***NEWS FLASH: There is no real "reopening" or economic recovery if parents and caregivers can't get back to work. Child care funding in the next relief package is a MUST!?
Honestly, I know my partner and I are luckier than many in that we can work from home (even if our child is wondering if there is a return policy on her parents). When you talk to most parents and caregivers, you'll know that there was already a child care crisis before the pandemic with more than half of all Americans living in child care deserts and, for those who could access care, the cost exceeded that of most major household expenses including housing (especially for families with infants where the costs are higher). [1] Now, this pandemic has made an already big child care crisis into a child care crisis of EPIC proportions as we are on the verge of permanently losing 4.5 million child care slots (yes, MILLIONS!) and about half of all our child care programs. [2] [3] Excuse me as I go breathe into a paper bag.?
And parents who are essential workers right now are already struggling to find child care.??
Moms like Jessica, who says, "I am concerned about child care as my husband and I both work full time; he is not home in the evenings at all so I need to be available for my children. I do not have family who can take my children or help us. I am a social worker who obtains aide services and needed supplies to members who are unable to care for themselves and are medically frail. I need to do my job, but I cannot with my children at home, one of which is 3 years old. However, I will not get paid if I don't work and will most likely lose my job. I need assistance and do not know what to do. Please help myself and others in this situation."
What is going to happen when we start reopening and ask parents and caregivers to go back to work without child care? And how do we support child care providers to ensure it's safe for them, the child care workforce, and our kids?!?
***Elected leaders need to get on this ASAP. Click here to sign our letter to tell Congress that families need them to FUND CHILD CARE NOW!
More than ever I''m grateful for the loving care my child normally receives while we work, and what I really want to see Congress do is to support funding for the child care industry, not the private jet industry (which got a $25 billion bail out?!). [4]?
The size and scope of the impact of this public health crisis on the child care sector is profound and growing with families with young children?- including infants and toddlers?- struggling the most. In the next relief package, we are urging Congress to, at a minimum, make a $50 billion dollar investment (or $9.6 billion a month) [5] in our child care system, which would:?
Eliminate copayments or tuition and fees to "save spots" for families during this crisis and ensure that providers are still paid the full amount for that enrolled slot.
Pay child care providers to cover their ongoing operating costs when they are closed so their financial security - and the security of educators they employ - is not threatened.?
Provide higher levels of compensation - hazard pay - for child care providers and educators serving children of frontline workers or operating for longer hours.
Purchase materials for providers that cannot afford or even find supplies on their own (especially sanitation supplies like hand sanitizer and gloves)
Provide training and medical support for child care providers on health and safety practices in response to the virus, available in all relevant languages.
Families are struggling and will continue to struggle even after this crisis passes if we don't act now. Parents and caregivers also need protections like paid sick days and paid family/medical leave for all child care needs and to prevent job loss.?
**Urge Congress to provide at least $50 billion in child care funding to ensure the stability of our child care system.
It's more important than ever that we speak up. Too often, people think of child care as a "personal issue"?- as in our own problem to solve. It's not. This crisis has shown more clearly than ever what we already knew, that we cannot continue to expect families and providers to bear the responsibility of child care on their shoulders alone.?
If people can't get back to work after this crisis is over because they don't have access to child care, it will hurt us all and negatively impact the ability for our communities and economy to bounce back.?
We know that a lot of people in your network are dealing with this same stressful struggle too, so after you sign our letter, forward this email to your friends and family and make sure to post our action link to Facebook. The more people that take action and speak out, the higher the profile this issue will get and the faster we'll get to solutions. There is so much information coming through the airwaves and up to Congress that we all need to pitch in by sharing information like this in order to break through.?
It's time for Congress to take action on child care and, together, we can raise our voices to make sure they do!?
-- Nina, Christina, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team?
[1] Mapping America's Child Care Deserts, Center for American Progress?
[2] Coronavirus Pandemic Could Lead to Permanent Loss of Nearly 4.5 Million Child Care Slots, Center of American Progress?
[3] Without Immediate Relief, More than Half of Licensed Child Care will Close in the Next Week, National Association of Young Children?
[4] Fear and Hoarding in the Time of Coronavirus: Invest in Child Care, Not Private Jets, MS Magazine?
[5] Child care is Key to Our Economic Recovery, National Women's Law Center?
P.S. Our elected officials are inundated with information right now, but we need them to really sit up and pay attention to our child care needs before it is too late. One way to do that is for you to share your child care story/situation with them directly. Can you tweet your members of Congress and share your child care story (even if it's just a short sentence)? You can find their Twitter handles here: and use #FundChildCare so we can find you on Twitter. (You can also tag us at @MomsRising).??
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Dear Friend,
Every morning for the last two weeks I've woken up wondering what impact this COVID-19 crisis will have on my toddler's life along with our entire country. My partner and I are juggling our work schedules (like so many parents and caregivers!) the best we can as we? try to give her some semblance of normalcy. But more than ever, I''m grateful for the loving care my child normally receives while we work.
That's why it pains me to tell you that, as a nation, we are on the verge of losing more than half (yes you read that right - MORE THAN HALF) of our child care programs IF there isn't significant public investment from Congress and support soon. [1]?
? SIGN NOW to tell Congress to include child care funding in the next relief package to ensure the stability of our child care system so parents and caregivers have child care to return to when this crisis is over!?
The situation is critical. As child care centers close to protect children and the communities they serve from further spread of the COVID-19 virus, families across the nation are at risk of permanently losing the child care that is critical to ensuring their youngest children have the enriching care they need to thrive while parents and caregivers work.?
We've been hearing from moms daily that child care is making an already giant crisis so much worse. Frontline healthcare workers like Maya in California who wrote to us to say, "I am a single mom, and I am an RN. So, with this pandemic, it has put me in desperation for childcare, as my daughter''s daycare is closed, but I still have bills. Also, they''re rationing our respiratory masks at work. Which is scary."?
We're hearing too from early educators who are losing much needed income as they care for their own families, like Carrie in Wisconsin who shared: "I am losing hours at work due to the COVID-19. I work in child care. I am a mother of 7 kids. I''m losing $250 every 2 weeks" and Krista in Ohio who shared,?"I am a Montessori teacher in a local private daycare so am out of work and with no benefits or pay now. HELP!"?
And moms like Rebecca in North Carolina who are paying for child care despite loss of income because they''re worried they'll lose their spot, "Unfortunately, I am a contracted worker...however, working from home is not much of an option...Rent is still due on the 1st. We will eventually need groceries again. I have no one to provide child care. I have to continue to pay day care...even though we are not there to continue to hold my son''s spot. Neither mine nor my husband''s job offers benefits. I'm not sure what to do at this point."
These families are struggling (like so many in this moment), but child care doesn't need to be part of this crisis anymore. Congress has the power to stabilize the child care system before things get worse, but they need to hear from YOU!
***Click here to SIGN OUR LETTER NOW to tell Congress that without immediate assistance, child care cannot exist.?
Families are struggling and will continue to struggle even after this crisis passes if we don't act now. Parents and caregivers need protections like paid sick days and paid family and medical leave for all child care needs and prevent job loss. While the $3.5 billion to CCDBG and the small business loans included in the CARE Act will start to help alleviate this crisis, families also need support through this child care crisis and child care is a $99 billion dollar industry that, even during a strong economy, operates on very thin margins. [2]?
The size and scope of the impact of this public health crisis on the child care sector is profound and growing. In the next relief package, we are urging Congress to, at a minimum, make a $50 billion dollar investment in our child care system, which would:?
Eliminate copayments or tuition and fees to "save spots" for families during this crisis and ensure that providers are still paid the full amount for that enrolled slot.
Pay child care providers to cover their ongoing operating costs when they are closed so their financial security - and the security of educators they employ - is not threatened.?
Provide higher levels of compensation - hazard pay - for child care providers and educators serving children of frontline workers or operating for longer hours.
Purchase materials for providers that cannot afford or even find supplies on their own (especially sanitation supplies like hand sanitizer and gloves).
Provide training and medical support for child care providers on health and safety practices in response to the virus, available in all relevant languages.
**Urge Congress to provide at least $50 billion in child care funding to ensure the stability of our child care system so parents and caregivers have child care to return to when this crisis is over!
It's more important than ever that we speak up. Too often, people think of childcare as a "personal issue" - as in our own problem to solve.?
But this crisis has shown more clearly than ever what we already knew, that we cannot continue to expect families and providers to bear the responsibility of child care on their shoulders alone. If people can't get back to work after this crisis is over, it will hurt us all and negatively impact the ability for our communities to bounce back.?
We know that a lot of people in your network are dealing with this same stressful struggle, so after you sign our letter, forward this email to your friends and family and make sure to post our action link to Facebook. The more people that take action and speak out, the higher the profile this issue will get--there is so much information coming through the airwaves and up to Congress that we need to break through.?
It's time for Congress to take action on child care and, together, we can raise our voices to make sure they do.?
~ Nina, Elyssa, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team?
[1] Without Immediate Relief, More than Half of Licensed Child Care will Close in the Next Week, National Association of Young Children?
[2]?$3.5 Billion for Child Care in Coronavirus Package is Not Enough: How States Will Fare, CLASP
P.S. Our elected officials are inundated with information right now, but we need them to really sit up and pay attention to our child care needs before it is too late. One way to do that is for you to share your child care story/situation with them directly. Can you tweet your Members of Congress and share your child care story (even if it's just a short sentence)? You can find their twitter handles here at?Tweet Congress?and use HASHTAG so we can find you on Twitter. (You can also tag us at @MomsRising).??
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Demand the shutdown of Irwin Detention Center and Congress move to cut funding to ICE and CBP.
Dear Friend,
I'm sitting here in tears of outrage reading the whistleblower report from an ICE detention facility:
This brave nurse is exposing not just the appalling medical neglect by ICE at this facility, but that an "inordinate amount of hysterectomies are taking place." [1] In a report by The Intercept, "Another woman said she simply didn't understand why the doctor was insisting on an operation or even exactly what it would be. She had heard from other women that 'he just empties you all out.'" [2]
This is human rights abuse and grave reproductive injustice, and it must stop now. The time for half-measures and slow-walking change are over.
*Demand that ICE immediately shut down the Irwin County Detention Center and that Congress hold ICE and CBP accountable for continuing human rights abuses by cutting funding to ICE and CBP in the 2021 budget now. Click here to sign our petition.
The whistleblower - a nurse, Black woman, and mom of five named Dawn Wooten working at the Irwin County Detention Center in Georgia, which is operated by LaSalle Corrections, a private prison company - said it was "like an experimental concentration camp." [3] The women who were undergoing the invasive (and often unnecessary [4]) procedure were often not told clearly, in their native language, why the procedure was necessary. One even said she was not properly anesthetized during it.
These abhorrent practices are not without precedent. As the Reproductive Justice organization Black Mamas Matter Alliance points out, "The U.S. has consistently targeted Black, Brown, Indigenous, people of color, immigrant women, and women with disabilities with forced sterilization, birth control, and experimentation as a means of control, domination, and extermination."
There is a long history in the U.S. of cruelty against those who need our protection the most, and controlling women's bodies is a recurring systemic tactic of white supremacy. Enslaved African people were sterilized against their will in medical experiments, and hospitals around the country sterilized women of color and poor women well into the 20th century. [5] This includes the forcible sterilizations of Native Women by the U.S. Indian Health Service, Mexican women in Los Angeles in the late 60's and 70s,?[6]? and as many as 1 in 3 mothers in Puerto Rico who were sterilized without consent after giving birth in hospitals. [7]? Incarcerated and disabled people have also been forcibly sterilized at different points in U.S. history.
Now ICE is continuing this legacy. And this is just the latest in a string of horrifying abuses by ICE. This federal agency, funded by U.S. taxpayers, has established a clear pattern of sexual abuse and medical neglect. This is not an isolated incident but rather one of several stories of abuse coming from within ICE detention centers across the country. These centers have become nothing but a breeding grounds for violence and abuse.
*Demand that Irwin Detention Center be shut down and that Congress move to cut funding to ICE and CBP immediately. Click here to sign our petition now.
Just last March, Cameroonian women in detention protested severe medical neglect and mistreatment. [8]? And over the past few years, a USA Today investigation found "over 400 allegations of sexual assault or abuse. Inadequate medical care. Regular hunger strikes. Frequent use of solitary confinement. More than 800 instances of physical force against detainees. Nearly 20,000 grievances filed by detainees. And at least 29 fatalities, including seven suicides." [9]
And we all know about the terrible stories of children being kept in cages, torn from their parents in a program - set up by Trump and his cronies as a "deterrent" to stop families escaping terrible violence from coming across the border seeking sanctuary - intended to traumatize families. [10]
*Demand that Irwin Detention Center be shut down and that Congress move to cut funding to ICE and CBP:
The time to hold ICE accountable is now. The Irwin Detention Center must be shut down, and Congress must cut funding to ICE and CPB. We cannot reward continual human rights abuses against Black and Brown communities. We will not stand by as history repeats itself. It is through our collective power that we will be able to hold immigration officials accountable and build a society free of ICE's cruel practices, where families will no longer be separated and migrants are treated with dignity and respect.
Thank you for standing up for human rights and reproductive justice.
-- Nadia, Jordan, Claudia, Kristin, Donna, Xochitl, Gloria, Diarra, Monifa and the entire MomsRising and Mam?sConPoder team
[1] Law & Crime, 'Like an Experimental Concentration Camp': Whistleblower Complaint Alleges Mass Hysterectomies at ICE Detention Center'? [2] The Intercept, 'He Just? Empties You All Out": Whistleblower Reports High Number Of Hysterectomies at ICE Detention Facility' [3] Medical News Today, 'Almost 1 in 5 hysterectomies are 'unnecessary,' study finds'? [4] USA Today, ' ICE detention center rife with abuse, investigation finds'? [5] USA Today, 'Sen. Thom Tillis: State eugenics program victims deserve fair compensation' [6] UCLA, 'UCLA professor's film documents forced sterilization of Mexican women in late '60s and early '70s L.A.' [7] Our Bodies. Ourselves, 'History of Forced Sterilization and Current U.S. Abuses' [8] DailyKos, 'A cry for help'': Cameroonian women allege medical neglect, discrimination in ICE detention' [9] USA Today, ' ICE detention center rife with abuse, investigation finds'? [10] Southern Poverty Law Center, 'Family separation under the Trump administration - a timeline'
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The Trump administration is trying to conceal its mismanaged response to the COVID-19 pandemic by blocking funding for testing and attacking the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at every turn!
Dear Friend,
"Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill" [1]
"Trump Administration Strips CDC of Control of Coronavirus Data" [2]
"White House blocks CDC director from testifying on schools reopening" [3]
This past week's news headlines have made one thing clear: The Trump administration is trying to conceal its mismanaged response to the COVID-19 pandemic by blocking funding for testing and attacking the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at every turn. Moms know from years of playing peek-a-boo that just because you try to hide something doesn't mean it actually disappears. This underhanded attempt to control our public health data and cut funding for the CDC (and testing!) must be stopped!
Quick signature: Tell the Trump administration and Congress to protect the CDC and fund testing and contact tracing!.?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The Trump administration's attacks on funding for testing and contract tracing, along with cutting funding of the CDC-our nation''s top public health agency-are nothing short of frightening, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Protecting the CDC, an institution that has historically been apolitical and driven by science in the interest of protecting public health, is critical in this moment while our nation mourns the deaths of over 140,000 people due to this disease. [4]
In addition, the CDC was accused of "undermining the president" by a top advisor to the Department of Health and Human Services because it put out a report about COVID-19 risks for pregnant women. [5] This is unacceptable! Politics should not be influencing public health information that our communities rely on to stay safe.
The coronavirus pandemic has gotten so wildly out of control in the United States that many other countries have banned US travelers from visiting, including the European Union (EU). [6] Where countries in the EU have experienced a sharp downward trend in their daily newly confirmed cases, the US is on a steep upward trajectory. [7]
The US has only 4% of the world's population, but 25% of its COVID-19 cases. [8] This is beyond tragic. We need Congress to act now to fund testing, contact tracing, and to protect the CDC, and ensure the public has access to public health data. We cannot allow the Trump administration to keep us in the dark about how we are doing in combating COVID-19. Publicly available information is critical for public health experts and parents to be able to understand the threat this disease poses to their families and communities.
Click to sign: Tell President Trump, Secretary Azar, and members of Congress to stop playing politics with our lives and to fund testing, contact tracing, and the CDC to continue its role of tracking and promoting public health.*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Our petition reads:
Dear President Trump, Secretary Azar, and members of Congress,
As one of over a million members of MomsRising, I demand that you protect the Centers for Disease Control and not allow politics to influence the critical role it plays for the American people. The CDC, an institution that has historically been apolitical and driven by science in the interest of protecting public health, is critical in this moment while our nation mourns the deaths of 150,000 people due to COVID-19.
We need to ensure that the CDC has ample funding, that the public has access to ALL of the important data which the CDC has been providing throughout the pandemic, and that our nation's public health officials are not prevented from speaking out about the pandemic. We also need more funding for testing and contact tracing so that we can rein in the exploding numbers of cases across the country.
Don't forget to sign! Tell the Trump administration and Congress to fund the CDC, testing, and contact tracing to combat COVID-19.?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The Trump administration has done a terrible job in combating COVID-19 and now they are trying to obscure this terrible situation by controlling public health data, cutting funding for the CDC, and preventing our nation's public health officials from speaking out. We must act NOW!
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share it on social media:
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families,
- Felicia, Tasmiha, Donna, Kristin and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
References: [1] The Hill, Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill: report [2] The New York Times, Trump Administration Strips C.D.C. of Control of Coronavirus Data? [3] ABC News, White House blocks CDC director from testifying on schools reopening [4] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cases in the U.S.? [5] The Washington Post, CDC feels pressure from Trump as rift grows over coronavirus response? [6] National Geographic, Here's where Americans can travel now. But should they?? [7] statista, The State of the Unions? [8] CNN Health, The US has 4% of the world''s population but 25% of its coronavirus cases?
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The $50 billion stabilization fund can help prevent this crisis.
Dear Friend,
"Trying to find childcare during the pandemic is almost impossible. I am a caregiver for a 20-month-old and right now he has to bounce from one house to another for childcare. This isn''t safe for him or me. I am one of the people that is high risk, but I have to do this due to my child care being closed. I fear that it may not open up any time soon."
All around the country, moms like Yvonne are sharing their struggles with childcare as they try to deal with the far-reaching impacts of COVID 19. During this time of crisis, we must prioritize supporting families' access to safe, high-quality, and affordable childcare. This is crucial for our economy as too many parents are being forced to choose between child care and their jobs, and is important for the health and safety of our communities.
This is why Congress must act NOW to save childcare!
*CLICK HERE to sign on to urge members of Congress to prioritize a minimum of $50 billion childcare stabilization funding in the upcoming coronavirus package!
This robust investment is urgent and overdue for parents like Yvonne.
Research shows that at least $50 billion is necessary to stabilize the precarious childcare sector. Recent analysis shows that at least $9.6 billion a month is needed to fully fund existing providers in the sector to pay all their staff, be prepared to reopen at the appropriate time and eliminate cost burdens for families whose providers are closed. [1]
The bad news is that what Congress has passed so far for childcare is not nearly enough to address this crisis. Congress recently provided $3.5 billion to Child Care and Development Block Grants (CCDBG) as part of the CARES Act. Yet these resources wouldn't even cover a month's worth of costs. And the $7 billion in relief proposed in the House-passed HEROES Act is also insufficient to cover a month's worth of costs.
The good news is that there is still time for elected leaders to save childcare and give families access to safe, quality childcare so that they can work and give providers the ability to keep their businesses open and keep their employees.
Can you sign on to send a quick message to your lawmakers right now and urge them to save childcare?
Right now, childcare providers are facing an extremely uncertain future. According to a survey by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, 40% of the childcare centers in the U.S. say they will be forced to shut down if they don''t receive additional public assistance. [2] In fact, we are hearing from parents about centers already closing, like Diana in New York: "My childcare center closed its doors and I'm heartbroken. Our childcare provider has been part of our life for 7 years. We don't know what we are going to do. Finding a new childcare provider is no easy feat. The price has to work, the location, the hours...there are too many unknowns now, and I think, unfortunately, that the best thing to do for our family is to scale work back until we can figure out if it is safe to send our children to child care during the pandemic."
This crisis is also further exacerbating long present racial disparities in childcare access. According to a Center for American Progress analysis, a lack of childcare negatively affected communities of color before the pandemic, as parents of color were more likely than their non-Hispanic white counterparts to experience childcare-related job disruptions that could affect their families' finances. If policymakers fail to act to address these disparities, this crisis will only intensify. [3]
An uncertain future for childcare means an uncertain future for families.
With more than 23 million children under the age of five in the U.S. and the families of more than half them relying on some form of childcare, this potential shutdown would have devastating impacts on families and our economy. [4]
The $50 billion stabilization fund can help prevent this crisis from becoming even worse for families by providing the federal funding we need to keep the childcare system afloat.
*CLICK NOW to tell your member of Congress to ensure a $50 billion stabilization fund is a top priority in the next legislative package.
The infusion of the grants provided by this important piece of legislation would cover the cost of just over five months of emergency care and relief for the overall childcare system. It would ensure that the childcare system is maintained to support families of essential workers who need care now and all families who will need care when they return to work.
Our families are already being challenged by economic and health uncertainties; taking away childcare for millions of Americans would only further harm any recovery efforts from this pandemic.
Congress must listen to and support our families. Together, we can raise our voices to make sure they do!
-Nadia, Nina, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
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5Actions! This week we are continuing the urgent mobilization for Black lives.
Dear Friend,
This week we are continuing the urgent mobilization for Black lives. It has been over 100 days since Breonna Taylor was murdered by members of the Louisville Metro Police Department, and none of the officers responsible have been arrested or charged for her death. Scroll down to demand justice for Breonna, and share the action with everyone you know.
We're also speaking out about the need for counselors, not cops, in schools. The data is clear: The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn''t just improve outcomes for students, but also improves overall school safety.
Keep scrolling down for timely actions around healthcare, childcare, and expanding unemployment insurance, too.
Thank you for all you do, and keep taking good care of yourself and your loved ones.
Together we are powerful!
*Here's the list of top #5Actions ->
1. Demand Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer fire and charge the officers responsible for Breonna Taylor''s murder Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: It has been over 100 days since Breonna Taylor was shot and killed in her home by officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD). LMPD performed an illegal, no knock drug raid on her home. Not a single officer announced themselves before ramming down her door and firing 22 shots, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her. The officers were at the WRONG HOUSE, and the person they were looking for had already been arrested earlier that day. Breonna was not a suspect, she had not committed a crime, and her death was senseless and tragic. Only one of the three police officers responsible for Breonna's death has been fired by the Louisville Police Department and none of the officers have been arrested or charged with her death.
**ACTION: Join us to demand the police officers who killed George Floyd are charged with murder and for the vicious and inflammatory attacks on protesters, including the inflammatory attacks by President Trump, to stop immediately.
2. Tell Governors and Mayors to invest in student supports NOT police in schools. Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We ALL want schools to be safe but we also must be clear that there is no evidence that increasing the number of police in schools actually improves school safety. Instead what we find is that in the vast majority of cases police officers do exactly what they are trained to do, which is detain, handcuff, and arrest. Our schools need more counselors, nurses, social workers, and educators who have the training they need to effectively support students NOT more cops. School counselors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists are trained to support children, and in schools where these professionals are able to provide services we see improved attendance rates, better academic achievement, and higher graduation rates. These same schools also see lower rates of suspension, expulsion, and other disciplinary incidents. The data on this is clear. The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn''t just improve outcomes for students, but also improves overall school safety. The time is NOW to stand for students and end the regular presence of law enforcement in schools.
**ACTION: Join us to demand an END to the Regular Presence of Law Enforcement in Schools!
3. Protect Unemployment Insurance Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We are hurting and we need our elected leaders to double down on the efforts they have already made to expand Unemployment Insurance to those normally left out of the program (women, gig workers, self-employed etc.) and to make sure that the $600 boost to federal benefits is extended beyond the arbitrary July 31st cut off so workers can be made whole during this difficult time. Much more needs to be done so our families can support themselves and our economy can start to recover.
We know that unemployment insurance works and is an important lifeline for millions of people. We just need to make sure it is there for all of us for as long as we need it!
**ADD YOUR NAME to our letter calling on Congress to strengthen and expand unemployment insurance to help struggling workers during the COVID-19 pandemic!
4. Tell us your family''s health care story! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Does your family have a health care story? Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand how health care policies impact families. Have you or a family member:
Had COVID-19 (coronavirus) and had to receive treatment?
Had a 'pre-existing condition' like asthma, diabetes, or high blood pressure (or even a c-section)?
Gotten health insurance coverage through your state's Marketplace, Medicaid, or CHIP program?
Had an illness or disability that requires expensive prescription drugs or frequent medical visits, treatments, or surgeries?
Experienced discriminatory behavior from a medical professional?
Received a surprise medical bill after receiving medical treatment?
***ACTION: Tell us about it and we''ll share your experience directly with leaders!
5. Urge members of Congress to co-sponsor Child Care Is Essential Act Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Families across the country were already struggling to find and access childcare before the pandemic, but things are about to get harder if we don't act soon. The size and scope of the impact of this public health crisis on the childcare sector is profound and growing, with families with young children, including infants and toddlers, struggling the most. Without significant investments, we are on track to lose as much as half of our childcare programs. Recent data shows that the childcare industry has lost 326,000 workers since this last February - that's 31% of all jobs across the sector NATIONWIDE! The Child Care Is Essential Act will keep childcare providers open (both family childcare and center-based care) by granting them access to a $50 billion Child Care Stabilization Fund to cover expenses like payroll and rent, regardless of whether they are open or closed and the number of children enrolled. Grants also provide much needed tuition and copayment relief to families.
**ACTION: Your voice is needed! Can you sign on to send a quick message to your lawmakers right now and urge them to co-sponsor the Child Care is Essential Act?
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Karen, Kristin, Beatriz, Elyssa, Felicia, Nina, Jordan and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam? Team
P.S. This list is also on the blog!
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We at MomsRising are here to offer a virtual embrace on this unprecedented Pandemic Mother's Day.
Dear Friend,
We at MomsRising are here to offer a virtual embrace on this unprecedented Pandemic Mother's Day. ??
It's a tough one, we know. We're mourning our loved ones. We're trying to keep our kids occupied, healthy, and safe. Wondering how to keep our aging parents from evading social distancing rules. Worried about the future at 3:15 a.m. We are here for you, and for everyone struggling at this time.
We are in this pandemic together, but the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the fact that though we are all in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat. Some of us are experiencing more trauma than others and there are already deep racial and gender disparities that are compounded by this epidemic.
But the future is what we do and create together.
So in honor of Mother's Day, we invite you to help build the future by joining with moms across the nation in one action. Help us send 1,000,000 voting reminder postcards to moms who haven't always voted in the past to help them exert their voting power this November.
*Sign up to receive packets of 10 pre-stamped, pre-address, gorgeous, eye-catching postcards for you to fill out in a jiffy, which we'll release?a few weeks before the Nov. 3 elections?in a tidal wave of heart-felt, mom-to-mom messages to vote!
Every single member of the MomsRising team extends to all the moms out there a personal expression of appreciation, as represented by our Mother's Day photo collage in this message that has every single one of our faces, and including many of our own family members.
On this Mother's Day, we hold close everyone who has lost someone, who is struggling, and who is hurting right now. We also are encouraged by knowing that each and every one of you is out there fighting to build a better future with us.
P.S. Send a Mother's Day e-card! Make a donation to empower mothers who do the work, and celebrate or remember the mothers in your life! Your donation would not only support MomsRising's work, but also help us celebrate our community. You can honor or memorialize a mom you love with your gift, including sending an e-card of your choice that announces your gift.
P.P.S. BONUS! - Watch our Mother's Day video appreciating mothers -- appreciating YOU!
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Release detained families together now!
Dear Friend,
I wanted to make sure you saw our action demanding that President Trump, Congress, and ICE stop tearing children and families apart and release detained families together!
Add your signature here! ??
Right now, even though six children and dozens of adults have died in U.S. immigration custody, ICE continues to hold children and families in family jails with confirmed COVID-19 cases. [1] By holding these families in unsanitary jails -- which Dolly Gee, a federal judge, described as "on fire" -- ICE is cruelly playing with their lives. [2]
As COVID 19 cases continue to rapidly rise across the country, [3] it is important now more than ever to ensure that children are safe and secure with the people who love them. Let's ensure that every family is able to protect their children and keep them healthy.
Join us in demanding all families be released together immediately, and that these family jails be permanently shut down.
More details are below when you scroll down.
*Here's where you can sign to take action!:
-- Nadia
[1]? ICE reports first coronavirus cases among detained migrant families with children.
[3]?Where COVID-19 is spreading fastest as U.S. cases rise 27% in past week.
---------FORWARDED MESSAGE---------?
Dear Friend,
As the world responds to an unprecedented crisis unfolding from the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are staying home with their children, caring for them with the hopes that they will stay healthy and safe. Yet right now, the Trump administration is forcing immigrant families in detention centers to face the perils of both separation AND exposure to this deadly disease. [1]
All children need to be healthy and secure with the people who love them. Click here to tell President Trump, Congress and ICE to stop tearing children and families apart and release detained families together!
So what is going on?!
Last week U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee ruled that all children detained for more than 20 days at ICE Family Residential Centers (FRCs) must be released no later than July 17, 2020. This is in accordance with the Flores Settlement Agreement, which only covers children - not their parents or caregivers. The order to release the children by July 17 came after plaintiffs in a long-running case reported that some children in detention have tested positive for the virus. [2]
While we applaud Judge Gee's decision, we are very concerned ICE may use this court order to attempt to tear children away from their parents again. In fact, just this past May, ICE attempted to coerce detained families into a cruel choice: sign away their rights to their children so they could be let out of jail and be placed with a sponsor, or remain detained indefinitely in jail. [3]
No mother or father should ever be forced to make this choice!
Children and parents come to our country seeking safety from violence and persecution, instead, they are thrown behind bars often in crowded conditions with inadequate hygiene and negligent medical care in the face of COVID-19. More than 2,500 adult immigrants have tested positive for the coronavirus while in ICE custody, according to the agency''s latest tally. There is absolutely no reason for children and families to be facing this risk as relatives and community sponsors are ready to receive them.
Tell President Trump, ICE, and Congress: Free the families together! Click the link below to take action now:
Now more than ever, children should be safe and secure with the people who love them.
Let's ensure that every family is able to protect their children and keep them healthy. Join us in demanding all families be released together immediately, and that these family jails be permanently shut down. Free families now!
Thank you,
- Nadia, Donna, Xochitl, Linda, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1], [2] "U.S. Must Release Children From Family Detention Centers, Judge Rules," Miriam Jordan, New York Times, June 26, 2020. [3] "Family separation is back for migrants at the U.S./Mexican border, say advocates," Julia Ainsley, NBC News, May 15, 2020.
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A young Black man who loved animals, a violinist, a highly regarded massage therapist, and a person beloved by his community
Dear Friend,
Elijah McClain -- a young Black man who loved animals, a violinist, a highly regarded massage therapist, and a person beloved by his community -- was simply walking home from the store after buying iced tea when police officers in Aurora, Colorado detained and murdered him nearly a year ago. [1] The officers who murdered Elijah have yet to be fired or charged.
There is still no justice. Not only have the officers NOT been charged yet, yesterday the Aurora, CO police, in riot gear, used pepper spray to break up a peaceful violin vigil in a city park calling for justice for Elijah, who was killed by that very same police department last year. [2]
*Demand that Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser hold the officers who murdered Elijah accountable, starting with their immediate arrest and criminal charges filed against them.
Racial profiling, along with structural racism and police brutality, is killing Black people. None of this can continue. MomsRising is following the lead of Color Of Change in demanding justice for Elijah McClain -- and your voice is urgently needed too.
Elijah McClain was a 23-year-old massage therapist who loved running, was a self taught violinist, and volunteered playing music at animal shelters so the animals wouldn't be lonely. [3] A beloved son, friend, and family member, on August 24th 2019, Elijah was walking home from a convenience store where he had just picked up iced tea for his friends and family when he was stopped by three white police officers after a 911 caller reported him as a supposedly "suspicious person." [4]
Elijah was just walking home and not bothering anyone. He wasn't even suspected of anything. Yet Aurora police twice restrained Elijah with a chokehold, which restricts blood to the brain to the extent of unconsciousness, as Elijah pleaded for his life. Then medical responders arrived and injected Elijah with ketamine, an intense sedative,[5] and Elijah went into cardiac arrest in the ambulance and never recovered.
*TAKE ACTION NOW: We won't sit by silently as more Black people are murdered by the police. The officers who murdered Elijah must be held accountable and that starts with their immediate arrest and criminal charges filed against them.
Let's be very clear. Elijah committed no crime. He had done nothing wrong.
The Aurora police officers, on the other hand, committed murder. They must be arrested.
*CONTENT WARNING: Elijah's last words are devastatingly unforgettable and it's unforgivable that police brutality coupled with racial profiling and structural racism remains unchecked in our nation:
"I can't breathe. I have my ID right here. My name is Elijah McClain. That's my house. I was just going home. I'm an introvert. I'm just different. That's all. I'm so sorry. I have no gun. I don't do that stuff. I don't do any fighting. Why are you attacking me? I don't even kill flies! I don't eat meat! But I don't judge people, I don't judge people who do eat meat. Forgive me. All I was trying to do was become better. I will do it. I will do anything. Sacrifice my identity, I'll do it. You all are phenomenal. You are beautiful and I love you. Try to forgive me. I'm a mood Gemini. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Ow, that really hurt. You are all very strong. Teamwork makes the dream work. Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't trying to do that. I just can't breathe correctly." [6]
"I can't breathe" are also the last words the world heard from Eric Garner, George Floyd, and too many other Black people targeted and killed by police violence.
Young Black men are 21 times more likely to be killed by the police than young white men. [7] Young Black women are also disproportionately harmed and killed by the police. [8] Anti-Black racism is deadly.
Police are getting away with murdering Black people, not just in Elijah's case, but in communities across the country -- police violence brings to the forefront the devastating impacts of anti-Black racism.
For instance, it has been over 100 days since Breonna Taylor, a twenty-six- year-old Black EMT and essential worker, [9] was shot and killed in her Louisville, Kentucky home by officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD). LMPD performed an illegal, no knock drug raid on her home. Not a single officer announced themselves before ramming down her door and firing 22 shots, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her. The officers were at the WRONG HOUSE, and the person they were looking for had already been arrested earlier that day. Breonna was not a suspect, she had not committed a crime, and her death was senseless and tragic. [10]
Across the country, mothers are losing their children to the police violence and millions of other mothers live in fear of it every single day. It's heartbreaking and unacceptable.
*TAKE ACTION: Demand that Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser hold the officers who murdered Elijah accountable, order their immediate arrest and ensure that criminal charges are filed against them.
Elijah was deeply loved. His mom, Sheneen McClain, shared that Elijah became a massage therapist because he "wanted to heal" others, and "he not only healed others, he healed himself" through his work. [11]
No mother should have to go through what Elijah's mom is going through. No one should lose their life to the police.
*Please take a moment after you sign on to the call for #JusticeForElijahMcCain to post this action link on social media so others can sign on too. The more of us who speak out, the faster we'll get to justice:
Thank you for taking action,
- Kristin, Monifa, Donna, Casey, Ruth, Maggie, Anita, Jordan and the entire MomsRising Team
[1] "Here's What You Need to Know About Elijah McClain's Death," Lucy Tompkins, New York Times, June 25, 2020.
[2] "Aurora PD Boots and Pepper Sprays Peaceful Protesters at Violin Vigil for Elijah McClain," TMZ, June 28, 2020.
[3] "UNLIKELY SUSPECT: Those who knew Elijah balk at Aurora police account of his death," Grant Stringer, Sentinel, October 27, 2019.
[4] "Here's What You Need to Know About Elijah McClain's Death," Lucy Tompkins, New York Times, June 25, 2020.
[5] "Elijah McClain was injected with ketamine before he died. Is that legal?," Ryan W. Miller, USA TODAY, June 28, 2020.
[6] "Are These Elijah McClain's Last Words on Police Video?," Dan Evon, Snopes, June 26, 2020.
[7] "Young Black Men Are 21 Times as Likely as Their White Peers to be Killed by Police," Equal Justice Initiative, October 20, 2014.
[8] "A short history of black women and police violence," Keisha N. Blain, The Conversation, June 12, 2020.
[9] "Officer fired in shooting death of Breonna Taylor, Louisville police say," Theresa Waldrop, Ray Sanchez, and Elizabeth Joseph, CNN, June 23, 2020.
[10] "Here's What You Need to Know About Breonna Taylor's Death," Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Derrick Bryson Taylor, New York Times, June 28, 2020.
[11] "Elijah McClain''s mother says officers "murdered" her son as governor appoints special prosecutor to investigate
," Audrey Mcnamara, CBS News, June 26, 2020.
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Celebrate and empower moms. Contribute today! All gifts matched!
Hello Friend!
What a week. What a year. What a moment in our nation's history. What a time for you and your family. This has been a hard year.
Thank you.
You are a true superhero. Yes, you.
You have done the impossible this year. Even though it's a pandemic and you're juggling more than seems possible each day, you just powered a more massive wave of mom voter engagement than we ever dreamed possible. (For instance, we had a goal of sending 3 million texts to low frequency voters to get them info on how to vote, and we together ended up sending over 23 MILLION). And over the past couple of months, you also just powered more powerful outreach to members of Congress on the urgent need for COVID-19 relief than we imagined could happen. (For instance, together we made over 765,000 contacts with members of Congress to help advance COVID-19 relief, including expanding unemployment insurance and direct payments, paid leave and sick days, healthcare and access to nutritious food, affordable childcare, and more.)
Thank you for all you're giving to your family and community, to protect your own health, and to lift democracy and open avenues for everyone to thrive. all during a historically devastating pandemic.
Now, it's Giving Tuesday and we hope you contribute to help us keep up the MOMentum because our work together is far from done.?* And today your gift will go twice as far-- an anonymous donor will MATCH your donation!?
There's so much to do, but one thing 2020 has taught us is that we are incredibly powerful and effective together. That's why for Giving Tuesday 2020 we're celebrating the joy and power of every single one of us in the MomsRising community together, including YOU, who moved mountains to get out the vote, to protect our families' and communities' health, and to stand up for women, moms, and families in this uniquely challenging year.
The numbers are HUGE -- the largest in MomsRising's history:
73,000 volunteers stepped forward to help get out the vote!
Completed over 23.4 million texts and phone calls to get voting information out!
Wrote over 2.1 million hand-written postcards -- and helped get out a total of 4.5 million postcards to low frequency voters with the information they needed to vote!
More than 88,244,357 reached social media in English and Spanish!??
Over 272 state-based local Beacons of Hope Precinct Captains made over 318,000 local contacts with low-frequency mom voters in their communities!
Those stats are just the tip of the iceberg of what we did together to get out the vote -- and is far more than we ever dreamed possible! (It's also way more than we originally planned to do!! Thank you for pushing through expectations to soar!). You helped break volunteer records and set historic voter turnout records across the nation. We're full of gratitude and awe for all that we've accomplished together so far.
Friend, thank you, thank you, thank you for all you have done to move this nation forward together with the joy and power of MomsRising. even as you've been juggling staying healthy in a pandemic!
And, as you know, there's so much more work (and so many more potential WINS for women and families!) just on the horizon! So in honor of Giving Tuesday today, we invite you to keep risingtomake racial justice, economic justice, and gender justice possible for every woman, mom, and family in America.
Please help keep the MOMentum going and growing with a Giving Tuesday contribution to MomsRising today. It will be MATCHED by an anonymous donor!
With your gift, you'll help prepare and power up the MomsRising movement for our 2021 plans and beyond! We're continuing to amplify our power and voices for:
Emergency COVID-19 relief
Healthcare as a right
Lifting our economy and workplace justice
Criminal and youth justice along with police reform
Childcare priorities
Maternal & reproductive health justice
Families and immigration
Gun safety
Voting rights and voter participation
And so much more
Friend, we have so much work yet to do. And we are so thankful to be doing this work with you.?
Help us honor moms and families today with continued action for change through a donation to help us all RISE together! Remember, your donation will be MATCHED by an anonymous donor!
Thank you for being a big, essential, powerful part of the MomsRising community and for your continued compassion, hard work, and generosity. Thank you for showing the nation the true meaning of superhero.
- Kristin and everyone at MomsRising
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We at MomsRising are here to offer a virtual embrace on this unprecedented Pandemic Mother's Day.
Dear Friend,
We at MomsRising are here to offer a virtual embrace on this unprecedented Pandemic Mother's Day. ??
It's a tough one, we know. We're mourning our loved ones. We're trying to keep our kids occupied, healthy, and safe. Wondering how to keep our aging parents from evading social distancing rules. Worried about the future at 3:15 a.m. We are here for you, and for everyone struggling at this time.
We are in this pandemic together, but the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the fact that though we are all in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat. Some of us are experiencing more trauma than others and there are already deep racial and gender disparities that are compounded by this epidemic.
But the future is what we do and create together.
So in honor of Mother's Day, we invite you to help build the future by joining with moms across the nation in one action. Help us send 1,000,000 voting reminder postcards to moms who haven't always voted in the past to help them exert their voting power this November.
*Sign up to receive packets of 10 pre-stamped, pre-address, gorgeous, eye-catching postcards for you to fill out in a jiffy, which we'll release?a few weeks before the Nov. 3 elections?in a tidal wave of heart-felt, mom-to-mom messages to vote!
Every single member of the MomsRising team extends to all the moms out there a personal expression of appreciation, as represented by our Mother's Day photo collage in this message that has every single one of our faces, and including many of our own family members.
On this Mother's Day, we hold close everyone who has lost someone, who is struggling, and who is hurting right now. We also are encouraged by knowing that each and every one of you is out there fighting to build a better future with us.
P.S. Send a Mother's Day e-card! Make a donation to empower mothers who do the work, and celebrate or remember the mothers in your life! Your donation would not only support MomsRising's work, but also help us celebrate our community. You can honor or memorialize a mom you love with your gift, including sending an e-card of your choice that announces your gift.
P.P.S. BONUS! - Watch our Mother's Day video appreciating mothers -- appreciating YOU!
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Dear Friend,
With many new cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) being announced every day, it's clear we need to:
Stay calm and listen to the experts [1]
Wash our hands and avoid touching our faces
And urge Congress to pass guaranteed paid sick days immediately!
The need for paid sick days in our country is more urgent than ever. Workers without paid sick days are 150% more likely to go to work when they have the flu or a viral infection like coronavirus, so it's no surprise that states and cities that have passed paid sick time legislation have seen their flu rates decrease by up to 40%! [2, 3]
SIGN THE PETITION: Urge Congress to pass paid sick days, not just for coronavirus prevention but permanently!
Experts are urging people to stay home if they're sick in order to curb the spread of the virus, but what about the 32 million people across the United States that work but don't have any paid sick days? [4] Staying home instead of going to work when they're sick isn't a straightforward choice for them because it means losing critical pay that they need to cover rent, groceries, and heat - or even losing their job altogether, as nearly 1-in-5 low-income moms have previously been fired for this very reason. [5]
It's this simple: paid sick days will help limit the spread of the coronavirus but over 32 million workers in our country - many of them in the food service industry - don't have access to any!
TAKE ACTION: Tell your members of Congress to move quickly to pass paid sick days, not just for public health emergencies but for everyday needs too, and to do it now.
It's important to note that we don't just need access to paid sick days during a public health crisis - we need them in normal times, too. Any measure Congress passes must include access to paid sick days when we're dealing with common colds and the regular flu season. Paid sick days are a win-win-win for working families, businesses, and the economy.
In fact, paid sick days are proven to reduce turnover costs, boost workplace morale, and help stop the spread of illness among workers. [6] Employees coming to work sick because they don''t have access to paid sick days cost the national economy $160 billion annually because of lost productivity. [7]
We need paid sick days right now to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Together, we're a powerful force for women and families.
- Sara, Ruth, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
PS - Can you take another important action? Pharmaceutical corporations should not be allowed to profiteer off of this global health crisis, nor be allowed to overcharge for a COVID-19 vaccine or treatments developed with taxpayer dollars. SIGN OUR PETITION HERE:?
[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Coronavirus Disease [2] National Partnership for Women & Families: Paid Sick Days Improve our Public Health [3] Vox: The Pros and Cons of Sick Pay [4]?National Partnership for Women & Families: Paid Sick Days Improve our Public Health [5] Oxfam America: Hard Work, Hard Lives [6] Economic Policy Institute: Work Sick or Lose Pay? [7] National Partnership for Women & Families: Paid Sick Days are Good for Business
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Dear Friend,
Breaking GOOD news! The bipartisan Pregnant Workers Fairness Act is scheduled for a floor vote in the full U.S. House of Representatives this week!
Take a moment, right now, to urge your members of Congress to vote YES on this important legislation when it comes to the House floor!
YOUR ACTION NEEDED: These days, it feels rare to get good news or bipartisan agreement on something, so let's make a lot of noise about this bill to help get it passed in the U.S. House!
Here's the scoop: The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act will require employers to make the same sort of accommodations for pregnant workers that are already made for employees with disabilities. [1] These accommodations are simple things like being able to sit down or have a water bottle on shift. This proposed law is more than reasonable! And pregnancy discrimination must stop.
As you can imagine, pregnancy discrimination has dire consequences for a family's economic security because it can leave pregnant workers without health insurance and a paycheck at the moment they need it most. Overrepresented in physically demanding jobs, women of color and immigrant women are especially impacted by employers refusing to accommodate pregnant workers with medical needs. [2]?Nobody should ever have to choose between their job and the health of their pregnancy, but too many workers still face this impossible choice today.
? TAKE ACTION: Urge your U.S. Representative to vote YES on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act when it comes to the House floor!
Nearly 85% of women will become mothers at some point in their working lives. By continuing to work, pregnant workers can generate critical income while gaining seniority on the job. But when pregnant workers are fired for requesting reasonable and medically-necessary accommodations, their family''s economic security suffers and they struggle to re-enter a job market that is often biased against pregnant women and new mothers. [3]
Tiffany, a MomsRising member from West Virginia, knows firsthand what a difference simple accommodations at work can make:
"I was a cashier for almost eight years when I found out I was pregnant with my first child. During my pregnancy, I was put on standing and lifting restrictions by my doctor because I was in danger of losing my baby. I was told by the fast food restaurant I worked at that I would have to take this time off and they could not accommodate me by providing me a chair to sit in while at work. Being out of work at that time was the worst possible situation for a first time mother and I was terrified. When I returned to work after having my baby, they cut my hours back to fifteen hours a week."
? DON'T FORGET TO TELL YOUR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE: Vote YES on the Pregnant Worker Fairness Act when it comes to the House floor!?
***Please also take a moment to forward this email to friends and family! Post the action link on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word. The more of us who take action, the better chance we have of making pregnancy discrimination a thing of the past!
Together we're a powerful force for women and families.
-Ruth, Sara, Taylor, Kristin and the entire MomsRising and Mam?sConPoder team
PS - Did you work while pregnant? Did you need any accommodations? Tell us about it here!?
[1] H.R. 2694 the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
[2] National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health: Accommodating Pregnancy On the Job: The Stakes for Women of Color and Immigrant Women
[3] National Partnership for Women & Families: Pregnancy Discrimination Fact Sheet
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Call your Senators today and tell them: #DoYourJob!
Dear Friend,
1/3 of families with children are struggling to put food on the table during COVID, yet President Trump and Republican U.S. Senators are stalling, failing to take action, and ignoring the plight of our families and economy. [1] Let's raise our voices, make some calls, and be sure they hear us loud and clear!??
The clock is ticking. We have only about a week to go for the U.S. Congress to pass a long overdue COVID-relief package. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his Republican colleagues in the Senate who are holding things up need to feel the pressure and stop standing in the way of real relief!
***Join me in making a high-impact phone call to your U.S. Senators to tell them to do their job!?
Text DoYourJob?to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your California U.S. Senator's office. When their staff picks up, say: "Get back to the negotiating table and pass a robust COVID-relief package that protects all our families, including immigrants, and includes unemployment benefits, childcare, and paid leave."
Despite the fact that the House of Representatives has passed both the HEROES Act, which provides over $1 trillion in comprehensive COVID-relief funding, and the Child Care is Essential Act, which provides $50 billion to save our child care system, both bills have sat on Republican Senate Majority Leader McConnell's desk as he has proposed weak bill, after weak bill that have failed instead. [1,2] What our families need desperately is a robust COVID-relief bill that lifts up all families and our economy.
What are we dealing with? Unemployment, parents and students struggling with virtual learning, some teachers dealing with inadequate protections during in-person learning, childcare centers being closed, our front line workers still without the adequate funding they need to fight this virus; as well as our state governments experiencing massive budget shortfalls impacting job training, healthcare, education and nutrition programs and a lot more. Needless to say, we are stressed! We need help! We need help specifically from our national leaders.
***Call your U.S. Senators right now! Text DoYourJob?to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your elected leaders in Washington, D.C. (After you call one Senator, you can call back and get the other).
It's been nine weeks since the federal eviction moratorium expired and eight weeks since the $600/week boost in unemployment benefits has expired. And Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell just sits there blaming anyone but his own party for not providing the relief our families need. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have been willing to negotiate for months, but their colleagues across the aisle have stone walled them-all at the detriment of our families. [3]
Enough is enough! Congress will leave for the election at the end of September and we need them to pass a robust COVID-relief package that lifts up our families and our economy before they leave town.
We have been told that the highest impact action we can take right now is making phone calls to our U.S. Senators. We want to make sure the phones ring off the hook today, so join me in calling your Senators and telling them to #DoYourJob!
You can use our hotline. Just text DoYourJob to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your U.S. Senator's office. (If you call back a second time, you'll get your other Senator).
Our families are hurting and the clock is ticking. We need Congress to pass a robust, comprehensive COVID-relief package immediately. So after you call your U.S. Senators, forward this email to your friends and family and RT us on Twitter.
Thank you so much for taking this quick and high-impact action!
-Elyssa, Hanna, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising Team
[1] "'Children Are Going Hungry': Why Schools Are Struggling to Feed Students." NPR, September 8, 2020.
[2]H.R.600 HEROES Act.
[3] "Progress! Today's U.S. House Votes Will Help Child Care Programs Stay Open or Re-Open, Support Working Families, and Aid Our Recovery-If the U.S. Senates Does Same." MomsRising, July 29, 2020.
[4] "Congressional leaders insist coronavirus relief deal is needed but point fingers on inactions." Washington Post, September 11, 2020.
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We need the U.S. Congress to pass a COVID package NOW!
Dear Friend,
We need your help! In just three weeks, unless the U.S. Congress acts, many of the pandemic relief policies that have been lifelines for our families and economy (like extended unemployment benefits, emergency paid family leave and earned sick days, and eviction protections) will all expire on December 31st. [1]?
We are facing a crisis on top of a crisis!
***SIGN OUR PETITION NOW! We'll be delivering your signatures on Monday telling the U.S. Congress #ReliefCantWait!
Congress has no time to waste. Our families, like Kimberly's, are hurting:?
"I'm a single parent with a school age child. Since the pandemic began, I lost my second job and all child care options. I'm fortunate enough to be able to work from home, but it's nearly impossible to work full time and supervise remote learning. My rent increased, grocery costs are soaring, and I learned this week that our company health plan costs are increasing significantly in January. Our budget is razor thin and shrinking. Seven members of my family have COVID-19 and we lost family earlier this year. Everyone I know is suffering from this pandemic."
These critical benefits that are about to expire? They've been helping so many of us. For examples, a recent study from researchers at Cornell University and the Swiss Economic Institute, states with new access to emergency paid leave during the pandemic have seen 400 fewer cases per day, further underscoring that paid leave is one of the best tools for slowing the spread of the virus and combating the pandemic. [2]
We can't let paid leave and other critical programs expire just as COVID-19 is surging.
Making your voice heard now is super important because negotiations have started on an end-of-the year COVID-relief package and we're hearing that a final package might be introduced in the coming days. [3] We need to make sure Congress takes action to extend critical COVID relief to families and that OUR priorities are in that package--not just protections and giveaways to big business and the very wealthy.
Our families have been waiting months for more funding for programs that will support our families, hospitals, and economy during this pandemic. Programs like expanded unemployment benefits, extensions on emergency paid leave and earned sick days, protections against evictions, funding for healthcare programs and childcare and K-12 education, and expansions of the EITC and Child Tax Credit and another round of stimulus checks are essential to provide much needed cash to struggling families and local businesses.
While we have needed this package for months, the crisis point we are facing right now is extreme. Unless the U.S. Congress takes action within the next few weeks, 12 million people will be immediately kicked off of unemployment insurance [4] and 19 million renters will lose their homes. [5] This is all at the same time that 1 in 4 children are living in hunger because of the impacts of COVID and cases of the virus are soaring in every single state-and only expected to go up as we head into the holidays and colder months. [6,7]
Inaction is not an option!Our families and economy are hurting and we need our leaders in the U.S. Congress to know that we expect them to take action NOW!
Even if you think your members of Congress already support COVID relief, we need all of Congress talking about how much they are hearing from their constituents about how urgent this is.?This is why earlier in the week we asked you to call your U.S. Senators and now we are asking that you sign our petition.
***PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION NOW and let your U.S. Senators and Representative know that we need an emergency COVID-relief package before the end of the year!
We plan on delivering this petition Monday? morning so after you sign our petition, please forward this email to your friends and family. You can also Retweet us on Twitter and repost us on Facebook. We need to continue to make our voices heard until the U.S. Congress passes emergency aid for COVID!
-Elyssa, Ruth, Felicia, Nina, Hanna, Donna, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team?
P.S. Are you one of the people that will lose emergency paid leave or unemployment benefits at the end of the year? Are you struggling with child care and/or virtual learning during the pandemic? MomsRising wants to hear from you about your COVID experience.
P.P.S. Monday morning can you call your U.S. Senators and let them know that #ReliefCantWait? Text RELIEFNOW to 747464 and when we connect you tell them, "Pass a COVID-relief package that protects all families and extends paid leave, unemployment benefits, eviction protections and funding for childcare and healthcare."
[1] "Here Are All The Coronavirus Relief Programs Expiring At the End of the Year." Forbes, November 17, 2020.
[2]"COVID-19 Emergency Sick Leave Has Helped Flatten the Curve in the United States." Health Affairs, October 15, 2020.?
[3] "Stimulus Package Status: Negotiations race with new hope toward Dec. 11 goalpost." CNET, December 3, 2020.
[4] "12 Million Workers Facing Jobless Benefit Cliff on December 26." The Century Foundation, November 18, 2020.
[5] "Nearly 19 million Americans could lose their homes when eviction limits expire Dec. 31." CBS News, November 27, 2020.
[6] "One in Six Americans Could Go Hungry In 2020 as pandemic persists." National Geographic, November 24, 2020. ?
[7] "U.S. reported more COVID-19 cases in November than most countries had all year." CBS News, November 30, 2020.
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George Floyd.
Dear Friend:
Your voice in #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd is needed now more than ever. Despite the demonstrations over the weekend, the call to arrest and indict all of the police officers involved in the killing of George Floyd remains unanswered.
We need your help. Please add your name to our urgent call demanding that:
All four police officers who killed George Floyd are charged with murder, and that?
The vicious and inflammatory attacks on protesters -- including the inflammatory attacks by President Trump -- stop immediately.
* Click here to take action now.?
Then share this action link with your friends and family too:
Over 27,000 of us have signed so far, and we''re delivering our signatures to Minnesota Attorney General Ellison, Minneapolis Mayor Frey, Minnesota Governor Walz, Minneapolis Police Chief Arradondo, and President Trump early this week. So please take a moment to sign and share now.
No mother should have to worry about the loss of a loved one at the hands of those charged with protection. No one should lose their lives.
*Scroll down for more details. And please also share this action link on social media and with friends:
Thank you.
Kristin, Monifa, dream, Karen, and the entire MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder?Team
== Begin forwarded message ==
Dear Friend,
We are grieving that George Floyd was killed by four police officers earlier this week.[1] A father and a son, George worked security at a restaurant, where fellow employees say he was loved by all. "Knowing my brother is to love my brother," George''s brother Philonise told CNN earlier this week.
George was murdered by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who knelt on George's neck for seven minutes until he died as he gasped the words we've tragically heard before, "I can't breath" and called for his mother. Three of Chauvin''s colleagues stood by and watched Chauvin end George''s life. [2]
We know this is incredibly hard to read, and to witness. In fact, we know many decided they wouldn''t watch this video, that it was one more police killing of a Black person too many. We also know it's magnitudes of times harder to have to live with structural racism than to read about it. And, we know we absolutely must demand change.?
No mother should have to worry about the loss of a loved one at the hands of those charged with protection. No one should lose their lives.
*Join us to demand that all four police officers who killed George Floyd are charged with murder and for the vicious and inflammatory attacks on protesters, including the inflammatory attacks by President Trump, to stop immediately.
We grieve, we're angry, and we cannot stop holding leaders accountable. This includes prosecutors, who hold more power in the criminal justice system than almost anyone else. It includes everyone from mayors and governors to the President of the United States. It includes the media and our own friends and family.
Sadly, it's not just George Floyd. It's Breonna Taylor. It's Ahmaud Arbery and Atatiana Jefferson. It's a list of names too long to fit on this page. Each of whom was a person, with loved ones, dreams, and lives to be lived.
It's a system that directly targets Black people and people of color through sanctioned acts of violence; and structurally targets people of color by intentionally cutting programs, diverting resources, and so much more.
It's a president who has encouraged police violence and is consistently and openly fueling white supremacy in our nation. [3] A president who just last night Tweeted an implication that protesters could be shot, implying that he'd order the military to act as judge, jury, and executioner; using wording that has historically stoked anti-Black racism.[4] A tweet so racist and incendiary that Twitter took the rare step of putting a warning label on it for "glorifying violence" and limited the public's interaction with it. [5] It's this same president who has also dog-whistled white supremacists, militias, and vigilantes time and time again. [6]
It's police brutality, it's an unjust criminial justice system, it's the wage gap that disproportionately harms moms of color the most, it's discrimination in the heatlhcare system that's leading to more people of color losing their lives to COVID-19 and to Black women dying three to four times as often as white women while giving birth.
It's white supremacist groups with guns marching on state capitols protesting public health measures that scientists have prescribed to stop the pandemic [7] -- and remaining unharmed and untouched by law enforcement; while protestors of color demanding an end to police brutality were met by tear gas and rubber bullets. [8]
It's Amy Cooper, a white woman who called the police saying, "I''m going to tell them there''s an African American man threatening my life," simply because a local bird watcher, Christian Cooper, asked her to put her dog back on a leash in a protected wildlife area where leashed dogs was the rule. [9] We all know that calling the police on a person of color can be a weaponized response. Amy knew.
It's too much. It must stop.
All of this is why we demand full accountability for what happened to George Floyd. And why we will never give up demanding a system and a country in which everyone can live and thrive.
*Please add your name now, and share the link with everyone you know.
Read these facts and hold them close.
Young Black men are, according to a ProPublica analysis, 21 times as likely to be shot and killed by police as young white men-- and this structural racism covers people of all genders. [10]?
There is rampant discrimination in our criminal justice system. [11]
Black women are eight times more likely than white women to be incarcerated, and Latina women are four times more likely to be incarcerated, according to Amnesty International.
Evidence of this structural racism spans across the criminal justice system. An analysis from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board that found Black Missourians were 66% more likely in 2013 to be stopped by police "even though the likelihood of finding contraband was higher among whites." [12]
Let's be clear. George's death was not a mistake. And the structural racism and police brutality it represents MUST STOP.?
We, on the other hand, will never stop. The path towards justice is long, it's very hard, and at times it feels very bleak. But we continue to fight for our children and our future. We won't give up because we know we can and must win.
Thank you.
Kristin, Monifa, dream, Karen, and the entire MomsRising Team
[1] The New York Times
[2] CNN
[3]?The Washington Post?
[4] The New York Times?
[5] CNN?
[6] The Washington Post?
[7] CDC.Gov
[9] CNN?
[10] ProPublica and CNN?
Image credit @arielsinnaha. Used with artist''s permission.
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Our top #5Actions
Dear Friend,
Greetings. We hope your week has gone as well as possible, and you''ll have some time to relax and recharge this weekend. We''re sharing our latest list of top actions from the past week, featuring important items on taxes, healthcare, and SNAP. You can also sign up to mail postcards encouraging moms to vote, and to join a special #KeepMarching meeting focused on small-group dialogue. Scroll down to find out more, and please share this list with family and friends too.
Together we are powerful! Here''s the list:?
1. Tell the Senate: Tax cuts for working families, not millionaires!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?The House of Representatives just passed the HEROES Act! Included in this important COVID-19 relief legislation is an expansion of the EITC and Child Tax Credit to struggling families and the repeal of the #MillionairesGiveaway-a provision previously included in another COVID-19 relief bill that has NOTHING to do with coronavirus or helping our shattered economy but gives a whopping $135 billion tax cut to only 43,000 U.S. millionaires. Now it''s up to the U.S. Senate to vote on the HEROES Act.?We need our elected leaders to support families living paycheck-to-paycheck, not give no-strings-attached windfalls to the already mega-rich! ***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on your U.S. Senators to repeal the #MillionairesGiveaway and instead pass working family tax credits that boost our families!
2. Quick Signature: COVID-19 shows why we all need health care!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?No matter where we come from, or what our color, all of us should be able to access health care when we get sick. Now more than ever, the COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our health depends on the person next to us, and the person next to them. Ensuring that we all can access health care is how we take care of ourselves.?Join us to ask President Trump and Republican State Attorneys General to drop the lawsuit asking the courts to strike down the entire ACA as unconstitutional. If they succeed in your lawsuit, at least 20 million people would become uninsured and millions more could be charged more or denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition. Add your name now!?
3. Send a Letter to the Editor to Speak Up for Hungry Families!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SENT -> Send a Letter
BACKGROUND:?We need our elected leaders to prioritize the nutrition needs of our families. They must guarantee that anyone who needs nutrition assistance is able to access it and increase SNAP (food stamp) benefits to better serve struggling families. Congress is about to enter tough negotiations on the next COVID-19 relief bill. The House of Representatives have passed their bill, but Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and his allies have come straight out and said multiple times that they don't want to boost SNAP in any way. We want to raise the profile of this issue by placing Letters to the Editor in local papers around the country so Congress feels pressured to take action as soon as possible! ***Send a letter to your local paper calling on Congress to boost nutrition assistance and SNAP in their next COVID-19 relief package!
4. Sign up for "Alone: Solitude or Isolation?" - An extra-special #KeepMarching online meeting with Living Room Conversations,?May 28, 8pm ET/ 5pm PT
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Join Us!
BACKGROUND: In guided, structured Zoom conversations, groups of four to seven people will gather for about 60 minutes to listen to and be heard by each other, sharing thoughts and personal experiences about aloneness.?Our social nature is part of our humanity. People tend to like being with other people, and many of us need other people in order to be healthy and happy. The feeling of being alone can weigh heavily on an individual. Yet, for some people, solitude is tranquil, relaxing, and even spiritually rewarding. The current need to physically isolate ourselves from others is putting limits on our social connections. What is this experience like for you? Join us to discuss!?
5. Help Us Send 1,000,000 Voting Reminder Postcards to Moms!?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
BACKGROUND: Help us send 1,000,000 voting reminder postcards to moms who haven't always voted in the past to help them exert their voting power this November. Sign up to receive free packets of 10 pre-stamped, pre-addressed, gorgeous, eye-catching postcards for you to fill out in a jiffy, which, a few weeks before the Nov. 3 elections, we'll release in a tidal wave of heart-felt mom-to-mom messages to vote. Get your free postcards now!?
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.?
--- Karen, Kristin, Elyssa, Sara, Felicia, Gloria, Anita, Jordan, and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam?
P.S. This list is also on the blog!?
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Dear Friend,
Millions of us are rising -- many of us have taken to the streets and others of us are speaking out online -- following the lead of the Movement for Black Lives to demand justice, to advance defunding policing and investing in communities, and to dismantle the systemic racism which permeates our nation's criminal justice system and our country.
* Please take a moment to speak out, either online or in-person, through one or all of the actions below:
1.?This Juneteenth: Mobilize for Justice
In just the last few weeks, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks - and a list of others too long to fit on this page - were killed by law enforcement. They were fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, and had people who loved them. Police brutality is part of the deadly systemic racism that is woven throughout our entire criminal justice system, our healthcare system, our education system, our pay structures, and our nation's history as well as its present. This must end.
The Movement for Black Lives is calling for mobilization (including virtually!!) to demand justice this Juneteenth [1] weekend, Friday through Sunday, June 19 - 21.MomsRising is answering that call to mobilize, standing in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives, and inviting you to be a part of the Movement for Black Lives Juneteenth actions by participating digitally from your home or out in your community.
*Can you join in an action to mobilize on Friday and/or through this coming weekend? There are many ways for you to join in this mobilization: via Zoom, Facebook Live, on the ground, via text, phone bank and more!
? Click here to go to the Movement for Black Lives map to see the online and community options near you.
2. Demand Justice for Breonna Taylor
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?Breonna Taylor was a dreamer, a go-getter, she was an award-winning EMT, an essential worker at two hospitals during the pandemic and a model citizen. She was beloved by her friends and family.?On March 13th, the Louisville Police Department performed an illegal, unannounced drug raid on her home. Not a single officer announced themselves before ramming down her door and firing 22 shots, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her.?The officers were at the WRONG HOUSE, and the person they were looking for had already been arrested earlier that day.?Two months later and the officers responsible are still employed by the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) and no charges have been filed.? Instead the LMPD spent weeks treating Breonna like she was a criminal, calling her a "suspect" before admitting that she was an innocent and had committed no crime.?This miscarriage of justice has gone on too long. Breonna is dead, and the perpetrators are facing no charges. Add your name now to demand justice for Breonna Taylor.?
3. Donate to the Movement for Black Lives
Another important and powerful way to support the Movement for Black Lives and be part of the Juneteenth weekend actions is to donate. Every dollar has an impact.
Here's a secure link to donate directly to the Movement for Black Lives, founded in 2014, and includes over 100 Black-led organizations:
And here's a secure link to donate directly to Black Lives Matter DC, where one of the largest Juneteenth events is being planned:
4. "Defund the police" #KeepMarching meeting: Recording and other followup materials?
BACKGROUND: Did you miss this week''s powerful?#KeepMarching meeting, during which we dove deep into the history of police, the impact on our communities, and explored models and ideas for stronger communities and a defunded police. We learned, among other things, that divesting budget resources away from policing and reallocating those resources to areas like healthcare, housing, and education in order to increase community health, economic wellness, and safety is becoming increasingly urgent.?We are very grateful to Andrea J. Ritchie, Researcher in Residence on Race, Gender, Sexuality and Criminalization at Barnard College; Kim Ellison, Chairman of the Minneapolis Board of Education; and Phillip McHarris, Lead Research & Policy Associate at Community Resource Hub for Safety & Accountability, for bringing their expertise to the meeting. And thank you to MomsRising's own Monifa Bandele and Beatriz Beckford for leading the discussions.?In case you missed the meeting, or would like to review any part of the program, no problem, we recorded it! Click here to watch the recording. Password: 0P@+t==7
5. Trump Must Resign
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Moms across America were appalled, disheartened, aghast, stunned, unnerved, outraged, dumbfounded. (all the words!!) when law enforcement officers were ordered to deploy tear gas and shoot rubber bullets on peaceful protestors who were standing against police brutality while assembling near the White House before a curfew for President Trump. This is a violation of First Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution, and a breach of our democracy. Then, President Trump doubled down, praising the attack on peaceful protestors, as he also went on to threaten to deploy the U.S. military to cities and states. WHAT?! Not okay. MomsRising is joining the Movement for Black Lives, and dozens of other organizations, in telling President Trump to resign. When you add your voice here by signing on now, your action will help create a tsunami of change. #TrumpMustResign #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.?
--- Kristin, Monifa, Beatriz, Diarra, Gloria, Donna, Jordan, Karen, and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam? Team
[1] "So You Want to Learn About Juneteenth?" New York Times, June 16, 2020
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The drumbeat of urgent actions in need of your support continues...
Dear Friend,
Greetings. Summer is here. It's hot. And the drumbeat of urgent actions in need of your support continues. This week's list of top actions demanding justice for Vanessa Guillen, demanding immigrant children being held in ICE Family Detention Centers are released by the July 17 deadline, and urging the U.S. Senate to both protect unemployed workers and pass comprehensive paid family and medical leave. Scroll down to easily click through and sign each, then be sure to share with your family and friends, too.
Thank you for all you do, and here's the list ->
1. #FreeTheFamilies NOW! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Children and parents who came here seeking safety from violence and persecution were instead thrown behind bars, often in crowded conditions with inadequate hygiene and negligent medical care in the face of COVID-19.
In response to this, within the last week, U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee ruled June 26 that all children detained for more than 20 days at ICE Family Residential Centers (FRCs) be released no later than July 17, 2020. This is in accordance with the Flores Settlement Agreement, which only covers children.
While we applaud Judge Gee's decision, we are very concerned ICE may use this court order to attempt to tear children away from their parents again. We cannot let this happen.
This is why we are urging President Trump and our members of Congress to immediately call for families to be released together and demanding that ICE comply with the judge''s order and release all families-together.
**ACTION: Sign this letter to President Trump, Congress and ICE to make sure families are released together!
**ACTION: Firma la petici?n para el congreso ============>
2. Tell us about your COVID-19 back-to-school concerns! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We want to hear from YOU about your COVID-19 back-to-school concerns! States and districts around the country have started to roll out their plans for getting kids back to school and child care. These plans look different in every state (and sometimes the school districts plan is different than the states!) and we know it has created some questions and anxiety for you.
**ACTION: Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand what real families are going through during this pandemic and in return influences the policies they write. That is why we are hoping you can share your thoughts with us!
3. Demand Justice For Vanessa Guillen! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: No mother should be afraid that their child serving the country will be harassed and killed by another soldier in the U.S. Army. We are joining Vanessa's family to demand a congressional investigation. The U.S. Army failed to keep this young soldier safe and Vanessa's family deserves answers and justice.
4. SIGN NOW! The Senate needs to protect unemployed workers! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Unless the U.S. Senate takes action soon millions of unemployed workers will lose the $600 per week boost in unemployment insurance benefits on July 31st. With an unemployment rate still sitting at around 13.3% and 59% of CEOs saying they are implementing hiring freezes, now is NOT the time for Congress to short change struggling Americans and undercut our economy.
**ACTION: We need the U.S. Senate to follow the House's lead and take immediate action to extend unemployment insurance benefits for millions of workers!
5. Send a Letter to the Editor to Help Win Paid Leave for All! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: In this pandemic we need our elected leaders to prioritize paid leave for all, not paid leave for some. Our US Senators must include comprehensive paid family and medical leave and earned sick days in the next COVID-19 relief bill. We cannot safely reopen the country without access to paid leave to use to recover from illness or to care for family members who need us. The House of Representatives have passed their bill, and now the Senate must act!
**ACTION: Send a letter to your local paper calling on Congress to pass comprehensive paid family and medical leave and earned sick days in their next COVID-19 relief package!
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Nadia, Elyssa, Xochitl, Ruth, Kristin, Jordan, Karen, Anita, Nate, and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam? Team
P.S.: What does defunding the police REALLY mean? We've got you covered-we break it all down for you and let you know that we have options when it comes to how our hard-earned tax dollars are spent. Do we want to spend millions and millions, even billions of dollars to fund militarized police forces with mine-resistant armored vehicles performing "routine police duties" in our towns? Or reallocate that money to provide programs to make our kids future healthier, safer, and brighter? Defunding the police means we can then invest in our communities' everyday needs. These funding decisions have real impacts on our kids' lives. So speak out at your local city council meetings! Because local budgets set the agenda. Let's make sure they reflect our values. Please watch Elyssa''s video and share widely!
P.P.S.: On March 13th, Breonna Taylor was in her home in Louisville, Kentucky, when officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) broke through her door without even knocking, fired off more than 20 bullets, and shot Breonna eight times, killing her in her bed. Demand that the officers responsible be charged for Breonna Taylor''s death!
P.P.P.S.: This list is also on the blog!
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Fierce, visionary, rigorous, fearless, peerless, and a mom. Notorious, even. We promise to live up to and honor the values Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought for. Will you join us?
Dear Friend,
Fierce, visionary, fearless, rigorous, peerless, and a mom. Notorious, even. We promise to live up to and honor the values Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought for. Will you join us?
Now is the time. With immeasurable sadness, America's moms mourn this tremendous loss -- and we honor Justice Ginsburg by mobilizing and organizing. Her passing shows even more clearly what we already knew: Our votes are critically needed to protect our democracy and rights. The election season has started with early voting already underway in some states.?
It''s go time.
We need your contribution -- at any level $2.70, $27, $270 to $2,700 in honor of her 27 years on the U.S. Supreme Court because every single dollar has an amplified impact right now -- to help get out the mom vote in a BIG way to advance Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's vision of a country where we can all live with dignity, count on equal opportunity, and have control over our reproductive health and lives.
Can you contribute?
We take very seriously our responsibility to advance her vision -- and to help do that, MomsRising is undertaking the biggest, boldest, highest impact mom voter turnout program we've ever done, reaching out to at least 3 million mom voters through texts, direct mail, calls, mom-to-mom communications, social media, and so much more.?So many of you are volunteering to fuel this massive voter outreach effort. Thank you.
Now we're inviting you to make a contribution, if you can, to help move our nation toward justice by helping to get out the vote. Do you have a moment to donate now?
The passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a deep, painful, immense loss for the nation. Her contributions were greater than words can express and her legacy is a country that is more fair, more just, and more healthy for women and moms, people of color, and others whose rights have long been denied.?
Justice Ginsburg was a trailblazer, a pioneer, a mom and grandmother, and a brilliant jurist whose body of work will live on and inspire us forever. She was rightly adored for her keen, unwavering commitment to justice.?
Her memory will inspire us to continue the fight for justice and for the kind of nation Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg devoted her life to creating. She was a beacon of hope, a light for justice, and she will inspire generations to come. As we pick up the pieces of our broken hearts, we''ll continue fighting for justice in the big notorious ways she would have wanted.?
Please consider any level of contribution today. Our nation is quite literally hanging in the balance with justice on the line. Moms are rising in response. And we need your help to have the highest impact together possible.?
As our hearts are breaking, our resolve is redoubled -- and we are so thankful to be in this fight for justice and opportunity with you.?
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Join us for a virtual coffee date to build community and take action on a just recovery for Washington families!
Live music, community building, and advocacy!?
Join MomsRising,?Roxana Pardo Garcia, and Eli Rosenblatt for FREE and impactful family fun!
Dear Friend,
Looking for something FREE, FUN, and IMPACTFUL to do with the family in a safe, virtual setting? Join MomsRising, Roxana Pardo Garcia, and Eli Rosenblatt for a King County - area family meetup on?Sunday, August 23rd at 10am.?We''ll have live music, community building, and opportunities to take action with local lawmakers! RSVP today!
At MomsRising, we are hearing every day how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting families across Washington State. From families struggling to find child care while they work, to parents worrying about being evicted when the rent moratorium is lifted, COVID-19 is devastating working people in our state and hurting Black communities, Indigenous communities, and people of color the most.
It''s time for us to come together to talk about how we''re doing and what King County communities need to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. So grab some coffee and join local families for a virtual community caf? on Sunday, August 23 at 10am. Attend and you could win a $50 gift card!
We need you there! Why? Because we can #RecoverTogether by sharing our stories with one another and with lawmakers. With the 2021 state legislative session just around the corner it''s critical that our lawmakers understand what families are experiencing right now. Join us to learn more about sharing your story and helping to shape solutions that will advance justice and equity. Please say you''ll be there!
This is a family-friendly conversation and we encourage kiddos to join! Hear from special guest Roxana Pardo Garcia, Founder and Owner of La Roxay Productions, and enjoy musical stylings by Eli Rosenblatt, kids'' entertainer extraordinaire. Gather your kids for some much-needed joy and music. Invite your local friends, family, and neighbors too! All are welcome:
***Did we mention you could win a $50 gift card by attending the event!? RSVP here for your chance to win!
Here are the details:?
Who: MomsRising, Roxana Pardo Garcia, Eli Rosenblatt, King County families, and YOU! (all are welcome to join, with or without kids)
When:?Sunday, August 23rd from 10am to 11:30am (feel free to come and go as your schedule allows!)
Where:?On Zoom or by phone! RSVP to receive the details!?
While we can''t be physically together to support one another, we can build community and take action together to make sure Washington lawmakers are fighting for what families need to #RecoverTogether. We want to see you there! RSVP here and we''ll send you all the details!?
Thanks for all you do each and every day!
-- Roc?o, Casey, Maggie and the whole MomsRising & Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Can''t be there but want to stay involved? Please share your family''s story here. We will use stories collected here to create a storybook for state legislators so they can get a picture of what families are experiencing AND have better insight on what kinds of solutions families need!?
? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?
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Join us for a virtual coffee date to build community and take action on a just recovery for Washington families!
Live music, community building, and advocacy!?
Join MomsRising,?Roxana Pardo Garcia, and Eli Rosenblatt for FREE and impactful family fun!
Dear Friend,
Looking for something FREE, FUN, and IMPACTFUL to do with the family in a safe, virtual setting? Join MomsRising, Roxana Pardo Garcia, and Eli Rosenblatt for a King County - area family meetup on?Sunday, August 23rd at 10am.?We''ll have live music, community building, and opportunities to take action with local lawmakers! RSVP today!
At MomsRising, we are hearing every day how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting families across Washington State. From families struggling to find child care while they work, to parents worrying about being evicted when the rent moratorium is lifted, COVID-19 is devastating working people in our state and hurting Black communities, Indigenous communities, and people of color the most.
It''s time for us to come together to talk about how we''re doing and what King County communities need to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. So grab some coffee and join local families for a virtual community caf? on Sunday, August 23 at 10am. Attend and you could win a $50 gift card!
We need you there! Why? Because we can #RecoverTogether by sharing our stories with one another and with lawmakers. With the 2021 state legislative session just around the corner it''s critical that our lawmakers understand what families are experiencing right now. Join us to learn more about sharing your story and helping to shape solutions that will advance justice and equity. Please say you''ll be there!
This is a family-friendly conversation and we encourage kiddos to join! Hear from special guest Roxana Pardo Garcia, Founder and Owner of La Roxay Productions, and enjoy musical stylings by Eli Rosenblatt, kids'' entertainer extraordinaire. Gather your kids for some much-needed joy and music. Invite your local friends, family, and neighbors too! All are welcome:
***Did we mention you could win a $50 gift card by attending the event!? RSVP here for your chance to win!
Here are the details:?
Who: MomsRising, Roxana Pardo Garcia, Eli Rosenblatt, King County families, and YOU! (all are welcome to join, with or without kids)
When:?Sunday, August 23rd from 10am to 11:30am (feel free to come and go as your schedule allows!)
Where:?On Zoom or by phone! RSVP to receive the details!?
While we can''t be physically together to support one another, we can build community and take action together to make sure Washington lawmakers are fighting for what families need to #RecoverTogether. We want to see you there! RSVP here and we''ll send you all the details!?
Thanks for all you do each and every day!
-- Roc?o, Casey, Maggie and the whole MomsRising & Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Can''t be there but want to stay involved? Please share your family''s story here. We will use stories collected here to create a storybook for state legislators so they can get a picture of what families are experiencing AND have better insight on what kinds of solutions families need!?
? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?
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Top #5Actions of the Past Week Friday, December 4, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be an urgent crisis, yet many of the protections passed earlier this year are set to expire at the end of the month. We are calling on the U.S. Senate to immediately pass a relief package now that will benefit everyone in our nation. We also must urge Congress to prioritize childcare funding.
This week's 5Actions has a great reminder if you need to sign up for health insurance (the open enrollment window is now open via the Affordable Care Act), and also a fantastic webinar on how you can eat healthy on a budget.
Scroll down to see all of these actions; and if you have already taken these actions, then please share them with your friends. The more of us who raise our voices, the faster we'll move forward the changes our nation needs.
Times are tough right now and we appreciate all you do. Thank you.
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Anita, Elyssa, Nina, Nadia, Jessica, Tasmiha, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
Missed Giving Tuesday? It's Not Too Late to Donate!
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate Now
Even though we're in a global pandemic and juggling more than seems possible each day, you just powered a more massive wave of mom voter engagement than we ever dreamed possible. We're celebrating the joy and power of MomsRising supporters LIKE YOU who moved mountains to get out the vote, to protect our families' and communities' health, and to stand up for women, moms, and families in this uniquely challenging year.
If you missed our Giving Tuesday campaign, it's not too late to help us meet our end of year fundraising goal! *Your gift will be matched by an anonymous donor!
Unless Congress takes action within the next few weeks, 12 million people will be immediately kicked off of unemployment insurance and 19 million renters will lose their homes. This is all at the same time that 1 in 4 children are living in hunger because of the impacts of COVID and cases of the virus are soaring in every single state-and only expected to go up as we head into the holidays and colder months. This is a crisis on top of a crisis and we need leaders in the U.S. Congress to pass a robust, comprehensive COVID-relief package IMMEDIATELY!
SIGN OUR PETITION letting your members of Congress know that #ReliefCantWait for our families, hospitals, small businesses, and economy!
Congress must #SaveChildcare
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
A record number of moms are being pushed out of the workforce and as COVID numbers rise and with CARES funding disappearing at the end of the year, childcare providers and families need help now to ensure they survive into the new year. At least $50 billion is necessary to stabilize the child care and $7 billion in funding through the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) sector and it is needed now. Recent analysis shows that at least $9.6 billion a month is needed to fully fund existing programs to pay all their staff, be prepared to reopen at the appropriate time and eliminate cost burdens for families whose providers are closed. It is essential that Congress prioritize supporting families' access to safe, high-quality, and affordable childcare.
SIGN NOW to urge members of Congress to prioritize childcare funding before the end of 2020!
It''s a SNAP: Healthy Cooking on a Budget
Watch this video of our Wednesday night lively cooking demo! During this event, we prepared three healthy, affordable recipes and provided tips on menu planning, grocery shopping, and maximizing the produce you purchase or receive at a food bank.
Watch this demo on cooking healthy, affordable, uncomplicated, delicious meals!
There is still time to make sure you're covered for 2021 Open Enrollment!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage our communities, many people are losing their employer sponsored health care coverage just when they need it the most. And because the Trump administration has consistently tried to undermine the Affordable Care Act (ACA) [1], many people are not aware that the ACA is still in place and provides good options for people seeking health coverage. It's time to use our outside voices for health care to spread the word about Open Enrollment at for 2021!
Sign up now! Take action and help get the word out about open enrollment at **When you click, you'll receive our 2021 Open Enrollment toolkit to help spread the word!
P.S.- This content is also on the MomsRising blog!
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Dear Friend,
We're hearing from moms every single day who are struggling with unemployment and questioning how they are going to pay their bills and continue to put food on the table for their families. Moms like Beverly, who writes:
"When I was laid off from my job due to COVID-19, as a single mother I was petrified. The added $600 in unemployment benefits has been a lifeline, the difference between keeping a roof over our heads and homelessness. With no end in sight of this pandemic, we need the expansion of unemployment benefits to make sure no one gets left behind in this situation we had no control over."
Right now unemployed workers are receiving $600 per week in additional unemployment benefits, but unless the U.S. Senate takes action soon, those benefits will expire on July 31st!
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on your U.S. Senators to support unemployed workers and extend the $600 per week boost in unemployment benefits! (When you click, here you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.)
Here's what's going on: The CARES Act, passed by Congress in late March, provided an extra $600 per week in federal unemployment benefits to make struggling workers whole during this pandemic and to stimulate the economy. But that enhancement will arbitrarily end on July 31st. [1] That means millions of unemployed workers are about to take a $2,400 per month cut in pay unless Congress takes immediate action. With an unemployment rate still sitting at around 13.3% and 59% of CEOs saying they are implementing hiring freezes, now is NOT the time for Congress to short-change struggling Americans and undercut our economy. [2]
We have an emergency situation: President Trump and his GOP allies are pumping the brakes on any further action to assist those out of work, despite what economists from both sides of the aisle are predicting in terms of our floundering economy and record unemployment numbers. In fact, President Trump is opposing the extension of the $600 boost in unemployment insurance past July 31st, when it is set to expire. [3] The $600 is critical to those out of work because it allows for full wage replacement versus the usual 30-50% wage replacement people would normally see with Unemployment Insurance. [4] The $600 is also critical to rebuilding our economy, which is based on consumer-spending. This is another case of our president being out of touch with the real lives of families and completely lacking in compassion if he thinks the average American family can survive on half of their usual monthly paycheck!
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and many of his Republican colleagues aren't much better. They have said time and time again that the $600/week boost is unnecessary, which is absolutely not true in terms of what our economy and families need. [5] But do you know who recognizes the need for these benefits? Nancy Pelosi and the House of Representatives, which passed the HEROES Act weeks ago, extending the $600 per week boost, and providing numerous critically important supports for families and front line workers dealing with the pandemic. [6]
We need the U.S. Senate to follow the House's lead and take immediate action to extend unemployment insurance benefits for millions of workers!
***CLICK HERE to sign our letter to your U.S. Senators urging them to extend the $600 per week for unemployed workers -- as well as to move forward the critically important elements in the HEROES Act immediately!! (When you click here, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.)
As almost anyone based in reality can tell you, our economy continues to suffer and since our families make up the economy, so do we! As of May 16, nearly one in four workers have applied for unemployment insurance benefits, either in the regular program or through the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, since stay-at-home orders first went into effect. Black workers have been especially hit hard by the COVID-19 economy with more than one in six Black workers losing their jobs between February and April. And Black women in particular are uniquely struggling as both the majority of frontline essential workers AND seeing record unemployment rates. [7]
Here is the letter we are asking you to sign and sending to the Senate:
"Dear Senator,
Unemployment Insurance is a vital lifeline for families and stimulus for the economy that will be critical to our nation's economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. We need Congress to ensure this safety net will be available to all who need it until our economy has sufficiently recovered. In particular, we are asking you to take immediate action and continue the $600 per week boost past July 31st and tie its phase out to economic indicators. The $600 per week is one critical element of the House-passed HEROES Act- legislation that is a crucial starting point for the next emergency policy package, which our families and economy need to get through this pandemic.
Without a strong Unemployment Insurance system our families will continue to suffer and our economy will be slow to recover. We need you to act now!"
Once you click here, you will be automatically signed on to our letter to your U.S. Senators calling them to support unemployed workers and extend the $600 per week boost in benefits past the arbitrary July 31st deadline- as well as to move forward the critically important elements in the HEROES Act immediately.
We have no time to waste on speaking out against this issue! We are 30 days away from millions of unemployed families seeing a serious and detrimental cut to their household income. which will have a negative ripple effect in our economy. We need the U.S. Senate to follow the House's lead to vote to extend unemployment benefits NOW and to move forward the critically important elements within the HEROES Act! After you sign our letter, forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to sign as well. You can also post our action link to Facebook.
Thank you for continuing to take action and speak up for our families during this time of crisis!
-Elyssa, Kristin, Donna, Nate, Jordan, and the entire MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Elijah McClain -- a young Black man who loved animals, a violinist, a highly regarded massage therapist, and a person beloved by his community -- was simply walking home from the store after buying iced tea when police officers in Aurora, Colorado detained and murdered him nearly a year ago. The officers who murdered Elijah have yet to be fired or charged. There is still no justice. Not only have the officers NOT been charged yet, on Sunday the Aurora, CO police, in riot gear, used pepper spray to break up a peaceful violin vigil in a city park calling for justice for Elijah, who was killed by that very same police department last year. -> TAKE ACTION HERE!
P.P.S. Along with your signatures, we want to be able to send your stories to the Senate as well. Share with us how Unemployment Insurance is helping your family during this pandemic.
[1] "Unemployment benefits will be reduced after July 31." CNBC, May 4, 2020.
[2] "When does the extra $600 in federal unemployment end? What do know before it expires." Fortune, June 28, 2020.
[3] "Trump reportedly opposes extending the $600 boost in weekly unemployment benefits as jobless levels reach record highs." Business Insider, May 20, 2020.
[4] "How does unemployment insurance work? And how is it changing during the coronavirus pandemic." Brookings, April 7, 2020.
[5] "McConnell and Pelosi's next battle: How to help the 40 million unemployed." Politico, May 31, 2020.
[6] "House HEROES Act Reflects Urgency of Ongoing Public Health and Economic Crises Caused by Coronavirus." Center for American Progress, June 10, 2020.
[7] "Black workers face two of the most lethal preexisting conditions for coronavirus -racism and economic inequality." Economic Policy Institute, June 1, 2020.
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Dear Friend,
Confession: I really, really, REALLY love voting. It's a moment of power when we can imagine a better future for our children -- and then put our marks on a ballot to help make that better future happen. Voters make the future. You can make the future. Quite literally. Voters set the direction, have far-reaching power together, and build our worlds for tomorrow -- and today is VOTING DAY!!!
Hang onto that feeling of power. Use this moment. Together, we can vote for a better future.
Did you vote yet?
If the answer is "No," then stop, drop everything, and VOTE! :) Need information on where and how you can vote in-person, via dropbox, or in another way locally today? Click the link below, type your address, and we''ll help you get customized information about exactly how you can vote TODAY:
If you already voted (and we know MANY of you have!), then consider whether you know anybody who hasn''t voted yet and might need this info. Share our voting location info link right now on Facebook or Twitter and/or forward this e-mail to that friend (or two!) who might need a nudge to vote ASAP (Small nudges can make a large difference!). The deadline for voting is the end of the day today, so please spread this info quickly.
Share Voting Information Link on Facebook | Share Voting Information Link on Twitter
This is not a normal year. So we have some special voting tips to super power your ballot casting in the p.s. below! The ways people normally vote have changed. I loved voting in-person with my parents when I was young -- and now live in a vote-by-mail state (where voting by mail has been done safely and effectively for over a decade!). This year I decided to vote early at a dropbox. That moment of marking the boxes on my ballot, putting my envelope in the inner folder, sealing my ballot in the secrecy envelope, signing the outside of the envelope, and then dropping it in the box was a moment of pure joy. Voting is powerful. It''s hopeful, fun, and SO IMPORTANT.
But while I did a happy dance (yes I actually did!) dropping my ballot in the dropbox, I didn''t get a sticker!
We want to celebrate your vote and our votes together. And virtual "I Voted" stickers are a great way to do just that in a socially distanced, responsible, joyful way. So this year we made our own. We''d like to share it with you, and let you share it with others, just like you might with an "I Voted" sticker that you put on your sweater.
Have you voted? Click the "I Voted" button to get your own virtual "I Voted" sticker that you can share with the world!
If you haven''t voted, GO VOTE RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND PLEASE, then come back and get your virtual "I Voted" sticker!. This e-mail will be waiting for you!
Thank you for all you do. Moms across this country are busy lifting democracy -- and the energy of the MomsRising volunteers has been through the roof. In every corner of the country, we're helping others to vote and building a movement for gender justice, racial justice and economic justice; confirming what we''ve known all along, that moms reaching out to other moms is one of the most powerful forces in the world. I couldn't be more honored to be on the MomsRising Team.
MomsRising volunteers like you have done SO MUCH this election. You''ve sent millions of handwritten postcards to moms who don''t always vote; you''re on track to send 20 million mom-to-mom texts by the end of today. You''ve shared voting info; reached out in English and Spanish to people on social media; participated in phone banks, reaching tens of thousands of people to get out the vote; volunteered in an incredible local Beacon of Hope Adopt-A-Precinct program; and so, so, SO much more.
This movement knows that voting is powerful, and we''ll never stop building the future that we believe in where everyone can thrive. So use your voting power today. Get out there. Be strong. Be bold. Be a changemaker. And turn out the vote!
- Kristin and everyone at
P.S. Here are some important voting tips & resources to super power your ballot casting today:
If you have a vote-by-mail ballot, use our link to find a dropbox near you and then go put your ballot in the dropbox ASAP. There are concerns about regular mail delays on Election Day, so find a dropbox for your ballot and celebrate getting your vote in! *Bonus tip: Read the instructions on your vote-by-mail ballot TWICE to be sure you use the envelope properly. Each state has different vote-by-mail ballot instructions. Here's that link:
If you are voting in-person, use our link to find out where to vote near you and then make sure your voting plan includes some fun: A special voting snack, a facemask, and a fully charged phone. *Bonus tip: If you're going to have to wait in line to vote, make it like a parade to democracy. Bring snacks to share! (Extra Halloween candy, anyone?) Maybe even a fun folding chair & cozy blanket! Play music! Plan ahead to stand in line with friends and family in a socially distanced way -- and be able to hold line spots if people need breaks. Plan for fun! Here's that link:
If you have kids and are voting, you can entertain your kids while you vote with these fun activities for kids of all ages. Be a voter, raise a voter!
If you encounter any barriers to voting, there's an election protection helpline for you! 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683). Don't be shy about calling or texting if you encounter any issues. Your vote is important -- and every vote should be counted.
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Help save our democracy! Sign up for the MomsRising Truth Squad to combat election misinformation and avoid four more years of Donald Trump!
Dear Friend,?
I don't know about you, but I'm more than ready to end the nightmare of the Trump Presidency. But getting from here to celebrations on November 3rd is going to take everyone raising their voices as loud as possible to help get out the vote and fight disinformation. That's why we are asking you to join our MomsRising Truth Squad -- to fight back against disinformation about the elections and to help persuade our communities to vote Trump out of office.
Why you? Because more than anything else, people look to their friends and families for information and opinions. In fact, studies show that moms are among the most trusted and effective messengers of information these days.? So YOU are powerful in your circle and we are going to need YOUR voice this election season.
Sign up for our Truth Squad and we will equip you with options for compelling messages, videos, and ads you can share on social media to combat disinformation and help prepare your community to vote.?
? Want to get involved in the MomsRising Truth Squad? Sign up for our informative emails that give you options for resources you can share on social media and get ready for the upcoming presidential elections by clicking here. *When you click, you'll automatically sign up if we already have your information.
What's the deal? This November 3, voters across the country will have the power to elect our next president and many other candidates up and down the ballot. The decisions they will make are critical for the future we create together. We have the opportunity to elect candidates who will safely bring the country out of COVID-19, repair our economy and support working families, protect our health care and reproductive rights, work to achieve racial justice, enact climate change policies, treat immigrants with respect, and keep families together.?
With just six weeks left until the election we want to make sure that you have all the accurate information and most compelling messages to share.?
Join the MomsRising 2020 Elections Truth Squad today! Click here to sign up for our Truth Squad resources. *When you click, you'll automatically sign up if we already have your information.
We know you are busy! That's why we are searching for the best information and most compelling messages that you can share with your communities. We are here to assist you and are your back up team!
When you join the 2020 Elections Truth Squad you'll get timely, informative and persuasive resources made just for you to share on social media each week between now and the election. You can choose what resources you want to share or not from the list of options we email your way, of course!?No matter how much content you share, every bit has an impact because helping to spread trusted and accurate information is especially critical this year as voter disinformation is rampant right now.
Don't forget to sign up for the 2020 Election Truth Squad NOW! *When you click, you'll automatically sign up if we already have your information.
**Please also take a moment to forward this email to friends and family so they can join the Truth Squad, too! Post the action link on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word. The more of us who take action to spread the truth, the better chance we have at combating disinformation and avoiding four more years of Donald Trump!
Together we are a powerful force for truth.
- Claudia, Felicia, Donna, Kristin and the entire MomsRising and Mam?sConPoder team
Paid for by MomsRising Together,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Dear Friend,
It's outrageous.?
Taxpayers are funding 100% of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine project, but they recently announced to investors that the company will be setting the highest price yet for a COVID-19 vaccine. [1] That's right: they want us to pay an unfairly high price in order to buy back a vaccine developed with OUR tax dollars.
*Quick signature: Tell our lawmakers to stop pandemic profiteering by big pharma and make the COVID-19 vaccine affordable for all!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
What's the deal? The Trump Administration already holds the power to ensure prices are fair for prescription treatments for COVID-19 and a future vaccine. Through the Government Patent Use statute, the federal government has the ability to break pharmaceutical monopolies on patents, keeping drug companies from charging outrageous amounts for medicines. [2] But we've already seen price gouging happening for COVID-19 treatment. For example, Gilead, which makes remdesivir, the first medicine shown to have an impact on COVID-19, announce it will charge $2,340 - $3,120 for a five day course-an impossible cost for most every person who gets sick during this world-wide health crisis. [3]? This is not okay. If the Trump Administration and Congress continues to allow big pharma to charge whatever it wants for COVID-19 treatments and a future vaccine, the rest of the country will pay the consequences and more people will perish.?
The need for safe, effective, and affordable COVID-19 treatments and vaccines is critical. U.S. taxpayers are contributing billions of dollars to R&D efforts, but so far the Trump Administration has refused to guarantee affordability or disclose the terms of contracts it has entered into with prescription drug corporations. It is no wonder that a recent Gallup/West Health poll found that nearly 90% of Americans believe those corporations will take advantage of the pandemic to pad profits. [4]
Sign now! Tell Congress and the Trump administration: The health of America's families must take precedence over the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
What can be done? We are asking members of Congress to support legislation that will protect against pandemic profiteering and guarantee every person in the U.S. affordable access to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. No prescription drug corporation should be given monopoly control over prices-especially when they're using our tax dollars to develop the treatments and vaccines!?
In order to fight this pandemic, we need sufficient quantities and affordability to ensure universal access to safe treatments and vaccines. We deserve transparency, including how much taxpayers have contributed and corporations' costs of production. That is why we need the passage of the Make Medications Affordable by Preventing Pandemic Price Gouging (MMAPPP) Act and the Taxpayer Research and Coronavirus Knowledge (TRACK) Act to be included within COVID-19 legislation!?
Sign now to make sure that no one is priced out of life-saving COVID-19 treatments and vaccines!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
Sign our petition to President Trump, Secretary Azar of the Department of Health and Human Services, and Congress which reads:?
As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads, we need a strong response from the United States government in order to save lives and rein in the costs of medical treatment. We need protection against pandemic profiteering by big pharmaceutical corporations and a guarantee that every person will have access to affordable COVID-19 treatments and vaccines developed with taxpayer dollars.?
No prescription drug corporation should be given monopoly control over prices for life saving medications and a future vaccine! In order to fight this pandemic, we need sufficient quantities to ensure universal access to safe, affordable treatments and vaccines. We deserve transparency, including how much taxpayers have contributed and corporations' costs of production. That is why I am asking you to support the passage of the Make Medications Affordable by Preventing Pandemic Pricegouging (MMAPPP) Act and the Taxpayer Research and Coronavirus Knowledge (TRACK) Act.
When the world is increasingly at risk, treatments and vaccines must be developed quickly and made affordable and accessible to the public-especially when our tax dollars are being used to do so. The health of America's families must take precedence over the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.
Don't forget to sign now! Tell Congress and the Trump administration to prevent pandemic profiteering!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action link on social media:
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
--Tasmiha, Felicia, Donna and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] Axios, "Moderna skirts disclosures of coronavirus vaccine costs" [2] Cornell Law School, "Patent and copyright cases" [3] STAT News, "Gilead announces long-awaited price for Covid-19 drug remdesivir" [4] Gallup, "In U.S., Large Racial Divide in COVID-19 Cost Concerns"
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Yesterday, a wall in Kentucky - an inanimate object - received more justice than Breonna Taylor.
Dear Friend,
32 bullets. 32 bullets were fired by police officers as they stormed through Breonna Taylor's house without even knocking first. 32 bullets were fired by police officers as she slept in her bed, murdering her. [1]
The 1 bullet that a police officer is being held responsible for? The one that hit the wall of the apartment. The wall. "Wanton engagement" was the charge for the bullet hitting the wall. [2]
In an egregious miscarriage of justice, showing the deadly effects of structural racism in our policing and criminal justice systems, there were no charges related to the murder of Breonna Taylor. Let us repeat: None.
? Sign on now: The fight for justice for Breonna Taylor, and to fix our broken policing and criminal justice systems, is not over.
As an essential worker, Breonna went to work every day standing on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic committed to helping people and being of service. The devastating irony of this is that Breonna survived the pandemic that disproportionately kills Black people, only to have her life stolen by police. [3]
MomsRising stands with the family and loved ones of Breonna Taylor, BLM Louisville, and the Movement for Black Lives in demanding:
Immediately fire and revoke the pensions of the officers that murdered Breonna.
Divest from LMPD and invest in community building.
The immediate resignation (or impeachment) of Mayor Greg Fischer.
Metro Council ends use of force by Louisville Metro Police Department. (Police shootings are gun violence.)
Establish a local, civilian community police accountability council that is independent from the Mayor's Office and LMPD with investigation and discipline power #CPAC.
The creation of policy to ensure transparent investigation processes.
The wheels of justice should continue to turn until there has been real accountability for the murder of Breonna Taylor, a young woman whose whole life was ahead of her, until Louisville police murdered her as she slept in her bed.?A charge of "wanton endangerment" for firing a bullet into a wall is not justice.?
? Sign on now to demand justice. We cannot let this stand for Breonna.
Breonna should be alive. She should be here with us today. Instead, her life was tragically taken like too many others as structural racism permeates our policing -- and her friends and family have yet to find justice.?
Our hearts are with Breonna Taylor's mom and all those who love her. We will not stop demanding justice, in this case and others, until people in every community are safe.
-> No mother should have to go through what Breonna's mom is going through, and no one should be murdered by police. Please join us in demanding justice.
And please forward this action link, post it on Twitter, and Facebook, and spread the word. Every single voice is needed calling for justice right now.?Please, please also double check that you're registered to vote and make a plan to vote ASAP. The egregious ruling on Breonna Taylor reflects the deadly structural racism which has permeated our policing and criminal justice systems -- and it's on us to change this with our voices and our votes. We must pass the BREATHE Act [4] and to do that we''ve got to keep raising our voices and keep voting. This fight is not over.
[1] "Fired Officer Is Indicted in Breonna Taylor Case; Protesters Wanted Stronger Charges" [2] "No one charged in Breonna Taylor''s killing; 1 indicted on wanton endangerment" [3] "Health Equity Considerations and Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups" [4] The BREATHE Act
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Friend?-?This is it. Two. Days.?We have just two days left to get low frequency mom voters the information they need about where & how they can vote in-person.?Getting this information out is essential because there is intense, unprecedented voter suppression happening in our nation; and also voter confusion happening right now due to changing voting options with the pandemic.
?? Sign up now to spend 20 minutes (or more) texting out the vote:
Brush off your super powers, sign up to take 20 minutes to help text out the vote, and please pass on this volunteer opportunity to friends and family. (And also, importantly, please be sure that YOU have a voting plan so you get your own ballot in on time).
Things are tough right now. Really tough. So, in the spreading and lifting hope department, we want to share.? YOU ARE BUILDING A MASSIVE WAVE OF VOTING! Because of tens of thousands of MomsRising members like you, we've already directly reached over 14,000,000 low frequency mom voters via phone, text, social media, direct and hand-written mail, locally, and more -- and we're seeing a giant increase in early voting.
Now, with voter suppression, intentional voter confusion, and voter intimidation increasing in these final days before the election, WE NEED YOUR HELP MORE THAN EVER to get people who haven't already voted yet out to vote in-person on Voting Day, which is this coming Tuesday, November 3rd. And we really need your help to do that: It turns out that many low frequency last minute voters don't have the info they need to find their local voting locations -- and that's where you come in! We have that info for you to share and we're trying to reach as many moms as possible - especially the ones who are registered but don't always vote - they often just need a reminder, and a few details about where to go to vote.
WORRIED? Us too. Text out the vote with us? (Thank you in advance!)
?? Don't forget to sign up now to spend 20 minutes (or more) texting out the vote between now and the end of the day on Voting Day, this Tuesday, November 3rd:
We need you. Our nation needs you. Mom voters across the country need you so they have the information they need to go vote in-person.? And we so appreciate your help. Thank you.
----- Forwarded Message ----- FROM:?"Kristin," <> TO:?Friend DATE:?October 27, 2020 at 5:16:02 PM PDT SUBJECT: We need your help texting out the vote!
Friend -?7 days. It's time to double down.?We. Need. You.?Many low frequency mom voters don't have the info that they need to figure out where to vote yet -- and we need your help getting that critical information to them quickly.
?? Sign up now to spend 20 minutes (or more) texting out the vote:
Your help is needed ASAP, as well as through November 3rd because many busy moms don't have the information they need to find out where and how they can vote!? We have that info!? And we need your help texting it out to low frequency mom voters who need it in order to vote.??
? Can you help text out the vote?? Sign up here:?
Please also share this volunteer link with friends.? The more people who are texting out the vote, the bigger the voter turnout we'll have on November 3rd. We are working to reach 15 million low frequency mom voters to get them the information they need to vote, so every volunteer moment is a BIG help.
More details are below. Let's do this!? THANK YOU!!!!
- Kristin, Jordan, Sue Anne, Gloria and Nate
----- Forwarded Message ----- FROM:?"Kristin," <> TO:?Friend DATE:?October 20, 2020 at 6:03:02 PM PDT SUBJECT:?Text out the vote with us?
Friend -?14 days. We've come a long way together this year building momentum and getting out the vote! And now we need your help in these last couple weeks to help remind low frequency voters to VOTE by November 3rd.?So it's go time!!!
? Are you interested in texting out the vote with us?
Just click the button above and we'll add you to our list of people interested in texting out the vote -- and then we'll reach out to you when it's time to start!?
We need you. We're proven that together we are an unstoppable, powerful force. In fact, together we already have a strong list of accomplishments just from the past couple of weeks alone:
Over 3,496,144 texts sent so far to moms who are low frequency voters!
More than 4,458,028 postcards sent so far to moms, including millions that were hand-written!
54,708,533 reached about #MomsVote on social media in English and Spanish and rising!
272 state-based Beacons of Hope Precinct Captains have already made 318,000 contacts with low-frequency mom voters in their communities!
? But don't take your foot off the gas before November 3rd. We have limited time left to help remind low frequency voters that their votes are needed. Can we send you details on how you can text out the vote between now and November 3rd?
Please sign up to help text out the vote!??
We need you. We need your voice. We need your texting fingers. We really do. And we'll provide everything you need to make a big impact: A list of people to text who don't regularly vote, draft language to use, and an easy text platform to help you get it all done with speed. Plus, you can send your texts anytime that''s convenient from the comfort of your home or from whatever location works for you.
? Are you interested in sending texts to urge low-frequency moms to be voters?
We have just two weeks before Voting Day on November 3. Research shows that personalized messages delivered in a conversational manner are one of the most effective ways to mobilize voters - and that's exactly what this program does. Plus, we have A LOT of work to do: Only about 58% of eligible voters turned out to vote in the last presidential election, which leaves a lot of room for improvement! So our personal voices are (quite literally) needed to inspire others to vote.
Together we can make the future ours.
Kristin, Gloria, Sue Anne, Nate and Jordan
P.S. We also have a phone bank and need volunteers for calling low frequency voters to remind them to vote. *SIGN UP FOR THE PHONE BANK HERE:
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Dear Friend,
My heart is hammering. After spending three months of the COVID-19 pandemic social distancing, one month centering a national rebellion that demands we finally end police violence and reimagining public safety, and July 4th weekend thinking about the rights and freedoms that each and every person in our nation deserves, I woke up this morning with the realization that we are just four months away from Election Day. JUST. FOUR. FAST. MONTHS. 😲😲😲
Every election is a bright new chance for our country. This November, we can make the most of that chance by ensuring that every eligible mom and family member votes! But voter turnout doesn't happen by itself.
? Would you put your mark on a map to be a Beacon of Hope for others and show that you're planning to help get out the vote for the November elections??
When you put your mark on MomsRising's map, not only will you inspire others, we'll also be sure to share with you lots of ways you can help get out the vote in the coming weeks -- ways that are easy, convenient, and that work!
Election Day this year, more so than in any election in recent memory, is going to be complicated by the fact that we've been in a pandemic. So we're going to need a lot more volunteers than normal to not only remind people to vote, but also to let people know what options they have to vote via mail and in-person.? So we're going to need YOUR help more than ever getting the word out about voting.?
Does the closeness of the elections make your heart hammer too? If so, join me by putting your mark on MomsRising's map!
*Click here to make your mark and be a Beacon of Hope, standing up with other mothers, fathers, and family members across the country to help get out the vote in the fall.
This is a transformational moment in history. The future is what we build together. Let's get to work.
-- Gloria, Kristin, Anita, Joy and the entire MomsRising /?Mam?sConPoder team
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Top #5Actions of the Past Week Friday, October 30, 2020
As voters, we have superpowers to make the future! That can sound ridiculous, but it's true. Many elections, especially local ones, are decided by under a dozen votes. And big voter turnouts in national elections are especially good for democracy.
So with the final Voting Day just days away on this coming Tuesday, November 3rd, this week our 5 actions are focused on helping people to use their voting super powers.
*We need you! Below you can: Sign up to help remind people to vote in our phonebank; help us text out the vote; get info to help 3 people make a voting plan; find activities to entertain kids while you vote; and, get your own voting plan set!
? Speaking of which, before you read on: If you haven''t voted already, then you can find your voting location and make a plan to vote using the customized info on this link: Remember: All ballots must be cast by the end of the day this coming Tuesday, November 3rd & drop off your mail-in ballots ASAP!
The future is what we build together. Thanks for voting!
-- Kristin, Jordan, Sue Anne, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
1. Phonebank To Get Out The VOTE With Us!
Sign up for a volunteer shift to help call out the vote. We have phone banks going now through Election Day to help remind low frequency mom voters to vote -- and to help get voters information about the early voting options, drop box locations, or where to vote in-person. It's going to take all of us calling out the vote to fight the voter misinformation being spread. So thank you in advance!
Here's the link to sign up for a shift (or two or three!) phonebanking.
2. Take 30 Minutes to Text Out The Vote!
Research shows that personalized messages delivered in a conversational manner are one of the most effective ways to mobilize voters - and that's exactly what this program does. Plus, we have A LOT of work to do: Only about 58% of eligible voters turned out to vote in the last presidential election, which leaves a lot of room for improvement! So our personal voices are (quite literally) needed to inspire others to vote. We'll provide everything you need to make a big impact: A list of people who don't regularly vote that you call or text (maybe even in Spanish, if you know Spanish!), draft language to use, and easy calling and text platforms to help you get it all done with speed. Plus, you can make your calls and/or send your texts anytime that''s convenient from the comfort of your home or from whatever location works for you.
Here's the link to sign up to make texts to help get out the vote (feel free to share this link with friends too).
3. Help 3 people make a plan to vote & find out where to vote locally
Reach out to at least 3 people to help them get the info they need to vote! You can do this by texting 3 (or more!) people, posting on social media, emailing, or other. Here's sample content that you can cut & paste if you want:
? Hey, the election season is here. Some states are already early voting! Time flies. I have a great resource to share in case you need to find out where you can vote in-person on Nov. 3rd, as well as early voting, dropbox, and vote-by-mail options if your state has those. Just go here for all the info, which is customized for you after you fill out the form:
(After you make your plan to vote, feel free to pass on this resource to 3 other people. Let's make sure everyone who wants to vote, can vote!)
Happy voting! Thanks! ?
4. Be a Voter, Raise a Voter - Entertain a Kid While You Vote!
Worried about how you'll find time to vote while hanging out with kids? We have you covered!
We pulled together some fun activities for you so kids can be entertained while you vote. As a bonus, these activities introduce kids to the idea of voting and show them that voting is both fun AND important -- and, of course, these activities serve the dual purpose of also keeping kids occupied while you fill out your ballot. Just pick the activity that works best for the ages and interests of the children or young people in your life and get voting. For instance, you can make voting-themed crafts, create a voting-related story, or hold a mock election and let the kids vote. If the kids are older, you can talk over snacks about the issues that matter most to them, ask if they have thoughts on the candidates or issues being discussed in the election season, and answer (or look up together!) any questions they might have.
Here are a few fun kid activity ideas for you along with how to make them happen.
5. DON'T FORGET YOURSELF!!! Make Your Own Plan to Vote - Get Your Local Voting Options for How & Where to Vote
Just like on airplanes where we're urged to put on our own oxygen masks first, be sure you don't forget about yourself! Find out what your voting options are and make a plan to vote that works best for you. After you make your plan, then mark it on our calendar (and maybe even select a fun voting celebration snack and find some good music for your voting day!).
Here's a link where you can get details about where to vote in-person, find out if your state has early voting and/or dropboxes, get info about vote-by-mail, and get everything you need to make your plan to vote.
P.S.- This content is also on the MomsRising blog!
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Breaking news,?Friend, just yesterday, the U.S. House released a new phase of the COVID-19 relief package, the HEROES Act. Because of the efforts of fearless MomsRising members and action takers like you, many of your priorities and demands are included in the package including: a HEROES' fund of $200 billion for essential workers who are risking their lives in the midst of the pandemic; a stronger Payroll Protection Program (PPP) which will extend the urgently needed PPP loan program as well as help ensure communities of color receive the support they need and quickly; an increase in funding for testing and treatment of the virus; and, also importantly, an extension of Paid Family Leave and Unemployment benefits.[1]?
-> Tell your U.S. Senators: Pass the HEROES Act quickly! Right now is not the time for U.S. Senate to stall-- millions of Americans are faced with both financial and healthcare burdens and require immediate relief.?
The HEROES Act is just a start. Congress must also turn its attention to creating more pathways and funding to reduce incarceration, which is critical to public health; and to the emerging crisis in child care, which has become a national emergency with centers closing every day and many not expected to be able to reopen so that parents can go to work without substantial public investments.
MomsRising has joined forces with the National Women's Law Center, Black Women's Roundtable, Planned Parenthood, UltraViolet, NARAL, Women's March and 70 women's organizations from around the country to demand more -- much more -- for women and our list of demands remains the same:
Prioritize our health and safety ahead of corporations.
Get life-sustaining relief to us NOW.
Make state governments strong; they are our lifeline.
Stop the attacks on our reproductive care, including abortion access.
Protect our safety and our right to vote in 2020.
Now that the U.S. House has passed the HEROES Act, the U.S.Senate must do everything in their power to make sure this Act passes quickly too. Women, our sisters, our people cannot wait any longer for protection from the devastations of the COVID-19 crisis. We need relief, funding, and support NOW.?
By taking action with us, you are standing up for your family, friends, neighbors, immigrants, and essential workers. Help us all by continuing to keep the pressure on the U.S. Senate by signing on with us.
*After you sign on, please take a moment to share the action link on Facebook or Twitter -- or even to forward this email to friends.? The more of us who take action, the faster we'll make changes together.
Thank you,
Diarra, Elyssa, Ruth, Monifa, Kristin and the entire team?
P.S. Mark your calendar now to join us this Tuesday, May 19, for a national day of action. We will keep your U.S. Senators' phones ringing all day long, with demands to give women the COVID-19 relief they deserve.?
P.P.S. MomsRising and dozens of our We Demand More Coalition partners are working together to fight for women and families. Has your family and community been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Tell us your COVID-19 story.Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand why taking critical steps-like passing paid sick days and ensuring COVID-19 testing is widely available-are essential to the health and well-being of our communities.?
[1] The Heroes Act One Pager - House Appropriations
Should I pay for rent or food? If I had an unwanted pregnancy right now, what could I do? Can I afford to take a sick day from work? Should I risk getting sick to go out and vote?
This is where we're at in the COVID-19 crisis, Friend. The richest country on the planet is forcing its families to make impossible, even deadly, decisions. Women are shouldering the brunt of it-especially women of color. We're the majority of those working on the front lines to keep people alive and fed. We're caring for our kids. We're most likely to lose our jobs because of this crisis.
Sign on NOW to our list of demands for women.Congress has provided only a small fraction of the relief urgently needed for the courageous women workers and caretakers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. Shocking new data has emerged that show Black and Latinx people are dying at rates markedly higher than white Americans.[1]
Our elected leaders must develop and implement health equity interventions across all components of coronavirus response legislation, collect national health outcomes data by race, and ensure that all new policies urgently address these racial and ethnic disparities.?We need Congress to:
Prioritize our health and safety ahead of corporations.
Get life-sustaining relief to us NOW.
Make state governments strong; they are our lifeline.
Stop the attacks on our reproductive care, including abortion access.
Protect our safety and our right to vote in 2020.
Congress cannot continue to let women and families struggle while giving bailouts to corporations. They're letting anti-abortion politicians exploit this crisis to attack our rights. They're standing by as voters risk their lives to cast their ballots. The next COVID-19 relief package MUST right these wrongs.?
? This is a moment when we must be speaking in unison in our loudest voice - and we need you, your friends, and your family to join us. We won't stop fighting until our voices are heard.?
Make no mistake, it's women who bear the burden of this crisis. It's the bus driver working a 15-hour shift for the riders who rely on her; the young mother wondering how she'll feed her daughter after being laid off; the nurse who shows up every day to save lives while risking her own.?
While lawmakers are busy relieving corporations and big banks, who will take care of those that take care of us? We will.??
When more people like you take action, the louder our voices become.??
Thank you,
Diarra, Elyssa, Ruth, Monifa, Kristin and the entire team?
P.S. MomsRising and dozens of our We Demand More Coalition partners are working together to fight for women and families. Has your family and community been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Tell us your COVID-19 story.Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand why taking critical steps-like passing paid sick days and ensuring COVID-19 testing is widely available-are essential to the health and well-being of our communities.
P.P.S. Are you looking for more information on how to access the COVID-19 support programs Congress has already passed (like unemployment insurance, paid family leave and paid sick days, and nutrition assistance)? We've got you covered! Check out this video and resources from a webinar we held last week.
[1] 'A Terrible Price': The Deadly Racial Disparities of COVID 19 in America?
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Can you sign MomsRising's letter calling on the Senate to do more for the unemployed?
Dear Friend,
It would be great if President Trump could snap his figures and end the COVID-19 health and economic crisis on July 31st, but so far, his magical thinking doesn't seem to be doing the trick. Arbitrary dates are exactly that: arbitrary. And some of the improvements Congress passed to Unemployment Insurance arbitrarily will end on July 31st unless immediate action is taken. [1]
America's families need a real plan!
***SIGN OUR LETTER calling on Congress to take immediate action to ensure that our unemployment insurance system continues to support families until this economic and health crisis ends!
We're hearing from moms every single day who are struggling with unemployment and questioning how they are going to pay their bills and continue to put food on the table for their families. Within the past three months, the U.S. Congress has passed a massive overhaul of our broken unemployment insurance (UI) system-but a vital component of this overhaul arbitrarily ends at the end of July-only two months away! [2] The CARES Act provided an extra $600/week in federal unemployment benefits to make struggling workers whole during this pandemic. But that enhancement will arbitrarily end on July 31st. [3] And as great the improvements to the UI system have been, much more still needs to be done in order to support struggling families and a deeply damaged economy.
Women especially have been hit hard by the economic fallout of this pandemic, with women-dominated industries being the first to be shutdown like food service, retail, child care, hospitality, and education. In fact, women accounted for more than half of the jobs lost in March and it's estimated that between 7.8-8.4 million women filed for unemployment insurance in the last three weeks of April. [4]
We are hurting and we need our elected leaders to double down on the efforts they have already made to expand Unemployment Insurance to those normally left out of the program (women, gig workers, self-employed etc.). Much more needs to be done so our families can support themselves and our economy can start to recover.
We know that unemployment insurance works and is an important lifeline for millions of people. We just need to make sure it is there for all of us for as long as we need it!
***ADD YOUR NAME to our letter calling on Congress to strengthen and expand UI to help struggling workers during the COVID-19 pandemic!
Despite what economists from both sides of the aisle are predicting in terms of our floundering economy and record unemployment numbers, President Trump and his GOP allies are pumping the brakes on any further action to assist those out of work. President Trump is opposing an extension of the $600 boost in unemployment insurance past July 31st, when it is set to expire. [5] The $600 is critical to those out of work because it allows for full wage replacement versus the usual 30-50% wage replacement people would normally see with Unemployment Insurance. [6] The $600 is also critical to rebuilding our economy, which is based on consumer-spending. This is another case of our President being out of touch at best and cruel at most if he thinks the average American family can survive on half of their usual monthly paycheck!
And Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is no better. He doesn't even think we need additional COVID-19 relief legislation and is planning to block the House-passed HEROES Act, which among other things provides major improvements to unemployment insurance, paid family leave and paid sick days, nutrition assistance, and aid to struggling state and local governments-basically the type of things our families need right now to get through this pandemic. [7,8]
This is why we need YOU to join us in speaking out NOW! If we don't make a ton of noise and put pressure on the U.S. Senate to take action to help struggling families and our broken economy, things will only get worse!
**SIGN NOW to tell your U.S. Senators to take action immediately to boost and strengthen our unemployment insurance system!
We know you have so much on your plate, so we appreciate you continuing to speak out any way you can to help our families get the programs we need to survive this pandemic. After you sign our letter make sure to forward this email to your friends and family and post our action link to Facebook.
Thank you!
-Elyssa, Kristin, Donna and the entire MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Have you been able to access unemployment insurance? MomsRising would love to hear from you about how UI is helping your family during this pandemic! Share your story here!
P.P.S. Have questions about whether you are eligible for the new Unemployment Insurance programs passed by Congress since March? We've got you covered! Watch this video from a webinar we held with an expert from the National Employment Law Project (NELP) and check out additional resources that you might find helpful.
[1, 3] "Unemployment benefits will be reduced after July 31." CNBC, May 4, 2020.
[2] "Unemployment provisions in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act." NELP, March 27, 2020.
[4] "Women have been hit hard by the coronavirus labor market." EPI, April 15, 2020.
[5] "Trump reportedly opposes extending the $600 boost in weekly unemployment benefits as jobless levels reach record highs." Business Insider, May 20, 2020.
[6] "How does unemployment insurance work? And how is it changing during the coronavirus pandemic." Brookings, April 7, 2020.?
[7] "Republican Senators put brakes on additional coronavirus aid." Reuters, May 19, 2020.
[8] "HEROES Act Would Give America's Working Families the Paid Leave and Other Essential Supports We All Need In This Pandemic." MomsRising, May 13, 2020.
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#PoliceFreeSchools #CounselorNOTCops
Dear Friend,
We are living in extraordinary times. Nationwide mobilizations in the aftermath of too many police killings have renewed an important conversation about police accountability and the role police play in our lives. Even further this conversation has called into question the role police play in the lives of our children, specifically in school buildings. We too often assume that the presence of police in schools is synonymous with safety. It is NOT. The reality is most parents and caregivers know very little about the role police play in their kids schools.
We do know that the physical, social, and emotional health of children in schools is critical to success and safety. Yet, 1.7 million students are in schools with police but no counselors, 10 million students are in schools with police but no social workers, and 14 million students are in schools with police but no counselor, nurse, psychologist, or social worker.? Many states report having two to three times as many police officers in schools as social workers, and five states reported having more police officers in schools than nurses. This is unacceptable.[1]
TAKE ACTION: Our schools need more counselors, nurses, social workers, and educators who have the training they need to effectively support students, NOT more cops.?
Of course we ALL want schools to be safe, but did you know that there is NO evidence that increasing the number of police in schools actually improves school safety? Instead, what we find is that in the vast majority of cases police officers do exactly what they are trained to do, which is detain, handcuff, and arrest.? [2]
School counselors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists are trained to support children, and in schools where these professionals are able to provide services we see improved attendance rates, better academic achievement, and higher graduation rates. These same schools also see lower rates of suspension, expulsion, and other disciplinary incidents. The data on this is clear. The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn''t just improve outcomes for students, it can also improve overall school safety.[3]
*Sign on to our national call to Governors and Mayors to stand up for students and invest in counselors, nurses, social workers, NOT cops!
It is important that we understand how we got here. Police first appeared in schools in the 1950s, but it was not until the 1990's - following the tragic shooting at Columbine High school and the War on Drugs - that we saw a shift to increased surveillance, metal detectors and other security measures in public schools, including a rampant growth of the number of police, often called "school resource officers" in schools.[4]
At the same time we see school budgets continuously cut, leaving too many schools without the resources needed for our most vulnerable students.
Putting kids first means investing in counselors, nurses, and social workers, NOT cops!
Funneling money into more school police and other practices that criminalize students is not the answer to creating safe school environments. Researchers across the country, including the Consortium on Chicago School Research, have found that relationships between students, parents, and staff are more important in making a school safe than increased security measures and still we see too many examples of police in schools escalating incidents that might have been resolved by a trip to the principal's office. For immigrant and undocumented students, bringing police into the school building can lead to deportation for themselves or their families. [5]
From 2013 to 2018, over 300,000 children under the age of 12 were arrested in the US. [6] The stories are heartbreaking. A six year old in Orlando having a temper tantrum, placed in the handcuffs and driven to a juvenile detention facility. A high school student body slammed down to the ground after asking if he could call his grandmother to pick him up. Even more concerning is the same racial bias we see in policing in communities of color is the same bias we see from police in schools -- Black students represented 15% of the total student enrollment, and 31% of students who were referred to law enforcement or arrested, and these racial disparities are on the rise.[7]
The time to change this is NOW.?
National and local research consistently demonstrates that the presence of police in schools serves as an entry point to the school-to-prison pipeline and disproportionately harms Black, Indigenous and LatinX students; students with disabilities; and students in need who are furthest from opportunity. We can take an important step to dismantling the school to prison pipeline by investing in a students'' success and in student support instead of a culture of criminalization in our schools.?
Together we can END the criminalization of kids in schools and break the school to prison pipeline. Sign on to call for an end to the regular presence of law enforcement in our schools and an investment in student support.
Thank you for taking action,
- Beatriz, Monifa, Diarra and the rest of the MomsRising Team
[1] COPS AND NO COUNSELORS: How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff Is Harming Students?
[2][3] False Sense of Security???
[4][7] Why Counselors Not Cops -Dignity In Schools
[5]Study links school safety to achievement, relationships?
[6] More than 30,000 children under age 10 have been arrested in the US since 2013: FBI
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Dear Friend,
My heart is hammering. After spending three months of the COVID-19 pandemic social distancing, one month centering a national rebellion that demands we finally end police violence and reimagining public safety, and July 4th weekend thinking about the rights and freedoms that each and every person in our nation deserves, I woke up this morning with the realization that we are just four months away from Election Day. JUST. FOUR. FAST. MONTHS. 😲😲😲
Every election is a bright new chance for our country. This November, we can make the most of that chance by ensuring that every eligible mom and family member votes! But voter turnout doesn't happen by itself.
? Would you put your mark on a map to be a Beacon of Hope for others and show that you're planning to help get out the vote for the November elections??
When you put your mark on MomsRising's map, not only will you inspire others, we'll also be sure to share with you lots of ways you can help get out the vote in the coming weeks -- ways that are easy, convenient, and that work!
Election Day this year, more so than in any election in recent memory, is going to be complicated by the fact that we've been in a pandemic. So we're going to need a lot more volunteers than normal to not only remind people to vote, but also to let people know what options they have to vote via mail and in-person.? So we're going to need YOUR help more than ever getting the word out about voting.?
Does the closeness of the elections make your heart hammer too? If so, join me by putting your mark on MomsRising's map!
*Click here to make your mark and be a Beacon of Hope, standing up with other mothers, fathers, and family members across the country to help get out the vote in the fall.
This is a transformational moment in history. The future is what we build together. Let's get to work.
-- Gloria, Kristin, Anita, Joy and the entire MomsRising /?Mam?sConPoder team
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Friend -?14 days. We've come a long way together this year building momentum and getting out the vote! And now we need your help in these last couple weeks to help remind low frequency voters to VOTE by November 3rd.?So it's go time!!!
? Are you interested in texting out the vote with us?
Just click the button above and we'll add you to our list of people interested in texting out the vote -- and then we'll reach out to you when it's time to start!?
We need you. We're proven that together we are an unstoppable, powerful force. In fact, together we already have a strong list of accomplishments just from the past couple of weeks alone:
Over 3,496,144 texts sent so far to moms who are low frequency voters!
More than 4,458,028 postcards sent so far to moms, including millions that were hand-written!
54,708,533 reached about #MomsVote on social media in English and Spanish and rising!
272 state-based Beacons of Hope Precinct Captains have already made 318,000 contacts with low-frequency mom voters in their communities!
? But don't take your foot off the gas before November 3rd. We have limited time left to help remind low frequency voters that their votes are needed. Can we send you details on how you can text out the vote between now and November 3rd?
Please sign up to help text out the vote!??
We need you. We need your voice. We need your texting fingers. We really do. And we'll provide everything you need to make a big impact: A list of people to text who don't regularly vote, draft language to use, and an easy text platform to help you get it all done with speed. Plus, you can send your texts anytime that''s convenient from the comfort of your home or from whatever location works for you.
? Are you interested in sending texts to urge low-frequency moms to be voters?
We have just two weeks before Voting Day on November 3. Research shows that personalized messages delivered in a conversational manner are one of the most effective ways to mobilize voters - and that's exactly what this program does. Plus, we have A LOT of work to do: Only about 58% of eligible voters turned out to vote in the last presidential election, which leaves a lot of room for improvement! So our personal voices are (quite literally) needed to inspire others to vote.
Together we can make the future ours.
Kristin, Gloria, Sue Anne, Nate and Jordan
P.S. We also have a phone bank and need volunteers for calling low frequency voters to remind them to vote. *SIGN UP FOR THE PHONE BANK HERE:
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Tell Congress to Support the Counselors Not Criminalization Act!
Dear Friend,
Over the years we have all witnessed countless numbers of black people killed at the hands of the police. Black people whose communities experience excessive policing and rampant police terror are too often left grappling with the devastating and traumatic impacts of having to see or hear about these killings, and never seeing the officers responsible for these murders held accountable. An important piece of the conversation about the role police play in our lives is the role they play in the lives of our children and specifically in schools. We too often assume that the presence of police in schools is synonymous with safety. It is NOT. And like the police outside of school, data increasingly shows that police in schools, often called SRO's (school resource officers) disproportionately target Black children and push them into the juvenile and criminal justice system. [1]
*SIGN ON WITH US: Putting kids first means counselors, nurses, and social workers, NOT cops!?The time for change this is NOW! Tell Congress to support the Counseling Not Criminalization Act.
Nationally, Black children are about two times more likely to be arrested in school than white children, and in some states like Maryland, the number jumps to three times more likely. This is not because black children misbehave more but rather because they are punished more often and more harshly than their white peers. [2]??This has to stop.
The physical, social, and emotional health of children in schools is critical to success and safety. Yet, 1.7 million students are in schools with police but no counselors, 10 million students are in schools with police but no social workers, and 14 million students are in schools with police but no counselor, nurse, psychologist, or social worker. Many states reported two to three times as many police officers in schools as social workers, and five states reported more police officers in schools than nurses. This is unacceptable.[3] Even more horrifying is that from 2013 to 2018, over 300,000 children under the age of 12 were arrested in the US. [4] The stories are heartbreaking. A six year old in Orlando having a temper tantrum and placed in the handcuffs and driven to a juvenile detention facility. A high school student body slammed down to the ground after asking if he could call his grandmother to pick him up.?
We ALL want schools to be safe, but there is NO evidence that increasing the number of police in schools actually improves school safety.[5]
TAKE ACTION: Our schools need more counselors, nurses, social workers, and educators who have the training they need to effectively support students, NOT more cops. Tell Congress to ACT NOW!
School counselors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists are trained to support children, and in schools where these professionals are able to provide services we see improved attendance rates, better academic achievement, and higher graduation rates. These same schools also see lower rates of suspension, expulsion, and other disciplinary incidents. The data on this is clear. The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn''t just improve outcomes for students, it can also improve overall school safety.[6]
*Tell Congress to stand up for students and invest in counselors, nurses, social workers, NOT cops!
Schools are regularly having to make draconian cuts to their budgets, leaving too many schools without the resources needed for our most vulnerable students. Funneling money into more school police and other practices that criminalize students is not the answer to creating safe school environments.?
National and local research consistently demonstrates that the presence of police in schools serves as an entry point to the school-to-prison pipeline and disproportionately harms Black, Indigenous and Latinx students; students with disabilities; and students in need who are furthest from opportunity. The reality is study after study show virtually no gains from having police in schools.[7] There are measurable ways to increase school safety that don't promote the school-to-prison pipeline and have been proven to be successful. These measures include restorative approaches, more mental health staff and counselors, social-emotional learning, and trauma-informed care in our schools. The Counseling Not Criminalization Act is an important step towards shifting resources away from practices that harm and push kids out of school into what helps students thrive, keeps schools safe, and ends the criminalization of kids in schools.?
Here's the rundown on the bill:
The Counseling Not Criminalization Act prohibits the use of federal funds for police in schools in addition to supporting school districts in transitioning away from police in schools. The bill establishes a $2.5 billion grant program for school districts to replace law enforcement in schools with personnel and services that support mental health and trauma-informed services, as well as reforms to school safety and disciplinary policies with evidence-based practices. Districts must provide assurance that they will terminate any existing contract with local law enforcement by the time they receive grant funding and cannot establish a new contract throughout the duration of the grant. The grants can be used for hiring or training school counselors, school psychologists, nurses, social workers, or other specialists with expertise in school climate and behavior. Implementing school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports, or other trauma-informed services. Providing professional development to educators to prevent, mitigate, and provide services to students to reduce the effects of trauma and foster safe and stable learning environments.
Together we can END the criminalization of kids in schools. Tell Congress to support the Counseling Not Criminalization Act!?
[2] Black children are more likely to be disciplined than white kids for the same behavior.
COPS AND NO COUNSELORS: How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff Is Harming Students?
[3][4]?More than 30,000 children under age 10 have been arrested in the US since 2013: FBI
[5] False Sense of Security?
[6] Study links school safety to achievement, relationships
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Join me in making a high-impact phone call to your Senators to tell them to do their job!
Dear Friend,
If you are anything like me, you are working overtime right now and there is no way there are enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished. Right now, like a lot of MomsRising members, I am setting?kids up for a virtual back-to-school, trying to safely run my errands (where is my mask? hand sanitizer?), trying to work a full work day, and, honestly? Spending a lot of time worrying about, well, everything.?
Between the unpaid work of caregiving (and teaching!!) at home and our paid work, moms have no choice but to work overtime during COVID. That's why it makes me FURIOUS that the U.S. Senate Republicans and Trump Administration can't even do the basics of their job-pass a COVID-relief package! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They need to get to work.
***Join me in making a high-impact phone call to your Senators to tell them to do their job!?
-->Text DoYourJob to 747464 <-- and we'll connect you directly to your California U.S. Senator's office. When their staff picks up, say "Get back to the negotiating table and pass a robust COVID-relief package that protects all our families, including unemployment benefits, childcare, and paid leave."
We're hearing that right now the only thing our U.S. Senators are paying attention to are phone calls. So we need to flood the phone lines up on Capitol Hill.? Get your friends and family to help -after you make your call, post our call-in graphic to Facebook and Twitter so all your friends can take action as well!
Here's what's going on: Despite the House of Representatives passing the HEROES Act over three months ago [1] and two weeks ago passing the Child Care is Essential Act [2], everything has come to a screeching halt under Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's leadership. It's been four weeks since the federal eviction moratorium expired and three weeks since the $600/week boost in unemployment benefits have expired. Yet, still the Trump Administration offers nothing but unworkable and insufficient solutions [3] and the President's own representatives have all but walked away from the negotiating fact, it's rumored that White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows might even be on vacation this week. [4] I could only dream of such a luxury!
Enough is enough! Parents are juggling ALL OF THE THINGS. We are struggling to put food on the table, care for our children, pay the bills, and for those of us lucky enough to have a job right now-considering that 8.57 million women are still unemployed-work. [5]
The U.S. Senate has ONE JOB right now and that's to help our families so we can help our economy.?
We have been told that the highest impact action we can take right now is making phone calls to our U.S. Senators. We want to make sure the phones ring off the hook today, so join me in calling your Senators and telling them to #DoYourJob!
You can use our hotline. Just text DoYourJob to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your U.S. Senator's office. (If you call back a second time, you'll get your other Senator).
Our families are hurting and the clock is ticking. We need Congress to pass a robust, comprehensive COVID-relief package immediately. So after you call your U.S. Senators, forward this email to your friends and family and click to share on Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you so much for taking this quick and high-impact action!
-Ruth and the entire team
P.S. Thank you so much for calling your Senators. We also really want to hear from you how you and your family are doing during the pandemic. Can you share your COVID story with us?
[1] H.R. 600 HEROES Act.
[2] "Progress! Today's U.S. House Votes Will Help Child Care Programs Stay Open or Re-Open, Support Working Families, and Aid Our Recovery-If the U.S. Senates Does Same." MomsRising, July 29, 2020.
[3] "We Are Not Fooled: Moms Won't Give President Trump Credit for Using Half-Measures to Address a Crisis His Administration and His Senate Allies Created." MomsRising. August 8, 2020.
[4] "No stimulus deal anytime soon." Politico, August 11, 2020.
[5] "Monthly number of unemployed women in the United Sates from July 2019 to July 2020." Statista, August 10, 2020.
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Top #5Actions of the Past Week Friday, November 20, 2020
With the election mostly behind us (except in Georgia, more on that in the coming weeks!!) and the holidays approaching, there's still a lot to be done. Our leading action this week is asking you to share your experience with us about how COVID-19 is impacting your life in order to help push through COVID-19 relief in Congress. We know it can be hard to share, but these stories help us when we talk to your elected officials about legislation and other efforts to help get us out of this pandemic crisis. We make sharing your experience as easy as possible with a simple form and you can see that action below.
We also have actions on the importance of investing in counselors in schools instead of police in schools, a state-based COVID-19 public safety campaign we hope you support, information about how to get on our rapid response text stream, and, last but not least, we share a brand-new webinar recorded this morning talking about children's health. Please watch, comment and share with your friends and families.
As always, we appreciate the work that you are doing every day in your homes, cities, states and country.
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Ruth, Beatriz, Felicia, Claudia, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
How has your family been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?
Your Action Status: NOT YET COMPLETED -> Add Yours
The pandemic is taking an extreme toll on mothers, many of whom are losing their jobs, or forced to reduce hours both because the jobs are disappearing AND because of the closures of schools and childcare centers. And just as the virus is surging again, closing more schools and businesses, the limited benefits Congress passed in the spring are set to expire at the end of December - in just a few weeks. We need to make sure our Congressional leaders understand the pain our families are experiencing right now.
Share how the pandemic is impacting your family and we'll share these stories with elected leaders, the media, and policy makers.
Take Action! 300,000 Kids under the age of 12 have been arrested!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
School counselors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists are trained to support children, and in schools where these professionals are able to provide services we see improved attendance rates, better academic achievement, and higher graduation rates. These same schools also see lower rates of suspension, expulsion, and other disciplinary incidents. The data on this is clear. The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn''t just improve outcomes for students, but also improves overall school safety.
The Counseling Not Criminalization Act is an important step in shifting resources away from practices that harm and push kids out of school into what helps students thrive, keeps schools safe, and ends the criminalization of kids in schools.
The time is NOW to stand for students and end the regular presence of law enforcement in schools. Sign on!
Quick signature to slow the spread of COVID-19!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
We are in crisis as more people than ever in the U.S. currently have the coronavirus (COVID-19), over 250,000 people have now lost their lives to the disease, and case numbers are rising in ALL 50 states.
When one city in any state sees a surge, that can quickly spread and endanger the entire state-and the states around them. Governors are on the frontlines of keeping our communities healthy and safe during this pandemic and can work together to help control hotspots in their states and regions.
Sign on to let every governor know the moms of America are behind them all the way to urgently follow the direction of medical experts to stem the spread of coronavirus!
Have you joined our mobile list?
Have you signed up for our mobile action list? We send messages 1-2 times per week to our mobile list with our latest, and most important, actions. These messages allow you to quickly contact your representatives via a simple phone call.
Text MOMS to 747464 to join.
How we can protect kids' health webinar [recording]
Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard yet another challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - and with it, a threat to the 10 million kids covered by the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Thankfully - there are steps that we can take *right now* to protect children's health. Today, we teamed up with First Focus Campaign for Children on a webinar about how we can protect kids' health.
Watch and share our webinar about the CHIP CARING for Kids Act!
P.S.- This content is also on the MomsRising blog!
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Dear Friend,
Today, the U.S. House Labor, Health and Human Services Subcommittee is holding a hearing on the harms of the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment is a harmful bill that restricts government funds from being used to cover abortion-except in extremely limited circumstances-essentially ensuring that low-income women; Black, Indigenous, and people of color; LGBTQ people; low-wage workers; and immigrants can't access the same rights to safe, legal abortion as the rest of the population.?
For over four decades, anyone who relies on government health care has been unable to use their benefits to cover the cost of an abortion. [1] Right now, we have more than 180 co-sponsors in the House, and over 20 co-sponsors in the Senate, for the EACH Woman Act - with only a few weeks left to add co-sponsors, we need to show overwhelming support to end the Hyde amendment.
Quick signature! Urge your Member of Congress to support the EACHWoman?Act which would repeal the Hyde Amendment!
The EACH Woman Act is a bill that would ensure abortion coverage for all. It should not matter how much money you make or whether or not you have insurance - each of us should be able to make personal decisions without politicians interfering. For decades, restrictions like the Hyde Amendment have pushed abortion care out of reach for people who have already been marginalized by our healthcare system.?
Our letter reads:
As one of over a million members of MomsRising, I am writing to urge you to co-sponsor the EACH (Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance) Woman Act to repeal the Hyde Amendment.
The Hyde Amendment restricts government funds from being used to cover an abortion-except in extremely limited circumstances. The Hyde Amendment excludes people who receive Medicaid, military personnel, federal employees, Black, Indigenous, and people of color; LGBTQ people; low-wage workers; and immigrants and Indigenous people from accessing their legal right to abortion. Denying access to abortion solely due to one's socioeconomic status is completely unacceptable. More than half of the 7.5 million women affected by this coverage ban are women of color.
The time is now to overturn a ban that has only exacerbated health and income inequalities for millions of women and families over the last four decades. In fact, the American Public Health Association study found that women who sought an abortion but could not get one were more likely to be living in poverty a year later than women who did get an abortion.
Being able to manage how many children we have and when we have them has been nothing short of revolutionary-not just for women and mothers, but for our country as a whole. The EACH Woman Act is a bill that would ensure abortion coverage for all. It should not matter how much money you make or whether or not you have insurance - each of us should be able to make personal decisions without politicians interfering.
Now is the time to ensure that every person with the ability to give birth has access to the legal right to abortion care.
Take action now! Join us to urge your member of Congress to support the EACH?WomanAct by signing our letter.
Abortion care is health care, period. And most people who have abortions are already parents. [3] The Hyde Amendment excludes people who receive Medicaid, military personnel, federal employees, and Indigenous people from accessing their legal right to abortion. Currently, only 16 states have a policy that directs Medicaid to pay for all or most medically necessary abortions. [4] It is abhorrent that one's access to abortion depends on their zip code or income level. [5] Let's be clear, the Hyde Amendment was enacted to restrict government funds from being used to cover abortion for low-income women and women of color, specifically. Not surprisingly, more than half of the 7.5 million women affected by this coverage ban are women of color. These efforts to restrict abortion care have only one goal in mind: to end all abortion. We won''t allow it.?
Tell your member of Congress to stand up against the Hyde Amendment by supporting the EACHWomanAct -?SIGN NOW!
Banning abortion doesn't end abortion - it just ends safe, legal abortion. The EACH Woman Act will ensure that harmful bans on abortion, like the Hyde Amendment, will be overturned. On this day of action, it's more important than ever to have an outpouring of support from constituents like you for the EACH Woman Act. We will not rest because abortion care still remains out of reach for too many -- and is threatened even more by the recent Supreme Court appointment. Urge your Congress members to end HYDE today and together we can protect access to reproductive health.
Diarra, Nadia, Felicia, Tina, Monifa, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder team
[1] Rewire News,?Ten Reasons Folks Should Care About the Hyde Amendment. [2] The American Public Health Association,?Socioeconomic consequences of abortion compared to unwanted birth [3],?The Mother Majority; and Guttmacher Institute,?Infographic: U.S. Abortion Patients [4] Guttmacher Institute,?State Funding of Abortion Under Medicaid [5] Planned Parenthood,?Hyde Amendment
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In her final days, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dictated a message to her granddaughter stating: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed."
Dear Friend,
In her final days, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dictated a message to her granddaughter stating: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." [1]
We're standing up for you, RBG, like you did for us. And we're fighting hard to make your fervent wish a reality.?
? Tell your U.S. Senators: No hearings or votes on the U.S. Supreme Court before the inauguration! Click here to sign now.
This is a truly urgent moment. Having the vote before the election results, and while people are already voting early in many states, [2]? is a repudiation of the principles the Republicans set out during the Obama administration for Supreme Court nominations. Just a few years ago, even U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, demanded the U.S. Senate wait until after the election to consider then-President Obama''s nomination of Merrick Garland. In fact, Senator Graham said:?"I want you to use my words against me. If there''s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said: Let''s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination." [3]
Well, Senators, we plan to hold you to your words!?
Despite the rule they created and the precedent they vowed to set, within hours of the announcement that Justice Ginsburg had passed and before the nation could even mourn, U.S. Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) began disrespectfully talking about her replacement, breaking his own 2016 stance about how close to a presidential election a U.S. Supreme Court confirmation should happen. [4]? In fact, he was doing this even though voting for a new president has already started in four states!?
This is unprecedented and unacceptable. As CNN noted: "Only one Supreme Court vacancy has ever beenfilled this close to a presidential election -- and that was in 1864. This would also be the first Supreme Court appointment by a president after they had been impeached." [5]?
Her last wish should be the last word.
? Each and every U.S. Senator needs to hear from us ASAP: No hearings or votes on Trump's U.S. Supreme Court nominee before the inauguration!
The U.S. Senate Republican majority is callously and irresponsibly jumping on this Supreme Court opening, ignoring precedent and promises of the past, after ignoring the health and economic emergency caused by COVID-19 for months.?
This is not okay.?So much is on the line right now with Justice Ginsburg's replacement, access to affordable health care, voting rights, and more. *Please make sure your U.S. Senators hear from you today. Every Senator, whether Democratic or Republican, needs to hear from you -- we need to shore up our champions and sway those who aren't on our side yet.?
A win is possible. We need less than a handful of additional votes at current count, so please raise your voice now.We've won against all odds in the past, like protecting the Affordable Care Act, even when Republican leaders in Congress vowed for many years to repeal it. We won because people signed petitions, made calls, shared their stories and spoke out. And we can win this again if we all raise our voices now -- and vote.?
Let's make Justice Ginsburg's last fervent wish become a reality. She led the way in breaking through barriers and expanding rights for those whose rights were being trampled in our nation, now let's lead the way forward for her.?
May her memory be a blessing and a revolution. And to make that revolution happen please share this action link around via text, email, and even on Twitter, Facebook and more. Let's build an unstoppable wave of change.
P.S.- Election season has already begun, with some states already voting! So if you haven't already, then please make a plan to vote this year, whether in-person, by mail if your state allows, early voting, or dropbox. And after you make that plan, mark it in your calendar! This is a critically important year. Let''s give this election everything we have!
*Here's a resource to find out more about your state: ?
[1] "Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg''s ''fervent'' last wish was that she ''not be replaced until a new president is installed" [2] "Long lines and hand sanitizer on the first day of early voting for general election" [3] "Video of Lindsey Graham arguing against nominating a Supreme Court justice in an election year goes viral" [4] "For McConnell, Ginsburg's Death Prompts Stark Turnabout From 2016 Stance"? [5] "GOP push to fill RBG''s seat could backfire spectacularly"?
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#FreeGrace #NoKidsinPrison #EndYouthIncarceration
Dear Friend,
During a court hearing on May 14, Judge Mary Ellen Brennan ordered that a 15-year-old high school student, Grace, be sent to Children''s Village youth prison in Oakland County, Michigan for not submitting schoolwork. [1]
Imagine being sent to jail, being separated from your family, for missing homework assignments during a pandemic?!
This is an awful situation that we cannot let stand. The start of Grace's probation coincided with the closing of schools through the remainder of the school year and the start of remote learning. Prior to the order for schools to close, Grace was doing well and had near perfect attendance. Grace shared with her caseworker that she felt unmotivated and overwhelmed when online learning began April 15, about a month after schools closed. Grace's mom was also concerned that her daughter would struggle without the in-person support from teachers outlined in her Individualized Education Plan. She was right in her concerns, and as remote learning began, Grace did not continue to receive those critical supports.[2]
Take Action! Tell Governor Whitmer to #FreeGrace.
The reality is schools across the country weren't prepared for abrupt closures and a pivot to remote learning. And across the country schools, teachers, parents and students have struggled to create continuous learning for students during this pandemic. Grace's school was no different.
Still Judge Mary Ellen Brennan found Grace "guilty of failure to submit to any schoolwork and getting up for school" and outrageously called Grace a "threat to (the) community" for not doing her homework.
"It just doesn't make any sense, how is this a better situation for her?" - Charisse, Grace's mother.
This didn''t have to happen. In fact, Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had issued an executive order in March that temporarily suspended the confinement of juveniles who violate probation unless directed by a court order and encouraged eliminating any form of detention or residential placement unless a young person posed a "substantial and immediate safety risk to others."
Grace is NOT a "substantial and immediate safety risk to others," and not doing your homework is NOT a crime. Judge Brennan's ruling to incarcerate a child, sending her away from her family during a pandemic is cruel, harsh, and highlights an alarming trend of Black girls being criminalized at alarming rates in comparison to their white peers.[3]
Take Action! Tell Governor Whitmer to #FreeGrace.
Join us in demanding that Governor Gretchen Whitmer:
Release "Grace" from Children's Village youth detention facility into her mother's custody;
Request the immediate resignation of of Judge Mary Ellen Brennan from the Oakland County Family Court;
Drop all charges against "Grace" immediately;
End the racialized practice of arresting and prosecuting children, and ensure Michigan kids get the support they need including alternatives to incarceration and detention and trauma informed support and services.
Prison is no place for a kid. The United States still incarcerates more young people than any other country. [4] Our kids deserve a future free of criminalization, a future that supports their development and capacity to contribute meaningfully to society. Putting kids in prisons does the opposite of this. In fact they do little to improve community safety when compared to community based efforts that provide alternatives to incarceration by supporting young people, providing the services they need, and providing access to opportunities to address harm in meaningful ways.
Together we can END this toxic culture of criminalizing children, and of putting kids in prison, and we can start with Grace. Sign on to demand Governor Gretchen Whitmer #FreeGrace NOW! Click the link below to sign now:
- Beatriz, Monifa, Diarra and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] Teen Who Was Incarcerated After Not Doing Schoolwork Won''t Be Released, Judge Says
[2] A Teenager Didn't Do Her Online Schoolwork. So a Judge Sent Her to Juvenile Detention.
[3] What can be done to stop the criminalization of black girls? Rebuild the system
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Dear Friend,
Cue the Rocky theme song. For real. Our nation is counting on you. This is the fight of our life. Only five days are left until Tuesday, November 3rd, Election Day -- and we're each juggling SO MANY THINGS, during a pandemic, with our democracy hanging in the balance. But: Moms. Are. Powerful. And no matter how busy you are. We need your power.?and by that, we mean, we need your vote.
*Can you take a quick second in this busy moment? Click a button below to answer the question: Have you voted yet? Planning to vote soon?
Why click now? Moms are an incredibly powerful force. We're also an incredibly underestimated force. Did you know there are more than 75 MILLION moms who are registered voters in the United States of America? That's some serious power. And when we vote, and importantly, when we show each other that we're voting, we create a powerful wave of change.?You see, research shows that seeing that other people voted helps increase the number of voters!It turns out that using your voting power is catching - in a good way!
So after you click, we'll show you a powerful real-time chart that reveals how much of the MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder community has already voted. Your click helps increase voter turnout!
Plus, as an extra bonus, after you click that you already voted, we'll share some ways that you can help increase voter turnout if you have time. Your texting fingers are powerful too. In fact, over 8,303,927 texts have been sent so far to moms who are low frequency voters to share information about where & how to vote -- and we are on track to reach 15 MILLION! So you taking just 20 minutes of your time to help text out the vote after you've voted is a powerful way to double your impact.
AND, if you click that you haven't voted yet, then we'll automatically send you all the information you need about where and how you can vote in your local community, so you can build your voting plan and help others cast their ballots. Clicking a button may look like a simple one second thing, but it packs a long-lasting and powerful punch. :)
* Are you making history with us??Have you voted? Are you about to vote??Click a button! Help amp up the vote!?
By voting, we can make the future OURS. Be a voter, raise a voter.
Together, let''s be voters and own our own future.
P.S. Are you unable to exercise your right to vote? Let us know that too.
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It's Saturday and we're getting ready for the last three days of this election! It's the final push!! We need you!More specifically, we need all the help we can get reaching low frequency voters to give them the information they need to find out where to vote locally in-person before the end of the day on Tuesday, November 3rd!
Can you help? You are needed!
*Here's how you can help: MomsRising has five more get out the vote phonebanks planned, starting tomorrow, and we need more people to reach critical mass and have the biggest impact at all of them.
Sunday: 3pm Eastern / Noon Pacific
Monday: Noon Eastern / 9am Pacific
Monday: 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific
Tuesday: Noon Eastern / 9am Pacific
Tuesday: 2pm Eastern / 11am Pacific
And: YOU ARE BUILDING A MASSIVE WAVE OF CHANGE! Because of tens of thousands of MomsRising members like you, we've already reached over 10,000,000 low frequency mom voters via phone, text, social media, direct and hand-written mail, locally, and more -- and we're seeing a giant increase in early voting.
NOW IT'S TIME TO DOUBLE DOWN to get people who haven't voted yet out to vote in-person on Voting Day, which is this coming Tuesday, November 3rd. And we need your help to do that: It turns out that many low frequency last minute voters don't have the info they need to find their local voting locations -- and that's where you come in! We have that info for you to share and we're trying to reach as many moms as possible -?especially the ones who are registered but don't always vote - they often just need a reminder, and a few details about where to go to vote.?
It's easier than you may think: Our automated dialer is helping us reach them at unprecedented speed: We're making thousands of calls each session with volunteers like you! And we need enough volunteers at each event to ensure the dialer can make as many outbound calls as possible.
Please sign up now. We need you in these last few days if we're going to reach these moms who need our help to get to the polls. It only takes a moment to pick a timeslot to join.
When you join us for one of these calling sessions, we'll be with you all the way to answer questions, give you a short training on how it works, and then we'll all start calling together. We promise to answer any and all questions you have as we call too! We've gotten a lot of great feedback in the last few sessions as we've improved our script, our training, and even the average wait time between calls.?
It's fun! It's powerful! It's effective! And YOU are needed!!
Sign up now for shifts through the end of day on Election Day! In these final days, we can make a huge difference for moms that need our help -- and we need your help to make a difference.?
Thank you for participating in this critical moment for democracy,
-Jordan, Kristin, Donna, Nate, Sue Anne, Hanna, Ruby, Maggie, and the whole Team
P.S.? Also interested in helping us to text out the vote? Go here: P.P.S. Phonebanking is more fun with a friend! Share this link to encourage others to sign up:
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Dear Friend,
For years mom, dads, and educators around the country fought to improve the nutrition standards of the meals served in schools to help our kids grow up healthy and happy. And now the Trump Administration is trying to take it all away with their newest federal rule change. [1]
***SIGN OUR LETTER calling on the Trump Administration to strengthen, not weaken, nutrition standards in school meals.
Here's what's going on: In late January, the Trump Administration announced their latest federal rule that will have a huge impact on the health and well-being of our children-30 million students in 99,000 schools around the country. [2] This time they want to greatly weaken the nutrition standards of meals served in schools across the country.
Here are a few ways they are trying to chip away at the progress we have made to make school lunch, breakfast, and snacks healthier and more delicious:?
Allows kids to eat pizza, burgers, chicken nuggets, cookies, and French fries for lunch every day.
Decreases vegetables like carrots and cucumbers and increases the amount of french fries at lunch.
Halves the amount of fruit offered and reduces the amount of grains in breakfasts. [3]
We want our kids to eat healthier foods and have schools reinforce the healthy options we provide our children at home. It's especially important that children who are facing hunger, are able to access fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and continue to learn healthy eating habits at school.
We want the Trump Administration to help us raise healthy children, not chip away at the hard fought for nutrition standards for school meals that parents around the country appreciate! ?
***SIGN OUR LETTER calling on the Trump Administration to support nutrition standards in school meals, not weaken them.
This isn't the Trump Administration's first attack on school meals. In 2018, the USDA rolled back school meal nutrition standards by implementing a regulation that allows unsafe sodium levels in school meals, requires fewer whole grains, and allows flavored 1 percent milk. [4] This came after 99 percent of public comments submitted, by USDA's own estimate, were in opposition to the proposed rollbacks. Parents didn't want these changes. Educators and nutrition experts spoke out against them. Yet the Trump Administration implemented them anyway.
These rollbacks threaten the progress we have made on school foods. USDA's own study, found that thanks to the updated standards implemented by the Obama administration, the nutritional quality of school meals has significantly increased. This study also shows that school meals have improved children's diet and health, especially among students coming from food insecure and low-income households. [5] And kids like the new foods they are eating-more students are choosing fruit in the lunch line and students are eating more of their school meal entrees. That's the type of news moms like to hear! [6]
Researchers from the Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health estimated that the updated nutrition standards that were implemented during the Obama Administration could prevent up to two million cases of childhood obesity and save nearly $800 million in healthcare costs over ten years, concluding these changes to be "one of the most important national obesity prevention policy achievements in recent decades." [7]
But if the Trump Administration gets their way, all that progress could be rolled back.
We can't let that happen! Sign our letter now speaking out against rollbacks to school meal nutrition standards.?
We have until March 23rd to make our voices heard-that is the deadline for comments. When you sign our letter? we will include your signature in our official comment to the USDA and Trump Administration speaking out against their proposed school meal nutrition standards change. So make sure to sign our letter and then forward this email to your friends and family and post the action link to Facebook encouraging everyone you know to sign on as well.
Thank you for helping us raise healthy and happy children!!
-Elyssa, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Join us on Friday, March 6th at 1pmET/10am PT for our #FoodFri tweetchat, where we will be diving into this issue more with our guests the Center for Science in the Public Interest (@CSPI), the American Heart Association (@AmHeartAdvocacy), the Alliance for a Healthier Generation (@HealthierGen), the Food Research and Action Center (@fractweets) and Sweetgreen (@sweetgreen).
[1,2] Washington Post. "More pizza, fewer vegetables: Trump administration further undercuts Obama school-lunch rules."
[3] Federal Register. "Simplifying Meal Service and Monitoring Requirements in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs."
[4] New York Times. "Trump Administration Rolls Back Obama-Era Rules for School Lunches."
[5] USDA Food and Nutrition Service. "School Nutrition and Meal Cost Study."
[6] Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. "School Meals Help Millions of Kids Grow Up Healthy."
[7] Health Affairs. "Three Interventions That Reduce Childhood Obesity Are Projected to Save More Than They Cost to Implement."
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Join in the mobilization being led by the Movement Black for Black Lives online and in communities across the nation!
Dear Friend,
No mother should ever have to fear the death of a loved one at the hands of those charged with the duty to protect and serve.
*Join in the mobilization being led by the Movement for Black Lives online and in communities by clicking here:
In just the last few weeks, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks - and a list of others too long to fit on this page - were killed by law enforcement. They were fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, and had people who loved them. Police brutality is part of the deadly systemic racism that is woven throughout our entire criminal justice system, our healthcare system, our education system, our pay structures, and our nation's history as well as its present. This must end.
The Movement for Black Lives is calling for mobilization (including virtually!!) to demand justice this Juneteenth weekend, Friday through Sunday, June 19 - 21. MomsRising is answering that call to mobilize, standing in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives, and inviting you to be a part of the Movement for Black Lives Juneteenth actions by participating digitally from your home or out in your community.
*Can you join in an action to mobilize on Friday and/or through this coming weekend? There are many ways for you to join in this mobilization: via Zoom, FaceBook Live, on the ground, via text, phone bank and more!
? Click here to go to the Movement for Black Lives map to see the online and community options near you:
Millions of us are rising and have taken to the streets, and others are speaking out online, to demand justice, to advance defunding policing and investing in communities, and to dismantle the systemic racism which permeates our nation's criminal justice system and our country.
*Interested in joining the Juneteenth mobilization on Friday and/or through this coming weekend? There are many ways for you to join in this mobilization: via Zoom, FaceBook Live, on the ground, via text, phone bank and more! *Click here to go to the Movement for Black Lives map to see the options near you and online:
? Another important and powerful way to support the Movement for Black Lives and be part of the Juneteenth weekend actions is to donate. Every dollar has an impact.
Here's a secure link to donate directly to the Movement for Black Lives, founded in 2014, and includes over 100 Black-led organizations:
And here's a secure link to donate directly to Black Lives Matter DC, where one of the largest Juneteenth events is being planned:
*Do you have a quick moment to share info to help amplify this moment? Please also take a moment to share the Movement for Black Lives Juneteenth events map link on Facebook and Twitter, and to forward this email to 3 (or more!) friends as well. The more of us who rise, the faster we'll be able to help make long-needed change happen. Here's that link again so you can copy and paste it to share:
And here's some sample social media so you can help spread the word:
We are answering the call of @Mvmnt4BlkLives to mobilize, stand in solidarity and participate in Juneteenth activities digitally and out in my community. Join us?
Or, retweet The Movement For Black Lives here.
This is a heavy, historic time in our nation. Together we are a powerful force as we work to end police brutality including by divesting from policing and investing in communities, stop systemic racism, and ensure everyone in our nation has a chance to thrive.
[1] "So You Want to Learn About Juneteenth?" New York Times, June 16, 2020
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Don''t miss these, Friend
Dear Friend,
Greetings! We hope your week has been as good as possible. This is a really difficult time in our nation and world. Thank you for all you're doing to help lift families in this time of crisis. To that end, please see this week''s list of most urgent actions below, featuring our top campaigns around paid leave, COVID-19 relief, child care, essential workers, and more. As a reminder we send this "Top #5Actions" list every Friday, to help you catch up and add your voice before the weekend. Now more than ever, we must keep the pressure on leaders to stand up for working people and families.
Thank you for all you do and here''s the list =>
1.?Act Now: States can't reopen safely without permanent paid leave
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: If governors are going to SAFELY reopen states we need stronger--and permanent!!! -- nationwide paid sick days and paid leave laws in place. Our governors have a direct line to Washington D.C., so let's urge our governors to tell Congress and the President to include stronger--and permanent--nation-wide paid leave and paid sick days in the next COVID-19 recovery package. Congress is starting to work on the next package this week. There is no time to waste! Add your name now.?
2. Tell Congress: We demand more in response to COVID-19
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: MomsRising has joined forces with the National Women's Law Center, Black Women's Roundtable, Planned Parenthood, UltraViolet, NARAL, Women's March and 70 women's organizations from around the country to demand more for women.?We are grateful that Congress has passed the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act. But this is just the beginning of the pandemic response the country needs. America's moms know this isn't nearly enough, and are looking to Congress to immediately work on a new package, which must fill gaps in the response to date and address the devastating racial disparity in COVID-19 morbidity. We need health equity interventions, including collecting health outcomes data by race and ensuring that all new policies address these disparities.?It's women who bear the burden of this crisis.?Sign on NOW to our list of demands for women.
3.?RESOURCE: How to Apply for COVID-19 Assistance
Click Here to Get Your Questions Answered
BACKGROUND:?Are you looking for information on how to access and apply for the new COVID-19 programs passed by Congress? We''ve got you covered! Last week, MomsRising?was joined by experts from the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), National Employment Law Project (NELP), Food Research and Action Council (FRAC), and National Immigration Law Center?(NILC), for a webinar to discuss the nuts and bolts about what you need to know to apply for assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. We discussed the new COVID-19 programs just passed by Congress, including paid sick days/paid family leave, unemployment insurance, nutrition assistance, and the impacts of these programs on immigrant families.
You can now find the full video in English, the slides from our amazing presenters, the answers to some of your questions, and helpful resources on this special post on the MomsRising blog. Spanish language version coming soon!?
4.?Tell Congress to Act to Save Child Care?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: A new report from the National Women''s Law Center and CLASP found that it will cost an estimated $9.6 billion each month to stabilize our child care system and provide emergency care to children of essential workers during the pandemic. Child care is essential to support families in getting back to work, but many providers are in danger of closing. The size and scope of the impact of this public health crisis on the child care sector is profound and growing. Urge Congress to provide at least $50 billion in child care funding to ensure the stability of our child care system so parents and caregivers have child care to return to when this crisis is over!?Child care could be gone if Congress doesn''t #FundChildCare NOW!
5. Demand an Essential Workers Bill of Rights
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The fabrics of our communities are being held together by the labor of essential workers. Health care workers, childcare workers, domestic workers, social workers, grocery workers, and farm workers are keeping us healthy, taking care of our families, and putting food on our tables. Yet, many workers aren''t being given protective equipment or supplies, can''t speak out about workplace safety without risking their jobs and healthcare, and are bringing home poverty-level wages.?Join us in demanding that Congress include an Essential Workers Bill of Rights in the next COVID-19 response package.
Thanks for all you do! ??
- Karen, Kristin, Anita, Ruth, Elyssa, Diarra, Taylor, Nina, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. This list is?also on our blog here.
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Dear Friend,
Listen, I'm going to get real with you. I know that you might be more than a little anxious right now and unsure of what is going on with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic spreading. I am too.
The good news is that late last night Speaker Nancy Pelsoi and leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives took decisive bipartisan action to help our families during this pandemic by passing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act that enables people to get free coronavirus testing and also has the ability to take paid leave to care for themselves and their family members- and now we need YOU to speak out and tell the U.S. Senate to do the same. ! [1] There's no time to waste.?
***SIGN OUR LETTER to your U.S. Senators urging them to follow the U.S. House and immediately pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act to protect our healthcare, nutrition, workforce, and economy as we deal with the coronavirus outbreak.?
The bipartisan Families First Coronavirus Response Act is an important bill because it does the following? [2]:
Free coronavirus testing for everyone who needs a test, including those without health coverage;
Paid emergency leave with both 14 days of immediately available paid sick days to use during public health emergencies and up to three months of paid family and medical leave;
Strong food security initiatives, making sure SNAP, WIC, student meals, meals in childcare settings, seniors' nutrition, meals for people with disabilities, and food banks are ready to help those who would otherwise go hungry;
Badly needed, increased federal funds for Medicaid;
Necessary funding for states to prepare for increased Unemployment Insurance caseloads.
The U.S. House has taken the lead to pass this important bipartisan legislation and we need to make sure our U.S. Senators do the same- a pandemic is not the time to play partisan politics! Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sent Senators home for a long weekend, further delaying action on this important action. [3]?
We need to let the U.S. Senate know NOW that we expect them to be in D.C., working on this legislation, and protecting our families.
***Add your signature to our letter urging your Senators in?California to pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act immediately!
This legislation, while an important step in the right direction, is just the beginning of what our families and country may need in the coming weeks and months.
We are also advocating for the support our families need to ensure those of us living paycheck-to-paycheck, those impacted by disability, those of us who have pre-existing conditions or chronic illnesses, who live in mixed status households, who are or have loved ones who are incarcerated, and who are struggling to balance work and childcare while our kids are home.
We are standing shoulder to shoulder with every single MomsRising member and we will have each other's back in these trying times because together we are a powerful force for women and families and we will make sure our voices are heard.
We will be sending your signatures up to members of Congress on the Hill very soon, so please make sure your friends and family quickly sign our letter as well-share this email with them and post our action link on Facebook.
Thank you for staying engaged and continuing to speak out for all of our families in this crisis.
-Elyssa, Ruth, Monifa, Nina, Sara, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder
P.S. Have a second to make a call as well? Text COVID19 to 747464 and we will connect you with your U.S. Senator's office, where you can tell them to pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act ASAP!
[1] NBC News. "House passes coronavirus aid package, sending to the Senate."
[2] "Families First Coronavirus Response Act"
[3] Talking Points Memo. "Senate Cancels Its Planned Recess Next Week As Coronavirus Outbreak Worsens."
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Top #5Actions of the Past Week Sunday, September 13, 2020
Thank you again for reviewing the top actions for this week with us to amplify momentum toward change. We have 5 easy ways that you can power up, including: Helping to get out the vote in November, sharing why you're voting with your friends on social media, getting a Moms Vote face mask, and also asking for Congress to pass the Pregnant Worker Fairness Act!
We hope that you're having a great weekend and thanks for all you do.
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Gloria, Sili, Ruth, Nina, Jordan and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
Tell Congress to vote YES to pass Pregnant Worker Fairness Act!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act will require employers to make the same sort of accommodations for pregnant workers that are already made for employees with disabilities. These accommodations are simple things like being able to sit down or have a water bottle on shift. This proposed law is more than reasonable! And pregnancy discrimination must stop.Overrepresented in physically demanding jobs, women of color and immigrant women are especially impacted by employers refusing to accommodate pregnant workers with medical needs. Nobody should ever have to choose between their job and the health of their pregnancy, but too many workers still face this impossible choice today.
Urge your U.S. Representative to vote YES on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act when it comes to the House floor!
What's pushing you to the polls?
The 2020 election is going to be one of the most important in our lifetime and every vote matters. MomsRising is setting the pace and garnering enthusiasm to get out and vote. It is up to us to make sure our voices are being heard.
Add your photo to our wall and share what is bringing you to the polls in November.
Jacob Blake, the WNBA, CoSponsor the BREATHE ACT
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
Leaders across the country have tirelessly put themselves on the frontlines for the defunding of police, safer communities for Black and Brown people; fighting against racist policies aimed to harm our people. Over 200 organizations, including MomsRising, have come together to support the BREATHE Act. This act will ensure that our political leaders invest in our communities through education, housing, healthcare, mental health services, address the needs of the people living in low-income communities and divest from racialized, militarized policing and incarceration.
Become a community co-sponsor of this historic legislation and urge your member of Congress to do the same!
Moms Vote face masks are here!! Support and Celebrate Moms Voting!
Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate Now
Wearing a MomsRising's face mask will not only help you stay healthy, but also help inspire, celebrate, and turn out millions of moms to vote! You can get a face mask of your own when you make a donation to support MomsRising''s massive mom voter engagement programs across the nation this year.
Moms are a powerful force for change! When you make a donation of $25 or more, we''ll send you a limited-edition Moms Vote face mask as thanks! You can wear it to inspire, celebrate, and help turn out millions of moms to vote!
Sign Up to Help Get Out the #MomsVote With Texts and/or Calls!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
We have just a few months before Voting Day on November 3. Research shows that personalized messages delivered in a conversational manner are one of the most effective ways to mobilize voters - and that's exactly what this program does. Plus, we have A LOT of work to do: Only about 58% of eligible voters turned out to vote in the last presidential election, which leaves a lot of room for improvement! So our personal voices are (quite literally) needed. Join us in making the call (literally, and text too!) to get out the vote!
2020 #MomsVote GOTV Power Surge: Sign up for just 20 Minutes of Texts and/or Calls!
P.S.- This content is also on the MomsRising blog!
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Tell the Senate: Pass a COVID package not SCOTUS!
Dear Friend,
Last week moms across America sat in shock as U.S. Senate Republicans rammed through confirmation hearings of President Trump's extremist Supreme Court pick, Amy Coney Barrett.?
Judge Barrett is an extremely extremist pick! She's on record as a risk to our healthcare, voting rights, reproductive rights, civil rights, environment, and LGBTQ+ rights! Rushing her nomination through the U.S. Senate is unprecedented and a sham.
***Join us in taking 2 very important actions this week to send a strong message to the U.S. Senate that we expect them to listen to the American people and not ram through an extremist Supreme Court pick just weeks before the election.
ACTION #1: SIGN OUR LETTER calling on the U.S. Senate to focus on the real crisis facing our families: COVID-19, not filling a vacant Supreme Court seat.
ACTION #2: CALL YOUR U.S. SENATORS NOW! Text SCOTUS to 747464 and tell your Senators "no Supreme Court votes until after the inauguration". (Msg and data rates may apply)
Judge Barrett went before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee last week and was questioned for two days. Coming out of those hearings, one thing is very clear: Judge Barrett is just as extreme as we thought she would be based on her past writings and rulings and is a major threat to our families' healthcare and rights. It's unsettling how close he is to getting what he wants with Amy Coney Barrett!?
Our rights are at risk. Our health care. Our access to voting. Our education. Our reproductive rights. Our economic security. Our housing. Our disability rights. Our ability to live freely and fully. We need our Court to recognize and protect the rights of all of us.
This is what is at stake with rushing through an extremist Supreme Court nominee just weeks before the election.? Lives are at stake. Instead of putting our healthcare at risk, the U.S. Senate must prioritize passing legislation to address the devastating effects of this pandemic - not rushing through a nominee who would take health care access away from us. Under no circumstances should the Senate be considering a new Supreme Court justice until after Inauguration Day.
From purposely using the term "sexual preference" to demean and discredit the LGBTQ+ community [1] to failing to answer questions on the legality of the Affordable Care Act [2],? Amy Coney Barrett is NOT a justice who would protect and defend our families. By nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, President Trump continues to put Americans' health care at risk - a catastrophic move under any circumstances but made even more so because he's doing it during a deadly pandemic that has killed over 215,000 Americans. Make no mistake: Republicans have tried for years to repeal the health law but they still have no plan to replace it - so instead, they're rushing through Judge Barrett to strike down the law in just a few weeks.?
Republican U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to ram Barrett's confirmation through the U.S. Senate in the next few weeks, despite the fact that voting has already started in many states, more than 17 million people have already voted in the election, and a Supreme Court justice hasn't been confirmed this close to an election since 1864! [3] The real emergency here is the fact that millions of people are still out of work because of COVID-19, frontline workers don't have the protection they need, and families are struggling financially while facing evictions, lack of childcare, and inability to pay their bills.
It's critical that YOU speak out and use your voice now!?
***Here are the 2 high impact ways you can take action again:
1. SIGN OUR LETTER (we'll be delivering it tomorrow).
2. CALL YOUR SENATORS! Text SCOTUS to 747464 and we'll connect you with your Senator's office. (if you call back a second time, you'll get your other Senator's office)
We need a justice who won't pick and choose whose rights to defend, but one who will work to protect equal justice for all.?
The clock is ticking. The time for the U.S. Senate to take action is NOW! We are planning on delivering your signatures at the end of this week and we have already heard from Senate offices that it makes a big impact to make phone calls, so we need to make sure we have as many people speaking out as possible. After you sign our letter and make your phone call, please forward this email to your friends and family andpost our action link to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also RT our call in line on Twitter.?
Thank you so much for everything you are doing during such a chaotic and stressful time.
-Elyssa, Kristin, Monifa, Felicia, Hanna, Diarra, Donna, and the entire MomsRising/MamasConPoder Team
P.S. Quick question for you? How would President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, impact you and your family if she were seated on the court?We want to hear your stories, so we can share them with U.S. Senators ASAP to help protect the Supreme Court from an extremist nominee. (You can share your story anonymously too!).
[1] "Why Amy Coney Barrett's use of the term 'sexual preference' at her hearing alarmed so many." CNN, October 14, 2020.
[2] "Amy Coney Barrett can evade questions but can't evade her record on ACA and Roe." People for the American Way, october 15, 2020.
[3] "More than 17 million people have already voted in the 2020 election." PBS, October 16, 2020.
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Join in the mobilization being led by the Movement for Black Lives online and in communities across the nation!
Dear Friend,
No mother should ever have to fear the death of a loved one at the hands of those charged with the duty to protect and serve.
*Join in the mobilization being led by the Movement for Black Lives online and in communities by clicking here:
In just the last few weeks, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks - and a list of others too long to fit on this page - were killed by law enforcement. They were fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, and had people who loved them. Police brutality is part of the deadly systemic racism that is woven throughout our entire criminal justice system, our healthcare system, our education system, our pay structures, and our nation's history as well as its present. This must end.
The Movement for Black Lives is calling for mobilization (including virtually!!) to demand justice this Juneteenth weekend, Friday through Sunday, June 19 - 21. MomsRising is answering that call to mobilize, standing in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives, and inviting you to be a part of the Movement for Black Lives Juneteenth actions by participating digitally from your home or out in your community.
*Can you join in an action to mobilize on Friday and/or through this coming weekend? There are many ways for you to join in this mobilization: via Zoom, FaceBook Live, on the ground, via text, phone bank and more!
? Click here to go to the Movement for Black Lives map to see the online and community options near you:
Millions of us are rising and have taken to the streets, and others are speaking out online, to demand justice, to advance defunding policing and investing in communities, and to dismantle the systemic racism which permeates our nation's criminal justice system and our country.
*Interested in joining the Juneteenth mobilization on Friday and/or through this coming weekend? There are many ways for you to join in this mobilization: via Zoom, FaceBook Live, on the ground, via text, phone bank and more! *Click here to go to the Movement for Black Lives map to see the options near you and online:
? Another important and powerful way to support the Movement for Black Lives and be part of the Juneteenth weekend actions is to donate. Every dollar has an impact.
Here's a secure link to donate directly to the Movement for Black Lives, founded in 2014, and includes over 100 Black-led organizations:
And here's a secure link to donate directly to Black Lives Matter DC, where one of the largest Juneteenth events is being planned:
*Do you have a quick moment to share info to help amplify this moment? Please also take a moment to share the Movement for Black Lives Juneteenth events map link on Facebook and Twitter, and to forward this email to 3 (or more!) friends as well. The more of us who rise, the faster we'll be able to help make long-needed change happen. Here's that link again so you can copy and paste it to share:
And here's some sample social media so you can help spread the word:
We are answering the call of @Mvmnt4BlkLives to mobilize, stand in solidarity and participate in Juneteenth activities digitally and out in my community. Join us?
Or, retweet The Movement For Black Lives here.
This is a heavy, historic time in our nation. Together we are a powerful force as we work to end police brutality including by divesting from policing and investing in communities, stop systemic racism, and ensure everyone in our nation has a chance to thrive.
[1] "So You Want to Learn About Juneteenth?" New York Times, June 16, 2020
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Dear Friend,
The coronavirus news this week has been daunting, depressing, and scary to say the least.
More people than ever in the U.S. currently have the virus, over 250,000 people have now lost their lives to the disease, and case numbers are rising in ALL 50 states. [1] The stories from the frontlines are devastating. In El Paso, TX, for instance, the city I call home, we have even had to order 10 additional mobile morgues to store the bodies of people who have died from COVID-19. [2] These frozen trailer trucks are sitting in parking lots holding the bodies of loved ones. Burial services are even delayed because the county medical examiner can't keep up with processing COVID-19 victims-and we are getting dangerously close to having to ration care in our already overwhelmed hospitals. [3] We are in crisis. Our nation is in crisis. And our voices are needed.
***Sign on to let every governor know the moms of America are behind them all the way to urgently follow the direction of medical experts to stem the spread of coronavirus!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Even as we are in crisis, don't give up hope! Medical advances are happening daily and there is so much more we can do to stop the spread. For instance, there are now not one-but TWO-vaccines in their final testing phase [4] and more is being learned about COVID-19 and how we can protect ourselves and our communities every day. We all can work together over the next few months to stop this surge, save lives, and protect our economy.
In the meantime, we need our elected leaders to step up to stop the spread. Thankfully, some have. Governors in North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Washington are leading the way. Unfortunately, the Trump administration has completely fumbled and mismanaged the national pandemic response, but state governors can also play a key role in urgent public health protection - many already are!
While some governors are stepping up to protect families in their states (and need to hear from us that we are behind them all the way as they protect public health as they continue to take the measures they need to stop the spread!), other governors haven't yet taken some critical, lifesaving steps. And that's where YOU come in!
***Sign on to let every governor know the moms of America are behind them all the way to urgently follow the direction of medical experts to stem the spread of coronavirus!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
This is important! This pandemic is disproportionately impacting Black, Latinx, and Indigenous communities, [5] older adults, [6] and people with disabilities and chronic health conditions. [7] When one city in any state sees a surge, that can quickly spread and endanger the entire state-and the states around them. In the continued absence of leadership from President Trump, governors are on the frontlines of keeping our communities healthy and safe during this pandemic. Governors can work together to help control hotspots in their states and regions.
The pandemic has left hospital systems across the nation in serious crisis and our health care workers are being stretched past their limits. [8] And, too many families will be missing loved ones for the holidays. We can do better! Governors in all 50 states can take steps toward slowing the exponential growth in the spread of this virus and-most importantly-each and every individual can take the CDC recommendations seriously as we head into the winter months and make a positive difference, including saving lives, in our communities.
What is happening right now is NOT ok, and the moms of America know this. As we head into the colder winter months and the holiday season, it's also important to realize that studies are showing it's smaller gatherings that have been fueling the spread recently. [9]
The steps you can take can be daunting, but are doable!
Wear a mask and have others that you come in contact with wear one too.
Wash hands.
Practice social distancing.
Do not gather with anyone in-person outside of your immediate household.
The good news is these tactics are highly effective! Studies show that universal mask wearing saves lives and lifts our economy by decreasing the intensity of stay-at-home orders that are needed. [10]
Another tactic is adding your name to our open letter to governors so that more people have the option of staying safe: Sign on to let every governor know the moms of America are behind them all the way to urgently follow the direction of medical experts to stem the spread of coronavirus during the current spike!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Please sign our open letter to governors that reads:
Governors are on the frontlines of keeping our communities healthy and safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As moms, dads, parents, and grandparents-we want to let you know we are behind you all the way to urgently follow the direction of medical experts to stem the spread of coronavirus!
As our nation experiences exponential growth in the spread of the pandemic-and all 50 states are experiencing a rise in cases-our families, communities, economy, and hospitals are relying on leadership and collaboration with other governors to stem the spread of this deadly disease. As you know, taking decisive action as recommended by medical experts lightens the overall load on health care and essential workers, families, and our economy. Thank you for following medical experts to save lives and protect our economy.
Don't forget to sign on now! Sign on to let every governor know the moms of America are behind them all the way to urgently follow the direction of medical experts at the CDC to stem the spread of coronavirus!*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
? We also have some tips for you to help protect your family during the pandemic: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending that people modify their plans for the upcoming holiday season to slow the spread of COVID-19, including by celebrating virtually-instead of in-person-with people outside of your household. Additional public safety tips include: Consistently practicing social distancing from people not in your household, mask wearing, hand washing, and other prevention behaviors; limiting the number of attendees at gatherings as much as possible and avoiding direct contact with people outside of your household; celebrating outside where attendees have more room to stay 6 feet apart at all times and increasing ventilation for indoor meetings; requiring attendees to wear masks whether indoors or outdoors; and looking at COVID-19 infection rates where a gathering is happening. [11, 12]
And feel free to also share this action link on social media, forward this email, and spread the word so we can increase public health and safety together. The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Here's that link again:
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
- Claudia, Felicia, Donna, Kristin and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Have you or a family member contracted the coronavirus and had to seek medical care, or had difficulty seeking testing or treatment? Tell us about your experience:
P.P.S. Read more about how to lessen your risk of spreading or contracting COVID-19:
[1] NBC News, U.S. surpasses 250,000 coronavirus deaths as virus mortality rate surges? [2] Reuters, El Paso, Texas, calls in ten morgue trucks as coronavirus cases surge? [3] The Texas Tribune, El Paso is fighting the coronavirus and state resistance as officials desperately try to keep up with sick and dying Texans? [4] Politico, There are 2 effective Covid-19 vaccines. What's next?? [5] CNN, Covid-19 is sending Black, Latino and Native American people to the hospital at about 4 times the rate of others? [6] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Older Adults? [7] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, People with Disabilities [8] CBS News, Health care workers express overwhelming fatigue as COVID-19 cases surge across the country [9] The Washington Post, At dinner parties and game nights, casual American life is fueling the coronavirus surge as daily cases exceed 150,000? [10] STAT News, Universal mask use could save 130,000 U.S. lives by the end of February, new study estimates? [11] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Holiday Celebrations and Small Gatherings [12] Brown University, My Covid Risk App?
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Call your Senators NOW to demand a robust COVID package!
Dear Friend,
I'll get straight to the point: We're about to go off a COVID cliff.? And we need your help.? In just three week, unless Congress acts, many of the pandemic relief policies that have been lifelines for our families (like expanded unemployment benefits, emergency paid family leave and earned sick days, and eviction protections) will all expire on December 31st. [1]?
This is happening as COVID cases are soaring and as we learn that nearly twenty six million adults reported they didn't have enough food to eat in the past week, including more than one in six adults with children. [2]
? NOW is the time for Congress to take action and we need YOU to help turn up the volume on what our families are going through and the type of COVID relief we need!
***Make a high-impact phone call to your U.S. Senators NOW! Text RELIEFNOW to 747464 or call 1-888-754-9091 and we will connect you directly to your U.S. Senator's office. (If you call back a second time, we'll connect you with your other U.S. Senator's office).
Congress has no time to waste. Our families, like Ceanna's are hurting:?
"I am a Mom of two kids, ages 5 and 8. I lost my job in April and have been on unemployment ever since. My husband works in health care, luckily, but even he was laid off when the pandemic started. The only way we survived was from the stimulus money and extra unemployment funds. He now has taken 2 full time jobs to support us and works 6 days a week, 12 hour days. I would be looking for work but since our children need to do school from home now, we really don''t have that option. I would love to rely on our families, but our parents are all in their 70''s and with my husband working in health care it just isn''t safe to expose them. This pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives."?
***Make a high-impact phone call to your U.S. Senators NOW! Text RELIEFNOW to 747464 or call 1-888-754-9091 and we will connect you directly to your Senator's office. (If you call back a second time, we'll connect you with your other Senator's office).
Calling your U.S. Senator now is super important because negotiations have started on an end-of-the year COVID-relief package. [3] Our families have been waiting months for more funding for programs that will support our families, hospitals, and economy during this pandemic. Programs like expanded unemployment benefits, extensions on emergency paid leave and earned sick days, protections against evictions, funding for healthcare programs and childcare and K-12 education, and expansions of the EITC and Child Tax Credit and another round of stimulus checks are needed to provide much needed cash to struggling families and local businesses.
While we have needed this package for months, the crisis point we are facing right now is extreme. Unless Congress takes action within the next few weeks, 12 million people will be immediately kicked off of unemployment insurance [4] and 19 million renters will lose their homes. [5] This is all at the same time that 1 in 4 children are living in hunger because of the impacts of COVID and cases of the virus are soaring in every single state-and only expected to go up as we head into the holidays and colder months. [6,7]
Inaction is not an option! Our families and economy are hurting and we need our leaders in Congress to know that we expect them to take action NOW!
Even if you think your U.S. Senator supports COVID relief, we need all of Congress talking about how much they are hearing from their constituents about how urgent this is.? Making calls to your Senator's office is a high-impact way to make your voice heard. MomsRising is joining with dozens of other organizations around the country for a #ReliefCantWait National Call-In Day, so today is a great day to make sure the phones are ringing off the hook on Capitol Hill.
***Take a minute to call your U.S. Senators and let them know that #ReliefCantWait! Text RELIEFNOW to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your Senator's office.
When we connect you with your U.S. Senator's office, tell them "Pass a COVID-relief package that protects all families and extends paid leave, unemployment benefits, eviction protections and funding for childcare and healthcare." If you have a personal story about how COVID is impacting you and your family, we encourage you to share it with your Senator.
After you make your calls, you can help lift up our message by sending this email to your friends and also reposting it on social media. We are using #ReliefCantWait and you can also RT us on Twitter?and repost on Facebook?and Instagram.
Thank you for continuing to speak up for our families during this tough time.
-Elyssa, Ruth, Felicia, Nina, Hanna, Donna, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Can you also take a second to sign our petition to Congress calling on them to pass a robust, comprehensive COVID-relief package immediately?
P.P.S. Are you one of the people that will lose emergency paid leave or unemployment benefits at the end of the year? Are you struggling with child care and/or virtual learning during the pandemic? MomsRising wants to hear from you about your COVID experience.
[1] "Here Are All The Coronavirus Relief Programs Expiring At the End of the Year." Forbes, November 17, 2020.
[2] "A growing number of Americans are going hungry." Washington Post, November 25, 2020.
[3] "Stimulus package update: Despite 3 new proposals, negotiations are off to a rocky start." CNET, December 1, 2020.
[4] "12 Million Workers Facing Jobless Benefit Cliff on December 26." The Century Foundation, November 18, 2020.
[5] "Nearly 19 million Americans could lose their homes when eviction limits expire Dec. 31." CBS News, November 27, 2020.
[6] "One in Six Americans Could Go Hungry In 2020 as pandemic persists." National Geographic, November 24, 2020. ?
[7] "U.S. reported more COVID-19 cases in November than most countries had all year." CBS News, November 30, 2020.
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Friend -
Moms (and people who love them!) were a powerful force in this election. That's you! THANK YOU!
Moms across the country mobilized their families, their friends, and their communities to vote, overcoming many obstacles to voting during a pandemic resulting in historic voter turnout this year.[1] The huge voter turnout makes our country stronger. This is how democracy is supposed to work. And you helped build that historic wave of voters. Thank you!
?? We congratulate you for your incredible work lifting democracy --? and congratulate Kamala Harris, whose favorite title is "Momala," [2] on being the first Black, South Asian, daughter of immigrants, woman and mom Vice President-Elect! [3]
* Sign onto our CONGRATULATIONS letter to Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris for her history making mom moment now!
What a standout moment in history! As this was historic voter turnout in our nation, we expect that this was also a historic turnout among women voters, especially Black and Brown women, whose leadership in our movement, communities, and across the nation is pulling our country forward.
MomsRising thanks our members, 72,982 of whom volunteered to help get out the vote, for helping to turn out so many voters that many days after the polls closed, election officials are still counting the ballots.
We are so inspired by you, the MomsRising members, for being a huge part of this historic national voter mobilization: More than 72,982 MomsRising members stepped forward to volunteer. MomsRising members sent: 23,558,727 texts and phone calls to infrequent? voting moms; 4,457,028 postcards to moms (millions hand-written) to encourage them to vote; and reached more than 88,244,357 million people in English and Spanish through our social media on #MomsVote and #LatinxVotan.
The MomsRising and Mam?sConPoder GOTV programs helped drive the record turnout as voters across the country refused to be intimidated or have their votes suppressed. We thank YOU, our members, who stepped forward, volunteered, and worked hard to get voters the information they need to vote during a pandemic. We also thank our many amazing community organization partners, as well as the many leaders of color who pulled our nation forward, advancing record voter turnout; and also the essential workers, the majority of whom are women and moms, who we've depended on all year and who once again showed up, this time as volunteer poll workers and ballot counters.? We thank and congratulate you for your leadership!
?? Please join us also in congratulating Kamala Harris, whose favorite title is "Momala," on being the first Black, South Asian, woman and mom Vice President-Elect!?
* Sign onto our CONGRATULATIONS letter to Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris for her history making mom moment now!
This is the beginning of a new day.? Now is the time to come together across race and place to ensure that the leaders who have been chosen deal with the pandemic and move us forward together to a better future.??
Moms will stay engaged to ensure our country once again advances justice, fairness and equal opportunity for all.
Together, across organizations, essential workers, and volunteers, this all added up in 2020 to historic voter turnout, increased engagement, and a stronger democracy.
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Dear Friend,
Across the nation, moms and family members are on fire to vote - and are already voting in huge numbers.
*Can you take a quick second in this busy moment for one click? Click a button below to answer the question: Have you voted yet?
Why click now? Research shows seeing that other people voted helps increase the number of voters! It turns out that voting is catching - in a good way!
After you click, we'll show you a fun real-time chart that shows how much of the MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder community has already voted. Your one click helps us plan our GOTV program and get moms and people who love them to the polls!!!
Plus, letting us know if you've already voted helps us shape our plans as we work to inspire other voters to vote too. (Thank you!)
Are you making history with us? Have you voted? Click a button! Help amp up the vote!
By voting, we can make the future OURS. Be a voter, raise a voter.
Together, let''s be voters and own our own future.
- Nate, Gloria, Kristin and the whole team
P.S. Are you unable to exercise your right to vote? Let us know that too.
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Our top #5Actions of the week
Dear Friend,
This is a special Mother's Day edition of #5Actions. The crisis of the pandemic has exposed and amplified all of the cracks in our systems, including gender and racial disparities, as well as increased racialized violence and white supremacist terror which must be stopped. We are committed to building a better future together-and know that together as mothers we can do just that.
On this Mother's Day weekend, our voices have never been more needed. The numbers tell a story: A full 86% of women in America become moms. Women held 60% of the jobs we've lost already [1] and are 73% of healthcare workers infected by coronavirus. [2] Women and moms also hold the majority of jobs deemed "essential," including 77% of health care jobs, and are the majority of critical retail positions, including grocery store employees.[3] And, women and moms of color are also overrepresented in essential work positions, as well as in fatalities from COVID-19, increasing the impact of the crisis in communities of color. [4]
It doesn't have to be this way.
So we invite you to join us in taking action to lift moms, our families, and our democracy:
1. Send a Mother's Day Card to a Mom in Your Life! Make a donation to empower mothers who do the work, and celebrate or remember the mothers in your life!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SENT A CARD -> Send a Card Now
BACKGROUND: Your donation would not only support MomsRising's work, but also help us celebrate our community. You can honor or memorialize a mom you love with your gift, including sending an e-card of your choice that announces your gift.
2. Virtually Raise Your Hand to Be a Beacon of Hope for other Moms! We are here for you, and for each other. We are in this together.
Your Action Status: YOUR HAND?NOT YET RAISED?-> Raise Your Hand
BACKGROUND:?In this time of necessary social distancing, in this time of fearing for the health of our loved ones and our own, and in this time when our political leadership at the very top has been repeatedly failing to tell the truth and get us medical necessities like coronavirus testing kits that we desperately need, we want you to know that we are with you. We are in this together as the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the fact that though we are all in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat. Some of us are experiencing more trauma than others and there are already deep racial and gender disparities that are compounded by this epidemic. Help spread hope and change.
We invite you to take a moment to let other moms out there know we are there for them by virtually "raising your hand" to put your dot on our map on this page.
? If you feel so moved, please also take a quick moment to share a tip for getting through this hard time.
3. Help Every Qualified Person Vote. Urge Congress to expand voting, pass mail-in voting, and save the U.S. Postal Service.
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 primary elections make it clear that now more than ever we need to be able to mail in our ballots this November. Meanwhile, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is in danger of going under right when we need it most. Help us urge Congress to take action and sign our petition now if you haven't done so already.
4. Leave No One Behind!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: It is impossible for people who are incarcerated to follow the CDC COVID-19 health and safety recommendations. Urge governors to release vulnerable people from jails, prisons, and detention centers.
5. Help Us Send 1,000,000 Voting Reminder Postcards to Moms!?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
BACKGROUND: Help us send 1,000,000 voting reminder postcards to moms who haven't always voted in the past to help them exert their voting power this November. Sign up to receive free packets of 10 pre-stamped, pre-address, gorgeous, eye-catching postcards for you to fill out in a jiffy, which, a few weeks before the Nov. 3 elections, we'll release in a tidal wave of heart-felt mom-to-mom messages to vote.
On this Mother's Day weekend, the entire MomsRising Team sends an extra large thank you for all you do.
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On Monday, moms across America were appalled, disheartened, aghast, stunned, unnerved, outraged, dumbfounded.
Dear Friend,
On Monday, moms across America were appalled, disheartened, aghast, stunned, unnerved, outraged, dumbfounded. (all the words!!) when law enforcement officers were ordered to deploy tear gas and shoot rubber bullets on peaceful protestors who were standing against police brutality while assembling near the White House before a curfew for President Trump.[1] This is a violation of First Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution, and a breach of our democracy.[2] Then, President Trump doubled down, praising the attack on peaceful protestors, as he also went on to threaten to deploy the U.S. military to cities and states.[3]
TAKE ACTION: *Tell President Trump to resign -- and, importantly, also call on Congress to stand up and condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters.
MomsRising is joining the Movement for Black Lives, and dozens of other organizations, in telling President Trump to resign, so when you add your voice here, your action will help create a tsunami of change.
Why tell President Trump to resign? President Trump too must be held accountable for his part in encouraging police violence and for his threats to use military action against protesters. Not only has Trump initiated violent attacks on peaceful protesters, he has also long actively encouraged both police brutality -- such as telling police to "Please, don't be too nice," to the people they are arresting [4] -- as well as condoning white supremacist violence.[5]
It's beyond appalling. Trump has given a green light to police and militias to beat, maim and kill people with impunity. He has now illegally activated the military to maintain power and use force on civilians. The red line has been crossed too many times. He must resign. Lives and our democracy depend on it.
So we are joining the Movement for Black Lives, and dozens of other organizations, to hold President Trump accountable. President Trump lives in his own bubble and hears only what he wants to hear. But he must be held publicly accountable for his role in encouraging police to use violence both in the past and during the current protests.
The right to protest is one of the bedrock foundations of our democracy and has led to vitally important advances throughout our history. In the United States of America, we have the right to protest, to make our voices heard, and to speak truth to power. The brutal murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police deserves the sustained, furious national response it has generated, with people taking a stand against the horrific racism that has long pervaded our criminal justice system - and our society - and time and again takes innocent lives. This is our First Amendment right and our civic responsibility. That is why it is so alarming that President Trump brutally unleashed military and police force on people who were peacefully protesting in front of the White House and on independent media covering the demonstrations.
*Join us in telling President Trump to resign -- and, importantly, join us also in calling on Congress to stand up and condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters.
What happened in the District of Columbia earlier this week - when heavily militarized forces used tear gas, rubber bullets and then low-flying helicopters to move and then terrorize law-abiding, peaceful protesters - was an outrage. Trump's call for militarized armed violence against protesters was shocking in both its naked authoritarianism and its instigation of violence - and is not a direction the moms of America will allow our country to take in the future. The escalation President Trump seeks is especially dangerous in a country with more guns than people; and where gun policy, including the Second Amendment, which the President referenced earlier this week in a way that to many appeared to condone more violence, has been used as a force to advance white supremacist organizations.[6]
America's moms are horrified and repulsed by this President's words and actions. For the sake of the freedoms and ideals our country has always strived to embody, and for the safety of people struggling to be heard, we must take action now.
*Don't forget to tell President Trump to resign -- and also to tell Congress to stand up and condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters:
The more of us who take action, sign on, and spread the word; the faster we'll make change happen. So please forward this email to 3 friends, share this action link on Facebook and Twitter, and help spread the word.
Thank you for helping to build a nation where everyone can thrive!
-Kristin, Gloria, Donna, Jordan, Monifa, and the MomsRising Team
P.S.- We thank the Movement for Black Lives for leading on the Trump Must Resign effort. To find out more about The Movement for Black Lives, please go here:
[1] "Some clarity a day after reports of tear gas in Lafayette Square, but questions remain," Dan Friedell
[2] "Former Commanders Fault Trump's Use of Troops Against Protesters," Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Helene Cooper, Eric Schmitt and Jennifer Steinhauer
[3] "Tear Gas Clears Path for Trump to Visit Church", "Barr personally ordered removal of protesters near White House, leading to use of force against largely peaceful crowd," Carol D. Leonnig, Matt Zapotosky, Josh Dawsey and Rebecca Tan
[4] "Trump tells cops they should rough people up more during arrests," Kelly Swanson
[5] "Twitter Adds Warnings to Trump and White House Tweets, Fueling Tensions," Davey Alba, Kate Conger and Raymond Zhong
[6] "Trump mentioned the ''second amendment'' in his speech about the protests and people are terrified," Greg Evans
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SNAP, healthcare, more!
Dear Friend,
Greetings. We hope your week has gone as well as possible, and you''ll have some time to relax and recharge this weekend. We''re sharing our latest list of top actions from the past week, featuring important items on taxes, healthcare, and SNAP. You can also sign up to mail postcards encouraging moms to vote, and to join a special #KeepMarching meeting focused on small-group dialogue. Scroll down to find out more, and please share this list with family and friends too.
Together we are powerful! Here''s the list:?
1. Tell the Senate: Tax cuts for working families, not millionaires!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?The House of Representatives just passed the HEROES Act! Included in this important COVID-19 relief legislation is an expansion of the EITC and Child Tax Credit to struggling families and the repeal of the #MillionairesGiveaway-a provision previously included in another COVID-19 relief bill that has NOTHING to do with coronavirus or helping our shattered economy but gives a whopping $135 billion tax cut to only 43,000 U.S. millionaires. Now it''s up to the U.S. Senate to vote on the HEROES Act.?We need our elected leaders to support families living paycheck-to-paycheck, not give no-strings-attached windfalls to the already mega-rich! ***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on your U.S. Senators to repeal the #MillionairesGiveaway and instead pass working family tax credits that boost our families!
2. Quick Signature: COVID-19 shows why we all need health care!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED?-> Sign Now
BACKGROUND:?No matter where we come from, or what our color, all of us should be able to access health care when we get sick. Now more than ever, the COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our health depends on the person next to us, and the person next to them. Ensuring that we all can access health care is how we take care of ourselves.?Join us to ask President Trump and Republican State Attorneys General to drop the lawsuit asking the courts to strike down the entire ACA as unconstitutional. If they succeed in your lawsuit, at least 20 million people would become uninsured and millions more could be charged more or denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition. Add your name now!?
3. Send a Letter to the Editor to Speak Up for Hungry Families!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SENT -> Send a Letter
BACKGROUND:?We need our elected leaders to prioritize the nutrition needs of our families. They must guarantee that anyone who needs nutrition assistance is able to access it and increase SNAP (food stamp) benefits to better serve struggling families. Congress is about to enter tough negotiations on the next COVID-19 relief bill. The House of Representatives have passed their bill, but Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and his allies have come straight out and said multiple times that they don't want to boost SNAP in any way. We want to raise the profile of this issue by placing Letters to the Editor in local papers around the country so Congress feels pressured to take action as soon as possible! ***Send a letter to your local paper calling on Congress to boost nutrition assistance and SNAP in their next COVID-19 relief package!
4. Sign up for "Alone: Solitude or Isolation?" - An extra-special #KeepMarching online meeting with Living Room Conversations,?May 28, 8pm ET/ 5pm PT
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Join Us!
BACKGROUND: In guided, structured Zoom conversations, groups of four to seven people will gather for about 60 minutes to listen to and be heard by each other, sharing thoughts and personal experiences about aloneness.?Our social nature is part of our humanity. People tend to like being with other people, and many of us need other people in order to be healthy and happy. The feeling of being alone can weigh heavily on an individual. Yet, for some people, solitude is tranquil, relaxing, and even spiritually rewarding. The current need to physically isolate ourselves from others is putting limits on our social connections. What is this experience like for you? Join us to discuss!?
5. Help Us Send 1,000,000 Voting Reminder Postcards to Moms!?
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up Now
BACKGROUND: Help us send 1,000,000 voting reminder postcards to moms who haven't always voted in the past to help them exert their voting power this November. Sign up to receive free packets of 10 pre-stamped, pre-addressed, gorgeous, eye-catching postcards for you to fill out in a jiffy, which, a few weeks before the Nov. 3 elections, we'll release in a tidal wave of heart-felt mom-to-mom messages to vote. Get your free postcards now!?
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.?
--- Karen, Kristin, Elyssa, Sara, Felicia, Gloria, Anita, Jordan, and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam?
P.S. This list is also on the blog!?
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Dear Friend,
When one's child joins the military, a parent may worry about their loved one risking their life in active combat situations as part of their service. What no parent should fear is that their child serving their country could be harassed and killed at the hands of a fellow soldier.
Sexual harassment in the US military must end!
Demand Justice for Vanessa Guillen NOW!
20-year-old Vanessa Guillen joined the US Army in 2018 to serve our country as a private first class in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment at Fort Hood in Texas. She was serving the country she loved and in return, she was sexually harassed and brutally killed. She was seen for the last time on April 22, at the parking lot of her barracks at Fort Hood, Texas.? Human remains found on Tuesday, June 30, near Fort Hood are believed to be hers. A suspect in the case died by suicide when approached by police on Wednesday, July 1st. [1]?
Several weeks before her disappearance, Vanessa told her mother that someone was sexually harassing her but she was afraid to report it because she feared retaliation. Vanessa's mother and family are demanding a congressional investigation into the U.S. Army's handling of Vanessa's disappearance and failing to protect her when she was being harassed. [2]
Take action and help Vanessa's mother and family demand investigations!
Sadly, Vanessa's experience is not an isolated incident. According to an anonymous survey of enlisted military service members, reports of military sexual assaults jumped by 13% last year. The survey found that young and junior enlisted women between the ages of 17 and 20 were most likely to experience sexual assault. In the vast majority of cases, the alleged perpetrator was a military man, often near the same rank as the victim and usually someone she knows. And troublingly, 21% of the women who said they reported a sexual assault believed that they suffered some type of retaliation aimed at stopping them from making a complaint. This was the exact fear Vanessa shared with her mom before she disappeared [3]
Take Action: Demand a Congressional and independent investigation!
No one should be afraid to report sexual harassment and no mother should be afraid that their children serving the country will be harassed and killed by another soldier in the U.S. Army.
We are joining The League Of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) to demand justice for Vanessa Guillen. We are urging our Members of Congress to take the following actions:
Call for an independent investigation of Guillen's murder by trained investigators and reporting and adjudicating cases out of the chain of command of the Guillen case.
Demanda a Congressional investigation to find out what the Army knew, when and how and what their response was.
Support the Military Justice Improvement Act (S. 1789) which:
Gives military prosecutors the authority to decide which sexual assault cases go to trial. This protects victims by allowing a trained, legal professional to properly evaluate their case.
Moves the authority to convene courts-martial (trials) for sexual assault cases outside the chain of command. Convening is the process of assembling and authorizing the court-martial, including jury selection. By removing such authority from the accused's commander, victims will be better protected.
Ensure that the Army conducts an independent investigation of Guillen's murder by trained investigators and reporting and adjudicating cases out of the chain of command of the Guillen case.
Ensure better treatment of women soldiers including basic respect, and compassionate treatment; and accountability for perpetrators.
URGE your member of Congress to take action and demand justice for Vanessa Guillen NOW!
Impunity and injustice in these situations are unacceptable. Sexual assault in the military is a systemic problem that we must address and stop, and a Congressional hearing, independent investigation, and legislative response are steps in the right direction. Vanessa's family deserves answers and justice, and we must stop sexual assault in the military so that no other family has to experience this tragic and senseless loss of life.
-Xochitl, Nadia, Linda, Donna, Gloria, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder team
P.S.- Find this action alert in SPANISH on our Mam?sConPoder page.
[1] "A Suspect Tied To The Disappearance Of Fort Hood Soldier Vanessa Guillen Died By Suicide, The Army Said," Tasneem Nashrulla, Buzzfeed News. [2] Ibid [3] "Reports of sexual assault in the military spike," Lolita C. Baldor, AP News.
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Health care revoked. Discrimination unchecked. Rights devalued. Reproductive freedom and justice denied. Checks and balances crushed. Promises discarded the moment they become inconvenient. The arc of the moral universe bending away from, instead of toward, justice. Democracy trampled.
We've got to stop this.
?? Tell your U.S. Senators: No hearings or votes on the U.S. Supreme Court before the inauguration! Click here to sign now.
This is a time-sensitive emergency.?President Trump is trying to ram through an extremist, Amy Coney Barrett, for a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is an attack on women's health and right to choose, and it's one more attempt to overturn the Affordable Care Act -- to kick millions of us off our health insurance and raise costs for millions more.? [1] And it's happening, in the middle of a pandemic. Unconscionable.?
Your voice is needed to help stop the Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate and Trump.?
?? Each and every U.S. Senator needs to hear from us ASAP: No hearings or votes on a U.S. Supreme Court nominee before the inauguration!
Taking away health care from those who need it most is just the start of the damage a confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett would cause. Trump's nominee would wreak havoc on our country: A woman's right to choose if, when, and how many children is on the line, as is decades of progress in rights for people of color and LGBTQ+ communities, as well as environmental protections.[2]?
It's not lost on us that more than two-thirds of people in our nation believe in a woman's right to choose how many children to have, when to have them, and how many; and support abortion remaining legal -- and yet Donald Trump is trying to trample those rights. [3]? We cannot allow Donald Trump, the Republican U.S. Senate leadership, and a small minority of people to decide such a crucial right and take away laws that we have counted on for decades.?
Trump's nominee is an extremist pick. In fact, the New York Times reported: "Mr. Trump could hardly have found a more polar opposite to Justice Ginsburg, a pioneering champion of women's rights and leader of the liberal wing of the court." [4]
? Tell your U.S. Senators: No hearings or votes on the U.S. Supreme Court before the inauguration! Click here to sign now.
More details are in the below email when you scroll down. Suffice to say that the U.S. Senate has the wrong priorities -- and we need to let them know!
Please also forward this email, post the action link on social media, and spread the word. The more of us who raise our voices now, the bigger the impact we'll have. And our impact is needed!
Thank you for all you do to help protect our democracy and country.?
[1] "What Amy Coney Barrett Has Said About ACA" [2] "Amy Coney Barrett Is an Extremist-Just Not the Kind You Think"? [3] "What we know about Amy Coney Barrett''s judicial abortion record" [4] "Trump Selects Amy Coney Barrett to Fill Ginsburg's Seat on the Supreme Court"
TO:?Friend FROM: Kristin, DATE: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 SUBJECT:?ACT NOW: No hearings or votes on the U.S. Supreme Court before the inauguration!
Dear Friend,
In her final days, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dictated a message to her granddaughter stating: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." [1]
We're standing up for you, RBG, like you did for us. And we're fighting hard to make your fervent wish a reality.?
? Tell your U.S. Senators: No hearings or votes on the U.S. Supreme Court before the inauguration! Click here to sign now.
This is a truly urgent moment. Having the vote before the election results, and while people are already voting early in many states, [2]? is a repudiation of the principles the Republicans set out during the Obama administration for Supreme Court nominations. Just a few years ago, even U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, demanded the U.S. Senate wait until after the election to consider then-President Obama''s nomination of Merrick Garland. In fact, Senator Graham said:?"I want you to use my words against me. If there''s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said: Let''s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination." [3]
Well, Senators, we plan to hold you to your words!?
Despite the rule they created and the precedent they vowed to set, within hours of the announcement that Justice Ginsburg had passed and before the nation could even mourn, U.S. Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) began disrespectfully talking about her replacement, breaking his own 2016 stance about how close to a presidential election a U.S. Supreme Court confirmation should happen. [4]? In fact, he was doing this even though voting for a new president has already started in four states!?
This is unprecedented and unacceptable. As CNN noted: "Only one Supreme Court vacancy has ever beenfilled this close to a presidential election -- and that was in 1864. This would also be the first Supreme Court appointment by a president after they had been impeached." [5]?
Her last wish should be the last word.
? Each and every U.S. Senator needs to hear from us ASAP: No hearings or votes on Trump's U.S. Supreme Court nominee before the inauguration!
The U.S. Senate Republican majority is callously and irresponsibly jumping on this Supreme Court opening, ignoring precedent and promises of the past, after ignoring the health and economic emergency caused by COVID-19 for months.?
This is not okay.?So much is on the line right now with Justice Ginsburg's replacement, access to affordable health care, voting rights, and more. *Please make sure your U.S. Senators hear from you today. Every Senator, whether Democratic or Republican, needs to hear from you -- we need to shore up our champions and sway those who aren't on our side yet.?
A win is possible. We need less than a handful of additional votes at current count, so please raise your voice now.We've won against all odds in the past, like protecting the Affordable Care Act, even when Republican leaders in Congress vowed for many years to repeal it. We won because people signed petitions, made calls, shared their stories and spoke out. And we can win this again if we all raise our voices now -- and vote.?
Let's make Justice Ginsburg's last fervent wish become a reality. She led the way in breaking through barriers and expanding rights for those whose rights were being trampled in our nation, now let's lead the way forward for her.?
May her memory be a blessing and a revolution. And to make that revolution happen please share this action link around via text, email, and even on Twitter, Facebook and more. Let's build an unstoppable wave of change.
P.S.- Election season has already begun, with some states already voting! So if you haven't already, then please make a plan to vote this year, whether in-person, by mail if your state allows, early voting, or dropbox. And after you make that plan, mark it in your calendar! This is a critically important year. Let''s give this election everything we have!
*Here's a resource to find out more about your state: ?
[1] "Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg''s ''fervent'' last wish was that she ''not be replaced until a new president is installed" [2] "Long lines and hand sanitizer on the first day of early voting for general election" [3] "Video of Lindsey Graham arguing against nominating a Supreme Court justice in an election year goes viral" [4] "For McConnell, Ginsburg's Death Prompts Stark Turnabout From 2016 Stance"? [5] "GOP push to fill RBG''s seat could backfire spectacularly"?
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The Trump administration is trying to conceal its mismanaged response to the COVID-19 pandemic by blocking funding for testing and attacking the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at every turn!
Dear Friend,
"Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill" [1]
"Trump Administration Strips CDC of Control of Coronavirus Data" [2]
"White House blocks CDC director from testifying on schools reopening" [3]
This past week's news headlines have made one thing clear: The Trump administration is trying to conceal its mismanaged response to the COVID-19 pandemic by blocking funding for testing and attacking the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at every turn. Moms know from years of playing peek-a-boo that just because you try to hide something doesn't mean it actually disappears. This underhanded attempt to control our public health data and cut funding for the CDC (and testing!) must be stopped!
Quick signature: Tell the Trump administration and Congress to protect the CDC and fund testing and contact tracing!.?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The Trump administration's attacks on funding for testing and contract tracing, along with cutting funding of the CDC-our nation''s top public health agency-are nothing short of frightening, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Protecting the CDC, an institution that has historically been apolitical and driven by science in the interest of protecting public health, is critical in this moment while our nation mourns the deaths of over 140,000 people due to this disease. [4]
In addition, the CDC was accused of "undermining the president" by a top advisor to the Department of Health and Human Services because it put out a report about COVID-19 risks for pregnant women. [5] This is unacceptable! Politics should not be influencing public health information that our communities rely on to stay safe.
The coronavirus pandemic has gotten so wildly out of control in the United States that many other countries have banned US travelers from visiting, including the European Union (EU). [6] Where countries in the EU have experienced a sharp downward trend in their daily newly confirmed cases, the US is on a steep upward trajectory. [7]
The US has only 4% of the world's population, but 25% of its COVID-19 cases. [8] This is beyond tragic. We need Congress to act now to fund testing, contact tracing, and to protect the CDC, and ensure the public has access to public health data. We cannot allow the Trump administration to keep us in the dark about how we are doing in combating COVID-19. Publicly available information is critical for public health experts and parents to be able to understand the threat this disease poses to their families and communities.
Click to sign: Tell President Trump, Secretary Azar, and members of Congress to stop playing politics with our lives and to fund testing, contact tracing, and the CDC to continue its role of tracking and promoting public health.*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Our petition reads:
Dear President Trump, Secretary Azar, and members of Congress,
As one of over a million members of MomsRising, I demand that you protect the Centers for Disease Control and not allow politics to influence the critical role it plays for the American people. The CDC, an institution that has historically been apolitical and driven by science in the interest of protecting public health, is critical in this moment while our nation mourns the deaths of 150,000 people due to COVID-19.
We need to ensure that the CDC has ample funding, that the public has access to ALL of the important data which the CDC has been providing throughout the pandemic, and that our nation's public health officials are not prevented from speaking out about the pandemic. We also need more funding for testing and contact tracing so that we can rein in the exploding numbers of cases across the country.
Don't forget to sign! Tell the Trump administration and Congress to fund the CDC, testing, and contact tracing to combat COVID-19.?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The Trump administration has done a terrible job in combating COVID-19 and now they are trying to obscure this terrible situation by controlling public health data, cutting funding for the CDC, and preventing our nation's public health officials from speaking out. We must act NOW!
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share it on social media:
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families,
- Felicia, Tasmiha, Donna, Kristin and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
References: [1] The Hill, Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill: report [2] The New York Times, Trump Administration Strips C.D.C. of Control of Coronavirus Data? [3] ABC News, White House blocks CDC director from testifying on schools reopening [4] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cases in the U.S.? [5] The Washington Post, CDC feels pressure from Trump as rift grows over coronavirus response? [6] National Geographic, Here's where Americans can travel now. But should they?? [7] statista, The State of the Unions? [8] CNN Health, The US has 4% of the world''s population but 25% of its coronavirus cases?
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Hi Friend,
Can you believe the November 2020 election is just 5 months away?! This is why we're powering up our mom voter turnout campaign right now - and we need your help!
>>> SIGN UP HERE to receive a FREE packet of 10 eye-catching voting reminder postcards to fill out (all postage included)!
MomsRising members have already signed up to fill out over 250,000 voting reminder postcards, so we're well on our way to meeting our goal of reaching 1 million moms who don't always vote and need some extra encouragement! Can you help us make it happen?
Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls - and this is something you can do while social distancing from your home! [1]
Together, let's get out the vote!
- Sara
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Dear Friend,
So many things feel uncertain right now, but one thing that feels very certain is the urgent need for everyone to vote in 2020. You, me, and all of our neighbors, near and far.
Here's the great news: MomsRising has a super easy, high-impact, and FREE way for YOU to help get out the vote while social distancing!
>>> SIGN UP HERE to receive a FREE packet of 10 eye-catching voting reminder postcards to fill out!
Our goal is to reach 1 million moms who don't always vote and need some extra encouragement! Can you help us make it happen? Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls! [1]
Here's the nitty gritty ? We''ll send you a packet of 10 pre-addressed, pre-stamped postcards along with some quick instructions. All you''ll need to do is write a quick note of encouragement on each and send them back to us with the prepaid return envelope provided. We'll store the postcards until it''s time to drop them in the mail before the November 2020 election!
Don't wait! Sign up now to receive your FREE packet of 10 GOTV postcards to fill out!
*** If you'd like to power up and write 100 or more postcards for our Get-Out-The-Vote campaign, that's an option on the sign-up page!
Here's the thing: We're not just activating voters to vote - we're also activating votes for healthcare, equal pay, paid family leave, and all the other issues dear to our hearts.
Join us in turning out the vote for healthcare, equal pay, paid family leave, and paid sick days!
Together, we are a powerful force in driving women and moms to the polls in 2020!
- Sara, Kristin, Donna, Gloria, Nate, Sili, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. - The beautiful artwork on the postcard featured above is by Favianna Rodriquez! ?
[1]?ArsTechnica: "Boosting the vote may be as easy as saying you'll ask"
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Rescheduled #KeepMarching online meeting
Dear Friend,
As we think about the November elections, we are also worrying about voters: Why will so many voters support candidates with policy positions that only end up hurting them in the long-run? And we are worrying about the coronavirus (COVID-19) as well: From testing kit shortages to the fumbled national public health response, what is going on with that?
Dr. Jonathan M. Metzl is a public health expert and author of the bestseller, "Dying of Whiteness." I''m so excited to tell you that Dr. Metzl will be joining our KeepMarching online meeting on Tuesday, March 24, 8pm ET/ 5pm PT, to talk about "Dying of Whiteness" and also about the COVID-19 outbreak. (This meeting was rescheduled from March 10.)
Will you join, too? RSVP to participate in our next KeepMarching online meeting, Tuesday, March 10, 8 pm ET/5 pm PT,? with Dying of Whiteness author? and public health expert Dr. Jonathan Metzl.?
Esquire and the Boston Globe named Dying of Whiteness one of the most anticipated books of 2019, and for good reason. In these divisive times, it's often a struggle for people to look across the political divide and really see and feel compassion for each other as neighbors, as humans, and as Americans. Jonathan Metzl has done the work to help us achieve some understanding, looking at:?
Why many white Missourians want looser gun laws;
Why many white Tennesseans opposed expanding healthcare; and?
Why many white Kansans agreed to dismantle a public education system that ranked among the best in the nation.
Here's the publisher's description of Dying of Whiteness:
"In the era of Donald Trump, many lower- and middle-class white Americans are drawn to politicians who pledge to make their lives great again. But as Dying of Whiteness shows, the policies that result actually place white Americans at ever-greater risk of sickness and death.
Physician Jonathan M. Metzl's quest to understand the health implications of "backlash governance" leads him across America's heartland. Interviewing a range of everyday Americans, he examines how racial resentment has fueled pro-gun laws in Missouri, resistance to the Affordable Care Act in Tennessee, and cuts to schools and social services in Kansas. And he shows these policies' costs: increasing deaths by gun suicide, falling life expectancies, and rising dropout rates. White Americans, Metzl argues, must reject the racial hierarchies that promise to aid them but in fact lead our nation to demise."
RSVP now for this powerful and illuminating conversation with Dying of Whiteness author Jonathan Metzl, Tuesday, March 10, 8 pm ET/5 pm PT.?
Felicia Burnett from MomsRising's healthcare team and Beatriz Beckford from MomsRising's campaign to break the school-to-prison pipeline will be at the meeting, too, to help guide the conversation.
And this will be your first opportunity to meet the newest member of MomsRising's team, Joy Ikekhua, who will be working with me to support the KeepMarching community!
#KeepMarching online meetings are designed to give you the inside scoop on what's happening on issues and politics, give you direct access to MomsRising staff and leading experts, and fill you in on MomsRising''s hot campaigns. We use Zoom online conference rooms, so you can participate via video conference or call in over the phone (though video is best so you don''t miss visuals and because we love seeing everyone's faces!).
Please help MomsRising keep up our team-building work in 2020 - join us for our March 24 KeepMarching Zoom meeting at 8pm ET/5pm PT! RSVP NOW ??
Looking forward to connecting with you over video or phone on Tuesday, March 24!
Together, we''ll #KeepMarching and never stop fighting for the change our families and communities need.
-- Gloria
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Hi Friend,
?If your inbox is anything like mine, you may have missed this last week so I'm bumping it up for you because it's so very important - and I'll keep it really short:
As of last week our nation has a *limited*, nation-wide, paid sick days and paid family leave law in place during the COVID-19 crisis. [1] The new law is a huge deal and we all helped make it happen. But it's not enough. As many as 96 million working people are left out, and the law expires at the end of 2020. [2] We've got to keep pushing. Families are depending on us.
? Add your name to our urgent letter to Congress now: We need the PAID Leave Act to be included in the next coronavirus relief package that Congress passes.?
Together we're a powerful force for women and families, in good times and in bad.?
P.S. You can read more about this new law in the email below. You can also click here to find out more information about the Families First Corona Response Act and if you're covered.?
[1] HR Families First Coronavirus Response Act (P.L. 116-127)?
[2] CAP: Congress Must Extend Paid Leave Protections to All Workers in Next Coronavirus Response Bill
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This is all really hard. Our hearts are hurting for our families and our country. And, more than we need hand sanitizer in the time of COVID-19, we need access to paid sick days and paid family leave for everyone. Fortunately we have a start: Today is a historic day in the United States.?
That's because today, for the first time ever, thanks to the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act, our nation will have a *limited*, nation-wide, paid sick days and paid family leave law in place during the COVID-19 crisis. [1]?
The new law is a huge deal and we all helped make it happen. But it's not enough. As many as 96 million working people, and expiring at the end of 2020. [2] ***Check the link in our PS below to find more information about if you are covered or not under the new law.
It's time to make even bigger history!? 96 million people missing out is not okay.? It's time to double down and tell Congress to cover everyone and always.? Click here to raise your voice now.
We need to send a strong message to Congress to ensure this solution is included in the next coronavirus relief package. The Providing Americans Insured Days of Leave (PAID Leave) Act closes the loopholes in the Families First Act and makes both paid sick days and paid family and medical leave permanent because we know the need for these policies doesn't begin and end with the coronavirus crisis. [3]
? Add your name to our letter urging Congress to include the PAID Leave Act in the next coronavirus relief legislative package.
Here's the scoop: The Families First law, while an important step in the right direction, has some big gaps. For example,if you work for a company with more than 500 people, you're not covered. If you need more than two weeks of leave to recover from COVID-19, or to care for a loved one who has to be isolated due to COVID-19, you aren't covered.? We are all in this together, this is not a time to leave anyone out.
That means families like Te'Jal's in Ohio aren't covered. Te'Jal shares:
"Because my employer has more than 500 employees, I won't be able to access the emergency paid sick days and paid leave provisions in the Families First package so if either I or one of my family members gets coronavirus we won't be covered. That worries me, because I already used my limited sick time when my son and I both got the flu earlier this year. I can't afford to lose pay if one of us gets coronavirus. Many other families will fall through the cracks, too, including families who need paid leave for reasons other than school or child care closures."
And this new law? It expires at the end of 2020 - even though we know that families need access to paid sick days and paid family and medical leave in normal times, not just during pandemics.?
The PAID Leave Act is a strong, history-making fix because it would ensure that working people have access to 14 days of paid sick time and 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave to use during the COVID-19 crisis AND any future public health emergency. It also provides seven paid sick days that working people can earn annually to use even when there isn't a public health emergency. And, it also creates a permanent paid family and medical leave insurance system to welcome a new child, care for loved ones, and address serious personal medical issues.
? We need the PAID Leave Act to be included in the next coronavirus relief package that Congress passes. Add your name to our letter to Congress now.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made a lot of things clear, including the need for paid family and medical leave and paid sick days. Being there for family is what matters most and NO ONE one should have to choose between the family they love and the job that they need. Not in times of pandemics and not in normal times either.
? After you add your name to our letter to Congress now, please forward the link below to your family and friends so they can take action too.? We've shown time and time again that the more of us who take action, the faster the fixes that we all need will be made.?
Together we're a powerful force for women and families, in good times and in bad.?
- Ruth, Kristin, Karen, Sara and the rest of the MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Know Your Rights: Families First Coronavirus Response Act FAQ by A Better Balance
P.P.S. What are COVID-19''s implications for your taxes, your business, the economy, and paid family leave??Find out by joining our next ONLINE #keepmarching meeting, Tues, Apr 7, 8pm ET/ 5 pm PT.?
[1]?HR Families First Coronavirus Response Act (P.L. 116-127)?
[2] CAP: Congress Must Extend Paid Leave Protections to All Workers in Next Coronavirus Response Bill
[3] The Providing Americans Insured Days of Leave (PAID Leave) Act ?
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Dear Friend,
Happy Friday. As summer starts to wind down, parents everywhere are struggling with questions around what the fall will look like. We know it's tough. We also know that in order for parents to truly be able to "get back to work" we need the supports to do so, including childcare and early learning programs, and comprehensive paid leave. In addition we need to protect immigrants and those who've lost work due to the pandemic, too. Please scroll down to find urgent actions on all three issues below. And don't forget to sign up for your free postcards encouraging other moms to vote in the fall! There's a link for that too.
Please take good care of yourself and your family, and have a restful weekend. Here's the list of Top #5Actions for the week =>
1. Congress must #SaveChildcare Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: During this time of crisis due to COVID 19, we must prioritize supporting families' access to safe, high-quality, and affordable childcare. Research shows that at least $50 billion is necessary to stabilize the childcare sector. Recent analysis shows that at least $9.6 billion a month is needed to fully fund existing programs to pay all their staff, be prepared to reopen at the appropriate time and eliminate cost burdens for families whose providers are closed.
**ACTION: SIGN NOW to urge members of Congress to prioritize a minimum of $50 billion childcare stabilization funding in the upcoming coronavirus package!
2. Get Out the Vote in 2020 with FREE Postcards! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: MomsRising is making it super easy (and totally FREE) for you to participate in our powerful Get-Out-The-Vote effort for the 2020 election! Sign up now to write 10 postcards to registered voters who haven''t always voted on Election Day in the past. In August, we''ll send you a packet of 10 pre-addressed, pre-stamped postcards along with some quick instructions. All you''ll need to do is write a quick note of encouragement (we''ll provide sample messages) and send them back to us with the prepaid return envelope provided so that we can store them until it''s time to drop them in the mail before the November election.
**ACTION: Can you help us send voting reminder postcards to 1 million moms? Sign up now to get your voting reminder postcard packet!
3. We can't safely go back to school without all workers having access to pandemic paid sick days and paid leave. Pass it on. Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: It's a back to school season like none we have ever experienced before. Instead of reviewing school supply lists, we're dealing with a lot of uncertainty and scrambling to figure out what to do if (!?!?) or when (!?!?) our schools and child care centers reopen. This year the supplies that we need the most are things like paid family/medical leave, paid sick days, and massive investments in child care - and they are in *very* short supply. Congress has a role in fixing this problem and they need to ACT NOW.
**ACTION: Tell your U.S. Senators that they must act quickly to support child care and also to extend and expand access to pandemic paid leave before school starts. Otherwise, there is no way schools, or anything else, will be able to safely reopen.
4. Call your Senators to say #ExtendUI
BACKGROUND: The clock is ticking! If Congress doesn't take action in the coming days, millions of struggling families will lose their extended unemployment benefits that were passed in the CARES Act. That $600/week boost in benefits is crucial for unemployed workers making ends meet. We need you to call your Senators on Monday and tell them to extend unemployment insurance and protect the $600/week boost in benefits. Remember to make your call on Monday when your Senators are back in their office. In the meantime, you can also check out our #ExtendUI social media toolkit to post information on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (and don't forget to tag your Senators!).
**ACTION: Text "ExtendUI" to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your Senator's office.
5. Take action now! Tell Congress to include immigrants for COVID-19 relief! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Immigrants make up nearly 16% of healthcare workers in the U.S. and are putting their lives on the line to fight COVID! Effective public health responses require attention to all community members, as a pandemic response that excludes any members of our communities will weaken its effectiveness. None of us can be healthy if any one of us is denied access to testing, care, and economic relief.
**ACTION: We need to tell Congress to include immigrants in the next COVID-19 relief legislation! Click here to sign now.
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Karen, Nadia, Sara, Ruth, Elyssa, Xochitl, Jordan, and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam? Team
P.S. This list is also on the blog!
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#KeepMarching Meeting: Join Obama Surgeon General Vivek Murthy to talk about loneliness
Dear Friend,
COVID-19 has ushered in an unprecedented era of isolation and loneliness. Dr. Vivek Murthy, MomsRising's favorite U.S. Surgeon General, who served under President Obama, has just released his new book, Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in the Sometimes Lonely World.
We are honored and excited to tell you that Dr. Murthy has accepted our invitation to join our next #KeepMarching meeting on Tuesday, May 19, 8 pm ET/5 pm PT, to discuss Together.?
Will you join the meeting with former President Obama's U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Murthy, too, to talk about loneliness? Click here to RSVP.?
In Together, Dr. Murthy makes the case for loneliness as a public health concern. As social distancing and shelter-in-place orders deprive people of human connection just as they are beset with enormous worry and pressure, Dr. Murthy's expertise and wisdom could not come at a better time. His book includes inspiring stories and creative solutions for people to help themselves and those they love to build more connected lives, even in these times.
This is from the publisher's description of Together:
"The book we need NOW to avoid a social recession, Murthy's prescient message is about the importance of human connection, the hidden impact of loneliness on our health, and the social power of community.
"Humans are social creatures: In this simple and obvious fact lies both the problem and the solution to the current crisis of loneliness. In his groundbreaking book, the 19th surgeon general of the United States Dr. Vivek Murthy makes a case for loneliness as a public health concern: a root cause and contributor to many of the epidemics sweeping the world today from alcohol and drug addiction to violence to depression and anxiety. Loneliness, he argues, is affecting not only our health, but also how our children experience school, how we perform in the workplace, and the sense of division and polarization in our society."
RSVP now for this powerful online meeting with former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, on Tuesday, May 19th, at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT, to talk about his new book and the subject of loneliness.
#KeepMarching online meetings are designed to give you the inside scoop on what's happening on issues and politics, give you direct access to MomsRising staff and leading experts, and fill you in on MomsRising''s hot campaigns. We use Zoom online conference rooms, so you can participate via video conference or call in over the phone (though video is best so you don''t miss visuals and because we love seeing everyone's faces!).
Please help MomsRising keep up our team-building work in 2020 and join us for our May 19th KeepMarching Zoom meeting at 8pm ET/5pm PT! RSVP NOW ??
Looking forward to connecting with you over video or phone on Tuesday, May 19th!
Please forward this email to any friends and family you think would benefit from this conversation, so they can join, too.
Together, we''ll #KeepMarching and never stop fighting for the change our families and communities need. And we'll never stop supporting and being there for each other.
-- Gloria and Joy?
?P.S. Interested in gender justice and learning more about lasting relief for families? Register now for our zoom call with special guests Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Monifa Bandele of MomsRising, Shaunna Thomas of Ultraviolet and grassroots leaders from the We Demand More Coalition
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Dear Friend,
Blink. "Did that really just happen?" "Are people now supposed to risk their lives during a pandemic to stand in crowded lines to vote?"
Last week, voters in Wisconsin had to risk their lives to go out and cast a ballot in person, which was not okay! [1] The COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 election make it clear that now more than ever we need to be able to mail in our ballots. But rather than help make that possible, horrifyingly, the Trump Administration is refusing to fund the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) as it too struggles to weather the impacts of the pandemic -- and the USPS is now in danger of going under right when we need it most. [2] This is a giant blow to our democracy, businesses, economy, and communities.
There's no time to waste! Your voice, power, help, and hope is needed.
*Join us in calling on Congress and the White House to save our democracy and our health by: Saving the U.S. Postal Service; advancing a national vote-by-mail option; guaranteeing online/same-day voter registration; expanding early voting; and providing additional voting facilities.
We're in this together, and together we will defend our democracy and rebuild our communities to be better.
We know President Trump's failure to protect our postal system and our ability to vote during a pandemic is part of a broader pattern of massive failures to address the threat of the coronavirus. Below are just a few examples from Trump's long list of failures during this pandemic:
Shut Down White House Pandemics Office: In 2018, President Trump shut down the White House pandemics office even though concern was raised from experts about doing so. [3]
Failure to Act Quickly = Lives Lost: Despite warnings from public health and policy experts in his own administration, as well as reports from the National Security Council in early January, President Trump took over six weeks after the first COVID-19 death in the U.S. to take major action to stem the tide of the pandemic. [4]
Failure to Test: The lack of early and current testing has caused, and is causing, lives to be lost and our economy to be hurt because the absence of testing allowed COVID-19 to spread like wildfire. [5] To make matters worse, Trump and Pence repeatedly misinformed the public that testing was widely available when it was not. [6]
Medical Supplies Crisis: The Trump administration's failure to act quickly to amp up the federal response to get medical supplies like ventilators and protective gear has caused a deadly delay in getting sufficient supplies out to healthcare workers and patients. [7]
Failure to Delegate to Experts: By first appointing Vice President Mike Pence to run the White House Coronavirus Task Force, a person who doesn't have a history of strong success in public health crises; [8] and later bringing in his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who has no public health experience, to leadership, [9] President Trump compounded the impact of his initial delays to take action by refusing to listen to scientists and public health experts, misleading the public, and erratically pushing forward policy.?
Weakened Healthcare: Unbelievably, during this crisis the Trump administration continues a lawsuit to roll back the Affordable Care Act and has also declined to open up a special healthcare enrollment period. [10]
Failure to Support Essential Workers: Healthcare, grocery, childcare, delivery, farm, first responders, domestic, and other essential workers have been putting their lives on the line to save our communities while Trump has been undermining their value. For instance, it's been reported that the Trump administration is working on policies to reduce farm workers'' wages during the pandemic [11]; and the Trump administration also just passed a dangerous rule that pushes frontline workers who have been exposed to COVID-19 to not quarantine and keep working until they have symptoms. [12]?
Failure to Protect Vulnerable Populations, Including People Who Are Incarcerated: It is impossible to follow CDC COVID-19 guidelines in prisons, jails, and detention centers. Trump has failed to protect the most vulnerable including elderly, pregnant, and health-compromised men, women, and children. [13]
Misleading the Public: Despite consistent fact checking, President Trump has misled the public and shared harmful misinformation, as well as medical half-truths, in his regular briefings. [14]
Failure to Support Governors: President Trump not only flat out rejected taking the responsibility that his office holds, saying "I don''t take any responsibility at all" in terms of the pandemic, he's also been telling governors to "try getting it for yourselves" in relation to key medical supplies, like ventilators, that the federal government normally coordinates. [15]
Why this list? We need to remember Trump''s failures so we know exactly who put our families and economy at risk. The U.S. is currently the country hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic in no small part because of this list of failures. [16] This could have been prevented if we had a leader who put the health and well-being of our families first, instead of petty politics and denial.
We also need to remember these failures so they aren't repeated in the future.
? Help make sure that a failure to protect our postal service and our ability to vote in November aren't on the next list of President Trump's failures.
*Join us in calling on Congress and the White House to save our democracy and our health by: Saving the U.S. Postal Service; advancing a national vote-by-mail option; guaranteeing online/same-day voter registration; expanding early voting; and providing additional voting facilities.
The answer to the question of "Did that really just happen?" is too often a sad "Yes" these days, but together we can be present and powerful in this moment as we also work to build a better tomorrow.
? So please take a moment, after you take action, to share this link on Twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram, and via email so others can take action too. Here's that action link again so you can share it with others:?
Sending virtual hugs to you all, wishes for good health to you and your families -- and enormous gratitude for all you are doing to help protect our communities!
- Kristin, Tina, Monifa, Ruth, Karen, Donna, Elyssa, Gloria, Felicia, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
[1] The New York Times? [2] The Washington Post? [3] The Washington Post? [4] The New York Times ? [5] The New York Times [6] The New York Times? [7] The New York Times? [8] CNN ? [9] The Guardian ? [10] Forbes ? [11] The Hill? [12] Politico ? [13] The Washington Post? [14] CNN ? [15] Vox?and The New York Times ? [16] NPR?
Paid for by MomsRising Together, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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I'll get right to the point: Without paid sick days and family/medical leave, governors can't safely reopen their economies --especially as pandemic death rates continue to rise and widespread testing for COVID-19 is still not available. [1,2]? In fact, right now the majority of workers still don't have access to paid leave to stay home to protect themselves and others if they get sick. [3]
This is not ok. Click here to urge your governor to demand permanent national paid sick days and family/medical leave as part of the next COVID-19 recovery package.
If governors are going to SAFELY reopen states we need stronger--and permanent!!! -- nationwide paid sick days and paid leave laws in place. Our governors have a direct line to Washington D.C., so let's urge our governors to tell Congress and the President to include stronger--and permanent--nation-wide paid leave and paid sick days in the next COVID-19 recovery package. Congress is starting to work on the next package this week. There is no time to waste!
? Tell your governor to use their direct line to Washington to push for? stronger--and permanent--paid sick days and family/medical leave law in the next recovery package. Add your name now.?
Wisconsin's chaotic primary election perfectly illustrates what happens when people are prematurely forced into social un-distancing: We learned that at least seven voters caught the COVID-19 virus when they went out to cast their ballots. [4] And now, several states are considering reopening before their state or the nation has the pandemic under control. We need to build in protections in the next coronavirus relief package! Unfortunately, the first paid leave law that Congress passed doesn't go nearly far enough -- leaving out as many as 96 million working people - that's almost a third of the entire nation's population, including children. Even worse, these meager paid leave laws expire at the end of 2020, right when we may be facing a new spike in COVID-19.?
What we need is the Providing Americans Insured Days of Leave (PAID Leave) Act -- and we need it in the next relief package that Congress moves forward. [5] The PAID Leave Act closes the loopholes in the Families First Act (providing emergency paid leave to eligible workers) that, for example, excludes any one who works for an employer with more than 500 people! And ridiculously, the expanded family leave that passed can only be used to care for children who are home because their school or childcare is closed due to the pandemic. You can't use the expanded leave to recover from COVID-19 or to care for a family member who is recovering from COVID-19 or another serious medical condition. This is not okay!? And furthermore, the limited paid time available in the law that passed so far all expires at the end of 2020. We need more -- and the proposed PAID Leave Act makes both paid sick days and paid family and medical leave permanent because we know the need for these policies doesn't begin and end with the coronavirus crisis.?
And the need for comprehensive paid family and medical leave and paid sick days is nationwide. While some states already have statewide paid leave and paid sick days laws, most states do not, and a patchwork approach won't work right now. Access to these life and job saving benefits shouldn''t be a matter of winning the boss lottery or living in the right ZIP code.?
We need to send an urgent message to Washington, D.C. that families needstronger--and permanent--paid sick days and paid family and medical leave now. And our nation's governors are in a prime position to deliver that message because they have a direct line to Congress and the White House.?
? Urge your governor to push for the Providing Americans Insured Days of Leave (PAID Leave) Act!?
The PAID Leave Act is a strong, history-making fix because it would ensure that working people have access to 14 days of paid sick time and 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave to use during the COVID-19 crisis AND any future public health emergency. It also provides seven paid sick days that working people can earn annually to use even when there isn't a public health emergency.? And, it also creates a permanent paid family and medical leave insurance system to welcome a new child, care for loved ones, and address serious personal medical issues.
Congress will start working on the next COVID-19 relief package as soon as this week! And with some states already opening, even before we have widespread testing, we have no time to waste.
? After you add your name to our letter urging our governors to use their direct line to Washington to push for the PAID Leave Act please forward the link below to your family and friends so they can take action too.? We've shown time and time again that the more of us who take action, the faster the fixes that we all need will be made.?
Access to comprehensive and permanent paid sick days and paid family and medical leave will be crucial for reopening states safely: This virus hasn't gone away, and won't anytime soon, and people will need time to recover without worrying about losing their jobs.
Together we're a powerful force for women and families, in good times and in bad.?
- Ruth, Gloria, Tina, Maggie, Casey, Sara, Kristin, and the rest of the MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Share your story
P.P.S. Know Your Rights! Click here to find out if you are covered by the limited paid sick days and paid family leave.
[1] Miami Herald: ?Plans to reopen Florida begin as COVID-19 deaths top 600
[2] Vox: The Case for Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic with Mass Testing
[3] KQED: Even With New Federal Coronavirus Bill, Most Workers Get No Additional Sick Leave
[5] The Providing Americans Insured Days of Leave (PAID Leave) Act??
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Use our hotline and we'll connect you directly to your Senator to say #ExtendUI
Dear Friend,
Today is a critical day for action for people who have lost their jobs because of COVID-19! It is only 10 days before the $600 per week expanded unemployment insurance benefits expire (and 72 hours until states start sending out letters to millions of unemployed workers telling them their benefits will be reduced or cut all together). [1]
**This is why we need YOU to take one very important action today: Call your U.S. Senators and tell them to extend unemployment insurance NOW!
Text "ExtendUI" to 747464 and we'll connect you directly with your U.S. Senator's office.
Today is the National Day of Action for Unemployment Insurance and we are joining people from around the country in calling our U.S. Senators, speaking out on social media, delivering your letters to Congress, holding virtual town halls, and even showing up in-person (6 feet apart with masks on of course!) on Capitol Hill and to U.S. Senate offices in the states. Why are we doing this? Because with cases of the virus surging in many states, an unemployment rate still sitting at around 13.3% (including 1 in 6 Black women in May being unemployed), and with 59% of CEOS saying they are implementing hiring freezes; now is NOT the time for Congress to short change struggling Americans and undercut our economy by cutting off the boost to unemployment benefits that has kept so many families and communities afloat. [2,3]
Unemployment Insurance is a vital lifeline for families and essential stimulus for the economy that will be critical to our nation's economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. We need Congress to ensure this safety net will be available to all who need it until our economy has sufficiently recovered. In particular, the U.S. Senate must take immediate action and continue the $600 per week boost past the arbitrary July 31st deadline and tie its phase out to economic indicators. Failing to do so would mean more than 25 million workers will lose the $600 federal unemployment supplement, to the tune of more than $15 billion per week. [4] That is money our families and economy needs to recover!
***Take a few quick minutes now to call your U.S. Senator from California and tell them to #ExtendUI and #Savethe600! We make it super easy for you-->
Just text "ExtendUI" to 747464 and we'll connect you directly with your Senator's office (you can even call again and we'll connect you with your other Senator's office).
Speaking out today, when so many others around the country are doing the same, will send a powerful message to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his allies in the Senate who are trying to stand in the way of extending the current level of unemployment benefits.
After you make your phone calls, please forward this email to 5 friends and ask them to call as well so you can double down on your impact! We need as many people as possible speaking out to make sure our elected leaders know that struggling families still need help and that we need them to take immediate action to extend unemployment benefits.
Thank you so much for continuing to stand up for all of our families during this difficult time!
-Elyssa, Donna, Kristin, Hanna, Joy, Gloria, and the entire team
P.S. As part of the Day of Action we are holding a Twitterstorm starting at 12pmET/9amPT using #ExtendUI and #Savethe600. Join us on Twitter! You can tweet your unemployment story to your Senators or use our social media toolkit to speak out on this important issue.
[1] "Your Unemployment Benefits Will End Sooner Than Expected." Forbes, July, 1 2020.
[2] "When does the extra $600 in federal unemployment end? What do know before it expires." Fortune, June 28, 2020.
[3] "Despite Slight Gains in May, Women Have Still Been Hit Hardes t by Pandemic-Related Job Losses." National Women's Law Center, June 2020.
[4] "More than 25 million Americans Are About to Lose an Essential $600-a-Week Unemployment Insurance Benefit." The Century Foundation, July 8, 2020.
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We need access to affordable, high-quality child care!
Dear Friend,
When I gave birth to my son four years ago, I had no idea what I was going to do for child care.
I worked a full-time, non-flexible job from 9-5 pm, and like many millennial parents in the United States, money was tight for my partner and me. We had a ton of student loans and zero disposable income, so all of our child care options were simply out of reach. Lucky for me, my mother stepped in and provided child care while I was at work, even though she lived two hours away in another state. Yes, you read that right - TWO HOURS away. That was our only solution, but it shouldn't have been. I am so grateful to my mom for the care she provided; and even though she saved us money, I know that what she did was unpaid labor and a big sacrifice for her. She gave up her life for almost two years to watch my son, leaving my father, whom she also provides caregiving to at home back in PA.
I know access to affordable, quality childcare would have helped my family, and is something we need for working families across the country.
? Urge your members of Congress to co-sponsor and support the Child Care for Working Families Act to expand access to affordable, high-quality early learning for families like mine!
For many families across the nation, childcare costs often exceed the costs of housing, tuition, transportation, and food. [1] In fact, in 30 states and the District of Columbia, infant care costs exceed the average cost of college tuition. [2]. So it is no surprise, but no less unacceptable, when we see that 83% of parents with children under the age of five struggle to access affordable, high-quality early learning programs for their children. [3] In fact, the annual cost of infant care takes up more than half of a millennial's median salary. [4]
In addition to this, the unaffordable cost of childcare is unfairly forcing moms out of the labor force and pushing the much-needed wages of families down. This not only hurts families, it hurts our economy too. In the U.S, women's labor force participation peaked at 67 percent in early 2000 and has declined to 63 percent in August 2017. The long rise and progress in women's labor force participation over the past four decades of the 20th century has stopped and even retreated since then. [5] Investing in childcare is a crucial step to recapture this progress and restore women's labor force participation so that we can support our families and strengthen the economy.
? This is why we need your support! This is a crisis and NOW is the time to push your member of Congress to co-sponsor this bill and support working families and our economy!
Right now, Congress has a solution right in front of them: The Child Care for Working Families Act [6] is a comprehensive solution that would expand access to affordable, high-quality childcare and pre-K for families while improving compensation and training for the childcare workforce. If passed, it would:
Lower childcare costs for low-income and middle-income families to no more than 7% of a family's household income through a sliding scale, regardless of how many children they have.
Support universal access to high-quality preschool programs for all low- and middle-income 3 and 4 year-olds.
Significantly improve compensation and training for the childcare workforce (currently one of the lowest-paid professions) to ensure that our nation's teachers and caregivers have the support they need.
Assist parents in selecting the childcare provider of their choice-whether that be a center or family childcare home, friend, relative, or neighbor. In addition, improve care during non-traditional hours to help meet the needs of working families.
Support for more inclusive, high-quality childcare providers and centers for children with disabilities.
Help all Head Start programs meet newly expanded duration requirements and provide full-day, full-year programming.
It's more important than ever that we speak up. Too often, people think of childcare as a "personal issue" - as in our own problem to solve. But we know that when enough people are experiencing the same problem, it's not an epidemic of personal failings, but a national structural problem that we can solve together. Continued investments like these can improve the well-being of our children, our own peace of mind and productivity at work, the care workforce, our communities, as they also boost our businesses and our economy.
*The more of us who raise our voices on this issue, the more noise we'll make and the more powerful we'll be! After you take action, send this link to your friends and family so they can sign on, too:
Together we are a powerful voice for moms, children, and families!
-Nadia, Nina, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/MamasConPoder Team
[1]?Childcare Aware of America. The US and the High Price of Child Care: 2019.
[2] Center for American Progress. Child Care Families Need More Help to Care for Their Children.
[3] Center for American Progress National Public Opinion Survey.
[4] Childcare Aware of America. Millennial Parents and the High Cost of Child Care.
[5] Center for American Progress. The Child Care for Working Families Act Will Boost Employment and Create Jobs.
[6] Child Care for Working Families Act.
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The drumbeat of urgent actions in need of your support continues...
Dear Friend,
Greetings. Summer is here. It's hot. And the drumbeat of urgent actions in need of your support continues. This week's list of top actions demanding justice for Vanessa Guillen, demanding immigrant children being held in ICE Family Detention Centers are released by the July 17 deadline, and urging the U.S. Senate to both protect unemployed workers and pass comprehensive paid family and medical leave. Scroll down to easily click through and sign each, then be sure to share with your family and friends, too.
Thank you for all you do, and here's the list ->
1. #FreeTheFamilies NOW! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Children and parents who came here seeking safety from violence and persecution were instead thrown behind bars, often in crowded conditions with inadequate hygiene and negligent medical care in the face of COVID-19.
In response to this, within the last week, U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee ruled June 26 that all children detained for more than 20 days at ICE Family Residential Centers (FRCs) be released no later than July 17, 2020. This is in accordance with the Flores Settlement Agreement, which only covers children.
While we applaud Judge Gee's decision, we are very concerned ICE may use this court order to attempt to tear children away from their parents again. We cannot let this happen.
This is why we are urging President Trump and our members of Congress to immediately call for families to be released together and demanding that ICE comply with the judge''s order and release all families-together.
**ACTION: Sign this letter to President Trump, Congress and ICE to make sure families are released together!
**ACTION: Firma la petici?n para el congreso ============>
2. Tell us about your COVID-19 back-to-school concerns! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We want to hear from YOU about your COVID-19 back-to-school concerns! States and districts around the country have started to roll out their plans for getting kids back to school and child care. These plans look different in every state (and sometimes the school districts plan is different than the states!) and we know it has created some questions and anxiety for you.
**ACTION: Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand what real families are going through during this pandemic and in return influences the policies they write. That is why we are hoping you can share your thoughts with us!
3. Demand Justice For Vanessa Guillen! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: No mother should be afraid that their child serving the country will be harassed and killed by another soldier in the U.S. Army. We are joining Vanessa's family to demand a congressional investigation. The U.S. Army failed to keep this young soldier safe and Vanessa's family deserves answers and justice.
4. SIGN NOW! The Senate needs to protect unemployed workers! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Unless the U.S. Senate takes action soon millions of unemployed workers will lose the $600 per week boost in unemployment insurance benefits on July 31st. With an unemployment rate still sitting at around 13.3% and 59% of CEOs saying they are implementing hiring freezes, now is NOT the time for Congress to short change struggling Americans and undercut our economy.
**ACTION: We need the U.S. Senate to follow the House's lead and take immediate action to extend unemployment insurance benefits for millions of workers!
5. Send a Letter to the Editor to Help Win Paid Leave for All! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: In this pandemic we need our elected leaders to prioritize paid leave for all, not paid leave for some. Our US Senators must include comprehensive paid family and medical leave and earned sick days in the next COVID-19 relief bill. We cannot safely reopen the country without access to paid leave to use to recover from illness or to care for family members who need us. The House of Representatives have passed their bill, and now the Senate must act!
**ACTION: Send a letter to your local paper calling on Congress to pass comprehensive paid family and medical leave and earned sick days in their next COVID-19 relief package!
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Nadia, Elyssa, Xochitl, Ruth, Kristin, Jordan, Karen, Anita, Nate, and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam? Team
P.S.: What does defunding the police REALLY mean? We've got you covered-we break it all down for you and let you know that we have options when it comes to how our hard-earned tax dollars are spent. Do we want to spend millions and millions, even billions of dollars to fund militarized police forces with mine-resistant armored vehicles performing "routine police duties" in our towns? Or reallocate that money to provide programs to make our kids future healthier, safer, and brighter? Defunding the police means we can then invest in our communities' everyday needs. These funding decisions have real impacts on our kids' lives. So speak out at your local city council meetings! Because local budgets set the agenda. Let's make sure they reflect our values. Please watch Elyssa''s video and share widely!
P.P.S.: On March 13th, Breonna Taylor was in her home in Louisville, Kentucky, when officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) broke through her door without even knocking, fired off more than 20 bullets, and shot Breonna eight times, killing her in her bed. Demand that the officers responsible be charged for Breonna Taylor''s death!
P.P.P.S.: This list is also on the blog!
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Dear Friend,
We're hearing from moms every single day who are struggling with unemployment and questioning how they are going to pay their bills and continue to put food on the table for their families. Moms like Beverly, who writes:
"When I was laid off from my job due to COVID-19, as a single mother I was petrified. The added $600 in unemployment benefits has been a lifeline, the difference between keeping a roof over our heads and homelessness. With no end in sight of this pandemic, we need the expansion of unemployment benefits to make sure no one gets left behind in this situation we had no control over."
Right now unemployed workers are receiving $600 per week in additional unemployment benefits, but unless the U.S. Senate takes action soon, those benefits will expire on July 31st!
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on your U.S. Senators to support unemployed workers and extend the $600 per week boost in unemployment benefits! (When you click, here you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.)
Here's what's going on: The CARES Act, passed by Congress in late March, provided an extra $600 per week in federal unemployment benefits to make struggling workers whole during this pandemic and to stimulate the economy. But that enhancement will arbitrarily end on July 31st. [1] That means millions of unemployed workers are about to take a $2,400 per month cut in pay unless Congress takes immediate action. With an unemployment rate still sitting at around 13.3% and 59% of CEOs saying they are implementing hiring freezes, now is NOT the time for Congress to short-change struggling Americans and undercut our economy. [2]
We have an emergency situation: President Trump and his GOP allies are pumping the brakes on any further action to assist those out of work, despite what economists from both sides of the aisle are predicting in terms of our floundering economy and record unemployment numbers. In fact, President Trump is opposing the extension of the $600 boost in unemployment insurance past July 31st, when it is set to expire. [3] The $600 is critical to those out of work because it allows for full wage replacement versus the usual 30-50% wage replacement people would normally see with Unemployment Insurance. [4] The $600 is also critical to rebuilding our economy, which is based on consumer-spending. This is another case of our president being out of touch with the real lives of families and completely lacking in compassion if he thinks the average American family can survive on half of their usual monthly paycheck!
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and many of his Republican colleagues aren't much better. They have said time and time again that the $600/week boost is unnecessary, which is absolutely not true in terms of what our economy and families need. [5] But do you know who recognizes the need for these benefits? Nancy Pelosi and the House of Representatives, which passed the HEROES Act weeks ago, extending the $600 per week boost, and providing numerous critically important supports for families and front line workers dealing with the pandemic. [6]
We need the U.S. Senate to follow the House's lead and take immediate action to extend unemployment insurance benefits for millions of workers!
***CLICK HERE to sign our letter to your U.S. Senators urging them to extend the $600 per week for unemployed workers -- as well as to move forward the critically important elements in the HEROES Act immediately!! (When you click here, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.)
As almost anyone based in reality can tell you, our economy continues to suffer and since our families make up the economy, so do we! As of May 16, nearly one in four workers have applied for unemployment insurance benefits, either in the regular program or through the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, since stay-at-home orders first went into effect. Black workers have been especially hit hard by the COVID-19 economy with more than one in six Black workers losing their jobs between February and April. And Black women in particular are uniquely struggling as both the majority of frontline essential workers AND seeing record unemployment rates. [7]
Here is the letter we are asking you to sign and sending to the Senate:
"Dear Senator,
Unemployment Insurance is a vital lifeline for families and stimulus for the economy that will be critical to our nation's economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. We need Congress to ensure this safety net will be available to all who need it until our economy has sufficiently recovered. In particular, we are asking you to take immediate action and continue the $600 per week boost past July 31st and tie its phase out to economic indicators. The $600 per week is one critical element of the House-passed HEROES Act- legislation that is a crucial starting point for the next emergency policy package, which our families and economy need to get through this pandemic.
Without a strong Unemployment Insurance system our families will continue to suffer and our economy will be slow to recover. We need you to act now!"
Once you click here, you will be automatically signed on to our letter to your U.S. Senators calling them to support unemployed workers and extend the $600 per week boost in benefits past the arbitrary July 31st deadline- as well as to move forward the critically important elements in the HEROES Act immediately.
We have no time to waste on speaking out against this issue! We are 30 days away from millions of unemployed families seeing a serious and detrimental cut to their household income. which will have a negative ripple effect in our economy. We need the U.S. Senate to follow the House's lead to vote to extend unemployment benefits NOW and to move forward the critically important elements within the HEROES Act! After you sign our letter, forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to sign as well. You can also post our action link to Facebook.
Thank you for continuing to take action and speak up for our families during this time of crisis!
-Elyssa, Kristin, Donna, Nate, Jordan, and the entire MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Elijah McClain -- a young Black man who loved animals, a violinist, a highly regarded massage therapist, and a person beloved by his community -- was simply walking home from the store after buying iced tea when police officers in Aurora, Colorado detained and murdered him nearly a year ago. The officers who murdered Elijah have yet to be fired or charged. There is still no justice. Not only have the officers NOT been charged yet, on Sunday the Aurora, CO police, in riot gear, used pepper spray to break up a peaceful violin vigil in a city park calling for justice for Elijah, who was killed by that very same police department last year. -> TAKE ACTION HERE!
P.P.S. Along with your signatures, we want to be able to send your stories to the Senate as well. Share with us how Unemployment Insurance is helping your family during this pandemic.
[1] "Unemployment benefits will be reduced after July 31." CNBC, May 4, 2020.
[2] "When does the extra $600 in federal unemployment end? What do know before it expires." Fortune, June 28, 2020.
[3] "Trump reportedly opposes extending the $600 boost in weekly unemployment benefits as jobless levels reach record highs." Business Insider, May 20, 2020.
[4] "How does unemployment insurance work? And how is it changing during the coronavirus pandemic." Brookings, April 7, 2020.
[5] "McConnell and Pelosi's next battle: How to help the 40 million unemployed." Politico, May 31, 2020.
[6] "House HEROES Act Reflects Urgency of Ongoing Public Health and Economic Crises Caused by Coronavirus." Center for American Progress, June 10, 2020.
[7] "Black workers face two of the most lethal preexisting conditions for coronavirus -racism and economic inequality." Economic Policy Institute, June 1, 2020.
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5Actions! This week we are continuing the urgent mobilization for Black lives.
Dear Friend,
This week we are continuing the urgent mobilization for Black lives. It has been over 100 days since Breonna Taylor was murdered by members of the Louisville Metro Police Department, and none of the officers responsible have been arrested or charged for her death. Scroll down to demand justice for Breonna, and share the action with everyone you know.
We're also speaking out about the need for counselors, not cops, in schools. The data is clear: The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn''t just improve outcomes for students, but also improves overall school safety.
Keep scrolling down for timely actions around healthcare, childcare, and expanding unemployment insurance, too.
Thank you for all you do, and keep taking good care of yourself and your loved ones.
Together we are powerful!
*Here's the list of top #5Actions ->
1. Demand Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer fire and charge the officers responsible for Breonna Taylor''s murder Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: It has been over 100 days since Breonna Taylor was shot and killed in her home by officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD). LMPD performed an illegal, no knock drug raid on her home. Not a single officer announced themselves before ramming down her door and firing 22 shots, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her. The officers were at the WRONG HOUSE, and the person they were looking for had already been arrested earlier that day. Breonna was not a suspect, she had not committed a crime, and her death was senseless and tragic. Only one of the three police officers responsible for Breonna's death has been fired by the Louisville Police Department and none of the officers have been arrested or charged with her death.
**ACTION: Join us to demand the police officers who killed George Floyd are charged with murder and for the vicious and inflammatory attacks on protesters, including the inflammatory attacks by President Trump, to stop immediately.
2. Tell Governors and Mayors to invest in student supports NOT police in schools. Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We ALL want schools to be safe but we also must be clear that there is no evidence that increasing the number of police in schools actually improves school safety. Instead what we find is that in the vast majority of cases police officers do exactly what they are trained to do, which is detain, handcuff, and arrest. Our schools need more counselors, nurses, social workers, and educators who have the training they need to effectively support students NOT more cops. School counselors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists are trained to support children, and in schools where these professionals are able to provide services we see improved attendance rates, better academic achievement, and higher graduation rates. These same schools also see lower rates of suspension, expulsion, and other disciplinary incidents. The data on this is clear. The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn''t just improve outcomes for students, but also improves overall school safety. The time is NOW to stand for students and end the regular presence of law enforcement in schools.
**ACTION: Join us to demand an END to the Regular Presence of Law Enforcement in Schools!
3. Protect Unemployment Insurance Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We are hurting and we need our elected leaders to double down on the efforts they have already made to expand Unemployment Insurance to those normally left out of the program (women, gig workers, self-employed etc.) and to make sure that the $600 boost to federal benefits is extended beyond the arbitrary July 31st cut off so workers can be made whole during this difficult time. Much more needs to be done so our families can support themselves and our economy can start to recover.
We know that unemployment insurance works and is an important lifeline for millions of people. We just need to make sure it is there for all of us for as long as we need it!
**ADD YOUR NAME to our letter calling on Congress to strengthen and expand unemployment insurance to help struggling workers during the COVID-19 pandemic!
4. Tell us your family''s health care story! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Does your family have a health care story? Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand how health care policies impact families. Have you or a family member:
Had COVID-19 (coronavirus) and had to receive treatment?
Had a 'pre-existing condition' like asthma, diabetes, or high blood pressure (or even a c-section)?
Gotten health insurance coverage through your state's Marketplace, Medicaid, or CHIP program?
Had an illness or disability that requires expensive prescription drugs or frequent medical visits, treatments, or surgeries?
Experienced discriminatory behavior from a medical professional?
Received a surprise medical bill after receiving medical treatment?
***ACTION: Tell us about it and we''ll share your experience directly with leaders!
5. Urge members of Congress to co-sponsor Child Care Is Essential Act Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Families across the country were already struggling to find and access childcare before the pandemic, but things are about to get harder if we don't act soon. The size and scope of the impact of this public health crisis on the childcare sector is profound and growing, with families with young children, including infants and toddlers, struggling the most. Without significant investments, we are on track to lose as much as half of our childcare programs. Recent data shows that the childcare industry has lost 326,000 workers since this last February - that's 31% of all jobs across the sector NATIONWIDE! The Child Care Is Essential Act will keep childcare providers open (both family childcare and center-based care) by granting them access to a $50 billion Child Care Stabilization Fund to cover expenses like payroll and rent, regardless of whether they are open or closed and the number of children enrolled. Grants also provide much needed tuition and copayment relief to families.
**ACTION: Your voice is needed! Can you sign on to send a quick message to your lawmakers right now and urge them to co-sponsor the Child Care is Essential Act?
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Karen, Kristin, Beatriz, Elyssa, Felicia, Nina, Jordan and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam? Team
P.S. This list is also on the blog!
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Urge members of Congress to co-sponsor Child Care Is Essential Act
Dear Friend,
"My childcare center closed its doors and I'm heartbroken. Our childcare provider has been part of our life for 7 years. We don't know what we are going to do. Finding a new childcare provider is no easy feat. The price has to work, the location, the hours...there are too many unknowns now, and I think, unfortunately, that the best thing to do for our family is to scale work back until we can figure out if it is safe to send our children to childcare during the pandemic."
We are hearing from moms like Diana daily about the struggle with childcare right now. Whether it's juggling work and caregiving, closing childcare programs, or risking family members (like grandparents) in the middle of a pandemic to get much needed childcare relief...
It's why we need Congress to act NOW to save childcare!
*CLICK HERE to sign on to urge members of Congress to Child Care Is Essential Act - a bill that invests in childcare to save programs and support a healthy economic recovery for families.
Families across the country were already struggling to find and access childcare before the pandemic, but things are about to get harder if we don't act soon. The size and scope of the impact of this public health crisis on the childcare sector is profound and growing, with families with young children, including infants and toddlers, struggling the most. Without significant investments, we are on track to lose as much as half of our childcare programs. [1] Many providers are already permanently closing their programs, unable to sustain operations with lowered enrollment. And recent data shows that the childcare industry has lost 326,000 workers since this last February - that's 31% of all jobs across the sector NATIONWIDE! [2]
That's the bad news.
The good news is that there is help on the table right now - our members of Congress just need to act!
The Child Care Is Essential Act will keep childcare providers open (both family childcare and center-based care) by granting them access to a $50 billion Child Care Stabilization Fund to cover expenses like payroll and rent, regardless of whether they are open or closed and the number of children enrolled. Grants also provide much needed tuition and copayment relief to families. [3]
More than ever I''m grateful for the loving care my child normally receives while we work. Parenting and supporting our family already felt like a juggling act, but now it just feels like balls are raining down from the sky and we can't keep up.
We have to do something. And as many childcare programs are forced to close, availability for families across the country will become even more limited, forcing parents to make impossible choices.
Your voice is needed! Can you sign on to send a quick message to your lawmakers right now and urge them to co-sponsor the Child Care is Essential Act?
It's more important than ever that we speak up. Too often, people think of childcare as a "personal issue" - as in our own problem to solve. It's not. This crisis has shown more clearly than ever what we already knew, that we cannot continue to expect families and providers to bear the responsibility of childcare on their shoulders alone.
****We hope you'll keep speaking up by also joining us for a rally this Friday to #SaveChildCare! from 4:00 PM-5:00PM EDT! RSVP here. The National Women's Law Center and MomsRising are hosting a rally at home that will bring together families, childcare providers, and other folks from across the country to share their stories, show support and appreciation for caregiving, and call for greater investment in this sector that means so much to our communities.
It's time for Congress to take action on childcare and, together, we can raise our voices to make sure they do!
-- Nina, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
[1] "Without Immediate Relief, More than Half of Licensed Child Care will Close in the Next Week," National Association for the Education of Young Children [2] "The coronavirus crisis has cut the child care sector," The Hill [3] The Child Care is Essential Act, S. 3874/H.R. 7027
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Dear Friend,
It's a back to school season like none we have ever experienced before. Instead of reviewing school supply lists, we're dealing with a lot of uncertainty and scrambling to figure out what to do if (!?!?) or when (!?!?) our schools and child care centers reopen.
This year the supplies that we need the most are things like paid family/medical leave, paid sick days, and massive investments in child care - and they are in *very* short supply.
Congress has a role in fixing this problem and they need to ACT NOW.
? Tell your U.S. Senators that they must act quickly to support child care and also to extend and expand access to pandemic paid leave before school starts. Otherwise, there is no way schools, or anything else, will be able to safely reopen.
One thing is certain: We can't open school without paid leave for everyone. And we can't open child care without massive investments in our child care infrastructure, including ensuring all early educators have access to paid sick days when they need them. But the limited pandemic paid leave provisions Congress passed in the spring are set to expire at the end of December, and so far no relief package has had nearly enough support for child care! It's time to speak out!
This week the U.S. Senate will start working on what is likely to be the *last* COVID-19 relief legislation they will deal with for the rest of the year, and that package must include massive investments in child care, and expanded access to paid leave.
The need is frighteningly urgent. The limited paid leave program Congress passed in April leaves out over 106 million working people. Put another way: Right now approximately 83% of U.S. workers are left out of pandemic paid leave and if they don't close the loopholes, then these families will continue to be left out as COVID-19 spikes in new places across the country. [1] It's not sustainable for families, and it's not acceptable. We've got to expand these policies quickly.
Families like Te'Jal's, a MomsRising member, are suffering. Te'Jal's family was left out of the Families First emergency paid leave benefits because her employer has more than 500 employees. Her two-year-old son's child care center has closed due to the pandemic, and she is struggling to work full-time from home and care for him at the same time. She used her limited sick time when she and her son both had the flu earlier this year, so she worries how her family will manage if she or her son becomes seriously ill.
? Now is the time to really amp up the pressure on the U.S. Senate to act.
The plain truth is that without paid sick days and family and medical leave, we can't safely reopen -- especially as pandemic death rates continue to rise. [2] In fact, right now the majority of workers still don't have access to paid leave to stay home to protect themselves and others if they get sick. [3] And we KNOW that access to paid sick days and paid leave helps reduce the spread of viral infections. For example, states and cities that have passed paid sick time legislation have seen their flu rates decrease by up to 40%! [4]
We need to build in protections in the next coronavirus relief package! Unfortunately, the first paid leave law that Congress passed doesn't go nearly far enough -- leaving out over 100 million working people -- that's almost a third of the entire nation's population, including children. Even worse, these meager paid leave laws expire at the end of 2020, right when we may be facing a new spike in COVID-19. [5]
And no package passed by Congress yet has come close to providing the support we need for child care. The pandemic has made it harder than ever for families to access affordable, high-quality child care. While some child care providers remained open during the pandemic to care for the children of essential workers, many more have stayed closed and will likely close permanently. According to a study released just last week by the National Association of Young Children, two out of every five child care programs are expected to close their programs forever if elected leaders don't act now to stabilize the industry. [6] And for those child care providers who are currently open or are looking at re-opening amidst concerns about health and safety and lower enrollment, which will decrease revenue at the same time costs for cleaning and health and safety supplies are going up. [7]
Without child care or school, parents are struggling to work, attend college, participate in job training, and take care of other household responsibilities. This is getting worse as more workplaces reopen.
? Tell your U.S. Senators they must act quickly to extend and expand access to pandemic paid leave before school starts and they need to invest in child care. Otherwise, there is no way schools, or anything else, will be able to safely reopen.
Our senators have seen a lot of research, but your personal experiences are what stick in their minds the most when considering what to do. So taking just a few moments to add your name to our letter and add your own note sharing your experience goes a long way towards influencing lawmakers and pressuring them to do the right thing.
There's no time to waste. Massive investments in early learning and access to comprehensive and permanent paid sick days and paid family and medical leave will be crucial for reopening states safely: This virus hasn't gone away, and won't anytime soon, and people will need time to recover without worrying about losing their jobs.
Together we're a powerful force for women and families, in good times and in bad.
- Ruth, Nina, Christina, Tina, Kristin, and the rest of the MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Breonna Taylor was a dreamer, a go-getter, she was an award-winning EMT, an essential worker at two hospitals during the pandemic. She was beloved by her friends and family. On March 13th, she was killed in her home, in her bed. It''s been over 100 days and no charges have been filed against the officers responsible for her death. We are heartbroken, outraged and horrified. This miscarriage of justice has gone on too long. Breonna is dead, and the perpetrators are facing no charges. Take Action here!
P.P.S.Know Your Rights! Click here to find out if you are covered by the limited paid sick days and paid family leave.
P.P.P.S. MomsRising joined early learning experts in the field to develop a short book that centers the lives and challenges of working families and child care providers amidst today''s unprecedented public health and economic crisis. You can read here: Child Care In Crisis: Stories From the Field
[1] Center for American Progress: Coronavirus Paid Leave Exemptions exclude millions of workers [2] Washington Post: U.S. Sets another single-day total [3] KQED: Even With New Federal Coronavirus Bill, Most Workers Get No Additional Sick Leave [4] VOX CEPER: The pros and cons of sick days [5] Center for American Progress: Coronavirus Paid Leave Exemptions exclude millions of workers [6] National Association for the Education of Young Children: Holding on until help comes: A survey reveals child care's fight to survive [7] Zero to Three: How COVID-19 is impacting child care providers
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A special message on coronavirus
In this time of necessary social distancing, in this time of fearing for the health of our loved ones and our own, and in this time when our political leadership at the very top has been repeatedly failing to tell the truth and get us medical necessities like coronavirus testing kits that we desperately need, we want you to know that we are with you.
We are here for you, and for each other.
You are not alone.
*So we invite you to take a moment to let other moms out there know that they too are not alone by virtually "raising your hand" by putting your dot on our map to show you are a beacon of hope.
? When you click through, if you feel so moved, please take a quick moment to share a tip for getting through this hard time. Your tip could be about how to juggle having kids out of school, what's giving you hope near you, the best ways to get groceries, fun games with kids, great shows to binge watch, how to get folks registered to vote, how to have fun while social distancing, or other.
We at MomsRising are a movement of caring people that's a million strong. We are in every state, and we are a community of people who believe in one another and in our power together to make the necessary changes we all need. Together, against all odds, we've saved the Affordable Care Act. Together, we've moved forward paid family/medical leave and maternal justice even when many thought it was impossible. Together we've advanced childcare, food security, and so much more.
And together, we will get through this.
Our nation is going to need each of us, just as we need each other. And united we give incredible strength to one another.
So when times are extra tough in your life, we invite you to come back to that map, take a look, read the tips, and know that even though we are socially distant from one another right now, you are most definitely not alone.
Together we care. Together we count. Together we add up. Together we persist. And together we rise. Always.
Thank you for being a beacon of hope for your family, for your community, for us, and for our nation. Thank you also for taking a moment to raise your hand to show other moms that they are not alone too -- and for maybe even also sharing a tip by clicking through this link.
*Please take a second now to forward this email to the moms in your life who need a lift so they know they are not alone too & please do share this link on Facebook and Twitter so we can all stand as beacons of hope for one another.
Let's join together to stand strong and let no mom feel alone.
With deep gratitude,
- Kristin and the entire MomsRising / MamasConPoder Team of Amber, Anita, Aryan, Beth, Casey, Christina, Diarra, Donna, Dream, Elyssa, Felicia, Gloria, Jessica, Joy, Julia, Karen, Joy, Keisha, Kelle, Linda, Monifa, Nadia, Nancy, Nate, Nina, Roc?o, Rosie, Ruby, Ruth, Sara, Shanette, Sheila, Sili, Sue Anne, Tasmiha, Taylor, Tina, Tola, Xochitl
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Congress must save the US Postal Service
Dear Friend,
The images are unforgettable. Voters in Wisconsin had to risk their lives this year to go out to cast a ballot in-person, which was not okay! [1] ?The COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 elections make it clear that now more than ever we need to be able to mail in our ballots.
The US Postal Service (USPS), also struggling to weather the impacts of the pandemic, is now in danger of going under right when we need it most. This would be a giant blow to our democracy, businesses, economy, and communities.?There's no time to waste! Your voice, power, help, and hope is needed.?
*Add your quick signature now by filling out the form on this page to call on Congress to save the US Postal Service, and with it, our democracy and our health!?
Together, we will defend our democracy and rebuild our communities to be stronger and better. But it's going to take all of us. So please take a moment to add your signature now - and then also to ask friends and family to add their signatures too. You can share the action link on social media like Facebook and Twitter to help build a groundswell for change.?
? Help make sure the US Postal Service is funded!?
Yet, unbelievably, the USPS is under attack just as we need them the most. The USPS delivers medicines to people in need and critical supplies to those on the front lines. The motto of the USPS has never been more important: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." [2] ?But despite all of this the USPS is still under attack. It's flat out ridiculous.??
We can turn this around because no matter what is happening, together we can be present and powerful right now to defend and fight for our critical institutions and for each other, as we also work to build a better tomorrow.
? Don't forget to take a moment to help get the US Postal Service funding and demand that we can mail in our ballots!
Sending virtual hugs to you all, wishes for good health to you and your families - and enormous gratitude for all you are doing to help protect our communities and country!
-- Kristin, Gloria, Joy and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
[1] "In Wisconsin, Putting Lives at Risk to Vote," The New York Times, April 7, 2020
[2] PDF:?Postal Service Mission and "Motto"
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Release detained families together now!
Dear Friend,
As the world responds to an unprecedented crisis unfolding from the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are staying home with their children, caring for them with the hopes that they will stay healthy and safe. Yet right now, the Trump administration is forcing immigrant families in detention centers to face the perils of both separation AND exposure to this deadly disease. [1]
All children need to be healthy and secure with the people who love them. Click here to tell President Trump, Congress and ICE to stop tearing children and families apart and release detained families together!
So what is going on?!
Last week U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee ruled that all children detained for more than 20 days at ICE Family Residential Centers (FRCs) must be released no later than July 17, 2020. This is in accordance with the Flores Settlement Agreement, which only covers children - not their parents or caregivers. The order to release the children by July 17 came after plaintiffs in a long-running case reported that some children in detention have tested positive for the virus. [2]
While we applaud Judge Gee's decision, we are very concerned ICE may use this court order to attempt to tear children away from their parents again. In fact, just this past May, ICE attempted to coerce detained families into a cruel choice: sign away their rights to their children so they could be let out of jail and be placed with a sponsor, or remain detained indefinitely in jail. [3]
No mother or father should ever be forced to make this choice!
Children and parents come to our country seeking safety from violence and persecution, instead, they are thrown behind bars often in crowded conditions with inadequate hygiene and negligent medical care in the face of COVID-19. More than 2,500 adult immigrants have tested positive for the coronavirus while in ICE custody, according to the agency''s latest tally. There is absolutely no reason for children and families to be facing this risk as relatives and community sponsors are ready to receive them.
Tell President Trump, ICE, and Congress: Free the families together! Click the link below to take action now:
Now more than ever, children should be safe and secure with the people who love them.
Let's ensure that every family is able to protect their children and keep them healthy. Join us in demanding all families be released together immediately, and that these family jails be permanently shut down. Free families now!
Thank you,
- Nadia, Donna, Xochitl, Linda, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1], [2] "U.S. Must Release Children From Family Detention Centers, Judge Rules," Miriam Jordan, New York Times, June 26, 2020.
[3] "Family separation is back for migrants at the U.S./Mexican border, say advocates," Julia Ainsley, NBC News, May 15, 2020.
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Dear Friend,
At MomsRising we are hearing from families every day wondering how they are going to put food on the table:
"I am a mother of two and I am expecting my third. My oldest child is nine and she receives free breakfast and lunch at school. Our family lives from paycheck to paycheck and therefore forcing us to spend more money on food impacts our ability to pay additional bills. My infant child also receives free meals and formula at his daycare and while his daycare has not officially closed as of yet, a closure is impending. I am a social worker and I attend to clients'' needs directly in their home. This impacts both their health and my family''s health. I fear that our meager savings will be wasted on quarantine related expenses." -Katherine, NY
"I am not able to care for children in my daycare job so my income has been affected. I have food stamps but can''t order to get food delivered and I don''t drive so must take the bus to Publix against my desire because I don't think it's safe. We all need tests and it is not possible."-Cynthia, FL
Katherine and Cynthia are not alone. Nearly one-fifth of mothers with young children have reported that their children are not getting enough to eat during this pandemic-a terrifying statistic! [1]
Congress is starting to work on a new COVID-19 relief package and we need to make sure they prioritize the health and well-being of our families by boosting SNAP (food stamps) nutrition assistance to help moms like Katherine and Cynthia.
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on STATE's Senators to include boosts to SNAP (food stamps) in the next COVID-19 relief package!
The Families First Act passed in March was a step in the right direction in addressing the stark nutrition needs of families during this pandemic, but much more is needed. On Friday, the House of Representatives passed a bill that makes necessary changes to SNAP to help families struggling during the coronavirus pandemic. [2] Now we need the U.S. Senate to do the same!
We need our Senators to prioritize the nutrition needs of our families. They must guarantee that anyone who needs nutrition assistance is able to access it and increase benefits to better serve struggling families. They can do this in the following ways:?
A 15% boost to the maximum SNAP benefit nationwide. This should be tied to an economic indicator, not the duration of the pandemic.
Raise the minimum benefit from $16/month to $30/month.
Suspend all Trump administrative rules that limit access to SNAP and child nutrition programs in order to remove barriers to access for those in need.
Guaranteeing that struggling families are able to access SNAP quickly and have the extra money they need to make sure they can purchase food during this difficult time also boosts the economy. It's a win-win! SNAP benefits are one of the fastest, most effective forms of economic stimulus because they get money into the economy very quickly. Some 80 percent of SNAP benefits are redeemed within two weeks of receipt; 97 percent are spent within a month. [3] And this is a positive change for families that can be implemented quickly and efficiently because we already have the infrastructure up and running in all states. This is especially important now as the Unemployment Insurance and direct payment checks are taking a long time to filter down to families.
Boosting SNAP boosts families AND our struggling economy! Congress can't possibly move their next COVID-19 relief package forward without including crucial improvements to nutrition assistance.
*** Sign our letter now and tell your elected leaders to support hungry families!
In the face of COVID-19, unemployment numbers are skyrocketing to levels we haven't seen since the Great Depression, and women, especially women of color, are being hit particularly hard by these lay-offs. [4] Despite a major overhaul of our unemployment insurance system, a lot of workers still haven't seen their benefit checks and the one time $1,200 direct payment the government provided to some families in April is not enough to stretch well into May. Families are struggling to pay all their bills and still put food on the table. Prior to COVID-19, American families were struggling with food insecurity with 1 in 9 Americans, including 11 million children, struggling with hunger-the pandemic has only made this situation worse! [5]
A new survey has shown just how bad things are getting for families: Nearly 23% of households said the food they bought "just didn't last" and they didn't have the money to buy more, according to a national survey from late April. That compares to about 12% of households in 2018 and 16% during the worst point of the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009. [6]
This is why MUCH MORE needs to be done to help struggling and hungry families during this pandemic. We need the Senate to step up to the plate so we can put food on the plate.
***SIGN OUR LETTER calling on the Senate to do as the House just did and boost nutrition assistance and SNAP in their next COVID-19 relief package!
These negotiations in Congress are starting to get tough. Not everyone is on the same page about the need for a boost to SNAP, let alone another COVID-19 relief package-Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and his allies have come straight out and said multiple times that they don't want to boost SNAP in any way. [7] We need YOU to help change their minds and let them know this is crucial to our families. After you sign our letter, forward this email to your friends and family and post the action link to Facebook so others can take action as well.
Thank you so much for your continued action in speaking out for our families during this truly difficult time!
-Elyssa, Donna, Kristin and the entire MomsRising/ Mam?sConPoder
P.S. Do you have concerns about whether you'll have enough food to feed you and your family during this pandemic? If so, MomsRising would like to hear from you. Share your concerns and story with us here:
P.P.S. Wondering how you can apply for SNAP (food stamps), as well as, other nutrition assistance programs, Unemployment Insurance, and if you qualify for the new paid sick days and paid family leave programs passed by Congress? We've got your covered! Check out the video of our webinar and resource page.
[1] "As Hunger Swells, Food Stamps Become a Partisan Flash Point." New York Times, May 6, 2020.
[2] "House Democrats Pass $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill despite Trump''s veto threat." Washington Post, May 15, 2020.
[3] "Temporary SNAP Benefit Bump a No-Brainer for More Economic Stimulus." CBPP, April 8, 2020.
[4] "This is how economic pain is distributed in America." Washington Post, May 9, 2020.
[5] "What is food insecurity?" Feeding America.
[6] "COVID-19 Surveys Show Rapidly Rising Food Needs." CBPP, May 11, 2020.
[7] "GOP Leaders tell Trump food stamp aid won't be included in latest coronavirus relief bill: report." Salon, April 21, 2020.
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Just four months away from the November election. JUST. FOUR. FAST. MONTHS.
Dear Friend,
July 4th weekend is here, the official start of a summer unlike any other for many, and just four months away from the November election. JUST. FOUR. FAST. MONTHS. The clock is ticking and your voice, your action, your attention is needed more than ever.
So for the #5Actions this week, we urge you to put your mark on a map to be a Beacon of Hope for others and show that you're planning to help get out the vote for the November elections (Don't worry! We'll share lots of ways you can help get out the vote in the coming weeks). We also have additional critically important actions this week for you to take, including: Demand Justice for Elijah McClain; Support Testing, Masks, and Health Care; and Moving Forward Unemployment Insurance. Lastly, what are your COVID-19 back-to-school concerns? We want to hear so we can help advocate for policy solutions!
Thank you for the tremendous work you're doing in this transformational moment in history!
1. Put Your Mark on the Map and Be a Beacon of Hope! Your Action Status: NOT ADDED YET -> Make Your Mark
The Election is just FOUR short months away!
**ACTION: Put your mark on the map to be a Beacon of Hope for others by showing that you're planning to help get out the vote for the November elections!
2. Sign Now: Testing, Masks, and Health Care! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: In the middle of a pandemic-when millions are losing their health insurance and hundreds of thousands are experiencing a terrible health care crisis-President Trump has: cut funding for COVID-19 testing; refused to encourage people to wear masks to stop the spread of coronavirus despite scientific research showing mask wearing is essential to slowing the pandemic; and filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court to strip health care coverage away from tens of millions of Americans, which will make the pandemic far worse.
**ACTION: Tell President Trump and Vice President Pence: This mismanagement of our COVID-19 crisis must stop. Take immediate action to protect our health!
3. SIGN NOW! The Senate needs to protect unemployed workers! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Unless the U.S. Senate takes action soon millions of unemployed workers will lose the $600 per week boost in unemployment insurance benefits on July 31st. With an unemployment rate still sitting at around 13.3% and 59% of CEOs saying they are implementing hiring freezes, now is NOT the time for Congress to short change struggling Americans and undercut our economy. < br/="">We need the U.S. Senate to follow the House's lead and take immediate action to extend unemployment insurance benefits for millions of workers!
**SIGN OUR LETTER NOW to your U.S. Senators urging them to extend the $600 per week for unemployed workers and stand up for our families and our economy!
4. Demand Justice for Elijah McClain Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Elijah McClain -- a young Black man who loved animals, a violinist, a highly regarded massage therapist, and a person beloved by his community -- was simply walking home from the store after buying iced tea when police officers in Aurora, Colorado detained and murdered him nearly a year ago. The officers who murdered Elijah have yet to be fired or charged. No mother should have to go through what Elijah's mom is going through. No one should lose their life to the police.
**ACTION: Demand that Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser hold the officers who murdered Elijah accountable, starting with their immediate arrest and criminal charges filed against them.
5. Tell us about your COVID-19 back-to-school concerns Your Action Status: NOT YET SUBMITTED -> Add Your Story
BACKGROUND: States around the country have started to roll out their plans for getting kids back to school and child care. These plans look different in every state and we know it has created some questions and anxiety for you. Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand what real families are going through during this pandemic. That is why we are hoping you can share your thoughts with us!
**ACTION: Tell us about your concerns and thoughts around COVID-19 back-to-school plans.
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Gloria, Felicia, Elyssa, Kristin, Jordan, Monifa, Nadia, Karen, Donna, and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam? Team
P.S. -?We cannot tear immigrant children from their families during COVID 19! #FreeTheFamilies: Take action and sign this letter to President Trump, Congress and ICE to make sure families are released together.
P.P.S. This list is also on the blog!
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Should I pay for rent or food? If I had an unwanted pregnancy right now, what could I do? Can I afford to take a sick day from work? Should I risk getting sick to go out and vote?
This is where we're at in the COVID-19 crisis, Friend. The richest country on the planet is forcing its families to make impossible, even deadly, decisions. Women are shouldering the brunt of it-especially women of color. We're the majority of those working on the front lines to keep people alive and fed. We're caring for our kids. We're most likely to lose our jobs because of this crisis.
Sign on NOW to our list of demands for women.Congress has provided only a small fraction of the relief urgently needed for the courageous women workers and caretakers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. Shocking new data has emerged that show Black and Latinx people are dying at rates markedly higher than white Americans.[1]
Our elected leaders must develop and implement health equity interventions across all components of coronavirus response legislation, collect national health outcomes data by race, and ensure that all new policies urgently address these racial and ethnic disparities.?We need Congress to:
Prioritize our health and safety ahead of corporations.
Get life-sustaining relief to us NOW.
Make state governments strong; they are our lifeline.
Stop the attacks on our reproductive care, including abortion access.
Protect our safety and our right to vote in 2020.
Congress cannot continue to let women and families struggle while giving bailouts to corporations. They're letting anti-abortion politicians exploit this crisis to attack our rights. They're standing by as voters risk their lives to cast their ballots. The next COVID-19 relief package MUST right these wrongs.?
? This is a moment when we must be speaking in unison in our loudest voice - and we need you, your friends, and your family to join us. We won't stop fighting until our voices are heard.?
Make no mistake, it's women who bear the burden of this crisis. It's the bus driver working a 15-hour shift for the riders who rely on her; the young mother wondering how she'll feed her daughter after being laid off; the nurse who shows up every day to save lives while risking her own.?
While lawmakers are busy relieving corporations and big banks, who will take care of those that take care of us? We will.??
When more people like you take action, the louder our voices become.??
Thank you,
Diarra, Elyssa, Ruth, Monifa, Kristin and the entire team?
P.S. MomsRising and dozens of our We Demand More Coalition partners are working together to fight for women and families. Has your family and community been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Tell us your COVID-19 story.Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand why taking critical steps-like passing paid sick days and ensuring COVID-19 testing is widely available-are essential to the health and well-being of our communities.
P.P.S. Are you looking for more information on how to access the COVID-19 support programs Congress has already passed (like unemployment insurance, paid family leave and paid sick days, and nutrition assistance)? We've got you covered! Check out this video and resources from a webinar we held last week.
[1] 'A Terrible Price': The Deadly Racial Disparities of COVID 19 in America?
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Dear Friend,
We know it's been a busy week with many families balancing back to school -- in all of it's different variations -- with work and daily activities. Even though you're busy, we didn't want you to miss these actions, especially ways that you can help get out the vote over the next 70+ days.
Please take a look at the actions below, and, as always, thanks for all you do to protect our democracy every day.
1. Sign Up to Get Out the #MomsVote With Texts and/or Calls! Your Action Status: NOT YET CALLED -> Call Now
BACKGROUND: We have just a few months before Voting Day on November 3. Research shows that personalized messages delivered in a conversational manner are one of the most effective ways to mobilize voters - and that's exactly what this program does. Plus, we have A LOT of work to do: Only about 58% of eligible voters turned out to vote in the last presidential election, which leaves a lot of room for improvement! So our personal voices are (quite literally) neede. Join us in making the call (literally, and text too!) to get out the vote!
**ACTION: 2020 #MomsVote GOTV Power Surge: Sign up for just 20 Minutes of Texts and/or Calls!
2. Demand that Senate Republicans save the USPS! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The United States Postal Service (USPS) is under attack-and with it, our democracy and our access to prescription medicine and other essential mail during a pandemic no less. In fact, the failure of U.S. Senate Republicans to fund the USPS is threatening vote-by-mail programs and also is threatening the delivery of live-saving drugs, supplies, packages, bills, and more.
Furthermore, President Trump's hand-picked Postmaster General, Republican mega donor Louis DeJoy, has inflicted much harm on the USPS by instituting wide-scale disruptive changes that discernibly slowed down mail delivery and damaged trust in the postal system. Those changes have been suspended for the moment, but Congress must also take steps to repair that damage, including demanding a clear plan for how the USPS will replace discarded equipment, reverse the damage done, and restore the public's confidence.
**ACTION: Tell the U.S. Senate to return to Washington, D.C., NOW to vote YES on $25 billion emergency funding for the postal service, pass a robust, comprehensive COVID-relief package, and save the USPS.
3. Say NO to pandemic profiteering by big pharma! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: We are asking members of Congress to support legislation that will protect against pandemic profiteering and guarantee every person in the U.S. affordable access to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. No prescription drug corporation should be given monopoly control over prices-especially when they're using our tax dollars to develop the treatments and vaccines!
In order to fight this pandemic, we need sufficient quantities and affordability to ensure universal access to safe treatments and vaccines. We deserve transparency, including how much taxpayers have contributed and corporations' costs of production.
**ACTION: Sign now: Stop big pharma from profiteering off of COVID-19 treatments and vaccine.
4. What Are You Voting For?
BACKGROUND: The 2020 Election is going to be one of the most important in our lifetime and every vote matters. MomsRising is setting the pace and garnering enthusiasm to get out and vote. It is up to us to make sure our voices are being heard.
**ACTION: Add your photo and share what is bringing you to the polls in November.
5. Support MomsRising's GOTV Work! Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> Donate Now
BACKGROUND: WOW! MomsRising supporters have stepped up to write postcards to remind low frequency women and mom voters to vote this year in numbers exceeding anything we've ever seen before. We blew through our first (big!) goal of ONE MILLION postcards and we've reached our NEXT big goal-- which means TWO MILLION handwritten voting reminder postcards will be sent!
If you've already donated to support the postcard campaign, THANK YOU! We are grateful. And if you can help us keep up the MOMentum for this next round of postcards, we need you now more than ever!) If you haven't donated yet and you would like to support this groundbreaking work to reach women and mom voters, now is the time!
**ACTION: Please chip in to support MomsRising's Mom-to-Mom Voter Postcards.
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Gloria, Anita, Tasmiha, Sili, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
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Urge members of Congress to co-sponsor Child Care Is Essential Act
Dear Friend,
"My childcare center closed its doors and I'm heartbroken. Our childcare provider has been part of our life for 7 years. We don't know what we are going to do. Finding a new childcare provider is no easy feat. The price has to work, the location, the hours...there are too many unknowns now, and I think, unfortunately, that the best thing to do for our family is to scale work back until we can figure out if it is safe to send our children to childcare during the pandemic."
We are hearing from moms like Diana daily about the struggle with childcare right now. Whether it's juggling work and caregiving, closing childcare programs, or risking family members (like grandparents) in the middle of a pandemic to get much needed childcare relief...
It's why we need Congress to act NOW to save childcare!
*CLICK HERE to sign on to urge members of Congress to Child Care Is Essential Act - a bill that invests in childcare to save programs and support a healthy economic recovery for families.
Families across the country were already struggling to find and access childcare before the pandemic, but things are about to get harder if we don't act soon. The size and scope of the impact of this public health crisis on the childcare sector is profound and growing, with families with young children, including infants and toddlers, struggling the most. Without significant investments, we are on track to lose as much as half of our childcare programs. [1] Many providers are already permanently closing their programs, unable to sustain operations with lowered enrollment. And recent data shows that the childcare industry has lost 326,000 workers since this last February - that's 31% of all jobs across the sector NATIONWIDE! [2]
That's the bad news.
The good news is that there is help on the table right now - our members of Congress just need to act!
The Child Care Is Essential Act will keep childcare providers open (both family childcare and center-based care) by granting them access to a $50 billion Child Care Stabilization Fund to cover expenses like payroll and rent, regardless of whether they are open or closed and the number of children enrolled. Grants also provide much needed tuition and copayment relief to families. [3]
More than ever I''m grateful for the loving care my child normally receives while we work. Parenting and supporting our family already felt like a juggling act, but now it just feels like balls are raining down from the sky and we can't keep up.
We have to do something. And as many childcare programs are forced to close, availability for families across the country will become even more limited, forcing parents to make impossible choices.
Your voice is needed! Can you sign on to send a quick message to your lawmakers right now and urge them to co-sponsor the Child Care is Essential Act?
It's more important than ever that we speak up. Too often, people think of childcare as a "personal issue" - as in our own problem to solve. It's not. This crisis has shown more clearly than ever what we already knew, that we cannot continue to expect families and providers to bear the responsibility of childcare on their shoulders alone.
****We hope you'll keep speaking up by also joining us for a rally this Friday to #SaveChildCare! from 4:00 PM-5:00PM EDT! RSVP here. The National Women's Law Center and MomsRising are hosting a rally at home that will bring together families, childcare providers, and other folks from across the country to share their stories, show support and appreciation for caregiving, and call for greater investment in this sector that means so much to our communities.
It's time for Congress to take action on childcare and, together, we can raise our voices to make sure they do!
-- Nina, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
[1] "Without Immediate Relief, More than Half of Licensed Child Care will Close in the Next Week," National Association for the Education of Young Children [2] "The coronavirus crisis has cut the child care sector," The Hill [3] The Child Care is Essential Act, S. 3874/H.R. 7027
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Our postcard program is soaring! Your help is needed to keep up the MOMentum!
Dear Friend,
WOW! MomsRising supporters are stepping up to request postcards to help remind low frequency mom voters to vote this year in numbers exceeding anything we've ever seen before. We blew through our first (big!) goal of ONE MILLION postcards already!
And that means we're setting a new, bigger goal. We're ready to take our democracy to the next level and engage every possible voter! To reach the next million postcards, we need everyone to chip in what they can to support the work. (If you've already donated to the postcard campaign, THANK YOU! We are grateful. And if you can help us keep up the MOMentum for this next round of postcards, we need you now more than ever!)
Please chip in to support MomsRising's Mom-to-Mom Voter Postcards right now.
As you read this, our team is working diligently to search for and identify low-propensity mom voters-- moms who have voted at some point in their lives, but who will likely need some extra mom-to-mom encouragement now to get their ballots in for the upcoming November election. These are the exact moms who will receive handwritten postcards from MomsRising supporters. This is the work that's powered by your donations. This is the work we need your support for right now!
Please chip in whatever you can today to help get out the vote in November.
In this time of great change and upheaval in our nation, we have the opportunity to connect with each other, to encourage each other, and to make change. Let's do this!
Thanks for all you do,
- Anita, Kristin, Donna, Nate, Sara, Gloria, Sili, and the entire MomsRising team
P.S. Ready to write MORE postcards? We've got you covered! Sign up here to be part of the third wave of postcards coming in September that will be sent directly to voters:
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On Monday, moms across America were appalled, disheartened, aghast, stunned, unnerved, outraged, dumbfounded.
Friend - The millions of marchers, demonstrators, protestors, and people out on the streets yesterday, today, and the last few weeks in big cities and small towns across our country show the very best of who we can be. People are rising up for long needed, urgent change to stop police brutality, end structural and all racism, and defund the police* in order to defend Black lives and build a nation that is better, safer, and healthier.
In this powerful and critical moment where people are coming together to demand racial justice under the leadership of organizations like the Movement for Black Lives, President Trump unlawfully ordered troops to use force to disperse protestors. He also threatened to unlawfully call in active duty troops to intimidate and attack protesters exercising our First Amendment rights under the constitution. [1]
TAKE ACTION: Tell President Trump to resign - and, importantly, also call on Congress to condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters.
MomsRising is joining the Movement for Black Lives, and dozens of other organizations, in telling President Trump to resign, so when you add your voice here, your action will help continue to create a tsunami of change.
Thank you for all you do!
* Want more info on what defunding the police means? Here's background on this policy from the Movement for Black Lives: "We call on localities and elected officials across the country to divest resources away from policing in local budgets and reallocate those resources to the healthcare, housing and education our people deserve. More officers, guns, jails and prisons are not a solution to longstanding problems of racial disparities, injustice and police violence."
? See below for the message you may have missed on Friday.
[1] Dempsey: Trump''s ''inflammatory'' threat to use active duty troops hurts US military
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Dear Friend,
On Monday, moms across America were appalled, disheartened, aghast, stunned, unnerved, outraged, dumbfounded. (all the words!!) when law enforcement officers were ordered to deploy tear gas and shoot rubber bullets on peaceful protestors who were standing against police brutality while assembling near the White House before a curfew for President Trump.[1] This is a violation of First Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution, and a breach of our democracy.[2] Then, President Trump doubled down, praising the attack on peaceful protestors, as he also went on to threaten to deploy the U.S. military to cities and states.[3]
TAKE ACTION: *Tell President Trump to resign -- and, importantly, also call on Congress to stand up and condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters.
MomsRising is joining the Movement for Black Lives, and dozens of other organizations, in telling President Trump to resign, so when you add your voice here, your action will help create a tsunami of change.
Why tell President Trump to resign? President Trump too must be held accountable for his part in encouraging police violence and for his threats to use military action against protesters. Not only has Trump initiated violent attacks on peaceful protesters, he has also long actively encouraged both police brutality -- such as telling police to "Please, don't be too nice," to the people they are arresting [4] -- as well as condoning white supremacist violence.[5]
It's beyond appalling. Trump has given a green light to police and militias to beat, maim and kill people with impunity. He has now illegally activated the military to maintain power and use force on civilians. The red line has been crossed too many times. He must resign. Lives and our democracy depend on it.
So we are joining the Movement for Black Lives, and dozens of other organizations, to hold President Trump accountable. President Trump lives in his own bubble and hears only what he wants to hear. But he must be held publicly accountable for his role in encouraging police to use violence both in the past and during the current protests.
The right to protest is one of the bedrock foundations of our democracy and has led to vitally important advances throughout our history. In the United States of America, we have the right to protest, to make our voices heard, and to speak truth to power. The brutal murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police deserves the sustained, furious national response it has generated, with people taking a stand against the horrific racism that has long pervaded our criminal justice system - and our society - and time and again takes innocent lives. This is our First Amendment right and our civic responsibility. That is why it is so alarming that President Trump brutally unleashed military and police force on people who were peacefully protesting in front of the White House and on independent media covering the demonstrations.
*Join us in telling President Trump to resign -- and, importantly, join us also in calling on Congress to stand up and condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters.
What happened in the District of Columbia earlier this week - when heavily militarized forces used tear gas, rubber bullets and then low-flying helicopters to move and then terrorize law-abiding, peaceful protesters - was an outrage. Trump's call for militarized armed violence against protesters was shocking in both its naked authoritarianism and its instigation of violence - and is not a direction the moms of America will allow our country to take in the future. The escalation President Trump seeks is especially dangerous in a country with more guns than people; and where gun policy, including the Second Amendment, which the President referenced earlier this week in a way that to many appeared to condone more violence, has been used as a force to advance white supremacist organizations.[6]
America's moms are horrified and repulsed by this President's words and actions. For the sake of the freedoms and ideals our country has always strived to embody, and for the safety of people struggling to be heard, we must take action now.
*Don't forget to tell President Trump to resign -- and also to tell Congress to stand up and condemn Trump's military attack on people peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights and his threat to use military action against protesters:
The more of us who take action, sign on, and spread the word; the faster we'll make change happen. So please forward this email to 3 friends, share this action link on Facebook and Twitter, and help spread the word.
Thank you for helping to build a nation where everyone can thrive!
-Kristin, Gloria, Donna, Jordan, Monifa, and the MomsRising Team
P.S.- We thank the Movement for Black Lives for leading on the Trump Must Resign effort. To find out more about The Movement for Black Lives, please go here:
[1] "Some clarity a day after reports of tear gas in Lafayette Square, but questions remain," Dan Friedell
[2] "Former Commanders Fault Trump's Use of Troops Against Protesters," Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Helene Cooper, Eric Schmitt and Jennifer Steinhauer
[3] "Tear Gas Clears Path for Trump to Visit Church", "Barr personally ordered removal of protesters near White House, leading to use of force against largely peaceful crowd," Carol D. Leonnig, Matt Zapotosky, Josh Dawsey and Rebecca Tan
[4] "Trump tells cops they should rough people up more during arrests," Kelly Swanson
[5] "Twitter Adds Warnings to Trump and White House Tweets, Fueling Tensions," Davey Alba, Kate Conger and Raymond Zhong
[6] "Trump mentioned the ''second amendment'' in his speech about the protests and people are terrified," Greg Evans
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Dear Friend,
We have an update for you on the note below. This week, President Trump once again ignored public health experts and offered empty promises about our public health-this time relating to a vaccine-in a blatant attempt to get more voters in Wisconsin. [1]
*The COVID-19 vaccine is too important to be used as a political football-or to be used for selfish profiteering. Join us in telling lawmakers exactly that!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
We all want a safe and effective vaccine developed as quickly as possible, but to hear a president connect his push for speed so directly to a blatant attempt to advance his electoral interests is very alarming. This is another reminder that the vaccine process needs to have more transparency so that medical experts can review the work, and so patients and families can trust that any vaccine approval will be based on science and data, not Trump's personal election interests. [2]
? We urgently need you! If you haven't signed on yet to prevent pandemic profiteering, please do so now here:*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
- Tasmiha
[1] Fox Business,?Trump delivers remarks on the US economy pre-coronavirus
[2] The New York Times,?Health Experts to F.D.A.: Make Your Vaccine Deliberations Public?
Dear Friend,
It's outrageous.?
Taxpayers are funding 100% of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine project, but they recently announced to investors that the company will be setting the highest price yet for a COVID-19 vaccine. [1] That's right: they want us to pay an unfairly high price in order to buy back a vaccine developed with OUR tax dollars.
*Quick signature: Tell our lawmakers to stop pandemic profiteering by big pharma and make the COVID-19 vaccine affordable for all!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
What's the deal? The Trump Administration already holds the power to ensure prices are fair for prescription treatments for COVID-19 and a future vaccine. Through the Government Patent Use statute, the federal government has the ability to break pharmaceutical monopolies on patents, keeping drug companies from charging outrageous amounts for medicines. [2] But we've already seen price gouging happening for COVID-19 treatment. For example, Gilead, which makes remdesivir, the first medicine shown to have an impact on COVID-19, announce it will charge $2,340 - $3,120 for a five day course-an impossible cost for most every person who gets sick during this world-wide health crisis. [3]? This is not okay. If the Trump Administration and Congress continues to allow big pharma to charge whatever it wants for COVID-19 treatments and a future vaccine, the rest of the country will pay the consequences and more people will perish.?
The need for safe, effective, and affordable COVID-19 treatments and vaccines is critical. U.S. taxpayers are contributing billions of dollars to R&D efforts, but so far the Trump Administration has refused to guarantee affordability or disclose the terms of contracts it has entered into with prescription drug corporations. It is no wonder that a recent Gallup/West Health poll found that nearly 90% of Americans believe those corporations will take advantage of the pandemic to pad profits. [4]
Sign now! Tell Congress and the Trump administration: The health of America's families must take precedence over the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
What can be done? We are asking members of Congress to support legislation that will protect against pandemic profiteering and guarantee every person in the U.S. affordable access to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. No prescription drug corporation should be given monopoly control over prices-especially when they're using our tax dollars to develop the treatments and vaccines!?
In order to fight this pandemic, we need sufficient quantities and affordability to ensure universal access to safe treatments and vaccines. We deserve transparency, including how much taxpayers have contributed and corporations' costs of production. That is why we need the passage of the Make Medications Affordable by Preventing Pandemic Price Gouging (MMAPPP) Act and the Taxpayer Research and Coronavirus Knowledge (TRACK) Act to be included within COVID-19 legislation!?
Sign now to make sure that no one is priced out of life-saving COVID-19 treatments and vaccines!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
Sign our petition to President Trump, Secretary Azar of the Department of Health and Human Services, and Congress which reads:?
As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads, we need a strong response from the United States government in order to save lives and rein in the costs of medical treatment. We need protection against pandemic profiteering by big pharmaceutical corporations and a guarantee that every person will have access to affordable COVID-19 treatments and vaccines developed with taxpayer dollars.?
No prescription drug corporation should be given monopoly control over prices for life saving medications and a future vaccine! In order to fight this pandemic, we need sufficient quantities to ensure universal access to safe, affordable treatments and vaccines. We deserve transparency, including how much taxpayers have contributed and corporations' costs of production. That is why I am asking you to support the passage of the Make Medications Affordable by Preventing Pandemic Pricegouging (MMAPPP) Act and the Taxpayer Research and Coronavirus Knowledge (TRACK) Act.
When the world is increasingly at risk, treatments and vaccines must be developed quickly and made affordable and accessible to the public-especially when our tax dollars are being used to do so. The health of America's families must take precedence over the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.
Don't forget to sign now! Tell Congress and the Trump administration to prevent pandemic profiteering!?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to this petition.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action link on social media:
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.
--Tasmiha, Felicia, Donna and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] Axios, "Moderna skirts disclosures of coronavirus vaccine costs" [2] Cornell Law School, "Patent and copyright cases" [3] STAT News, "Gilead announces long-awaited price for Covid-19 drug remdesivir" [4] Gallup, "In U.S., Large Racial Divide in COVID-19 Cost Concerns"
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Release detained families together now!
Dear Friend,
I wanted to make sure you saw our action demanding that President Trump, Congress, and ICE stop tearing children and families apart and release detained families together!
Add your signature here! ??
Right now, even though six children and dozens of adults have died in U.S. immigration custody, ICE continues to hold children and families in family jails with confirmed COVID-19 cases. [1] By holding these families in unsanitary jails -- which Dolly Gee, a federal judge, described as "on fire" -- ICE is cruelly playing with their lives. [2]
As COVID 19 cases continue to rapidly rise across the country, [3] it is important now more than ever to ensure that children are safe and secure with the people who love them. Let's ensure that every family is able to protect their children and keep them healthy.
Join us in demanding all families be released together immediately, and that these family jails be permanently shut down.
More details are below when you scroll down.
*Here's where you can sign to take action!:
-- Nadia
[1]? ICE reports first coronavirus cases among detained migrant families with children.
[3]?Where COVID-19 is spreading fastest as U.S. cases rise 27% in past week.
---------FORWARDED MESSAGE---------?
Dear Friend,
As the world responds to an unprecedented crisis unfolding from the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are staying home with their children, caring for them with the hopes that they will stay healthy and safe. Yet right now, the Trump administration is forcing immigrant families in detention centers to face the perils of both separation AND exposure to this deadly disease. [1]
All children need to be healthy and secure with the people who love them. Click here to tell President Trump, Congress and ICE to stop tearing children and families apart and release detained families together!
So what is going on?!
Last week U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee ruled that all children detained for more than 20 days at ICE Family Residential Centers (FRCs) must be released no later than July 17, 2020. This is in accordance with the Flores Settlement Agreement, which only covers children - not their parents or caregivers. The order to release the children by July 17 came after plaintiffs in a long-running case reported that some children in detention have tested positive for the virus. [2]
While we applaud Judge Gee's decision, we are very concerned ICE may use this court order to attempt to tear children away from their parents again. In fact, just this past May, ICE attempted to coerce detained families into a cruel choice: sign away their rights to their children so they could be let out of jail and be placed with a sponsor, or remain detained indefinitely in jail. [3]
No mother or father should ever be forced to make this choice!
Children and parents come to our country seeking safety from violence and persecution, instead, they are thrown behind bars often in crowded conditions with inadequate hygiene and negligent medical care in the face of COVID-19. More than 2,500 adult immigrants have tested positive for the coronavirus while in ICE custody, according to the agency''s latest tally. There is absolutely no reason for children and families to be facing this risk as relatives and community sponsors are ready to receive them.
Tell President Trump, ICE, and Congress: Free the families together! Click the link below to take action now:
Now more than ever, children should be safe and secure with the people who love them.
Let's ensure that every family is able to protect their children and keep them healthy. Join us in demanding all families be released together immediately, and that these family jails be permanently shut down. Free families now!
Thank you,
- Nadia, Donna, Xochitl, Linda, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1], [2] "U.S. Must Release Children From Family Detention Centers, Judge Rules," Miriam Jordan, New York Times, June 26, 2020. [3] "Family separation is back for migrants at the U.S./Mexican border, say advocates," Julia Ainsley, NBC News, May 15, 2020.
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#PoliceFreeSchools #CounselorNOTCops
Dear Friend,
We are living in extraordinary times. Nationwide mobilizations in the aftermath of too many police killings have renewed an important conversation about police accountability and the role police play in our lives. Even further this conversation has called into question the role police play in the lives of our children, specifically in school buildings. We too often assume that the presence of police in schools is synonymous with safety. It is NOT. The reality is most parents and caregivers know very little about the role police play in their kids schools.
We do know that the physical, social, and emotional health of children in schools is critical to success and safety. Yet, 1.7 million students are in schools with police but no counselors, 10 million students are in schools with police but no social workers, and 14 million students are in schools with police but no counselor, nurse, psychologist, or social worker.? Many states report having two to three times as many police officers in schools as social workers, and five states reported having more police officers in schools than nurses. This is unacceptable.[1]
TAKE ACTION: Our schools need more counselors, nurses, social workers, and educators who have the training they need to effectively support students, NOT more cops.?
Of course we ALL want schools to be safe, but did you know that there is NO evidence that increasing the number of police in schools actually improves school safety? Instead, what we find is that in the vast majority of cases police officers do exactly what they are trained to do, which is detain, handcuff, and arrest.? [2]
School counselors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists are trained to support children, and in schools where these professionals are able to provide services we see improved attendance rates, better academic achievement, and higher graduation rates. These same schools also see lower rates of suspension, expulsion, and other disciplinary incidents. The data on this is clear. The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn''t just improve outcomes for students, it can also improve overall school safety.[3]
*Sign on to our national call to Governors and Mayors to stand up for students and invest in counselors, nurses, social workers, NOT cops!
It is important that we understand how we got here. Police first appeared in schools in the 1950s, but it was not until the 1990's - following the tragic shooting at Columbine High school and the War on Drugs - that we saw a shift to increased surveillance, metal detectors and other security measures in public schools, including a rampant growth of the number of police, often called "school resource officers" in schools.[4]
At the same time we see school budgets continuously cut, leaving too many schools without the resources needed for our most vulnerable students.
Putting kids first means investing in counselors, nurses, and social workers, NOT cops!
Funneling money into more school police and other practices that criminalize students is not the answer to creating safe school environments. Researchers across the country, including the Consortium on Chicago School Research, have found that relationships between students, parents, and staff are more important in making a school safe than increased security measures and still we see too many examples of police in schools escalating incidents that might have been resolved by a trip to the principal's office. For immigrant and undocumented students, bringing police into the school building can lead to deportation for themselves or their families. [5]
From 2013 to 2018, over 300,000 children under the age of 12 were arrested in the US. [6] The stories are heartbreaking. A six year old in Orlando having a temper tantrum, placed in the handcuffs and driven to a juvenile detention facility. A high school student body slammed down to the ground after asking if he could call his grandmother to pick him up. Even more concerning is the same racial bias we see in policing in communities of color is the same bias we see from police in schools -- Black students represented 15% of the total student enrollment, and 31% of students who were referred to law enforcement or arrested, and these racial disparities are on the rise.[7]
The time to change this is NOW.?
National and local research consistently demonstrates that the presence of police in schools serves as an entry point to the school-to-prison pipeline and disproportionately harms Black, Indigenous and LatinX students; students with disabilities; and students in need who are furthest from opportunity. We can take an important step to dismantling the school to prison pipeline by investing in a students'' success and in student support instead of a culture of criminalization in our schools.?
Together we can END the criminalization of kids in schools and break the school to prison pipeline. Sign on to call for an end to the regular presence of law enforcement in our schools and an investment in student support.
Thank you for taking action,
- Beatriz, Monifa, Diarra and the rest of the MomsRising Team
[1] COPS AND NO COUNSELORS: How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff Is Harming Students?
[2][3] False Sense of Security???
[4][7] Why Counselors Not Cops -Dignity In Schools
[5]Study links school safety to achievement, relationships?
[6] More than 30,000 children under age 10 have been arrested in the US since 2013: FBI
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Dear Friend,
With the coronavirus (COVID-19) already starting to spread in the United States, it is time for our federal government to take action and release funds ASAP to combat the virus and protect our families and economy.
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW calling on the U.S. Congress and President Trump to pass and allocate emergency funds to combat the coronavirus ASAP.
Just today, Members of Congress reached a bi-partisan agreement on a $8.3 billion emergency funding bill to help support efforts to combat the coronavirus. [1] This money will go towards the creation and dissemination of a vaccine, significantly increase the number of testing kits to diagnose the virus, preparing states, cities, and localities to combat the virus (including reimbursements for the costs incurred while assisting the federal response to the coronavirus outbreak), interest-free loans for small businesses impacted by the outbreak, assistance to the science and medical community, and guaranteeing that regardless of income, people can receive the medical services they need.
It's important that Congress vote this week and this money get released ASAP so we can start tackling this issue head on! Let's take just the testing kits to diagnose coronavirus. The rollout of the kits was incredibly slow and chaotic, meaning that states like Washington state that is seeing increased cases of coronavirus have been unable to test all the cases that need to be tested. [2] This means it's extraordinarily hard for public health experts to get a handle on the situation or for people to get the treatment they need. Medical officials need to scale up the number of tests available to sick patients and the labs that process the results need support - and that all takes federal dollars!
It's also important that this money is new money-not taken from existing health programs that already lift up our families-and that there are guardrails around the funds so the Trump Administration, who have been known to transfer congressionally allocated money to fund their own backwards priorities like Trump's border wall, can only use the money to fight the coronavirus. [3]
***Take action now and sign our letter calling on Congress to allocate the funds needed to combat the coronavirus ASAP!
Thirty-two million workers in our country - including 81% of those in the food service industry - don't have any paid sick days, a critical public health protection. [4] Experts worry that this will only accelerate the outbreak in the United States, so we can't wait for months for this money to become available. During the Zika outbreak it took eight months for Congress to fulfill the emergency funding request asked for by the Obama Administration, and this was after thousands of people in the U.S. tested positive for the virus. [5]
This is about being prepared and having the resources we need to protect healthcare workers, our families, and our economy if the coronavirus continues to spread.
This funding has bi-partisan support! [6] Now we just need YOU to help us get it across the finish line as nothing becomes a priority unless our representatives are hearing from their constituents to make it a priority.
***SIGN OUR LETTER NOW and we'll deliver it to the U.S. Congress tomorrow morning!
We know that there is a lot of concern out there about what is going on. We will be working over the coming weeks to not only make sure we have adequate funding in place to address the coronavirus, but also to make sure that we have the public health infrastructure- such as access to health care for everyone who needs it and paid sick days- that we need to adequately address this public health threat. But one thing we know for sure is it is going to take all of us coming together to make sure our families remain healthy in the face of the coronavirus. So after you sign our letter make sure to forward this email to your friends and family and post our action link to Facebook.
Thank you so much for speaking out on this important issue!
-Elyssa, Ruth, Felicia, Donna, Kristin, Tasmiha, Sara, Sili, Nina, Xochitl and the entire MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. For information about how to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, go to this CDC website.
[1] Politico. "Congress strikes a deal on bipartisan $8.3B coronavirus package."
[2] The New York Times. "As Coronavirus Numbers Rise, C.D.C. Testing Comes Under Fire."
[3] The Hill. "Pelosi, Schumer insist on guardrails for coronavirus funds."
[4] National Partnership for Women and Families. "Paid Sick Days Improve Our Public Health."
[6] NPR. "Congress Nears Bipartisan Funding Plan to Address Growing Coronavirus Threat."
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Dear Friend,
It's hard to believe it's already the end of July. While we are gearing up for the elections in less than 100 days, we have some critical actions for you to take this week -- primarily related to COVID-19 relief. We need your help to urge Congress to extend unemployment insurance, protect the CDC and make sure women and families are protected in any relief package.
Please scroll down to find urgent actions on all these issues below.
1. SIGN our letter rejecting Mitch McConnell''s weak COVID-relief plan! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The clock is ticking! We need Congress to pass a strong, bold, comprehensive COVID-relief package immediately so struggling families and our economy can begin to recover from this pandemic. Last week the federal eviction moratorium expired and today the $600/week boost in unemployment benefits expires. We need help and we need it now! But we don't need what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is offering up--a corporations-first, families last approach to COVID-relief!
**ACTION: SIGN OUR PETITION NOW telling Congress to reject Mitch McConnell's COVID-relief plan and replace it with a families-and workers-first comprehensive plan that benefits those in need and our economy, not already wealthy corporations!
2. Call your Senators to say #ExtendUI
BACKGROUND: The clock is ticking! If Congress doesn't take action in the coming days, millions of struggling families will lose their extended unemployment benefits that were passed in the CARES Act. That $600/week boost in benefits is crucial for unemployed workers making ends meet. We need you to call your Senators on Monday and tell them to extend unemployment insurance and protect the $600/week boost in benefits. Remember to make your call on Monday when your Senators are back in their office. In the meantime, you can also check out our #ExtendUI social media toolkit to post information on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (and don't forget to tag your Senators!).
**ACTION: Text "ExtendUI" to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your Senator's office.
3. Historic vote in the House on child care thanks to YOU!
BACKGROUND: Yesterday, in a historic vote, the House passed both the Child Care Is Essential Act and the Child Care for Economic Recovery Act would ensure a $50 billion stabilization fund for the child care sector at this time when programs around the country are closing and the lack of quality, affordable child care has become a national emergency. This win is thanks to all the parents and child care providers who have been speaking out for months on the need to save child care. Parents like Julie Groce and Diana Limongi, MomsRising members who recently spoke on their child care experiences at a congressional hearing on child care with Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen.
**ACTION: Watch them by clicking this link, and then text "SaveCC" to 747464 to urge the U.S. Senate to quickly pass these bills as well and #SaveChildCare.
4. Quick signature: Tell the Trump administration and Congress to protect the CDC and fund testing and contact tracing! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: The Trump administration is trying to conceal its mismanaged response to the COVID-19 pandemic by blocking funding for testing and attacking the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at every turn! Moms know from years of playing peek-a-boo that just because you try to hide something doesn't mean it actually disappears. This underhanded attempt to control our public health data and cut funding for the CDC (and testing!) must be stopped!
**ACTION: Quick signature: Tell the Trump administration and Congress to fund the CDC, testing, and contact tracing to combat COVID-19!
5. Immigrants are putting their lives on the line to fight COVID-19! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Immigrant Americans make us healthy-healing our ailments-and bringing the fresh approaches, courage, and tenacity that help us be well. Immigrants make up 16% of health care workers, 26% of home health care workers for the elderly, and 20% of the workers in food and domestic household services in the U.S. They are putting their lives on the line to fight COVID-19.
**ACTION: Are you an immigrant who is on the frontlines of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic (health care, home health aids, sanitation, and other essential positions)? Tell us your story!
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Sue Anne, Elyssa, Nina, Felicia, Donna, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Take action and sign this letter to President Trump, Congress and ICE to make sure families are released together.
P.P.S. This list is also on the blog!
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A young Black man who loved animals, a violinist, a highly regarded massage therapist, and a person beloved by his community
Dear Friend,
Elijah McClain -- a young Black man who loved animals, a violinist, a highly regarded massage therapist, and a person beloved by his community -- was simply walking home from the store after buying iced tea when police officers in Aurora, Colorado detained and murdered him nearly a year ago. [1] The officers who murdered Elijah have yet to be fired or charged.
There is still no justice. Not only have the officers NOT been charged yet, yesterday the Aurora, CO police, in riot gear, used pepper spray to break up a peaceful violin vigil in a city park calling for justice for Elijah, who was killed by that very same police department last year. [2]
*Demand that Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser hold the officers who murdered Elijah accountable, starting with their immediate arrest and criminal charges filed against them.
Racial profiling, along with structural racism and police brutality, is killing Black people. None of this can continue. MomsRising is following the lead of Color Of Change in demanding justice for Elijah McClain -- and your voice is urgently needed too.
Elijah McClain was a 23-year-old massage therapist who loved running, was a self taught violinist, and volunteered playing music at animal shelters so the animals wouldn't be lonely. [3] A beloved son, friend, and family member, on August 24th 2019, Elijah was walking home from a convenience store where he had just picked up iced tea for his friends and family when he was stopped by three white police officers after a 911 caller reported him as a supposedly "suspicious person." [4]
Elijah was just walking home and not bothering anyone. He wasn't even suspected of anything. Yet Aurora police twice restrained Elijah with a chokehold, which restricts blood to the brain to the extent of unconsciousness, as Elijah pleaded for his life. Then medical responders arrived and injected Elijah with ketamine, an intense sedative,[5] and Elijah went into cardiac arrest in the ambulance and never recovered.
*TAKE ACTION NOW: We won't sit by silently as more Black people are murdered by the police. The officers who murdered Elijah must be held accountable and that starts with their immediate arrest and criminal charges filed against them.
Let's be very clear. Elijah committed no crime. He had done nothing wrong.
The Aurora police officers, on the other hand, committed murder. They must be arrested.
*CONTENT WARNING: Elijah's last words are devastatingly unforgettable and it's unforgivable that police brutality coupled with racial profiling and structural racism remains unchecked in our nation:
"I can't breathe. I have my ID right here. My name is Elijah McClain. That's my house. I was just going home. I'm an introvert. I'm just different. That's all. I'm so sorry. I have no gun. I don't do that stuff. I don't do any fighting. Why are you attacking me? I don't even kill flies! I don't eat meat! But I don't judge people, I don't judge people who do eat meat. Forgive me. All I was trying to do was become better. I will do it. I will do anything. Sacrifice my identity, I'll do it. You all are phenomenal. You are beautiful and I love you. Try to forgive me. I'm a mood Gemini. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Ow, that really hurt. You are all very strong. Teamwork makes the dream work. Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't trying to do that. I just can't breathe correctly." [6]
"I can't breathe" are also the last words the world heard from Eric Garner, George Floyd, and too many other Black people targeted and killed by police violence.
Young Black men are 21 times more likely to be killed by the police than young white men. [7] Young Black women are also disproportionately harmed and killed by the police. [8] Anti-Black racism is deadly.
Police are getting away with murdering Black people, not just in Elijah's case, but in communities across the country -- police violence brings to the forefront the devastating impacts of anti-Black racism.
For instance, it has been over 100 days since Breonna Taylor, a twenty-six- year-old Black EMT and essential worker, [9] was shot and killed in her Louisville, Kentucky home by officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD). LMPD performed an illegal, no knock drug raid on her home. Not a single officer announced themselves before ramming down her door and firing 22 shots, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her. The officers were at the WRONG HOUSE, and the person they were looking for had already been arrested earlier that day. Breonna was not a suspect, she had not committed a crime, and her death was senseless and tragic. [10]
Across the country, mothers are losing their children to the police violence and millions of other mothers live in fear of it every single day. It's heartbreaking and unacceptable.
*TAKE ACTION: Demand that Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser hold the officers who murdered Elijah accountable, order their immediate arrest and ensure that criminal charges are filed against them.
Elijah was deeply loved. His mom, Sheneen McClain, shared that Elijah became a massage therapist because he "wanted to heal" others, and "he not only healed others, he healed himself" through his work. [11]
No mother should have to go through what Elijah's mom is going through. No one should lose their life to the police.
*Please take a moment after you sign on to the call for #JusticeForElijahMcCain to post this action link on social media so others can sign on too. The more of us who speak out, the faster we'll get to justice:
Thank you for taking action,
- Kristin, Monifa, Donna, Casey, Ruth, Maggie, Anita, Jordan and the entire MomsRising Team
[1] "Here's What You Need to Know About Elijah McClain's Death," Lucy Tompkins, New York Times, June 25, 2020.
[2] "Aurora PD Boots and Pepper Sprays Peaceful Protesters at Violin Vigil for Elijah McClain," TMZ, June 28, 2020.
[3] "UNLIKELY SUSPECT: Those who knew Elijah balk at Aurora police account of his death," Grant Stringer, Sentinel, October 27, 2019.
[4] "Here's What You Need to Know About Elijah McClain's Death," Lucy Tompkins, New York Times, June 25, 2020.
[5] "Elijah McClain was injected with ketamine before he died. Is that legal?," Ryan W. Miller, USA TODAY, June 28, 2020.
[6] "Are These Elijah McClain's Last Words on Police Video?," Dan Evon, Snopes, June 26, 2020.
[7] "Young Black Men Are 21 Times as Likely as Their White Peers to be Killed by Police," Equal Justice Initiative, October 20, 2014.
[8] "A short history of black women and police violence," Keisha N. Blain, The Conversation, June 12, 2020.
[9] "Officer fired in shooting death of Breonna Taylor, Louisville police say," Theresa Waldrop, Ray Sanchez, and Elizabeth Joseph, CNN, June 23, 2020.
[10] "Here's What You Need to Know About Breonna Taylor's Death," Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Derrick Bryson Taylor, New York Times, June 28, 2020.
[11] "Elijah McClain''s mother says officers "murdered" her son as governor appoints special prosecutor to investigate
," Audrey Mcnamara, CBS News, June 26, 2020.
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Hi Friend!
I wanted to make sure you saw the note I sent last week about MomsRising's super easy, high-impact, and FREE way for YOU to help get out the vote while social distancing!
>>> CAN WE SEND YOU a packet of 10 (or more) eye-catching voting reminder postcards to fill out with a short, encouraging note?
Let us know here! The postcards will be pre-addressed and pre-stamped.
Our goal is to reach 1 million moms who don't always vote and need a friendly nudge from other parents and voters! We're already over a third of the way there, but we really need your help to reach our goal. Can you help us make it happen?
CLICK HERE to place your order for FREE (and all postage covered) voting reminder postcards!
Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls. [1]
The future is what we do together. And together, we can help drive women and moms to the polls in November 2020!
- Sara and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
PS - If you already received postcards from us as part of the first wave of this campaign, you are more than welcome to volunteer again to fill out even more postcards from this second wave! We couldn't do this without you!
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Dear Friend,
The 2020 presidential election on Tuesday, November 3rd is just a few months away!
So many things feel uncertain and uneasy right now, but one thing that feels very certain is the urgent need for everyone to vote in 2020. You, me, and all of our neighbors, near and far.
*Here's the good news: MomsRising has a super easy, high-impact, and FREE way for YOU to help get out the vote while social distancing!
>>> SIGN UP HERE to receive a FREE packet of 10 (or more) eye-catching voting reminder postcards to fill out!
(If you already received postcards from us as part of the first wave of this campaign, you are more than welcome to volunteer to fill out more postcards from this second wave too! We couldn't do this without you!)
Our goal is to reach 1 million moms who don't always vote and need some extra encouragement! We're already about a third of the way there, but we need your help to reach our goal. Can you help us make it happen?
CLICK HERE to place your order for FREE (and all postage covered) voting reminder postcards!
Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls! [1]
Here's the nitty gritty ? We''ll send you a packet of 10 (or more) pre-addressed, pre-stamped postcards along with some quick instructions. All you''ll need to do is write a quick note of encouragement on each and send them back to us with the prepaid return envelope provided. We'll store the postcards until it''s time to drop them in the mail before the November 2020 election!
Don't wait! Sign up now to receive your FREE packet of 10 (or more) GOTV postcards to fill out!
We're not just activating voters to vote - we're also activating votes for healthcare, equal pay, paid family leave, and all the other issues dear to our hearts.
Join us in turning out the vote for healthcare, equal pay, paid family leave, and paid sick days!
Together, we are a powerful force in driving women and moms to the polls in 2020! THANK YOU!!!
- Sara, Kristin, Donna, Nate, Sili, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] ArsTechnica: "Boosting the vote may be as easy as saying you'll ask"
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The $50 billion stabilization fund can help prevent this crisis.
Dear Friend,
"Trying to find childcare during the pandemic is almost impossible. I am a caregiver for a 20-month-old and right now he has to bounce from one house to another for childcare. This isn''t safe for him or me. I am one of the people that is high risk, but I have to do this due to my child care being closed. I fear that it may not open up any time soon."
All around the country, moms like Yvonne are sharing their struggles with childcare as they try to deal with the far-reaching impacts of COVID 19. During this time of crisis, we must prioritize supporting families' access to safe, high-quality, and affordable childcare. This is crucial for our economy as too many parents are being forced to choose between child care and their jobs, and is important for the health and safety of our communities.
This is why Congress must act NOW to save childcare!
*CLICK HERE to sign on to urge members of Congress to prioritize a minimum of $50 billion childcare stabilization funding in the upcoming coronavirus package!
This robust investment is urgent and overdue for parents like Yvonne.
Research shows that at least $50 billion is necessary to stabilize the precarious childcare sector. Recent analysis shows that at least $9.6 billion a month is needed to fully fund existing providers in the sector to pay all their staff, be prepared to reopen at the appropriate time and eliminate cost burdens for families whose providers are closed. [1]
The bad news is that what Congress has passed so far for childcare is not nearly enough to address this crisis. Congress recently provided $3.5 billion to Child Care and Development Block Grants (CCDBG) as part of the CARES Act. Yet these resources wouldn't even cover a month's worth of costs. And the $7 billion in relief proposed in the House-passed HEROES Act is also insufficient to cover a month's worth of costs.
The good news is that there is still time for elected leaders to save childcare and give families access to safe, quality childcare so that they can work and give providers the ability to keep their businesses open and keep their employees.
Can you sign on to send a quick message to your lawmakers right now and urge them to save childcare?
Right now, childcare providers are facing an extremely uncertain future. According to a survey by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, 40% of the childcare centers in the U.S. say they will be forced to shut down if they don''t receive additional public assistance. [2] In fact, we are hearing from parents about centers already closing, like Diana in New York: "My childcare center closed its doors and I'm heartbroken. Our childcare provider has been part of our life for 7 years. We don't know what we are going to do. Finding a new childcare provider is no easy feat. The price has to work, the location, the hours...there are too many unknowns now, and I think, unfortunately, that the best thing to do for our family is to scale work back until we can figure out if it is safe to send our children to child care during the pandemic."
This crisis is also further exacerbating long present racial disparities in childcare access. According to a Center for American Progress analysis, a lack of childcare negatively affected communities of color before the pandemic, as parents of color were more likely than their non-Hispanic white counterparts to experience childcare-related job disruptions that could affect their families' finances. If policymakers fail to act to address these disparities, this crisis will only intensify. [3]
An uncertain future for childcare means an uncertain future for families.
With more than 23 million children under the age of five in the U.S. and the families of more than half them relying on some form of childcare, this potential shutdown would have devastating impacts on families and our economy. [4]
The $50 billion stabilization fund can help prevent this crisis from becoming even worse for families by providing the federal funding we need to keep the childcare system afloat.
*CLICK NOW to tell your member of Congress to ensure a $50 billion stabilization fund is a top priority in the next legislative package.
The infusion of the grants provided by this important piece of legislation would cover the cost of just over five months of emergency care and relief for the overall childcare system. It would ensure that the childcare system is maintained to support families of essential workers who need care now and all families who will need care when they return to work.
Our families are already being challenged by economic and health uncertainties; taking away childcare for millions of Americans would only further harm any recovery efforts from this pandemic.
Congress must listen to and support our families. Together, we can raise our voices to make sure they do!
-Nadia, Nina, Donna, Kristin, and the entire MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
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Our postcard program is soaring! Your help is needed to keep up the MOMentum!
I have an exciting update for you on the note below: we've reached our NEXT goal and TWO MILLION handwritten voting reminder postcards will be sent to women and moms!
We urgently need you! If you haven't donated yet and you would like to support this groundbreaking work to reach women and mom voters, now is the time! You can donate here:
To: Friend From: Anita, <> Subject: HELP! Postcard campaign taking off 🚀 Date: Aug 8, 2020, 8:15 a.m.
Dear Friend,
WOW! MomsRising supporters are stepping up to request postcards to help remind low frequency mom voters to vote this year in numbers exceeding anything we've ever seen before. We blew through our first (big!) goal of ONE MILLION postcards already!
And that means we're setting a new, bigger goal. We're ready to take our democracy to the next level and engage every possible voter! To reach the next million postcards, we need everyone to chip in what they can to support the work. (If you've already donated to the postcard campaign, THANK YOU! We are grateful. And if you can help us keep up the MOMentum for this next round of postcards, we need you now more than ever!)
Please chip in to support MomsRising's Mom-to-Mom Voter Postcards right now.
As you read this, our team is working diligently to search for and identify low-propensity mom voters-- moms who have voted at some point in their lives, but who will likely need some extra mom-to-mom encouragement now to get their ballots in for the upcoming November election. These are the exact moms who will receive handwritten postcards from MomsRising supporters. This is the work that's powered by your donations. This is the work we need your support for right now!
Please chip in whatever you can today to help get out the vote in November.
In this time of great change and upheaval in our nation, we have the opportunity to connect with each other, to encourage each other, and to make change. Let's do this!
Thanks for all you do,
- Anita, Kristin, Donna, Nate, Sara, Gloria, Sili, and the entire MomsRising team
P.S. Interested in joining future postcard campaigns? We've got you covered! Sign up now to be the first to hear about our future GOTV postcard writing campaigns when they launch! The future is what we do together:
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Join me in making a high-impact phone call to your Senators to tell them to do their job!
Dear Friend,
If you are anything like me, you are working overtime right now and there is no way there are enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished. Right now, like a lot of MomsRising members, I am setting?kids up for a virtual back-to-school, trying to safely run my errands (where is my mask? hand sanitizer?), trying to work a full work day, and, honestly? Spending a lot of time worrying about, well, everything.?
Between the unpaid work of caregiving (and teaching!!) at home and our paid work, moms have no choice but to work overtime during COVID. That's why it makes me FURIOUS that the U.S. Senate Republicans and Trump Administration can't even do the basics of their job-pass a COVID-relief package! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They need to get to work.
***Join me in making a high-impact phone call to your Senators to tell them to do their job!?
-->Text DoYourJob to 747464 <-- and we'll connect you directly to your California U.S. Senator's office. When their staff picks up, say "Get back to the negotiating table and pass a robust COVID-relief package that protects all our families, including unemployment benefits, childcare, and paid leave."
We're hearing that right now the only thing our U.S. Senators are paying attention to are phone calls. So we need to flood the phone lines up on Capitol Hill.? Get your friends and family to help -after you make your call, post our call-in graphic to Facebook and Twitter so all your friends can take action as well!
Here's what's going on: Despite the House of Representatives passing the HEROES Act over three months ago [1] and two weeks ago passing the Child Care is Essential Act [2], everything has come to a screeching halt under Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's leadership. It's been four weeks since the federal eviction moratorium expired and three weeks since the $600/week boost in unemployment benefits have expired. Yet, still the Trump Administration offers nothing but unworkable and insufficient solutions [3] and the President's own representatives have all but walked away from the negotiating fact, it's rumored that White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows might even be on vacation this week. [4] I could only dream of such a luxury!
Enough is enough! Parents are juggling ALL OF THE THINGS. We are struggling to put food on the table, care for our children, pay the bills, and for those of us lucky enough to have a job right now-considering that 8.57 million women are still unemployed-work. [5]
The U.S. Senate has ONE JOB right now and that's to help our families so we can help our economy.?
We have been told that the highest impact action we can take right now is making phone calls to our U.S. Senators. We want to make sure the phones ring off the hook today, so join me in calling your Senators and telling them to #DoYourJob!
You can use our hotline. Just text DoYourJob to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your U.S. Senator's office. (If you call back a second time, you'll get your other Senator).
Our families are hurting and the clock is ticking. We need Congress to pass a robust, comprehensive COVID-relief package immediately. So after you call your U.S. Senators, forward this email to your friends and family and click to share on Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you so much for taking this quick and high-impact action!
-Ruth and the entire team
P.S. Thank you so much for calling your Senators. We also really want to hear from you how you and your family are doing during the pandemic. Can you share your COVID story with us?
[1] H.R. 600 HEROES Act.
[2] "Progress! Today's U.S. House Votes Will Help Child Care Programs Stay Open or Re-Open, Support Working Families, and Aid Our Recovery-If the U.S. Senates Does Same." MomsRising, July 29, 2020.
[3] "We Are Not Fooled: Moms Won't Give President Trump Credit for Using Half-Measures to Address a Crisis His Administration and His Senate Allies Created." MomsRising. August 8, 2020.
[4] "No stimulus deal anytime soon." Politico, August 11, 2020.
[5] "Monthly number of unemployed women in the United Sates from July 2019 to July 2020." Statista, August 10, 2020.
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#SAYHERNAME Justice 4 Breonna Taylor
Dear Friend,
On March 13th, Breonna Taylor was in her home in Louisville, Kentucky, when officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) broke through her door without even knocking, fired off more than 20 bullets, and shot Breonna eight times, killing her in her bed. [1]
All three of the police officers involved, Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove, are still employed by the LMPD and no charges have been filed. Instead the police department spent a month painting Breonna Taylor as a criminal, a suspect, which they later had to walk back when they admitted that she was innocent and had committed no crime.??
Demand that Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer fire and that the officers responsible be charged for Breonna Taylor''s death!?
The police were looking for drugs they never found, reportedly trafficked by a person who did not live with Breonna or even in her complex. The actual address was for a location ten miles away and for someone they already had in custody. [2]?
As an essential worker, Breonna went to work every day standing on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic committed to helping people and being of service. The devastating irony of this is that Breonna survived the pandemic that disproportionately kills Black people, only to have her life stolen by police. [3]
"It''s hard to breathe without her." - Tamika Palmer, Breonna's mother.? #SayHerName and take action now.?
Breonna loved to help people. She worked tirelessly as an award-winning EMT and first responder in Louisville. Her mother Tamika Palmer said, "You don't like to call people perfect, but she really was perfect. She did everything right as far as trying to be a kid coming into an adult life. She loved to help people, she loved to be around family. She loved life and she was just figuring hers out. She was just getting started." [4]
Last Friday on what would have been her 27th birthday, Breonna's mother took the day off as she does every year, except this year, instead of celebrating, she was mourning the death of her daughter by the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD). [5]
Breonna should be alive. She should be here with us today, relishing in the celebration that was to be her 27th birthday. Instead, her life was tragically taken and her friends and family have yet to find justice.?
Breonna's family deserves answers. We must demand justice for Breonna Taylor.
"I want justice for her. I want them to say her name. There's no reason Breonna should be dead at all." - Tamika Palmer, Breonna's mother.?
The LMPD's has had issues before that continue now after Breonna's death. One law enforcement officer was caught on camera Friday night shooting rubber bullets at a reporter. On Saturday, police ransacked a "hazardous" supply of milk and water protesters had set aside. And Sunday, officers fired tear gas at peaceful protestors 40 minutes before the city's curfew went into effect. [6]
We cannot allow Mayor Fischer to be silent and inactive on this, and issues related to the LMPD.?We must demand that Mayor Fischer fire the officers involved in Breonna Taylor''s murder, and that they be charged with murder. The fact that these officers are still employed, and the family of Breonna Taylor has been given no answers, is immoral and an egregious miscarriage of justice.??
As long as officers who commit crimes are not held accountable, none of our communities are safe!?
Sign on to demand that Mayor Greg Fischer fire the officers who murdered Breonna Taylor and that they be charged with her murder!
Please forward this email to friends, family members, and everyone who is outraged by Breonna's murder and ask them to sign, too. We will deliver our demands supported by your signatures directly to Mayor Fischer and the Louisville Metropolitan Police Department.?
- Beatriz, Monifa, Gloria, Kristin and the rest of the MomsRising Team
[1] The No Knock Warrant For Breonna Taylor Was Illegal
[2] Here's What You Need to Know About Breonna Taylor's Death
[3] COVID-19 in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups
[4] Justice For Breonna
[5] 'It helps me know that I am not in it alone anymore': Breonna Taylor's mother on her daughter and protests
[6] Louisville Is Still Demanding Justice for Breonna Taylor
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Dear Friend,
Happy Friday. As summer starts to wind down, parents everywhere are struggling with questions around what the fall will look like. We know it's tough. We also know that in order for parents to truly be able to "get back to work" we need the supports to do so, including childcare and early learning programs, and comprehensive paid leave. In addition we need to protect immigrants and those who've lost work due to the pandemic, too. Please scroll down to find urgent actions on all three issues below. And don't forget to sign up for your free postcards encouraging other moms to vote in the fall! There's a link for that too.
Please take good care of yourself and your family, and have a restful weekend. Here's the list of Top #5Actions for the week =>
1. Congress must #SaveChildcare Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: During this time of crisis due to COVID 19, we must prioritize supporting families' access to safe, high-quality, and affordable childcare. Research shows that at least $50 billion is necessary to stabilize the childcare sector. Recent analysis shows that at least $9.6 billion a month is needed to fully fund existing programs to pay all their staff, be prepared to reopen at the appropriate time and eliminate cost burdens for families whose providers are closed.
**ACTION: SIGN NOW to urge members of Congress to prioritize a minimum of $50 billion childcare stabilization funding in the upcoming coronavirus package!
2. Get Out the Vote in 2020 with FREE Postcards! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: MomsRising is making it super easy (and totally FREE) for you to participate in our powerful Get-Out-The-Vote effort for the 2020 election! Sign up now to write 10 postcards to registered voters who haven''t always voted on Election Day in the past. In August, we''ll send you a packet of 10 pre-addressed, pre-stamped postcards along with some quick instructions. All you''ll need to do is write a quick note of encouragement (we''ll provide sample messages) and send them back to us with the prepaid return envelope provided so that we can store them until it''s time to drop them in the mail before the November election.
**ACTION: Can you help us send voting reminder postcards to 1 million moms? Sign up now to get your voting reminder postcard packet!
3. We can't safely go back to school without all workers having access to pandemic paid sick days and paid leave. Pass it on. Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: It's a back to school season like none we have ever experienced before. Instead of reviewing school supply lists, we're dealing with a lot of uncertainty and scrambling to figure out what to do if (!?!?) or when (!?!?) our schools and child care centers reopen. This year the supplies that we need the most are things like paid family/medical leave, paid sick days, and massive investments in child care - and they are in *very* short supply. Congress has a role in fixing this problem and they need to ACT NOW.
**ACTION: Tell your U.S. Senators that they must act quickly to support child care and also to extend and expand access to pandemic paid leave before school starts. Otherwise, there is no way schools, or anything else, will be able to safely reopen.
4. Call your Senators to say #ExtendUI
BACKGROUND: The clock is ticking! If Congress doesn't take action in the coming days, millions of struggling families will lose their extended unemployment benefits that were passed in the CARES Act. That $600/week boost in benefits is crucial for unemployed workers making ends meet. We need you to call your Senators on Monday and tell them to extend unemployment insurance and protect the $600/week boost in benefits. Remember to make your call on Monday when your Senators are back in their office. In the meantime, you can also check out our #ExtendUI social media toolkit to post information on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (and don't forget to tag your Senators!).
**ACTION: Text "ExtendUI" to 747464 and we'll connect you directly to your Senator's office.
5. Take action now! Tell Congress to include immigrants for COVID-19 relief! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now
BACKGROUND: Immigrants make up nearly 16% of healthcare workers in the U.S. and are putting their lives on the line to fight COVID! Effective public health responses require attention to all community members, as a pandemic response that excludes any members of our communities will weaken its effectiveness. None of us can be healthy if any one of us is denied access to testing, care, and economic relief.
**ACTION: We need to tell Congress to include immigrants in the next COVID-19 relief legislation! Click here to sign now.
Thank you for all you do, and have a good weekend.
-- Karen, Nadia, Sara, Ruth, Elyssa, Xochitl, Jordan, and the rest of the Momsrising / Mam? Team
P.S. This list is also on the blog!
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Our postcard program is soaring! Your help is needed to keep up the MOMentum!
I have an exciting update for you on the note below: we've reached our NEXT goal and TWO MILLION handwritten voting reminder postcards will be sent to women and moms!
We urgently need you! If you haven't donated yet and you would like to support this groundbreaking work to reach women and mom voters, now is the time! You can donate here:
To: Friend From: Anita, <> Subject: HELP! Postcard campaign taking off 🚀 Date: Aug 8, 2020, 8:15 a.m.
Dear Friend,
WOW! MomsRising supporters are stepping up to request postcards to help remind low frequency mom voters to vote this year in numbers exceeding anything we've ever seen before. We blew through our first (big!) goal of ONE MILLION postcards already!
And that means we're setting a new, bigger goal. We're ready to take our democracy to the next level and engage every possible voter! To reach the next million postcards, we need everyone to chip in what they can to support the work. (If you've already donated to the postcard campaign, THANK YOU! We are grateful. And if you can help us keep up the MOMentum for this next round of postcards, we need you now more than ever!)
Please chip in to support MomsRising's Mom-to-Mom Voter Postcards right now.
As you read this, our team is working diligently to search for and identify low-propensity mom voters-- moms who have voted at some point in their lives, but who will likely need some extra mom-to-mom encouragement now to get their ballots in for the upcoming November election. These are the exact moms who will receive handwritten postcards from MomsRising supporters. This is the work that's powered by your donations. This is the work we need your support for right now!
Please chip in whatever you can today to help get out the vote in November.
In this time of great change and upheaval in our nation, we have the opportunity to connect with each other, to encourage each other, and to make change. Let's do this!
Thanks for all you do,
- Anita, Kristin, Donna, Nate, Sara, Gloria, Sili, and the entire MomsRising team
P.S. Interested in joining future postcard campaigns? We've got you covered! Sign up now to be the first to hear about our future GOTV postcard writing campaigns when they launch! The future is what we do together:
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Quick Action: Tell Subway to Ban the Open Carry of Firearms
Dear Friend,
As many of our local restaurants begin to reopen with new safety measures in place to protect us from COVID-19, our excitement is tempered by alarm as we see another threat to our safety re-emerge in some of those same restaurants: the threat of gun violence.?
On May 9th, a dozen protesters openly displayed weapons - including pistols, shotguns, and even what appeared to be an AT4 rocket launcher! - as they ordered food from a Subway restaurant in Raleigh, North Carolina.[1]?
?No one wants to feel scared as we begin to return to our favorite restaurants. Help us tell Subway CEO John Chidsey to ban the open carry of firearms in all Subway stores, and tell people to leave their guns at home!?
Research has consistently found that the presence of a visible firearm makes people more aggressive, and can transform mere disagreements into violent, and potentially deadly, confrontations. [2] According to Guns Down, based on an analysis of data from the Gun Violence Archive, since 2014 Subway restaurants nationwide have experienced at least 65 incidents of gun violence in or near its restaurants, resulting in 21 deaths and 28 injuries. [3]?
Subway's website shares the vision of founder Fred DeLuca: "As we continue to grow, we are guided by his passion for delighting customers by serving fresh, delicious, sandwiches made-to-order right in front of you." [4] If someone entered a restaurant openly carrying a weapon while I was ordering my favorite Subway sandwich (the tuna sub!), I would be terrified, not delighted.?
Join us in telling Subway that we need this ban in order to keep Subway employees and customers safe from the threat of gun violence!
The armed protesters at Subway were particularly frightening. Not only were they defying North Carolina social distancing orders, the May 9th gathering was organized by a group called Blue Igloo, an apparent play on "Boogalo," a term used by white supremacist extremist groups and militias in reference to anticipated civil war. [5]? Allowing armed white supremacy in its restaurants endangers Subway workers and its customers as well, especially people of color. According to the Subway website, 24% of Subway's franchise owners are members of minority groups, and nearly 80% of franchisees employ members of minority groups in their restaurants. [6]?
Walmart, Target, Starbucks, Kroger, Chipotle, and many other American businesses agree that we all deserve to be safe in their stores and have developed policies that ask people to leave their guns at home. [7] It is time for Subway to join this group of prominent businesses committed to maintaining safe and healthy environments for customers and employees.?
No one wants to feel scared as we return to our favorite restaurants! Join us in demanding that Subway ban the open carry of firearms at all of their restaurants!
No matter what we look like, where we live, or where we come from, we want to be safe and free from the threat of gun violence, especially as our families begin to return to our favorite restaurants. Thank you for taking action and joining your voice with thousands of others to tell Subway to prohibit people from openly carrying firearms in their restaurants.?
Together we are a powerful voice for keeping families and communities safe from the threat of gun violence.?
-Jessica, Gloria, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
P.S. Much thanks goes to our friends at Guns Down America for crafting this action! We appreciate all they do.
[1] Photos of armed demonstrators at North Carolina Subway draw national attention
[2]?Mere sight of a gun makes police- and public-more aggressive, experts say
[3]?The Gun Violence Archive
[4] The Subway Story
[5] The Boogaloo: Extremists' New Slang Term for A Coming Civil War
[6] Subway: Our People, Our Communities
[7] Publix, Aldi, CVS, Walgreens and other businesses want shoppers to leave guns at home
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Dear Friend,
Millions of immigrants are on the front lines confronting this pandemic as hospital workers, harvesting our food, delivering our groceries, and caring for our loved ones. In fact, one in four healthcare workers are immigrants. [1] Yet, too many immigrants, and the one in four children in America who are from mixed status families have been excluded from the COVID relief legislation passed by Congress. [2]??
Now more than ever, this virus has shown us that we are dependent on each other and whether we are Black or white, Latino or Asian, native or newcomer, we must all pull together to prevail over this national health crisis.?
*Sign now to tell Congress to combat the spread of COVID-19, keep food on the table, maintain a reliable supply chain of essential goods, and save lives by co-sponsoring and passing the Coronavirus Immigrant Families Protection Act to ensure that everyone in our communities, including immigrant families, can access testing, treatment, and assistance.?
This is a big deal.? President Trump and some in Congress have attempted to divide and distract from the crisis by unfairly blaming immigrants and excluding immigrant families from health care and other essential services.? This is both cruel and dangerous for our communities.? It is more evident than ever during this pandemic that families, communities, and our country are stronger and healthier when every person, including all those in vulnerable immigrant communities, have access to health coverage and care.?
To save as many lives as possible, it's going to take all of us-regardless of creed, race, or immigration status-to be in this together. Immigrants are integral to America's essential workforce at the frontlines of combatting the pandemic.?
Quick signature: There's no time to waste! Tell your lawmakers to cosponsor and pass the Coronavirus Immigrant Families Protection Act NOW!
*When you click, you'll automatically sign on to the following letter if we already have your information.
Dear Lawmaker,
We pull through by pulling together, like we have done in the past.? Millions of immigrants are on the front lines confronting this pandemic as hospital workers, harvesting our food, delivering our groceries, and caring for our loved ones. ?The COVID-19 pandemic shows how critical it is for everyone to have access to quality, affordable health coverage and care regardless of their immigration status.? Indeed, our own health depends on the health of the person next to us, and the person next to them.? Ensuring others can access care is how we take care of ourselves. This is why it is critical for you to co-sponsor and pass the Coronavirus Immigrant Families Protection Act which will:?
Modify immigration policies that would deter immigrants from seeking health services for the duration of the coronavirus emergency and for 60 days after the emergency ends, including suspending the public charge rules, in-person ICE checks, the immigration detention and deportation of survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking who have pending immigration applications; and suspending immigration enforcement actions at or in transit to/from sensitive locations, such as hospitals, courthouses, domestic violence shelters, and other sensitive locations.
Ensure that everyone has access to COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccines by providing Medicaid coverage of COVID-19-related services to everyone, regardless of immigration status; and prohibiting discrimination in any program funded by a coronavirus relief bill based on actual or perceived immigration status.
Provide $100 million for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide language access and public outreach on coronavirus preparedness, response, and recovery to hard-to-reach populations-including minorities, those with limited English proficiency, and those with disabilities.
Ensure access to COVID relief measures for vulnerable communities by allowing immigrant taxpayers to access cash relief benefits with an individual tax identification number (ITIN); and automatically extending expiring work authorization for immigrants during the coronavirus emergency for the same time period as was previously authorized.
Thank you for your work on behalf of America's families!
Most of us are scared, for good reason. But we will pull through this by pulling together. When we support the Coronavirus Immigrant Families Protection Act, we say 'no' to those who want to divide us and instead commit to ensuring that everyone can access health care-which will save lives.?
? Don't forget to sign! Add your name to our letter that highlights the urgent health care and economic security measures our elected leaders can take to protect our most vulnerable community members.?*When you click, you'll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action link on social media:?
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families and our communities.
-Tasmiha, Felicia, Donna, Kristin, Xochitl and the whole MomsRising / Mam?sConPoder team
[1] Immigrants Make Up 1 in 4 U.S. Health Care Workers
[2] Young Children of Immigrants The Leading Edge of America's Future
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This is all really hard. Our hearts are hurting for our families and our country. And, more than we need hand sanitizer in the time of COVID-19, we need access to paid sick days and paid family leave for everyone. Fortunately we have a start: Today is a historic day in the United States.?
That's because today, for the first time ever, thanks to the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act, our nation will have a *limited*, nation-wide, paid sick days and paid family leave law in place during the COVID-19 crisis. [1]?
The new law is a huge deal and we all helped make it happen. But it's not enough. As many as 96 million working people, and expiring at the end of 2020. [2] ***Check the link in our PS below to find more information about if you are covered or not under the new law.
It's time to make even bigger history!? 96 million people missing out is not okay.? It's time to double down and tell Congress to cover everyone and always.? Click here to raise your voice now.
We need to send a strong message to Congress to ensure this solution is included in the next coronavirus relief package. The Providing Americans Insured Days of Leave (PAID Leave) Act closes the loopholes in the Families First Act and makes both paid sick days and paid family and medical leave permanent because we know the need for these policies doesn't begin and end with the coronavirus crisis. [3]
? Add your name to our letter urging Congress to include the PAID Leave Act in the next coronavirus relief legislative package.
Here's the scoop: The Families First law, while an important step in the right direction, has some big gaps. For example,if you work for a company with more than 500 people, you're not covered. If you need more than two weeks of leave to recover from COVID-19, or to care for a loved one who has to be isolated due to COVID-19, you aren't covered.? We are all in this together, this is not a time to leave anyone out.
That means families like Te'Jal's in Ohio aren't covered. Te'Jal shares:
"Because my employer has more than 500 employees, I won't be able to access the emergency paid sick days and paid leave provisions in the Families First package so if either I or one of my family members gets coronavirus we won't be covered. That worries me, because I already used my limited sick time when my son and I both got the flu earlier this year. I can't afford to lose pay if one of us gets coronavirus. Many other families will fall through the cracks, too, including families who need paid leave for reasons other than school or child care closures."
And this new law? It expires at the end of 2020 - even though we know that families need access to paid sick days and paid family and medical leave in normal times, not just during pandemics.?
The PAID Leave Act is a strong, history-making fix because it would ensure that working people have access to 14 days of paid sick time and 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave to use during the COVID-19 crisis AND any future public health emergency. It also provides seven paid sick days that working people can earn annually to use even when there isn't a public health emergency. And, it also creates a permanent paid family and medical leave insurance system to welcome a new child, care for loved ones, and address serious personal medical issues.
? We need the PAID Leave Act to be included in the next coronavirus relief package that Congress passes. Add your name to our letter to Congress now.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made a lot of things clear, including the need for paid family and medical leave and paid sick days. Being there for family is what matters most and NO ONE one should have to choose between the family they love and the job that they need. Not in times of pandemics and not in normal times either.
? After you add your name to our letter to Congress now, please forward the link below to your family and friends so they can take action too.? We've shown time and time again that the more of us who take action, the faster the fixes that we all need will be made.?
Together we're a powerful force for women and families, in good times and in bad.?
- Ruth, Kristin, Karen, Sara and the rest of the MomsRising/Mam?sConPoder Team
P.S. Know Your Rights: Families First Coronavirus Response Act FAQ by A Better Balance
P.P.S. What are COVID-19''s implications for your taxes, your business, the economy, and paid family leave??Find out by joining our next ONLINE #keepmarching meeting, Tues, Apr 7, 8pm ET/ 5 pm PT.?
[1]?HR Families First Coronavirus Response Act (P.L. 116-127)?
[2] CAP: Congress Must Extend Paid Leave Protections to All Workers in Next Coronavirus Response Bill
[3] The Providing Americans Insured Days of Leave (PAID Leave) Act ?
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Please power up MomsRising's work for 2021 TODAY!
LAST CHANCE: Power Up MomsRising. All gifts DOUBLED!?
Dear Friend,
As we approach the end of the year, I wanted to bump Kristin''s note from earlier this month, thanking you for coming through again and again for initiatives that change our world, like our powerful Georgia postcard and phone bank campaigns to help get out the vote, and our highly effective advocacy for strong COVID-19 relief legislation for families. Your support makes our work possible.
The strength of MomsRising's million-member movement is in the actions that each and every one of us takes. Every time you read an email, sign a letter, share your story, read another MomsRising supporter's story, and make a donation to MomsRising, you add to the power of this movement. THANK YOU for all you do.
Subject: URGENT: Please support postcards to Georgia AND MORE!
Dear Friend,
It's Kristin. I'm writing to you as the MomsRising team is fighting for COVID-19 relief legislation in Congress, including unemployment insurance, paid leave and sick days, childcare and healthcare -- and as we are backing up local organizations who are getting out the vote in Georgia. You all, as a community, have come through again and again. Thank you. For instance, when we asked for MomsRising volunteers to write postcards to help get out the vote in Georgia, this movement stepped up and in less than 24 hours, our postage-paid, pre-addressed postcards were claimed! And as we speak, the MomsRising team continues to organize our movement and support on the ground efforts to get out the vote in Georgia and also to move relief to families through Congress.?
So, let me get right to it: We need you now more than ever. It's because of supporters like you making donations right now that we're able to get those postcards to potential voters in Georgia and we're able to fight for families in Congress.?
And it's because of supporters like you that we can think even bigger for 2021! Together, we've accomplished so much in 2020, despite truly monumental challenges. That's why we know we can count on you, on us, together, to win even more for families in 2021. Can you chip in to support this work today? TODAY is a great day to donate because, thanks to another generous MomsRising donor, every dollar you give will be DOUBLED!
We have BIG plans to build on our forward progress in 2020 and to make even more gains for parents, families, children, and our economy in 2021. Check out our top 10 targets for 2021:
1- Advancing emergency COVID-19 relief; 2- Securing healthcare for everyone; 3- Lifting the economy, safety net, taxes, and jobs; 4- Pushing forward criminal justice and policing reform; 5- Strengthening workplace justice, including paid family and medical leave and sick days; 6- Passing affordable, accessible, quality childcare opportunities for all;? 7- Advancing maternal health and reproductive health;? 8- Moving forward fair treatment of all immigrant families;? 9- Strengthening gun safety;? 10- Expanding voting rights along with democracy protection.
Can you support this vitally important work with a donation today? ALL DONATIONS DOUBLED TODAY! Please let us know you're with us as we plan for 2021!?
Together we WILL continue to make progress. 2020 has shown us what we can do when we rise together.? Please chip in what you can today to help MomsRising make even bigger advances that life every family in 2021!?
Thank you for all you do,
P.S. There's one more easy thing you can do -- please forward this message now to friends and family so we can raise our voices even more powerfully in 2021!
P.P.S. We made a minute-long KAPOW! YAY! BAM! WOW! video on the wins you powered in 2020!? *Check out the short KAPOW video here and please share!
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Friend?- Can you do a phone bank shift (or two!) to help remind Georgia voters about the January 5th Special Election for 2 U.S. Senate seats that's just 7 short days from now? It''s GO TIME! This is THE critical week for phone banking in Georgia. Every registered voter in Georgia deserves to have a voice in the January 5th special election, where two U.S. Senate seats are being voted on; but not everyone knows the Special Election is happening on January 5th - so we need your help making phone calls to let people know that now is the time to vote again!
Be a part of this historic moment -> Click here RIGHT NOW to sign up to phone bank with our partners in Georgia.
Thank you for doing ALL the things to help protect democracy!!!
- Kristin, Nate, Gloria, Jordan, Donna, Monifa, and the MomsRising Team
P.S. If you haven''t yet donated to our end-of-year campaign, which fuels our work to get out the vote, and SO MUCH MORE, please consider giving now. It''s an important way to grow and strengthen this movement for moms and families. All gifts are matched.
Subject: SIGN UP -> Georgia get-out-the-vote opportunity!
Dear Friend,
With all the zany news out there, it can be easy to lose sight of some of the really big news -- THERE IS A SPECIAL ELECTION IN GEORGIA ON JANUARY 5th!
Yes, we're ALL CAPS shouting from the rooftops about this Special Election for two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia that's happening on January 5th because, since this is a special election at a time when voting doesn't typically happen, a lot of people don't know about it yet.
That's where YOU come in!
*Do you have some time to help get out the vote with the Black women-led Georgia Coalition for the People''s Agenda, along with the Transformative Justice Coalition, and Public Citizen in making phone calls to Georgia voters to let them know about their early voting, absentee voting, and same day voting options for the January Special Election??
The time is now!!? "This week is the most important week to make phone calls. Our goal is getting people the information they need to early vote, which starts Monday, December 14th in Georgia; and also to ask people to utilize the absentee ballot process in Georgia. Getting people the information they needed to vote early and absentee on November 3rd resulted in historic voter turnout, we're using those same tactics now to build voter turnout for the Georgia Special Election!" - Dianne Wilkerson, Transformative Justice Coalition
*Please click here to say, YES! I will phonebank to get out the vote in Georgia with the Black women-led Georgia Coalition for the People''s Agenda, as well as the Transformative Justice Coalition, and Public Citizen!
Phone banking is easy! Just click our link to let us know you are interested. We''ll immediately send you detailed directions from the Transformative Justice Coalition, and let them know you want to help get out the vote in Georgia. Then, all you need to do is set aside anywhere from 30 minutes to even 2 or 3 hours to phonebank in order to give people in Georgia the information they need to vote on or before January 5th. You will be walked through every step of the way by the Transformative Justice Coalition and there are voter protection attorneys as resources too.??
Make phone banking a mini-holiday event by forwarding this email to friends and family so they can sign up to help get out the Georgia vote too!
Here's that link again that you can share and post on social media:
Thank you so much for all you're doing to lift democracy!!!?
- Kristin, Monifa, Nate, Jordan, Gloria and the whole Team
? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?
Register to vote! / ?Reg?strese para votar!
Join our Spanish language community, Mam?
What should MomsRising tackle next? Tell us!
You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.
Tomorrow is too late - contribute now! ALL GIFTS MATCHED.
Dear Friend,
Checking in to see how you're doing. It's the last day of 2020 and what a year. Thank you for opening this email. Thank you for making 2020 a year of historic voter turnout. Thank you for raising your voice to help get COVID-relief through Congress. Thank you for all you've done to lift families, protect our democracy, and advance much needed change even as you've been juggling more than ever in your life. You are needed. And your voice and actions made a difference in 2020. I know you are bombarded with messages asking for donations this week so I'll get right to it:
Friend, our voices moved mountains (and voters) in 2020, but our work is far from done: We need to KEEP RISING for women and families in 2021, and we need your help to do it. Please don't wait a minute more -- contribute BEFORE MIDNIGHT.
NOW is the time that your donation will make a BIG difference. In 2020, MomsRising saw a surge of grassroots support like never before and we had an incredible impact together. A generous donor saw that energy and growth, and offered to match every gift that comes in before midnight tonight!
So please donate right now to double your impact and start 2021 powered up:
Together, we can help more parents and caregivers step into their power. We have bold plans for 2021 together, including:
Advancing emergency COVID-19 relief;
Securing healthcare for everyone;
Lifting the economy, safety net, taxes, and jobs;
Pushing forward criminal justice and policing reform;
Strengthening workplace justice, including paid family and medical leave and sick days;
Passing affordable, accessible, quality childcare opportunities for all;
Advancing maternal health and reproductive health;
Moving forward fair treatment of all immigrant families;
Strengthening gun safety;
Expanding voting rights along with democracy protection. * And, importantly, continuing to get out the vote in upcoming elections!!
We need you with us on this, Friend! Are you in?
Power up MomsRising with a gift BEFORE MIDNIGHT, and every dollar you give will be instantly doubled by another donor.
Together, we are the change in motion that our nation needs right now. Together, we can build a nation where every child and family can thrive. Together, we are an unstoppable force for good.
Together, we will keep rising. THANK YOU!
-- From all of us at MomsRising, we wish you a safe and healthy New Year.
You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.
***Can you volunteer a few moments for an important phone bank to get out the vote for the upcoming Georgia special election?***
Happy 2021! We're wasting no time powering up to open doors so everyone can thrive in 2021 - and are already hard at work calling voters in Georgia to let them know about the upcoming special election for two US Senate seats on January 5th. Our partners still need volunteers to complete the work we must do to make sure every voter in Georgia has the information they need to VOTE in the special election.
Can you help??Click here RIGHT NOW to sign up to phone bank with our partners in Georgia.
If you are already involved with our phone bank, THANK YOU! Please consider signing up for another shift - and also forwarding this e-mail to a friend and asking them to join with you to get out the vote. Here''s the signup link:
This work is critical, and being a part of it is a great way to kick off 2021!
Thank you for all you do! - Kristin
P.S. We exceeded our end-of-year fundraising goal last night, raising over $50,000. Together, we''ll never stop fighting for racial, economic, and gender justice. Thank you for being a part of our powerful movement.
Subject: PHONEBANK! Volunteers needed for Georgia GOTV
Friend?- Can you do a phone bank shift (or two!) to help remind Georgia voters about the January 5th Special Election for 2 U.S. Senate seats that's just 7 short days from now? It''s GO TIME! This is THE critical week for phone banking in Georgia. Every registered voter in Georgia deserves to have a voice in the January 5th special election, where two U.S. Senate seats are being voted on; but not everyone knows the Special Election is happening on January 5th - so we need your help making phone calls to let people know that now is the time to vote again!
Be a part of this historic moment -> Click here RIGHT NOW to sign up to phone bank with our partners in Georgia.
Thank you for doing ALL the things to help protect democracy!!!
- Kristin, Nate, Gloria, Jordan, Donna, Monifa, and the MomsRising Team
P.S. If you haven''t yet donated to our end-of-year campaign, which fuels our work to get out the vote, and SO MUCH MORE, please consider giving now. It''s an important way to grow and strengthen this movement for moms and families. All gifts are matched.
Subject: SIGN UP -> Georgia get-out-the-vote opportunity!
Dear Friend,
With all the zany news out there, it can be easy to lose sight of some of the really big news -- THERE IS A SPECIAL ELECTION IN GEORGIA ON JANUARY 5th!
Yes, we're ALL CAPS shouting from the rooftops about this Special Election for two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia that's happening on January 5th because, since this is a special election at a time when voting doesn't typically happen, a lot of people don't know about it yet.
That's where YOU come in!
*Do you have some time to help get out the vote with the Black women-led Georgia Coalition for the People''s Agenda, along with the Transformative Justice Coalition, and Public Citizen in making phone calls to Georgia voters to let them know about their early voting, absentee voting, and same day voting options for the January Special Election??
The time is now!!? "This week is the most important week to make phone calls. Our goal is getting people the information they need to early vote, which starts Monday, December 14th in Georgia; and also to ask people to utilize the absentee ballot process in Georgia. Getting people the information they needed to vote early and absentee on November 3rd resulted in historic voter turnout, we're using those same tactics now to build voter turnout for the Georgia Special Election!" - Dianne Wilkerson, Transformative Justice Coalition
*Please click here to say, YES! I will phonebank to get out the vote in Georgia with the Black women-led Georgia Coalition for the People''s Agenda, as well as the Transformative Justice Coalition, and Public Citizen!
Phone banking is easy! Just click our link to let us know you are interested. We''ll immediately send you detailed directions from the Transformative Justice Coalition, and let them know you want to help get out the vote in Georgia. Then, all you need to do is set aside anywhere from 30 minutes to even 2 or 3 hours to phonebank in order to give people in Georgia the information they need to vote on or before January 5th. You will be walked through every step of the way by the Transformative Justice Coalition and there are voter protection attorneys as resources too.??
Make phone banking a mini-holiday event by forwarding this email to friends and family so they can sign up to help get out the Georgia vote too!
Here's that link again that you can share and post on social media:
Thank you so much for all you're doing to lift democracy!!!?
- Kristin, Monifa, Nate, Jordan, Gloria and the whole Team
? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?
Register to vote! / ?Reg?strese para votar!
Join our Spanish language community, Mam?
What should MomsRising tackle next? Tell us!
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Can you take a moment to phone bank? TODAY and TOMORROW are the last days for Georgia phone banking - CLICK TO SIGN UP TO HELP RIGHT NOW!
If you are already involved with this effort, THANK YOU. Please share the sign up link with your friends and family who have time to help today or tomorrow:
Subject: Start 2021 right by calling Georgia voters!
***Can you volunteer a few moments for an important phone bank to get out the vote for the upcoming Georgia special election?***
Happy 2021! We're wasting no time powering up to open doors so everyone can thrive in 2021 - and are already hard at work calling voters in Georgia to let them know about the upcoming special election for two US Senate seats on January 5th. Our partners still need volunteers to complete the work we must do to make sure every voter in Georgia has the information they need to VOTE in the special election.
Can you help??Click here RIGHT NOW to sign up to phone bank with our partners in Georgia.
If you are already involved with our phone bank, THANK YOU! Please consider signing up for another shift - and also forwarding this e-mail to a friend and asking them to join with you to get out the vote. Here''s the signup link:
This work is critical, and being a part of it is a great way to kick off 2021!
Thank you for all you do! - Kristin
P.S. We exceeded our end-of-year fundraising goal last night, raising over $50,000. Together, we''ll never stop fighting for racial, economic, and gender justice. Thank you for being a part of our powerful movement.
Subject: PHONEBANK! Volunteers needed for Georgia GOTV
Friend?- Can you do a phone bank shift (or two!) to help remind Georgia voters about the January 5th Special Election for 2 U.S. Senate seats that's just 7 short days from now? It''s GO TIME! This is THE critical week for phone banking in Georgia. Every registered voter in Georgia deserves to have a voice in the January 5th special election, where two U.S. Senate seats are being voted on; but not everyone knows the Special Election is happening on January 5th - so we need your help making phone calls to let people know that now is the time to vote again!
Be a part of this historic moment -> Click here RIGHT NOW to sign up to phone bank with our partners in Georgia.
Thank you for doing ALL the things to help protect democracy!!!
- Kristin, Nate, Gloria, Jordan, Donna, Monifa, and the MomsRising Team
P.S. If you haven''t yet donated to our end-of-year campaign, which fuels our work to get out the vote, and SO MUCH MORE, please consider giving now. It''s an important way to grow and strengthen this movement for moms and families. All gifts are matched.
Subject: SIGN UP -> Georgia get-out-the-vote opportunity!
Dear Friend,
With all the zany news out there, it can be easy to lose sight of some of the really big news -- THERE IS A SPECIAL ELECTION IN GEORGIA ON JANUARY 5th!
Yes, we're ALL CAPS shouting from the rooftops about this Special Election for two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia that's happening on January 5th because, since this is a special election at a time when voting doesn't typically happen, a lot of people don't know about it yet.
That's where YOU come in!
*Do you have some time to help get out the vote with the Black women-led Georgia Coalition for the People''s Agenda, along with the Transformative Justice Coalition, and Public Citizen in making phone calls to Georgia voters to let them know about their early voting, absentee voting, and same day voting options for the January Special Election??
The time is now!!? "This week is the most important week to make phone calls. Our goal is getting people the information they need to early vote, which starts Monday, December 14th in Georgia; and also to ask people to utilize the absentee ballot process in Georgia. Getting people the information they needed to vote early and absentee on November 3rd resulted in historic voter turnout, we're using those same tactics now to build voter turnout for the Georgia Special Election!" - Dianne Wilkerson, Transformative Justice Coalition
*Please click here to say, YES! I will phonebank to get out the vote in Georgia with the Black women-led Georgia Coalition for the People''s Agenda, as well as the Transformative Justice Coalition, and Public Citizen!
Phone banking is easy! Just click our link to let us know you are interested. We''ll immediately send you detailed directions from the Transformative Justice Coalition, and let them know you want to help get out the vote in Georgia. Then, all you need to do is set aside anywhere from 30 minutes to even 2 or 3 hours to phonebank in order to give people in Georgia the information they need to vote on or before January 5th. You will be walked through every step of the way by the Transformative Justice Coalition and there are voter protection attorneys as resources too.??
Make phone banking a mini-holiday event by forwarding this email to friends and family so they can sign up to help get out the Georgia vote too!
Here's that link again that you can share and post on social media:
Thank you so much for all you're doing to lift democracy!!!?
- Kristin, Monifa, Nate, Jordan, Gloria and the whole Team
? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?
Register to vote! / ?Reg?strese para votar!
Join our Spanish language community, Mam?
What should MomsRising tackle next? Tell us!
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HURRY - match ends at MIDNIGHT - contribute now! ALL GIFTS MATCHED.
Hi Friend,
I'm so grateful that you're with us right now. The truth is, I'm worried that we won't reach our $50,000 goal tonight, so I'm reaching out one last time.
Will you contribute now, before midnight?
This goal matters, because MomsRising's mission matters.
You fuel this movement. You make MomsRising strong. You are making a difference for families across America. We need you right now.
Every dollar helps us meet our match! Please donate now.
Thank you! And here's to a healthy, happy new year!
P.S. Thank you again for EVERYTHING you did in 2020 to break historic voting records, to advance COVID relief through Congress, and so much more. Together we're more powerful than any single one of us dreamed possible. And, together, we're still needed in 2021.
Checking in to see how you're doing. It's the last day of 2020 and what a year. Thank you for opening this email. Thank you for making 2020 a year of historic voter turnout. Thank you for raising your voice to help get COVID-relief through Congress. Thank you for all you've done to lift families, protect our democracy, and advance much needed change even as you've been juggling more than ever in your life. You are needed. And your voice and actions made a difference in 2020. I know you are bombarded with messages asking for donations this week so I'll get right to it:
Friend, our voices moved mountains (and voters) in 2020, but our work is far from done: We need to KEEP RISING for women and families in 2021, and we need your help to do it. Please don't wait a minute more -- contribute BEFORE MIDNIGHT.
NOW is the time that your donation will make a BIG difference. In 2020, MomsRising saw a surge of grassroots support like never before and we had an incredible impact together. A generous donor saw that energy and growth, and offered to match every gift that comes in before midnight tonight!
So please donate right now to double your impact and start 2021 powered up:
Together, we can help more parents and caregivers step into their power. We have bold plans for 2021 together, including:
Advancing emergency COVID-19 relief;
Securing healthcare for everyone;
Lifting the economy, safety net, taxes, and jobs;
Pushing forward criminal justice and policing reform;
Strengthening workplace justice, including paid family and medical leave and sick days;
Passing affordable, accessible, quality childcare opportunities for all;
Advancing maternal health and reproductive health;
Moving forward fair treatment of all immigrant families;
Strengthening gun safety;
Expanding voting rights along with democracy protection. * And, importantly, continuing to get out the vote in upcoming elections!!
We need you with us on this, Friend! Are you in?
Power up MomsRising with a gift BEFORE MIDNIGHT, and every dollar you give will be instantly doubled by another donor.
Together, we are the change in motion that our nation needs right now. Together, we can build a nation where every child and family can thrive. Together, we are an unstoppable force for good.
Together, we will keep rising. THANK YOU!
-- From all of us at MomsRising, we wish you a safe and healthy New Year.
You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.
Friend?- Georgia is on our minds! There are two U.S. Senate seats being voting on in a Special Election on January 5th in Georgia- and your help is needed to let people know it's time to vote again! ?We know it's the end of the year and everyone is busy, and we are hoping you can squeeze in some time to help get out the vote in Georgia! ?There are a couple of celebrity packed phone banks you can sign up for:
December 23rd and/or December 30th at 5pmET/2pmPT with actors Alyssa Milano, Debra Messing, Anjelika Washington and Misha Collins:?
December 26th and/or January 2nd at NoonET/9amPT with superstars Dolores Huerta and Rob Reiner:
Thank you for doing ALL the things to help protect democracy!!!
- Kristin, Nate, Gloria, Jordan, Donna, Monifa, and the MomsRising Team
P.S. For additional phone bank time slots when you can volunteer to help get out the vote in Georgia, see below or click here:?
Subject: SIGN UP -> Georgia get-out-the-vote opportunity!
Dear Friend,
With all the zany news out there, it can be easy to lose sight of some of the really big news -- THERE IS A SPECIAL ELECTION IN GEORGIA ON JANUARY 5th!
Yes, we're ALL CAPS shouting from the rooftops about this Special Election for two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia that's happening on January 5th because, since this is a special election at a time when voting doesn't typically happen, a lot of people don't know about it yet.
That's where YOU come in!
*Do you have some time to help get out the vote with the Black women-led Georgia Coalition for the People''s Agenda, along with the Transformative Justice Coalition, and Public Citizen in making phone calls to Georgia voters to let them know about their early voting, absentee voting, and same day voting options for the January Special Election??
The time is now!!? "This week is the most important week to make phone calls. Our goal is getting people the information they need to early vote, which starts Monday, December 14th in Georgia; and also to ask people to utilize the absentee ballot process in Georgia. Getting people the information they needed to vote early and absentee on November 3rd resulted in historic voter turnout, we're using those same tactics now to build voter turnout for the Georgia Special Election!" - Dianne Wilkerson, Transformative Justice Coalition
*Please click here to say, YES! I will phonebank to get out the vote in Georgia with the Black women-led Georgia Coalition for the People''s Agenda, as well as the Transformative Justice Coalition, and Public Citizen!
Phone banking is easy! Just click our link to let us know you are interested. We''ll immediately send you detailed directions from the Transformative Justice Coalition, and let them know you want to help get out the vote in Georgia. Then, all you need to do is set aside anywhere from 30 minutes to even 2 or 3 hours to phonebank in order to give people in Georgia the information they need to vote on or before January 5th. You will be walked through every step of the way by the Transformative Justice Coalition and there are voter protection attorneys as resources too.??
Make phone banking a mini-holiday event by forwarding this email to friends and family so they can sign up to help get out the Georgia vote too!
Here's that link again that you can share and post on social media:
Thank you so much for all you're doing to lift democracy!!!?
- Kristin, Monifa, Nate, Jordan, Gloria and the whole Team
? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?
Register to vote! / ?Reg?strese para votar!
Join our Spanish language community, Mam?
What should MomsRising tackle next? Tell us!
You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.
Dear Friend,
We are horrified by the violence pro-Trump terrorists and white supremacists committed at the U.S. Capitol and across Washington, D.C. yesterday, and the swarming of state capitals across the country.?
? *Join us in urging Congress to impeach Trump immediately and for the Vice President and Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office ASAP.?
These were not peaceful protests but rather an outrageous attempt by a pro-Trump mob to use force and violence to overturn a free and fair election. There is no question that Donald Trump, aided and abetted by unprincipled Republican members of Congress, is responsible for this attack on our democracy -- both by inciting the violence and exacerbating the structural racism and bigotry that drives it. He made a dangerous situation even worse with his incendiary speech at his rally, tweets, and disgraceful video yesterday.
It would be irresponsible and dangerous for lawmakers to allow Trump to complete the last two weeks of his term. Trump obviously can not be entrusted to be our Commander in Chief with access to our nuclear codes. He must be removed from office now. We are asking Congress to impeach him and also for Vice President Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.*Click here to join us in calling on Congress to take action to remove Trump now:
That Trump supporters were able to breach the Capitol with relative impunity stands in stark contrast to the response we saw to the anti-police brutality protests throughout 2020 and Black Lives Matter demonstrations this summer, and highlights how deeply structural racism and white supremacy is woven into our society. We must remember Miriam Carey [1], a Black mom who crashed her car near the Capitol and was shot five times and killed by the Capitol Police. Every leader in this country must recommit to ending systemic? racism, doing everything in their power to ensure the safety of marginalized groups of people, and continuous advocacy? for equity and justice for every single person. This includes holding accountable members of Congress, along with the President, whose insurgent language and false claims clearly stoked the violence that took place yesterday.
Our democracy is being tested like never before, but we will prevail. Yesterday, when the violence broke out, Congress was in the process of counting the electors and declaring Joe Biden to be the president-elect, and Kamala Harris the vice-president elect, that they are. That declaration was delayed but could not be denied.???
? *Join us in urging Congress to impeach Trump immediately and for the Vice President and Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office ASAP.?
Moms will never stop protecting our democracy. In Georgia, MomsRising joined with local partners, including the Georgia Coalition for the People's Agenda along with the Transformative Justice Coalition to drive voter turnout, sending 380,000+ handwritten postcards to low-frequency voters, involving 3,000 volunteers in phone banking to get out the vote, and sharing information about when to vote through traditional and social media in English and Spanish. Moms will increase our activism getting out the vote in upcoming elections, and when Congress returns to its business we will continue to demand meaningful pandemic relief, paid leave, affordable child care, health care, fair immigration policies, gun violence prevention, fair wages, non-punitive, non-carceral approaches to community safety that lead states to shrink their criminal-legal systems and center the protection of Black, Indigenous, and Latino lives, and more. We are more determined than ever to end the racism in policing that is evident when we contrast the frequent, horrific police assaults on Black and Brown people, like the killing of Miriam Carey, with the way white Trump supporters were able to breach the U.S. Capitol yesterday.?
? The more people who call for Trump's removal, the faster it can happen. So please share this action link on social media, with friends, and far and wide. Here's that link again so you can share it:
America's moms, parents, and grownups stand together, in solidarity, against all those who threaten our democracy. And we thank you for standing with us and for our democracy now.?
[1] "Woman killed during D.C. chase was shot five times from behind, autopsy shows."
? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?
Register to vote! / ?Reg?strese para votar!
Join our Spanish language community, Mam?
What should MomsRising tackle next? Tell us!
You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.
Dear Friend,
We are horrified by the violence pro-Trump terrorists and white supremacists committed at the U.S. Capitol and across Washington, D.C. yesterday, and the swarming of state capitals across the country.?
? *Join us in urging Congress to impeach Trump immediately and for the Vice President and Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office ASAP.?
These were not peaceful protests but rather an outrageous attempt by a pro-Trump mob to use force and violence to overturn a free and fair election. There is no question that Donald Trump, aided and abetted by unprincipled Republican members of Congress, is responsible for this attack on our democracy -- both by inciting the violence and exacerbating the structural racism and bigotry that drives it. He made a dangerous situation even worse with his incendiary speech at his rally, tweets, and disgraceful video yesterday.
It would be irresponsible and dangerous for lawmakers to allow Trump to complete the last two weeks of his term. Trump obviously can not be entrusted to be our Commander in Chief with access to our nuclear codes. He must be removed from office now. We are asking Congress to impeach him and also for Vice President Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.*Click here to join us in calling on Congress to take action to remove Trump now:
That Trump supporters were able to breach the Capitol with relative impunity stands in stark contrast to the response we saw to the anti-police brutality protests throughout 2020 and Black Lives Matter demonstrations this summer, and highlights how deeply structural racism and white supremacy is woven into our society. We must remember Miriam Carey [1], a Black mom who crashed her car near the Capitol and was shot five times and killed by the Capitol Police. Every leader in this country must recommit to ending systemic? racism, doing everything in their power to ensure the safety of marginalized groups of people, and continuous advocacy? for equity and justice for every single person. This includes holding accountable members of Congress, along with the President, whose insurgent language and false claims clearly stoked the violence that took place yesterday.
Our democracy is being tested like never before, but we will prevail. Yesterday, when the violence broke out, Congress was in the process of counting the electors and declaring Joe Biden to be the president-elect, and Kamala Harris the vice-president elect, that they are. That declaration was delayed but could not be denied.???
? *Join us in urging Congress to impeach Trump immediately and for the Vice President and Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office ASAP.?
Moms will never stop protecting our democracy. In Georgia, MomsRising joined with local partners, including the Georgia Coalition for the People's Agenda along with the Transformative Justice Coalition to drive voter turnout, sending 380,000+ handwritten postcards to low-frequency voters, involving 3,000 volunteers in phone banking to get out the vote, and sharing information about when to vote through traditional and social media in English and Spanish. Moms will increase our activism getting out the vote in upcoming elections, and when Congress returns to its business we will continue to demand meaningful pandemic relief, paid leave, affordable child care, health care, fair immigration policies, gun violence prevention, fair wages, non-punitive, non-carceral approaches to community safety that lead states to shrink their criminal-legal systems and center the protection of Black, Indigenous, and Latino lives, and more. We are more determined than ever to end the racism in policing that is evident when we contrast the frequent, horrific police assaults on Black and Brown people, like the killing of Miriam Carey, with the way white Trump supporters were able to breach the U.S. Capitol yesterday.?
? The more people who call for Trump's removal, the faster it can happen. So please share this action link on social media, with friends, and far and wide. Here's that link again so you can share it:
America's moms, parents, and grownups stand together, in solidarity, against all those who threaten our democracy. And we thank you for standing with us and for our democracy now.?
[1] "Woman killed during D.C. chase was shot five times from behind, autopsy shows."
? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?
Register to vote! / ?Reg?strese para votar!
Join our Spanish language community, Mam?
What should MomsRising tackle next? Tell us!
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We need your voice urging that President Trump be removed ASAP!
Donald Trump''s continued presence in the Oval Office is a threat to democracy and dangerous for our families. This isn''t a time to stand idly and watch the clock run out on this terrifying chapter in our nation''s history. The time for action is now.
? *Join us in urging Congress to impeach Trump immediately and for the Vice President and Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office ASAP.?
Subject: SIGN NOW: Impeach Trump & Invoke the 25th!
Dear Friend,
We are horrified by the violence pro-Trump terrorists and white supremacists committed at the U.S. Capitol and across Washington, D.C. yesterday, and the swarming of state capitals across the country.?
? *Join us in urging Congress to impeach Trump immediately and for the Vice President and Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office ASAP.?
These were not peaceful protests but rather an outrageous attempt by a pro-Trump mob to use force and violence to overturn a free and fair election. There is no question that Donald Trump, aided and abetted by unprincipled Republican members of Congress, is responsible for this attack on our democracy -- both by inciting the violence and exacerbating the structural racism and bigotry that drives it. He made a dangerous situation even worse with his incendiary speech at his rally, tweets, and disgraceful video yesterday.
It would be irresponsible and dangerous for lawmakers to allow Trump to complete the last two weeks of his term. Trump obviously can not be entrusted to be our Commander in Chief with access to our nuclear codes. He must be removed from office now. We are asking Congress to impeach him and also for Vice President Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.*Click here to join us in calling on Congress to take action to remove Trump now:
That Trump supporters were able to breach the Capitol with relative impunity stands in stark contrast to the response we saw to the anti-police brutality protests throughout 2020 and Black Lives Matter demonstrations this summer, and highlights how deeply structural racism and white supremacy is woven into our society. We must remember Miriam Carey [1], a Black mom who crashed her car near the Capitol and was shot five times and killed by the Capitol Police. Every leader in this country must recommit to ending systemic? racism, doing everything in their power to ensure the safety of marginalized groups of people, and continuous advocacy? for equity and justice for every single person. This includes holding accountable members of Congress, along with the President, whose insurgent language and false claims clearly stoked the violence that took place yesterday.
Our democracy is being tested like never before, but we will prevail. Yesterday, when the violence broke out, Congress was in the process of counting the electors and declaring Joe Biden to be the president-elect, and Kamala Harris the vice-president elect, that they are. That declaration was delayed but could not be denied.???
? *Join us in urging Congress to impeach Trump immediately and for the Vice President and Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office ASAP.?
Moms will never stop protecting our democracy. In Georgia, MomsRising joined with local partners, including the Georgia Coalition for the People's Agenda along with the Transformative Justice Coalition to drive voter turnout, sending 380,000+ handwritten postcards to low-frequency voters, involving 3,000 volunteers in phone banking to get out the vote, and sharing information about when to vote through traditional and social media in English and Spanish. Moms will increase our activism getting out the vote in upcoming elections, and when Congress returns to its business we will continue to demand meaningful pandemic relief, paid leave, affordable child care, health care, fair immigration policies, gun violence prevention, fair wages, non-punitive, non-carceral approaches to community safety that lead states to shrink their criminal-legal systems and center the protection of Black, Indigenous, and Latino lives, and more. We are more determined than ever to end the racism in policing that is evident when we contrast the frequent, horrific police assaults on Black and Brown people, like the killing of Miriam Carey, with the way white Trump supporters were able to breach the U.S. Capitol yesterday.?
? The more people who call for Trump's removal, the faster it can happen. So please share this action link on social media, with friends, and far and wide. Here's that link again so you can share it:
America's moms, parents, and grownups stand together, in solidarity, against all those who threaten our democracy. And we thank you for standing with us and for our democracy now.?