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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to majesticseo.
To make sure it�s really you that�s signing up, we need you to confirm your details by clicking the link below:
Confirm your email address
or complete sign up, without newsletters.
And you�ll be on your way to creating a highly effective and profitable link building strategy.
Best regards,
This request was made from IP: If it was not you who requested it then please let us know by replying to this email!
Majestic-12 Limited trading as Majestic, a company registered in England with company number 05269210.
VAT registration number GB 894 8647 50, with the registered office located at:
Majestic-12 Ltd (t/a Majestic)
Faraday Wharf, Holt Street
Aston Science Park, Birmingham
B7 4BB, United Kingdom
This email was sent to the following email address: wing34376@
Welcome to Majestic
Hi Jon,
To make sure it�s really you that�s signing up, we need you to confirm your details by clicking the link below:
Confirm your email address
or complete sign up, without newsletters.
And you�ll be on your way to creating a highly effective and profitable link building strategy.
Best regards,
This request was made from IP: If it was not you who requested it then please let us know by replying to this email!
Majestic-12 Limited trading as Majestic, a company registered in England with company number 05269210.
VAT registration number GB 894 8647 50, with the registered office located at:
Majestic-12 Ltd (t/a Majestic)
Faraday Wharf, Holt Street
Aston Science Park, Birmingham
B7 4BB, United Kingdom
This email was sent to the following email address: gun37616@