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Lunette Sign Up Information

Last Updated:
4/4/2020 3
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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Lunette.

Lunette Cups

World Humanitarian Day 2020

7.5 billion people. 195 countries. One earth. We all belong here as part of humanity. On August 19, we celebrate World Humanitarian Day - a global celebration of people helping people ?????? 

For any menstruating person in the world, periods can be a hassle. In developing countries, lack of hygiene products, water, sanitation facilities and deeply rooted taboos make menstruation even harder. Many cannot carry out their day-to-day activities like attending school or work during their period, which prevents them from reaching their full potential. 

By standing up, collaborating and giving back to create the world we strive for, it only makes sense to celebrate this important day with a special offer. 


Spread kindness!

Team Lunette believes in bringing education, opportunities, and intelligent period care solutions for everyone on this planet.  

You can now BUY ONE CUP on our site and GET ONE FREE to give to someone in need.

 Simply add both cups to cart and use code: WHD2020 





Plastic Free July 

Plastic Free July doesn''t have to be an intimidating phrase. If the month helped shed some light to the plastic pollution epidemic, you''ll be able to consider it a success.

If you''re still wondering how a single menstrual cup can make a GIGANTIC difference in your ecological footprint, do this quick 4 question quiz to find out! 




Lunette Cup Clear


Stay safe! 


Lunette Team

Check us out










Have questions, comments or concerns? Email us
You are receiving this email because you love our cups! If you wish to unsubscribe, please update or unsubscribe.

Copyright ? 2019 Lunette All rights reserved
Our mailing address is:Lune Group Oy Ltd  Kopsamontie 138, 35540 Juupajoki, Pirkanmaa, Finland

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020