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La Jolla Institute for Immunology 9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
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Hello James,
This time of year I often get questions from our donors about the variety of ways La Jolla Institute can receive gifts. There are many ways to give beyond the traditional donation made by check or credit card, and some of them might have better tax benefits for you than others. So I wanted to take a moment to highlight a couple alternative giving options you have for making a donations to qualified charities like La Jolla Institute that could maximize your giving and tax savings:
IRA Charitable Rollover/Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD):
If you are 70˝ or older, you are eligible to make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) directly from your IRA to La Jolla Institute. The benefit of making this kind of donation, is that it can help satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year and reduce your taxable income. Additionally, you aren't required to itemize with QCDs, which means you may decide to take advantage of the higher standard deduction made available by the recent tax law changes, but still use a QCD for your charitable giving. To learn more about this giving option, you can contact me or speak to your financial or tax advisor. If you are ready to make a QCD, you will need to contact your IRA administrator directly to set up the transfer from your IRA to our organization.
Gifts of Securities:
If you have appreciated securities like stocks, mutual funds or bonds, you can donate them directly to La Jolla Institute and by doing so make a very effective and tax-efficient donation. This is a better option than selling securities to generate the cash you need to make a donation, because when you donate securities that have appreciated for more than a year this helps you avoid capital gains taxes. And in addition, you are still eligible to deduct the full fair-market value of the asset you donated from your income taxes (up to the overall amount allowed by the IRS). If you are interested in making a gift of securities please contact me and I can share the information you will need to initiate this transfer.
If you have any questions about these or any other type of gift please contact me at (858) 752-6674 or by replying to this email. Also, always know that if you are interested in coming to visit us at La Jolla Institute to see our research in action, I am happy to set up a tour. Thank you again for your support and interest in our research, together we will continue to pursue Life Without Disease.
All the best,
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer La Jolla Institute for Immunology
My career and my colleagues' careers can achieve new heights with your support.
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Dear James,
Proudly representing the next generation of researchers at La Jolla Institute, I am reaching out to introduce myself and to share with you the profound potential of the The Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology.
We are ready to achieve the next breakthrough. All we need is a chance. SPARK awards give us this chance in the form of flexible funding for our ideas. But this is only possible when you and other generous supporters stand beside us with your contribution.
In this brief clip, my fellow finalists and I share how your donation profoundly impacts our careers, our lives, and our pursuit of Life Without Disease®:
James, will you stand beside me and my fellow finalists as we pursue the next breakthrough? As of today we just need $6,515 to fund the next award, which would allow one of us to run our independent SPARK project. Please help us get to that finish line today by donating now at:
The impacts of your donation are endless. Every dollar goes directly to a SPARK project vetted by the Institute's experts for its potential to deliver results. A young scientist is empowered to pursue their novel idea, never before explored in medical research. And a young career is given the opportunity to flourish.
We look forward to updating you in the New Year on the progress made by The Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology, and I will be honored to be among the 2020 SPARK Award winners if funding is made possible through philanthropic support. Happy holidays to you and your family!
P.S. You can learn more about my SPARK project and the projects of the other finalists at:
Cecilia Lindestam Arlehamn, Ph.D.
Finalist / 2020 Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards
Instructor / Alessandro Sette, Dr. Biol.Sci. Laboratory and Bjoern Peters, Ph.D. Laboratory La Jolla Institute for Immunology
La Jolla Institute for Immunology 9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
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Good morning James,
It was a true privilege to share updates with you throughout La Jolla Institute for Immunology's landmark year of 2019. As we approach the new year, I am reaching out to share with you a final opportunity to leave your fingerprint on the Institute before year-end by being part of a new research discovery and propelling the career of a young scientist. The Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology is about $19,000 away from funding the next award. A generous donor will make a dollar-for-dollar match to your donation if you donate before year-end. James, can I count on you to help us make this next award possible before year-end?
Supporters like you are the visionaries that will make Life Without Disease possible, and that begins with providing the next generation of researchers the chance to chase a groundbreaking hypothesis that has never been attempted before. When I update you in 2020 on the continued achievements of the Institute, I want you to know that you made that breakthrough possible with your support.
SPARK has now had several years to prove its potential, and I deeply appreciate you following along with us throughout this journey. As you know well, that flexible funding is absolutely critical to fill the gap between scientists’ imagination and that first solid set of data that allows them to attract additional funding to further their research and ultimately make life-saving discoveries.
For every donation received before tomorrow at midnight, a generous donor will match that gift up to $12,500.We thought you would be particularly interested in this offer to have such a significant impact. To ensure that your gift is matched, please donate at this secure link:!/donation/checkout
Thank you for considering this final opportunity to be part of the Institute's profoundly impactful donor community in 2019.
Sending you wishes for a joyous and healthy new year. I look forward to connecting again in 2020.
All the best,
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
What do you want to see on our new website?
We value your opinion.
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Good afternoon,
We are very excited to be in the process of updating our website to make it more modern, more interesting, and more useful to you.
We greatly appreciate your support and would love your feedback! Hearing from you will help us create the best possible website--and the survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Please take a few minutes to FILL OUT THE SURVEY HERE.
Thank you for spending your valuable time to help our efforts!
La Jolla Institute for Immunology 9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
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There''s still time to register for today''s virtual discussion with expert Dr. Saphire, coming to you live from her her laboratory.
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Register Now
Join the conversation about solutions to this COVID-19 pandemicwith internationally-renowned infectious disease expert Erica Ollmann Saphire, Ph.D.Professor of the Institute''s Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research. She is the Director of the just-launched Coronavirus
Immunotherapy Consortium, a global partnership focused on accelerating discovery, optimization, and delivery of life-saving antibody-based therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others.
Dr. Saphire will highlight research efforts and observations from the field Monday, April 6th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PST). Institute leadership and experts Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D., Stephen S. Wilson, Ph.D., and Eric V. Zwisler will also provide their insights during the virtual discussion. Questions for Dr. Saphire can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
We also welcome you to share this opportunity with family and friends that may be interested in learning more about the novel coronavirus and the research efforts underway by the Institute''s global leaders in infectious disease and immunology research.
Additional information on research related to COVID-19 at La Jolla Institute for Immunology and resources available are shared on the Institute''s social channels as well as at:
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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Infectious disease expert Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire will share live updates on her coronavirus research direct from her laboratory. Register now for the virtual discussion.
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As we all navigate uncharted territory during this COVID-19 epidemic, La Jolla Institute for Immunology is committed to updating the community on its related research efforts underway. Infectious disease expert Erica Ollmann Saphire, Ph.D. will share her research efforts and observations from the field Monday, April 6th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PST). Institute leadership and experts Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D., Stephen S. Wilson, Ph.D., and Eric V. Zwisler will also provide their insights during the virtual discussion.
James, the Institute invites you to learn more about the latest advances led by Dr. Saphire addressing the rapidly developing COVID-19 epidemic. We also welcome you to share this opportunity with family and friends that may be interested in learning more about the coronavirus. Space for this live virtual discussion is limited. Please register now to ensure access.
Questions for Dr. Saphire can be submitted prior to and during the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Dr. Saphire is a Professor of the La Jolla Institute for Immunology. She is the Director of the just-launched Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium (CoVIC), a global partnership to accelerate discovery, optimization, and delivery of life-saving antibody-based therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2, and is supported by the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome and MasterCard Impact Fund. She was also the galvanizing force behind the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Immunotherapeutic Consortium and is the Director of this organization. This consortium unites 44 previously competing academic, industrial and government labs across five continents to understand and provide antibody therapeutics against Ebola, Marburg, Lassa and other viruses.
Additional information on research efforts underway related to COVID-19 at La Jolla Institute for Immunology and resources available are shared on the Institute''s social channels as well as at:
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology 9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
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Another month of steps forward on the path to answers.
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Dear James,
As I share this update with you, cases of COVID-19 are unfortunately increasing in the United States. Many states and regions have had to make the difficult decision to return to more restrictions to slow the spread, including here in San Diego County. Our collective hope is that by this time next month we will see a decline of the case numbers as a result. In the meantime, please stay healthy and vigilant and follow public health guidelines while knowing that the scientific community aggressively continues to seek solutions.
This past month we've had some encouraging updates from our labs both related to COVID-19 and otherwise, as you'll see below. I'd also like to highlight an important new study that was published in the journal Science Immunology earlier this month that shows that even the sickest COVID-19 patients produce T cells that help fight the virus. The study was led by LJI's Dr. Daniela Weiskopf, Dr. Alessandro Sette, and Dr. Shane Crotty, in collaboration with Erasmus University Medical Center (Netherlands) and offers further evidence that a COVID-19 vaccine will need to elicit T cells to work alongside antibodies to be most effective. You can read more here.
While we continue to make progress in the lab, our scientists have also been serving an important role in educating the public on the facts about COVID-19 research by providing expert insights to national and international news outlets. In case you missed them, here are few links to recent stories and interviews:
From NBC: Can our immune system ''remember'' the coronavirus? Scientists hope so
From CNN: Read Study confirms new version of coronavirus spreads faster, but doesn''t make people sicker and watch Dr. Saphire's interview with CNN's Kate Bolduan
From The Atlantic:How Long Does COVID-19 Immunity Last?
As we keep pushing ahead, gifts from the philanthropic community both large and small continue to allow our scientists to be more nimble and innovative. As you might know, there are a variety of ways you can give to LJI. For example, in addition to sending in a check or making a donation online, we accept gifts of stock or you can make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from your IRA. Also, we recently announced our new ability to accept gifts of cryptocurrency.
My best wishes to you and yours as you enjoy the rest of the summer. Stay safe, remain vigilant, and be healthy.
Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D.
President and Chief Scientific Officer
From the Lab
From Wuhan to San Diego-How a mutation on the novel coronavirus has come to dominate the globe
In a study published in the journal Cell, LJI researchers in the Saphire lab with their international collaborators reported that the mutated variant of the novel coronavirus dominating global cases does not make the virus more deadly;
rather, it helps the virus copy itself, resulting in a higher viral load in patients. Learn more here.
T cells can shift from helping to harming in atherosclerosis
One in four Americans will die from the consequences of atherosclerosis, the buildup of fat and cholesterol plaques in the arteries. A recent finding by researchers in the Ley and Sette labs published in the journal Circulationuncovers how a specific T cell can make atherosclerosis cases even worse by increasing inflammation. Learn more here.
Researchers track down metabolic enzyme that protects against inflammation
Inflammation can provide critical protection but this immune response can also cause significant harm. In the journal Science Advances, LJI scientists in the Sharma lab highlight how
a previously poorly understood enzyme inhibits inflammation in blood vessels, which can prove deadly.Learn more here.
Get Involved
Learn about La Jolla Institute''s local COVID-19 clinical studies
Several LJI labs are studying the immune response to the novel coronavirus, which relies on blood donations from convalescent COVID-19 patient samples. If you or someone you know in the San Diego region had COVID-19, please consider joining the study to advance this work. Learn more and sign up here.
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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If you missed yesterday''s Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory, be sure to catch up on the encouraging news in the posted recording. We appreciate your continued interest in the Institute, especially at this difficult time.
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Good afternoon James,
In case you missed our Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory webinar featuring Dr. Alessandro Sette, you can access the full recording, plus a behind the scenes laboratory tour here:
In his presentation Dr. Sette gave attendees encouraging news-sharing that a detailed analysis of the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 bodes well for COVID-19 vaccine development. Thus, demonstrating that the body's immune system is able to recognize SARS-CoV-2 in many ways, dispelling fears that the virus may elude ongoing efforts to create an effective vaccine.
Here's how you can stay informed about our research underway and join the fight against COVID-19: - This page is updated regularly with information concerning research breakthroughs, coronavirus media coverage and LJI''s operations during this time. - Please consider making a gift to support our COVID-19 discoveries. You can make a donation using this link, mail a contribution to my attention to the address below, or if you'd prefer to discuss alternative gift options please give me a call 858-752-6674.
Your interest in our research is greatly appreciated, as is your personal resolve in helping to fight this pandemic by following public health guidelines. Please know we are thinking of you and our global community as our researchers endeavor to fight COVID-19. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Take Care,
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer | 858.752.6674
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle | La Jolla, CA 92037
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
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La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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James, please join us this Tuesday as Erica Ollmann Saphire, Ph.D. and Sujan Shresta, Ph.D. share their collaborative COVID-19 research progress.
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Please join infectious disease experts Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire and Dr. Sujan Shresta as they report on their latest COVID-19 research live from the laboratory this Tuesday, November 24th from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. (PST). Registration availability is limited - save your virtual seat now here.
Dr. Ollmann Saphire has earned high acclaim for directing an international coalition that was instrumental in guiding the development of the first FDA-approved treatment for Ebola virus. During the webinar, Dr. Saphire will update the audience on the latest COVID-19 research results obtained in her lab as well as recent progress made by the Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium (CoVIC), a global alliance modeled after the successful Ebola team and geared toward finding therapeutic antibodies to treat COVID-19.
Dr. Shresta's research upended established dogma when she showed that dengue and Zika vaccines, designed to mainly induce an antibody response, can make subsequent infections with these viruses much worse. Dr. Shresta will discuss her insights into the importance of eliciting T cells to work alongside antibodies to prevent potentially devastating consequences and how her lab is applying these findings to designing a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine.
We look forward to having you join us and welcome you to share this opportunity with family and friends that may be interested in learning more about LJI and its fight against COVID-19.
Questions for Drs. Saphire and Shresta can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
While so much has changed since the beginning of the epidemic, La Jolla Institute for Immunology continues its focus on understanding COVID-19 and is committed to keeping the community up to speed on its COVID-19 related research developments.
Additional information on current COVID-19 research efforts underway can be found at:
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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If you missed yesterday''s Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory with LJI President Dr. Mitch Kronenberg, be sure to catch up on the encouraging updates in the posted recording. We appreciate your continued interest in the Institute.
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Good afternoon James,
Yesterday, Institute President and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Mitchell Kronenberg shared encouraging news regarding the scientific progress made over the past six months and where he anticipates science can take us as we strive to overcome the elusive SARS-CoV-2 virus. In case you missed our Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory webinar, you can now access the full recording by clicking the image below:
As always, you can learn more about our coronavirus research efforts and support the fight against COVID-19 at: This page is updated regularly with information concerning research breakthroughs, coronavirus media coverage and LJI''s operations during this time. It also links to other recorded content regarding COVID-19 featuring Institute scientists. - Please consider making a gift to support our COVID-19 discoveries. You can make a donation using this link, mail a contribution to my attention to the address below, or if you'd prefer to discuss alternative gift options please give me a call at 858-752-6674.
We appreciate your continued interest in our research and thank you for your ongoing support of LJI. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Take Care,
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer | 858.752.6674
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle | La Jolla, CA 92037
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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Exclusive invitation to premiere the short documentary film, Life Without Disease, part of the award-winning series The Visionaries.
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Continue to stay informed and lead the conversation. To download a PDF version, just click the image.
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James, because of your interest in staying updated and leading conversations on research advances, we are sharing access to a new autoimmune disease resource guide that provides an easy-to-understand introduction to the topic and current facts. You might be wondering, ''Why are we talking about autoimmune diseases right now?'' The answer is that autoimmune diseases are the most common category of diseases faced by Americans, with nearly 8% of the population suffering from one of these conditions. And while the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone on a global scale, it has been especially concerning for immunocompromised populations who are at higher risk, highlighting that the need to solve autoimmune disease remains vital. While Institute researchers push forward on COVID-19 research, we also continue our commitment to understanding autoimmune
diseases to advance treatments and find cures. Moreover, as researchers race to find vaccines for COVID-19 that won''t overactivate the immune system, it''s clearer than ever that advances in one area like autoimmune disease research can provide insights for infectious disease research, and vice versa. In all cases immunologists are seeking to identify how to elicit the best immune response against the threat of a disease, without disrupting the balance of a healthy immune system. We hope this guide will provide a useful introduction to autoimmune disease and what progress we have made at LJI toward our vision of Life Without Autoimmune Disease.
Know others that might be interested in autoimmune disease research and similar content? Forward this email and share social posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn during the week ahead, as we focus on autoimmune disease research.
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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If you missed yesterday''s Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory, the recording is now live. We appreciate your continued interest in the Institute, especially during this unprecedented time.
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Good afternoon James,
In case you missed our Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory webinar featuring Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire, you can access the full recording here:
Here's how you can stay informed about our research underway and join the fight against COVID-19: - This page is updated regularly with information concerning research breakthroughs, coronavirus media coverage and LJI''s operations during this time. - This link provides specific information about Dr. Saphire''s new global consortium CoVIC that is being funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. - Please consider making a gift to support our COVID-19 research. You can make a donation using this link, mail a contribution to my attention to the address below, or if you'd prefer to discuss alternative gift options please give me a call 858-752-6674. - Through this link you can share our work with your Facebook Community and start a fundraiser of your own to help accelerate our research.
We thank you for your continued support and interest in our work, and also for doing your part to help us flatten the curve by following public health guidelines. In the meantime, please know we are thinking of you and our global community as our researchers endeavor to fight COVID-19.
Take care,
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer | 858.752.6674
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle | La Jolla, CA 92037
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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Today at noon we''re presenting aspecial edition of Live from the Lab with LJI President Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D. Register now to ensure live access.
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Don''t let this special edition of the Live from the Laboratory series featuring LJI President and Chief Scientific Officer, Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D. pass you by. Join us today at 12:00 pm as Dr. Kronenberg assesses with you the progress made over the past six months and shares his perspective on where he anticipates science can take us as we strive to overcome the elusive COVID-19 virus. Space for this live virtual discussion is limited. Please register now to ensure live preferred access.
Questions for Dr. Kronenberg can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Additional information on current COVID-19 research efforts underway can be found at:
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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James, here is an update on our COVID-19 research.
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Dear James,
First and foremost, I hope this email finds you and your family well and that you are staying safe at this challenging time.
At La Jolla institute (LJI), our researchers in our Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research are making notable contributions to the global effort to stem the tide of the current coronavirus outbreak. Here are some quick summaries of those efforts:
Identifying protective antibodies.LJI has been awarded a significant grant by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to establish a Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium (CoVIC). Headquartered at LJI, and led by Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire, CoVIC will serve as a clearinghouse to understand which antibodies are most effective against the novel
coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and to accelerate the research pipeline to provide immunotherapeutics to treat patients with severe manifestations of COVID-19.
Finding weak spots for attacking the virus. A team of researchers at LJI, from the labs of Dr. Alessandro Sette and Dr. Bjoern Peters, in collaboration with researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute, provided the first analysis of potential targets for effective immune responses against the novel coronavirus. Knowing which parts of the virus the immune system reacts to and how
strongly, is of immediate relevance for the design of promising vaccine candidates and their evaluation.
Informing the public.We also know how critical it is to share with the public what we are working on so that we may provide transparency and factual information. To that end we plan to provide live updates from our researchers when possible, and also will keep you informed via email and our social channels. We will send out details about our first live update soon.
We will also be updating our website regularly with more information about our coronavirus research efforts, including access to live-stream and video updates, and useful links for public health information. You can also learn what LJI is doing internally to keep our employees safe and while ensuring research moves forward.
I want to thank you again for your support and interest in our work, and also thank you for doing what you can to follow public health guidelines to help us flatten the curve of this outbreak as well. I hope that this information has provided you some encouragement, and I will reach out again as new discoveries and developments arise. In the meantime, please know we are thinking of you and our global community as our researchers endeavor to fight COVID-19. You serve as a continued source of motivation as we endeavor toward Life Without Disease.
Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D. President and Chief Scientific Officer
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology 9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
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James, register now to ensure access to today''s Live from the Laboratory taking a closer look at safe COVID-19 vaccine design and sharing emerging updates.
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Please join infectious disease experts Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire and Dr. Sujan Shresta as they report on their latest COVID-19 research live from the laboratory today from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. (PST).Register now here.
Dr. Ollmann Saphire has earned high acclaim for directing an international coalition that was instrumental in guiding the development of the first FDA-approved treatment for Ebola virus. During the webinar, Dr. Saphire will update the audience on the latest COVID-19 research results obtained in her lab as well as recent progress made by the Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium (CoVIC), a global alliance modeled after the successful Ebola team and geared toward finding therapeutic antibodies to treat COVID-19.
Dr. Shresta's research upended established dogma when she showed that dengue and Zika vaccines, designed to mainly induce an antibody response, can make subsequent infections with these viruses much worse. Dr. Shresta will discuss her insights into the importance of eliciting T cells to work alongside antibodies to prevent potentially devastating consequences and how her lab is applying these findings to designing a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine.
We look forward to having you join us and welcome you to share this opportunity with family and friends that may be interested in learning more about LJI and its fight against COVID-19.
Questions for Drs. Saphire and Shresta can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
While so much has changed since the beginning of the pandemic, La Jolla Institute for Immunology continues its focus on understanding COVID-19 and is committed to keeping the community up to speed on its COVID-19 related research developments.
Additional information on current COVID-19 research efforts underway can be found at:
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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LJI''s Coronavirus Task Force is studying this virus from many different angles. Join us shortly from Dr. Crotty''s laboratory, where he''s applying his specialized expertise in vaccine design to coronavirus research.
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Join Us Today | Register Now
From 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PST) today, vaccine design expert Dr. Crotty will share his approach and observations from the field in this next installment of Live from the Laboratory. Institute leadership and experts Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D., Stephen S. Wilson, Ph.D., and Eric V.
Zwisler will also provide their insights during the virtual discussion.
Space for this live discussion is limited. Please register to ensure access.
Questions for Dr. Crotty can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Dr. Crotty is a Professor at La Jolla Institute for Immunology and a world-renowned expert in vaccine design, with a focus on how the immune system remembers infections and vaccines. His research drew international attention when he discovered a pivotal piece of the body''s mechanism for switching on the production of antibodies, the yardsticks against which the efficacy of vaccines are traditionally measured. By applying this insight into processes, Dr. Crotty hopes new and better vaccines can be developed, particularly against deadly diseases such as HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and now-COVID-19.
Resources and additional information on research efforts underway related to COVID-19 at La Jolla Institute for Immunology are shared on the Institute''s social channels as well as at:
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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James, as a supporter, we are sharing a just published press release from La Jolla Institute for Immunology.
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Dear James:
I have some very exciting news to report. LJI's Erica Ollmann Saphire was just awarded $6.4 million from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) to support her research toward COVID-19 antibody therapeutics. Full details of the award can be found in the media release here.
This award now partners the federal government's Operation Warp Speed with the Coronavirus Immunotherapeutic Consortium (CoVIC) led by Dr. Saphire at LJI and supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Thank you for your continued interest and support.
Take care.
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology 9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
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Good morning James,
Because you support La Jolla institute, I wanted to share the progress we made yesterday towards our ambitious #GivingTuesday goal of funding an entire SPARK project in one day - that is $25,000 to launch the career of a promising young researcher and empower her or him to pursue the next medical breakthrough. To push us to that goal, 29 generous donors stepped forward to raise a total of $23,220. But we still need to raise just $1,780 more to make a SPARK project possible.
There is still time to help us reach this milestone. Will you join us with a donation today? We have made the giving process quick and easy for you at this link:
Far too many promising research ideas get passed over because they lack the data required by traditional funding sources. This is exactly why LJI designed SPARK. With SPARK, competitive young researchers are able to pursue independent projects that enable them to take their careers to the next level. This year especially, the need to invest in world-class basic scientific research that untangles complicated diseases is more clear than ever. As an Institute supporter, you know this well.
Supporters like you have propelled 23 competitive research careers and trailblazing projects in just three years by donating to SPARK. Becoming a donor to this program connects you forever to the research it sparks, and the profound impacts it may have on human health.
This year''s projects are bringing us closer to solutions for infectious diseases, cancer, and heart disease, to name a few. Today we''re asking supporters like you to be part of Life Without Disease? by donating at:
Donations of every amount make an impact, as every time we get a dollar closer to our goal, it motivates others to give. Help us inspire others to give before year-end!
IMAGINE what life-saving discoveries will come from your gift. IMAGINE life without disease?.
Kelsey Dale / Deputy Director of Advancement / 858.752.6542
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
Postponing tomorrow''s webinar with Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire to June 26th.
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Dear James,
The Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory webinar with Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire initially scheduled for tomorrow, June 10, 2020 has been postponed to Friday, June 26, 2020 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PDT).
If you already registered for the webinar, your registration is still confirmed. You will receive another email from Zoom shortly with the updated date and time, and we encourage you to update your calendar accordingly. If you have not yet had a chance to register, please be sure to register now to ensure access, as space for this live virtual discussion is limited.
Thank you for your understanding with this scheduling change. We look forward to the upcoming virtual discussion highlighting La Jolla Institute for Immunology''s COVID-19 research updates.
Stay well,
Christopher A. Lee
Chief Advancement Officer La Jolla Institute for Immunology
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Returning to report back updates from the lab, infectious disease expert Erica Ollmann Saphire, Ph.D. will be sharing the status of her COVID-19 research since she was last live from the laboratory in early April. Register now.
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Beside you during these uncertain times and assisting you in navigating the reopening of society, La Jolla Institute of Immunology is providing an update from leading coronavirus expert, Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire. As an infectious disease researcher, Dr. Saphire will share her research progress and observations from the laboratory next Wednesday, June 10th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PST). Institute leadership will also be joining to provide their insights and experience during the virtual discussion.
Space for this live virtual discussion is limited. Please register now to ensure access.
Dr. Saphire is a Professor of the La Jolla Institute for Immunology. She is the Director of the newly-launched Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium (CoVIC), a global partnership to accelerate discovery, optimization, and delivery of life-saving antibody-based therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2, and is supported by the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome and MasterCard Impact Fund. She was also the galvanizing force behind the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Immunotherapeutic Consortium and is the Director of this organization. This consortium unites 44 previously competing academic, industrial and government labs across five continents to understand and provide antibody therapeutics against Ebola, Marburg, Lassa and other viruses.
Questions for Dr. Saphire can be submitted prior to and during the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Additional information on current COVID-19 research efforts underway can be found at:
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James, please join us virtually this Tuesday at the lab bench, as we explore LJI''s recent Parkinson''s and immune response discoveries with the scientists leading this research.
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Please join Dr. Cecilia Lindestam Arlehamn and Dr. Alessandro Sette as they share their latest research progress on the role of the immune system in Parkinson's Disease and COVID-19, as well as, a possible unexpected link between the two diseases this Tuesday, October 13th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PDT).
This promises to be an informative and impactful discussion, so we encourage you to register now.
Dr. Arlehamn discovered that autoimmunity plays a role in Parkinson's disease when she found that the immune system''s T cells target a protein called alpha-synuclein, which gathers into damaging clumps in dopamine-producing brain cells. In recognition of her pioneering work, the team around Dr. Arlehamn was recently awarded $3.5 million from Aligning Science Across Parkinson's (ASAP) to expand this research in individuals at risk of Parkinson's.
Dr. Sette has devoted more than 35 years of study towards understanding the immune response, measuring immune activity, and developing disease intervention strategies against diseases from Parkinson''s to SARS-CoV-2 to cancer and others. The laboratory is defining in chemical terms the specific structures (epitopes) that the immune system recognizes, and uses this knowledge to measure and understand immune responses.
Additional information about La Jolla Institute for Immunology''s research efforts underway can be found at
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La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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James, we''re sharing the most recent facts and figures as you continue to stay informed and lead conversations about the developing frontier of cancer immunotherapy with the updated Understanding Cancer Immunotherapy resource guide. To download a PDF version, click the image below.
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James, because of your interest in staying updated and leading conversations on research advances, we are sharing our 2020 updated Understanding Cancer Immunotherapy resource guide with you. This guide provides an introduction to the topic and current facts. You might be wondering, ''Why are we talking about cancer immunotherapy right now?'' The answer is that cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, and every minute someone dies of cancer in the United States.
Of great concern at this moment, cancer patients have compromised immune systems, and while the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all of us, it has been especially concerning for those at higher risk.Therefore the search for a cure for cancer remains urgent. At LJI, our scientists are working around the clock on COVID-19 research, but we have also remained committed to making new discoveries and progress toward therapies that could eradicate cancers by harnessing the power of our own immune systems. We hope this guide will provide a useful introduction to cancer immunotherapy and the progress we continue to make at LJI toward Life Without Cancer.
Want to receive more content like this sharing the groundbreaking research at LJI?
Sign up for our email newsletter. Receive our free magazine.
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SPARK is bringing the light and hope to 2020 by proposing solutions to some big questions. Meet Dr. Nicolas Thiault, a 2021 SPARK finalist, who aims to lay the groundwork for a new universal cancer therapy.
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Hi James,
As scientists we are trained to view the world with curiosity. We are often driven by questions that begin with "how" and "what." And we are inspired by the even bigger questions that begin with "what if."
As immunologists we dedicate our lives to asking these questions about the human immune system. We are on quests to find the answers to questions that could help ease suffering and provide protection from debilitating and deadly diseases. As everyone has seen first-hand this year, often scientific quests are not straightforward. They require vision and confidence, they force us to pivot and adapt, they challenge us to persevere. But no matter how they play out, every quest starts with one question that sparks a bold idea.
At La Jolla Institute for Immunology, where our vision is Life Without Disease?, we believe in the power of bold ideas. We know that often all it takes is just one spark to ignite the next big breakthrough. And it's this vision that inspired the development of The Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology. This philanthropically funded program encourages La Jolla Institute's postdoctoral researchers to share their big questions with the public in the hopes of inspiring support for their bold ideas.
This year, eight scientists are vying to win a $25,000 SPARK Award so that they may take action toward solving their question. All of this year's projects have the potential for unimaginable impact on human health. But don't take it from me. Watch this one-minute video of 2021 SPARK Award finalist, Nicolas Thiault, Ph.D., introducing the question that is driving his proposal: What if there's a new immune cell that could safely kill tumors and cure cancer?
That's right, Dr. Thiault's project would be the first step in a research journey that could end with one therapy for all cancers - for an investment of $25,000. This is a perfect example of the big, bold ideas that this program turns into real research. Research and results that could demonstrate proof-of-concept and lead to larger projects and significant follow-on funding, proven by the SPARK winners of previous years. Research and results that provide leadership experience for young scientists so they can progress in their careers and push the boundaries of immunology.
And we're just scratching the surface. You can learn about the other seven inspired 2021 SPARK finalists here.
James, as you might know #GivingTuesday is the day the world celebrates the act of giving as a community to create positive change in the world. This year, #GivingTuesday is on December 1st, and we are endeavoring to raise $25,000 to fund one of those SPARK Awards by the end of the day on Tuesday.
We are honored to announce we've already received two generous lead gifts to get us 60% of the way there - $12,500 from the Kraemer family and the Rosemary Kraemer Raitt Foundation Trust and $2,500 from R.J. Kelly the Co-Founder and Chair of The Center for Wealth & Legacy Group. Will you make a donation to help us raise the remaining $10,000 by Tuesday? Every contribution makes a difference, and you don't have to wait until #GivingTuesday, you can help fund a SPARK project with your
gift today.
Imagine James, what if your donation helps begin work that could lead to a new cure for cancer?
Best wishes,
Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D. President and Chief Scientific Officer
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
P.S. For the first time, by donating on or before #GivingTuesday, the global day of giving celebrated this year on December 1st, you''ll receive an exclusive invitation to the live virtual SPARK pitches (to be held on December 9th), where you can participate in selecting this year''s winners. Event details will be sent with your donation receipt, or please email Kelsey Dale if you'd like to learn more.
La Jolla Institute for Immunology is an official #GivingTuesdayparticipating organization with the Guidestar Gold Seal of Transparency.
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La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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With a single SPARK, one young scientist achieved a breakthrough discovery, career promotion, and two published papers. SPARK donors made this possible.
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Hi James,
Within the span of just a year, one young researcher at La Jolla Institute for Immunology pursued a question she had and achieved a novel research discovery, a career promotion, and later published two papers related to her discovery. Her pursuit was made possible by The Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology, a philanthropically-funded program launched just three years ago to provide start-up funding to the most promising early-career scientists pursuing independent projects. Hear more from Dr. Julie Burel about her SPARK experience and what''s next for her research in this 90-second video:
Dr. Burel is one of 23 SPARK winners that have received funding through the Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards over the past few years because of the generosity of the Tullie and Rickey families and over 150 other supporters like you. This year, a new class of eight early-career scientists are competing to join the ranks of the SPARK winners to pursue their ambitious projects, and this year you can be part of the program like never before.
For the first time, by donating on or before #GivingTuesday, the global day of giving celebrated this year on December 1st, you''ll receive an exclusive invitation to the live virtual SPARK pitches (to be held on December 9th) where you can participate in selecting this year''s winners. Learn more about the program and receive an invitation to join the pitches by donating today at:
Over the next few weeks, we look forward to introducing you to this year''s SPARK finalists and the bold questions they are hoping to solve with your support.
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer
P.S. If you''re interested in learning more about #GivingTuesday and the global impact you have by being part of this movement, more information is available at:
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La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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Hi James.
I hope you are staying well during this especially difficult time. As you know, the Institute''s work is more critical than ever. The "curve", flattened at tremendous cost, is now steepening with cases increasing around the country. Those daily increasing case counts, and re-closings in place of more openings make it clear that this virus is not going away. It will continue to disrupt lives and livelihoods until we can find therapies and vaccines that can be widely distributed and widely used. While 2020 has been a challenging year for all of us, it has also created opportunities as well -- The CARES Act of 2020 offers once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to make transformative philanthropic gifts with significant tax benefits to you and your family. Private philanthropy is the most effective way to rapidly propel COVID-19 research forward. Thus, I hope you will consider how you might help defeat SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, while enjoying the unique tax benefits to you and your family that will result from your generosity in 2020.
Here are a few relevant examples of opportunities in the CARES Act. If you want to talk through any of these options, please reach out to me at any time.
During 2020:
Cash gifts to operating charities like LJI will be deductible at 100% of adjusted gross income.
The tax consequences for converting a large IRA to a Roth IRA can be offset when paired with charitable gifts. Your family will benefit from tax-free distributions from the Roth Conversion in the future, while you make a difference to human health now.
There is a special window for Net Operating Loss Carrybacks from 2018, 2019 or 2020. Losses can be carried back five years to create immediate tax refunds - creating a source of funds to support LJI's research. Gifts of tax refunds made in 2020 will create additional tax deductions, opening the ability to pair tax deductions with Roth Conversions and/or sale of appreciated assets. These opportunities can benefit you and your family while creating the funds to fuel LJI's valuable work.
You can accelerate pledge payments in 2020 creating favorable results immediately.
You can create and fund a Charitable Lead Annuity Trust, creating a multi-year pledge commitment, providing annual support for LJI while providing future benefits to your heirs.
Private gifts from individuals and foundations this spring have immediately led to key breakthroughs against the coronavirus. We''re sharing these research breakthroughs in real time, as well as, some of the international news coverage on these findings at:
Although summer is often a time to relax, the Institute''s Coronavirus Taskforce continues to push forward to solve this crisis so we can all return to life without COVID-19 as soon as possible. We hope you will join us in this effort by providing a gift of support. These next five months provide a special window with immediate benefits to you and your family, while your gift can help speed the end of this pandemic.
Take care.
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer La Jolla Institute for Immunology
Another month of steps forward on the path to answers.
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Dear James,
As we head into summer I hope you are doing well and that you are continuing to take the necessary precautions to keep you and those around you safe from the novel coronavirus. While public life is reopening, it's critical that we remain vigilant especially as we are seeing upticks in infections and hospitalizations again throughout the country. During this time, I hope La Jolla Institute can remain an important source of information for you for facts about SARS-CoV-2 and the state of related research, as we continue to make critical discoveries to help find therapeutics and vaccines that will protect us from COVID-19.
I also hope you were able to join us for this month's Live from the Lab webinar with Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire. Dr. Saphire shared a recent finding related to SARS-Cov-2 that a mutation the virus acquired in March made the virus "fitter" and more infectious; however, data also suggests that the mutation didn't make it any harder for our immune system to neutralize virus and the virus hasn't become more lethal. If you missed it, you can get a high level overview of the implications of this discovery made in partnership with Los Alamos National Laboratory and Duke University by watching the recording of the webinar here.
I'd like to reiterate that Dr. Saphire's research, and that of several other labs at LJI working on understanding immune response to the coronavirus rely on blood donations from convalescent COVID-19 patient samples. If you, or someone you know in the San Diego region has had COVID-19, we hope you will consider joining the clinical study to help advance our research. You can learn more about the study and sign up here.
I'd also like to express my gratitude to many of you who continue to step forward and support our COVID-19 related research with a donation. This month 16 households made gifts totalling about $70,000 to keep our research pushing forward. These donations are being immediately put to use by our scientists to help us better understand the virus, the progression of the disease, and how to prevent and attack COVID-19.
As we look ahead, there is still much more work to be done to ensure we get to a therapy and vaccine as soon as possible. And we hope private philanthropy can continue to be a source of support and inspiration for our scientists. Gifts of every size make an impact, and we hope you will consider making a donation today to help us find solutions faster.
My best wishes to you and yours for the upcoming Fourth of July weekend. Stay safe, remain vigilant, and be healthy.
Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D.
President and Chief Scientific Officer
P.S. I thought you'd also like to know that the discoveries we shared last month about the first detailed analysis of the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 made in the labs of Dr. Alessandro Sette and Dr. Shane Crotty has continued to receive international attention. Dr. Sette and Dr. Crotty were featured in articles by Wall Street Journal ("Before Catching Coronavirus, Some People's Immune Systems Are
Already Primed to Fight It"), Business Insider ("Some People May Have a Head Start Against Coronavirus, Surprising Evidence Shows"), and the Guardian ("Are we underestimating how many people are resistant to Covid-19?") to name a few. We are proud that the research performed here at LJI is helping the global community as we all seek
solutions to COVID-19, and as a supporter we hope you are too.
Live from the Lab: Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire''s Recent Update
In case you missed it, you can watch a replay of Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire's Live from the Lab webinar in which she shared her lab's latest COVID-19 discoveries. Dr. Stephen S. Wilson, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President, also takes you behind the scenes to see LJI's new Titan Krios microscope and BSL-3 facility that's being built. Watch here.
Save the Date
Next Live from the Lab Webinar on July 22nd
Pandurangan Vijayanand, M.D., Ph.D. is a recognized expert in analyzing how genes influence immune responses. Please join us Wednesday, July 22nd from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PDT) for a virtual discussion live from the lab. Registerhere.
Other Research News
Immune cells that may lower allergy and asthma risk uncovered
Many are asymptomatic to common allergens like house dust mites but some have severe reactions like asthma attacks. To treat the cause, we need to know what differentiates patients. In a recent Science Immunology study, LJI scientists
offer a clue. Learn more here.
Powerful protein behind antibody development investigated
LJI scientists have discovered a potential new way to better fight a range of infectious diseases, cancers and autoimmune diseases. The new study, published recently in Nature Immunology, shows how a protein works as a "master regulator" in the immune system. Learn morehere.
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La Jolla, CA 92037
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Hi James.
As a La Jolla Institute for Immunology supporter, you already recognize that fundamental research discoveries are the keys that unlock solutions to diseases, from infectious diseases like COVID-19 to autoimmune diseases, like type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease. While the pandemic has brought this principle to light on a global scale, the Institute has been focused for over thirty years on the critical and underexplored types of immune cells that can be tools for better understanding and treating a range of diseases. As Institute scientists continue to make headway on COVID-19 research captivating national and international news headlines, we also remain committed to the continued understanding of autoimmune diseases to advance treatments and find cures. Below is a snapshot of the progress we''ve
made in autoimmune disease research and the additional breakthroughs we''re pursuing that will transform autoimmune disease treatments:
Progress Made
Institute researchers have discovered that conditions that don''t seem intuitively "autoimmune" actually have autoimmune components, such as Parkinson''s disease.
Many of the Institute''s 20 laboratories are working together and pioneering investigations into a family of molecules called TNF proteins, some of which were actually discovered at the Institute. The research on the function of these proteins led to the development of biologic drugs in clinical trials for the treatments of inflammatory bowel disease and eczema, among other diseases.
Institute researchers also found evidence for possible chronic viral infections in the pancreas of type I diabetespatients, pinpointing a potential trigger of the disease.
This moment is a reminder that disease research must be a priority. With evidence of autoimmune diseases disproportionately impacting certain demographics, like women, and with increasing incidences of autoimmune disease being observed in developed countries, discoveries cannot wait and action is needed now. With your support, continued discoveries will be possible. Life without autoimmune disease could become possible.
Breakthroughs Possible With You
A heart disease vaccine is being pursued by the Institute''s Dr. Klaus Ley, one of the world''s foremost experts on the immunobiology of vascular disease. Philanthropy can accelerate the pace of this research and impact cardiovascular disease, the number one killer worldwide.
A vaccine delivery strategy designed by LJI scientists showed promise for a HIV vaccine and may prove useful for vaccines focused on other diseases. Support from donors allows us to apply this critical finding to other deadly diseases.
Given the side effects of steroid treatment, long-term use is limited for chronic autoimmune disease patients. Institute scientists have been leaders in the research making non-steroidal treatmentsa possibility. With the flexibility allowed by support from donors like you, these long-term treatment solutions could become a reality.
When you give to autoimmune disease research today your investment could have collateral impacts on the current pandemic and beyond, as it''s clearer than ever that advances in one area like autoimmune disease research can provide insights for infectious disease research and vice versa. Will you join us and be part of the next breakthrough, James? Make your investment today for a tomorrow closer to life without autoimmune disease at: Continued autoimmune disease solutions are driven by new discoveries in research, and philanthropy accelerates the progress of that research. I look forward to updating you on the continued progress we make on the multiple disease fronts we are taking on, together.
All the best,
Chris Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
P.S. Want to review the Autoimmune Disease Resource Guide we recently sent you? This introductory e-guide breaks down the puzzle that is autoimmune disease and provides an overview on the research making improved treatments possible. Download now.
James, we hope you join us this Thursday as we recap the COVID-19 research progress made over the last six months and share projections for what''s to come.
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Please join us this Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 12:00 pm when LJI President and Chief Scientific Officer, Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D. presents his perspective regarding the scientific progress made over the past six months and where he anticipates science can take us as we strive to overcome this elusive virus. Space for this live virtual discussion is limited. Please register now to ensure access.
La Jolla Institute for Immunology is committed to keeping the community up to speed on its COVID-19 research developments. We look forward to having you join us and welcome you to share this opportunity with family and friends that may be interested in learning more about LJI and its fight against COVID-19.
Questions for Dr. Kronenberg can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Additional information on current COVID-19 research efforts underway can be found at:
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Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
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La Jolla, CA 92037
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Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D. will be live from the lab to share his immune response expertise and a comprehensive overview of COVID-19 research progress. Register now.
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With summer starting to wane and autumn drawing near, it seems inconceivable that our daily routines continue to be disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has forced us to change the way we work, shop, attend school, and interact. Life goes on, however, and with the help of science, we will persevere.
Please join us next Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 12:00 pm when LJI President and Chief Scientific Officer, Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D. presents his perspective regarding the scientific progress made over the past 6 months and where he anticipates science can take us as we strive to overcome this elusive virus. Space for this live virtual discussion is limited. Please register now to ensure access.
La Jolla Institute for Immunology is committed to keeping the community up to speed on its COVID-19 research developments. We look forward to having you join us and welcome you to share this opportunity with family and friends that may be interested in learning more about LJI and its fight against COVID-19.
Questions for Dr. Kronenberg can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Additional information on current COVID-19 research efforts underway can be found at:
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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With a recently launched global partnership focused on COVID-19 research, LJI''s Dr. Saphire is sharing the most current coronavirus findings live from the lab. Space is limited - please register today to ensure access.
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As we navigate the phased reopening of society together, La Jolla Institute of Immunology is providing a COVID-19 research update from global collaboration leader and infectious disease research expert, Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire. Dr. Saphire will share her research progress and observations live from the laboratory this Wednesday, June 10th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PDT). Institute leadership will also be joining to provide their insights and experience during the virtual discussion, highlighting the Institute''s state-of-the-art technology behind COVID-19 research.
We welcome you to forward this invitation to your networks that may be interested in learning more about the cutting-edge COVID-19 research at the Institute. Space for this live virtual discussion is limited. Please register now to ensure access.
Dr. Saphire is a Professor of the La Jolla Institute for Immunology. She is the Director of the newly-launched Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium (CoVIC), a global partnership to accelerate discovery, optimization, and delivery of life-saving antibody-based therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2, and is supported by the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome and MasterCard Impact Fund. She was also the galvanizing force behind the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Immunotherapeutic Consortium and is the Director of this organization. This consortium unites 44 previously competing academic, industrial and government labs across five continents to understand and provide antibody therapeutics against Ebola, Marburg, Lassa and other viruses.
Questions for Dr. Saphire can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Additional information on current COVID-19 research efforts underway can be found at:
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La Jolla Institute for Immunology
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La Jolla, CA 92037
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Another month of steps forward on the path to answers.
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Dear James,
I hope you and your family are safe as we come to the end of another month since this pandemic began. We've had some encouraging news recently, thanks to the efforts of La Jolla Institute's Coronavirus Task Force. In particular, discoveries made in the labs of Dr. Alessandro Sette and Dr. Shane Crotty are providing the first detailed analysis of the immune response to SARS-CoV-2. Their findings, published in the scientific journal Cell on May 14th showed two very important things:
The immune system is able to recognize the virus, which means this virus does not evade the immune response and vaccine development for COVID-19 is possible.
Some people who never had COVID-19 did have T cells that could respond to the virus, suggesting that past exposure to other coronaviruses (such as those that cause the common cold) had primed their T cells to recognize and attack this new coronavirus.
This study was featured on national and local news channels, in Science Magazine, and also The New York Times.
In addition to his time in the lab working on COVID-19 research, Dr. Crotty has also been widely featured as a vaccine expert for several news outlets this past month. In doing so, he's helping to educate the public on how vaccines and herd immunity work, and how we can apply what we already know to the current pandemic. Here are a few examples: WIRED Magazine's article "The First Shot: Inside the Covid Vaccine Fast Track"; FiveThirtyEight's article "Without A Vaccine, Herd Immunity Won't Save
Us"; and Science Insider's video "Can You Get The Coronavirus Twice?".
New grants from NIH almost always take many months and therefore discoveries like these are in great part made possible thanks to the generosity of private individuals and foundations. The gifts and our rapid results underscore how philanthropic investments enable our scientists to respond quickly in a crisis. We are incredibly grateful for the support we've received in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Just this month we received $21,000 in one day thanks to 46 donors stepping forward on #GivingTuesdayNow; and we raised more than $600,000 from three new donors to purchase essential equipment needed for our Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) facility and to accelerate the efforts of the Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium (CoVIC) being spearheaded by Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire.
We are encouraged by the confidence our donors are placing in us, as we continue to push ahead with the momentum generated thanks to the gifts we've received thus far. But our work is far from over, and we hope we can continue to count on private support as we pursue discoveries for life without COVID-19 again. Gifts of every size make a difference, and we hope you will consider making a donation today to help us find solutions faster. Especially when time means so much right now.
I look forward to keeping you informed on our coronavirus research. In the meantime, my best wishes to you and yours as we navigate the partial reopening of society. Stay safe and be healthy.
Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D.
President and Chief Scientific Officer
????Learn More and Make An Impact
??????Dr. Saphire Returns Live from the Laboratory on June 10th
Returning to report back updates from the field, Erica Ollmann Saphire, Ph.D. will be sharing the status of her COVID-19 research since being live from the lab in early April. Join Dr. Saphire and Institute
leadership June 10th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PST). Register here.
Behind-the-Scenes of COVID-19 Immunity Discoveries
In case you missed it, you can watch a replay of Dr. Alessandro Sette's Live from the Laboratory webinar in which he discusses his lab's breakthrough COVID-19 discoveries. His colleague Dr. Daniela Weiskopf also takes you behind the scenes of COVID-19
research. Watchhere.
Learn About La Jolla Institute''s Local COVID-19 Clinical Studies
This month continued clinical research studies locally in San Diego. If you or someone you know was diagnosed with COVID-19 and have been recovered for more than 14 days please consider participating in our COVID-19 clinical studies. Learn morehere.
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Just a reminder that today''s webinar with Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire has been postponed to June 26th.
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Dear James,
The Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory webinar with Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire initially scheduled for today has been postponed to Friday, June 26, 2020 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PDT).
If you have already registered for the webinar, your registration is confirmed. If you have not yet had a chance to register, please be sure to register now to ensure access, as space for this live virtual discussion is limited.
Thank you for your understanding with this scheduling change. We look forward to the upcoming virtual discussion highlighting La Jolla Institute for Immunology''s COVID-19 research updates. To find out more about the Institute''s COVID-19 research and response, frequent updates are available at:
Stay well,
Christopher A. Lee
Chief Advancement Officer La Jolla Institute for Immunology
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We''re excited to share a recording of The Visionaries documentary film, Life Without Disease. Now you can watch the film and share it with others.
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Good afternoon James,
In the event you were unable to view the virtual premiere of the half-hour documentary film, Life Without Disease, the full recording can be found at The film showcases the critical work of three La Jolla Institute for Immunology scientists working on the frontlines of infectious disease and vaccine research. The recording also includes a bonus Q&A with the featured scientists and filmmaker Jody Santos, where they discuss their work in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Please feel free to share the film's link on your social media accounts
- like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram- or share it with others
who may have been unable to watch the film live. If you would like to learn more about the award-winning public television series, The Visionaries, hosted by actor Sam Waterston, please check out The 24thseason of The Visionaries is currently airing on local PBS stations. Please check your local listing for
air times. As always, you can learn more about our coronavirus research efforts and support the fight against COVID-19 by visiting This page is updated regularly with information concerning Institute research breakthroughs and coronavirus media coverage. We appreciate your continued interest in our research and thank you for your ongoing support of LJI. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Take Care,
Christopher A. Lee, MBA Chief Advancement Officer | 858.752.6674 La Jolla Institute for Immunology 9420 Athena Circle | La Jolla, CA 92037
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Hi James,
October is breast cancer awareness month, and it's a time for us to reflect on and acknowledge the toll this disease takes as millions of people are diagnosed each year. It's also a good time to take stock of where science is in the pursuit of a cure for cancer, one of the paramount challenges of our time. La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) continues to make strides in cancer research as our scientists learn to harness the power of our own immune systems to fight and defeat this complicated disease.
With a 30-year history in pushing the boundaries of what we understand about the human immune system, LJI is one of the top-ranked immunology research institutes in the world. Our Center for Cancer Immunotherapy boasts a roster of world-renowned scientists at the very top of their fields working side by side in a uniquely collaborative environment. The Institute is fertile ground for scientific discovery and at the forefront of exploring novel immune-based cancer treatments.
Research results from the lab of Stephen P. Schoenberger, Ph.D., in partnership with UC San Diego, are now being tested in one of only six personalized vaccine immunotherapy clinical trials in the United States. Specifically, this trial is focused on solid-tumor cancers. The lab of Lynn Hedrick, Ph.D., recently made a seminal discovery in understanding neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, that may translate to better detection and treatment of cancers. And in the lab of Hilde Cheroutre, Ph.D., scientists have characterized an overlooked immune cell that might be a candidate for engineering a therapy that could attack tumors without harming healthy cells for all cancer types. This just scratches the surface of the wealth of cancer research and immune cell research underway at LJI.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally and its negative impacts are beyond measure, but the solution will be science, and it is within reach. That is where you come in.
Please consider this opportunity to invest in Life Without Cancer. Support an elite group of scientists determined to make the next breakthrough. Encourage them to think big and be bold in their pursuit of unanswered questions. Enable them to work together in a state-of-the-art facility without having to wait for government funding to come through.
Your investment in LJI can accelerate the pace of research and have immeasurable long term impacts on the millions of lives impacted by cancer every year. With your support, critical discoveries will be possible, and Life Without Cancer could become possible. Join the fight against cancer with a donation today at
I look forward to updating you on the continued progress being made as we pursue Life Without Disease, together.
All the best,
Clare (Pister) Grotting, MBA
Advancement Officer
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
(434) 989-2357
9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
P.S. Want to review the Cancer Immunotherapy Resource Guide we sent you last week? This brief, easy-to-understand e-guide provides basic information that can empower you to engage in conversations about the potential of cancer immunotherapy and the continued research making it possible.Download now.
Masks, gloves, and white lab coats. This is the uniform of the heroes at La Jolla Institute for Immunology, especially during this viral crisis. In this unprecedented moment, today is the opportunity for unprecedented action and impact. Today, we are asking you to join us in pursuing life without COVID-19 by making a donation of $31 in honor of the 31 frontline scientists at LJI.
Today is #GivingTuesdayNow, an opportunity to come together and amplify our individual power to end this viral crisis. As a COVID-19 frontline research organization, we are directly part of the tireless effort to develop precise coronavirus diagnostics and treatments. Like many organizations, we scaled down on-site operations significantly in response to COVID-19; but 31 researchers remain leveraging their infectious disease and technical expertise to discover breakthroughs during this pandemic.
James, will you show your support of the scientists seeking the solutions to this viral crisis with a #GivingTuesdayNow contribution of $31?Here is the link to donate:
As a supporter of LJI, you recognize the profound power of the immune system. Life without COVID-19 is only possible by harnessing that power through research. And this research is only possible when heroes receive flexible funding through donations from generous individuals like you.
Take care,
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer La Jolla Institute for Immunology
P.S. This is hero Dr. Alba Grifoni in action in the lab. She''s one of the 31 frontline scientists working around the clock to make life without COVID-19 possible. Your contribution impacts her work and the work of all of our heroes.
You can still be part of the record-breaking momentum.
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Dear James,
I'm honored to share with you that yesterday, on #GivingTuesdayNow, we broke a La Jolla Institute for Immunology record - we had the highest number of donations made in a single day. This collective action is a reminder to our research heroes that outside the lab they have a larger community rooting for them and encouraging them to press ahead.
We raised more than $5,600 yesterday, and donations have continued to come in today. If you missed the opportunity to make a gift on #GivingTuesdayNow - it's not too late to still make an impact and show our 31 frontline heroes that you to applaud their efforts and hope to help them succeed. You can make a donation here...
We will one day again have life without COVID-19, but we will get there faster with your help. Together we can solve the problem of COVID-19, science is the solution.
Take care,
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer La Jolla Institute for Immunology
Results of Philanthropy
Voices of America Short Film on LJI COVID-19 Vaccine Research
You can directly support the COVID-19 research featured in this short film with a donation. Voices of America (VOA), the largest U.S. international broadcaster to 280+ million weekly, explores the COVID-19 vaccine through interviews with LJI researchers. Watchhere.
Live from the Laboratory Continues with Dr. Sette on May 13th
By making a contribution today, you can fund the work of one of the "world''s most highly cited researchers", Dr. Alessando ''Alex'' Sette. He''s sharing his immune response expertise on Wednesday, May 13th at 12:00 p.m. (PST) in a live discussion. Register here.
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A month of steps forward on the path to answers.
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Dear James,
I'm reaching out to you today to give you an update on the progress made by La Jolla Institute's Coronavirus Task Force this past month. Our researchers have been busy in the labs, many of them putting in back to back 16-18 hour days ramping up their projects; drafting papers to share their findings with the world; and providing expert interviews for regional townhalls, national media outlets like POPULAR SCIENCE and Bloomberg, as well as participating in webinars to provide the public with accurate science-based information about what we are learning about the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in real-time.
This month we've initiated clinical research studies locally in San Diego and established international collaborations to collect and analyze the plasma of convalescent COVID-19 patients. We are continuing to make progress toward antibody therapeutics, identifying the best possible targets for vaccines, better understanding immune responses, and disease severity. And we look forward to sharing those findings soon.
Our efforts have been possible thanks to private and public investment this month. For example, earlier this month, Dr. Alessandro Sette was awarded $500,000 from the National Institutes of Health to continue his study of how the human immune system recognizes the novel coronavirus. And Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire was among the 1% of applicants to initially receive a Fast Grant from Emergent Ventures. The $100,000 grant enables her to purchase enough incubators to purify vaccine antigens and antibodies from human cells to facilitate her work with the Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium (CoViC).
While these large gifts and grants are significant, it is often the smaller private donations that are critical to help our scientists successfully compete for them. Every donation, from $10 to $10,000, helps our researchers buy supplies, invest in equipment, and keep projects moving until they can secure a larger grant. We've had numerous donors come forward this last month and we are incredibly grateful for their support. We hope that we can continue to inspire your confidence and demonstrate why supporting us is a wise investment. To those of you on the fence about donating, I hope you will consider making a gift - as it is only through our collective efforts that we will defeat this virus.
I look forward to keeping you informed on our coronavirus research and thank you again for your interest and support. In the meantime, my best wishes to you and yours. Stay safe and be healthy.
Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D.
President and Chief Scientific Officer
????Learn More and Make An Impact
Voices of America Short Film on LJI COVID-19 Vaccine Research
Voices of America (VOA), the largest U.S. international broadcaster producing news content for major media to 280+ million weekly, explores questions about the most effective COVID-19 vaccine through interviews with LJI researchers on the frontlines. Watchhere.
Join Millions in the #GivingTuesdayNow Day of Unity through Giving
This Tuesday, May 5th you can be part of #GivingTuesdayNow, the new global day of giving launched as an emergency response to the need caused by COVID-19. Impact LJI''s pursuit of pandemic solutions. Donatehere.
Live from the Laboratory Continues with Dr. Sette on May 13th
Join us for a virtual discussion with immune response and vaccine discovery expert Dr. Alessando ''Alex'' Sette, Dr. Biol.Sci. on Wednesday, May 13th at 12:00 p.m. (PST) continuing our Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory series. Register here.
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Hi James,
This year the COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the power of private investment in research to accelerate scientific discovery. This fusion of donors and scientists is generating solutions that will impact global health and allow us to connect with one another again. We are hopeful we will be able to gather again soon because we have come together with a common purpose: to achieve life without COVID-19.
This successful fusion hasn't been limited to just this year, or research for this pandemic. For many years medical research has advanced, and treatments and vaccines have been developed, due to individuals like you investing in the power of science. And at La Jolla Institute, you have a unique opportunity to contribute to finding solutions to many diseases that we face today through The Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards. (If you haven''t had a chance to review the updated program webpage, it can be accessed at
Each Tullie and Rickey SPARK Award winner receives a modest $25,000 budget and one year to explore a bold idea in the field of cancer immunotherapy, infectious disease and vaccine research or autoimmune disease research. This program is designed to use your philanthropic support to SPARK the necessary first step in scientific innovation and progress.
This past week we've been introducing you and Institute supporters to the eight young scientists hoping to secure a SPARK Award this year to ignite their own careers with bold investigations into cancer, COVID-19, heart disease, type 1 diabetes, and more. Through the generosity of the Tullie and Rickey families and many others, we will be able to fund five awards this year. But that means three projects still need your help to get started. Could we count on you to donate today to enable research and accelerate discovery?
Today, on #GivingTuesday we are just $3,500 away from funding an entire SPARK Award. You can read more about this year's SPARK projects and help us reach our #GivingTuesday goal by donating right now at And for the first time, we are offering all donors to the Tullie and Rickey SPARK Awards program an opportunity to virtually view and participate in the SPARK Awards pitches on December 9th, which is how the SPARK Award winners are determined.
This year, I hope you will consider investing in the advancement of human health by partnering with LJI and the next generation of scientists. Together we can make breakthroughs. Imagine, what if your gift today helps begin work that could lead to life without disease?
????Kelsey Dale / Deputy Director of Advancement / 858.752.6542
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
P.S. If you are interested in making a pledge or utilizing another way to give like an IRA rollover, or a donation of appreciated stocks or securities your commitment can still help us reach our goal today. Please reach out to me to share your intent, or reach out for more information about how to make the most tax-effective gift to support our research.
Limited registrations available for today''s Live from the Lab, ?taking a closer look at LJI''s recent Parkinson''s and immune response discoveries with the scientists leading the research. Please be sure to register now.
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James, please join Dr. Cecilia Lindestam Arlehamn and Dr. Alessandro Sette as they share their latest research progress on the role of the immune system in Parkinson's Disease and COVID-19, as well as, a possible unexpected link between the two diseases this Tuesday, October 13th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PDT).
This promises to be an informative and impactful discussion, so we encourage you to register now.
Dr. Arlehamn discovered that autoimmunity plays a role in Parkinson's disease when she found that the immune system''s T cells target a protein called alpha-synuclein, which gathers into damaging clumps in dopamine-producing brain cells. In recognition of her pioneering work, the team around Dr. Arlehamn was recently awarded $3.5 million from Aligning Science Across Parkinson's (ASAP) to expand this research in individuals at risk of Parkinson's.
Dr. Sette has devoted more than 35 years of study towards understanding the immune response, measuring immune activity, and developing disease intervention strategies against diseases from Parkinson''s to SARS-CoV-2 to cancer and others. The laboratory is defining in chemical terms the specific structures (epitopes) that the immune system recognizes, and uses this knowledge to measure and understand immune responses.
Additional information about La Jolla Institute for Immunology''s research efforts underway can be found at
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La Jolla Institute for Immunology
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What progress is being made in COVID-19 research as the reopening of society continues? Join us today for the latest updates as we answer your questions with expert Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire.
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Join Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire today as she shares her research progress and observations live from the laboratory from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PDT). Institute leadership will also be joining to provide their insights and experience during the virtual discussion, highlighting the Institute''s state-of-the-art technology behind COVID-19 research.
Space for this live virtual discussion is limited. Please register now to ensure access.
Dr. Saphire is a Professor of the La Jolla Institute for Immunology. She is the Director of the newly-launched Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium (CoVIC), a global partnership to accelerate discovery, optimization, and delivery of life-saving antibody-based therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2, and is supported by the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome and MasterCard Impact Fund. She was also the galvanizing force behind the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Immunotherapeutic Consortium and is the Director of this organization. This consortium unites 44 previously competing academic, industrial and government labs across five continents to understand and provide antibody therapeutics against Ebola, Marburg, Lassa and other viruses.
Questions for Dr. Saphire can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Advancement Officer Clare Pister at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Additional information on current COVID-19 research efforts underway can be found at:
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If you missed yesterday''s Research Updates: Live from the Laboratory, be sure to catch up with the recording.
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Good afternoon James,
In case you missed our Research Updates: Live from the Laboratory webinar featuring Dr. Cecilia Lindestam Arlehamn and Dr. Alessandro Sette you can access the full recording, plus a behind the scenes laboratory tour here. Yesterday we learned that Dr. Arlehamn is spearheading a three-year, $3.5 million study into how immune cells may contribute to Parkinson's disease. The new funding will allow the team to expand on this research to investigate whether T cells contribute to the development of Parkinson's disease. Click here to read the full story. Dr. Sette discussed his team's latest findings on COVID-19 and also touched on the theory that the immune system's response to viral infections, such as COVID-19, could be a "triggering event" that leads immune cells to then target brain cells.
If you or someone you know has Parkinson's, and might be interested in participating in this study, please email, call/text
(858) 255-0680, or visit to learn more.
While this research update briefly touched on COVID-19, you can always stay informed about our research underway and join the fight against COVID-19 by visiting This page is updated regularly with information concerning research breakthroughs.
Your interest and support in helping us fight disease is appreciated. At LJI we will keep pushing ahead for our vision of Life Without Disease? and are grateful to have you by our side. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Take care,Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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La Jolla Institute for Immunology 9420 Athena Circle La Jolla, CA 92037
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Recent highlights from
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
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Diabetes researchers spot dangerous T cells in the pancreas-even in healthy people
New study shows that even healthy people have "autoreactive" T cells lurking in the pancreas-in surprisingly high numbers.
Fighting Zika? Call in the T cells
Stopping emerging viruses could depend on getting T cells and antibodies to work together.
New study points to a better way to ward off asthma triggers
LJI study suggests future asthma therapies need to target two key immune molecules
Every COVID-19 case seems different. These scientists want to know why.
Scientists in the U.S. and U.K. publish first in-depth look at how CD4+ T cells fight SARS-CoV-2
Live from the Laboratory:
??????Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire and Dr. Sujan Shresta
Infectious disease experts Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire and Dr. Sujan Shresta report on their latest COVID-19 research live from the lab. Additional information on current COVID-19 research efforts underway can be found here.
Daniela Weiskopf awarded $1.4 million to study COVID-19 in Latino Americans
Klaus Ley receives $2.3 million to study fundamentals of immune cell activation
LJI Professors make 2020 list of highly Cited Researchers
Alba Grifoni receives ISSNAF award for COVID-19 research
COVID-19 Updates
As we all navigate uncharted territory during this COVID-19 epidemic, LJI scientists have launched a multi-lab Coronavirus Task Force to respond to the ongoing crisis and prepare for future emerging diseases.
We are committed to updating the community on our related research efforts underway as well as resources for additional information. ClickHEREto learn more.????
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Hi James,
I''m one of the 31 scientists at La Jolla Institute focused on developing COVID-19 treatments and diagnostics. While many people have been on pause, my collaborators and I have been in the laboratory night and day working towards immunological fixes to this pandemic. We''re hoping that today, on #GivingTuesdayNow, you will make a donation of $31 to help keep our research moving forward and remind us that we are not alone in our efforts - that you''re right beside us cheering us on. Here''s the donation
Each donation received today gives my fellow scientists and I much needed encouragement to keep pushing ahead. Your support will directly impact scientific research during a moment when it''s needed most. All of our training and dedication to the field of infectious disease research has prepared us for this moment, and we''re giving this our very best James. While my colleagues are putting their everything into this pursuit for discoveries, please consider making a contribution to honor them.
Thank you,
Daniela Weiskopf, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
Also sharing a picture from social media of some of the 31 (including me) in the lab working on COVID-19 research...
James, today is #GivingTuesday and we need your help to SPARK the next big breakthrough in medical research.
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Hi James,
Today is #GivingTuesday, a reminder that each one of us can affect positive change in the world through philanthropy. By investing in the causes we care about and the visionaries and problem solvers we believe in, together we can create a better tomorrow.
This year, immunologists have been squarely in the spotlight. Terms like "herd immunity," "T cell response" and "antibodies" have become mainstream. Infectious disease research has become immediately and deeply personal in a universal way. We all now appreciate more fully that this research is critical to health and human connection. And, we also understand how important it can be for scientists to think big, pioneer into the unknown and do so quickly and efficiently. Lives, after all, may lie in the balance.The Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology gives you the opportunity to invest in
early-career scientists who exhibit these important characteristics.
Because of the investment of hundreds of donors over the past three years, more than 20 bold new ideas have turned into real research and propelled science and the careers of visionary scientists forward. This year eight young investigators are hoping to earn your support for their innovative ideas for fighting disease, and we hope that today, on #GivingTuesday, you will make a gift that will SPARK research.
The power and potential of this program is best expressed by the scientists it supports. This one-minute video features three of the 2021 SPARK Award finalists each hoping to tackle infectious diseases, including COVID-19, and reduce the burden they place on the world.
Our goal today is to raise $25,000, which will provide funding to get one of the 2021 SPARK projects off the ground. And thanks to generous support from the Kraemer family and the Rosemary Kraemer Raitt Foundation Trust, R.J. Kelly the Co-Founder and Chair of The Center for Wealth & Legacy Group, and several others who made early contributions to SPARK we are 71% of the way to achieving that goal. But we still need your help James. So this #GivingTuesday, I ask you to join us in this exciting endeavor by supporting La Jolla Institute for Immunology's SPARK program.
Thank you for your support and interest in our research all year round. I hope you will make a gift today to help SPARK the next exciting research breakthrough. And imagine James, what if your donation helps begin work that could lead to life without infectious disease?
Kelsey Dale
Deputy Director of Advancement
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
P.S. For the first time, by donating on or before #GivingTuesday, the global day of giving celebrated this year on December 1st, you''ll receive an exclusive invitation to the live virtual SPARK pitches (to be held on December 9th), where you can participate in selecting this year''s winners. Event details will be sent with your donation receipt, or please email me if you'd like to learn more.
La Jolla Institute for Immunology is an official #GivingTuesdayparticipating organization with the Guidestar Gold Seal of Transparency.
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Access the newly published Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards 2020 Annual Report recapping the significant impact of philanthropy to advance innovative research and propel scientific careers.
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Hi James,
We''re excited to share with you The Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology 2020 Annual Report available to download here or view online here. This program, funded entirely by supporters like you, is sparking research breakthroughs and igniting the careers of immunology''s most promising young scientists.
The 2020 Annual Report maps the significant project progress, research discoveries, and career achievements of the program''s 2019 and 2020 SPARK winners-a testament to the impact of SPARK donors. The 2021 SPARK finalists competing for funding this year are also announced in the report. We will be sharing more about them in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your interest in our research and your continued commitment to the pursuit of Life Without Disease?. As you are planning your year-end charitable contributions, I hope you will consider making a gift to support this dynamic program.
Kelsey Dale / Deputy Director of Advancement 858.752.6674
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
click to download the just published SPARK 2020 Annual Report
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Vaccine design and infectious disease expert Dr. Shane Crotty will share live updates on his coronavirus research direct from his laboratory. Register now for the virtual discussion.
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As we all navigate uncharted territory during this COVID-19 pandemic, La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) remains committed to updating the public on the research efforts of LJI''s Coronavirus Task Force. In our next installment of Live from the Laboratory, vaccine and infectious disease expert Shane Crotty, Ph.D. will share his approach and observations on Monday, April 20th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PST). Institute leadership and experts Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D., Stephen S. Wilson, Ph.D., and Eric V. Zwisler will also provide their insights during the virtual discussion.
We hope you will join us for this webinar, and also welcome you to share this opportunity with family and friends that may be interested in an update from the frontlines of coronavirus research. Space for this live virtual discussion is limited. Please register now to ensure access.
Questions for Dr. Crotty can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Dr. Crotty is a Professor at La Jolla Institute for Immunology and a world-renowned expert in vaccine design, with a focus on how the immune system remembers infections and vaccines. His research drew international attention when he discovered a pivotal piece of the body''s mechanism for switching on the production of antibodies, the yardsticks against which the efficacy of vaccines are traditionally measured. By applying this insight into processes, Dr. Crotty hopes new and better vaccines can be developed, particularly against deadly diseases such as HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and now-COVID-19.
Resources and additional information on research efforts underway related to COVID-19 at La Jolla Institute for Immunology are shared on the Institute''s social channels as well as at:
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With COVID-19, what distinguishes a good immune response from a detrimental one? We''re discussing this research in Wednesday''s live expert update. Space is limited - register today to ensure access.
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Join Us This Wednesday | Register Now
Space for this live discussion is limited.
Please register to ensure access.
Immune response and vaccine discovery expert Alessandro "Alex" Sette, Dr. Biol. Sci. will share his research knowledge and observations from the laboratory on Wednesday, May 13th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PST). Institute leadership will also be sharing their insights and experience during the virtual discussion.
Dr. Sette is establishing a global network to study the immune response in patients with COVID-19. He is working closely with his colleagues at LJI to comprehensively map which parts of the virus elicit a strong immune response, and what distinguishes a good immune response from a detrimental one. This information is particularly important to understand why some people have more severe illness and to ensure that a vaccine induces a desirable immune response without unintended consequences.
The Institute invites you to learn more about the latest advances led by Dr. Sette addressing the rapidly developing COVID-19 pandemic. We also welcome you to share this opportunity with family and friends that may be interested in learning more about the coronavirus. Space for this live virtual discussion is limited. Please register now to ensure access.
Questions for Dr. Sette can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Additional information on research efforts underway related to COVID-19 at La Jolla Institute for Immunology are shared on the Institute''s social channels as well as at:
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If you missed yesterday''s Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory, the recording is now live. We appreciate your continued interest in the Institute, especially during this unprecedented time.
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Good afternoon James,
In case you missed our Coronavirus Updates: Live from the Laboratory webinar featuring Dr. Shane Crotty, you can access the full recording here: Please feel free to post the webinar to your social media accounts or share the webinar with others who may have been unable to watch it live.
Here's how you can stay informed about our research underway and join the fight against COVID-19: - This page is updated regularly with information concerning the Institute''s coronavirus research breakthroughs, related media coverage and LJI''s operations during this time.
KPBS News Article and Video: La Jolla Institute Leading Global Hunt For Antibodies To Coronavirus- The international effort led by LJI aims to connect dozens of labs across continents to find the best option. While Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire is working on injectable antibodies as a treatment, Dr. Shane Crotty is tapping into that research to develop a vaccine, which teaches human cells how to make their own antibodies. - Please consider making a gift to support our COVID-19 research. You can make a donation using this link, mail a contribution to my attention to the address below, or if you'd prefer to discuss alternative gift options please give me a call 858-752-6674. - Through this link you can share our work with your Facebook Community and start a fundraiser of your own to help accelerate our research.
We thank you for your continued support and interest in our work, and also for doing your part to help us flatten the curve by following public health guidelines. In the meantime, please know we are thinking of you and our global community as our researchers endeavor to fight COVID-19.
Take care,
Christopher A. Lee, MBA
Chief Advancement Officer | 858.752.6674
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle | La Jolla, CA 92037
P.S. Save the date for #GivingTuesdayNow, the new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 - as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. Please join us in this movement pursuing solutions to this crisis.
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La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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James, don''t miss this special virtual event featuring the short documentary film, Life Without Disease, part of the award-winning series The Visionaries.
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James, join us for an inspiring evening tonight as we virtually screen the short documentary film, Life Without Disease, part of the award-winning series The Visionaries.
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Get the most updated COVID-19 information from the experts behind the research. Join us Monday in Dr. Crotty''s laboratory for a live virtual discussion.
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In our next installment of Live from the Laboratory, vaccine design and infectious disease expert Shane Crotty, Ph.D. will share his approach and observations from the field this Monday, April 20th from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (PST). Institute leadership and experts Mitchell Kronenberg, Ph.D., Stephen S. Wilson, Ph.D., and Eric V. Zwisler will also provide their insights during the virtual discussion.
As part of LJI''s Coronavirus Task Force, Dr. Crotty is applying his specialized expertise on the frontlines of coronavirus research. We hope you can join us for this behind-the-scenes opportunity, and also welcome you to share this invitation with family and friends. Space for this live virtual discussion is limited. Please register now to ensure access.
Questions for Dr. Crotty can be submitted prior to the webinar by emailing Engagement and Stewardship Officer Chelsea Luedeke at We will make every effort to answer as many questions as possible during the webinar.
Dr. Crotty is a Professor at La Jolla Institute for Immunology and a world-renowned expert in vaccine design, with a focus on how the immune system remembers infections and vaccines. His research drew international attention when he discovered a pivotal piece of the body''s mechanism for switching on the production of antibodies, the yardsticks against which the efficacy of vaccines are traditionally measured. By applying this insight into processes, Dr. Crotty hopes new and better vaccines can be developed, particularly against deadly diseases such as HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and now-COVID-19.
As we all navigate uncharted territory during this COVID-19 pandemic, La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) remains committed to updating the public on the research efforts of LJI''s Coronavirus Task Force. Resources and additional information on research efforts underway related to COVID-19 at La Jolla Institute for Immunology are shared on the Institute''s social channels as well as at:
Copyright ? 2020, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
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Good afternoon James.
As you reflect on all that this past year entailed, I have one last question for you to consider:
What if you were the force that made the next medical research breakthrough possible?
In a year when defeat seemed to be at every turn, medical research was a spark of hope that connected the globe. And with a new year of medical research possibilities around the corner, your contribution could have more impact than ever.
With a history of success, the Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards program funds research hoping to tackle challenges we face today - from infectious diseases like COVID-19, to autoimmune diseases and cancer. Can I count on you to be part of SPARKing the next breakthrough? If so, please make your contribution at
????Supporters like you are the visionaries that will make Life Without Disease possible, and that begins by providing the next generation of researchers the chance to chase a groundbreaking hypothesis that has never been attempted before. When I update you in 2021 on the progress of this year''s SPARK Award winners, know that your support made their accomplishments possible.
Over the past few years, SPARK has proven its potential and worth, demonstrating how flexible funding is critical to fill the gap between scientists' imaginations and the initial sets of data that allow them to attract additional funding to further their research and ultimately make life-saving discoveries.
Thank you for considering this final opportunity in 2020 to join us in our mission of Life Without Disease, during a landmark year when medical research innovations held new meaning for each and every person.
Sending sincerest wishes for a new year of profound health and safety. I look forward to connecting again and continuing to update you on the Institute's research progress in 2021.
Take care.
?P.S. This is such a tax beneficial year to give with the special deduction incentives in the 2020 CARES Act. For one, taxpayers who take the standard deduction may also take a charitable deduction of up to $300 for cash contributions made to qualifying organizations. The act also temporarily suspends limits on charitable contributions, allowing deductions for charitable contributions up to 100% of AGI. Please be sure to make your contribution before this opportunity passes tomorrow, by donating now at