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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Life Changes Trust.

Life Changes Trust e-bulletin
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Life Changes Trust e-Bulletin

Welcome to the Life Changes Trust e-bulletin, usually issued monthly, with further email alerts when funding opportunities become available. Please also check our website for regular news and programme updates, and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.  

Our contact details are available on our website

Follow us on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram 


Trust  News and Events 

Aspirational Awards are back!
Great news: our Aspirational Awards are back! These grants support young people with care experience to think big about their future and help them reach their best potential. If you are interested, and aged between 21-26, then we want to hear from you. We're always happy to chat through any questions you may have.
Find out more on our website

Digging Deeper Research Fund

We would like to fund research into under-explored issues to inform policy and practice and to improve the lives of people living with dementia and/or unpaid carers of people with dementia. We want to see proposals for research that contributes to a current knowledge gap or where the knowledge generated through the research has the potential to improve the lives of people affected by dementia. Awards are only available to individuals or organisations that are based in Scotland. The minimum award available is �10,000 and the maximum is �50,000. Awards must be 100% match-funded.
Read more on our website

Get Writing!
We've just launched a new creative writing project for people with care experience in Scotland. We are looking for writing from people who have current or past experience of care, and you can be as creative as you like - you can write about your experience of care, or about other things that are important to you. It can be poems, song lyrics, flash fiction... the choice is yours. We will publish a lovely book in the Summer of 2020, and the good news is that this not a competition - we will be aiming to include as many entries as possible. This is a great chance to get your writing into print!
Find out more on our website

Invitation to tender: evaluation of the Life Changes Trust Advisory Group    

We are committed to truly listening to the voice of people with care experience, as we believe that this is the key to achieving transformational change. This is why we established our Advisory Group, whose members have provided us with invaluable expertise over the years. We are now looking to evaluate the impact of the Trust�s investment in our co-production approach, specifically through our Advisory Group, and capture the learning that we have gathered. The deadline for bids is the 16th December at 5pm.
Find out more on our website

Peer Mentoring Report
Our Peer Mentoring Impact and Learning Report for young people with care experience is out! We established the Peer Mentoring initiative as a means of increasing opportunities for young people with care experience to have positive relationships, mentored by someone who had walked in their shoes. This report reflects on and shares the learning we have gathered from our fantastic Peer Mentoring projects, and highlights some of the impact that has been evidenced over the three years of funding.
You can read the report on our website

Dementia Friendly Communities film & toolkit

The Life Changes Trust has funded almost 40 dementia friendly communities all over Scotland. These projects all embrace some basic, key principles that help to create robust dementia friendly communities. We have used the learning to date to design a toolkit exploring the nine key principles, and to illustrate these we have produced a short documentary showcasing five outstanding Trust-funded dementia friendly communities in Scotland. Our film is up for a Charity Film Award so don't forget to vote!  
You can download the toolkit here and you can watch and vote for the film here

Stakeholders News and Events 

About Dementia updates
'About Dementia', the National Policy Forum on dementia funded by the Life Changes Trust, now has an e-newsletter to keep forum members updated on what they have been up to, and what is to come. They will hold their next forum meeting at the Bellfield Centre in Stirling on the 5th December (more information and registration here).
Read their November newsletter here, and sign-up to be a forum member here.  

BDA Scotland looking for Befrienders

The British Deaf Association (BDA) Scotland is seeking to recruit Befrienders for their Transforming the Deaf Dementia Experience project. They are looking for individuals who are passionate about making a real difference to the quality of life and well being of Deaf people living with dementia in Scotland; people to provide the companionship and support they need to continue doing things they enjoy. 
Find out more here 

Dundee Champions Board's Little Box of Happiness 
Dundee Champions Board are designing self care boxes for young people, for when they feel low, anxious or lonely. They have made a Survey Monkey for young people to choose what they would like to see in the box. Take a minute to fill in the survey, they want to hear your opinion!
Take the survey here

Life Changes Trust Flash Report
Have a look at our latest fabulous Flash Report to see what we have been up to in the last three months. We've been busy!
Download the Flash Report here

The Life Changes Trust was established by the Big Lottery Fund with a National Lottery grant of �50 million to support transformational improvements in the quality of life, well-being, empowerment and inclusion of people affected by dementia and young people with experience of being in care.
Go to the Life Changes Trust website
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Comment on: 01/09/2020