Hi Everyone,
What''s on your holiday wishlist that you can''t quite bring yourself to invest in? In the past, two items sat atop my aspirational-yet-practical wishlist for over a decade: a Dyson vacuum and Tumi carry-on luggage (never has the latter been so irrelevant). Now I have both, and I am in fact, obsessed. My per-use value (and joy) far outweighs what seems like an expensive price tag.
I have also pined a long puffy coat for at least 10 years, since the mornings when I was living in CA, training for a triathlon in 2009. For inquiring minds, I finished nearly last in the swim portion after panicking at the start line, then switching to a backstroke the rest of the way to calm down.
But now a few things have changed: I'm in New York, walking Ryder once or twice a day, the weather has turned freezing, and the pandemic has given us all permission for upgraded PJs.
So, I bought myself a sleeping bag masquerading as a coat and I have never been happier. Now I look forward to leaving the house when it''s freezing out! This coat is warm, light, and delightful. I feel like a marshmallow wrapped in a cloud, and I don't care how ridiculous I look because I am so cocooned. And yes, I proudly wear my Comfy on dog walks too (thank you mom for that great gift last year!).
How about you? What''s your must-have purchase that you''d recommend to others this year, large or small? I''ll share the top suggestions in next week''s PivotList :)
Now onto this week''s round-up of resources . . .
?? PLUGS: I''m thrilled to back Sarah Santacroce''s Kickstarter campaign to help her fund and launch The Gentle Marketing Revolution book. I was honored to co-write the foreword with Penney Peirce, and jam for a podcast together earlier this year on self-care for introverts, empaths, and HSPs (Highly Sensitive People). Listen here ?
?? READING: The Almanack of Naval Ravikan. Filled with pearls of wisdom, I loved this one in particular: "Become the best in the world at what you do. Keep redefining what you do until this is true."
?? WATCHING: Ted Lasso on Apple TV - such a lighthearted, good-humored, much-needed pick-me-up. Thank you Sarah Young for the recommendation!
?? LISTENING: Jonathan Fields'' fantastic interview with Matthew McConaughey for the Good Life Project. Right from the opening, McConaughey shares this gem (for context, he doesn''t wear a watch):
"I am working and I''m peddling, day-to-day I have a lot of responsibilities, and I''m good at that. All of a sudden, what I find is, I''ll get ahead of time. Meaning, is it 6:00 yet? It''s 4:22 - ah geez, well slow down, slow down.
If I click off and check out to have my time in nature, be outside, get back with the rhythm that''s outside of my vertically stacked responsibilities, I can come back and go...what is it? It''s 3:15...and I look at the clock and it''s 3:17 - OK, there we go, I like it.
A minute or two behind is my favorite spot - to be just a hair off, like a great drummer, on the back side of the tune, not on the front side of the wave.
Then I find that all those vertically stacked responsibilities - when I''m starting to run on reserve - lays down and becomes lateral in front of me, and I can see it. Instead of the proverbial weight on my shoulders, I can hop from lily pad to lily pad with a lot less stress. That''s what nature gives me - that clock."
?? DRINKING: My all-time go-to daily favorite, deliciously aromatic and flavorful morning tea: Rishi''s Earl Grey.
?? TOOLS: Goody: "Send a gift as easily as a text" - delivered beautifully as well! I made Michael test it out with me :) Their delightful virtual gift-opening experience is perfect for these remote times, and there''s no more guessing (or collecting) mailing addresses-the recipient enters their own info, and you are only billed once they have accepted your gift. Create an account by sending your first gift (this took me about 10 minutes to fumble around and figure out).
That''s it for now . . . THANK YOU for reading and listening, for your support, and for being part of this adventure with me. I am grateful for you every day!
?? With Love,
