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Lets Ride Sign Up Information

Last Updated:
2/4/2020 4
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Email Verified:
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Email Address


Post-Registration Data

We are still gathering data about this website


This site did not show evidence of storing passwords in plaintext.

This site does allow secured connections (https)

This site did show a clear way to unsubscribe from their emails

This site does verify your email address.

Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Lets Ride.

Hello Matthew Nelson,

You registered an account on Lets Ride, before being able to use your account you need to verify that this is your email address by clicking here:

Your account must also be approved my the system administrator. This can take a little time because the administrator will check some of the information in an attempt to verify you are not a person who has been previously removed from the system due to previous policy violations. Sorry we have to delay your membership but it is a necessary to approve members to keep the website safe, clean, and to make it as enjoyable as possible. You will receive a notification when your membership has been approved.

This message was sent to you by a member or administrator of the Motorcycling community., LLC
Dacono, CO 80514
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Comments about letsride

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020