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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Leeway.

2020 applications are open, upcoming information sessions, opportunities, community news, artist news and more!

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Join the Leeway Staff and film and media-maker, Tatiana Bacchus (ACG '19,'14, '09) for a Grant Information Session in Doylestown. Information sessions are a great opportunity to learn about our grant cycles, deadlines and how past grantees have had successful applications.

Thursday, February 6
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Michener Art Museum
138 S Pine Street
Doylestown, PA 18901

View all upcoming information and applicant support sessions

Applicant support sessions are an opportunity to meet one-on-one with a Leeway representative to get direct feedback on your application. Drop-in sessions do not require an appointment.

ASL interpretation and childcare available by request if you RSVP by Thursday, February 6.

Thursday, February 20
2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Philadelphia Folklore Project
735 S 50th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19143

View all upcoming information and applicant support sessions.
Whether you’re getting grants, selling or performing art, are self-employed or have an LLC, you will have to file taxes. But, what are the best filing options for your individual situation? With over 12 years of experience, Tamara Ali Bey of Creative Business Accounting & Tax Services will offer advice, handouts, and explain some of the more confusing tax issues for artists.

Leeway Foundation, Taxes for Artists
Wednesday, February 26
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Bread & Roses Community Fund
100 S Broad Street, Suite 1600
Philadelphia, PA 19110

Next Workshop: March 16 
A Leeway internship is an excellent opportunity to learn about grantmaking at the intersection of art and social change. These opportunities are designed to expose interns to philanthropy and the nonprofit sector and provide a rich learning experience. Apply today!

Deadline: Friday, February 28
Trans Justice Funding Project is now accepting applications from grassroots, trans justice groups run by and for trans people. This grant funds groups who are centering the leadership of trans people organizing around their experiences with racism, economic injustice, transmisogyny, ableism, immigration, incarceration, and other intersecting oppressions. 
Deadline: February 15
PNC Arts Alive is a multi-million dollar funding initiative of The PNC Foundation, designed to support visual and performing arts organizations and make the arts accessible to all audiences. Applications are now open for organizations with an annual budget of $150,000+.
Deadline: February 18
The BlackStar Film Festival, an annual celebration of the visual and storytelling traditions of the African diaspora and of global indigenous communities, showcasing films by black and brown people from around the world is now accepting submissions.
Early Deadline: February 12;
Preferred Deadline:March 18
Working Films is teaming up with Race Forward to present Race Flicks, a micro-film festival, and track of Facing Race: A National Conference, being held in Raleigh, North Carolina November 12 - 14, 2020. The track will have a special focus on racial justice and equity in the U.S. South told by media makers who live in the region. 
Deadline: February 21
Hot Bits Film Festival, an annual traveling sex-positive film, performance, and visual festival is now accepting short film, performance, visual art, vending & workshop proposals for the touring festival traversing Philly, Baltimore, Boston & beyond.
Deadline: February 29
The Center for Emerging Visual Artists (CFEVA) is accepting applications for the Visual Artist Fellowship. This opportunity is designed to help artists in the Philadelphia Region reach new levels in their career. Artists will be asked to demonstrate a vision for the next stage of their professional or artistic practice and a clear plan for CFEVA’s proposed role in reaching it.
Deadline: March 1
Scribe Video Center seeks Humanities and Social Science Consultants for the 2020 Precious Places Community History Project. Participants will meet about three times a month for three months with the groups, guide the group through one day of primary shooting, and also consult on occasion during the editing. Generally, we estimate up to 75 hours in total over a six month period beginning in April 2020.  
Deadline: April 3
Asian Arts Initiative is hosting The Asian American Artist Town Hall, a networking event made for artists, organizers, and culture makers to connect directly to support each others’ artistic projects. Peek new work, pitch upcoming projects, learn about funding opportunities and connect over a shared meal.
February 3
The Trans Masculine Advocacy Network (TMAN) is hosting the 4th Annual Philly Black Trans History: A Multigenerational Panel Discussion featuring some of the city's most influential Black Trans pioneers of all ages at the William Way LGBT Community Center.
February 28
Visit our blog daily for more opportunities and community news.
Claudia Peregrina (ACG '18, LTA '19) was featured in The Philadelphia Inquirer as one of ten Latinos who have made significant achievements in Philadelphia. Claudia was selected for her community-based efforts combining art and women’s social justice with organizations in the area. >> READ MORE
J Mase III (ACG '07) & Lady Dane Figueroa Edidi received a 2020 Creative Capital Award for The Black Trans Prayer Book: A Performative Documentary. The project explores the lives, reflections, performances, and spiritual journeys of contributors to the Black Trans Prayer Book—a collaborative text that explores the healing needs of Black trans people.   >> READ MORE
Lanika Angpak (ACG '19, LTA '15) along with Cambodian American Girls Empowering will host the 3rd Annual Valentine's Day Workshop on February 16. During this workshop, participants will dive into the romance of coconuts and fall in love with Khmer folk dance. For all levels and ages. >> READ MORE
Trapeta B. Mayson (ACG '14, LTA '07) and Yolanda Wisher (LTA '19, WOO '18, ACG '08) will teach a Toni Morrison course at the Rosenbach Museum & Library from February 22 - May 16. This course will explore counternarratives of trauma and healing in Toni Morrison’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Beloved as well as three novels by Black women writers influenced by Morrison’s life and work: The Salt Eaters by Toni Cade Bambara, Corregidora by Gayl Jones, and Meridian by Alice Walker. >> READ MORE
Wit López (LTA '19, ACG '19) is hosting QT Noir Arts Festival 2020 on February 8-9. In observance of Black History and Futures Month, the festival celebrates the brilliance and talent of Black LGBTQI+ artists and performers, with a focus on individuals in the Greater Philadelphia Area. >> READ MORE
Yolanda Wisher (LTA '19, WOO '18, ACG '08) is teaching a two-week poetry workshop to middle and high school students in Colorado from February 1-15 as part of Aspen Word's Writers in the School program

Yolanda will also be hosting Rent Party at The Rosenbach: Black Beats Edition on February 20. As part of her quarterly Rosenbach Museum and Library series, the event will feature poet Warren Longmire and Bethlehem the Vocussionist (ACG '19)>> READ MORE
*Leeway is a trans-affirming organization committed to gender self-determination, and we use the term “trans” in its most inclusive sense, as an umbrella term encompassing transsexual, transgender, genderqueer, Two-Spirit people, and anyone whose gender identity or gender expression is nonconforming and/or different from their gender assigned at birth.
Copyright © 2020 Leeway Foundation, All rights reserved. 
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Leeway Foundation
1315 Walnut Street
Suite 832
Philadelphia, PA  19107
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