“I strongly recommend The Narrow Halakhic Bridge – A Vision of Jewish Law in the Post-Modern Age to everyone for whom the future of the Traditional vision of Torah and Halakhah is dear.”
Rabbi Prof. Jeffery Woolf, Bar Ilan
“I was particularly intrigued by the recommendations for solutions to contemporary issues in the last few chapters. On the whole I found it accessibly written and engaging, and for the last part, courageous in attempting to chart a practical path forward on some of our most pressing social issues."
Rabbi Dr. Stu Halpern, Yeshiva University
“Orthodox Judaism is facing the challenge of a world dominated by moral relativism and postmodernism. At the same time there has been an explosion of Torah knowledge. Rabbi Neuwirth has made a major contribution in bridging these phenomena.”
Rabbi Yosef Blau, Yeshiva University
“Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth is to be commended for taking a courageous leap towards the future. With care, scholarship and erudition, he explores the challenges that confront the halachic process today and will, with even greater strength, confront that process in the future. One does not have to agree with all of the points Rabbi Neuwirth makes, or with all of his conclusions, in order to appreciate the importance of this volume. The questions Rabbi Neuwirth raises must be explored. He makes an important contribution towards their exploration.”
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, Past President RCA
“I am finding ‘The Narrow Halakhic Bridge’ to be a treasure! Your writing is so clear and honest and you address such challenging and important issues. Even my 18 years old daughter took a look and said she wants to read it. Such an important and deeply thoughtful work.”
Manette Mayberg, Silver Spring MD
“This is an important book written with a sense of urgency. It is important because it raises compelling questions about the future of rabbinic authority and the power of the Halacha to guide the Jewish people into the future. It has a sense of urgency because it so clearly recognises the deeply challenging issues facing our time ,this generation. The significance and urgency also rest in the capacity of writers and thinkers like Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth to address the issue with passion, compassion, clarity and scholarship. In our divided and fearful Corona age, the voice and vision of Rabbi Ronen in this book are all the more needed and welcomed.”
Rabbi Ralph Genende, Melbourne
Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth tackles, in an age where ideas are relative and tradition is suspect, the historical role of Halakha and its capacity to adapt. His book is as powerful as the question itself. His analysis is grounded in an impeccable understanding of traditional sources, at the same time as it is infused with courageous sensitivity to the needs of the time and the need to remain loyal to tradition. His is a vision worth contemplating, and it should be required reading for anyone, Jews, Gentiles, secular, or religious, who is interested in understanding the Jewish soul, the secret of Jewish survival, and the contribution that the Jews made to intellectual history.”
Prof. Ari Afilalo, Rutgers Law School