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Membership Emails
Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Kris Carr.
Thank you so much for sampling the Pep Talk track from my Self-Care for Busy People Meditation album.
Click here to listen to your sample track. To access the track, use the password: peptalk
I hope it helps you embrace loving yourself unconditionally. It takes less than 10 minutes to tune in and believe me, your body and soul will thank you.
P.S. Don�t miss out on the Ultimate Meditation Bundle that I put together as a special thank you. For the next 48 hours you can get this bundle at a massive discount of 73% off�that saves you $94.
You�ll get both my meditations albums with 22 total tracks, a meditation planner, Extraordinary Living Journal, TWO affirmation packs, a recording of the most popular interview from my Healing Cancer World Summit and an exclusive bonus lecture from one of my most popular events�all for for just $35.
Click here to get the entire bundle today!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Change your mind. Transform your life.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Kris here.
I used to think that if I wanted to �be healthier,� the first habit I needed to change was to stop eating fast food (Burger King was my thing) and eat more vegetables instead.
Now, that�s a good start. But after 16 years of living and thriving with stage IV cancer, I now know that there are countless healing practices that can help you on your path to wellness . . . but the most powerful one by far is meditation.
Why? Because any change you want to make starts in your mind.
And if you can change your mind, you can transform your life.
Want to eat healthy? Get your mind right. Want to give yourself to relationships that nourish you? Get your mind right. Want to dedicate yourself to a fitness routine that makes you strong and that you thoroughly enjoy? Yup, you got it� Get your mind right!
In fact, if you don�t get your mind in the right place, nothing else you do�from yoga to vegetables�will stick! And nothing helps create a positive, open mind-set as quickly and completely as meditation.
For me, meditation is some of the best medicine, with zero side effects.
Because I believe in the power of meditation so much, I want you to have this transformative experience yourself.
I've put together the Ultimate Meditation Bundle that contains EVERYTHING you need to:
Step into your power, fall madly in love with yourself and realize that anything is possible (Extraordinary: Meditations for a Magnificent Life Album)
Reduce stress and create inner calm (Self-Care for Busy People Meditation Album)
Deepen your spiritual practice and amp up your wellness routine (Crazy Sexy Miracles Lecture)
Heal your relationship with yourself (Healing Cancer World Summit Interview with Tara Brach)
Reinforce a positive, self-loving mind-set (Extraordinary Living Journal)
Keep on track with your practice (Meditate with Kris Planner)
Remind you how fabulous you truly are and give yourself regular pick-me-ups (Extraordinary Affirmations Pack + Self-Care Affirmations Pack)
. . . and for the next 48 hours you can get it at a massive discount of 73% off�a savings of $94!
To take advantage of this special, one-time opportunity, you must use the following link:
Click here to get the Ultimate Meditation Bundle now.
Now's the perfect time to order. But don't delay�this offer is good for only the next 48 hours!
Click here to get the Ultimate Meditation Bundle today.
You're just moments away from getting started on your path to transforming your life!
xo! Kris
P.S. If you want to leverage the power of mindfulness and meditation to transform your life, check out my Ultimate Meditation Bundle (and save 73%!).
Just click on this link to get instant access right glorious now.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Click here.
Disclaimer: this email may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Start living your best life now
Hiya Gorgeous!
I�m not kidding when I say that the most powerful change you can make toward living well is to meditate.
I know it�s a little hard to believe . . .
Like, �Kris, are you SURE I shouldn�t start with drinking more water? Or maybe giving up french fries? Or doing yoga?�
Water is good. And so is yoga. And so are some french fries! But it�s my personal experience that nothing in your life is going to shift�at least not on a deep, lasting level�until you start paying BIG attention to your mind.
And based on what I hear from our phenomenal community, meditation is creating some pretty epic and transformative results for you all, too!
One of the topics we get more feedback on than just about anything are my guided meditation albums.
These albums have helped listeners with everything from sleep issues, confidence, forgiveness, pain management, fear around a diagnosis and medical treatments, social anxiety, relationships, stress reduction and more.
Click here to get the Ultimate Meditation Bundle today.
Many of our readers have even shared that these meditations have become non-negotiable parts of their daily routine to keep them grounded, energetic and joyful.
Here�s one of the amazing stories I get on a regular basis!
�Your meditations are the �go-tos� for me when I am totally out of balance and feel myself spiraling in a negative direction. I know mentally what I am supposed to do, to think, to be; but somehow I stay locked in to the negative story.
That�s the time for the Kris Carr jump start.
It takes a few dedicated days of listening to your meditations (I have both albums) and I am able to start to move to a place of balance.
Each time this happens, I come away learning something or healing something inside me that was stuck. Perhaps it is a way for me to go inside and heal. At other times, listening to one of the meditations during lunch or while taking a walk helps to keep the motor humming like a mini tune-up.
Your soothing, loving voice, inspirations and sense of humor lift me. Love you Kris. You help make my world magical and wonderful.� ��Victoria Shields
For the next 18 hours, you can get the Ultimate Meditation Bundle at a massive discount of 73% off!
You�ll get both my meditation albums with 22 total tracks, a meditation planner, Extraordinary Living Journal, TWO affirmation packs, a recording of the most popular interview from my Healing Cancer World Summit and an exclusive bonus lecture from one of my most popular events�all for just $35.
Basically, you�ll get a bundle of goodness and tools to help you blow out the cobwebs (doubt, overwhelm, fear . . .) so you can start living your best life, today.
I can�t wait to help you on your journey to a happier, healthier you.
Let�s get started!
xo! Kris
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Click here.
Disclaimer: this email may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Such a heartwarming story
Hiya Gorgeous!
Yesterday I shared a beautiful story with you from Victoria, who was totally transformed by my guided meditations.
Click here to get the Ultimate Meditation Bundle today.
Well, I just had to share this story with you, too . . . If you�re a parent or you remember when you were a struggling teen, you HAVE to check this out.
�I coach Girls High School Tennis. Our team is the lowest team in the league as most of the other teams have more money and get lessons and start playing at an early age.
Many of our girls start playing tennis in high school. They have great improvements, but it can be frustrating to lose all the time. We focus on improvements rather than overall results.
Some of the girls are very hard on themselves with regards to how they look as well as their tennis playing and so I decided we should try meditation. I used the �Acceptance� meditation from your album with them today. I wasn�t sure they would really get anything out of it but the results surprised me.
By the end there were 3 girls in tears along with my JV coach. It had a significant impact on them. Several of them asked about where I got the meditation and how they could get it. I truly believe this is something that can really help teenage girls improve how they think of themselves so THANK YOU!!!� ��Nora Hart
Now you know why I cry when I read my email! I feel so blessed to be able to help folks, because I know what it�s like to need the help myself.
So . . .
If you need a little self-love . . .
If you know what it feels like to beat yourself up about your looks, your personality, the �dumb� thing you said last week . . .
If you�re ready to press reset on the way you talk to yourself . . .
. . . Or you know someone who does . . .
Click here to get the Ultimate Meditation Bundle today.
Even if you�ve never meditated before, you CAN do this.
These guided meditations are short, easy and filled with the inspiration you may need to feel better, shine brighter and live bolder.
Only a few hours left to get my meditation bundle sale at a massive 73% discount!
Click here and let�s get this inner revolution started! :)
xo! Kris
P.S. When you grab the Ultimate Meditation Bundle, you�ll get both my meditation albums with a total of 22 tracks, plus tons of bonus goodies�all for for just $35.
Click for all the details on the Ultimate Meditation Bundle.
Hurry! This offer expires soon!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Click here.
Disclaimer: this email may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Your passion fuels my passion
Hiya Sophia,
When I started on my journey I had no idea it would ignite a global wellness revolution that would resonate with so many wonderful people. I wanted to feel better, love harder and enjoy my life more fully�and in the process inspire others to do the same. Along the way, I met so many incredible people (like you). Today, I feel truly blessed and I hope to support you as you bloom on your own journey.
So, whether you�re looking for plant-empowered recipes, health and wellness tips, nutrition news, safe beauty know-how, a dose of inspiration, or just want some fun freebies� I�ll be delivering a dose of soulshine/sunshine right to your inbox. All in an effort to help you nourish your spirit, gain more energy, reduce any stress or suffering you�re going through, as well as look and feel better than you ever have before!
To get you started, I included a few useful blogs on a bunch of topics I typically cover. See what resonates and have fun learning!
5 Simple Ways to Reduce Chronic Inflammation
We�re faced with countless internal and external stressors every day. Unhealthy foods, busy schedules, lack of sleep�you name it! But what we don�t often realize is how much those factors can wreak havoc on our systems. Here�s what I learned when I started connecting the dots between inflammation and my overall well-being, and what you can do to kick chronic inflammation�s butt!
Read more at the blog...
How to Identify & Release Toxic Relationships
As wellness seekers, we�re constantly looking for ways to find harmony on our plates, in our bodies and throughout our lives. Yet sometimes that harmony comes from making tough decisions about our relationships. Some folks boost our energy reserves. Others drain us dry. In reality, we each have choices. We get to decide who we allow into our inner sanctum (the space where our spirits replenish, our hearts lower their walls, and our beings renew).
Read more at the blog...
CBD Oil: Everything You Need to Know
I know you�re confronted with a lot of conflicting information about the latest healing remedies.That�s why I love putting on my detective hat and investigating the trends�so you don�t have to! You�ve probably seen CBD oil written up on your favorite blogs and maybe you�ve even tried it yourself. This is my deep dive into its potential uses, benefits, how to take it, where to find it and more.
Read more at the blog...
How to Make Meditation Easy
Meditation has been a grounding force in my life for over a decade. It calms my mind, soothes my nervous system and reduces stress. Meditation will do that for you and more, it will also empower you to follow your dreams, achieve your goals and feel your very best��no matter what life throws at you! Let�s walk you through some easy practices to demystify meditation so that it�s both doable and enjoyable.
Read more at the blog...
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
A healthy dose of inspiration!
Hiya Gorgeous!
I realize that you may not actually know much about me or how I got to where I am today. Cuddle up, it�s story time. Hopefully this will fill you up with a healthy dose of inspiration!
On February 14, 2003, I was diagnosed with an incurable stage IV cancer. At the time I was a 31-year-old actress and photographer living in New York City, trying to get my life together and make something of myself. Sometimes I thrived, and other times I could barely put the fast food on the table.
In an instant I went from being a young woman with her whole life ahead of her to being a sick woman who didn�t know how long she had to live or if life would ever be normal again. Second and third opinions, along with endless hours at the University of Google, followed. I quickly learned that illness was a business, and if I wanted to successfully navigate hurricane cancer, I needed to learn how to advocate for myself.
That�s when I became the CEO of my health.
Through deep exploration, I met my Inner Physician. She�s very smart and highly intuitive (just like yours). The prescription she offered was quite simple. �Learn to take self-care seriously. You�re worth it. It�s time to rest, replenish and renew. You have the power to create a life beyond your wildest dreams�even with cancer. Trust me, let�s go.�
Gosh I love her! Don�t you?
The health food store literally became my new pharmacy. Did I know what I was doing when I first started? No way. I would race around frantically filling shopping carts with books, videos, supplements, powders, potions and every piece of organic produce I could get my hands on. Kale? Okay! It was dark green and leafy, so it must be good for me. Yet in the back of my mind I wondered what the heck I�d do with this scary looking weed. If the cancer didn�t kill me, this plant certainly might.
Over time I got the hang of it and fell in love with the kitchen.
Like many people, I had no idea that this anti-inflammatory way of eating�filled with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants�could be so very delicious. Nourishing and caring for myself became a spiritual pursuit, rather than a pesky drag. Practices like meditation helped me deal with the wild animals in my head. Regular exercise became my stress release valve. And sleep transformed into a holy, non-negotiable, practice.
Over a decade later, I�ve been blessed to be able to reach millions of health seekers through my New York Times bestselling books, media appearances, website and film�which aired on both TLC & The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). Helping people all over the world has filled my life with gratitude�the best medicine.
Check out my Crazy Sexy library!
We all have something in our lives that we wish we could change. And we each get to decide whether or not we will allow that something to hold us back. Let your obstacle become your mentor. Let your pain become your opportunity. Some form of suffering is inevitable. It�s how we deal with the suffering that matters. Will you let it devour you or will you ride it straight into the brightness?
No one will give you permission to live your life fully. Live now. Love now. That permission is your birthright, hot stuff��grab it!
If you're a patient like me, read this: I've got some important stuff to share with you. Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, Crazy Sexy Diet and Crazy Sexy Kitchen are my three must-have manuals for triumphing over disease and embracing an integrative approach to healing. You�ll find lots of advice on how to navigate your journey while adding a bounce to your step and a boost to your well-being. Oh, and you�ll laugh a lot!
Press Play for My Live SuperSoul Session Talk
I�m honored to be a member of Oprah�s SuperSoul 100! Giving this talk for the Live SuperSoul Sessions was the experience of a lifetime. Watch it here�plus, get an insider peek at my journey and tips for dealing with self-doubt in your own life.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Sending you a little love note today.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Every now and then I need a boost...a dash of self-care and self-love to get through a particularly stressful time. That�s why I�m sending you a little love note today�the affirmative practice below always gets me through the icy patches.
You are awesome. End of story. Period. Print it, post it, feel it.
You were born awesome and you will leave awesome.
There may be lessons, bumps and bruises along the way, but that doesn�t change the fact that you are a totally delicious hug magnet. If folks aren't hugging you right now, they just don't know what they're missing. I feel sad for them.
You are wonderful, and there�s no need to worry about your worth or feel undeserving.
Whenever I experience those dark feelings, I know something is off in my life.
I quickly hop in my invisible plane (the same model Wonder Woman used to fly) and soar up to about 30,000 feet. The view up there is perfect. I peek out the window and evaluate my emotional landscape. Are my crops dry and undernourished? Are they being rushed?
Imagine a farmer pulling on her kale buds while shouting, �Grow, you damn plant!� Does my kale feel cramped? Space is needed. Light is needed. Water is needed. Love is always, endlessly needed. You get the point. Negative self-talk is like a weed that must be pulled before it chokes out the garden of your mind. Grab it at the root when possible.
I didn�t always have this perspective.
When I was first diagnosed with a stage IV cancer over a decade ago, I couldn�t see beyond the rim of my martini glass.
Wanna know how I made the shift?
Keep reading at the blog�
Make sure to watch the video in the post for a card reading from my Crazy Sexy Love Notes deck. Sometimes you just need a little reminder that the greatest relationship you have is with yourself. :-)
Peace & awesomeness,
P.S. Want more love notes to lift your spirit? Check out my Crazy Sexy Love Notes, a gorgeous 52-card deck full of soul-warming affirmations to remind you how fabulous and powerful you are.
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Disclaimer: this email may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Your wellness journey�s next step
Hiya Gorgeous!
Meditation is such a huge part of my wellness routine� and I absolutely LOVE that you�ve taken the leap into giving it a go! Yay, you!
Now that you�ve been introduced to the healing power of mindfulness, you might be wondering what�s next.
Because you�ve signed up for my Pep Talk sample meditation track, I think you�ll love this� a free spot in my Wellness Workshop, starting March 28.
The information I�ll share in this four-part video series will take your knowledge a step further.
Together, we�ll cover topics like:
what drains your energy bank account and what you can do to fill it up
how to overcome nagging cravings that sabotage your health
what you can do to quiet the limiting beliefs that stop you from making lasting change
And lots more!
Plus, you�ll get the tools you need to start making your health and wellness even more of a priority... Because when you feel better, you do better��at home, at work, in your relationships and in the world.
The four-part Wellness Workshop will begin Thursday, March 28. I�ll send you all the details as soon as it�s live� so keep an eye on your inbox!
P.S. Already achieved perpetual Zen and don�t need any more awesome free resources? No problemo!Click here and I'll take you off the notification list for the Wellness Workshop!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
4 questions I ask myself every single day.
Hiya Gorgeous!
How you mentally start your day is as important as what you eat, your self-care practices and how you show up in the world. In fact, when you start your day feeling stressed out and scattered, you�re more likely to attract unwanted chaos in your life. Before you know it, you�re anxious about the news, you�ve argued with your spouse, cut someone off in traffic and sent a regrettable email to a coworker��all before 9 a.m.!
On the other hand, when you ground your day in a positive and powerful way, everything flows with ease. You feel happier and are a heck of a lot more productive. Your intuition flows freely, decisions are easier to make and healthy relationships are more likely to flourish.
You might be thinking: �Sounds picture perfect, Kris, but how the heck do I actually DO that?� I promise, it�s easier than you might think�and I�m going to tell you exactly how I do it in my own life! It all starts with four simple questions.
This method was born out of my own journaling practice, one that I�ve fine-tuned over decades. It�s called the Success Mindset Practice and I believe it�s been my key to success��both personally and professionally.
Find out exactly how the Success Mindset Practice works and try it for yourself!
Peace & stepping into your power,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
The life-changing practice you need to try!
Hiya Gorgeous!
I�ve missed you and our weekly Wellness Wednesday gatherings! This week, I am so excited to be back and share a powerhouse practice with you that has truly transformed my life in countless ways. I consider it my key to success in all areas of my life�from my business, to my relationships, to my health and my overall wellbeing.
Be sure to catch the replay here!
My method, called the Success Mindset Practice, is a daily exercise that helps you create a happy life you love and reset your compass to joy. Tune in to the replay above as I share stories from my own life about how I use it and the insights I�ve gained. I believe whole-heartedly in the power of this practice and can�t wait for all the beauty it will create in your life as well!
To get the full daily exercise and start your day off right, click here and head over to my blog.
Peace & practice,
P.S. Each week I tackle one #WellnessWednesday topic that helps us feel better and live bolder. If you haven�t joined us live yet, please do! There�s an incredible community forming on my social channels. I�m seeing so many of the same faces each week�it feels like we�re getting to know each other better and creating a powerful, supportive family. :)
Click here to be notified when I�m going LIVE!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
But what exactly is health coaching!?
Hiya Gorgeous!
I�ve noticed an interesting phenomenon. When people start practicing radical self-care and focusing on their wellness, not only do their own lives change� but they�re motivated to share their new-found knowledge with those around them!
It makes so much sense. When we know better, we do better. And when we do better, we want others to do better, too!
I see this quite a lot with Crazy Sexy You participants and Inner Circle Wellness members. There�s such joy in discovering vibrant health and overall well-being that we naturally end up wanting to lead others in their own healing.
I�m often asked, �Kris, how can I turn this passion for health/food/mindfulness/etc. into a career? What is a health coach and is that something I could possibly do?�
Well, if you have some of those same questions or want to explore a new path, you�re in luck! That�s exactly what today�s new blog is all about. We�ll cover:
What is a health coach and what do they do?
What qualities make a successful health coach?
How do I become a health coach? Do I need a degree or certification?
There are so many options for training out there�how do I know which one to choose?
And a whole lot more!
I can�t wait for you to get this info� I think you�re gonna be super inspired!
Find out if health coaching is for you (answering the Qs I get all the time about this career!)...
Peace & pursuing your passion,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
You�re invited to this free live discussion to learn how!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Our world is struggling.
You�ve probably seen it in your friends, family and loved ones� People who long for basic guidance and information on nutrition and wellness and who don�t know where to turn for help.
It�s so very frustrating that in a time when information is plentiful and access to healthcare has reached unprecedented levels, so many people STILL are unsure about how to live a healthier, happier life!
But here�s the ray of hope: YOU.
If you�re passionate about wellness and want to help others create a future that�s focused on health instead of illness, the world needs YOU.
Have you ever considered�even for an instant�that you might like to help others live healthier, more positive lives?
Then you owe it to yourself to check out the upcoming open house at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) on Wednesday, November 13 at 11am ET or 3pm ET!
Register for the free, live event now!
In this live, 45-minute session, you�ll:
Hear how health coaches are the answer to the global health crisis
Learn what it�s really like to be an IIN student
See how IIN�s curriculum uniquely prepares you for the challenges and opportunities in 2020 and beyond
Get all of your questions answered about tuition, length of the program, career opportunities and more!
This is the perfect �first step� if you�ve been curious about health coaching, what it entails and how to get started.
(Pssst� I also heard there are some great offers and savings opportunities for anyone who signs up in the next few weeks!) Just think� in a few months from now, you could be on your way to realizing your dream of helping others live healthier, more fulfilling lives.
Find out more here:
Register for the free, live IIN open house now!
Love & wellness,
P.S. Can�t attend the live open house or want more info now? I�ve gotcha covered, sweetums! You can access a free sample class from IIN. Check it out and start your journey NOW!
Access the Free Sample Class Here!
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Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. If you'd rather not receive future updates from Kris Carr, �click here.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Step up & step into your potential!
Hiya Gorgeous!
One of the areas of my life that has brought me the most satisfaction has been looking around at the people I�ve been able to inspire, teach and connect with...
...And then see the amazing things they�re doing and creating to make the world healthier and happier!
Seeing how one person can impact someone else, who in turn spreads positive energy�it�s the ripple effect in action, and it�s so very fulfilling. It gives me hope that we can create a global movement of wellness!
There�s a way you can be part of this chain reaction, too...
If you�re passionate about wellness and want to help others create a future that�s focused on health instead of illness, the world needs YOU.
Have you ever considered�even for an instant�that you might like to help others live healthier, more positive lives?
Then you owe it to yourself to check out the upcoming open house at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) on Wednesday, November 13 at 11am ET or 3pm ET!
Register for the free, live event now!
In this live, 45-minute session, you�ll:
Hear how health coaches are the answer to the global health crisis
Learn what it�s really like to be an IIN student
See how IIN�s curriculum uniquely prepares you for the challenges and opportunities in 2020 and beyond
Get all of your questions answered about tuition, length of the program, career opportunities and more!
This is the perfect �first step� if you�ve been curious about health coaching, what it entails and how to get started.
(Pssst� I also heard there are some great offers and savings opportunities for anyone who signs up in the next few weeks!) Just think� in a few months from now, you could be on your way to realizing your dream of helping others live healthier, more fulfilling lives.
Find out more here:
Register for the free, live IIN open house now!
Love & wellness,
P.S. Can�t attend the live open house or want more info now? I�ve gotcha covered, sweetums! You can access a free sample class from IIN. Check it out and start your journey NOW!
Access the Free Sample Class Here!
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Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. If you'd rather not receive future updates from Kris Carr, �click here.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
How I became a NY Times bestseller & more!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Have you ever achieved a big, juicy goal that you were really excited about? If you have, it feels good to reach the top of that metaphorical mountain, right?! Hitting your goals supercharges your confidence and can inspire you to think even bigger.
But what if you�ve been spinning your wheels with your goals and stalling out on your dreams? If that�s you, cut yourself some slack�you�re in the right place and I�m here to help.
Today I�m sharing specific strategies that helped me learn how to set goals that light my heart on fire (I call them Big Sky Goals!). We�ll talk about:
The limiting beliefs that might be getting in the way of your goals
Why goal-setting is so important
A simple, four-step exercise to help you identify the goal that�s right for you right now
How to turn your goals into a stunning reality (my secret strategy!)
And a whole lot more goal-getting goodness!
NEW! Find out how to set goals that change your life (and achieve them!)...
Peace & big sky goals,
P.S. I just released a shiny new version of my popular Wellness Tracker. Now it�s easier than ever to create powerful, long-lasting habits that support your best life and bring your goals within reach! Go grab your updated Wellness Tracker at the blog.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Menu, recipes & cooking tips inside!
Hiya Gorgeous!
It�s official, the holidays are here! I know this is such a busy time of year for most of us and kitchen headaches are the LAST thing we need. So I�ve got something special to help you out�
Whether you�re expecting a lot of folks at your table or just need the perfect plant-powered dish to bring with you, I�ve got just the thing! I teamed up with two of my favorite chefs�Joy Pierson and Chloe Coscarelli�to create the Crazy Sexy Thanksgiving Menu packed with crowd-pleasing dishes that won�t eat up a ton of your time.
And today you can download the menu (totally free!) just in time to get ready for the big day. It includes 9 recipes for salads, soups, mains, sides AND desserts. Three of my personal faves are�
Parmesan Roasted Asparagus
Italian Meatloaf
Pumpkin Cheesecake with Apple Cider Reduction
And they�re ALL 100 percent vegan! Can you say yum?
Plus, Joy and Chloe helped me put together some must-have tips for hassle-free holiday cooking. Head on over to the blog to check it all out!
Get your free Thanksgiving menu (including 9 recipes) + cooking tips from pro chefs!
Peace & pumpkin pie,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Don�t miss this!
Hiya Gorgeous!
�Tis the season for fun surprises� and I�ve got a fantastic one coming your way Monday!
I can�t tell you TOO much about it (it�ll wreck the surprise!), but here�s what I CAN tell you:
There are VERY limited quantities available
There are BONUS GIFTS with purchase
This is the perfect gift for a favorite friend�or for yourself
This will help ensure you create a most magical and momentous 2020
It just might be your new best friend
Got any guesses?? Well, you won�t have to wait too much longer. Watch your email tomorrow morning for the full scoop.
I can�t wait for you to see this new addition to the Crazy Sexy world!
Love & excitement!
P.S. When I say �quantities are limited,� that�s a real thing, not some fake marketing mumbo-jumbo. Watch your email so you won�t miss out!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Limited Quantities�preorder NOW!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Confetti, streamers and random dancing are in order because it�s time to welcome...
The Results Journal from Kris Carr! (that�s me, lol! ;)
The Results Journal is a guided approach to brainstorm, choose, track and refine your goals in the three most important areas of your life��your health, mindset and dreams. These practices will transform everything! And you�ll see a positive ripple effect throughout your life.
It�s the exact system I�ve used for years and refined over decades, now available to YOU for the first time.
It�s the perfect partner to:
Finally make progress after feeling stalled out and stuck in life
Capture, sort through and prioritize your goals and dreams so you�re working on what matters most right now
Make wellness a priority and integrate it into your everyday life
Remind yourself of the progress you�re making and how utterly awesome you are
...and more!
The Results Journal will help you supercharge your health, amplify your joy and rock your dreams� all in one beautifully designed package.
Click here to find out more about The Results Journal!
Important: We have a very limited quantity to pre-release to you, my nearest and dearest, as well as some awesome bonuses� but just for the next few days.
Pre-order before November 21 and journals will ship in mid December!
Choose from the �Classic� grey linen or the whimsical limited-edition �Galaxy,� printed on eco-friendly paper and measuring 8.25� x 5� to easily fit in your messenger bag, backpack or purse. Both versions contain the same eco-friendly interior design, just in a different binding to suit your style.
Get a sneak peek of the interior pages and The Results Journal system here!
With The Results Journal, you�ll get a simple, guided approach to cut through the overwhelm to choose, track and make progress towards your biggest goals and dreams.
So much is packed in this compact book�it truly is the tool I�ve been searching for and finally had to create myself!
A special note: As part of this pre-release, I�ve got some super special bonuses for those who pre-order now�but only until Thursday, Nov. 21 at 11:59 p.m. PT, or until quantities run out� so don�t delay! Head on over to get all the details here:
Yes to bonuses! Tell me more!
I know you�re going to love this...
Love and results,
P.S. Quick recap: Limited quantities of The Results Journal plus bonuses are available ONLY until Thursday, Nov. 21 or until we run out, whichever comes first.
Pre-Order Your Results Journal NOW!
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Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Expiring soon!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Hopefully you got the news earlier this morning that my brand-spanking-new Results Journal is now available for pre-order�while supplies last!
Our first bonus gift for the first 500 orders has already been 100% claimed!!
The second bonus, The Results Journal Mini-Course, expires Thursday, November 21 at midnight or when we sell out of our limited journal stock� whichever comes first!
Pre-order your Results Journal here!
When you pre-order now, you�ll receive the following bonus:
Your Most Magical 2020: Results Journal Mini-Course with Kris Carr (moi!)
When you pre-order your Results Journal, you�ll receive an exclusive invitation to a private training where I�ll share how I use The Results Journal as well as tips and suggestions for how you can use The Results Journal system to set yourself up for a Most Magical 2020! (The session will be recorded if you can�t make it live or for you to access anytime at your convenience and will be released in January.)
Remember, quantities of both the Classic and Galaxy designs are limited, and when they�re gone, they�re gone until 2020!
Order your Results Journal and claim your bonus now!
Love & surprises!
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Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Everything you need to know!
Hiya Gorgeous!
As you may know by now, I am an avid journaler and have been for years. If I could only keep one practice from my wellness repertoire, journaling would be it! It�s been the catalyst for most of my successes, a-ha moments and, most importantly, the growth of my relationship with myself.
If you haven�t heard the news yet, my Results Journal is now available for pre-order to receive before the holidays! I designed this journal (available in two gorgeous cover options) to help you supercharge your health, amplify your joy and rock your dreams. If you want more details about exactly what it is and how it works, keep reading�
Today�s blog is all about helping you get in the right mindset while you wait for your Results Journal to arrive. I�ll share�
How journaling is one of the BEST things you can do to get closer to your goals (I�ve got the research to prove it!)
A super personal Results Journal success story from one of my team members
Behind-the-scenes info about the making of the journal
The different components of the journal and how they all work together to help you supercharge your health, amplify your joy and rock your dreams
Head on over to the blog to keep reading and get your Results Journal before they�re gone!
Peace and radical results,
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Everything you need to know about my new Journal.
Hiya Gorgeous!
We�ve been getting some questions about my new Results Journal, and I thought I�d answer them right here in case you might be wondering some of the same things!
If you�re ready to order, you can do so right here:
Pre-order your Results Journal now!
Have questions? Keep reading! Because time is of the essence here (both the Classic and Galaxy versions are going fast!), Iet�s get going�
There are SO MANY journals and planners out there� what�s different about this one?
I hear you! After journaling for over three decades, I feel like I�ve tried just about every configuration and design out there! I couldn�t find exactly what I wanted, so I decided to design my own. :)
The Results Journal is not a daily planner in that it isn�t intended as a calendar where you mark appointments. Instead, it�s a guided, holistic approach to choosing, tracking and making progress towards what matters most to you, right now.
Each journal is intended to be used for 3 months. You�ll brainstorm goals and dreams and select the one(s) that move you the most�what I call �Big Sky Goals.� Then the daily pages will help you focus on building a positive, Success Mindset through four areas: your feelings, gratitude, intention and affirmations, as well as plan and make progress towards your Big Sky Goal. And because wellness is such an essential part of a happy lifestyle, you�ll also track your most important health habits with the Wellness Tracker!
You�ll review your accomplishments on a weekly and quarterly basis, so you know what�s working, what needs tweaking and where you�re headed next.
Many other planners and journals focus on just one facet of your life, but The Results Journal recognizes that you are a whole person and helps you integrate all the different areas of your life in one cohesive plan. That�s when the magic happens, toots!
Who is this journal for?
The Results Journal is for anyone who has big dreams and wants to FINALLY make progress!
Whether you want to start a business� write a book� stick to your health goals� live a happier life� or all of the above, The Results Journal can help you get there.
Even if you�ve never journaled before or don�t consider yourself a �writer,� you�ll love the simple, guided questions and the Success Mindset Practice. If you follow the system, you WILL make progress towards your goals!
What do you mean by �limited quantities?�
This is a brand-new product for us, and we had to use our best guess as to how many to order for this pre-order period. As a result, we ordered a limited quantity of both the �Classic� and the �Galaxy� versions. When they�re gone, we�ll order more� but production lead time takes a while (months, in fact)! The next opportunity to order will be in early 2020.
How soon should I order to guarantee a copy?
Ummm� NOW! We have no idea how quickly The Results Journal will sell out, so if you want a copy, you should order ASAP. When we�ve sold out of this pre-order, we will order more� but they won�t be available for purchase until early 2020.
Pre-order your copy now!
What�s the difference between the Classic and the Galaxy versions?
The cover! The Classic comes with a dark grey, linen-like finished cover with gold foil accents. The Galaxy features a gorgeous limited-edition full-color design printed on durable, heavy cover paper.
Both versions are 8.25� x 5� and have two ribbon markers.
Both are designed for one quarter/three months and include the same interior pages: Big Sky Goal-setting templates, undated daily wellness and productivity trackers, and weekly and quarterly review pages.
For a detailed look at the interior and covers, visit the order page here:
Find out more about The Results Journal here.
There�s a lot more to say about these little lovelies, but I don�t want you to spend so much time reading that you miss nabbing your copy!
Head over to the pre-order page now to find out more.
Love & answers,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
A personal message from Kris.
Hiya Gorgeous!
It�s a fancy word for an essential concept: Thinking about our thinking. It�s so critical that I�ve made it one of my Five Pillars of Wellness.
Research shows that �thinking about thinking� leads to higher levels of self-awareness, better performance, greater clarity and focus, and a host of other benefits.
And the number-one way for many people to practice metacognition is through journaling.
I�ve been a dedicated journaler since my teenage years, back when the loose-leaf pages of my notebooks were full of angst about boys, obsession with ballet and complaints about my mom�s insistence that I complete my chores if I wanted my allowance. �She expects so much from me, it�s not like I�m 40!� one particularly laughable entry reads. (Sorry, Mom!)
These days, my journals are more directed and less whiny (at least MOST of the time!). When I sit down to write, which I do every day without fail, I have specific questions to answer and topics to address.
I�ve found that it�s essential to focus on four areas every day: your feelings, gratitude, intention and affirmations. These areas make up the Success Mindset Practice�and they�re the areas I�ve incorporated into my newly released Results Journal.
Pre-order your Results Journal now�quantities limited!
Starting my day with this practice truly is the secret to my success.
It�s my joy compass. Whenever I feel lost, I find my way home to it. Whenever I want to feel even better, I lean on it more.
It took me a while (decades, in fact) to develop this practice. Even though I�d always been a writer, I wasn�t always focused in my journaling. I�d often use the page in a haphazard way, jotting down anything that occurred to me in my writing time.
And while, in my opinion, any writing you do is a gift you give yourself, as I became more directed in my journaling, I discovered something amazing:
I began achieving my goals more quickly, with less stress and with an almost supernatural sense of ease!
Sure, there were still roadblocks and obstacles, but the answers as to what to do next arose easily, without struggle. I was able to focus and move forward with clarity and purpose. And it all came from the process of journaling intentionally using my Results Journal practice.
Once I realized how much this practice was helping me, I wanted to know if it would work for others. I sent a few close friends the outline for The Results Journal and asked them to commit to spending a few minutes each day for the next month focusing on their wellness, their big goals and their positive mindset.
The results were pretty impressive.
Not only did everyone enjoy the process (yay for fun!), they reported back that they, too, were finding it easier to stick with their intentions and make progress towards their goals, while keeping wellness habits front and center and becoming more joyful and present in their days. In fact, one friend reported losing 10 lbs. of stubborn post-baby weight, simply by becoming more aware of her habits and taking small actions to support her goals!
That, my dear one, is why I had to design The Results Journal. I couldn�t find what I wanted in a journal, so I created it myself to help you supercharge your health, amplify your joy and rock your dreams.
Pre-order your Results Journal now�quantities limited!
Now, while I can�t guarantee that you�ll lose your baby weight or make a million dollars in three months, my guess is that this process will help you feel as connected, grounded and happy as I often do.
Millions of people the world over already know that journaling brings joy. Now I�m sharing my secret for taking that process a step further with The Results Journal. Commit to using it daily for the next 90 days, and see what unrolls in your own life.
I can�t wait to hear.
Love & discovery,
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Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Special 48-hour offer with tons of gifts.
Hiya, Gorgeous!
�Tis the season for big holiday celebrations, family get-togethers, travel and more!
If you�re in the US like I am, you may be feeling the effects from a big Thanksgiving �do, and want nothing more than to crawl back to bed for a sage-and-pumpkin-fueled nap.
But before you disappear under the covers (or get sucked into a whirlwind of shopping, social celebrations, decorating and otherwise holiday-ing), I�ve got a little something to keep in your back pocket all season long...
Let me invite you to do something for YOU!
This time of year, it�s easy to let the calendar and others� wants and needs take over. We can find ourselves scarfing fast food as we race from one �must do� to another, skipping our morning green smoothie to grab another few minutes of shut-eye and foregoing our trip to the grocery store because we just can�t cram another thing into our already-packed day.
I learned the hard way that when we short-change our health, we short-change our life�and everyone in it!
We have to make our wellness a priority so we can keep showing up�for ourselves and for others.
And while you may not have time to head off to Sedona for a 7-day raw-food meditation retreat (how awesome does that sound?!), we can take small pockets of time to reset, renew and replenish ourselves.
I can�t think of a better way to do that than with Crazy Sexy Reset, my 3-day, plant-based quickstart program.
This complete program includes everything needed to get healthy habits back on track without hours of prepwork and without complicated menus or recipes. It�s the perfect reset when you need it throughout the holiday season!
It includes:
A 3-day meal plan, including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
A simple prep checklist to make your reset a breeze
A complete shopping list with a substitutions guide
A cookbook with 9 delicious recipes
An in-depth introduction to plant-based nutrition, eating and living
Fun daily lessons on metabolism, inflammation and energy (yes, we�ll make talking about inflammation FUN!)
Because I know how great you�re going to feel when you treat yourself like the royalty you are, how�s about a little sale to sweeten the self-care pot?
Here�s the scoop...
Sign up for the Crazy Sexy Reset by 11:59 p.m. PT tomorrow (Sat., Nov. 30) for only $29 and not only will you save almost 70% on the program itself, you�ll also get some exclusive bonuses to make your reset experience even more fabulous:
BONUS! 4 Quick Reference Guides
These easy, printable reference guides will help you stay on top of your daily nutritional needs.
BONUS! A Winter Cooklet with 6 Scrumptious Go-To Recipes
For the Love of Nog Smoothie� Chocolate Walnut Cake... these recipes are sure to be seasonal staples!
These bonuses are yours, free, when you�
Sign up for the Crazy Sexy Reset today and get this holiday deal!
Whether you jump in right now in preparation for the upcoming food-a-polooza or you keep it on-hand for a post-holiday New Year�s refresh, now is the perfect time to scoop up the deal and get ready to care for your precious self.
I know you�re going to glow from the inside out and feel like a million bucks when you�ve spent three full days eating well and loving on yourself.
Love and cinnamon spice everything,
P.S. The Crazy Sexy Reset is PERFECT if you�ve been toying with the idea of a longer program like my 21-day total wellness program, Crazy Sexy You, but you haven�t been able to participate or have hesitated to jump in.
Try the 3-day reset and see how amazing you feel!!
Sign up for the Crazy Sexy Reset today for only $29.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Click here.
Disclaimer: this email may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Is your self-care practice missing this key element?
Hiya Gorgeous!
Can I let you in on a secret? I love this season because giving is smack in the middle of my comfort zone. It�s always come easily to me. But receiving? Well, that�s a different story�
I�m getting better at it, but asking for what I want or need�then actually making the space to receive it�has always made me feel really vulnerable! I might tell myself that asking for help means I�m incapable. Or that accepting a gift or other kindness makes me demanding. Sound familiar?
Here�s why this is important: Those of us who are more comfortable giving than receiving often go further into that tendency over the holiday season. We give, give, give and never allow that energy to flow back in our direction.
This creates an imbalance in our brains and our bodies. It robs others of the chance to feel valuable and included. And it�s one of the major reasons we often come back from the holidays feeling depleted. I don�t know about you, but I have big dreams for the year (ahem, decade!) ahead, so something�s gotta give.
Ready to break the pattern? Today we�re talking about the healing power of receiving. This was the theme of the month for my Inner Circle Wellness membership and it resonated deeply with the community, so I�m excited to share a taste of it with you!
First we�ll unpack some of the limiting beliefs that tend to hold us back from receiving. Then we�ll talk about three joyful ways to open yourself up to receiving: By getting clear on what you need, allowing the little things into your life and making gratitude part of the practice.
Find out why receiving is powerful medicine + my top 3 tips for practicing it in your life!
Peace & room to receive,
Get your Results Journal now!
I just wanted to give you a heads up that The Results Journal pre-order is almost completely sold out! If you haven�t gotten yours yet, now�s the time�we have some of the classic editions left but the limited edition galaxy cover is going fast.
The holidays are around the corner and The Results Journal is a perfect gift for a favorite friend (or yourself� or both!). Also, keep in mind that once they sell out, the journals will not be available again until next year. If you�re anything like me, you�re probably thinking: �That�s too late to get started on my big dreams and intentions for the next decade!�
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Save today (and score some bonus gifts!)
Hiya, Gorgeous!
Wondering how you�re going to navigate the coming month packed with end-of-year (and end-of-DECADE) excitement, wrap-up, planning and celebration?
Here�s just what your beautiful bod needs� a Crazy Sexy Reset!
I sent an email yesterday sharing a super-duper holiday sale on my 3-day Crazy Sexy Reset� After all, why wait until January to start implementing new health habits?
This 3-day quickstart program will quickly and fun-ly (that�s totally a word!) get you headed toward a healthier lifestyle with tons of support, resources and absolutely delicious and delightful recipes!
Find out more about Crazy Sexy Reset here.
I want to make sure you have all the info you need to jump on this limited-time offer because we�ve got some yummy bonuses up our sleeves for you� and it�s the perfect way to carve out some self-care for yourself this season!
Here�s the recap:
Sign up by 11:59 p.m. PT tonight and SAVE almost 70% on the 3-day Crazy Sexy Reset
You�ll get everything you need to feed your beautiful self for three full days: shopping list, meal plan, recipes and strategies. And it�s all planned out for you, so all you have to do is follow along. Easy-peasy!
BONUS! Get a virtual goodie bag of fun resources (bonus recipes and guides galore!). These bonuses will help you continue to grow in your new healthy habits even after your reset ends.
Never done a cleanse or health program before? Wonder if it�ll take a ton of time or prep work?
We�ve got you covered, toots!
Whether you�re a Crazy Sexy You alum or a newcomer, you�ll LOVE the ease, simplicity and results of the Crazy Sexy Reset. We walk you through each step of the program so you�re never lost, intimidated or overwhelmed. You�ll feel empowered and energized!
Here�s what our gal Glenna said about her Crazy Sexy Reset experience:
�So happy that the 3 day reset was offered! Started on Monday and just finished. Took my weight and measurements before and after and I lost 1.5 lbs. and 1 inch in my waist and 1/2 in my belly. It's a good starting off point to continue healthy eating! Thank you Kris Carr!!!�
Are you ready to create YOUR Crazy Sexy Reset success story?
Sign up for the 3-day Crazy Sexy Reset now and save!
Love and new beginnings,
P.S. If you�re in, don�t delay! The holiday sale and special bonuses will disappear at 11:59 p.m. PT tonight.
Claim your Crazy Sexy Reset savings and bonuses now!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Click here.
Disclaimer: this email may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Just a few hours left to reset and save.
Hiya, Gorgeous!
Last call to take advantage of the Crazy Sexy Reset holiday sale!
The 3-day, plant-based Crazy Sexy Reset is the perfect way to:
...Offset the overindulgence that often comes this time of year
�Give you a jumpstart on your 2020 health goals
...Ensure you take some time for YOU amid the December deluge
...Rev up your energy and immunity for the month ahead
...Fuel yourself with the good stuff so you feel awesome!
You can save almost 70% AND score some sweet bonuses by signing up before 11:59 p.m. PT tonight.
Find out more about the Crazy Sexy Reset + Bonuses here!
The offer and bonuses (extra recipes and nutrition guides!) disappear in just a few hours.
Don�t miss this opportunity to take a stand for your health and your SELF!
Love and self-care,
P.S. Because it�s only three days, the Crazy Sexy Reset can fit into even the most jam-packed of schedules! Start December out on the right foot� or buy now to take advantage of the special offer and bonuses and save for January.
Claim your savings and bonuses here!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Click here.
Disclaimer: this email may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Just a few hours left.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Here�s what makes me happy: People LOVING The Results Journal!
If you haven�t yet done so, NOW is the time to claim your copy (or four!) of The Results Journal so you can get a jumpstart on 2020!
Our pre-order stock is running really low (we only have a few hundred left of one cover option)! Once they�re gone, they�re gone and won�t be available for purchase again until early next year.
Pre-order your Results Journal now!
And yes, when you order by midnight tonight (or before we sell out...whichever comes first!), you�ll still get an exclusive invite to my January mini-course, Your Most Magical 2020, where I�ll share my best tips and suggestions for using The Results Journal to set you up for a successful, joyful and happy new decade!
But you gotta order now before they�re gone!
The Results Journal: Supercharge your health. Amplify your joy. Rock your dreams.
Love & results,
Psst... The Results Journal is a quarterly journal, so many of you have decided to stock up so you have a journal for every quarter of next year. Now, that�s what I call pre-planning! ????
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Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Last day to get your bonus!
Hiya Gorgeous!
If you want a FUN and streamlined way to get your 2020 goals prioritized and queued up��s your LAST day to pre-order your Results Journal and get your bonus, Your Most Magical 2020: Results Journal Mini-Course, with me!
Order your Results Journal NOW!
We�re almost sold out of both the Classic and limited-edition Galaxy versions (both include the same amazing guided approach, including the Wellness Tracker, �Big Sky Goal� exercises and Success Mindset Practice!).
AND� as I mentioned above, when you order today, you�ll also get an exclusive invite to an inspiring and educational mini-course, Your Most Magical 2020, with me! I�ll share how I use The Results Journal, as well as tips and suggestions for how you can set yourself up for a successful, joyful and happy 2020! (The session will be recorded if you can�t make it live or for you to access anytime at your convenience and will be released in January.)
Remember: Today is your LAST chance to pre-order The Results Journal and get your bonus gift! Get ready for an empowered, exciting and productive 2020 by ordering your Results Journal now.
Get your Results Journal NOW!
Your dreams, however big, are 100% totally possible. The Results Journal will help you get there. Go through the �Big Sky Goal� exercises to identify and prioritize what new dreams are most important to you right now as well as what actions you can take to reach them. Keep your healthy habits front and center with the Wellness Tracker. And use The Results Journal�s guided daily Success Mindset Practice to chart a course for a healthier, happier life!
What you�ll love:
Two gorgeous covers to choose from (match your vibe, toots!)
Undated pages that allow you to start where you are, TODAY
Easy-to-follow daily, weekly and quarterly prompts to guide your journaling and track your accomplishments
A focus on consistent progress, NOT perfection!
This is the journal I always wanted but couldn�t find�so I designed it myself. :)
Whether you want to start a business, meet your health goals, write a book or simply focus on living an integrated, joyful life, this is the tool to help make it happen!
Just click below and order now:
�Hold my copy�I�m on my way!�
Love and appreciation,
P.S. For more information, including a detailed description and sneak peeks at the interior pages, visit the pre-order page now!
Learn more about The Results Journal here.
Not interested in this topic? Click here to update your preferences.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
I�m in love with this and use it all year long!
Hiya, Gorgeous!
It seems like every day, I hear of another celeb or doctor (or celeb doctor) who�s promoting a new skincare line. Everyone from Kylie to Adam to Cindy is getting in on the game!
And what a game it is�
So many of the brands you see in the department store or your favorite makeup boutique are, unfortunately, often packed with questionable ingredients, harsh chemicals and less-than-natural ingredients.
Sure, who doesn�t want dewy, glowing skin� but you shouldn�t have to put potentially toxic goop on your lovely face to get it!
That�s why I�m addicted to my pal Annmarie Gianni�s line of all natural skincare products! Not only are they organic, unrefined and cruelty-free� they also WORK.
I�ve been using Annmarie Skin Care for years because her products truly are the best I�ve ever experienced.
I�m probably like you�I like to experiment and, because companies send me samples all the time, I get to experiment a lot�
But I keep coming back to Annmarie!
I can�t imagine starting or ending my day without the Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser and Anti-Aging Facial Oil. It�s like a mini-spa in my bathroom, I tell ya. Not only do they feel deliciously calming, they also smell like heaven, scented with an assortment of wildcrafted herbs and botanicals.
So if you�re dealing with winter dryness, breakouts, redness, acne or other skin-related issues, Annmarie�s your gal� and now is the perfect time to give her products a try because they have a BIG holiday deal I�m sharing with you.
Today, you can get their 7 day kit for under $10 including shipping in the US + Canada!
Included in this pack are my favorites:
Aloe Herb Cleanser
Anti-Aging Serum
Anti-Aging Facial Oil
And in the spirit of the holidays you�ll also get a sample of their Kaolin Micro Exfoliant for free.
The Kaolin Micro Exfoliant is made with re-mineralizing green kaolin clay, diatomaceous earth and lavender. That�s a mouthful, but what it means is the fine exfoliant removes impurities and stubborn makeup while replenishing your skin with minerals so it feels polished, flawless and restored�not tight and dry.
Ready to give it a try for only $9.99 (including shipping in the US + Canada*)?
To get this 7 day kit (and a free Kaolin Micro Exfoliant), just click on this link.
If you�re interested, order fast as supplies are limited.
Take it on the road with you, tuck it into a stocking or surprise a friend.
Claim your skin care deal now.
Love & moisturized skin,
P.S. You can save even more (up to 33% off to be precise!) when you try one of Annmarie�s 45 day or 90 day skin care regimens! There's no risk and a full money return guarantee so stock up while these deals last� click here to choose the option that�s best for you.
*The 7 day kit is $9.99 with free shipping in the U.S. and Canada ($12.95 internationally). Don�t worry�no obligation, no sneaky subscription and no hidden junk. Just pure ingredients that your skin will love!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. If you'd rather not receive future updates from Kris Carr, �click here.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
10 tips for better (and MORE) rest!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Muscle growth, protein synthesis, tissue and cell repair, saving memories, cleaning out the brain�s waste products� What do all of these things have in common? They happen while we�re asleep!
Our bodies our incredible, aren�t they? They do so much without us even knowing it. But to allow them to do this important work, we must get good-quality sleep (and enough of it!).
I know how frustrating it can be to toss and turn, try everything under the sun (or moon?!) to get better sleep, and STILL feel exhausted. If you�ve been there too, you�re not alone�studies show that a whopping 35% of adults get less than 7 hours of sleep a night (the recommended amount for most folks is 7.5-8 hours). And during busy seasons like this, we tend to have even less time for rest than usual.
That�s why I couldn�t think of a better time than now to share my top 10 tips for how to sleep better! These simple practices have been game-changers for me, especially when I have a lot going on and need some help slowing down before bed. Plus, we�ll also talk about why sleep is so important to your overall well-being and the other types of rest we should be mindful of.
NEW! Get the R&R you need over the holidays with my 10 must-have tips for better sleep�
Peace & counting (less) sheep,
Get your Results Journal now!
I just wanted to give you a heads up that The Results Journal pre-order is almost completely sold out! If you haven�t gotten yours yet, now�s the time�we have some of the classic editions left but the limited edition galaxy cover is going fast.
The holidays are around the corner and The Results Journal is a perfect gift for a favorite friend (or yourself� or both!). Also, keep in mind that once they sell out, the journals will not be available again until next year. If you�re anything like me, you�re probably thinking: �That�s too late to get started on my big dreams and intentions for the next decade!�
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
First time access inside my new Results Journal.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Have you ever had a dream and ideas in your head, and then after a lot of hard work, it actually became real and tangible and you almost couldn�t believe yourself?
Well that�s me right now because my new Results Journals arrived on my doorstep from our printer this week! Now I get to hug and love on them all day long.
I even went live for a special Wellness Wednesday yesterday to share all these feels with you, my loves. Did you catch it?
If not, click here to see all the magic.
Get ready for a personalized, in-depth walkthrough of my new Results Journal. We talk about why I created it and how it can help you supercharge your health, amplify your joy and rock your dreams.
Plus, I was so excited to have these in hand and share them with you that I opened up more seats for my super special, new mini-course (valued at $197) as a bonus with the purchase of one or more of these journals!!
I have so much gratitude for those who have already joined me on this journey and I can�t wait for all the good these little babies are going to create in your lives and the world.
Get your Results Journal + claim access to my new course for free here!
Curious about the super special bonus I mentioned?
For a limited time, when you purchase one or more journals you will get access to the �Your Most Magical 2020� Results Journal Mini-Course with me for free when it�s released in January. This a course on how I journal, but I�ll also be sharing:
My simple steps for looking back over the past year so you can spring forward into the next decade and shape the future that you want
How to structure a new year to avoid overwhelm and burnout
Simple ways to create abundant energy and momentum to achieve your goals
That�s a $197 value, compliments of blonde Santa�me! ;) Let�s rock this life together!
Dreams and big results,
P.S. Each week I tackle one #WellnessWednesday topic that helps us feel better and live bolder. If you haven�t joined us live yet, please do! There�s an incredible community forming on my social channels. I�m seeing so many of the same faces each week�it feels like we�re getting to know each other better and creating a powerful, supportive family. :)
Click here to be notified when I�m going LIVE!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Organic, unrefined and cruelty free� and they work!
Hiya, Gorgeous!
Helichrysum is the Latin name for a flowering plant meaning "immortal" or "everlasting."
Who knew?!
My friend Annmarie Gianni did!
She�s the founder and CEO of Annmarie Skincare, a line of organic, unrefined and cruelty-free products to make you feel and look incredible. They include Wild and Beautiful ingredients like helichrysum (which not only smells divine, but is an anti-inflammatory), lavender, edelweiss and more. What�s even better� they work.
I�ve been using Annmarie Skin Care for years because her products truly are the best I�ve ever experienced.
I�m probably like you�I like to experiment and, because companies send me samples all the time, I get to experiment a lot�
But I keep coming back to Annmarie!
I can�t imagine starting or ending my day without the Aloe Herb Facial Cleanser and Anti-Aging Facial Oil. It�s like a mini-spa in my bathroom, I tell ya. Not only do they feel deliciously calming, they also smell like heaven, scented with an assortment of wildcrafted herbs and botanicals.
So if you�re dealing with winter dryness, breakouts, redness, acne or other skin-related issues, Annmarie�s your gal� and now is the perfect time to give her products a try because they have a BIG holiday deal I�m sharing with you.
Today, you can get their 7 day kit for under $10 including shipping in the US + Canada!
Included in this pack are my favorites:
Aloe Herb Cleanser
Anti-Aging Serum
Anti-Aging Facial Oil
And in the spirit of the holidays you�ll also get a sample of their Kaolin Micro Exfoliant for free.
The Kaolin Micro Exfoliant is made with re-mineralizing green kaolin clay, diatomaceous earth and lavender. That�s a mouthful, but what it means is the fine exfoliant removes impurities and stubborn makeup while replenishing your skin with minerals so it feels polished, flawless and restored�not tight and dry.
Ready to give it a try for only $9.99 (including shipping in the US + Canada*)?
To get this 7 day kit (and a free Kaolin Micro Exfoliant), just click on this link.
If you�re interested, order fast as supplies are limited.
Take it on the road with you, tuck it into a stocking or surprise a friend.
Claim your skin care deal now.
Love & moisturized skin,
P.S. You can save even more (up to 33% off to be precise!) when you try one of Annmarie�s 45 day or 90 day skin care regimens! There's no risk and a full money return guarantee so stock up while these deals last� click here to choose the option that�s best for you.
*The 7 day kit is $9.99 with free shipping in the U.S. and Canada ($12.95 internationally). Don�t worry�no obligation, no sneaky subscription and no hidden junk. Just pure ingredients that your skin will love!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. If you'd rather not receive future updates from Kris Carr, �click here.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
A FREE mini-course for you!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Want to make sure 2020�and the coming decade�are as productive and joyful as possible?
Here�s what I�ve found:
The times when I feel on top of the world are when I�m intentional about my overarching goals and then line up my daily habits and activities to support these goals. Oh, and of course, being aware of my health ensures I�m feeling my best to take on the world!
When I align my daily actions with my big dreams�what I call �Big Sky Goals��that�s when the magic happens!
This process is how I landed a spot on Oprah�s SuperSoul Sunday, wrote my best-selling books and achieved some critical health goals�by setting the intention and then following that up with DAILY action.
If you�d like to learn more about my process, I�ve got a special invitation for you:
Join me for a very special mini-course this January, �Your Most Magical 2020!�
In this 1-hour live class, you�ll learn:
My exact process for setting �Big Sky Goals� and turning them into bite-sized chunks to move yourself forward on a daily basis towards the future you want!
How to keep your health and wellness front and center to avoid overwhelm and burnout, even while �life� is happening.
Why spending time each day focusing on your Success Mindset will keep your sanity intact.
And much more!
I�ll also give you the behind-the-scenes scoop on how and why I made my new Results Journal�it�s the #1 tool I�ve used to pull all these pieces together!
This mini-course will set you up to enter 2020 (and a new decade!) with purpose, excitement and an actionable plan!
In the past, I�ve offered courses like this for $197 or more� but this one is yours absolutely FREE when you order your copy of my newly released Results Journal by Monday, December 9 at midnight PT.
Find out more about The Results Journal here.
The live mini-course will take place in January, and we�ll email you as soon as we�ve set the exact date and time so you can get it on your calendar. Of course, the entire thing will be recorded so you can watch it again and again!
Join me in making 2020 the most magical year ever.
Love & glitter bombs,
P.S. The Results Journal and the mini-course make a perfect gift for a special friend (or yourself!).
P.P.S. Want your journal by December 24? This Monday, December 9 at midnight PT is the standard shipping deadline that our carrier has given us for orders within the US. But since we can�t control the weather, we recommend that if you really MUST have your journal by December 24 it�s best to upgrade your shipping. You can review all shipping options at checkout to find the right one for you!
Order your Results Journal and register for the mini-course here.
Not interested in this topic? Click here to update your preferences.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
The perfect gift.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Throughout my life, when I�ve regularly committed to checking in with myself on a daily basis, I�ve seen huge amounts of personal (and professional!) growth.
Investing time�even 10 minutes a day�in reflection brings huge benefits. Creativity flourishes. Answers appear. Patterns emerge. I become clear on what I�m feeling, what�s holding me back and what�s next.
It�s proven so valuable that I�ve made it part of my daily practice, one that I make a priority first thing each and every morning.
That�s why, for this holiday season, I wish you nothing more than the gift of time to connect with YOU.
And that�s what I had in mind when I designed my brand-new Results Journal!
Find out more about The Results Journal here.
You may have heard me talking about this incredible little beauty (or, actually TWO beauties because there are two limited-quantity cover styles to choose from).
Here�s the scoop:
The Results Journal is a guided approach to brainstorm, choose, track and refine your goals in the three most important areas of your life��your health, mindset and dreams. It�s the exact system I�ve used for years on a daily basis.
If you�re looking for a way to bring ease, joy and focus to your life, this is it!
What The Results Journal is NOT: A too-good-to-be-true program that�s so time-intensive and heavy-feeling that you�ll never actually use it.
What it is also NOT: Another way to beat yourself up for not doing enough or feeling like you�re falling short� Not on my watch, toots!
The Results Journal will help you supercharge your health, amplify your joy and rock your dreams� all in one beautifully designed package�and with step-by-step instructions.
Quantities of both cover styles are limited, so choose yours now before they sell out!
Here�s what some of our community members had to say about The Results Journal:
As these people know, even just a few minutes a day invested in yourself and your dreams can make a big difference. And The Results Journal�s guided questions will keep you on track, making progress towards your most important goals.
!!SPECIAL BONUS!! If you order by tonight at midnight, you�ll also automatically reserve your spot for an exclusive mini-course this January, �Your Most Magical 2020!� This live group session will take place in January (exact date TBD, recordings provided!).
In it, I�ll share how I used the exact process in The Results Journal to reach some of my �Big Sky Goals,� like appearing on Oprah and writing my best-selling books�all while keeping my health habits front and center!
Remember: Your dreams matter. Your feelings matter. You matter. And you�re pretty darned awesome. Don�t forget that.
Love & awareness,
P.S. Need to order for holiday shipping? There�s still time! This Monday, December 9 at midnight PT is the standard shipping deadline that our carrier has given us for orders within the US to arrive by December 24. But since we can�t control the weather, we recommend that if you really MUST have your journal by December 24 to upgrade your shipping. You can review all shipping options at checkout to find the right one for you!
Order your Results Journal and claim your spot for the mini-course here.
Not interested in this topic? Click here to update your preferences.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Only a few hours left to get this deal!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Still in search of that perfect holiday or hostess gift? We�ve got you covered!
My brand-new Results Journal is a perfect gift for a special friend, partner, sister, daughter, mother� or yourself. It is a simple, guided approach to cut through the overwhelm and make progress towards the life you want to live, right now!
FYI: Our Galaxy cover is officially sold out, and the Classic cover is going fast, so get them while they last!
The system I�ve included in The Results Journal has helped me radically improve my well-being, create lasting love, amplify my joy and reach many of my biggest goals�both personally and professionally.
It�s the foundation you need to create massive momentum with whatever sets your brilliant soul on fire�
And you can order now for December 24 delivery*!
Tonight at midnight PT is the standard shipping deadline that our carrier has given us for orders within the US to arrive by December 24. But since we can�t control the weather, we recommend that if you really MUST have your journal by December 24 to upgrade your shipping. You can review all shipping options at checkout to find the right one for you!
Order by tonight at midnight and you�ll also automatically reserve your spot for my live mini-course, �Your Most Magical 2020,� where I�ll share how I used the exact process in The Results Journal to reach some of my �Big Sky Goals,� like appearing on Oprah and writing my best-selling books�all while keeping my health habits front and center!
With a new decade just around the corner, now is a great time to set up yourself or people you love for an inspiring, joyful and ease-filled new year.
Order your Results Journal now�quantities limited!
Love & speedy delivery,
P.S. Our standard shipping deadline for delivery within the US by December 24 expires TONIGHT at midnight PT.
Order your Results Journal now!
*Unfortunately, international shipping times will vary and cannot be guaranteed. We also can�t control the weather, so we recommend that if you really MUST have your journal by December 24 it�s best to upgrade your shipping. You can review all options at checkout to find the right one for you!
Not interested in this topic? Click here to update your preferences.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Tips for navigating those awkward dinner table convos
Hiya Gorgeous!
Does the thought of certain subjects coming up at your holiday gathering make you want to run, hide or break into nervous laughter? Politics, diets, rival sports teams, parenting styles� You know, those topics.
Over the holidays, we often have the chance to spend extra time with folks we don�t see much throughout the year. And though that can be a blessing, it can also lead to conversations that trigger or hurt us, inject doubt into our minds about our decisions, or make us uncomfortable.
If any of this sounds familiar, please know that whatever you�re doing to cope right now is enough��as long as it�s supporting you and not creating more stress or suffering in your life.
But if your current coping mechanisms aren�t serving you and/or you�d like some new strategies for setting boundaries in relationships (with family, chosen family, friends, coworkers, you name it!), then you�re in the right place.
In today�s new blog we�ll talk about how to�
Share your point of view or open up a dialogue about a challenging topic
Trust your inner wisdom when others question or challenge your decisions
Ask for support from someone, even when they disagree with you
Gently end a conversation you don�t want to have for any reason
And a whole lot more!
One of the many things I love about you is that you have big, bold dreams for your life. Healthy boundaries will empower you to go after those dreams with confidence and get the support you need to soar!
How to protect your energy by setting boundaries (+ tips for getting through awkward convos!)
Peace & healthy boundaries,
Get your Results Journal now!
I just wanted to give you a heads up that The Results Journal is almost gone! If you haven�t gotten yours yet, now�s the time�we have some of the classic editions left but the limited edition galaxy cover is all sold out! The holidays are around the corner and The Results Journal is a perfect gift for a favorite friend (or yourself� or both!) to make 2020 your best year yet.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Are you a current or aspiring business owner?
Hiya Sophia!
The reason I�m writing is that I�m working on some brand new content that�s going to help business owners (current and aspiring) who want to see their businesses and ideas go to a whole new level of results.
I�ve been in business for over a decade and have helped thousands of mission-driven dreamers grow their vision, brands and income.
I rarely talk about this part of my work, but it�s something I�m super passionate about! I know exactly what it takes to turn a spark of an idea into a successful, sustainable business that grows and gives back, year after year.
I�m in the formative stages of outlining what this new content will be, but before I get too far down that road, I want to make sure I�m covering the topics that are going to be most helpful to YOU.
So, my question to you is this:
When it comes to building your business, what is your single biggest challenge or frustration?
Before you hit reply, I need to collect this information in one spot.
Would you please CLICK BELOW to tell me so I can be sure to address your specific situation in this upcoming content?
Click here
Thank you so much!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Everything you need to know about your pelvic floor.
Hiya Gorgeous!
I have something really special to share with you today! My incredible colleague and friend, Ashley, recently told me about her experience with pelvic floor therapy after the birth of her (adorable and totally squeezable) baby. Our conversation was a wakeup call for me. For one, it was a reminder that pelvic floor health is something I haven�t paid enough attention to in my own life�not because I don�t care, but because I�ve been focused on other areas of my health.
My chat with Ashley also made me realize that we haven�t covered this topic on the blog. Well, today�s the day!
I know so many folks facing pelvic floor issues who feel like they�ve run out of options. And it�s not just in my circle�over 30 million women in the US alone deal with pain during sex or exercise, incontinence and other symptoms associated with pelvic floor dysfunction. But many OBGYNs and other health professionals aren�t well-trained in this area.
As a result, pelvic floor issues often go undiagnosed or untreated. But if you (or someone you know) are experiencing pelvic floor issues, here�s what you must know: You are NOT out of options. You�re in charge of your health journey and you CAN heal.
So today I�m covering the basics. We�ll talk about what your pelvic floor is, what it does and what kinds of issues can come up. Then I�ll share some resources about pelvic floor therapy and bust a few myths about Kegel exercises.
Welcome to pelvic floor 101, toots�class is officially in session!
NEW! Learn the signs of pelvic floor dysfunction and what to do about it�
Peace & pelvic power,
Get your Results Journal now!
I just wanted to give you a heads up that The Results Journal is almost gone! If you haven�t gotten yours yet, now�s the time�we have some of the classic editions left but the limited edition galaxy cover is all sold out! The holidays are around the corner and The Results Journal is a perfect gift for a favorite friend (or yourself� or both!) to make 2020 your best year yet.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
This is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Here in Woodstock, the beauty of winter has arrived. The ground is blanketed in sparkling white from a big December storm, and Mother Nature is gently encouraging us to stay close and remain centered.
But instead, many of us are going-going-going during this busy holiday season. If you�re like me, all the holiday hustle and bustle can bring on some unwanted stress (and you know how I feel about too much stress...).
So how can we reset and rest? How can we be more intentional? How can we be sure we�re fully there when spending precious time with friends and family?
For me, meditation is the best way to recenter when things get busy. Plus, there are zero side effects.
Because I believe in the power of meditation so much, I want you to have this transformative experience yourself. The more centered you are, the more you will be present throughout the holiday season and into the new year. And you deserve that, dear one.
So, I�m offering a Holiday Survival Meditation Collection� it�s the total package (pun intended!). Inside, the Self-Care for Busy People album will keep you calm during the holiday season. Then, you can continue your momentum into next year with Extraordinary: Meditations for a Magnificent Life.
This bundle contains EVERYTHING you need to:
Reduce stress, create inner calm and be fully present (Self-Care for Busy People Meditation Album)
Step into your power, fall madly in love with yourself and realize that anything is possible (Extraordinary: Meditations for a Magnificent Life Album)
Deepen your spiritual practice and amp up your wellness routine (Crazy Sexy Miracles Lecture)
Heal your relationship with yourself (Healing Cancer World Summit Interview with Tara Brach)
Reinforce a positive, self-loving mind-set (Extraordinary Living Journal)
Keep on track with your practice�let�s take this into the next decade! (Meditate with Kris Planner)
Remind yourself how fabulous you truly are and give yourself regular pick-me-ups (Extraordinary Affirmations Pack + Self-Care Affirmations Pack)
...and for the next 48 hours you can get it at a massive discount of 73% off�a savings of $94!
If nurturing and returning to yourself sound like just what you need this season, follow this link to take advantage of this special, limited-time opportunity:
Click here to get the Holiday Survival Meditation Collection now.
Now's the perfect time to give yourself that break you need. Get it while you can and start creating a more peaceful holiday season today.
But don't delay�this offer is so good I can only offer it for the next 48 hours!
Click here to get the Holiday Survival Meditation Collection today.
You're just moments away from getting started on your path to transforming your life!
Peace & self-care,
P.S. If you want to leverage the power of mindfulness and meditation to transform your life, your holiday season and the next decade, check out my Holiday Survival Meditation Collection (and save 73%!).
Just click on this link to get instant access right glorious now.
Not interested in this topic? Click here to update your preferences.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
I�m sharing how I got there so you can do the same!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Today�s blog topic is close to my heart. We�re talking about learning how to love yourself by trusting your inner wisdom. If the sound of that has you a little freaked or skeptical, then you definitely need to read this!
One of the most healing lessons I�ve ever learned is how to really, truly listen to myself�to honor the voice within and let my body take the lead. Years ago, that mindset shift is what pulled me out of a cycle of disordered eating and self-judgement (more on that story in the post).
So, how did I make the shift? It didn�t happen overnight, but when I slowly let my body and inner wisdom take over, everything changed. I stopped obsessing about everything I put in my mouth and focused on eating real, whole foods. I became a lot more gentle and caring with myself. And I started to feel better.
Whether you�re struggling with dieting or something else has you disconnected from your intuition, I want to help you find your way back home�so I�m sharing the practices that helped me get there. I still use them to get centered when I�m out of alignment and I hope they help you do the same!
Find out how to let go of self-judgement and heal your relationship with yourself!
Peace & coming home,
Get your Results Journal before the Holidays!
Still in search of that perfect holiday or hostess gift? We've got you covered! My brand-new Results Journal is a perfect gift for your fab bestie� or yourself. It is a simple, guided approach to cut through the overwhelm and make progress towards the life you want to live, right now! They're running out and the shipping deadline is fast approaching, so if you haven't gotten yours yet, now's the time! Order by December 22 with domestic expedited shipping to receive it by the 25. FYI: Our Galaxy cover is officially sold out, and the Classic cover is going fast, so get them while they last!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
3 minutes to your best year ever.
Hiya, Gorgeous!
After working with hundreds of thousands of wellness seekers over the past 10+ years, I�m constantly reminded of some important truths:
We don�t all face the same challenges when it comes to sticking with our health goals and intentions.(Some of us have no problem getting up before the sun and heading to the gym for a solo workout, while others of us won�t even go to the movies by ourselves.)
We aren�t all motivated by the same things. (Some of us will go the extra mile when we have a team cheering us on, while others find the promise of a small treat like a massage or a new cookbook to be just the encouragement we need.)
We don�t even all have the same definition of what �success� means when it comes to our health.
...And the more we understand our personality and preferences and work WITH them, the easier it will be to stick to our healthy habits and make progress toward our goals.
That�s why I�m so passionate about my Health & Wellness Archetype quiz and resources I launched in 2019.
To date, over 22,000 people have taken the simple assessment and then received personalized recommendations based on their Health & Wellness Archetype (there are 5!).
�> If you haven�t yet taken the free quiz: Check it out right now!
It only takes 3 minutes, and you�ll receive a free personalized 2020 Health & Wellness Outlook that explains more about your Archetype and how to use it to meet your health goals.
�> If you�ve already taken the quiz: I�d love for you to take it again right here!
Not only can our personalities change over time, we�ve also recently updated the results to include a brand-new 2020 Health & Wellness Outlook, complete with recommendations for the year ahead.
I can�t wait for you to not only learn more about your Archetype, but to see how powerful this knowledge is when you couple it with consistent action!
Love & wisdom,
P.S. We have some other amazing resources coming your way shortly, all in support of helping you make 2020 your happiest, healthiest year yet! Stay tuned for more.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
I wanted to be sure you saw this.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Time is running out on my Holiday Survival Meditation Collection... With so many emails, calls and texts coming our way during this super busy season, it�s easy to get overwhelmed and miss the important stuff.
Which is exactly why I�m sending you this reminder.
I don�t want you to miss the REALLY BIG important stuff this holiday season�the time snuggling your fur-pals after a long walk, the sparkle of holiday decorations, the meaningful time catching up with family and friends� If we�re not present, we miss it all.
It�s true, sweetheart, you can be busy and present when you incorporate meditation into your life. It�s time to start giving your mind the attention it deserves! When you do, you�ll see a ripple effect in your life and well-being now and into the next decade.
I can tell you from personal experience, that it will allow you to stop, reorganize your mind and stay in the moment.
And based on what I hear from our phenomenal community, meditation is creating some pretty epic and transformative results for you all, too!
One of the topics we get more feedback on than just about anything is my guided meditation albums.
These albums have helped listeners with everything from sleep issues, confidence, forgiveness, pain management, fear around a diagnosis and medical treatments, social anxiety, relationships, stress reduction and more. Right now, I want to set you up for a most magnificent holiday season and terrific New Year. Imagine getting started now and already being �in the zone� when the clocks strike 2020?
Click here to get the Holiday Survival Meditation Collection today.
Many of our readers have even shared that these meditations have become non-negotiable parts of their daily routine to keep them grounded, energetic and joyful.
Here�s one of the amazing stories I get on a regular basis!
�Your meditations are the �go-tos� for me when I am totally out of balance and feel myself spiraling in a negative direction. I know mentally what I am supposed to do, to think, to be; but somehow I stay locked in to the negative story.
That�s the time for the Kris Carr jump start.
It takes a few dedicated days of listening to your meditations (I have both albums) and I am able to start to move to a place of balance.
Each time this happens, I come away learning something or healing something inside me that was stuck. Perhaps it is a way for me to go inside and heal. At other times, listening to one of the meditations during lunch or while taking a walk helps to keep the motor humming like a mini tune-up.
Your soothing, loving voice, inspirations and sense of humor lift me. Love you Kris. You help make my world magical and wonderful.� ��Victoria Shields
For the next 18 hours, you can get the Holiday Survival Meditation Collection at a massive discount of 73% off!
You�ll get both my meditation albums with 22 total tracks, a meditation planner, Extraordinary Living Journal, TWO affirmation packs, a recording of the most popular interview from my Healing Cancer World Summit and an exclusive bonus lecture from one of my most popular events�all for just $35.
This bundle of goodness and tools is a gift to your gorgeous self to help you reset when you feel overwhelmed, wind down and get that self-care in when time is tight.
I can�t wait to help you on your journey to a happier, healthier you.
Let�s get started!
Love & deep breaths,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Expiring tonight! Get this while you can.
Hiya Gorgeous!
During this hectic time of year, I want to be sure beautiful YOU is on your long to do list. The more present you are, the more you�ll remember the magic of the season with loved ones��and that is a gift that lasts forever. Meditation allows us to do just that, and I�d love to share the opportunity to change your life by changing your thinking� but time is running out.
Click here to get the Holiday Survival Meditation Collection today.
I am so grateful for the amazing success so many of you have had. Here are just a few:
Now you know why I cry when I read my email! I feel so blessed to be able to help folks, because I know what it�s like to need the help myself.
If the busyness and stress of the holidays are getting you frantic.
If you want to be totally and fully present for yourself and those around you...
If you need some recentering and a little self-love�
Or you know someone who does...
Click here to gift yourself the Holiday Survival Meditation Collection today.
Even if you�ve never meditated before, you CAN do this. This is a great opportunity to get an amazing bundle that will keep you centered during the season with Self-Care for Busy People and then continue feeling better into the next decade (crazy!) with Extraordinary: Meditations for a Magnificent Life. The albums complement each other so nicely.
These guided meditations are short, easy and filled with the inspiration you may need to feel better, shine brighter and live bolder. Plus, you�ll learn to truly stay present during this time of year, which can be tough to do.
Only a few hours left to get my meditation bundle sale at a massive 73% discount!
Click here and let�s get this inner revolution started! :)
Love & inner peace
P.S. When you grab this deal, you�ll get both my meditation albums with a total of 22 tracks, plus tons of bonus goodies�all for just $35.
Click for all the details on the Holiday Survival Meditation Collection.
Hurry! This offer expires tonight at midnight!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
If you missed out, you have another chance!
Hiya Gorgeous!
I just got some unexpected news and had to jump on here to tell you about it right away� The popular limited-edition Galaxy version of my Results Journal�which WAS 100% sold out�is temporarily back in stock!
We thought these babies were g-o-n-e, GONE for good. That is, until our fulfillment center (where the journals are lovingly packed and shipped) called to let me know that there was a stock-tracking snafu and they have an extra stash hiding on their shelves�
A little background: As you may know, I released my Results Journal at the end of last year (can�t believe 2019 is now last year!). And this isn�t just any journal�it�s a holistic, guided approach to help you cut through the overwhelm and make progress toward the life you want to live right now, not later.
The initial launch included two versions of The Results Journal: the Classic cover and the limited-edition Galaxy cover. The Classic lives up to its name�a beautiful, simple design that�s perfect for folks who appreciate a minimalist vibe. Then we went to the other end of the spectrum for the limited-edition option�a colorful, bold cover that�s as inspiring as it is eye-catching.
While both covers were popular, let�s just say that folks went out-of-this-world wild for the Galaxy version. They sold out fast and a lot of you were bummed that you didn�t get to snag one. But now�s your chance to have one of these newly found, treasured Galaxy journals.
Get your copy here and create your most magical year yet with The Results Journal!
Make no mistake: 2020 is YOUR year. The Results Journal will help you get the clarity and momentum you need to hit the ground running. And the Galaxy edition is so gorgeous, you won�t be able to resist picking it up every day!
I know what you might be thinking� how do I know that this journaling system can work for you? Because it worked (and continues to work) for me. I�ve been using and refining The Results Journal approach for decades. It�s the secret sauce behind many of my successes, such as writing multiple New York Times bestsellers, becoming a member of Oprah�s SuperSoul 100, and launching and growing a 7-figure business.
But it doesn�t stop with professional wins�this system has helped me take care of myself (body, mind and soul) in ways I didn�t think were possible. It�s the reason I feel happier and healthier today than ever before. And you can, too!
Once this last, surprise stash is sold out, the Galaxy journals are gone for good� for real this time. I hope you�ll give yourself this gift, I can�t think of anyone who deserves it more!
LAST CHANCE: Order your limited-edition Galaxy Results Journal.
Peace & stellar surprises,
P.S. Don�t miss out�quantities are limited!
This is your last chance to order the first ever limited-edition Results Journal! There will never be another first. Get all the details on how the system works and order your Galaxy Journal here.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Let�s make 2020 different!
Hiya, Gorgeous!
New year...
New decade...
Fresh start!
If your New Year�s resolutions include getting healthier and happier in 2020, I�ve got just the ticket� and it�s at no cost!
Join me for my FREE New Year, Fresh Start 5-Day Wellness Challenge starting in just a few days on January 10.
Yes! I�m in for the Free New Year, Fresh Start 5-Day Wellness Challenge!
I�ll lead you through my 5 Pillars of Wellness so you can experience the transformation that can occur when you make self-care a priority and surround yourself with a supportive community.
You�ll get:
Daily live video coaching from me with simple strategies to increase your energy and lift your mood
A beautifully designed New Year, Fresh Start Wellness Challenge Guide with worksheets, your Challenge overview and more
Access to a limited-time pop-up Facebook Group where you�ll access your materials, connect with thousands of other participants and get support
Bonuses like recipes, a guided meditation and other goodies
And more!
In sum, these are the resources we provide every month to my Inner Circle Wellness community members, and you�ll get to experience it all� for FREE!
It doesn�t have to take a ton of time or effort. Wellness can be simple when you know how to put the pieces together. I�ll show you how in this free 5-Day Wellness Challenge.
Don�t think you can see change in just 5 days? Here�s what Pamela said after taking part in our last free 5-Day Wellness Challenge Boot Camp:
And here�s a small sample of more feedback:
Five days CAN make a difference. This is your chance to make 2020 the year you focus on YOU: Your health, your wellness, your mind, your mood, your soul.
You�re worth it!
Click here to save your spot for the Free New Year, Fresh Start 5-Day Wellness Challenge now.
Love & appreciation,
P.S. Sign-ups close soon�reserve your spot now:
Click here to instantly sign up for the FREE New Year, Fresh Start 5-Day Wellness Challenge!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
I�m writing a letter to my future self.
Hiya Gorgeous!
This isn�t just any old New Year�s Eve. Tonight marks the end of the decade! And when we wake up tomorrow (or before then if you�re partying into the wee hours), we�ll step into a brand spankin� new chapter. Let that sink in. Are you as excited as I am?!
Your beautiful brain is likely swirling with inspiration and desires for 2020, and maybe even the next 10 years. Don�t worry if you haven�t had time to noodle on this yet or have more ideas than you know what to do with (I can relate!). The ritual I�m about to share is designed to bring everything into focus, make your priorities crystal clear and set you up for the decade of your dreams.
I�m closing out this year with something extra special: a letter to my future self. Will you join me? Over on the blog, I�m sharing exactly how this soul-shifting exercise works and how it can set you up for success in the new decade. I�ll also share some examples from my own letter!
Ready to dig deep and lay the foundation for the best decade of your life? Let�s go!
Peace & new beginnings,
P.S. As I look back on the past decade, I have a lot to be grateful for. YOU are one of them! Thank you for being part of this community�I can�t wait to see what�s in store for you next year (let�s manifest your dreams together!).
Get your Results Journal for the New Year!
Ready to step into 2020 (and this new decade) with power and joy behind your dreams? We've got you covered! My brand-new Results Journal is a perfect tool, or may I even say your new best friend. It is a simple, guided approach to cut through the overwhelm and make progress towards the life you want to live, right now! They're running out, so if you haven't gotten yours yet, now's the time! FYI: Our Galaxy cover is officially sold out, and the Classic cover is going fast, so get them while they last!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
10 things I wish I knew when I started my business.
Hiya Sophia!
Back in 2003, my dreams of building my own business were still just a whisper. To be honest, I didn�t even realize I had those dreams in the first place.
I wasn�t in touch with what I truly wanted for my work and my life. It took a life-changing cancer diagnosis to jolt me awake and make me finally pay attention to that whisper.
Who would have known that over a decade later, I�d own and operate a 7-figure business that challenges and fulfills me in ways I never imagined. I�m now a multiple New York Times best-selling author and member of Oprah�s SuperSoul 100� these are things I NEVER would have allowed myself to dream about back then.
How about you?
Do you have dreams you want to explore (hobbies, side hustles, going back to school...)?
Do you have a full-fledged business idea that sets your soul on fire, but you think it�s too risky, too hard, too far out of reach?
Or do you already have a business, but you feel stuck and don�t know how to reach your ultimate potential?
You don�t need a diagnosis, tragedy or any life-altering event to scare you into action. You don�t need permission to do what makes you happy. You can start right now.
I just released a new, free ebook, How to Build Your Business without Burning Out: 10 Keys for Avoiding the Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make, that I think you�re going to love�you don�t have to be a business owner or entrepreneur to benefit from it!
Here�s a preview of what you�ll learn�
1. What to Focus on in the Morning: Get clear on your priorities so you can focus on the stuff that moves the needle on your work AND your joy.
2. How to Create Your Ideal Week: Design your ideal work day and week to create more time for doing what you love and exploring your passions.
3. How to Unblock What�s Holding You Back: Overcome fear of failure so you can finally take the leap and start the business or project you�ve been dreaming about.
And when you�re ready to take it to the next level...
4. How to Tackle Basic Small Business Finances: Find out what metrics to focus on to simplify tracking and forecasting, even if you�re not a numbers person.
5. Strategies for Identifying and Attracting Your Ideal Customers: Grow your audience and customer base by understanding what they really want and need.
6.Secrets for Simplifying Online Marketing: Tips for creating a promotional calendar, growing your email list and engaging your audience on social media.
You need the ebook to get all 10 keys�grab your copy here!
Yes, this resource is for people who want to grow their businesses while maintaining a healthy work/life balance. But it�s also for you if you have an idea you want to pursue (no matter how big or how small) while balancing your day job, family commitments and staying well.
The world needs you to share your magic. I can�t wait to see you shine even brighter than you already do!
Send me the ebook now, Kris!
Peace & possibilities,
Don�t want to hear about business anymore? Click here to update your preferences.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
We tested all of the top brands so you don�t have to.
Hiya Gorgeous!
I love cheese! Grilled cheese, cheese pizza, mac n� cheese, cheese boards� all of it.
You might be wondering why this proud plant-based gal is talking about cheese. Well, I�m not just talking about any old cheese. I�m talking about vegan cheese and that�s what today�s new article is all about!
The plant-based food market has taken off over the last couple of years. Vegan alternatives to animal products are popping up at grocery stores and restaurants all over the place. And the best part is, this stuff isn�t just for vegans! Whether you�re an omnivore, flexitarian, plant-curious or something else, these plant-based goodies are scrumptious enough to impress even the most particular palates.
But how can you possibly distinguish the delicious from the duds in an ever-expanding sea of options? You don�t want to empty your wallet or compromise on taste, and healthy ingredients are important to you too. Don�t worry, toots� you know I�ve got your back!
My team and I put the top vegan cheese brands to the test so you don�t have to. We just released an incredible resource with all of our findings, including�
Our picks for the 14 best vegan cheese brands, including info on how they stack up from a health perspective
Answers to FAQs like, �What is vegan cheese made of?� and �Why ditch dairy cheese in the first place?�
Advice for cooking with vegan cheese and the best options for different purposes (like which shreds melt the best on pizza, how to make the perfect vegan grilled cheese and so on)
And resources for making your own vegan cheese, just in case you want to get creative in the kitchen!
Wanna know which 14 plant-based cheeses made the cut? Go here to find out!
Peace & cheesy choices,
Last Few Results Journals Available Now!
Make no mistake: 2020 is YOUR year. Get centered around YOUR dreams and visions with The Results Journal. Gain the clarity and momentum you need to hit the ground running. I know what you might be thinking� how do I know that this journaling system can work for you? Because it worked (and continues to work) for me. It�s the secret sauce behind many of my biggest life successes, and I know it will work for you too. It is a simple, guided approach to cut through the overwhelm and make progress towards the life you want to live, right now!
We are sold out of the limited-edition Galaxy covers and there are less than a hundred Classic covers left in the warehouse, so if you�ve been on the fence or want to stock up on a few more for next quarter, do yourself this favor and grab yours now. Make 2020 YOURS from the get go.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
This has helped stop the struggle for so many!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Four months ago, my team and I put something seriously amazing out into the world�
Something that encapsulates so much of the learning, experience and wisdom I�ve collected on my health journey�
Something that has helped so many people who are struggling finally make wellness simple...
Something I�m so, so proud of...
Inner Circle Wellness!
Inner Circle Wellness is a membership site created with YOU in mind. After working with thousands upon thousands of people from every corner of the globe, I�ve noticed some patterns and themes.
Regardless of whether you�re a triathlete or a frequent couch potato, dealing with chronic disease (like me!) or at the top of your health game, 27 or 72, a dedicated vegan or plant-curious, we are ALL facing many of the same challenges.
People are working really freaking hard to reach their health goals� yet are still feeling stuck and overwhelmed!
This is NOT the recipe for a vibrant, healthy life, my friend!
And that�s why I created Inner Circle Wellness�to bring ease, clarity, community and JOY to your health journey.
Click here to find out more about Inner Circle Wellness!
I�ve taken all the biggest lessons and discoveries from my own 16+ year health journey (that started when I was diagnosed with a rare and incurable cancer) and distilled them into a simple, FUN approach to wellness in a warm, supportive community environment.
Within the Inner Circle, we�ve simplified wellness.
Inside the membership, you�ll find curated resources, tempting healthy recipes, monthly meditations, live group coaching, challenges and more to get you (or keep you!) on track to create an energy-filled, passionate life�and a whole group of people who �get� you and what you want to create in the world!
If you�re looking for a way to take back your health and your power, you can get all the details here:
Yes! I want to find out more about Inner Circle Wellness!
Exciting Bonus Today Only! Join Inner Circle Wellness by midnight PT TONIGHT and get access to my special mini-course, �Your Most Magical 2020!� (value = $197!)
In this live class, I�ll walk you through the behind-the-scenes steps I take to align my daily actions with my big dreams. This process is how I landed a spot on Oprah�s SuperSoul Sunday, wrote my best-selling books and achieved some critical health goals. You�ll get a peek into my planning process, as well as how you can keep your health front and center, even in the midst of your busiest seasons.
This bonus (valued at $197) is yours free when you enroll by TONIGHT at 11:59 p.m. PT� so check out the details now.
I�m so proud of what we�re doing and I�d love for you to be part of it.
Love & excitement,
P.S. Up until now my Inner Circle Wellness has been open for enrollment, but in order to properly welcome and serve my members, I am closing enrollment this Friday at midnight. It won�t re-open enrollment until the spring, so if you�ve been flirting with the idea of joining, now is the time!
Click here for all the details about Inner Circle Wellness!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
We start tomorrow� are you in?
Hiya Gorgeous!
In case you missed it, we�re getting ready to kick off my FREE New Year, Fresh Start 5-Day Wellness Challenge� and we�re missing YOU!
We just opened the doors to our pop-up Facebook Group and it�s already hopping inside� but it�s not gonna be the same without you.
This free Wellness Challenge is a great way to reset and get your mind and health habits right for the New Year. I�ve broken down the information into completely do-able steps that anyone can take, yet still produce results. It�s low-stress, easy AND effective� and free!
�Sign me up right now! I don�t want to miss this!�
Join the thousands of other health seekers who are tired of jumping from trend to trend or trying to decode complicated scientific jargon to figure out how to feel better.
Instead, in just 5 days, I�ll introduce you to my 5 Pillars of Wellness so you can cut through the overwhelm and get results, fast. Along the way, you�ll be treated to daily live coaching from me, a vibrant and open-hearted community, support and encouragement, and tons of resources.
You�ll even get freebies like yummy plant-based recipes, an audio meditation and more!
After our 5 days together, you�ll have a new sense of how simple it can be to create your happiest, healthiest life in 2020.
Wherever you are in your health journey, you can feel better. It starts with a commitment to make your self-care a priority.
You don�t have to do this by yourself. Let me guide you!
Click here to instantly join and get access now.
Love & support,
P.S. We start tomorrow! Sign up now for free so you don�t miss a thing.
�Sign me up for the FREE New Year, Fresh Start 5-Day Wellness Challenge!�
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You're receiving this because you signed up for Crazy Sexy Wellness Membership. If you'd rather not hear anything more about this, but would like to keep receiving my blog posts via email, Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
For all my dreamers, doers and visionaries!
Hiya Gorgeous!
As you start off your week, I want to challenge you to dream big with me.
If you�ve ever asked yourself �what if?� when you think about your job or new business idea� or if you have a vision to make your passion into something bigger...
Take a few minutes as you start your week and join my go-to-business confidant, Marie, for her new video training. It�s the roadmap I wish I had when my business was just an idea� especially the point she makes at 2 minutes and 45 seconds into video one.
Click here to watch the video now.
Leave your doubts at the door and come on in!
Not interested in business? No problem! Unsubscribe from this series here. You�ll still be on my regular list and receive all my weekly goodness.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Eating plant-based is about to get a lot easier
Hiya Gorgeous!
Confession time: When I first went vegan, I had no idea what plant-based foods to keep in my fridge. When I took out all the meat and dairy, it turned into a wasteland for leftover macrobiotic experiments and expired condiments! Can you relate?
Of all the kitchen storage spaces, your fridge has the biggest influence on what and how you eat. When you keep an abundance of fresh foods at the ready, you�re more likely to reach for nutritious plant-based meals. On the other hand, when you open the refrigerator door to find a chilly, empty abyss, that takeout menu starts to look awfully tempting�
But because fridge foods are far more perishable than those in your freezer or pantry, maximizing their shelf life can be tricky. That�s why knowing how to plan ahead, what to look out for at the store and how to store each item is essential!
Today is all about making your plant-based diet (or any diet, for that matter!) easier, tastier and more affordable. I�m sharing my 5 essential tips and guidelines for turning your fridge into a plant-powered wonderland�these have been game-changers for me and I think they�re going to change the way you feel about your kitchen!
Ready for a fridge glow up? Here�s how to stock your fridge like a plant-based pro!
Peace & fabulous fridges,
P.S. There�s something extra special about this post (hint: it�s not over til it�s over), so head on over to the blog to find out!
Join me for a Crazy Sexy Reset!
This is the perfect way to take advantage of your newly stocked fridge AND try some delicious plant-based foods! My 3-day plant-based cleanse is designed to help you get back on track quickly and address the challenges that often come along with unbalanced eating (I�m talkin� bloating, fatigue, mental fog�you name it).
Get started today for just $29 (a $30 savings)!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
It�s time.
Hiya Gorgeous!
I�ve got a quick question for you:
How is 2020 going to be different for you?
Maybe you�ve got some health goals you�re hoping to reach.
Maybe you�d like to be more consistent with your habits.
Maybe you�ve actually got a long list�eat more kale, drink more water, meditate regularly, etc. etc�
But you know what? Those healthy habits we long for, they�re just pieces of the puzzle. Starting your day with a green smoothie is awesome (and pretty tasty), but that�s not what health is about.
The real goal is a vibrant, health-filled, energetic life�one filled with ease and joy!
Now THAT is a New Year's resolution I can get behind� can I get an �Amen?!�
That�s why I�m so passionate about Inner Circle Wellness. I designed it to help you create a healthy, abundant life� one that goes beyond fitting in your skinny jeans or developing a daily yoga practice.
Because your skinny jeans don�t matter if you�re unhappy. And daily yoga won�t do you a lick of good if you feel lonely, depressed and overwhelmed.
Inner Circle Wellness is about simplicity, joy and synergy. We pull together all the elements of wellness in one place so you can create your own recipe for a healthy, happy life.
And here�s the cool part: It�s way simpler than you thought to create integrated, holistic health. You can do it one little change at a time. That�s what we�ll do together in Inner Circle Wellness.
*Join today or tomorrow, risk-free! Take Inner Circle Wellness for a spin. Don�t love it? We�ll give you your money back!*
Join Inner Circle Wellness risk-free* here!
You don�t need to try harder.
You don�t need to do more.
You don�t need to struggle, deprive yourself or rework your entire life.
What you need is a simple, proven plan, ongoing support and coaching, curated resources and a community of like-minded folks, ready to move forward together.
Each month we focus on a specific theme for healthier living from the inside out, all based on my 5 Pillars of Wellness: What you�re eating, drinking, thinking and how you�re resting and renewing.
You�ll receive LIVE mindset coaching from me and nutritional guidance from our Dietitians...
You�ll get specific challenges to help you make small, doable changes to achieve BIG results�
You�ll have access to an array of yum-inducing, nutritious plant-based recipes (with 5 recipes added every month!)...
You�ll reset your mood and program your brain for positivity with a brand-new monthly audio meditation from me...
You�ll be supported, cheered and inspired by our community of gorgeous peeps�
You�ll get immediate access to all our previous months� materials and resources...
You�ll never feel lost, lonely or confused on your path to better health!
And you can try it out risk-free when you register now!*
Get the full scoop on everything you get as an Inner Circle Wellness member right here.
Over time, you�ll see how powerful small, consistent changes can be! It doesn�t have to be stressful, complicated or confusing.
I don�t have the opportunity to work directly with individuals, simply because of time limitations. Inner Circle Wellness is the only place where you can connect with and get group health coaching from me on a regular basis!
Want me as your coach, guide and head cheerleader?
I want to be your guide as you finally achieve your health goals.
At 11:59 p.m. PT tonight, we�ll be closing the doors until April in order to properly welcome our new members. Don�t miss this chance to make 2020 a year to remember�for all the right reasons.
Let�s work together.
Check out Inner Circle Wellness risk-free* and see what�s possible for you in 2020.
Love & dreams come true,
P.S. Join Inner Circle Wellness NOW before the doors close! Just a few hours left�
*And remember, your membership is risk-free when you purchase from January 16 through January 17 at 11:59 p.m. PT! If you don�t absolutely adore the resources, support, coaching and community within Inner Circle Wellness, we�ll give you your money back. Just email by Wednesday, January 22 at 11:59 p.m. PT and we�ll issue you a full refund. It�s that easy.
Join Inner Circle Wellness NOW, risk-free!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
A common story and an important invitation.
Hiya Gorgeous!
We�re less than 2 weeks into the new year, and according to research, most people are well on their way to abandoning all their great intentions for 2020.
It�s a common story. We start out January with a mile-long list of everything we want to change and accomplish in the months to come:
...Eat better.
...Exercise daily.
...Make time for meditation.
...Start every morning with a kale smoothie.
...Quit alcohol.
...Put an end to the mid-afternoon trip to the candy machine.
...Get to bed by 10 and for the love of all that�s precious, stop sleeping with the phone on the bedside table!
No wonder we�re exhausted by mid-month!
Here�s the good news: Better health doesn�t come from running yourself ragged and deprivation. It comes from small shifts in everyday habits that add up over time.
Isn�t that a relief? We don�t have to do more; we just need to do the right things.
I want to help you lighten your load in 2020, and that�s why I�m hosting a LIVE coaching class: �How 5 Simple Health Strategies Can Make 2020 the Best Year Ever (in just Minutes a Day!)�
Join me this Wednesday, January 15 at 11am ET / 8am PT or 2pm ET / 11am PT.
In this free, live video class you�ll:
? See how five SIMPLE elements work synergistically to create a vibrant, joyful life.
? Learn how to FINALLY take consistent action to break out of your rut and make progress toward your health goals.
? Uncover the ONE critical ingredient to creating LASTING change (that you�ve probably been overlooking).
? ...And more!
Sound good? Reserve your spot here:
Yes, I want to learn how to make this year happier and healthier�without working harder!
I can�t wait to help you get excited about health, create vibrant energy and love your life!
Love & ease,
P.S. Reserve your spot now�two times to choose from! Can�t make it live? We�ll send you a replay, but you gotta register:
Yes, I�m in for the live coaching!
Not interested in Inner Circle Wellness? Click here to update your preferences.
You're receiving this because you signed up for Crazy Sexy Wellness Membership. If you'd rather not hear anything more about this, but would like to keep receiving my blog posts via email, Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Renewing is a non-negotiable part of your self-care routine.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Remember what it was like to play and move as a kid? Crawling, climbing, hula-hooping and somersaulting with abandon. Finger painting, building forts and playing dress up to your heart�s content�
Then there�s a shift, and we start to think that stuff isn�t for us anymore. We value work over play. Sitting at our desks over movement. Doing what we�re supposed to do over living and LOVING our lives. We run ourselves ragged and might even start to forget what really matters�feeling our best and celebrating our precious selves.
But I�m here to tell you that movement and play are just as important (and appropriate!) today as they were then. They�re life forces. Spiritual gold. And that�s what renewing�the fifth and final pillar in my 5 Pillars of Wellness�is all about.
To renew is to move your body, pursue your passions and feed your soul. It�s doing what you love with the people and furry friends you love. I know how hard it can be to make space for that when your schedule is jam-packed with must-dos. But if we never pause to renew (aka refuel our energy tanks) then we�re constantly running on empty. And running on empty leads to break downs.
Renewing is an essential part of your self-care routine, but you don�t have to figure out how to fit it in alone. I�m here to help! In today�s new blog, we�re talking about how to cultivate movement and play in your life. Ready to have some fun?
Find out what to do when you�re running on empty (+ tips for overcoming exercise roadblocks)!
Peace & playdates,
Get your Results Journal for the New Year!
Make no mistake: 2020 is YOUR year. Start the year off right, centered around YOUR dreams and goals with The Results Journal. Gain the clarity and momentum you need to hit the ground running. This journaling system is the secret sauce behind many of my biggest life successes, and I know it will work for you too. It is a simple, guided approach to cut through the overwhelm and make progress towards the life you want to live, right now!
We had a special last batch of limited-edition Galaxy covers that sold out within HOURS this past weekend (!!!), but there are still some Classic covers available. Do yourself this favor and grab yours now. Make 2020 YOURS from the start.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
From hot mess to success.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Most businesspeople think that being on Oprah�s stage will solve just about any challenge they�re facing. After all, she�s like the patron saint of authors and experts! A few minutes with her and it�s �Goodbye problems, Hello best-seller,� ...right?
Well, not exactly.
If there�s one lesson I�ve learned in my decade-plus as an entrepreneur, it�s this: All the fame, attention and accolades in the world can�t rescue a business if your fundamentals aren�t right.
Even when I hit the �high point� of sharing my message on The Oprah Winfrey Show and seeing my books hit The New York Times Best Seller list, behind the scenes, things were ugly.
And I mean U-G-L-Y.
I was stressed out. Confused about what steps to take. Bleeding money (I even sold my apartment to fund the creation of my film, Crazy Sexy Cancer).
Having a best-selling book and being on Oprah didn�t fix any of that.
Sure, it gave me more visibility (which is how I may have connected with you!)�but it didn�t help me understand how to build a holistic, sustainable business�one that creates an impact and allows me to support myself while still living a balanced life.
To be honest, the more outward �success� I achieved, the more I felt like a big ole fraud and like I was my dog�s favorite chew toy, pulled this way and that, being ripped apart at the seams.
I had absolutely NO IDEA what I was doing. No big-picture strategy. No back-end systems. No revenue plan. I felt like I couldn�t stop long enough to catch my breath, let alone go back and fix the parts of my business that weren�t working. It took everything I had just to hold all the pieces together.
I was stuck.
Then I realized that the only way to fix the broken places was to buckle down and get the basics right. I needed to understand my business at an absolute fundamental level. I needed to know what my business actually WAS, what it stood for, what I wanted to create, who my audience was�and how to market to them!
I needed to know what to do first and then what to do next (and next after that).
I needed a road map.
It took me a ton of trial and error. I�d fall on my face here, take a few steps forward there� only to be knocked back down again. But I stuck with it. I created my own success map.
And once I had that, business became FUN AND PROFITABLE!
My stress level went down and my clarity and focus went up�taking my income with it!
I learned that I could achieve more by doing less because I chose projects and tasks that actually moved my business forward, rather than sending me spinning in a hundred directions at once.
Finally, I could breathe again�and actually imagine growing and expanding this little business baby of mine into something with worldwide impact.
Maybe you can relate.
You�ve got this �thing� inside of you that you want to bring into the world�
But you�re just not sure what you need to do to get it out there.
It�s enough to make you crawl back in bed and pull your blankie up over your head. (I know� I�ve been there!)
But you know what?
The world needs your crazy sexy ideas. The world needs YOU.
Whether you want to be a plant-based nutritionist or dog walker or life coach or yoga instructor or author or art teacher�
You and your dreams are needed now more than ever!
And here�s what�s even better...
You don�t have to struggle on your own to figure out the business stuff.
My best friend, business maven and marketing genius Marie Forleo has just released a new series of kick-butt training videos to help you build a thriving, heart-centered, successful business�one that makes the world a better place AND puts lots of organic produce on your dinner table ($$$).
You can check out the first one�The Six Pillars to Building a Highly Profitable Business Online�right here.
If you�re not familiar with Marie, she�s one of the world�s leading online business and marketing experts (and one of my favorite people!). She�s also the creator of B-School, an 8-week online program for big-hearted creatives who want to build a meaningful, profitable business online.
Her training material is so powerful! I went through B-School myself and it was one of the main reasons I was able to transform my business from a hot mess to a sustainable success. :)
I hope you know that I treasure you. So, I can think of NO ONE better to guide you through the steps it takes to build a successful business. Marie is the real deal.
Check out the first training video (for free!) right now.
I promise, the time you invest (it�ll take about 35 minutes) will be paid back in inspiration, direction and confidence. Pay special attention at minute 13:14 when Marie talks about why big-hearted, compassionate people (like you!) are wired to succeed in the online business world!
Peace & guidance,
P.S. This three-part video series is absolutely free. If you�re ready to bring your dream business to life, go watch the first one RIGHT NOW.
Click here to watch The Six Pillars to Building a Highly Profitable Business Online video now!
Not interested in business? No problem! Unsubscribe from this serieshere. You�ll still be on my regular list and receive all my weekly goodness.
You're receiving this because you signed up for Crazy Sexy Wellness Membership. If you'd rather not hear anything more about this, but would like to keep receiving my blog posts via email. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
The business guidance I wish I�d had
Hiya Gorgeous!
If there�s one lesson I�ve learned in my decade-plus as an entrepreneur, it�s this: All the fame, attention and accolades in the world can�t rescue a business if your fundamentals aren�t right.
Even when I hit the �high point� of sharing my message on The Oprah Winfrey Show and seeing my books hit The New York Times Best Seller list, behind the scenes, things were ugly.
And I mean U-G-L-Y.
I was stressed out. Confused about what steps to take. Bleeding money (I even sold my apartment to fund the creation of my film, Crazy Sexy Cancer).
Having a best-selling book and being on Oprah didn�t fix any of that.
Sure, it gave me more visibility (which is how I may have connected with you!)�but it didn�t help me understand how to build a holistic, sustainable business�one that creates an impact and allows me to support myself while still living a balanced life.
To be honest, the more outward �success� I achieved, the more I felt like a big ole fraud and like I was my dog�s favorite chew toy, pulled this way and that, being ripped apart at the seams.
I had absolutely NO IDEA what I was doing. No big-picture strategy. No back-end systems. No revenue plan. I felt like I couldn�t stop long enough to catch my breath, let alone go back and fix the parts of my business that weren�t working. It took everything I had just to hold all the pieces together.
I was stuck.
Then I realized that the only way to fix the broken places was to buckle down and get the basics right. I needed to understand my business at an absolute fundamental level. I needed to know what my business actually WAS, what it stood for, what I wanted to create, who my audience was�and how to market to them!
I needed to know what to do first and then what to do next (and next after that).
I needed a road map.
It took me a ton of trial and error. I�d fall on my face here, take a few steps forward there� only to be knocked back down again. But I stuck with it. I created my own success map.
And once I had that, business became FUN AND PROFITABLE!
My stress level went down and my clarity and focus went up�taking my income with it!
I learned that I could achieve more by doing less because I chose projects and tasks that actually moved my business forward, rather than sending me spinning in a hundred directions at once.
Finally, I could breathe again�and actually imagine growing and expanding this little business baby of mine into something with worldwide impact.
Maybe you can relate.
You�ve got this �thing� inside of you that you want to bring into the world�
But you�re just not sure what you need to do to get it out there.
It�s enough to make you crawl back in bed and pull your blankie up over your head. (I know� I�ve been there!)
But you know what?
The world needs your crazy sexy ideas. The world needs YOU.
Whether you want to be a plant-based nutritionist or dog walker or life coach or yoga instructor or author or art teacher�
You and your dreams are needed now more than ever!
And here�s what�s even better...
You don�t have to struggle on your own to figure out the business stuff.
My best friend, business maven and marketing genius Marie Forleo has just released a new series of kick-butt training videos to help you build a thriving, heart-centered, successful business�one that makes the world a better place AND puts lots of organic produce on your dinner table ($$$).
You can check out the first one�The Six Pillars to Building a Highly Profitable Business Online�right here.
If you�re not familiar with Marie, she�s one of the world�s leading online business and marketing experts (and one of my favorite people!). She�s also the creator of B-School, an 8-week online program for big-hearted creatives who want to build a meaningful, profitable business online.
Her training material is so powerful! I went through B-School myself and it was one of the main reasons I was able to transform my business from a hot mess to a sustainable success. :)
I hope you know that I treasure you. So, I can think of NO ONE better to guide you through the steps it takes to build a successful business. Marie is the real deal.
Check out the first training video (for free!) right now.
I promise, the time you invest (it�ll take about 35 minutes) will be paid back in inspiration, direction and confidence. Pay special attention at minute 13:14 when Marie talks about why big-hearted, compassionate people (like you!) are wired to succeed in the online business world!
Peace & guidance,
P.S. This three-part video series is absolutely free. If you�re ready to bring your dream business to life, go watch the first one RIGHT NOW.
Click here to watch The Six Pillars to Building a Highly Profitable Business Online video now!
Not interested in business? No problem! Unsubscribe from this serieshere. You�ll still be on my regular list and receive all my weekly goodness.
You're receiving this because you signed up for Crazy Sexy Wellness Membership. If you'd rather not hear anything more about this, but would like to keep receiving my blog posts via email. Manage your subscription.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
11 staples for your plant-based diet
Hiya Gorgeous!
Welcome to Part 2 of our fridge-stocking series! Today I�m inviting you into my kitchen for the inside scoop on my 11 plant-powered fridges faves.
Tell me if this sounds familiar: You just had the longest Monday in the history of Mondays. It�s late afternoon and the gremlin in your stomach is already grumbling, so you open the refrigerator to figure out what�s for dinner. And yikes, it�s emptier than a water park in winter!
I�ve certainly had my fair share of those omg-my-fridge-is-barren moments, and putting together my grocery list used to give me mind-numbing brain farts (yes, even though I�m a two-time cookbook author!). But thanks to the tasty tips I�m about to share, I haven�t had any mealtime mayhem in a while!
This really is my secret to simplifying and sticking with a healthy plant-based diet! Once you figure out the ideal combo of fruits, veggies, proteins, sauces, grains, etc. to keep on hand, shopping and cooking get a whole lot easier.
In this blog, you�ll learn how to�
Spot the freshest produce and decode labels at the grocery store
Store each food for maximum shelf life
Use the ingredients in plant-based meals (recipe ideas included!)
Part 2 is here! Find out what I ALWAYS keep in my fridge�
Peace & fresh foods,
Have a dream or vision?
For my fellow dreamers and visionaries, physical health is just one aspect of our lives. We have a deeper craving too... and now is the time to fulfill it. (Is there ever any other time?). Do you crave building your dream business and sharing your voice? Stock up your entrepreneurial toolbox with some of the best business advice around from one of the smartest women I know�
I�m honestly jealous�I can only imagine how much more ease, flow and success the beginning stages of my business could have had if these free videos had existed then. Save yourself the time, money and angst I couldn�t and tune in now.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Feeling unproductive? This will help.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Please be unproductive. Ha! Has anyone ever said that to you? I certainly haven�t received that luxurious request. Quite the opposite in fact. Google �how to be more productive� and you�ll get over 200 million results!
We tell ourselves that if we could just be more productive, we�d finally be able to finish that project, get that promotion and do everything we�ve always wanted to do but never had time for. Sound familiar?
This might hit especially close to home if you�re an entrepreneur like me. Growing a business while maintaining some semblance of a life outside of work isn�t easy! No wonder we can quickly end up pushing ourselves past our limits and sacrificing our well-being in the process.
Look, I�m all for being driven as long as it doesn�t drive us into the ground. But between the pressures coming from our work hard, play hard society AND the high expectations we have for ourselves, we simply create more than we can process. So we�re left wishing we had another hour, day, week, month, year� life.
There�s something wrong with this picture. Forcing constant accomplishment is like expecting yourself to be an assembly line. That�s not setting yourself up for success�more like putting yourself on the express train to burnout. But there�s a better way!
The 5 practices I�m sharing today have helped me accomplish everything from simple daily tasks to building a thriving 7-figure business, all while maintaining a good work/life balance.
Here�s what you�ll learn:
How to be more productive at work AND at home.
Simple ways to maximize your time for better focus and faster results.
Why it�s so important to get clear on your priorities (and how to do it).
What time off and self-care have to do with productivity.
How to build in time for the unexpected challenges so they don�t throw you off course.
How paying people to take care of themselves supercharges your own productivity.
Ready to discover these surprisingly simple, joyful productivity tips? Let�s dive in!
Learn 5 stress-free ways to get more done every week!
Peace & simplicity,
Boost Productivity with Simple Self-Care!
Meditation is one of my favorite ways to boost productivity while maintaining balance and taking care of myself. I start every day with 10 mindful minutes and it makes a huge difference�it always makes me feel more centered and ready to take on the world!
If you want to add this practice to your self-care routine but worry that you don�t have the time, you�re going to love my Self-Care for Busy People meditation album! All of the meditations are under 15 minutes, and were designed for a variety of situations and times of day. Go grab the album for yourself today!
Start your productive day with meditation! Get Self-Care for Busy People today.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
3...2...1� GO!
Hiya Gorgeous!
I promised I�d let you know the SECOND that Marie Forleo�s B-School opened for registration�
Get B-School PLUS your Results Bonus Collection and 2 additional bonuses only if you sign up today!
***Because time is of the essence, I�m gonna start with the urgent stuff. Here are your two time�s-a-tickin� bonuses:
My FLASH bonus for the FIRST 5 B-School enrollees ONLY: Be one of the first 5 B-Schoolers to register through my link and you�ll get a 30-minute one-on-one laser coaching session with me! You choose the topic, I�ll bring the insight!
My fast action bonus for TODAY ONLY: Enroll in B-School by 7pm ET / 4pm PT today, February 13, through my link and get access to The Big Red Help Button. It�s like a one-time-use Bat Phone for your business� but you get my incredible team members instead of the Caped Crusader.
...but you gotta order through my link by TONIGHT at 11:59 p.m. PT...
Get your Results Bonus Collection + your �Big Red Help Button� bonus when you register here.
Whew. Now, let me give you the big picture:
I�ve created a selection of BRAND NEW bonuses with one goal: To help you launch and savor not only your dream business, but your dream life�one that feeds you�body, spirit and wallet.
Created especially for coaches, consultants, creatives, authors, experts and health & fitness professionals, the Results Bonus Collection is meant for passionate, new and existing entrepreneurs who aren�t willing to sacrifice sleep, health and joy in order to launch and grow a profitable business.
Balance is possible�and I�ll show you how!
Coaching, support, resources� Systems, strategies, training� Branding, publishing, speaking� List-building, social media, video secrets...
It�s all there!
Through this exclusive collection, you�ll gain the skills, the confidence and the plan you need to take your message to the masses while maintaining a healthy and happy life� even if you�re starting from scratch. After all, you need to walk your talk and I�ll show you how!
Oh, and don�t forget the two limited bonuses�a 30-minute one-on-one laser coaching session with me and The Big Red Help Button!
Here�s an overview of what else you�ll receive in my Results Bonus Collection:
Bonus #1 Success Mindset Coaching Bundle: If your thoughts are in the wrong place, you�re going to have trouble deciding what to have for lunch, let alone making big decisions to build your business. The combination of a complimentary copy of my Results Journal and the Goal-GETTING Live Coaching session with me is designed to help you set your mind for success�and keep it there!
Bonus #2 Private Coaching Group: 5 weeks to accelerate your business momentum. Starting shortly after B-School graduation, you�ll have a team of talented mentors to guide you and a thriving community of business and dream-builders to connect with and cheer you on! Accountability, support, guidance and more.
Bonus #3 TWO Hot Seat / Live Q&A calls: Kiss �stuck� goodbye as I answer your most burning questions in two live Q&A calls backed by experts on my team, so you�ll get guidance and advice from the best of the best!
Bonus #4 Momentum Masterclass Series: Learn from my mistakes and successes and cut right to the chase (impact & profits!) in this series of 4 video masterclasses on writing a book, building your first course, nailing your big speech and building a sustainable content engine that sells.
Bonus #5 Results Audience Multiplier: Get the inside track on ramping up your online visibility with the one-two punch of social media and video, so not only does your brand seem to be �everywhere,� you�re also drawing your ideal clients and customers to you like a magnet!
Bonus #6 Self-Care for Entrepreneurs: You�ll receive 3 complimentary months in my membership community, Inner Circle Wellness, where we practice small steps to healthy, vibrant living.
Get B-School AND my Results Bonus Collection right here!
If you�ve been considering B-School but have been on the fence, now�s the perfect time to leap so you can finally get unstuck and get on with the business of business!
Can�t wait to see you on the other side...
Peace & momentum,
P.S. Don�t delay. Enroll now while you�re here at your computer or phone still thinking about it... And before these TIME-LIMITED bonuses disappear forever. You + me in a one-on-one video coaching sounds like a lot of fun! I�ll brew the tea, you bring your questions.
Here�s that link for you:
Get B-School AND my Results Bonus Collection right here!
Not interested in business? No problem! Unsubscribe from this series here You'll still be on my regular list and receive all my weekly goodness.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Stop believing the lies! (Do this instead)
Hiya Gorgeous!
Have you ever felt like you had to choose between having a positive impact or a positive bank balance?
Or maybe you thought that �real� entrepreneurs work around the clock and have to sacrifice their personal life (and health!) to be successful...
Or maybe for you, it�s something totally different, like believing that you�re too old, or too young, or don�t have the right kind of background or education...
My big stumbling block was marketing. Promoting myself felt embarrassing and wrong somehow, like it was braggy-sleazy-icky all rolled into one uncomfortable pile of YUCK.
So I didn�t do it. And that reluctance to put myself out there, more than anything else, held me back. After all, if I didn�t believe in myself, who would?
And so I let my own limiting belief stop me.
But I�m NOT gonna let anything stop YOU!
When it comes right down to it, all those thoughts about needing a business degree or being too old or too young or thinking no one will ever pay us for our expertise�
Those are just stories we�ve made up. And the best part about the stories we tell ourselves is that we can make up new, more empowering ones to replace the old ones!
I�ve said it before: The world NEEDS your dreams. We need your business, your message, your heart.
And that�s why, today, I want you to take ONE step to move your business dream forward:
Watch these videos, right now.
No one�and I mean NO ONE�is better at breaking down the basics of business and marketing than my BFF Marie Forleo. Not only is she wicked smart and successful, she�s an incredible coach with a huge heart.
Grab a notebook, a pen or pencil, or even a crayon for gosh sakes, and set aside some time for your dream right now.
Each video is about 30 minutes. Tuning in won�t cost you a cent and it just might change your life!
You can do this�I promise.
Peace & positivity,
Not interested in business? No problem! Unsubscribe from this series here You'll still be on my regular list and receive all my weekly goodness.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
RSVP and learn from my mistakes!
Hiya Gorgeous!
When I think back to the early days of my business, I get a pit in my stomach (though I have a whole lot of compassion for myself, too).
I made SO MANY mistakes: Budgeting� marketing� pricing� you name it.
BUT� I believed so strongly in my mission that I refused to give up.
Looking back over those early days of wasted time and resources, the biggest regret I have is�
Why did I think I had to do it by myself???
If you�re a fellow entrepreneur like me, or if the idea of turning your passion into a business and life you love inspires you�
I invite you to learn from my mistakes and join me for a very special free, LIVE class on February 18 at 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT with a very special guest, my business maven BFF, Marie Forleo:
From Stuck to Unstoppable: The One Decision That Led to Oprah, a 7-Figure Business and the Life of My Dreams.
RSVP for Your Spot Instantly!
Here�s what you�ll learn during this free live class:
The biggest thing we wish we�d known when we started our businesses (and how you can use that advice to make MASSIVE progress IMMEDIATELY)
Why hustle won�t work in the long term, how it can actually HURT you, and what to do instead
The #1 mindset shift you can make to virtually guarantee your success (it takes just a few seconds!)
And a heck of a lot more!
Click here to instantly save your spot for this session!
Peace & ease,
P.S. Don�t let �I don�t know how� stop you. Let�s get you on your way to YOUR profitable business!
Register for �From Stuck to Unstoppable� instantly here.
Not interested in business? No problem! Unsubscribe from this series here. You�ll still be on my regular list and receive all my weekly goodness.
You're receiving this because you signed up for Crazy Sexy Wellness Membership. If you'd rather not hear anything more about this, but would like to keep receiving my blog posts via email, Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Class starts today!
Hiya Gorgeous!
It�s finally here and I am so excited! In case you missed it yesterday� I am going live TWICE today for a free video coaching class!!
Join me here.
Today I�m letting you in on my 5 simple health strategies that will help you make 2020 the best year ever!
In this free class, you�ll:
See how five SIMPLE elements work synergistically to create a vibrant, joyful life.
Learn how to FINALLY take consistent action to break out of your rut and make progress toward your health goals.
Uncover the ONE critical ingredient to creating LASTING change (that you�ve probably been overlooking).
...And more!
I rarely offer free video coaching like this, so if you want in, reserve your spot now�there are two times to choose from...
Click here to access the Live Class.
See you there!
Not interested in Inner Circle Wellness? Click here to update your preferences.
You're receiving this because you signed up for Crazy Sexy Wellness Membership. If you'd rather not hear anything more about this, but would like to keep receiving my blog posts via email, Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Me + Marie = MAGIC
Hiya Gorgeous!
Get two smart, sassy, savvy and successful business gals together and what happens?
Sparks fly, my friends!
If you missed today�s live class with B-School founder, Marie Forleo, and me, you missed out and you�re gonna want to catch the video replay ASAP!
Grab a notepad and pen, then watch the replay here.
This is basically "required learning" for anyone who wants to get unstuck and run a successful online business in 2020 and beyond.
We get real and raw, sharing the highs and lows of the entrepreneur life, including:
What makes us smack the side of our heads and say, �What the HECK was I thinking?!� (and how you can use our missteps and mistakes to create MASSIVE progress in your own business)
The one shift in thinking that changed EVERYTHING for both of us (and that you can make for yourself IMMEDIATELY)
How we�re now banding together to help other entrepreneurs launch, grow and expand their businesses without sacrificing their personal lives
What�s changing in online marketing today and how to deal with it (without sacrificing your life)
So STOP what you�re doing... DROP on by� And let�s ROLL!
Click to watch the replay right here, right now!
P.S. Enrollment is OPEN for a limited time for B-School + my Results Bonus Collection!! You�ve got the passion� now let me show you how to fast track your growth and success with live coaching, my new business masterclass series, audio interviews with my team of experts and access to my wellness membership.
This is the only B-School bonus that�s going to help you get BIG results in your business and your life. When you enroll through me you�ll get my entire bonus collection (valued at $1,999!) for FREE! Enrollment closes on Friday, February 28 at 7pm ET.
Click here to enroll.
Not interested in business? No problem! Unsubscribe from this series here. You�ll still be on my regular list and receive all my weekly goodness.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
I curated this list just for you
Hiya Gorgeous!
Do the labels on your go-to makeup products make you do a double-take? What ARE all of those impossible-to-pronounce ingredients, anyway� and are they safe?
If you�re a makeup lover like me, you might wonder if you�ll ever find healthier alternatives that work just as well as your go-to brands. But don�t put your brushes away just yet�beautiful cruelty-free makeup DOES exist, and that�s exactly what we�re talking about today!
As a kid, watching my mom do her makeup was one of my favorite activities. I�d join her in the bathroom every morning�perched on the toilet, transfixed by each and every brushstroke.
My fascination only grew when I got one of those 70s Barbie styling heads�remember those? I practiced on her all the time, and even used her palette of primary colors to do my own bold look on occasion!
Today, I feel most like myself with a more natural, toned-down look. And since going vegan and better educating myself about my carbon footprint, I pay much closer attention to what goes into my makeup, as well as how it�s tested and its impact on the environment.
In the cosmetics world, terms like �eco-friendly� and �vegan� haven�t always gone hand-in-hand with �professional quality.� I have good news, though�great cosmetics don�t have to come at the cost of your conscience!
The cruelty-free makeup brands I�m about to share are changing the face of the beauty industry by making kinder products without sacrificing quality. You�ll also get helpful tips for navigating the makeup aisle, like how to decode labels (did you know that cruelty-free and vegan have totally different meanings?), what greenwashing really means and how to avoid it, and more!
Discover 12 cruelty-free makeup brands you�ll love (+ tips for smarter shopping)...
Peace & conscious cosmetics,
Free live class TODAY!
Join my business maven bestie, Marie Forleo, and me as we chat all things business�the mistakes we�ve made, what we�ve learned and what we wish we had known along the way.
If you have a dream of starting your own business or do have one but constantly think, �I have no idea what I�m doing!� then this free class is for you:
From Stuck to Unstoppable: The One Decision That Led to Oprah, a 7-Figure Business and the Life of My Dreams
Join us live TODAY at 4pm ET / 1pm PT, and if you�re interested but can�t attend, still sign up and we'll send you the replay!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Open up for a simple practice that so many miss!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Have you ever felt the days running together?
A week-filled with potential for one magical moment after another-goes by in a blur as you shuffle from work to home, from the grocery store to the doctor's office. Lather, rinse, repeat. Have you ever been there?
Before you know it a year's gone by and you haven't made meaningful progress in your health, your marriage, your career, or those big, sweet-scary goals that feel so audacious you can't even say them out loud.
Why is that?
I have a theory on this, sweetheart. I think that the reason the current of your days is slipping by you unnoticed is because there's a current that runs even deeper that escapes your attention, too. It's the current that flows in your mind.
I'm talking about your thoughts, your aspirations, your intentions.
That current creates your reality. In fact, every word you hear, every experience you have, (heck, every flavor you taste!) is filtered through your mind. Which means that if you aren't curating your mindset, you're missing a huge opportunity to drench yourself in gratitude, empower yourself with abundance, and create the life you really want.
Fortunately, there's a simple practice I've found that makes me the master of the stream instead of a leaf carried along on it. And I'm here to share it with you!
Join me to discover my key to success and start creating a happy life you love.
Love & intention,
Master Your Mindset All Year Long & Save 15%!
If you want to manage your mental current (and steer your life toward happiness, peace, and dreams fulfilled), there's no better practice than journaling. That daily pause will help you course-correct like nothing else. And I have exciting news if you want to join me and my journaling tribe! You can save 15% today-and make journaling a healthful habit all year-with an annual subscription to my Results Journal.
It's the tool I designed to help you master your mindset with simple, everyday practices. No wondering what to write, no trying to figure out whether your entries should be physical or emotional or professional. Instead, you get the exact daily prompts that have helped me create a life I love for decades-and you just have to fill in the blanks! And now it's finally available as a cost-saving annual subscription. Yay! Learn more and get your copy here. Cheers to your success!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Joyful Defiance + Delicious Recipes
Hiya Gorgeous!
I hope this Sunday Brunch email finds you well. Before we dive into our soul talk, let's review the menu. You know how we get, we start talking and forget to look, while our patient (and possibly frustrated) waiter keeps circling the table!
Now, I'm generally a salty broad, so I'm likely to choose something savory like a tofu scramble. Here's a delicious recipe from our Test Kitchen Series, if that strikes your fancy. But if you're into something sweet (it's Sunday after all, let your hair down a little), here's an out-of-this-world recipe for French Toast. Enjoy!
Ok, so I want to tell you about a question a reader recently asked me:
How do you stay positive when you have cancer and fear?
Well, I don't always stay positive. However, more often than not, joy is my spiritual practice and sometimes it's even my peaceful rebellion against stage IV cancer.
Though I've never had cancer treatments, this disease has still taken things from me. From having children, to the unconscious peace of mind that comes from being naively carefree about our mortality. Sometimes I stay up at night worrying about my dad and his ability to keep fighting pancreatic cancer, or if Tara, our beagle, will have a recurrence--she's a sarcoma girl, like me.
But overall, I'm a joy warrior. And I won't let cancer take that from me. Staying connected to my joy, even when it's dim, is how I mentally manage living with cancer.
Joy is my fuel. Joy is my defiance. Joy is how I tenderly come home to myself, again and again. And even though cancer shares that home, joy is the reigning Queen.
I just wanted to slide that across the table to you today. Maybe it will spark some joy in you. Because here's the thing, no one or thing or circumstance can take away your joy. Joy is a choice we can make, even when
our options seem bleak.
The season is changing. And in this next chapter, let's think about how we can be joy warriors together. What would that look like? What practices or support could help us get there? For me, therapy helps. I'll noodle in my journal and you noodle in yours and we'll share notes.
P.S. I don't always have time to participate in my own programs, but this fall I'm making my health a priority. My 3-day plant-based Reset is back and this short and simple immersion helps reboot my system, recalibrate my energy and spiffy up my diet. I'll be choosing a weekend this month to take it for a spin. Join me if you're moved, too. New season. New you. ;)
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC Crazy Sexy Wellness, PO Box 207, Woodstock, New York 12498, United States
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You deserve to get this extra sweet support
Hiya Gorgeous!
What I hear from members of our beautiful community more than anything else is that you feel busy.
You've got the best intentions for staying on track with the Five Pillars of eating, drinking, thinking, resting and renewing.
But time and again, you put yourself behind that extra work your boss wants you to do, the last-minute errand your spouse needs you to run, or one of your sweet kiddos' activities.
And I get it, because life moves fast!
But it's so important that we take the time to check in with ourselves, even if it's just for 10 minutes a day.
Journaling is a tool I've been using for nearly two decades to keep track of everything I'm grateful for, set my intentions each day and affirm all the progress I'm making. I mean, even when I have a poopy kind of week, I can still look back at my journal and feel proud that I took a few minutes for myself each day.
But the last thing you need is another thing to do on an already-packed day. And if you're not a regular journaler, getting started can feel intimidating.
That's why I created The Results Journal.
The Results Journal is a simple tool that will help you feel your best and do your best, in 10 minutes or less.
And it's available in a beautiful, new, limited edition Ocean cover. This wild, beachy beauty (and the person who inspired it) are so dear to my heart.
Click here to get the new Ocean Edition.
This journal will help you meet your goals, but it's not about driving yourself harder so you can achieve more.
It's about making space for your growth in all areas of life-consistently. Your journal also comes with some juicy extras. if you order today.
There's just one more day for you to get the limited edition Results Journal with a special, free Wellness Pack to support your self-care in this season.
Our Summer Wellness Pack (worth $49) includes resources from our Inner Circle Wellness membership that'll take the guesswork out of treating yourself right. Inside this bonus, you're getting:
5 plant-powered recipes
A fun, effective at-home workout video
A stress-melting meditation
This bonus support goes away tomorrow (and the Ocean journals are moving fast too), so make sure you get your Results Journal today.
Peace & progress,
P.S. Our community has fallen in love with The Results Journal, which is why the Ocean edition has been moving so quickly. Check out the feedback from fellow wellness warriors:
"I'm so grateful for my results journal and the focused goal it helped me create. In my own journey for health I decided to write a book!! I know, a big undertaking and I just wanted to celebrate turtle power! For over 8 weeks I have been writing that I was going to have my first draft done by mid July. And today, on the 15th, I've finished my first draft with 36,600 words and had a call with an editor!! Thanks Kris Carr for making the Results Journal and encouraging us to believe in ourselves and to take big steps and dream big!!! If you believe it, it will happen!" -Michele R.
Get your copy of The Results Journal here.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Simple skills to make tough talks a little easier.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Anybody else feel like they deserve a gold star (and maybe a glass of gin) for keeping their relationships afloat in the midst of COVID-19?
It's a challenging time to stay connected, sweetheart.
So cheers to you! If you're showing up and doing the best you can for the people you care about, you've already won. Pour that glass, gorgeous. ;)
And while you sip, head over to the blog where I'm sharing 9 communication tips to make your relationships a bit more harmonious-especially during this stuck-at-home season.
So if social distancing has you spread too far, unable to connect in person with the people you love. Or if it has you confined in a house together, a little too close to the people you love.
I've got your back, beautiful!
Come get the guidance you need to navigate tough talks with grace.
Love & listening,
Join the Love Train!
Look at the power of community in action! Messages like this from our Inner Circle Wellness members make my heart sing, because they show that ICW isn't just my community-it's OUR community. The last week has been a blast focusing on self-care in our 7 Day Challenge, but the journey doesn't have to end here. We focus on self-care, TOGETHER, 7 days a week in Inner Circle Wellness. Won't you join us?
Join Us Now!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Free 7 Day Challenge. Build up healthy habits-the easy way!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Do you feel like your motivation is in short supply right now?
You're not alone, sweetheart. Working up the energy to take care of ourselves is tough these days.
Have you considered that the culprit might be overwhelm?
So often, we think we need to do "all the things" to take care of ourselves. Nope. I want to show you a less but better approach. One that's based on taking just one doable, enjoyable step every day-and having a community to cheer you on along the way!
That's why I hope you'll join me now for my FREE 7 Day Self-Care Challenge starting on May 6.
We could all use a mind, body and spirit refresher. (Even those who've practiced excellent self-care for years are telling me these uncommon circumstances are throwing off their routines!)
That's why it's important to take a single, simple micro-action each day to build your healthy habits back up-and start feeling better again. So.
If you're struggling to get restful sleep...
If you have arguments in your head about whether you feel like exercising today.
If you're constantly reaching for foods that taste good, but don't make you feel good...
If anxiety has been blowing up your ability to focus.
If you're feeling unmotivated (and guilty that you're unmotivated!)...
. this 7 Day Self-Care Challenge is exactly what you need.
This online experience is LIVE (we're going to do it together!) and it only lasts from May 6 to May 13. We'll hang out in a private Facebook group for one whole week, completing a challenge each day, and taking tiny yet powerful steps toward wellness.
Let's do something good for ourselves-and I guarantee it will actually feel good, too!
Love & excitement,
P.S. This FREE event is sponsored by my Inner Circle Wellness group. It's just a taste of the enthusiasm, inspiration and exercises we do all the time! I think you're going to LOVE it. Click here to instantly sign up for the 7 Day Challenge now!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
How to care for yourself-the easy way!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Why is it so hard to find time for self-care?
The struggle to create (and stay consistent) with healthy habits is all too familiar.
We find ourselves wishing for a magic wand to transform us into some kind of self-care champion. Ya know: Someone who loves rising with the sun, swaps meditation tips with the Dalai Lama. and likes kale better than cake.
But maybe self-care doesn't have to be so hard.
What if there were an easier way? One that feels nurturing instead of nagging?
I'm so ready for that! And I hope you are too, tootsie.
Join me on the blog today to discover Self-Care Made Easy. I'll share the 5 Pillars I use to support my self-care-and I'll offer some 5-minute tips to help you start feeling better today.
Here's to your wonderful wellbeing, sweetheart!
7 Day Trial Extended! Just $5 for TODAY ONLY
With the holiday weekend yesterday, some of you reached out saying you missed the special offer to try my favorite self-care tool for just $5. So I've extended it to TODAY ONLY! Come see how the recipes, workouts, wellness coaching and sweet reminders in Inner Circle Wellness make self-care easy for you. Join by midnight TONIGHT and check out the whole shebang for just $5! But don't wait. This special chance will be gone tomorrow!
Try It Now for $5!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
How to stay safe during the pandemic.
Hiya Gorgeous!
The COVID-19 crisis has been a source of stress and anxiety for us all-but especially for cancer patients and their loved ones.
You've been told to take extra precautions, but you're left wondering exactly what that means.
What should you avoid?
How can you best support your immune system?
Do you need to adjust your treatment plan in any way?
As a 17-year cancer-thriver myself, I understand how much uncertainty you feel. I've been taking extra precautions during this time, while encouraging and supporting my dad (who has pancreatic cancer) to do the same.
To help us all find more clarity and empowerment, I've called in an expert guide to offer us 8 Practical Steps to Minimize Coronavirus Risk.
(This is handy for those with cancer, auto-immune disease-or anyone interested in learning how to stay a little extra safe.)
Just know that I'm standing with you, my fellow thrivers. We'll weather this storm side-by-side.
Health & heartfelt support,
Community Spotlight: Insight from our marvelous members
Gina is a member of our Inner Circle Wellness (ICW) community. As she so beautifully shared, continuous support is the magic of ICW. Imagine an online family that exists just to make sure you're taking care of yourself-day in and day out. Could you use some of that magic, too? Then click here to explore ICW-we'd love to have you with us!
Join Here!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
And a $4.99 offer for a week of wellness!
Hiya Gorgeous!
How long has it been since you really had time to take care of yourself, sweetheart?
Too often, your self-care gets squeezed out. You know you should be working out, eating well, hydrating more, stressing less-but you struggle to stay consistent. Why is that?
I bet you'd answer with one of these 3 reasons.
#1 - I'm too busy!
Between work, home and community, there are so many demands on your time. It feels like you just don't have time to take care of yourself. You think, "I'll just get through this one busy week." But then one week becomes two, becomes ten.
? You need bite-sized healthy habits made to fit into your full schedule.
#2 - Self-care sounds expensive.
Self-care isn't just mani-pedis and massage days. Hey, those sound nice! But who has the time or the money? (Not to mention, most of us can't leave the house right now!)
? You need simple self-care.
Imagine having 20 minutes every day to take a walk in the sunshine, gather your thoughts, or savor something that will truly nourish you. That self-care simplicity is totally possible for you today!
#3 - Self-care feels selfish.
You're taking care of work, home and the people you love. So often, YOU are the last one on the list. Especially in this challenging season, it can feel self-centered to do something just for you.
I love and honor that generosity in your spirit, sweetheart!
But here's what I know to be true...
? Self-care lets you offer your best to others.
When you start nurturing yourself: You feel better, you become stronger-and you actually have MORE energy to bring to the people and priorities you care about.
Could you use some support creating self-care habits that actually stick?
If so, I want to invite you to join my online self-care community, Inner Circle Wellness.
To make it easy for you to explore, I'm doing something I've NEVER done before. I'm offering you total access to my wellness family for one full week. for less than $5.
Inside, you'll find everything you need to nurture yourself-mind, body and spirit. Including:
Wellness coaching
Cooking classes
Healthy recipes
Workout videos
Stress-melting meditations
An inspiring community
Fun bonuses-and more!
You can try it this week for just $4.99-but hurry! You have to sign up by midnight on Sunday when this trial offer disappears.
Come get the resources and daily reminders you need to finally be consistent with self-care!
Love & excitement,
P.S. This is a LIMITED TIME opportunity-the $4.99 trial offer expires Sunday at midnight, so come on into Inner Circle Wellness and get this deal today, gorgeous! Click here to join.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
This limited edition beauty is making waves...
Hiya Gorgeous!
I have exciting news to share with you today, friends. My new Results Journal is here, wrapped up in a limited edition Ocean cover. This cover is special to me and I want to let you in on why.
It's inspired by both a person and a place I love deeply.
You'll find the gorgeous new cover-and the loving story that inspired it-on today's blog.
Come take a peek and let me know what you think.
Here's to waves of growth in your next season-and to an Ocean of results.
The New Limited Edition Ocean Journal Is Here!
Designed in honor of the time I spent in Florida with my family this winter (and the true grace and connection I experienced), the new Limited Edition Results Journal is near and dear to my heart. If you want to increase your joy, wellness, and sense of focus in just 10 minutes a day, then this is your ticket my friend. Explore the new Ocean edition here-and say yes to a stronger, more centered you.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
These are ready-to-eat and so flavorful!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Confession time: I've always been resistant to at-home meal delivery services.
Up until now, the vegan options have been limited, super salty and packed with added sugar. I didn't know there was a quality option out there until recently.
I was also resistant because I believe cooking at home is the best way to support our well-being and create healthy eating habits that last. Plus, you know exactly what you're putting into your beautiful body!
But I'm not going to lie, it's been hard to get healthy food on the table recently!
Between settling back into my routine after living in Florida to help my parents this winter, to all the unpacking, organizing, cleaning and oh yeah. running this crazy wonderful business, I've been relying on crappy, premade, vegan food, filled with the processed stuff that I suggest eating sparingly.
Cooking took a back seat and I needed an easier option.
You can probably relate right now... whether you're concerned about grocery shopping and staying safe, juggling a lot of new responsibilities at home, or overwhelmed by the need to cook more while many restaurants remain closed.
I reluctantly decided to try Splendid Spoon-a newer, healthier option that was recommended by one of my team members. But wow I was instantly impressed and I wish I had known about them earlier.
They made healthy eating feel easy for me in this busy season!
I wanted to share this wonderful find, so I've arranged an exclusive deal for you. Right now you can get: 5 nutrient-dense smoothies, 5 ready-made bowls and 5 light soups. all for less than $7 a meal!
Click here to get $35 off the most popular plan and claim your exclusive offer.
The bowls were our absolute favorite and we can't wait to try more-everything was easy, filling and oh-so-flavorful!
There are 50+ delicious dishes to choose from that are vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, low in sodium and free of added sugar. Plus they're all shipped in 100% recyclable packaging.
All you have to do to get started is go to their website and choose your preferred plan. You'll be able to customize your box and you'll be enjoying their meals in no time!
I hope this makes things a little easier right now so you can stay healthy and fueled up for what matters most!
Check out everything Splendid Spoon offers right here.
Peace & delicious meals,
P.S. Still wondering what Splendid Spoon is all about? Here's what a few users are saying.
"I love Splendid Spoon. easy, tasty and healthy! My favorites are the smoothies. My husband loves the bowls. Now that we are working from home more these are great easy lunches or dinners!" -Kathy
"The food is tasty, healthy and there is plenty of variety. In 5 months, I've incorporated Splendid Spoon into my life 4-5 days/week. I feel healthier and also dropped 12 pounds without feeling hungry." -Andrew
"Well-balanced food with good flavor, but not loaded with salt like many prepared foods. Having 10 meals a week delivered right now is life changing." -Eli
Try it today-you won't regret it! Splendid Spoon makes it easy to update your delivery schedule to fit your lifestyle or cancel anytime. They also ship anywhere in the continental U.S.
Get started now and save $35.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Stay Productive with these Simple Steps!
Hiya Gorgeous!
As we practice social distancing to flatten the coronavirus curve, many of you have suddenly found yourselves working from home. whether you like it or not. Personally, I love working from my house-but it definitely has its challenges. I'd like to help you overcome a few of those this week.
Since I've been doing this successfully for a long time, I'm hoping I can help make your transition a little easier. Today I'm sharing:
Common work-from-home pitfalls you might run into (so you can be prepared!)
My tips for staying happy and productive while working remotely
Simple ways to set boundaries so you can maintain a healthy work/life balance
Learn How to Adapt to Working from Home (7 Tips for Success!)
Peace & boundaries,
Reduce stress and anxiety with a free meditation
Whether you're facing a new work-from-home lifestyle or you're just generally spending more time at home right now, taking mindful breaks to reduce stress is so helpful. There are a lot of fears and unknowns spinning around that may be making you anxious. So I'd like to share one of my favorite tracks with you for free-my Instant Stress Reduction meditation.
Whenever life gets hairy-and even when it's not-meditation is one of my go-to practices. It keeps me grounded in the present moment and connected to my deeper, calmer self. (And it safeguards me from strangling my loved ones during all this together time.) Keep yourself sane and try it out. My hope is that it brings you comfort and connection amidst the chaos.
Access the meditation here (+ a special offer for my meditation album bundle).
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Feel better with my FREE Self-Care Challenge!
Hiya Gorgeous!
If you've been thinking...
Why don't I have any energy?
Why can't I sleep?
Why can't I focus?
Why am I so unmotivated?
What's wrong with me?
.you're definitely not alone. Those thoughts are shared by millions of other people right now.
First, I want to say there's nothing wrong with you, sugar, except for things like actual sugar. The situation we're in has people all over the world searching for comfort.
In that mode, we start reaching for things that numb the discomfort but don't actually nurture our wellbeing-like low-quality foods, Netflix binging or another endless Facebook scrolling.
At the same time, it's easy for us to neglect the self-care habits that actually replenish us-like a walk in the sunshine, a nourishing meal or connecting with people who care about us.
Sound familiar? If so, it's time to show your sweet self some genuine love. You can reset your self-care now by instantly joining me for my fun, FREE 7 Day Self-Care Challenge.
This challenge is sponsored by my Inner Circle Wellness group-and it's happening LIVE for one week only, from May 4 to May 11, so we can achieve simple self-care wins together.
Here's what happens when you join: Prior to our May 4th kickoff, you'll be invited to a private Facebook group that will exist only for the length of our event. There, my team and I will challenge you with one micro-action to complete each day to help you start feeling better.
This might include.
Settling your tangled thoughts (so that stress melts away)
Reconnecting with what moves you-so you feel invigorated, NOT deflated
Setting yourself up for a good night's sleep (sooo important right now!)
Staying hydrated-a simple but super valuable habit that will help revive you
You'll achieve one simple, specific self-care win each day and end the week feeling revitalized!
The best part is, we'll all be cheering each other on in the Facebook group! We're going to share our wins, progress and enthusiasm every day to re-energize each other. :) If you aren't on Facebook, no worries! You'll still receive our daily challenge emails.
So will you join me?
Love & excitement,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
We're doing wellness together from May 6 to May 13!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Let's do wellness TOGETHER. real soon.
On May 6, I'm kicking off a FREE Self-Care Challenge that will last for just seven days. We're going to gather in a private Facebook group and challenge ourselves to complete a daily, healthy micro-action, such as.
Stopping to breathe and relax (so that stress melts away)
Reconnecting with what moves us-so we feel invigorated, NOT deflated
Setting ourselves up for a good night's sleep (sooo important right now!)
Taking a bite of something fresh and nourishing-a simple but super valuable habit that will help revive us
If you've been turning to old, unhealthy habits lately, you're not alone. But you can refresh your mind, body and spirit by taking just one small step toward wellness each day.
. and trust me, you're going to get a lot of encouragement along the way! (We could all use some of that now, right?)
It's FUN, FREE, LIVE and happening soon. so don't miss it!
Love & excitement,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
We're staying strong together!
Hiya Gorgeous!
I know many of you are stuck at home, not eating well, not sleeping well.
And you may be feeling isolated and alone.
Or you might be discovering that the ones closest to you are a little TOO close to you. ;)
Well. I'd like to pull back the curtain on a different kind of quarantine connection called Inner Circle Wellness.
This is a place where people are dealing with each day's difficulties just like you-but they're staying strong together in pursuit of daily self-care and wellness habits. In short, it's our wellness home.
We're braver than we think, dear ones. And we're much braver together.
So today I'm answering your questions about my Inner Circle Wellness family. And we're waiting to welcome you with open arms if we can serve you in this season.
(You should know that we've made it more affordable than ever at half the previous price, since we want it to be accessible to everyone at this time.) So let's tackle your top questions...
1. What is Inner Circle Wellness?
Inner Circle Wellness is my favorite place online! It's your new wellness home AKA a private membership community, where you can...
Chat with, lean on and connect with a group of peers who'll support you on your journey to wellness
Receive new coaching videos each month from both me and my nutrition team to give you practical tools for your health-mind, body and spirit (including tailored guidance for the unique challenges we're all facing right now)
Get your nutrition questions answered by our Registered Dietitian
Enjoy new & fan favorite plant-based recipes and cooking class videos
Find calm and steadiness with audio meditations
Get quarterly bonus trainings like workouts, meal plans and wellness masterclasses
Over 2,300 wonderful people have already joined, and the energy is amazing. I love our ICW family, and you will too!
2. Who's it for?
This membership is for those who want regular guidance, motivation, inspiration and support to pursue a lifestyle of wellness. Need some help staying focused on healthy living during these unsteady times? Need joyful people to cheer you on? We've got you!
3. What if I fall behind?
That's not possible. As students of wellness, there are times when we struggle to learn new things or maintain our healthy habits-and that's normal! This is about leaning into the lifestyle, not becoming perfect. You don't have to do it all-or all at once! The content and community will be waiting for you, on good days and bad, whenever you would like to enjoy it. Consider it a lovely library of resources to support your self-care.
4. How much does it cost to join?
It's just $19 a month. This is the lowest we have ever offered this membership (half our usual amount). We can't give it away for free (though I wish we could!), but we want it to be as affordable and accessible to everyone as it can be in this season.
5. What happens after I join?
We'll send you an email within 15 minutes with your unique credentials so you can log in and get started. The membership site will orient you as you explore the library of content and the conversations in the community.
6. How do I access the materials?
We have a membership site just for you, and we'll also invite you to our private community. You can log in from your phone, tablet or computer. You will need an internet connection to access the full materials, though you will be able to download some content (like my meditations) for offline use.
7. Is Facebook a necessary part of membership?
We encourage you to join the Facebook group, where the majority of our members connect. But, for those of you who prefer not to be on Facebook, all of your monthly materials are accessible within the membership site-no Facebook needed!
8. What if I join Inner Circle Wellness then decide it isn't right for me?
We'd hate to see you go but know that wellness support isn't one-size-fits-all. If you decide to cancel your subscription, just fill out our cancelation form and we'll take care of you. You will be missed and are more than welcome to come back at any time. For more details please see our Membership Policy.
9. What if I have more questions?
Visit the FAQ section on our membership page, or simply email us at and let us know what's on your mind. We'd love to help!
So, what do you think, gorgeous?
What will you be telling yourself tomorrow morning? Will it be a loop of anxiety or self-criticism? Or, with the help of a community that supports you, will you be loving yourself with words like these?
You can rise to this challenge. and many others. I hope that you'll let our Inner Circle family help you along the way.
Love & excitement,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Discover how to heal your pelvic floor
Hiya, Gorgeous!
Did you know that pelvic floor issues affect more than 30 million women in the U.S. alone?
That's why I'm excited to invite you to a *fun, free training* to help you heal your pelvic floor!
You may be thinking this doesn't apply to you, but have you...
...Ever peed your pants just a tiny bit when you sneezed?
...Avoided running and jumping activities because you knew you'd leak a little?
...Experienced less joy during sex because you're in pain? Or been let down by lackluster orgasms?
If yes, then you're experiencing problems with your pelvic floor muscles, my friend.
This topic tends to be hush hush, but it's time to break the stigma.
As women, so many of us were told that these common symptoms are just a normal part of life brought on by childbirth, cancer treatment, too much time sitting, or just the effects of age.
But I'm here today to say we can do better!
Let me introduce you to my friend and colleague Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS. She's an absolute champion of women's health, and she's hosting a brand new masterclass that I think will be super valuable to you. (It's FREE, too!)
This is especially for those of you who want less pain or leaking and more sexual enjoyment.
Isa's *free* training is called The NEW Pelvic Power Masterclass: 5 Easy Steps to End Leaking, Heal Prolapse, and Relieve Intimacy Pain In The Comfort of Your Own Home.
You don't need to go to the doctor's office to start improving your pelvic floor health. Isa's masterclass will you show you:
Why NOW is the time to heal your pelvic floor (because it's the "Grand Central Station" for your entire body and can have major effects on your health).
How to know in just 42 seconds what your "down there" type is (and what to do about it!). Many women are doing the WRONG things for their type and it's preventing them from healing, or even causing more damage!
The RIGHT way to do a Kegel that relieves pain, burning, or tightness in your lady parts. (Most women are doing Kegels wrong-find out why and how to easily fix it!)
The simple massage technique that all women must know (especially if you have ANY pain or discomfort with intimacy).
The one exercise all women should be doing to stop leaking and improve pelvic power. The great news is that it can be done in under one minute a day.
I think you'll get so much out of this session... just click below to save your seat!
If you have leaking, discomfort, pressure, pain, or prolapse, this masterclass is for you!
Love & excitement,
P.S. If one of your friends or family members has ever confided (or just joked) about one of the symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction that I mentioned in this email, I encourage you to forward this email to them. Let's break the stigma and start talking about this important aspect of women's health!
(Artwork above by Libby VanderPloeg)
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Make things easy and stay healthy this summer!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Confession time: I've always been resistant to at-home meal delivery services.
Up until now, the vegan options have been limited, super salty and packed with added sugar. I didn't know there was a quality option out there until recently.
I was also resistant because I believe cooking at home is the best way to support our well-being and create healthy eating habits that last. Plus, you know exactly what you're putting into your beautiful body!
But I'm not going to lie, it's been hard to get healthy food on the table recently!
Between settling back into my routine after living in Florida to help my parents this winter, to all the unpacking, organizing, cleaning and oh yeah. running this crazy wonderful business, I've been relying on crappy, premade, vegan food, filled with the processed stuff that I suggest eating sparingly.
Cooking took a back seat and I needed an easier option.
You can probably relate right now... whether you're concerned about grocery shopping and staying safe, juggling a lot of new responsibilities at home, or overwhelmed by the need to cook more while many restaurants remain closed.
I reluctantly decided to try Splendid Spoon-a newer, healthier option that was recommended by one of my team members. But wow I was instantly impressed and I wish I had known about them earlier.
They made healthy eating feel easy for me in this busy season!
I wanted to share this wonderful find, so I've arranged an exclusive deal for you. Right now you can get: 5 nutrient-dense smoothies, 5 ready-made bowls and 5 light soups. all for less than $7 a meal!
Click here to get $35 off the most popular plan and claim your exclusive offer.
This offer expires this weekend so check it out here and get your first box of delicious ready-to-eat meals at their lowest price yet.
The bowls were our absolute favorite and we can't wait to try more-everything was easy, filling and oh-so-flavorful!
There are 50+ delicious dishes to choose from that are vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, low in sodium and free of added sugar. Plus they're all shipped in 100% recyclable packaging.
All you have to do to get started is go to their website and choose your preferred plan. You'll be able to customize your box and you'll be enjoying their meals in no time!
I hope this makes things a little easier right now so you can stay healthy and fueled up for what matters most!
Check out everything Splendid Spoon offers right here.
Peace & delicious meals,
P.S. This exclusive discount expires this weekend! Get started now and save $35.
P.P.S. Still wondering what Splendid Spoon is all about? Here's what a few users are saying.
"I love Splendid Spoon. easy, tasty and healthy! My favorites are the smoothies. My husband loves the bowls. Now that we are working from home more these are great easy lunches or dinners!" -Kathy
"The food is tasty, healthy and there is plenty of variety. In 5 months, I've incorporated Splendid Spoon into my life 4-5 days/week. I feel healthier and also dropped 12 pounds without feeling hungry." -Andrew
"Well-balanced food with good flavor, but not loaded with salt like many prepared foods. Having 10 meals a week delivered right now is life changing." -Eli
Try it today-you won't regret it! Splendid Spoon makes it easy to update your delivery schedule to fit your lifestyle or cancel anytime. They also ship anywhere in the continental U.S.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
This is a game changer.
Hiya Gorgeous!
I've heard from many of my friends and readers that 2020 has been a bit of a bumpy ride so far.
I know how easy it is to get sucked into a negative, fearful mindset-one that carries you further and further away from your goals and intentions for the year.
I know how badly you want to break that cycle. So pause, dear one. come in close and hear me when I say.
If you can change your mind, you can transform your life!
And it's not as hard as it may seem. All you've been missing is some guidance and support.
Last year, I released a limited quantity of my new Results Journals-a simple system for mindset management that takes just a few minutes a day. I credit this journaling practice for the thriving health, happiness and business that I have today.
Those beauties flew off the shelves in no time and I'm now thrilled to announce that they're back in stock (along with a brand-new annual subscription option where you can save 15%)!
Plus, when you order a journal today, I have an extra gift for you... Free access to my Results Journal Mini-Course (valued at $129) where I'll walk you through how I use this journaling system to make life more magical. That means that even if you've never been a journaler before, I'll show you exactly how a journaling practice can bring you more joy, peace and intentionality than ever before.
Learn more about the journal + the bonus mini-course, right here.
If 2020 has been bumpy for you so far, and especially if you feel like your mind is dragging you down some unhelpful paths, it doesn't have to be that way. You can change your mind and start transforming your life today.
I hope you'll let me and my Results Journal help you get there!
Peace & transformation,
P.S. Don't forget, when you make the commitment to try journaling today, you'll also get access to my Results Journal Mini-Course, valued at $129, for FREE! I'll walk you through the system step-by-step so it's easy for you to make the most of your new journal. Yay bonus!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Your roadmap to self-care is still available!
Hiya Gorgeous!
A big thank you to everyone who purchased our limited edition Ocean Results Journal. They flew off the shelves faster than I could have imagined and I am so grateful. They're officially sold out now, friends.
If you scooped up one of those beachy beauties, THANK YOU! I can't wait to hear about the healthy habits it helps you create in the coming months.
If you missed out on this limited edition, there's still good news! The powerful system I created to help you boost your self-care and focus on your top priorities is still available in our Classic edition right here.
With any edition of The Results Journal you'll be able to:
Supercharge your health
Amplify your joy
And rock your dreams
All in 10 minute a day or less!
Try the journal that one user called the "roadmap for self-care".
Love & results,
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC Crazy Sexy Wellness, PO Box 207, Woodstock, New York 12498, United States
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Get $30 off my favorite skincare items!
Hiya, Gorgeous!
Holy Shiitake! ;) Some of my favorite skincare items are just $14.99 right now!
If you want to treat your skin to some feel-good freshness, this is the perfect time to check out Annmarie Gianni's NEW Self-Care Glow Set for just $14.99 (normally $45).
Almost a decade ago, after I wrote Crazy Sexy Diet, Annmarie Gianni sent me a box of beauty-boosting lotions and formulas from her new skin care line. She didn't ask me for anything in return-she just said, "Enjoy!"
I've been absolutely in love with her all-natural, "wildcrafted" skin care essentials ever since!
I think you'll love them, too-and if you give their NEW Self-Care Glow Set a try right now, her team will even treat you to a sample of their Beauty Blend Tea with your purchase. :)
Annmarie's entire line is a treat to the senses and it's all high quality, pure, organic skin care made with a sustainable approach in the USA. It doesn't get better than that, gorgeous!
Discover the Self-Care Glow Set!
Here's what's included...
The pH-balanced Aloe Herb Cleanser - A citrus-scented infusion of organic aloe vera, moisturizing coconut oil and soothing calendula flowers which removes impurities and makeup. (I think it smells like heaven in the springtime!)
Ultra-hydrating Anti-Aging Serum - A multivitamin elixir infused with non-GMO hyaluronic acid and organic sunflower seed oil, ginkgo leaf and life-everlasting flowers that softens, firms and strengthens.
BONUS: Detoxifying Kaolin Micro Exfoliant - An all-natural formula brewed with sage, lemongrass, green Kaolin clay and diatomaceous earth that leaves your skin calm, polished and flawless.
BONUS: Anti-Aging Facial Oil - A top-seller infused with nourishing jojoba oil, beautifying rose distillate and antioxidant-rich goji berries to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
PLUS: That FREE packet of Beauty Blend Tea I mentioned - A lightly caffeinated, full-bodied combination of organic yerba mate, organic goji berry and organic sea buckthorn berry. These ingredients are filled with antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins that have been shown to promote better health and boost mental clarity.
For residents of the US and Canada, shipping is completely free.
Oh, and there's no risk, dear ones-Annmarie's team has a 100% money-back guarantee, so you can get a full refund if you're not satisfied with your order!
Take a look and see what you think. this set will only be available for $14.99 during the month of June!
Discover the Self-Care Glow Set now!
Love & excitement,
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Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. If you''d rather not receive future updates from Kris Carr, ?click here.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
A little soul-nourishment to start your week. xo
Hiya Gorgeous!
Welcome back to Sunday brunch, my friend. This week's topic of conversation is prioritizing peace--something I've been doing a lot more lately.
In fact, when I'm having a hard time making a decision, I've found myself asking these questions:
Which path forward will bring me more peace?
What do I need to do to experience more peace?
If you're struggling in an area of your own life, take out your journal and use these questions to help guide you.
Asking myself these questions also helps me be less reactive when I'm triggered, which
seems to be happening more lately.
Thankfully, we have our self-care tools. For me, these revolve around mindfulness practices. Walking meditation in the woods, journaling, deep talks and deeper breaths. Those things do me a world of good and help me to do good in the world--a two-fer!
Speaking of practicing peace, I turn 49 tomorrow. A friend recently asked me how I was feeling about that. F'ing great! I love getting older. It's a privilege that I don't take for granted. And between us, though my boobs are a little lower, my self-esteem is a whole lot higher! Woot! ;)
So my intention for 49 is to continue to prioritize peace
in every aspect of my life. To allow it to be my compass and metric for success.
How about you? As we approach the start of a new season, it's a great time to set an intention for this next chapter. How do you want to feel? Let the answer to that question guide your actions, dear one.
OK, so I'll leave you with something funny. The other day we were getting ready to go on an errand and I mentioned to Brian (my husband) that I needed to brush my teeth real quick because I had a weird aftertaste from lunch. Delish meal. Funky breath.
His response: Brush your teeth? Why? That's what chocolate is for!
Well, there you have it. I didn't realize that my husband uses chocolate in place of dental care. After 16 years together
I'm still learning new things about him. :)
Add a little peace (and a little piece of chocolate) to your day, dear one.
Love you!
P.S. If our conversation about prioritizing peace resonates with you, join us in ICW this month. I just recorded a new meditation on this topic and I think it will help you truly, fully relax. Ahhh... Plus, it's set to the sounds of the ocean. My happy place. xo!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC Crazy Sexy Wellness, PO Box 207, Woodstock, New York 12498, United States
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Let's process and move forward together
Hiya Gorgeous!
2020 has gone so fast. Can you believe we're halfway through the year?
As I contemplate this fact, I've noticed two dueling voices in my mind.
One celebrates. It congratulates me for having come this far. It calls me strong, brave, and resilient. It encourages me to keep on keepin' on.
Another frets. Have I done enough, helped enough, built enough? Should I be farther on my goals? Are the delays in my progress justifiable just because of the curveballs life has thrown?
Here's the thing: 2020 has been unprecedented in so many ways and, for many of us, that means that our lives and goals look very different now than they did back in January. and that's okay.
Our work is not to get stuck on what's passed, but to process and accept what is, so we can move forward stronger for it.
So as we head into this new month and the second half of 2020, let's take a moment to pause and process, to honor everything we've done and learned so far, and to reset our intentions for the remainder of the year.
Let's move into the final half of 2020 with a renewed sense of purpose-and let's do it together.
If you could use some support along the way, I think you'd enjoy our July focus in Inner Circle Wellness... We're Halfway There and there's so much beauty ahead of us.
If this resonates with you, even just a little bit, please check out Inner Circle Wellness.
Support and belonging are the key ingredients for so many things we want in our lives-health, wellness, results, self-love-you name it. And in a year like this one, we all need support and belonging more than ever.
I hope to see you inside.
All my love & support,
P.S. Here's a sneak peek at all the goodies you can expect in July:
Coaching with me to help you reflect and refocus
A meditation to help you embrace the unexpected
Nutrition coaching on foods that support your digestive system-where you process so much life and emotion
A how-to video to clear confusion around making at-home veggie stock... as we're taking stock of our year ;)
Plus 3 delicious, new recipes including an easy miso ramen bowl. mmm!
All in an online sanctuary of supportive friends
Click here to join and enjoy it all with us.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Healthy & craveable (from pantry staples!)
Hiya Gorgeous!
I've heard from many of you that while you're hunkered down at home, you're looking for simple, healthy recipes you can make with limited ingredients. Whether your kids are home or you're playing it safe, going to the grocery store isn't quite as easy these days. Then, when you DO shop, it can be hard to get your hands on your go-to ingredients.
Today I'm sharing 10 recipes for plant-based snacks that aren't just tasty and nutritious-they can also be made with ingredients you probably already have on hand. And the best part is that the recipes are really flexible, so you can make adjustments based on your preferences and the ingredients you do or don't have right now. Whaddya say we go raid your pantry together?!
Get 10 healthy snack recipes for when you can't get to the store!
Peace & scrumptious snacks,
What do you need right now?
Stress Relief
Body Nourishment
Let's be honest: Times are stressful right now. We're all feeling it. If you could use a little boost, you're not alone. My team and I pulled together the best stress relief meditations from across my archives and bundled them into one place for you. Check it out here if you could use that extra support. We are here for you, toots!
Feeling a bit sluggish with all the at-home time? Or looking to give your immune system a boost? I just found out my book, Crazy Sexy Juice, is on sale for $1.99 (say whaaat?!) for this week only. If you've been interested, now's a perfect time to dive in. Grab your copy (and refresh yourself with some new recipes) here.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
A little soul-nourishment to start your week. xo
Hiya Gorgeous!
Welcome to Sunday brunch. I'm imagining sitting at a beautiful table with you, listening to jazz, excited about the amazing healthy meal we're about to share (that we didn't cook!). You
and me, enjoying each other's company as we catch up on what matters most.
Though I'm still on a blogging hiatus, I miss you and thought it would be fun to stay in touch through this little weekend read.
Each Sunday I'll share what I'm exploring during this pause / pivot in my life and business. We'll talk about books, products I'm loving, life-lessons and everything in between--basically the topics I'd want to zoom about with my best friend, including lipstick.
Yes, we can hold fast through trying times, do hard things, have deep talks, care about our well-being and the world around us--and want to know what's in each other's makeup bags. ;)
You know, brunch topics!
This week I want to share a recent video I posted on Instagram. In it, I talk about going through yet another cancer scare (this time with our dog Lola) and why it's so important to advocate for ourselves and our pets!
Check it out here.
The comments on this video inspired the heck out of me. Many folks said that this video was exactly what they needed to hear. In fact, people were so motivated by the tips I shared that they circled back with their doctors. Nagging symptoms left unaddressed or undiagnosed can lead to troublesome health issues that we certainly
want to avoid. With that in mind, maybe this is a sign you may need to watch this video, too. I believe in signs (and you!).
Folks also DM'd me with wonderful ideas for Lola's care. Which made me call my vet back immediately. Thank you!
Though we still don't have a definitive answer, we're on the right path (deep sigh, candles lit).
In times like this, I'm so grateful we have each other. Each of us is a treasure trove of wisdom and resources. And though social media can rot our brains and be incredibly divisive, I've found that our community is a constant source of light, love and information. We help each other.
OK, please pass the bread. And yes, I'd love a green juice (and a cup of coffee--it's brunch after all!).
Have a beautiful day, dear one.
P.S. Here's a resource on my radar. If you're struggling with homeschooling, this is for you. My brilliant friend Suzie Barbour is a former teacher (and current COO) who can help you decide what path is right for your family, get you started if you're new to homeschooling and teach you what you need to know for your family to thrive. Click here for the deets or share this with a pal who needs support. Also, please come back and re-teach me basic math once you remember how to do it, lol!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC Crazy Sexy Wellness, PO Box 207, Woodstock, New York 12498, United States
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Gift yourself this sweet success
Hiya Gorgeous!
I know I've been sending a few emails of late about my Results Journal. What more could I possibly have to say, right?!
Here's the thing, toots-if you've been on the fence, going back and forth, or wondering if it's really "worth" it, don't take my word for it. Listen to the words of self-care seekers just like you who also had doubts and are now making HUGE strides in their lives...
? "I love your journal because it incorporates more than just gratitude. It's like eating a balanced meal! Now I'm getting more work done, exercising more and eating less junk. I've lost 10 pounds and have more energy." -Keith W.
? "The Results Journal makes it easy to form good habits and simply let go of the ones that no longer serve me." -Suzanne T.
? "It hits the important aspects of our well being and only takes a few minutes a day to use! I look forward to writing in it every morning and can see the results." -Marylou A.
Get your Results Journal now.
The limited edition Ocean cover is going fast (we've already sold over half of them!) and once they're gone. that's it! So don't let the fear of how to start or stay consistent keep you stuck. We'll guide you through it and you are so worthy of the investment, dear one.
Don't miss the chance to wrap up your dreams in the wild beauty of the Ocean edition.
Plus, if you need one more reason-that extra cherry on the vegan sundae-our amazing Summer Wellness bonus is ending TONIGHT.
? Today only, along with your journal, you get:
1. An exclusive Guided Tour from yours truly to help you start strong.
2. Four full weeks of wellness support (worth $29). These coaching emails will help you build a consistent journaling habit fast!
3. Plus TODAY ONLY you'll also get our Summer Wellness Pack (worth $49) with resources from our Inner Circle Wellness membership that'll take the guesswork out of treating yourself right. This includes:
5 plant-powered recipes
A fun, effective at-home workout video
And a stress-melting meditation
So what do you say my friend? Are you ready to invest in you? In your wellness? And in all that life has to offer you?
In just 10 minutes a day, your life can have a whole new luster. Pick up your Results Journal now!
Here's to an Ocean of results for you, dear one.
Beauty & bonuses,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
See you soon, loves!
Hiya Gorgeous!
I wanted to let you know that I'm taking a break from blogging for a bit. Pressing pause. Going on hiatus. And giving myself and our team permission to evolve.
In short, I'm stopping to answer the invitation my life is giving me to do things differently.
If there's an inner whisper in your heart asking for more simplicity, you may have an invitation to answer, too.
On today's blog, I'll share why I'm giving myself Permission to Evolve, when I'll be back and how you can keep reimagining life, too
(Oh, and I'll also tell you how we can stay connected during this blogging hiatus.)
Here's to continuous growth, sweetheart-in my life and yours.
All my love,
The new limited edition Ocean Results Journal is all about waves of growth and transformation. I'm overjoyed by all the love pouring in so far. If you'd like a copy, you'll want to act quickly. Half of these beautiful journals are already gone and they won't be reprinted. Click here to pick up your copy while supplies last!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Our virtual doors are open!
Hiya Gorgeous!
With everything that's going on in the world right now and all that you have on your plate (the work, worry and uncertainty), take a deep breath and believe me when I say.
We're not meant to do wellness (or illness!) alone.
We're stronger, braver, happier and kinder together than we ever could be apart.
And that's what our Inner Circle Wellness family is all about. Creating that togetherness you crave-safely online, that is. ;)
The doors are open, and I would LOVE for you to join us. It's not the only way to stay connected, but please, find a way.
What's unique about this coaching membership and community is that it allows you to be totally yourself on your wellness journey.
You can celebrate even the smallest of self-care wins.
And you can also be honest about how you're struggling-and ask for the help you need from our Dietitian as well as your peers.
Plus, I will be on video each month coaching and encouraging you to keep being good to yourself-mind, body and spirit!
This past month, I've been more grateful than ever to have this online wellness home-and that's been true for our ICW family, too.
And Laura wasn't the only one...
"Learning about and focusing on the 5 pillars of health and changing my mindset in so many positive ways has uniquely prepared me for dealing with this crisis." - Trysh C., ICW Member
We'd love to support you, too!
Here's the welcome that's waiting for you in our Inner Circle family. If you've been feeling at all isolated these days, these kind people are the cure...
"Welcome New ICW Family Members! We are so glad you are here, safe with us. Love and a hug to you!!!! Can''t wait to read, see and learn more about you and from you!" - Elizabeth Wilson, ICW Member
"WOW, at a time when we are keeping our distance, it is SO refreshing to have so many new people JOIN us! Welcome, make yourself at home and relax, most of us are still in pajamas!" - Suzanne Tonkinson, ICW Member
Come in from the cold, dear ones. Let's keep being there for each other!
Check out Inner Circle Wellness today. :)
Love & excitement,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Let's start texting!
Hiya Gorgeous!
I've been playing around with some fun, new, ideas this summer... and texting crossed my mind.
Don't get me wrong, email is great. But it also has a downside, right? It can be a little formal and a *little* overwhelming.
Texting is way more fun and friendly-so I'd love to chat with you there! What do you say? Wanna text with me?
Text WELCOME to 845-203-3864 to get started. You can even just click this link to make it easy on mobile!
I'd never spam you, sweetheart. This is just a fun new way for me to share inspiration, guidance, and goodies with you a couple times a week. Plus it's a chance for me to hear from you directly.
Ready to text with me? Just text WELCOME to me here to get started: 845-203-3864.
Texting & togetherness,
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
The *free* masterclass is happening TOMORROW!
Hiya, Gorgeous!
Sending you a FINAL reminder about my friend Isa Herrera's FREE pelvic floor masterclass.time is running out to join.
She's already helped over 15,000 women heal completely from sexual pain, incontinence and other problems with their lady parts.WITHOUT meds, surgery or injections.
Click below to secure your seat!
In case you missed my email last week... about a year ago, one of my sweet team members brought my attention to pelvic floor therapy after the birth of her (adorable) baby girl.
I realized that this is a critical part of female wellness-and that it's as important for me as it is for you, my beautiful community. Over 30 million women in the U.S. alone deal with pain during sex or exercise, incontinence, and other symptoms associated with pelvic floor dysfunction.
Fortunately, you can reverse these effects with some simple at-home exercises!
To learn how, sign up now for Isa's *free* masterclass.
You'll also discover.
The RIGHT way to do a Kegel that relieves pain, burning, or tightness in your lady parts. (Most women are doing Kegels wrong-find out why and how to easily fix it!)
The simple massage technique that all women must know (especially if you have ANY pain or discomfort with intimacy).
The one exercise all women should be doing to stop leaking and improve pelvic power. (And it can be done in less than one minute a day!)
Plus much more!
Click here to reserve your seat at this special event!
Love & excitement,
P.S. You'll want to stay to the end of the masterclass because Isa will be doing one of her EPIC Q&A sessions. She won't leave until EVERY question is answered, so come and ask Isa anything about vaginas, sex, pelvic pain, exercise, surgery, obstetric trauma, and so much more. Let's shake the stigma around these subjects and get the support we need to have healthier pelvic floors (and happier lives). Xoxo
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Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. If you''d rather not receive future updates from Kris Carr, ?click here.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Give your beautiful self the healing love you need!
Hiya Gorgeous!
The stress is real right now, and we're all managing it in different ways. But what if the ways you're managing that stress are actually making you feel worse instead of better? If too much booze, junk food or binging on bad news has you feeling hollow, then you may be numbing yourself instead of comforting yourself.
For me, that looks like getting lax about my beloved morning routine because, right now, sleeping often seems easier than facing the day ahead. I'm also spending more time on my devices and the 24/7 news cycle is pulling at me like a bonafide addiction. And if I'm being totally honest, the occasional glass of red wine has NOT been occasional. Can you relate?
Today's blog shows you a better kind of comfort. Come discover 10 ways you can soothe your inner scared kid and give your beautiful self the healing love you need.
Try These 10 Positive Coping Techniques to Feel Better!
Peace & comfort,
What do you need right now?
Self-Care Support
Are you struggling to practice self-love in this season? You're not alone. We could all use some extra help to consistently care for ourselves. That's why I've cut the price in half for my online community, Inner Circle Wellness. It's the best resource I've got to support you in caring for your sweet self. Come and explore. I hope you'll join our growing family!
Access Now
Food Love
Did you run out of healthy, at-home food ideas in week one of this shindig? Or are you looking to give your immune system a plant-based boost? My publisher just informed me last week that the Kindle version of my cookbook, Crazy Sexy Kitchen, with Chef Chad Sarno is on sale for $0.99 this month. So don't wait! Grab your copy (and refresh your recipe reel) here.
Learn More
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Grab yours now while you still can
Hiya Gorgeous!
The subject line says it all, my friend. There are only 100 new Ocean Edition Results Journals left in stock.
The final 100 are sure to sell out soon, so if the beachy vibes have called to your soul, make sure you get yours now.
This journal has helped thousands of people just like you shed stress, cultivate joy, and finally practice consistent self-care-so they have the energy they need to accomplish their biggest goals. That was true for Sue who lost 10 pounds and gained a healthy journaling routine. Here's what she had to say:
"I am a 5-year breast cancer survivor, retired RN and yoga teacher. I never used to journal and was critical of my eating habits. Now after using The Results Journal, I am able to journal easily and my affirmations are mine and are meaningful to me. I also eat really well and I've lost 10 pounds. The journal is a motivational support for me on a daily basis and helps me further my healing journey. It's a great tool to keep me on track!" -Sue J.
Those same results are waiting for you. So pick up a copy of your Results Journal here before we run out!
Here's to waves of growth in your next season-and to an Ocean of results.
Peace & possibilities,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Show yourself some TLC with simple self-care practices!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Can we talk for a minute about self-care, sweetheart?
Is it just me or does the usual meaning of self-care feel super out of reach?
Either it's all massages and pedicures and pampering-stuff that's hard to fit in on a normal day and isn't even socially safe right now. Or it's hard work-another task to check off your never-ending to-do list.
Are you ready for a new approach? I sure am!
Listen, lovelies: Real self-care should feel nurturing, not nagging.
It should be a break from all the busyness. A chance to be kind to your sweet self!
To get you started, I'm sharing 6 Simple Self-Care Practices in today's blog. So come discover a few easy, enjoyable ways to nurture yourself-and then pause for a few minutes to apply one.
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling refreshed already!
Support & self-care,
P.S. You don't have to do self-care solo. Come and join me for a free week of self-care support with my 7 Day Self-Care Challenge (starting May 4)! We'll jumpstart your self-care each day with a simple challenge to complete, a daily dose of encouragement, and a warm community cheering you on! It's 100% free and you can sign up here. Let's do wellness together this week, dear ones!
See what our members are saying!
Could your life use a taste of this delicious community we've got cooking? Come discover the training, tools and support you need to finally be consistent with self-care.
Learn More
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Sign up TONIGHT to join for one week (just $4.99!)
Hiya Gorgeous!
I heard from some of you that you missed my special $4.99 offer because of the holiday weekend. So I'm extending it to TODAY ONLY!
You can now join Inner Circle Wellness. for less than $5.
But here are three things you HAVE to know:
$4.99 buys you total access for one full week.
There's no obligation after that (even though membership is crazy affordable at only $19 a month).
You have to sign up by TONIGHT at midnight PT to get access!
Why am I doing this? Because I want you to experience what we enjoy every day in this group: community, wins, progress and FUN on the path to wellness.
So come on in!
What Is Inner Circle Wellness?
Inner Circle Wellness is a content membership and community for those who want regular guidance, motivation, inspiration and support to pursue a lifestyle of wellness.
What's included?
When you join, you'll get to enjoy...
Wellness coaching
Cooking classes
Healthy recipes
Workout videos
Stress-melting meditations
An inspiring community
Fun bonuses-and more!
If you've been struggling to maintain your healthy habits when circumstances change (or in light of current world events), this group is exactly what you need.
My team and I post new resources all month, and the community is super supportive. We walk through challenges TOGETHER and cheer each other on!
How much does it cost to join?
My team and I recently made this membership more affordable than EVER at just $19 a month.
And if you sign up before midnight tonight, you can get a full week of access for less than $5-no commitment, no obligation. It's a special "sample" of all that Inner Circle Wellness offers!
What are others saying about this community?
So, what do you think? Are you ready to give this a try?
To join us for a full week, just click below!
I hope to see you inside the group!
Love & excitement,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
And other, lovelier notes from hiatus.
Hiya Gorgeous!
I had an insight I wanted to share because maybe you can relate. During my first week of blogging hiatus, my back went out. CRUNCH!
I'm okay. Using ice packs, heating pads, taking it easy and feeling better each day. But there's a lesson in this and that's why I'm
visiting your inbox.
In truth, I'm not surprised. I've been going at a brisk pace for awhile. (I bet you have, too.) And sometimes when I step off the treadmill my body breaks down. I may get a cold or need a chiropractor!
But when a challenging pace is coupled with difficult emotions, a deeper rest is required. Can you relate?
Last week my dad, who has stage IV pancreatic cancer, turned 73 years old and we had the
most amazing celebration. We ate cupcakes, swam in the lake and soaked in our time together. We also had beautiful and painful conversations about life and death. These conversations reminded me of how strong we all are when we choose to be. We can show up and navigate anything together. Especially when we're real, raw and anchored in love.
And though I wouldn't change a moment of our precious time together, I slept for 10 hours when I got home. Big feels require long naps. But how often do we allow ourselves the recovery time our tender hearts require? Not very.
Thankfully I
Within a day I was feeling resilient again. Yay!
So I immediately dove into my juicy list of things to clean. Yes, clean. Because cleaning makes me feel like I'm in control when I'm off balance. The floor is dirty, now it isn't. BOOM--I'm winning, lol!
So I hit the ground running and then. CRUNCH.
My back went out because I insisted on lifting something that was too heavy for me to move by myself. Brian tried to stop me: "Babe, be careful. That's really heavy. Let me help you."
Nope! I wanted to lift it myself because I forgot I could choose a supported path. Why not force things instead of accepting help? CRUNCH.
Our bodies will always be our teachers.
Sometimes I learn hard things through serious illness, other times through gentle taps or muscle strains. When I'm connected to myself, I'm more able to act on my own, intuitive wisdom. (I bet you are, too.)
So today, I'm being a friend to myself. I don't have to clean or fix anything. I only need to listen to my life.
(By the way, my husband bought me a cane to help me get around while I'm out of commission. I immediately thought it would be a fun project to bedazzle it. Then I remembered to just chill. Life is brilliant enough, no bedazzling required.)
I hope this message encourages you to find moments to slow down even further. I love you.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC Crazy Sexy Wellness, PO Box 207, Woodstock, New York 12498, United States
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Discover how to heal your pelvic floor
Hiya, Gorgeous!
Did you know that pelvic floor issues affect more than 30 million women in the U.S. alone?
That's why I'm excited to invite you to a *fun, free training* to help you heal your pelvic floor!
You may be thinking this doesn't apply to you, but have you...
...Ever peed your pants just a tiny bit when you sneezed?
...Avoided running and jumping activities because you knew you'd leak a little?
...Experienced less joy during sex because you're in pain? Or been let down by lackluster orgasms?
If yes, then you're experiencing problems with your pelvic floor muscles, my friend.
This topic tends to be hush hush, but it's time to break the stigma.
As women, so many of us were told that these common symptoms are just a normal part of life brought on by childbirth, cancer treatment, too much time sitting, or just the effects of age.
But I'm here today to say we can do better!
Let me introduce you to my friend and colleague Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS. She's an absolute champion of women's health, and she's hosting a brand new masterclass that I think will be super valuable to you. (It's FREE, too!)
This is especially for those of you who want less pain or leaking and more sexual enjoyment.
Isa's *free* training is called The NEW Pelvic Power Masterclass: 5 Easy Steps to End Leaking, Heal Prolapse, and Relieve Intimacy Pain In The Comfort of Your Own Home.
You don't need to go to the doctor's office to start improving your pelvic floor health. Isa's masterclass will you show you:
Why NOW is the time to heal your pelvic floor (because it's the "Grand Central Station" for your entire body and can have major effects on your health).
How to know in just 42 seconds what your "down there" type is (and what to do about it!). Many women are doing the WRONG things for their type and it's preventing them from healing, or even causing more damage!
The RIGHT way to do a Kegel that relieves pain, burning, or tightness in your lady parts. (Most women are doing Kegels wrong-find out why and how to easily fix it!)
The simple massage technique that all women must know (especially if you have ANY pain or discomfort with intimacy).
The one exercise all women should be doing to stop leaking and improve pelvic power. The great news is that it can be done in under one minute a day.
I think you'll get so much out of this session... just click below to save your seat!
If you have leaking, discomfort, pressure, pain, or prolapse, this masterclass is for you!
Love & excitement,
P.S. If one of your friends or family members has ever confided (or just joked) about one of the symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction that I mentioned in this email, I encourage you to forward this email to them. Let's break the stigma and start talking about this important aspect of women's health!
(Artwork above by Libby VanderPloeg)
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Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. If you''d rather not receive future updates from Kris Carr, ?click here.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
We're making this as accessible as possible.
Hiya Gorgeous!
My team and I have been thinking about you (and about how we can support you) non-stop during this time. I wish I could give each of you a big, safe hug right now.
That's why I have something I need to tell you about. (It's good!)
But first...
We heard from over a thousand of you recently about what you're going through. Here are some of the things you said you're struggling with...
"Anxiety about the future, spiral of negative thoughts."
"All my healthy habits have flown out the window. I'm not exercising or eating well"
"Self-medicating with sugary processed foods, and alcohol"
"We have reverted to quick food rather than being nutritious."
"[I feel] isolated from friends and family"
It became clear to us that you need support to practice self-care in these challenging times-AND that you're craving connection across the miles.
That's why I'm writing today.
To help serve you in this season, my team and I are opening up my private wellness community, Inner Circle Wellness, in every way we can. It's our very best resource to help you take care of yourself from home in these tough times.
Here's what we've done to make it accessible for you:
We've shifted to open-enrollment so you can join anytime you want.
And we've cut the price in half for new and current members.
We can't give it away for free (though I wish we could!), but we want to make wellness support as affordable and accessible to everyone as we can right now.
You may feel alone. but you certainly are not alone. Fear is simply doing its best to derail us-to make us forget how connected and resilient we truly are.
But what if we decided that we still have the power to choose how we respond?
Yes, there are problems we can't solve right now (big, scary problems at that). But if you, like me, are craving a sense of steadiness, I believe it's time to focus on the ones we can.
It's time to think about the simple steps we CAN take each day to nurture our health and wellbeing-so that we can be a little kinder to ourselves and to the people we love.
That's what our Inner Circle Wellness family is all about.
I know you're supporting so much right now. In this season, I want you to know that we're here to support you.
Come find out how Inner Circle can help. I hope to see you there!
Love & excitement,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
A quick question for you.
Hiya Gorgeous!
As we head into the second half of the week, I want to ask you. how are you doing?
Real talk: I've been taking extra breaks each day to check-in with how I'm feeling, and between you and me, it's been a bit of a roller coaster with moments of anger and overwhelm. When those feelings take over I get up and move my body a bit, write down what I'm grateful for and prioritize my self-care. These simple actions prime me to be my happiest, healthiest self.
Right now, taking care of yourself has never been more important and I plan to do whatever I can to help you navigate this challenging reality.
So, help me help you, dear one!
Tell me what you're struggling with most so that I can craft content that will help you come out stronger on the other side of this...
Please click here to answer a quick two-question survey.
I'm excited to hear what you have to say. We need each other right now, and I'm here for you!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Doors close TONIGHT.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Today is your last chance to sign up for Marie Forleo's B-School and claim your Results Bonus Collection.
By now, you've heard me talk all about how B-School is the toolbox you need to turn your passion into a business that changes lives (including yours!).
But what I haven't told you is what Marie's offering in addition to B-School...
True, when you join B-School, you get an 8-week foundational online learning program for big-hearted creatives who want to build a meaningful, profitable business online.
But if you don't know where to begin or you're afraid of failing to follow through, turn your eyes to these instant access bonuses she's offering:
Instant Access Bonus #1. The Start The Right Business Program
Instant Access Bonus #2. The Follow-Through Formula Productivity Program
The validation you need for your business concept and the stick-to-it oomph you've been looking for are baked right in!
When you register through my link, you also get a selection of BRAND-NEW bonuses with one goal: To help you launch and savor not only your dream business, but your dream life-one that feeds you, body, soul and wallet.
Read all about my Results Bonus Collection here.
But. the clock's ticking and you only have until TONIGHT (February 28) at 7 p.m. Eastern to register and claim your bonuses!
Still not quite sure B-School is for you? Here's my advice: Sign up TODAY while you still can. Then you have a full 15-day money-back guarantee for B-School. If you decide it's not for you, you can simply request a refund! There truly is nothing to lose-and everything to gain (including a business and life you adore).
Get B-School AND my Results Bonus Collection right here!
Love & commitment,
Not interested in business? No problem! Unsubscribe from this series here. You'll still be on my regular list and receive all my weekly goodness.
You''re receiving this because you signed up for Crazy Sexy Wellness Membership. If you''d rather not hear anything more about this, but would like to keep receiving my blog posts via email, Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Let's start texting!
Hiya Gorgeous!
I've been playing around with some fun, new, ideas this summer... and texting crossed my mind.
Don't get me wrong, email is great. But it also has a downside, right? It can be a little formal and a *little* overwhelming.
Texting is way more fun and friendly-so I'd love to chat with you there! What do you say? Wanna text with me?
Text WELCOME to 845-203-3864 to get started. You can even just click this link to make it easy on mobile!
I'd never spam you, sweetheart. This is just a fun new way for me to share inspiration, guidance, and goodies with you a couple times a week. Plus it's a chance for me to hear from you directly.
Ready to text with me? Just text WELCOME to me here to get started: 845-203-3864.
Texting & togetherness,
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Then they're gone until 2021.
Hiya Gorgeous!
The countdown has officially begun. I've shared a few of my top resources with you this month that only come once a year and they will be taken down Friday, February 28 at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT.
I know it's not the usual plant-based diet trick or healthy mindset tip that I share with you, but these resources are close to my heart because the teachings inside fueled me to grow my business to be what it is today.
In the early days, as I picked up my camera to film my journey following my cancer diagnosis, who would have thought that today I'd be positively impacting thousands of lives as the Chief Unicorn of a 7-figure business, author of multiple New York Times best-selling books and speaker on amazing stages like Oprah's?! I am just so grateful and honored to be in your inbox today, and every day forward.
If your inner voice is whispering (or shouting!) that you are made for more. if you have a dream to bring your unique voice and passion to the masses. if you have any desire at all to build a business that earns amazing profits and lights you up this year.
Grab your laptop and green smoothie, settle in and check these out this weekend (it'll fuel you up way more than that latest Netflix series, I promise!):
Marie's free business building training series: She's sharing game-changing advice and a simple, yet powerful roadmap that will help you turn your dreams into a profitable reality. Watch here.
My "From Stuck to Unstoppable" live-streaming class with Marie: We're sharing the one step that is the key to going from hot mess to business success, plus so much more! Watch here.
B-School + my Results Bonus Collection: This is the only combination out there that will help you get big results in your business AND your life! Marie will teach you the foundational business skills you need whether you're a total beginner or experienced business owner inside her 8-week online program. Then I'll show you how to fast track your growth and success with live coaching, my new business masterclass series, audio interviews with my team of experts and my wellness membership. Join us here.
I hope they inspire you and bring you abundance!
Don't forget. they're all going away this Friday, February 28 at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT.
Peace & possibilities,
Not interested in business? No problem! Unsubscribe from this series here. You'll still be on my regular list and receive all my weekly goodness.
You''re receiving this because you signed up for Crazy Sexy Wellness Membership. If you''d rather not hear anything more about this, but would like to keep receiving my blog posts via email, Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
How to create healthy habits in 10 minutes or less
Hiya Gorgeous!
You've probably heard me talk about my Five Pillars of Wellness-what you're eating, drinking, thinking, and how you're resting and renewing-and how they each have a dramatic effect on your wellness, both physical and emotional!
But if you don't have a way to observe your current habits, it's hard to know what you should focus on so you can make the biggest improvements in the shortest amount of time.
When I created The Results Journal, I knew it had to include a tool that would quickly help you see which areas of your daily self-care routine are working for you-and fix the ones that aren't supporting you.
After all, it's hard enough to fit in self-care without playing guessing games about what you need most today.
Check out this quick video to see how you can get the clarity you need & get to your goals faster.
What gets measured gets improved.
And working toward your wellness goals doesn't have to be a grind. So let's allow the process to feel light and easy, shall we?
The Results Journal gets you the awareness you need in just 10 minutes a day, so you can make steady, consistent progress toward your priorities.
Check out the benefits Krista saw from her Wellness Tracker:
"The Results Journal is a roadmap for self-care. It keeps everything in one place so I can get more accomplished-I love the prompts and the wellness tracker. Before starting the journal my days were unorganized and I was unfocused. Now I'm eating more fruits and vegetables, tracking my sleep and making more time for play. I lost 15 pounds!"
You know what's even better? The Wellness Tracker inside your Results Journal is completely customizable for you, so you get to choose where your attention goes.
Click here to get your Limited-Edition Results Journal before it sells out.
The Results Journal has been part of my daily self-care practice for years now, and I can't wait for you to experience how easy it can be to create healthy habits of your own.
Peace & perseverance,
P.S. Remember that you're also getting 3 free valuable bonuses to make self-care feel simple! These include a Guided Tour with me, a month of Weekly Coaching Support Emails and a Summer Self-Care Support Pack with plant-powered recipes, a fun at-home workout video and a stress-melting meditation! Get your journal & your goodies before they run out.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Jump in before we close my FREE 7 Day Self-Care Challenge!
Hiya Gorgeous!
We're closing this up soon. will you jump in?
I would love for you to join me for my FREE 7-Day Self-Care Challenge. because it MATTERS how you feel, sweetheart. If you've been carrying the weight of the world recently, this is just the boost you need.
I'll send you daily emails and invite you to a private Facebook group that lasts from May 6 to May 13 ONLY! We're going to embrace some very simple (yet super effective) daily challenges and encourage each other along the way.
Every day, you'll accomplish a specific self-care win like.
Melting away the stress with 10 minutes of reflection
Getting fresh water into your system for a happier body
Taking a few minutes to get up and get moving
Adding some good stuff to your plate-and to your life
We're getting started SOON. so join us! I can't wait to see you inside our group!
Love & excitement,
P.S. This FREE event is sponsored by my Inner Circle Wellness group. It's just a taste of the enthusiasm, inspiration and exercises we do all the time! I think you're going to LOVE it. Click here to sign up now!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Fruit and veggie tips for COVID-19
Hiya Gorgeous!
Is all of the coronavirus info making your brain tired? I'm right there with you, sweetie.
I know you're processing a lot of info to keep yourself and your loved ones well right now.
I'd love to lighten that load by giving you a simple answer to one of the most common COVID-19 questions I keep hearing:
Is fresh produce safe during the pandemic?
Sure, you can sanitize all the boxes and cartons after your next grocery excursion. But what about all those leafy greens and lovely fruits?
Are they even safe to eat now?
Is there anything special you should be doing to clean and care for them?
Answers await on the blog (along with a special guest appearance I know you're gonna love).
So what are you waiting for? Come find out how to handle fruits and veggies during the coronavirus-and beyond.
Kisses & kale,
Love from sweet readers like you!
Want to learn more? Check out Inner Circle Wellness now!
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Just $9-grab your own Stress Relief Meditation Collection here!
Learn More
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
You just need a few minutes a day.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Your mental health matters, and it's time to make it a priority.
There, I said it! Yes, there's a lot going on in our world and there certainly are people out there fighting harder battles. But whatever ifs/ands/buts are going through your head right now, your mental health is STILL important.
Tough love time. If you dedicate every moment of time and ounce of energy to everyone and everything but yourself, you will eventually burn (or spin) out. You can count on that. But helping yourself and helping others aren't mutually exclusive! Prioritizing your mental health doesn't have to mean neglecting everything else-you can do both, I promise.
I know it can be intimidating to face your innermost thoughts and challenges, but this kind of self-care doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming on a daily basis, especially when you have the right tools at your disposal. And that's what today's new blog post is all about!
I'm sharing 5 of my favorite apps for reducing stress and anxiety, and practicing self-love in just minutes a day. These apps have made a huge difference in my own mental health practice and I can't wait to see what they do for you!
Improve your mental health in just a few minutes a day with these 5 apps!
Peace & hAPPiness,
B-School Doors Are Closing!
If you have a dream of starting your own business or taking your current business to the next level, while also maintaining your health, personal life-and maybe having a vacation now and again-then this is your time!
Marie Forleo's famous B-School business course + my Results Bonus Collection is the winning combo to rocket you into the life of your dreams-think vegan ice cream sundaes and happy dances galore. Find the community, clarity and tools you need to turn your ideas into concrete action, real followers and more moolah!
If your gut is saying yes, even if you've got some fear in there too, now is the time to act. Doors close on this amazing opportunity THIS Friday at 7 p.m. ET and won't open again for a whole year. Don't spend another year putting off your dreams-allow 2020 to be the year that changes everything. With Marie and me by your side, there is nothing you can't do.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Check out this amazing tool!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Having a bad day is one of the most universally relatable human experiences I can think of. We all have them. And no matter what kicks them off, how we treat ourselves in those moments can be the difference between relief and more suffering.
I've recently started using a new tool when I'm facing difficult days or situations, and I'm excited to share it with you today! It all started with a brilliant idea from my therapist and evolved into a full-fledged first aid kit for the mind. Yup-it IS as good as it sounds and I'm going to show you exactly how it works.
Find out how to make your Bad Day Survival Kit!
Peace & plans,
Get your calm on!
Stressful days turning into stressful weeks or even months? Meditation has always been my go-to. Whether it's as quick as a few deep breaths or a full 30 minute guided reboot, it always changes my mood and gets me on track.
Need a place to start for yourself? My Self-Care for Busy People meditation album features 10 soothing tracks designed to reduce stress and increase inner calm. They're all under 15 minutes which makes them perfect for calming anxiety quickly or playing whenever you need a quick mental reset. Plus, they're a perfect addition to your bad day survival kit I mentioned above! Go here to check it out now!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
I've depended on this tool for years!
Hiya Gorgeous!
Summer is officially here, and it's a sweet season that always makes me think of sunshine, rest, and relaxation.
But there's one thing that summer tends to throw off track for me: routine. Maybe it feels like that to you, too?
And when you're trying to stay on track with your health and wellness goals, any disruption to your routine can derail your desired results-fast!
My own routine this summer shifted big time when COVID hit as I was visiting with my parents in Florida. What was originally going to be a quick check-in became a much longer stay.
And I'm so grateful that I got the gift of this extra time with my mom and dad, especially in light of my Dad's courageous journey with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
In the midst of a lot of uncertainty. over Dad's health, over when I'd be able to travel back home, over how my friends in New York were doing. I turned to my Results Journal. It's a tool I've depended on for years now, and it gives me consistent results no matter what's shifting around me.
In less than 10 minutes each day, I use The Results Journal to check in with myself on my wellness practices and my single most important goal, why I'm committed to prioritizing both, and how honoring them is getting me closer to my dreams, day by day.
We're probably very similar in that I'm betting you've got a lot on your plate. And it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the daily to-do's, especially when routines are thrown off-course.
That's why I'm thrilled to announce that the new Limited Edition Ocean-themed Results Journal is available today!
The Results Journal will support you in feeling your best and doing your best-in just 10 minutes a day. And this special Limited-edition journal is extra-close to my heart because it's directly inspired by the grit, grace and perseverance my Dad is modeling as he navigates his own cancer journey.
Click here to order your Limited Edition Ocean Results Journal.
Plus, you're getting three special bonuses:
Bonus 1: Guided Tour | $39 Value-Get an exclusive guided tour from me in this special start-up coaching video. I'll tell you more about how I created the journal and walk you through how I use it myself, so you can start strong on your self-care journey!
Bonus 2: Four Weeks of Wellness Support | $29 Value-Get weekly coaching emails from me and my team during your first month with The Results Journal. We'll introduce you to our favorite benefits, share our best self-care tips, and help you stay motivated to take care of your sweet self!
Bonus 3: Summer Self-Care Support Pack | $49 Value (available 'til July 27 ONLY!)-We're making it super easy for you to have a summer of self-care! In this limited time bonus pack featuring content from my Inner Circle Wellness membership, you'll get:
In short, you'll have everything you need to eliminate overwhelm and start feeling and doing better. And all it takes is 10 minutes each day.
You're so worth it!
Get your Limited Edition Results Journal here.
Peace & progress,
When our small batch of Limited Edition Results Journals sells out, you won't have another opportunity to get this particular cover. And they always sell out faster than we expect. Click here to pick up your copy now.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Can't focus? No energy? There's a remedy.
Hiya Gorgeous!
Can't focus? Can't sleep? No energy?
Can't seem to shut off your devices and do the things you know would replenish you?
There's a remedy.
You just need a self-care reset-something to renew your healthy habits during this tough time.
Please join me instantly for my FREE 7 Day Self-Care Challenge, which is happening LIVE from May 6-13! A mind, body, spirit refresher is just what we ALL need right now.
When you're dealing with daily burdens such as uncertainty, caring for others or trying to make do in our current circumstances, time for yourself simply gets squeezed out.
Fortunately, you can bring down your anxiety-and boost your health-with just one small action a day. And we're going to do those TOGETHER during this challenge.
Here's what happens when you join:
Prior to the challenge, you'll be invited to a private Facebook group. (If you're not on Facebook, no problem! You'll still receive our daily challenge emails.)
When the challenge begins, we'll post a simple challenge for you to complete each day (along with reflection questions and affirmations to give you some extra support). This is where you get to act, interact and stay encouraged!
When it's over, we'll wrap up together and review the insights and breakthroughs we've had. (I can't WAIT to read your comments!)
You'll get to engage EASILY (no big commitments) and feel better FAST. This challenge is sponsored by my Inner Circle Wellness group, where we focus on our health goals and support each other on a regular basis! That means, you'll get a daily plan from a team that knows how to break self-care down and make it feel fun and simple.
Won't you join us?
Love & excitement,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
How to make healthy meal prep a breeze
Hiya Gorgeous!
Is it hard to eat healthy midweek?
I've been there. In fact, I've been there this month.
It's been a busy season since I returned from Florida and, to be honest, I've felt some of my healthy meal prep habits slipping. Maybe you can relate?
To get us both back on track, I've pulled together a list of my 5 favorite tips for easy, healthy eating.
I'll share the hacks I use to make weekdays a whole lot easier-and a $35 discount for my favorite meal delivery service.
Check it out on the blog now!
Peace & scrumptious meals,
Healthy meals for just $7!
Tired of playing the "what's for dinner?" game and landing on an unhealthy option? I was too until I learned about Splendid Spoon (AKA my weeknights' new best friend). They bring plant-based, non-GMO, and low-sodium meals that taste delicious right to your door. I wanted to share the love so I arranged an exclusive deal for you-just $7 per scrumptious meal! Come join me and we'll explore all the deliciousness together.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
A few bites to enjoy while I'm on hiatus
Hiya Gorgeous!
As you know, I'm taking a little break from the blog. If you missed that announcement last week, you can find all the details here. I hope you give yourself permission to pause and evolve, too.
In the meantime, I wanted to share some summer recipes to keep you fueled up while I'm away. Here are a few fan-favorites from the blog. If you need something fresh for your menu this week, be sure to check these out.
? Healthy Homemade Popsicles ? ? Tomatoes and Herbs ? ? All
Day Energy Smoothie ? (a bonus recipe from my Crazy Sexy Reset)
My hope is that this small offering nourishes you-mind, body and spirit. If you need a little bit of sunshine today, a summer popsicle might be the perfect place to start.
All my love,
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC Crazy Sexy Wellness, PO Box 207, Woodstock, New York 12498, United States
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How to stop "putter resting" and really rejuvenate instead
Hiya Gorgeous!
Is it just me or does summer vacation look a little different this year?
I know a blissful beach isn't an option for most of us. But I hope you still get to savor some downtime, sweetheart. Which brings me to an important question.
Have you ever ever struggled to relax during vacation?
Whether it's racing thoughts or endless puttering, it can be hard to unwind and truly rest.
That's why I'm sharing a favorite video on today's blog: How to Calm Down & Enjoy Your Time Off.
I hope it helps you enjoy some real and satisfying rest on your next stay-cation.
Love & relaxation,
We're making a splash!
I have a big surprise coming next week! It's a special tool to help you grow in all the ways that matter most-and I've been working on it with my team for months. It's extra close to my heart because it's inspired by a person and place I love with my whole heart. Want to know what we're up to? Sign up now to be the first to find out!
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Celebrate movement + get your free workouts!
Hiya Gorgeous!
I just hit the road to drive back to my home in the Catskills. We've spent the past few months in Florida, where I initially went to spend some time with my dad and then hunkered down until it was safer to make the trip.
While I'm going to miss the Sunshine State, I'm excited to be back home for many reasons. One in particular is to hit the hiking trails I know and love. The woods are where I go to get my creativity flowing, get out of my head and center myself.
Don't you love the peace, energy and joy a bit of movement can bring?
Many of us have been stuck indoors a lot lately, but you were made to move, my friend! Movement increases your energy, lowers your stress and improves your mood. Not to mention that, done right, it also makes life more fun.
That's why in June, the theme of the month in Inner Circle Wellness is: Made to Move!
I want to celebrate the natural, playful movement our bodies crave-especially in a season when movement takes some creativity.
Want to join us? Get access right here.
And to top it all off, when you become a member by Sunday, you'll also get 3 bonus workouts from my friend and fitness expert, Erin Stutland!
Erin's workouts were my go-to while living in Florida! She combines cardio dance, yoga flows, strength exercises and uplifting mantras into a fantastic workout-one I actually enjoy and look forward to. I know you'll love it, too!
Membership is currently the lowest price it's ever been because I want to support your self-care in this season-so try it this month for just $19 (and enjoy your 3 free workouts!).
Join me in Inner Circle Wellness, as we walk, run and dance our way right into the next chapter.
Peace & movement,
P.S. There are so many other movement-boosting goodies coming to the Inner Circle in June. Here are all the delicious details on what's waiting for you:
Coaching with me to help you find joy in movement
Nutrition coaching on foods that fuel your workout
A meditation to help you honor your inner strength
A how-to video to clear confusion around sprouting and soaking
3 delicious, new recipes including a creamy chili mac. mmm!
3 tapping sessions with Nick Ortner to help you process tough emotions
? Your 3 bonus workouts from Erin Stutland including a yoga flow, a dance workout and a sculpting session (just for those who join by Sunday)!
? PLUS when you join by May 31, you'll also be entered in a raffle to win a $200 skincare bundle from our friends at Annmarie Gianni!
Click here to join and get access.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
5 clues (and a fun freebie!) on today's blog
Hiya Gorgeous!
Can we chat about some womanly woes?
If you pee when you sneeze (or cough or laugh), deal with pelvic pain, or have had a big drop in sexual enjoyment-you're not alone.
In fact, you're probably one of millions of women who could benefit from pelvic floor therapy (AKA simple, at-home exercises that make your pelvic muscles much stronger).
Let's shake the stigma surrounding women's health. You don't have to accept your symptoms as a natural consequence of age or childbirth. And you don't have to resort to painful or invasive "remedies" to find relief.
Instead, join me and my brilliant friend, Isa Herrera, on the blog today to discover how you can benefit from a simple pelvic floor workout. Plus, we'll share a fun freebie to get you started!
Come and discover 5 Reasons You Need to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor now!
Peace & super-powered pelvises,
Make 'em both strong
Your Pelvic Floor
Want to hear straight from Isa for her best guidance to strengthen your pelvic floor? Join her for her *free* Pelvic Power Masterclass to get the practical tips you need!
Your Spiritual Roots
My dear friend, Mark Nepo, is offering a 3-session webinar to help you strengthen your roots and increase your resilience during these trying times. Even though the series started yesterday, you can still join here!
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Tips to Support You & Your Loved Ones!
To My Cherished Community,
I hope this finds you safe and well. I've been thinking about how I can support you and your loved ones during these difficult times. Truth is, I don't have all the answers. But what I do have is an endless amount of love for you, so I'm going to do everything in my power to get you the resources you need to stay well during the coronavirus pandemic. We're in this together.
Over the coming days and weeks, many of us will find ourselves in unexpected situations. If I've learned anything from facing my own unanticipated health challenges (like my cancer diagnosis in 2003, and my dad's 13 years later), it's that we need each other. In times like these, we must shed our default roles and let compassion and humility lead the way.
Today, I'm sharing my new Wellness Guide for Navigating Coronavirus. There's a LOT of info swirling around right now, which can make it hard to know what to pay attention to. So I went searching for the best, most reliable advice I could find and put together this resource for you. I hope it helps you take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Get Your Wellness Guide for Navigating Coronavirus (8 Ways to Stay Well)!
Peace & all my love,
P.S. If you're already dealing with a chronic health challenge that makes you more vulnerable right now, please know that my family and I stand in solidarity with you. We're taking extra precautions right now and encourage you to do the same. Go here to find out how.
Calm Your Mind (Free Meditation)
If your mind has been running rampant as it confronts all the unknowns right now, you are not alone. Fear is a natural human response. However, managing that fear (instead of letting it manage you) is essential for your well-being right now.
As I've shared for years, meditation is one of my go-tos when life gets stressful. It keeps me grounded in the present moment and connected to my deeper, inner knowing-an imperative during times of change. So today I wanted to share with you my free Instant Stress Reduction meditation straight from my heart to yours. My hope is that it comforts you and brings you peace and strength during these trying times.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
Make your skin more radiant in just 7 days.
Hiya, Gorgeous!
Remember to take a look at some of my favorite skincare items, which are just $14.99 right now, to get more radiant-looking skin in only 7 days.
Discover the Self-Care Glow Set!
I've been a loyal fan of this line ever since the creator extraordinaire, Annmarie Gianni, sent me a box when I was promoting Crazy Sexy Diet over a decade ago. She didn't ask for a thing. She just said, "Enjoy!" And believe me, I have.
TRUTH: My skin is less dry and more glowy from using these products. They're chemical-free (so you can feel great about them) and they harness the power of Mother Nature to make you look, feel and smell fabulous.
As Annmarie says, "The line brings the ancient healing energies and awareness directly to you so that you may radiate your own natural beauty." Lovely.
Normally the Self-Care Glow Set costs $45, but you can get it for only $14.99 right now!
Here's what's included...
The pH-balanced Aloe Herb Cleanser - A citrus-scented infusion of organic aloe vera, moisturizing coconut oil and soothing calendula flowers which removes impurities and makeup. (I think it smells like heaven in the springtime!)
Ultra-hydrating Anti-Aging Serum - A multivitamin elixir infused with non-GMO hyaluronic acid and organic sunflower seed oil, ginkgo leaf and life-everlasting flowers that softens, firms and strengthens.
BONUS: Detoxifying Kaolin Micro Exfoliant - An all-natural formula brewed with sage, lemongrass, green Kaolin clay and diatomaceous earth that leaves your skin calm, polished and flawless.
BONUS: Anti-Aging Facial Oil - A top-seller infused with nourishing jojoba oil, beautifying rose distillate and antioxidant-rich goji berries to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
PLUS: That FREE packet of Beauty Blend Tea I mentioned - A lightly caffeinated, full-bodied combination of organic yerba mate, organic goji berry and organic sea buckthorn berry. These ingredients are filled with antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins that have been shown to promote better health and boost mental clarity.
You deserve this, my dear. It's only $14.99 (But that's only through the month of June!). You can feel fresh and start looking more radiant in just 7 days.
If you're not satisfied for any reason, guess what? Annmarie and her team will give you a FULL refund. So there's no risk at all!
I hope you love these products. I sure do!
Get the Self-Care Glow Set today for just $14.99!
Love & excitement,
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Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. If you''d rather not receive future updates from Kris Carr, ?click here.
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
The secret to how I stay positive
Hiya Gorgeous!
Guess what? I've got some good news-and then some even better news-for you!
Here's the good news: You don't have to believe everything you think. What a relief, right?
The even better news: You can use intentions and affirmations to actually change your life.
(I've got 11 of those life-changing affirmations waiting for you on the blog today! I even had my team design them into beautiful wallpapers for your phone or computer that you can download for FREE. Enjoy, my loves!)
Now let's be honest. No one is immune to hardship and I know there's a lot of fear and stress in the world right now. That makes it easy for us to get stuck in the muck as our minds spin with stories that aren't even true (I know you know what I mean).
But affirmations allow us to flip that script in our heads. I call them "love nuggets filled with truths" that bring us back to our authentic spirit. With practice, they teach us how to speak lovingly to ourselves and that love ripple carries out into the world.
Need some of that "love ripple" my dear? You aren't alone!
Head to the blog for 11 of my favorite affirmations (+ your gorgeous free wallpapers!). And always remember how perfect you are-every single day in every single way!
Affirmations & affection,
Need some extra self-care support?
If you're finding it hard to consistently practice self-love in this season, you're not alone. We all have to learn to take care of ourselves in new and gentle ways. That's why I've cut the price in half for my online community, Inner Circle Wellness. It's the best resource I've got to support you in caring for your sweet self. Come explore the community now! I hope you'll join us.
Need to update your email address or make changes to your newsletter preferences? No problem, sweetheart! Update your preferences or unsubscribe here.
Disclaimer: this email and others we send may contain partner links that compensate our company should you make a purchase. Manage your subscription
Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States
New Ocean-themed Results Journal now available
Hiya Sophia!
Summer is officially here, and it's a sweet season that always makes me think of sunshine, rest, and relaxation.
But there's one thing that summer tends to throw off track for me: routine. Maybe it feels like that to you, too?
And when you're trying to stay on track with your health and wellness goals, any disruption to your routine can derail your desired results-fast!
My own routine this summer shifted big time when COVID hit as I was visiting with my parents in Florida. What was originally going to be a quick check-in became a much longer stay.
And I'm so grateful that I got the gift of this extra time with my mom and dad, especially in light of my Dad's courageous journey with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
In the midst of a lot of uncertainty. over Dad's health, over when I'd be able to travel back home, over how my friends in New York were doing. I turned to my Results Journal. It's a tool I've depended on for years now, and it gives me consistent results no matter what's shifting around me.
In less than 10 minutes each day, I use The Results Journal to check in with myself on my wellness practices and my single most important goal, why I'm committed to prioritizing both, and how honoring them is getting me closer to my dreams, day by day.
We're probably very similar in that I'm betting you've got a lot on your plate. And it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the daily to-do's, especially when routines are thrown off-course.
That's why I'm thrilled to announce that the new Limited Edition Ocean-themed Results Journal is available today!
The Results Journal will support you in feeling your best and doing your best-in just 10 minutes a day. And this special Limited-edition journal is extra-close to my heart because it's directly inspired by the grit, grace and perseverance my Dad is modeling as he navigates his own cancer journey.
Click here to order your Limited Edition Ocean Results Journal.
Plus, you're getting three special bonuses:
Bonus 1: Guided Tour | $39 Value-Get an exclusive guided tour from me in this special start-up coaching video. I'll tell you more about how I created the journal and walk you through how I use it myself, so you can start strong on your self-care journey!
Bonus 2: Four Weeks of Wellness Support | $29 Value-Get weekly coaching emails from me and my team during your first month with The Results Journal. We'll introduce you to our favorite benefits, share our best self-care tips, and help you stay motivated to take care of your sweet self!
Bonus 3: Summer Self-Care Support Pack | $49 Value (available 'til July 27 ONLY!)-We're making it super easy for you to have a summer of self-care! In this limited time bonus pack featuring content from my Inner Circle Wellness membership, you'll get:
In short, you'll have everything you need to eliminate overwhelm and start feeling and doing better. And all it takes is 10 minutes each day.
You're so worth it!
Get your Limited Edition Results Journal here.
Peace & progress,
When our small batch of Limited Edition Results Journals sells out, you won't have another opportunity to get this particular cover. And they always sell out faster than we expect. Click here to pick up your copy now.
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Crazy Sexy Wellness, LLC PO Box 207 Woodstock, New York 12498 United States