Welcome !
Thank you for your interest in KeystonBros.com.
We�re excited to be able to offer you a full line of quality supplies and the newest, most innovative fabrics in the industry. Our goal is to provide you with quality products and excellent customer service at very affordable prices.
As most of our sales support is handled through our sales force we would like to have a customer service representative contact you to find out more about your business. In that way, we can provide you with the appropriate sampling and set up your wholesale account.
In order to facilitate this process, you will need to fill out the following documents for your new wholesale account. Click on the links to view/download the documents.
Keyston Credit Application and Agreement
Sales And Use Tax Certificate
Please complete and return it to me at your earliest convenience either by email, fax or by mail to the address below.
We appreciate your interest in Keyston Bros. and look forward to serving all your upholstery needs.
Jodi Kruger
Internet Customer Service
Keyston Bros.
2801 Academy Way, Ste A
Sacramento, CA 95815
707-416-2291 Phone
916-550-9792 Fax
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at