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Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to ip-approval.
Hello , Thank you for registering. Here is your temporary password: 3c3701
IP Approval Team
IP Address Approval
Introducing Dark Mode
You can now change the Color Scheme on our website. Choose from Light, Dark and Auto.
Color Scheme
Light = Normal Dark = Dark Mode Auto = Set Dark Mode to turn on automatically at sunset
Note: It will work with all 5 Theme options.
Please also note: The ''Auto'' setting will only work if you have Dark Mode enabled on your device, and have it set to automatically turn on at sunset.
Try it out!
*Theme Options can be found on Home page.
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IP Address Approval
Hi , we have updated our code!
Our original JavaScript code now includes the following:
Note: You can find the complete code in your IP Approval account
Get the updated Code
Why the change?
There is a new default Referrer-Policy for Chrome as of v85 (and likely other browsers in the future).
In order for us to correctly log the PAGE of the visit, you must add the referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" to the JavaScript code on your website.
Browsers are evolving towards privacy-enhancing default referrer policies, to provide a good fallback when a website has no policy set.
Chrome has enabled strict-origin-when-cross-origin as the default policy in 85; this may impact use cases relying on the referrer value from another origin.
This is the new default, but websites can still pick a policy of their choice.
What does "no-referrer-when-downgrade" mean?
The origin, path and querystring of the URL ( ) are sent as a referrer when the protocol security level stays the same (HTTP?HTTP, HTTPS?HTTPS) or improves (HTTP?HTTPS), but isn''t sent to less secure destinations (HTTPS?HTTP).
Directives in question;
EXAMPLE If sets a policy of "origin-when-cross-origin", it would send a Referrer Header with a value of, and not This means our code would still work but we will not log the correct page the visit happened on for your website.
"no-referrer-when-downgrade" EXAMPLE If a document at sets a policy of "no-referrer-when-downgrade", it would send a Referrer Header with a value of, thus we will log the correct page the visit happened on for your website.
What do you need to do? Simply add referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" to your exiting code, or replace the entire code with the code found at the bottom of the IP Editor page, then publish the changes to your website.
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