Dr. Ola Holmberg is the Head of the Radiation Protection of Patients Unit at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria since the last 12 years - an organization within the United Nations family. He is a medical physicist who has previously worked in Sweden, Ireland, the Netherlands and Denmark.

Giorgia Loreti is a Training Officer at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Her work focuses on ensuring access to quality education in Medical Physics, adherence to standards, as well as recognition of the profession. Previously, she worked as clinical medical physicist at the S. Orsola University Hospital in Bologna.

Dr. Madan M. Rehani is Director, Global Outreach for Radiation Protection at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA. He is President, International Organization for Medical Physics (2018-2021). He was earlier Radiation Safety Specialist at the International Atomic Energy Agency for 11 years and prior to that Professor and Head of Medical Physics at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. Dr. Rehani is a Member, International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). He is author of 8 Annals of ICRP, 4 of which as Chair of the Task Group. He is Senior editor BJR, Assoc Editor Medical Physics. He has more than 155 publications, has written 39 chapters in Books and has edited 5 books. He has published papers in high impact factor journals e.g. JAMA Intern Med, Br Med J, Eur Heart J, Cardiovascular Imaging, Am J Gastroenterol, Circulation J, The Lancet.

Dr Ibrahim Duhaini is the chief medical physicist and radiation safety officer at Rafik Hariri University Hospital since 2004. He is also a Medical Physics instructor at the Lebanese University. Ibrahim has won several awards in recent years in the field of Medical Physics: The International Day of Medical Physics Award in 2015, the International Organization of Medical Physics Presidential Award in 2016, the International Organization of Medical Physics Fellow Award (FIOMP) in 2017, and the Lebanese University Pioneer Award in 2018.
Ibrahim was a founding member of the Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics (MEFOMP) and was elected President for two terms (2009-2015). Currently he is the Treasurer of the International Organization of Medical Physics (IOMP) for the term 2018-2021. Also, he serves as the IDMP Coordinator.
Ibrahim has more than 20 years of experience in the field of radiation therapy and safety and is Board Certified by the International Medical Physics Certification Board (IMPCB) in 2018.

Dr. Ad J.J. Maas is chair of EFOMP's Professional Matters committee and member of the EFOMP Board of Officers since 2018. He is a member of a Medical Ethics and Research Committee in the Netherlands and a member of EU Expert Panels on Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostic Devices.

Mohammad Hassan KHARITA, PhD in Radiation Dosimetry
MEFOMP Secretary General since 2018
Director of Radiation Safety - Hamad Medical Corporation - Qatar
Medical physicist specialized in Diagnostic Radiology and Health Physics

Sandra Guzman is a doctor in Medical Physics from the University of Sao Paulo-Brazil, President of the Latin American Association of Medical Physics (2019-2022), President of the Peruvian Society of Medical Physics (2008-2016), President of the Cusco 2010 organizing committee (Latin American Congress of Medical Physics), organizer of national events, university professor and clinical medical physicist in Radiotherapy with more than 18 years of experience. Winner of the IOMP award (IDMP 2016 Award) and recognition from the AAPM-2017.

Dr. Taofeeq Ige is the pioneer Secretary-General of the Federation of African Medical Physics Organization (FAMPO) and currently the President. He serves as committee member of the IOMP (Awards and Honours) and also the Health Technology Task Group of the International Union of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (HTTG-IUPESM).

Dr. Arun Chougule is the Senior Professor and Head Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College, Jaipur with 36 years of professional and teaching experience, Ex. Pro Vice Chancellor, RUHS Dean Faculty of Paramedical Science. Immediate Past President of AMPI and current President of AFOMP and Chair ETC of IOMP. Publications over 110 and more than 300 presentations. Research interest- radiation biology, experimental dosimetry, radiation safety, QA-QC.
Awarded with IOMP-IDMP 2016, AFOMP Member Excellent Presentation Awards, Outstanding Faculty award 2019 SMS Medical College, Dr. Farukh Abdulla Sher - e- Kashmir best researcher award, AFOMP outstanding Medical physicists 2020.

Dr. rer.nat. Freddy Haryanto is president of SEAFOMP since 2019. He is lecturer on Physics Department of Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. He is specialized on Monte Carlo simulation for Radiotherapy. He has interest also in small field dosimetry.