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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher's round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. The first article announces one of my personal favorite days of the year, "Talk Like a Pirate Day." The second article is a serious, literary take on climate change, and the third is about the importance of maintaining our "deep reading" skills. Finally, a real pep talk of an article about how easy it is for a sharp business person to write a book...Arrghh! Happy last-weekend-of-summer reading!
Yo, ho, ho! International Talk Like a Pirate Day is upon us! / CNN Every September 19th since 2002, the year the day's founders were discovered and written about by Dave Barry in his Miami Herald column, has been ITLAPD, and hey, it's really fun to join in. Give it a try, you scurvy dog! Want to be the star of happy hour tonight? Try out these "pirate pick-up lines."
"Can extreme weather stir up slumbering folk heroes and their nemeses? What happens when age-old stories embedded in the permafrost of intergenerational memory suddenly thaw?" Here is an extremely literary take on climate change, pointing to various novels from around the world, all being colored by the various effects of bad weather, overpopulation, pollution and global warming. Are these sensitive novelists canaries in our global coal mine?
"Don’t be discouraged if you read slowly. Thoughtfully engaging with a text takes time. The slowest readers are often the best readers, the ones who get the most meaning out of a work and are affected most deeply by literature."
"As you plan your book, write for that one reader you know who wants or needs your information. The book will find its way into the hands of others just like him or her." With a real "Just Do It" attitude, Ms. Booher, author of 48 books, points out that current publishing contracts are asking for much shorter books (30-35,000 words) which is "roughly five to six times the length of a typical white paper you and your team might write for your organization." She quotes the CEO of a top publishing house saying, “There is no general reading audience anymore,” and how that affects her approach. READ MORE |
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October 2019
Social Upheaval
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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher's round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. The 71st Annual Frankfurt Book Fair is taking place this week, the largest publishing industry gathering in the world, with 285,000 visitors to the "city of books" in Frankfurt, Germany. Who will likely spend the most money on new talent? Netflix, according to our first article. Also two articles about this Fall's crop of celebrity and music business memoirs. Finally, one about the continued huge growth in output by U.S. self-publishers -- did you know about 4,000 new books are being self-published every day? Better get reading!
Netflix Heads To The World’s Biggest Book Fair As It Woos Publishers For Literary Buying Spree! / deadliNe Wondering how big a deal Netflix is becoming in the world of book publishing? Their presence at the Frankfurt Book Fair is a good sign that they are getting more aggressive about finding the world's hot young storytellers.
"Written by some of the biggest icons in entertainment, these books give a riveting, behind-the-scenes glimpse into these stars’ rise to fame." Wow, what a season for music superstar memoirs, between Elton John, Debbie Harry, Patti Smith and Morris Day, you've got Pop, New Wave, Punk and Funk music all covered.
"Well, much like the man himself, Me is a warm, candid, dryly witty and oftentimes heartbreaking account of a life that's as inspiring as it is unlikely." READ MORE
"As more authors take advantage of the abundant tools now available to publish, distribute, and market their own books, we expect that self-publishing will continue to grow at a steady pace." Self-publishing in the U.S. saw huge growth in 2018, increasing by 40% over 2017. According to Bowker’s annual survey, 1.68 million books were self-published (mostly by Createspace, leading the way with 1.4 million of those titles) up from 1.19 million self-published titles in 2017. READ MORE |
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November 2019
Reading for the Health of It
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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher's round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. We kick it off with two articles about Amazon: one is a thorough look at their KDP service, answering seven major questions about self-publishing that way. The second one is an in-depth study of Amazon's corporate culture and its continued expansion and growth. Next an article about what it takes to get published by a university press, including a 3-part guide to crafting a proper book proposal. Finally, one about the upcoming "early-bird" entry fee deadline for our Independent Publisher Book Awards - don't miss out on the savings! Happy reading!
7 Common questions about self-publishing on amazon /
Here's a thorough and businesslike approach to Amazon's Kindle Direct self-publishing platform.
"Amazon’s obsession with expansion made it the corporate equivalent of a colonizer, ruthlessly invading new industries and subjugating many smaller companies along the way." Here's a rundown on the online sales giant's growing pains, from accusations of copycat products and other unfair practices to tax evasion and Jeff Bezos' life changes. The "everything store" certainly seems unstoppable...can any "good thing" last forever?
"Authors typically come to Norton or other trade presses through an agent. That’s not the case for academic presses, where most authors generally approach presses directly." READ MORE
"We initially conceived the IPPYs to help recognize the work of independent publishers who were ignored by major publications and awards programs." ippy awards early-bird entry deadline approaches / The 2020 IPPY Awards "early-bird" entry fee deadline is ten days away - November 30th. So, don't miss out on the savings and don't ignore this affordable, efficient book marketing tool. And especially don't miss out on the best award ceremony party in publishing! READ MORE |
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December 2019
The Gift of Independence
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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher's round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. In this final 'Cooler of the decade, we begin with a wrap-up of reading trends over the past ten years; next, a shout-out to indie bookstores and the importance of pre-ordering a book you want to succeed; finally, a year-end tribute to the book-lover's best friend online, LitHub. Launched in 2015, this smart, comprehensive site for "readers to celebrate books and literary culture" is my personal choice for the best thing that happened to promote books and reading this decade. Feast on their year-end and decade-end lists, and if it isn't already, resolve to make it part of your routine in the New Year. Happy Holiday reading!
How Reading has Changed in the 2010's / It's been a roller coaster ride for ebooks this decade, as an explosion of e-reading (Kindle launched in 2007, Nook in 2009, and both Kobo and iPad in 2010). The sky was the limit, with huge annual growth for both digital books and reading devices. But, just the way it always has, persevered and thrived. E-reading is on the decline, replaced by the new hot trend in audiobook listening.
"Indies are big supporters of small books, new voices, and local talent that can't compete with the Grishams and Pattersons. Indies host all kinds of community events that have value way beyond what the Amazon warehouse can offer. By buying through indies, you make books better." the best thing you can do to support a new book /
"I have collated every one I could find, tallied up their recommendations, and figured out which books were most often included. Does that make them the best? Well, I don't know--it depends on how much stock you put in popular consensus. Perhaps you'll just have to read them yourself." the ultimate best books of 2019 list / lithub READ MORE
"But really, every element here is perfect—the treatment of the title and author, its placement in a seal over one eye. Everything comes together to let you know this will be a surreal, haunting read." LitHub asked 26 cover designers to share their favorite book covers of the year, and they came back with 78 different selections. The quote above is about the top vote-getter, with 9 "best of the year" votes, Yoko Ogawa's The Memory Police, with cover design by Tyler Comrie. READ MORE |
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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher's round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. This first 'Cooler of the decade has three articles about the most dominant entity in publishing this millennium. I don't even need to say it...Bezos dominates publishing news the way Trump dominates political news...and as we quote in one of the articles, "Amazon isn't playing nice." To lighten things up, our fourth article is a tribute to late Rush drummer-extraordinaire, Neil Peart, who not only wrote the lyrics to Rush songs, but wrote seven books about his life and times. Rock on, Neil, and Happy New Year to all!
Can Amazon Finally Crack the Bestseller Code? / the New Republic
"There used to be hundreds of publishing companies. They’re now mostly owned by five. Why are ebooks expensive? It’s not because Amazon is vicious. It’s because there’s no competition at the wholesale level." The 2010s were supposed to bring the ebook revolution. It never quite came. / Vox
"The story of Amazon's foray into fan fiction, and how it changed over the last few years, shows how many authors have to play by Amazon's rules to make a living — and be subject to its whims in how it supports particular platforms or products." Authors describe losing thousands of dollars in monthly income when Amazon quietly shut down its fan-fiction service — and how they bounced back / business insider READ MORE
"By rare, I mean, it was the kind of literary relationship that British writers had with each other in the 18th and 19th centuries. And that was probably part of what made it work. Words were important to both of us. Written words." The legendary rock drummer's first book, published with the smail Nova Scotian publisher, sold very well, thanks to a combination of it appearing on the Rush concert merch tables and his soulful writing. He graduated to publishing his books with ECW, the Canadian indie known for snazzy performing arts books, but the close friendship with his old publishing cohort remained until his recent passing of brain cancer. READ MORE |
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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher's round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. We lead off with a success story about two authors who used their online marketing knowledge to bring their "Write - Publish - Repeat" system of writing and publishing genre fiction to the masses. Next, two articles about the Seattle, Washington bookselling scene, and finally, a reminder from about the upcoming IPPY Awards final entry deadline. Happy Reading and good luck in the IPPY Awards!
Why Two Top Indie Authors Are Publishing 150 Books This Year / Forbes
"The way traffic is in this town, people don't really want to have a reason to leave wherever they are, which benefits us." Nourishing ‘long roots’: In a year, Madison Books has forged an essential role in one of Seattle’s oldest communities / Seattle Times
“I’m sad to see any bookstore close. I think it’s a real harm for the city because all kinds of information and diverse opinions are sold here and it’s a real social good to have good bookstores around.” In Amazon’s hometown, we get a read on Barnes & Noble customers as downtown Seattle store closes / GeekWire READ MORE
"The IPPY Awards contest is something an up-and-coming indie publisher, author, or illustrator should not miss!" For independent authors and publishers, book awards are one of the best marketing values available. Winning an award brings credibility and recognition, often opening doors to retail and distribution opportunities, foreign rights and translation deals, and a huge boost in PR value to the “award-wining” book and author. READ MORE |
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January 2020
Looking Forward, Looking Back
FEATURES IN THIS ISSUE Welcome to 2020 by nina l. diamond
5 Ways to Overcome Writer's Wait
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Jenkins Group, Inc. - Bringing Books To Life
February 2020
A Love Affair with Books
FEATURES IN THIS ISSUE An Ode to the library by Jillian Manning
5 Ways to Overcome Writer's Wait
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Jenkins Group, Inc. - Bringing Books To Life
Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher''s round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. This is a special "video issue" with links to four documentaries about the state of publishing, bookselling, and the written word. They are all extremely well done, and you can almost smell the books at the many iconic bookstores featured, and feel the reverence the various characters have for books -- and the stories they contain. I had fun binge-watching and immersing myself into my favorite topic -- and I hope you do, too. Be well, take care of each other, and keep on finding the healing power of books and reading!
The Booksellers, Documentary (2019) 1 hr 39 min “As long as we could pay the printer, we could publish anything we wanted. No one could stop us. No one could say we were being too daring, or being too intimate, or being to political, or too much on the right or too much on the left or too much in the center. We could do what we wanted any way.” The 50-Year Argument, Documentary (2014) 1 hr 37 min
“Some people prefer physical, tactile objects, and some people prefer clicking a button and having something instantaneously. There''s room for both, I think...I hope.” Welcome to the Last Bookstore, Short Documentary (2016) 12 min
"2005 was the tipping point. This was the year when adolescents started reading more on the Internet than they did in traditional materials. This has turned the business of books inside out.” Out of Print, Documentary (2013) 55 min
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August 2020
Mask Up for Freedom
FEATURES IN THIS ISSUE 20 Ways to Promote Your Book in 2020by marissa decuir
READ MORE by lachlan brown
READ MORE Profile of a Courageous Authorby CeCe Richardson
READ MORE by frank hamilton
READ MORE IPPY-Winning Poets Speak Out
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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher''s round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. The book business is in big trouble, especially in Canada, where a house of cards was already on the verge of falling. We also hear from Emily Powell, the young leader of Powell''s City of Books, the shining light of bookselling in the USA, still not open for in-store business. Next, how Simon & Schuster has named the first Black person to head up a major publisher, and finally, a poem that everyone in the world should read to feel in their bones just how much Black Lives Matter. Be well, take care of each other, and keep on finding the healing power of books and reading!
How COVID-19 Infected the Publishing Industry / The Walrus “We have the number of people who depend on us — again, of course, employees for their livelihood and their health insurance, but also the authors whose books we sell and the people who come to us just for a safe space, a roof over their head on a rainy day or the folks who have nowhere else to go in our community and can sit on the floor and read books, and that helps further their quality of life.” When Will Powell''s Reopen? Emily Powell Doesn''t Know /
“If you’re going to write about anything, you have to be authoritative. Whether you’re writing about climate or people, you have to present an authoritative, true, and accurate picture of what it is you are trying to say. That’s just the baseline for a successful book.” The New Head of Simon & Schuster on Facts, Diversity, and the Future of Publishing / The New Yorker
“Dear floaters, bloated kin. Dear flooded necks and reckless leapers manic for the flow. Though you are elegant in flight, your wrecks distress the ocean’s floor—the stark tableaus of sliding skin and swarms of slither set to drumbeat in your hollows. This is free proclaimed by slaver’s scourge—do you regret rebutting scar with water? Dear debris, that ocean mothers all your rampant funk and spurts her undulating arms for you. She likes to think that you are simply drunk with purpose. Dear the voyage never knew your name. You rise in pieces, loved to death, at last unshackled. Time will hold your breath.” Salutations In Search Of: A New Poem By Patricia Smith / LitHub
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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher''s round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. We send everyone our best wishes for good health and comfort during these trying times, and our sympathy to all those adversely affected by the pandemic. Heartfelt thanks to the heroic medical workers and first responders on the front lines! Again, all of this issue''s stories are about dealing with the crisis -- about the efforts being made to maintain our sense of connection and community, and maybe even save the independent publishing and bookselling industries! The final entry is more of a bulletin than an article, with some great indie links and resources courtesy of McSweeney''s. Be well, take care of each other, and keep on finding the
healing power of books and reading!
Unprecedented Demand for Children''s Coronavirus Information Book By Nosy Crow / Yahoo Finance
"It never occurred to me to worry that a massive crisis would so change the fabric of how we live that my work of realistic fiction would no longer seem remotely realistic." The Coronavirus Is Upending the Plot of My Novel / Slate
“There are almost 2,000 bookstores in the country, and only about 150 of them have good online shopping platforms. That leaves a lot of stores that haven’t adapted, and Amazon’s kind of eating their lunch.” Thanks to Bookshop, There Is No Reason to Buy Books on Amazon Anymore /
“As a small press, we know that nothing we do would be possible without indie bookstores. In these scary and uncertain times, we can’t afford to lose these beautiful spaces, and we want to do everything we can to help.”
"This is the first of many newsletters to help cultivate ways that we can support our independent bookstores, nationally and locally. We’re hard at work creating region-specific email lists to make sure you’re getting information on the stores nearest you. In the meantime, we wanted to take this opportunity to send you a broader list of ways to help from afar."
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Jenkins Group, Inc. 1129 Woodmere Ave Suite B Traverse City, MI 49686 Click here to unsubscribe or change your subscription preferences |
Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher''s round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. We lead off with commentary about the surprising decision to halt the publishing of a celebrity memoir -- because of an employee protest. Next, a thoughtful look at the changing attitude toward literary novels, and their loss of "must-read" status in our society at large. Finally, two stories about the ever-changing bookselling scene: one touting the continued growth and success of indie bookstores in the American Midwest; the other on how the new Barnes & Noble CEO wants their stores to look and feel more like indies. Will it work? Happy Reading and Think Spring!
Woody Allen’s book could signal a new era in the publishing industry / The Outline
"The conventional novel came to seem strait-laced and slow, and only genre literatures like crime, horror, and sci-fi seem capable of sustaining the heightened attentions of a reading public strung out on escalation." Nourishing ‘long roots’: Books About Next to Nothing / First Things
"The test will be whether each bookshop can be mindful enough of the community it’s attempting to sell to and curate a stock appealing enough to bring back readers.” Barnes & Noble’s New Plan Is to Act Like an Indie Bookseller / Bloomberg Businessweek READ MORE
“Every bookseller understands you don’t get by in this business just by being there. We have to give people a reason to come into the shop rather than going online. We’re always working hard to add value to the customer experience. That’s the joy of the thing.” That''s right, more new bookstores and more emphasis on community-building . And it''s happening in the trend-setting Midwest! Two national trends have contributed to the change: ebooks have peaked and print is regaining it''s status; chain bookstores, big-box stores, and maybe even Amazon! are falling out of favor for their lack of community and cultural significance. This writer of this article says it well: "Creating community and personal relationships with customers has become the independent booksellers’ counterpoint to the savage loneliness of Amazon’s deep-discount supply apparatus." READ MORE |
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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher''s round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. It is very sad to admit, but to quote one of the poets featured in this month''s first article, much of America, from our president on down, is "racist, ageist, sexist and homophobic in its core. / George Floyd’s death just put the spotlight on the original sin. / The country now says ‘Black Lives Matter,’ but they don’t." Luckily, change is underway, and we may have reached a crossroad that leads to a better road ahead. The literary and arts community is showing the way -- if only mainstream America would follow. Be well, take care of each other, and keep on finding the healing power of books and reading!
Black Lives Matter-inspired poetry by readers showcases thoughts on protests, police brutality / Datebook
" marketing and publicity departments in publishing companies, about 77% of employees are white. This is important because individuals who work in these departments have a massive influence on how a book is marketed to consumers, as well as how the book is presented to the press." OPINION: It’s time to talk about discrimination against Black authors in the publishing industry / Indiana Daily Student
“Reading has long been a big part of activism. It helps to share the different theories and ideas that shape movements like Black Lives Matter and allows the conversation to continue long after the initial actions end.” Best YA Books to Read About Race and Black Lives Matter / Seventeen
“The books are there, they’ve always been there, yet the lists keep coming, bathing us in the pleasure of a recommendation. But that’s the thing about the reading. It has to be done.” What Is an Anti-Racist Reading List For? / Vulture
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Jenkins Group, Inc. 1129 Woodmere Ave Suite B Traverse City, MI 49686 Click here to unsubscribe or change your subscription preferences |
Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher''s round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. We send everyone our best wishes for good health and comfort during these trying times, and our sympathy to all those adversely affected by the pandemic. It may be hard to feel celebratory right now, but Happy Earth Day! This issue''s stories are all about Earth Day, on this 50th anniversary of the day meant to bring attention to the environment and efforts to protect it. First, a story about the iconic photo of the Earth taken from Apollo 8 while in orbit, that helped inspire the environmental movement; next, an interview with Denis Hayes, the founder of Earth Day; and then an article about a simple way to enjoy nature: birdwatching. Finally
some links to book recommendation lists for celebrating nature and Mother Earth. Be well, take care of each other, and keep on finding the healing power of books and reading!
Earth Day at 50: How Apollo 8''s ''Earthrise'' photo helped spark the first celebration /
"But if there’s something that I hope comes out of this particular pandemic, it’s that there is value in science and expertise. You want to be paying attention to that and letting it guide your policy. You can ignore Mother Earth for a little while, but in the end, it will catch up with you." The Man Who Started Earth Day / Rolling Stone
“Birds need the same things we do; they need clean air, they need clean water, they need healthy outdoor spaces. So when we pay attention to birds -- not only is that interesting and enjoyable -- it also teaches us more about caring for the natural world.” This Earth Day, while you''re quarantined, let a new hobby take flight / CNN
Our 12 Favorite Earth Day Reads / Outside Magazine
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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher''s round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. We send everyone our best wishes for good health and comfort during these trying times, and our sympathy to all those adversely affected by the pandemic. Heartfelt thanks to the heroic medical workers and first responders on the front lines! Of course all of this issue''s stories are about dealing with the crisis -- how to maintain our sense of connection and community, how to stay informed, how to stay sane under these conditions -- and maybe how we can come out on the other side better for it. Be well, take care of each other, and keep on finding the healing power of books and reading!
How the Coronavirus Will Change Book Publishing Now and Forever / Los Angeles Times
"We are definitely seeing an uptick in kids’ educational and activity book sales this week. Leading topics include math, language arts, puzzles, sticker books, word games, geometry, study aids, and coloring books." Children''s Books and Games on the Rise During Covid-19 / Publishers Weekly
"Both of these services (RBDigital and Flipster) provide magazine downloads -- yeah, remember magazines? They still exist! In the case of RBdigital, the downloads are permanent. No need to return them.” Best Free Online Libraries /
"Our entire industry teeters on the brink of collapse. Margins are tight, rent is high, and as a consequence, wages are low; we exist in the shadow of a behemoth owned by the richest man in modern history, publishing CEOs earn salaries exponentially greater than ours; and the very technology we deal in is considered by many to be obsolete, our profession, for those of us able to stick around long enough to call it such, seems by many to be a quaint relic of a bygone age." Bookselling at the End of the World / Literary Hub
“Constant monitoring of information can be really overwhelming. Be aware of your emotions. It’s okay to be anxious, angry, or afraid. Stick with your trusted and verified sources of information that present measured, and not inflammatory, news.” Misinformation and scams run rampant during times of unrest, and with our libraries closed to the public, we need trusted sources of information -- social media scrolling is probably NOT the best approach. Here is a list of long-established sites, known for their fact-checking and myth-busting integrity. Claims like President Trump''s, "We''ve done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks," can be checked on the Politifact Truth-O-Meter™.
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July 2020
The Healing Power of Music & Poetry
FEATURES IN THIS ISSUE Profile of a Courageous Authorby CeCe Richardson
READ MORE by frank hamilton
READ MORE IPPY-Winning Poets Speak Out
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June 2020
The Compassion of MLK & RFK
FEATURES IN THIS ISSUE Announcing the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards
READ MORE IPPY-Winning Poets Speak Out
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November 2020
Pandemic Pandemonium
by Jim Barnes, editor & Awards director
by isabel cabrera
READ MORE DEPARTMENTS IN THIS ISSUE where did poetry come from indie groundbreaking book
BOOK AWARD UPDATES ![]() Independent Publisher Book Awards IPPY AWARDS 2021 IS OPEN! Just $85 for General category entries until November 30.
![]() Living Now Book Awards
![]() M0onbeam Children''s Book Awards The 2021 Moonbeam Awards are now open! The Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards contest is designed to honor the year''s best children’s books, authors and illustrators. This year’s 13th annual Moonbeam Awards program is open to authors, illustrators, and publishers of children’s books written in English or Spanish and intended for the North American market. Illumination Book Awards The 2021 Illumination Awards are now open! ![]() Axiom Business Book Awards The 2021 Axiom Awards are now open!
elit eBook Awards The 2021 eLit Awards are now open! BACK TO TOP |
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April 2020
Book Love Is Keeping Us Sane
5 Victorian Novels Essential to Every Student
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Jenkins Group, Inc. - Bringing Books To Life
Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher''s round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. We send everyone our best wishes for good health and comfort during these trying times, and our sympathy to all those adversely affected by the pandemic. The literary community has rallied heroically to support independent booksellers during lockdown, and our first three articles are all about how book publishing and bookselling are being affected. Our fourth article is about our own Independent Publisher Book Awards, newly opened for 2021, and offering $25 off entries through the month of June. Happy 25th Birthday to IPPY! Be well, take care of each other, and keep on finding the healing power of books and reading!
Inside the Book Industry''s Battle to Stay Afloat During the COVID-19 Crisis / Esquire
"Booksellers possess a unique ability to find unexpected hidden gems in their stacks – whether it be up-and-coming authors or unexplored genres – that online algorithms have yet to fully replicate." How Indie Bookstores Beat Amazon At The Bookselling Game: Lessons Here For Every Retailer / Forbes
“One thing that we’ve seen during this crisis is a lot of people are supporting their local bookstores. I launched Bookshop because I was worried about Amazon’s growing dominion over the book market and I wanted to give small, independent local bookstores the opportunity to compete with Amazon for their customers.” Book Lovers’ Donations Helped Independent Sellers During Virus / Bloomberg Law
“Each year we discover new talent, find unknown masterpieces, and prove to the world how amazing the work of independent authors and publishers truly is. The IPPYs are something an up-and-coming indie publisher, author or illustrator should not miss!” IPPY Awards 2021 is Open and Celebrating 25th Anniversary with Lowest Entry Fee Ever /
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Jenkins Group, Inc. - Bringing Books To Life
May 2020
Congratulations IPPY Award Winners
FEATURES IN THIS ISSUE Announcing the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards
READ MORE 10 Must-Read Children''s Books
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Publishing News Round-Up
Welcome to the Water Cooler, Independent Publisher''s round-up of the best articles on literature, bookselling, publishing, and libraries. This is our final ''Cooler of the year, and what a year it was. As much as we might want to just forget it and make it go away, here are four "End of the Year" stories, the first two from LitHub, the website that continues to impress as the place to check the pulse of the literary world, with smart writing and thorough coverage. Next, the longlist from the Pen America Literary Awards, another great place to feel the pulse of cutting-edge literature. Finally, an Atlantic expose on writers and drinking (golly, I wonder if the pandemic has affected that phenomenon?) Be well, take care of each other, and keep on finding the healing
power of books and reading!
The Ten Biggest Literary Stories of the Year / LitHub “When You Need Something Good to Read, Head to Your Indie Bookstore” Booksellers Recommend: The Best Under-the-Radar Books of 2020 / LitHub
“To a book-length work of any genre for its originality, merit, and impact, which has broken new ground by reshaping the boundaries of its form and signaling strong potential for lasting influence.” Announcing the 2021 PEN America Literary Awards Longlists /
“Nothing slows the flywheel, nothing treats the node of unease on the ribs, like a drink — you don’t have to be an alcoholic to know that. And for writers, there might even be a fragile biochemical moment when the drinking helps..” What Drives Writers to Drink? / The Atlantic
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