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IMAGINARY Open Mathematics

Our new digital exhibition launches today

We are happy to announce the launch of our new digital exhibition:

I AM A.I. - explaining artificial intelligence
The exhibition will examine questions like: How does a neural network learn? Why is a computer able to recognize the numbers I write? Can artificial intelligence be wrong sometimes? What are training data sets? Is it possible to perform a task without understanding it? 

Different interactive "trails" introduce the visitor to core questions around artificial intelligence through images, videos, and experiments. On June 19, we will add a virtual interactive guided tour to discover the exhibits with.
Discover the I AM A.I. digital exhibition

Visit the exhibition

Starting 2021, I AM A.I. will travel to several German cities (Jena, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern) as a physical exhibition. It''s an Open Content exhibition conceptualized by IMAGINARY and developed together with international partners.

The physical and digital exhibition are financed by the Carl Zeiss Foundation

Visit I AM A.I. and share it with your colleagues, friends and family!
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Terms of Use (open-source license)1 Preamble IMAGINARY gGmbH is a non-profit organization. It started as a community project initiated and run by the �Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach gGmbH� (MFO). IMAGINARY provides users with a platform to share content including software programs, films, videos, digital data of physical exhibits, texts, comments (�content�) related to mathematics, maths communication, maths didactics, maths art and connected fields. To support our active and growing commun
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I agree with these terms *   checklist Terms of Use (open-source license)1 Preamble IMAGINARY gGmbH is a non-profit organization. It started as a community project initiated and run by the �Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach gGmbH� (MFO). IMAGINARY provides users with a platform to share content including software programs, films, videos, digital data of physical exhibits, texts, comments (�content�) related to mathematics, maths communication, maths didactics, maths art and connected fields. To support our active and growing commun

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Comment on: 01/09/2020