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IDF Sign Up Information

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Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to IDF.

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New online course on the Role of the Diabetes Educator

As part of the World Diabetes Day 2020 "Nurses make the difference" campaign, we are excited to announce the launch of a new online course on the role of the diabetes educator. This new learning opportunity in the IDF School of Diabetes will help nurses and other health professionals to improve their understanding of diabetes care to support people with diabetes in achieving optimal control of their condition. The course is available free for a limited period.

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As we approach 14 November,  visit to learn more about this year's theme and key messages, view the resources available and find out how you can support the campaign.

WHO virtual workshop on insulin

WHO recently organised a virtual workshop to boost access to affordable and quality assured insulin and associated devices. IDF participated and delivered a statement on the need for an action plan to deliver universal and sustainable access to affordable insulin and related supplies. 

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New KiDS website

The new KiDS website is here! Help make the school environment a better place for children with diabetes with our KiDS resources, offering guidelines on diabetes management and prevention and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 

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IDF Congress 2021

The Advance Programme for the IDF Congress 2021 in Bangkok is now available.
Find out more


Latest from Diabetes Voice 

  • Sarcopenia: a common muscle condition in older adults with type 2 diabetes
  • How dogs can make it easier to manage diabetes



More about IDF activities

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International Diabetes Federation
Chauss?e de La Hulpe 166
1170 Brussels, Belgium |

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Comment by: admin
Comment on: 01/09/2020