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Hungryroot Sign Up Information

Last Updated:
2/9/2020 5
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Email Address




Your Name

 First Name, Last Name

Your Address


Post-Registration Data

We are still gathering data about this website


This site did not show evidence of storing passwords in plaintext.

This site does allow secured connections (https)

This site did show a clear way to unsubscribe from their emails

This site does verify your email address.

Membership Emails

Below is a sample of the emails you can expect to receive when signed up to Hungryroot.

Never worry about food again.
Never worry about food again
Set your dietary preferences - All eaters have a seat at our table. Gluten free? Check. No nuts? No problem. Vegan or vegetarian? We’re here for you.
Set it and forget it - Want all—or none—of the sweets? Not a fan of brussels sprouts? Tell us how often you want to receive our items and we’ll make it happen.
Customize your deliveries - You can always pick your items individually—it’s like grocery shopping without the hassle.
This email was sent to you by Hungryroot Inc., 7 W 22ND ST, New York, NY 10010
To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add to your address book and safe-sender list. We offer free ground shipping where available. No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe.