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By now you�ve heard the rumblings beneath the stock market floor. HerMoney answers some of your most frequently asked questions about an impending recession. ?

Is There Another Recession Coming? Here�s How to Manage

In the summer of 2007, as the backpage columnist for Money magazine, I did something I beat myself up about for years. The Dow Jones industrial average was charging ahead; after a volatile sprint, it had run up from around 12,500 and kept on going. It was somewhere around 14,000 when I put pen to paper (or more accurately, fingers to keyboard) to announce that I wasn�t going to worry about this � and suggested my readers do likewise.

I wrote something to the effect of: Over the short-term, markets go up and markets go down. Over the long-term, markets have historically gone up. As long as the money you�re investing is money that you�re not going to use for the next five or more years, you should keep investing no matter what the markets are doing. Turn off the television, I suggested. Or follow my lead, and when you think your human nature is going to get the best of you, go out for a run.

And then� well� we all know what happened. The Dow dropped into the mid-6,000s. It wouldn�t hit 14,000 again until 2013. And today, to me, it feels a little like deja vu all over again. But, although many things have changed (including the fact that Money magazine no longer publishes a print edition) you know what? I no longer regret that column. I followed my own advice and continued buying. People who did the same have big fat balances in their 401(k)s.� The losers were the people who sold and couldn�t figure out when to get back in.

Which brings me to today. Understandably, you�ve got questions.

Here are the answers � and my suggestions for what to do next.


Get in There: Your Guide to Talking Investments In Any Social Situation
We�ve all been there: You�re having a great time at a friend�s cookout when the conversation turns to investing.

You tune out and start checking your phone, or you excuse yourself to hit the ladies� room. You feel like you don�t really understand investing enough to participate, and you don�t want to sound stupid in front of your friends.

More than eight in 10 millennial women don�t invest, and three-quarters of us say it�s because we find investing confusing, according to a study by Stash. That means that women are missing out not only on dinner party conversations, but also on something way more important: The financial benefits of investments.

Here�s a quick guide to what those dinner party conversations mean, how they relate to your money and how you can�and should�jump in.

Money-Saving Strategies With Krazy Coupon Lady Joanie Demer
This week in the HerMoney Podcast*, Jean sits down with Joanie Demer, co-founder of the Krazy Coupon Lady, to talk about some of the best couponing strategies out there today, and how coupons have been revolutionized for the modern age.

Joanie talks about her journey into couponing, and how she went from being skeptical that it would work to being "all-in." (Hint: Her enthusiasm might have something to do with the fact that she saved $100 on her first trip to the store with coupons!)

Listen in as Joanie dishes on The Krazy Coupon Lady's vibrant online community, and some of the advice they share with one another, for example, just because you have a coupon doesn't mean you should go shopping. Learn what style of couponing may work best for you, and how 10 minutes of effort each week could save you $50.

Stop Judging Women for Not Having Kids
Kate Palbom writes, "After relocating to a new city, I was invited to join a local women�s book club. A group of 20- and 30-something women clustered in the living room, pouring drinks and chatting away, immediately welcomed me. A few cocktails in, we�d glossed over the book and the conversation turned to babies. Specifically, when everyone planned to have them and their excitement to conceive and be a good mom. Though no one at the time was expecting, the eager responses flooded in. When it was my turn, I took a sip of wine, hesitated, and told the swooning group that I do not want children. The banter slowed to a halt and they stared me down as if I�d just confessed to a crime. After a moment, the woman beside me gently said, �I�ve thought about that, but I just couldn�t live with the regret.� I was never invited to book club again.

"I am a woman who has happily made a childfree nest, and I don�t need to feel guilty because I don't want kids."

I'm Getting Married. How Do I Protect Myself Financially?
Getting married is an exciting time in your life. However, it is also fraught with expectations, tough financial decisions and potentially awkward conversations. Also: Joint accounts can be scary.

Although getting married can be financially beneficial, sharing the wealth � and the debt � can make you feel like you�re paying more than your fair share. That�s why in most cases, it�s best to set clear financial expectations from the start and take steps to protect your assets in marriage, especially if one partner comes into it with significant wealth or with children from previous relationships.

We spoke with several experts who sounded off on whether to sign a prenuptial agreement, how to discuss finances without hurting each other�s feelings and how to protect your assets.

Last Chance To Win Stones Tickets!

Live near Pasadena, Miami or Glendale? It's your last chance to get more entries in our Rolling Stones contest!

Share for more entries! Each friend you get to sign up gives you three more chances to win. Good luck!

*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!

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