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By now you�ve heard the rumblings beneath the stock market floor. HerMoney answers some of your most frequently asked questions about an impending recession. ?
Is There Another Recession Coming? Here�s How to Manage
In the summer of 2007, as the backpage columnist for Money magazine, I did something I beat myself up about for years. The Dow Jones industrial average was charging ahead; after a volatile sprint, it had run up from around 12,500 and kept on going. It was somewhere around 14,000 when I put pen to paper (or more accurately, fingers to keyboard) to announce that I wasn�t going to worry about this � and suggested my readers do likewise. I wrote something to the effect of: Over the short-term, markets go up and markets go down. Over the long-term, markets have historically gone up. As long as the money you�re investing is money that you�re not going to use for the next five or more years, you should keep investing no matter what the markets are doing. Turn off the television, I suggested. Or follow my lead, and when you think your human nature is going to get the best of you, go out for a run. And then� well� we all know what happened. The Dow
dropped into the mid-6,000s. It wouldn�t hit 14,000 again until 2013. And today, to me, it feels a little like deja vu all over again. But, although many things have changed (including the fact that Money magazine no longer publishes a print edition) you know what? I no longer regret that column. I followed my own advice and continued buying. People who did the same have big fat balances in their 401(k)s.� The losers were the people who sold and couldn�t figure out when to get back in. Which brings me to today. Understandably, you�ve got questions.
Here are the answers � and my suggestions for what to do next.
XOX, Jean
Plus: Get in There: Your Guide to Talking Investments In Any Social Situation We�ve all been there: You�re having a great time at a friend�s cookout when the conversation turns to investing.
You tune out and start checking your phone, or you excuse yourself to hit the ladies� room. You feel like you don�t really understand investing enough to participate, and you don�t want to sound stupid in front of your friends.
More than eight in 10 millennial women don�t invest, and three-quarters of us say it�s because we find investing confusing, according to a study by Stash. That means that women are missing out not only on dinner party conversations, but also on something way more important: The financial benefits of
Here�s a quick guide to what those dinner party conversations mean, how they relate to your money and how you can�and should�jump in.
Money-Saving Strategies With Krazy Coupon Lady Joanie Demer This week in the HerMoney Podcast*, Jean sits down with Joanie Demer, co-founder of the Krazy Coupon Lady, to talk about some of the best couponing strategies out there today, and how coupons have been revolutionized for the modern age.
Joanie talks about her journey into couponing, and how she went from being skeptical that it would work to being "all-in." (Hint: Her enthusiasm might have something to do with the fact that she saved $100 on her first trip to the store with coupons!)
Listen in as Joanie dishes on The Krazy Coupon Lady's vibrant online community, and some of the advice they share with one another, for example, just because you have a coupon doesn't mean you should go shopping. Learn what style of couponing may work best for you, and how 10 minutes of effort each week could save you $50.
Stop Judging Women for Not Having Kids Kate Palbom
writes, "After relocating to a new city, I was invited to join a local women�s book club. A group of 20- and 30-something women clustered in the living room, pouring drinks and chatting away, immediately welcomed me. A few cocktails in, we�d glossed over the book and the conversation turned to babies. Specifically, when everyone planned to have them and their excitement to conceive and be a good mom. Though no one at the time was expecting, the eager responses flooded in. When it was my turn, I took a sip of wine, hesitated, and told the swooning group that I do not want children. The banter slowed to a halt and they stared me down as if I�d just confessed to a crime. After a moment, the woman beside me gently said, �I�ve thought about that, but I just couldn�t live with the regret.� I was never invited to book club again.
"I am a woman who has happily made a childfree nest, and I don�t need to feel guilty because I don't want kids."
I'm Getting Married. How Do I Protect Myself Financially? Getting married is an exciting time in your life. However, it is also fraught with expectations, tough financial decisions and potentially awkward conversations. Also: Joint accounts can be scary.
Although getting married can be financially beneficial, sharing the wealth � and the debt � can make you feel like you�re paying more than your fair share. That�s why in most cases, it�s best to set clear financial expectations from the start and take steps to protect your assets in marriage, especially if one partner comes into it with significant wealth or with children from previous relationships. We spoke with several experts who sounded off on whether to sign a prenuptial agreement, how to discuss finances without hurting each other�s feelings and how to protect your assets.
Last Chance To Win Stones Tickets!
Live near
Pasadena, Miami or Glendale? It's your last chance to get more entries in our Rolling Stones contest!
Share for more entries! Each friend you get to sign up gives you three more chances to win. Good luck!
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity
Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Goats. Professional cuddlers. A wedding dress. Paparazzi. And six other things it makes sense to rent 100% of the time.
6 Things It Makes More Sense To Rent Than To Buy
Goats. Professional cuddlers. A wedding dress. Paparazzi.
These are just a few of the things you can rent � not that you should, of course (although the idea of buying a professional cuddler
strikes us as vaguely illegal) � but sometimes buying isn�t always as cost-effective as we think. Some of us are more comfortable with renting than others.
Here�s a look at six things you may be wiser renting rather than buying.
Investing For Good, With Nicole Connolly Today, we no longer have to choose between doing well financially and making an impact in the world � in fact, you can actually make more money by doing
Is ESG investing on your radar yet? That stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, and it�s a huge trend � particularly among women and millennials � who want to invest in companies they can feel good about.
In this week�s HerMoney podcast*, Jean sits down with Nicole Connolly, Head of ESG
investing and Portfolio Manager for the Women�s Leadership Fund at Fidelity Investments. She breaks down how we can all put our money where our mouth is when it comes to supporting companies that are doing the right thing. Because, newsflash � we no longer have to choose between doing well financially and making an impact in the world. In fact, you can actually make more money by doing good. Nicole shares how some of the highest-ranking ESG companies outperform the market by around 2% per year, and breaks down how you can get involved, and use ESG as part of your overall investing and retirement strategy. Hint: These companies exist in every sector!
6 Things You�re Unintentionally Doing (Or Saying) In The Workplace That Could Be Holding You Back In Your Career No matter how long you�ve been the career world, figuring out how to how to act, what to say, and how to respond in tough workplace situations is always difficult. Office environments can differ so immensely, even within the same industry, that what was appropriate at your previous job may not be at your current one.
Sometimes it's the small, subconscious things that we do that can hurt our careers the most. Here's a look at what to avoid.
HerMoney Picks The Other Talk: How to Talk to Your Middle Schooler About College
and Money** Today�s middle schoolers may be more concerned about whether they were invited to a friend�s party next weekend than where they�re going to earn a degree one day. (It�s only natural, you were, too.). But they�re not too young to make sure they know that college is in their future�and that planning for
college means thinking about how you�re going to pay for it.
"Middle school is not too early to start talking about these things," says child psychologist Tanya Gesek. "Generally speaking, parents wait way too long to start having financial conversations with their kids." Still, there�s talking and then there�s talking. At the middle school level, you don�t need serious, sit-down meetings. Instead, look for ways to incorporate personal finance concepts and the idea of college savings into more everyday discussions. You want to get your kids thinking about these things, but you don�t need them obsessing over them.
Here�s how to get the conversation started with your sixth-, seventh- or eighth-grader**.
HerMoney + The Girlfriend HerMoney is teaming up with The Girlfriend in September so that we can address the biggest financial concerns of Gen-X women. The Girlfriend from AARP is a free weekly newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox, filled with the very best sex, health, beauty and life advice for women 40-plus. As part of our partnership, Jean will write four weekly columns in The Girlfriend, published every Thursday in
September, to answer your most pressing money questions. We want to help you create a brighter future by working toward your financial goals, today. If you want to subscribe to The Girlfriend, click here.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks! **This post is sponsored and part of a paid campaign with Citizens Bank, N.A.
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How often do you and your friends talk salaries? If you�re scared to go down that road (or don�t know how) read this, ASAP.
The Compensation Conversation: Is It Healthy To Compare Salaries Among Friends?
There�s no easy way to ask the question.
"How much do people in your industry typically make?" Not bad, but it sounds a lot like a desperate attempt to come off as casual.
Granted, "What�s your salary" might be met with outright hostility, even though it�s certainly respectable in its frankness. But where�s the in-between? In other words, if you want to talk about money with your friends, where do you even start? When it comes to friendships, many of us would rather talk about anything other than money � and we mean literally anything else.
According to Bank of America�s 2017 Friends Again Report, friends would rather talk about their weight or family drama before talking about money. And � just keeping things real � 61% of women would rather talk about their own deaths than money, according to a recent report by Merrill Lynch and Age Wave. Those are certainly some strong opinions, but conversations surrounding money don�t always have to be so painful.
Be honest, vulnerable and kind. And yes, have the damn conversation.
Plus: Resilience And True Wealth With Veronica Dagher
When many people hear the word "wealth," they think about dollars and cents � but it's oh-so-much more than that, according to our HerMoney podcast guest this week, Veronica Dagher*.
Veronica is an award-winning reporter for The Wall Street Journal, co-host of the "Secrets of Wealthy Women" podcast, and author of the new ebook, "Resilience: How 20 Ambitious Women Used Obstacles to Fuel Their Success."
Veronica shares some of the biggest lessons she's learned from the incredible women featured on her podcast, including Ayesha Curry, Maria Sharapova and Barbara Corcoran. She also dishes on the most important career and financial advice she's gotten from female CEOs and other women leaders.
Listen in as Veronica shares her advice for what to do when you're afraid to take that leap in life and in business, and why you should never give up.
The �Other Talk�: How to Talk to Your High School Student About College and Money** Choosing a college � and figuring out how to pay for it** � is among the most important decisions that high school students will make in their young lives.
Making the best decision depends on a thorough understanding of their family�s financial situation, the college financial aid process and their potential earnings upon graduation. But talking about money is uncomfortable for many families, and too often parents put off having such frank conversations with their kids until they�re already seniors deciding which
college to attend.
Here are a few conversation starters to try, throughout your child�s high school journey. **
How To Get Mental Health Care Without Breaking the Bank Angela Henderson writes for HerMoney, "There I
was: I had just gotten married, landed a cool full-time job, everything was going great and BAM! Depression hit me like the Real Housewives hit the Hamptons in the summer. I was a newbie, so I reached out to friends for for guidance. But then I was overloaded with well-meaning suggestions of what I should do, each recommendation sounding pricier than the last."
Here�s a starter guide for finding help within any budget if you�re navigating a depression diagnosis.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. **This post is sponsored and it is part of a paid campaign with Citizens Bank, N.A.
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Instead of getting mad and hanging up, try these approaches. You just might walk away a winner.
6 Ways To Convince Customer Service Reps To Give You Exactly What You Want
We�ve all been plagued by horrible customer service experiences � some of us may even avoid calling a company�s customer service number when we have a problem because our past experiences have been so awful.
The good news is that today, companies are working harder to retain customers and may be willing to cough up some cash (or credit, or airline points, or other valuable benefits) for interrupted or canceled services, mistakes on billing or a bad customer experience.
So, instead of getting mad and hanging up, try these six approaches.� You just might walk away a winner.
Making Empowered Choices, With Cheryl Strauss Einhorn One of the challenges we face when making decisions is that there can be an overwhelming number of choices � in work, with our finances and in our personal lives. And when we start to second-guess ourselves, it can make us feel disempowered.
This week, our HerMoney Podcast* guest helps us break down the entire decision-making process and helps us gain the confidence we need when faced with life�s big "what to dos." Cheryl Strauss Einhorn, well known from her many years on CNBC, is also the creator of the AREA Method, which helps people solve complex problems when making such decisions. She�s also an author, and her most recent book is "Investing in Financial Research: A Decision-Making System for Better
Results." Cheryl shares her method for decision-making and explains how research is fundamental to the process. She also dives into the concept of risk, and how we can feel more empowered when making choices and navigating the emotional aspects of big decisions.
Cheryl also tells us about her personal practice to increase daily productivity called "Cheetah Pauses" � and yes, it is based on real cheetahs. How Do You Save $1 Million? Who doesn�t want to be a millionaire? We for sure do. But is the elusive milestone even reachable? Well, in short, yes. But not without some careful planning and discipline. Time is a key factor, of course. It all depends on your age, when you plan to retire, what kinds of accounts you use, your investment costs and your risk tolerance. In short: Start as early as you can and save as much as you can. If this isn't realistic, there are other ways to save $1 million.
Is Social Security Going to �Disappear�? Where The Rumor Came From And What The Truth Really Is Today, there are 77 million baby boomers in America, and 10,000 reach retirement age daily. Add to that the fact that current Social Security recipients are living longer and longer, and that equals a lot of SSI checks going out. It came as no surprise to many in 2017 when the Social Security Administration announced that both Social Security and Medicare were facing financial strain �
But while all this may sound a little scary, there�s no need to panic.�
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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If you�ve fallen behind on savings for retirement � or just need to get started � here�s how to make up for lost time.
5 Surprising Ways To Save Money While Living In (And Enjoying!) The Big City
If you�re on a budget, chances are you�ve read a million lists designed to help you save money while also living in the big city. Make your own coffee! Avoid restaurants! Take public transportation! Enough! Absolutely, those are great ways to save money in a major metropolitan area, but they certainly aren�t the only ways. These days, many major metropolitan areas are tough to afford, especially if you�re just starting out.
But, as one woman learned, life doesn�t have to break the bank every month.
Plus: Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies, With Kiana Danial
This week we�re boldly going where no HerMoney podcast episode** has ever gone before � we�re talking cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Listen in as we explore some of your most frequently asked
questions, including: How does it work? Should you invest in it? How do I use my money once I buy crypto?
Our guest, Kiana Danial, is the author of the new book "Cryptocurrency Investing for Dummies," and CEO of She talks with Jean about her journey into investing in cryptocurrency, and understanding what blockchain was all about.
With Kiana�s help, we�ll learn about the digital ledgers that record cryptocurrency transactions and keep them
secure. Asked To Be A Bridesmaid? Here�s How To Cut Costs � and Exactly How To Say No If You Have To Being a bridesmaid is like being part of the coolest clique at the wedding � you even have your own table. But, sitting with the cool kids isn�t cheap. From dresses to destination bachelorette parties to travel for the big day, bridesmaids, on average, are spending $1,200 to $1,800 to be in a wedding, according to a recent WeddingWire study. It�s no wonder that a survey by CompareCards found that 58% of bridesmaids say the pressure they felt to spend put a strain on their relationship with the bride. Yes, being asked to be a part of your friend�s big day is an honor, but if you�re strapped for cash, wedding festivities can put a strain on even the tightest of friendly bonds. But, who said you can�t have your wedding cake and eat it, too? Take a walk with us down the savings aisle to learn how to cut wedding costs and tension when it comes to wedding expenses. No Retirement Savings? Here's How to Catch Up Women live longer than men, so we need more money for retirement. At the same time, we�re more likely to opt out of the workforce or have interruptions to our careers, meaning we earn less over our lifetimes. So it�s no surprise that we women often fall behind on saving for retirement. "They need more money, but they�re in a situation where they�ll save less," says Cindy Hounsell, president of the Women�s Institute For A Secure Retirement, a nonprofit focusing on the long-term financial health of women.
If you�ve fallen behind on savings for retirement � or just need to get started � here�s how to make up for lost time.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Here�s how to move past some of your roadblocks.
Raising Financial Grownups: 5 Easy Expenses Your Child Can Take Over When They Get Their First Paycheck
Celebrating a first paycheck with your child is an exciting milestone � and a reality check. Nothing says "welcome to being a financial grownup" quite like a first paycheck that�s been massively reduced by taxes and other expenses.
But what follows can be even more important lesson: transitioning your newly employed young adult onto their own accounts and having them pay their own bills. Yes, it relieves some of the pressure on the parent�s finances. But rolling young adults off the family payroll in a thoughtful way can also teach them essential lessons in just how much things cost in the real world.
Yes, you want to gently nudge your offspring into paying for everything themselves, but make sure you take a good look around before having them take the leap.
Here�s a look at five expenses kids can potentially take over when they start their first full-time gig.
Plus: Ethical Investing, with Megan Schleck
This week in the HerMoney podcast*, Jean sits down with Megan Schleck, co-founder and CEO of COIN, a conscious investing platform that allows us to put our money into companies making an
impact in the areas we care most about.
Megan shares with us the genesis of COIN, her thoughts on "buycott" culture, and how to make a positive societal impact through ethical investing.
Listen in as Megan and Jean discuss creating an avenue for everyday investors to have a place where their voice can be heard (for as little as $50!), the dramatic rise of companies that are following suit, mission-based investing as we enter the 2020 elections, and Megan�s background as a wilderness guide.
The Messages Your Fashion Choices Are Really Sending � And How To Make Sure You're Always
Commanding Respect Remember the beginning of "The Devil Wears Prada" � watching Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway) epically fail at her new job at the fictional fashion publication Runway Magazine. (C�mon, you know you�ve seen it at least a dozen times.) Remember how on a daily basis her simplistic fashion choices would elicit glares from her boss, Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep). And remember how Andy is almost ready to quit her job when she has an epiphany � cue the inevitable movie makeover montage � and goes from from ridiculed to revered, courtesy of a pair of thigh-high boots and a flat-iron?
Yes, it�s a great scene, but it�s also sigh-inducing. In a perfect world, our outward appearance would always come secondary to the words we use and the quality of our work.
Mitchell Travers is a costume designer for film and television, who recently worked with Emma Thompson and Mindy Kaling in the film "Late Night," which features the women at different stages of their careers. Travers� advice to women on being judged by their wardrobe? "Lean into it," he says. "I prefer when women accept that it's a reality they have to face, and use it to their advantage."
Here�s a look at the keys to dressing in a way that gives the right impression and lets your confidence shine through.
Are You Too Emotionally Attached To Your Money? It Might Be Holding You Back When reporter Lindsay Tigar received her first $20 as a babysitter in her early teens, she says "my dad took me straight to the bank where he insisted I save 10% of my earnings. Those 2 buck-a-roos made a lasting imprint in my memory: I needed to stow away something of everything I made to ensure my future. I give much credit to my parents for instilling in me this healthy mindset toward finances, but it wasn�t until I turned 30 that I actually got serious about investing. In fact, for most of my 20s, I had a singular, narrow perspective on saving: I like my money where I can see it ... in my bank account. It took me many years � not to mention meditation and therapy � to separate my emotional attachments to my savings account, and understand that sometimes, risks are worth it.
"If you find yourself using words like anxiety� �fear� or �security� when thinking about your financial picture, pour yourself a glass of something you like � coffee, wine or otherwise � and breathe. You definitely aren�t alone, considering many women are guilty of this practice. The approach isn�t all bad, but it could use a few upgrades."
Here�s a look at some of the ways we could be emotionally attaching to money � and how to break free.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content.
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We road tested and weren�t sure if we would survive, but we�re happy to report we did � although not without a few snafus.
Trading Spaces: What If You Could Only Use Cash For A Week? What If You Couldn�t Use It At All?
We�ve seen the projections: The U.S., headlines proclaim, is on its way to becoming a cashless society. We�ve seen the evidence � the salad take-out place across the street from our office (and a HerMoney favorite) is just one of a growing number of places that no longer take cash. But we also know that the proclivity to use cash is generational. Jean, age 54, routinely pulls $200 out of the
ATM over the weekend and uses it to pay for a trip to the Saturday farmer�s market, and for purchases under $20 for the rest of the week. Becca, 22, rarely has any cash in her wallet. Like the 50% of Americans who now use their cards for purchases under $5, according to an analysis by the Harvard Business Review, she uses plastic (or Venmo, or other apps) for pretty much everything.
So, we decided to flip the script. For one workweek,
Becca would se only cash, and Jean wouldn't touch the stuff.We weren�t sure if we would survive, but we�re happy to report we did � although not without a few snafus. Here are the highlights.
Plus: Are You Recession-Proof?
Feeling anxious about the recession rumblings beneath the stock market floor? Don't panic � we've got answers.
The R-word
looms large in the headlines these days. If you�re feeling a little anxious about your finances, well, we don�t blame you. That�s why we sat down with wealth advisor Ed Butowsky in this week�s HerMoney Podcast*. He�s the author of the new best-seller "Wealth Mismanagement: A Wall Street Insider On the Dirty Secrets of Financial Advisers and How to Protect Your Portfolio," and he gets candid about the Federal
Reserve�s recent rate cut, how to stay calm in the face of a potential market swings, and what the heck an inverted yield curve is, anyway.
He also gives us his suggestions for tried and true stock sectors that can weather any storm.
The 6 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before Starting My Own Business "When I first opened my company, I heard a plethora of horror stories from fellow business owners about their own experiences, ranging from lying awake at night struggling to figure out how they were going to pay payroll that week, to working out of their mom�s garage for the first full year.
"While I can happily say that those two issues have not (knock on wood!) occurred for me to date, many other experiences did. Some helped me during my early years in business, but others held me back. If I could go back in time, here are the six things I wish someone would have told me before I opened my doors."
Megan Driscoll of EvolveMKD writes about what she wishes she knew before starting her business.
Feeling That September Stress? 5 Ways To Survive #Stresstember
Arielle Lapiano writes for HerMoney: September hits me every year like a surprise Brazilian wax. One minute, I�m relaxing at the beach, building a sandcastle with my girls. The next minute, I�m ripped from beach bliss and thrown back into a life of yelling at my kids to get ready for school as I run out the door, rushing to catch my train.
According to the Google misery index, search terms like "depression" "stress" and "anxiety" start to peak in the fall � and most of us find autumn even more stressful than the holidays.
"We all went to school and were brought up with the idea that September means change," says Alyssa Gelbard, founder and president of Point Road Group, a personal branding and
consulting firm. Summer tends to move at a slower pace, but come September, clients and customers have a tendency to complain, "I should have done this over the summer," which leads to a sense of urgency to get things done.
If you�re feeling the effects of #Stresstember this year, here�s how you can keep your cool.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Thank you to all of our loyal listeners who tune in each week for the HerMoney podcast.
Episode 181: Living Your Best Financial Life
Hi HerMoney gang,
First, let me say a big thank-you to all of our loyal listeners who tune in each week for the HerMoney podcast. If you downloaded the most
recent episode yesterday (Episode 181: Living Your Best Financial Life With The Debt-Free Guys), we're so sorry to report that initially we had some technical difficulties that resulted in audio issues. To listen to our updated (and amazing!) episode, head to our website or re-download the file to your phone, tablet, or computer.
No matter which platform you're using, Apple, Downcast, Stitcher,
Spotify, Tune In, Google Play, etc., the download process is relatively similar � just delete the previous episode you may have on your device, and download the new one that's available. If you're subscribed to HerMoney, the updated episode was already pushed out to you, so you're all set! And if you're on Apple, you can always listen here on podcasts.
We're so sorry for this inconvenience, and we can't thank you enough for tuning in regularly, joining us for inspiring conversation in ourprivate HerMoney Facebook group, and submitting your personal questions for Jean at We do what we do every day because we're passionate about helping you live your best financial life, and we thank you for sticking with us � even when we make mistakes!
If you're not
already subscribed to the HerMoney podcast, we'd love to have you join us. Just click on the "Subscribe" box in the grey bar, and you'll never miss an episode.
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Think you�re carrying too much debt? Not saving enough? Here�s a roadmap to freedom � and some inspiration � from some fearless females who�ve been there and done that.
5 Women Who Seriously Budgeted � And Seriously Saved
Sometimes, we are all afraid of the "b" word. You know: Budget. As in, an effective way to make and meet financial goals, strategically manage debt and build a happy retirement. It leads some women to establish hard-and-fast rules for how incoming money is handled. But for others? It can be scary to think about reining in our spending and potentially changing our day-to-day routines.
No matter if we�re battling monthly student loan payments or we are aiming to buy a home by the time we blow out 30 candles on our birthday cakes, the tricky part is getting started, especially when we feel like we are already treading water � or tracking behind our peers of the same age.
The good news? There is a light at the end of any dark financial tunnel � and it�s often found by seeking advice from others who have been there, budgeted-that.
Here, we highlight the impressive feats of five women from different life styles and stages on how they seriously budgeted � and seriously saved.
Living Your Best Financial Life, with The Debt Free Guys Husband and husband team David Auten and John Schneider, hosts of The Queer Money Podcast, are known as the "Debt Free Guys" for a reason.
This week they sit down with us in the HerMoney Podcast* to offer some inspiring advice on how to live a fulfilling life without sacrificing financial security.
Listen in as they break down how to discuss combating financial anxiety with your partner, how to take a good, hard look at what you may be doing wrong with your money, and how to weigh the financial priorities (and sacrifices) in your life. They also tackle the question as to why the LGBTQ community assumes more debt than the heterosexual population, why same-sex couples are 73% more likely to be denied
a mortgage, and what financial institutions can do to affect change.
Looking to Refinance Your Mortgage? Here�s Everything You Need to Know Over the past few months, you�ve probably seen more than your fair share of stories about
refinancing your mortgage. Why now? Mortgage rates are low�well below their historical average. Popular 30-year fixed-rate mortgages are averaging about 3.75%.
For many homeowners, now may be a good time to refinance your mortgage and capture that
lower rate. Should you refinance?
The Goodness of Gifting: A Story of Amazing Customer Service Have you ever received a gift from a stranger that was so surprising you felt you had to tell the world? Reporter Melanie Brooks has. This is her story.
Should I Care About Stock Market Moves? How Does the Market Affect Me Anyway? Even if you don�t spend your time reading The Wall Street Journalor watching CNBC, you�ve probably heard that the last few days have seen some big moves in the stock market. Or maybe you�ve opened your 401(k) account statement online to find that the balance was lower than the last time you checked.
"Over time, there are always going to be ups and downs in the market, and we haven�t had a lot of volatility in the past year and a half," says Cary Carbonaro, Certified Financial Planner, managing director of United Capital of New York and author of "The Money Queen�s Guide for Women Who Want to Build Wealth and Banish Fear.""But there has never been a 10-year period where you�ve lost money in a balanced portfolio."
Here�s what you need to know about stock market moves.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Best 2020 budgeting apps, shrewd money secrets from real women, holiday shopping swaps and more ...
Holiday Shopping Swaps That Will Save You Money This Season
Is holiday spending a valid reason to pile onto your credit card debt? More than half of Americans who already have a balance think so, according to a recent poll. But even though the holiday season is arguably the priciest time of year, there�s no reason you have to resign yourself to carry extra debt into 2020.
Keep your credit card balance at a comfortable level � and get gifts everyone loves � by employing a few of these holiday shopping swaps.
Plus: The Negotiation Skills You Learn In a Brothel (and Other Insights from a Daring Economist) What do the legal sex trade, the surfing world, gambling and horse trading all have in common? They�re some of the unlikely places economist Allison Schrager has spent years studying risk management and the art of negotiation.
Schrager is the author of "An Economist
Walks Into A Brothel: And Other Unexpected Places To Understand Risk." On this week�s HerMoney podcast* she tells us about spending time with sex workers at Nevada�s bunny ranch (a legal bordello) where there are no set prices for services. Instead, each woman expertly negotiates each individual transaction. Listen in to learn how to apply some
of their negotiating skills to your daily life.
In HerMoney mailbag Jean advises a woman who is underpaid in her field, talks about investment strategies for expats living in the U.S. and tackles a quintessential money trade-off question.
Join Jean on Instagram! Are you following Jean on Instagram? Head over to her account for more savvy money advice geared for women just like you! Just a few more followers and we�ll start giving away free copies of Jean�s
book "Women with Money."
5 Ways to Free Up $100 Extra Cash Each Month Much of the money-saving advice out there today focuses on giving something up in order to save � it could be your daily latte, outings to the movies, or dining out each week. But where�s the fun in that?
We put together a list of five ways to
free up an extra $100 in your monthly budget without sacrificing much of anything.
The Best Budgeting Apps for 2020 Set yourself up for New Year�s resolutions success with one of the most powerful financial tools � a budget app! Whether you want to keep tabs on your account balances, build your savings account, find coupons or start investing, there�s an app for that.
Check out our roundup of best apps for getting a handle on your daily, monthly and annual spending in 2020.
In case you missed it:
That�s bananas!: You can love art, and even start a collection to grace your blank walls. (A $120,000 banana duct-taped to the wall, anyone?) But, caveat collector if you�re considering investing in art to make money down the road.
Pssst, lean in for this one: From fixing credit, paying off a mountain of debt to starting a successful business from scratch, here are five shrewd secrets from the women who accomplished these financial feats.
Hate vacation surprises?: Before you book your next vacation stay, make sure you�re protected. Here�s what to do to cover your bases when you�re staying anywhere that�s not a hotel.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Money dreams, email hell, best handbags, FIRE and more ...
Here�s What You Were Reading on HerMoney in 2019: Our Top 10 List
If there was one trend that struck a chord in 2019, it was finding ways to effectively communicate.
As we close out the year, we wanted to know which of our posts resonated with you� in that they sparked the most conversation. We look forward to bringing you more, more, more as we turn the calendar into 2020, but for now, here are 2019�s Top 10:
1. 6 Important Business Email Templates We�ve
all struggled to convey just the right amount of professionalism laced with a tiny bit of humor in that email to our bosses. These email templates will save you from using too many exclamation points and emojis (we�re guilty, too!!!!).
2. Common Workplace Problems and How To Deal with Them From lack of purse hooks in bathrooms to chilling office temperatures, many women's workdays are filled with small and subtle reminders that the work environment wasn�t designed with us in mind.
3. Dreaming About Money? What Do These Money Dreams Mean? Yes, we all dream about striking it rich in the lottery
one day, but it seems our money dreams can affect our daytime behavior. And yes, science backs us up. See what your money dreams really mean.
4. How Couples Can Split Their Money and Bills to Be Fair When your relationship heats up and you are planning a life with your partner, communication about finances is key. This article about ensuring fairness with your beloved and avoiding financial surprises struck a chord with the HerMoney crowd.
5. Things To Take From The FIRE Movement (Even You Don�t Want To Retire Early) FIRE was a hot topic for our readers in 2019. Even if retirement is the last
thing on your mind right now, knowing the ins and outs of the FIRE movement can help you plan for the future.
Rounding out the list of Top 10 HerMoney topics in
6. When To Keep and When To Throw Away Financial Documents 7. The Only Types of Purses and Handbags You Need To Own 8. How To Write A Professional Work Email 9. Best Money Management Apps for
Couples 10. IRA vs 401(k)- What�s The Difference?
Honorable mention: Stop Judging Women Who Don't Want Kids
Plus: Keeping Memories of Loved Ones Alive We all experience loss in our lives, and dealing with grief while also honoring and remembering our loved ones can be incredibly challenging. Particularly around the holidays, those who were closest to us who have passed on are often at the top of our
That's why this week in the HerMoney podcast*, Jean sits down with Allison Gilbert, author of "Passed and Present: Keeping Memories of Loved Ones Alive," on love, loss and moving on. Her book has been described as a "how-to" manual for remembering our loved ones, and it contains 85 practical ways to remember, honor and celebrate those who have passed.
Allison walks us through how we can all take ownership of ensuring our loved ones� memories live on in
perpetuity. She also talks about how we can be an awesome friend and coworker to people who have lost loved ones, when we just aren�t sure what to say.
Thank you! 2019 has been an incredible year, and we could not do what we do without you � our amazing HerMoney community. Whether it�s stimulating informative conversations in our private Facebook group, your witty discourses on Instagram, or sending provocative questions to our Mailbag, you�re the inspiration behind our motto: Changing our relationships with money � one woman at a time.
Thank you for being a part of our journey this year. Cheers to 2020!
XOX, The HerMoney Team
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus: Get rolling on 2020 resolutions, a money challenge, answers to your mailbag questions, and more�
7 Inspiring Leaders Share Their 2020 Resolutions
We asked savvy women from a variety of industries and backgrounds to share their financial aspirations for the year ahead. Their 2020 money must-dos can serve as inspiration for setting your own agenda for the next 12 months.
From carving out more room in the budget for self-care to giving more to the community, here�s what these successful women have planned.
Yes, Money Can Buy Happiness Despite the old saying, researchers have found that spending money can, in fact, increase your happiness � if it�s spent in a way that jibes with your personality.
A study from Yale University and the University of Cambridge analyzed 76,000 bank transaction records to examine what people spent their money on � either material objects or experiences. The participants� satisfaction with the products they purchased were then measured in relation to their personalities. Those whose spending was a �psychological
fit� reported higher satisfaction. Here�s how to apply the study�s findings to get a bigger bang from your �happiness� buck.
This 7-Day Savings Challenge Is The Perfect
New Year's Resolution Looking for a simple savings guide? Follow these steps each day for a week, and you�ll be on track to achieve even your biggest money goals in 2020. Start the seven-day money challenge.
Plus: HerMoney Podcast: Your Questions Answered In These Mailbag-Only Episodes! Our listeners submit THE BEST questions all year long (to Jean�s goal: Answer as many as possible on the HerMoney podcast* � so many, in fact, that we rolled out five bonus mailbag-focused episodes all month long! Here are two to start:
Children, Families and Finances: Jean and Kathryn tackle 529 education plans, affordable adoption options, supporting adult children (without enabling them) and opening a brokerage account for a 12-year-old so mom and daughter can learn how to invest � together.
Home Buying and Real
Estate: How do you buy a new home if all your money is tied up in your old one? Should a listener pay off her mortgage early or invest? Another listener wants to know if they should renovate and sell or stay put? Answers to these questions and more in this real estate-focused episode.
Listen to all five bonus Mailbags here!
How to Set Financial Goals for a New � Gulp � Decade This year, don�t just make resolutions for the next 12 months. Step back and think about what you want to achieve in the next 10 years.
Maybe it�s saving $100,000 over the next decade, starting a side hustle to eventually build into a new business, or working your way up to saving 15% of your income for retirement.
The key to sustaining your momentum through the years is to make your goals meaningful and to set milestones and rewards (plan some splurges!) along the way.
It�s a new decade, ladies! Think big. Think bold. Start the 2020s strong with financial goals that make your heart race with anticipation.
In case you missed it:
What Should I Save for After My Emergency Fund?: Here�s what to do now
that you�re prepared for the unexpected.
The 10 Most-Talked About Stories of the Year: Here are the
articles that got palpable reactions from readers this year.
Train Your Significant Other to Shop for You: With these tips, you can stop practicing your Oscar-worthy �I love it!� face while gathering gift receipts to return or exchange presents that missed the mark.
How To Be More Productive Than Ever In 2020: Julie Morgenstern offers her tips for how to get the absolute most out of the limited hours you have in your work day, and she shares her favorite tricks for avoiding getting caught up in a false sense of urgency with all of the day�s email notifications, IMs, text messages and Slack pings.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus: 6 ways to cut taxes before 12/31, emergency fund rules for women, workplace respect and more�
7 Female Leaders on How To Define Your Worth and Get the Respect You Deserve
Are you getting the respect you�ve earned? Are you sending signals � or telling yourself (consciously or not) � that you don�t deserve it?
From asking for a (long-overdue) raise to getting a partner to step up and pull their weight at home, we asked savvy women to share their most candid advice on how to stand up, step up, be heard and let the world know you�re true worth. Plus: How to Earn What You�re Worth in 2020 The old wisdom of "you don�t get what you don�t ask for" has never been more applicable than where salary is concerned. It�s all in the asking, which is why we invited Tracy Keogh, Chief Human Resources Officer at HP, to join us on this week�s HerMoney Podcast.*
Tracy has been teaching female executives how to negotiate � against her � for many years. She gives us a mini-course in negotiation tactics (like how to create a term sheet) and how to avoid negotiating against yourself.
In Mailbag, Jean talks
about getting the best investing returns, how periodic credit increases affect credit scores, and she offers advice to a listener struggling with co-managing the household money with her husband. Lastly, in Thrive, Jean discusses the importance of taking much-needed breaks at work � for a quick phone call, a moment of zen, or a even game of Candy Crush � all while in the bathroom.
The Rules About Emergency
Funds are Different for Women Everyone needs a stash of cash you can get your hands on when the you-know-what hits the fan (as it inevitably will when you least expect it). Especially us.
Here�s why: The financial fallout is often much more severe and prolonged for women than it is for men. Think about it � we�re the go-to caregivers when a child or elderly relative or loved one requires assistance: Women tend to (and are expected to) step up more than their brothers, husbands or other male family members and friends. Taking time away from a job can deal a severe blow to our income. Plus, women
already pay a higher price for our longevity: Not only do we face the danger of running out of money in retirement, but living longer than men means we�ve got more years of exposure to unexpected expenses.
The bottom line: An emergency fund is absolutely critical for your well-being. Our new in-depth guide to emergency funds will help you figure out exactly how much you need (maybe less than you think!) and pick the best place to stash your cash (someplace safe, accessible and earning a decent interest rate).
6 Ways to Reduce Your 2019 Taxable Income Before Dec. 31 In the heat of the holiday bustle, it�s easy to forget that the deadline to make last-minute tax deductions is upon us.
There�s still time to make sure you don�t pay the IRS more than you have to next year with one of these six tax strategies to give yourself the gift of paying less to the IRS.
In case you missed it:
Oops, I hit "reply all!": Need to let your boss know you�re out sick? Send an important meeting invite? Did you mistakenly reply all to a message meant for your work BFF? Gah! These email templates will help you keep it professional and on point.
Financial goals for a new ... decade? �It�s time to
mentally � and financially � prepare for the years ahead. We explore exactly how to set financial goals for the (gulp!) new
decade and strategies to help achieve them.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus: 6 super-awkward money convos, retirement tools and more ...
6 of the Most Uncomfortable Conversations About Money, Ever (And How to Have Them)
Financial matters are a reality of day-to-day life. But do we talk about it? Not if we can help it!
We get it. No one looks forward to asking a new partner about
their student loan debt or sending a text to ask your best friend when she�s planning to pay back the money she borrowed. Show of hands: Who�s looking forward to grilling your parents about their final wishes? Or how about this romantic opener?: "Hey, honey, got an hour to go over the budget with me?"
No matter what, it�s going to be awkward. Here are tips on how
to make difficult conversations go more smoothly. (P.S.: It gets easier with each conversation you have.)
Plus: Podcast: Living Childfree And Making Empowered Decisions Around Motherhood The birthrate in the U.S. hit a 30-year low in 2018, dropping to 3.8 million births, illustrating the growing chorus of women who are happily choosing the childfree life. What does this still-taboo decision mean for their lives and finances? We delve into those questions and more on this week�s HerMoney Podcast.*
Jean is joined by Maxine Trump, an award-winning writer, producer and director of the feature film, "To Kid or Not To Kid," which confronts the societal expectations around motherhood. They pick apart the vernacular � e.g., "childfree" vs. "childless" � talk about the genesis of the #birthstrike movement and explore the life cycle of childfree women. It�s a conversation every woman � mothers and the childfree
� should hear.
In this week�s Mailbag segment Jean and Kathryn tackle some big-money questions from
listeners about investing at the same time you�re withdrawing money from your portfolio, weighing the renovate vs. move to a new home decision and more. Then in Thrive Jean spills the beans on the secret "consumer score" that�s impacting you in ways you don�t realize.
Retirement Tools for Freelancers, Business Owners and Full-Time Employees Saving for retirement isn�t a one-size-fits all approach. It�s a very different process if you�re a freelancer, if you�re an employee at a company with
retirement benefits or if you�re a small-business owner who�s tasked with providing retirement options to your employees.
See our rundown of the best retirement tools and resources, depending
on your work situation.
6 Women On The Most Important Money Lessons They Want to Teach Their Children There is no limit to the love mothers have for their children � or to the wisdom they hope to pass down to them.
We asked successful women to share what financial lessons they hope their little ones are soaking in. From saving for splurges to finding a career that puts joy first, here�s what these moms want their children to remember about money.
In case you missed it:
6 Monthly Bills Almost All of Us Overpay
How to Write a Professional Work Email
Yes, You Can Afford a Sabbatical. Here�s How
Get Jean�s take on the weekly news that affects your wallet. Subscribe to our Tuesday newsletter, This Week In Your Wallet.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus: How to successfully take a career break
You Just Left Your Full-Time Job. What Should You Do With Your 401(k)?
Leaving a full-time job for a new gig presents a lot of opportunities. One must-do money to-do: Deciding how to handle the money you�ve saved in your old employer-sponsored retirement plan.
Are you leaping into a new full-time salaried job? Trying your hand at freelancing? Launching your own business? Your answer plays a role in what you do with the money in your former workplace retirement account.
We�ll walk you through the best moves to make with your old 401(k) in each scenario.
Plus: HerMoney Podcast: How to Successfully Take a Career Break The price women pay when we step away from the cubicle (to care for children, aging parents or take a break) is brutal. Our time out of the workforce reduces our earning power by an average of 18%, and that number goes up to 37% when our breaks last three years or longer.
But sometimes we have to take a step back (transition to part-time), or completely step out of the workforce for a while. If that�s in the cards for you � cue up this week�s HerMoney Podcast.*
Jean is joined by Stacey Delo and Jennifer Gefsky, co-authors of "Your Turn: Careers, Kids and Comebacks � A Working Mother�s Guide." They talk through all the important decisions and the math of daycare vs. salary, the impact on your retirement savings and what it means to your career trajectory.
And tips. (Of course there�s advice!)
We cover ways to take a break that can lessen the blow to your career and how to confidently re-enter the workforce.
In mailbag a listener wonders if $3K is too much to pay a pro to manage her IRA, we cover the best investment options for Gen-Y, HSAs and how companies are helping employees save for retirement while paying down student loans.
If Your Credit Score Is Under 700, Make These 5 Moves ASAP If your credit score never seems to budge over that 700 hump no matter what you do, don�t give up! Here�s how to make that scoring algorithm move in your
favor. It�s all about making sure the good stuff is being reported and that everything else the scoring model measures is bathed in the most flattering light.
The best news? You can get this
all done in less than a week.
8 Surprising Ways to Save On Your Next Trip Exploring the world doesn�t have to cost you an arm and a leg. But when it�s time to click and commit � to book a flight, hotel or rental car where the price looks good �� how do you know if you�re really getting the best deal?
Thankfully, travel pros are here to guide
us on all the insider tips and tricks for making the most of your money when heading out on your next adventure.
In case you missed it:
The Best Financial Advice I Wish I Could Give My 22-Year-Old Self
Here�s How You Can Turn Around Your Credit Score This Winter
Get Jean�s take on the weekly news that affects your wallet. Subscribe to our Tuesday newsletter, This Week In Your Wallet.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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And The 6 Monthly Bills That Almost All Of Us Overpay
What Money Advice Would You Give Your 22-Year-Old Self?
That�s the question we asked the women in our HerMoney Facebook group.
We�re the first to admit to our own youthful money blunders � like being more excited about getting personalized Looney Tunes checks than the prospect of compound interest. And Jean�s advice for younger Jean?: "I wish my 22-year-old self knew that it�s not so hard to save and plan for your future � I thought there was a secret behind a wall that wasn�t meant for me."
Here�s what the HerMoney tribe would tell our younger selves to do differently when it comes to budgeting (make a list of what truly makes you happy), retirement (don�t EVER cash out a retirement fund), saving, first apartments and first jobs.
P.S.: Join us in the HerMoney Facebook group to reminisce and pay it forward! Share what you�ve learned from experiences with our younger members. Plus: Selling a Home, Moving, Renovations, Downsizing and More Real estate involves a lot of big-dollar, big-emotion decisions. The confusing combination is why so many of us make decisions with our hearts instead of the financial part of our brains.
This episode of the HerMoney Podcast* addresses both practical and emotional aspects of selling, moving, downsizing, renovating and renting. Jean is joined by Caroline Carter, founder and CEO of Done in a Day, a Washington, D.C.-based home transition and move management company and author of the "Smart Moves: How To Save Time And Money While Transitioning Your Home And Life."
Also, in this week�s Mailbag, Jean advises a mom who is concerned about saving for her son�s college education, a woman who�s considering putting all her investments into a target date fund and listener worries about market timing with looming recession fears.
Tax Tips for Women if you Went Through Some Stuff in 2019 If you went through anything out of the ordinary in the past 12 months, chances are it�s going to leave a mark on your tax return. We�re talking � getting married, divorced, starting a side hustle, giving birth, getting sick, getting older.
As you prepare to file (due date: April 15, 2020!), keep this rundown of tax tips handy.
Confession: I Doubled My Money and Now I�m Sold on Investing "I don�t know what I was expecting, but it wasn�t this. While I wasn�t paying any attention (solid move, it turns out) my $5,000 savings more than doubled."
That�s a direct quote from Jean�s assistant, Becca Cohen. And it�s music to our ears!
Becca�s experience � here�s her firsthand account of turning $5,000 in savings into $10,608 � isn�t an anomaly. It�s the story of anyone who has set aside money in a diversified mutual fund and let the market and compound interest do its thing. It can also be your story, as long as you keep in mind:
It�s not always smooth sailing. (The key is to stay calm and carry on.)
You don�t need a lot of money to get started. (The key is to just get started, which you can do with way less than $1,000.)
Investing doesn�t have to be complicated.
(Just review the basics if anyone else tries to convince you otherwise.)
With planning, discipline and the right kinds of accounts, anyone can save $1 million. (Even if you have no retirement savings you can catch up.)��
In case you missed it:
6 Monthly Bills That Almost All Of Us Overpay: No matter how cognizant you are of your spending habits, you�re still stuck with those inescapable monthly bills. Although we can�t swipe these off the table for you, we can stop you from overpaying them.
HerMoney Podcast: Credit Cards and Debt: Business credit cards, adding kids as authorized users, using a personal loan to pay down debt and more. We tackle a batch of listener questions on this mailbag-only episode.��
Paying With Your Smartphone: Good Idea or Not?: Things to consider before you replace your wallet full of cash and cards for your phone.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus: Scam warnings for women, performance review prep and more...
Mind Over Money: How These 4 Women Challenged Their Beliefs � and Thrived
It doesn�t begin when you hit a money milestone: It starts with what�s in your head.
It takes a certain mindset to walk away from a cushy full-time job to start your own business. It takes creative thinking to come up with a nontraditional approach to deal with crushing debt. It takes self-awareness � and a dose of bravery � to move beyond the status quo. We talked to four women who challenged their standard way of thinking about money to move forward personally, professionally and financially. Their inspiring stories will have you thinking about what�s stopping you from reaching your next milestone.
Plus: How to Protect Yourself From the Latest (and Incredibly Clever) Scams, with Frank Abagnale This week�s HerMoney Podcast* dives deep into scams �� grandparent scams, sweepstakes scams, romance scams and all the ways fraudsters text, email,
call or otherwise hack into our lives. And who knows more about what these trickers have up their sleeves than our guest, former con artist Frank Abagnale, author of the book "Scam Me If You Can."
Yes, THAT Frank Abagnale � about whom the iconic movie "Catch Me If You Can" was made.
Frank tells us how to stay safe from would-be scammers, sounds the alarm about robocalls and robo texts, and much more. (We also got him to dish about what he really thinks of the movie and subsequent Broadway musical made about his life.)
In Mailbag, Jean and Kathryn talk about ESG mutual funds (and if your investment truly makes an impact), wrangling frequent flyer miles from an ex and how a new couple can negotiate bonuses and relocation fees. In Thrive Jean shares the "secret sauce" for convincing customers service reps to waive things like late payments and annual fees. You�ll definitely want to ... catch this
episode if you can!
Coming soon! Two powerful women, one can�t-miss conversation: On Feb. 5 Jean will be joined by Fidelity Chairman and CEO Abby Johnson for a wide-ranging conversation about careers, work-life balance, CEO mistakes, women and investing, and how artificial intelligence is helping eradicate unconscious bias. Head to
to subscribe today so you don't miss this empowering discussion!
6 Ways to Prep for Performance Review Season Now No matter when your company does its annual employee performance reviews, it�s never too early to prepare for it. From creating a "Yay Me!" file to writing a new job description, here are six steps to take right now to truly shine and get noticed during your next performance review.
Does Your Child Have to File a Tax Return This Year? No one is untouchable when it comes to taxes. The IRS wants to know about every penny you earned above a certain amount � yes, even if mom and dad claim you as a dependent on their tax return.
On the topic of who is required to file a tax return the IRS rules are clear: Age is not a factor. Income is. And that begs many questions �
allowance and cash for odd jobs taxable?
What about scholarships and grants?
How much can she earn for her side hustle without reporting income to the IRS?
We tackle all your pressing questions about baby�s first tax
In case you missed it:
6 of the Most Uncomfortable Conversations About Money Ever � and How to Have Them
What to Save for After Your Emergency Fund
Podcast: Living Childfree and Making Empowered Decisions Around Motherhood
Get Jean�s take on the weekly news that affects your wallet: Subscribe to our Tuesday newsletter, This Week In Your Wallet.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus The �other� IRAs, affordable V-Day dates, multiplying credit scores and more ...
HerMoney Podcast: Investing Strategies, Career Growth and What It Means To Be a Female CEO
Imagine being the head of a company responsible for $8 trillion in assets for 30 million individual investors. That�s Abby Johnson�s job as the Chairman and CEO of Fidelity Investments. (Yes, that same Fidelity Investments that runs 401(k)s, 403(b)s, health savings accounts, IRAs, 529
college savings plan and more.)
This week�s empowering HerMoney Podcast* is one you won�t want to miss. Jean and Abby have a wide-ranging conversation about career paths, work-life balance, CEO mistakes, and the role of reinvention to keep up in an evolving world.
And of course they dish about women and investing. Listen in if you�ve ever been intimidated by the jargon-riddled language investors use (to complicate really basic concepts) or have been fearful of stock market swings (they�re going to happen, but you can psychologically prepare for them).
In Mailbag, Jean and Kathryn tackle questions about balancing retirement investing and student loan payments, balance transfer credit cards, and the desire to have a baby and fund your future. Lastly, in Thrive, Jean dishes on how changes to your life in 2019 (including a marriage, a divorce, a new baby, a side hustle or retirement) may impact your tax return, and what to consider before you file on April 15. Plus: How Many Credit Scores Do You Have? Most people think they have just one credit score, and that all lenders use this single score to measure your creditworthiness. Ahhh, if only life were that simple.
The truth is that you have many credit scores. The good news is that they�re all likely to move in the same direction � and that you can get your hands on them without paying a penny.
Jean explains the entire deal with credit scores � why you have multiple, FICO vs. VantageScore, which scores matter to you, and how to check your credit scorecard anytime and not pay for it.
6 Types of IRAs Every Woman Needs to Know About If you�re juggling multiple savings goals � and stashing money away for retirement is anything other than your No. 1 financial priority � just stop. We know your heart�s in the right place, but, sorry ladies, we simply can�t afford to financially shortchange our futures.
An IRA � a tax-advantaged investment account � is a woman�s ticket to closing the retirement savings gap. But if you thought that your only choices were a traditional IRA (the classic little black dress of retirement savings accounts) and the Roth IRA (the modern-day LBD) � surprise! You�ve got other IRA options, including ones you can open if you�re a nonworking spouse, ones that allow you to stash away more money than your full-time working pals and and even one that you can open if your income is too high to qualify for the other types.
See our HerMoney Guide to types of IRAs for help choosing the perfect fit for your situation.
The Best Valentine�s Date Ideas on a $25-$150 Budget It�s hard to get into a romantic mood if you�re forced to overspend on a Valentine�s Day date night. That�s why we came up with a list of affordable ideas � dinners, gifts and experiences � to make Feb. 14 with your significant special, no matter your budget.
Your Monthly Guide To Increasing Your Retirement Savings In 2020 Yay, we�re living longer!
That�s great news � as long as you�re financially prepared to support yourself for 20 or 30 years instead of the 10 to 15 years previous generations needed to cover. Don�t beat yourself up if you�re not there yet. It�s estimated that nearly half of citizens � 47 percent � have only $25,000 in retirement savings.
If we want any chance of packing up our desks and pulling out
our Hawaiian shirts and passports in our mid-50s to early 60s, retirement savings deserves a spot on our monthly to-do-lists. Making these small, strategic moves every month of the year will pad your portfolio for the future.
In case you missed it:
Podcast*: How to Stay
Safe From Scam Artists
9 Things Most of Us Don�t Do At The Grocery Store But Could Save Us $100 or More
Rethink Your Vacation and Come Back Refreshed and Recharged
Get Jean�s take on the weekly news that affects your wallet: Subscribe to our Tuesday newsletter, This Week In Your Wallet.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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It's not too late! Plus: Unhappy overachievers, social media sales, can your savings go the distance and more.
It's Not Too Late! 5 Ways To Make Sure Your V-Day Gift Doesn't Suck
Last year 43 million Americans received an unwanted Valentine�s Day gift. That�s $9.5 billion spent on undesirable items � a list that includes, according to WalletHub, cheesy stuffed animals, tools, kitchen gadgets and exercise equipment. (Hope you kept the receipt for that life-sized pink teddy bear!)
Instead of buying another landfill-destined heart-shaped tchotchke, take the $196.31 average the National Retail Federation says we�re spending this year to celebrate Valentine�s
Day and put it toward a more substantive gift. �� To be clear, we�re not doling out tips on how to buy noncrappy gifts for a significant other. (Here�s that article.)
The five V-Day gift ideas we came up with are still completely bereft of romance and have zero sex appeal. But eventually � maybe in a day, or perhaps several months from now � your sweetheart will realize exactly how thoughtful your gift really was. And, it�s not too late to get these.
Plus: Why Happiness Eludes Overachievers, Even When We 'Have It All' When�s the last time you thought about your net worth? What about your self-worth? Did you ever consider that those two things might be related?
On this week�s HerMoney Podcast* business coach Keren Eldad � aka "Coach Keren" � connects the dots and explores why happiness can elude us even when we achieve our goals.
Jean and Keren talk about the positives of perfectionism, setting goals vs. creating judgment, self esteem vs. self acceptance, dealing with burnout and how to replace fear with inspiration.
In Mailbag, listeners get answers to their questions about investing in grad school, Roth 401(k)s vs. traditional 401(k)s and how to protect a father�s estate. Then in Thrive, Jean dives into a new way to pay for college � ISAs, or income share agreements.
With Life Expectancies On The Rise, Do You Have Enough Money To Go The Distance? Running out of money in retirement is the biggest financial fear, bar none. But it�s uncertainty that feeds fear. So if you haven�t run the numbers lately � or ever � to see what your portfolio is likely to produce as income in retirement, now�s the time.
A new report from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention shows that life expectancies are on the rise. As Jean writes in this article, with our longer life expectancies (nearly half a decade longer than men), women need to know if the amount we�re saving is enough to fund the sort of lifestyle we�re envisioning in retirement.
Here�s a three-step plan to get more clarity on how far your savings will take you in retirement � and if it�s not enough, how to make up the difference.
Yes, Renting Is Still Cheaper Than Buying, But Is It The Best Decision Long-Term? It�s been a big week for real
estate news. Although there�s no end in sight to the nation�s housing affordability woes (particularly for millennials), a simultaneous increase in rents and tempering of home prices, has leveled the playing field as far as renting vs. buying is concerned.
As of the end of 2019, average rents hit $1,319 per month (up 4%) and monthly mortgage payments averaged $1,600 (down 1%). And, as of last week, both 15-year and 30-year fixed rate loans dropped to three-year lows, bringing buying (for those that can afford the down payment) more into range.
We dive into the current state of real estate and what it means for renters and potential buyers.
Social Media Steals: How To Use Facebook to Save on Fashion Social media isn�t just a place to connect with friends. On Facebook, brand-focused buy, sell, trade (BST) groups have amassed tens of thousands of members scoring deep discounts on high-end brands from other fans of particular brands. It�s where you need to be if
you�re looking to shop, swap or unload a Lilly Pulitzer shift, some Kate Spade accessories, Lululemon leggings or clothing from any other well-known brand.
We talked to BST community pro Annie Fairfax about the story behind the 40,000 member Lilly Pulitzer-focused Facebook group she launched and her top tips for getting the most out of your chosen community.
In case you missed it:
Two powerful women, one can�t-miss conversation: Fidelity Chairman and CEO Abby Johnson and Jean discuss career, work-life balance, women and investing, and so much more on the HerMoney Podcast*.
Scrambling for last-minute � and affordable � ways to celebrate with your Valentine? Any of these $25-$150 date-night options will make tonight special without breaking the
Not all of us are born organizational wizards, but if you want to get ahead with your money, this 7-day challenge is just the glow-up our budgets needed this week.
Get Jean�s take on the weekly news that affects your wallet: Subscribe to our Tuesday newsletter, This Week In Your Wallet.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus: Sharing salaries among friends, and answers to the Roth vs. traditional IRA question
Roth vs. Traditional IRAs: What�s the Difference?
If the complexity of the Roth vs. traditional IRA decision is preventing you from opening an account, just know this: There are no bad choices here. Each rewards you with tax breaks for saving for the future and offers easy access to the types of investments that will help your nest egg grow.
We�ve deconstructed the most important rules about each type to help you decide which type � or combination of both! � is best for you.
More re: IRA flavors for every situation:6 Types of IRAs Every Woman Needs to Know About
Top 5 Money Trade-Offs (and How to Tame Them) Dueling demands on your income are like a two-headed money monster, and there�s often no right answer as to the best place to put our precious limited funds. Pay off student loans or build an emergency fund? Credit card vs. home down payment? If you�re waffling on where your money should go, take a look at these five tame-able trade-offs for some inspiration.
Plus: Girls Who Invest and How to Get More Women Managing Money Than Ever Before The sea change of gender parity we've been promised isn't happening fast enough. But there are organizations working to elevate women in fields where gender diversity skews dramatically male. One of those industries is investment management. The nonprofit organization Girls Who Invest is on a mission to have 30% of the world�s investable capital managed by women by the year 2030.
Girls Who Invest CEO Janet Cowell joined Jean on this week�s HerMoney Podcast* to talk about how the organization helps girls get into the business through education and internship programs. (Head�s up ladies, young women at every school in America in all majors are eligible to apply!) They also discuss ways women who currently work in male-dominated fields can deal with gender-based challenges.
This week�s Mailbag is about old pensions, the best online savings accounts for business owners and how student loans impact your credit score. And in Thrive Jean has tips on finding a financial adviser who clicks with you.
Podcast Bonus!:We recorded a special love and money-themed episode as a Valentine�s Day gift to our beloved HerMoney listeners. Listen in as we tackle your questions about feelings, financial goals, dealing with debt for two and more on this bonus Love & Money episode of the HerMoney Podcast*.
HerMoney Water Cooler: Should You Disclose Your Salary to Your Friends? A recent post in The New York Times had us buzzing in the HerMoney office, so we decided to ask our private HerMoney Facebook
group, "Do you talk about salary with your friends?" Perhaps not surprisingly, the group was divided, and we loved the advice they gave when it comes to discussing company dollars with your friends.
More re: salary straight talk:The Compensation Conversation: Is It Healthy to Compare Salaries Among Friends?
In case you missed it:
A five-step plan if your credit score is below 700
5 Tax Filing Tips for the Divorced and some others for women who�ve gone through some other stuff
How To Use 0% APR Deals to Your Advantage
But wait! There�s more! Get Jean�s take on the weekly news that affects your wallet: Subscribe to our Tuesday newsletter, This Week In Your Wallet.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it�s a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Rocking your rewards cards, stimulus check spending and more
How to Drag a Body (and Other Survival Tips for Women)
Few people were as prepared for the pandemic as Judith Matloff. The same can be said for her state of readiness when facing hurricanes, military coups, cholera outbreaks and stampeding mobs.
Matloff honed these skills during a decades-long journalism career covering civil wars, natural disasters, rebellions, gangs and drug cartels (this is a partial list) for major news outlets. In her timely new book - How to Drag a Body and Other Safety Tips You Hope
to Never Need - she distills disaster preparedness advice for whatever hazards those of us with desk jobs might face.
We asked Matloff for tips on surviving the ongoing pandemic ("Get rid of the female perfectionism that plagues us.") and why every woman needs a pre-packed "go bag" (see her list of nine essential items for your bag). Podcast* How we can help women entrepreneurs - particularly women of color - thrive The last several months have been incredibly challenging, if not devastating, for small business owners - especially female entrepreneurs of color. Data from social startup, digitalundivided, found that during this time 82% of Black and Latinx women entrepreneurs report experiencing a loss of revenue, and just 12% have had the ability to pay themselves a sustainable wage.
Lauren Maillian, CEO of digitalundivided, joined Jean on this week's HerMoney podcast* for a candid discussion about the barriers women face in the world of venture capital fundraising, how the protests are impacting the black entrepreneurial community, the distinction between "performative allyship" and
real allyship and how we can help women thrive in our communities.
This week in the mailbag segment we tackle the topics of life insurance, early retirement and when to claim a husband's pension. This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
One word: Plastics
The real hazard of contactless payments
Millions of shoppers are staying away from cash and relying solely on plastic - contactless credit and debit cards. Why? The fear of catching the coronavirus from exchanging physical currency, even though health experts say it's unlikely.
What is more likely, however, is that you'll spend more money than you would otherwise by tapping your way into the commercial future. That's because the more distant we are from the money itself, the less real
it feels, and the more willing we are to part with it. As we increase the space between ourselves and our physical money, the onus will be on us to find other ways to keep ourselves in check.
Miles! Points!Travel Rewards! Oh My! Surprise! Now may turn out to be the perfect time to redeem all of those points and perks you've been racking up on your rewards card. Resorts, casinos and theme parks are offering serious perks now that travel is starting to tick back up again. You could be looking at the cheapest vacation you've ever taken. And if you're not ready to fly just yet, there's no rule against using points to book a future trip. See our rundown of the best - and worst - ways to use your credit card rewards.
7 things to do with your travel
rewards card right now "Wait, don't go!" That's the latest plea from travel rewards card issuers
facing irrelevancy in a world where few people are hopping on flights and booking hotel rooms. To compensate for the sharp pullback, they''ve been quick to adjust the terms and rewards categories on their annual fee cards. They've expanded rewards categories, increased the point value on everyday spending categories, and are even slashing annual fees.
Still, even with the new perks you may find that the travel rewards card in your wallet is simply dead weight. If so, we've got seven ways to get what you need right now from your travel rewards card.
In case you missed it:
Stimulus check tips:How to really put that $1,200 to work (Pssst, if you haven't gotten yours, check the status of your payment at the dedicated site.)
Cars, vacation homes, sports equipment for kids, etc.: Here are the things the women of the HerMoney Facebook group say they will and won't be willing to continue to rent in a post-COVID-19 world.
Work it, ladies: Our gym routines have been disrupted, and some changes may be permanent. Here's what the future of working out is shaping up to look like.
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Plus tips from dominatrixes, the important M.U.G. formula and more
We Don't Run the World . Yet. But Women are Making Strides
We're catching up. From our 19th Century suffragette sisters fighting for the basic right to vote, to the current groundswell of support for pro-women initiatives like the Women's March, the Lean In movement, and #MeToo, there's no question the future is female.
Even though we've still got a lot of ground to cover, we've come a long way in the workforce, ladies. In honor of International Women's Day on March 8, 2020, we checked in on the state of women in the world and gathered some facts and figures to give you the good kind of feels about how much we've accomplished so far.
Market Whiplash and the Fed's Sudden Rate Cut: What It All Means for You On March 3, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates by a half percentage point in a move that took place outside of the regularly scheduled committee meeting where rate decisions are usually made. Why? In a word, coronavirus.
Slashing rates is an economy-boosting move, and in this instance it was a response to the risk the
coronavirus poses to economic activity because of changes in consumer behavior. It was hard to miss headlines about the stock market's extreme mood swings this week.
But what does all the activity mean for you? While the headlines about the toll Covid-19 (aka coronavirus) are enough to set your stomach (and your 401(k), IRA and 529 college savings accounts) on edge, the best response is a tempered one. As Jean writes this week, what you do - if anything - should be dictated by how you answer these five key questions. Plus: What We Can Learn from Dominatrixes In this week's HerMoney Podcast* we cover a familiar topic (women and power) from an unusual perspective: Women who take on a dominant role in their work as professional "mistresses."
This week's guest Lindsay Goldwert is the author of the new book, "Bow Down: Lessons From Dominatrixes On How To Get Everything You Want." In her book, she explores all aspects of control, and what it means to have more of it in your life. "No one springs from the womb as an alpha woman who walks into any room and owns it,
who doesn't care what people think, who doesn't need anyone to tell her what's right," Lindsay says.
Jean and Lindsay talk about ways to embrace our more assertive side, the differences between being assertive and aggressive, and "in control" versus "controlling." It's a crash course on the benefits of authoritatively taking
charge of your life.
In Mailbag Jean and Kathryn weigh in on a listener's next career move after her request for a raise and title change was ignored. And in Thrive Jean dishes about avoiding the temptation to overspend when using those oh-so-convenient mobile payment apps.
6 Incredible Charities that Support Women We celebrate female independence every single day. But during the month of March, as we pause to pay tribute to all the ladies who came before us, we want to highlight a
handful of charities focused on preparing a new generation of game-changing women enter the workforce and build their empires.
From providing pro-bono financial advice to lining up internships to funding female-led businesses, here's how to get involved.
In case you missed it:
What to Do If You Can't Pay Your Tax Bill
How Anxiety and Depression Take a Toll On Your Finances (and Vice Versa)
5 Simple Tips to Help You Save For Retirement On Any Budget
HerMoney Picks What's Your M.U.G.? A Shortcut Calculation to Figure Out How Much You'll Need for Retirement** A new study from the Alliance for Lifetime Income** shows that retirement may not bring as much of an ability to play fast-and-loose with your finances as you'd think. This makes calculating your minimum retirement paycheck - the amount your savings and investments
will cover - an even more critical step in preparing for post-work life.
Now there's an easier way to do the math, starting with your essential, must-pay, no-compromise expenses - aka your M.U.G., an acronym that stands for Mortgage, Utilities and Groceries. From there Jean spells out how to adjust your
numbers to incorporate the latest thinking on retirement planning needs.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. **This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with the Alliance for Lifetime Income, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus: Busting up bro culture, Social Security mistakes and more
The she-cession is real: Here's what to do if you're worried about a layoff
The record-high unemployment rate has a lot of people working scared, especially women. The COVID-19 crisis has already wiped out a decade of our gender's job gains - and it's not because more women than men are employed in sectors slammed by the pandemic.
Across the hardest-hit businesses, women lost their jobs at a higher rate (versus raw numbers) than men in the same fields. The unequal fallout from the first round of layoffs leaves us with an unemployment rate that's 2% higher for women than it is for
If you're afraid you might get a pink slip, here are six things you can do to minimize the emotional, financial and professional fallout.
PLUS:Here's exactly how to update your LinkedIn profile to stand out.
Tempted to file early for Social Security? Whoa there . The lines for filing for unemployment run down city blocks, and job prospects are few and far between, especially if you're a jobless woman within spitting distance of retirement. Filing for Social Security before you reach "full retirement age" may seem like a good lifeline right now, but Social Security expert Marcia Mantell tells us how this decision can dramatically impact your retirement security for decades to come.
Move over, bro culture
Future economic growth will largely be driven by tech-heavy businesses where, in the past, men have hogged many of the offices in the c-suite. But opportunities in that space are so much bigger and more diverse than many think, says Holly Gosher on this week's HerMoney podcast*. She''s the managing director at Insight Partners, a global private equity and venture capital firm, and the co-founder of Declare, a nonprofit that provides women with leadership, training and mentorship to succeed in S.T.E.M. fields. Hear her advice for breaking in, moving up and why it's more important than ever for women to achieve parity in the male-dominated world of tech.
We interrupt your Netflix binge for this important money making opportunity From earning cash while watching cooking videos to becoming a voice over artist or creating YouTube tutorials, here's how 12 real people earned extra money without breaking social distancing rules.
Dear Mom and Dad: We need to talk Boy, this is awkward. I know you've had plenty of experience taking care of yourself. But frankly, I'm scared - not only about my finances, but yours, too. Let's talk about what we need to do to help one another.
In case you missed it:
How to say no and stay friends when your pals are trying to sell you stuff
What's it like to rent an apartment during a pandemic? Kinda weird
None of us knows exactly what the future holds. If you've lost your mojo to save for it, here are some mind games to find motivation
Thank you for reading HerMoney. No need for social distancing in cyberspace, so invite all your friends to hang out and sign up here!
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Stop letting your man make these financial decisions without you
The Triple Threat to Your Investment Returns
The enemy of winning long-term investment returns isn't stock market dips. It's fees. And they don't simply deal you a single blow.
1. First is the upfront cost - paying a percentage of your assets (the money you invest) to cover the fees. The money is immediately gone - poof - along with any opportunity for that money to get invested on your behalf. 2. Because they're not one-off fees, the recurring charges continue to chip away at your portfolio balance year after year. (Poof, poof, poof ad nauseam.) 3. Finally, the amount you pay in fees continues to increase as your portfolio value grows (because the fees are based on a
percentage of your assets). Behold negative compound interest at work! Pfffffssssss.
Bottom line: You can't entirely avoid fees. But you can minimize the impact they have on your investment returns. It's just a matter of knowing where to look and what's reasonable to pay.
Plus: Here's how to be a mentor to the next generation of women Studies have shown that between the ages of 8 and 14, girls' confidence can drop by 30%. We think that's a tough number to swallow. With "The Day of the Girl" coming up this Sunday, October 11, we wanted to do our part to mark the day, so we invited Illana Raia, the author of "Girls, Who Do You Want To Be?" to be our guest on this week's HerMoney Podcast*.
Illana is also the founder of ?tre, a mentorship platform for middle school girls, that brings young women directly into major companies of their choosing -? like Google, YouTube, and Spotify to name a few - to meet female leaders face-to-face. Illana talks about how her daughter inspired her to start the program, and offers ideas on how to bring young girls into greater confidence by letting them in on your everyday conversations.
In Mailbag, we talk about Roth IRA conversions, maxing out a 403(b), and financing a new car. Lastly, in Thrive, Jean tackles online shopping - specifically ways we can all start doing less of it!
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
At-home exercises for every budget
Stuck exercising at home because of COVID? We created a list of a wide range of at-home exercise options for any budget. From "no budget" free apps and social media options up to investment-level workout gear (like smart bikes and AI-powered touch screen trainers), this roundup of heart pumping workout options will get you moving no matter what your budget.
Stop letting your partner make these financial decisions without you Nearly half of women polled for a new UBS Global Wealth survey said they let their spouse take the lead on long-term financial decisions. The trend holds true despite age, education and
salary, with even high-achieving women who are the primary breadwinners in their household deferring money decisions to their spouses. And millennials cede money matters to their partners most of all.
It's not just a matter of principle. When women defer long-term money decisions to their partners it leaves them exposed. We take a look at what's behind the trend and offer four ways to get plugged in to these important decisions while keeping the peace in the relationship.
Tapping out at the cash register Tap and go payments are no longer the wave of the future. The pandemic pushed contactless credit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay to the front of the checkout line. If your card has a contactless feature you can only use it if the merchant has a contactless terminal. We talked to
credit card pros to find out how to use the feature safely.
Like what you see? Invite your friends to our judgment-free zone!
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'Tis the season for applying for college aid. We've got five ways to nail the FAFSA and make it as painless as possible.
On a related note, if you''re caught between retirement and college savings, this FAQ will help you move forward.
How much is too much to pay to own a mutual fund? Are index funds always the cheapest choice? For
answers see our mutual fund fees breakdown.
You don't need to wait for a major life event to hire a financial advisor. There are other times when working with a planner is a good idea.
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
We maintain a strict
editorial policy and a judgment-free zone for our community. We strive to remain transparent in everything we do. Website posts and newsletters may contain advertisements, links and mentions of products from our partners. Learn more about how we make money.
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Reacting to Weinstein, fighting for equal pay and Inside the "influencer" world
A message from HerMoney on March''s Madness
These are frightening, anxiety-provoking times - in life and in money. And it's at times like these that we believe it's particularly important to recognize A) what you can't control vs. B) what you can control, and focus on the latter. You can't control the wild swings in the market. You can control whether you choose to pay attention to them by the minute. You can't control interest rates. You can control whether you look to profit from lower ones by refinancing your mortgage if it makes sense. You can't control the virus. You can control - or at least try to control (why is it so hard?!?) - the times each day you touch your face.
Like everyone, we''re monitoring the situation as it evolves. And we''ve got you covered:
Jean lays out the questions you need to ask before you make any sudden moves.
Dayana deconstructs the sharp market movements we''re experiencing and puts crashes, dips, recessions and corrections in perspective by showing how long they typically last.
And as Beth explains, how you handle sudden stock market moves depends on your investment goals - as in how much time you have before you need the money and what to do if you haven''t started investing
All of us hope that calm and common sense prevail. Let''s help each other out, shall we? Join us on Facebook and Instagram for tips on how to manage financial anxiety, cope with market volatility and feel empowered after a turbulent few weeks.
Plus: From Influencer to Entrepreneur with WeWoreWhat's Danielle Bernstein When she was a sophomore in college, Danielle Bernstein turned her talent for styling the perfect ensembles into a fashion blog. Today, WeWoreWhat is a multi-million dollar platform boasting more than 2 million instagram followers. The fashion collections she offers seasonally frequently bring in more than $2 million in sales within just a few hours of launch.
On this week's HerMoney podcast* Danielle and Jean talk about entrepreneurship, style tips, growing a business (she recently launched project management tool Moe Assist to help online influencers) and so much more. This is one episode you'll want to share with the young women in your life.
In this week's Mailbag,
Jean tackles questions about "recasting" a mortgage, what to do with a $13,000 gift, and how to handle family "wants" that threaten to derail your retirement plans. In Thrive, Jean offers tips on kindly and gently cutting the purse strings when you're supporting family members.
What the Weinstein Verdict Means for #MeToo Survivors: Not Much
On Wednesday Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison after a jury found him guilty of multiple counts of sexual assault. As he changes out of his Oscar-worthy tuxedos into prison garb, we're left with the overriding question: What now?
We asked Sarah Beaulieu, sexual harassment prevention and response expert, for her response to the efficacy of the Harvey Weinstein verdict. She's the author of the new book, "Breaking the Silence Habit: A Practical Guide to Uncomfortable Conversations in the #MeToo Workplace." Read Sarah's HerMoney guest column for more on what we can do to create safe environments for women.
I Had to Fight for Equal Pay - and I Won't Be Silenced Editor's note: This story is published anonymously at the author's request in order to comply with her settlement agreement:
"I can't tell you my name because the company I sued for equal pay bought my silence with their settlement. But I can tell you my story anonymously in the hopes that it helps you if you're ever in the same situation.
"When I found out my male colleagues were paid between 50% to 100% more than I was? - we're talking tens of thousands of dollars more - I was livid, stunned and devastated. I felt sick. I felt betrayed. I wanted to rush into the building, grab the coffee mug and family photo from my desk and run out screaming. Instead, I hired a female employment lawyer.
Here's what happened next."
In case you missed it:
If a Recession Comes, Here''s How to Manage
5 Free or Cheap Ways to File Your Taxes
Hand Sanitizer, Toilet Paper and Protecting Yourself When Flying the Friendly Skies
Looking to Refinance Your Mortgage? Here's Everything You Need to Know
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Holidays 2020, budget keto, passive real estate, pants
How to plan for a different kind of holiday season this year
There's been
nothing normal about 2020, and the holiday season is expected to follow this trend. We took a deep dive into predictions for this year's holiday season, and how you can best prepare emotionally and financially to celebrate.
And what about gifts? New tie? Not so much. Massage? No thanks. What will fill our stockings, end up nestled under the tree, or be given on the many nights of Hanukkah? Here's HerMoney's sneak peek at 2020 holiday gifts that are appropriate - and will be appreciated - this year.
Like what you see? Invite your friends to our judgment-free zone!
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PLUS: Investing in real estate without the headaches
"It's always a good time to invest in real estate as long as the numbers make sense, and as long as you understand the fundamentals of the market that you're investing in," says Julie Lam, who along with Annie Dickerson founded and co-manages GoodEgg Investments. Then there's the flip side of investing in real estate:
Tenants, toilets and termites.
Enter real estate syndications, a way to reap the financial rewards of real estate ownership without having to handle the headaches of property management. In this week's HerMoney Podcast*, Julie and Annie explain how this passive form of real estate investing works - the minimums, typical returns - and how women can get involved.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
How to do Keto on a budget A ketogenic diet, one of America's most popular eating plans, isn't known for its affordability, especially when you consider the reliance on organic vegetables, grass-fed meats and lots and lots of protein. So we asked food experts for ways to do keto on a budget. They served up a bunch of low-cost ideas, including a list of foods to buy at big-box stores, when it makes sense to buy organic and when you can skip it, and affordable keto-friendly snacks for kids.
Resigning a job remotely: Email templates to guide you through To email or not to email? Zoom, call or Slack? These are the questions
when it comes to resigning a job. Pre-COVID putting in your notice was always best done in person, face-to-face. But now?
We asked career experts about the new rules of quitting etiquette. Here we present how to do it, what you should and shouldn't say, and two resignation email templates to ensure no bridges are burned.
Glitchy appliances present new problems right now Need a coil for your A/C? An odd-sized oven to replace one that just died? In Before Covid times, ordering spare parts or a new model of an appliance was easy. But now the pandemic has caused some major manufacturing delays leading to inventory shortages that, in some cases, will last for months. Here are seven creative ideas to help you get by so you don't have to spend months eating microwave-only meals or washing your clothes in the bathtub.
Who's ready for real pants? After months of wearing stretchy pants
and slippers, zippers and hard-soled shoes sound like torture. But eventually we'll be required to clothe ourselves to be presentable from head-to-toe. (Taking your polished look for a test drive while stuck at home is also good for a mental lift.) Wondering what to wear? Fashion pros agree: Think well-cut, well-made, washable and at a good price point. In other words, elevated athleisure that doesn't cost a fortune. Here are five brands they recommend to stylishly take you from WFH back to the office (whenever that happens).
We reminisced about lessons learned during the year that's about to come to a close in the HerMoney Private Facebook Group. Here are eight that caught our eye.
The IRS recently refreshed tax brackets (and the standard deduction) for 2021. We've got everything you need to know about how tax brackets work and why they matter.
Is your closet cluttered chaos? Here are nine low-cost (and free!) tips for reorganizing your home we learned from binge-watching Netflix.
Need a money makeover? Second opinion? Answers to a few burning financial questions? Help from a money management pro is just moments away. Take this simple 2-minute questionnaire and you''ll immediately be matched with a fee-only fiduciary advisor. HerMoney has partnered with the SEC-registered referral service, Wealthramp, to help women find financial advisors you can trust. There''s no obligation, and once you''re matched the advisor will stand by and wait for you to make first contact.
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments.
It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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PLUS: There ARE Things to be Thankful for in 2020
Hey! ;) What's the deal with Jane?
While gossip around the water cooler was always a fun break from work, the same via email tends to be way less cool. Couple that with emojis, and you've officially hit unprofessional territory, even if you are besties with your former cube neighbor. Here are 10 email phrases you''ll want to avoid when sending out work emails to make sure you are putting your best digital self
out there. Plus: Earn What You Deserve Following the advice above could tee you up for your next promotion - yes, even in the middle of a pandemic. While many of us have faced layoffs, there are others who have been more fortunate and are working harder than ever, taking on more responsibility to keep their companies thriving. If you're one of those people, then it might be worth having a chat with your boss to make sure they're aware of all you've done to deserve a promotion - even if you have to wait a little for it to come through.
(Side note, if you haven't checked out our HerMoney Facebook group, this topic came up recently, and the outpouring of guidance and support was EPIC.)
Yes, There ARE Things to be Thankful for This Year We're over it. 2020, for all its hopeful memes and idyllic thoughts as the start of a new decade, was a total and utter BUST. However, on this week's podcast, Karamo, host and culture expert of the Emmy-nominated Queer Eye, leans into his work as a social worker and psychotherapist to tell us how we can all stay emotionally resilient as we head into 2021. Hang in there, folks, there is a light at the end of this tunnel!
Love our podcast? Tell us what you think in our survey and enter to win $100 Amazon gift cards, HerMoney insulated wine tumblers, and signed copies of Jean Chatzky's "Women with Money" book. Take the 5-minute survey here! We can''t wait to hear what you think.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
Need some last-minute gift ideas? Lots of people are in need this season, but may be reticent to ask for actual help. Some of the best gifts out there are subscriptions - for food, services, books and even wine! Check out some of the gifts we're giving to those who might need it, but who don't want to ask.
And if you're looking for some gifts that are more on the fun side, we posted a bunch of different gift guides (including a list of our favorite things!) last week. If you are still searching for something, take a peek at our recommendations, most of which are also great for year-round gifting.
HerMoney's favorite holiday gifts
5 women on their favorite stocking stuffers
18 must-have girl power gifts that we need in 2020
10 incredibly thoughtful gifts for this bizarre
In case you missed it: Tax season is coming. Find out what working remotely means for your taxes, and take a look at child care
tax breaks you need to take advantage of in 2021. Also, here's a reminder of 2021''s tax brackets. See what the changes might mean for you.
Calling all HerMoney Ambassadors! Refer 5 friends* and be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card, a collection of inspiring books from some of our fave HerMoney Podcast guests, plus a cozy HerMoney surprise to enjoy this holiday!
(Not an Ambassador yet? Sign up now!)
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*This offer applies to new referrals only and expires Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020. Referrals must subscribe to the HerMoney newsletter to be valid. One entry per every 5 valid referrals. Winner will be notified by Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2020. In the event they do not respond within 72 hours, another entry will be drawn and the winner will be contacted.
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Taking the time to reflect
We''re shifting the format a bit this week. Our world needs some extra love and understanding, and we want to talk
to you, not merely give you a weekly recap.
After a global pandemic that has sickened and killed so many and left a record number of people unemployed, the world was jolted
by yet another story of racism and police brutality.
But this time, the world seems different than it was just a few weeks ago. It's a world that we hope is becoming more attuned to the lives around us and the vast inequalities that exist. It's important now that we listen, learn, reflect - and give when we can.
To that end, we want to highlight ways we can show up for our communities and financially support organizations that are helping Black communities during this time. We also want to shine a light on systemic problems that prevent Black women and other minorities from achieving the same level of financial stability as the average white woman.
We want to hear what's on your mind. Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or email us.
May you all stay safe and find love and compassion in your hearts.
The HerMoney Team
Read: Jean Chatzky's letter to the HerMoney community: What Breaks Your Heart?
Read:By the Numbers: How Black Women Are Really Doing Financially
Connect: Join the judgement-free discussion in the private HerMoney Facebook group
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Plus: When to quit on your 401(k), workouts with Jillian Michaels, moving your small biz online
Should I Stop Contributing to My 401(k)? Depends on why you''re asking
By now we can all recite by heart the reasons we''re supposed to ignore stock market calamity and continue to contribute to our 401(k), 403(b) or other workplace retirement plans. You know - the tax break, the free money (aka employer match), stopping now means certain long-term investment losses, etc. The thing is, right now may be a very good time to quit your 401(k).
There. We said it. We also have a lot of other things to say if you moved into cash when the stock market was tanking, are tempted to retreat to bonds, if your company reduced or eliminated the employer match and if you feel completely lost right now. See HerMoney's answers to your 401(k) investing questions.
Plus: Daily Rituals, Self-Care and Healing (Or: Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies) As we all learn to navigate a "new normal" of a world during the coronavirus, it's important to look for life's silver linings. Author, playwright and entertainment executive Tara Schuster shows us how to do just that in this week's HerMoney Podcast.* The title of her new book succinctly sums up her advice: "Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies And Other Rituals To Fix Your Life From Someone Who Has Been There."
Tara and Jean talk about what it means to actually buy yourself those $7 lilies: "We don't grow stronger by denying ourselves and saying 'I'm not worth it.' We grow stronger when we treat ourselves well, and give ourselves the nurturing we need." And also why gratitude isn't just a "woo-woo" practice for the privileged.
In Mailbag, Jean and Kathryn tackle questions on home buying during the time of Coronavirus, funding a child's college education with money from an IRA, and how the IRS will determine how much money everyone will receive as part of the stimulus check initiative. The Only Quarantine Workout You'll Ever Need, With Jillian Michaels
While millions of us are working from home, far fewer of us are taking the time to work out from home. Yet exercise is necessary to release feel-good endorphins to help reduce stress and fatigue and increase energy and fend off disease. Just 30 minutes a day can go a long way in improving your mental and physical health while on lockdown.
We asked Jillian Michaels, health and fitness expert and creator of the Jillian Michaels Fitness App, to guide use. Check out her eight tips to help you sweat out your stress and work out from home.
How to Survive Going from a Dual-Income Household to a Single-Income One It happened. You or your partner lost their job or was furloughed. The divorce is final. Or worse: Your beloved passed away. Experiencing a major pay cut - going from a dual-income home to a single-income household - can feel destabilizing, to say the
least. But you don't have to manage it all on your own. Here are five things to do to re-establish financial security in your household after a chunk of your income goes away.
How to Move Your Business Online for Less Than $200 Small businesses that depended on face-to-face sales before the coronavirus pandemic are suffering. With shoppers stuck at home, the only way to reach them is through their screens. But what if you have only a minimal online presence, or a site that can't take credit cards? Don't let a lack of tech-savviness or budget prevent you from pivoting into a new approach. We've got you covered.
Turning your bricks-and-mortar store into an online
business has never been easier, or cheaper. Here's a four-step plan to opening your virtual storefront. 3 Ways to Stay
Financially and Mentally Healthy Right Now Are you feeling all the feels? Anxiety, fear and feeling scattered about life and money are normal right now. If you're feeling all the feels, don't dismiss them. Heed the advice of financial therapist and wellness advocate, Amanda Clayman, about how to keep our heads - and our financial lives - above water.
In case you missed it:
25 Legitimate Ways to Make Money While Social Distancing
The New Rules of Borrowing From Your 401(k) - and Better Options to Consider
Decoding Life Insurance: What It Covers, How Much You Need
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus: Dollar Tree bargains, money mind tricks and more
Everything a Biden Presidency Means for Your Wallet
On Nov. 7, Joe Biden was named President-Elect and Kamala Harris became the first female VP in U.S. history to hold the position. The new administration won't be installed until January 2021, but we already have some ideas on how the event may impact our personal finances during the next four years.
Here''s a quick look at what''s likely in store. For more details on these expectations and others, see our full writeup about what a new administration means to your bottom line.
Rollbacks on 2017 tax cuts that benefited
individuals in the top brackets; cuts for low- and middle-income Americans and more robust tax credits for families with kids.
A boost for the federal minimum wage - which has been stuck at $7.25 per hour for more than a decade - to $15.
A multi-pronged approach to the student debt crisis with a combination of debt cancellations, loan forgiveness, tuition-free schools and elimination of private debt in bankruptcy.
More consistent healthcare coverage across the population, and lowering the minimum age people can receive medicare to 60 from 65.
A reinvigorated Consumer Financial Protection Bureau scrutinizing financial institutions more closely and instituting more big-dollar fines for breaking the rules.
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PLUS: Why every
woman we know is exhausted - and how to make a change
We're now in the ninth month of the pandemic, and unfortunately, the longer this drags on, the worse things seem to get for women. What's to be done, other than venting to other women who "get it" over a pitcher of Ina Garten-sized
margaritas? This week's HerMoney Podcast* guest, Eve Rodsky, has some ideas - and some genuine solutions.
She wrote her New York Times
bestselling book "Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution When You Have Too Much To Do (And More Life To Live)" in the hopes of coming up with a 21st Century solution to an age-old problem - women shouldering the brunt of childrearing and domestic life responsibilities whether or not they work outside the home.
Listen in as Eve walks us through all the steps to take to break free from these toxic
cycles, and gives her best advice for people who want to rebalance the dynamic in their household.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
It's not money causing the most marital rifts. It's THIS project Of all the things that spark major marital arguments - e.g. fair division of household labor, debt, overspending, lack of toilet seat etiquette - there's one particular DIY home improvement job that does dramatically more relationship damage than all others, according to a survey of ex-couples.
4 secrets to mastering your money, even during a pandemic In normal times the fight to make good financial decisions means facing off against our impulses, our environment and sharp marketers who know how to push our buttons. These are not normal times. On top of everything else, we're steeped in uncertainty and stress. And stress, says behavioral finance rockstar, Dan Ariely, is a notorious catalyst for making decisions that are even worse than normal.
These unusual times call for unusual tactics. Here are Dan''s four tips for saving more, spending less, and controlling your future, even in the uncontrollable now.
Meet the Broke Black Girl making personal finance truly personal Dasha Kennedy is a financial activist with a clear cause. "My mission is to bridge the racial and gender wealth gap by raising awareness of the economic disparities that impact Black women," she says.
Dasha launched
the wildly popular Facebook group - The Broke Black Girl - when wrestling with her own money woes. Today it is a safe space where nearly 70,000 members learn more about budgeting, investing, wealth building and more. Here's
how Dasha is putting the "personal" in personal finance.
A simple mind trick to help you achieve your savings goals Perception is everything, especially when it comes to tackling savings goals that seem insurmountable. (E.g. save $1 million for retirement? Pay off a five-digit debt?) However, a new study shows that the way you frame a goal dramatically affects the likelihood you'll achieve it. See how this mind trick works when we apply it to some common financial goals.
Looking for seasonal work? Apply here: Seasonal work still exists during the pandemic. What's new is that many of these temp positions are remote. Here's who's hiring across the country.
Email templates that will help you land the job: After the job interview, a carefully crafted thank-you note can make all the difference. Use these three examples to write a note that will make you stand apart from other applicants.
The best Dollar Tree bargains right now: Our writer has honed her Dollar Tree shopping skills over
the years. Here are the eight of her favorite money savers you can scoop up right now.
Need a money makeover? Second opinion? Answers to a few burning financial questions? Help from a money management pro is just moments away. Take this simple 2-minute questionnaire and you''ll immediately be matched with a fee-only fiduciary advisor. HerMoney has partnered with the SEC-registered referral service, Wealthramp, to help women find financial advisors you can trust. There''s no obligation, and once you''re matched the advisor will stand by and wait for you to make first contact.
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments.
It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
We maintain a strict
editorial policy and a judgment-free zone for our community. We strive to remain transparent in everything we do. Website posts and newsletters may contain advertisements, links and mentions of products from our partners. Learn more about how we make money.
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Plus: Will the Fed step up and the new rules of college aid
Will they or won't they? Only the Fed knows for sure
The $600 weekly supplement to federal unemployment benefits is set to expire July 31. We've all heard the whisperings that another round of government payments might be coming, but nothing concrete has made it to the main stage. Here's where things currently stand. Pride, inclusion and eradicating bias Trigger warning: This week's HerMoney Podcast* guest has a resume that will set off a massive case of awe. Megan Smith has been the Chief Technology Officer of the United States under President Obama, a vice president at Google for 11 years, CEO of LGBTQ media company PlanetOut, and in the early days of the internet worked on smartphone technologies at Apple Japan. Oh, and she also co-founded
the Malala Fund. Today she's the CEO and founder of Shift7, a company working on solutions to systemic social, environmental, and economic problems by empowering women, people of color, youth, and all people who have been marginalized.
Hear more from Megan about her incredible career journey, as well as her and Jean's
discussion about supporting innovators from all walks of life and how to be better allies to the LGBTQ community.
Bonus: We welcome back Social Security expert Marcia Mantell to talk about how freelance and side gig earnings play into your Social Security benefits. (Listen our previous full episode with Marcia here!)
Hit the brakes on inflated auto premiums
It seems wasteful to pay to insure a car that's been stuck in "park" for months. But that's what drivers under stay-at-home orders have been doing. In the meantime, insurance companies have made an estimated $2 billion in additional monthly profits because of reduced claims. But, guess what: These nine insurance companies are paying quarantine refunds. See if your insurance company is one of them.
Waistlines aren't the only thing expanding around here In April, the country's savings rate hit an unprecedented 33%. That dwarfs the previous record of 17.3%, set in May 1975. The lockdown paired with the fed's stimulus package created the perfect petri dish for savings behavior to thrive. But will it last? And what does the next phase look like?
Yoo hoo! Got something you want to say? We're all ears! If you have opinions and you like winning free stuff, we want to hear from you. We're planning to freshen up this HerMoney newsletter and need your help to do it right. This is, after all, your newsletter - so it should reflect exactly what you want to see. Take this brief, anonymous survey, and you'll be entered into a drawing to win one of three HerMoney prize packs!
ICYMI: College edition!
How to get more financial aid: A global pandemic and economic crisis may have changed your financial
circumstances. If so, don't be shy about asking for more financial aid. We walk you through the college aid appeals process.
The new math for borrowing money: We sincerely hope you already have an obscenely lucrative, soul-enriching, entry-level job lined up for the Monday after graduation day. If not, here are other ways to figure out how much is reasonable to borrow for college.
The best way to spend what you've saved: College savings: Check. Acceptance letter: Check. Time to spend it: Ummm. Here are the best ways to deploy that money to maximize tax breaks and bolster financial aid opportunities.
No internship? No problem: Here's what HR reps absolutely want to see on your resume from summer 2020.
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Plus: The Points Guy, a new Netflix-credit connection and more
Home Sweet Office: Settle In and Get
A lot of us set up our work-from-home getup thinking we'd be doing this for just a few weeks - and now it's been almost five months.
If your employer tells you to keep working from home until further notice, it's time to fully embrace the WFH life. Comfort, focus and an
environment that encourages productivity are key. So is keeping the cost of a new or upgraded office under control. With that in mind we're tackling home office transformations for three budgets. First up, working work-space magic with items that add up to less than $200.
Plus: Using Credit Card Rewards When You Can't Travel Do you even want to fly the friendly skies right now? If not, what are you supposed to do with all the miles and points you've accrued? Is there a way to use them? And should you stop trying to earn more of them?
For answers, we turn to the leading expert in the rewards card field - The Points Guy himself - Brian Kelly. Brian guides us through the latest rewards strategies on this week's HerMoney Podcast.* He covers the options for those who are sitting on a pile of points - how to use them and what to think about expirations, refundable fares and cancellation policies. Brian also tells us how to get the safest flight possible for the best price right now, and which airlines are taking the greatest precautions with safety.
In Mailbag, Jean and Kathryn talk through credit freezes for 5-year-olds, how to allocate retirement investments, and UTMA/UGMA accounts for children. In Thrive, we dish on some of the major car insurance companies that are paying quarantine refunds.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
Become a real estate investor (minus the hassle of buying property)
Real estate investing can be a great way to diversify an investment portfolio (a great move right now), generate income and enhance your returns. Whether you're looking for a hands-on approach (buying physical property) or want passive exposure (via REITs ETFs and stocks), there are easy ways to invest in real estate.
I don't even recognize you anymore If there has ever
been a need for a mid-year financial check-up, this year is it. Spending patterns, savings goals, portfolio allocations, insurance needs - the pandemic threw everything in flux, leaving many people's finances in a completely different place than they were just a few months ago. This 10-step, mid-year checkup has key steps to make sure your finances stay (or get back) on track.
Stop, drop and breathe It's not just in your head. The coronavirus is disproportionately impacting women, sending many down the burnout escalator. Here are some of the symptoms of burnout: exhaustion, getting cynical about your work, not taking things as seriously, and getting detached from friends and other relationships. If any of these hit close to home, try these strategies recommended by experts to help you tune out the noise and tune into into your reserves of resiliency.
Shop small to make a big impact A newly released study from American Express found that nearly two-thirds of small businesses need consumer spending to return to normal by year's end to stay afloat, and nearly one in four small-business owners have stopped paying themselves in order to remain open. In short, small businesses need our help. Here's how you can play a part in your favorite entrepreneur's recovery - including ways to support your local economy without having to spend a dime.
Earn extra credit for binging: Your Netflix subscription now provides more than hours upon hours of entertainment. Experian just announced that it will factor in your Netflix payment history when calculating your Experian Boost credit score. That's great news for those trying to build or rebuild credit.
Laws for ladies: We've come a long way, legislatively speaking, thanks to landmark court decisions that have helped level the employment playing field, narrowed the gender pay gap and more. Here are five historic laws that shaped women's rights - and why they still matter today.
That first savings step is a doozie: But it doesn't have to be. If you're looking for ways to bolster your savings but don't know where to start, we've got your back with small, actionable first steps.
The after-party is on: Come hang out with us in our private Facebook group, on Instagram and on Twitter!
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Plus: What white women can do to be better allies
This Account May Save Your Retirement
If a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) had a love child, it'd look a lot like a Health Savings Account (HSA). The account's main feature is that it lets you put aside pre-tax money to pay for healthcare expenses (lowering your taxable income). And like an FSA, qualified withdrawals to pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses are tax-free.
Here's the first kicker: There's no use-it-by-the-end-of-the-year-or-lose it clause. Unlike an FSA, your HSA contributions
can remain in the account for years - decades, even. Kicker No. 2: The IRS allows you to invest your HSA contributions in mutual funds, stocks, bonds, CDs, and investment growth is tax-free as long as you use the money to pay for medical expenses. Otherwise, it''s taxed just like a 401(k) withdrawal.
With the average 65-year-old woman expected to pay $150,000 in out-of-pocket health-related expenses in retirement, an HSA is like a backup nest egg so you don't have to drain your traditional retirement savings to pay for medical bills. Read our HSA explainer to see if you qualify for an HSA and how it's even a boon in retirement if your healthcare costs are low.
What White Women Can Do to Be Allies For Women of Color
We've seen the discouraging numbers - how women of color are behind white women in almost every financial and career measurement. And we want to do more to bridge the gaps and spur real change. But many white women simply don't know where to begin.
Start by listening to this
week's HerMoney Podcast* where two accomplished women of color share their lists of concrete steps for white women who want to be true allies. Karen Ortiz is an Administrative Judge in the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Chanel Cathey is the Founder and CEO of the strategic communications and PR firm, CJC Insights.
Chanel and Karen speak frankly with Jean about a range of topics - what allies have done to uplift them in their careers, how they're helping women just entering their fields, navigating the experience of being the only woman of color in the room and dealing with
"coded behavior and language" in the workplace. The trio talks about bias - how to spot it and how to speak up when you see it. And they have a frank conversation about what it takes to earn the right to call yourself an "ally."
In Mailbag, listeners ask about handling cagey financial advisors, personal loans and what to do with a $14,000 inheritance. In Thrive Jean gives a rundown of essential items every woman should build into her budget.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
2020 Reboot!: Join Jean for a Financial Wellness Happy Hour ?
Finances are stressing out a lot of us these days. But there are ways to breathe a little easier. Join HerMoney CEO Jean Chatzky on August 13 as she answers your questions and talks about building financial
This free event is part of a 2020 reboot series hosted by Wearwell. Register for Jean''s Financial Wellness Happy Hour and check out other upcoming events here.
Are High-Yield Savings Accounts Even Worth It These Days? High-yield online savings accounts are known for paying interest rates that simply crush what you'll get by keeping your money in a traditional bank savings account. We're talking yields more than 50 times higher - until recently, that is.
In the current low-rate environment (great for home buyers and refinancers!), interest rates on high-yield accounts have taken a big, big hit. Should savers even bother? Yeah, we're going to make you click here for the answer to that cliffhanger.
Couples and the cash clash: 7 ways to a happy money merger If financial opposites attract, how do you make a compatible financial plan? Jessica and Ryan married later in life after each had their own set systems for managing their money. Here's how they worked out their
differences and developed a "happily ever after" plan (with ongoing adjustments).???
Become a master bill negotiator There's never been a better time to call your cable, Internet, electric or gas company (or any other provider that bills you monthly) and ask for a lower rate. We asked a pro negotiator to tutor us on the art of getting providers to cut our costs. She tells us what words to use, how to structure the conversation and the key ingredient for any successful interaction. (Hint: Be nice!)
The math behind making your money multiply: Compound interest is how wealth is built. These savings scenarios show you how it works in real life.
The new world of gratuities: The coronavirus has affected how we handle the exchange of money, especially tips. Here's what we found out about tipping trends during a pandemic.
The hidden costs of grieving: Unnecessary funeral costs are easy to overlook when you've just lost a loved one. Use this step-by-step guide for simplifying funeral finances to help ease some of the financial strain.
7 ways to make up for lost time: It's never too late to start saving for retirement. As long as you're realistic about what you need to do to have enough income to sustain your future.
Envelope (and
drumroll), please ...
Thanks to all of the respondents who filled out our newsletter survey! Your answers, opinions, comments and requests were fantastic. We''ll be incorporating your feedback not only in our newsletter, but also in the content we provide to you all across HerMoney.
And the HerMoney Prize Pack winners are ... Valerie B. of Red Bank, NJ, Terri M. of Citrus Heights, CA and Leslie Y. of Waynesboro, VA! Your names were randomly drawn from the pool of survey respondents. Keep an eye on your mailbox for your HerMoney prize pack!? ?
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Plus: Mailbag, air travel and elevating women at work
Spare a Moment?
We're planning to freshen up this HerMoney newsletter and need your help to do it right. This is, after all, your newsletter - so it should reflect exactly what you want to see. If you have opinions and you like winning free stuff, we want to hear from you. Take this brief, anonymous survey (if you haven''t already), and you'll be entered into a drawing to win one of three HerMoney prize packs! And now, back to our regular programming. Fly the cautious skies: Every airline's rules for travel right now Planes, trains and automobiles: In the age of COVID-19, no form of transportation is without risk, but air travel is especially concerning for many Americans. If you can't avoid booking a flight during this time - for example, to care for a loved one (after quarantining) or to move out after a lease expires - then it's important to have a clear idea of each airline's safety measures.
We have a complete rundown of each major airlines' COVID-19 policies, including cancellations and booking rules, mask policies, whether middle seats are blocked from sale, boarding processes and food service
PLUS: If you're looking for a change of scenery, here's what you need to know about the cost and safety of renting a
home for a summer getaway.
14 women show us how they elevate other women in the workplace From salary coaching to making hiring and promotion recommendations, here's how women of the HerMoney Facebook group support other women professionally.
We're shopping like it's 1996, plus your money questions answered
Our grocery store spending is at the highest it's been in a quarter of a century. And online commerce around the world is up 209% over last year. The lockdown has changed our purchasing habits - maybe forever.
Dan Frommer, founder and editor-in-chief of The New Consumer, a publication devoted to how and why people spend their time and money, joined us on the HerMoney podcast* this week. He and Jean talk about the changes and how people's spending will be impacted in the months to come.
In this week''s Mailbag segment: Hear Jean's advice on what to do with 529 funds that have been refunded, how to prioritize debt repayment and investing, and what she says about switching from a target-date mutual fund to a personalized mix of index funds.
The new "house rules": What homebuyers are looking for In "before times," house hunters merely wanted to know whether a home's heating and cooling system were fully operable. Now they''re hoping to see places that feature medical-grade air filtration systems. The pandemic experience has changed homebuyer priorities. A leading real estate expert gives us
a rundown of 2020''s must-have home features.
5 things to do now to sell your home this year There's no need for an entire home renovation to appeal to buyers. But getting top dollar and sailing through a hassle-free closing will require putting in some elbow grease. You don't have to spend a lot: Small things - a crisp, white duvet cover for the master bedroom and brighter light bulbs in the living room - will elevate your home in buyers' eyes. Use this to-do list make your place appeal to all buyers.
Double trouble: Paying for two kids in college without breaking the bank Paying for one child's college education is already costly enough. Throw a sibling into the mix and it can be downright impossible unless you're sitting on a sizable nest egg or have an inheritance coming down the pike. Here's how to come up with an equitable funding plan and maintain family
Don't forget, the federal tax filing deadline is July 15: Here's how certain life events may impact how you fill out your return.
I'm 50 and I have no retirement
savings, now what?: You still have time to catch up and make some important changes. Start with these four key areas.
Surprise! Didn't expect that:How to take charge of the new financial hurdles you're facing.
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Plus: Hated email musings, wedding bell blues and a note from Jean
Happy Monday! + other email cliches your co-workers hate
A new workplace email etiquette survey reveals that seemingly minor electronic missteps are actually majorly annoying our co-workers. (A 24-7 IV drip of low-level anxiety laced with irritability will do that.)? So, think twice about your opener (one of the most grating: "Hey!") before shooting off that pleasantry laced workplace note.
Your new TP hookup: The neighborhood taco joint Scoring Hamilton tix was a piece of cake compared to sourcing a six-pack of toilet paper in today's world. Shoppers are also emptying supermarket shelves of other basics, like pasta, flour, milk, eggs, meat and cleaning supplies. We asked food industry experts to recommend where consumers can get hard-to-find essentials. Prepare to venture into new retail territory.
Plus: HerMoney Podcast*: Two women walk into a bar . No, really. Back before we were on lockdown, two women walked into a bar - one of them was Erika Nardini, the rockstar CEO of Barstool Sports, and the other was HerMoney's editorial honcho, Kathryn Tuggle. They struck up a conversation and as soon as Kathryn realized who she was talking to, she invited Erika to be on the HerMoney podcast*.
Now, a couple of things about this story. It happened shortly before the coronavirus became a pandemic, so we were able to tape with Erika in person. However, with the world turned upside down, it didn't seem appropriate to run. But this week, we've decided that a little bit of Nardini magic could help us all get our grooves back.
For those of you who are not familiar with her, Nardini runs - as in reigns supreme - over the ongoing frat party that is Barstool Sports. What this means is that she has figured out the secret sauce of not just existing, but thriving in a male-dominated workplace
culture. She has also made it her mission to hire other strong women to bring them along for the ride. She's also a mom, a novice ice hockey player and one of those women you just want to have a beer (or quarantini) with. Believe me, that's on my calendar for when this madness ends. For now, take a listen as we talk about startups, success and life in the C-Suite. Let it brighten up your day, then share it with another woman who you know needs a pick-me-up. xox, Jean
With friends like these .
Life in quarantine is a lot more bearable. You know, like the friend who leaves a container with a couple tablespoons of mayo outside your front door after your DEFCON 5-level meltdown
about not having enough for that egg salad sandwich you've been craving. (True story!)
As social distancing drags on, it's getting harder to stay meaningfully connected with friends, neighbors and colleagues. We asked members of the HerMoney Facebook group (and HerMoney staffers) what they do to stay
In sickness and in a healthcare crisis Here comes the ... pandemic. Most everyone knows someone whose wedding has been sidelined due to current events. More than half a million weddings are supposed to take place in April, May and June of 2020. About 90% of couples impacted by the spread of COVID-19 said they're postponing, which happens to be the
smarter financial move than cancelling outright, according to wedding industry pros. Here's how to minimize the financial fallout of rescheduling a tragically timed big event.
Watch: The Financial Therapist Is In
Feeling anxious about your money? We all are. Jean sat down with financial therapist Amanda Clayman to talk through dealing with these disorienting times. During the 30-minute Facebook live event they also answered your questions. Watch the segment and join our Facebook group to tune in live for future chats.
Jeepers peepers: How to productively work from home if you're being monitored
Cleanup in aisle 401(k): How to rebalance your out-of-whack portfolio
Teaching moments: 13 board games that teach kids money skills
Did an incredibly thoughtful and wise friend forward this to you? That''s their subtle hint-hint to subscribe to the HerMoney
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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6 ways to cash in on the gold rush
How to Cash In on the Gold Rush
After more than a decade in the doldrums, gold is hot again with prices hitting record highs seemingly daily. And for good reason. The COVID-19 pandemic is still raging, and investors are looking for safe havens.
"It's all about the uncertainty with regard to the global pandemic," says Will Rhind, founder and CEO of GraniteShares, the ETF provider. "People are looking for alternatives to investing in traditional stocks and bonds." As a result, gold has
newfound luster.
The surging price of gold presents opportunities to capitalize on this high-flying commodity, whether you've got gold to sell or money to invest. Here's a rundown of the many ways to do it - and how to make sure you get the best price if you're selling your old gold.
Plus: Purpose, profit and your portfolio What causes do you support? What's the difference you want to make in the world? Chances are there are businesses that are doing good work in the areas you care most about. One way to
support them is to invest in companies that, for example, help reduce pollution, promote women, or advance social causes in their regular day-to-day operations.
That's what ESG investing is all about.
The ESG acronym stands for the three main factors used to measure a business's impact beyond financial return: Environmental, social and corporate governance. It's easier than ever to participate in the ESG market by investing in mutual funds that hold companies hand-picked because of their adherence to these principles. And when you do
this, you know your money is making a difference, quite literally, while you sleep. (Another bonus: Many of the bigger ESG funds have been outperforming the DOW and the S&P 500 recently.)
Walking us through the developing ESG landscape on this week's HerMoney Podcast* is Nicole Connolly, Head of ESG Investing and a Portfolio Manager in the Equity Division at Fidelity Investments and Eliza Badeau, Vice President of Workplace Thought Leadership for Fidelity Investments. Our conversation touches on real-life examples, the impact of current events and how investors who are just dipping their toes into the ESG investing waters can get started.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC. Ally, advocate, mentor, sponsor: Which one
are you? For 20 years, Martha Underwood excelled in corporate America, rising through the ranks at various software companies. But along the way she noticed more and more women - especially women of color - opting out.
When she started to dig into why they were dropping out, she heard the same thing from many of them: "I don't have a
Having (or being) a mentor isn't the only way to help women succeed. Allies, advocates and sponsors also play important roles in the workplace and can make or break a woman's career.
Here's a breakdown of how these roles differ and what women can do to find and be allies, advocates, mentors, and sponsors for other women in the workplace.
Asking for a
raise during a pandemic Career experts say it's always reasonable to expect to be compensated fairly for your performance - period. But, is it reasonable to even broach this topic in the middle of a global crisis?
There are some key indicators that could determine if your request will be approved or denied . things like the current state of your company's business and if your work has been consistently and recently recognized. Here's a look at some of
the biggest red flags and green lights that can let you know what your prospects for a COVID-19 raise really are.
One mother's recipe for overcoming "pandemic parenting guilt" "At the beginning of the pandemic, I was determined
to be a model mom, resolute to be grateful, resilient and positive," writes Arielle Lapiano. She's long since moved past Instagram-inspired schedules and trying to cheerily coax her girls to stick to said schedules. "What I consider acceptable parenting these days is even surprising to me, but we are in the middle of a pandemic, right?" See if some of her tricks to alleviating parental guilt help you overcome any of those super rude internal voices.
You''ll always remember your first broker ... But should you stick with it forever? It''s worth considering, especially if you were one of the millions of first-time investors who saw the opportunity to pick up a few shares of beaten-down stocks in March.
Now it''s time to decide if the the investment account you opened out of convenience is still a good fit.
is a long game. It's something you do with the idea that you're buying into a company because you see long-term growth potential. Similarly, if you're going to stick with it and continue to buy stocks (or mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs)) on your own, there are certain brokerage account features (e.g. customer service, no fees) and tools (free research, an easy-to-navigate platform) that will serve you well now and down the road.
Here's how to kick the tires to check out if an investing account is right for you.
ICYMI: Some of our top stories this week
8 ways to stop
your online shopping habit in its tracks: Feel like you've been on an online spending spree but don't know how to stop? Yeah, us, too. Here''s how to bring your shopping back to pre-pandemic levels.
Woof: The pandemic pets we adopted during lockdown are loving, cute - and can be costly, as new pet parents are discovering, From dental work to fixing a gnawed chair leg, here are the unexpected costs of having a furry friend.
Luxe looks for your home office: We've looked at ways to spruce up a home office on a $200 budget and upgrade your WFH digs for $1,100 or less. This week check out our picks for higher-end upgrades that add up to $2,500.
Feeling social? We are! Join us in our judgement-free, private Facebook group to talk about what's on your mind. (PS: We're also on Instagram and Twitter.) If you like what you're reading, invite a friend to subscribe!
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Plus: Dog bites, big friendship, ghost homes
This is what you can't live without?
When we asked for the one item you haven't been able to live without during the pandemic, the list of must-haves made us wonder how we've gotten by without these items, too. We're talking about things that instill a little joy, normalcy and - quite literally - comfort. (Office chair butt cushion for your caboose, anyone?) Tell us what pandemic survival gear brightens your days!
Plus: Seeking big friendship? Call your girlfriend We've now been through seven months of not being able to see many of our friends, hug our friends, celebrate birthdays and milestones, and it's been rough. To talk us through ways to cope and keep our friendships strong, we're joined this week on the HerMoney podcast* by the hosts of the long-running "Call Your Girlfriend" podcast and authors of the new bestselling co-memoir, "Big Friendship."
Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman shed light on the different kinds of friendships we have and what it means to be a "good friend" right now. They also address race in the context of their interracial friendship, and offer great tips on how to join and start important conversations about race with our friends.
In Mailbag, Jean talks through equitable ways for siblings to split the cost of supporting parents in retirement, and how to talk to your boss about making working from home a permanent arrangement.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
How do you know when it's time?
We're all about DIY and women's empowerment. (Hand us a hex key and we'll tighten up the bolts on that wobbly credenza in no time.) But it's okay to admit you can't do everything yourself, especially when it comes to complex financial tasks where a wrong move can be costly. This is how you know it's time to reach out to a money pro.
Should youWill you be able to buy a home this fall? If you go shopping right now you'll see 30% fewer homes available to buy. That's what pent-up demand and rock-bottom interest rates will do. However, the picture may be changing pretty soon. Real estate experts tell us when they expect the tide for buyers to turn in their favor.
Great Recession grads have something to say to 2020 grads 2020 graduates are
entering the worst job market since 2008. Who better to counsel them on what to do to survive than Great Recession grads who have been through it just a handful of years ago? If there's a young person in your life facing uncertainty about the future, this advice from their peers who have been there, done that will show that there is light ahead. Dog bites man - how are you going to cover this uh-oh? If your new Covid pooch knocks down an elderly
neighbor, plays too rough with a child or draws blood from a delivery person. If you''re sued, prepare to shell out as much as a small luxury car costs to settle the claim. While, there's no such thing as dog bite insurance, there are four things you can do to put a leash on your potential liability.
Experts walk us through the aisles of Costco to show how to score the most
savings, whether you're a party of one, or you have a larger family.
There's a new threat to college scholarships and grants due to FAFSA complications and unpredictable merit-based aid.
Hiring freezes mean more opportunities for freelancers. Here's what you need to successfully dive into the 1099 waters.
Need a money checkup? Second opinion? Extreme makeover? Take this 2-minute quiz to identify your investing priorities and preferences and you'll get a list of hand-picked fee-only Wealthramp advisors to contact whenever you're ready to talk!
Lastly, we''d be remiss if we did not acknowledge this very important day dedicated to our daily elixir of choice - one that raises heart rates and ire among money gurus and the Twitterverse. Let''s all raise our mugs toInternational
Coffee Day!??
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Plus: IRA inheritance rules, the "talk," to-dos with your next dollar
IRA Inheritance Rules in 600 Words Or Less
Death and taxes. The two are indelibly tied, particularly when it comes to the transfer of wealth. For beneficiaries, a smooth transition of a loved one's retirement savings to your own requires following the IRS's strict rules.
We've whittled down IRA inheritance rules to the essentials that you need to know in less than 600 words. It comes down to two main issues:
1. Your relationship to the original IRA owner 2. The type of IRA you inherit. If you've previously been the beneficiary of a loved one's IRA, beware: Some important rules were changed late last year. So be sure to read up on the latest or you could end up owing the
IRS unnecessary taxes.
Like what you see? Invite your friends to our judgment-free zone!
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How to finally write that novel (even if you''re working full time) This week's HerMoney Podcast* dives into what it looks like to realize a dream while still working full-time. Our guide is Jessica Goodman, the Op-ed Editor at Cosmopolitan Magazine and the author of one of the "buzziest reads" (says Entertainment Weekly), "They Wish They Were Us." Listen to what it's like to have a novel as a "side hustle" when there's no guaranteed payoff at the end of the day.
Topics for this week's mailbag questions include thriving with a career in finance, saving on personal income taxes, and putting all your eggs into a target-date fund basket.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
6 ways 2020 has changed how we manage our money
The fallout from the COVID-19 financial crisis has affected people in different ways and to different degrees. But it has impacted all of our money habits in some way. Here are the ways the major economic events of 2020 have changed how we save, spend, invest and prioritize our finances.
I have a money question - who should I ask? How do I save for retirement and pay down debt at the same time? Which are the right investments to help me retire early? What's the best way to leave a legacy for my family and favorite charities, and not the IRS? Help, I need a budget!
All of these questions fall into the bucket of "money management." But among the dozens of types of financial advisors you can ask - a planner, manager, analyst, consultant, coach - which one to choose? Don't worry, we got you. Here's our guide to the different types of money pros and what their titles mean to you.
And if you happen to need a financial advisor but aren''t sure where to start, fill out our questionnaire created in partnership with Wealthramp. Based on your answers, you''ll be given a list of fee-only fiduciary advisors that you can contact when you''re ready.
Somebody is impersonating our writer online When HerMoney freelance writer Kim Porter emailed to warn us about a fake "Kim Porter" soliciting work on her behalf - going so far as to set up a fake website in her name! - we had to know more. Here's her wild tale of identity fraud and what she's had to do to set the record straight. How to have "the talk" with your high school senior Now is the time to tackle important money-related topics with your high school senior, so he or she can fully embrace financial independence and get the most out of the investment being made for their college
experience. We asked experts to weigh in on the best possible way to make that happen.
Have a
spare dollar? Here's what to do with it Jean calls it the "next-dollar" question. It's the question she gets asked most often: "If I've got money to save and/or invest, how do I decide where it goes?"
The pandemic has shifted the financial landscape and the context she uses to give advice. If you're wondering what your next money move should be, check out Jean's latest thinking on the "next-dollar" question.
HerMoney Extra: Health, Beauty and Peace of Mind
Pucker up! Lipgloss-loving ladies have road tested these five long-wear lipsticks and swear that they
won't come off on your mask.
Exercising doesn't have to be a pain in the extra-cushiony COVID-19
tushie with these at-home exercises for every budget.
Here are the items 16 women from the HerMoney Facebook Grouphaven't been able to live without during the pandemic.
Considering cutting your home's list price? Here are the best strategies to make sure you still get top dollar. On the flip side, should you buy a home this fall?
We'll help you hunt down investment fees - the scourge of portfolio returns
- lurking in your 401(k)s, IRAs and brokerage accounts.
We've launched a referral program where you can earn free HerMoney swag! Start racking up points for cool stuff right now!
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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editorial policy and a judgment-free zone for our community. We strive to remain transparent in everything we do. Website posts and newsletters may contain advertisements, links and mentions of products from our partners. Learn more about how we make money.
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PLUS: The Best Gifts for the Holidays
Need a kick-a** gift idea for your bestie? Look no further
Welcome to the . next wave of the pandemic holiday season! As we all scramble to figure out our finances, socially distance in cooler temps and feel remorse over all those jokes we made over the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, we still need to find time to shop for gifts, whether they be online or in person.
This year gifting will be a lot different, maybe because we can't see each other, but also maybe because we can't give the things we really want because of financial constraints. Either way, we've got you covered!
For the women in your life who still managed to crush it through lockdowns, home schooling and remote work, we scoured the internet to find all the best gifts to encourage, uplift and make them feel whole again.
If you still need more gift ideas, check out our favorite holiday gifts and 30 great gifts under $100.
Plus: OK, Boomer. The divide between Boomers and Millennials has become so pronounced that it's been the subject of countless memes over the last decade or so. "OK, Boomer" is one you've probably heard before, but this week''s HerMoney podcast guest Jill Filipovic, author of "OK, Boomer, Let's Talk: How My Generation Got Left Behind," says that it's not just a sarcastic dismissal - it's a recognition that millennials are in crisis, facing financial struggles that Boomers just don't understand. She shows that while Millennials aren't actually blowing all their disposable income on Instagrammable avocado toast - they are, through social and economic circumstances beyond their control -
the first American generation that will do worse than their parents financially, as well as their grandparents.
For example, Filipovic points out that Millennials hold just 3% of American wealth. When they were the same age, Boomers held 21%. Not to mention that Millennials make 20% less than Boomers did at the same age.
She also touches on why the barriers to communication between these two generations are so great and how both sides can "Come Together," whether it's over a Beatles song, or through other methods.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on
the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
''Shut it down.''
While this "hot mess, inside a Dumpster fire, inside a train wreck"* of a year draws to a close, many of us probably need to take a good look around to see the remnants of what living on the couch in sweats for 270-plus days has left us. If you are like a few of us here at HerMoney, your house could probably use some decluttering. Here's what to dump, what to donate and how to declutter as we jump head first into 2021.
(*Thanks Jake Tapper for what is, by far, the best quote of the year.)
Give it up Speaking of donating, there are tons of organizations out there this year that are hurting as a result of the pandemic. Even the government has given you incentive to give, offering a $300 charitable deduction on your taxes whether you itemize or not. See how to make the most from your giving, because
every little bit counts.
In case you missed it: Just because we've been locked in our houses for the past nine months doesn't mean you don't need to tip those who helped you survive. Here's a quick guide on who to tip, and how much. If this year has been tough on you financially, there are places that can help. Here are six places to get financial help right now,
as well as tips for managing kids' expectations during the holidays this year.
Plus, head to the HerMoney Facebook group where an amazing cohort of people offer advice, guidance and support to one another on all things finance!??
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*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Plus: WFH tips, coronavirus scams, who's hiring right now and more
HerMoney Healthline: Advice for Staying Safe in All Aspects of Our Lives
The abrupt life changes we're facing due to the coronavirus crisis has left many of us seeking guidance on how to make it through these unprecedented times. To that end, HerMoney has started a special series called HerMoney Healthline.
We're reaching out to the diverse group of past HerMoney podcast* guests - authors, financial experts, celebs, Rabbis, career coaches and so many others - for their advice on facing this social and economic crisis.
Check out the first two installments of this series . and stay tuned for many more to come:
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of the bestsellers "The Power of Habit" and "Smarter Faster Better," Charles Duhigg, on how to keep good habits - and build healthy new ones - while under stay-at-home orders.
Frank Abagnale, author of the bestselling "Scam Me If You Can" (and played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "Catch Me If You Can") on how to spot coronavirus scams and avoid the latest financial con jobs.
Business psychologist and author Melanie Katzman on how to stay connected, set boundaries and protect your mental health while working from home.
Plus: HerMoney Podcast: How To Make Good Decisions During Uncertain Times The COVID-19 crisis has left millions of us unsure about what's next with our jobs and income, our children''s education, our loved one's health, our 401(k)s and portfolios, and the list goes on. This week's HerMoney podcast* will help you deal with all the uncertainty in a healthy and helpful way.
Jean is joined by Carl Richards, CFP and the author of two books, "The One-Page Financial Plan: A Simple Way to Be Smart About Your Money" and "The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money."
In this episode Carl lays out a
step-by-step plan for what to do to bring back feelings of control. If you're worried about making the "right" decisions at the moment, he suggests a mindset shift - instead of wanting to be right every day, just try to be "a little less wrong."
This week's Mailbag segment covers questions about financing and refinancing cars, mortgages and student loans, and catching up on retirement savings. In thrive, Jean talks about resilience, perseverance, and what it really means to achieve success.
9 Essential Items to Get Your Family Through Quarantine
With roughly 75% of the U.S. under stay-at-home orders - trying to work, homeschool children and keep everyone healthy, happy and entertained in close quarters - families are figuring out quickly that "togetherness" has its limits.
We asked family and parenting experts to recommend ways to get households through the coronavirus crisis in one piece. Here are their suggestions paired with some essential quarantine items to help you stay safe and sane while doing your part to flatten the curve.
The Shocking Things Investors Did During the Stock Market Crash What was your reaction to the initial days of the Dow (and every other market index) crashing down to earth? A new survey shows how individual investors reacted to the 30% market plunge during the third week of March. You may be surprised like we were at who was brave enough to buy and who sold stocks.
If you ignored the crash (like one in 10 people did!) or bravely stepped into the storm by adding to your workplace retirement plan and/or IRAs, good for you! Your long-term perspective and discipline while the market retreated will be rewarded in the long run.
You Can Still Plan for Summer Camp in the Age of the Coronavirus Coronavirus concerns make it hard to plan for almost anything in 2020, especially parents wondering what to do with their kids this summer. Although it seems that most summer camps are proceeding as if they will be running programs with added precautions, that can all change in a heartbeat. See our tips on how to approach the summer camp conundrum during these uncertain times. We've also included a list of affordable (and even free) options for families financially impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
In case you missed it:
Coronavirus Resources and Financial Advice
Tampons, Pads and Other Period Products Now a Qualifying HSA Expense
Who's Hiring Right Now: Companies Offering Full-Time and Temp Jobs
5 Things To Do With Your Investments Instead of Selling
Let''s social distance together, shall we? Come join the fun with the HerMoney crew on Instagram!
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Social Security raises, healthcare enrollment and IRA inheritance taxes
What Your Zodiac Sign Reveals About Your Money Habits
Horoscopes are a lot of fun and even eerily accurate on occasion. But could there be a correlation between your star sign traits and how effective you are at managing money?
You be the judge.
PsychicWorld, an online platform connecting people with live psychics, mediums, clairvoyants and tarot card
readers, recently surveyed 2,400 consumers about their saving and spending habits over the last year. It measured people's financial weaknesses and strengths, then averaged the answers for each Zodiac sign.
Check out the results and see if the money proclivities of others born under your astrological sign align with your earthly reality.
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You can do better than settle for Social Security's 1.3% adjustment
Starting in January, the government will adjust Social Security benefits for 2021 based on the cost of living. Hope you're not counting on a big bump. The average recipient will see their monthly benefit increase by just $20 a month.
If you're a near-retiree (or even many years away from the big day), there's a
way to pump up your Social Security payout without relying on Uncle Sam's cost of living calculations.
PLUS: How to become an angel investor
If you dream about getting in on the ground floor of a great idea, becoming an angel investor - sometimes called private or seed investors -? is your ticket. Funding an enterprise is one way to support entrepreneurs, help advance a mission that's important to you, and ideally get a solid rate of return on your investment.
Walking us through the angel investing landscape on this week's HerMoney Podcast* is Brianna McDonald, President of Global Investment Network Keiretsu Forum, which has invested $750 million in more than 1,000 companies.
Angel investing is different from crowdfunding and venture capital. Listen in to hear about the pathways to becoming an accredited investor, and how the high barrier to investing - proving you earn $250,000 a year - is no longer a requirement in many cases. You'll also get tips on finding angel investing groups around the country and finding successful rates of return.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
Inherited IRA tax traps: 7 costly (and avoidable) mistakes When you're dealing with grief over the death of a spouse, the last thing that's on your mind is tax law. Yet, the IRS allows only so much breathing room before taxes become an issue on an IRA you inherited from
your spouse. (Previously we covered IRA inheritance rules in a nutshell.)
The hassle factor is blessedly limited if you're named as the sole beneficiary of your betrothed's IRA. Even so,
there are still some key care and handling moves to avoid triggering a tax bill from the IRS.
Home sweet home office Currently one in four Americans are working from home - and it looks like we're going to be doing that for a while longer. Acknowledging that reality, many companies have started giving employees an extra stipend to spend on their home offices spaces.
Here are 12 next-level office items to boost your productivity and help the day go by even faster.
Health insurance must-knows for open enrollment season Changes in the healthcare landscape coupled with the coronavirus pandemic make shopping around for the right health plan for you and your family more important than ever. And even in a typical year, many of us make costly mistakes.
Jean's got your back with everything you need to know to make sure you get the best coverage possible, whether you're shopping on the open market or get coverage through your employer.
Advice from an expat about moving abroad According to a 2019 Gallup survey, 40% of women younger than 30 would like to leave the U.S., and a record-high one in five of all women would permanently move to another country. Before you pack your bags and renew your passport, check out the practical - and surprising - advice from one of HerMoney's expat writers who moved from San Francisco to the Netherlands11 years ago.
What the F...ICO?: The average FICO score is hitting record highs. How's that possible with millions of Americans struggling with their bills and loans?
Grownup talk: We asked the members of our private HerMoney Facebook group (come join us!) what financial lessons they want
the girls in their lives to know. Here's what they had to say.
Eenie, meenie, miney, whoa!: How do you juggle big savings goals like college and retirement? It's simpler than you might think.
Your Advisor Is Standing By Need a financial advisor but aren''t sure where to start? Fill out this brief questionnaire we created in partnership with Wealthramp. You''ll be matched with a fee-only fiduciary advisor who specializes in your area of need. Don't worry about unsolicited calls during dinner - it's up to you to reach out when you're ready to tackle your "to do" list!
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments.
It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Plus: Love rules, phase 2 unemployment, need a lift?
Love Rules Supreme
This week started with a bang - the extension of Title VII protections to gay, lesbian and transgender workers - and ends with a holiday (Juneteenth) that has yet to receive federal recognition.
We'll start with Monday''s news: The landmark Supreme Court ruling on June 15th makes it illegal to discriminate against a worker based on their gender identity and sexual orientation. It landed
just as we were finishing our in-depth report on the economic status and challenges that LGBTQ+ people face.
As you'll see from our research, there's more work to do in the areas of
education, housing, health care and credit - the basic pillars of economic security. And not just for the LGBTQ+ community, but also people of color who have long been working against a stacked deck.
So, yes, there was progress this week. And there will be more to come. We can pick up the pace of change by supporting the organizations that have been working tirelessly to make change happen for Black and LGBTQ+ communities. We hope you'll join us in any way you can. Plus: The Food-Finance Connection Our relationships with food and money are closely intertwined. But ... it's complicated. Both can bring immense amounts of happiness. And both can bring frequent bouts of guilt. This week's HerMoney Podcast* guest, Marisa Meltzer, helps us unpack it all, from body positivity and dieting to financial and food control.
Her most recent book is "This Is Big: How the Founder of Weight Watchers Changed the World - and Me." Marisa opens up to us about her own struggles and tells us why she's embracing the word "fat."
In our Mailbag segment we have a BONUS GUEST!: The author of Orange Is the New Black, Piper Kerman, helps us answer a listener question about how best to assist a relative who may be heading to prison.
Start me up! Understanding the options in a startup world
Working at a startup - especially an early-stage company - comes with a certain amount of risk. Even more so if a chunk of your salary is paid in equity. If things work out (a la Apple, Facebook and Amazon), SCORE! If they don't, you're stuck with sub-par pay and worthless shares. To help nudge the odds in your favor, here are six questions to ask about equity before you accept that job offer.
Will they or won't they? Extend the $600 per week unemployment benefit, that is. As of right now, the bonus unemployment stipend from the fed is set to expire at the end of July - and its fate is still in limbo. In the meantime, if you've recently been laid off or your previous application was not processed because of administrative snafus, step back up to the plate. (Here's how to get every benefit you're entitled to.) Need a lift? Not that anyone's really wearing bras right now. But when we do, we expect this essential undergarment to do a lot of the - wait for it - heavy lifting. From smoothing to shaping to minimizing to maximizing, here's a roundup of best-selling bras that can do the job in style.
ICYMI, Glam Edition:
Everything you need to know for DIY beauty in the age of Coronavirus: What you can ace, and what to leave to the pros.
The best nail products for a glam (and affordable) quarantine: Social distancing has forced many of us to rethink our manic devotion to manicures. Here's what the women of the
HerMoney Facebook group have learned during the lockdown.
6 low- or no-cost ways to boost your image: Scientifically proven and financially sound, these tips will improve
your look and the way you're perceived by others.
Thanks for hanging out with us this week! Remember to invite your friends and check in with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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6 Places To Get Financial Help Now If You're Struggling To Pay The Bills??
Almost one-third of Americans have reported a decline in household income since the start of the pandemic, and 12 million of us will lose jobless benefits at the end of the year because of the expiration of benefits under the CARES Act. As if that weren''t overwhelming enough, Federal programs that allowed for mortgage and student loan forbearance are also coming to an end at the end of 2020.
Another stimulus package would be welcome, but we gotta be honest with you - it''s not looking likely. There''s no denying it: Times are tough. And there''s absolutely no shame in admitting that you''re struggling financially. In fact, it may be time you reached out for help. Our own Jean Chatzky put together an extensive list of places to look for help, and moves to make to get
through this downturn.
2021 (and those vaccines) can''t get here soon enough. Plus: How To ''Adult'' Without Burnout Over the last few months, how many times have you: Loaded the dishwasher Dialed into a less-than-productive Zoom meeting Put on a load of laundry Helped the kids with homework . Put on another load of laundry Cooked dinner
The list goes on. The point is that although by now we've all found our new 'COVID routines,' we've also found our COVID ruts. and there ain't no rut quite like a COVID rut. It seems all our milestones and celebrations have been stripped from life and replaced with more drudgery, more responsibility, more 'adulting.'? And adulting can be hard. No one gets that more than this week's guest on the HerMoney Podcast*,
Katina Mountanos, a mindset coach and the author of 'On Adulting: How Millennials (And Any Human, Really) Can Work Less, Live More, And Bend The Rules For Good.'
Listen in as Katina tells us what 'adulting' means to
her, and how we can all embrace our responsibilities without letting go of the joy in our lives. She also offers formulas for getting off the hamster wheel of work-gym-sleep, and shares some of her favorite 'perspective shifts' that help her clients make it through stressful times.
In Mailbag, we tackle questions on investing after losing money in the stock market, HSA contributions, and how to keep saving for retirement after you've been laid off.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
Managing Christmas Expectations: How to Explain Value (and Values) to Kids
When our writer''s eight-year-old son asked for a Nintendo Switch this year - a $450 gift - she secretly had already granted his wish, but decided to have a chat with him about the cost of things, and what certain expenses mean for their family''s budget. His reaction? "That''s a lot of money, Mom." When he later told her that he''d start saving up to buy his own gaming console, she began to worry: "Had I crushed my son''s Christmas dream? Am I a mean mom?"
The answer: Momma, you''re doing great. In fact, you''re nailing this whole parenting thing, by teaching your child the financial lessons he''ll need to succeed in
the real world. See what our experts had to say, and snag some talking points of your own if it''s time you had a budgeting chat with a little one in your life.
9 Women Dish On The Best Investment They Ever Made When you hear the word "investments," you might immediately think stocks, but investments can be so much more than just transferring X% of your salary into your 401(k) every month.
Whether you''re teaching your kids how to do their own laundry to open up an extra hour in your week, or doing some day trading, you're
investing. And investing is certainly a popular pastime among the women in our HerMoney Facebook Group, so this week we asked them this: What's the best investment you ever made? Their responses may surprise (and inspire!) you.
Holiday Tipping Guide For All The People In Your Life You Need To Thank Figuring out who to tip and how much to give is its own stressful holiday tradition. From hairdressers to housekeepers, child care providers to mail carriers . there's an endless parade of people to thank. And this year, they need our gratitude gratuities more than ever.
Don't stress: We asked etiquette pros to help us figure out who to tip and how much to give at the end of this crazy year.
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*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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6 Things That Will Never Go Back to 'Normal'
6 Things We Predict Will Never Go Back To ''Normal'' After the Coronavirus
States are starting to lift their stay-at-home orders, taking those first steps toward what will eventually become the "new normal."
We checked in with industry experts and trend forecasters to get a look at the changes they expect in a post-COVID-19 world. Here are six things we predict will never go back to "normal" after all this is over - and which ones might be welcome changes
How to network like a boss on LinkedIn With nearly 700 million members in more than 200 countries, LinkedIn
is the world's largest professional networking platform. So how can you stand out from the herd of schmoozing job seekers? We've got your guide.
On this week's HerMoney podcast,* Allison
Nunes, LinkedIn's director of global events, provides a mini master class on how to edit your profile, leverage your network and showcase your unique talents and experiences. Tune in to learn best practices around sending requests, getting the right number of recommendations, ways to reformat your profile and more.
Make sure to check out this episode's show
notes for a rundown of essential LinkedIn tools and how to use them to get noticed by the right people.
Peleton out of your price range? No problem
We knew the homemade banana bread, Netflix binges and evening (ahem, afternoon) cocktails would eventually catch up to us. We asked our favorite fitness gurus to recommend affordable gear - costing $50 or less - to help us get back into pre-quarantine shape.
Check your junk mail for your stimulus check That plain white unmarked envelope with the generic "Money Network Cardholder Services" in the return address window? That's cold hard cash - or, rather, money loaded onto a prepaid Visa debit card, courtesy
of Uncle Sam. The Treasury is sending nearly four million stimulus payments this way. (In our focus group of two, both recipients mistakenly tossed the dodgy envelope in the recycling bin before checking inside.) Here's who is getting a stimulus debit card and how to prevent card fees from eating away your balance.
I'm bored in the house, and I'm in the house bored For those of you who missed the viral TikTok meme, there's still plenty to do. It's just that the daily quarantine routine is starting to feel stale instead of comforting. If you're pining for some variety, here are five things you can do to keep things fresh (and protect your mental health) as you continue to social distance.
In case you missed it:Numbers in headlines!
6 things to do if you're worried about a layoff
12 people on how to make money without a full-time job
7 charities helping women through the pandemic
And just for fun, One Thing Two Believe
Good talk this week, everyone! Invite a friend to sign up for the HerMoney newsletter, especially if they're into an occasional off-topic link to catchy tunes by early-'90s indie power pop bands.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus: Who lies more about money - men or women?
Investing for Good - aka Socially Conscious Investing - Is Going Gangbusters This Year
The long-held knock against ESG investing (which takes into account environmental, social and governance issues) has been that you give up profits when you invest in purpose-driven companies.
So much for that old saw. What investors have discovered - especially during this topsy-turvy year - is that socially conscious investing isn't just a way to align your values with your investment dollars; it's also a strategy that delivers superior returns. (We''ll give the naysayers a moment to quietly file out of the room.)
In the past two years ESG stocks (as measured by the MSCI USA ESG Leaders Index) have
outperformed the S&P 500 index. And since the beginning of 2020, they've returned 8.3% versus the S&P's 5.3% return. Here's what's happening and why ESG investing has delivered boosts to both bottom lines and peace of mind.
Way to go, Rachael B. from Miami! This superstar HerMoney Ambassador has already racked up enough referrals - 50 and counting! - to earn this comfy HerMoney Tee and a wine tumbler!
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Who lies more about their salary, men or women?
Revealing your salary is a touchy subject. Same goes for sharing weight (real weight, not DMV weight).? That''s why we couldn''t resist checking out the results of a recent survey from Magnify Money that asked people if they would rather divulge their weight or their salary to a friend, co-worker or romantic partner.
It turns out that men and women were both split nearly 50-50 on their willingness to bare the dollar figures on their balance sheets versus Lbs on the scale. However, if a man talks about his take-home pay, you might want to double check his math.
More than half of men (58%) have fibbed about the size of their paycheck compared to just 29% of women who admit to an intentional rounding error (or more). These are their excuses for being cagey about how much they make.
PLUS: How women are going to shape the election
There's a name for all of the fired-up women who are getting out the vote in 2020. It''s the "worried women constituency," according to Nancy LeaMond, AARP's Executive VP and Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer. And it's these worried women who Nancy says will be the deciders in this election.
On this week's HerMoney Podcast*, Nancy and Jean weigh in on the biggest factors influencing how women vote, including healthcare, gender pay inequalities and caregiving. Jean also asks Nancy the "crystal ball" question - where are we going to
be this time next week? Which candidate will be victorious? Tune in for her prediction!
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more
at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
These small gestures that will help female-owned small businesses survive October is National Women's Small Business Month, and this year many women-run businesses have been struggling. Heading into the holiday season, you can help these businesses
stay open. We came up with seven ways to support entrepreneurs during COVID-19 - many of which won't cost you a dime, but can make a meaningful impact.
4 steps to control your financial clutter Credit card receipts, bank statements, investment account updates, insurance forms, your first ever tax return - life produces a never-ending stream of personal finance-related detritus. After much trial and error, we''ve found that the bottom of a tote bag or crammed between the couch cushions are not reliable financial filing systems.
If you've put off
organizing your accumulating piles of paperwork, this article is for you. Follow this methodical four-step plan to contain the clutter and institute some order.
Decisions, benefits decisions 'Tis open enrollment season, but this year it's anything but routine. Plan rules have changed in good ways (expanded tax breaks) and less good ways (struggling companies pulling back on some benefits). Plus your
own priorities may be different than they were last year.
Take a look at this rundown of changes and strategies for help choosing your benefits
during open enrollment for 2021.
And remember, if you need the help of a financial expert to help you make major money decisions like this one, take this simple 2-minute questionnaire and you''ll immediately be matched with a fee-only fiduciary advisor. HerMoney has partnered with the SEC-registered referral service, Wealthramp, to help women find financial advisors you can trust. There''s no obligation, and once you''re matched the advisor will stand by and wait for you to make first contact.
6 financial benefits of eloping Just the two of you, and a lot of money saved. Here''s how one of HerMoney''s writers eloped and all the ways she''s so happy she did!
Social Security benefits are getting a lousy 1.3% COLA boost in 2021. We think you can do better. Here's a strategy to give yourself a bigger raise than what Uncle Sam is offering.
Settle into those stretchy pants. remote work is here to stay for a while. We've rounded up 12 office items to give your current WFH environment a boost.
Road/boat/plane/train trip! More Americans than ever are considering living abroad. If planting roots elsewhere is in your future (or just your dreams), this relocation advice from an expat is a must-read.
Scientifically valid? Probably not. Spookily accurate? You be the judge: See what your Zodiac sign reveals about your money habits.
Did you know that Jean and company have a lovely home on Instagram? HerMoney's virtual doors are wide open - come hang out with us!
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments.
It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Does It Pay More To Be Unemployed?
It might, at least for some. Thanks to new unemployment benefits rules, many jobless Americans are getting a raise.
Pre-pandemic, the average unemployment rate was around $1,500 a month. New CARES Act legislation pads the average payout big time.
Our advice: Don't ask your boss to lay you off just yet, especially not until you see how much you qualify to get and for how long.
(Related:How to get every unemployment benefit you're entitled to right now.) For your ears: How To Support Entrepreneurs, and How They Can Thrive Things are rough right now for millions of Americans who are out of work and facing household budget cuts. But perhaps no subset of our population has been hit harder than small business owners.
On this week's HerMoney Podcast*, Scott Omelianuk, Editor-In-Chief of Inc. Magazine, has lots of ideas to help consumers - and the small companies we patronize.
Were you in the middle of a major financial life event when the coronavirus hit? Hear how? people are handling the grief over the loss of normalcy and what you can do.
(Related:What Italy's small biz owners can teach us about reopening stores after the lockdown.)
Credit in the age of the coronavirus: Watch your back
The pandemic has upended the economy. It may also be messing with your credit - even if you still have your job and you pay your credit card bills on time.
Here's how to know if you're a target and what to do if your credit card company cuts your line of credit. (Related: Everyone is now eligible for three free weekly credit reports. Here's how to get yours.)
Like this house? Swipe right The real estate industry came to a screeching halt in many regions, but transactions are still happening, thanks in large part to an assist from technology.
It is a new age of real estate transactions - from home tours and appraisals to securing a mortgage and signing on the digital dotted line.
How much is that doggy in the window? Shelters are clearing out and everyone has a friend who's decided they want a pet to keep them company in quarantine. But all that love and
affection comes with a cost. And we're not just talking all those tiny tutus and Doggles (dog goggles, for those of you who might not know). Be ready for costs like food, grooming, even poop bags before leaping into the arms of a four-legged friend.
Investors want to ensure their money is in the "right" place. Here''s what you need to know about Coronavirus-induced portfolio rebalancing.
Take back your sense of control with these 6 unexpected ways to cut debt, lower bills and secure your future during the pandemic.
Car deals abound amid the pandemic - here''s where to look for the best deals.
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*This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Plus: 0% mortgages, 5 portfolio moves, WFH money saving tips and more
10 FAQs About Stock Market Volatility, Coronavirus and Your Portfolio
We asked financial pros to weigh in on 10 of the questions at the top of everyone's mind - from interest rate cuts to halting trading to expectations about the U.S. and global economies. Here's what they had to say.
Plus: Suze Orman on Coronavirus, Your Retirement and Recession Fears There is perhaps no better person to sit down with this week to discuss what it means to be a life-long, level-headed, ready-for-retirement investor/TV host/best-selling author than Suze Orman. Her new book is "The Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+: Winning Strategies to Make Your Money Last a Lifetime."
On this week's must-listen HerMoney podcast* Suze and Jean dive right into the bear in the room: Market worries surrounding coronavirus, Suze's advice on how to ride it out and when she thinks the market will rebound. They also discuss diversification and how it differs in 2020 from what we saw in 2008 - in other words, what moves do we need to make now that we didn't make 12 years
ago? Plus they get into classic Suze territory: New cars, emergency funds and lifestyle downsizing.
In Mailbag Jean covers measuring your returns in 2020, 2021 and beyond, what to buy during the
downturn and what to do if you owe money to Uncle Sam this tax season.
Does the Fed Rate Cut Mean I Can Get a 0% Interest Rate Mortgage?
When the news broke that the Federal Reserve slashed interest rates to zero to bolster the economy, HerMoney's Kathryn Tuggle wondered (like lots of us): Does this mean rock-bottom mortgage rates are coming? Does a 0% mortgage exist?
Here's what the 0% really means - and exactly who qualifies for the
5 Ways to Keep Your Budget In Check (and Actually Save Money!) While You're Working From Home COVID-19 has already negatively impacted the world economy, but it doesn't have to derail your monthly budget - in fact, it may open up new avenues for you and your family to save. While voluntarily quarantining at home, HerMoney staffers Slacked about how we're
keeping costs under control for the foreseeable future. Here are our best money-saving WFH tips to help you stay within your budget.
5 Things To Do With Your Portfolio Instead of Selling Here's some advice that may be harder to abide by than the near-impossible mandate to stop touching your face: Don't touch your portfolio. We know, we know. easier said than done. But the payoff down the road is worth it if you can keep your mitts off your investments while the stock market is still roiling.
If sitting on your hands just isn't your style - or if you've already fiddled around with your 401(k), IRA or other accounts - here are five to-dos that will pay off right now and when the stock market settles down.
Let''s Get Through This... Together Join us on the HerMoney social channels for amazing content, conversations and more. We're here to help you get through
everything from unexpectedly working from home to what to do if market volatility is pushing your financial anxiety to peak levels. In our private Facebook group, Jean Chatzky is live chatting regularly with members to help them wade through these uncertain financial times.
Join us on Facebook, find us on Instagram and follow us on Twitter.
In case you missed it:
What Is a Recession and How Will It Affect Your Finances?
What Female Business Owners are Doing to Make It Through the Covid-19 Crisis
How to Deal With a Market Dip If You're About to Retire
An Email Series to Help You Tackle Your Family''s Financial To-Do List
Even when everything seems to be about coronavirus, it''s important to think about the future. That''s why we teamed up with Fabric, a one-stop shop for organizing your family''s finances, to create a "what you need to know at every age" guide. Tell us your kid''s birthday and we''ll send you a "gotta know" list for your finances each year tailored to your exact stage of life. Plus, we''ll send a financial check-up every quarter, too. Sign up for this tailored to-do list today.
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Also, free credit reports, early 401(k) withdrawals, the power of vegging out
Still Waiting For Your Stimulus Check? Here's Why
Around 80 million Americans got their stimulus payments at some point last week. If you weren't one of them, don't panic. There are many reasons why your $1,200 (or whatever amount you qualify for) might not have made it to your bank account or mailbox just yet. Here's a rundown of seven things that may have held up your payment, and what to do in the meantime.
How To Get Your Free Weekly Credit Reports That Everyone Is Now Eligible For Need something new to binge? Equifax, Experian and TransUnion have you
covered. Starting now through April 2021 you can pull your credit files from the three major bureaus for free - Every. Single. Week. Take them up on the all-access pass (three reports per week) and you'll have more than 150 files of riveting bedtime reading for the next year!
Overkill? Not necessarily. Right now we all need to keep an eye on financial activity that's tracked in our credit reports. If you've made arrangements with a lender for payment postponement, reduction or forbearance, you want to make sure it's accurately reported. Also, tough times bring out scammers and identity thieves. Follow these simple instructions to pull your first round of free credit reports.
Plus: The Power of Stepping Away: No, really. Put the phone down. Do more, earn more, train harder, work smarter. On a daily basis we're told to "hack" our bodies and minds for peak performance. The result?: Burnout, loneliness, anxiety and the nagging question: Where's the fulfillment I was promised?
Our guest on this week's HerMoney podcast*is Celeste Headlee, author of "We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter." Her new book - "Do Nothing: How To Break Away From Overworking, Overdoing, And Under-living" - is a manifesto on how we can all stop sabotaging our well-being and start living instead of doing. Celeste tells us that it's time for a global shift in our thinking. She breaks down the
"busy-ness" delusion and lays out tactical advice on setting boundaries to benefit our brains. Boredom and time-wasting are where the magic happens.
In Mailbag, Jean and Kathryn take your questions about how much you need to fully fund your child's college education, steps to take after bankruptcy and the best budgeting accountability tools. In Thrive, Jean breaks down different types of life insurance and how to figure out what you might need.
Did the Coronavirus Snuff Out Your FIRE Dreams?
A plunging stock market may have thrown a major wrench in early retirement plans. But some of the principals of the FIRE movement - extreme savers who retire decades early - can help you thrive during these difficult times. Grant Sabatier, one of the leaders of the FIRE movement, shows us how today's circumstances can lead us to a better financial future.
401(k) Loan vs. Hardship Withdrawal: How to Choose You need money and you need it now. Never before have early 401(k) withdrawal terms been better for those in dire need of cash. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) takes some of the sting out of raiding your employer-sponsored retirement account. We still advise against it, but if you must, here''s how to minimize the short- and long-term fallout of cashing out your 401(k).
In case you missed it:
Coping with the Myriad of Emotions During the Coronavirus
Should I Stop Contributing To My 401(k)? (And Other Investing FAQs Answered)
This 24-Minute Money Challenge is Perfect For People Stuck at Home
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Your Portfolio Is Dying for a Touch-up
Not only has the coronavirus done a number on our hair styles, it's also hit our long-term investment accounts. Our IRAs' grays are showing, and our coiffed portfolios are in desperate need of relaxing and straightening. The plus side to all this is that fixing your IRA up is much easier than that bang trim you tried to do last week in desperation. The day you thought would never come . That's right, thanks to the coronavirus, the government has decided to give you a break on your student loans. From holding off on collection calls to lowering interest rates to 0%, see if your loans benefit from the CARES Act.
A donation had been made in your name to . The Human Fund
We know there are plenty of fake charities out there, so how do you donate your money to a place that is legit and will do the most good? We offer up some tips on choosing the right
charities for your donation dollars.
Baby how you feelin'? Feeling good as hell . Sometimes all you need to feel better is something sparkly. Just ask jewelry mogul Kendra
Scott. In our HerMoney Podcast Mother's Day edition*, we spoke with Kendra this week about how she got her start, her advice to future entrepreneurs, and what we can all do to make it through coronavirus.
You saw WHAT?! Online schooling is our new normal, and with it comes a whole host of new problems for parents and their ability to monitor what their children
are doing on the internet. We spoke with cybersecurity experts and children's health professionals on setting safety guidelines to keep your kids out of those "cyber dark alleys."
ICYMI: Pants ON. While many people have been facing layoffs, there are still companies that are hiring. Here are tips on how to nail a Zoom job interview, or any other video platform for that matter.
Need a new book that'll also inspire you? We asked
11 successful female entrepreneurs to give us their picks on the book that helped them take the leap.
Psssst:Don't keep our relationship a secret. Spread the word: Forward this newsletter to a friend or encourage them to subscribe!
*This is a sponsored podcast, and it's a part of a paid campaign with Fidelity Investments, which means we were compensated for this piece of educational content. Thanks!
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Silence is deafening to your friends and colleagues of color
How to Be an Ally: Check In, Speak Up
We recorded this HerMoney podcast* episode during a week when Black Lives Matter protests were happening in all 50
states and in most major cities worldwide. Our nation is hurting right now, but it's also being educated. We're starting to have the kinds of conversations that have been so very long in coming.
Our guest, Sharon Epperson, spoke with us about the anguish Black people are feeling right now, and what others can do to offer meaningful support. Sharon is the Senior Personal Finance Correspondent at CNBC, and the lead contributor to CNBC's "Invest In You." She's also an author and adjunct professor at Columbia University.
Listen to Jean and Sharon talk about what it really means to be an ally to the Black community and why it's critical that non-Black women check in and speak up. Our silence is deafening to our friends and colleagues of color.
ICYMI: Last week, Social
Security expert Marcia Mantell joined Jean on the HerMoney podcast* to talk through the strategies women need to know today and in retirement, including the best time to claim your benefits. It's time for a family meeting! Stop making that face Secrets are hard to keep when everyone's hunkered down under the same roof 24-7. So you might as well put everything on the table and talk it out - especially when financial issues are the topic du jour. We asked financial pros how to keep these uncomfortable conversations productive and pout-free.
Fall into the gap year
In the "Before Times," taking a gap year could mean backpacking with a group of recent grads, volunteering with an overseas aid organization or working in the offices of a company you admire. But COVID-19 has rendered many future plans impossible, at least for the time being. Still, you have options. Here's a rundown of the pros and cons of taking time off.
ICYMI: "Wait, WHAT?!" says anyone who has ever priced out the cost of college. And yet . despite the expense of earning a four-year degree, it turns out that a college education is still worth it. Here's how the math works out.
The best online remedies for "Binge Bod" Having a hard time getting motivated to move off the couch and get your sweat on? Paging the women of the HerMoney private Facebook group! They have reccs for exercise apps, streaming services and other unique ways to tackle every type of exercise ennui.
Put the car in drive and wait here for my signal Make a clean getaway from the car dealership without overpaying for your next set of wheels. Car buying experts tell us how to save big by identifying the must-haggle markups (buh-bye "market adjustment"!) and wiping them off the purchase price.
More on HerMoney:
This 7-Day Money Challenge Is Perfect for Parents
The Biggest Financial Mistakes Women Make In Their 20s, 30s and 40s
How to Decorate Like Your Favorite TV Character (On a Set Decorator's Budget)
PS: Stop apologizing for your quarantine appearance
always, thank you for joining us this week. Share the wealth and invite your friends to pull up a chair!
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed
financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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Jean answers your questions in a bonus mailbag episode
5 Ways an HSA Can Help Women Reinforce Our Retirement Savings
By some estimates women need to save 1.5 times as much as men to be adequately prepared for the future. (Please pass the smelling salts.) Because we live longer and earn less than men over the course of our lives, it's important to save more when we can, but also to prevent the retirement investments we amass from being depleted by high-dollar medical expenses.
Having a pool of money earmarked for healthcare can spare your other
accounts from taking an unnecessary hit - and help your retirement savings last longer. Here's our rundown of five ways a Health Savings Account can fill those needs and more. Plus: The art of bluffing with Maria Konnikova If
you listen to some of the most successful investors and business people in the world, they'll tell you that at some point they had to roll the dice and do a little bluffing to get where they are today. On this week''s HerMoney Podcast* we get a lesson in bluffing from one of the best: international poker champ, Maria Konnikova, author of the new book, "The Biggest Bluff: How I Learned To Pay Attention, Master Myself, And Win."
Maria tells us how to bluff and how to tell if someone''s bluffing us. By studying the moves and decisions others make in high-pressure situations, Maria became an expert negotiator. She shares some important tips we can all use in our careers.
In Mailbag, Jean and Kathryn tackle caring for aging parents, target-date mutual funds and taking a 403(b) loan. In Thrive, the topic is whether or not to take a gap year if your college is closed this fall.
BONUS MAILBAG: Navigating job loss and potential layoffs If you've lost your job or are worried that a layoff is coming, this bonus mailbag episode of the HerMoney Podcast* is for you. Jean and Kathryn cover questions about which accounts to tap for income between gigs, the ins and outs of borrowing from a 401(k), and prioritizing financial needs five years away from retirement.
This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
What's your wallet type?
We talk a lot about what to do with your money around here. Recently the conversation turned to what we do with our actual money, as in the dollar bills, dimes, credit cards and store loyalty cards we cart around.
Do you swear by a clutch? Prefer a bi-fold, tri-fold or a phone case with card slot? We put a lot of thought into our wallets, and it's no wonder: This workhorse accessory goes with us practically everywhere. Here are the 10 wallet recommendations from HerMoney connoisseurs.
PS: If you're in the market for a new handbag, we've updated our guide to 10 types of handbags and purses.
When a scammer gets your private info, here''s what to do next It can happen to anyone: You fall for a phony bank alert or allow someone to access your Social Security number. Losses due to coronavirus scams now total more than $100 million, and since March, many states have reported a doubling of complaints related to COVID-19 scams.
If it happens to you, don''t waste a moment feeling bad. Here''s what to do to recover, stay safe and prevent it from ever happening again.??
10 things that'll throw a wrench into your closing From financing snafus to sellers having second thoughts, there are plenty of things that can delay the closing process on a new home. Knowing all the potential roadblocks before the big day will ensure that financially (and emotionally) costly snafus won't stand between you and
buying or selling a home.
Loan wolf: Finding the right mix of college funding Private student loans are an effective way to cover the cost of a college education, but not a be-all, end-all answer. Most borrowers will have to cobble together a combination of loan options to pay for higher education. Here's how to
navigate loan options from the government and private lenders and make sure you take out the right one.
In case you missed it:
Money mistakes happen. Money managers weigh in on the five of the biggest financial regrets they see, and how to remedy them.
Small is beautiful: Five ways to help your favorite small business or entrepreneur stay afloat.
Office hours: This week we present ideas on how to transform your office for $1,100 or less. (Check out last week''s $200 WFH makeover ideas.)??
Let's be friends! Join us in our judgement-free, private Facebook group, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, and if you like this weekly email, invite a friend to subscribe.
*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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This Can Still Be Our Year. Promise.
Here''s to a year of new beginnings and fresh starts.
HerMoney''s entire team is rooting for a brighter and more beautiful 2021. If 2020 taught us anything, it was resiliency, and so far 2021 has shown us that democracy always wins.
It''s been a tough week to rally our New Year productivity. Slack
went down on everyone''s first Monday back at work, and at HerMoney, we kicked off our year with going down. We''re so sorry if you tried to access the site during this time, and you missed your New Year, New You emails. Thankfully, we''re back on track now, and will resume our regularly scheduled programming.
While 80% of New Year's resolutions fail (fair warning: you''re gonna see this stat everywhere this week),
there's also something to be said about hopefulness and how it can increase our level success and our
positivity. We''ve heard from so many of our HerMoney community members that you''re really leaning into positive change this year, which is amazing. But even if some of your changes don''t stick, or you find that they just aren''t right for you, we know there will be some good lessons learned from trying new things - and being OK with trying again. This is especially true when it comes to budgeting. A recent survey conducted by HerMoney and found that almost 40% of people are now
making and sticking to their budgets, even if they didn't in the past. Here's how to create and stick to a budget that will actually work for you.
Call Your Mom (No, really)?? On this week''s HerMoney podcast* we sit down with Cameron Huddleston, author of "Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk: How to Have Essential Conversations With Your Parents About Their Finances"for an in-depth look at why you should talk to your aging parents about money - and how to broach those discussions. Cameron walks us through step-by-step instructions for the kinds of questions we should ask and the information we need to make sure we gather. We talk about wills, medical powers of attorney, financial powers of attorney, medicaid trusts, long term care policies, and so much more. If these are the kinds of conversations you've been putting off, first, listen to our episode. Second, call your parents. Even if you have to have this conversation on Zoom (hey, maybe that's actually so awkward it might make the whole thing less awkward?) the New Year is the time to make it happen. *This podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Let Fidelity show you how to demand more from your money. Learn more at Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Member NYSE, SIPC.
'The Next Right Thing'
This "Frozen 2" mantra manages to perfectly sum up that although it can be tough to get things done, if you can just do the next right thing, eventually you'll get there. That's the thinking behind our story "12 small financial goals to make each month of 2021." You don't necessarily need to do something huge in order
to make a big change in your life ... Sometimes, the best way is the bite-sized way. (Or, if your brain operates with less Disney and more Bill Murray, think "Baby Steps.")
Let''s Get Physical Another routine resolution that''s made every year around this time is to work out and get healthy. If this is one of your 2021 goals, we can help you get there in your very own home, without the cost of a Peleton
(unless you''re into that sorta thing). These pieces of home workout equipment are all under $50, so they won''t break the bank while you''re breaking a sweat. And if
you aren''t sure what to do with your new gear, Jillian Michaels gave us some sage advice for working out during quarantine that we''re going to live by long after the pandemic is behind us.
Do you feel like your financial life is chaos when what you really want is clarity?
If the answer is "Yes," then you're ready to begin FinanceFixx - a revolutionary eight-week program developed by our own Jean Chatzky.
To learn more, visit
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Coupon Code: FF202101 is required at checkout.
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You''d Better Watch Out The holidays might be over, but there are still scams and cyber attacks everywhere. Cybersecurity experts say there''s been a 400% jump in online scams since the pandemic started. Unfortunately, any one of us can fall victim, no matter how diligent we
are. Because of the internet, our personal information is already everywhere. So what can you do? You can start by freezing your credit, and if the
worst happens, here''s a look at what to once your personal information is breached.
In case you missed it:
Let''s dust off those old running shoes, and everything else in the house while we''re at it. With many of us still working from home, we should probably take the time to do some early spring cleaning.? And if you''ve been working remotely in another state during the pandemic, be careful as it might have implications on your tax situation as you
file this year.
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*The HerMoney podcast is proudly supported by Fidelity Investments. It's never been more important to make informed financial decisions. Get Fidelity's insights. Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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