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REDROOM CREATIVE MEDIA launched a Kickstarter campaign on Friday, February 28, at noon, for The Merry Spirits of Halloween. The documentary film is about the season of autumn and the celebration of Halloween. The film explores this theme through three chapters that take place in Illinois. These include:
Home Haunt: Homeowner Chis Merli transforms his front lawn and home into an extreme display. Chris builds his own mechanical props and decorations to create the "Edgewater Mortuary," a free display in Mount Zion, Illinois that draws visitors from near and far away. A unique sight and sound experience for families to enjoy.
The Great Pumpkin Patch: Located near the Amish Community of Arthur, Illinois, The Great Pumpkin Patch is a working farm that is transformed into an amazing, fun time for people of all ages. Owner Mac Condill tells the story of this 150 year old, 6th generation homestead that hosts thousands of visitors during the Halloween season. The Great Pumpkin Patch has been featured on Martha Stewart''s show and has decorated the White House lawn with its multi-varieties of pumpkins, gourds, and squash.
Ghost Story: Author Troy Taylor, who has written nearly 130 books and has appeared on T.V. and in film, takes us on a journey through one of the most haunted towns in the U.S., Alton, Illinois. Taylor weaves tales of the river town from early explorers, historical Civil War accounts, to more modern tales of the paranormal.
Merry Spirits of Halloween is scheduled for release in Summer 2020. It features an all original film score and contributions from many talented artists. It is sponsored by and Troy Taylor''s American Hauntings.
The Kickstarter campaign rewards include digital streaming of the film, a bonus chapter featuring more Troy Taylor stories, dvds, supporter names in the credits, posters, and more. The campaign will conclude on March 28, 2020.
Click on the link below to visit the Kickstarter page to see multiple sneak-peek video clips! While you are there, please consider donating to support this worthwhile local project.
Visit The Merry Spirits of Halloween Kickstarter Page
Happy Haunting,
Adam & Jennifer Drendel - Your online source for everything haunted in Illinois.
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